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Music Department Presents Symposium of French Music


Vol. X XX V GOLETA, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1955 No. 17 Whitman Centennial Music Department Presents Subject of Lecture By Mathews Today of French Music UCSBC’s Music Department will include the music students Centennial year of Walt Whit­ has planned a rich variety of William Pierce, baritone, and man’s first edition of Leaves o f French music for its French Sym­ Jeanene Anderson, soprano, with Grass will be the subject of this posium, Nov. 20-22. Davis Mitchell and Carl Zytow­ week’s All-College Lecture to be Music from all periods of mu­ ski, faculty members, in the solo sical history has been selected to parts. given by Dr. J. Chesley Math­ demonstrate the. development of This opera first appeared in ews, associate professor of Eng­ music in France from the early 1926 and had its .beginnings in lish and chairman of the Depart­ Baroque to the contemporary pe­ a newspaper article discovered ment of English at Santa Bar­ riods. by the librettist Jean Cocteau. bara College. Com posers The “ poor sailor” returns home The lecture will be given in Representative of the earliest after many years of absence, un­ Bldg. 431, Rm. 102. French music are the composers recognized by his wife. He.puts In commemoration of this Loeillet, Couperin and LuÛy. It her fidelity to test by pretending work by the famous 19th century is an interesting commentary on to be a friend of her husband. American poet, Dr. Mathews will French musical development that The proof of her faithfulness is read and comment upon one of two of these figures were not na­ grim, and unfolds to a music that Whitman’s well - known poems, tive Frenchmen— Loeillet was a has sometimes almost a folk-like “ When Lilacs Last in the Door- Belgian by birth; Lully was born quality. yard Bloom,” part of the col­ in Italy. Faculty Members lection of Leaves of Grass. He The Romantic era in France is Other faculty members and will also discuss the events con­ represented in this series of pro­ students in this series of pro­ nected with ■ Whitman’s centen­ grams by Cesar Franck, Gabriel grams include Maurice Faulkner, who will conduct the University nial observance. aaroque nnsemote is one o f the many musical groups which will be featured in the French Sym­ Faure, Camille Saint-Saëns and Dr. Mathews is a student of posium on' campus Nov. 20-22. Pictured are Jack Taylor, flute; Tom Durrie, Harpsichord; Richard Benjamin Godard, famous for his Orchestra in performances on — Nov. 20 and 21; John Gillespie, 18th century American literature Ruth, Violin; and Shirley Laidlaw, cello. News-Press photo. opera Jocelyn and its much- and has published several writ­ played Ç erceuse. who will perform the solo part of ings in scholarly journals con­ the Saint-Saëns Concerto No. 2 cerning authors of that period, GAUCHO TEAM CLOSES '5 5 Legislative Council 20th Century for piano and orchestra; Clayton particularly in determining the The twentieth century will be Wilson, oboist, who will perform Santa Barbara’s Gauchos close their 1955 football season this represented by Debussy, Ravel, sonatas by Loeillet, with John influence the Italian writer Dante weekend against Long Beach State. The game will be played at had upon them. Asks for Withdrawal Poulenc, Français, Milhaud and Gillespie, harpsichord; Shirley 8 p.m. Saturday in the Long Beach Wilson High Stadium. others. The latter’s opera, The Munger, pianist; Carl Zytowski, The weekend will also feature homecoming activities for the Poor Sailor, which he has sub­ tenor ; Stefan Krayk, violin, and Long Beach State Forty-Niners. Of ROTC Regulation titled “ a complaint in three acts,” Dr. Van A. Christy, who will con­ CAR WASH There will be a dance after the ■ Legislative Council took action will be presented on Nov. 21 and duct the' Modem Chorale in Mud •. . . Dust . . . Dirt . . . game to which both schools are Sadie Hawkins Dance last week on the Military Science 22 in the Little Theater, with works by Franck, Le Jeune and Grime. . .. Can this be you r car? invited. Department’s order requiring the staging by Carl Zytowski. This Faure. Bettercheck the license. Or, better Student body cards are the wearing of uniforms. still, bring: it down to the Texaco only requirement for admission To Be Costume A ffair Station in Goleta this Friday, any to the game. Council recommended that the Attention, all able - bodied BUS STOP time between 10 a.m. and 4:30 The Rally Committee will UCSBC males! Better get in order which requires that uni­ Because of the blocked Military Reps Visit p.m., for the French Club - Alpha sponsor a' noon rally Friday shape, because Sadie Hawkins forms be worn all day on Thurs­ roads around the Student Mu Gamma Car Wash, says Beth on campus in front of the Day is approaching fast. days be rescinded. The recom­ Union, caused by the con­ Klasson, president of the French Student Union. The event will be commemo­ mendation has been submitted to SBC Campus Today Club. struction of the new class­ “ It is hoped that many stu­ rated by an all-school Sadie Haw the office of the provost. Naval Aviation and Marine room building, the campus For $1.25, or 95 cents with the dents will support the GaUchos in kins Dance to be held on Friday The .issue was brought before Corps representatives will be here bus-stop location has been Texaco ad in today’s El Gaucho, their last game, especially since evening from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 the Council two weeks ago and today and tomorrow from 10 changed to the turn-around you can buy any size wash job so many live, in the area,” stated a.m. referred to the Standards Com­ a.m. to 2 p.m. to counsel stu­ area in front of the ROTC to fit your car. Profits go to Donna Pat Wolf, Rally Com­ This is a costume and girl-ask- mittee for further investigation. dents in relation to their mili­ charity. building to the west of the mittee chairman. boy dance. Sigma Kappa soror­ Col. Haines and Cadet Officer tary future. Student Union. ity and Delta Sigma Phi frater­ Robert Reason were interviewed Eligibility for NAVCAD re­ nity are jointly sponsoring the and arguments on both sides quires that you have 60 semester French Not Sold on Either Washington or dance in the campus auditorium. were collected. hours, be between the ages of Music will be provided by I. The Council, after thorough ALLEN NAMED 18 and 25, have 20/20 uncorrect­ Moscow, Says Ian Forbes Fraser in Lecture Newton Perry and his orchestra. investigation, took what it felt to ed vision, be unmarried, and pass According to Marcia Tyler of be the appropriate action as the ON AWARD JURY the mental and physical exams. The people of France are not after in the world. We have the Sigma Kappas, the tickets are representative of the students of Dr. Raymond B. Allen, chan­ Four-year college men, with a sold out to either Washington or been short of the kind of people degree in any major, are eligible on sale at $1.50 per couple all Santa Barbara College. cellor of the University of Cali­ Moscow, although about a quar­ who can express our ideas and this week from members of the for the Aviation Officer Candi­ fornia at Los Angeles, has been ter of the people of France vote ideals across the world.” date program whereby they may sorority and fraternity sponsor­ named chairman of the awards for the Communist , accord­ The speaker called for earnest ing the dance. Folk Dance Tonight jury for this year’s Freedoms receive a direct commission and ing to Dr. Ian Forbes Frazer in preparation for foreign services take their flight training as an Feature of the evening will be Foundation Awards to be an­ his All-College Lecture on Fran- — as doctors, journalists, educa­ In Auditorium officer. the selection of the best Daisy nounced Feb. 22. co-American relations last Tues­ tors, or even Coca-Cola vendors Tonight is folk-dance night! Mae and Lit* Abner in a.contest Each year an executive of an Students may apply up to 4 day afternoon. — by the coming generation. An evening of folk dancing, American university is chosen as months prior to the completion Although there is little Com­ Indo-China sponsored by the Recreation Con­ non-voting chairman of the 30- date of their 60 units. Successful munistic fifth-column activity in Dr. Fraser deplored the loss of trol Board, will be held this eve­ YMCA Offers New member jury which makes the candidates will be sent to Pensa­ France, some people vote for the Indo-China by France. “ Indo- ning from 7:30 to 9 o’clock in awards to individuals, orgaitiza- cola, Fla., for training. Follow­ party because of displeasure with China is now lost to the whole Life Saving Course the campus auditorium. tions and schools for their work ing training the cadet will be other , stated Dr. Fraser, free world and won by the Com­ Norm Curtis, YMCA physical Everyone is invited to attend in bringing about a better un­ commissioned as an ensign in the director of the American Library munists through our default,” he director, has announced that an­ to participate and watch. Most derstanding of the American way Naval Reserve or as second lieu­ in Paris. said. “ We didn’t understand that other course in YMCA-Red Cross dancing will be done to records. of life. The jury is composed of tenant in the Marine Corps. The situation in France is very they put more money into Indo- life saving is running currently Miss Elvera Skubic, assistant pro­ state supreme court jurists and The Marine Corps Officer Pro­ telling because of the many China than we gave them during until the second week in Janu­ fessor of women’s physical edu­ executive officers of national vet­ curement Team will be here to­ points which might apply to the Marshall Plan. We didn’t un­ ary, with classes meeting every cation, will act as caller. erans, patriotic and service-club morrow to counsel students in­ many other nations of the world derstand that they lost 30,000 Thursday at 7:30 p.m. If the group attending wants organizations. terested in the Officer Candidate — both friendly and unfriendly. men, aild that of one class from Senior students meet from to have more folk-dance eve­ Dr. Allen will travel to Valley program. Two programs are of­ Lecture Tour the French equivalent of our 7:30 to 8:30 Tuesdays and nings, such as one a month or Forge, Pa., headquarters of Free­ fered. The platoon class is open The speaker spends three West Point only five are living Thursdays. Prerequisites for the every other month, it may be doms Foundation, for presenta­ to students who are not yet sen­ months each year on a lecture as a result of that war.” class are demonstratum of per­ arranged with Miss Skubic’s as­ tour of the U.S. and seems to feel tion of the awards on George iors. After attending a six-week The wild tribes of the Morocco sonal proficiency in four strokes sistance. that there are more “ gaps than area,which are now presenting and swimming 220 yards in good Washington’s birthday. training course during two sum­ According to the Recreation facts” in news columns of local difficulties are not changed from style. Qualifying tests can be Since * 1949 more than 3,000 mers and obtaining a baccalaure­ newspapers throughout the na­ Control Board everyone interest­ the primitive state under the en­ taken after contacting Morgan American individuals and organ­ ate degree, class graduates are tion concerning French political tire history of French domina­ Warffuel, Rob Walker or Norm ed is urged to attend, both stu­ izations have received Freedoms commissioned as second lieuten­ fortunes. Much background is tion, and they will sweep down Curtis. dents and faculty. missing which would help ex­ and massacre wherever French Foundation awards totaling more ants in the Marine Corps Re­ plain many things which the control appears to be slipping. than $400,000. serve. Students in the platoon American should know. Yet the U.S. has spent a half- TENNIS TOURNEY STARTS FRIDAY The many categories include leaders class will be deferred The people of the U.S. don’t billion dollars building important A tennis tournament from event. Participants are asked to public addresses, sermons, edi­ from selected service induction understand the anti-Americanism air bases there, he observed, and Nov. 18 to 20 (Friday, Saturday bring their own rackets and balls. torials, cartoons, motion pictures, and are not required to attend in France, according to Dr. Fra­ the French cannot understand the and Sunday), starting at noon The entry deadline is Thurs­ television and radio programs, meetings, drills or special classes ser. He went on to explain that American sympathy with these each day, will feature singles day at 3 pun. Students may sign the signs such as “ Americans Go “ rebels.” eliminations, mixed doubles and up in the gym, with Clara Bri­ college campus programs, com­ during the academic school year. Home” painted on walls and In conclusion Dr. F r a s e r men’s doubles for both faculty ones (new dorm) or Ben Ber­ munity programs, company-em­ The Officer Candidate Course buildings in France are done by warned that “ We should be inter­ and students. Men who have let­ nard (phone 24393). ploye publications, advertising, is open to college seniors and local unemployed Communist cell ested and sympathetic Concerning ters or who will be on the tennis Trophies are awarded to win­ volunteer civil defense service, graduates under 27 years of age. members. the affairs of France, but we ners and runners-up. It is perfect team are not eligible. photographs with captions, es­ This program also leads to a But he went on to add: “ We should get over the bad habit of tennis weather now— the tourna­ There will be a draw for part­ have done an extraordinarily trying to solve their problems for ment will bè lots of fun. You do says, songs and other forms of commission after a 10-week Of­ poor job in explaining what kind them. Only France can solve ners and each person will be not have to be the best player to general unclassified effort and ficer Candidate Course at Quanti- of folks we are, and what we are them.” charged 50 cents entry fee per enter. activity. co, Va. ì

CALIFORNIA Page 2 EL GAUCHO Tuesday, November 15, 1955 pfOTtl The President’s Desk . . . At The Movies Tuesday Last Tuesday evening Legislative Council voted to ask the by Jack Nakano “ The Scarlet Coat,” Anne Military Science Department to rescind its order that all ROTC Schedules subject to change Francis, Cornel Wilde * without notice “ Untamed,” Susan Hayward, students wear their uniforms all day on Thursday. Tyrone Power The reason for the request by Council is its feeling that the order AIRPORT DRIVE-IN Tuesday Wednesday on was defeating its purpose of installing esprit de corps and imposed “ Summertime,” Katherine Hep­ “ The Man from Laramie,” May Wynn, James Stewart an undue burden upon the lower-division ROTC students, because burn, Rossano Brazzi of the required nature of the course and the difficulties arising “The King’s Thief,” Ann “ The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” Virginia Mayo, Dan­ University o f California, Santa Barbara College in enforcing the order. Blyth, Edmund Purdom Published every Tuesday and Friday during the school year except during ny Kaye ' This request was sent to Acting Provost John C. Snidecor. Wednesday on vacations and examination periods by the Associated Students of the “ Love is a Many Splendored University of California, Santa Barbara College, Goleta, Calif. Opinions Further action will have to come from the Provost’s Office. It is STATE Thing,” Jennifer Jones, Wil­ expressed herein are those of the staff unless otherwise indicated. my desire that this matter be settled as soon as possible and that Tuesday on Entered as second-class matter Nov. 10, 1954, at the post office at Goleta, the decision will be found satisfactory by all parties concerned. liam Holden “ Lucy Gallant,” Jane Wyman, Calif., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Mailing charge is $2.00 per year, Jack Christofferson, “ Footsteps in the Fog,” Jean Charleton Heston payable in advance. Simmons, Stewart Granger EDITOR ______...... ______JERRY PERRY ASUCSBC President “ The Divided Heart,” Maria ASSISTANT EDITORS ______BETH KLASSON, SYLVIA KLASSON FOX ARLINGTON Schell, Alexander Knox MANAGING EDITOR ______ANN DAVIS Tuesday on CIRCULATION ...... ______....______STAN GREENSPAN BUGS “The View from • Pompey’s FACULTY ADVISOR______DR. ELSIE LEACH Vacancies Filled HURRY ON DOWN FEATURE WRITER ______JACK NAKANO It seems that the campus Head,” Dana Wynter, Rich­ STAFF WRITERS — Diana Clark, Janet Hammeras, Sylvia Maddalon, Legislative Council has made has a new infestation of in­ ard Egan To get your Paper-Mate Margaret Kyger two committee ehairmen ap­ sects known as bugus lit- “The Good Die Young,” Glo­ ADVERTISING MANAGER ______PHIL C. JACKS JR. teratus, or litterbugs to you. ria Grahame, Richard Base- Pens in school colors ASSISTANT ADVERTISING MANAGER ...... 1...... BOB WIENER pointments to fill vacancies in It’s even got the campus fire hart and name. that body. chief worried as the stuff CIVIL SERVICE Kelley Cartwright has been accumulates against build­ GRANADA Letters to tbe Editor chosen to fill the vacancy left by ings and fences. Tuesday EXAMS SLATED Dear Editor: So, whether it’s a candy- Santa Barbara Police Show GILBERTS Nikki Liatas, who resigned as Wednesday on Examinations for Engineering I would like to congratulate bar wrapper or your class Ruth OF GOLETA Si Assembly Committee chairman “ Illegal,” Edward G. Robinson and Statistical Draftsman posi­ the editor on his recent editorial notes, put them in a trash 1 to become head of the Press Con­ “ I Died a Thousand Times,” tions in Washington, D.C., and container for the sake of a concerning the order that all per­ i Shelley Winters, Jack Pa- 5854 Hollister Ave. Phone 8-2892 vicinity have been announced by trol Board. clean and neat campus., sons in Military Science must lance the United States Civil Service The duties of Speech Control wear their uniforms all day Commission. The salaries for Board chairman have been taken Engineering Draftsman range Thursday and to express the over by CyNEpstein. Every posi­ INTER-VARSITY from $2,960 to $6,390 a year, same opinion. tion in the council now has been CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP WEEKLY SPECIAL! and for Statistical Draftsman Certainly wearing uniforms all from $2,960 to $4,525. filled. There are no vacancies day has no place on a campus At The Goleta Lioris Club No written tests 'are required remaining. SLAC K S 5 0 c but applicants must have had such as ours. It has set a dan­ Pine Ave., Goleta appropriate experience or educa­ gerous precedent and has low­ 3-DAY SERVICE 7:15 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 17 tion, or a combination of the two. ered the esteem of the Military • FRESH CUT FLOWERS They must furnish a sample of Science Department and the Ca­ • POTTED PLANTS Telephone: their work. Reasonably Priced det Officers in the eyes of the On Campus 2214 N.H. Further information and ap­ Goleta Feed and Nursery CAMPUS CLEANERS plication forms may be obtained student body. Therefore, it 101 Highway & Falrview Avt. Santa Barbara WO. 2-0881 STUDENT UNION from the U.S. Civil Service Com­ should be rescinded. * Phone 8-2200 — Open Sundays mission, Washington 25, D.C. Sincerely, Applications will be accepted in George Hart the Commission’s office until fur­ ther notice. El Gaucho Editor: I would like to congratulate you on your editorial concerning What young people are doing at l Electric Club Notes the ROTC regulation on wearing PHYSICAL SCIENCE CLUB uniforms. I found it to cover the meeting will be held in the Sci­ CHARLES N. CLARK joined G.E. in 1949 ence Auditorium today at noon. subject matter quite thoroughly. after receiving his B.S. and M.S. A talk entitled “ Creation of the Sincerely, (in E.E.) from the University of Wisconsin. He served two years /with Universe” will be presented by Alan M. Scham Dr. L. Hall of our Physics De­ Young engineer the Navy during World War II. partment * * * WOMEN’S ARMY RECREATION CONTROL decides what colors BOARD will sponsor a folk dance tonight from 7:30 to 9 VISITS CAMPUS o’clock in the auditorium. All women students interested are best for in obtaining information about DELTA PHI UPSILON, Na­ careers in the Women’s Army are tional honorary fraternity of cordially invited to the second G-E reflector lamps Early Childhood Education, will in a series of Associated Women sponsor the first of a series of Students - sponsored events. presentations, “ The Child: His Which color of light makes people look nat­ Art and Music,” tomorrow from It will take place in the Hud­ 4 to 5 in Bldg. 409, Rm. 210. dle of the Student Union from ural? Should a blue light be used more often Guest speakers will be' Miss Shir­ 3 to 4 o’clock on Thursday. than a red? What kind o f effect does a violet ley Munger and Dr. Edward Kin­ Lt. Col. Ruth Reece will be light have on merchandise? caid. Hot cider and doughnuts will be served during the infor present to offer up-to-date infor­ In recent years, color lighting has become mal discussion. mation. She comes from the Pre­ so important in stores, restaurants, theaters, * * * sidio in San Francisco. and displays that General Electric developed PI SIGMA ALPHA will meet Come and learn how women a line of new easy-to-use color-reflector lamps at the library Thursday evening can qualify for officer training for this market. at 7:30. All members are urged and for programs which are the to attend. The man responsible for deciding which * * * equivalent to a fifth and sixth year in college with pay. Re­ colors are most effective for users of these RALLY COMMITTEE will freshments will be served. lamps is 29-year-old Charles N. Clark, Ap­ meet tomorrow at 4 in Bldg. 431, Helen E. Keener Rm. 101. It is important that all plication Engineering Color Specialist for Dean of Women members be there. General Electric’s large lamp department. * * * Clark’s Work Is Interesting, Important TRI-BETA meeting will fea­ TYPING ture members of the faculty giv­ In a recent series of tests, Clark made a ing short, interesting descriptions OF critical appraisal of literally hundreds of of their research problems this TERM PAPERS and Thursday evening at 8 in the color-filter materials to find the ones that Science Building Auditorium. MANUSCRIPTS produced maximum results but were still This is everyone’s chance to Excellent Work suitable to high-production techniques, prac­ know- questions which stump .even the professors. Reasonable Rates tical stocking and simplified selling. This These presentations will be be­ experimental work also had to take into former Legal Secretary fore Tri-Beta, national honorary account all the information on human per­ society for Biological Sciences. Rapid Typist ception of color. All interested people are wel­ 215 W. Victoria—Ph. 52485 come. 25,000 College Graduates at General Electric When Clark came to General Electric in 1949, he already knew the work he wanted to do. Like each of the 25,000 college-grad­

• BEVERAGES uate employees, he was given his chance to • ICE CUBES grow and realize his full potential. For Gen­ • TO B AC C O S eral Electric has long believed this: When Visit our Delicatessen Counter fresh, young minds are given freedom to ICE CREAM CHEESE LUNCH MEATS make progress, everybody benefits—the in­ IMPORTED FOODS FRESH BREAD dividual, the company, and the country. For that late evening snack! GENER 5858 Hollister Avenue, Goleta Phone 8-2381 GAUCHOS DOWN BULLDOGS, 19-7 Tuesday, November 15, 1955 EL GAUCH O SIDELINE CHATTER by Glenn Dickey SPUTTERING ATTACK As I sit at my little broken- case look bad. Dr. Scherer is down typewriter and write this head of the faculty athletic com­ FINALLY CLICKS earth-shaking column, the bas­ mittee. He told me personally by Gil Romoff ketball eligibility situation is still that nothing should have been Smarting from two consecutive defeats, and trailing 7 to 6 at up in the air. written in regard to Trauthen half time, Santa Barbara’s Gauchos stormed back with their biggest Jim O’Hara is definitely ineli­ starting at quarterback for th*e SPORTS EDITOR ...... GLENN DICKEY offensive display of the season in the second half, and this, com­ gible, as is Bobby Lum, but the Gauchos because he was ineli­ bined with an air-tight defense, defeated Redlands 19 to 7 Saturday ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR ...... JORDAN ROMEO cases of Tommy Williams and gible. night at Bulldog Stadium. SPORTS WRITER ...... II ...... GIL ROMOFF George Pugsley have yet to be That’s an excellent reason but Neither team could mount a sustained drive in the first quarter decided, although they may he does it hold water? First of all, but at the beginning of the sec­ old stuff by the time this gets to nobody but Dr. Scherer and his ond period the Bulldogs started you. committee knew that his eligibil­ Faculty Ahead In on their own 27 and, with How­ Few Problems ity was even being questioned, ard Newmann (a thorn in the I was told the other day that despite Scherer’s claim that Foot­ Gauchos’ side all evening) doing this school really hasn’t had Coach Stan Williamson did. Intramural Bowling most of the work, marched the much trouble with eligibility Williamson most certainly did At the end of five weeks’ com­ 73 yards. Fullback Scott Fowler problems. That’s true. The vol­ not know. If he had known, he petition, the Intramural Bowling culminated the drive by diving ume is small but when we do would not have been working League has been narrowed down over from the one. Quarterback have a case it’s a lulu. almost exclusively with Trauthen to a two-team race between the Paul Womack kicked the extra Why should this be so? Well, the way he was. Faculty and the Odd Balls. point and after four minutes of the first thing an honest writer But apart from that, even The Faculty is currently lead­ the second period Redlands led, (no comments) must do is to ask if I had known that there ing the chase with a near-perfect 7 to 0. himself if it’s the stories on this was a question about his 19-1 mark while the Odd Balls The Gauchos then drove to the matter that are causing the unfor­ eligibility I would still have are two games behind with a Redlands 22-yard line but ran tunate situation. But unless written that he was a prob­ 17-3 record. Only one other out of downs at that point. With there’s been a deliberate playing able starter because he had other team, Sigma Tau Gamma, but 90 seconds remaining in the up of news of this sort-, this isn’t not been declared ineligible. with a 13-7 mark, is above .500. half, the Gauchos came out of the answer. And, really, I don’t Dr. Scherer says no, you Sigma Tau Gamma won last se­ their offensive doldrums and Why do more college like to emphasize news of this assume a player is ineligible mester. went 80 yards in six plays, en­ sort. For instance, I held off until he is proved eligible. The Faculty is also tops in in­ tirely on the passing arm of deliberately for some weeks on In other words, you’re guil­ dividual statistics. Frederick has Quarterback Pat Mills. Mills the question of eligibility for ty until you’re proven inno­ the highest individual score with completed aerials to Kelley Hoov­ men and women smoke O’Hara, Lum, Williams and cent. a 245 game and the highest aver­ er for 34 yards, Jack Garret for Pugsley, partly because of this The decision on the four bas­ age, 180. 30, Ed Bowen for 12 and then to season and partly because of a ketball players was also made in Warner of Lambda Chi Alpha Bowen again, who made a sen­ specific request by Basketball an interesting manner. After has the second highest individual sational catch in the end zone. Coach Willie Wilton. much setting and canceling of score, while Walski, Sigma Tau Russ Young’s'kick was blocked. Well then, if it isn’t the case dates for the meeting, it was fi­ Gamma, is second in the aver­ Early in the third period the that the news has been over­ nally held a week ago Monday. icer o ys ages with a 169 mark. Gauchos* went ahead to stay, V emphasized, the handling of the Nobody outside the committee In last week’s competition the when they marched 69 yards in cases is the only important fac­ knew that a decision had been Faculty stretched its lead by nine plays. With the ball on the tor remaining. reached until I talked to Dr. sweeping four hard-fought games Redlands 27 - yard line, Mills Scherer Wednesday afternoon. than any other Stories Released with last-place Pine Hall, while tossed a screen pass to Sut Puai- In the two-day period, Dr. Scher­ How have these stories been the Odd Balls could win only loa, who shook off two would-be er had made no effort to inform released? Well, going back to three of four from Toy on Hall. tacklers and rambled into pay Wilton or even his own athletic the start of the year, let’s exam­ In other results last week Sig­ dirt. Young’s kick was partially director, Dr. Theodore “ Spud” filter cigarette? ine the Don Trauthen case. When ma Pi surprised Sigma Phi Epsi­ blocked and was wide to the Harder, of the decision. He com­ was Trauthen declared ineligi­ lon, winning 4-0, and Sigma Tau right. ble? The day before the first plains that the stories' are mak­ Gamma took three of four from Midway through the quarter ing him and the committee look game. Why wasn’t this decision Lambda Chi Alpha. Scatback John Morris took a bad. I agree, but I’ll leave it up disclosed earlier? You answer it. Sequoia had a bye and auto­ punt and, behind beautiful block­ to you who is to blame. It is Dr. Paul Scherer’s con­ matically picked up four wins. ing, rambled to the Redlands 27, tention that it is the handling of Tennis Tourney This practice has been adopted only to have a great ruq nullified the story that made the Trauthen since the second Sequoia team Anyway, on to pleasanter by a clipping penalty. dropped out of the league. things. The final Santa Barbara count­ Because only Viceroy In games this week Sigma Phi The date for the annual intra­ er came in the final 10 seconds Cramming Epsilon will play Sigma Tau mural tennis tournament that I of play. Taking over on the Gamma, Pine Hall meets Toyon for Exams? told you about earlier has been Redlands 19-yard line after a gives you 2Q,000 filter traps Hall, the Faculty plays Sigma Pi settled. It will be held Nov. 18, desperate fourth-down pass, it and Sequoia Hall faces Lambda 19 and 20, starting at noon on took the rejuvenated Gauchos in every filter tip, made Chi Alpha. The Odd Balls have only two plays to score. Jerry the 18th, which is Friday. a bye. The tourney will be held on Humrighouse ran to the 16. Then w L Mills handed the ball to Dick from a pure natural substance the campus tennis courts and fea­ 19 1 tures mixed doubles and men’s Juliano who, seeing no hole at 17 3 doubles play. tackle, veered wide and went all Sigma Tau Gamma 13 7 Anyone who wants to enter the way. Bucky Baird split the found in delicious fruits Sigma Phi Epsilon 10 10 can sign the sheet posted in the uprights with the conversion and Toyon Hall ...... 10 10 the game ended seconds later, men’s gym, or contact Ken Ber­ Lambda Chi Alpha 9 11 and other edibles! nard at 24383, Claire Briones at giving the Gauchos their third Sigma Pi 9 11 FigJit “ Book Fatigue” Safely the New Residence Hall, or Dr. victory of the season. 9 11 Newmann was the whole team Your doctor will tell you— a Lyle Reynolds, Dean of Men and Pine Hall 4 16 for Redlands in the first half as Yes, only Viceroy has this filter composed of 20,000 tiny NoDoz Awakener is safe as an also the tennis coach. You must he carried the hall 18 times for filter traps. You cannot obtain the same filtering action average cup of hot, black cof­ enter before 3 p.m. Thursday 1 . 133 yards. But the inspired Gau- in any other cigarette. fee. Take a NoDoz Awakener afternoon. SEQUOIA PACES cho defense bottled him up so when you cram for that exam As in all other intramural TOUCH FOOTBALL completely in the second half ...or when mid-afternoon activities, virtuosity is not a After four weeks of play Se­ The Viceroy filter wasn’t just whipped up and rushed to that he lost six yards in six car­ brings on those “3 o’clock cob­ requirement. (That means quoia Hall continues to pace the market to meet the new and skyrocketing demand for fil­ ries. In f§ct, the whole Bulldog 2. webs.” You’ll find NoDoz gives you don’t have to be good.) Intramural Football League with tered cigarettes. Viceroy pioneered. Started research more team could muster only 12 yards you a lift without a letdown... Varsity players are not al­ a record of four wins, no losses than 20 years ago to create the pure and perfect filter. rushing and 42 yards passing in helps you snap back to normal lowed to enter mixed dou- and one tie. The only teams that the second half. and fight fatigue safely! ' bles but may compete in appear to have any chance of Smokers en masse report that filtered Viceroys have a S.B. , - R.U. men’s doubles. catching the high-flying Sequoi- 17 First Downs 12 finer flavor even than cigarettes without filters. Rich, ans are Kappa Sigma and SAE, 3. The entry fee is only 50 cents Yards Rushing 168 174 satisfying, yet pleasantly mild. with 5-1-1 and 5-1 records, re­ per person per event, and teams 143 Yards Passing 42 spectively. must furnish their own balls. 19 Passes Attempted 17 Viceroy draws so easily that you wouldn’t know, without In last week’s feature games 9 Passes Completed 4 looking, that it even had a filter tip . . . and Viceroys cost Mixed doubles teams will be Sequoia belted Lambda Chi, 24 1 Passes Intercepted by 1 4. determined by placing the play­ to 14, and SAE came from be­ only a penny or two more than cigarettes without filters ! 2 Fumbles 1 hind to edge Birch Hall, 12 to 7. ers’ names in a box and draw­ 1 Fumbles Lost 1 The standings: WLT That’s why more college men and women smoke VICEROYS than SAFE AS COFFEE ing for pairs. 3 Punts 4 Sequoia Hall ...... 4 0 1 any other filter cigarette . . . that’s why VICEROY is the largest- 30 Punting Average 31 SAE ...... " 5 1 0 selling filter cigarette in the world! 7 Penalties 3 Kappa Sigm a...... 5 1 1 85 Yards Penalized 34 Sigma Phi Epsilon 4 2 0 Delta Tau Delta .... 3 2 1 Palm Hall ...... 4 3 0 Birch Hall ...... 1 4 1 Lambda Chi ...... 3 2 2 Toyon Hall ...... 1 6 0 Win Sycamore Hall .... 3 4 0 Acacia Hall ...... 0 8 0 A BAG OF BURGERS DON’T BE A DIRTY BIRD! Guess The Score French Club— Alpha Mu Gamma Car Wash UCSBC GAUCHOS...... vs. LONG BEACH STATE This Friday Turn in entries by 7:30 p.m. Friday NOV. 18, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. GENE’S DRIVE-IN at GOLETA GOLETA (TEXACO) SERVICE 95c with this ad (Entrant)...... i__... Across From The Bank Phone 8-9841 plus that Real Tobacco Taste Page 4 EL GAUCHO Tuesday, November 15, 1955 Home Ec Meeting Mrs. Florence Meredith, pro­ A cessor of home economics and chairman of the department, rep­ R resented Santa Barbara College at the meeting of the Council for N Home Economics Teacher Edu­ cation in Fresno last week. 0 Teacher training specialists in L home economics from the entire state attended this annual meet­ D ing.

was around, however, the girls back copy of the king’s ad, and ability to make himself invisible. Dr. Byers Elected FAIRY TALE always showed up in the morn­ it dawned upon him that he That very night, before the prin­ STILL cesses went to their room, Prince by Kelley Cartwright ing with hangpvers and holes in could now put his new-found the best at any price their shoes. ability to make himself invisible Revoltirig drank a goodly por­ Once upon a time there was a Vice. Pres, of CCTE As you will soon find out, the to good advantage. He immedi­ tion of the potion, followed By a great and wise king in a far­ More than a meal Dr. Loretta Byers, associate hero of this story is Prince Re­ ately telephoned the castle and chaser of Johnny Walker Red away land who had 25 beautiful in itself! voking, so we might as well in­ discovered that the embarrassing Label, and went into the girls’ professor of education at UCSBC, daughters of marriageable age. troduce him here. He was walk­ situation had not been cleared up. bedroom— completely invisible. was elected vice president of the This is possible since this is, TWIN- ing down the main street of the Promptly at 10:30 the girls California Council on Teacher after all, a fairy tale. These Early the next morning Prince capital one night when a little came in, and the door was locked. BURGER daughters were the pride and joy Revolting set out for the royal Education at a recent meeting man wearing an overcoat, collar Seeing that there was nobody in D rive-In of the old king’s life, so they castle. Since he was the most held in Fresno. turned up, and a wide-brim hat, the room (or so they thought), were very closely guarded. Each eligible bachelor in the kingdom 2731 De la Vina brim turned down, stepped out the girls began to put on make­ She had previously been on the night at 10:30 they were locked the newspapers did not fail to of a dark alley and said, “ Hey up and comb their haid. “ Tried One Lately?” board of directors for two years into'their bedroom and the door take due notice of this fact, in bud, wanna make a hot deal on and had been chairman of the was not opened until 7 the next 2-inch banner headlines, reading, {To be continued) a potion that will make you in­ “ WHICH OF. THE 25 WILL Student Teaching Committee, one morning. visible, and no questions asked?” GET REVOLTING?” This did One day, however, the king of the six major committees of The prince, thinking that if the not« deter the noble prince, how­ was seated on the throne reading the council. potion really worked it would ever, who was resolved to solve thè Journal of the International FACULTY AND STUDENTS make a wonderful article for the the mystery under any circum­ The council is an organiza­ Association of Monarchs, Minis­ Journal of Psychiatrists, Alchem­ stances, since he was so noble, tion composed of two represen­ ters of State, and Sycophants Special Discounts on ists and Soothsayers (PA S), and since the kings daughters (IAMMOSS) when his head tatives from each of the higher- bought the potion. were all very beautiful, and since chamberlain came to him and GASOLINE TIRES BATTERIES RETREADS education institutions in Oalifor- Back home in his castle, the monarchy in the twentieth cen­ said, “ Sire, your daughters! The nia and from the professional or­ prince drank some of the potion tury is not completely impover­ maid tells me that they have not with Johnny Walker Red Label ished. Labes $1.00 ganizations of the, state. In col­ slept in their beds for the last for a chaser. Strolling over to a The king was delighted, if laboration with the State Depart­ two nights, and both mornings mirror, he discovered that in somewhat skeptical, since statis­ ment of Education, it formulates they have come to breakfast with LAVORIN’S SHELL SERVICE reality he was invisible. The true tical studies had shown that not terrible hangovers, and there policies for teacher education. import of his discovery did not more than one Knight in Shining 3760 State Street at Barn’ s Anto Court are holes in the soles of all their dawn upon him until he read a Armor out of 3 million had the shoes.” Benita Francis Wins This the king could not figure out. Everything pointed to foul In Garment Contest play. Monarchy in-the twentieth century is not so completely im­ Benita Francis, a Santa Bar­ poverished that they cannot af­ bara College home economics ford to have shoes resoled. The major, won seventh place in a hangovers were even more mys­ state - wide contest for garment terious; the girls were not, un­ Sm oke der any circumstances, allowed making in San Francisco this to have liquor in their room. week, it was announced by Mrs. The king did the only thing that Florence Meredith, chairman of he knew to do; he organized a Tom orrow 's the department of home econom­ committee to investigate* After ics. a strenuous series of meetings, Miss Francis, a junior from with witnesses called from all Los Angeles, took seventh among comers of the globe, the com­ better cigarette more than 20 entrants for a sfyl- mittee could find no evidence to ish made of Forestmann’s explain this strange conduct. Fi­ wool, using a remnant which cost nally, despairing of finding any her less than $5. She previously solution to this puzzle, the king T o d a y - won the senior division first place had the following ad inserted in in the Santa Barbara district con­ the Journal of Itinerant Knights test. As a prize she received a in Shining Armor (JIKISA): length of unusual sheer WANTED: A Knight in Shin­ Enjoy a Cool Mildness wool crepe material. ing Armor, to investigate The contestants for this com­ embarrassing situation in never possible before! petition, sponsored by the Cali­ royal household. Fee for fornia W ool Growers Assn., not services: Hand of most only have to make their own gar­ beautiful daughter. Apply ments but they are also judged “King,” Box 432. on poise in modeling their work This brought a rash of knights, and the accessories they choose each eager to solve the mystery to go with it. and gain the hand of the king’s most beautiful daughter. None, however, could even advance a Census Reveals Gain reasonable hypothesis to explain the situation. If someone re­ In S.B. Population mained in the girls’ bedroom all r P U T A N Santa Barbara’s recent unoffi­ night, they would go to sleep cial census confirmed the in­ promptly at 11:00 and sleep SMILE IN Y O U R formed guesses of city and state soundly until 7 a.m, If no one officials that Santa Barbara has SMOKING! reached a population of slightly more than 50,000. Catherine Gas­ In Goleta its . . . ton, census chief, stated the un­ official count to be 50,762. Santa Barbara’s population has grown at a remarkably uniform rate of 1,000 persons a year since mEn’s shop 1940, when the total stood at 34,958. for wool shirts in the newest The purpose of the special cen­ plaids and solid colors. sus was to increase the city’s share of state gasoline and in-lieu Many washable. taxes, which will result in a net gain of $22,450. >

JINGLE BELLS! Even though it is not Christmas yet, we can make your clothes look like you just took them out of a gift box. MARINE DRY CLEANERS 5877 HOLLISTER AVE. — GOLETA — PHONE 8-4152 “ Just Off The Campus” FREE PICKUP — DELIVERY 3 DAY SERVICE S & H Green Stamps O b o c m S t M vns T omcco Co.