The Manifesto 30.04.18, 0050

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The Mozilla Manifesto Addendum Pledge for a Healthy

The open, global internet is the most powerful communication and collaboration resource we have ever seen. It embodies some of our deepest hopes for human progress. It enables new opportunities for learning, building a sense of shared humanity, and solving the pressing problems facing people everywhere.

Over the last decade we have seen this promise fulfilled in many ways. We have also seen the power of the internet used to magnify divisiveness, incite violence, promote hatred, and intentionally manipulate fact and reality. We have learned that we should more explicitly set out our aspirations for the human experience of the internet. We do so now.

We are committed to an internet that includes all the peoples of the earth — where a person’s demographic characteristics do not determine their online access, opportunities, or quality of experience.

We are committed to an internet that promotes civil discourse, human dignity, and individual expression.

We are committed to an internet that elevates critical thinking, reasoned argument, shared knowledge, and verifiable facts. Seite 1 von 7 The Mozilla Manifesto 30.04.18, 0050

We are committed to an internet that catalyzes collaboration among diverse communities working together for the common good.

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An internet with these qualities will not come to life on its own. Individuals and organizations must embed these aspirations into internet technology and into the human experience with the internet. The Mozilla Manifesto and Addendum represent Mozilla’s commitment to advancing these aspirations. We aim to work together with people and organizations everywhere who share these goals to make the internet an even better place for everyone.

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The Mozilla Manifesto Our 10 Principles

Principle 1 The internet is an integral part of modern life—a key component in education, communication, collaboration, business, entertainment and society as a whole.

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Use Open Badges to share your skills and interests Explore how the web impacts science Learn about open source code in journalism

Principle 2 The internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible.

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Read about open internet policy initiatives and developments Explore how to help keep the web open

Principle 3 The internet must enrich the lives of individual human beings.

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See how the web can connect the world to healthcare

Explore how the web works

Principle 4 Individuals’ security and privacy on the internet are fundamental and must not be treated as optional.

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See how Mozilla works to put your privacy first

Read about developments in privacy and data safety Learn more about how to protect yourself online Seite 3 von 7 The Mozilla Manifesto 30.04.18, 0050

Principle 5 Individuals must have the ability to shape the internet and their own experiences on it.

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Use these free tools to teach the web

Learn about creating and curating content for the web

Principle 6 The effectiveness of the internet as a public resource depends upon interoperability (protocols, data formats, content), innovation and decentralized participation worldwide.

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Add new voices to open source technology Set your Do Not Track preference Understand the web ecosystem

Principle 7 Free and open source software promotes the development of the internet as a public resource.

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Explore how open practices keep the web accessible Learn how to remix content to create something new Learn how to maximize the interactive potential of the web

Principle 8 Seite 4 von 7 The Mozilla Manifesto 30.04.18, 0050

Transparent community-based processes promote participation, accountability and trust.

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Participate in our governance forum Join us as a volunteer Join us as a student ambassador

Learn how to collaborate online

Principle 9 Commercial involvement in the development of the internet brings many benefits; a balance between commercial profit and public benefit is critical.

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Visualize who you interact with on the web with Lightbeam Learn about creating web resources with others

Principle 10 Magnifying the public benefit aspects of the internet is an important goal, worthy of time, attention and commitment.

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Host or join a Maker Party Learn how to build online collaboration skills

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