The Ursinus Weekly, May 4, 1953
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Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers 5-4-1953 The rsinU us Weekly, May 4, 1953 Mary Jane Allen Ursinus College Thomas Mauro Ursinus College Joan Higgins Ursinus College Jean Austin Ursinus College Dick Bowman Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits oy u. Recommended Citation Allen, Mary Jane; Mauro, Thomas; Higgins, Joan; Austin, Jean; Bowman, Dick; and Dedekind, Roland, "The rU sinus Weekly, May 4, 1953" (1953). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 520. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Mary Jane Allen, Thomas Mauro, Joan Higgins, Jean Austin, Dick Bowman, and Roland Dedekind This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: MAY DAY PARTICIPATE WEEK-END IN PRIMARIES MAY 8, 9 ~br mr~inU5 marrhl!' WEDNESDAY Vol. 52, No. 20 MONDAY, MAY 4, 1953 Price, Ten Cents MSGA Discusses REGISTRATION iUrsinus-Albright :Pageant, Play Highlight All students who intend to attend college either this sum Plagiarism Case; . I mer or next fall must register I tlleir proposed courses with Exchange Program May Day Weekend Plans Decision Rejected their advisers this week. Failure to do so will result in a summons Hears Students-- I "Two' B'Itn d M'Ice "T0 Be G'Iven I Many A'd'I 10 Preparations for A special meeting of the MSGA I to appear. I was called on Thursday, April 23, M. W. Armstrong c011~:e~~~~~: u~:in~~;'M~~gch1 Three Nights by Curtain Club Successful Pageant Saturday May I, 1953 Dean to review a case of plagiarism. discussed the topic "How the Kor- On Friday night at 8:20, the This Saturday afternoon the an- The student handed in an English ean War has Affected My Country" curtain will rise on Two Blind nual May Day pageant will be pre- term paper with false footnotes -------------- in Bomberger Hall on Wednesday and was found guilty on this · . W d night, April 29. The discussion, Mice, the spring production of the sented at 2 p.m. on the football charge. The recommendation was Prlmary, e. sponsored by the Political Action Curtain Club. The play will be pre- field. The pageant for this year, en made by the MSGA that he write Commission, featured foreign stu- sented both Friday and Saturday titled The Emerald Crown, .. and another paper to be approved by dents from Albright and Ursinus as nights, and there will be a dress wI'itten by Nancy Snyder, is a com- the English department and that For M• S• G • A • speakers - u;olina Torres from he be given an F in his falsely Honduras, Helga Windhoevel from rehearsal Thursday night which bination of prose and poetry. Myrna footnoted paper. This l'ecommenda Class Officers Germany, Arnold IDbrich fTom students may attend. Feldt has assisted in the composi- tion, however, was rejected by the Germany, Aaron Ben Ami from On Friday night there will be tion of the pageant. May Day man Committee on Discipline. They Israel. Russ Dalby acted as moder- one hundred reserved seats. stu- agel', Jane Hopple, and her many recommended for punishment an Because so many nominations ator, F in the course and fifteen de were made in the petitionl'ng fOI' dents will be admitted fl'ee on Fri- helpers have been working hard class officers and MSGA repre- The first speaker, Isolina Torres, day night and also at the dress re- these last few weeKs, attending to merits. This case must now be re sentatives, a primary election will declared that Honduras is taking viewed by the entire faculty. 'n the a b 't . t hearsal. Tickets for the public will all the many details connected with be held on Wednesday. Two candi- p art l w r ecause 1 IS par The MSGA has also recommend dates for each class office will be of the American continent and a be one dollar. the production of the pageant. ed that the books of all organiza chosen to appear on the final bal- member of the Unitel Nations, not On SatUl'day night all seats will Nearly all of the women of the tions receiving money from the lot for the elections on May 12. because it is a large country. Izzie be reserved and all tickets will be student body have contributed in Student Activities Fund be open The following have been nomin- stated emphatically that Latin one dollar. Students are urged to some way to the presentation of the for inspection for any student in ated as officers for the class of American students of 18 or 19 make their reservations early this May Day pageant, terested, so he may see how his 1954: president, Dan Schwenk, Ed years have to leave high school to week for Saturday night because May r;ay is .also a celebration ?f money is being spent. Sella, Mike Van De Putte; vice- take part in the war. There is a seats are going quickly. Milo Zim- ~o,thers Day, many p.arents will A committee on customs compos president Orrin Main, Jack Popo- feeling of hate toward the govern- merman, business manager for the V.lS~t. the campus and enJoy the fes ed of Jay Kern, Jack Westerhoff, wich; secretary, Pat Frey, Pat Gar- ments of great powers because the play, is selling tickets and taking I tlVltles of the day. A softball ga~e and Herb Bennett was assigned to row, Joan Higgins, Nancy Laib, boys must fight in a country of reservations every day at 12:30 in between the fathers and theIr review the existing regulations for different customs and languages. Freeland reception room. Students daughters has been planned to take customs and to meet with next Bev Syvertsen; treasurer, Mike Politics and commerce are little af- may also call Mrs. Steele at Col- place aft~r the pageant. A buffet year's customs committee to elim Deitz, Robert Hartman, Charles fected by the Korean War. legeviIle 3311 for reservations." ~upper WIll be served out of dOOI'S inate difficulties and make cus Ramsey, Paul Shillingford. m front of Freeland. toms at Ursinus better and more The following were nominated The Korean Wa.r was only of by the class of 1955: president, Ed minor interest to Germany in the effective in the future. Dawkins, Gene Harris, Jack Mat- beginning, said Helga Windhoevel. New WSGA Members Doctors Speak laga, John Sutherland; vice-presi- Germany already had internal dent, Jack Westerhoff; secretary, problems of her own; however, To be Installed, Mon. To Pre-Meders Y Presidents Elsie Belz, Sue Sadler; treasurer, there were three worries which Al Paolone, Don Parlee. concerned her country - the war All new WSGA officers and repre Doctors J. T. Appleton and The following were nominated by might spread over Europe, supplies sentatives will be installed at the N. B. Williams were the guest lec Name Cabinet the class of 1956,: president, Row- were needed by the industries, and WSGA banquet next Monday turers at a meeting of the Brown land Hutchinson, Earl Loder; vice- the food situation. Helga seemed night at 6:00 p.m. in the upper back-Anders Pre-Medical Society The YM-YWCA cabinet for 1953- dining room. Hall presidents and 54 has been chosen by presidents president, Ray Drum; secretary, quite sure that in the event of an held last Tuesday at 7:30 in S-12. Robin Blood, Janet Glaser, Barbara other world war, German sympathy sen~tors, as well as members of the Both Dr. Appleton and Dr. Wil Janet Haines and Bob Hartman. Women's Student Council, will re The officers are as follows: vice Koch; treasurer, Frank Brown, would lie on the side of the United liams are Professors of Microbiology Bart Wilson. Nations; Germany realizes the ceive their charges at the banquet. at the University of Pennsylvania, president, Mary Gillespie, Charles Dormitory officers will be elected Haverstick; secretary, Mary Faust; Nominees for the Men's Student great assistance of the United School of Dentistry. Dr. Appleton, treasurer, Bill Zimakas; historian, Council are as follows: seniors- states, rendered by the private help this week. who took his pre-dent course at Midge Kramer; rec center manager, Bill Burger, Bill Freeman, Dick of citizens, in the spirit of broth The chairman of the Freshman Hamilton College and later gradu Al Paolone, publicity, Peggie Kelly, Glock, Bob Guth, Eugene Haag, erhood. Customs Committee will be elected ated from the U. of P. School of Ernie Ito; membership, Kathy Frank Kehler, Jay Kern, John Another foreign student from by the members of the committee Dentistry, discussed briefly the Wagner, Paul Shillingford;' recep Rohland, Dan Schwenk, Tap Webb, Germany, Arnold Ulbrich, stated and installed next Monday. Fresh- "Biologic Factors in Dental Caries," tion, Joan Kacik. Warren Wheeler; juniors-George that at the outbreak of the Korean man women elected four repre- summarizing the main causes and The commission officers were also Aucott, Stuart Brown, Ed Dawkins, War, Russia was feeling out weak sentatives to the committee last the interacting biological factors appointed for next year. These Bernie Orsini, Al Paolone, Don I spots in Europe.