Talo. Mm«n4 V*. 1 In CmHtomlm fry JACC 1975*70Marks, 77-78- c VoIumeXXlV, No. 11 Cerritos College • 11110 E. Aloadra Blvd. • Norwalk, C\ 00050 Wednesday, Jan. 11, 1981 J Three arrested in $million$ counterfeit caper Court complaint, grievance filed in float-building dispute Vague wording Secret Service . names students; crosses wires Trial pending By WAYNE WURZER and KEITH SHARON By KURT PETERSON Co-ordinajtor of Student Activities and RICHARD HUDSON, JR. Norm Price has been charged with Three Cerritos College students showing "preferential treatment" who are former members of Alpha toward Alpha and has been Phi Beta fraternity have been assailed as displaying a "lack of in­ arrested on charges involving over $1 tegrity, honesty and responsibility" in million in counterfeit bills, according a grievance filed by panhellenic to United States Secret Service members Kathy Gabel and Mike agents. Warren. Talon Marks learned on Friday Gabel and Warren also filed a court that Calvin Lee Lindsay, 33; Mark Ty complaint against Beta for Sorg, 21, and Donald Dale McCone, allegedly breaking Homecoming float 18, were apprehended on Nov. 21 by regulations. Secret Service agents following a 13- day undercover investigation. The controversy, which is quickly becoming known as "Fratscam"', is being tabbed by some as "scan­ * TALON MARKS EXCLUSIVE * dalous" but is being called "insane" and "absurd" by others. Lindsay, a resident of Bellflower, A hearing of the Associated has been indicted on charges of Students of Cerritos College Supreme passing, delivering and conspiracy to Court is slated for Jan. 19 concerning manufacture $1,225 million in the student grievance filed Dec. 12 counterfeit money under Section 18 of against Price. the United States Code, according to The future of the court complaint the Secret Service. will be decided on Jan. 15 at 11 p.m. in Sorg, of Bell, was also indicted BK 112 in a Supreme Court meeting. for the manufacture of the false The grievance filed by Warren of notes. He has previously been and Gable of arrested for counterfeiting. Omega reads in part: "Price showed McCone, of Cerritos, faces charges a lack of responsibility, integrity, of passing — and could also be charg­ honesty and credibility by showing ed with aiding and abetting in the preferential treatment to Alpha Phi PHONEY MONEY-Sheets of bogus were arrested. Agents claim delivery of — the false bills, revealed Beta." bills were confiscated by Secret Ser­ counterfeiters printed over $1 million agent Al Joaquin of the Los Angeles The complaint charges Alpha Phi vice agents in counterfeiting bust in at a Norwalk print shop before being branch of the Secret Service. Beta with breaking Homecoming which three Cerritos College students shut down last November. Joaquin told TM that the federal floatbuilding construction —TM Photo by KURT PETERSON agency first got wind of the Norwalk- regulations, fraud and misrepresen­ based counterfeiting operation when tation. The court wjll vote tomorrow McCone allegedly passed a bogus $10 on whether the case will be heard or bill at a liquor store in Seal Beach. not. Rap Night Campus publicity code revamped; Approximately $6,000 in false $10's Price repeatedly had no comment regarding any aspect of the issue. had been passed before the Secret Warren commented, "What Norm to return Service was able to make the arrest, did was wrong. And we're not the only Trustees question constitutionality Joaquin said. ones who think so. We're being back­ The next Cerritos College Rap Joaquin, an investigator in the case, also said that, as far as he knows, all ed by Lambda Phi Sigma, Gamma Rho Night will be held Thursday, Jan. 15 By LUCREZIA LA RUSSA detrimental, degrading, or advocates to control the flow of literature on the counterfeit bills are out of cir­ Delta, Phi Kappa Zeta, Delta Phi at the Health Science patio area from TM Assoc. News Editor the use of dangerous drugs or alcohol campus. culation and in agency hands. Omega and Sigma Phi." 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. or any activity that would disrupt the The grievance alleges that Price The following campus clubs and If Board member Rich Goul has his Initiator of the revision Chuck However, $2,000 used by the Secret way there will be little if any restric­ college from performing its stated ob­ authorized a letter to Cal Lindsay to organizations will be on hand to jectives. Fuentes added a new dimension to the Service to purchase false bills during tions on the distribution of literature situation. the investigation is still unrecovered. solicit, materials for float con­ answer questions concerning their in­ Goul stated, "There are Con­ on campus. Agent Mike Tarr said that the serial struction for the 25th Silver dividual groups: Career Center, stitutional difficulties with that Fuentes said he feels that all the Reflection Anniversary. Center for Today's Women, Chicano Goul's comments came in the wake (Continued ori Page 2) (Continued on Page 2) of the proposed revision of the current section of the Publicity Code. The It points out that "Lindsay is a non- Studies, Child Development, college can name the place, time and student and non-employee of Cerritos Publicity Code which regulates the Cosmetology, Dental Hygiene, Finan­ manner but cannot legally have 'prior College." The document did not. distribution of literature on campus. cial Aid, Health Occupation, Campus restraints' as to the content." however, mention that Lindsay has Police, Operation Share, EOPS and The issue of revising the Code Student Body President Stuart Falcons will fly Friday / (Continued on Page 2) campus radio station K.C.E.B. began when Board member Chuck Fuentes charged the current code Hayden (who was responsible for with being outdated if not illegal. much of the work on the revision), stated that he felt it was important at Fall awards banquet The revised code will be presented for the college to maintain controls in 'Exercise' shaping up to the Board for approval at the up­ order to dissuade people from "taking By WAYNE WURZER sored by the ASCC while showing coming meeting Tuesday, Jan. 20 and advantage" of their rights to free ex­ TM Staff Writer scholarship and personal integrity. currently contains a clause allowing pression. The Journalism Department will the Commissioner of Public Relations Students have been known to make The Associated Students of Cerritos present its awards at the gala event for Friday premiere to refuse to register publicity which is false claims if not outright lies during College will honor students and staff and Doug Kimberly, commissioner of incorrect, misspelled, libelous, campaigns to pad their resumes and this Friday, Jan. 16, at the Long athletics, will present the Co-Rec to gain advantage. Beach Golden Sails Inn at the 1981 night awards. Other awards given By JANE BROCK Fall Awards Banquet. TM Production Editor Goul, however, stated, "A person is will be the Homecoming awards and innocent until proven guilty in the Service and leadership honors will the President's Award. "It's really a play about a play," American legal system. It must be be presented by this year's award states Director William Schreiner Board of Trustees president Louise proven in a court of law that committee. Included in the awards Hastings will deliver an inspirational about the upcoming production "The something is libelous or slanderous. will be the full and part-time service Exercise." message during the course of the The college cannot make Con­ awards for recognition of service and festivities which begin at 6 p.m. The story involves two actors stitutional decisions." . participation in programs sponsored rehearsing for a production who had Director of Activities Norm Price In Goul's opinion the college as an by the ASCC. been involved in a personal calls the banquet "a super, first class institute of higher education has a relationship that ended about two Bronze Falcons will be given to event." responsibility to uphold the laws and years previous. students who excel, in service and Top sirloin or halibut will be the liberties of the land. As the plot unfolds, it becomes participation in programs sponsored main course for the evening which He also said that he personally was by the ASCC. Gold and Silver Falcons should end around 10 p.m. evident that the two are still in love, not in favor of regulating the time, and through the process of working will be given to full-time students who Ticket prices are $5 for recipients place and manner, however, he realiz­ are outstanding in leadership, service of invitations, $9 for students and $12 together in rehearsal and im­ ed that it might be necessary in order provisation techniques they come to and participation in programs spon­ for guests. . reveal themselves, working through IHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIItllllMUIItUIIHIIIIIIllliiiniltHimilllil iiiiiiMiitiiiimiiiiiiiuniiiiiHii IIIIUItMIIHtlHIIIII their problems and clearing up the misunderstandings that caused them to separate. Spring enrollment all lined up Discussing the play with the actors themselves is like reading a page of the script. Cynthia Ann Meza, petite Registration gets underway next week brunette, attempts to describe her character. After several false starts, BY GARRELL KIRTLEY Jan. 13-16 in the college Board Room she concludes "She's a lot a part of TM Features Editor in the Administration Building. All Fall 1980 saw 22,900 students me. I guess that doesn't help you Registration for day and evening handicapped or disabled students can registered, and the total for the spr­ much because you don't know who I courses will start Jan. 20, and along obtain more information by con­ ing is expected to be higher. am." _ with finals, it marks the close of the tacting the Resource Center for Han­ Finals week will fall right in the Director Schreiner answers, "She's Fall semester and the opening of the dicapped Students at 860-2451, ex­ middle of registration and students very emotionally open, but her new Spring semester starting Feb. 2. tension 336 or 337. should be aware that a course final emotions are not controlled. When Students may pick up appointment Celebrating it's 25th Anniversary, may run into the same time as their cards at the Admissions Office in the she loves, she loves passionately. Cerritos College will offer extensive registration time. Students, should Administration Building. No student career-oriented majors and academic make arrangements with an instruc­ When she hates, she hates will be permitted to register without passionately." areas. tor to take the final some other time one. It is highly encouraged that or plan to register later. The character played by the brus­ Only continuing students will be students make an appointment to see que, self-assured Donald J. Wester­ The spring 1981 schedule book, allowed to register the first three a counselor before registering. which can be obtained in the Ad­ dale is just the opposite. "He's nor­ days, Jan. 20-22. Registration will The college offers academic ad­ mal and very much in control of his missions . Office, has exact instruc­ continue for all students Jan. 23-Feb. visement for all it's members in­ tions on registering and other general emotions," says Westerdale. 7. cluding a complete program for information. For further information States Schreiner, "He ptits a mask PLAYING AROUND-Cynthia Ann Meza and Donald J. Westerdale star in the An early registration period will be women, senior citizens, disadvantag­ contact the Office of Admissions at (Continued on Page 2) intimate theatre piece "The Exercise" opening this Friday at Cerritos College. held for all handicapped students on ed students and more. 860-2451, extension 211. Page 2 • TALON >I MtKS • Jan. 14, 1981 . . . Crossed wires cause uproar in student activities .

(Continued from Page 1) the form of reduced prices or He went on to state that anybody involved in float building. The on our float that said Tree Island been a member of the school and donations of material." Phi Omega were sold the same goods could have obtained the letter. solicitation came through phone con­ Steel." that were donated by Tree Island Alpha Phi Beta in the past and is still That sentence is at the heart of the "Why should we pay the price for tacts and a letter from' Mr. Norman Oshiro was recently quoted as Steel, while Anderson and other an active supporter of the fraternity. problem. It has been interpreted to being smarter than everyone else," saying, "I received numerous phone members of Alpha Phi Beta say that The grievance goes on to say that mean either of two things. Price's office of student activities." Anderson said. calls that said the goods would be dis­ the sold goods were those given to "Price authorized the letter on Sept. Bob Anderson, president of Alpha Anderson stated members of A Phi tributed to all clubs. The donation Lindsay as payment for labor. 15 and did not make it available to Phi Beta, stated that "the letter was Warren contends, however, that the B went to the steel company would not have been approved if it The donated materials included 7 any other organizations at Cerritos to "validity" their request and that letter implies that any goods would be representing "themselves" wearing distributed to all clubs involved in were for only one club." rolls of poulutry netting, 20 lbs. of College." any donated goods would be the A Phi B sweatshirts. float building. Gary Oshiro (personel manager) of Mike Warren, whose father is the staples, and 600 lbs. of shaping wire. The letter, written under a Cerritos property of A Phi B. Tree Island told the Talon Marks that general foreman at the steel com­ All totaled are valued at over $160. College letterhead read in part:' "We needed a letter on stationary The Tree Island Steel Company in a "only Cal Lindsay came to pick up the pany, seemed to shed light on the sub­ In conclusion the grievance re­ "Numerous student organizations of Cerritos College and Price's follow-up letter said, "We were told goods, and he was. wearing a red T- quested that Price be placed within build floats for Homecoming and seek signature for validity," Anderson that the materials would be dis­ ject when he said, "The company shirt." the school at a teaching position. aid from the business community in said. tributed to all students and students can't use the donations as a tax write A Phi B sweatshirts are blue and off once the goods are sold." Alpha Phi Beta's float won six gold. The sold goods are another area of awards at the Homecoming including Don McCone said, "We went down discrepancy. the Sweepstakes award for the best there in our blue and gold sweatshirts The complaint claims that Delta all-around entry in the competition. and told them we were going to have the best float—which we did." He added, "We even had a banner Counterfeiters (Continued from Page 1) The three were taken to the County numbers of the bills used are logged Jail in Los Angeles and were released \ews with the nation's banks. So far, none three days later on a $15,000 of the money has turned up. appearance bond. The Secret Service said it began its No trial date has been set and the Briefs investigation into the alleged case is still pending. counterfeiting operation after an in­ formant tipped them off. MASEK FEATURED SUNDAY According to Tarr, the informant The Cerritos College Concert Band, set up a meeting between Lindsay and under the direction of Scott Hender­ the agents where the agents exchang- son, will feature saxophone soloist ed $1,000 for $8,000 worth of 'Bluegrass'day Douglas Masek in concert on Sunday, counterfeit $20's and made plans to Jan. 18 at 4 p.m. in the Burnight buy more. Center Theater. The second transition allegedly took sponsored for Other selections will include place a few days later as the agents premiers by Hector Salazar and purchased $11,000 in counterfeit Cerritos College alumni Steve Hill, currency for an additional $1,000. handicapped both former students of Philip Arrangements were then made to BY FRED GOFF Westin, music department chairman. buy $1 million of counterfeit $100 bills TM EXECUTIVE EDITOR STUDENT TO STUDENT-Ten peer counselors provide fellow students with ad­ Admission is free and open to the for $50,000 in cash. "Another way KCEB is in tune with vice in school and career affairs. From the left, bottom row are Harry Kane, Jo public. During the time of the alleged Cerritos College." Nell Kickok, Rosalie Hegkey, Steve Kane, Jim Willard and Candi Emmons. June ART INSTRUCTOR HAS EXHIBIT production of the bogus, $100's, the Campus radio station KCEB Lee Lawson, Carlos Penilla, Terry Wilson, Angel Reyes and Agnus Herbolg are Secret Service says it conducted a (Cerritos Educational Broadcasting) in the top row. _TM Photo by DAISY WARMAN A sizeable collection of drawings and paintings from the studio classes surveillance of the two suspects (Mc­ has added another in a long line of of instructor Rudolph Agirre will Cone and Lindsay) in an attempt to promotional schemes in an effort to highlight an art exhibit in the library pinpoint the location of the illegal increase their ever growing for the next several weeks. press. following. Peer counselors trained to level Art 33 water color painting and According to the Secret Service, the "How does all the spaghetti and Free Hand Drawing XI are the two surveillance of Lindsay led them to garlic bread you can eat sound along classes involved with the exhibit and Sorg, who in turn led them to the with three hours of bluegrass music," with students on one-to-one basis Aguirre says that, though most of the operation's headquarters. states Assistant Program Director matted and framed paintings appear Joaquin identified the Newberry Mike Taylor on a recorded By WANDA EDWARDS the program this year are Candi Em­ at least ten possible job categories in to be complete they should be viewed Enterprises print shop on Front St. in commercial. He adds, "Oh yea, I TM Staff Writer mons, Rosina Hawley, Agnes Her- the field of sociology in which he with the thought that learning ex­ Norwalk as the site where the alleg­ forgot to tell ya' the best part. It's If you want a super job, you need a bold, Jo Nell Hickok, Harry Kane, might, be interested. perience was the main objective. ed counterfeiting took place. This was only $2.50 for adults and $1.75 for super resume and that's what Steve Kane, Carlos Penilla, Angel "He helped me decide on my true SPEECH TEAM TRAVELS the same shop that Sorg was arrested children under 12." Cerritos'. ten peer counselors are Reyes, Terry Wilson and Jim Willard. interest," Penilla said. Cerritos College's speech team at two years ago on the same charge. The spaghetti feed is being co- currently being trained to provide. "Team player" Jim Willard was But once interests are pegged, travels to Cal State Long Beach Fri­ Print shop owner Jim Newberry, sponsored by KCEB with the city of "Our peer counselors are the surprised when he qualified for the courses mastered, educational goals day for a two-day tournament. The 38, who was not implicated, Long Beach in an effort to raise funds for E.X.T.T.R.A. Program, an after- central force at the guidance center," program. meet will feature about 30 university acknowledged employing Sorg'and achieved, you need a customized job school organization for the said Pat Cook, faculty supervisor for Willard plays free safety oil resume, the student counselor ex­ and college speech squads. leaving him in the shop alone for ex­ handicapped children of Long Beach. the program. Cerritos' football team, a group of plained. tended periods on the night shift. He The program provides for children in "They're all successful students guys that aren't known for being • "In the coarse we're taking right denied any knowledge of the alleged the areas of dancing, music, fowling, themselves here at Cerritos and career oriented other than football, how we're even learning about tipsori operation or any acquaintance with arts and crafts,, jumbling and social they're trained to talk with'other he says. cHbb'sing trte right writing style, the the Alpha Phi Beta fraternity itself. development skills. <..- ..•••• students about their course selec­ "To be honest, most don't want to importance of the size and texture of Sources told TM. th$&tit*ii&$**jgt Cagers take opener 81-52, Years later drop squeaker to OCC 59-57

By FRED GOFF ing a consistent 14 points per game. TM Executive Editor The 6-6 forward has the answer for GC alumni - • "V,f*.- .. For a team posting a 12-4 overall success in tonight's game against the record and rated in the top ten in the Dons who have a 7-0 center and a 6-9 state coaches poll, Cerritos College forward. cagers confronted a problem Satur­ "Run, run, run," mused the revisited day against Orange Coast College that "smooter". More seriously he added, is bound to happen somewhere in a 28 "We'll go at em' . . . it's just another game schedule. By MARK CHILD game." . « ' • They went stone cold. TM Staff Writer The Falcon answer may come in 6-5 Over the past 25 years, Cerritos After an opening round South Coast center Broderick Sauldsberry, who College has been able to boast of one Conference rout of visiting San Diego weighs a bulky 220 lbs* The second of the finest athletic departments in Mesa 81-52, the Falcon squad shot a year player doesn't score many points the country. From coaches to players, lowly 43% from the floor and an even but head coach Bob Foerster has few junior colleges have been able more embarrassing 38% from the lauded the big guy for his defensive even to come close to the awesome charity line. As a result, the Pirates excellence. power of the Falcons. squeaked out a 59-57 win on their "He makes a lot happen un­ Jim Zorn, who graduated from home floor. derneath," remarked Foerster. Tonight the Cerritos College Cerritos College in 1972, went on to hoopsters continue conference action First year starter Tim Kuyper has play football at Cal Poly Pomona. It facing a tough Santa Ana Don squad also been a dominant force for the wasn't long before he was wearing the posting a perfect 2-0 SCC mark. Game early Falcon success. Kuyper tossed uniform of the Seattle Seahawks and time is 7:30. in 14 points in the victory over Mesa throwing the football as their starting The Falcons were also out rebound­ and the Mayfair grad had 10 in the quarterback. ed by the Pirates (32-23), squeaker at Orange Coast. Before signing with the Seahawks, "When rebounding goes down, "He's the kind of player that you Zorn played with the Dallas Cowboys naturally your shooting percentage think has 6 or 8 points and then you and the Los Angeles Rams. goes with it," commented Falcon look at the books and he has 20 or so," Other football stars who graduated assistant Jack Bogdanovich. commented Mayfair coach Merlin from Cerritos College include Ron "Especially those offensive boards Driggs. FORWARD MOTION"-- Cerritos . . . second shots are usually much Yary who went on to USC then on to College forwards Tim Kuyper and But the free-throw percentages • easier shots." seemed to be etched in the coaches' play for the Minnesota Vikings. Chuck Aerie put the ball up in contest Phil Dubois, class of 76, played for Sophomore guard Joe Stephen lead minds. against San Diego Mesa. Kuyper had all Cerritos performers with 15 points San Diego State after leaving Cerritos 14 points in Falcon rout of the Olym­ "Our free-throw percentage is the and 8 rebounds, but in reflection was lowest it has been in the last ten then went on to play for the pians 81-52. The 'Birds' dropped their Washington Redskins. only 7 for 21 from the floor. years," noticed a. displeased first road encounter by a 59-57 margin Another sophomore seems to be Bogdanovich. "We'll definitely be Al Oliver graduated in 1972. After 'despite the scoring of team point playing football at UCLA, he was assuming the role of the team con­ working on that." leader Kuyper. trolling force. y signed to play with the Los Angeles -TM Photos by DEAN NAKAMURA In a game that featured only two Rams. Jerald Smoots has made 14-20 shots in the first two SCC contests, averag- turnovers on the part of the Birds, the Cerritos College has its baseball assistant coach' ^concluded, "You've and basketball stars as well, got to shoot 50% to win." Gary Maddox who graduated in 1972 •POOR RICHARD- And what is the game plan for a played football and baseball at team the size of Santa Ana? Cerritos. Maddox went on to Arizona Falcon Sophomores "We're going to attack (run) Santa State where he played nothing but Ana ... a couple extra sprints down baseball. Three years later Maddox Silver and black attack . . . the floor might make a difference on signed on with the Cleveland Indians. a guy that size," added the ten year Maddox was traded to the Pirates honored as standouts veteran coach. then to the Phillies By GEORGE LAURIN where he is still playing today. Hayes will make the plays TM Sports Editor St. John Bosco graduate Carroll In basketball, Lorenzo Romar, What do John Carroll and Paul said his Falcon success is mostly BY RICHARD HUDSON JR. air. The superior Oakland pass will Bopp have in common? "due to the great coaching of Coach class of 78, went on to play for the They're both outstanding athletes Grapplers Golden State Warriors and Paul TM Assoc. Editor make that tough. Simmons (Offensive line coach). He Every year, just after all the Oakland will have good success up and both have enjoyed a remarkable really did a great job and Coach Ruffner, class of 68, played for the final season as Falcons. (Frank) Mazzotta does a super job as Buffalo Braves. college bowls are dead and buried, the middle on offense with Gene there comes the big one. So intense is Upshaw leading the way. Bill Bergey Paul Bopp, who carried the wing head coach, too." dropped Cerritos College even has an alumni this game they call it Superbowl . . . position on the Falcon water polo Carroll is presently being recruited star in the world of motor sports. of Philly is still hurting on short the game. passes across the middle and will be team was voted J.C. All-American, by five universities, but the 6'3", 235- John Collins, class of 75, now finds As anyone, if there is anyone that's beat time and again by Jim Plunkett on first tearn^ All-South Coast pounder is taking his time to make his himself- behind the.wheel of the anybody, who reads the Talon Marks the,, under coverage. Mark Van Conference, first team, All-;Sou,thern very important decision. . ., , by Pirates Pioneer Audio Exprfess Datsun Funny ' can attest 1 have the'worst' track Eeghen will prove ^the difference, California Honorable •, Mention, and On the field he's a bulldogger and Car. After spending scfme time work­ record in predictions of any ''biggie'. delivering a' running game to Oakland was voted by his team as Most states, "I work as hard as I can. I set BY JEFF MARIFIAN ing as mechanic for Tom "The I picked Baltimore in seven in the and Lester Hayes will intercept two. Valuable Player for the 1980 season. my goals and try to give 100% every TM Staff Writer Mongoose" Mc Ewen, he was finally All this while, scoring 39 points 1979 World Series, I picked the Rams Final score . . . Philly 21, Oakland play, every down. That's why I got the The Cerritos College grapplers lost given the chance to drive Tom's in last year's match-up against Pitt­ throughout the season. 1 28. B.y.A. award. a hard fought match to Orange Coast number two car. Collins attributes sburg and I had Kansas City in this I can just see Pete Rozelle handing John Carroll played offensive Off the field he's respectable and this to his success. , last Tuesday by a score of 27-21. The year's series. the National Football League's Cham­ tackle for the Falcon football squad respectful. "I'm honest, I don't lie to contest, held at Cerritos, saw the I did like the Lakers, but was too pionship Trophy over to Al Davis. and was named All-State, All- people," he said. "All the awards and Falcons dual meet record drop to 7-4. paranoid to go out on a limb. Davis is suing Rozelle and the NFL, Conference first team (for the second everything, it all means a lot to me, It shows the way things were going. year) and J.C. All-American The Birds will try to get back on the It seems a fitting end to a season in but I don't go around bragging and winning track tonight when they I quit betting and then haven't missed which I, as always, chose the Rams to Honorable Mention. He was honored telling people I'm All-State." a pick since. I told all my friends as the squad's Most Valuable Offen­ travel to Santa Ana to battle the Dons go all the way. Ironically, both players are from an in a match scheduled for 7:30. Philadelphia versus Oakland in the sive Lineman by his teammates and area in sports that doesn't always get game. received the coach's BYA award. a lot of recognition. Both Bopp and Coach Jeff Smith did, however, find . And now I'm ready to put my WHEEL CHAIR BALL Bopp graduated from Esperanza Carroll are respected by their fellow some bright spots for his squad in the career on the line yet again . . . The Handicapped Students of High School in 1979 after being All- teammates, coaches and students. loss to O.C.C. He cited Randy Roberts Philly will be favored by four. They Cerritos College will challenge Orange League two straight years. He "The people I played with and my for his stellar performance in the 158 lb. class. will attempt to establish a running Saddleback College and K-HITS radio describes his coach, Pat Tyne, as teammates are probably the most game with Wilbert Montgomery (194 in a basketball game on Jan. 18 at the "low key" and says, "He probably contributing factor," Bopp pointed Smith said, "Roberts pinned Dennis yards vs. Dallas). They will have lit­ Cerritos gym from 2-5 p.m. Ad­ knows more about water polo than out. Reed, who was last year's South tle success and will be forced to the mission is free. anyone else." Carroll, in talking about his team­ Coast Conference champion." He describes himself as an "intense mates" stated, "We played together as Pat Burns also fared well by player" and states, "When I'm play­ a team. We probably wouldn't of got receiving a default from a two-time ing I'm intense, but when I'm out of too far without the team unity we CIF place winner, John Vega and Phil the water I'm pretty easy going. I just had." Dunford continued to wrestle Nancy Kelly To Cerritos College try to give it all as hard as I can." Carroll, a Business Administration impressively in raising their While out of the water he has been major, looks to the future and states, respective records to 15-4-1 and 15-5. an ASCC Court Justice the last two "I'd like to be successful and happy. "Vega won on a forfeit while semesters and attributes most of his My dream would be to become a pro Dunford turned in a strong 8-1 by way of Thilly' ghetto success to "the people I played with." football player." decision," Smith said. BY RICHARD HUDSON JR. "It was like I'd found a perfect After beginning her teaching and TM Assoc. Editor balance. When you get in harmony coaching career at Gettysburg in Life was never easy for Nancy with the Lord, even when my parents 1958, Kelly took a job at Swartmore Kelly: died, it is a feeling that envelopes you. High School before returning to South She lived in one of the toughest You can't understand it unless you "Philly" to teach in the ghetto she neighborhoods in South Philadelphia taste it." grew, up in. bouncing half of a baseball off the Since winning the scholarship, Kel­ For seven years, she coached and house across the street with a broom: ly. never has looked back, although taught at South Philadelphia High stick. she did go back. School. A school designed for 3,200 She had to sleep in the same After attending Temple University students with an enrollment of over bedroom with her parents for years in "Philly" and attaining her 5,000. . and played on the boys baseball team Bachelor and Masters Degrees in "I had a girl named Ethel Williams. until she was 13. education, Kelly began her coaching She was so tough that she didn't fight "I felt no prejudice," recalls Kelly. career at Gettysburg College in Penn­ women, she fought men. One day "I didn't play on the boys team sylvania, but not before putting in when I was working holding basket­ because I owned the bat, I was good some playing time of her own. ball try-outs and heard this hush fall enough to play. That's the only way She holds records in both softball over the court. I turned around and you make a team there. You have to and basketball at Temple and was looked right into her knee. I said, "If be talented enough." "selected on six consecutive All- you want to play basketball, you have It's a long way from the ghetto of Philadelphia Field Hockey Teams to go to class and not hurt the coach. South "Philly" to the campus at and played in six National Field She made the team and we used to Cerritos College. Hockey Tournaments. send her into the opposition's gym "I was in the 10th grade in Simon In varsity basketball, Kelly scored first and then follow." Gratz High School in the ghetto. I was 37 points in one game and holds the "I found out later that there was a very shy. One of the teachers saw me University record for won-lost whole group of kids who just and took me to the basketball and percentage with a 28-3 record in soft- wandered around without a home or Softball coach. That person, Louise ball pitching. family. They went to school and when Escher, made the difference. She also participated in the they returned everything was gone." "Each high school was awarded one Amateur Softball Association and Seven years later Kelly pulled up college scholarship and it went to the played for 14 years in Philadelphia's stakes and headed for California. Valadictorian of the class. I got that major fast-pitch league. It was after the death of Amy scholarship." She remembers her first National Dosier that the teaching position According to Kelly it was Escher Field Hockey Tournament. opened up at Cerritos. and her husband, who coached the "I didn't have enough money to get "It'was Amy who began putting the men's basketball team, that turned there and was offered a ride to the women's athletic program into her life around. tourney. It was a long drive, about 14 perspective. She began everything "When I went to Gratz, I was hours, so I was to meet the family on and I'm just carrying through some of reading at a fourth-grade level and a street corner after practice on her ideas and adding to them." ended up with that scholarship. I Friday. When they came to pick me It is a long way from the ghettos of wanted to be a teacher and coach so up, they had two huge boys in the back South "Philly" to Cerritos, but with bad. I would've given my right arm already. I squeezed in and rode the the attitude toward life and a ATHLETES OF THE WEEK for it. There was no way without that trip without sleep. We arrived just in philosophy of coaching built around it, scholarship. They didn't give athletic time for me to suit up and make the Nancy Kelly seemed destined to find Ail-Americans Paul Bopp and John Carroll scholarships to women then. game." her place at Cerritos College. *"*—•—•—! • ' : * Opinion Winning wheels keep Kane on the move Editorials • Letters • Columns • Features I'nsigned editorials are the responsibility of the Talon By LINDA BARHOUSE has been a great experience," he sponsors in the community will go Marks Editorial Board. Other views are solely those of the TM Assoc. Campus Editor says, "but I'm looking forward to toward the Ron Forier scholarship author of the article and are not to be considered opinions Harry Kane, one of Cerritos more time this semester to work On for handicapped students. of the Talon Marks staff, the editorial board, the advisor, College's busiest and most involved the upcoming competition for the "All those students who are plann­ the C'erritos College administration, or the Board of students, could choose to get around California Wheelchair Athletic Olym­ ing on attending the spring leadership Trustees. campus in an electric wheelchair, but pics.'' , conference had better practice their he prefers pushing his way into all Harry holds the state record in the backgammon and billiards skills" TALON MARKS • Wednesday. Jan. II. 1981 • Page I avenues of campus life. 100 meter and the 200 meter. He also says Harry, "because I plan on taking ^... _ ' ' '-..—m.^ captured a first-place in last year's 60 firsts for the third time in a row." There was a time soon after Having just received his driver's Harry's diving accident in Hawaii meter slalom and shot put. In order to qualify for the national's, Harry must license, Harry is saving his earnings that he was totally dependent on fami­ in order to buy a hand-operated van, ly and friends. better his times by a few seconds. From now until April he will be work­ and with the help of the State Darts and Laurels High school became uncomfortable Rehabilitation program he hopes that and he decided to drop out, earning ing out everyday toward his goal. His current project is a wheelchair soon he will be driving his own van DARTS: his diploma at home with the help of a and not having to depend on the public tutor. basketball game scheduled for Jan. To the student Senate, for trying to limit everybody but themselves. 18, at 2:00 p.m., in the Cerritos gym. transit. To MECHA for claiming the campus newspaper is racist. Hearing about the program at "Being a truly dependent person Rancho Los Amigos in Downey, There will be two games, one with, To Stuart Hayden, for forgetting the sixteenth member of his awards Saddleback College and one with counseling and helping others to do . committee. Harry left for California in 1975 and the same is my life's goal," states became a patient at Rancho. radio station KHTZ D.J.'s. The event To Norm Price, for taking the fifth too often which automatically in­ is free of charge and proceeds from Kane. sinuates ... After art unauthorized week-end To researchers, for finding that everything good causes cancer. away from Rancho, he was asked to To instructors, for sauntering like a Sunday driver through the first half leave and found himself totally alone of the semester and racing like the Cerritos 500 through the last half. with only family to depend on once In search of .". . To the student snack bar, for taking grilled ham and cheese sandwiches again. off the menu. In a chance meeting with another To those students who wait until the last minute to study for finals. man in a wheelchair Harry found campus security To Casey Teague, for getting soapy. himself a new roomate. He soon learned to cook and take BY RICHARD HUDSON JR. ed a bright spotlight into our eyes. As LAURELS: care of himself and began attending TM Assoc. Editor I squinted, a red light, the hold-in-the- classes at Cerritos with the help of his It was last Saturday night and my hand variety, Flashed in the window. To Monty Zmuda, for his courage and inspiration. new friend. To the Philipino Club, for their hard work during Homecoming which date and I were returning from dinner "Security!! Stop that car," was at the PlankhoUse in the Cerritos Mall yelled by one of five un-unjformed paid off. Majoring in Sociology, he plans on when I decided to show her the ol' people from within. To Schenley Quijano, for being the first Filipino to become Homecoming attending UCLA in the fall.' Successful Queen. campus about 9:15. We took a brief "Let me see some identification," I not only academically — with a drive around the campus before I yelled back. It was no use, with the To Paul Rubalcaba, for his excellent PR work and new promotion. membership in the honor society stopped to use a pay phone near the spot in my eyes I could see nothing. To Cerritos' librarians who still define service according to the dic­ Alpha Gamma Sigma — Harry has Arts and Crafts Building. I pulled my car forward and into the tionary. • '•""'. served as an . Associate Justice; I talked with my brother and south parking lot. To JR., for making evil profitable. senator and is a member of Circle K, returned to the parked car when a "Who are they?" my date asked helps at registration, and is a working long, green sedan pulled into the lot cautiously. To the weatherman, for letting us spend our Christmas holidays at the peer counselor at the Career Center. beach. with its lights out. As I started to "Could be anyone - maybe a frater­ "Being a past president of HSCC HARRY KANE To Merl (Ted) Doty, for not being afraid to speak out on issues. leave, it pulled up alongside and flash- nity. But I'm not stopping unless I To Kathy Rogers, for surviving her first semester as president of have to. I didn't do anything," I Senate. replied. Once again the unmarked car pulled To the US hostages, for withstanding the hardest of times. along side. To Louise Hastings, for epitomizing what it's all about. Cerritos student views engine "You'd better pull that thing over, To Philip Westin, for organizing and conducting the Master Symphony buddy ! " a member of the "team" and Music Odyssey program. screamed while hanging out of the car repair with different 'look' with a two-foot flashlight in his grasp. LETTERS I turned down one of the parking By MICHELE WALTON but eventually the retina was affected alone and maintain my own aisles, the sedan followed still without TM Staff Writer and Stateland lost his sight in that eye apartment. I've just had Braille con­ lights. As I reached the end of the Steve Stateland comes to Cerritos also. A year ago, surgery was per­ trols installed on my oven and aisle, the car cut in my path and Readers rake Russ three nights a week to attend the formed to remove both of Stateland's range." A clock that announces the blocked me off. I stopped and, leaving eyes, leaving the muscles intact. time assures that Stateland, who lives my lights on, stepped out of the car. Dear Editor: Dear Editor: Small Gas Engine Repair class. He is busy tearing down, repairing and After recovery, he was fitted with in Garden Grove, will make it to "I'm Richa . . .," I started. The two In the January 7,1981, edition of the In a letter written to you and persons with flashlights in hand in­ TALON MARKS, you published a rebuilding an engine. That may seem prosthetic eyes. classes on time. His parents drive published in the January 7th edition of him to school and visit with their terrupted me. letter by Russ Smith. the Talon Marks, a writer made some remarkable only to those without mechanical ability. But everyone Stateland performs all the tasks daughter and her children while he "We don't care who you are. We're accusations about the Army and necessary in the course by using attends class. Stateland and his father campus security. Why didn't you pull First of all, let it be known that I do military in general that is backed by would agree that Stateland's ac­ not believe in the draft, and I'm hot complishment is unusual. He is blind. special tools including micrometers were enrolled in the same engine over?" some pretty shaky evidence that he and torque wrenches with Btaille repair class last summer. I looked down 0$ the two figures. I siding with the military. After calls "hard facts". spending iVz years in the Army, I find "I've always been interested in characters and a tachometer and In his spare time Stateland enjoys outweighed both of them combined. 1 He states that the percentage of mechanics and had taken some Tecumseh timing light which both "You're campus security? With no it hard to find too much credence in venereal disease in the military is "going out with girls" and restoring the statistics he quoted regarding courses before I lost my sight," says utilize sound. Student aide Mark Lyn his 1940 Ford Deluxe Coupe. He was uniforms, an unmarked car with five higher than in the civilian population. Stateland. Besides the engine repair reads to Stateland from the several venereal disease, people in mental This I must admit is true. However, recently elected sergeant-at-arms of people in it with a hold-up light?" hospitals, etc. of military vs. class, he is also taking an outboard manuals required for the course. the '40 Ford Club, Ltd. of Orange "That's right. We've had a lot of the military population is mainly motor repair class. Stateland is good civilians. My military time was spent between the ages of 17 and 50 with the Instructor Gene Stagner and Lyn also county. trouble here lately. A car fitting the on 8 different bases in the United bulk of them in their late teens and at what he does. In a small engine transfer assignments to tape so that Stateland explains his good rapport description of yours was seen States and in Germany. I would like to early twenties. The civilians being repair class he took last summer he Stateland can study for exams. with his fellow classmates this way, recently." say that none of the units in which I counted are from newborn to elderly. earned an A grade. "The other guys in the class don't They admitted being half wrong and served sent one soldier to a mental I'm sure that if military men in their Stateland has been a diabetic for 20 Stateland has geared himself to be treat me any different and I don't left without even getting an ID. hospital, not one soldier killed himself twenties were compared with civilian almost totally self-sufficient. "I live treat them any different." Probably in search of more trouble. of his 34 years. He began losing his niniHiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiMiiutiiiiMmiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHtiiitiitiiiiiKHHiuiuiiiiltiHiiiuMiiiiigiiiiiiittiiiiiiii jiiimitmtiiiiMiiHuiuuiMituHiniiiu 4ieaHtlHttUfUltMt|tMHIHMtltlll or even contacted venereal disease. men in their twenties the average sight four years ago when he lost the Mr. Smith should be aware that would be much closer. sight in his left eye because of ROBIN 'ROUND many civilians also try to commit He also claims falsly that the glaucoma, a frequent complication of suicide, and end up in mental in­ military teaches nothing but killing. I diabetes. "Most people aren't aware stitutions, also many, many people spent five years as a combat medic that diabetes is the cause of 90% of "outside" of the military contact and had the job of caring for the sick blindness in the country," Stateland Bidding adieu to a special few venereal disease every month. and injured of both friendly and explained. The glaucoma was too far Perhaps the fact that so many cases enemy forces and immunizing advanced to be treated successfully go unreported on the "outside" is one military and civilians from disease. and then his right eye began By ROBIN NELSON man show — it takes teamwork and great job with .the photo essays. By reason his figures are so distorted The military is not for everybody. It hemorrhaging. A series of operations TM Editor-in-Chief time and that's what you guys gave. I the way, if you ever see a whip it but­ comparing military to civilians. wasn't for me so I left. But for many followed to control the hemorrhaging As they say, this is it. appreciate and admire you for all the ton. ... I'll be the first to admit that the it's a good way to get out of the ghetto My last issue as editor-in-chief and journalistic efforts you made. To the newspaper staff — In order military has its problems, but it just or barrio and to learn a useful skill my last '"round-up" for the semester. Fred, if Bill Murray ever gets for people to be good leaders they reflects on society from which the that may not have been available to Kent states laryngitis, I'll tell him to give you a\ must have good followers and that's young men and women came. I feel them any other way. It's been an educational experience call and Jane, I hope you someday can 9 for me, to say the least, and I have exactly what you guys were. There is Mr. Smith should obtain accurate get a car that's fire proof, Rich, don't a lot of new talent developing on this figures for publication so people who He also claims* falsely that the Health s seen myself and others grow in the doesn't build men. I wonder how strike out in that new bowling league' paper and I wish you luck in future are considering joining the military process. My only regret is that just of yours or in your efforts to become many presidents he can name that when I started to get the hang of this journalistic efforts. can have a better impression of the the next Jim Murray. , Michele and Barbara H., thanks for truth. can't count in part some leadership food? stuff, it's' time to turn in my capability he learned in the military. typewriter as the next editor-in-chief Elliot, keep the faith and Kurt, I'll still smiling when you got another In closing, it's true that the military More responsibility is thrust upon By BARBARA KENT steps into the^imelight. see YOU next semester, right? rewrite. fights wars, but not everyone who is military personnel than most TM Assoc. Feature Ed. George, try not to leave home Wanda, great stories and story In tradition with past editors, I too without your Stoner's Express and in the service is a killer; there are civilians see in a lifetime. Let's talk about sprouts and will extend my final thank-yous and ideas, and Daisy, if you don't stop many of us who had various positions 11' s nice to see that the Talon Marks granola. Garrell, you're a star in my books. getting your copy in on Thursdays, the goodbyes to all those who helped in Linda, anyone who can still play not relating to combat. Anyway, kill- is an equal opportunity advertiser. Fascinating, you say? the learning process. (This is the part rest of us might have to get our act in g seems to be happening It's also nice to see the military has Ah, but it is. tennis at your age is okay with me, together. where I pull out my list and it rolls ten and Barbara K., I hope you never everywhere — it's not j,ust a military more control over their guns than A world of ideas can be derived feet across the floor.) Jeff, you're a heck of a basketball disease. some civilians have over their from these two subjects. have to rush when you eat a ham­ player and Angela, sorry about the To my editorial board — Without burger. D. L. Rivera mouths. For instance, when I think of Seagrams. you there would have been no me — or Lucrezia, you've come a long way .. Kathy, hang in there, and Willy, Student I.D. #279747 Casimir M . Sliwa Jr. sprouts, tasteless nothings that they is that "I"? A newspaper isn't a one- since that first interview and Gloria, are, I think of the lady down the street even if you can't spell your name, with her new sprout greenhouse, a Kirtley's Korner you're still a heck of a photographer. CERRITOS COLLEGE small container devised to nurture Jeanette, only you could come up these viable, organic foodstuffs you with canteloupe and Keith, and can turn into sandwiches. Wayne, you may be the next Talon Marks Eech! Leaving is easier Woodward and Bernstein but you still Production and printing of Talon Marks is funded by the Associated Students of owe me a root beer. Granola. ' Brenda, it's okay to have a second Cerritos College. Facilities and supervision are provided by College, It is produc­ I always choke on the dried dates. ed by the students enrolled in the academic Journalism program. said than done slice of pizza, and Mark, hope all's go­ They get stuck to the roof of my ing well at Radio Shack. ROBIN NELSON • EDITOR-IN-CHIEF mouth like popcorn hulls, Flash, you're an award winner, I By GARRELL KIRTLEY FRED GOFF • Executive Editor I know some people that are 'in to' what I would really like is to see 10,- mean it, and Donna, we all hope to see TM Features Editor 000 letters from you, the readers, ask­ RICHARD HUDSON JR. • Associate Editor health foods, or rather health foods you back on staff soon. are into them. When you got to go, you got to go. ing for me to stay and write my JANE BROCK • Production Editor To a few special friends out there- They ride bicycles and sport This is the last paper of the 1980 dazzling, informative columns to you C. THOMAS NELSON • Advisor Tom, thanks for reading the paper backpacks. Fall semester, but is this the end? for just one more semester. and I hope you always get your third They consume soybean protein and Will Kirtley's Korner be stricken NEWS EDITOR • Kurt Peterson . . . CAMPUS EDITOR • Elliot Bowles I'm not going to plead, beg, get on rack of space invaders. homemade vegetable juices. from TM forever? What will become Vickie, Erin, Lisa, I'll see you out­ . . . SPORTS EDITOR • George Laurin . . . FEATURES EDITOR • of the former Features Editor? my knees, or cry for you to do this, _ They use recipes for making meat but if I have to I will. side the SS building. Garrel Kirtley . .. CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER • Gloria Lovato . . . dishes without meat. Sure it sounds like a soap opera, but There were also some other people ASSOC. PAGE EDITORS • Linda Barhouse, Barbara Kent, Lucrezia La I once baked cookies from a health this is true life and it's happening Just think . . . some new smart kid to whom I am especially grateful. Russa, Keith Sharon. food recipe. The cookies contained no now. is going to come in here and take over They helped me make it through the flour, sugar, or shortening. But why me? the only office I've ever had and try to semester. STAFF: Mark Child, Wanda Edwards, Barbara Hague, Jeff Marifian, I'm not perfect, but I've done every Kathy Mitbbe, Angela Perryman, Willy Santos, Mlcnele Walton, Daisy I once baked cookies from a health write you columns as good as mine, Karen, we still can have that lunch food recipe. humanly thing possible and put it but we all know who had the best together, and everybody will be at Warman, Wayne Wurzer, Jeanette Noceda, Brenda Doyle, Dave down in black and white for everyone Meadors. Have you ever eaten a candy bar columns, don't we? Well don't we your house by 7:30. from a health food store? to read. . . .? John, thanks for the pep talks and I've gone through pressures of Talon Marks is published weekly except during holidays, examinations and Have you ever eaten Silly Putty? Okay. I guess this is my last ul­ last minute assists. school, coming of age, done chemical timatum. Either you guys shape up or vacations by the Department of Journalism and Student Publications, C. Thomas Okay then. To the staff at Lienett, thanks for reactions, displayed designer jeans, 1 ship out. Nelson, Chairman. Offices are located in Arts and Crafts (AC-42,) Cerritos You can buy bottles of cloudy fruit all the extra effort and I hope you risked my life on a vacation flight, So I'm going to pack-up my College, 11110 Alondra Blvd., Norwalk, CA 90650, Dr. Wilford Michael/President. juice. didn't lose too much sleep on Tuesday Telephone (213) 860-2451, Ext. 376-377-378. Advertising rates will be sent on re­ produced a soap opera, played around typewriter, pens, pencils and paper, nights. Health food fanatics complain with a star's ego, and just lately and just sit here and wait for your quest. Talon Marks reserves the right to refuse any advertising or editorial about food. Mr. Nelson, you're a great advisor matter in accordance with student publication and academic policy. started my goals for success. decision. — even at home. The funny thing is it's our food they Now isn't that worth something? But just in case it doesn't work, complain about. Thanks for everything, guys. Certificates and awards are nice, but thanks for a wonderful semester. Adios . . . till next semester.