Asymptotes and Asymptotic Analysis for Development of Compact Models for Microelectronics Cooling M. Michael Yovanovich Distiniguished Professor Emeritus Principal ScientificAdvisor Microelectronics Heat Transfer Laboratory University of Waterloo, ON, Canada email:
[email protected]. Abstract– In the thermal analysis of microelectronic sys- F (Pr) = Prandtl number function tems various levels of compact models are required to bridge g = gravitational constant, m/s2 thegapbetweentheuseofsimplecorrelationequations G = body gravity function which give quick, partial solutions and the use of costly, time consuming, numerical methods which give complete G = dimensionless reciprocal flux, 1/q∗ solutions with much detail. There are various levels of com- h = heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K pact models: some are based on simple combinations of two 2 HB = Brinell hardness, N/m or more correlation equations; some are based on resistor networks; and some are based on various combinations of k = thermal conductivity, W/mK asymptotic solutions. This paper shows that many different Kn = Knudsen number, Λ/D complex physical problems, when they are nondimensional- L = length of tube, pipe, duct, m ized, exhibit similar trends, i.e., that the complex solution L = optical path length, m varies smoothly between two asymptotic solutions. Rules λ are presented for the method of combining the asymptotes = arbitrary length scale, m and how to calculate the “fitting” parameter. One exam- m,L n = exponents of dimensionless solutions ple shows how to develop a compact model for steady con- M = gas parameter, αβΛ duction across a gas layer for very small and very large Knudsen numbers. A compact model for predicting the Nu = Nusselt number, hL/k complex elastic-plastic contact between a hard sphere and p = fitting parameter a softer substrate is presented.