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The Matrix Revolution: Matricellular Proteins and Restructuring of The

The Matrix Revolution: Matricellular Proteins and Restructuring of The

Published OnlineFirst March 19, 2020; DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-2098


The Revolution: Matricellular and Restructuring of the Microenvironment A C Casimiro Gerarduzzi1,2, Ursula Hartmann3, Andrew Leask4, and Elliot Drobetsky1,2

ABSTRACT ◥ The (ECM) surrounding cells is indis- aberrantly expressed MCPs can support multiple hallmarks of pensable for regulating their behavior. The dynamics of ECM carcinogenesis by interacting with various cellular components signaling are tightly controlled throughout growth and develop- that are coupled to an array of downstream signals. Moreover, ment. During remodeling, matricellular proteins (MCP) MCPs also reorganize the biomechanical properties of the ECM are secreted into the ECM. These factors do not serve classical to accommodate and tumor colonization. This real- structural roles, but rather regulate matrix proteins and – ization is stimulating new research on MCPs as reliable and matrix interactions to influence normal cellular functions. In the accessible biomarkers in cancer, as well as effective and selective , it is becoming increasingly clear that therapeutic targets.

Introduction pathways essential for cancer progression. This may underlie the correlation between the upregulation of many MCPs and poor The behavior of individual cells is influenced by a plethora of signals prognosis in cancer patients (9) and, moreover, provide rationale originating from the surrounding microenvironment, which includes for exploring the utility of MCPs as cancer biomarkers and ther- the extracellular matrix (ECM). Previously regarded as merely a static apeutic targets. scaffold for cell/tissue organization, the ECM is now viewed as a critical This review will focus on the burgeoning roles of the MCP families niche contributing to the regulation of cellular survival, proliferation, SPARC, CCN, SIBLING, , and Gla-containing proteins in and migration. This realization has positioned the ECM at the center both cancer development, and detection and treatment. Certainly, stage of normal physiologic processes such as development, tissue members of these particular families are aberrantly expressed in homeostasis, and . various tumor types, and moreover exhibit biochemical, biomechan- The dynamic of ECM signaling is determined by a secreted ical, and metastatic properties influencing cancer progression. subset of nonstructural matricellular proteins (MCP; ref. 1), in contrast to the structural roles of “classical” ECM proteins such as and fibronectin (2). MCP functional versatility is achieved by its multiple Normal Physiologic Roles of MCPs domains that either (i) bind ECM proteins and/or cell surface recep- The ever-growing number of newly discovered MCPs has neces- tors, (ii) bind and regulate the activity or accessibility of extracellular sitated their classification into families. Members are grouped on the signaling molecules such as growth factors, , chemokines, and basis of shared domains, which in turn reflect the functional diversity cytokines, or (iii) mediate intrinsic enzymatic activities to precisely between families. orchestrate the assembly, degradation, and organization of the ECM. The SPARC (secreted protein acidic and rich in ; MCPs are tightly controlled, with expression promptly occurring in hereafter alternative protein names are included in parentheses; BM40, context-specific scenarios. Typically, they are highly expressed during ), one of the original MCPs to be characterized, is consid- early development, ultimately subsiding in adult tissues under phys- ered prototypical due to its simple and rich functionality. The iologic conditions. However, transient reexpression is observed during subsequent discovery of other MCPs with structural similarity revealed injury repair, and can also be sustained in chronic pathologies such as a broader family of SPARC-related proteins (10). Such SPARC family cancer (2–7). Indeed, chronic unscheduled expression of various members share follistatin-like and extracellular -binding (EC) MCPs, either by tumor cells or the surrounding stromal cells (8), domains, and are classified into five distinct groups based on sequence leads to abnormal ECM remodeling and stimulation of mitogenic homology of their EC domains (10): SPARCs, SPARCL1, SMOCs, SPOCKs, and follistatin-like protein-1 (FSTL1). SPARC family mem- bers were shown to regulate ECM assembly and deposition, influence 1 ^ Centre de Recherche de l'Hopital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Montreal, Quebec, cytokine activity, inhibit and cell-cycle progression, Canada. 2Departement de Medecine, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, regulate cell differentiation, and activate matrix metalloproteinases Canada. 3Center for , Medical Faculty, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. 4College of Dentistry, University of Saskatchewan, Saska- (MMP; ref. 10). While most SPARC members exhibit ubiquitous toon, Saskatchewan, Canada. expression throughout early development, in adults, expression is C. Gerarduzzi is senior author of this article. largely limited to tissues that are diseased or undergoing repair/remodeling. ^ Corresponding Author: Casimiro Gerarduzzi, Centre de Recherche de l'Hopital The CCN (centralized coordination network) family is Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Universite de Montreal, 5415, boul. de l'Assomption, Montreal, Quebec H1T 2M4, Canada. Phone: 514-252-3400, ext. 2813; Fax: 514- composed of six homologous cysteine-rich members (11): CCN1 252-3430; E-mail: [email protected] (CYR61), CCN2 (CTGF), CCN3 (NOV), CCN4 (WISP-1), CCN5 (WISP-2), and CCN6 (WISP-3). Each is comprised of an N-terminal Cancer Res 2020;80:2705–17 secretory and four functional domains: -like growth doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-2098 factor-binding (IGFBP), 2020 American Association for Cancer Research. type C domain (VWC), type-1 repeat module (TSR),

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Gerarduzzi et al.

and carboxy-terminal cysteine-knot (CT) motif (11). In response to MCPs into the tumor microenvironment, in turn promoting tissue remodeling, CCN proteins are expressed principally in mesen- cancer development (5, 51). Nonetheless, we note there are certain chymal cells during development and in patholo- cases where MCP expression has been shown to oppose cancer gies (12). The postnatal role of CCN proteins is known for promoting development (51, 52). collagen stability or organization (13). SPARC protein is highly expressed in cancer cells and the (TN) comprise a family of four large ECM glyco- of certain , including glioma, , and cervical proteins, that is, TNC, -R, -W, and -X, which exist as either trimers melanoma (53–56), where it exhibits oncogenic roles in cell growth, or hexamers (14). Tenascins share a characteristic modular structure , and . Interestingly, SPARC has also been associated composed of tandem EGF-like domains, fibronectin-type III domains, with tumor suppression by influencing these same processes (57). This and a C-terminal fibrinogen-related domain (FReD). Consequently, discrepancy might be explained by cancer type and stage, and/or the tenascins share functions in modulating cellular responses to the concentration of SPARC in the tumor microenvironment (57). Like ECM and growth factors, specifically regulating growth, differentia- SPARC, the role of FSTL1 in carcinogenesis has generated significant tion, adhesion, and migration during tissue remodeling events (15). controversy. Endometrial and ovarian cancers exhibit low FSTL1 However, each member has distinct spatial and temporal expression. levels; moreover, ectopic FSTL1 expression exerts antineoplastic activ- TNC expression is typically present in all organs during fetal devel- ity by inducing apoptosis (58). Among SPOCK isoforms (SPOCK1–3), opment and mechanical stress, whereas TN-W expression is restricted SPOCK1 is upregulated in different tumor types, and its expression to developing/remodeling and certain niches (14). positively correlates with invasive/metastatic potential and hence poor TN-R is expressed exclusively in the developing and adult nervous prognosis (59–61). However, in brain tumors, expression of all SPOCK system, while TN-X represents a constitutive ECM component of most family members decreases with increasing tumor grade (62). SMOC2 connective tissues, being hardly influenced by external factors (14). was shown to be upregulated in hepatocellular, endometrial, and The SIBLING (small -binding ligand N-linked glycopro- colorectal cancers where it modulated proliferation, chemoresistance, tein) family includes (BSP), (SPP1, also and metastasis, respectively (63–65). Very little is known regarding any known as OPN), dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP), matrix extra- role for SMOC1 in carcinogenesis, although its expression is increased cellular phosphoglycoprotein (MEPE), and dentin matrix protein-1 in brain tumors, where it interacts with TNC to counteract the chemo- (DMP1). These proteins are primarily implicated in bone morpho- attractive effect of the latter on glioma cells in vitro (66). genesis and , and were thus thought to be exclusively Among the CCN family, CCN1 and CCN2 are the most studied in localized to mineralized tissue such as bone and teeth (16). However, cancer (11). Specifically, CCN1 expression is elevated in many tumor apart from these traditional functions, SIBLING members were also types including brain, breast, prostate, and pancreas (67–70); similarly, shown to influence cellular proliferation/survival pathways, collagen CCN2 upregulation is implicated in proliferation, apoptosis, and fibrillogenesis, MMPs activities, and response to injury (17–20). migration for numerous cancers (71), including gastric (72), pancre- The Gla-protein family members contain K–dependent atic (73), melanoma (74, 75), and breast (76). In addition to cancer g-carboxyglutamic acid residues (21), which have high affinity for cells, a potential origin of these MCPs may be cancer-associated calcium ions, thus conferring important roles in and bone fibroblasts (CAF; ref. 77), and indeed this cell type was shown to be homeostasis (22). Among the 17 Gla-protein members, the source of CCN1/CCN2 expression in murine models of (POSTN) and matrix Gla-protein (MGP) are known to affect ECM cancer (78, 79). Although unscheduled expression of CCN1 and CCN2 cross-linking and various cellular behaviors, such as migration, adhe- are generally associated with tumor promotion, in some cases these sion, and proliferation in epithelial, endothelial, fibroblast, , proteins were reported to inhibit cancer development (80, 81). Like and myocyte cells (23–27). POSTN is expressed in osteoblast, mesan- CCN1/2, CCN3, and CCN4 exhibit a mixture of pro- versus anti- gial, fibroblast, mesenchymal, and vascular cells (22), tumorigenic effects, whereas CCN5 and CCN6 are predominantly while MGP is typically secreted and localized in the surrounding ECM regarded as tumor suppressors (11, 82). of or endothelial cells (28). Each tenascin family member differs substantially in spatial (tissue Considering that MCP expression is context dependent, MCP- specificity) and temporal expression patterns (14). In the case of TNC knockout mouse models generally lack any postnatal phenotype and TN-W, de novo expression is prominent in tumors versus healthy unless challenged by injury or disease, in which case they exhibit an tissue, where they promote tumor progression on multiple levels, that impaired yet subtle response [see references for further details: SPARC is, proliferation, invasion, metastasis, and . TNC is recov- family (29–34); CCN family (11, 35); tenascin family (36–38); ered in the stroma of most cancers, while TN-W is primarily SIBLING family (39–42); and POSTN (43–45)]. However, some MCP restricted to brain, colon, , and cancers (14). In contrast, mouse knockouts are characterized by severe complications. For TN-R and TN-X are constitutively expressed and largely unaffected by example, FSTL1- and CCN2-null mice die shortly after birth, while tumorigenic signals, that is, to date have not been reported to play a CCN1 and CCN5 whole-body knockouts are embryonic lethal, show- substantial role in carcinogenesis (14). ing that these proteins are essential for development (11, 46, 47). As Among SIBLING proteins, SPP1 and BSP have been the most for MGP-knockout mice, they show severe vascular calcification, extensively studied in the context of cancer (16). Consistent with arteriovenous malformation, and craniofacial anomalies, and die their roles in osteogenesis, SPP1 and BSP have been implicated within 8 weeks after birth (48–50). in bone malignancy (16). However, while these proteins were initially thought to be expressed only during bone , both were subsequently shown to be broadly expressed in human Expression of MCPs in Cancer epithelial carcinomas, including but not limited to breast (83, 84), MCP overexpression is characteristic of tissue remodeling process- lung (85, 86), prostate (87), liver (88), pancreas (89), and colon (87, 90), es, including those occurring during carcinogenesis, as opposed to low/ where their pathophysiologic roles have recently been thoroughly undetectable levels in normal tissue. Tumor cells and the surrounding reviewed (16, 91). Furthermore, CAFs have been shown to produce activated stromal cells are the major cell types that aberrantly secrete and secrete SPP1, which contributes to melanoma tumor growth (92).

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The Role of Matricellular Proteins in Cancer


TNC POSTN TGFβ1 BMPs CCN3 TNC SPP1 β CCN TGF Receptor ECM -4 Integrin Family β α CD44 Matrix β α Assembly β α & Signaling ILK FAK P Focal FAK Src ILK ILK FAK P FAK ILK ILK Adhesion FAK FAK Force Maturation Filamentous Recruited RhoA Crk Ras Crk ILK RhoA Proteins

ROCK Rac1 ERK Jnk Akt ROCK P Contraction

NFκB HIF-2α P P Force Myosin P MMP2 AP1 MIGRATION INVASION SURVIVAL and PROLIFERATION STEMNESS P Formation MMP9 Myosin Actin of Stress bundling Fibers

SPARC Migration tracks MGP C) METASTATIC NICHE Collagen POSTN cross-linking POSTN TNC MGP TNC POSTN MGP SPARC TNC Colonization


SPARC POSTN SPARC TNC MGP Epithelial-to- POSTN Enzymatic MMP MMP Invasion BSP activity MMP Mesenchymal TNC SPP1 MMP TNC Transition CCN1


Figure 1. Activation of the biochemical, biomechanical, and metastatic effects by MCPs. Tumor cells and the surrounding activated stromal cells are the major cell types that abnormally secrete MCPs into the microenvironment to affect cellular behavior and ECM remodeling. A, Biochemical pathways. MCPs can activate an array of cell surface receptors. Most MCPs can bind and signal through , with a specific heterodimer signature accounting for signaling diversity (see text for details). In addition, it has been shown that CCN and TNC can bind and signal through , while osteopontin (SPP1) mediates its effects through CD44. B, Biomechanical pathways. MCPs are able to increase the stiffness of the normal ECM tension by influencing matrix organization and collagen cross-linking, as well as deregulating enzymatic activity. Stiffness is converted by integrins into biochemical signals that can influence pathways in A. In addition, matrix stiffness can lead to the maturation of integrin and the actin into focal adhesions and stress fibers, respectively. This occurs by activating the integrin–RhoA–ROCK–myosin axis, which is reviewed in detail elsewhere (158, 159). C, Metastatic niche. Various MCPs prepare cancer cells and the local and secondary tumor sites for metastasis through numerous steps. MCPs stimulate cancer cells into a motile phenotype through the EMT but also to promote formation at the invasion site. For metastatic cells to exit the embedded state for intravasation, MCPs can break down the ECM through MMPs and guide cells out of their embedded state by cross-linking into migration tracks. At the secondary site, MCPs once again activate MMPs to remodel the ECM for colonization after invasion. At the distant site, MCPs also prime the ECM for colonization to accommodate disseminated tumor cells in the new environment. Figure was produced using Servier Medical Art (http://smart.servier.com/).

POSTN, the most well-characterized Gla-protein family member, and metastatic microenvironment. These versatile functions depend was shown to be a major determinant in proliferation for a number of on the diverse biochemical, biomechanical, and metastatic niche aggressive, advanced solid tumors with poor prognosis (22). MGP is effects induced by MCPs (Fig. 1), as discussed in more detail much less understood than POSTN, but is gradually emerging as a immediately below. determinant in cancer progression, exhibiting increased expression in colorectal, glioblastoma, breast, cervical, osteosarcoma, and skin can- cers with unfavorable prognosis (93–97). MCP Biochemical Effects In general, MCPs are capable of regulating a variety of mechan- Much evidence has shown that MCPs possess biochemical isms necessary for tumorigenesis, such as survival, proliferation, properties essential for regulating various cellular behaviors, including migration, matrix stiffness, and development of a signal reservoir ones implicated in tumor development. These properties mainly

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Gerarduzzi et al.

pertain to the ability of MCPs to activate a number of cell surface through the FAK/Akt/p38/NF-kB pathway (128). CCN4 also pro- receptors and elicit their downstream signaling (Fig. 1A). Most MCPs motes FAK and p38 signaling through avb1 integrin in prostate cancer are well-known to directly bind integrins, which are ab heterodimers cells; however, this pathway specifically induces migration and vas- composed of 18 a subunits and 8 b subunits (98). Integrins are cular -1 (VCAM-1) expression by downregu- commonly bound by members of the SPARC, CCN, SIBLING, tenas- lating miR-126 (129). Furthermore, osteoblast-derived CCN4 plays a cin, and Gla-protein families (99–101), each bound to varying hetero- key role in prostate cancer cell adhesion to bone through VCAM-1/ dimer combinations. Other than integrins, members of CCN and integrin a4b1 (130). CCN4 also promotes lymphangiogenesis in oral tenascin families can also bind syndecans, while SPP1 is reported to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) via integrin avb3/Akt signaling and also bind CD44 receptors (99, 100). In addition, MCPs can act upregulation of VEGFC expression, as well as promotes integrin avb3/ indirectly by binding a variety of ligands (i.e., growth factors and cyto- FAK/JNK signaling to induce VEGFA activation of angiogenesis in kines), thereby affecting ligand distribution and accessibility, and/or osteosarcoma cells (131, 132). Conversely, CCN4 inhibits migration in coactivating or inhibiting their function (101). melanoma and lung cancer cells by inactivating the family of Rho-like SPARC has been reported to mediate a variety of signaling path- (133, 134). ways. For example, SPARC can bind directly to integrin receptors TNC has been shown to stimulate proliferation and survival in a (avb1, avb3, and avb5), resulting in the activation of the proximal variety of cancers by activating several pathways downstream of intracellular kinases Akt, kinase (FAK), and integrin- integrins and syndecans (135), including integrin a9b1 activation of linked kinase (ILK; refs. 102–105). These kinases were associated with Akt and MAPK (136) and avb3 activation of FAK and paxillin (137). SPARC-mediated invasion and survival of glioma cells (105). SPARC However, a recent study showed that TNC signaling through integrin may also directly interact with the TGFb1 receptor to mediate Smad a2b1, but not a9b1oravb3, induced autocrine growth in brain tumor signaling, as shown in lung cancer cells (106). Recently, SPARC was cells (138). Through an indirect mechanism of tumorigenesis, TNC is reported to bind TGFb1 to regulate its deposition in the ECM (107). In able to compete with syndecan-4 binding to fibronectin, thereby addition, SPARC may bind other growth factors but with unknown interfere with fibronectin inhibition of proliferation (139). Instead, effects (108, 109). Interestingly, SPOCK1 was identified as a down- the FReD domain of TN-X was reported to convert latent TGFb1 into stream target of TGFb1 and a key player in lung cancer metastasis and its biologically active form to indirectly control mesenchymal proliferation (110), as well as in antiapoptosis via activation of the differentiation (140). PI3K/Akt pathway (111, 112). SMOC2 acts to maintain ILK activity POSTN is primarily known for binding integrins avb3 and avb5 fl during G1-phase, which in turn in uences cell-cycle progression by to elicit activation of FAK/JNK and PI3-K/Akt signaling pathways modulating cyclin D1 expression and DNA synthesis (113). This controlling , survival, or migration in various cancers possibly involves ILK interaction with integrin b1 and b3 cytoplasmic (141–143). POSTN may also signal through EGFR to influence domains, which also leads to inhibition of anoikis and apoptosis migration in esophageal SCC (144), potentially through cross-talk through activation of PI3K/Akt signaling (114). Studies by Maier and with integrin avb5. Unlike POSTN, little is known regarding the colleagues suggested that SMOC2 can bind directly to integrins aVb1 mechanism of MGP in cancer development, although the latter can and aVb6 (115), consistent with recent data showing that SMOC2 influence the TGFb superfamily, including activation of TGFb1 binds integrin b1 to activate FAK in kidney fibroblasts (29). receptor and inhibition of the bone morphogenetic proteins BMP-2 CCNs act through multiple mechanisms to regulate a plethora of and BMP-4 (27, 145). dynamic cellular processes (11, 101, 116). In particular, these proteins The SIBLING family members BSP and SPP1 exhibit similar activate ILK/Akt, MAPK, and associated growth-promoting pathways activities in cancer development. BSP supports adhesion, proliferation, in cancer, with each CCN member exerting distinct effects and and migration through avb3 and avb5, and the prometastatic activity temporal expression profiles. For example, CCN1 signals through of TGFb1 in breast cancer cells (146, 147). SPP1 can interact with integrin aVb3/Sonic hedgehog to promote motility in vitro and several integrin receptors (avb1, 3, and 5, a8b1, a9b1 and 4, and tumorigenic growth in vivo (117), as well as integrin a6b1-mediated a4b1) to regulate cell proliferation, angiogenesis, adhesion, and invasion (118), in pancreatic cancer. In glioma, CCN1 overexpression migration (116, 148). SPP1 can also signal through CD44 (149) to enhances tumorigenicity through integrin aVb3- and aVb1-linked activate HIF2a-induced stemness in hepatocellular carcinoma and ILK-mediated activation of Akt, b-catenin-TCF/Lef, and associated glioblastoma cells (150, 151), and Akt-mediated cell survival in survival and proliferation pathways (119). In breast cancer cells, CCN1 mesothelioma and colorectal cancer cells (152, 153). can promote (i) resistance to anoikis, partly via integrin b1 (120), as well as (ii) proliferation, survival, and apoptosis resistance through the avb3-activated ERK1/2 pathway (121). Similar to CCN1, ectopic MCP Biomechanical Effects expression of CCN2 (i) promotes migration and angiogenesis (122), Remodeling of the ECM is an integral process in cancer develop- and (ii) confers apoptosis resistance through integrin avb3/ERK1/2 ment that accommodates the structural architecture of the tumor and upregulation of antiapoptotic Bcl-xL and cIAP (76) in breast cancer provides necessary physical changes such as increased matrix and cells. Although most CCNs act primarily through binding various tissue stiffness to promote and sustain neoplastic transformation (154). integrin heterodimer combinations, they also bind several other is a process in which perturbations in ECM receptors (11, 101, 123, 124), for example syndecan-4 and Notch in mechanical stiffness are transduced into biochemical signals. ECM the case of CCN1/2 and CCN3, respectively. Interestingly, CCN stiffness can communicate with cells through mechano-responsive proteins may be activated by proteolytic (125, 126). integrins (98). In a normal setting, the ECM forms a structural The opposing effects of CCN3 and CCN4 in different cancers raise microenvironment of relaxed nonoriented fibrils that exerts the question of which biochemical pathways are responsible for their homeostatic stiffness on embedded cells. In cancer, disruption signaling diversity. In colorectal cancer cells, CCN3 inhibits survival by of this local ECM structure can occur through MCP-mediated regulating -3/-8 while inhibiting JNK-mediated migra- remodeling (5, 8, 155–157), which results in that are often tion (127). On the contrary, CCN3 promotes osteoclastogenesis stiffer, more highly linearized, and have a different orientation relative

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The Role of Matricellular Proteins in Cancer

to normal stroma (7). In response to this, matrix bound integrin ture and integrity to promote cancer cell accessibility into intact structures convert these physical mechanical signals into conventional structures, that is, basement membrane (178). MCPs can also affect integrin biochemical signals to influence survival, proliferation, and physical properties of the ECM, including spatial arrangement, ori- growth (158). Moreover, integrin and their associated intracellular entation, rigidity, permeability, and , in such a way as to alter cytoskeleton mature into reinforced focal adhesions and stress fibers, anchorage sites and create motility tracks suitable for metastasis (178). respectively, to compensate for changes in ECM stiffness (Fig. 1B). Normally, epithelial cells maintain their polarity, intercellular Stress fibers are formed from the bundling of actin, and generate a tight junctions, and adherence to the basement membrane neces- counter-force, both of which are regulated by phosphoactivating sary for proper tissue architecture and function (179). During myosin through the stiffness-induced integrin–RhoA–ROCK EMT, epithelial cells undergo reorganization of adhesion and axis (159). Some of the biomechanical processes regulated by MCPs cytoskeletal structures to acquire a mesenchymal morphology. This that affect ECM stiffness include increased matrix organization, allows cells to detach, which, in conjunction with enhanced migra- collagen cross-linking, and deregulation of enzymatic activity. tory capacity associated with the mesenchymal phenotype, stimu- SPARC is well-known to be implicated in rearranging the matrix lates metastasis (179). through collagen cross-linking. SPARC binds to several fibrillar SPARC family members promote EMT in a variety of cancers collagens (I, II, III, and V) as well as to collagen IV, a prominent (Fig. 1C). Recently, SMOC2 was shown to participate in a prometa- constituent of basement membranes (160, 161), and is critical for static secretome mediated by the ARNTL2 in lung organization of collagenous ECMs. SPARC-knockout mice manifest adenocarcinoma (180), and SMOC2 induction is required for colon significant changes in collagen fibril morphology, as well as a sub- cancer invasion by stimulating EMT (65). Several studies also show stantial decrease in adult tissue concentrations of collagen (32). that SPOCK1 promotes EMT (110, 181). Among SPARC family SPARC also influences the response of host tissue to implanted tumor members, SPARC is the most characterized for influencing cells and a lack of endogenous SPARC engenders decreased capacity to EMT (106, 182, 183): (i) in lung cancer cell lines, TGFb1 activation encapsulate the tumor, as well as a reduction in the deposition of of migration and EMT is in part through SPARC (106), (ii) in head and collagen (162). SPARC exerts at least two roles in collagen fibril neck cancer cells, SPARC enhances EMT signaling via activation of assembly, that is, by modulating interactions of collagen with cell Akt (182), and (iii) overexpression of SPARC in melanoma cells surface receptors and directly regulating collagen incorporation into increases invasiveness mediated by phosphorylation of FAK and Snail fibrils (163). Loss of SPARC also disrupts the homeostasis of basement repression of E-cadherin promoter activity (184). membranes and alters tissue biomechanics and physiologic func- The CCN family exerts varying effects on EMT. An early study tion (164). Finally, SPARC can act as an extracellular for using pancreatic cancer cells reported that CCN1 promotes EMT collagens that enhance the tumorigenic environment (164–166). and stemness, and that silencing this MCP forestalled aggressive In a recent study, TNC significantly colocalized with aligned tumor cell behavior by reversing the EMT phenotype (67). Recent collagen fibers in patients with breast cancer, compared with the wavy studies have continued to dissect CCN1 signaling leading to EMT. In and randomly organized layout of collagen (167) typically observed in osteosarcoma, pharmacologic or knockdown of integrin avb5/ normal tissue (168). TNC contains multiple ECM-binding partners, Raf-1/MEK/ERK signaling components inhibited CCN1-induced including collagen; however, its involvement in collagen alignment EMT (185), as well as CCN1-mediated expression of EMT markers may be mediated through binding to fibronectin, which serves to direct and cell spreading through an IGF1Rb-JNK–dependent path- collagen organization (169–171). Similarly, POSTN plays a mecha- way (186). In contrast, CCN5 and CCN6 exert opposing effects on nistic role in intermatrix interactions through formation of a POSTN– EMT. In triple-negative breast cancer cells, CCN5 activates the Bcl-2/ BMP-1–LOX complex, where BMP-1 promotes LOX activity for Bax apoptotic pathway and inhibits both EMT and migration (187), collagen cross-linking (172, 173). In fact, POSTN-knockout while activation of the JAK/Akt/STAT pathway reverses such CCN5- models exhibit aberrant collagen fibrillogenesis (174). Furthermore, mediated events (188). Similarly, CCN6 reversed the EMT features and the mechanotransduction pathways of both ROCK in SCC and the inhibited metastasis of breast cancer cells in vivo, but through a Slug transcription factor TWIST from various mechanical stress models are signaling axis that regulates Notch1 activation (189). Another mech- known to increase POSTN deposition (24, 175). The POSTN family anism involves CCN6-BMP-4 binding in breast cancer cells, which member MGP was recently shown to be incorporated into cross-linked reduces BMP-4 signaling through p38/TAK1 and subsequent down- multimers of fibronectin, which enhanced cancer cell attachment to stream activation of invasion and migration (190). fibronectin (23). As for the CCN family, recent studies have shown TNC and POSTN have also been associated with CCN1, CCN2, and CCN4 to promote alignment and stability of metastasis (191–195). While the influence of TNC (196, 197) and collagen fibers (13, 157, 176). POSTN (198, 199) can be exerted through the EMT process, inter- estingly, these MCPs are also capable of remodeling the ECM to form fl migratory tracks that support rapid dissemination of cancer cells MCP In uence on the Metastatic Niche (Fig. 1C). TNC is frequently observed to be expressed along the The matrix environment needs to achieve a level of plasticity for border of matrix tracks in skin (200), pulmonary (201), colorec- cellular displacement during metastasis. To disseminate, cancer cells tal (202), and breast (203) cancers. In fact, TNC assembles into matrix require a local ECM niche to support and tracks with ECM molecules such as fibronectin, , and several intravasation, and an ECM at the secondary metastatic site to permit collagens (200, 204), which are also linked to metastatic poten- invasion and colonization (Fig. 1C). There are various ways in which tial (200, 205, 206). Evidence reveals that these TNC matrix tracks MCPs are able to establish a metastatic niche by influencing the ECM have a functional purpose in metastasis. In coculture experiments, and its embedded cells. First, MCPs induce cancer cells to undergo an leading fibroblasts were able to create matrix tracks composed of TNC epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a genetic program that and fibronectin, which were left behind for the movement of SCC promotes metastatic dissemination of cancer cells from primary cells (207). For fibronectin and TNC to coassemble into such tracks, epithelial tumors (177). Second, MCPs reorganize the ECM architec- POSTN is responsible for incorporating TNC into the meshwork

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architecture (208). While integrating TNC, it is possible that POSTN significance for breast cancer cell dissemination to the , it remains could also serve as a scaffold for BMP-1, LOX-1, and collagen to possible that both POSTN and TNC are interdependent in promoting accelerate collagen cross-linking into migratory tracks during metas- colonization of the metastatic niche, because POSTN anchors TNC to tasis (172). Mechanistically, track mobility involves TNC competing the ECM (208). MGP was also recently shown to influence the for syndecan-4 binding to fibronectin, which blocks integrin a5b1– metastatic niche by promoting osteosarcoma adhesion, extravasation, mediated cell adhesion for detachment (139), followed by TNC and MMP activities in murine lung in vitro (94). promotion of migration through integrin a9b1 following YAP inac- tivation (209). As previously discussed, TNC and POSTN can bind multiple ECM proteins (i.e., fibronectin and various collagens) and Future Clinical Applications enzymes (i.e., LOX) to serve as scaffolds of collagen cross-linking MCPs are generally expressed at low levels in adult tissues but highly needed for cancer cell proliferation and survival. This is a similar upregulated in various pathologies or injuries (4–6). This has process that comes into play when TNC and POSTN interact to build prompted researchers to elucidate the potential functions of different ECM scaffolds for migration tracks (24, 167, 204, 208, 210). MCPs in diseases such as cancer. As discussed throughout this review, Finally, for metastatic cells to exit the embedded state for intra- numerous studies have shown that MCPs play critical roles in cancer vasation, and then return into the ECM for colonization after invasion development. In addition, the presence of certain MCPs in circulation at a distant site, a degree of matrix plasticity is required. Such ECM as well as diseased tissue indicates their utility as noninvasive diag- remodeling is achieved by the degradative activity of extracellular nostic and prognostic cancer biomarkers. Furthermore, their extra- proteases (Fig. 1C), in particular MMPs. Like several other MCPs, cellular location and involvement in cancer pathology indicate that SIBLINGs bind and activate MMPs to promote metastasis. SPP1 MCPs represent accessible and potentially effective therapeutic targets. binds CD44 to activate MMP-3 while BSP binds to integrin avb3to In the following sections, we discuss various preclinical studies and activate MMP-2 to increase invasiveness in various cancer cell clinical trials exploring the above possibilities. types (20, 211). Furthermore, SPP1 and BSP bind and activate MMP-3 and MMP-2, respectively (20). Early studies reported that SPARC upregulates the expression and activity of MMP-2 and MMP- MCPs as Cancer Biomarkers 14 in glioma cells and MMP-2 in breast cancer cells (212, 213). On SPARC has been suggested as a prognostic biomarker for certain the other hand, the SPARC family member SPOCK2 was recently cancers such as sarcoma, esophageal SCC, and glioblastoma shown to inhibit the expression of MMP-2 and MMP14, and activa- because its expression correlates with poor survival (232–234). In tion of MMP-2 in endometrial cancer cells (214, 215). TNC may also addition, SPP1 may be prognostic for breast, lung, gastric, liver, and influence the invasion of chondrosarcoma, colon cancer, and glioma colon cancers because it is associated with tumor progression and cells by interacting with and upregulating MMP-1, -2/9, and -12, decreased patient survival (235–238). Subsequently, a number of respectively (216, 217). ongoing clinical trials have been established to validate their applica- MCPs can also serve as a substrate for MMPs (218), that is, SPARC tion. Recently, SPARC has been the subject of a clinical study probing and SPP1 in the case of MMP-2, -3, -7, -9, -12, and -14, and MMP-3, -7, its utility as a diagnostic marker for brain cancer [registered number -9, and -12, respectively. From the SPARC family, SPARCL1 and clinical trial (NCT) 01012609], given prior investigations correlating SPARC are cleaved by MMP-3 in gliomas (219) and K in increased tumor vascular SPARC expression with decreased brain bone cancer (220), respectively, whose fragments could affect SPARC cancer patient survival (239). Several groups have also reported that activity. Recently, MMP-9 cleavage of SPARC was reported to enhance high plasma SPP1 concentrations might be predictive of poor outcome SPARC-collagen binding, preventing collagen degradation by MMPs for several cancers, including breast cancer (240). Consequently, one in lung cancer (166). As for SPP1, and plasmin can cleave its clinical study is currently probing the relevance of SPP1 serum levels C-terminal, which increases adhesion of melanoma cells (221) and for diagnosis of breast cancer (NCT 02895178). Other MCP families migration of breast cancer cells (222), while cleavage of SPP1 by MMP- await successful clinical trials since the expression of several CCN 9 is essential for hepatocellular carcinoma invasion, which correlates family members in pancreatic, breast, oral, esophageal, and brain with metastatic potential (223). cancers (241–245), TNC in colorectal, glioma, pancreatic, and bladder Apart from targeting MMPs, the role of TNC in influencing the cancers (196, 246–248), and POSTN in various solid cancers (249) ECM to promote invasion is multifaceted. In Ewing sarcoma, TNC have all been touted as potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers. expression and Src activation cooperate to promote invadopodia formation, an actin-rich protrusion of the plasma membrane involved in degradation of the ECM during cancer cell extravasation (224). In MCPs as Therapeutic Targets order for distant sites to accommodate disseminated tumor cells, Targeting MCPs for therapeutic purposes has received relatively MCPs are also required at the secondary target tissue to prime the little attention, primarily because of limited data concerning mechan- metastatic niche for colonization. TNC has been shown to be involved isms of action. The fact that MCPs are located in the in metastatic colonization because loss of this MCP in breast cancer, during cancer development renders them attractive as accessible melanoma, or metastatic niche stromal cells inhibited colonization in targets for drug delivery; moreover, their context-specific expression the lungs (225–227). Gla-containing proteins have also been impli- implies that targeting these proteins would result in minimum pleio- cated in establishing a metastatic niche. Tumor-derived POSTN was tropic side-effects. Neutralizing antibodies against MCPs have shown reported to form a microenvironmental niche supportive of breast success in various preclinical settings; however, to the clinic cancer stem cells via the integrin avb3/ERK pathway (228). In various has been difficult. One group showed that an SPP1 mAb (AOM1) mouse models, POSTN was responsible for metastatic colonization of significantly inhibited tumor growth and metastasis in a mouse model the lung by breast and melanoma cells as evidenced by POSTN- of non–small lung cancer (250). In addition, a commonly used mAb neutralizing antibodies, antisense oligonucleotides, and knockout for antagonizing CCN2 (FG-3019) has reportedly been used in pre- mice, all independently inhibiting metastasis (229–231). Given their clinical models with success in both monotherapy and combination

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The Role of Matricellular Proteins in Cancer

therapy for different tumor types, including pancreatic and new approaches are clearly needed to dissect the daunting complexity melanoma (251–256). With such progress, neutralizing antibodies of the ECM environment and its role in carcinogenesis. targeting MCPs have advanced to registered clinical trials. For exam- While confronting the above challenges it remains important to ple, FG-3019 is currently in phase III for CCN2-targeted treatment of concomitantly work toward characterizing particular MCPs, alone pancreatic cancer (LAPIS, NCT03941093). or in combination, as impactful diagnostic/prognostic cancer bio- Alternatively, MCPs could be targeted by inhibiting gene expres- markers and therapeutic targets. In fact, given their burgeoning sion in patients. In fact, one of the first studies using RNAi to treat roles in cancer development and extracellular accessibility, MCPs cancer with promising results involved targeting TNC in 11 have long been regarded as potentially useful for diagnosing and patients with glioma (257). This was followed up with an inves- treating various pathologies such as fibrosis and cancer; nonetheless tigation of a larger cohort of 46 patients, which reported significant clinical data supporting this notion have been relatively scant. improvement in overall survival (258). Other promising MCP Toward addressing this knowledge gap, over the past decade, targets for posttranscriptional gene silencing include SPP1, progress has been made in defining better the fundamental mechan- POSTN, CCN1, and CCN2, where inhibition of RNA expression isms of MCPs, opening new questions that entice the generation of was shown to reduce cancer progression in various animal mod- the next needed tools to understand sufficient detail for optimal els (68, 73, 229, 235). Another therapeutic approach involves therapeutic design. exploiting the high expression of MCP within the tumor environ- Herein we have summarized some important ways in which mis- ment as a strategy to deliver therapeutic molecules. Using a high regulation of MCP expression promotes cancer development, includ- affinity antibody to deliver radiotherapy (mAb 81C6), TNC was ing perturbation of intracellular signaling and aberrant coordination of targeted for treatment of glioma and lymphoma (259, 260), show- ECM remodeling. Although we focused on MCP families with the ing safe and promising antitumor benefit. most well-characterized roles, others are emerging as potentially important players, such as the EMILIN and R-Spondin families. Recently, R-Spondin-1 and 2 were shown to promote liver, glioblas- Conclusion and Future Perspective toma, and ovarian cancer through their well-defined influence on Upon perturbation of tissue homeostasis during multistage carci- Wnt/b-catenin signaling (265–267). In addition, EMILIN2 promotes nogenesis, MCPs are upregulated in the tumor microenvironment to the formation of tumor-associated vessels in melanoma (268), and become key mediators of cell–ECM communication that in turn EMILIN1 exerts an oncosuppressive role in colon and skin (269, 270). promotes cellular proliferation, survival, and metastasis. The func- Clearly, there is still much to be discovered regarding the exquisite tional diversity of MCPs stems from their ability to interact with a spatiotemporal regulation of MCP expression patterns and functions variety of extracellular signaling molecules such as ECM components in the extracellular space during cancer tissue remodeling, similar to and growth factors. Moreover, as emphasized in this review, many the approach taken in fibrosis (17). In this respect, as more and more MCPs have been implicated in cancer development, and thus may knowledge accumulates, it should be possible to design appropriate certainly exert additive and/or antagonistic effects in this process. Our clinical studies that could firmly establish MCPs as useful biomarkers current understanding of MCP pathways gives an impression of and therapeutic targets in cancer. redundancy, and so a primary aim in the ECM field is to elucidate the precise manner in which MCPs mechanistically converge, both Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest functionally and temporally, to remodel the tumor microenvironment A. Leask has ownership interest in Fibrogen. No potential conflicts of interest were and orchestrate critical neoplastic processes. disclosed by the other authors. This overarching goal highlights a major challenge, that of devel- oping experimental systems that better model the physical state of Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Operating Grant Funding Program 24347 (co- the native interstitial ECM. The usefulness of various existing models, funded by Cancer Research Society and the Kidney Cancer Research Network of including 2D monolayers (261), 3D (262), and tissue- Canada) and start-up funds from Hopital^ Maisonneuve-Rosemont Foundation (all to extracted ECM (263), is limited because these models fall well short C. Gerarduzzi). C. Gerarduzzi is a recipient of the Kidney Research Scientist Core of fully recapitulating the complexities of tissue ECM in vivo. This Education and National Training (KRESCENT) Program New Investigator Award inadequacy may underlie some of the discrepancies in the literature KRES180003 (co-funded by the Kidney Foundation of Canada, Canadian Society of regarding MCP functionality in cancer. Furthermore, the identifica- Nephrology, and Canadian Institutes of Health Research) and the Cole Foundation Early Career Transition Award. tion of naturally occurring protein–protein interactions and post- translational modifications among MCPs in the ECM have been Received July 10, 2018; revised December 4, 2019; accepted March 17, 2020; difficult to characterize. Overall, as concisely reviewed elsewhere (264), published first March 19, 2020.

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The Role of Matricellular Proteins in Cancer

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The Matrix Revolution: Matricellular Proteins and Restructuring of the Cancer Microenvironment

Casimiro Gerarduzzi, Ursula Hartmann, Andrew Leask, et al.

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