UH Convocation Next Thursday Is for Debate Title to Serve Club Symposium Is Almost Ready 2 Rules Shout Exam W Amings to Make
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EDITOR'S THOUGHTS First Semester Exams Imagine your .J>redicament when Begin on Feb. 8 you receive a release sheet from the chairman of t h e discipline committee, telling you politely but fi rmly that you are not wanted any more at the University of Ha waii. Sad-faced, you will receive VoL. XV UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, HON OLULU, T . H., SAT U RDA Y , JANUARY 9, 1937 No.19 the sheet, read it, and, literally or physically, weep. Right here and now, we shall go into the UH Convocation Varsity Coeds Answer Call to Arms Committee Lists Delegates · moral of the old adage, "Don't cry 0 0 0 0 over spilt milk." Weeping after you receive the note will do you, Next Thursday Is Art of Rifle Marksmanship Is Explained or your benefactors, no good. To·Next IPR Conference What will your benefactors say? After morally and financially sup For Debate Title Ninety University Students Are Invited to Attend porting you through school . or is it a semester· of schooling . Seniors and Juniors Will Clash Discussion on U. S. Neutralitv you fail to make good! In fact, you in Campus Championship garet Monden, Malcolm Moore, Kat get kicked out of school for low Talk Before All Those Will Members of the IPR council, to suto . Na gaue, .Bert Nishimura, Ruth gether with Dr. Paul S, Bachman, Okamura, J ohn Osmonskl, Richard academic grades. ing to Attend Meeting ~ Ratekin, Beth Roberts, Anita Rodiek, adviser, annbunced Thursday the ittarion Rotlistein, Fred Schmidt, H er Although we do not practice completed list of 90 students who man Sen sano, Paul Shimizu, Karl Si · what we preach; we advise you to Featuring the runoff debate for monds, Iwalani Smith, J ohn. Stone. have been invited to take part in Robert Taira, Reuben Tam, Taro dig, dig, and dig deep into your Tanaka, E dward Tii mihama, Aileen notes and texts before your final the championship of the ASUH the annual Institute of Pacific Re Ulrnuka, Lily Ut suuml, Ralph Van examinations roll along on Febru- interclass debate tournament, the lations' conference March 4, 5, and B rock!in, Phylis Van Orden, Russell 6 at Camp Erdman, Mokuleia. Vieira, Esther Walhee, Molly ''Vebster, ary 8. Otherwise ... will you ASUH will hold a convocation this BY BERT N. NISH IMURA Lncia Wllite,,, Floren ce Wilder, Ella Discussions will center about the WittJro;ck, c harlotte Wong, Hong join us in a funeral .dirge? Thursday at Farrington Hall. The Taking up a rms because their male predecessors continue to Kw ong Wong, Irene Yap, Ralpll Yem question of U. S. Neutrality. puku, E stelle Young. seniors will take the negative while romp off with p remier honors in tournaments without close com George Grafton Wilson, professor - - --···----- The United States of America the juniors will uphold the affirm- petition, comely U niversity coeds are shooting daily under the of international law at Harvard is a country where each one of its ative of the question "Resolved: careful guidance o f A rthur G. Meniatis, popular R O T C sergeant. university, who will offer a course 'Winterset' Is citizens can practice free speech. That Congress be empowered to The enrollment this year has reached its zenith and great things in international relations at the Hawaii, as your political science enact legislation providing for the a re being predicted for the feminine sharpshooters as the sergeant ) UH during the second semester, instructor may tell you, is an in compulsory arbitration of all labor has taken the situation well into+-------··--- - ------" will be the discussion leader dur Revenge Tale tegral part of the United States. disputes!' his hands. gotten over giving an involuntary ing the conference. Mr. Wilson, an And the University of Hawaii is an The winners of the debate will Nary a male soul is allowed jump each time the rifle kicks and authority on neutrality, is also a Maxwell Anderson Writes Play essential part of the Territory of be the champions of the series and when the girls are shooting, not somehow or other they lure their member of the U. S. Naval War in Protest of S~ciety Hawaii. So, you have it! You, as will make a trip to Kauai between for fear that casualties will be list- shots within the five rings which college. students of the University, have the first and second semesters to ed, but because competition is not appear so small. The bull's eye A tentative program for the con- Maxwell Anderson, America's every right to squak whenever you debate a Garden Island organiza- wanted at this. early stage. Coeds counts 10 points, and each suc ference calls for departure to Mo- outstanding playwright of 1936, please. Indeed, you can and, no· tion. don outfits made specially for the ceeding ring one less. Five bullets kuleia any time on Thursday, had a purpose when he wrote doubt, will present adverse criti gallery team, grasp their .22 , pro- are shot for each target ·and the March 4, where dinner w i 11 be "Winterset," which will be pre From the class team of fou r, two cure ammunition and march off t o t a 1 Is· a dd e d f or th e fma' 1 score. cism whenever the things around members have been chosen as the Th · served at 6:30 in the evening. At' sented for the first time in Hawaii the University. are not in the right, to the range situated in the gym- e begmner is allowed fifteen 8 that night, Mr. Wilson will speak for f our days beginning Jenuary best speakers from their respective nasium. Cosmetics and makeup s h o t s, t en o f w h'IC h wouId . hI't any on the general subject of U. S. 20 by the University Theatre Guild. or ... shall we say? ... in a way, class and will represent their class 1 t th · are not allowed, as ammunition Pace excep e rmgs anyway, Neutrality. It was p robably that purpose that that do not suit you. in the debate. Edward Hustace Ith h th 1 11 f 1 aplenty is furnished ' by the de- a oug e ru es ca or on y Two 'round table discussions are inspired one of the g reatest d ra We, who labor day after day, in and Cletus Hanifin, varsity . de- partment and all other feminine five chances. an attempt to publish what you scheduled for Friday morning, one mas that this country has ever baters, will represent the upper- allure is barred in this contest for Gentlemen contemplating mar- from 9 to 10 and the other from known. may call a semi-weekly news classmen while Edison Tan and high scores. nage· are a d vISe· d no t t o b ecome paper on the campus, can do noth 10:30 to 11:30. Major General Because of his diffidence to mod- · Clara Kim will talk for the 1·uniors Four targets for prone or sitting, hI' t ch e d up WI'th any one of S g t . ing about your squawk that too Hugh A. Drum, commanding offi- ern society and because of his The runoff debate is necessary and four more for standing are Meniatis's proteges, as he advises cer of the Hawaiian department, sympathy with Sacco and Vanzetti much Mainland news was featured to break the tie now existing be- tacked on fifty feet from the posi- that most of the girls ring up a in the last edition of our journal. will be invited to speak at the con- in their much publicized criminal tween 'the junior and senior classes tion of fire. score of 97 consistently, (and that's ference Friday evening. case, Mr. Anderspn wrote a play We work for the best interest of which both have won four debates The girls take their positions on more than what I'll ever shoot!) all, and, all we as~ is, all work for Saturday morning a third round that is dynamic in its description each. Names of the winning class the canvas, squeeze a few dry ones the best interest of Ka Leo. table discussion is planned from of the wickedness of society. Honorable, indeed, was the in team will be engraved on the and then they're ready for the 9 to 10 to be followed by the plen ASUH debate tournament plaque worst. The sergeant takes his po- "Winterset" regards a young tention of those who said that Ka T. C. Students ary session marking the end of man's attempt to avenge the legal Leo failed to print lots of campus To date, class standings are: sition to the right end in the rear conference. death of his father. A group of • Won Lost of the shooters behind the tele- news in the paper Wednesday. We Expenses for the conference will criminals are bound to put down Seniors . 4 2 scope, and calls each shot. "An To Serve Club admire such attempt to correct Affirmative . .. .. 2 1 . h" be defrayed by both the IPR and any attempt to bring out the truth our weaknesses. We need a. kick ~e ga t iv e . 2 1 eig "' at eleven o'clock" or "a five S E · those students attending the ses Juniors .... .. .. .. .• .. .. .. 4 2 at three o'clock." After the first igma ta Omega Chooses of the case. The father has been here and a kick there now and sions. A $2 fee covers all expenses Affirma tive · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ._; 1 two shots, the rifle is zeroed, or Committees put to death for a crime that he did then to keep us on our toes.