UH Convocation Next Thursday Is for Debate Title to Serve Club Symposium Is Almost Ready 2 Rules Shout Exam W Amings to Make
EDITOR'S THOUGHTS First Semester Exams Imagine your .J>redicament when Begin on Feb. 8 you receive a release sheet from the chairman of t h e discipline committee, telling you politely but fi rmly that you are not wanted any more at the University of Ha waii. Sad-faced, you will receive VoL. XV UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, HON OLULU, T . H., SAT U RDA Y , JANUARY 9, 1937 No.19 the sheet, read it, and, literally or physically, weep. Right here and now, we shall go into the UH Convocation Varsity Coeds Answer Call to Arms Committee Lists Delegates · moral of the old adage, "Don't cry 0 0 0 0 over spilt milk." Weeping after you receive the note will do you, Next Thursday Is Art of Rifle Marksmanship Is Explained or your benefactors, no good. To·Next IPR Conference What will your benefactors say? After morally and financially sup For Debate Title Ninety University Students Are Invited to Attend porting you through school . or is it a semester· of schooling . Seniors and Juniors Will Clash Discussion on U. S. Neutralitv you fail to make good! In fact, you in Campus Championship garet Monden, Malcolm Moore, Kat get kicked out of school for low Talk Before All Those Will Members of the IPR council, to suto . Na gaue, .Bert Nishimura, Ruth gether with Dr. Paul S, Bachman, Okamura, J ohn Osmonskl, Richard academic grades. ing to Attend Meeting ~ Ratekin, Beth Roberts, Anita Rodiek, adviser, annbunced Thursday the ittarion Rotlistein, Fred Schmidt, H er Although we do not practice completed list of 90 students who man Sen sano, Paul Shimizu, Karl Si · what we preach; we advise you to Featuring the runoff debate for monds, Iwalani Smith, J ohn.
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