Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 109 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 151 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2005 No. 101 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. H.R. 3268, EMINENT DOMAIN TAX ing the information about Plame’s CIA The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. RELIEF ACT OF 2005 ties also included a giant ‘‘S’’ on it, Coughlin, offered the following prayer: (Mr. GINGREY asked and was given meaning that the information was se- The summer sun throws its intensity permission to address the House for 1 cret. upon us, O Lord, with free abandon. minute and to revise and extend his re- For 2 weeks now, some Republicans The growth of the Earth responds marks.) have said that Rove did nothing wrong readily to its heat; but the tempera- Mr. GINGREY. Mr. Speaker, I rise because the information leaked to the ture of the human body is just enough today in support of H.R. 3268, the Emi- reporters was not confidential. Well, to keep us healthy. nent Domain Tax Relief Act of 2005. I now we know that is simply not true Cool tempers and agitation, Lord, introduced this bill to ensure tax fair- and the giant ‘‘S’’ on the State Depart- with the gentle breeze of Your spirit. ness for all who lose any type of prop- ment document proves it. It is now Help the Members of Congress today erty through eminent domain. No clear the information Rove leaked to in their deliberations and plans for the longer will victims of eminent domain the reporters was secret and should not Nation’s security and peace. suffer the added insult of an IRS bill have been shared. The present burdens are light enough When Rove became Bush’s right-hand while their home or business is taken when they earn for us the eternal man, he signed a classified information by the government. nondisclosure agreement. In that weight of Your glory, which is beyond In the wake of the recent Supreme agreement he vowed to keep quiet comparison. Court eminent domain decision, there about intelligence information until he May the inner balance of nature and is a rumbling across this great land. could confirm that it was not classi- the external graces You provide guide The American people know what this fied. America through the present to lay the rumbling is. It is the sound of govern- foundation of hope for the world and Mr. Speaker, at the very least Presi- ment bulldozers driven by IRS agents dent Bush should revoke Karl Rove’s for eternal glory above all else. heading toward a condemned property For out of nowhere, Lord, You can security clearance. Rove has clearly near you. However, the United States stir the wind now and forever. Amen. shown that he cannot be trusted, and House of Representatives has com- f yet he continues to have access to in- mitted itself to stopping eminent do- formation critical to our national secu- THE JOURNAL main abuse and restoring over two cen- rity. I really think it is time for the The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- turies’ worth of property protections. President to fire Karl Rove. I believe that H.R. 3268 will go a long ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- f ceedings and announces to the House way in that fight. It is time to get the HONORING ADMIRAL FARRAGUT his approval thereof. tax man and the government steam- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- rollers off the backs of America’s pri- (Mr. DUNCAN asked and was given nal stands approved. vate property owners. permission to address the House for 1 Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to f minute.) join me in this fight and to cosponsor Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE the Eminent Domain Tax Relief Act. today to honor a fellow Tennesseean The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman f and our Navy’s first admiral, David from New Jersey (Mr. PALLONE) come Glasgow Farragut. THE ROVE SCANDAL MOVES TO A Farragut was born in Campbell’s Sta- forward and lead the House in the STATE DEPARTMENT DOCUMENT Pledge of Allegiance. tion, Tennessee, near the city of Knox- Mr. PALLONE led the Pledge of Alle- (Mr. PALLONE asked and was given ville. One of the largest, fastest-grow- giance as follows: permission to address the House for 1 ing and most beautiful communities in minute and to revise and extend his re- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the my district is named in his honor. United States of America, and to the Repub- marks.) Raised in a Navy family, Farragut lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, it has sailed on the Essex as a young boy dur- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. almost been 2 weeks since we first ing the War of 1812, took command of f learned Karl Rove leaked the identity his first ship when he was only 12 years of Valerie Plame to a reporter at Time, old, and later grew to prominence as a ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER and then confirmed the identity for Union hero during the Civil War. The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- Bob Novak. Yesterday we learned that He was the first to prove naval forces tain up to five 1-minutes on each side. a State Department document includ- could seize control of an entire city b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6331 . VerDate Aug 04 2004 00:44 Jul 23, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22JY7.000 H22JYPT1 H6332 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 22, 2005 when he led the Union Navy to the cap- dress the House for 1 minute and to re- COBB COUNTY SCHOOL SUCCESS ture of New Orleans in 1862. And his vise and extend his remarks.) (Mr. PRICE of Georgia asked and was command, ‘‘Damn the torpedoes, full Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. given permission to address the House speed ahead’’ during his victory at Mo- Speaker, since the moment Justice for 1 minute.) bile Bay has become legendary. O’Connor announced her resignation, Mr. PRICE of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, As a result of Farragut’s tremendous President Bush has met with an un- when President Bush started his first service, Congress established the ranks precedented number of people of both term, he challenged our educational of rear admiral, vice admiral and admi- political parties. His thorough and system to end the soft bigotry of low ral. Amazingly, he was the first person sound selection process has proven he expectations. Some of my colleagues to hold each of these titles. is dedicated to nominating an impar- Tomorrow in Bath, Maine, the Navy objected to the accountability nec- tial, highly qualified person to the Su- essary. Students must be challenged to will christen its newest guided missile preme Court. destroyer as the USS Farragut. This achieve. We must insist on results in The President’s selection of Judge recognition of Farragut’s contribution our classrooms rather than accepting John Roberts is good for our country. to our naval tradition is a fitting trib- the status quo. Upon his nomination to the D.C. Cir- ute to one of our Nation’s greatest Students and teachers in Cobb Coun- cuit, 152 members of the D.C. bar wrote military heroes. ty, Georgia, have accepted the chal- Mr. Speaker, I consider it a privilege to the Senate Judiciary Committee to lenge and excelled. Pope, Walton, Ken- to recognize Admiral Farragut on the note that Judge Roberts is ‘‘one of the nesaw Mountain, and Lassiter High House floor today. He was a true Ten- very best and most highly respected Schools have some of the highest per- nessee hero and one of our greatest appellate lawyers in the Nation.’’ centages of students meeting and ex- Americans. Throughout his accomplished legal ca- ceeding standards in the entire State of reer, Judge Roberts demonstrated that Georgia. f he will fairly interpret and apply the Mr. Speaker, I am proud of all the COMMUNICATION FROM MEMBER Constitution. teachers and students who dedicate OF IRAQ NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Judge Roberts is a man of great in- themselves and work so diligently to (Mr. MCDERMOTT asked and was tegrity who deserves a civil and swift make these achievements. I am excited given permission to address the House confirmation process. The United about what is happening with edu- for 1 minute and to revise and extend States Senate has already unanimously cation in my district. Challenging stu- his remarks.) expressed its confidence in Judge Rob- dents to excel and insisting on ac- Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, erts. I am hopeful that the Senate will countability are the keys. Administra- since the 12th of June, there has been confirm his appointment to the United tors, parents, teachers and students are an embargo on the American press for States Supreme Court before the fall to be congratulated. I am proud of the reporting on a letter written by the term begins. steps the Cobb County school system Iraqi legislature. For that reason I will In conclusion, God bless our troops. has taken to provide quality education read it here today: We will never forget September 11 and to our children, some of the best in the ‘‘As the National Assembly is the le- the London attacks.