Sit-Down with Funny Money Frontman and Former Lead Singer of Kix

Posted by johnd On 09/10/2007

Returning to Rock southern Maryland in the past few months has been some old friends of rock and roll.

Steve Whiteman and Jimmy Chalfant formerly of the power rock band Kix, are playing several places in the area again these days. This time with Mark Schenker and Rob Galpin, they come at you as Funny Money.

Funny Money has continued to rock their fans where Kix left off over a decade ago. This time they may not be playing the big tours, but more fan-oriented venues. It’s back to the roots of hitting the crowd loud, hard, and right in your face. With the experience these guys have, it is easy to see why the crowds come out every weekend to get within inches of their favorite rocking sons of Maryland.

After spending nearly two years writing and recording new music, the band completed all the tracks and released their new album entitled "Stick It!" back in December of 2006. Their new album is one of the biggest selling independent CDs on, and if further proof be needed that this is the defining FUNNY MONEY collection, the band enlisted the mixing wizardry of mega-hit rock producer Beau Hill (RATT, WARRANT, WINGER, KIX and dozens more).

To buy a copy of “Stick It” or any of their past releases go to,, or check out Funny Money’s website at . You can check out the site for a list of shows, or to listen to a few of the new releases on on their myspace.

Recently The Bay Net had a chance to sit down with Steve Whiteman, the frontman for Funny Money, and formerly the lead singer of KIX.

THE BAYNET: What’s the name of the new album, and how would you describe it?

STEVE: The new album is called “Stick It!” And it’s just a total collaboration of all the band members. For the first time in my life and career, I actually got all the band members to contribute songs and ideas; and we’ve put together what we feel is a very, very strong, high-energy rock-and-roll record much along the lines of what Kix did.

THE BAYNET: And so where do we get that from? How do we buy that?

STEVE: We have them available online on CD Baby. You can get it through them, you can get them through iTunes; you can get them actually from our own website, which is, and at all live shows.

THE BAYNET: For some of the newer fans, can you give a brief description of how Funny Money first came together, and then how it came together as it is now.

STEVE: Okay. After Kix was done in 1995, I took a year off and began to use my experience in all that I did and

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