
and Planetary Science Letters 186 (2001) 347^361 www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl

Evidence for a rheologically strong chemical root beneath the Ontong^Java Plateau

E.R. Klosko, R.M. Russo *, E.A. Okal, W.P. Richardson 1

Department of Geological Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA

Received 10 August 2000; received in revised form 9 January 2001; accepted 10 January 2001


Shear wave splitting measurements, in conjunction with studies of shear wave velocity structure, indicate that the Ontong^Java Plateau (OJP) (LIP) has a thick, compositionally distinct root that diverts asthenospheric mantle flow beneath the Pacific plate. The OJP, the largest of Earth's LIPs, stands 2 km above adjacent Pacific abyssal plains and is composed of derived volcanics erupted at 122 and 90 Ma. Surface wave tomography of the Plateau reveals a seismically slow upper mantle root that extends approximately to 300 km depth. The thickness and juxtaposition of the Plateau and the mantle root imply that the OJP is the preserved `head' of a rising mantle plume formed in situ when the LIP erupted. Thus, it is a far-traveled body currently moving northwestwards with the Pacific plate. Shear wave splitting at four seismic stations along the northern margin of the OJP varies systematically: the fast axis of at three stations on the NE OJP margin trend NW, parallel to -defined Pacific absolute plate motion; at a fourth station, on the NW margin of the Plateau, the fast shear wave trend is NE. Upper mantle flow directions delineated by the shear wave splitting could thus represent mantle flow diverted around the leading, northwestern face of the rheologically strong, chemically distinct OJP root. In sum, the Plateau and its deep root appear to be similar to continental tectosphere, except for contrasting seismic velocities. ß 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: mantle plumes; large igneous provinces; S-waves; mantle £ow; ; Ontong^Java Plateau; tomography; tectonosphere;

1. Introduction extent of upper mantle structures related to such plumes has only recently been appreciated [5,6]. Although a genetic relationship between £ood The Ontong^Java Plateau (OJP), Earth's largest of large igneous provinces (LIPs) and and thickest LIP, has an extensive, seismically mantle plumes has long been assumed [1^4], the slow upper mantle root [7] which has been moving WNW with the Paci¢c plate since its formation 120 Ma [8,9]. We use shear wave splitting measurements from * Corresponding author. a four island passive broadband seismic network 1 Present address: Chevron Petroleum Technology Co., 935 positioned on the Caroline Islands (Federated Gravier Street, New Orleans, LA 70112, USA. States of Micronesia) and on Nauru (Fig. 1), to

0012-821X / 01 / $ ^ see front matter ß 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S0012-821X(01)00235-7

EPSL 5752 29-3-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 348 E.R. Klosko et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 186 (2001) 347^361 shed light on the long-term juxtaposition of the ently buoyant: the complex Solomon Trench, OJP eruptives riding on the oceanic Paci¢c plate, along which Australian and Paci¢c lithosphere is and the remnant plume head extending into pre- currently subducting, is signi¢cantly indented sumably £owing mantle several hundred kilo- where the OJP has entered the trench (Fig. 1). meters beneath this plate. We show that the The OJP erupted at the Earth's surface in two OJP can divert upper mantle £ow, as manifested main episodes: low potassium ocean island tholei- by our shear wave splitting measurements. ites of the western portion of the Plateau were emplaced at 122 þ 3 Ma, and similar basalts of the eastern arm of the Plateau erupted at 90 þ 4 2. Tectonic background Ma [8,9]. Samples from DSDP site 289, ODP sites 803 and 807, and exposures of OJP basement on The OJP stands 2 km above adjacent Paci¢c the Solomon Islands of Malaita, Santa Isabel, abyssal plains and is composed of mantle plume Ramos and Ulawa, where the OJP has been ob- derived volcanics. The L-shaped Plateau is appar- ducted onto the Solomon Islands Arc, yield 40Ar/

Fig. 1. Bathymetry of the OJP region, 4000 m contour shown in white [50]. Magenta lines are isodepth contours to top of sub- ducted slabs. Seismometer stations (TKK, Chuuk; PNI, Pohnpei; KOS, Kosrae; NAU, Nauru) shown as white squares. Shear wave splitting measurements are shown as red bars, trending in the fast shear wave direction, length scaled by delay time (see key, lower left). White arrows are Paci¢c plate APM [33].

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39Ar dates with these bimodal ages, and two iso- at least 40 Ma, but its exact genesis remains elu- topically distinct magma sources are inferred for sive (e.g. [17]). the 122 Ma lavas, whereas the 90 Ma magmas include only one of these isotopic sources [9^11]. The thick basalts of the OJP eruptive phase rep- 3. Splitting measurements: methodology and data resent high-degree (20^30%) polybaric partial of a peridotitic mantle source [9]. The Observations of shear wave splitting are com- simplest interpretation of the volume, timing monly used to map past and present deformation and chemistry of the OJP basement rocks is that in the upper mantle [18^22]. Shear wave splitting they are the result of eruption from a single man- occurs when a linearly polarized shear wave enters tle plume `head', although the time period be- an anisotropic region and splits into two orthog- tween the two eruptive episodes is long. The latter onal components of vibration. The split shear could be related to plume head separation during waves travel at di¡erent speeds, which are deter- transit across the 660 km seismic discontinuity mined by the material properties of the aniso- [12]. tropic medium [23^26]. At the receiver, shear The OJP formed in the south-central Paci¢c wave splitting is manifested as a noticeable time Basin at around 40³S, 160³W near or on one of separation between the arrival of the fast and the Farallon^Izanagi^Paci¢c triple junction slow components of the shear phase. spreading ridges [9]. Geoid anomalies over the It is a common assumption that upper mantle OJP are uncorrelated with the Plateau itself indi- seismic anisotropy results from the preferred lat- cating the structure is isostatically compensated, tice orientation of , the dominant upper consistent with eruption of the Plateau £ood ba- mantle mineral [27,24]. Laboratory and numerical salts on a weak lithosphere, i.e. near a spreading experiments show that olivine aggregate align- ridge [13,14]. Since its eruption around 122 Ma, ment occurs even at low strain and that the fast the OJP has moved generally WNW with the oce- anisotropy axis of the crystals tends to align with anic plates of the Paci¢c Basin on which it the deformation extension direction [23^26]. Shear formed: initially probably with the Farallon plate, wave splitting observations of fast polarization and more recently with the fast-moving Paci¢c azimuth, P, and delay time between fast and plate. Cretaceous plate reconstructions of the Pa- slow waves, Nt, are interpreted to relate mantle ci¢c Basin are uncertain, but it is likely that both anisotropy to deformation and £ow, as a likely the Farallon plate and the small, young Paci¢c indication of the lineation direction and intensity plate were slow-moving with respect to Paci¢c of alignment or thickness of aligned olivine aggre- Basin hotspots at the time of OJP eruption gates in the upper mantle [19,20,28,29]. In the [15]. However, given the current OJP location Earth's upper mantle, the extensional axis of de- (3³S, 160³E), it is clear that the OJP is far- formation can be related directly to upper mantle traveled. £ow, and thus the fast shear wave polarization The Caroline Island chain, on which three of direction is nominally a measure of horizontal the four seismic stations used in this study were upper mantle £ow. deployed, lies along the northern margin of the For this study, we use shear wave splitting mea- OJP (Fig. 1), and is most likely a hotspot track. surements from the four island passive broadband Paleomagnetic and radiometric data show that PASSCAL seismic array (Fig. 1) which operated the islands Chuuk (TKK), Kosrae (KOS) and from January 1994 to March 1996, with the orig- Pohnpei (PNI), formed near the paleoequator be- inal goal of performing a ex- tween 1.4 Ma (KOS) and 11 Ma (TKK), although periment for the OJP [7]. We measure shear wave the zero-age (possibly active) member of the chain splitting using teleseismic direct-S and core inter- has yet to be identi¢ed [16]. Further east, the Re- acting shear waves (ScS, SKS, SKKS, PKS) after public of Nauru (site of the fourth station, NAU) selecting events for which these phases arrive with is a small uplifted atoll with an estimated age of near-vertical incidence, and are well isolated in

EPSL 5752 29-3-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 350 Table 1 Event information and individual shear wave splitting analysis results

a b Station Date Time Lat- Longi- Depth mb Baz Pol Phase PNt Simultaneous itude tude linearization results (UT) (³) (³) (km) (³) (³) (³) (s) KOS 29 April (119) 1994 07:11:29.6 328.29 363.25 562 6.9 123.0 364.2 SKKS 357.0 þ 17.5 1.9 þ 0.9 P = 335.0 þ 11.0³ Nt = 0.6 þ 0.2 s KOS 09 June (160) 1994 00:49:59.9 313.84 367.55 631 6.1 103.5 372.4 PKS 375.4 þ 3.5 3.0 þ 0.4 KOS 27 Oct. (300) 1994 22:22:53.9 325.60 179.10 550 6.7 153.8 72.0 ScS 77.0 þ 22.5 1.8 þ 29 ..Kok ta./ErhadPaeaySineLtes16(01 347^361 (2001) 186 Letters Science Planetary and Earth / al. et Klosko E.R. NAU 14 March (073) 20:51:24.9 15.99 392.43 164 5.8 73.8 79.5 SKS 367.0 þ 22.5 1.3 þ 1.7 P = 349.0 þ 5.0³ Nt = 1.1 þ 0.2 s 1994 NAU 27 Oct. (300) 1994 22:22:53.9 325.60 179.10 550 6.7 155.7 371.9 S 86.0 þ 22.5 3.6 þ 3.8

PL55 29-3-01 5752 EPSL NAU 14 Sept. (257) 1995 14:04:31.4 16.78 398.60 23 6.4 73.2 68.5 SKS 328.0 þ 5.0 2.6 þ 0.6 NAU 21 Oct. (294) 1995 02:38:57.1 16.84 393.47 159 6.3 73.0 74.0 SKS 85.0 þ 22.5 1.2 þ 2.6 NAU 01 Nov. (305) 1995 00:35:32.7 328.91 371.42 20 6.3 122.6 351.7 SKS 35.0 þ 22.5 3.1 þ 3.5 NAU 01 Nov. (305) 1995 00:35:32.7 328.91 371.42 20 6.3 122.6 372.7 SKKS 316.0 þ 18.0 1.1 þ 0.3

PNI 08 Sept. (251) 1995 01:15:28.2 356.22 3122.42 10 6.3 146.7 335.8 SKS 362.0 þ 18.0 1.0 þ 0.4 P = 358.0³ þ 12.0 Nt = 1.0 þ 0.3 s PNI 14 Sept. (257) 1995 14:04:31.4 16.78 398.60 23 6.4 71.5 84.5 SKS 337.0 þ 22.5 0.8 þ 2.4 PNI 17 Sept. (260) 1995 17:09:20.6 317.09 66.71 8 6.5 253.3 369.4 SKS 3.0 þ 22.5 4.0 þ 3.3 Cyaan PNI 23 Sept. (266) 1995 22:31:56.3 310.68 378.58 60 6.0 98.2 65.4 SKS 32 þ 22.5 4.0 þ 4.0 PNI 01 Nov. (305) 1995 00:35:32.7 328.91 371.42 20 6.3 121.5 333.0 SKS 24 þ 22.5 1.7 þ 2.8 Magenta TKK 28 Sept. (271) 1994 16:39:51.6 35.78 110.35 638 5.9 253.5 84.8 S 313.0 þ 22.5 2.5 þ 2.1 Group #1 TKK 05 May (126) 1995 02:05:34.9 25.0 95.40 118 6.4 295.0 313.9 PcS 61.0 þ 22.5 4.0 þ 4.0 P = 35.0 þ 2.0³ Nt = 2.3 þ 0.5 s TKK 13 May (133) 1995 08:47:12.7 40.15 21.70 14 6.6 320.1 339.9 SKS 315.0 þ 22.5 3.2 þ 3.4

Geel TKK 13 May (133) 1995 08:47:12.7 40.15 21.70 14 6.6 320.1 339.9 PKS 35.0 þ 22.5 3.9 þ 3.9

TKK 10 Jan. (010) 1994 15:53:50.1 313.34 369.45 596 6.9 101.7 378.3 SKS 58.0 þ 22.5 1.2 þ 2.6 Group #2 Zwart TKK 13 April (103) 1995 02:25:22.7 313.50 170.30 640 6.2 138.6 356.1 S 384.0 þ 15.5 2.4 þ 0.5 P = 70.0 þ 3.5³ Nt = 1.4 þ 0.2 s TKK 02 May (122) 1995 06:06:05.6 33.79 376.9 97 6.5 88.5 334.5 SKS 348.0 þ 22.5 0.6 þ 2.3 TKK 14 Sept. (257) 1995 14:04:31.4 16.78 398.60 23 7.2 70.2 70.2 SKS 324.0 þ 1.5 4.0 þ 4.0 TKK 03 Oct. (276) 1995 12:44:58.0 32.77 377.85 17 6.1 87.3 352.9 SKS 363.0 þ 22.5 3.2 þ 3.5 TKK 03 Oct. (276) 1995 01:51:23.9 32.75 377.88 24 6.5 87.3 82.6 PKS 69.0 þ 22.5 0.9 þ 2.0 aBaz: event back-azimuth. bPol: event polarization azimuth. E.R. Klosko et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 186 (2001) 347^361 351

Fig. 2. Splitting results for each station represented by circles that correspond to a parameter set, P and Nt (light gray, individual measurements; black, results from simultaneous linearization). Uncertainty (one standard deviation) in measurements shown by error bars. the record. Events meeting these criteria are found Following Silver and Chan [19], we model seis- at source^receiver distances between 87³ and 140³ mic anisotropy by grid-searching for the best pa- for core-refracted phases, less than 30³ for ScS, rameters of fast polarization azimuth, P, and de- and in the range of 30^80³ for direct shear phases. lay time, Nt, that compensate for the e¡ect of

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EPSL 5752 29-3-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart E.R. Klosko et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 186 (2001) 347^361 353

Fig. 3. Example of a split PKS wave recorded at KOS for great Bolivian . (A) Original signal (top two seismograms) rotated into radial and transverse directions according to the event back-azimuth. Corrected signal (bottom two seismograms) ro- tated to the fast polarization direction, P, and time shifted by the delay between the fast and slow waves, Nt. (B) Superposition of the fast and slow components of the wave (top) representing the signi¢cance of the Nt correction before (left) and after (right) a rotation to P has been applied. Particle motions (bottom) in the fast and slow frame, before (left) and after (right) splitting de- lay correction is applied. (C) Contour plot representing the parameters of P and Nt that yield a minimum of energy on the trans- verse component of the signal (best parameters shown by star). 6

shear wave splitting observed in the signal. For island setting of the stations, for large events core-refracted phases, the best parameters mini- (mb s 5.8) the data was adequate for detection mize energy on the transverse component of the of splitting. The distribution of results for single signal [19]. For direct-S and ScS, the best param- events at the individual stations is shown in Fig. eters linearize the radial/transverse particle mo- 2. Fig. 3A^C shows the determination of splitting tion, by minimizing the smaller eigenvalue of the parameters for a single arriving shear phase, PKS, polarization matrix [19]. To characterize seismic recorded at KOS from the great 1994 Bolivian anisotropy from shear wave splitting measure- deep earthquake. Note that although there is ments, we assume that P is parallel to the fast clearly anomalous energy on the transverse com- axis of the anisotropic medium, consistent with ponent of the PKS seismogram (Fig. 3A), the sig- laboratory observations and numerical modeling. nal to noise level is low even for this very high- The Nt value between the arrival of the fast and magnitude event. Ultimately, this splitting mea- slow components is a gauge of the extent of the surement yields the result shown by Fig. 3C. Ta- anisotropic region, under the assumption that de- ble 1 and Figs. 2 and 3 illustrate the need for the lay increases with distance traveled, given a con- simultaneous linearization technique. stant value of intrinsic anisotropy. By performing simultaneous linearizations of A common problem at island sites is high-am- multiple events [30], we corrected the splitting plitude seismic noise created by ocean swell at for each event and found uncertainties to be sig- periods of 3^12 s (e.g. similar to the period of ni¢cantly reduced. For KOS and NAU, we ob- shear phases we are interested in [30,31]). To im- tained splitting parameters using the simultaneous prove the quality of splitting measurements, we linearization technique for all three and all six analyzed a suite of shear phases recorded at a individual events, respectively (Table 1, Fig. 4). given station for the splitting parameters that Despite ¢ve individual splitting measurements at best linearize the phases' particle motions simul- PNI, simultaneous linearization of all ¢ve yielded taneously [30]. Application of this method is also poor results, indicative of at least two inconsistent advantageous because it can reveal di¡erences sets of splitting parameters. Trial subgroupings among consistently split phases arriving at the demonstrated that three events (see Table 1: station from di¡erent back-azimuths. events 95.251, 95.257 and 96.260) yielded one good set of best-¢tting parameters. The remaining two events (95.266 and 95.305) were not consis- 4. Splitting measurements: results tent with a single set of splitting parameters, most likely because although anomalous energy is visi- We examined 18 events, which yielded 24 mea- ble on the transverse components of both events, surements of shear wave splitting at the four sta- signal to noise is very low, and split phases are tions (Table 1, EPSL Online Background Data- likely swamped by randomly polarized noise. set2). Despite the noise inherent in the ocean Thus, we only present results from the simultane- ous linearization of the three consistent events for PNI (Table 1). 2 http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/epsl, mirror site: http:// Similarly, when we used all events for TKK in www.elsevier.com/locate.epsl the simultaneous linearization (see Table 1), we

EPSL 5752 29-3-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart 354 E.R. Klosko et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 186 (2001) 347^361

[32], but with the limited data available to us this was not possible. The splitting measurements yield P directions trending northwest (between N35³W and N58³W) at three of the four stations, 4^27³ from the trend of the absolute plate motion (APM) of the Paci¢c plate (Fig. 1) [33], consistent with the majority of splitting measurements made at other Paci¢c plate ocean stations [31,30]. At TKK, the westernmost station, P trends N70³E for events from Baz group 2, almost at right an- gles to both local Paci¢c APM and the fast polar- ization directions at the other stations. For the Baz group 1 events at TKK, P trends N5³W, roughly 57³ from the local APM azimuth. The values of Nt for the three stations along the NE side of the OJP (PNI, KOS, NAU) stations are 1.0 þ 0.3, 0.6 þ 0.2 and 1.1 þ 0.2 s, respectively. These values are consistent with other Paci¢c Ba- sin ocean island splitting observations [31]. How- ever, the delay times at TKK are 2.3 þ 0.5 s (Group 1) and 1.4 þ 0.2 s (Group 2), the largest delay times yet observed for shear wave splitting in any ocean basin. Fig. 4. Results for NAU: Contours of energy which show the minimization of the smaller eigenvalue of the polarization matrix for all possible P and Nt values. Minimum energy is denoted by a star. 5. Discussion of splitting results

The P azimuths measured at NAU, KOS and found that only four events were well corrected PNI generally parallel local APM directions: the (e.g. linearized) by the best-¢tting splitting param- deviations are comparable to those obtained by eters for the group; the remaining six events re- Russo and Okal [31] and Wolfe and Silver [30] tained elliptical particle motions in the supposed at island sites throughout the Paci¢c basin. fast^slow component frame. However, we found Thus, we interpret our shear wave splitting mea- that the data could be divided into two groups surements at these stations as proxies for shear according to station^event back-azimuth each of £ow in the asthenosphere beneath the rigid Paci¢c which yielded good simultaneous linearization lithosphere, engendered as the plate moves WNW splitting parameters. Group 1 includes shear toward the western Paci¢c zones. In phases arriving from back-azimuths between e¡ect, the asthenosphere here acts as a decoupling 254³ and 320³, and group 2 events range from layer between plate and the deep mantle. It is 70³ to 140³. The simultaneous splitting parame- unlikely that these measurements include a signi¢- ters for each group are shown in Table 1 and Fig. cant contribution from aligned olivine in the 2. Contours delimiting the range of parameters lithospheric plate since the olivine fabric in the that best linearize the particle motion from both mantle lithosphere should be parallel to the plate back-azimuth groups are shown in Fig. 5A,B. fossil spreading direction, which in the environs of With a larger data set it might be possible to the OJP trends NNW [34]. investigate the characteristics of the two groups In previous contributions [31,35], we have in terms of two (or more) anisotropic layers shown that azimuthal anisotropy can be strongly

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Fig. 5. Results for TKK: energy contours for two back-azimuth groups: (A) Baz group 1 (254^320³) and (B) Baz group 2 (70^140³), in the same convention as Fig. 4. perturbed in the vicinity of hotspot structures; shear trend nearly perpendicular to APM and to indeed, no clear seismic anisotropy has been ob- the directions at the other sites, for shear phases served to date at active ocean island hotspots. The arriving from eastern back-azimuths, and a N- `normal' APM-parallel result at KOS is then par- trending fast axis for phases incident from the ticularly interesting since this very young island west (Fig. 1). The observation of dependence of (1.4 Ma [16]) might have been expected to feature splitting parameters on azimuth of phase arrival no azimuthal anisotropy, as is the case for Tahiti can be interpreted in several ways: as departures (V1 Ma [36]) and the southern part of the Big of the anisotropy from the simple hexagonally Island of Hawaii [31,35]. The measurement at symmetric horizontal axis model commonly used KOS suggests that any possible active member to interpret splitting results, such as plunging of the Caroline chain (yet to be discovered) is so symmetry axis [38], as two superposed layers of distant and/or weak that the plume £ow does not anisotropy [32], or as lateral variability of aniso- a¡ect asthenospheric mantle fabrics beneath tropy at sublithospheric depths [39]. Because the KOS. In this respect, our results at KOS are sim- data at TKK are limited to arrivals from only two ilar to Wolfe and Silver's [30] ¢ndings at Raro- narrow back-azimuth ranges, it is impossible to tonga (1^2 Ma [37]), and Russo and Okal's [31] determine which, if any, of these possibilities is result at Pitcairn. valid. However, we favor lateral variability of ani- In contrast to the splitting at NAU, PNI and sotropy, since the most likely two-layer model, KOS, upper mantle anisotropy beneath TKK is anisotropic lithosphere over asthenosphere with anomalous for the Paci¢c basin, with one NE fast a di¡erent anisotropy, has not been observed at

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Fig. 6. Tomography results: (a) Depth to the Mohorovic­ic¨ discontinuity; note that even the thinnest parts of the OJP (bounded by the white line along the 4000-m contour) are at least 20 km. (b) Horizontal section at 100 km; paths across the OJP are seismically slow for shear waves. (c) W^E section (section line in magenta, top panel) across the OJP; note slow velocity anomaly down to around 350 km. (d) N^S section across the OJP.

EPSL 5752 29-3-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart E.R. Klosko et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 186 (2001) 347^361 357 any station in the southern Paci¢c. Also, given the along individual paths crossing the plateau. The magnitudes of the delay times observed (2.3 þ 0.5 tomographic results indicate the presence of an and 1.4 þ 0.2 s), it is unlikely that the anisotropy approximately cylindrical slow velocity anomaly can include a steep plunge since this increases the below the OJP reaching a depth of over 300 km likelihood of coincidence of propagation paths and with a radius of 600 km (Fig. 6). Inverted and symmetry, leading to null splitting observa- shear velocities beneath the OJP are about 5% tions. In fact, we observed no null measurements slow with respect to the PREM Earth model at TKK. Thus, we consider it unlikely that these [41], and are seismically slow relative to surround- measurements represent contributions from litho- ing asthenospheric mantle, observed throughout spheric fossil spreading fabrics (which trend the Paci¢c Basin at depths of 100^250 km (e.g. NNW), or from strongly plunging anisotropy, [42,43]). The slow anomaly extends to depths gen- and the simplest interpretation is that the horizon- erally considered to be greater than the bottom of tal component of asthenospheric £ow beneath the asthenospheric channel. Given its shape, its and to the east of TKK trends NE or SW, where- depth extent and its clear association with the as it is N^S just to the west of the atoll. These OJP eruptives, it is likely that the sub-OJP slow directions cannot be related to asthenospheric velocity anomaly is a remnant mantle plume head shear induced by drag of a £at-bottomed litho- [7]. spheric plate over the underlying mantle, as at Similar low velocity structures, interpreted as PNI, KOS and NAU. The clear di¡erence be- mantle plume heads, have been imaged tomo- tween the two £ow directions implies that the graphically to depths of several hundred kilo- mantle £ow ¢eld varies over short spatial scales meters beneath the Parana¨ £ood basalts of central in the vicinity of TKK. South America [5] and the Deccan Traps of NW It is unlikely that the measurements at TKK India [6]. The Parana¨ basalts erupted 134 to 129 are perturbed by hotspot processes: the Caroline Ma [44], and the Deccan traps have a well-docu- hotspot, which has no apparent in£uence on mea- mented peak of activity from 65 to 60 Ma [45]. surements at the nearer sites KOS and PNI, is Both South America and India have traveled a simply too far away, and the TKK edi¢ce is cold- considerable distance with respect to the deep er, in terms of thermal history, than sites such as mantle since the £ood on each Kauai or Rarotonga, for which good agreement continent. Eruption onto and emplacement within between the directions of seismic anisotropy and the rheologically strong thick cratonic roots of APM has been reported [30,35]. Finally, it is un- South America and India provide a reasonable likely that anomalous crustal thickness can be di- explanation for the preservation of these plume rectly related to the odd splitting at TKK, since structures in the upper mantle beneath the surface even at Rangiroa on the Tuamotu Plateau, a site eruptives. Note that no such explanation can be underlain by a 35-km thick crust [40] comparable invoked for the preservation of the upper mantle to that of the OJP, P and local APM trends co- slow velocity anomaly beneath the OJP, since the incide [31]. Thus, it is clear that the deviation latter has ridden on the much thinner (V100 km) observed at TKK between the APM azimuth lithosphere of the Paci¢c plate since at least the and anisotropy can be ascribed neither to the in- late Mesozoic, and the velocity anomaly extends £uence of an active magmatic system, nor to a far below this lithosphere into and beyond what is relatively thin structure like the Tuamotu Plateau. normally considered £owing asthenospheric man- tle beneath the Paci¢c plate (e.g. [42,43]). The ex- istence of the slow velocity plume head root be- 6. OJP structure and mantle £ow neath the OJP eruptives today strongly suggests that the root has moved with the Plateau since its Richardson et al. [7] produced a three-dimen- formation. sional tomography of the structure underlying the We can explain both the presence of the OJP OJP by inverting shear velocity pro¢les obtained tomographic root beneath the far-traveled Plateau

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Fig. 7. Interpretive view of the OJP root (yellow), moving WNW with the Paci¢c plate (white arrows), diverting asthenospheric mantle £ow (orange arrows). Note splitting measurements (red bars) on surface are parallel to immediately underlying astheno- spheric £ow directions. Splitting at TKK corresponding to arrivals from eastern back-azimuths is shown. and the anomalous TKK shear wave splitting for some time after its eruption would have al- measurement if we invoke a rheologically strong lowed the OJP root to cool and strengthen su¤- root coupled to the Paci¢c plate lithosphere. Giv- ciently to resist dispersal by asthenospheric £ow. en strength, the upper mantle root can act like a The variable £ow directions apparent at TKK very thick lithospheric bulge which, moving may reveal the scale of asthenospheric £ow di- WNW with the Paci¢c plate APM relative to verted around the OJP root: shear phases incident the deeper mantle, diverts asthenospheric mantle from eastern back-azimuths (i.e. sampling the £ow (Fig. 7). Thus, the pattern of shear wave mantle immediately adjacent to the OJP root) re- splitting, including both the odd fast shear wave veal £ow perpendicular to the leading edge of the azimuth and high-delay time splitting measure- OJP root. However, phases arriving from the west ment at TKK can be explained: asthenospheric show a trend that is not simply related to OJP mantle £ow is displaced forward of the OJP structure, but may be indicative of £ow that is root and strain should be higher, and consequent transitional between diverted £ow and APM fabric development stronger, along the leading £ow. If this is the case, then the perturbed £ow edge of the OJP root than along its NE face, ¢eld exists in the order of 3³ (V330 km) from the where delay times and splitting azimuths are nor- leading edge of the OJP, given the location of mal. Assuming the root is strong and was coupled TKK. to Paci¢c lithosphere sometime before the Paci¢c We note the apparent paradox of a seismically plate began rapid motion with respect to Paci¢c slow upper mantle root that is seemingly strong Basin hotspots, we can explain the root's presence enough to perturb asthenospheric £ow. Typically, beneath the Plateau today. Slow relative motion slow seismic velocity anomalies are associated of the OJP with respect to the underlying mantle with elevated temperatures, and relatively high

EPSL 5752 29-3-01 Cyaan Magenta Geel Zwart E.R. Klosko et al. / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 186 (2001) 347^361 359 temperatures indicate rheologic weakness. It is mic discontinuity could result in chemical di¡er- unlikely, given its Early Cretaceous eruption entiation of the rising plume material [12]. age, that the OJP retains a thermal anomaly re- lated to its eruption. More recent volcanism at 90 and 34 Ma [9^11] could have reheated the OJP 7. Conclusions root, but reheating should also have resulted in weakening of the root; since the splitting mea- We use measurements of shear wave splitting to surement is an instantaneous measure of astheno- map deformation in the upper mantle beneath spheric £ow, it is unlikely that any reheating was Micronesian stations along the Caroline Islands su¤cient to reduce the root to the strength of the and Nauru. Results show a mantle £ow pattern surrounding £owing asthenosphere. Furthermore, diverted around the thick root beneath the OJP, the seismic anomalies due to reheating of oceanic which lies to the south of these stations. Since the lithosphere and upper mantle by the Hawaiian OJP is underlain by an upper mantle root approx- hotspot are undetectable after 30 Ma [46]. The imately 300 km thick, lying directly beneath the OJP root is seismically distinct and seemingly 122 Ma eruptives of the Plateau, this root is a strong, indicating in all likelihood that it is pri- long-lived, far-traveled structure, seismically slow marily a chemical anomaly and not a thermal and distinct with respect to surrounding astheno- anomaly. Finally, a study of seismic attenuation spheric upper mantle. These results show the OJP of the OJP root has shown that the root has high- root, as previously identi¢ed from seismic tomog- er Q than surrounding mantle [47], indicating that raphy, to be strong enough to divert astheno- remanent thermal anomalies are unlikely. spheric mantle £ow. The root is probably chemi- The chemical anomaly associated with the OJP cally depleted, but may have an unidenti¢ed root slow shear wave velocities could be partly chemical constituent that renders it seismically explained by a low density residuum, produced slow and rheologically strong. In many ways, by high-degree partial melting (20^30%; [9]) of a the OJP is similar to a thick-rooted continental source with partitioning of Fe into the . Its history and chemistry imply that the melt fraction and lighter Mg into the residuum, root represents the residue from intense hotspot yielding the thick (33 km on average) basalts of plume head activity. Similar plume head struc- the OJP. Such melt partitioning could produce a tures have been identi¢ed in place beneath £ood buoyant, seismically slow root. However, it would basalt provinces in South America and India, be di¤cult if not impossible to produce the ex- although the OJP, emplaced into an oceanic plate, treme thickness of the OJP root, given the esti- is unique in that it did not intrude into deep con- mated degree of partial melting and the thickness tinental roots that explain the far-traveled nature of the Plateau basalts: 30% partial melting that of the Parana¨ and Deccan remnant structures. yields 33 km of basalt Plateau should leave be- The similar seismically slow thick anomalies of hind a restite in the order of 80 km thick, not 300 all three hotspot plume heads imply that chemical km [9]. Also, it is not clear whether a Mg-rich di¡erentiation at the core^mantle boundary, pre- restite would necessarily be rheologically stronger sumably the source of these mantle plumes, is than surrounding asthenospheric mantle, as the strong and results in long-lived compositional OJP root seems to be. Some other chemical con- anomalies [48]. Resultant buoyancy of these struc- stituent or process is therefore necessary in order tures may indicate that plume head remnants ul- to explain the large volume upper mantle chem- timately accrete to continental masses and repre- ical anomaly represented by the OJP root. We sent a signi¢cant component of continental note that in addition to shallow chemical di¡er- growth, increasing the overall volume of tecto- entiation due to pressure release melting, process- sphere [49]. Thus, mantle plumes could contribute es of plume head formation at the core^mantle to the long-term chemical di¡erentiation of the boundary and plume rise across the 660 km seis- planet.

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Acknowledgements Ogg, S. Premoli, S. Isabella, S. Andre, G. Rainer, W.V. Sliter, J.M. Whitman, Initial reports of the Deep Drilling Project covering Leg 89 of the cruises of the Drill- We thank Clive Neal, Martin Flower, Liz Wi- ing Vessel Glomar Challenger, Yokohama, Japan, to Nou- dom, Craig Bina and Alan Brandon for guiding mea, New Caledonia, October^November, 1982, in: R.L. our thinking about OJP root composition. Suzan Larson, S. Orlofsky (Eds.), Initial Report of theDeep Sea van der Lee and Guust Nolet provided indispens- Drilling Project 89, US Government Printing O¤ce, able help with shear wave tomography. We thank Washington, DC, 1986. [11] W.H. Berger, L.W. Kroenke, L.A. Mayer, J. Backman, Cecily Wolfe and Paul Silver for providing us T.R. Janecek, L.A. Krissek, M. Leckie, M. Lyle, F. Bas- with their splitting analysis code. The Microne- sinot, R. Cor¢eld, M. Delaney, R. Hagen, E. Jansen, C. sian PASSCAL deployment was supported by Lange, I.L. Lind, J. Marsters, D. Mosher, R. Musgrave, National Science Foundation Grant number M. Prentice, J. Resig, H. Schmidt, R. Stax, M. Storey, K. EAR-93-16396 to E.A.O.; its operation and main- Takahashi, T. Takayama, J. Tarduno, R. Wilkens, G. Wu, The record of Ontong^Java Plateau; main results tenance owed greatly to our many friends on the of ODP Leg 130, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 104 (1992) 954^ islands.[SK] 972. [12] D. Bercovici, J. Mahoney, Double £ood basalts and plume head separation at the 660 kilometer discontinuity, References Science 266 (1994) 1367^1369. [13] E.A. Okal, A. Cazenave, A model for the plate tectonic [1] W.J. Morgan, plumes in the , evolution of the east-central Paci¢c based on SEASAT Nature 230 (1971) 42^43. investigations, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 72 (1985) 99^116. [2] I.H. Campbell, R.W. Gri¤ths, Implications of mantle [14] D.T. Sandwell, K.R. MacKenzie, Geoid height versus to- plume structure for the evolution of £ood basalts, Earth pography for oceanic plateaus and swells, J. 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