I Lake Tanganyika' and Is Cichlids
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dl o o TOTAL ESSENTIAL NUTRITION 'wardlev '~wardle\' f'"rn .... ;(~ I ~ '''t' ,~., -, _ I tI f .. EJlLLt,1~ Ii.'ld ~ ii, ~ IL.l...Jl CICHLID T·E·N™ THE MOST ADVANCED FLOATING PELLETS FOR YOUR CICHLIDS. ALSO AVAILABLE IN: TROPICAL, GOLDFISH, KOI AND REPTILE FORMULAE. WARDLEY'S SINKING FORMULA CICHLID PELLETS - STILL AVAILABLE STILL THE BEST FOR BOTTOM FEEDERS, Volume 19, #3, $1 June 1990 QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISH KEEPER ©u©llu~u@] ~u@UW AUSTRALIA'S PREMIER BRAND Wu©U@U'U(ID1Ji) JJIJi)©@~[j'(IDU@<Q] REGISTERED BY AUSTRALIA POST - PUBLICATION NO. VBH0291, CATEGORY B, PO BOX 25, PHONE: (03) 527 2546 The Cichlid MontFily BALACLAVA, Cichlid Scene 2 © VICTORIA 3183. © Editorial 3 2J Fish-Only Auction 6 ~ Lake Tanganyika and its Cichlids 8-12 @ Haplochromis venustus 14-15 a 0'1< ~ Rowemin' 'Round 17-18 (J!jr) I Wardley's Table Show 19 Minutes of Previous Meeting 20 Volume 19, #3 - JUNE 1990 COMMITTEE FOR.1990-91 President AART LANGELAAR .. 783 5386 Ubrerian GLENN BRIGGS 725 3665 Vice-President DAVID THORN 7635576 Show Secretary KEN WHELAN 3742140 Secretary GRAHAM ROWE 5807472 Trading Table .... JOHN REEVES , " .. 2338736 Editor DARYL HUTCHINS 870 6284 JAN PORRITT . Facsimile 8704337 Committee- ROBBIESCOn 8242279 Treasurer KEITH PATFORD 7162425 At-large DANNY GENOVESE .. 527 2646 Social Secretary JENNY BRIGGS 725 3665 I scon HAYMES .. " .. 898 4870 LIFE MEMBERS GRAHAM ROWE HEINZ STAUDE KEVIN ARCHIBALD KEITH PATFORD The Victoria Cicblid Society Inc, formed by Cicblidophiles in March 1972 and thus became the first specialist aqUMist group in the State of Victoria. lIS ;ums are: to promote the keeping ofCichlids; to gain and disseminate knowledge of their habits through slides, films, books, lectures. overseas magazines, articles by memlJers and discussion with fellow memlJers orotherexperls in the field. REPRINTS REPRINTS REPRINTS REPRINTS REPRINTS REPRINTS © COPYRIGHT, VictorianCichlid Society Incorporated, 1989. Anyone wishing to reprint materials from any Cichlid Monthly in their regular club megezine (not other publications which are sold), may do SO (unless the artiCle it&elf cerries 0 copyright notice) prOVided due credit is given to the author end 'The Cichlid Monthly' and one copy of the relll\lont publication i& &ent to the Editor - 30 Timbertop Road, Ringwood North, Victorie, Australia 3134. Enquiries re the use of material in any other publications may also be directed to the above. The Cichlid Monthly is published eleven times a year by: THE VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INCORPORATED. c/- 23 Mangena Drive, Mulgrave, Vic, Australia 3170. and is Registered by Australia Post - Publication Number VBH0291. The VCS is a memberofthe Federation ofVietorian Aquarium Societies, ~LL Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors, and are not necessarily those of the Editor of TCM or the CICHLIDS', committee of the Victorien Cichlid Society Incorporated. BOUGHT AND SOLD (WHOLESALE ONLY) vc_ I The Cichlid Monthly _ ---- ------- W, • gies mainly to: Tracey Spain, Ross THE NEXT MEETING will be held on 20 June at the Northvale Primary Vanner, Graham Rowe, and Aart School hall, Albany Drive, Mulgrave at 8.00 pm sharp (but the trading Langelaar [E&OEJ). table and library open much sooner - around 7.30). Supper will be ~, partaken ofafter the meeting - visitors, as always, are welcome. "'/!:y /' MINI TALK: Neolamprologus boulengen'- John McGrath From the Shame File: I have been a MAIN TALK: 'Hawaii' - Max Davenport. little bit remiss in not naming the DOOR PRIZES: Health Bars. winner of the inaugural Editor's DRAW PRIZES: Award for the best original article 1. DwarfCichlid Book. d_ printed in volume # 18, and here we 2. Cichlid Mix frozen food - courtesy ofAquavel. T IS MY fervent hope that some are in volume 19, #3. 3. Muscat. one, anyone, is thinking of tak The reasons for this slackness in TABLE SHOW: Africans and Asians. ing over the position of Editor clude the usual Editorial workload MINI AUCTION: Support for the mini auction - in the form of items for I next year - I will not be doing plus a lack of spare time at work I auction or bidding for those items - is always appreciated. This it' Three consecutive years is enough have complained that I have dead month's mini auction will feature: in any position, and I intend to de lines too, but they insist on getting Aulonocara kandeensis(BIue Orchid Peacock) vote more of my energies to the Ac their silly newspaper out first. Why donated by John Reeves commodation and Fund-raising do I need time at work for that you committees which, I feel, will be of may ask - well it has to do with more benefit to our society. having a special plaque made there, When I allowed myself to be talked which will be done but the announce into a second plunge into the Editor ment of a winner just can not wait ship I thought that if I was to bring any longer. the appearance of the magazine up to The Editor's Award for 1989 goes a semi-professional standard, it to Tracy Spain for her article in the would attract authors like flies ... August 1989 (vol 18, #5) edition en everyone would want go down in titled 'Indiana Baddy and the Forging history if their work was presented in of the Torrent' - an expertly crafted a workmanlike manner with proper and entertaining tale of the Victorian the AUSTRALIAN illustrations etc - big mistake! Cichlid Convention "aquarium MADE IN crawl". Fish Food AUSTRALIA A major consolation has been that some of the outstanding works of the Tracey is entitled to a free mem Com~anv FOR AUSTRALIAN past have been reworked and present bership (I shall have to discuss with CONDITIONS ed in one piece and/or with photo the treasurer whether that is a refund graphs that were in the past either or a credit) and a pretty plaque when absent or unsatisfactory - there are I get it made. Thank you Tracy I am still a few to go, but they are drying really sorry for the delay and congrat V up fast due to the lack of input from ulations. _ •••••••_::::::I~I. Vegetable Diet, Basic Tropical Diet, the present membership (with apolo Color Food, Granules, and Baby Food. vc_ .' The Cichlid MonflllYl rThe Cichlid Monthly .1 SECONDHAND BUILDING MATERIALS Good Range of... TIMBER, OREGON AND HARDWOOD TIM BER, STEEL COLUMNS, RSJs, C-FRAME, ANGLE IRON, CORRUGATED IRON, BLUE STONE PITCHERS, BRICKS, DOORS, WIN DOWS, HAND BASINS, CISTERNS, At its recent meeting the Committee KITCHEN SINKS, FLUORESCENT LIGHTS, reiterated the Society's policy regard ing species acceptable for Breeder's WINDOW SASHES, SHEET GLASS. Achievement Award (BAA) points. OPEN 6 DAYS The only species that will be accept MONDAY-SATURDAY,8 am-5 pm. ed for registration are those that have been scientifically recognised. However, the Society strongly recommends that color morphs be HE SECONDHAND YARD PL kept separately as they may subse () N A.NTILLA ROAD. CLAYTON NORTH quently be raised to species status by scientists qualified to do so. Therefore, you should place BAA 561 7721 claims for any successful color morph spawnings and they will be held and processed when and if they become species. 25/5/1990 CHADSTONE QUARIUiM OSCAR EYES WANTED FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AT MONASH UNIVERSITY If one of your Oscars should die, we would like to have him/her, Present a valid VCS Membership Card young or old. and receive a 10% discount. Put it in a plastic bag (or two) and stick it in the freezer. 649 Warrigal Road, Give us a ring and we will arrange to pick them up. Please phone Steve Morton Chadstone 568 6962 on 565 3663 during business hours WE BUY & SELL CICHLIDSI or 571 9259 after hours (before 9 pm). 1'--- -- -The CTCFilia-Monthly I I The Clchlld Month1y-- - p. FISH-ONLY AUCTION vese auctioned the whole lot - a mam Aart Langelaar moth task beautifully executed. There was standing-room only when all ,~·ff Our second fish-only auction was even t~ more successful than the inaugural one concerned were assembled. The usual and so will become an annual event. good assortment of rare and common, good quality fishes was present A mile The hall opened at 11. 30, however, fish stone was reached when a pair of Acar were not accepted until 12 pm. As previ icthys heckelli- the only pair available in ')I\IIlljU""J'lt,,,.,, ously advertised, the auction rules were ('te,".'. ADER Australia - were offered for sale (with a prominently displayed. Prior to the auc """,1"". /I""""/I,""'!.;.". ""'''''. "",",, '""""'. "'".... , .... ". /I" ... ,.• "''''''. ( ..".,.". '.".,,, •. "•.., I""..". ",.,,,, ,...." reserve of $2000). They were magnificent '........ (...,,,,,,;._~~'I\:-ll"""".·\I""'n' ", '-" ........"lJl"""'~'~~r,jf'h",r)""'/'\"'!I"'~"' M ..."" '" .. , " .. " H."".. """"'., ...." ... '.Il... """".."I., ,.,. '''. I., . tion four renewals and four new member specimens and were paraded around for •••-., ships were received. Accounts were all to see. It would have been a nice com \'(l!rH'll .~. Nil. 1(, opened; Danny Genovese was ready and, mission, however, they were passed-in. I ~-- at last, the auction was on its way. Only two lots of fish were rejected by The auction resulted in a financial boost the scrutineers. to the society in excess of$l500. Jenny Briggs, ably assisted by Jan Por I would like to thank: John Reeves and f,{0~:j~~t[~~~~~!~H:~~i~~lill.~ ritt and Helena Thorn provided coffee, Scott Haymes (scrutineers); Danny Geno Did you know llwt (he collecting of cichlids is the third largest hobby in the world? tea, sandwiches, cold drinks, cakes etc. vese (auctioneer); Graham Rowe and Manny Vella donated three $30 gift \.\ul whal arc ciclllids, The Society'S ae- species arc purchased by sold al reduced prkes Daryl Hutchins (re-bagging); Eltham Ter yo" nlllY asl.'! eomplishmenls since the Society nnd alto· and assislllIlee in setting , vouchers, redeemable for 'Aquavel' frozen " race Pet Shop (oxygen); Glenn Briggs (ac CI~lditls arc bony.