
EDITOR'S THOUGHTS First Semester Exams Imagine your .J>redicament when Begin on Feb. 8 you receive a release sheet from the chairman of t h e discipline committee, telling you politely but fi rmly that you are not wanted any more at the University of Ha­ waii. Sad-faced, you will receive VoL. XV UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, HON OLULU, T . H., SAT U RDA Y , JANUARY 9, 1937 No.19 the sheet, read it, and, literally or physically, weep. Right here and now, we shall go into the UH Convocation Varsity Coeds Answer Call to Arms Committee Lists Delegates · moral of the old adage, "Don't cry 0 0 0 0 over spilt milk." Weeping after you receive the note will do you, Next Thursday Is Art of Rifle Marksmanship Is Explained or your benefactors, no good. To·Next IPR Conference What will your benefactors say? After morally and financially sup­ For Debate Title Ninety University Students Are Invited to Attend porting you through school . . . or is it a semester· of schooling . . . Seniors and Juniors Will Clash Discussion on U. S. Neutralitv you fail to make good! In fact, you in Campus Championship garet Monden, Malcolm Moore, Kat­ get kicked out of school for low Talk Before All Those Will­ Members of the IPR council, to­ suto . Na gaue, .Bert Nishimura, Ruth gether with Dr. Paul S, Bachman, Okamura, J ohn Osmonskl, Richard academic grades. ing to Attend Meeting ~ Ratekin, Beth Roberts, Anita Rodiek, adviser, annbunced Thursday the ittarion Rotlistein, Fred Schmidt, H er­ Although we do not practice completed list of 90 students who man Sen sano, Paul Shimizu, Karl Si · what we preach; we advise you to Featuring the runoff debate for monds, Iwalani Smith, J ohn. Stone. have been invited to take part in Robert Taira, Reuben Tam, Taro dig, dig, and dig deep into your Tanaka, E dward Tii mihama, Aileen notes and texts before your final the championship of the ASUH the annual Institute of Pacific Re­ Ulrnuka, Lily Ut suuml, Ralph Van examinations roll along on Febru- interclass debate tournament, the lations' conference March 4, 5, and B rock!in, Phylis Van Orden, Russell 6 at Camp Erdman, Mokuleia. Vieira, Esther Walhee, Molly ''Vebster, ary 8. Otherwise ... will you ASUH will hold a convocation this BY BERT N. NISH IMURA Lncia Wllite,,, Floren ce Wilder, Ella Discussions will center about the WittJro;ck, c harlotte Wong, Hong join us in a funeral .dirge? Thursday at Farrington Hall. The Taking up a rms because their male predecessors continue to Kw ong Wong, Irene Yap, Ralpll Yem ­ question of U. S. Neutrality. puku, E stelle Young. seniors will take the negative while romp off with p remier honors in tournaments without close com­ George Grafton Wilson, professor - - --···----- The United States of America the juniors will uphold the affirm- petition, comely U niversity coeds are shooting daily under the of international law at Harvard is a country where each one of its ative of the question "Resolved: careful guidance o f A rthur G. Meniatis, popular R O T C sergeant. university, who will offer a course 'Winterset' Is citizens can practice free speech. That Congress be empowered to The enrollment this year has reached its zenith and great things in international relations at the Hawaii, as your political science enact legislation providing for the a re being predicted for the feminine sharpshooters as the sergeant ) UH during the second semester, instructor may tell you, is an in­ compulsory arbitration of all labor has taken the situation well into+------··------" will be the discussion leader dur­ Revenge Tale tegral part of the United States. disputes!' his hands. gotten over giving an involuntary ing the conference. Mr. Wilson, an And the University of Hawaii is an The winners of the debate will Nary a male soul is allowed jump each time the rifle kicks and authority on neutrality, is also a Maxwell Anderson Writes Play essential part of the Territory of be the champions of the series and when the girls are shooting, not somehow or other they lure their member of the U. S. Naval War in Protest of S~ciety Hawaii. So, you have it! You, as will make a trip to Kauai between for fear that casualties will be list- shots within the five rings which college. students of the University, have the first and second semesters to ed, but because competition is not appear so small. The bull's eye A tentative program for the con- Maxwell Anderson, America's every right to squak whenever you debate a Garden Island organiza- wanted at this. early stage. Coeds counts 10 points, and each suc­ ference calls for departure to Mo- outstanding playwright of 1936, please. Indeed, you can and, no· tion. don outfits made specially for the ceeding ring one less. Five bullets kuleia any time on Thursday, had a purpose when he wrote doubt, will present adverse criti­ gallery team, grasp their .22 , pro- are shot for each target ·and the March 4, where dinner w i 11 be "Winterset," which will be pre­ From the class team of fou r, two cure ammunition and march off t o t a 1 Is· a dd e d f or th e fma' 1 score. cism whenever the things around members have been chosen as the Th · served at 6:30 in the evening. At' sented for the first time in Hawaii the University. are not in the right, to the range situated in the gym- e begmner is allowed fifteen 8 that night, Mr. Wilson will speak for f our days beginning Jenuary best speakers from their respective nasium. Cosmetics and makeup s h o t s, t en o f w h'IC h wouId . hI't any on the general subject of U. S. 20 by the University Guild. or ... shall we say? ... in a way, class and will represent their class 1 t th · are not allowed, as ammunition Pace excep e rmgs anyway, Neutrality. It was p robably that purpose that that do not you. in the debate. Edward Hustace Ith h th 1 11 f 1 aplenty is furnished ' by the de- a oug e ru es ca or on y Two 'round table discussions are inspired one of the g reatest d ra­ We, who labor day after day, in and Cletus Hanifin, varsity . de- partment and all other feminine five chances. an attempt to publish what you scheduled for Friday morning, one mas that this country has ever baters, will represent the upper- allure is barred in this contest for Gentlemen contemplating mar- from 9 to 10 and the other from known. may call a semi-weekly news­ classmen while Edison Tan and high scores. nage· are a d vISe· d no t t o b ecome paper on the campus, can do noth­ 10:30 to 11:30. Major General Because of his diffidence to mod- · Clara Kim will talk for the 1·uniors Four targets for prone or sitting, hI' t ch e d up WI'th any one of S g t . ing about your squawk that too Hugh A. Drum, commanding offi- ern society and because of his The runoff debate is necessary and four more for standing are Meniatis's proteges, as he advises cer of the Hawaiian department, sympathy with Sacco and Vanzetti much Mainland news was featured to break the tie now existing be- tacked on fifty feet from the posi- that most of the girls ring up a in the last edition of our journal. will be invited to speak at the con- in their much publicized criminal tween 'the junior and senior classes tion of fire. score of 97 consistently, (and that's ference Friday evening. case, Mr. Anderspn wrote a play We work for the best interest of which both have won four debates The girls take their positions on more than what I'll ever shoot!) all, and, all we as~ is, all work for Saturday morning a third round that is dynamic in its description each. Names of the winning class the canvas, squeeze a few dry ones the best interest of Ka Leo. table discussion is planned from of the wickedness of society. Honorable, indeed, was the in­ team will be engraved on the and then they're ready for the 9 to 10 to be followed by the plen­ ASUH debate tournament plaque worst. The sergeant takes his po- "Winterset" regards a young tention of those who said that Ka T. C. Students ary session marking the end of man's attempt to avenge the legal Leo failed to print lots of campus To date, class standings are: sition to the right end in the rear conference. death of his father. A group of • Won Lost of the shooters behind the tele- news in the paper Wednesday. We Expenses for the conference will criminals are bound to put down Seniors ...... 4 2 scope, and calls each shot. "An To Serve Club admire such attempt to correct Affirmative ...... 2 1 . h" be defrayed by both the IPR and any attempt to bring out the truth our weaknesses. We need a. kick ~e ga t iv e ...... 2 1 eig "' at eleven o'clock" or "a five S E · those students attending the ses­ Juniors ...... • ...... 4 2 at three o'clock." After the first igma ta Omega Chooses of the case. The father has been here and a kick there now and sions. A $2 fee covers all expenses Affirma tive · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ._; 1 two shots, the rifle is zeroed, or Committees put to death for a crime that he did then to keep us on our toes. Negative ...... 1 of quarters and meals for each not commit. Sophomores ...... 3 3 sight corrections made. student. Members and chairmen of com­ The play was first produced in mittees for the 1937 program of A special list of assigned reading New York on September 25 at the ~~iift~!iv~ .. ::: :::: :::: :: ::: i 3 m~~c~~~~~: a~~ ~~: ~~ric;;:~:~;~~ on neutrality is being prepared by The present campus population. Freshman ...... 1 5 . Sigma Eta Omega, a Teachers Col­ Martin Beck Theatre. Immediately seems to favor more campus news. Affirmative ...... o 3 .position. He hastens to correct the lege organization, were appointed Dr. Bachman together with spe­ Negative · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 2 position of each shooter whenever following, "Winterset" was aw°3rd• Thaf is excellent! This, after all, recently by Sarah Wela, president. cially mimeographed copies out­ ed the annual prize of the New - - --·-- ·- -- necessary with a 4,_eft touch . here lining generally the more import­ is a campus paper, and the doings Committee chairmen and mem­ York Drama Critics Circle for be­ and a slight pressure there. The ant facts concerning the subject and the activities of the University be.rs for January are: Program, ing the outstanding play of 1936. Is "trigger squeeze" comes naturally Members of the IPR council are: of Hawaii students should be fea­ Hubert Everly, chairman, Richard It enjoyed a lengthy run on Broad- to most girls as they are most Minoru Shinoda, chairman; Edna tured. But,' the problem does not Mirikitani, Toshimi Yoshinaga, Al­ way. stop here. We are also advised by adept at holding hands at bert McKinney, Anthony Young, Tavares, Seido Ogawa, Radegonda some worthy alumni members that Almost Ready and shows. The left elbow must Eleanor Miyake, and Douglas Ya­ Chow, Herbert Choy, Edison Tan Early last year, Hollywood Ka Leo is attempting to be too· lo­ be kept under the piece support­ mamura; Decoration, Harry Chuck, and James Carey. sensed that "Winterset" would cal-minded. "Provincialism ·should Entire Student Body Is Welcome ing it and not encircling it as most chairman, Ritsuyo Hirai, Edith The list of students invited to ma.ke a fine motion picture. The be forgotten once in college" seems to Take Part coeds are wont to have it. The Hong; Publicity, Lei Kamakaiwi, the conference follows: movie version was released re­ to be the attitude taken by these breath is held just as it is held posters, and Lorraine K. Ching, Shogo Abe, Ethel Abe, Abraham Aka· cently. Several members of the when excited or suddenly dis­ ka, Ruth Aki, Esther Ako, Leatrice Ar­ original cast are included in the outsiders, or these alumni mem­ Plans for the ASUH symposium news articles. akawa, Susumu Awaya, Ellen Bairos bers, to be exact. We print the have now been almost completed, turbed. Those on February's list are: Neal Batchelor, Stanley Bento, Joh~ picture. The outstanding players After each girl has taken her Butcllart,. Edith Cameroi;i, Jane Christ­ in the drama at the Beck Theatre news-feature articles from the As­ according to Mr. Theodore Mor­ Program, Nyuk Shin Ching, chair­ man, Ella Chun, L ydia Chun Norman sociated Collegiate Press, of which gan, debate adviser. The tryouts position as correctly as her figure man, Kuulei Emoto, Lydia, Chun, Chung, Doak Cox, Elsie Crowell. were Burgess Meredith as Mio, would allow her, she aims and Carroll Drum, J ames Dyson · Kuulei Margo as Miriamne, Edwardo Ka Leo is a member, only because will be held Monday, January 13 Shogo Abe, Joyce Kawamoto, El ~1oto , Mary Fraile, Akira F~kunag a , we think that the local students at 12:45 in Hawaii Hall 8, with the fires. The team members have Thora Williams, Barbara Sledge; Ri chard Gar d, Violet Gonsalves Cle­ Cianelli as Trock, Harold Johns­ symposium being held on January tus Hanitin, Mrs. Mae Harper,' Irm· rud as Shadow and Richard Ben- ' should get a glance, once in a r------•Decoration, William Baker, chair­ gaard Hoermann, J erry Holmes Ed· nett as Judge Gaunt. while, into the activities of some 27 in Farrington Hall at the same man, William Shook, Matilda Ta­ ward Hornicl,, Robert Hughes, Edward GUILD RESERVATIONS Hustace, Sunao Idellara, Betty J ef· of the leading mainland colleges. hour. mura; Publicity, Hajime Fujimoto, fords, Dorothy J ose, Shirley Kamioka. ------These articles are selected by All undergraduates are eiigible posters, and Toshimi Y oshinaga, Gunji Kawaha ra, Thom a ~ Kawahara, LOST BOOK University students may ex­ news articles. Masayul'i Kawasaki, P earl Kaya, Paul trained newspapermen of the ACP. to enter this contest, the topic change their due books for Kim, Tokuji Kubota, Margaret Kwon. From those articles sent to us, we ·The juniors of the club will take Kam Fook Lai, Koon Wah Lee, Ah under discussion is "The Constitu­ "Winterset" tickets next Wed­ Quon Leong, Jane Loomis, Anastacia LOST - Reading in · Biography attempt to select those which seem tion and the Supreme Court." charge of the program in March Luis, Beatrice Lum, Wallace Maeda, by Meyers. Will the finder please nesday at the Guild's box office. and they include: Program, Lucia Ralph Matsumura, B. L. McCurmick, to suit your moOd. Each candidate in the tryouts is Calvin McGregor, Katsuso Miho, Mar- r~turn it to Ka Leo office. expepted to give a five-minute Thursday, January 21, is White, chairman, Albert McKin­ talk on any phase of the subject, "Student Night." On this night ney, Alice W. Lee, Clara Kim, Kam By this time, you are probably the idea being to present a , the entire house is open to the Yuen Au, Mabel Loo, and Jane Your Choice, Fo~s! wondering what is the purpose of impartial view on the subject University of Hawaii students. Nakano; Decoration, Sylvianne Li, this column. As everything man rather than to convince. From the On all other nights, University chairman, Ethel Angco, and Ma­ * * * * does these days requires an aim, list of candidates, four will be students may select seats in the sami Yamato; Publicity, Phyllis Watch fo1 , Ka Leo Popularity-Beauty Contest we shall attempt to disclose the chosen to speak at the symposium house other than those in the Wong, posters, Ruth Loo, news ar­ purpose of this column. When we front center section. ticles, and Helen Kawano, Adver­ on the 27th of this month. "Choose Your Candidate" will all qualifications and fitness to the started writing this piece of litera-· "Winterset," Max Anderson's tiser and Star-Bulletin: be the theme song of the University student body at large. ture, we had in mind that this Students wishing to enter the famous play, will show for four student body when Ka Leo's Pop- A list of the candidates as re- column may be used as a reminder tryouts are to sign up with Mr. nights, starting on Wednesday, Theodore Morgan at Hawaii Hall ularity contest swings into its final vised to date follows: of the little things which are im­ January 20. 8-A as soon as possible. 2 Rules Shout stages sometime during the next Caucasion: Betty Olsen, Roberta portant to us students. This, how­ two weeks. The long awaited bal- Lansing, Betty Steele, Ruth Mur­ ever, will not be a regular fea­ Exam Wamings lots for the contest will appear in phy, Wanda Lee Benoit, and Mary tured column. two consecutive issues of Ka Leo, Amy Bechert. We shall attempt to figure a few To Make Question: How Leave Notes, Books Outside: on Wednesday, January 20 and Chinese: Emell Chuck, Hong names each time this column is Saturday, January 23. Winners' Kwong Wong, Felice Wong, Alice printed. Today we give our thanks Don't Stay Out Dignity names and standings of the vari- Tyau and Dorothy Leong. to Mr. Albert Horlings and Mr. Money and Keep ous contestants will appear in sub- Hawaiian: Esther Waihee, Ed­ Willard Wilson, whose advice to Anticipating certain misunder­ sequent issues. · ean Ross, Stella Kaaua, Helene Ka Leo staff has been invalu­ Seniors Face Bleak Year With mare instead, sent class funds to standings in connection with ex­ From a bevy of campus beauties Amoy, and Puamana Akana. 'lble. So, to the advisers, we say No Funds deeper and darker low, caused amination week, watchful, rule­ embarrassment a n d twitching making administration heads yes­ representing the major racial Japanese: Machiyo Mitamura, thanks again! among governing senior senate terday sternly announced ·two groups of the islands, students Edna Kanemoto, Barbara Okazaki, Our fondest aloha this w e e k By REUBEN TAM members. rules: will make their choice of those Pearl Kaya and Jane Nakano. goes to Capt. Donald W. Brann Grouped around an office table Wednesday noon were eight sad­ So what to do? .Suggested were 1. Except where instructors coeds they think the most beauti- Cosmopolitan: Irvine Baptiste, and Sgt. Arthur Meniatis, jovial a class play, amateur night,.- pom- particularly require or expect ful in the different groups. Pop- Kaliko Burgess, Barbara Smythe, ROTC instructors, whose termin­ eyed yet hopeful senior class heads. Between nose and pencil twitch­ pon selling, rummage collecting students to bring for use In the ularity of the entrants is assumed; Vivian Sanger, Edith Mowry, ·ation of duties was announced in and disposing, sponsoring a movie examination materials such as log they having been chosen to run Puarose Mahi, Violet Gonsalves, Ka Leo Wednesday. We congrat­ ings were offered miscellaneous, by selling tickets to moviewers. books, etc., It shall be prohibited on this basis. However, " the Helen Carter and Jessamine ulate Capt. Brann for his success­ questionable methods of raising money. Reason: Dreaming of Last suggestion was only o n e to take into the examination room standards of beauty of one person Christy. ful achievehient for his appoint­ deemed worthy of investigation. any books or papers of any sort. differs so widely from that of an- Plfotographs of as many of the ment to the nationally famous War commencement balling at the Roy­ al Hawaiian hotel and currently The other plans were tactfully Blue books will be furnished for other that considering all things candidates as can be secured Will College. To Sgt. ·Meniatis, we say "tabled,'" being either sophisti- use In the examination by the in­ a fairly representative choice will be published from time to time that we have not seen a more facing a little-better-than-red class treasury, they realized like catedly regarded below senior structor. undoubtedly be made. At least up to the end of the contest. So capable man in the 11osition which dignity to sponsor, or frowned 2. Failure to take any exam­ this is the hope of those in charge. far Ka Leo has not been able to he holds now. It is indeed a diffi­ all mtelligent people, something must be done. • upon as requiring too much time lnatlon wlll automatically give a Favorites are already beginning get as many as should appear and cult task to train green and hard and labor. grade of zero to the students. Ad- to be boosted as "cinches'' to carry candidates are asked to help by freshmen into gentlemen o:t the Gridiron Skip of last month, seniors' original pet money-mak­ Pooh-poohed senate members: vance notices may be given to the off honors, but Ka Leo wU1 play appearing for a group picture to campus. He has seen boys grow "After all, we're seniors." professors beforehand. no part in this boosting but leaves be taken soon. · into manhood.--:I'lie Editor. µig scheme, had proved a night- •


11\a li\llil~cfti . ..._I_;...__Stu_ ._d_e_n_t _O_p_i_n_io_n_s _ ___.I LI _T_h_is_C_o_l_le_g_ia_t_e_W_o_rl_d___, This Fiction "BEAUTY" CONTEST (ACP Feature Service) Published Twice Weekly by the Toledo, 0.-Even instructors can make mistakes Associated Students of the University of Hawaii Editor, Ka Leo: .Corner For a while, the student body thought that you in judgment.· Apparently this one underrated the 1936 Member (C)J? had abandoned the Popularity-Beauty contest that freshmen. ESCAPADES OF CHARLEY your paper originated last year. Setting: an English class at the University of f:\ssocialed Colte5iate Press By BARLOW HARDY I, for one, was truly happy to .read in t e last edi­ Toledo. Motivator: Instructor James M. McCrim­ Distributors of tion that you ·will continue with the contest. As mon, who had jusf delivered a vigorous speech on Chapter 2 your story indicated, the Popularity-Beauty contest the "evils of plagiarism." Then he assigned the class should not be taken as lightly as some of the stu­ a theme topic. DANGER LURKS! dents are doing. This contest is truly something im­ Upon grading the papers, McCrimmon found some Down through sheer space, in intense blackness I Editor-in-Chief. : ...... : ...... Katsuto Nagaue portant to the young people of the modern world. amazingly similar work. At the next session of his fell headlong. I uttered a shriek, which was ca\.lght Manao-ing Editor ...... ~Metcalf Beckley Some of my friends and non-friends will not admit section he said: up and echoed hollowly from the sides of the hol~ .I Busin:ss Manager ...... Cal~in C. McGregor it, · but they really do not know what a "beauty" "There are four o; five themes here which I am had fallen into, which appeared to be a well af some really is. They kid each other for their "taste" in certain were· copied: If the students who turned sort. Down I fell, end over end. Seconds later­ the selection of their girl friends. But, as I always them in will come to my office after class to claim though it seemed to be centuries-I plungeq J;le,ad_­ EDITORIAL BOARD said, "each one to his own taste." ' But still, there them, there will be no penalty." fi rst into icy water. Down I went, but I did .not Katsu-to N agaue Metcalf Beckley should be a standard hidden somewhere. The pres­ touch bottom. Madly I struggled to the surface.· 'I When the class hour was over, McCrimmon re­ James Carey Neal Batchelor ent University of Hawaii population will help find was shivering and my teeth were chattering from turned to his office. Within an hour after, sixteen Albert Horlings Willard Wilson that standard in each of "major racial groups," as the chill. All was intensely black, and I could see different students called to claim their themes. you say. In the "minor" or less-numbered groups, nothing. .To keep from freezing and to try to get .A ssociate Editor ...... : ..... Neal Batchelor the best we can do in your contest is to find out * * * * out of the well, I swam in search of a ladder.. _or News Editor ..... • ...... Bert Nishimura which "minor" group rates the first. Is that right? ·Boston, Mass.-Do you want a second date with something of like nature that wou)d enable me to Desk Editor ...... Norman Chung Well, that's well and good, too. And furthermore, it vivacious Virginia, the gal you had out for the first get out of the watery pit. Society Editor ...... ~hirley Kamioka sounds logical and it is darn fair. Listen, let us time the oth~r night? Are you going to get it?-is By groping, outthrust hand touched a smooth carry this contest a little further and find out which ttie next question you want to ask yourself. Sports Editor ...... Barme K. Yamamoto racial group's "beauty" is most preferred on the curving wall, cold as ice. I decided to folJow ,it No, · that secret formula for absorbing personality around, and to make sure I would make a comple.t~ Copy Editor ...... ~euben i::am cainpus. I think this will be fun. in twenty-four hours hasn't been discovered yet. tour I took a lump of gum that happened to, be A ssociates...... ( Y oshtko Kash1wa Of course, in order to have a successfu-1 contest, l.n Women of Boston University have merely disclosed my mouth and fastened it onto the wall. Then ..I . · . . Edward Hornic~ you must appeal to the student body· to be honest their particular peeves against certain males with struck out, knowing that when I again felt the su­ BUSINESS STAF:.f and frank in their selection. Judging from some of whom they wouldn't care to date again, and it perimposed lump I would have made a complete the people I know around the campus, honesty seems sounds like a fairly reasonable list of criticisms: Assistant ...... Tom Imada an unknown word, however. This is beside the circuit of the walls of my prison-for prison it ·Advertising ...... Tyrus Chong point of this letter, but I do hope some honesty is "Don't pun all the time. seemed to be. Don't spend less than $.75 for a dinner. Office Manager ...... Ellen Stewart practiced sometimes. As I swam, I found to my surprise that th_e walls Don't wear red neckties and don't go without . . ~ Ethel Kam So, with my fingers crossed, I sincerely hope for a seemed to be made of metal-not of stone, as I h::id . C1rculat10n. · · · · · ·.· · · · · · · · · · · · · · )El ve l yn Chong· successful campaign. And, may I add, that this is first supposed. For one thing, my ·fingers coul<;l de.­ about the most lively Ka Leo edition that I have Don't kiss on the first date. tect no cracks, such as there would be where _two Don't eat onions, chew gum, or when out Entered as second-class matter at the post office of seen in my four years at this University~ stones were joined together, and for another, I dis­ Honolulu, Hawaii, 1922, under the act of March 3, OBSCURITY. on a date. tinctly felt numerous hard round, hard, smooth. ob­ Don't ask a gal to spend any money." 1879. jects that.seemed to be rivet heads, scattered on the *" * * * walls. · Telephone 9951 Subscription Rate, $1.50 a Year Gainesville, Fla.-They're even putting. starch At last I came again to my chewing gum, without The Book Corner into the backfield men at the University of Florida. having encountered any means of escaping. I could IPR, THE SYMBOL OF So you see it isn't just a matter of stiffening up that certainly not climb those smooth walls, and ap­ HAWAirs GROWING IMPORTANCE By CLARENCE MOY line. parently I was doomed to stay here until rescuers A book by Dr. Wm. Norwood Brigance, our new The seventy ravenous giants of the football squad found me or-I shuddered, until death overtook me. Ninety University of Hawaii students will head of the English department, has been added to are fond of potatoes, about 650 pounds of I thought, however, that certainly my friends would gather in March in another one of the annual the UH library. This is "Classified Speech Models," them each week-:--which amounts to about 9 pounds come searching when I did not return, and this re­ Student IPR conferences. a collection of speech~s for different occasions, com­ and one-half for each player. flection cheered me somewhat. piled by Dr. Brigance in 1930. These 90 . students, picked by a committee of In the "literature" class are: "Sam Bass," a biog­ In addition to eating together, all of the varsity Until such an event occurred, however, I decided student IPR leaders, supposedly represent the raphy of that famed desperado leader of the west­ men live in the same building. Living under one to keep on searching. The thought occurred to me various racial groups present on this cosmopolitan ern plains, by Wayne Gard; "The Inquisitor," a re­ roof, · according to Trainer Smoky Harper, promotes that there might be some sort of underwater exit~ University campus. They will discuss the perpet­ cent novel of Hugh Walpole's; "Wolfgang Goethe," better relationships between the men. a trapdoor, perhaps. Accordingly, I swam down into uation of peac.e in the Pacific area. written by Georg Brandes and translated from the There are numerous other advantages. The fel­ the inky depths, seeing and hearing nothing. If it The University of Hawaii student body is ju~ti­ Danish by Allen W. Porterfield; and Robert Lee lows are not disturbed as much as they would be if were not for the caress of the near-freezing water living at the customary dorms, fraternities, or I could have imagined myself in.soine subterranean fied in every way to hold these junior conferences. Eskridge's popular book on "Umi, The Hawaiian Boy Who Became King." boarding houses. . The rules of the house assure tomb. On this .campus, there is practically every strain each man conditions congenial to enjoying enough I had swam down perhaps ten feet when one hand of the major racial groups inv9lved in the problem One can't seem to get away from books on econo­ mics; practically half the books to circulate next sleep. touched a rung. Instantly I grasped it. · Below it l of the perpetuation of the Pacific neutr~lity . .. Friday are on that subject. Published in 1936 are . . "' . felt another, and, reaching still 'farther down, an­ It must be understood, however, that m Hawan the following: "On Going Into Business,'' by J. C. New York, N. Y.-What is expected to be the other! But now -I was nearly out of breath. Return­ these groups live as a "community of good fellow Baker, W. D. Kennedy, and D. w: Malott; "The Be­ largest gathering of physicists in the history of the ing to the surface, I drew a deep breath and once men," loving peace and abiding law ... the Amer­ havior of Money," J;>y James W. Angell; "Is There nation will be held in the special "founders meet­ more plunged into Stygian depths. ican law and order. Furthermore, as these student Enough Gold?", by Charles 0. Hardy-; and "Graphs, ing" of the American Physical Society, the Optical I pul.J.ed myself head first down the rungs. They IPR conferences are not to decide conclusively the How to Make and Use Them,'' by Herbert Arkin Society· of America, the Acoustical Soc'iety of Amer­ led down and down, seemingly without end. peace problem of the nations bordering. the Pacific, and R. R. Colton. Also on some phases of econo­ ica, the Society of Rheology and the American Asso­ Steadily I followed them. At last the ladder came ciation of Physies Teachers on October 29-30. These to an end, and I touched solid flooring. Holding it is indeed appropriate for a cosmopolitan student mics, but of earlier publication are: "Making Sales societies organized, in 1931, the American Institute onto the ladder with one hand, I groped about with body as this, to gather and discuss the questions Contacts," by R. G. Engelsman; "Principles of Real Estate Practice,'' by Ernest M. Fisher; "Cooperative of Physics to coordinate their activities. the other. Feeling nothing, I let go and swam grop­ and problems pertinent to the lives of all con­ Advertising by Competitors,'' by H. E. Agnew; and Particular emphasis was placed on linking the ingly away until lack of breath again forced me to cerned ... PEACE! "Principles of Scientific Purchasing,'' by N orma'n F. pure scientific research of the university laboratory the surface. - Standi.ng on the apex of the great, but rather Harriman. with the applications of such research in industry. Again I returned to the bottom. This time I was loosely organized "South Sea" archipelago, Ha­ On a question that has been of interest to the The important applications of the science of physics fortUnate enough to reach one of the walls. There waii is the center of the activities between the East American public since the Great War is Phillips to industry will be reviewed in papers by invited my clutching fingers encountered. three switches. . and the West. ' Bradley's "Can We Stay Out of War?" This is a speakers. The wide range of the topics is shown by Perhaps these would provide a gateway to free­ In the words of the late Harry Carr, the great discussion on whether or not the United States can the list of a few of the titles: dom! I pushed the first one into · its socket and newspaper columnist of the Los Angeles Times, keep out of the next war in Europe or the Far Eest. "Vibration in Industry,'' by Dr. J. P. Don Hartog, waited tensely. Nothing happened. Somewhat dis­ Harvard University and "Physics in Air Transporta­ appointed that nothing had happened (I had no "Hawaii will be the center of the next world's tion,'' by Dr. Clark B. Millikan, .California Institute idea of what to expect, . anyway,) I shoved the civilization." Interpretation of such a phrase is A BUSY IS of Technology. second one h_ome and waited again. Still nothing obviously not needed. It stands alone in telling the AHEAD FOR THESPIANS * • * • occurred. Desperately then, and more excited than world that Hawaii is proud to have that magic "Winterset," Maxwell Anderson's famous play, Chicago, Ill.-"You've got to be able to tell the ever, I pushed the third and last one in. power to assimilate cultures from the opposite will be presented to the Honolulu theatre-going difference between love and mere fleeting passion Instantly, I seemed to be seized by some ·uns.een ends of the world. public on January 20, 21, 22, and 24. if you want to enjoy a ·good, old-fashioned marriage whirlpool or eddy that was jerking me upward with Race relations in Hawaii take a friendly attitude This play, according to the Theatre Guild bul­ that will last 'till death do us part,'" Professor Ed­ terrific force, whirling me end over end like a straw. and the phrase, "racial prejudice," seems almost letin, will conclude the current dramatic season of ward L. ConlQn of Loyola University maintains. Suddenly, my head crashed against some granite­ forgotten, unless referring to individual social con­ this student organization. The campus thespians He drew a chart to illustrate to the 33 students hard, unyielding substance. My senses reeled. A crashing as of a thousand thunders boomed through tacts. As a result of this amjcable relation among will therefore stay idle for the rest of the season. of his "marriage and family" course-three of them -already married-the result of proper choices, end­ my ears, jagged streaks of lightning forked their races, Hawaii is found to possess a characteristic Ka Leo hoped that something would be done to ing in happiness and the result of improper selec­ way through the waters about me. Then, while I all its own, although it is an active and an integral stage at least one of the usual Oriental plays tions, ending in misery. vainly fought to recover my senses, I was . being part of the United States of America. during the second semester. We have no statistics Professor Conlon declared that true love is mani­ carried down by another fearful onrush. Down! Hawaii's students of toaay, therefore, must pre­ of expenditures which are incurred in a student fested by: (1) exclusiveness; (2) constancy; (3) Down! Down! Surely, if I struck the bottom at this pare themselves to lead a consolidated group, liv­ production. But, we know that it is a tremendous patience, consideration, and self-sacrifice. rate I would be killed! But I did not crash against ing a unique civilization. These Hawaiian IPR amount. - Moreover, with the sabbatical leave From another end of the campus, Dr. H. Willard the b~ttom. There was no bottom there, and I was conferences are practical in such an eC:lucation. granted to Director Arthur E. Wyman, the Guild Brown asserted that all such discrimination was droppmg through greenish-blue luminescence that Indeed, Hawaii is growing from a mere play­ undoubtedly will face untold difficulties, if an at­ only a step in the right direction. "What this coun­ neverthelesi contained breathable air. About me ground "Paradise" into a mecca of unique civiliza­ tempt to stage an Oriental play is made. "Doc" try needs is professional parents. Only college grad­ water fell, wetting me but not hindering my breath­ uates should qualify for marriage, and all colleges ing. I looked downward, and gasped with amaze­ tion, with the constant amalgamation of ra~es and has been the backbone of the productions pre­ all should have a course in the science of parenthood." ment! assimilation of c'ultures. IPR ... the Institute of sented by the Guild. Without him, the production What new perils is Charley falling into? Don't Pacific Relations ... of Hawaii stands as a symbol may not have the same success that it would have • • • • Princeton, N. J.-Here's another bit of evidence· fail to read "The Insect Horrors," the next thrill- · of this growth. It represents friendliness and the if he were present. to gladden the heart of believers of the "nothing's ing chapter in this super-serial!!!! staunch willingness to ma:intain and perpetuate We are in no way attempting to press upon the new" school of thought: a baby's nursing bottle, in (To be continued.) peace in the Pacific area, with perhaps the radii Theatre Guild to present an Oriental play. All we the style of 1200 B.C., was unearthed from an an­ of this "peace area" being formed around Hawaii. are saying today is that it would be well if one of cient grave of an infant at Athens, Greece. the elaborate Oriental plays were presented in the Profes~or T. Leslie Shear, of Princeton University, Watch Ka Leo for frank and honest discus­ second semester. When we say this, however we field director of the American School of Classical You Sald It! sion on an attempt to remedy the crowded cafe­ are being, it seems, too selfish. Patrons of' the Studies, stated that the bottle bore little resemblance (ACP FeatlU'e Service) teria situation during the noon hour. This ar­ Theatre Guild have had much for the price they to the streamlined glass-and-rubber bottles that "Today's undergraduate is alert, sophisticated, in­ ticle will be the result of a conference between pay for the plays presented in the last seven years. modern infants handle so c-.relessly. The 3,000- a Ka Leo representative and Miss Maurice year-old bottle was nothing but a little pottery on-the-know, intelligent, clever, cynical, sure. He is Campus dramatists will not be wholly idle dur­ Flint, cafeteria manager. pitcher with handle and spout and a nipple on the not burdened with a sense of humor, he entertains ing the second semester, whatever the Guild de­ side. Evidently an attendant was needed to keep it ~elf-pity, he thinks the world owes him a living, he cides to do ... present or not present an Oriental right side up and to support the weight of it. is understandably apprehensive, he is tempted to JUST A REMINDER FOR YOU play. The usual class productions will be seen drop his piece of meat for what he sees reflected in NOT TO TRANSFER DUE BOOKS • • • • the water. He is not inclined to properly evaluate staged during the various months of the second Each year about this time feature writers seize the country in which he has played no pioneering As over against his attributes and credits, man semester. The four spirited classes of the campus the opportunity of displaying to their readers the has his faults. One of these faults is his forget­ will present a "Dramatic Night" each, with at part. He does not believe in Santa Claus." Fannie stupidity which freshmen are alleged to exhibit in Hurst pans the undergraduate. fulness. He seems to forget things unimportant least three one-act plji.ys featured on the programs. writing. their psychological tests. Astonishing an­ and, too many times, vital things. But, thank "What is your time worth? Including the cost of Theta Alpha Phi, honorary campus society, de­ swers-probably highly colored by over-energetic your tuition, loss of labor, contributions through the goodness to his fellow men, he is reminded now serves much credit for the success of these "Dra­ scribes-are always revealed. This list of freshman college, and other items, your time in college costs fantasies, however, has some authenticity. With due and then to do or not to do certain things. matic Nights." This society each year honors the about $1.50 an hour. You should have this fact in a,pologies. This article is a reminder, not to do. University class presenting the best "Dramatic Night" with a your minds throughout the four years." Renssalaer A bladder is a spongy paper to absorb ink. of Hawaii students, with due books, who intend beautiful plaque. also selects best individual Polytechnic Institute's President Hotchkiss informs It ~he A tambourine is a very small, sweet orange. to see the Theatre Guild's "Winterset" are re­ play o-f the season. the freshmen. A corps is an oration in commemoration of the "I could stand in the middle of the town common minded not to transfer their due books in exchang­ Various campus class directors undoubtedly are character of a dead person. ing them for Guild tickets. selecting th'eir plays to be presented in the second and shout 'Roosevelt is a conqueror' or 'Landon is a A tabaret is a dine and dance place. fool,'. and I would scarcely be noticed. Could su It must be remembered that the ASUH offi­ semester. We suggest all those interested in act­ A turtle is a body which has polarity and the a thing happen anywhere in Europe? It is b)a cials reserve the right to confiscate·all due books, property of strongly attra~ iron. ing get in touch with their class directors phe~ for this country to speak of its having a di And a wharf is a person far below the average if ili.e privilege granted under the rules and re~la­ those in cha~ of the "Dramatic Nights." tatorial government. You simply don't ~w tiom ate :abused. A busy s~on is. aheatH ~e.. dicta~~p ~." KA LE 0 0 HA WA I I, SATURDA¥, JANUARY 9, 1937 P~GE 3 Sophomores Hold Gym Dance -Tonight First Year Students Are The University Social Calendar Home Economics Club to By SHIRLEY, KAMIOKA _Honored Guests of Evening Society Editor , Sponsor Cinderella Elaborate plans have been by the already well-known trio. Monday Time completed _for the Start of the Chaperons for the evening will Pan Pacific Luncheon ...... YWCA 12:00 Episcopal Club Music in Keeping With Theme Year dance which is being spon­ be Dr. and Mrs. Earl M. Bilger.­ YMCA Meeting ...... '. . . . . Hawaii Hall · 12:45 Will be Featured ~'Ored by. the sophomore class to­ Dean and Mrs. Ernest C. Webster Gamma Chi Meeting ...... : ...... Hawaii Hall 20 12:00 Holds ·Communion 7:30 n i g~i' . a~ , 8:00 in the University and Dr. and Mrs. Bruce White. F. F. A. Meeting ...... Aggie Building 112 Stately minuets, old favorite Hale Aloha Meeting ...... · . . . . . : ... Hawa'ii Annex 6:30 gymp,;:i.sium. Heading the social Special guests include President · ·Members of the Episcopal Club songs, and a . dance are to A WS Cabinet Meeting ...... Hawaii Annex 7:15 calendar for -the new year, the and Mrs. David L. Crawford, Dr. of the University will hold their be featured at the Cinderella Ball Tuesday dan. c~ . -promi_ses . to be one of the monthly corporate communion at which is · being sponsored by the and Mrs. Merton C. Cameron, Dr. Newman Club ...... Dean Hall 103 1_2:45 gayest events t9 be held this year and Mrs. William N. Brigance, Dr. 7 a . m. this Sunday at St. Andrew's University Home Economics club Wednesday Cathedral. Breakfast is to be on .January 16 in the gymnasium. on the campus. Th~ affair is the and Mrs. Charles A. Moore, Dr. YWCA Meeting ...... Atherton House 12:45 begiilning of a series of activities and Mrs. Arthur L. Dean, Mr. and served promptly after the service. Two fairies will greet the guests .Thursday . Officers of the club are anxious at the entrance which will be spc)nsored by the class and all Mrs. Charles R. Hemenway, Mr. ASUH Assembly ...... , ._ ...... Farrington Hall 9:30 members are asked to cooperate and Mrs. Carl A. Farden, Mr. and that all members attend the meet- transformed into a huge yellow Junior-Senior Champions1*p Debate ing because plans will be made pumpkin coach through which . in . making it a success. A com­ Mrs. C. K. Parris, Mr. and Mrs. Home Economics Club ...... YWCA 5:30 -bined -soc-ial and dance will be William Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. for the house which is everyone must pass in order to planned for February 20-22, . enter the hall. given. right .afte!' the beginning of Mark Westgate, and Colonel and the.. S:econd semester in honor of Mrs. Adna G. Clarke. Ke Anuenue Holds. .Jennie Ching, membership chair-· Inside, soft colored lights will the· freshmen. Admittance to this Receiving the guests at the door Dance of Hearts man, is taking charge of the break-' impart an ethereal atmosphere to - ~ffii.'ir " will be by means of invita­ will be Ivanhoe McGregor, presi­ fast. Those aiding her are Amy the hall which will be decorated Manoa Mud Richardson, Ann Powers and Char-. by crepe paper streamers arid nu- 'tio_ns . . Iri. May, the sophomores dent; Bert Nishimura, vice-presi- Carrying out the theme usual at lotte Wong. ' merous . Bamboos and wlli-l:ionor th,e .seniors at a special dent; Shirley Kamioka, secretary; Valentine, Ke Anuenue will spon-_ Ever ything has reached the cli- • other forms of tropical greenery ·dance. which will be open only to and Herbert Dunn, treasurer. Hon- sor the Dance .of Rearts on Febru­ max in Eddie's life, for he now A.\JllS Cobinet Meets will line the walls and bank the members. ot the_. two classes. orary host1? and hostess will be ary l3 in the University gymna­ calls Betty Dear on the campus, At Ha ' · A front of the stage while allamandas the officers of the freshman class sium. The proceeds will go to- . hut what he calls her when they're I wan - nnex ·Feeling that the guests would and cups of gold will be clinging prefer to dance rather than to sit which includes Kenneth Powers, wards a scholarship fund which alone would be telling. The regular meeting of the all over the footlights and walls. through a program during the in­ president; Robert Stafford, vice- will be awarded to a member of Talking about "Flowers for A WS cabinet members will be held The center of interest, however, termission, t h e committee in president; Ah Sinn Leong, secre- the club. Madame," well, it's "Flowers t~o~ in the Hawaii Annex building at will be the huge picture of Cin- charge . of the program has ar- tary; and .John Bustard, treasurer. . Monsieur," now, for it seems a 7 15 M d. .J 11 derella which will be placed on the Committee members include Acting as general chairman is Charley Lum received a 'LILY as : p. m ., on ay, anuary · stage. . ranged to sub&titute prize waltzes Elsie Crowell. Assisting her are Honorary members will be and. -spot dances in its place. Carol Ross, general chairman; Herbert Dunn, finances; Tom Im- Lucia White, tickets; Stella Kaaua, a ChristmasImagine Bogift. Sanger saying "I guests. Those invited are Mrs. Members of the club who are Everyone wlll have a fair chance ada and Tyrus Chong, tickets; program; Rebecca Macy, invita­ have no power over Eddie any- D. L. Crawford, Mrs. W. F . Frear, working on the dance include of winning -a prize in the numerous Kwon Boo Park and .James Park, tions; May Wash.burn a:pd Kay more," but oh Chuckie, come Mrs. A. L. Dean and Mrs. E. C. Margaret Chow, general chairman; novelty numbers which will be Cullen, decorations; Leinaala Lee, here-and Chuck like a nice Webster. Mrs. A. R. Keller · and- Kam How Chun, Elsie Wong, Etta presented. · - Who knows, 'perhaps posters; Lorna Ho, program; Ellen refreshments; Hazel Goo,- orches­ little lamtiie comes. Mrs. A. L. Andrews are away at Ho, Florence Ching, Sadako Kut- we have 'a fi.lture Yolanda and Stewart, refreshments; Llewelyn Akaka and Kaliko Burgel?s, decor- tra. That certain He Man on the present. sunai, Minnie Wong, and Unoyo Veloz in our midsts. For those football squad who has been trying A WS policies for 1937 will be Kojima, decorations; Mary An­ w4o don't .waltz, there are still the ations, Stanley Wong, orchestra, Hostesses for the evening will in­ to date Mamie Jensen thr ough .Joe considered. All cabinet members: ghag and Katherine Chun, invita- spot dan:ces with prizes just as .Joan de Vis Norton and Peggy elude all the chairmen of the vari- James, invitations. ous committees and Lorna Ho. Lee has us guessing. Can anyone are urged to attend. tions; Bernice Young, Pearl Clfoy, good if not better:· imagine Joe Lee as Cupid? Well, - ---•---- Leinaala. Lee, Florence Wilder, A c h an g e in the decoration I can't see the resemblance yet. CSA Song Fest Phyllis Wong, Marguerite Camp- scheme has been made by the So-phomore Dance Publicity Is Betty Olsen admitting that she Calls for . bell, publicity; Helen Leong, Un- committee. · Feeling that a tropical '. Big Worry has a new heart throb, but told oyo Kojima, Marguerite Campbell, -night was too commonplace, a of Class Committee the reporter that she wasn't go- Student Talent . Hannah Sur and Margaret Chow, winter scheme was substituted in +-~~...---~~- -~----- letter m- ust have been duck-soup. ing t o name him• JUS· t ye t . w e 11 ' . :' reception; Pearl Kaya, Miriam .· its.:.place. -''Artificial snow, icicles, By SBRULB it looks like more of that Mys- Campus singers or would-be. Hahn, Rosmund Lau, clean-up; poinsettias, ··and white streamers Trivia and still more trivia Two entirely different reactions -tery Man stuff, eh Wot? singers will have the opportunity: Minnie Wong ~ Alice Pang, Bernice will' add to . the· effect. The cold this time all about the sqph dance were the result of our effort last What's this I hear about a ro- to show their talent at the song Chang, Futae Shimokawa, Tazu­ weather Honolulu is enjoying now at the gym this evening.' The first issue. Gorelangton's chest puffed mance between Ralph Van Brock- contest which is being sponsored: ko Oka, Mitsuko Kimate and Ta­ w iil give ihe night a touch of real­ really big project the second year- out two inches every time he re- lin and Erna Soares? Getting by the general CSA unit on .Janu-: ma j o Okamoto, refreshments; ·ism. · . A surprise . is promised to men have pulled this year, except- read the article whereas a certain kinda hot, eh? ary 29 in Farrington Hall at 7:30 : .Juanita Lum King, Barbara Oka- everyone who attends the dance. ing the first pep parade. Kamioka soph coed who -was mentioned got Natalie Bishop, Muriel Browne. in the evening. ' zaki, Marion Kim and Olive Mun, ·Accor.ding to Llew€lyn Akaka it working like the very devil on quite heated up. • and a certain young man play- Various clubs have been invited ' program; Carolyn Chang, Hannah is · -something unusual in the way publicity ... wonder how those This being the first dance of..the ing tag in front of Hawaii hall ' . to participate. These include Yangi Sur, Michie Morimoto, Tsutoko .of· decoration. - Home Eccers got that picture in new year, stud.ents are looking for '. at 7 a. m. one morning. Chung Hui, Te Chih Sheh, Pengl Oka, Irwine Baptiste, Wai Kam Strains of "Lonely Lane," the the Advertiser . .. and their dance something new in the way of en- i Nuuanu .. . especially the .Judd Hui, Tu Chiang Sheh, First Chin-: Hee, Mildred Lau and Marjory '.'.Shadow Waltz" and many other is ages away. tertainment and decoration .· · · street area se·ems to fascinate our_ ese Church, Keeaumoku Church, Nip, tickets. old favorites will be played by Al Really too raw the way those and when work is completed football player's. First it was Tony,_ Beretania Church, St. Peter's ======King. and ·his orchestra and sung sophs get a "banner" (headline to they'll certainly get a complete and· now it's Gus. Church, Vocational CSA,- Roose-: ...------, you) on the society page twice a new deal. For the first time, a Russel Vierra on Maunakea velt CSA and the Clia Club . . week while other clubs have to winter atmosphere is being a-t-. ·street on New Year's eve trying to. After much debating, the com­ Hcikuba Kai Holds fight for one. Look at the sophs tempted in tune with these' decide between a white carnation. mi4itee in charge decided to make. on the Ka Leo staff and stop won- chilly mornings. · \ and crown flower lei. Well, the the contest worth while by offer­ CANNON'S Scholarship dering. From associate editor right With a keen nose (or mayl:;>e you crown flower won out, so the ing as prizes two silver cups which SCHOOL OF BUSINESS on--Jan. 23 down to the sports, five sopho- don't even need a keen one) you pretty lei found its way around have been purchased from Detor's. ,Pdtice. .. mores. may smell soph dance publicity in Ellen's neck. Specialized training . -In order to raise money for two Reminiscences of last year's this, but . .. Oh No! ... Blurbs, or It seems like Munroe has left off in busin:ess subjects, scholarships, Hakuba Kai is spon­ caba~et dance bring hopes that Sbrulb, can't be a sophomore . . . pestedng around that certain: s_horthand, typing, this year's skip will be as success- Oh No! freshie, and so what's up now, civil service training soring· a benef~t . dap.ce on \January Kunikiyo Florist 23 at ·the University gymnasium. ful as the one they had when they Munroe? She was a dream, but. . According to_Mitsuo Maeda, who were freshies. KE ANUENUE MEETS we all can't have dreams, so what! 1111 Fort Street 925 Fort St. is the 'chairman of the decoration Soph glimpses: Nishimura argu- -- Girls, better beware, for Shapiro committee, ·a general .Japanese ing with Shirley . .. Chong count- Ke Anuenue held its regular says that he usually falls hard for Phone 3135 Honolulu, T. H. :scheme will be carried out by ing tickets ... McGregor loafing, meeting at Gartley hall 108 on the skirt he takes out a second as usual ... .Joan deVis leading in Friday. Plans for the coming tame. Must be good stuff eh 'means· of lanterns, willow trees, ticket sales ... Carey bothering us Dance of Hearts were discussed.. Romeo Shapiro? bamboo~ and cherry blossoms. As with ·stories of "knock-knock" on The committee members were as- ======this· is the first dance given by the New Year's Eve ... everybody be- signed to work with the different EAT RICO ICE CREAM fraternity ·this year, every effort is lieves him till Batchelor agrees, chairmen. It was decided that the being made by the committees to then we know it can't be true. club members when assigned to for Vim, Vigor and Vitality make it a success. ' Back to the soph dance, though, committees will have to turn out Four Stores Members serving on the various • those yearlings are certainly plan- to assist and that no excuses will THE PROVISION CO., LTD~ ••• Queen & Richards Sta. committees are: Otomatsu Aoki, ning things on a big scale. Raid- be accepted. of Quality chairman; Masaichi Goto, William ing backyards for poinsettias in an ======·Hiraoka, Henry Kawano, a n d attempt to create a colorful win- Gregory ·· ·Ikeda, tickets; Minoru ter atmosphere. They've been Medicine for Cuts, ; Shinoda, chairman, James Nishiki, planning this for two months and Drawing Sets KA LEO, and much o.f the printing used b_y the University ' Paul Shimizu, and Robert Taira, if work has anything to do with Burns and Sores T. Squares of Hawaii, is prod~ced on the presses of the Commercial . program; Ted Sueoka, chairman, the success of a dance-this one Good : Taro Suenaga, and Taro Tanaka, will go to town. Level Banks Fountain Service Printing Division of the Advertiser Publishing Co. ·invitations and reception; Mitsuy­ Even the great Barlow Hardy is Triangles Consult the Advertiser when you need programs, tickets, : oshi Fukuda, chairman, Kiyoshi selling ducats for 'The Start of t~e • circulars, personal stationery, Christmas cards, etc. Let a ' Maeda Asakuma Goto, Teruo To­ Year" dance: You remember him Art Supplies 1 competent planner assist you in the selection of type, paper . gashi, and K. Sakai, refreshment; -he wrote a nine paragraph let­ Blackshear's and ink. Plans and prices worked out for you free of charge . Mitsuo Maeda, chairman, Minoru ter to the editor, eight praising Stationery ' Kanda, Susumu Nakano, Masayu­ Barlow Hardy and one running at Druq Stores The Commercial Printing Division : ki Kawasaki, Teichiro Hirata, Ak­ down your humble Blurbs, alias of the Sbrulb. With the imagination he King and Pllkol ; ira Fukunaga, and George Yama­ Beretania and Kalakaua Advertiser Publishing Company. Ltd. : moto, decoration and clean-up. shows in his features, writing that PATTEN'S Capitol Market The scholarship funds will be Liliuokalani and Kalakaaa ,<;>pen to any_worthy Japanese male . student attendipg the University e Have-Your Printing 'during the second semester of the done by · current school year. Each of the : two selected by the scholarship Taisho Printing Co., Ltd. A.G. Spalding Honolulu , committee will receive $25 to help : defray tuition expenses for the 35 N. Hotel St., Phone 4152 Ask Questions! ·second semester. & Bros. Sporting Goods Athletic Goods for Company, Limited All Sports • They are a sign of a desire Leonard For Better • Featurinq to learn. not of ignorance. 'Red' Hawk Food and Service Complete line of Equipment for All Sports Baseball Ask us to-day about your • Eat at Football Goods Popular Piano Playtnq just received Basketball insurance needs. · Individual Instruction­ Tennis No Classes • Dance Band Lucky Grill Golf • E. 0. Hall &: Son Archery Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd. mm, at Fort Sta. Bathing PAGE4 KA LEO 0 HAWAII, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1937 Deans, Vags REVISED INTRAMURAL SCHEDULE Freshmen May From the Sidelines January '------By BARNIE K. YAMAMOTO-----..J Play Cageball 11-Sophomore-Freshmen Dominate UH Sports Editor 12-Junior-Senior 1-All singles and doubles matches to be played on 1 Many in town are prognosticating that the Japanese collegian grid On Tuesday the same day. Track.Squad 2-All games that have been already played on the combine will fare badly against Neal Blaisdell 's Rough Riders next Elks, Log Cabin AC Will Battle old schedule to count as games played on the re­ Only a Handfull of Last Year's T uesday ,afternoon at the Stadium. · in First Game of Opening vised schedule. Team Is Left: Coach Furtado Everything seems to be in a doldrum in local gridiron. sports Tilts of ASUH Senior Basket­ 3-There will be 3 singles and 3 doubles matches. Expects to Drill His Charges and the arrival of a team which must play the day they arrive and ball League in Gym. . Beginning Monday. should consequently make a poor showing, will not help the situation. Yet the same factor that would be bothering Doro Takeda's boys, Coach Luke Gill's University Campus Play Jan. Tourney Freshman luminaries will do­ namely that the grid season is+- basketball squad w ill open the minate the scene in answer to first over would also be having a like gym on Tuesday and Thursday season against Sam Harris' Cen­ ' . nights. Undoubtedly the games call for track men issued by Coach effect on the high school champs. . b . t t· 'th t· II tral Y Vagabonds next Thurs- Open on Wed. Starts Sunday Richard Furtado, former sprinter . . w1 11 e m eres mg w1 prac ica y day night in the second game de-luxe, for this Monday after­ An:fway, that is only a c1rcum- every team in the Senior ASu;H s ~antial factor that would go to de- league evenly balanced with the scheduled for that evening. Sophs and Seniors in Openers ASUH Golfers to Play in Ace noon at 3 p . m . Five returning c1de a ball game. The payoff comes exception of the Aieas Nuuanu Y Practicing for the past few lettermen plus Manager Rupert of Intramural Series Play at Palolo in the calibre of both Reds and the Vagabonds. w eeks Gill's cohorts appear in good Saiki will be bolstered · consider­ footbal~ The Intr amural soccer games . sides play on the field. With the condition. Many of them having ably by incoming freshmen , nota­ The Nuuanu Y bunch w h i c h will open on next Wednesday Twenty-one golfers of t h e bly Jimmy Clarke and David Lum. interskol trophy in their safe keep­ played in the past junior ASUH ing up Makiki way and with a every year proved to be the N eme­ afternoon at 4 p. m., with the ASUH men's golf club will tee off sis to many a title contender would loop. Graduation last spring left only smart mentor like Rusty Blaisdell Sophs battling the Senior s. Sunday morning to battle for hon­ be the dark horse of the league. Tommy who injured his elbow Alfred Espinda, George- Aki, to tutor them they appear to be a All games w ill be played under ors in the January Ace tournament K am Chong Yuen, one hand shoot­ in the new year's gr id clash will the watchful eyes of Dr. Keesing at the Palolo golf course. George McEldow ney, Thomas Leu formidable eleven. • and Anthony Morse and around ing ace, George Pimental, Yim Pui be lost for at least a few weeks and Dr. Coulter who will try to On the other hand, Takeda, who The first mashie wielders will these w ill Coach Fur tado build and Monjou Masuko, great player according to authoritive sources. discover hidden talents for this made his m ajor ·" H" in track start at 8:30 sharp. his track squad. Pi:ospects loom of the Ichikis of the Junior league, His loss will be felt greatly. popular game of Scotland. Both of while he w as at the Manoa institu­ Raymond Au Hoy ran away with brighter than in former years, and will play for the Y'ers, but in spite At this writing Frank Cockett them are coaches for the varsity tion is a person who has played the first honors in the December the Rainbow team will be more of that they are not expected to and Alfred Espinda appear most soccer tea m again. only barefoot football. likely to start at the forwards, ace tou+nameqt. Full handicaps tqan felt this year. fare as well as they did last year. Complete schedules and r ules To say that the Rough Riders rangy Adolph Desha at center, and will be in effect for this tourna­ David Lum, crack ex-Saint All in all, the Deans, Elks, Mat­ are as follows: w ill take them into camp can be Tony Morse and Francis Apoliana Intramural Soccer League ment. Louis and Matson A. C. trackster, sons, Chinese and the Apollos stated emphatically, yet to state as guards. Kam Fook Lai and Wed., Jan. 18--Sophomor.e-Senior. The golfers and their handicaps will be out for the first call. · Lum should stage a great show to see F ri., J an. 15-Fr eshmen-Junior. that the Collegians w ill play cred­ J ack Randall, tw o sweet forwards are: is in tip-top condition having who gets the Log Cabin A. C. Wed., Jan. 20--Sophomore-Junior. itable football can also be stated should be r ight up with the lead­ J;' ri., .Tan. 22-F reshmen -Senior. 'Ren Sutton ...... 4IChas . . Nakayama.19 been training with the football trophy. Wed. Jan. 27-Fr eshmen-Sophomore. Har ry Chuck . . . . 14.P hilip Won •... 19' w ith equal gusto. ers. F ri. Jan. 29-Junlor-Seni or. Bung Yuen Qnon.14 .S. Ohata ...... 22 squad and great things are ex ­ Harry Ching . ... 16 1.S. Bento .. . . ·. . .. 22 We'll let it go at that. Regardless The Vagabonds might have for All bona fide AS.UH member s will be pected of him. It is to be remem­ eligi ble to par ticipate. Y. Taira ...... 16,.ll. Taira ...... 24 of who wins, the Tokyo stars will "its starting lineup Gabriel De Coi­ No leather shoes will be allowed. Kenneth Quon . . . 171Ah Lu m W ong .24 bered that he unofficially broke Waterpolo Tilts James Nashiwa .. 171;'11. Kanda . .. .· .. . 24 be one step nearer their plan of to, and Irving Maeda as fo:r;-wards, P layers must either use r ubber shoes the existing criterion in the broad or piny barefoot. · L. Olrnmura ...... 17 Teddy C.hang . . . 26 popularizing football in the is­ Dick ,Cartwright for center, and All ga mes to star t at 4 p. m. T en Ber t Mizuha ...... H ill. Au H oy ...... 25 jump in the senior circuit, per­ R. F r azer ...... 181 Byron Eaton and Bill Buckle as minutes grace w ill be given. for ming under the colors of the land kingdom. Due Thursday Casaba fans ex pect to see some guards. Shippers. He will be out to outdo fast and interesting games in the Twenty Boys Sign Up for Play­ In the meantime on the first Ka Leo Scribes Break Camera him self this year. night the Elks will meet the Nuu­ Clarke was the ace sprinter at ing in ASUH Series anu speedsters in the first game In Shots of Staff in Action Punahou and· he will also be one of the candidates answering the and Log Cabin A. C. w ill tangle Twenty boys have signed up tO By BARLOW HARDY late to a class now!" call at Cooke Field Monday after- .Senior Soccer with the Apollos in the final game. participate in the water polo prac­ Last Thursday at 1 :30 ' a passer­ Finally, at last flashed the bulb. noon. All students and faculty mem­ The shutter clicked and the pic­ tice tilts that are to be held every bers who present ASUH due books by might have seen the more or ----··---- . League Opens tures were taken. Three more ex~ Thursday morning at 9:30 at the could see the games. Regardless less intelligent members of our Tank. campus' best and only paper, the posures were taken before Mr. Juniofs Trounce Defending Champ Celtics En­ of whether the University's team Horlings departed in search of The scrimmage games will be plays or not the ASUH due book incomparable Ka Leo, standing, more prey. gage in First Game staged to unearth talent for the is good. sitting or leaning against tables in Sophomore Outfit the said K a Leo's editor ial room. Now the members will have to The 1937 Oahu senior soccer coming aquatic season. Among J an. 12- E lks vs. Nuuanu Reds; Log wait a long, long time till the an­ Finishing their matches started the most prominent Dean mermen Cabin A. C. vs. Apollos. The usual clouds of poisonous before Christmas ,the determined football league will get underway J an. 14 ~Alea A. A. vs. Chinese; Univ. nual comes out and they can that have shown their intention to of H aw aii vs. Vagabonds. smoke from cigarettes obscured Junior tennis team swamped the with a doubleheader at Makiki J a n. 19- E lks vs. Vagabonds; Aiea the atmosphere. proudly show ·it to the folks at field on January 17 when the de­ take part in the water vs. Log Cabin A. C. Sophs 5-0, last Thursday afternoon The usual mess of copy paper, home to pr-0ve that they really are fending champions Celtics and the are Gerald Greenwell, Alec Milli­ Jan. 21- Univ. of H awaii vs. Nuuanu r eporters. at the tennis courts. kin, Arthur Komori, Gus Clem­ H.eds ; Elks vs. Matson A. C. books, and old Ka Leos littered the The r esults are as follows: Navy clash in the opener at 1 :30 J an. 26--Log Cabin A. C. vs. Nuuanu ens, and N. Aluli. The majority Iteds; Elks vs. Matson A. C. floors and tables. First singles- H. Ogawa defeated S. p. m. Jan. 28-Univ. of Hawaii vs. Chinese; Iwashi ta 6-3, 3-2. ~ of these boys have won many Alea vs. Apollos. Typewriter covers, as usual, Second singles- J . Sullivan defeated Four evenly matched teams are Feb. 2- L og Cabin A. C. vs. Chinese; were everywhere but in their l Collegiate G. Reeves, 6- 1, 6-0. points for the Rainbows in the entered in the competition and the E lks vs. Univ. of H awaii. proper places. 'l>hir d singles-F. Loo defeated Y. various swim meets that have been Feb. 4-Aiea A. A. vs. Ma tson A. C.; Yasni, 6-2, 6-0. season promises to be one of the Apollos vs. Vagabonds. , But this time there seemed to be Sidelights F irst doubles-A. Kai- N. Alnli de­ most exciting one. The teams are held by ASUH in conjunction with Feb. 9--Log Cabin A. C. vs. Matson a few things different--out of '--~------~ feated W. Llng-T. Chang, 8-6, 6-2. Celtics, defending champions; Ho­ downtown swimming clubs. All of A. C. ; E.1 ks vs. Alea A. A. del~~f~~ dou bles-T . H o-A. T. Wong Feb. 11-Chlnese vs. Vagabonds; Ap­ place-, in the room. (ACP Featui·e Ser vice) 1 nolulu Athletic cfob; German­ them are also well versed in the po!los vs. Nuuanu Reds. For one thing, there were actu­ T·he second doubles match between water polo game. Feb. :ffi--Log Ca bin A. C. vs. Vaga­ Donald A. Smally, instructor of G. Heeves-T. W oo and H . W ee-E. American, composed mainly by bon ds; Elks vs. Apollos. ally a few coats present. (What! Eng 1 is h at Indiana University, Leong will be Pl\lyed later . • the Submarine Base men from Other standouts are Shichiro Feb. 18-Chlnese vs. Nuua nu Reds; Do Ka Leo staff members actually - ---- ···--- - Moriguchi, John Whitmarsh Ki­ Onlv. of H a waii vs. Alea A. A. thinks that the poetry of John Pearl Harbor referred as Navy, Feb. 23--Nuuanu Reds v ~ . Vaga­ own coats? ) Donne and Robert Browning pre­ and the University of Hawaii. kuo Kuramoto, Ben Chollar,' Bull bonds; Elks vs. Log~ Cabin A. C. Then came the solution to the Senior Net Stars Haynes, and J. Armitage. L. Ak­ Feb. 23- Nuuanu Rell s vs. Vaga · sents tne "effect of the alarm clock The opening date was postponed mystery. In through the open door aka, S. Tachikawa, K. L. Wong, K. bon ds ; .EJ lks vs. Log Cabin A. C. and not of the heart," or of "Wag­ to January 17 from January 10 Feb. 25-Matson A. C. vs. Chinese; walked Mr. Horlings and a pho­ Beat Sophs by 6-0 Miho, B. Nishimura, S. Sakamoto, Univ. of Hawaii vs. Aiea A. A. ner rather than Mozart." when the German-Americans re­ March 2- Ellts vs. Chinese; ~1at so n tographer with his magic box. Ah, W. Watanabe, B. N. Devereux and Determined to keep the lead in quested more time to develop a A. C. vs. Nu uanu Reds. at last we understood. The Ka Leo March 4-Alea A. A. vs. Nuuanu Intramural competition the mighty strong team and due to football P. Mirikitani also signed up for members were going to have their Ten undergraduate s tu d e n t s the games. Reds; Va gabonds vs. ;\fatson A. C. Seniors cleanswe1.3t the challeng­ activities at the University. March 9-Chinese vs. Apollos ; Log pictures taken to be displayed (let working under Josephine E. Til­ Ca bin A. C. vs. Univ. of Hawai i. den, profes:mr of botany at th e ing Sophs, 6:..o, in the tennis First round schedule: March '11- Aiea A. A. vs. Nuuanu us hope not prominently) in the 'AGGIES TO MEET Reel s; Vagabonds vs. Matson A. C. Ulniversity of Minnesota, have the matches lat Wedneday afternoon Jan. 17-Navy vs. Celtics; UH annual. at the ASUH court. The fun started. A certain soph­ trying task of finding names for vs. RAC. The results are as follows: omore, indicating another name­ 100,000 plants never previously All members of the Aggie club First singles-S. Bento defeated Jan. 24-Navy vs H.AC; UH vs. less freshman, asked, "Say, is classified. are requested to meet in Hawaii Campus Chatter S. Iwashita, 6-4, 6-3. Celtics. your camera big enough to get all hall Monday at 12:45. At that Second singles-S. Ogawa de­ Jan. 31-Navy vs. UH; Celtics of this guy in at once?" When Louisiana State Univer- meeting the soft-ball game with By Zazzinko feated H. Yap, 6-1, 6-1. vs. RAC. "Nope," replied the photograph­ sity's new mascot, "Mike," a $750 the Engineers will be discussed. Third singles-H. Sensano de­ er, "we'll have to take two pic- tiger cub, came to town, he was Dere Pal, tures, one of each half of him, and met at the station by the 200-piece feated Y. Yasui, 6-2, 4-6, 6-3. CouMTRY FRESH AND SAFE Wal, las tim I was fa writ to you then join them together." band. The parade through the First doubles-A. Desha-R. Ma­ bat I gatta alla confuse an you · Someone suggested that it would campus included scores of cars tsumura defeated T . Chang-W. no git eet anihau. Wal, no matta, look natural to have a few mem­ and even a garbage wagon to add Ling, 9-7, 6-4. Dair'Jm•n•1 I tal der sam stuffs. bers engaged in African golf. The color to the procession. Second doubles-M. K. Lee-K. Al der keeds was fa rnak krasy motion was vetoed. Ikeda defeated G. Reeves-K. Miho, doins ova der vakashun. Bat eri- Mr. Horlings grouped some David Macklin, who plays with 6-0, 6-0. · :?~Mill\. bodies been loos fight wan eet around the horseshoe-shaped edi­ Borah Minnevitch's Harmonica Third doubles-B. Thom-C. Ha- rains mush to mush an nobodies .torial table. Copy paper, old Ka Rascals when they are in New pai default. Ir------kan doze nutins. Leos, were c a r e f u 11 y littered York, ·is organizing a harmonica Den cum New Years. an dere. around to make the scene look nat­ band at New York University Olive M. Foerster, 15 years old Mi! Mi! At wan dance at der haus urally unnatural. Everyone was Heights College. and the youngest freshmen at the in wan gardin, dey git eriting. · · · provided with a pencil. Some had University of Minnesota, received WILLIAMS' PHOTO streamers, balloru:, horns, an such books. A very grave error was Why waste "pin-money" on straight A's throughout her. high STUDIO stuffs. An wat a raket! Mi ears made, however, when one of the pinball machines? Students of school career and was salutatorian was lik fa bus. Poor Roberta! No members was handed a copy of Ohio State University, according of her graduating class. aska me aniting kaus I no talla Shakespeare. (Do Ka Leo mem­ to a survey conducted a short Keep pictorial memories of your college days.... Why you anihau. An I hurd dat Alec bers actually read Shakespeare?) time ago, spend on an average (kiss-me-quik) Nelson sur lived Mr. Horlings and the photog­ $1,500 a month on these machines. take a chance? Have your portraits made by an expert. up to bees naim. Eritim I was fa rapher arranged t h e cameras Losers never seem to abandon the look at Beverly she was hikin out while the members stood around idea that they can beat the "pin­ At your Studio: 1057 Fort Street der door. Gooness! anxiously. ball-pirates." Losing is only add­ Phone 4309 Anitime yo lik fa ween ant kard "Hey!" muttered someone, "I'm ed stimulus to play again. gam jus plai wid David Butchart. Service ... Wh&t a laff! He alaways git ala- tangeup an Joos bees bald. An "Keoki" McEldowney kan't efen krook rite. No wanda wid Muriel • fa bees pardnar. Mi gooness'. Swede Desha doze BANK OF HAWAII •Printing jus nutz stuffs .... he tros sum KING AT BISHOP It Pays to Buy at firecrackers out der windo at bees frens al fer wan, laugh. He almos faws out der windo wan he buss •Engraving laughs. Heafens! Comm«;rcial and Savings Dey git no convaskashun d is Piggly Wiggly Stores tursdai soze Edie an sum keeds gos •Binding an maks dere own kine. Watta dancing and wat music cum from . Over 85,000 Depositors dere. Nax tim I go fa rid der haus I • • mus fa tak wan pilow or sumpin wid me .... fa why you ask? No Start Your Savings Account The Nippu Jiji ask folish queshuns. Do You? Efen-11 I do pt der Itch to studi TODAY Co., Ltd. I mus go an doze sum French anl- hau. Soze I see you son. Phone 8091 Zanfnko