
El Ganja Code

By: Shabab el Ganja

For, All The Ganja Smokers Out there…

“When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself.” - Bob Marley Sativa vs. Indica

• Energizing & Uplifting • Stimulates creativity and thoughts • Promotes sense of well-being à Day Time • Relieves headaches and migraines • Reduces nausea • Stimulates the appetite • Relieves depression

• Relaxing & Laid back • Relieves pain and aches • Reduces anxiety & stress • Aids sleep à Night Time • Reduces inflammation • Helps relieve spasms and seizures • Stimulates the appetite

Table of Contents

Introduction………………………. V What is Ganja……………………VI Ganjictionary……………………. VII Origin……………...……………. VIII Map…………….……...……………. IX The Ganja Code…..………..…. 10-41 Violation………....………………….42 Punishment………………..…..43-44 Signatures……………………. 45-46 Ganja Games……………..……47-49 Roll Here……………………………50 Introduction

hether you know it or not everybody has an addiction, this addiction could be W (Alcohol, pills, cocaine or even coffee) but our addiction happen to be the “Ganja”. For many years people try to figure out a way to have THC in their body to make them feel high. They found out “Ganja” could be smoked, vaporized, and eaten. These are the three main ways of consuming “Ganja”. Scientists and stoners are still experimenting with Ganja to figure out more ways to be safe and healthier while getting high. You also had many questions about “Ganja”. If you could throw it? If you can take some just for you? Etc.… Now with the “Ganja Code” you will have all your questions answered! What is Ganja? Ganja is —also called weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, Mary Jane, and a vast number of other slang terms—is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried flowers of sativa. Some people smoke marijuana in hand-rolled cigarettes called joints; in pipes, water pipes (sometimes called bongs), or in blunts (marijuana rolled in cigar wraps) Marijuana can also be used to brew tea and, particularly when it is sold or consumed for medicinal purposes, is frequently mixed into foods (edibles) such as brownies, cookies, or candies. The main psychoactive (mind-altering) chemical in marijuana, responsible for most of the intoxicating effects that people seek, is delta-9- (THC). The chemical is found in resin produced by the leaves and buds primarily of the female cannabis plant. The plant also contains more than 500 other chemicals, including more than 100 compounds that are chemically related to THC, called


Bob: A fat Tot: The end of a joint Fire: Light the joint, blunt, or bong Shotgun: To exhale Ganja smoke into the mouth of another person Febreze: A product you use to get rid of the Ganja smell on your clothes after you smoke a fattie. Festik: Bad Ganja 5arban: Being high Hot Box: Smoking ganja in a small space (often a car) so you rebreathe the ganja smoke you exhale. Green or Kit-Kat: Ganja or Hash Cotton Mouth: When you’re mouth is dry and scratchy after smoking it up Rocks: Crumbs of Hash Shake: Crumbs of Ganja Pre-Rolled: Rolled a joint that hasn’t been lit yet


Marijuana has been used as an agent for achieving euphoria since ancient times; it was described in a Chinese medical reference traditionally considered to date from 2737 B.C. Its use spread from China to India and then to N Africa and reached Europe at least as early as A.D. 500. The first direct reference to a cannabis product as a psychoactive agent dates from 2737 BC, in the writings of the Chinese emperor Shen Nung. The focus was on its powers as a medication for rheumatism, gout, malaria, and oddly enough, absent-mindedness. Mention was made of the intoxicating properties, but the medicinal value was considered more important. In India though it was clearly used recreationally. The Muslims too used it recreationally for alcohol consumption was banned by the Koran. It was the Muslims who introduced , whose popularity spread quickly throughout 12th century Persia (Iran) and North Africa. Where Ganja is actually legal:

Where Ganja is legal in your head:

The Ganja Code Article 1

Never turn down a smoke! Never! This is the definitive rule to live by!

Explain: A ganja smoker can never turn down a smoke, except if he/she reaches the extreme high and can’t go past it.

Article 2

A full bowl must always be emptied, an empty bowl must always be filled

Explain: You cannot leave ganja in a bowl un- smoked for 24 hours, and you cannot have an empty bowl for 24 hours!

Did You Know: George Washington grew pot. Washington wrote in letters on more than one occasion that he grew marijuana: “Began to separate the male from female plants rather too late … Pulling up the (male) help. Was too late for the blossom by three weeks or a month.” Many today suspect he smoked weed to alleviate the pain caused by his 18th century dentures.

Article 3

The person who rolled the joint or fills the bong get to start a fire.

Explain: No matter whose bong, papers, or weed it is, the person who puts the effort in rolling or filling a bong gets to start a fire!

Article 4

If someone rolls a nice joint/blunt, it’s good to give him/her a compliment on his/her rolling skills

Explain: When someone spends time rolling a joint/blunt putting in hard work to make a nice looking joint/blunt, you should compliment them on their rolling skills to keep them excited and eager to learn, also it’s respect.

Article 5

If someone starts bogarting the weed and uses the excuse that it’s “okay” for them to bogart it since it’s their shit, this is definitely not cool. The punishment depends on the quality and the quantity of the ganja


Article 6

When you’re high, try to be careful about the homeowner’s stuff. Being “so high” isn’t an excuse for breaking shit

Explain: Don’t use your “highness” as an excuse for breaking shit, and be careful!

Did You Know: Shakespeare dabbled in the marijuana. No, really. Researchers at South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand tested 24 tobacco pipes from Shakespeare’s Stratford-upon-Avon property and found eight tested positive for cannabis residue.

Article 7

If for some reason you are to break someone’s bong or pipe that you’re using, you’re obligated to buy him/her one of equal value in the near future Article 8

When smoking with someone in their house, don’t get ashes on the floor, unless that’s what the “homeowner” does.

Did You Know? It takes 800 joints to kill a man. But there is no such thing as a marijuana overdose. Carbon monoxide poisoning would be the cause of death.

Article 9

If you spill the bong, clean it up! And don’t forget to put water back in it!

Article 10

Do not! I repeat, do not “Nurser the Weed “

Explain: When it’s your turn to take a hit, take your hit and then pass it on. Some people have the tendency to tell a story or something whenever it’s their turn and hold on to the shit for a long time Article 11

Don’t hold on to the lighter and play with it as a toy after you take a hit

Explain: By playing with the lighter like a toy the gas inside it is released, this could result in empting the lighter.

Did You Know? Eskimos have 100 words for snow; Americans have more than 200 words for marijuana.Bud. Chiba. Dank. Dope. Ganja. Grass. Herb. Mary Jane. Pot. Reefer. Trees. Weed. . Chronic. Nug. And so on.

Article 12

If you’re smoking with someone at his/her house, always offer to go on a food run

Explain: it’s simply respect to the person who opened their house for you

Article 13

If you’ve been invited to smoke with someone, don’t bring strangers along unless the person who invited you is alright with it

Explain: Sometimes the person who invites you is not okay with a “Newbie”, he/she just wants to hang out with the people they know

Article 14

Never Smoke and Run

Explain: It’s very rude to smoke at the owner’s house/spot and then leave right away, unless they want you to.

Article 15

If a friend gets you high sometimes in the future you need to get that friend high.

Explain: It common sense and respect, when someone gets you high you have to get them high, same goes if someone smokes you out, you have to smoke them out

Article 16

Don’t bitch about someone else’s shit being no good! If you don’t like it don’t smoke it

Explain: Don’t keep whining about shit being bad, if you don’t like it, simply just don’t smoke it

Article 17

Never say to someone who have smoked his/her shit with you “I’m not high”.

Explain: if you have a strong head, you should never tell the person you smoked their shit that you are not high, just be quite and compliment the Ganja

Did You Know: Legalizing pot would generate $8.7 billion in tax revenue annually. According to a Cato Institute study, taxes similar to those imposed on cigarettes and alcohol would lead to huge economic gains. The money used to regulate pot use and maintain incarceration of offenders ($800,000 a year) would also be saved.

Article 18

If you buy Ganja from a friend or a friend of a friend, it’s polite to smoke with the person who sells you the shit!

Explain: When buying shit from someone you know, it’s polite to smoke it with them, and it’s respect from the person who sold you the shit to only take ¼ (about 3-4 puffs) of the joint.

Article 19

Never swipe anyone’s lighter

Explain: Stop stealing lighters you cheap bitch, get your own!

Article 20

If you’re in a large group and only one person has Ganja, never keep asking them to smoke. There’s too many to smoke out sometimes. People don’t want to waste all their money on everyone else

Explain: When in a large group always use a code word for “The Ganja” (KIT-KAT) and tell your friend “Come with me I want to get a Kit-Kat or something to eat”. They should know what you mean.

Article 21

Don’t ever ask someone who doesn’t know how to roll, to roll a blunt/joint. It’s just a waste of weed, and time

Explain: If you don’t know how to roll, it’s simple, just don’t roll, there is nothing embarrassing about learning.

Article 22

When smoking a blunt/joint, never put the whole thing in your mouth and get it all sopping wet. It’s disgusting. It also ruins the blunt or joint.

Explain: Nobody likes someone who spits on the joint/blunt. In Arabic – Kefaya Araf

Article 23

Always ash the blunt/joint before passing it.

Explain: Nobody likes ashes on their cloth, especially when they catch on fire

Did You Know: Cameron Diaz bought weed from Snoop Dogg when they were in high school. This, of course, was before either of them was famous.

Article 24


Explain: No comment Article 25

Help Others

Explain: You were a newbie once too Article 26

Always keep it moving…

Explain: Always keep the rotation moving (Clockwise) Pass to your left Article 27

Always remove stems and seeds or wood from your tobacco!

Explain: By removing the stems and seeds you get rid of the popping sound of burning seed and the possibility of getting a headache. Also by removing the wood you get rid of the joint only burning from one side.

Article 28

Don't rely on mooching all the time! Weed is not free.

Explain: I stand by my statement

Article 29

Don't always rely on someone else to roll.

Explain: It’s okay for someone to roll for you in the beginning, but you have to learn to roll in the future.

Article 30

Chill out! Everything will be okay.

Explain: As we know and I quote “Don’t worry, Be happy…”

Article 31

You cannot ask for the joint/blunt to be passed to you, wait for your turn and stop whining like a big baby!

Explain: There is a certain rotation where the joint/blunt is passed, so don’t ask, just wait… Article 32

No Peer Pressure

Explain: If someone doesn’t want to smoke they shouldn’t have to. Also, if someone has smoked some but doesn’t want another hit you shouldn’t pressure them into it. Plus, the less they smoke, the more you get to smoke. Article 33

Don’t get Down with the Sickness

Explain: If you’re sick don’t bring it into the smoke circle by passing the joint/blunt, there is a certain calculation where you would get your own joint, but smoke the same amount as the others Article 34

No cigarettes in a “Hot-Box”

Explain: In the event of a smoker trying to start a hotbox, you cannot light a cigarette, it’s either weed/hash or nothing!

Article 35

He/she who paid the most or bought the Ganja, picks the music

Explain: The person who paid the most or bought the ganja is awarded by playing his playlist for the rest to hear.

Article 36

Never miss 4:20

Explain: A ganja smoker can never miss the date 4:20, except if he has an excuse that is good enough for the rest of the gang to agree with him/her.

Article 37

If the joint/blunt starts to run/taraf, don’t keep smoking it. Fix it!

Explain: When the joint/blunt runs or taraf, just fix it, it’s a waste of weed/hash

Did You Know: After Tupac died, his friends mixed his ashes with weed and smoked them

Article 38

All joints/blunts must be lit together

Explain: If there are two or more people rolling joints/blunts and someone finished first they cannot light the joint/blunt until everyone finishes.

Article 39

You never steal another smokers weed.

Explain: If you need weed for a certain event or the fact you are home alone, just simply ask the person who has the weed to give you, but if he said no you should respect that and leave him alone

Article 40

The Rules were Made to be Broken

Explain: Weed etiquette isn’t really rules at all, they’re initial guidelines. They are helpful if you are entering a smoke circle where you don’t really know everyone. Often smoke circles are close friends in which case they may do things totally different, but “El Ganja Code” comes in handy at all times.


Violation of “El Ganja Code” will result in a fine up to 150 EGY just as starters. There are no greater affront to the spirit of “El Ganja Code” than a willing violation. When a Ganja smoker violates the code, he hurts not only his fellow smokers, but also himself, because he is no longer Ganja worthy. There is nothing wrong in talking to another Ganja smoker about “El Ganja Code”, if a fellow smoker thinks that an action he might take will violate “El Ganja Code”, he could talk to a fellow smoker and try to get help and talk some sense into him/her. If a smoker violates the code, another ganja smoker has the right to administer the offending smoker a level of punishment befitting the infraction. He may choose from the approved punishment list. Punishment

• Loss of permanent shotgun status

• Designated all time tip leaver

• A detailed apology in-front of the whole ganja gang

• Dress up in a costume that all children love and warn them, “Don’t do drugs!” while giving them candy

• Listen to “The Worst Song Ever” on repeat solo with headphones for 1 hour

• Pay for Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner

• Let a dog lick your mouth

• Walk around in short shorts

• Old man hair cut

• Taped to the wall and get a number of balls thrown at him (Punisher decides the number of balls)

• Clean a fellow smoker’s car

• Get munchies for 5 days

• Sing a song, while being filmed

• Dance to “I’m a Barbie girl”, while being filmed

• Bow down to the Gang instead of greeting them, for a week Signature


Games for Ganja Circle

1. Let Them Choose: This idea is to watch a “Ganja” movie or TV show and to take a hit each time someone in the show mentions marijuana in any way. If you’re watching some other kind of movie, you can just change whatever has to happen before you get to take a hit. As in, if you’re watching a horror movie, take a hit every time there’s blood. You get the idea.

2. Smoke-Out: This is one of those weed games that is entirely based on overindulgence. While that wouldn’t be a good idea if it were a drinking game, with weed games it just means some participants might take unplanned naps. The only rule is everyone smokes until they’re not able to smoke anymore. When anyone simply can’t smoke anymore, they drop out and lose.

3. Ghost That Hit: All you have to do is take a hit and hold it in… and in… and in. Pass to the next person, and don’t exhale the smoke until the weed makes it back to you. Repeat, and keep going until there’s only one person left who’s been able to hold the toke during the entire rotation.

4. Greenjack: Some stoner games are simply weed versions of games you’ve already played. Greenjack is like blackjack, where you want your poker cards to add up to 21 without going over. The only difference is, weed is the reward after each hand. The player or players closest to 21 in each hand get a toke or three.

5. Bong Pong: A list of stoner games wouldn’t be complete without beer pong…for stoners. Players try to bounce a Ping-Pong ball into a cup of water or beer. If the ball lands in the cup, the person who made the shot gets to take a bong rip. If you’re using beer, you can either add the beer as part of the reward, or make the loser drink it; your call.

6. Jamaica Jammin’: This game is simple and fun, but before you start, you’ll need to roll a separate joint for each participant. Then put on the song “Jammin'” by Bob Marley & The Wailers. Every time Bob says “Jammin” take a hit. If you’re really serious about this, also take a hit each time the backup singers say it, too. This will involve taking 4 hits in 4 seconds at one point. Be ready, stoner.

7. Medusa: Everyone sits in a circle with his or her own joint ready. All stoners put their heads down or look at their feet. On the count of three, everybody looks up at the same time, staring at another player. If you’re looking at someone who isn’t looking at you, you’re fine. But if you’re looking at someone who IS looking at you, yell, ‘MEDUSA!’ and fire up your joint and take a hit. Keep playing once everyone’s joint is lit until all are suitably stoned.

8. Keep a Straight Face: This weed game is pretty much explained by its name. Once everyone is high AF, the game begins and you are no longer allowed to smile. Anyone caught with a smile on their face has to perform an agreed-upon penalty. You can make the penalty something as pleasant as taking a dab, if you want to be nice about it.

9. Name That Tune: In the stoner games version of Name That Tune, each participant in the circle gets a chance to stump the others with an obscure song. You can use YouTube or other online music resources to find and play the music. If a participant stumps everyone, they get to take a toke. If one or more of the other participants successfully names the song and artist, they get to take a toke as a reward, and it’s their turn next.

Roll Here…