THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside Greece email: VEMA [email protected] DECEMBER 2006 Tel. (02)ÉÅÑ 9559 Á7022 ÁÑ×ÉÅÐÉÓÊÏÐ Fax: (02) 9559 7033 Ç ÁÕÓÔÑÁËÉÁÓ In this issue... ÄÉÁÊÏÉÍÏÔÉÊOur Primate’s View Ç ÅÐÉÔÑÏÐÇ THE ‘NON-REPAYABLE’ CHARACTER OF THEí.í.ï. DIVINE ‘INCARNATION’ PAGE 5/33

The Feast of Epiphany: the Feast of Lights

PAGE 17/45

WINDOWS TO ORTHODOXY Why portray Christ as the Sun God?

PAGE 10/38

To all our readers we extend our sincere good wishes for a Merry Christmas $325,000 raised by Radiomarathon for Children and a Happy and Prosperous with Special Needs PAGE 11/39 New Year DECEMBER 2006 2/30 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

Letter to the Editor Letter to Editor of The Greek Falun Gong knows that they are detested thin air. Australian VEMA from the and boycotted by the Australian Chinese Consulate-General of the People’s community, they try every possible way to The media, including NHK, Hong Kong Republic of China penetrate its influence in other ethnic com- Phoenix TV and Hong Kong Takongpao munities. Newspaper have visited the Hospital and Chinese Consulate General would like to made a report. Non Concentration Camp frankly and sincerely express our concerns The nasty trick Falun Gong has been has been found. U.S Consul General to on the article of the fabricated story of using this year is the so-called “Organ Shen Yang and 2 other officials from U.S organ harvesting on the September edition Harvesting”. Falun Gong claimed that in Embassy to China paid a visit to National and letters to the editor commenting this Su Jia Tun District of Liao Ning Province, Traditional Chinese Medicine Thrombus article on October edition of VEMA, since a Concentration Camp surrounded by 3- Center of China and communities near the recently, the Consulate has been appro- metre-high wall decorated with wire Hospital. According to the report of ached by a Greek Orthodox lady whose entanglement is built up for holding 6,000 Associated Press, a spokeswoman of US family has been disastrously affected by Falun Gong followers. Actually there is Embassy to China said, “according to all Falun Gong Cult. The Consulate respects not any so-called Concentration Camp or the information we have been able to the request of this heart-broken lady to even any kind of prison. Later, Falun Gong obtain thus far, the site is functioning only remain anonymous for the sake to protect realized what they fabricated was far as a hospital”. Then the groundless “Organ 26 December 2004 her children. But we do feel the Greek beyond the proper and changed the story. Harvesting” has been intentionally modi- Tsunami wreaks havoc on Community has the right to know the truth It said that Concentration Camp was in fied to happen in other parts of China. and it is our obligation to reveal the evil National Traditional Chinese Medicine Falun Gong cult is lying to the public Southeast Asia nature behind this Cult. Thrombus Center (also called Su Jia Tun again. Thrombus Hospital). Falun Gong fabricat- On the day after Christmas in 2004, a Falungong is like the “Aum Shirikyo” in ed charge against the Hospital and claimed China has been always abiding by the massive undersea earthquake occurs just Japan, is an extreme cult. It advocates the that 6,000 Falun Gong people have been relevant rules of WHO on the organ trans- off the coast of Indonesia at a few minutes doomsday theory and evilly manipulates locked up in the Hospital, where two thirds plantation. Human Organ trade is strictly before 8 a.m. local time. With a magni- its followers not to see doctor or take med- of 6,000 Falun Gong people’s organs have forbidden in China. Medical agencies need tude of 9.3, the quake was the most pow- ical treatment when they are ill. The men- been transplanted alive and the bodies to get the written consent from the organ erful of the last 40 years and the second tal manipulation also leads to the mental have been burned in the incinerator of the donator before taking the organ transplan- largest earthquake in recorded history. It disorder of some people. Many Falun Hospital. The new story is full of holes. tation operation. And the organ donator set off a deadly tsunami that, in the final Gong people refuse to communicate with The National Traditional Chinese has the right to change their mind at the estimate, killed an estimated 230,000 peo- their family and are obsessed with this Medicine Thrombus Center of China is a last minute before the operation. For those ple and wreaked untold devastation on a cult. Because of refusal to the medical well-known Hospital open to the public executed criminals who voluntarily to wide swath of coastline from Somalia on treatment, some curable disease has devel- and overseas patients. The Hospital has donate their organs to atone for their the east African coast to Sumatra in oped into grave situation, beyond cure, received official and civil delegation from crime, the consent to donate the organ Southeast Asia. which killed many lives and left broke U.S, Korean, Japan, UK,etc. The Hospital from their family is also needed. For any families in sorrow. After receiving the has 338 beds and does no have the capabil- individual or organization who violate 30 December 1922 complaints from Chinese People, the gov- ity to hold 6,000 Falun Gong people in these rules will be brought to justice. USSR established ernment began to investigate this cult and secret. Then Falun Gong Cult changed the banned it in accordance with relevant law story again and said the 6,000 Falun Gong The Chinese Consulate General in In post-revolutionary Russia, the Union of China in 1999. Falun Gong cult didn’t people were locked up in the basement of Sydney reminds Greek friends to be vigi- of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is give up and moved to overseas countries the Hospital. The statement is even more lant against Falun Gong Cult, do not established, comprising a confederation where little of its past is known. By all ridiculous. There is no basement at all in believe their fabricated stories and be alert of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the means, it attacks and slanders Chinese the Hospital. The so-called incinerator is not to be deceived and exploited by the Transcaucasian Federation (divided in Government and Chinese People. They the boiler, which is used for heating and cult. 1936 into the Georgian, Azerbaijan, and fabricated numerous groundless stories sterilizing. The boiler room has many win- The Consulate-General Armenian republics). Also known as the and use cultural, human rights disguise to dows. Outside the transparent boiler room of the People’s Republic of China Soviet Union, the new communist state extend cult influence and pursue its politi- is grassland. People nearby often have a Camperdown was the successor to the Russian Empire cal purpose of slandering China. After walk there. The incinerator is coming from NSW and the first country in the world to be based on Marxist socialism. During the Russian Revolution of 1917 and subsequent three-year Russian Civil Greek fashion designer puts on a show at 20,000 feet War, the Bolshevik Party under Vladimir Here is one way to make an impact on the runway. "My blood pressure went up every time I walked down the aisle ... Lenin dominated the soviet forces, a Greek designer Alexi Andriotti has unveiled his latest line of fash- (but it) was a very beautiful idea," she said. coalition of workers' and soldiers' com- ion accessories on a chartered flight over the Aegean Sea. Greece is trying to gain an international audience for its fashion mittees that called for the establishment of Six models took turns down the aisle displaying jewellery and winter industry, and now hosts an annual fashion week. a socialist state in the former Russian wear, taking care to avoid bumping into tray tables and passengers' Organisers of that event hope the city's newly revamped transport Empire. In the USSR, all levels of govern- heads. system, hotels and conference areas - all improved for the 2004 ment were controlled by the Communist Model Olga Kipriotou is terrified of flying, but said she enjoyed Olympics - might attract investment in the fledging Greek fashion Party, and the party's politburo, with its being part of the show. industry. increasingly powerful general secretary, effectively ruled the country. Soviet Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia industry was owned and managed by the Greek passport state, and agricultural land was divided St George Greek into state-run collective farms. holders urged to Orthodox Church, 7 January 1989 renew documents Emperor Hirohito dies Rose Bay N.S.W. People holding Greek passports more than a 90 Newcastle Street, Rose Bay, NSW 2029 Tel: (02) 9371 9929 Showa Tenno Hirohito, the 124th Japa- year old are being urged to renew them this nese monarch in an imperial line dating month .. if they wish travel overseas in the new CHRISTMAS back to 660 B.C., dies after serving six year. decades as the emperor of Japan. He was The Greek government has announced all GREETINGS TO ALL! the longest serving monarch in Japanese Greek passports issued before January 1 2006 history. will be invalid after December 31 as the coun- ÊÕÑÉÁÊÇ 24 ÄÅÊÅÌÂÑÉÏÕ 2006 try moves to new biometric passports. Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone says ÅÓÐÅÑÉÍÏÓ 6 ì.ì. anyone holding Greek passports issued before the date should contact the Greek embassy or ÄÅÕÔÅÑÁ 25 ÄÅÊÅÌÂÑÉÏÕ 2006 consulate urgently... if they wanted to travel Èåßá Ëåéôïõñãßá ôùí ×ñéóôïõãÝííùí 8 ð.ì. internationally next year. AAP DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 3/31 Editorial

which Turkey’s eventual accession to the EU would be in the Time for a shift in interest of Greece and Turkey, no longer has any bearing on reality. stance on Turkey And if, in the beginning, one could excuse Turkey for being politically naive, this is no longer viable. Turkey is exploiting By G.G. de Lastic Greek and Cypriot concessions in order to acquire a de facto legitimization of its stance on the Cyprus problem and Greek- The European Union summit scheduled for next week is Turkish relations, now within the context of the European likely to be of dramatic importance as regards the interests of Union. Instead of “Europeanizing” its stance on Greece and Cyprus, as were the last such EU summits to focus on Turkey’s Cyprus, EU candidate state Turkey is seeking to get Europe’s bid to join the EU, in December 2004 and October 2005. Once backing for its longstanding intransigent stance. again, Turkey has refused to implement commitments it has long undertaken toward the 25-nation bloc it is seeking to join. KATHIMERINI Once again, Nicosia is being pressured to accept exclusion from the EU member states which Ankara deigns to recognize. Such acceptance would effectively legitimize the demotion of Myths and facts Cyprus into some secondary category of member states; after all Cyprus may belong to the 25-nation bloc but it does not By Alexis Papachelas enjoy the rights of the remaining 24 states. How much longer can this situation remain as it is though? We Greeks are something else. We like playing the victim, The unacceptable compromises made by the EU in 2004 and we like surviving by being different, we like being the 2005 – which allowed Turkey to embark upon accession nego- guardians of that legendary Greek soul that is persecuted by tiations despite its refusal to recognize the Republic of Cyprus, others. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan already an EU member state – were ostensibly made with the There is talk these days about the possibility of a Cyprus veto aim of helping Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Turkey’s EU bid. Let’s give this a little thought. The Turks, I once bombarded a Turkish general with questions on to work his way toward ratifying an EU customs protocol by who see themselves as the descendants of a great power, are “Turkish expansionism.” My insistence paid off at the end as gradually overcoming domestic opposition to such a move. kept in the waiting room of an exclusive club. Their fate he took out a map with concentric circles. “This is where you Instead of this, however, we saw that these concessions were depends on the whims of two “Greek” states. Things couldn’t started off,” he said pointing at Greece in 1830. “And look exploited by the Turkish government as Erdogan, Turkish be worse for the proud Turks. where you are today,” he added. “Which is the expansionist Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul and other state officials But let’s take a more sober look. Greece becoming a mem- power?” declared on several occasions that they would not implement ber of the European Economic Community in the 1970s Every now and then we should give ourselves a pat on the a protocol opening their country’s air and sea ports to Cyprus. sounded like a bad joke given the country’s poor shape at the back. There is a lot of talk about Turkey’s supposedly deft for- And now, the European Commission’s proposal to freeze time. If Greece was taken on board, it was thanks to the per- eign policy but on a strategic level, Greece has done pretty eight of the 35 chapters in Turkey’s EU negotiations – rightly sistence of the late statesman Constantine Karamanlis that well. We belong to the most exclusive organizations, Cyprus is condemned as “too soft” by Cypriot President Tassos Greece joined in 1981. a full EU member, and we play a hegemonic role in the Papadopoulos – is essentially rewarding Turkey’s provocative People laughed when the late diplomat Yiannos Kranidiotis Balkans. stance. laid out his vision for Cyprus’s EU membership. But his hopes Meanwhile, the super-patriots, the Cyprus naysayers, have The fact that there have been so many tactical defeats for the materialized thanks to a small yet ambitious group of people. not gained a single inch of national power. Greek-Cypriot side suggests that there is a problem with strat- It is a huge achievement and the sweetest revenge for the 1974 egy. Indeed, it seems that the established dogma, according to invasion. KATHIMERINI

for the children’s sake, but for the hus- band’s. When they married, someone had Talking given them a very expensive crockery set, and piece by piece her husband had bro- ken it. Rather than spend any more years Point crying over the loss of precious items, they by Ann Coward chose to replace the set with something sturdy and unbreakable. Shifts in priorities. Similarly, a work colleague, who had been brought up in a house full of antique furni- I surprised myself the other day. One of ture, chose to furnish her own house with Funding the critical early work of brilliant investigations my favourite cups got broken, and I didn’t extremely inexpensive chairs and tables. searching for cures for cancers get all that upset about it. I did a quick She had spent her own childhood being count of the mugs still remaining in the afraid of damaging her parents’ precious cupboard and thought that we could afford possessions, and couldn’t face the prospect PO Box R185, Royal Exchange, NSW 1225 to lose a few more before finding our- of spending her adult life worrying that her selves in dire straits. Over the years I have own children might put a scratch or nick Tel (02) 925 16188 watched as my collection of beautiful on a rare sideboard, or rocker. crockery has dwindled away, as each piece has been dropped or knocked, or handles While the mother of eight couldn’t afford have broken off or rims become chipped. to buy anything other than necessities A world without cancer, nothing else It seems, though, that my plight is an all when her children were growing up, my too common one. neighbour and my work colleague could easily have afforded to indulge them-

THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest Whenever something I treasure gets bro- selves. Instead, they chose to opt for mate- circulating Greek newspaper outside ken, I think about a friend - a mother of rial possessions that meant little, or noth- Greece email: VEMA [email protected] The Greek Australian eight children - who is very wise. She said JULY 2006 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 ing, to them. They found this preferable to In this issue... Our Primate’s View POLITICAL ‘PARTIES’ AND THE NATIONAL ‘WHOLE’ to me once, “If something is breakable, being constantly on the look-out in case a PAGE 5/23 expect it to get broken”. She’s right. There spouse, a child, or a visitor damaged Leaders strike VEMA is no point in feeling frustrated about the something they wanted to keep safe. 'mammoth' impermanence of material possessions. FOOD & WINE The oldest circulating Homemade chocolate delights reform deal While it’s important to teach children to PAGE 17/35 The Prime Minister and state and territo- Australia. ry leaders have agreed upon a national "We should not forget that this requires reform agenda to boost productivity in continued national cooperation in the area of the areas of health, education, business health," Mr Iemma said. regulation and infrastructure. "It's not for the next two to three years, Greek newspaper Another friend, a mother of two little girls, these are measures that are required for the value things, I have always admired the There had been dispute over funding for next 20 to 30 years." the changes and how the benefits would be measured and split between governments. World Cup bid But the deal has been finalised at today's Council of Australian Governments Mr Howard says he and the leaders have is extremely casual about her possessions. (COAG) meeting, which lasted for less than agreed to back a potential bid to host the relaxed attitude of these women and their three hours. 2018 soccer World Cup. The leaders have agreed to set up a nation- "All governments agreed enthusiastically al reform council to oversee the changes. that if the national body, the Football outside Greece Prime Minister John Howard says an enor- Federation of Australia, put in a bid for the mous amount has been achieved at the meet- 2018 World Cup, then all governments We used to be neighbours, and I remember ing. would support that bid and support that bid families. As for myself, I still have a few Prime Minister, John Howard "This has been another very constructive enthusiastically," he said. COAG meeting at which an enormous "It will deal with things that give us the Italy wins amount has been achieved in a spirit of competitive edge in the world, like skills ... Daylight saving cooperation and a desire to get practical and literacy," he said. World Cup results for the Australian people," he said. The Prime Minister, John Howard, says coming home one day, and almost being precious pieces of crockery remaining, but "The major outcome has been agreement Health Victoria, New South Wales, the ACT and for the 4th time on a huge, indeed mammoth national reform Tasmania have agreed to look at synchronis- Tel: (02) 9559 7022 agenda." Mr Iemma says the reforms include a $4 ing the start of daylight saving each year. PAGE 20/38 Mr Howard says the establishment of the billion, five-year mental health national "I think a modest step can be made forward reform council is the most important deci- action plan for services, accommodation and towards greater uniformity in that area and hit by a plate that was thrown off her bal- sion made by the leaders. better support. Victoria has indicated its broad agreement," increasingly, my kitchen cupboards are He says the Federal Government will dele- He says the plan looks at ways to spend Mr Howard said. gate a chair and the states will decide on a mental health funding more effectively. "New South Wales will consider it. deputy. "It is about thinking smarter about the dol- "If it is agreed that New South Wales, "We will be asking the various members of lars that we have," Mr Iemma said. Victoria and the ACT will commence day- COAG to bring forward suggestions for Mr Howard says mental health "desperate- light saving earlier, that's a matter, I empha- cony. Looking up, I saw her two daughters reform," he said. ly needed more money". sise, for them." filling up with more practical and sturdy The state and territory leaders, including "People have been crying out for money for Tasmanian Premier Paul Lennon says it is New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma, mental health for quite a long time," he said. a positive step. Fax: (02) 9559 7033 have welcomed the agreement. "It's long overdue." "With the agreement of Victoria, New "It is all about providing more opportunity The package also includes increased public South Wales and the ACT to look at getting for our citizens ... and we're very pleased health training. into the real world and joining Tasmania tossing their dinner plates into the air, and that we've reached a framework for that to That includes 150 extra training places for with extended daylight saving into the items. I’ve got a way to go, however, proceed," Mr Iemma said. future, it is an important lifestyle reform," he doctors in Queensland, 60 more medical Queensland Premier Peter Beattie says the school places in Western Australia and said. deal will bolster Australia's financial posi- another 60 to be shared by Adelaide "If you want to see a good lifestyle, just having a great time. The dinner set was tion. University and Flinders University in South have a look at Tasmania." before I’m comfortable with the dinner uro Funeral Service E-mail: Children beaten Eëëçíéêü Ïéêïãåíåéáêü Ãñáöåßï Ôåëåôþí [email protected] truly unbreakable, but had not been bought by loved ones Tel: (02) 9747 6604 plates being used as frisbees. PAGE 18/36 Available 24 hrs 114543 DECEMBER 2006 4/32 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

Golf Clinics at St Johns Belongings and St Anargyri Colleges Post-Second World War Migration Memories & Journeys by the Bank of Cyprus NSW Migration Heritage Centre seeks the special memories of former Greek migrants

George Saisanas and Louie Kyriakouleas of the Australian Hellenic Golf Federation instructing students from St Anargiri College on the finer points of putting.

The Bank of Cyprus Australia in in association with the Australian Hellenic Golf Federation have organised Golf Clinics for St Johns and St Anargyri Colleges as part of the Banks ongoing Oikade The NSW Migration Heritage Centre will be featuring our migration heritage”. Education Program. the special memories of former Greek migrants in If you live in New South Wales, migrated between 1945 The schools were visited by representatives of the Hellenic Belongings, a website exhibition. and 1974, have a keepsake you brought with you or found Australian Golf Federation together with Bank of Cyprus staff to pro- in Australia and are interested in Belongings, phone Andrea mote Golf as a sport to students. Run by the Centre, Belongings is an ongoing project on 02 9217 0626 by Friday 12 January 2007. Your “belong- Golfing history and basic theory are covered during the visit whilst recording the stories of those who made the journey to ing” could be a suitcase, a family heirloom or a cooking the highlight of the visits was a highly enjoyable putting playoff in Australia in the flurry of post-World War II migration. utensil, or an item from your migration accommodation which all students attending the clinic participate in. These online accounts give a voice to the personal memo- days or first workplace that hold special meanings and Principal of St Anargyri college Mr Steve Charisis congratulated the ries and experiences of migrating to Australia and settling memories for you. Bank of Cyprus and the Golf Federation for organising the clinic and in New South Wales. The Migration Heritage Centre, a New South Wales by doing so “I encourage former Greek migrants in New South Wales Government initiative, is working closely with Dimitri introducing many of the students to a sport they have not been to share their memories and welcome family and friends of Kepreotes from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of involved with before. these men and women to contact me on their behalf. You Australia. George Spiliotis of the Golf federation said that the golf clinics had will help secure Belongings as a lasting resource for future Launched in May 2006, some 40 personal histories are givena new dimension to the Golf Federation and he would like to generations of Greek migrants and family historians”, said already live on the Centre’s Belongings website: see the clinics repeated and extended next year. Andrea Fernandes, the Centre’s Belongings Coordinator. Oral history interviews of Mr Jack Beighton Managing Director of Bank of Cyprus was very She added, “the living memories of New South Wales’ Sydney-based former Greek migrants will commence from pleased with the feedback he has received from the school commu- Greek influences are important and must be documented in early 2007. nities and looked forward to the Bank strengthening its ties with the schools.

By Mina Candalepas* keep a person alive. For the individual these include, a sense Psychologist MAPS of being valued, being seen as worthwhile, knowing people Reg NSW PS0057198 Mental Health want to hear, will listen and moreover a sense of belonging. isolation. Depending on a person’s confidence, ability to cope When people are having suicidal thoughts immediate and support networks some events may place person at risk treatment is imperative that treatment is sought immedi- Understanding Suicide of suicide, for example loss through death, a relationship ately by contacting, the Area Mental Health Crisis Team, break-up, unwanted unemployment, being in trouble with their GP or 000. It is important not to ignore these symp- Many people see the Christmas season as a time for spiri- authorities and a serious illness. Consequently, people’s lack toms. tual reflection, devotion and spending with family and of skills, resources and inability to cope with difficult life friends. However, there are people who find this time of year events lead to wanting their life as it is to stop, as opposed to Please contact your local GP for possible referral to a psy- difficult to cope with, as the reflective thoughts of Christmas intending death. chiatrist, local Psychologist or the Australian Psychological bring about feelings of emptiness, loneliness and at times Society (APS) Referral Service on 1800 333 497 for more despair. Such thoughts and feelings leading to a sense of an It is important to recognise, listen and support people in information. inability to cope with life, at times thoughts of suicide and at times of despair. Verbal expressions of suicide whether direct an extreme, plans of taking ones own life. or indirect, such as I wish I were dead’, ‘You won’t have to bother with me any more” MUST be taken very seriously. References: Although the general statistics for suicide in the population Often the person may feel isolated and unheard. APS Website: Understanding and Preventing Suicide in Young are low, the rate of suicide in Australia is high when com- People: An APS Tip Sheet. pared with other Western Nations, particularly within the Showing your concern and understanding is important in very old and the very young populations. reducing their sense of aloneness and desperation. Support them in problem solving and planning for supportive action * Mina Candalepas is a Registered Psychologist. She is the sole director of a Suicide attempts or death by suicide leaves adverse effects at times of crisis. Encourage involvement in social and recre- on families and friends with long lasting feelings of distress, ational activities. Listen, rather than offer advice too soon. Clinical Private Practice in the Campsie Professional Medical Practice, guilt and confusion as to the reasons for these behaviours. Seek professional help and offer to accompany them if need- Sydney NSW. Her particular speciality is in trauma and chronic pain manage- ed. Access support for yourself, to help you through this time. ment and she also provides psychological therapy for depression, anxiety, Suicidal behaviour may result from a complex range of work-place issues and/or injuries, relationship issues, self esteem and grief. Preventing suicide involves taking action long before the issues, including a history of depression or other mental ill- Therapy is conducted in either English or Greek. All services are by appoint- crisis point to promote strong and healthy individuals. Risk ness, domestic violence or abuse, conflict over sexual identi- ment ONLY and strictly confidential. Her contact details are Tel (02) 9591 factors can be offset by protective factors, things that help to ty, misuse of alcohol or other drugs, poor communication or 7714, Mob 0410 493 806. DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 5/33 Our Primate’s View

“What shall we offer to you, O Christ!” through a sense of honour to become a “co-worker with God” (1 Cor.3:9). (Sticheron Hymn from the Vespers Service of Christmas) However, this unprecedented honour of ‘collabora- tion’ with the uncreated Creator Himself towards the The annually recurring Feast of the divine moral perfection of the world was an acutely danger- ‘Incarnation’ is not only the starting point of the ous ‘privilege’. entire Ecclesiastical Year. It is not simply the histori- cal basis, that is, of all the Feasts of Christ and the It could have led us not simply to ‘failure’, but to Mother of God throughout the Christian world. It is, complete ‘destruction’! above all, the ‘key’ that secures both access to, and enjoyment of, every blessing for perishable man’s It could also have led us to ‘vainglory’, that is, to eternity in God. pride, which defeated even Lucifer himself who, from an ‘Angel of Light’ turned out to be the first sac- St Paul, therefore, justifiably states that the blessings rilegious ‘Rival’ of the Creator, thus teaching an in mention are such that “eye has not seen, nor ear attempted ‘takeover’ of utter ingratitude. heard, nor have entered into the heart of man” (1 Cor.2:9). With such woeful ‘memories’ of the adventure of the first Adam, the ‘second Adam’ (as the Fathers Should man attempt to ‘appraise’ these blessings, expressly called the Incarnate God) came in order to By Archbishop based solely on his worldly ‘experiences’ and teach extreme humility. Not only towards the ‘will of Stylianos ‘knowledge’ and ‘desires’, then it is certain that he the Father’ but also in terms of the ‘bankruptcy’of of Australia will ‘miss the point’. In other words, he will not be man! able to enter into the essence of the mysteries of life. And this, because one’s life is not exhausted in the THE ‘NON-REPAYABLE’ biology, the physiology and the vigour of the body. It extends inexplicably into the foretaste of the CHARACTER Kingdom of God already through the transient ‘Forms’ of the present world. OF THE DIVINE We could say that, having the divine ‘Incarnation’ as ‘INCARNATION’ the fixed axis, things were literally turned ‘upside down’: A fundamental re-newal and rebirth of the This obedience to the will of the Father caused ‘God human race took place. the Word’ to become ‘human’ in order to teach ‘fallen man’ not simply ‘rectification’ but also ‘deification’ As a result, the ‘impermanence’, that is, the ‘tempo- (theosis) by grace. rality’ of the present world no longer terrifies the per- son of faith. It is no longer a ‘gaping wound’, the heal- And the extreme humility in the face of man’s bank- ing of which we do not know in terms of ‘when’ and ruptcy meant that, after all, the permanent ‘adoption’ ‘how’. of ‘strayed’ humanity was not averted. Because the ‘grace of God’ is - by definition - a Love which is The ‘impermanence’ which previously represented ‘unconditional’ and ‘non-repayable’. only uncertainty and fear in the face of the Unknown, is now converted directly into a dynamic Justifiably, therefore, all faithful share in the confes- ‘transition’. sion of the Psalmist who wrote in ‘perplexity’ and ‘gratitude’, professing: By ‘transition’, however, we do not mean, of course, the ‘transito’ of our curiosity on the skin of the earth. “What shall I render to the Lord Nor our invasive ambitions in outer Space. for all His benefits towards me?” Because all of these ‘activities’ which, as a rule, emanate from mischievousness, constitute an impasse (Psalm 116:12) whose course remains on a Horizontal level, if not in To Him be glory and honour and worship a Void. And such a course, inevitably reminds us of a snake that ‘bites its own tail’! to the ages! The transition which God ‘opens up’ for us through Amen. His Incarnation is characterized first and foremost by a Vertical line. It is a movement whose first impetus With fervent prayers in Christ is given by the Creator and Providential ‘Lord of Hosts’ (which is why this powerful movement is Archbishop STYLIANOS called ‘GRACE’). In the continuity of its upward course, man is also called to ‘collaborate’, realised Christmas 2006 DECEMBER 2006 6/34 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

Prestigious award to Greek Australian architect Last month, celebrated and awarded archi- tect Chris Tsioulos of CMT Architects was awarded the prestigious 2006 Design Quality award in the area of architecture- heritage- recognizing buildings that have made an outstanding contribution towards the conservation and promotion of heritage in the Canterbury City area.

Mr Tsioulos received his award on November 23 from His Worship the Mayor of Canterbury, Mr. Robert Furolo. The Independent Judging Panel made up of representatives of the Government Architects Office, the Architectural Profession and Academia awarded The Towers High School Campus of the All saints Greek Orthodox Grammar School and noted that this project is LEFT: Mr Tsioulos receiving his award from of the highest quality respecting the curtilage the Mayor of Canterbury, Mr Robert Furolo. of the heritage building and providing good TOP: From the All Saints Towers project. scale of buildings, consistency of materials and good use of smaller existing buildings both being respectful of the central heritage item on at the highest level for the NSW State al, institutional and land subdivision. within spaces and to define the edge of the the site was to be applauded. Government, Chris Tsioulos received several Projects benefit from the application of spaces within the school grounds. Mr. Poulet also strongly congratulated awards from the then NSW Department of inspired design together with the demands of Mr Peter Poulet, the Assistant Government Canterbury City Council on their initiative in Public Works. During his tenure working for buildability is the philosophy Chris works by. Architect noted in his presentation at the establishing these awards with the 2006 the community in public employ, in the areas The platform on which cmt architects has awards giving ceremony the work of Mr. awards being the second time the council has of schools, corrections and justice, Chris learnt grown and developed is the ability to under- Tsioulos was an outstanding result for such a presented these Design Quality awards. He and established his strong foundations for his stand the intimate complexities of a clients complex - multi staged project, the marriage stated that the quality of the projects nominat- chosen profession of architecture. needs, such as the All Saints G.O. Towers proj- between the needs of a contemporary high ed in 2006 was excellent and was very pleased Cmt Architects is now a well recognized ect, in harmony with difficulties which are a school with its specific requirements and the to see the improvements in the built environ- architectural practice having a strong track part of the planning, design, budgeting, timing Central Heritage Towers building was very ment in the Canterbury City Area over the last record in the areas of prestigious housing and and construction procurement processes successful. The way in which the new school 4 years. mixed commercial-residential buildings of whether it be for a small home or a large com- buildings function and present whilst still In a career spanning some 10 years working medium to high density, commercial, industri- plex building. Australia's year in health and medicine By Tamara McLean, can stimulate limited visual sensation in some into whether their disease will spread. exercise. National Medical Writer genetically blind people. Sufferers with high levels of the gene, called AZGP1, are less likely to develop cancer later SEX SURVEY REVEALS ALL Fat, lifesaving vaccines and the future of BREAST CANCER DRUG on, but it will still be several years before men A survey of more than 19,000 Australians research have topped the agenda in the medical The $70,000-a-year breast cancer drug can test for it. found that women who have sex with other world this year. Herceptin became subsidised for all women women, or do more than just have straightfor- The lively and emotive debate on medical with the extremely fast-moving HER2-posi- ABORTION PILL BAN LIFTED ward intercourse, are more likely to have abortions followed closely behind, as did the tive form of the disease. The medication, In a win for pro-choicers, responsibility for orgasms. The sex snapshot found that 95 per drug win for women with the most aggressive which works in conjunction with chemothera- abortion pill RU486 has been passed from cent had standard sex during their last form of breast cancer. py, is expected to be used by 2,000 Australian politicians to the Therapeutic Goods Admi- encounter, with 75 per cent also having "man- A potted rundown of Australia's health and women a year. nistration. This move effectively lifts a decade- ual stimulation", a quarter having oral sex and medical research developments in 2006: long ban on the drug but it will be virtually just one per cent taking part in anal sex. CERVICAL CANCER VACCINE impossible to get in Australia until a pharma- WORLD FIRST TRIPLE TRANSPLANT Australian of the Year Ian Frazer and drug ceutical company applies to market it. FOLATE BATTLE CONTINUES An Australian woman became the first per- company CSL won their much-publicised The government has yet to decide whether to son in the world to survive a ground-breaking plight to get the cervical cancer vaccine OBESITY STUDY SUCCESS follow the advice of the trans-Tasman food operation to transplant the kidney, liver and Gardasil added to the immunisation schedule. A weight loss project was branded an "aston- regulator and force bakers to add folic acid to pancreas. The operation saved Leanne Myles, The vaccine, to be available free to girls and ishing" success after stripping weight from an bread. The move has medical experts at log- who would likely have died from the auto teenagers from April, was found to be 100 per entire generation of Australian youngsters in gerheads, with supporters saying it will cut immune disease which was attacking her cent effective against most forms of the cancer the Victorian town of Colac. The trial reduced cases of spina bifida and others believing it organs. caused by the sexually-transmitted human the waistlines of more than 2,000 kids using could increase the risk of some cancers. papilloma virus (HPV). the old-fashioned weight-loss tools, diet and AAP BOTOX FOR PERIOD PAIN Doctors began trialling Botox injections on BIRD FLU PROTECTION women with intense and unrelenting period Medical experts have warned that hospitals pain. The chemical will be injected straight must plan for the possibility that crucial infra- into the uterus to paralyse the muscle for up to structure like power and telephones may fail in four months. the event of a bird flu outbreak. Four major pharmaceutical companies are in the final VAGINAL RING stages of developing vaccines to fight a possi- More than 100 Australian women tested out ble pandemic. a new vaginal contraceptive that is shaped like a calamari ring but has a much lower failure AIDS TRIAL rate than the pill. The ring is inserted like a Sydney researchers have begun tests on a tampon and used for a year but must be new vaccine that has the potential to prevent removed monthly to induce a period. HIV infection or slow its progress to delay onset of AIDS. The vaccine, being trialled BIONIC EAR TECHNOLOGY internationally, uses the common cold to The technology behind the bionic ear was prompt the body's so-called killer T-cells to used to help people with damaged nerves search and destroy infected cells. regain full use of their limbs. Researchers have developed a tiny plastic tube infused with PROSTATE CANCER CLUES chemicals to stimulate nerve growth. Another Scientists have found a gene which gives group has created a replica bionic eye which men with prostate cancer a life-saving clue DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 7/35

The spark that ignited a war

As the German occupation of Greece weakened, a Young fighters of the communist Greek loosely defined and its structure varied from place to place. Its ferocious struggle for powerbetween Left and Popular Liberation Army (ELAS) which secret and conspiratorial nature, the threat of the occupiers and Right intensified. On 3 December 1944, a Left was formed to coordinate various guerrilla the lack of infrastructure on the rugged terrain of Greece com- groups pounded this looseness and non-uniformity. In urban centres demonstration in Syntagma Square left at least ten EAM acted like an underground organisation, infiltrating the people dead and sparked the Civil War.But the whole state machine. jury is still out on who fired the first shots Although EAM was a grass roots movement, it was manipu- lated by the KKE at almost every level. The Nazi occupation EFTHYMIOS TSILIOPOULOS enabled its commissars to indoctrinate and radicalise young men and women. On 27 April 1941, German troops entered . The King The fact that Greece was divided by the occupiers (Germans, and the government had already departed for Crete on what was Italians, and Bulgarians) into different administrative zones left of the Greek fleet, along with the Greek gold reserves. meant that there were significant differences in the treatment of When Crete fell, the King and the Greek government in exile the population, the strength of the resistance and its effect. In based itself in Egypt. places with greater oppression there was more willingness to Because of its structure, after this hasty departure only rem- aid the resistance. In many cases reprisals by the occupiers, or nants from the erstwhile political system were left in occupied fear of them, led whole villages to ‘take to the mountains’ join- Greece. Up until 1936 the political system comprised a network ing the resistance. In some instances, as some claim, there was of patron-client relationships based loosely on the division a concerted effort by some resistance units to bolster their between Royalists and Venizelists and more on personal rela- milieu and the generalised impoverishment brought on a rather strength by driving the occupiers to reprisals. tions and nepotism. rapid radicalisation of the population. These phenomena fed the The friction between Venizelists and Royalists had frayed the resistance and were used by it. Internecine conflict ‘bourgeois’ political parties which were dealt a further blow when the dictatorship of General began on 4 Resistance The rise of EAM aided the KKE’s fight against political oppo- August 1936. They were weakened to the point of being inca- nents by co-opting them, intimidating them and even murder- pable of effective organisation or mobilisation. From the beginning of 1942 several resistance groups had ing them. The fall of Italy in 1943 meant a huge cache of arms With the death of Metaxas in January 1941 and the Nazi inva- started to coalesce under personal (not party) initiatives. The from the Italian occupants that effectively led to the military sion in April, local leaders fell into a state of hibernation. From politicians of traditional parties who remained in Greece spent growth of ELAS and its predominance over the vast majority of among traditional political parties only lower level cadres and themselves on theoretical approaches to resistance, squabbling Greek territory. older politicians were left in occupied Greece. at this crucial time. The KKE, with its years of experience in This initial first round of civil war, within the world war, In contrast, the leadership of the Left was almost entirely in underground conditions was the only force that could effective- brought ELAS into open confrontation with the other resistance Greece, mostly in jail or exile, at the time of the occupation. ly rise to the occasion. groups, and especially its chief adversaries: EDES, led by for- Traditionally, the Left did not enjoy much popularity in Greece Initially KKE remained frozen, because of the Ribbentrop- mer Venizelist officer , and EKKA, led by for- before 1941. Its traditional strength was rooted in socialist and Molotov non-aggression pact between Russia and Germany, mer colonel Dimitris Psarros. Zervas was a charismatic, if stout, agricultural movements, which, because of the petty owner the loss of its general secretary (whom the gambling fortune hunter who enjoyed the sympathy of the form of the rural economy and the rather stunted industrial Germans shipped off to Auschwitz) and a lack of instructions British mission to Greece. Originally a Venizelist, he eventual- base, were incapable of garnering political support that could be from Moscow. Operation Barbarossa, the German attack on the ly sided with the King. Psarros was an outstanding, democrati- translated into votes. It could not hope to compete with the tra- USSR, unfettered the KKE, which began to seek the creation of cally-minded officer sent to the hills on orders from the Middle ditional political machines of the ‘bourgeois’ parties a united front with forces from most of the political spectrum. East to create a centrist balance between the other poles. He The principles promulgated by the communist party, KKE, The name of the organisation they created in September 1941 came too late, and ELAS, through a pretext of harbouring went against the conservativeness of Greek society. Its main was EAM - the National Liberation Front - and was based on Royalists in his midst, twice attacked him and disarmed his power base at first lay among the radical fringe of the newly- ‘popular front’ recipes tried by communists in Europe in the rather well trained but small group. They murdered him after arrived refugees that the Turks had driven from Asia Minor who inter-war period. Under the guidance of EAM, the Greek his surrender. lived on the fringes of the urban centres or on former Turkish Popular Liberation Army, known as ELAS, was formed to All this time an EAM delegation flown secretly to the Middle estates in Macedonia. coordinate the various guerrilla groups that had begun appear- East was in negotiations with the Allies and the exiled Greek Within this polarisation, the KKE remained a helpless observ- ing. government and had agreed to abide by Allied control and er, mainly due to its self-perception of being outside the politi- EAM was to become by far the largest resistance organisation maintain good relations with the other groups. cal system, but also because from the very beginning the in occupied Greece, and probably the largest Greek political Venizelists had managed to pass legislation against it and its organisation ever known. In general the character of EAM was Cont. p. 9/37 basic aims. The end of the Republic, with the return of King George II in 1935, had temporarily bolstered the KKE’s power, which mar- shalled dissent among the more determined anti-royalists and turned it into a dynamic showing of protest and generalised industrial action. The resulting tumultuous situation was in part responsible for giving Metaxas the pretext for dissolving the Republic. However, the rise of Metaxas to power hobbled the Left, as the dictator moved very skilfully against its members, jailing them and forcing many of them into signing petitions of remorse. With the fall of Greece to the Nazis in 1941, the Left came to fill the political vacuum with the KKE at its vanguard. The win- ter of 1941-1942 brought, along with occupation, starvation, humiliation, and death. Existing social structures and classes became irrelevant overnight, as hunger struck at almost the entire population, but more so in urban areas. The urban popu- lation of Greece came to know almost unimaginable privations The Partners and Staff of Diamond Conway Lawyers and hitherto unknown squalor. wish all the Readers of the Vema In rural Greece the population was at the mercy of the German occupiers who often behaved little better than plunderers and a very Merry Christmas and a Happy robbers. Tens of thousands of Greeks died during that winter, while those physically fit or with relatives in villages left the and Prosperous New Year towns to seek food in the countryside. Those with no such sup- port, such as the Asia Minor refugees, were the worst hit. Money became useless as inflation reached exorbitant percent- ages on a daily basis, and the black market replaced almost all Phillip Meisner B.A. LL.B. Lucas Kanakis B.A. B.EC. LL.B Tom Doumanis LL.B. John Stinson LL.B. Arnold Conyer B.A. LL.B. legitimate market transactions. Ronald Gorick B.COMM. LL.B. Geoffrey Adelstein B.A. LL.B. Michael Schneider SAB Occupational authorities proved incapable of dealing with the irrational demands of the occupiers, who stripped Greece of whatever wealth it had and of foodstuffs to victual their armies Level 7, 9 Hunter Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia in their ongoing campaigns. This destruction of the social T: +61 2 9222 8000 F: +61 2 9222 8008 E: [email protected] W: DX: 707 Sydney DECEMBER 2006 8/36 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA

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A springboard to the future DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 9/37

Cont. from p. 7/35

As the Germans weakened it became appar- ent to everyone involved that the Left was not going to give up its newly found power to a bunch of what they considered Royalist hacks and layabouts who had spent the war in plush comfort in Egypt, while they starved in the mountains killing the enemy and each other. The British, Germans and Royalists, through intermediaries, agreed that it was in every- body’s best interests to set up battalions of rightwing-minded militia who would aid and abet the occupiers in fighting the ‘communists’ (EAM/ELAS) and would later become the ‘praetorians’ of the government-arrived-from- exile. These were the notorious and highly ineffective ‘’, an odd grouping of a few fanatics, quite a few semi- starved fortune hunters, many gang-pressed members, some outlaws and a few idiots.

Tension in Athens LEFT: December 3, 1944 marked the beginning of a bloody civil war that would rav- age Greece until 1949. ABOVE: ELAS soldiers are aligned outside Thessaloniki’s Agia In Athens things had started deteriorating Sophia church. quickly in the spring of 1944. In Kaisariani, Kalamaki, Nea Smyrni, Piraeus, and even in the centre of town battles were carried out by men. Greek naval troops held a few key posi- The crowd was militant but unarmed. The one side of the square. When the speeches had rival EAM ‘units’ and various rightist groups. tions in Piraeus, while Greek and British ves- orders issued by EAM were explicit - they ended, the crowd dispersed peacefully under These groups were lightly armed since heavy sels lay off Athens with their guns menacingly were to break through police blockades the watchful eyes of British paratroopers who weapons were reserved for combat units in the trained towards the city. through sheer mass. had silently and effectively infiltrated the countryside. Despite this, ELAS had managed The spark that lit the keg was struck on Until 10.30am all was calm. Foreign corre- perimeter. to ‘import’ mortars and eventually light how- December 3, when an essentially peaceful spondents, journalists and photo-graphers Official estimates were of ten dead and 66 itzers within the then city limits. The Security demonstration by EAM supporters was fired were arrayed on surrounding balconies taking wounded. According to EAM it was 23 dead Battalions tipped the balance in favour of the upon by persons unknown causing a dozen in the unusual spectacle. and over 100 wounded. One police officer was occupiers, and the rightwing as long as the dead and quite a few wounded in Syntagma The crowd reached the first police barricades killed and two wounded from a hand grenade Germans were still there. Square and, according to leftist sources, six and began to push some back, in some cases explosion. Evert later maintained that the The government of more in other areas. with great ease, in others after fighting, in police response happened as a result of the returned to Greece, but was preceded by the which police used batons and demonstrators death of the policeman which took place British who attempted in vain to forestall any The march on Syntagma sticks and stones. Police resistance was elastic, before shots were fired by police. mass reprisals by ELAS against its enemies. and, by modern standards, mild. Faced with EAM immediately blamed the authorities for And they were many, by now. Being by far the December 3, 1944 was a cold day in Athens. the situation they retreated in an orderly fash- a premeditated and murderous attack. Some of strongest meant that EAM’s atrocities were On the previous day the government had ion leaving open access to the square for the the more moderate historians of the Left feel also far more numerous, and in a country rid- decided not to ban the planned protest rally and demonstrators to do the same. This however, that the first shots were fired by far-right agent dled with ancient passions and hatreds recent gave police the authority to deal with it. The funnelled more demonstrators in. provocateurs, acting outside or within police shocking brutalities were the best fuel for the proposal to ban the rally completely was made The first shots were heard far from Syntagma ranks, to spread panic among police already ignition of a full fledged civil war. by police chief Angelos Evert (father of Square in the direction of the prime minister’s frightened by the crowd. But apologists for the Relative calm prevailed after the arrival of Miltiades, the former New Democracy leader residence on 6 Vasilissis Sofias Avenue. The then government and many rightwing histori- the British and Papandreou. EAM had seven and current MP), who thought it a security risk. government later maintained that the crowd ans stick to the position that communist provo- ministers in the cabinet, but not the portfolios People started pouring into Syntagma Square had attacked the building with gunfire and cation orchestrated the first shots, precipitating it had hoped for (like defence or internal and the surrounding areas, bearing banners and grenades. The government announcement also civil strife to gain power. order). Instead, it had Zervas’ few but hard- pickets. Evert, a competent and intelligent man mentioned the death of a protester and the ened semi-professionals on its west flank and a (and an Allied agent tolerated by the Germans severe wounding of one of the guards. Two The end of the beginning handful of British troops mainly in the largest as an open liaison) had, according to some, a eye-witnesses, the American ambassador and urban centres. total of around 2,000 men in the surrounding the adjutant military attache, categorically stat- EAM did not tip its hand during the ensuing It was only a matter of time before the battle area (out of a total 3,000-3,500 police in the ed that the crowd was unarmed, but added that night, but Athenians locked themselves in of Athens began. The ‘allied’ camp consisted greater metropolitan area). Part of this force police had fired blanks. One wonders how the early on, expecting the worst. This fear led the of the (hastily brought over from the Italian was being held in reserve in Kolonaki Square, protester died. One thing is certain. These first general strike EAM had called for in Athens to front) seasoned III Mountain Brigade (without a rightist bastion in this fight. Most of them shots, blank or not, precipitated disaster. a rounding success. On the morning of artillery) with about 2,800 officers and other were armed with small power revolvers or The shots heard did not deter the crowd, December 4 all stood still. The afternoon saw ranks. To these were added about 6,000 police- clubs. which broke the police blockade and headed all the hopes Athenians harboured of a respite towards the police headquarters that then sat at from the horrors of war dashed on the rocks of the confluence of Vasilissis Sofias and fratricide. Vasilissis Amalias Avenues. According to In a show of power, and despite the bloody Laiki Bank continues to expand sources at that time, rapid staccato fire was events of the past day, EAM mobilised its sup- heard, which immediately drew government porters to mass funerals. All sources recount fire from both the roof of the Parliament and that the crowd was hostile, and this time not as new Bankstown Branch opens the police HQ. Heavy shooting came from only armed, but guarded by ELAS troops. several points, with the crowd caught in the At around 5pm the crowd was again fired The growth and expansion of Laiki Bank 2007 within its existing geographical network crossfire. upon from known rightwing strongholds at the continued on Monday with the opening of of Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. The crowd panicked, especially those in front Hotel Metropolis (on the corner of Aiolou and the bank’s 10th branch in 5 years, located Theo Tekidis, Branch Manager of Laiki of the Unknown Soldier monument, and scat- Stadiou) and according to KKE sources also at the corner of South Terrace and East Bank Bankstown said; “With many existing tered, leaving dead and wounded behind them. from the buildings of General Security, Traffic Terrace, Bankstown. customers and such a large and vibrant They moved into the square and this time Police and the 4th Police Precinct (these last Equally as significant as the opening of a Hellenic community, in and around the area, standing on the road surface between the three sites seem rather unbelievable if you take 10th branch, is the positioning of the branch we felt Bankstown was as an excellent choice Parliament and the Grande Bretagne Hotel into account distances and intervening struc- in Bankstown, arguably the most culturally for the next branch. The new branch will began singing the national anthem followed by tures). KKE claimed the number killed was diverse community in Sydney. Whilst the enable Laiki to provide a much more conven- “The Internationale”, while dipping handker- around 40, but it was more likely six. The Hellenic Community has been, and continues ient service, as customers will now have a chiefs in the blood of the victims. crowd and its escort attempted to storm the to be the primary market for Laiki Bank, branch in their local area. We are also confi- A few minutes later, another group broke hotel, but were repulsed after an intervention increasingly mainstream Australia, and ethnic dent that our experience with servicing the through police at Ermou Street on the lower by British armoured cars. Those Athenians communities such as the Serbian, Middle Greek community gives us an advantage part of the square and pushed towards the par- who hoped that the worst was over were to be Eastern, and Vietnamese communities are when working with other ethnic communi- liament building. The square again filled with bitterly disappointed. The Civil War had effec- becoming customers of Laiki Bank. ties. So we look forward to promoting our people and the scheduled speakers began to tively begun. Laiki Bank is experiencing steady growth, products and services to such communities in address the crowd from the offices of the KKE with more new branches planned to open in the area”. newspaper Rizospastis on Othonos Street, on ATHENS NEWS , 01/12/2006 DECEMBER 2006 10/38 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA Windows to Orthodoxy Why Portray Christ as the Sun God? By Guy Freeland* This passage was understood to be a prophecy of the coming of Christ. Christ declared Himself to be the light of the world Christ the Sun god? The very idea! Has your columnist been (John 8:12). He is the radiance or reflection of the glory of the practising strange Mithraic rites? Has he finally succumbed to Father (Hebrews 1:3). Alzheimer’s or been wandering around under a full moon It comes as no surprise that, in addition to the metaphor of the again? Before you tear off a brisk letter of protest to the Editor, Sun, the liturgy is replete with metaphors of light and fire. An let me delay no longer in assuring you that Christ is not a Sun extract from the prayer of the Great Blessing of the Waters at god, but was portrayed in Early Christian times as the Sun god, the Theophany will have to serve as a representative example: Helios or (in Latin) Sol. Today the Sun that never sets [i.e., Christ] has risen and the world is filled with splendour by the light of Christos Helios the Lord … Today Paradise has been opened to men and the Sun of Righteousness shines down upon us … Today Deep under St Peter’s in Rome, below the floor level of the the blinding mist of the world is dispersed by the Epiphany Constantinian basilica whose foundations lie beneath the pres- of our God … The waters saw Thee, O God, the waters ent building, are to be found the remains of the graveyard on the saw Thee and were afraid. The Jordan turned back, seeing Vatican Hill where St Peter was crucified, according to tradition the fire of the Godhead descending bodily and entering upside down. Amongst the tombs is one of special interest, that its stream. (Mother Mary and Archimandrite Kallistos known to archaeologists as Mausoleum M (of the Julii) or to Ware, The Festal Menaion, London: Faber, 1977, most other people as the Chapel of the Fisherman. pp. 354- 355.) Of Pagan origin, the tomb was converted to Christian use. On But there is solider evidence that our mosaic does indeed its vaulted ceiling is an extensive third-century Christian mosa- depict Christ as Helios/Sol. Clement of Alexandria declares ic depicting Christ as the Sun god driving the chariot of the Sun Christ to be the “Sun of Resurrection”, the “one begotten before In the East, commemoration of the visit of the Magi was also across the sky. Two white horses rear up in front of the chario- the morning star, who gives life with his own rays”. (Since the transferred, but in the West it became the principal event com- teer, who holds an orb (a symbol of the cosmos and of kingship) planet Venus, as a morning “star”, rises on the eastern horizon memorated at Epiphany, being seen as Christ’s manifestation to in his left hand. Unfortunately the mosaic is damaged, but, shortly before sunrise, it has often been taken as symbolic of the the Gentiles. In the East, the Epiphany (or Theophany) became judging from the angle of the arm, Christ is almost certainly Theotokos.) Clement goes further, actually describing Christ as the feast of the baptism of Christ. The Armenian Church never giving a blessing with His missing right hand. a charioteer who brings eternal life with the dawn as He begins did adopt the feast of Christmas on December 25, and to this There is not the slightest doubt that the mosaic is Christian. His ascent through the heavens in the chariot of the Sun: “he day continues to commemorate the birth of Christ on January 6. The scene is placed within an octagonal space created by stems who rides over all creation is the ‘Sun of Righteousness’ who The theory is that the Church promoted the Nativity of the Sun of the gape vine that forms the background of the mosaic. The … has changed sunset into sunrise, and crucified death into of Righteousness (natalis solis iustitiae) in opposition to the vine is symbolic of Christ - “I am the true vine and my Father life.” (Quoted in R.M.Jensen, Understanding Early Christian pagan feast of the Nativity of the Unconquered Sun (natalis is the vinedresser” (John 15:1 RSV) – and, of course, of the Art, London: Routledge, 2000, pp. 42-43.) solis invicti) and of the Sun god, Mithras, which was also kept Eucharist. The eight-sided frame to the scene is symbolic of the The pagans identified their Sun god, Helios/Sol, with the on December 25. Eighth Day, the Lord’s Day, Sunday, the day of the physical Sun, but for Christians the physical Sun is simply a The pagan solar feast had been instituted by the emperor Resurrection and the new creation in Christ, the day that signi- symbol or metaphor for the Spiritual Sun, Christ, who as Aurelian on 25th December 274 in order to promote a fies eternity. Rays emanating from the golden disk of the Sun, Pantocrator governs the whole universe from the centre of the monotheistic cult of the Sun with the intention of unifying all which creates a halo around the head of the charioteer, form the spiritual supercelestial and supersensible heavens. existing cults (shades of Akhnaton). As such, the festival of the figure of a cross. (This is why the image of the Pantocrator is usually placed Nativity of the Unconquered Sun, the theory runs, would have Any remaining doubts are set to rest by the existence of other in the centre of the dome of an Orthodox church.) been seen as particularly pernicious by the Church. scenes in the mosaic typical of early Christian iconography: The trouble is, there appears to be no concrete evidence to Jonah and the whale, which Christ interprets (Matthew 12:40- Light Comes from the East support this theory. And, indeed, at least as early as 243, thirty- 41) as a type of His forthcoming passion and resurrection; the one years before Aurelian’s creation of the festival of the Good Shepherd carrying the lost sheep (John 10:14, Matthew The Scriptures and the liturgy aside, it was natural for Unconquered Sun, a direct connection had been made between 18:12); an angel hooking a fish. This last scene, which gives the Christians to associate the rising of the sun on the eastern hori- the Malachi prophecy and the nativity of Christ. So, why was tomb its popular name, is similar to many other fishing scenes zon with the Resurrection of Christ. Further, it was believed that December 25 chosen? in early Christian art. Such scenes probably derive from Christ would appear in the East at His Second Coming. In early times, there were two particularly widely canvassed Christ’s words to the Apostles, “I will make you become fish- According to Genesis the Garden of Eden was situated in the dates for when the Crucifixion might have occurred, March 25 ers of men” (Mark 1:17). East, and so Christians symbolically placed the celestial and April 6. But there was also a tradition that the conception Portraying Christ as the pagan Sun god might seem strange, Paradise in the East also. of Christ, the Annunciation, occurred on the same day of the but the fact is that myths can legitimately be used as types (= For these reasons, early Christians prayed facing East and year as the Crucifixion. foreshadowings) of New Testament narratives (antitypes) in were also buried facing East, so as to be ready to greet the risen Allowing for gestation, the birth of Christ would have occurred precisely the same way as Old Testament narratives. Christ at the resurrection of the dead. Not surprisingly, church- nine months after His conception, on either December 25 or Mythological scenes that would have been understood typolog- es were usually oriented to the East (and should be today where January 6. The commemoration of the birth of Christ on ically, such as Orpheus charming the animals (= Christ subdu- at all possible). January 6 was in harmony with April 6. The zeitgeist, however, ing the passions), were particularly popular in early Byzantine The Resurrection had occurred on the first day of the Jewish moved in favour of March 25. Part of the argument in favour of times as church floor mosaics. week, which commemorated the first day of the creation of March 25 for the conception was that it was the conventional Converts from Paganism would be far more familiar with Genesis. This led the Church from the beginning to adopt the date of the spring (we are talking about the Northern pagan mythology than with the Old Testament, and doubtless first day of the week, rather than the last, the Sabbath, as the Hemisphere, of course) equinox, the beginning of the astro- were helped by being able to see structural parallels between Lord’s Day (Revelation 1:10). On this day the local Christian nomical year. Surely the Word would have become flesh at the familiar myths and Gospel narratives or the mysteries of the community met for the regular celebration of the Eucharist and spring equinox. Church. Further, in an age of persecution, mythological scenes a common meal (the agape). This day also happened to be the But there was another reason for favouring the 25th of March. with a double meaning would not have attracted the suspicions day of the week the pagans dedicated to Sol/Helios, Sunday. This was that it was believed (following the apocryphal Book of the authorities. This coincidence established a firm link between the Sun and of James) that the annunciation to Zechariah - John the Baptist’s There are a number of New Testament linkages between the Lord’s Day, the day of the new creation, the Eighth Day. dad - occurred on the Jewish Day of Atonement, which falls Christ and the Sun. In Matthew’s account of the transfiguration, But another reason has been widely advanced as to why a around the time of the autumn equinox. The conventional date Christ’s face is said to have “shone like the sun, and his gar- strong association came to be established between Christ and for the equinox was September 24. ments became white as light” (17:2). Similarly, in the vision of the Sun. This is that the Church in the fourth-century chose So, Conception of John on the autumn equinox, September 24 the Son of Man in Revelation, Christ’s face is described as December 25 as the feast of Christ’s Nativity in order to coun- (though in the East the feast is celebrated on the 23rd); Nativity being “like the sun shining in full strength” (1:16), and His eyes teract the pagan festivities associated with the winter solstice, of John, nine months later, on the summer solstice, June 24; the “like a flame of fire” (1:14). observed on the Julian calendar on this day. Nice theory, but is Annunciation on the spring equinox, March 25, and the Then there is the “woman clothed with the sun” in Revelation it correct? Nativity of Christ (who, according to Luke 1:26 was conceived 12:1-6. Although, literally understood, the woman signified the six months after John) on the winter solstice, December 25. Church, she came to be understood as referring to the Why Celebrate Christmas on December 25? Voilà! Theotokos, and the Sun with which she was clothed was taken The spiritual/liturgical year of the Sun of Righteousness, and as referring to Christ, whom she bore. Although the actual history is very confusing and complicat- of His Forerunner, John, is brought into perfect accord with the One of the more common titles of Christ is that of the Sun of ed, the gist of the story goes something like this. The birth of tropical (= seasonal) year of the physical Sun. It all fits togeth- Righteousness. This derives from the prophecy of the Day of Christ had originally been commemorated along with the visit er; and so it should! Christmas in its origins is no pagan feast in the Lord in Malachi 3 and 4: of the Magi, the baptism of Christ, and Christ’s first miracle at disguise, though regrettably much energy has been expended in For behold, the day comes burning like an oven, when all Cana in Galilee on January 6, the feast of Epiphany. These bib- recent times in paganising it. the arrogant and all the evil doers will be stubble … But lical events were seen as theophanic, as manifestations of God for you who fear my name the sun of righteousness shall incarnate. Then in the fourth century a new feast was created on * Guy Freeland teaches hermeneutics and liturgical studies at rise, with healing in its wings (4:1-2). December 25 to celebrate the birth of Christ. St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College. DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 11/39

$325,000 raised by Radiomarathon for Children with Special Needs Over 30 organisations that support children with special needs in Australia, will welcome this impressive achieve- LEFT: Mr Michalis ment, as Radiomarathon concludes 10 years of very suc- Athanasiou, the Chairman cessful fundraising. Mr Michalis Athanasiou, the Chairman of the Radiomarathon of the Radiomarathon Trust, announced this impressive fig- Trust. ure on Friday night at the Radiomarathon Ball in Sydney, BELOW: The NSW which concluded a series of about 15 fundraising activities Minister for Health, The organised by the Laiki Bank of Australia. Hon. John Hatzistergos

Prior to announcing the overall total, Mr Athanasiou, also the General Manager of Laiki Bank Australia, announced the fig- ure of $111,000 collected at the recent Ball held at Le Montage, Leichhardt. This record figure only just surpassed last Saturday’s equally impressive result of $110,000 collected at the Melbourne Radiomarathon Ball, held at the Crown Palladium. Part of a broader initiative which reaches across the world to wherever Laiki Bank has a presence, Radiomarathon Worldwide also achieved a record this year, with a total of AUD $5.5million, collected this year. In it’s 10th year running in Australia Radiomarathon has suc- ceeded in providing much needed financial support towards helping children with severe physical and mental disabilities, cancer, thalassaemia, diabetes, hearing difficulties, eye prob- lems, leukaemia, autism, epilepsy as well as children’s hospital which deal with a variety of more obscure problems. Addressing such a broad range of problems is a huge undertak-, or by calling 1300 888 700, or ing, however so too is the support displayed by an ever-present, simply by dropping into a Laiki Bank branch, where you can and generous community. also purchase your Radiomarathon Christmas Cards. In his speech Mr Athanasiou, praised the hard work of volun- teers and bank staff for staging the events and the generosity of Charity Overview - Radiomarathon the public, which have embraced the initiative. He highlighted the fact that 100% of the net funds raised will go to children Radiomarathon is an annual charity event for children with with special needs, as a result of Laiki Bank covering all admin- special needs, organised by Laiki Bank which covers 100% of istrative costs of organising and executing the fundraising. The administrative costs. First organised in Cyprus in 1990, it has NSW Minister for Health, The Hon. John Hatzistergos, noted since grown into one of the largest charity fundraising events of that it was a credit for a bank to truly engage with the commu- the Greek-speaking world and the Diaspora. Radiomarathon nity in such a way, when more often we hear only of the prof- functions are organised world wide and to date have raised in its banks make. The Consul General for Greece in Sydney, Mr excess of $55 million dollars for children with special needs. Ioannis Raptakis, noted that it is an established Hellenic tradi- In Australia since 1996, Radiomarathon is comprised of a tion to share with the less able or fortunate, one which wide range of events held in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and For the bibliophiles… Radiomarathon is upholding. Both Sydney and Melbourne din- Brisbane, which both create awareness of and provide funds to ners provided guests with ample entertainment and a fine din- support children with physical and mental disabilities, cancer, J. M. Cook, The Persians, ing experience, with TV personality John Mangos as MC. thalassaemia, diabetes, hearing difficulties, eye problems, The Folio Society, London, 2001. You can find out more about Radiomarathon at leukaemia, autism, epilepsy as well as children’s hospital. (Also published by J. M. Dent & Sons under the title of The Persian Empire.)

This book looks at a part of Persia’s foreign policy that had great impact on the Greeks and their standing in the ancient Questions & Answers world; namely, the Persian Wars conducted by the Persian emperors Darius and Xerxes against the Greeks. It examines (John 17:24). the possible reasons as to why the most powerful empire at Is it true that the Bible indicates that the time was defeated by a bunch of Greek city-states who, Christ submits to God, even as the St. Paul uses the parallel in the passage above to which you Q refer, to show that though both are of the equal and same often as not, were more concerned about squabbling woman submits to man? Does this essence, they are related to each other in a relationship of amongst themselves than some outside threat. The book is passage lower the dignity of the Son of God mutuality. This refers to the Father and the Son; and it refers to easy to read and will prove to be quite helpful to those study- ing Greece’s clashes with the Persians. and does it cast some reflection on His deity? a husband and wife. It is not demeaning to the Son to be what He is, i.e., the Son of the Father. Nor is it demeaning to a wife to be what she is, i.e., the wife of her husband. The passage Procopius, The Secret History, You seem to refer to the passage of St. Paul in his lowers the dignity neither of the Son, nor the dignity of a wife. translated by G. A. Williamson, First Letter to the Corinthians, “… the head of every The Son is God, sharing the same essence as the Father. A wife The Folio Society, London, 1990. A man is Christ, the head of a woman is her husband, is fully human, in nature, the same as her husband. and the head of Christ is God” (11.3). This passage occurs in a discussion of head-covering and should not be read * * * * * Also known as Anecdota by the Greeks, but perhaps more without reference to other passages, in the Bible and the teach- aptly called the Chroniques Scandaleuses by the French. From the Orthodox Church: 455 Questions and Answers, ing of the Holy Tradition. The Bible’s teaching about Jesus Written by Procopius, secretary to the Byzantine general Christ as the Son of God, the Father, is seen in many passages by Stanley S. Harakas, published by Light and Life. Belisarius but who later served under the emperor Justinian, of Scripture. Some of these indicate that Jesus is eternally born The Secret History is a character assassination. Lashing out of the Father (John 1): that the Father sent Him into the world If you have any questions about the Orthodox faith at Belisarius, Justinian and their wives (respectively for the salvation of the world (John 3:16 – 21); and those who Antonina and Theodora) Procopius levels charges of sexual believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, abide in the Father which you would like answered in the VEMA, send depravity, incompetence and stupidity. He claims Justinian (1 John 4:15) and overcome the world (1 John 5:5); and to was a demon, and sets out to demonstrate how the Byzantine them to know the Father (1 John 5:20). Clearly, to be a son is not the Empire was wrecked by Justinian’s mishandling of it same as being a father. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity does (whether through deliberate means or sheer incompetence). two things. It emphasizes that both the Father and the Son are Vema -Q.&A., Modern historians feel that there is a degree of truth in the Divine, being of the same essence. However, the Father is the charges, but although it is an important document “primary source of divinity”, the “Arche” of the persons of the P.O.Box M59 Marrickville South, it should be approached with prior knowledge of the period Holy Trinity, for the Son is forever “born of the Father.” The or be read in tandem with a more reliable book. Like Pliny Son is directed by the Father, who gave Him the work of sal- NSW 2204 the Elder’s antidote against all poisons, this book should be vation (John 17:4), who glorifies Him (John 17:4), who has taken with a grain of salt. given Him the world to teach (John17:14). Yet the Father and or e-mail them to: the Son are one (John 17:22) and are united in a bond of love [email protected] T.C. DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 12/40 GGrreateat NNewew DDiscoveriscoveryy Secrets of the Himalaya’s revealed Dr Earl Mindell Science shows that drinking Goji on a daily basis; R.Ph., MH., Ph.D

* Helps extend your life, By protecting the body from premature aging through it’s unique Recognised as the world’s master molecule polysaccharides and powerful anti-oxidants. leading nutritional authority * Increase your energy and strength. Increases exercise tolerance, stamina and endurance. Helps on the Goji Berry Dr Earl to eliminate fatigue, especially when recovering from illness. Mindell believes Goji to be * Makes you look and feel younger, and sleep better. Goji polysaccharides stimulate the release of hGH, (Human growth possibly the most nutritionallly hormone), the “youth hormone”. The benefits include better quality dense food on earth. It pro- of sleep, improved memory, accelerated healing and a more vides powerful benefit on youthful appearance. * Helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure. health, well-being and anti- * Improves immune response, disease resistance and cancer aging than any other food, treatments. Goji polysaccharides enhance and balance immune cells, including drug or supplement that has T-cells, IL-2, and IgG. In doing so enhancing the success of cancer been seen in the last 40 years. treatments. * Fights inflammation and arthritis & strengthens your muscles and bones. What a Perfect Gift * Enhances libido and sexual function. * Brightens your spirit, alleviates anxiety & stress. For Your Loved One * Builds strong blood, heart, kidney & liver health. * Helps weight loss. “The Gift Of Life” Helps convert food and fat cells into energy while also normalizing cortisol levels. GEORGE ATHANASAKIS * Improves fertility, helps prevent morning sickness 0412 256677 and treats menopausal symptoms. * Relieves headaches and dizziness. LOUIS GIANNAKOULI * Improves your vision. 0412 456 573 DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 13/41 DECEMBER 2006 14/42 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA Health HEALTH Rheumatoid Arthritis

deformity. tests. morning stiffness. Each joint affected should NEWS Non joint symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis A blood test known as the Rheumatoid fac- be put through a daily full range of motion to * include fatigue, loss of appetite and low grade tor (antibody test) is positive in 80 % of cases keep it mobile and to reduce stiffness. WITH DR. THEO PENKLIS fever. Nodules may form under the skin, often of Rheumatoid Arthritis. However, Physical therapies: such as heat and cold can over the bony areas exposed to pressure such Rheumatoid factor may be present in people be useful. Cold packs will help cool an as elbows. who do not have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and inflamed warm joint. Heat applied via a hot Rheumatoid Arthritis is a serious form of further some people who do have Rheumatoid water bottle, hot pack, electric blanket or warm arthritis. It is a disease of the joints charac- Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis Arthritis may NOT have a positive shower can help with early morning stiffness. terised by inflammation of the synovium, the Rheumatoid factor. We say that these people Medications: drugs play an important in membrane lining the joint. This inflammation The causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis are not have Rheumatoid Arthritis, but negative Rheumatoid Arthritis. Many people are pre- can cause pain, stiffness, warmth, redness and known. It is thought that the immune system Rheumatoid factor. scribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs swelling of the joint. plays a role in Rheumatoid Arthritis in that So you can see,there is not a specific test to (NSAIDS) to help reduce joint stiffness and cells of the immune system invade the joint diagnose Rheumatoid Arthritis. swelling. Low doses of corticosteroids such as The symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis synovium (lining) causing inflammation and prednisone may also be used in the treatment over time cause damage to the cartilage and The management of Rheumatoid Arthritis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Sometimes people The symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis can bone. with Rheumatoid Arthritis are treated with dis- vary according to the severity of the disease. It The aim of treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis ease modifying agents. Some of the drugs is not always a severe disabling condition, and The incidence of Rheumatoid Arthritis is to manage the condition to minimise joint have fairly serious side affects and their use many people can have mild symptoms and pain and swelling ,to relieve joint stiffness and needs to be monitored closely. remain relatively pain free and well controlled Rheumatoid Arthritis affects about 2 per cent to prevent joint damage. Surgery: occasionally surgery can help if a with medication. of the population. It is three times more com- Joint damage is a concern because in severe particular joint is severely inflamed by remov- The symptoms usually include stiffness and mon in females. Most people who suffer cases the swollen and deformed joints may ing the inflamed lining called the synovium. In tenderness of the small joints, especially of the Rheumatoid Arthritis are aged between fifty become dislocated or rupture. later stages, it may be possible to replace a wrist, hands and feet, but can also involve larg- and sixty, but the disease can affect any age The management of Rheumatoid Arthritis badly damaged joint with an artificial joint. er joints like the knee, shoulders, ankles and group. often involves a combination of rest, exercise, even the neck. joint protection, medication, physical and As discussed, the management of Rheu- Stiffness, particularly early morning stiffness The diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis occupational therapy. matoid Arthritis involves a multi-disciplinary is a very common feature of Rheumatoid Rest: is important but must be sensibly bal- approach, and focuses on the alleviation of Arthritis. The diagnosis is generally made following a anced with exercise so joints do not remain symptoms as well as the modification of the Pain, swelling, warmth and redness of these thorough medical history and detailed physical stiff. disease process to achieve the best outcome joints are other symptoms of examination, looking at the distribution of Exercise: Fitness is important. Walking and for the patient. Rheumatoid Arthritis. Typical of Rheumatoid joints affected, joint swelling, warmth and swimming are encouraged. Hydrotherapy is Arthritis is that the joint involvement is often range of movement and presence of nodules excellent for Rheumatoid Arthritis. * The information given in this article is of a general symmetrical. Over time, the damage to the car- under the skin. Physiotherapy: Home exercise routines pre- nature and readers should seek advice from their own tilage and bone of the joint may lead to joint Investigations will include XRays and blood vent muscle weakness and help with early medical practitioner before embarking on any treatment.


Greek Orthodox ProviCare is a community based non-profit organisation providing Scouting Committee FREE confidential telephone counselling and 16 Crewe St Bardwell Park 2207 Email: [email protected] rehabilitation service for: Tel: 95671835 Fax: 95920301  Users LEADERS WANTED  Families for the Greek Scout and Cub units.  Carers

We require Leaders male & female (min.20yrs) and Assistants (min.18yrs), & Group Leaders ProviCare now provides Free Face-to-Face counselling for (min.25), to be appointed to the new Groups, after training. individuals and families who are affected by Alcohol or Drugs. If Greek Scout Groups are meeting weekly every Friday evening 6.30pm you would like to make an appointment please do not hesitate to call us on the Toll Free number provided below. at St Stylianos Parish – Sutherland and at St. Euphemia Parish – Bankstown. If you are concerned about your own, or someone else’s Alcohol or other Drug use, contact ProviCare on the toll free number. Previous experience in Scouting or special knowledge is not mandatory, although previous involvement in Scouting in Australia or in Greece would be useful. It is imperative that you care about children, that you would like to help them become ProviCare is serviced by a team of Registered Psychologists good and useful citizens for society and for themselves. at convenient locations in Sydney. The Scouting Method involves activity, opportunity for action, imagination, adventure, useful knowledge, outdoor life, and helps to develop the child’s character and their enjoyment of life. The Greek Scout Groups also provide the opportunity to improve skills and learn more about the Greek Orthodox Culture. Scout Leaders prepare the children (boys & girls) for their journey in life with the Scouting Method, which is an internationally accepted educational method with its roots in the Ancient Greek Civilisation, in Christianity and in the Western European Civilisation. Scouting is a voluntary educational movement open to all, with the following basic ProviCare counsellors are experienced in the Alcohol and Drug field principles: DUTY TO GOD and are fluent in both Greek and English. DUTY TO COUNTRY, FELLOWMAN AND TO SOCIETY DUTY TO SELF TOLL FREE:

The Scouting Motto is BE PREPARED .


To register: Please contact (02) 95671835 Mr George Papadimitriou James - Commissioner for Greek Scouts The ProviCare Foundation is a mission of the Greek Orthodox Scout Association of Australia, NSW Branch. Archdiocese of Australia DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 15/43 DECEMBER 2006 16/44 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA


• imbalances. life (e.g. after heart attack, or death of loved Withdrawal from social activities, from close In many cases, there are effective alternatives one, loss of work, which is known as exoge- family and friends • to antidepressant drugs. (Though they are nous depression or reactive depression): Guilt or ruminating about the past; negative essential in severe cases.) As already men- • Avena sativa (oats) BY CHRISTINA SCALONE* thoughts like- ‘I am a failure’, ‘It’s all my tioned, there are number of lifestyle and • Turnera diffusa (damiana) BHSc, Dip. Bot. Med, Dip. fault’, ‘Nothing good ever happens to me’, ‘I dietary factors that lead to low serotonin levels. • Lavandula (lavender) Hom, Dip. Nut am worthless’, ‘Life is not worth living’, etc. These are: • Ginseng • Irritability or excessive anger • • • Cigarette smoking Tribulus terresteris Lessened productivity • High sugar intake • Blood sugar disturbances (low sugar levels Homeopathic remedies have also been very REPRINTED DUE TO POPULAR Why do people get depressed? and diabetes) successful in the treatment of depression. The DEMAND There are many theories that have been put • Various nutrient deficiencies individual needs to be assessed by a home- forward to explain the underlying reason for opath who will prescribe the correct remedy depression. In our brain, we have many chem- Lifestyle factors: for the patient. ical substances that help to carry messages A healthy lifestyle and diet are very important from one cell to another. Some of these sub- in the treatment of depression. NOTE: IT IS IMPORTANT TO SEEK stances cause excitation/stimulation and some • Stop smoking PROFESSIONAL ADVICE BEFORE of them cause inhibition. One of these chemi- • Moderation in alcohol and caffeine intake STARTING ANY BOTANICAL OR NU- cals, known as “Serotonin”, has been referred • Regular exercise – Exercise has a profound TRITIONAL MEDICINE. DO NOT to as the brain’s own mood elevating and tran- antidepressant effect. It helps to improve mood TREAT DEPRESSION ON YOUR OWN. quilizing drug. An optimum level of serotonin and cardiovascular function. Regular exercise keeps us hopeful, optimistic, calm, patient, increases the levels of endorphins (chemicals Counselling: loving and caring; makes us think and concen- in our brain), which are directly related to trate as necessary, as well as sleep well and not mood. There are many counselling techniques that overeat. On the other hand, low levels of sero- • Healthy diet are useful. Cognitive behavioural therapy tonin, can make us depressed, anxious, irrita- • Identification and control of food allergies – (CBT) seems to be the most effective one. DEPRESSION ble, impatient, impulsive, abusive, crave sweet as already discussed in previous articles. A per- Psychologists and other mental health special- or high-carbohydrate foods and lead to poor son with allergies can present with various ists trained in cognitive therapy help to change Depression is the most common mood disor- sleep. symptoms, like depression, fatigue, muscle the way the depressed person consciously der. It affects young and old, and is twice as These biochemical imbalances can be caused and joint pains, drowsiness, difficulty in con- thinks about failure, defeat, loss and helpless- common in women as in men. by stressful events as well as diet and lifestyle centration and nervousness. ness. It is a solution-oriented psychotherapy Depression is a whole body illness, one that factors. designed to help patients learn skills that will affects the body’s nervous system, moods, Diet and nutrition: improve the quality of their lives. thoughts and behaviour. It affects the way you Other reasons for depression: eat and sleep, the way you react to and think Any single nutrient deficiency can alter brain It is important to note that if a patient needs about the people and things around you. Depression can often be due to an underly- function inducing depression, anxiety, etc. antidepressants as the prescribed medical treat- Symptoms can last for weeks, months or years. ing organic (chemical) or physiological cause. Nutrition powerfully influences our ability to ment, counselling is highly recommended as What was previously pleasurable has now Identification and elimination of the underly- think, process thoughts, our emotions and our an adjunct. Using this approach the patient has become of little interest. Mood disorders are a ing cause should be the primary therapy. behaviour. Nutritional deficiencies are com- the calming effect of increased serotonin and form of mental illness that occurs when a per- Failure to address an underlying cause will mon in depressed individuals, especially in the the support of a trained psychologist to target son is no longer able to cope effectively with make any antidepressant therapy less success- elderly. The most common of these deficien- the underlying issue (or issues) that has caused emotional or physical stress. The problems ful. cies are folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 (B the depression. Cognitive Behavioural facing one person may not necessarily be more It is important to rule out the simple organic group of vitamins). Folate deficiency is the Therapy is used to assist the client resolve the serious than the problems facing another, but factors to the depression, like nutrient deficien- most common nutrient deficiency worldwide; problem. If the patient uses only the medical the affected person has less ability to deal with cy or excess, drugs (prescription, illicit, alco- 30 –35 % of depressed patients are folate defi- approach without resolving the problem that the stress. hol, caffeine, nicotine, etc), low blood sugar cient. Folate and vitamin B12 function togeth- caused the depression, the problem will still be There are many types of depression with vari- levels, hormonal disturbances (e.g. low thyroid er in many pathways. there after the prescribed time of medication ations in the number of symptoms, their sever- function, adrenal dysfunction, most common- Vitamin B6 is also an important nutrient in ceases. Therefore, there is a strong possibility ity and persistence. The spectrum varies from ly induced by stress), allergy, environmental depressed individuals, especially for women of relapse. mild feelings of depression to serious thoughts and microbial factors. Postpartum depression who are on birth control pills. of suicide. is a form of depression, which occurs in An insufficiency of omega-3 fatty acids is also What can you as a family member/friend do? females during the initial period after giving linked to depression. Symptoms: birth. It is due to a decline in one of the female If you notice any behavioural changes that • Poor appetite accompanied by weight loss or hormone, progesterone. In those cases, supple- The brain requires a constant supply of sugar. last for a period of two weeks or more in increased appetite accompanied by weight menting natural progesterone with herbal A low blood sugar level (hypoglycaemia) is close family or friends, then it is worth asking gain remedies to balance the levels of progesterone common in depressed individuals. Symptoms whether the person feels depressed. • Insomnia or excessive sleep habits is quite effective in alleviating postpartum of hypoglycaemia are – psychological distur- • Indicate that you have noticed a change in • Physical hyperactivity or inactivity depression in those cases. bances, e.g., depression, anxiety, irritability, the behaviour. • Loss of interest or pleasure in usual activities Regardless of whether there is an underlying fatigue, blurred vision, excessive sweating, • Suggest that they visit their family doctor or - e.g. stopped going out, stopped doing things organic cause, counseling is always recom- mental confusion, incoherent speech, bizarre seek help from a health professional. you enjoy, not getting things done at work mended for the depressed individual. behaviour and convulsions. • Assist the person to make an appointment • Loss of energy, feeling of fatigue Dietary advice- with the family doctor/a health professional. If • Feeling of worthlessness, self-reproach, or Recommendations and treatment sugges- • Eliminating refined carbohydrates; having possible accompany the person when they go inappropriate guilt, overwhelmed, unhappy, tions: more of ‘whole, natural, unprocessed’ foods, to see a health professional. sad, depressed, irritable, frustrated e.g. , vegetables, grains, beans, seeds and • Make an extra effort to stay in contact. • Diminished ability to think, concentrate or Modern medicine focuses more on changing nuts. • Include the person in social and pleasant make decisions this chemical balance in the brain with drugs. Botanical medicine: events. • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide But it is also important to identify and elimi- • Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wart) – it • Help the person to find information about • Low self-esteem or lack of self-confidence nate the physiological and psychological fac- is the most thoroughly researched natural anti- depression or anxiety. • Pessimism, hopelessness or despair tors that are responsible for producing these depressant. It improves many symptoms of • Try and have other close friends or family depression, anxiety, apathy, sleep disturbances, adopt a similar inclusive approach and • THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest etc. It is very effective in mild cases of depres- Find out what self-help strategies can help circulating Greek newspaper outside Greece email: VEMA [email protected] sion. It helps by increasing levels of serotonin. that person. JULY 2006 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 In this issue... Our Primate’s View POLITICAL ‘PARTIES’ The Greek Australian AND THE NATIONAL ‘WHOLE’ PAGE 5/23 • Ginkgo biloba – especially in patients over Leaders strike * Christina Scalone is a very experienced and successful 'mammoth' the age of 50. In some studies, it was found FOOD & WINE naturopath with over 20 years experience. She holds a Homemade VEMA chocolate delights reform deal that Ginkgo biloba improved the symptoms of PAGE 17/35 The Prime Minister and state and territo- Australia. ry leaders have agreed upon a national "We should not forget that this requires Degree in Health Science, a Diploma in Botanical Medi- reform agenda to boost productivity in continued national cooperation in the area of the areas of health, education, business health," Mr Iemma said. regulation and infrastructure. "It's not for the next two to three years, these are measures that are required for the There had been dispute over funding for next 20 to 30 years." the changes and how the benefits would be measured and split between governments. World Cup bid depression in older individuals where drugs But the deal has been finalised at today's Council of Australian Governments Mr Howard says he and the leaders have cine, Diploma in Homoeopathy and a Diploma in Nutri- (COAG) meeting, which lasted for less than agreed to back a potential bid to host the three hours. 2018 soccer World Cup. The leaders have agreed to set up a nation- "All governments agreed enthusiastically al reform council to oversee the changes. that if the national body, the Football Prime Minister John Howard says an enor- Federation of Australia, put in a bid for the mous amount has been achieved at the meet- 2018 World Cup, then all governments ing. would support that bid and support that bid Prime Minister, John Howard "This has been another very constructive enthusiastically," he said. The oldest circulating were found not very beneficial. tion. She has maintained a full time practice, has held a COAG meeting at which an enormous "It will deal with things that give us the Italy wins amount has been achieved in a spirit of competitive edge in the world, like skills ... Daylight saving cooperation and a desire to get practical and literacy," he said. World Cup results for the Australian people," he said. The Prime Minister, John Howard, says "The major outcome has been agreement Health Victoria, New South Wales, the ACT and for the 4th time on a huge, indeed mammoth national reform Tasmania have agreed to look at synchronis- agenda." Mr Iemma says the reforms include a $4 ing the start of daylight saving each year. PAGE 20/38 Mr Howard says the establishment of the billion, five-year mental health national "I think a modest step can be made forward position as a senior practioner/ naturopathic consultant, a reform council is the most important deci- action plan for services, accommodation and towards greater uniformity in that area and sion made by the leaders. better support. Victoria has indicated its broad agreement," He says the Federal Government will dele- He says the plan looks at ways to spend Mr Howard said. gate a chair and the states will decide on a mental health funding more effectively. "New South Wales will consider it. deputy. "It is about thinking smarter about the dol- "If it is agreed that New South Wales, "We will be asking the various members of lars that we have," Mr Iemma said. Victoria and the ACT will commence day- COAG to bring forward suggestions for Mr Howard says mental health "desperate- light saving earlier, that's a matter, I empha- reform," he said. ly needed more money". sise, for them." clinic manager and trainer for Blackmores and is a clinic The state and territory leaders, including "People have been crying out for money for Tasmanian Premier Paul Lennon says it is New South Wales Premier Morris Iemma, a positive step. Greek newspaper mental health for quite a long time," he said. have welcomed the agreement. "It's long overdue." "With the agreement of Victoria, New "It is all about providing more opportunity The package also includes increased public South Wales and the ACT to look at getting The following herbs have been found quite for our citizens ... and we're very pleased health training. into the real world and joining Tasmania that we've reached a framework for that to That includes 150 extra training places for with extended daylight saving into the proceed," Mr Iemma said. doctors in Queensland, 60 more medical future, it is an important lifestyle reform," he Queensland Premier Peter Beattie says the school places in Western Australia and said. student supervisor as well as a lecturer at the Australian deal will bolster Australia's financial posi- another 60 to be shared by Adelaide "If you want to see a good lifestyle, just tion. University and Flinders University in South have a look at Tasmania." uro Funeral Service Children beaten useful in cases of depression, where depres- Eëëçíéêü Ïéêïãåíåéáêü Ãñáöåßï Ôåëåôþí by loved ones College of Natural Therapies. She also maintains her own Tel: (02) 9747 6604 PAGE 18/36 Available 24 hrs 114543 outside Greece sion is caused by some stressful events in the private practice with successful results. DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 17/45 The Feast of Epiphany: The Feast of Lights

Rev. George Mastrantonis Lights" for a mere sentimental impression, surely we betray the treasure of this great January the 6th is recorded in the observance. The feast of Epiphany is not held annals of the Christian Church as an only as a commemoration of a historical event in the life of Jesus, not merely for the attrac- ancient celebration of an event in the tiveness of the artificial atmosphere of lights, life of Jesus Christ which is considered music, and poetry. The recurrent celebration as the beginning of His official dedica- of Epiphany has a great spiritual significance tion to His Divine Mission in the pres- far beyond either of these. It is not the mere ence and manifestation of the Triune commemoration of a historical event because Christian God, the Father and the Son in the Christian faith everything is present, here and now, for our Lord Jesus Christ is and the Holy Spirit. This celebration is with us here and now, our inseparable called Epiphany, a combined Greek Companion and Comforter. The historical word which is derived from epi: to and event is but a motive and remembrance, for phainein: to show, to show forth, to the Person of Christ is ever present, and His shine upon; the noun is epiphaneia, Grace is not merely a memory of history. Secondly, the physical environment, artistic meaning appearance, manifestation. or otherwise, many times helps the believer to This Feast included the Birth of Jesus approach his goal-the vivid worship of our Christ (that is, the Incarnation of the Lord, despite the danger of making this envi- Logos), His Baptism (that is, His dedi- ronment an end in itself. cation in a human manner), and the Holding torches and candles in our hands appearance of the Father and the Holy and with our voices and feelings of devotion, together we raise a symbol to the living Spirit-the first and only united appear- Christian God-the Holy Trinity, the Father ance of the true Christian God. and the Son and the Holy Spirit, -as He Zaharias, the father of John the appeared at the moment of the Baptism of Baptist, "filled with the Holy Spirit", Jesus Christ, as He has been determined by said in anticipation, "whereby the When Jesus had been baptized . . . behold" tizing with water" was "that he (the Lamb of the Church in the Creed, as He is accepted by every believing Christian, as the living God, dayspring from on high hath visited us, (7) the appearance of the Holy Trinity took God) might be revealed to Israel", and John place: (i) the "heaven was opened, and (ii) the bore witness to this Divine Event, fulfilling the God Who harkens to our voices, the God to give light to them that sit in darkness Holy Spirit descended upon him (Jesus) in his mission and saying, "I have seen and have Whom we beseech to accept us in commun- and in the shadow of death, to guide bodily shape with a dove, and (iii) a voice borne witness that this is the Son of God."(13) ion, Whom we hope to have as our our feet into the way of peace."(1) come from heaven which said, "Thou art my By this witness the Church treasured and Companion, Who is our Comforter, Who is beloved Son; in Thee I am well pleased," as established the belief that "When Thou, 0 the Alpha and Omega of our Faith. To Him, The story of Epiphany is related by the first St. Luke relates divine event(8) along with the Lord, was baptized in Jordan, the worship of with fear and love, we dedicate the day. three Evangelists, Matthew, Mark and Luke, other two sacred writers. The baptism of Jesus the Trinity was manifested"(14) which belief We hold torches as those brethren and mar- from the Baptist's proclamation of the arrival Christ was not "with water unto repen- has remained as the cornerstone of the tyrs of the early Christian centuries, a great of the Savior, to the baptism of Christ and to tance"(9) as was John's; the Divine and sin- Christian Church ever since. All believers in many, of whom became torches themselves the witness of the Father and the descending less One needed neither repentance nor remis- the past "drank of that spiritual Rock that fol- rather than deny Christ. We hold candles, and of "the Spirit as a Dove ."(2) The Evangelist sion of sins. Therefore, "John forbade him lowed them; and that Rock was Christ"(15) as our hearts burn as the hearts of those two John, on the other hand, preserves John's wit- (Jesus to be baptized) saying, I have need to the Apostle Paul aptly unites the past, the blessed persons who walked with the risen ness of the divinity of Christ.(3) John the be baptized of thee, and comest thou to present and the future in the person of Christ Christ to Emmaus. Yes, it is the "Feast of Baptist proclaimed the arrival of the Savior, me?"(10) Furthermore, the important state- as the God-Man and Godhead. Lights", the lights which illuminate our con- saying that "one mightier than I is coming ment of Jesus to John the Baptist implies that science and our Christian way of life. after Me";(4) that "He will baptize you with Jesus felt that baptism was not necessary for The Significance of Epiphany It is rather the Feast of The Light. "I am the the Holy Spirit and with fire;"(5) and "will Him, but He submits to the rite because, "it for us Today Light", Jesus said. He did not say: "I will gather the wheat into his barn."(6) The dia- becometh us to fulfill all righteousness";(11) show the light to you", but "I am the Light." It logue between Jesus and John the Baptist that is, all people (us) should submit their duty What meaning does the annual repetition of is not a new theory of life; it is mainly the resulted in the recognition and proclamation and obligation to God. Epiphany have for our faith and for our knowledge of the true God which makes life of Jesus' divinity and mission.(2a) The reason that John the Baptist was "bap- Christian life? If we repeat the "Feast of as it is stated in the prayer of our Lord to His Heavenly Father, "And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Representatives of 27 countries oppose Japanese whaling Christ whom thou hast sent".(21) NOTES A record 27 countries have joined in a diplomatic protest against Japan's lethal sci- 1. Luke 1,78b-79 entific whaling programme in the Antarctic, 2. a. The Baptist proclaims the Savior's arrival: Matt 3,11- New Zealand Conservation Minister Chris 12; Mark1,6b- Carter announced recently. 8; Luke 3,15-18. b. The baptism of Christ: The Father's witness and He said they combined in a formal protest the appearance of the Holy Spirit: Mat. 3,13-17; Mark at the Japanese Foreign Ministry in Tokyo 1,8-11; Luke and would make a further protest at the 3,21-22 Japanese Fisheries Agency. 3. John 1,29-34 Carter said New Zealand led the protest as 4. Mark 1,7 5. Matt 3,11 the Japanese whaling fleet was due to arrive 6. Matt 3,17 in the Southern Ocean within the next week 7. Matt 3,16 for a further season of so-called scientific 8. Luke 3, 21b-22 whaling in which it planned to kill up to 935 9. Matt 3,11 10. Matt 3,14 Antarctic minke whales and 10 fin whales on the Regulation of Whaling to carry out "To make matters worse, the humpbacks 11. Matt 3,15 during the southern hemisphere summer. "scientific" whaling. Japan will be killing are already being stud- 12. John 1,34 "New Zealand wanted to send a very strong "Adequate data for whale-management ied in non-lethal scientific research under- 13. John 1,34 message to the Japanese government before purposes can be obtained using non-lethal taken on the coasts of Australia, New 14. Dismissal Hymn of Epiphany the start of its scientific whaling pro- 15. 1 Cor. 10,4 techniques, there's no need to kill whales to Zealand, New Caledonia and Tonga." 16. Note: Clemon of Alexandria states that the gramme," he said. study them," he said. Carter said the following countries support- Basilidians observed the "I'm delighted that a record number of coun- "We consider that Japan's scientific whaling ed the diplomatic protest known as a feast of the Baptism on Jan 6, but his words seem dis- tries agreed to participate in this protest, sig- undermines international efforts to conserve "demarche": Argentina, Australia, Austria, tinctly to imply nalling once again that significant world and protect whales," Carter said, expressing Belgium, Brazil, Chile, the Czech Republic, that the feast was not observed in Catholic circles yet. (Strom i,21) opinion is firmly opposed to Japan's meth- alarm that from next year, the programme is Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, 17. 21,2 and about 400 A.D. ods." due to expand to include 50 fin whales and Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, 18. Graeca Patrologiae (G.P.) 65,25 Carter said that although the International 50 humpback whales. Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, 19. G.P. 36,360 Whaling Commission adopted a global He said fin whales were classified as Peru, Portugal, San Marino, Slovenia, Spain, 20. G.P. 49,365 moratorium on commercial whaling from endangered by the International Union for Sweden, Switzerland, Britain and the United 21. John 17,3 1985, Japan awarded itself quotas under the Conservation of Nature, and humpback States. Copyright: © 1990-1996 Greek Orthodox Article VIII of the International Convention whales were classified as vulnerable. DPA Archdiocese of America DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 18/46 THANK YOU for your support!

Corporate and Community Donors which helped Radiomarathon 2006 raise $325 000 include:

Global Foods (NSW) Pty Ltd CentreInFinance Cyprus Hellene Club

2MM 1665am Fred Sigrimis Nikos Tavern 3XY Radio / Ta Nea G & N Jewellers Nikpol A & D Koureas Pty Ltd G.J.K Facility Services Nutritional Products Australia Pty Ltd Aangela’s florist Gema Fashions Odyssey Jeans Town ABCOR Pty Ltd / Greg Kaias George’s Jewellery Olympiakos Football Club Advanced Paper Supplies Pty Ltd Georges Providors Pambris Bros Advanced Poultry Georgia & John Soulemezis Pan Arcadian Club AEK Football Club Global Foods (NSW) Pty Ltd Pandora Wedding & Christening Specialists AES Property Services Grand Star Receptions Panathinaikos Football Club AGNEWS Pty Ltd Greater Union Papasavas Foundation Alan Wise & Ann Read Grecian Tours Travel Paris Georgiades Alex Boumias Greek Radio 1683am Parthenon Marble Andrews Partners Greek Orth. Comm. of MEL & VIC Pedoulas Association of NSW Anesi Tavern Greek Orth. Comm. of Northcote Peter & Agapitos Souleles Antenna Pacific Gulf Air Peter Kyriopoulos Antony, Sdrinis and Co. Harrolds Pontic Foundation, Panayia Soumela Aradhippou Association of SA Harry Kolkas Premier Developments Pty Ltd / Steve Angelo Argos Investments Pty Ltd Harvey World Travel (Oakleigh) Quaff Restaurant Austech Glass Systems Pty Ltd Hellenic Bakery R & A Michael Investments Pty Ltd Australian Aluminium Anodisers Hellenic Basketball Federation Rapid Chill Ayios Therapon Hellenic Club Raptis Group Austgree Property Investments Co. Hellenic Freemasons Assoc. Ray White Newtown Batsanis Shoes Hyspost Pty Ltd Rebecca & Christine Kadi Bayport Industries Pty Ltd Irene Pandazopoulos Regal Seafoods Pty Ltd Bing Lee Burwood Jason Grech Rekaris Henry Blackwood Downs Jewels of Hawthorn Saville on Russell Botany Bay Seafood Restaurant Jim Karakides Secher Audiovisual C & E Briki Pty Ltd Jim Neophytou Sergio Alvajee C. Angelatos Group Jim’s Cellars Sergios & Georgia Argyrou Casa Havana, Grand Hyatt John Kosmas Sergios Cake Shop Centre in Finance Pty Ltd Jordan Djundja Lawyers Sidcraft Picture Framing Christophers Cake Shop Kalavrita Association of NSW St Euphemia College Civic Video KAZ Technology Services Pty Ltd St George College Constantinos Saristavros Kebia Importex St George Kapouti Club Crown Commercial Group Kingsford Travel Stavros Jewellery Crown Posture Bedding Kinisi Live Stella Cakes Conn Constantinou Konica Minolta Steve & Con Seafoods Pty Ltd Cypriot Youth of Brisbane Konstantinos Katsimalis Steve Madden Australia Pty Ltd Cyprus Community of NSW Koutrouzas Michael Sweet Fantasy Cyprus Hellene Club Kyrenia Travel Sydney Jets Cypriot Community of Apostolos Andreas Kyriakides Corporation Sydney Poultry Distributors Danias Timbers Kyriakos Charalambous Tandem Carla Nominees Delta Sales Pty Ltd Lamia Super Deli Delicatessen Tasos Miras Demos Property Services Le Sands Seafood Restaurant TAXIWAY Pty Ltd Diso Constructions / N.Noulikas Lefkadian Cultural Association TCi Teneketzis DK Picture Frames Levendi Jewellers Telstra Doriforos 152.125fm Limnos Butchers Telstra Altona Gate Dough Espresso Leo Dimos & Associates The Australian Institute of Technology Dr. Louis Loizou Marble Centre & Education Dr. Miranda Adamou Marrickville Seafood The Modern Greek Teachers Assoc. of NSW Dr. Steve Stramotas & Associates Mars Australian Developments Pty Ltd Thomas Hotels Ecensial Jewels Masterpiece Pictures Tim & Terry Oyster Supply Pty Ltd Elias Sioutas ME FIRST (Australia) Tim Products Elite Property Group Pty Ltd Meridian Seafoods Australia Tirnavos Imports Encore Productions Myo Somatic Massage Therapy Tom Nanas European Kitchen Appliances Nafsika Stamoulis Foundation Trianon Cakes Exceland Property Group Neos Kosmos Newspaper Universal Finance Corporation Pty Ltd Exotix Fashion Accessories New Telecom Pty Ltd / Synergy Plus Van Kaias Face Affair Nicholas Angelos & Co Vicky Mar Fashions Fashion Blue Stone Jewellers Nick Andrews Group of Companies Victorian Muilticultural Commission Fiorini’s Pizza Pasta Bar Restaurant Nikos Dimakis Victorian Trailers Floral Creations by Helen Nikolas Haztistergos Waratah Florist FPC Magazines Nikos Quality Cakes Wardell Liquor

Radiomarathon also thanks the numerous individuals who have shown that even the smallest donation counts!

This advertisement has been paid by Laiki Bank (Australia) Ltd ABN 44 093 488 629 AFSL 243 444

Organised by Laiki Bank (Australia) Limited • 1300 888 700 RADIOMARATHON 2006 C/o- Radiomarathon Australia •DGR 900 45 44 21 •VIC Lic 6555 •NSW CFN 20055 DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 19/47 ÉÅÑÁ ÁÑ×ÉÅÐÉÓÊÏÐÇ ÁÕÓÔÑÁËÉÁÓ GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA NINTH NATIONAL YOUTH CONFERENCE “The Responsibility of Youth in Contemporary Society” Brisbane 25th - 28th January, 2007

Professor Christoforos Haralambakis

$150 DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 20/48 Travel Enjoying a for Curacao By Toni Salama of the Chicago Tribune with lizards, croaking with frogs, brimming tation itself, meaning its slaves. After emanci- with smiles, dripping with history and comes pation in 1863, the former slaves leased the The of the laraha so bad to a standstill during Saturday night traffic farm plots - long since overgrown - from the even the island's wild goats don't bother it. jams. government. I really don't blame them. But the peel - Manor houses, known as or landhuizen in the Most people you'll encounter on Curacao will that's a different matter. island's official Dutch, are from another of speak English, but the open-air restaurant on a First, you use a wooden knife to cut the peel Curacao's passing eras. shaded back porch is an inconspicuous spot to away and slice it into sections. It has to be Like the Spaniards' orange trees, they've sur- eavesdrop as the servers talk among them- wood; a metal knife would ruin things. You dry vived, but not as originally intended. I counted selves in Papiamentu, a rhythmic "stew" of a the peels in jute bags. 27 of them scattered around the island, though language derived from the melding of several Then, in a small copper still, you cook them there are bound to be more. The easiest to find, African and European tongues. until a clear liquid condenses. Bottle it, seal it - as long as you're doing the driving, are Keep following the road to Westpunt and everything's done by hand - and you've got the between the capital city of Willemstad and you'll discover that the route works out to be a real thing, a liqueur that can only be made on Westpunt, the westernmost tip of the island. scenic loop that eventually reconnects to itself Curacao, the original "Curacao of Curacao," so Landhuis Daniel was built by a shipwrecked near Landhuis Daniel. You can head back to named to shame all pretenders. Englishman around 1650; ranching didn't Willemstad from the intersection. But before Its old-fashioned bottles look better suited to work out so the place was abandoned to the that, you should spend some time in nature island's highest point, 375m-high Mount sailors' grog: a long neck tapering up from a cactus and the trade winds. exploring the western end of the island. Christoffel, before the day gets too hot. canteen-shaped bowl. They've gone around the Its current owner, a Dutch biologist-turned- Driving on Curacao is an adventure. You can The park was once a group of several planta- world, these bottles have, each one an ambas- innkeeper/chef, restored the place in 1997. He count on dodging a herd or two of stray goats, tions, and ruins from those days remain. sador of this small Caribbean island, every sip transformed the plantation house and slave perhaps half a dozen iguanas and innumerable Along the trails you also may see petroglyphs, an invitation: "Come and see us. Come and see quarters into a complex of yellow ochre whiptail lizards of varying sizes. mahogany trees, sabal palms and wild orchids; us." facades, white trim and terra cotta roof tiles. But at least you don't have to worry about there's even a place from which you can spy on Curacao (kur-a-SOW) is an odd cobble of There's lodging in the main building or in the hurricanes. Curacao is so far south and west, so the Curacao white-tailed deer believed to have contrasts where bright Caribbean colours former slave quarters, swimming in the pool close to South America (on a clear day you can been brought here from South America cen- splash across stalwart Dutch row houses, and and dining on the terrace. see the mountains of Venezuela) that most turies ago by the Arawaks, the same Indian faremers from nearby Venezuel hawk the fruit Farther along the road to Westpunt, the for- tropical storms figure it's not worth the bother. tribe that left the petroglyphs. of their labors in a floating market next to a mer plantation house of Dokterstuin, restored Rugged outdoorsmen can tackle Christoffel Travelers saving their best efforts for the plaza where Afro-Caribe artists sell their in 1996, is now a restaurant that serves authen- National Park. Several companies run jeep beach will be satisfied with a couple of low- wares. tic Curacao cuisine. tours or you can drive it yourself and stop at impact land treks: the Hato Caves, which have It's a place of stray goats and oil refineries, Like most of its kind, the plantation house any of eight trails for hikes and nature walks. formed natural pools and waterfalls, and/or cactus forests and synagogues, secluded was built on a hilltop to catch the breeze and Those who get an early start can make the Shete Boka Park. beaches and international banks. It's crawling keep an eye on its neighbors and on the plan- estimated two- to three-hour climb to the MCT DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 21/49 Food & Wine Entertaining with ease: The perfect summer meal

By Imogen Coward 2 zucchini number of guests). Method: ½ cup olives (your favourite) Combine mince, onion, chopped herbs, bread, Living in Sydney, there’s nothing I enjoy 2 cloves garlic (finely chopped) Smoked salmon and capers egg and seasoning in a bowl and mix thor- more than the warm January evenings, espe- basil (dried and fresh) There’s something luxurious about smoked oughly. Form into balls and lightly coat in cially when coupled with a good meal, a oregano (dried) salmon even when served in the most simple flour. Fry balls in oil, turning to ensure even refreshing bottle of wine and the company of extra virgin olive oil way. Roll up individual slices of smoked cooking, until they are browned and cooked good friends. Although the last thing many of balsamic vinegar salmon and arrange on a platter. Top with some through. Drain on paper-towels and cool us want to do after the rush of Christmas is to capers and garnish with thin wedges of before serving. (Meat balls can be cooked the contemplate preparing food, this menu offers a Method: Prepare all the vegetables (except and fresh parsley. day before the meal, and stored in the fridge.) variety of dishes that provide an impressive tomatoes and mushrooms), slicing them into Serve meat balls on a platter and garnish with spread and can be pre-prepared a day in strips a couple of inches in length. Brush with Meat balls (keftethes) (makes approx. 25) fresh mint. advance. oil and grill either on a cast iron grill plate (pre- Ingredients: To complete your smorgasbord, simply add There’s something about the summer weath- ferred), or under the griller. You may need to 250g beef mince a fresh green salad, fresh bread and a bottle of er that suggests an informal atmosphere for brush extra oil on the vegetables as they cook. 250g pork mince fruity white wine (a chardonnay works quite dining. Rather than follow the traditional When cooked, remove from grill plate and 1 small onion finely chopped well). To round off the meal, for desert why not entree, mains, desert routine, why not opt for a place on a plate to cool. In a small saucepan, fresh mint and parsley finely chopped opt for a fruit platter combining perennial smorgasbord. saute the mushrooms in butter, then put to one ½ piece white bread (without crust), soaked in favourites such as grapes, strawberries, cher- The following recipe will make one large side. To prepare the antipasto, layer the vegeta- water or white wine, then squeezed out. ries and melon with some more exotic fruits (40cm) platter. Instead of the more traditional bles in a bowl, drizzling each layer with a little 1 egg such as fresh dates, lychees, rambutans and mezethes, why not begin with a platter of oil and balsamic vinegar, and add a sprinkling salt pineapple. It’s a great opportunity to taste antipasto. A platter of mixed antipasto adds of chopped garlic, dried basil and oregano. pepper some of the more unusual fruits on offer at the colour to any smorgasbord. It can be very When complete, cover plate and leave in flour green-grocer’s. expensive to buy pre-prepared, thus, although fridge for one day (to allow the vegetables to oil it is labour intensive, it is far cheaper to make absorb the flavour of the garlic and herbs). additional fresh mint Bon apetit! your own. Arrange antipasto on platter and garnish with fresh basil. Antipasto (serves 7-10) Ingredients: Proscuito, melon and mint kebabs 1 aubergine sliced thinly (lengthwise), salted This has got to be one of the tastiest and sim- and patted dry plest dishes ever. For an individual kebab, sim- handful button mushrooms (cleaned and sliced ply thread four or five chunks of rock-melon, Ah... the holidays are almost upon’s ture in Australia is the danger posed from in half) together with a few fresh mint leaves onto a time to catch up with friends and family, drinks being spiked. Whether it’s something 1 red capsicum wooden skewer, weaving a long piece of swap news and indulge in the odd party or fairly innocuous such as vodka added to 1 yellow capsicum prosciuto in between each piece as you go two. This time of year brings plenty of punch, or something more sinister such as 1 cup semi-dried tomatoes (multiply number of kebabs according to the chances for socialising, whether it’s with the deliberate drugging of a person, drink family over a traditional Christmas meal or spiking is a very real threat. Unfortunately with friends over drinks at the local bar or many of the more dangerous substances GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA club. It is, in short, party season. While par- used to spike drinks are undetectable to the  ties should be an opportunity to let down drinker, so one needs to be extra vigilant. one’s hair, unwind and have fun with friends When partying this holiday season, it is good HELLENIC COMMUNITY and new acquaintances, they are all too often to follow a couple of basic drink safety  marked, in Australia, by excessive drinking. pointers: never leave your drink unattended, OF W.A. INC. While drinking in moderation is a good thing even around people who you know fairly  (and can even have a number of health ben- well; make sure your drink never leaves your 20 PARKER STREET, NORTHBRIDGE WA 6003 TEL: (08) 9328 5141 FAX: (08) 9227 9652 efits - especially if your preferred tipple is sight (including when the drink is being wine), consuming too much alcohol is a haz- poured - bar staff are not necessarily trust-  ard. While some people simply become worthy); if you’re with a group of friends, merry (swiftly followed by falling asleep), leave the bar/club together; watch out for excessive alcohol can also lead to aggressive your own and your friends’ safety; don’t and reckless behaviour, and one only has to encourage or indulge in drinking to excess think of a recent news bulletin to see the as, besides the health dangers, it limits the tragic effects of drink driving. ability to reason and make judgements; don’t drink and drive. Another worrying side of the drinking cul-

The Hellenic Community W.A. Inc. Christian Dior, Gucci, Calvin Klein together with the Cathedral Katerina + Kyriacos Mavrolefteros Dean Psarakis & Mary Krithinakis of Saints Constantine and Helen OPTOMETRISTS would like to extend their best wishes

to the whole Greek community 874 Anzac Parade, Maroubra Junction of Australia for a joyful (at bus stop, on RTA block) TEL: (02) 9314-0393 and festive Christmas [email protected] and a peaceful We have over 1,200 spectacle frames 114624

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Serengeti, Dolce & Gabbana, YSL Polo Ralph Lauren, Oakley, La font DECEMBER 2006 The Greek Australian VEMA TO BHMA 22/50


LEFT: Mr. Peter Vaughan, CEO, LEFT: His Grace Bishop Nikandros of Doryleon Business SA, the Chairman, Board of with Year 12 students during the recently held Holy Liturgy. Governors, Mr. Taliangis AM, C. Uni Flin, together with staff, mentors and students at the launch of the Australian Business Week.

RIGHT: The St. George College Under 13 Soccer Team celebrates following their State Championship win in the South Australia Primary Sports Association of South Australia Soccer Competition at Hindmarsh Stadium.

ABOVE: Professor Xanthakis – Karamanos, University of Athens, Anna Drivas, Director, Ministry for Foreign Affairs – Political Office of the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs accompanied by the Consul General of Greece in South Australia Mr. Emmanuel Papadoyorgakis, The Very Reverend Father Diogenis Patsouris and Mr. Basil Taliangis AM, Chairman, Board of Governors, St. George College.

LEFT: CENTRE: The Very Reverend Father Diogenis Patsouris, Father Kon Skoumbourdis and Year 12 students following the Blessing Service. Mr Michalis Athanasiou, General Manager, Laiki Bank with student Aleksa Todorovic from St. George College who was the winner of the South Australian 2006 Radiomarathon Christmas Card Drawing Competition. RIGHT: Students of the Primary Years at the end of year Christmas Concert.

LEFT: Students from the Early Learning The Community and Parish of St. George Thebarton and Western SuburbsCentre and theGeorge Pre – Entry Graduation College gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the State Government in theRIGHT: acquisition The ofHon. StudentsJohn Hill from MP, the St. George College Dance Group who performed at the very successful and a bus to serve the community. In particular, the assistance given by TomMinister Koutsantonis of Health MP, followingwell attended the signing 2nd Annual Greek Concert” – “Greek Migration” Evening that was held on Member of West Torrens is acknowledged and appreciated. of the Memorandum Fridayof Understanding 18th November 2005 in the Performing Arts and Sports Centre of St. George College. with St. George College for the delivery For the 2006 school year there is still a smallof Vocational number Educational of vacancies Training in across all year levels from Pre –entry to Pharmacy Retail. Year 12. For further information please contact our College on (08) 8159100. For the 2005 school year there are still a small number of vacancies across all year levels from Play Group to Year 12. Ãéá ôç ó÷ïëéêÞ ÷ñüíéáFor ôïõfurther 2006 information õðÜñ÷åé ïñéóìÝíïòplease contact áñéèìüò our College êåíþí on èÝóåùí(08) 8159100. óå üëåò ôéò ôÜîåéò, áðü ôï íçðéáãùãåßï ùò ôç 12ç ôÜîç. Ãéá ðåñéóóüôåñåò ðëçñïöïñßåò åðéêïéíùíÞóôå ìå ôï êïëëÝãéï ìáò Ãéá ôç ó÷ïëéêÞ ÷ñüíéá ôïõ 2007 õðÜñ÷åéóôï ôçëÝöùíï ïñéóìÝíïò (08) áñéèìüò 8159 8100êåíþí èÝóåùí óå üëåò ôéò ôÜîåéò, áðü ôï íçðéáãùãåßï ùò ôç 12ç ôÜîç. Ãéá ðåñéóóüôåñåò ðëçñïöïñßåò åðéêïéíùíÞóôå ìå ôï êïëëÝãéï ìáò óôï Ï Éåñáôéêþò ÐñïúóôÜìåíïò, ï Ðñüåäñïò ôçò Åíïñßáò - Êïéíüôçôüò ìáò, ï Ðñüåäñïò ôçò ÅðéôñïðÞò ôïõ Êïëëåãßïõ ìáò êáèþò êáé ôá ÄéïéêçôéêÜôçëÝöùíï Óõìâïýëéá (08) 8159 ôçò 8100. Êïéíüôçôïò, Öéëïðôþ÷ïõ êáé Íåïëáßáò, Ï Éåñáôéêþò ÐñïúóôÜìåíïò, ï Ðñüåäñïòåý÷ïíôáé ôçòóå üëïõò Åíïñßáò ôïõò - Êïéíüôçôüò Åíïñßôåò ìáò ìáò, ï Ðñüåäñïò êáé ôá ìÝëç ôçò Äéïéêïýóáò ÅðéôñïðÞò ôïõ Êïëëåãßïõêáé êáèþò óôçí êáé Ðáñïéêßá ôá ÄéïéêçôéêÜ ïëüêëçñïí Óõìâïýëéá Êïéíüôçôïò êáé Öéëïðôþ÷ïõ åý÷ïíôáé óå üëïõò ôïõò×ÁÑÏÕÌÅÍÁ Åíïñßôåò ìáò êáé ×ÑÉÓÔÏÕÃÅÍÍÁ ôïõò ãïíåßò ôùí ðáéäéþíêáé ôïõ Êïëëåãßïõ ìáò, ÅÕËÏÃÇÌÅÍÏÓ ÐÁÑÁ ÊÕÑÉÏÕ Ï ÍÅÏÓ ×ÑÏÍÏÓ 2006


For super-sized kids, a McGym is new on the US menu Ancient By Jocelyne Zablit "One risk is that the children or parents over- estimate how much benefit they are getting calculator US fast-food giant McDonald's, often from the exercise and feel licensed to eat more accused of catering to expanding waistlines, -a larger order of French fries or an ice cream has a new item on its menu for kids - gyms. cone," he said. was 1,000 years Proud answers to such criticism saying that The company is testing R Gyms - in-restau- McDonald's has "always been concerned ahead rant mini-gyms with stationary bicycles about health". hooked to video games, obstacle courses and "McDonald's has been providing nutritious aerobics exercises - in seven of its restaurants menu options to all of our customers for 52 of its time to help customers age 4 to 12 fight flab as they plus years," she said. Scientists say an ancient astronomical calcu- ingest calories. According to health experts, about one third lator made at the end of the 2nd century BC The latest R Gym, named for the restaurant's of children in the United States are either over- was amazingly accurate and more complex advertising mascot Ronald McDonald, opened weight or obese and trends are showing the than any instrument for the next one thou- in California earlier this month and the compa- numbers increasing. sand years. ny is hoping to spread the concept across the The US Centres for Disease Control and The Antikythera Mechanism is the earliest United States. Prevention (CDC) recently identified fast food known device to contain an intricate set of "What we've been able to do with the R Gym as a significant factor in the country's obesity gear wheels. is to provide our youngest customers with a epidemic. It was retrieved from a shipwreck off the more relevant contemporary experience, COMINGAccording to the CDC, nearly SOON 19 per cent of Greek island of Antikythera in 1901 .. but including games and activities that are more American children between the ages of 6 and until now it was unclear what the greeks did suitable to children's lifestyles today and of 11 are overweight and some 14 per cent are in with the instrument. course tomorrow," Danya Proud, a spokes- THROUGHthat category before the age of 5. STAlthough ANDREW’S the remains are fragmented in 82 woman for McDonald's said. Brownell said with that in mind, McDonald's brass pieces .. scientists from Britain .. But critics say the mini-gyms are but an R Gyms could be an attempt by the company Greece and the United States have recon- attempt by the burger giant to polish its image ORTHODOXto ward off class-action lawsuits from public- PRESSstructed a model of it .. using high-resolution at a time when Americans are increasingly rie milkshake. health advocates who see fast food as their new X-ray tomography. aware of the health hazards linked to obesity. The new gyms would eventually replace play target after tobacco. They believe their findings could force a "The number of calories that a child is likely areas currently available in some 5,500 "McDonald's is not in the business of getting rethink of the technological potential of the to burn in one of those gyms is quite small McDonald's outlets throughout the country. the population more physically active but if ancient Greeks. compared to what they can eat, even in a small McDonald's is also considering R Gyms for its through these maneuvers they appear to be on Professor Mike Edmunds a professor of meal," said Kelly Brownell, director of the restaurants overseas. the right side of the issue, they may be able to astrophysics at Cardiff University in Wales Rudd Centre for Food Policy and Obesity at But specialists like Brownell warn the gyms forestall litigation, legislation that hurts them says it could be described as the first known Yale University. could have an adverse effect in that they could and just bad public opinion in general," he calculator. It would take a child, for example, more than lull people into believing they can eat more said. RTV three hours of exercise to burn off a 200-calo- since they're exercising. AFP

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Tel: (02) 95671835 Fax: (02) 95920301  Email: [email protected]

NEW ORTHODOX DIARY GREEK SCOUTING St Andrew’s Orthodox Press has just brought out an E n r o l m e n t s for 2007 Orthodox Diary in English for calendar year 2007. It is in book form, one day to a page, with a total of 380 pages. The aim of Scouting is to encourage the physical, intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual Each page contains the day, date, a colour icon of the main Saint(s) of the day, a small development of young people so that they take a constructive place in society as responsible list of the other Saints whose memories are commemorated on the day and whether it is and successful citizens. a fasting day. The Diary allows people plenty of space to write their personal memories of the day, or By participating in a Greek Orthodox Scout Group, boys and girls will benefit upcoming appointments. from the additional Greek cultural program and the opportunity to practice and It has a decorative silver-embossed cover and a marker ribbon. improve their knowledge of the Greek Orthodox faith and the Greek language. Proceeds from the sale of this publication will assist the St Clement Orthodox Towards this goal, adult Leaders are available and have been trained for the function of Cub Primary School and feeding program in Kenya. Scout units to yrs and Scout units to 15 yrs for boys and girls If you would like to place an order, you need only respond to this email. at the Parishes of St.Euphemia – Bankstown and of St Stylianos – Sutherland. Each Diary will retail for $15. Group discounts are available* (please see schedule below) You are invited to participate in the Scouting Movement either by enrolling your children or becoming a Leader or an Assistant as currently more adults We hope that you will see the value of this publication for your friends, family, school community and faithful in general. are also needed to be trained as Leaders or Assistants. Can you help? It will be most useful for those wishing to acquaint themselves to the Orthodox cycle of feasts in the liturgical year. With appreciation in advance for your consideration, and best wishes for the Christmas To enrol your children, please contact: Season and New Year. St Andrew's Orthodox Press For the Parish of St Euphemia – Bankstown 242 Cleveland St Mr George Trochalis Group Leader, tel. (02) 97009788 mob. 0412358736 Redfern NSW 2016 Mrs Helen Pilatos President of the Scout Committee, tel. (02) 97131883 Australia Fr Panayotis, Chaplain tel. (02) 97096908 mob. 0402219214 Ph. +612 9698 5066 For the Parish of St Stylianos – SUTHERLAND Fax. 612 9698 4103 0406 38 78 50 Mr Nicholas Depolignol, Group Leader, tel. (02) 95793888 [email protected] Mr. H. Exikanas, President of the Scout Committee, tel. (02) 95289723 Father Constantine, Chaplain tel. (02) 95266577 mob.0418511212 * GROUP DISCOUNTS FOR 2007 DIARY (not inclusive of postage and handling) Also, for enrolments, general information and to participate as an adult Leader or 1-9 diaries – standard1-9 diaries retail – pricestandard of $15 retail price of $15 Assistant, after training, 10-19 diaries – $12 per copy Contact the Commissioner for Greek Scouts: Mr. George Papadimitriou James PhC, MPS, JP 20-49 diaries - $12 per copy, plus two complimentary copies Tel (02) 95671835, Fax (02) 95920301 Email: [email protected] 50-100 diaries - $10 per copy Correspondence: 16 Crewe Street, Bardwell Park 2207 Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia ST ANDREW’S GREEK ORTHODOX THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE Announcement of Forthcoming Intensive Courses St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College is pleased to announce the continuation of its successful and highly informative intensive courses during January and July. These five-day intensives commenced in January 2004 as part of the establishment of fully accredited graduate level programs: Graduate Certificate of Theological Studies, Graduate Diploma of Arts and the Master of Arts.

The schedule for 2007 will be:

Exploring the Patristic Mind I (8-12 January 2007) This course engages the thought and methodology of early Church Fathers and investigates the major issues in Christian theology up to the fourth century. It assists students to appreciate the preeminent position of Patristic thought for the Eastern Orthodox tradition and its articulation of dogmatic theology.

Christian Initiation and the Divine Liturgy (15-19 January 2007) This course traces the origins and development of rites of Christian initiation (Baptism, Chrismation, Eucharist) and of the Divine Liturgy, with particular ref- erence to the fourth century Church, and analyses the theology of the mysteries. It provides a solid foundation for the further study of liturgics.

Early Christianity (2-6 July 2007 – TBC by Jan 2007) This course is a basic introduction to the historical, cultural and theological set- The courses are conducted on campus at Redfern NSW and are open to men and ting of early Christianity and its development from the first century through to women, Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike. They may be credited towards a the end of the fourth century. degree (admissions criteria apply) or undertaken by university students as elec- tives towards their own awards (e.g. Bachelor of Arts). They are also open to Exploring the Patristic Mind II (9-13 July 2007 – TBC by Jan 2007) auditors. Applications for January 2007 should be lodged by Friday 8 This course deepens the student’s acquaintance with Patristic thought by focus- December 2006. ing on the Christological debates that took place in the East during the fifth to seventh centuries, as well as the iconoclastic debates of the eighth and ninth cen- For more information about theological education at St Andrew’s please contact turies, and through to later Byzantine Fathers. the Registrar on (02) 9319 6145 / 9698 5066 or [email protected]



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†Conditions apply, all finance to approved purchasers. ^Refers to USH567. This offer is not in conjunction with any other offers. Pictures for illustration purposes only. Conditions apply. Offer ends 31/12/06. DL01. McKenzie10357