Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA

March Vol. 645 Pretoria, 29 2019 Maart No. 42341



ISSN 1682-5843 N.B. The Government Printing Works will 42341 not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes 9 771682 584003 AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 2 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The GovernmenT PrinTinG Works Will noT be held resPonsible for any errors ThaT miGhT occur due To The submission of incomPleTe / incorrecT / illeGible coPy. no fuTure queries Will be handled in connecTion WiTh The above.

Table of Contents

Legal Notices

BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS Gauteng...... 12 / Vrystaat...... 13 KwaZulu-Natal...... 13 North West / Noordwes...... 14 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 14 COMPANY NOTICES • MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS Gauteng...... 15 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 16 LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Gauteng...... 18 ORDERS OF THE COURT • BEVELE VAN DIE HOF Gauteng...... 19 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 25 Free State / Vrystaat...... 27 KwaZulu-Natal...... 28 Limpopo...... 30 North West / Noordwes...... 30 SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE KwaZulu-Natal...... 31 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 31 GENERAL • ALGEMEEN Gauteng...... 32 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 33 Limpopo...... 34 ...... 35 North West / Noordwes...... 36


Form/Vorm J297 ...... 37 Election of executors, tutors and curators Verkiesing van eksekuteurs, voogde en kurators Gauteng...... 37 Form/Vorm J295 ...... 37 Notice of curator and tutor Kennisgewings van kurators en voogde Gauteng...... 38 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 38 Free State / Vrystaat...... 38

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Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 38 Form/Vorm J193 ...... 39 Notice to creditors in deceased estates Kennisgewings aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels Gauteng...... 39 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 53 Free State / Vrystaat...... 55 KwaZulu-Natal...... 58 Limpopo...... 67 Mpumalanga...... 69 North West / Noordwes...... 70 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 71 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 72 Form/Vorm J 187 ...... 82 Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae lê Gauteng...... 82 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 98 Free State / Vrystaat...... 101 KwaZulu-Natal...... 103 Limpopo...... 111 Mpumalanga...... 112 North West / Noordwes...... 113 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 115 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 116


Form/Vorm J 28 ...... 127 Estates or companies sequestrated or wound up provisionally Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is Form/Vorm J29 ...... 130 First meetings of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of sequestrated estates, companies being wound-up or placed under provisional judicial management Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuld-briefhouers van gesekwestreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur Form/Vorm J 29CC ...... 137 Close corporations: first meetings of creditors and members of close corporations being wound up Beslote korporasies: eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers en lede van beslote korporasies in likwidasie Form/Vorm 1 ...... 138 Appointment of trustees and liquidators and proof of claims in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 2 ...... 145 Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 4 ...... 147 Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 5 ...... 154 Payment of dividends and collection of contributions in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 6 ...... 160 Application for rehabilitation Aansoek om rehabilitasie Form/Vorm 7 ...... 163 Notices of trustees Kennisgewings van kurators Form/Vorm 9 ...... 166 Notices of surrender of a debtor’s estate Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ‘n skuldenaar se boedel

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Closing times for ORDINARY WEEKLY LEGAL A, LEGAL B and LEGAL C 2019 The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:

➤ 04 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 11 January 2019 ➤ 11 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 18 January 2019 ➤ 18 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 25 January 2019 ➤ 25 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 01 February 2019 ➤ 01 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 08 February 2019 ➤ 08 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 15 February 2019 ➤ 15 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 22 February 2019 ➤ 22 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 01 March 2019 ➤ 01 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 08 March 2019 ➤ 08 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 15 March 2019 ➤ 14 March, Thursday for the issue of Friday 22 March 2019 ➤ 22 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 29 March 2019 ➤ 29 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 05 April 2019 ➤ 05 April, Friday for the issue of Friday 12 April 2019 ➤ 11 April, Thursday for the issue of Thursday 18 April 2019 ➤ 17 April, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 26 April 2019 ➤ 25 April, Thursday for the issue of Friday 03 May 2019 ➤ 03 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 10 May 2019 ➤ 10 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 17 May 2019 ➤ 17 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 24 May 2019 ➤ 24 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 31 May 2019 ➤ 31 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 07 June 2019 ➤ 07 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 14 June 2019 ➤ 13 June, Thursday for the issue of Friday 21 June 2019 ➤ 21 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 28 June 2019 ➤ 28 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 05 July 2019 ➤ 05 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 12 July 2019 ➤ 12 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 19 July 2019 ➤ 19 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 26 July 2019 ➤ 26 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 August 2019 ➤ 01 August, Thursday for the issue of Friday 08 August 2019 ➤ 08 August, Thursday for the issue of Friday 16 August 2019 ➤ 16 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 23 August 2019 ➤ 23 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 30 August 2019 ➤ 30 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 06 September 2019 ➤ 06 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 13 September 2019 ➤ 13 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 20 September 2019 ➤ 19 September, Thursday for the issue of Friday 27 September 2019 ➤ 27 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 04 October 2019 ➤ 04 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 11 October 2019 ➤ 11 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 18 October 2019 ➤ 18 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 25 October 2019 ➤ 25 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 01 November 2019 ➤ 01 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 08 November 2019 ➤ 08 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 15 November 2019 ➤ 15 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 22 November 2019 ➤ 22 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 29 November 2019 ➤ 29 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 06 December 2019 ➤ 06 December, Friday for the issue of Friday 13 December 2019 ➤ 12 December, Thursday for the issue of Friday 20 December 2019 ➤ 18 December, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 27 December 2019

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List of tariff rates for pubLication of LegaL notices in the government gazette commencement: 1 apriL 2018

(LegaL notices from sources other than government Departments)

Pricing for Fixed Price Notices Notice Type New Price (R) J158 - Setting aside of Provisional Orders 37.82 J297 - Election of executors, curators and tutors 37.82 J295 - Curators and tutors: Masters’ notice 37.82 J193 - Notice to creditors in deceased estates 37.82 J187 - Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection 37.82 J28 37.82 J29 37.82 J29 – CC 37.82 Form 1 37.82 Form 2 37.82 Form 3 37.82 Form 4 37.82 Form 5 37.82 Form 6 75.66 Form 7 37.82 Form 8 37.82 Form 9 75.66

Sales in execution, Orders of the Court, General Legal, Public Auctions, Company Notice, Business Notices, Liquidators Notice) is priced based on the amount of page space the notice takes up at a rate of R151.32 per quarter page.

Pricing for Variable Priced Notices Notice Type Page space New Price Sales in execution 1/4 151.32 Orders of the Court 1/4 151.32 General Legal 1/4 151.32 Public Auctions 1/4 151.32 Company Notice 1/4 151.32 Business Notices 1/4 151.32 Liquidators Notice 1/4 151.32

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The Government Printing Works (GPW) has established rules for submitting notices in line with its electronic notice processing system, which requires the use of electronic Adobe Forms. Please ensure that you adhere to these guidelines when completing and submitting your notice submission.

Closing Times for ACCepTAnCe of noTiCes

1. The Government Gazette and Government Tender Bulletin are weekly publications that are published on Fridays and the closing time for the acceptance of notices is strictly applied according to the scheduled time for each gazette.

2. Please refer to the Submission Notice Deadline schedule in the table below. This schedule is also published online on the Government Printing works website All re-submissions will be subject to the standard cut-off times. All notices received after the closing time will be rejected.

Publication Government Gazette Type Publication Date Submission Deadline Cancellations Deadline Frequency

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Legal Gazettes A, B and C Weekly Friday One week before publication Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 working days prior to publication Tender Bulletin Weekly Friday Friday 15h00 for next Friday Tuesday, 15h00 - 3 working days prior to publication Gauteng Weekly Wednesday Two weeks before publication 3 days after submission deadline Eastern Cape Weekly Monday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication Northern Cape Weekly Monday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication North West Weekly Tuesday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication KwaZulu-Natal Weekly Thursday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication Limpopo Weekly Friday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication Mpumalanga Weekly Friday One week before publication 3 working days prior to publication

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Publication Government Gazette Type Publication Date Submission Deadline Cancellations Deadline Frequency

Gauteng Liquor License Monthly Wednesday before Two weeks before publication 3 working days after Gazette the First Friday of the submission deadline month Northern Cape Liquor Monthly First Friday of the Two weeks before publication 3 working days after License Gazette month submission deadline

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exTrAordinAry gAzeTTes

3. Extraordinary Gazettes can have only one publication date. If multiple publications of an Extraordinary Gazette are required, a separate Z95/Z95Prov Adobe Forms for each publication date must be submitted.

noTiCe submission proCess

4. Download the latest Adobe form, for the relevant notice to be placed, from the Government Printing Works website

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8.1.1. An electronically completed Adobe form, specific to the type of notice that is to be placed. For National Government Gazette or Provincial Gazette notices, the notices must be accompanied by an electronic Z95 or Z95Prov Adobe form The notice content (body copy) MUST be a separate attachment.

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13.1. Take note: GPW’s annual tariff increase takes place on 1 April therefore any quotations issued, accepted and submitted for publication up to 31 March will keep the old tariff. For notices to be published from 1 April, a quotation must be obtained from GPW with the new tariffs. Where a tariff increase is implemented during the year, GPW endeavours to provide customers with 30 days’ notice of such changes.

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1 7. 1. Cash customers doing bulk payments must use a single email address in order to use the same proof of payment for submitting multiple notices.

18. The responsibility lies with you, the customer, to ensure that the payment made for your notice(s) to be published is sufficient to cover the cost of the notice(s).

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19.1. This means that the quotation number can only be used once to make a payment.

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Copy (sepArATe noTiCe ConTenT doCumenT)

20. Where the copy is part of a separate attachment document for Z95, Z95Prov and TForm03

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The content document should contain only one notice. (You may include the different translations of the same notice in the same document).

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22. Requests for cancellation must be sent by the original sender of the notice and must accompanied by the relevant notice reference number (N-) in the email body.

AmendmenTs To noTiCes

23. With effect from 01 October 2015, GPW will not longer accept amendments to notices. The cancellation process will need to be followed according to the deadline and a new notice submitted thereafter for the next available publication date.


24. All notices not meeting the submission rules will be rejected to the customer to be corrected and resubmitted. Assistance will be available through the Contact Centre should help be required when completing the forms. (012-748 6200 or email [email protected]). Reasons for rejections include the following:

24.1. Incorrectly completed forms and notices submitted in the wrong format, will be rejected.

24.2. Any notice submissions not on the correct Adobe electronic form, will be rejected.

24.3. Any notice submissions not accompanied by the proof of payment / purchase order will be rejected and the notice will not be processed.

24.4. Any submissions or re-submissions that miss the submission cut-off times will be rejected to the customer. The Notice needs to be re-submitted with a new publication date.

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ApprovAl of noTiCes

25. Any notices other than legal notices are subject to the approval of the Government Printer, who may refuse acceptance or further publication of any notice.

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governmenT prinTer indemnified AgAinsT liAbiliTy

2 7. The Government Printer will assume no liability in respect of—

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liAbiliTy of AdverTiser

28. Advertisers will be held liable for any compensation and costs arising from any action which may be instituted against the Government Printer in consequence of the publication of any notice.

CusTomer inQuiries Many of our customers request immediate feedback/confirmation of notice placement in the gazette from our Contact Centre once they have submitted their notice – While GPW deems it one of their highest priorities and responsibilities to provide customers with this requested feedback and the best service at all times, we are only able to do so once we have started processing your notice submission. GPW has a 2-working day turnaround time for processing notices received according to the business rules and deadline submissions. Please keep this in mind when making inquiries about your notice submission at the Contact Centre.

29. Requests for information, quotations and inquiries must be sent to the Contact Centre ONLY.

30. Requests for Quotations (RFQs) should be received by the Contact Centre at least 2 working days before the submission deadline for that specific publication.

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pAymenT of CosT

3 1. The Request for Quotation for placement of the notice should be sent to the Gazette Contact Centre as indicated above, prior to submission of notice for advertising.

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34. Where there is any doubt about the cost of publication of a notice, and in the case of copy, an enquiry, accompanied by the relevant copy, should be addressed to the Gazette Contact Centre, Government Printing Works, Private Bag X85, Pretoria, 0001 email: [email protected] before publication.

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3 7. The Government Printing Works reserves the right to levy an additional charge in cases where notices, the cost of which has been calculated in accordance with the List of Fixed Tariff Rates, are subsequently found to be excessively lengthy or to contain overmuch or complicated tabulation.

proof of publiCATion

38. Copies of any of the Government Gazette or Provincial Gazette can be downloaded from the Government Printing Works website free of charge, should a proof of publication be required.

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Contact person for subscribers: Mrs M. Toka: E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 012-748-6066 / 6060 / 6058 Fax: 012-323-9574

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BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ALIENATION, SALES, CHANGES OF PARTNERSHIP, NAME, ADDRESS, ETC. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intended transfer in terms of a contract of businesses, and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of the relevant advertisements. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.

VERVREEMDING, VERKOPE, VERANDERINGS VAN VENNOOTSKAP, NAAM, ADRES, ENS. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome oordrag in terme van ‘n kontrak van besighede en/of klandisie, goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensies. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.





Johannesburg. (2) GRSD PROPERTIES PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number 2009/015034/07, Applicant; (3) Ikhaya Lama (including Erven 22,201,202 & 298 Georgetown, Germiston) 5 Joubert Street (Corner Rand Road), Georgetown, Germiston; (4) Sale of Business; (5) Park View Property Investments Proprietary Limited Registration number 2016/433050/07; (7) Cranko Karp & Associates Inc, 61 Oxford Road, Saxonwold, 2196.

Olievenhoutbosch. (2) Nothile Marketing Communications Proprietary Limited, REG: 2012/025005/07; (3) Debonairs Pizza Olievenhout Plaza, Shop No. 39, Olievenhout Plaza shopping cetre, Corner R55 and Jakalasi Street, Olievenhoutbosch; (4) Transfer of business to new owners; (5) Orrore Investments Proprietary Limited, Reg: 2017/314858/07; (7) Ezra Matlala Attorneys.

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Krugersdorp. (2) The Denzyl Pearse Family Trust, Registration number: IT 5181/02; (3) Kazi Farms (PTY) LTD, Registration Number: 2018/299485/07, Plot 10, Zwartkrans, Krugersdorp, 1740; (4) Transfer of business to new owners; (5) Simeka Harvest (PTY) LTD Registration Number: 2018/103277/07; (7) EZRA MATLALA ATTORNEYS.

Johannesburg. (2) Masala Indian Restaurant (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2013/179743/07) represented by Viswanathan Pothiraj; (3) El Ridge Corner Shopping Centre, Bartlett, Boksburg; (4) In terms of Section 34(1) of the Insolvency act, No 24 of 1936 (Seller) Masala Indian Restaurant (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2013/179743/07) represented by Viswanathan Pothiraj is hereby giving notice of its sale and to transfer 30 days after publication hereof its assets which are situated at Masala Indian Restaurant at El Ridge Corner Shopping Centre, Bartlett, Boksburg to (Purchaser) Nema Foods (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2018/619606/07) represented by Neelesh Harduth who will carry on the said business for their own benefit and account.; (5) Nema Foods (Pty) Ltd (Reg. No. 2018/619606/07) represented by Neelesh Harduth; (6) El Ridge Corner Shopping Centre, Bartlett, Boksburg; (7) Nema Foods (Pty) Ltd.

Remaining Extent of the Farm Reydal No. 165 and Portion 12 of the Farm Reydal No. 165. (2) Red Oak Farms CCRegistration Number 2003/108410/23; (3) Retail trade in fresh fruit and vegetablesPortion 10, Reydal, Tarlton 1745Gauteng; (4) Sale of a going concern; (5) Circa Capital Proprietary LimitedRegistration Number 2012/195464/07; (6) Trade and invest 33 Sloane Street Bryanston; (7) Hogan Lovells (South Africa).

Remaining Extent of the Farm Reydal No. 165 and Portion 12 of the Farm Reydal No. 165. (2) Red Oak Farms CC, Registration Number 2003/108410/23; (3) Retail trade in fresh fruit and vegetables, Portion 10, Reydal, Tarlton , 1745, Gauteng.; (4) Sale of a going concern; (5) Circa Capital Proprietary Limited, Registration Number 2012/195464/07; (6) Trade and invest, 33 Sloane Street, Bryanston.; (7) Hogan Lovells (South Africa).

Johannesburg. (2) Amitofo Live Easy (Pty) Ltd; (3) Highlands Centre (including ERF 1973 HIGHLANDS NORTH EXTENSION 4 TOWNSHIP located at 117 Athol Street (Corner Louis Botha Avenue), Highlands North Extension 4, City of Johannesburg); (4) Sale of Business (including the immovable property situated at ERF 1973 HIGHLANDS NORTH EXTENSION 4 TOWNSHIP located at 117 Athol Street (Corner Louis Botha Avenue), Highlands North Extension 4, City of Johannesburg; (5) Investec Property Fund Limited; (7) Cranko Karp & Associates Inc, 61 Oxford Road, Saxonwold, 2196.





KWA - Zulu Natal. (2) Seller: Corroboard and Packaging (PTY) LTD, Reg Number: 2007 / 035992 / 07; (3) Corroboard and Packaging, Nature of Business: Manufacture and wholesale of corrugated boxes. Address: 7/9 Silicon Road, Marian Industrial Park, Northdene, Pinetown, 4093; (4) Sale of Business. Seller Intends transferring the said business and assets used in the conduct of the business as a going concern, after 30 days from publication here-of; (5) Purchaser: All Pak (Pty) Ltd, Reg Number: 2018/ 336079 / 07; (7) Agent : Ahmed Abdool Khalik Moolla.

DURBAN. (2) KOUMANTARAKIS DEVELOPMENTS CC; (3) KOUMANTARAKIS DEVELOPMENTS CC, 35 ANTHURIUM PLACE, PETER ROAD, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (4) Sale of Letting Enterprise as a going concern, consisting of: a) the Property, Portion 16 (of 9) of Erf 301 Springfield, Registration Division FT, Province of Kwazulu-Natal, in extent 2 hectares, held by the Seller under Deed of Transfer No. T27839/2018; b) all right, title and interest of the Seller in and to the Leases.; (5) THE PCI PROPERTIES GROUP SA TRUST; (7) G H ISMAIL & ASSOCIATES, 543 PETER MOKABA RIDGE, OVERPORT, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL.

Pietermaritzburg. (2) Commercial Panel Beaters Greyling Street cc; (3) Commercial Panel Beaters, 410 Greyling Street, Pietermaritzburg.; (4) Transfer of Business to New Owners; (5) NMI Durban South Motors (Pty) Ltd; (6) Garden City Motors, 410 Greyling Street, Pietermaritzburg; (7) Viren Naidoo and Associates, 176 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, 2019/03/22.

This gazette is also available free online at 14 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

Pietermaritzburg. (2) Commercial Panel Beaters Greyling Street cc; (3) Commercial Panel Beaters, 410 Greyling Street, Pietermaritzburg,; (4) Transfer of business to new owners; (5) NMI Durban South Motors (Pty) Ltd; (6) Commercial Panel Beaters, 410 Greyling Street, Pietermaritzburg; (7) Viren Naidoo and Associates, 176 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg, 2019/03/19.




POTCHEFSTROOM. (2) W J STRUCTURAL PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration number 1998/014983/07; (3) 38 Ross Street, Potchindustria, ; (4) Sells the immovable property situated at 38 Ross Street, Potchindustria, Potchefstroom described as ERF 165, POTCHINDUSTRIA TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.Q., PROVINCE OF NORTH-WEST MEASURING 4981 (FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ONE) Square metres HELD BY Deed of Transfer Number T58051/2013. Date of sale 5 MARCH 2019.; (5) COLUMBIA FALLS PROPERTIES 15 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number 2006/025854/07; (7) ESMé COETZER ATTORNEYS, 41 CENTRAL AVENUE, FLAMWOOD, , 2571 SIGNED AT KLERKSDORP ON 15 MARCH 2019.



STELLENBOSCH. (2) UHAMBO PROPERTY INVESTMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; (3) JONKERSDRIFT FARM, STELLENBOSCH, WESTERN CAPE, 7600, In the business of vineyard cultivation and grape harvesting; (4) Section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, 24 of 1936 notice of sale of business, goodwill and goods which advertisement may not be placed earlier than 60 (sixty) days prior to the effective date and not later than 30 (thirty) days prior to the effective date; (5) STONEY MEADOWS INVESTMENTS 11 (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; (7) De Klerk & Van Gend Inc, Springfield Office Park, 109 Jip de Jager Drive, Bellville, Western Cape, 7530.

Mossel Bay. (2) Alron Fabrications CC; (3) alron aluminium, 1 Via Appie Street, Voorbaai, Mossel Bay; (4) Transfer of business to new owners; (5) Jcak Civils Proprietary Limited; (6) alron aluminium, 1 Via Appie Street, Voorbaai, Mossel Bay; (7) ED Ras and Nata Pretorius Attorneys, 131 Gleniqua Drive, Glentana, Great Brak River, 6525.

WESTERN CAPE. (2) Westinarl (Pty) Limited (Registration No: 2015/10330/07), Applicant; (3) Sale of Business 2.12.1 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act No. 24 of 1936 as amended that Westinarl (Pty) Limited (Registration No: 2015/10330/07) carrying on business under the style of Ocean Basket Plattekloof (the business) at Shop No. 2, Plattekloof Village, Corner Plattekloof & Baronety Boulevard, Parrow intends subject to fulfillment of certain suspensive conditions to sell and transfer to Nacional Foods (Pty) Limited (Registration No: 2018/032075/07) (herein represented by N.R. Meder) in its entirety, as a going concern with effect from the date upon which this notice expires.; (4) Sale of Business; (5) Nacional Foods (Pty) Limited (Registration No: 2018/032075/07) (herein represented by N.R. Meder); (6) Shop No. 2, Plattekloof Village, Corner Plattekloof & Baronety Boulevard, Parrow; (7) CHRISTELIS ARTEMIDES ATTORNEYS.

Kensington, Cape Town, Western Cape Province. (2) Bronn Supermarkets (Pty) Ltd (Registration number: 2013/176726/07); (3) Kensington Spar, Kensington, Cape Town, Western Cape Province; (4) Effective date of transfer of business will be 1 May 2019; (5) Pelo Life Coaching (Pty) Ltd (Registration number: 2016/366974/07); (7) J P Joubert, J P Joubert Attorneys, Attorneys for Seller, First Floor, Caledon Street Chambers, 30 Caledon Street, Somerset West. Tel: 021 851 7074; Fax: 086 609 9371; E-mail: [email protected]; Ref: JP1490.

Cape Town. (2) Gilpet Motors CC (Registration Number 1999/038688/23); (3) Petroleum retail activities under name and style of Caltex Gilpet Motors, Salt River, 261 Victoria Road, Salt River, Cape Town; (4) Sale of certain assets and liabilities by the Seller to the Purchaser with effect from the tenth day after the Purchaser has confirmed to the Seller in writing that the conditions precedent have been satisfactorily fulfilled, this being a date not less than 30 and not more than 60 days from the last

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 15 publication of the relevant advertisements required by section 34; (5) Mosaval Fuels (Pty) Ltd (Registration Number 2018/444757/07); (6) Petroleum retail activities as per (3) above, at same address as (3); (7) Smith Attorneys, 19th Floor, Metropolitan Building, 7 Walter Sisulu Avenue, Cape Town.

MALMESBURY, WESTERN CAPE. (2) KMS LOGS CONSULTING PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration number: 2014/153235/07, Applicant; (3) 1. ERF 11287 MALMESBURY; 2. REMAINDER OF ERF 12120 MALMESBURY; 3. REMAINDER OF ERF 12148 MALMESBURY.; (4) SALE DATED 22 NOVEMBER 2018; (5) MARKET DEMAND TRADING 539 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration number: 2008/004202/07; (6) MSP Chambers 4, Howickslot, c/o Bill Bezuidenhout- and Carl Cronje Streets, Tyger Falls, Tygervalley, 7530; (7) TERBLANCHE SLABBER PIETERS INCORPORATED, PO BOX 38, MALMESBURY, 7299.

MALMESBURY, WESTERN CAPE. (2) KMS LOGS CONSULTING PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration number: 2014/153235/07; (3) 1. ERF 11287 MALMESBURY; 2. REMAINDER OF ERF 12120 MALMESBURY; 3. REMAINDER OF ERF 12148 MALMESBURY; (4) SALE DATED 22 NOVEMBER 2018; (5) MARKET DEMAND TRADING 539 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration number: 2008/004202/07; (6) MSP Chambers 4, Howickslot, c/o Bill Bezuidenhout- and Carl Cronje Streets, Tyger Falls, Tygervalley, 7530; (7) TERBLANCHE SLABBER PIETERS INCORPORATED, PO BOX 38, MALMESBURY, 7299.

Cape Town. (2) Genetrix Investments CC (Reg No. 2001/017167/23); (3) Rosmead SuperSPAR, Rosmead Centre, 67 Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth.; (4) Sale of business as a going concern within a period of not less than 30(thirty) days and not more than 60(sixty) days from the last publication of this notice; (5) Syzygy (Pty Ltd) (Reg No. 2019/011519/07); (7) Bosse & Associates Attorneys, Block 3B, Unit B1, The Avenues Business Park, Cnr Village Walk & Parklands Main Road, Parklands.

Cape Town. (2) Genetrix Liquor Supplies CC (Reg No. 1998/013542/23); (3) Rosmead TOPS, Rosmead Centre, 67 Rosmead Avenue, Kenilworth, Western Cape Province; (4) Sale of business as a going concern within a period of not less than 30(thirty) days and not more than 60 (sixty) days from the last publication of this notice; (5) Syzygy (Pty) Limited (Reg No. 2019/011519/07); (7) Bosse & Associates Attorneys, Block 3B, Unit B1, The Avenues Business Park, Cnr Village Walk & Parklands Main Road, Parklands.

Cape Town. (2) Vibrante Verde Pty) Ltd; (3) Uitzicht SPAR & TOPS (Reg No. 2013/123980/07), Corner Vatican & Sicily Street, Uitzicht, Western Cape Province.; (4) Sale of business as a going concern within a period of not less than 30(thirty) days and not more than 60 (sixty) days from the last publication of this notice; (5) Genetrix Liquor Supplies CC (Reg No. 1998/013542/23); (7) Bosse & Associates Attorneys, Block 3B, Unit B1, The Avenues Business Park, Cnr Village Walk & Parklands Main Road, Parklands.




MICAWBER 358 (RF) (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 2003/014732/07) (Master’s Reference: G61/2019) SPECIAL RESOLUTION OF MEMBER’S VOLUNTARY WINDING UP It was resolved: The company be wound up voluntarily as a members’ voluntary winding-up pursuant to Section 356 (349 & Section 350) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as amended / section 79 read with section 80 of the Companies Act 2008 as amended. Statucor (Pty) Ltd, Deidre Heather Meurs, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041, Tel: 010 060 5502 t

MICAWBER 360 (RF) (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 2003/014769/07) (Master’s Reference: G62/2019) SPECIAL RESOLUTION OF MEMBER’S VOLUNTARY WINDING UP

This gazette is also available free online at 16 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

It was resolved: The company be wound up voluntarily as a members’ voluntary winding-up pursuant to Section 356 (349 & Section 350) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, as amended / section 79 read with section 80 of the Companies Act 2008 as amended. Statucor (Pty) Ltd, Deidre Heather Meurs, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041, Tel: 010 060 5502 t

LACIS INVESTMENTS 1 (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 2002/017280/07) (Master’s Reference: G884/2015) MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 80 of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008, read with Section 356(2)(b) of the Companies Act, No. 61 of 1973, that a meeting was held on 9 September 2015 at which it was resolved that: “the company be wound up voluntary as a members’ voluntary winding-up in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008”. BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, Johannes Frederick Klopper, Unit B5, Clearview Office Park, 77 Wilhelmina Street, Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort, 1724, Tel: (011) 991-5500, Fax: (011) 991-5506 , Email: [email protected]. t

TONET PROPERTY HOLDINGS AND INVESTMENTS (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED (Reg. No: 2001/026291/07) (Master’s Reference: T1786/16) VOLUNTARY WINDING-UP OF A SOLVENT COMPANY BY MEMBERS. Notice is hereby given, in terms of Section 406(3) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, that the Liquidator’s Account will lie open for inspection at the offices of the Master of the High Court, Pretoria, from 29 March 2019 to 26 April 2019. MFG ACCOUNTANTS INC., MR. N.P. CASSELLS - LIQUIDATOR., 457 RODERICKS ROAD, LYNNWOOD, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, 0081., Tel: 012 348 9769, Fax: 086 603 7747 , Email: [email protected].



FEL-CO FRESH CC (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) (Reg. No: 2009/045538/23) NOTICE OF CREDITORS’ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION: FEL-CO FRESH CC Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 356(2)(b) of the Companies Act 61/1973 that the abovementioned CC was voluntarily liquidated in terms of Section 356(2) of the Companies Act 61/1973 and the resolution was duly registered on 14 MARCH 2019. RAUCH GERTENBACH INCORPORATED, D ACKER, PO BOX 3, MOSSEL BAY 6500, Tel: 044 601 9900, Fax: 086 688 2230 , Email: [email protected]. t

OMNIRAPID INVESTMENTS 10 (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 2001/021923/07) (Master’s Reference: C866/2018) NOTICE OF A SPECIAL RESOLUTION : VOLUNTARY WINDING UP OF OMNIRAPID INVESTMENTS 10 (PTY) LTD (REGISTRATION NO: 2001/021923/07) (MASTER’S REF NO: C866/2018) (In terms of Section 80(1) of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008) In a meeting held on 22 May 2018, the undermentioned Special Resolution was duly passed: “That the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms of Section 80 of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008, as a Company Voluntary Winding Up”. ROUX ATTORNEYS, S A ROUX, PO BOX 4411, GEORGE EAST 6530, Tel: 044 871 4881, Fax: 086 624 7297 , Email: [email protected]. t

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OMNIRAPID INVESTMENTS 7 (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 2001/021899/07) (Master’s Reference: C568/2018) NOTICE OF A SPECIAL RESOLUTION : VOLUNTARY WINDING UP OF OMNIRAPID INVESTMENTS 7 (PTY) LTD (REGISTRATION NO: 2001/021899/07) (MASTER’S REF NO: C568/2018) (In terms of Section 80(1) of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008) In a meeting held on 22 May 2018, the undermentioned Special Resolution was duly passed: “That the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms of Section 80 of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008, as a Company Voluntary Winding Up”. ROUX ATTORNEYS, S A ROUX, PO BOX 4411, GEORGE EAST 6530, Tel: 044 871 4881, Fax: 086 624 7297 , Email: [email protected]. t

JUDICO TRADING 6 (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 2001/021867/07) (Master’s Reference: c572/2018) NOTICE OF A SPECIAL RESOLUTION : VOLUNTARY WINDING UP OF JUDICO TRADING 6 (PTY) LTD (REGISTRATION NO: 2001/021867/07) (MASTER’S REF NO: C572/2018) (In terms of Section 80(1) of the Companies Act, No. 71 of 2008) In a meeting held on 22 May 2018, the undermentioned Special Resolution was duly passed: “That the Company be wound up voluntarily in terms of Section 80 of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008, as a Company Voluntary Winding Up”. ROUX ATTORNEYS, S A ROUX, PO BOX 4411, GEORGE EAST 6530, Tel: 044 871 4881, Fax: 086 624 7297 , Email: [email protected]. t

REVERE PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD (Reg. No: 2005/021744/07) (Master’s Reference: C120/2019) MEMBERS VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Take note that the members of Revere Properties (Pty) Ltd by Special Resolution dated 1 February 2019 have voted to voluntarily wind up the company. Further take notice that the Special Resolution was registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission on 19 February 2019. JJS Administrators (Pty) Ltd, JJ Steenkamp, 1st Fl, Tijger Park 5 Building, Off Willie Van Schoor Drive, Tygervalley, 7530, Tel: 0827192037, Fax: n/a , Email: [email protected].



LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICES Notices by liquidators and other appointees such as executors, judicial managers, trustees, curators or tutors, of appointments, meetings, accounts, claims, leave of absence, releases, etc. LIKWIDATEURS EN ANDER AANGESTELDES SE KENNISGEWINGS Kennisgewings deur likwidateurs en ander aangesteldes soos eksekuteurs, geregtelike bestuurders, trustees, kurators of voogde, van aanstellings, vergaderings, rekeninge, eise, verlof, vrystellings, ens.

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GROUPMED INSURANCE BROKERS SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD Reg. No: 2012/049364/07 Master’s Reference: G66/2019 NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 375(5)(B) OF THE COMPANIES ACT 1973 AS AMENDED I, Marlene Retief, hereby give notice that by Certificate of Appointment dated 15 March 2019, I have been appointed Liquidator of the above mentioned company by the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg Platinum Financial Solutions, 12 Gifford Crescent Salt Rock 4392, Tel: 0325254167, Fax: 0866152453, Email: marlene@ t

Shotha Engineering CC Reg. No: 2008/191375/23 Master’s Reference: T1348/18 LIQUIDATOR’S AND OTHER APPOINTEES’ NOTICE Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 375(5)(b) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, as amended, that Theodor Wilhelm van den Heever of D & T Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716, and Magda Wilma Kets have been appointed Joint Liquidators of the above corporation. D & T Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716, Tel: 011 672 8700, Fax: 011 672 8700, Email: [email protected]. t

Lacis Imvestments 1 (Pty) Ltd Reg. No: 2002/017280/07 Master’s Reference: G884/2015 MEMBERS’ VOLUNTARY WINDING UP Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 375(5)(b) of the Companies Act No. 61 of 1973, that Johannes Frederick Klopper has been appointed by the Master of the High Court, Johannesburg, as Liquidator of the under-mentioned company which is being wound up as a Members’ Voluntary Winding-Up: Lacis Investments 1 (Pty) Ltd, Master’s Certificate No. G884/2015 dated 12 November 2015. Johannes Frederick Klopper, Liquidator, c/o BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 21341, Helderkruin, 1733 BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd - Johannes Frederick Klopper, Unit B5, Clearview Office Park, 77 Wilhelmina Street, Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort, 1724, Tel: (011) 991-5500, Fax: (011) 991-5506, Email: [email protected].


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HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. Application for postponement is dismissed with costs. 2. The estate of MARIO ALEXANDRE DE FIGUEREDO ROCHA be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Mater of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the respondent to appear and show case, if any, to this court on 18 JUNE 2019 at 10:00 why a final order of sequestration should not be made against HIS estate. 3. The costs of this application be costs in the administration of the sequestration. BY THE COURT t


HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The above mentioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. A rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this court at 10:00 on 11 April 2019 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. Service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent company at its registered office and by publication forthwith once in each of the GOVERNMENT GAZETTE and BEELD NEWSPAPER. 4. A copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by registered post. t

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Case No: 3373/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Mpumalanga Division (Functioning as Gauteng Division Pretoria Mbombela - Circuit Court)) MBOMBELA, 1 February 2019, BEFORE THE HONOURABLE JUDGE STRYDOM AJ In the matter of: Jacolien Frieda Barnard N.O, First Applicant and Nakampe Edwin Ramapuputla N.O, Second Applicant and JAN HENDRIK UYS, ID: 7705195138083, Respondent

AFTER HAVING read the documents filed, heard the Applicant’s Legal Representative and considered the matter: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Respondent is hereby placed under PROVISIONAL sequestration; and 2. That the Respondent is called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the Court should not order the final sequetration of his estate on 15 April 2019 at 10:00 or as soon therafter as the matter may be heard; 3. That a copy of this order be forthwith served on the Respondent and be published in the Government Gazette and in the Lowvelder newspaper; 4. That a copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor of the Respondent by prepaid registered post; 5. The costs of this Application be costs in the sequestration. BY ORDER REGISTRAR t

Case No: 1509/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) PRETORIA, 21 November 2018, TEFFO In the matter between: BLUBIL TRDING 12 CC, Plaintiff and JORIKA LOGISTICS SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD (REG. NO: 2013/229937/07), Defendant

HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: - IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The abovementioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. A rule nisi b e and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this court at 10:00 on 15 APRIL 2019 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. This interim order be served upon the respondent at its registered address by way of sheriff. 4. This order be served upon the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Service by way of filing notice, by hand. 5. This interim order be served upon the employees of the respondent, if any, by affixing a copy of this order against the principle door or gate of the premises of the respondent, at the respondent’s registered address, by way of the sheriff. 6. Service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent company at its registered office and by publication forthwith once in each of the GOVERNMENT GAZETTE an d BEELD NEWSPAPER. 7. The costs of this application be costs in the liquidation. t


HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record: - IT IS ORDERED THAT:

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1. The abovementioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2. A rule nisi b e and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this court at 10:00 on 04 APRIL 2019 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3. . Service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent company at its registered office and by publication forthwith once in each of the GOVERNMENT GAZETTE an d BEELD NEWSPAPER. 4. This interim order be served upon the respondent at its registered address by way of sheriff. 5. This order be served upon the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Service by way of filing notice, by hand. 6. This interim order be served upon the employees of the respondent, if any, by affixing a copy of this order against the principle door or gate of the premises of the respondent, at the respondent’s registered address, by way of the sheriff. 7. The costs of this application be costs in the liquidation. t


HAVING HEARD the Legal Representative for the Applicant and having read the motion and other documents filed on record the following order is made: 1. The abovementioned Respondent be and is hereby placed under PROVISIONAL winding-up in the hands of the Master; 2. A rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all interested persons who have a legitimate interest to appear and show cause, if any, to this court at 10:00 on 15 APRIL 2019 as to why: 2.1 The Respondent should not be placed under final winding-up order; and 2.2 The costs of this application should not be costs in the liquidation; 3. Service of this rule nisi be effected by publication forthwith once in each of the Government Gazette and the Lowvelder News Paper; and 4. A copy of this order be served on the Respondent at its registered address.



HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The Respondent be placed under provisional liquidation returnable on the 26th of June 2019. 2. The Respondent is called upon to show cause on or before the return date hereof, why this order should not be made final. 3. This interim order be served upon the Respondent at its registered address by way of sheriff. 4. This order be served upon the Master of the High Court and the South African Revenue Service by way of filing notice, by hand. 5. This interim order be served upon the employees of the Respondent, if any, by affixing a copy of this order against the principal door or gate of the premises of the Respondent at the Respondent’s registered address by way of sheriff.

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6. This order be published once in the Beeld newspaper and once in the Government Gazette, before the return date. 7. The costs of this application be costs in the liquidation. BY THE COURT REGISTRAR t

Case No: 76536/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 12 March 2019, Honourable Mr Justice Van der Westhuizen In the matter between: Workcraft Solutions (Pty) Ltd, Applicant and Charmaine Engelbrecht, Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1.The estate of Charmaine Engelbrecht be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this court on 24 April 2019 at 10:00 why a final order of sequestration should not be made against her estate. 2.The provisional order be served upon the respondent personally. 3.The provisional order be published in the Government Gazette and the Citizen Newspaper. 4.The costs of this application be costs in the sequestration of the respondent’s estate. BY THE COURT - REGISTRAR Attorney: Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Address: 2nd Floor, Eastwood Law Chambers, 876 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria t

Case No: 0008/2019 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG) Johannesburg, 18 February 2019, Honourable Acting Judge Wessels In the matter between: UMPHEME DEVELOPMENT (PTY) LIMITED and ANIX TRADING AND CONSTRUCTION CC FINAL LIQUIDATION ORDER Having read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and having considered the matter:-

It is ordered that:-

1. The above mentioned respondent is hereby placed under final winding up. 2. Costs of the application are to be costs in the winding up

By the court, Registrar t

Case No: 19/2509 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) Johannesburg, 21 February 2019, Before the Honourable Acting Judge Crutchfield In the matter between: KOBUS VAN DER WESTHUIZEN N.O. AND OTHERS, APPLICANT and LOGIMAN (PTY) LTD, RESPONDENT In re: Provisional liquidation of the Respondent

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It is ordered that: 1. The estate of the Respondent is placed under provisional liquidation; 2. The Respondent and any other party who wishes to avoid such an order being made final, are called upon to advance the reasons, if any, why the court should not grant a final order of liquidation of the Respondent on the 15th day of April 2019 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard t

Case No: 46746/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) PRETORIA, 19 November 2018, MADAM JUSTICE VAN DER SCHYFF, AJ In the matter between: JOHANNES WILLEM VAN WYK - APPLICANT and LOURENS JANSEN VAN VUUREN - 1ST RESPONDENT and LINDIE JANSEN VAN VUUREN - 2ND RESPONDENT IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The estate of the Respondents is placed under provisional sequestration. 2. the Respondents and all interested persons be called upon on or before 30 April 2019 to show cause as t why the aforementioned provisional sequestration order should not be confirmed and made final. 3. The order be served on the Respondents. 4. The order be published in a local newspaper circulating in the area of the Respondents as well as the Government Gazette. 5. Service by way of registered post on all known creditors. 6. The costs of this application be costs in the sequestration of the Respondents. t

Case No: 46145/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG) JOHANNESBURG, 20 February 2019, Honourable Justice WEPENER J In the matter between: HELDERBERG NATURAL STONE CC (Registration number: 2005/135273/23), APPLICANT and QUINTIN RICHARD JOUBERT (Identity number: 720228 5061 086), Marital status: Single, RESPONDENT DRAFT ORDER HAVING read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and considered the matter it is hereby ordered that: 1. The Respondent is placed under provisional sequestration; 2. The Respondent and/ or any other party who wishes to avoid such an order being made final are called upon to advance the reasons, if any, why the court should not grant a final order of sequestration of the said Respondents on 16 April 2019 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard; 3. That this order be served on the Respondent by way of sheriff; 4. That this order be published in the Government Gazette as well as The Beeld newspaper; 5. That this order be served on the Master as well as SARS; 6. That the costs of his application be costs in the sequestration. BY THE COURT REGISTRAR. t

Case No: 46144/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG) JOHANNESBURG, 19 February 2019, Hounourable Madam Justice Victor J In the application of: HELDERBERG NATURAL STONE CC (Registration number: 2005/135273/23), APPLICANT and LEON ANDRE VENTER (Identity number: 690205 5001 086), Marital status: Out of community of property, RESPONDENT DRAFT ORDER HAVING read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and considered the matter it is hereby ordered that:

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1. The Respondent is placed under provisional sequestration; 2. The Respondent and/ or any other party who wishes to avoid such an order being made final are called upon to advance the reasons, if any, why the court should not grant a final order of sequestration of the said Respondents on 15 April 2019 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard; 3. That this order be served on the Respondent by way of sheriff; 4. That this order be published in the Government Gazette as well as The Beeld newspaper; 5. That this order be served on the Master as well as SARS; 6. That the costs of his application be costs in the sequestration. BY THE COURT REGISTRAR t

Case No: 28559/2017 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) PRETORIA, 27 February 2019, before thehonourable: Mr Justice Baqwa In the matter between Absa Bank Limited, Applicant and Bethel Marketing and Investment Corporation (in deregistration) (Registration No: 2002/039873/23), First Respondent, Lemmy Leonard Mashile, Second Respondent, Ruth Lerato Seleti, Third Respondent, The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission, Fourth Respondent, The South African Revenue Service, Fifth Respondent, The Minister of Agricultural Forestry and Fisheries, Sixth Respondent, The Registrar of Deeds, Seventh Respondent, The Minister of Public Works, Eighth Respondent and Tsiu Vincent Matsepe N.O., Nineth Respondent

HAVING read the papers and after hearing counsel, the following order is issued: 1. A rule nisi issued, returnable on 10 April 2019, calling upon all interested persons to show why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1.1 That the registration of Bethel Marketing and Investment Corporation CC (registration no: 2002/639873/23) be restored in terms of section 26 of the Close Corporations Act, Act 69 of 1984 (as amended), read with sections 224 and 83(4) of the Companies Act, Act 71 of 2008 with retrospective effect; 1.2 Directing the Fourth Respondent to restore the First Respondent’s name on the register of close corporations; 1.3 That the assets of the First Respondent be declared no longer bona vacantia and re-vested in the First Respondent; 1.4 That the liabilities of the First Respondent be declared to re-vest in the First Respondent. 2. The provisional order is to be served on the Respondents; 3. The provisional order is to be published once in the Government Gazette and once in the Pretoria News newspaper; 4. It is noted that the counter-application for rescission of the liquidation order and ancillary relief is withdrawn; 5. The costs of this application, including the costs of the counter-application, are to be costs in the liquidation of the First Respondent under case number 22717/2015; BY ORDER REGISTRAR Counsel for Applicant 0- Adv M Riley Counsel for First to Third Respondents - Adv M Coetzee t

Case No: 4028/2019 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA ((GAUTENG DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG)) JOHANNESBURG, 27 February 2019, Before the Honourable Justice KATHREE-SETILOANE In the application of: MARI HAYWOOD N.O., (In her capacity as the provisionally appointed liquidator in the Estate of IPE Innovations (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation), FIRST APPLICANT and ANDREW DAVID DRAAI N.O., (In his capacity as the provisionally appointed liquidator in the Estate of IPE Innovations (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation), SECOND APPLICANT and WARREN CORNEL BOSMAN, Identity number: 8007025067080. Marital status: Married out of Community of Property, RESPONDENT DRAFT ORDER HAVING read the documents filed of record, heard counsel and considered the matter it is hereby ordered that: 1. To have the powers of the Applicants, in their capacity as provisionally appointed liquidators of the Company (IPE

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Innovations (Pty) Ltd), expanded, to enable the Applicants to properly wind up the affairs of the Company and/or administer the Company to the benefit of the creditors; 2. The Respondent is placed under provisional sequestration; 3. The Respondent and/ or any other party who wishes to avoid such an order being made final are called upon to advance the reasons, if any, why the court should not grant a final order of sequestration of the said Respondents on 17 April 2019 at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard; 4. That this order be served on the Respondent by way of sheriff; 5. That this order be published in the Government Gazette as well as The Beeld newspaper; 6. That this order be served on the Master as well as SARS; 7. That the costs of his application be costs in the sequestration. BY THE COURT REGISTRAR.


N/A Case No: 663/2019 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, 19 March 2019, Before the Honorable Justice Nqumse AJ In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: R1 634.90 in cash seized on 15 December 2018 by SAPS and held under Gelvendale CAS 179/12/2018 and SAP 13/1586/2019 (the property)

annexure a NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA) The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Port Elizabeth) under case number 663/2019 in re :R1 634.90 in cash seized on 15 December 2018 by SAPS and held under Gelvendale CAS 179/12/2018 and SAP 13/1586/2019 (the property)(a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.) This notice is addressed to Craig Cowan Slater and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure

This gazette is also available free online at 26 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019 to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: STATE ATTORNEY PORT ELIZABETH, Mr Myburgh, 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth. Tel: 041 - 585 7921. Email: [email protected] t

N/A Case No: 662/2019 041-585 7921 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, 19 March 2019, Before the Honorable Justice Nqumse AJ In the ex parte application of: The National Director of Public Prosecutions, Applicant In re: R5 673 in cash seized on 29 January 2019 under Humansdorp CAS 267/01/2019 (the property)

annexure a NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 39 OF THE PREVENTION OF ORGANISED CRIME ACT 121 OF 1998 (POCA The National Director of Public Prosecutions obtained a preservation of property order in the High Court of South Africa (Port Elizabeth) under case number 662/2019 in re :R5 673 in cash seized on 29 January 2019 under Humansdorp CAS 267/01/2019 (the property)(a copy of which can be obtained from the person motioned in par 9 hereunder.)

This notice is addressed to Dail Kettledas and all other persons who may have an interest in the property described above. Take notice that: 1 If you have an interest in the property, you should understand that it is now at risk. You are advised to obtain legal advice on whether your interest can be protected and, if so, on how to protect it. 2 You are notified that the National Director will, within 90 days of publication of this notice, apply to the High Court under section 48 of the POCA for a forfeiture order. The preservation order will remain in force until the application for a forfeiture order is finalised, and until any forfeiture order that is made is satisfied. 3 If you intend to oppose the application for a forfeiture order, or you intend to apply for an order excluding your interest from a forfeiture order in respect of the property, you must enter an appearance in terms of the order. The requirements for such an appearance are set out in the order and are also dealt with in sections 39(3), (4) and (5) of the POCA. An appearance must comply with these requirements. 4 Your attention is specifically drawn to the 14-day time limit prescribed in section 39(4) for the entry of an appearance referred to in paragraph 3 above. 5 If you enter an appearance in terms of the order you will be entitled to be given 14 days notice of the application by the applicant for a forfeiture order in respect of the property. 6 If you fail to enter an appearance in terms of the order or to comply with the above requirements, you will not be given notice of the application for a forfeiture order and you will not be entitled to appear at the hearing of the application. In such a case, the court may grant a default order forfeiting the property to the state under section 53 of the POCA. 7 You may, on good cause shown (including the non-availability of any other suitable remedy to protect your legitimate rights or interests), on 3 days notice in urgent instances and at least 7 days notice in other instances to the applicant, and within 8 days of becoming aware of the order, apply for reconsideration of the order. 8 You are specifically advised that even if you intend to apply for reconsideration of the preservation order in this case, you must, in addition, comply with paragraphs 4 and 5 above if you intend to oppose the forfeiture application at a later date. Failure to do so can result in a forfeiture order being granted against the property by default and without further notice to you. 9 Whenever this order states that you must deliver or serve any notice, affidavit or other process document on the applicant, you must deliver or serve them on the applicant at the following address: STATE ATTORNEY PORT ELIZABETH Mr Myburgh, 29 Western Road, Central, Port Elizabeth. Tel: 041 - 585 7921. Email: [email protected] t

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Case No: 514/2019 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, 14 March 2019, The Honourable Mr Justice Rugunanan AJ In the matter between: Douglas Bruce Puttergill, Applicant and The Gamtoos Dairy (Propriety) Limited, Respondent

Having heard Advocate Nepgen, Counsel for the Applicant and Advocate I Bands, Counsel for the Respondent and having read the documents filed of record. It is Ordered: 1. That the Respondent is placed in provisional liquidation. 2. That a Rule Nisi is issued calling upon the Respondent, and any other interested party, to show cause on 16 April 2019 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why a final order for liquidation should not be made. 3. That a copy of this order for provisional liquidation be published in one edition each of the Government Gazette and the Herald Newspaper, within 10 days from date of this order. 4. That the Applicant forward a copy of the provisional order for liquidation to each known creditor by pre-paid registered post. 5. That the costs of the application for provisional liquidation to be costs in the cause of the application of liquidation save as it set out below. 6. That the costs occasioned by the opposition of the application for a provisional order for liquidation by the Respondent, are to be paid by Tracy Carlse, de bonis propiis. By Order of the Court - B Lucas (Ms), pp Registrar Joubert Galpin Searle



NOTICE OF MOTION, that on the 11th day of April 2019 at 09:30 or soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, the above mentioned Applicants will apply to the above Honourable Court for an order in the following terms: 1. The leave be granted to the Applicants in terms of Section 21 (1) of the Matrimonial Property Act f88 of 1984 in that the Applicants be given leave to effect that the ante nuptial contract executed in the Republic shall be registered in a deeds registry within three months after the date of its execution or within such extended period as the court ma on application allow which contract will, after registration thereof, regulate matrimonial property system; 2. The Registration of Deeds is ordered to register the notarial contact concluded between the parties. 3. This order: 3.1. Will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within three months of the date of the granting of this order; and 3.2 Will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants as at date of registration of the contract. t

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Case No: 3802/2018 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (FREE STATE DIVISION) BLOEMFONTEIN, 21 February 2019, HONOURABLE JUDGE J P DAFFUE In the matter between: VINCEMUS INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD t/a KEMPSTON FINANCE (REG: 1969/004762/07), Applicant and LEON PRINSLOO N.O (ID: 741111 5040 083), 1st Respondent, NELLY ARLENE PRINSLOO N.O (ID: 551211 0069 001), 2nd Respondent and EUGENE PRINSLOO N.O (ID 790711 5068 081), THE RESPONDENTS ARE CITED AND JOINED IN THEIR OFFICIAL CAPACITIES AS JOINT TRUSTEES OF THE PRINSLOO FAMILIE TRUST, 3rd Respondent In re: - - 1. THAT The Respondent’s application in terms of Rule 6(15) and the provisional application for postponement are dismissed with costs. 2.The application for postponement dated 21 February 2019 launched by the Respondents is refused with costs. 3.Condonation is granted to the applicant and the respondents for the late filing of the replying affidavit and answering affidavit respectively. 4.The estate of the PRINSLOO FAMILIE TRUST (Master’s ref IT2017/07) is placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the Free State High Court Bloemfontein. 5. A rule nisi hereby issue calling upon the respondents and any other interested party/ies to show cause, if any, to this Court on Thursday the 27th of June 2019 at 09:30 and why the provisional order os sequestration should not be confirmed and made final. 6. A copy of this order must be served on the Respondents. 7. A copy of this order must be served on: 7.1 any registered trade union that as far as the Sheriff reasonably ascertain; 7.2 represents any of the employees of the respondents; 7.3 The Respondents employees, by affixing a copy of this order to any notice board to which the employees have access inside the Respondents premises, or if there is no access to the premises by the employees, affixing a copy to the front gate, where applicable, failing which the front door of the premises from which the Respondents conducted any business; 7.4 The South African Revenue Services. 8. The Sheriff must establish whether the respondents have any employees and if so whether the employees are represented by a registered trade union and whether there is a notice board on the premises to which the employees have access; 9. The costs of the application for sequestration of the PRINSLOO FAMILIE TRUST’s estate shall be costs in the administration of the insolvent estate of the PRINSLOO FAMILIE TRUST.




HAVING read the Notice of Motion, and the other documents filed of record; and HAVING heard Counsel for the Applicant


1. The Respondent is provisionally wound up in the hands of the Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. 2. A rule nisi do hereby issue calling upon the Respondent and any other interested parties to show cause, if any, before

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 29 the High Court, Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal sitting at Pietermaritzburg on the 1st day of April 2019 at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the Respondent should not be finally wound up. 3. A copy of this Order be published on or before 22 March 2019, once in the Witness newspaper and once in the Government Gazette.



Grant & Swanepoel Attorneys t

COURT ORDER Case No: D12180/2018 DOCEX 21, UMHLANGA IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Kwazulu-Natal Local Division, Durban) DURBAN, 7 March 2019, before the Honourable JUDGE VAHED In the matter between: SERVOCHEM (PTY) LTD, Applicant and EUROKEM (PTY) LTD, Respondent In re: Application for Liquidation

IT IS ORDERED: 1. That the Rule Nisi do hereby calling upon the Respondent ( and all other interested parties) to show cause, if any, on 18th April 2019, the Respondent should not be finally wound up. 2. That this order operate as a provisional winding up order. 3. That this order: (a) be served on the respondent at its registered address at Unit 18 The Red Zone Junction Road, Shelly Junction, Shelly Beach, KwaZulu-Natal; (b) be published on or before 28th March 2019 once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published in Durban and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal. t


UPON the Motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the NOTICE OF MOTION and the other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED 1. That Blue Flame Properties CC (hereinafter “the second Respondent”) and all other interested persons are hereby called upon to appear and show cayse, if any, to this Court on the 16th day of April 2019 at 09h30, so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the second respondent should not be finally wound. 2. That this order operate as a provisional order for the winding up of the second respondent. 3. That a copy of this order shall be served forthwith on: 3.1 every trade union referred to in section 346A(2) of the Companies Act, 1973; 3.2 the employees of the close corporation at the address of the closes corporation’s registered office being 274 Queen

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Mary Avenue, Glenwood, Durban; 3.3 the South African Revenue Services. 4. That this order be published on or before the 29th day of March 2019 once in the Government Gazette and once in the Mercury Newspaper



HAVING read the documents filed on record, heard counsel and having considered the matter: 1. The abovementioned Respondent is hereby placed under provisional winding-up. 2. All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this court should not order the final winding up of the respondent on 14/5/2019 at 10:00 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. 3. A copy of this order be served on the Respondent at its registered office. 4. A copy of this order be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette. 5. A copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post or by electronically receipted telefax transmission. BY THE COURT REGISTRAR



HAVING HEARD ADV. BADENHORST SC on behalf of Applicants and ADV. KLOPPER on behalf of the Respondent and having read the documents filed of record; THIS IS A CORRECTED ORDER THAT 1. A rule nisi be issued in terms whereof the estate of the respondent be provisionally sequestrated and be placed in the hands of the Master of the High Court; 2. A copy of the rule nisi order be served on the respondent and be published once in the Government Gazette and the Beeld and Stellalander Newspaper; 3. The costs of the application for sequestration be costs in the sequestration; 4. All interested parties, are called upon to provide reasons, if any, on Thursday 18 April 2019 at 10H00 why the rule nisi as granted above, should not be confirmed. t

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PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the abovementioned Applicant intends to approach the above honourable court on 16 MAY 2019 at 10h00 or as soon thereafter as counsel for the Applicant can be heard, for an order in the following terms: 1. That the 2nd Respondent be wound up and placed in the hands of the Master of the High Court; 2. That the cost in this application be cost in the liquidation of the 2nd Respondent; 3. Further and/or alternative relief.



SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS Notice is hereby given by the Master of the High Court of South Africa, as stated, of the supersession of provisional orders of sequestration/liquidation and the discharge of petitions. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number; (2) the applicant; (3) the respondent; (4) the date of the provisional order granted; (5) the High Court Division; (6) the date of the discharge order.

TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE Kennis word hiermee deur die Meester van die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika, soos vermeld, gegee van die tersydestelling van voorlopige bevele van sekwestrasie/likwidasie en die afwysing van aansoeke. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Boedelnommer; (2) die applikant; (3) die verweerder; (4) die datum van uitreiking van die voorlopige bevel; (5) die Afdeling van die Hoë Hof; (6) die datum van die afwysingsbevel.


D139/2017—(2) ALBARAKA BANK LIMITED, Applicant; (3) THE SPECTRUM GROUP CC, Respondent; (4) 31 August 2017; (5) KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 30 November 2018.


C179/2018—(2) GENOME COSMETICS CC, Applicant; (3) ICON AAL RETAIL 2009 CC, Respondent; (4) 29 March 2018; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 22 June 2018. Ref-C875/2018--—(2) FRANCOIS CHRISTIAAN LANGDON DU TOIT, Applicant; (3) ERNA MULLER, Respondent; (4) 23 November 2018; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 21 February 2019.

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IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION) In the matter between: ABSA BANK - PLAINTIFF and WESSEL DU PREEZ BADENHORST - 1ST RESPONDENT In re: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF THE REGISTRATION OF A LOST/ DESTROYED TITLE DEED AS PER REGULATION 38 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF THE REGISTRATION OF A LOST/DESTROYED TITLE DEED (BY VIRTUE OF REGULATION 68 (1) OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 (ACT 47 OF 1937)) Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds PRETORIA, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer T 38629/2002 dated 10 APRIL 2002, passed by WESSEL DU PREEZ BADENHORST - ID 660513 5052 08 2 in respect of: ERF 2222 DOORNPOORT EXTENSION 6 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION JR, PROVINCE OF GAUTENG; MEASURING: 800 (EIGHT HUNDRED) square metres, HELD by Deed of Transfer Nr T 38629/2002 and Deed of Transfer Nr T 161577/2007 All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, PRETORIA within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. J G HORN INCORPORATED, 1195 PROSPECT STREET, HATFIELD, 0083, Tel: 0123627578, Fax: 0866960461, Email: [email protected]. t

NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE CANCELLATION OF A LOST MORTGAGE BOND B98943/2007 IN TERMS OF SECTION 68(11B) OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT 47/1947 Notice is hereby given for the cancellation of mortgage bond B98943/2007 registered over Portion 76 Erf 276 Phillip Nel Park passed by MM MDLULI and JG MDLULI married in community of property to each other in favour of First Rand Bank Limited. The client’s copy of the said bond has been lost and the deeds registry’s copy is lost as well. calling all persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of the above bond are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice. Ntwanano Mkhavele, 775 Francis Baard street, Tel: 012 343 0849, Fax: 012 343 0655, Email: conveyancer@aweyers. t

LOST/DESTROYED TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of section thirty-eight of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, at PRETORIA intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer NoT50838/2008 dated 29 May 2008 passed by DIE EKSEKUTEUR IN DIE BOEDEL VAN WYLE JAN HENDRIK MEYER NO 18204/2007 in favour of SARA JANETTA MEYER Identity Number 231125 0040 08 5, unmarried in respect of certain ERF 555 KEMPTON PARK EXTENSION 2 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION I.R/, PROVINCE OF GAUTENG, IN EXTENT 1661(ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE)SQUARE METERS, which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, at PRETORIA within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. SCHUMAN VAN DEN HEEVER & SLABBERT, 32 KEMPTON ROAD KEMPTON PARK, Tel: 0113949960, Fax: 0113941501, Email: [email protected]. t

LOST TITLE DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria, intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Notarial Deed of Cession No. SK 1678/2007S passed by CHRISTOPHER BARNSLEY SAMUEL DAVIS in favour of VINAYAK MAHARAJ, Identity Number 751030 5185 08 5 and REOWNA KUMTHA MAHARAJ, Identity Number 770813 0039 08 5 in respect of certain An Exclusive Use Area described as Parking No U6 measuring 13 (thirteen) square metres, being as such part of the common property, comprising the land and the

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 33 scheme known as SILVER STREAM in respect of the land and building or buildings situated at HALFWAY GARDENS EXTENSION 23 TOWNSHIP, Local Authority: City of Johannesburg, as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No. SS 187/2004, HELD by Notarial Deed of Cession No. SK 1678/2007S which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Gazette. DATED at PRETORIA on this 11 March 2019 REGISTRAR OF DEEDS Vivienne Korzia Attorneys, P O Box 1280, Highlands North, 2037, Tel: 0114402413, Fax: 0118853231, Email: vivienne. [email protected]. t

PEOPLES MORTGAGE LIMITED, APPLICANT and PATRIC MOEKETSI MOTLOUNG - ID NUMBER 720807 5715 08 8 and NKOMOSI RUTH MOTLOUNG ID NUMBER 750917 0444 08 0, RESPONDENTS In re: ERF 45 SEBOKENG UNIT 10 EXT 3 NOTICE BY VIRTUE OF REGULATION 68(11B) OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937(ACT 47 OF 1937) Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of BL 181608 / 2005, registered on 2 December 2005, passed by PATRIC MOEKETSI MOTLOUNG, Identity Number 720807 5715 08 8 and NKOMOSI RUTH MOTLOUNG, Identity Number 750917 0444 08 0, for the amount of R 133 000.00 (One Hundred and Thirty Three Thousand Rand) in favour of PEOPLES MORTGAGE LIMITED (Registration Number 1994/000929/06), in respect of certain ERF 45 Sebokeng Unit 10 Extension 3 Township, Regsitration Division I.Q., Province of Gauteng, in extent 600 (Six Hundred) Square metres, which bond has been lost or destroyed and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PRETORIA, the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after date of the first publication of this notice, being 29 MARCH 2019, this being the first publication. Dated atVEREENIGING on 13 MARCH 2019 DE WET LYELL NEL & MAEYANE ATTORNEYS, 21 LESLIE STREET, VEREENIGING , 1939., Tel: 016 - 4214471, Fax: 0866568014, Email: [email protected].


Case/Application No: 650/19 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, PORT ELIZABETH) In the ex parte application of: LORENZA ROSSI (FIRST APPLICANT) AND JOHAN ALEXANDER HILL (SECOND APPLICANT) and N/A In re: POSTNUPTIAL EXECUTION OF NOTARIAL AGREEMENT IN TERMS OF SECTION 88 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT NO. 47 OF 1937 NOTICE OF MOTION BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that application will be made to the above Honourable Court on Tuesday 16 April 2019 at 09H30, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, ex parte, for an order in the following terms: 1. That the Applicants are given leave to effect the execution and registration of a notarial contract, a draft whereof is annexed to this Notice of Motion and is marked “NOM1” which contract will after registration thereof, regulate their matrimonial property system; 2. That the Registrar of Deeds, King Williams Town, is authorised to register the Notorial Contract referred to in paragraph 1 above; 3. That this order: 3.1 will lapse if the Notarial Contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds, King Williams Town, within three (3) months from the date of granting of this Order; and 3.2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditors of the Applicants as at the date of registration of the Notarial Contract. 4. That the Applicants be granted further and/or alternative relief. BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that the Affidavits of the Applicants, annexed hereto, will be used in support of this application. KINDLY ENROL THE MATTER FOR HEARING ACCORDINGLY. DATED at PORT ELIZABERTH on this 13th day of March 2019. DE VILLIERS INCORPORATED, Attorneys for the Applicants, 165 Cape Road, Mill Park, PORT ELIZABETH. Tel: (041)

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399 3100. Fax: (041) 373 0434. Email: [email protected] TO: THE REGISTRAR HIGH COURT PORT ELIZABETH AND TO: REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, KING WILLIAMS TOWN DE VILLIERS INCORPORATED, 165 CAPE ROAD, MILL PARK, PORT ELIZABETH, Tel: 041-3993100, Fax: 041- 3730434, Email: [email protected].



NOTICE IN TERMS OF SECTION 38 OF THE DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT, 1937 Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I, the Registrar of Deeds at Polokwane intend to issue a Deed of Transfer T157967/2007 passed by: ESKOM HOLDINGS LIMITED, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2002/015527/06 in favour of DREAM QUEST TRADING2 CLOSE CORPORATION, REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2002/047968/23. In respect of certain ERF 493 MARAPONG TOWNHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.Q. LIMPOPO PROVINCE, MEASURING 396 (THREE NINE SIX) SQUARE METRES which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such Certificate are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria within six weeks after the date of the first publication in the Government Gazette. Dated at Lephalale on this 11th day of March 2019. LEWIES & ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 547, LEPHALALE, 0555, TEL: 081 448 2453, REF: JWA LEWIES / avv / D4295. LEWIES & ASSOCIATES, 10 YSKOR STREET, LEPHALALE, 0555, Tel: 081 448 2453, Fax: 0147632102, Email: [email protected]. t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 I, the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS POLOKWANE at LIMPOPO intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer TE92667/1995 dated 31 October 1995 in favour of HLAYANI SAMUEL MABASO, ID. 480424 5421 087, Unmarried in respect of Erf 628 BELA-BELA TOWNSHIP , Measuring: 264 (Two Hundred and Sixty Four) square metres in extent; which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS POLOKWANE at LIMPOPO within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice in the Gazette MACROBERT ATTORNEYS, MACROBERT BUILDING, CORNER JAN SHOBA & JUSTICE MAHOMED STREETS, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA, Tel: 0124253495, Email: [email protected]. t

LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937 I, the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS POLOKWANE at LIMPOPO intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer TE94442/1995 dated 3 November 1995 in favour of HLAYANI SAMUEL MABASO, ID. 480424 5421 087, Unmarried In respect of: Erf 628 BELA-BELA TOWNSHIP, Measuring: 264 (Two Hundred and Sixty Four) square metres in extent; which has been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the REGISTRAR OF DEEDS POLOKWANE at LIMPOPO within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice in the Gazette. MACROBERT ATTORNEYS, MACROBERT BUILDING, CORNER JAN SHOBA & JUSTICE MAHOMED STREETS, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA, Tel: 0124253495, Email: [email protected].


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Case/Application No: 1666/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA (FUNCTIONING AS MPUMALANGA CIRCUIT COURT, MIDDELBURG)) In the matter between: FRANCOIS PETRUS JACOBUS JOHANNES JOUBERT(ID NO: 770326 5071 086), First Applicant and ELSIE JOSINA JOUBERT (PREVIOUSLY HARMSE) (ID NO: 830207 0112 083), Second Applicant and THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, MPUMALANGA, Respondent NOTICE OF APPLICATION Take notice that application will be made in behalf of the First and Second Application on the 15th day of APRIL 2019 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. That leave be and is hereby granter to Francois Petrus Jacobus Johannes Joubert and Elsie Josina Joubert (previously Harmse) to vary their matrimonial property regime from a marriage in community of property to a marriage out of community of property without the application of the accrual system. 2. That Francois Petrus Jacobus Johannes Joubert and Elsie Josina Joubert (previously Harmse) be and are hereby authorized to execute within two (2) months of the date of this order, before a notary public, a notarial contract in the same terms as those set out in annexure “H” to the First Applicant’s founding affidavit. 3. That Francois Petrus Jacobus Johannes Joubert and Elsie Josina Joubert (previously Harmse) are hereby ordered to tender the said contract to registration to the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga, the Respondent herein, within two (2) months of the date of this order. 4. Subject to Francois Petrus Jacobus Johannes Joubert and Elsie Josina Joubert (previously Harmse)’s compliance with paragraphs 2 and 3 hereof, the Registrar of Deeds for the Province of Mpumalanga, the Respondent herein, be and is hereby authorised and directed to register such post-nuptially executed contract, subject to the terms and provisions of the contract, complying with the other requirements of the Deeds Registries Act, Act 47 of 1937. 5. That the rights of creditors shall not be affected by the granting of this order. 6. That there be no costs awarded in favour of the Applicants herein, save in the event of opposition hereto. 7. Granting the First and Second Applicants such further and/or alternative relief as the above Honourable Court may deem necessary and/or appropriate. Take notice further that the accompanying affidavits of the First and Second Applicants annexed to the application will be used in support hereof Take notice further that the Applicants have appointed Riaan Jacobs Attorney, 34 OR Tambo Street, Middelburg, 1050, as their attorney and at the said address they will accept notices and service of all processes in these proceedings. RIAAN JACOBS ATTORNEYS, 34 OR TAMBO STREET, MIDDELBURG, 1050, Tel: 013 243 2359, Fax: 013 243 2471, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: 1666/18 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA (FUNCTIONING AS MPUMALANGA CIRCUIT COURT, MIDDELBURG)) In the matter between: FRANCOIS PETRUS JACOBUS JOHANNES JOUBERT, (ID NO: 770326 5071 086), First Applicant and ELSIE JOSINA JOUBERT ( PREVIOUSLY HARMSE) (ID NO: 830207 0112 083), Second Applicant and THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, MPUMALANGA, Respondent NOTICE OF APPLICATION Take notice that application will be made in behalf of the First and Second Application on the 15th day of APRIL 2019 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard for an order in the following terms: 1. That leave be and is hereby granter to Francois Petrus Jacobus Johannes Joubert and Elsie Josina Joubert (previously Harmse) to vary their matrimonial property regime from a marriage in community of property to a marriage out of community of property without the application of the accrual system. 2. That Francois Petrus Jacobus Johannes Joubert and Elsie Josina Joubert (previously Harmse) be and are hereby authorized to execute within two (2) months of the date of this order, before a notary public, a notarial contract in the same terms as those set out in annexure “H” to the First Applicant’s founding affidavit. 3. That Francois Petrus Jacobus Johannes Joubert and Elsie Josina Joubert (previously Harmse) are hereby ordered to tender the said contract to registration to the Registrar of Deeds, Mpumalanga, the Respondent herein, within two (2) months of the date of this order. 4. Subject to Francois Petrus Jacobus Johannes Joubert and Elsie Josina Joubert (previously Harmse)’s compliance with paragraphs 2 and 3 hereof, the Registrar of Deeds for the Province of Mpumalanga, the Respondent herein, be and is hereby

This gazette is also available free online at 36 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019 authorised and directed to register such post-nuptially executed contract, subject to the terms and provisions of the contract, complying with the other requirements of the Deeds Registries Act, Act 47 of 1937. 5. That the rights of creditors shall not be affected by the granting of this order. 6. That there be no costs awarded in favour of the Applicants herein, save in the event of opposition hereto. 7. Granting the First and Second Applicants such further and/or alternative relief as the above Honourable Court may deem necessary and/or appropriate. Take notice further that the accompanying affidavits of the First and Second Applicants annexed to the application will be used in support hereof Take notice further that the Applicants have appointed Riaan Jacobs Attorney, 34 OR Tambo Street, Middelburg, 1050, as their attorney and at the said address they will accept notices and service of all processes in these proceedings. RIAAN JACOBS ATTORNEYS, 34 OR TAMBO STREET, MIDDELBURG, 1050, Tel: 013 243 2359, Fax: 013 243 2471, Email: [email protected].



IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH WEST DIVISION, MAHIKENG) In the application of: BREDLEY COMLEY, APPLICANT and MEGGIN BRITTANY VENTER, RESPONDENT In re: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR REGISTRATION OF A POST-NUPTIAL CONTRACT APPLICATION FOR THE REGISTRATION OF POST NUPTIAL CONTRACT Notice is hereby given that An Application will be made for the Registration of a Post-Nuptial Contract between: BRADLEY COMLEY (ID NUMBER: 8506075276087) AND MEGGIN BRITTANY VENTER (ID NUMBER: 93020120197083). Presently married in community of property, who wish to register a Post-Nuptial Contract Out of Community of Property and no Community of Profit and Loss between them, which marriage shall be subject to the accrual system in terms of the provision of Chapter 1 of the Matrimonial Act of 1984 (ACT NO. 88 OF 1984) and for purposes of the proof of the Nett Value of their respective Estates, the Spouses declared the Nett Value of their respective Estates at the Commencement of the Marriage to be consisting for R NULL. All persons and Creditors having an objective to the registration of such Post-Nuptial Contract are required to lodge such objection in writing to Maree & Maree Attorneys within 15(fifteen) days of the first publication of this notice, at the contact details set out below. If no objection is received withing 15 working days of first publication, the Application for Registration of a Post- Nuptial contract will be set down for hearing in the Mahikeng High court under case number M125/2019 on Thursday the 25th of April 2019. MAREE & MAREE ATTORNEYS, 11 AGATE AVENUE, RIVIERA PARK, MAHIKENG, 2745, Tel: 0183817495, Email: [email protected]. t

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (NORTH WEST DIVISION, MAHIKENG) In the application of: BREDLEY COMLEY, Applicant and MEGGIN BRITTANY VENTER, Respondent In re: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR REGISTRATION OF A POST-NUPTIAL CONTRACT APPLICATION FOR THE REGISTRATION OF POST NUPTIAL CONTRACT Notice is hereby given that An Application will be made for the Registration of a Post-Nuptial Contract between: BRADLEY COMLEY (ID NUMBER: 8506075276087) AND MEGGIN BRITTANY VENTER (ID NUMBER: 93020120197083). Presently married in community of property, who wish to register a Post-Nuptial Contract Out of Community of Property and no Community of Profit and Loss between them, which marriage shall be subject to the accrual system in terms of the provision of Chapter 1 of the Matrimonial Act of 1984 (ACT NO. 88 OF 1984) and for purposes of the proof of the Nett Value of their respective Estates, the Spouses declared the Nett Value of their respective Estates at the Commencement of the Marriage to be consisting for R NULL. All persons and Creditors having an objective to the registration of such Post-Nuptial Contract are required to lodge such objection in writing to Maree & Maree Attorneys within 15(fifteen) days of the first publication of this notice, at the contact details set out below. If no objection is received withing 15 working days of first publication, the Application for Registration of a Post-Nuptial contract will be set down for hearing in the Mahikeng High court under case number M125/2019 on Thursday the 25th of April 2019. MAREE & MAREE ATTORNEYS, 11 AGATE AVENUE, RIVIERA PARK, MAHIKENG, 2745, Tel: 0183817495, Email: [email protected].


This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 37


Form/Vorm J297


Interested parties are hereby given notice by Masters of the High Court of South Africa that meetings will be held at the places, dates and times specified for the purpose of selecting persons for approval by the respective Masters, as fit and proper to be appointed by them as Executors, or Tutors or Curators as the case may be, in regard to the matters listed below. Particulars for each matter appear in the following order: (1) File number, (2) surname and first names of deceased or minor or curatorship, (3) home address, (4) date of death, (5) place, date and time of meeting. Meeting in a place in which there is a Master’s Office will be held before the Master, elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Belanghebbendes word hiermee deur Meesters van die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika kennis gegee dat byeenkomste op die plekke, datums en tye vermeld, gehou sal word, met die doel om persone te kies vir goedkeuring deur die onderskeie Meesters as geskik om deur hulle na gelang van die geval aangestel te word as Eksekuteurs of Voogde of Kurators, ten opsigte van die gevalle hieronder vermeld. Besonderhede vir elke geval verskyn in die volgorde van: (1) Lêernommer, (2) familienaam en voorname van oorledene of minderjarige of kuratorskap, (3) woonadres, (4) datum van oorlye, (5) plek, datum en tyd van byeenkoms. In `n plek waarin in ‘n kantoor van die Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou en in ander plekke voor die Landros.



Form/Vorm J295


In terms of section 75 of the Administration of Estates Act No. 66 of 1965 (as amended), notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as Curators or Tutors by Masters of the High Court, or of termination of such appointment (their having ceased in their respective capacity) The information is given in the following order: (1) Number of matter; (2) person under curatorship, or minor, and address; (3) curator or tutor; name and address of curator or tutor; (4) whether appointment or termination (cease in capacity), and date; (5) Master of the High Court.


Ingevolge artikel 75 van die Boedelwet No. 66 van 1965 (soos gewysig), word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as kurators of voogde deur Meesters van die Hoë Hof, of van die beëindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van saak; (2) persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en adres; (3) kurator of voog; naam en adres van kurator of voog; (4) of aanstelling of beëindiging daarvan, en datum; (5) Meester van die Hooggeregshof.

This gazette is also available free online at 38 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019


MC20/2010—(2) ABRAHAM BENJAMIN CILLIERS, Curatorship; C3/44 KINGSWOOD VILLAGE, PRETORIA; (3) Curator: ALBERT JOHN VON BERG, EHLERS FAKUDE INC. 3A SUNWOODPARK, GROUND FLOOR, 379 QUEENS CRESCENT, LYNNWOOD; (4) Appointment; 12 March 2019; (5) PRETORIA. MC24/2019—(2) SUSANNA ELIZABETH BONESCHANS, Curatorship; AVENTICO 376 WEST STREET RANDBURG; (3) Curator: GERHARDUS PETRUS BONESCHANS, SOETDORING FARM, PTN 237 HARTEBEESFONTEIN 472 JQ, HEKPOORT; (4) Appointment; 7 March 2019; (5) JOHANNESBURG. MC18266/2002—(2) Jonathan Paul Bonell, Curatorship; C/O Dorbie and Carnary streets, Cottesloe, Johannesburg, 2109; (3) Curator: Margaretha Hanelore Bronkhorst, 87 Frikkie De Beer Street, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0083; (4) Termination; 28 February 2019; (5) Pretoria.



CR20035/2014—(2) LERATO ALICE MOTLOUNG, Curatorship; 3350 Thabong, Lusaka, Witsieshoek; (3) Curator: Masika Mina Modupe, 29A Grey Street, Room 3, Bethlehem; (4) Appointment; 29 March 2019; (5) Bloemfontein. CR2035/2014—(2) LERATO ALICE MOTLOUNG, Curatorship; 3350 Thabong, Lusaka, Witsieshoek; (3) Curator: Masika Mina Modupe, 29A Grey Street, Room 3, Bethlehem; (4) Appointment; 29 March 2019; (5) Bloemfontein.


CR448/2015—(2) Johannes Jacobus Cloete, Curatorship; 27 Albatros Street, Old Stratford, Eersteriver, Western Cape; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (4) Termination; 12 March 2019; (5) Cape Town. CR166/2015—(2) Nancy Leatitia Scheepers, Curatorship; 374 July Maraken Street, Lawaai Kamp, George, Western Cape; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville, 7550; (4) Appointment; 6 March 2019; (5) Cape Town. MC392/2018—(2) Jadah Sade Ndeule Mukundayi, Curatorship; 29 Rosendal Street, Delft, Western Cape; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (4) Appointment; 5 March 2019; (5) Cape Town. MC5/2018—(2) Zenodine Blake, Curatorship; 10 Suiderkruis Street, Pine Place, Eerste River, Western Cape; (3) Curator: Shalene Schreuder, 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville 7550; (4) Appointment; 26 February 2019; (5) Cape Town. CR15/2019—(2) ITA KAVANAGH, Curatorship; BROWN AND ANNIE LAWRENCE HOME, 7 BROADWALK, PINELANDS, CAPE TOWN; (3) Curator: GUNNAR MARTIN DAHL, C/O WALKERS INC, PO BOX 254, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (4) Appointment; 6 March 2019; (5) CAPE TOWN. CR103/2009—(2) WILFRIED FRANZ LUBOWSKI, Curatorship; CONSTANTIA PLACE, SOUTHERN CROSS DRIVE, CONSTANTIA, CAPE TOWN; (3) Curator: CHARL ANDRE THERON, C/O WALKERS INC, PO BOX 254, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (4) Termination; 21 February 2019; (5) CAPE TOWN. CR487/2018—(2) DEMETRY LESLEY DIERGAARDT, Kuratorskap; TULPSTRAAT 8, NUWERUS, 8201; (3) Kurator: SCHALK WILLEM DE WET, 12 SAN DOMENICO, KERKSTRAAT 10, DURBANVILLE, 7550; (4) Aanstelling; 6 Maart 2019; (5) KAAPSTAD. CR566/2018—(2) Jeffrey Sack, Curatorship; 501 Belvedere Flats, Main Road, Three Anchor Bay, 8005; (3) Curator: Roald Hubert Besselaar, c/o Bisset Boemke McBlain, 4th Floor, 45 Buitengracht Street, Cape town; (4) Appointment; 27 February 2019; (5) Cape Town.

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Form/Vorm J193


All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number, (2) surname and christian names, date of birth, identity number, last address; (3) date of death; (4) surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identity number; (5) name and address of executor and authorised agent; (6) period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than 30 days.


Alle persone wat vorderinge teen die onderstaande boedels het, moet dit by die betrokke eksekuteur in dien binne 30 dae (of soos aangedui), van die datum van publikasie hiervan. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Boedelnommer, (2) familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres; (3) datum oorlede; (4) nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; (5) naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent; (6) tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae.


1779/2019—(2) Motale, Martha Junitta, 31 Mei 1956, 5605310766085, 2511 Naledi, Ext 1, Soweto; (3) 11 Julie 2018; (4) Widow -; (5) Neo Happy Motale, 13 Saffierstraat, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp; (6) 30 Dae. 004544/2019—(2) VAN STADEN, HENDRIK JACOBUS, 27 September 1932, 3209275022089, SUIKERBOSOORD DIENSSENTRUM, HEIDELBERG; (3) 23 Januarie 2019; (5) LIEBENBERG MALAN LIEZEL HORN INC, 20 UECKERMANN STREET, HEIDELBERG,1441. -—(2) CARRIM, MOHAMED HUSSIAN, 31 December 1945, 4512315095083, 3 PEBBLES CLOSE, ROCKCLIFF ESTATE, CASHAN, RUSTENBURG; (3) 13 November 2018; (4) NOT APPLICABLE; (5) ZUNAID SALOOJEE ATTORNEYS, 136 FATIMA BHAYAT DRIVE, RUSTENBURG. 2324/2019/DBN—(2) White, Melanie Faye, 20 April 1948, 4804200059088, Fernbrook Estate, 26 Holyfern Road, Inchanga Road, Craigavon, 2021; (3) 14 January 2019; (5) Charles Francis Reid and Janine Rachel Bamber as Nominees of Moore Stephens CJL, P O Box 11800, Marine Parade. 4056; (6) 30. 005302/2019—(2) Van Heerden, Christiaan Hendrik, 23 September 1949, 4909235083084, Reitzstraat 7, Farramere, 1501; (3) 10 Desember 2018; (4) Anna Catharina Van Heerden Van Heerden, 12 Februarie 1954, 5402120130086; (5) Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 2868/2019—(2) SHULMAN, EPHRAIM RAPHAEL, 22 July 1927, 2707225007085, 137 HAZELWOOD, GEORGE AVENUE, GLENSAN, JHB; (3) 7 November 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BEDER-FRIEDLAND INC, 204 ALTERYN, 6 CORLETT DRIVE, ILLOVO, SANDTON. 4740/2019—(2) Coetzee, Gert Abraham, 29 Mei 1946, 4605295024089, Heine Mullerstraat 16, Unitaspark, Vereeniging; (3) 6 Januarie 2019; (4) Marie Coetzee (gebore Crous), 7 Mei 1950; (5) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. 004692/2019—(2) Oosthuizen (Gebore van Huyssteen), Catharina Cornelia, 12 Februarie 1945, 4502120075081, Flapstraat 7, Falcon Ridge, Vereeniging; (3) 10 Januarie 2019; (4) Andries Petrus Cornelius Oosthuizen, 27 April 1943, 4304275078089; (5) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg; (6) 29 Maart 2019. 17572/2011—(2) FOURIE, JOHANNA MARIA, 7 December 1924, 2412070016089, 1171 DEYSEL STREET BOOYSENS PRETORIA; (3) 5 June 2010; (5) JOHANNES CHRISTIAAN DU PLESSIS, RIAAN DU PLESSIS ATTORNEYS P.O. BOX 18398 PRETORIA NORTH 0116; (6) 30. 001385/2019—(2) Hammill, Anthony John, 21 October 1947, 4710215132085, 12 Fourth Avenue, Edenburg, Sandton; (3) 6 September 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291 Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 011309/2018—(2) BALOYI, DEKOSA WILLIE, 6 April 1958, 5804065626082, 403/4 BLOCK M1, KEKANA, GARDENS, HAMMANSKRAAL; (3) 14 July 2018; (4) CATHERINE FLORAH BALOYI, 17 January 1970, 7001170352083; (5) MARIE- LOUISE KRITZINGER, 133 NICOLAS SMIT STREET, MONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP. 002266/2019—(2) Meyer, Anna Catharina Fredrika, 17 Mei 1940, 4005170059088, Pretoria Oos Aftree-Oord, Plaasweg 567, Equestria, 0184; (3) 21 Januarie 2019; (5) Sanlam Trust Beperk, Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 40 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

0000005418/2019—(2) Wood, Maureen Matilda, 15 March 1926, 2603150088085, Cottage 5A, No 58 Fairfield Road The Hill 2197; (3) 3 January 2019; (5) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road Kempton Park 1619. 005573/2019—(2) Rudling, Henry George, 3 January 1927, 2701035016089, 36 Waikiki, Webber Avenue, Horison View, Roodepoort, 1724; (3) 12 January 2019; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (R20962), 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 009647/2018—(2) Mackenzie, Catherine, 20 February 1933, 3302200028188, 47 Monterey 42 Tokai Street Freeway Park Boksburg; (3) 12 May 2018; (5) HJ Dixon, Unit 3 Building 76 Tijger Valley Office Park 4 Pony Street, Tyger Valley Pretoria, 0084. 002526/2019—(2) Niemand, Jacob Johannes Jacobus, 15 December 1939, 3912155023081, 1162 Deysel Street, Booysens, Pretoria; (3) 14 August 2018; (4) Mona Charlotte Niemand, 15 December 1939, 3912155023081; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (N10712), 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 005254/2019—(2) Pretorius, Sonia, 12 February 1951, 5102120046080, 29 Meyer Avenue, Wright Park, Springs, Johannesburg, Gauteng; (3) 10 December 2018; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (P3241), 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 002307/2019—(2) VAN DE MERWE, SUSANNA DIRKIE, 23 September 1935, 3509230057082, 422 MIMOSA STREET DOORNSPOORT; (3) 5 November 2018; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN(NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST), 337 PETROLEUM STREET WATLOO PRETORIA. 005570/2019—(2) Anderson, Cornelia Maria Elizabeth, 19 February 1941, 4102190002089, 1340 Spieelberg Turn, Bergbron Extension 3, Roodepoort, 1709; (3) 3 February 2019; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (A9274), 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 002305/2019—(2) VAN DE MERWE, FRANS JOHANNES, 15 December 1931, 3112155050081, 422 MIMOSA STREET DOORNSPOORT; (3) 18 October 2018; (4) SUSANNA DIRKIE VAN DER MERWE, 23 March 1935, 3509230057082; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN(NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST), 337 PETROLEUM STREET WATLOO PRETORIA. 002501/2019—(2) MULLER, CHRISTIAAN JOHANNES, 5 January 1941, 4101055027082, 12 WEBB STREET, QUEENSWOOD, PRETORIA; (3) 1 February 2019, 5308080100086; (5) GIDEON JOHANNES STANDER, 37 3RD STREET, DELMAS, 2210. 002365/2019—(2) ENSLIN, IVAN, 9 February 1947, 4702095117088, 405 VELDKORNETROOS STREET WOLMER; (3) 6 February 2019; (5) NATASJA ENSLIN, 405 VELDKORNETROOS STREET PRETORIA. 001904/2019—(2) Kubayi, Frederick, 3 July 1949, 4907035615089, Stand 4375 Sinhlenhle Street, Pimville, Zone 4, 1809; (3) 6 April 2000; (4) Olympia Nothemba Mabuwa Kubayi, 10 September 1946, 4609100475080; (5) Antionette Zorka Copo c/o Botha Copo Attorneys, Meyersdal Eco Office Park, Block B, First Floor, Cnr Michelle Avenue and Hennie Alberts Street, Meyersdal; (6) n/a. 004362/2019—(2) Skuce, Johannes Petrus, 12 March 1934, 3403130032084, 12 5de Laan, Welverdiend, 2499; (3) 1 July 2018; (5) Daniel Francois Arnoldus Du Toit, Hillcrest Office Park Cnr Lynnwood & Dyer Road Lynnwood Pretoria 0081; (6) 30. 001988/2019—(2) BOTES (NÉÉ GELDERMAN), MRS JANNIE STEPHANUS NAUDE, 8 August 1940, 4008080029084, 94 OLIVE ROAD, VALHALLA, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) 23 January 2019; (5) MARIE-LOUISE KRITZINGER, 133 NICOLAS SMIT STREET, MONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP. 002061/2019—(2) BEKKER, MARIA ADRIANA BEKKER, 15 June 1952, 5206150008082, 83 MOOILANDE GAUTENG; (3) 20 June 2018; (4) HENDRIK PETRUS BEKKER, 30 June 1950, 5006305024087; (5) HENDRIK PETRUS BEKKER, 83 MOOILANDE GAUTENG. 5139/2019—(2) SAAYMAN, JACOBUS PHILLIPUS PETRUS, 15 February 1972, 7202155049088, McKay Estates, Meyerton; (3) 10 January 2019; (5) ESTHER PETRONELLA MULLER, McKay Estates. 5665/2019—(2) PATTERSON, SACHARIA PETRONELLA, 9 December 1944, 4412090071088, SECTION 6 WESTON PARK, FRIKKIE MEYER BLVD ; (3) 1 January 2018; (4) ALBERT WALTER PATTERSON, 21 November 1939, 3911215081089; (5) ALBERT WALTER PATTERSON, SECTION 6 WESTON PARK FRIKKIE MEYER BLVD VANDERBIJLPARK. 001887/2019—(2) RICHTER, VERNA, 22 August 1926, 2608220021081, SUSAN STRIJDOM RETIREMENT HOME, 116 DOREEN STREET, COLBYN, PRETORIA, 0083; (3) 1 November 2018; (5) ANDRE RICHTER, 385 ERMELO CRESCENT, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA. 004369/2019—(2) La Grange, Pierre, 10 November 1969, 6911105007084, Portion 9 of the Farm Riverside Estate, Tshwane; (3) 31 January 2019; (5) Michael Geoffrey Kidson, 13 Ravenna c/n Blanford Road & Simentler Road, North Riding; (6) 30. 002193/2019—(2) HELMSTEDT, JANET MARGARET, 19 August 1930, 3008190059089, 30 MEYER STREET, OAKLANDS, 2192; (3) 23 December 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) ROBERT OWEN BORRILL, 28A RILEY ROAD, BEDFORDVIEW, 2007. 10652/2007—(2) Ntekola, Veleleni Irene, 25 May 1931, 3105250197088, 14499 Stretford Ext 8; (3) 13 January 2007; (5) Thuso Samuel Ntekola, 7155 Diepkloof Zone 4; (6) 30. 001047/2019—(2) Mottalini, Giuseppina Nadia, 3 February 1945, 4502030372180, Plot 16, 8th Road, Chartwell; (3) 6 October 2018; (5) Louis Gishen & Associates, Gishen House, 58 Peter Place, Bryanston, 2060. 008568/2018—(2) MALATA, KENNETH SENTLANYANE, 28 February 1960, 6002285567087, 1498 KOPANO STREET,DOORNKOP; (3) 29 January 2018; (4) NGWANABORWA SONDY MALATA, 12 October 1968, 6810120528084; (5) SEKATI RALEPELLE ATTORNEYS, OFFICE 6, MOLAPO OFFICE PARK, 245 MOLELE STREET, MOLAPO.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 41

004591/2019—(2) HENDERSON, JOHN NEIL QUINTIN, 5 July 1935, 3507055036082, 42 OYPRESS STREET, NORTHMEAD EXT 4, BENONI; (3) 1 February 2019; (5) MARIA ELIZABETH STRAUSS ID NO. 740521 0069 088 a nominee of Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028; (6) 30. 002068/2019—(2) DE VRIES, MARTIE, 11 February 1962, 6202110117088, 273 PENQUIN CRESCENT, WIERDA PARK, PRETORIA; (3) 23 December 2018; (5) MARIA ELIZABETH STRAUSS ID.NO: 740521 0069 08 8 a nominee of Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P0 Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028; (6) 30. 4715/2019—(2) Vermaak, Petrus Cornelius, 18 October 1947, 4710185177086, 1 Diaz Street, CE4, Vanderbijlpark; (3) 17 October 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg. 5344/2019—(2) Pienaar, Roelof Petrus, 17 Maart 1927, 2703175002085, Huis Hoëveld, Pleinstraat, Albertsville, Johannesburg; (3) 30 Desember 2018; (4) n.v.t. n.v.t.; (5) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg. 020447/2018—(2) Ndivhuwo Constance, Masango, 23 February 1972, 7202230258084, 10151 Makeneng Street, Thokoza, 1426; (3) 12 December 2018; (5) Johann Grobler, PO Box 6721, Westgate, 1734. 002274/2019—(2) Nagel, Hester Willemiena, 7 Januarie 1933, 3301070013080, El-Cheree Tehuis, Braam Pretorius 66, Pretoria, 0082; (3) 27 Desember 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Beperk, Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 5739/2019—(2) MAREE, ANKE, 30 April 1944, 4404300030087, 45 CARVALHO STREET MEYERTON; (3) 20 February 2019; (5) NOLTE INC. ATTORNEYS, ROYAL PALMS BLDNG, 1ST FLOOR, CNR LOCH & PIERNEEF STREET, MEYERTON, 1960. 11498/2018—(2) MACKINNON, GAVIN EDWARD, 20 March 1938, 3803205092087, 1082 CORNELIUS STREET, WELTEVREDENPARK EXT.118; (3) 18 October 2017; (5) GASCOIGNE RANDON & ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 31, EDENVALE, 1610. 1002/2018—(2) ROTHMANN, MAGDALENA ELIZABETH MARIA, 13 Oktober 1956, 5610130049084, GELUK DISTRIK BRITS 0250; (3) 17 Desember 2013; (4) JOHANNES JACOBUS ROTHMANN, 14 Maart 1953, 5303145117084; (5) LOUISA LEE, 60 MAROELAWEG P.O. BOX 922 BRITS 0250. 002078/2019—(2) ERWEE, ALETTA MAGDALENA CECILIA, 21 August 1938, 3808210046085, 19 iITERMAGO STREET, MONUMENTPARK, PRETORIA, 0181; (3) 1 November 2018; (4) ANDRIES JACOBUS ERWEE, 10 August 1937, 3708105019082; (5) PIETER HENDRIKSZ, 25 BRIAN STREET, RIVIERA, PRETORIA,0084. 1002/2018—(2) ROTHMANN, MAGDALENA ELIZABETH MARIA, 13 Oktober 1956, 5610130049084, GELUK DISTRIK BRITS, 0250; (3) 17 Desember 2013; (4) JOHANNES JACOBUS ROTHMANN, 14 Maart 1953, 5303145117084; (5) LOUISA LEE, 60 MAROELAWEG P.O. BOX 922, BRITS, 0250. 4755/2019—(2) PATERSON, BARBARA DOREEN, 30 May 1929, 2905300091186, 15 Tyrone Avenue, Parkview; (3) 29 December 2018; (5) KEITH MELLOR WHITAKER, 7A THE AVENUE, ORCHARDS, 2192. 002030/2019—(2) LOMBAARD, SALOME CHARLOTTA, 8 July 1952, 5207080060086, 38 VALENZE, GALOP STREET, EQUESTRIA, PRETORIA; (3) 21 January 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MARIA ELIZABETH STRAUSS as nominee of Sentinel International Trust (PTY) Ltd., Hazelwood Gate, 14 Oaktree Avenue, Hazelwood, Pretoria, 0081. 004764/2019—(2) Konstantatos, Spyridon, 12 May 1934, 340512, Unit 38 The Manor, 27 Centre Road, Morningside, Sandton, Johannesburg; (3) 11 September 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; (6) 29 March 2019. 004764/2019—(2) Konstantatos, Spyridon, 12 May 1934, 340512, Unit 38 The Manor, 27 Centre Road, Morningside, Sandton, Johannesburg; (3) 11 September 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd, Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; (6) 29 March 2019. 001856/2019—(2) UYS, RACHEL CHARLOTTE, 20 July 1947, 4707200042089, 1034 CUNNINGHAM VILLERIA; (3) 5 November 2018; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN(NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST), 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WATLOO, PRETORIA. 002169/2019—(2) CHENG, FUN JUN, 6 January 1949, 4901060646085, UNIT 34 SERENITY, 1060 CURA ANEVUE, EQUESTRA, 0184; (3) 19 December 2018; (4) KAM CHEUNG CHENG, 14 November 1948, 4811145613085; (5) SANLAM TRUST LTD (MVG), SANLAM TRUST, PRIVATE BAG X137, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. 2422/2017—(2) BAMBO, PULEDI FARNS, 23 June 1973, 7306235369083, 28259 PITSO STREET, MAMELODI EAST, EXTENTION 5; (3) 30 January 2017; (4) MAHLAKO THANDIWE BAMBO, 23 July 1976, 7607230310083; (5) Stegmanns Incorporated, Stegmanns Incorporated, PO Box 344, Pretoria, 0001. 2092/2019—(2) Bezuidenhout, Maria Petronella Magrietha Susanna, 24 Julie 1931, 3107240038083, Huis Herman, Genl de Wetstraat, Pretoria -Noord; (3) 5 Januarie 2019; (5) Philippus Jacobus van Zyl as gnomineerde van Ou Mutual Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 512/2019—(2) PHOKANE, SELLO ROBBY, 2 April 1961, 6104025556089, 1275 INYATHI STREET ,MAMELODI EAST ,EXTENTION 2; (3) 23 August 2018; (4) ANNE REGINA PHOKANE, 18 May 1967, 6705180240085; (5) Stegmanns Incorporated, Stegmanns Incorporated, PO Box 344, Pretoria, 0001. 2392/19—(2) MOROKE, MATHLHODI FRANCINA, 16 December 1945, 4512160594081, 20RAMMALA STREET ATTERIDGEVILLE PRETORIA; (3) 30 October 2018; (4) TLHANJI STEPHEN MOROKE, 26 June 1944, 4406265477088; (5) DIBAKWANE ATTORNEYS, 416 KLIPGAT MAIN ROAD DLO BUILDING KLIPGAT 0202. 000678/2019—(2) Cox, Sarah Elizabeth, 11 Junie 1952, 5206110008081, Buffaloweg 254, Hennopspark Uitbreiding 5, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; (3) 13 Januarie 2019; (5) Joachim Frederick de Beer, NJ van der Merwe Singel 15, , 1947.

This gazette is also available free online at 42 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

002361 /2019—(2) MATTHYS, FREDERICK ALBERTUS, 17 Oktober 1958, 5810175011086, 266 WILLIE SWART AVENUE, EERSTERUST, PRETORIA; (3) 10 November 2018; (4) PENOLOPEY VENESCA MATTHYS, 9 April 1977, 7704090186081; (5) PTA BOEDELS, POSBUS 14341 SINOVILLE 0129; (6) 30 DAYS. 2572/2018—(2) Mokgala, Jejuda Frank, 31 May 1951, 5105315508087, 1263 TEMBISA EXT 4, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) 8 February 2018; (4) Busisiwe Letta Mokgala, 12 July 1958, 5807120858082; (5) Mashamaite MR Attorneys Inc., 241 Sophie de Bruyn Street, Office 206 Olivetti House, Pretoria. 028477/2014—(2) Ndou, Azwifaneli Reginald, 13 August 1958, 5808135235084, 21 Redwood Street, Protea Glen Extension 12; (3) 23 May 2014; (4) Raisibe Annikie Ndou, 4 March 1967, 6703040785084; (5) Raisibe Annikie Ndou, 21 Redwood Street, Protea Glen Extension 12; (6) 29. 2426/2019—(2) Steenekamp, Alewina Virginia Euphemia, 8 Augustus 1922, 2208080001081, Kronendal Ouetehuis, Pretorius Straat 650, Arcadia, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) 25 Desember 2018; (5) Christiaan de Wet, Eerste Vloer, Blok 3, Orwell Park, 4 Orwell Rylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, Gauteng. 22161/2015—(2) Verster, Johann, 21 December 1964, 6412215190084, 21 Lucille Street, Risiville, Vereeniging, 1939; (3) 17 October 2014; (4) Vanessa Verster, 14 September 1965, 6509140038088; (5) Hurter Spies Incorporated, 1st Floor, Afriforum Building, Cnr of DF Malan- and Union Avenue, Kloofsig. 002499/2019—(2) Kempen, Ignatius Cornelius, 7 March 1933, 3303075059084, 169 Springbok Street, Wierdapark; (3) 11 November 2018; (5) Cathrina Maria Kempen, 169 Springbok Street, Wierdapark. 004061/2019—(2) Tladi, Anna Dorah, 15 November 1952, 5211155275082, 10688 Mapheleba Street, Kwa-Thema; (3) 19 September 2018; (4) Anna Dorah Tladi, 1 July 1949, 4907010463083; (5) Ndzondo Kunene Mosea inc, Suite 210, 1st Floor Bophelong Centre Building, 4th Street Springs 1560; (6) 30. 002307/2019—(2) Mbili, Bongekile Carol, 7 May 1955, 5505070749083, 20 Oakdale Randa Road Craigavan , Fourways; (3) 7 October 2018; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 1419/2019—(2) Mohlakoane, Moleleki Koos, 27 February 1950, 5002275655083, 119 Smuts Street, Kaydale Agricultural Holdings, Nigel; (3) 24 July 2018; (4) Nthabiseng Maria Mohlakoane, 6 December 1954, 5412060379080; (5) Shakera Timol Attorneys, 1 Simla Street, Heidelberg, Gauteng, 1441. 010602/2018—(2) SYLVANUS, ARTHUR, 26 November 1955, 5511265084088, 74 CHAUCER AVENUE, WITPOORTJIE, ROODEPOORT; (3) 17 September 2018; (4) PADMINI SYLVANUS, 17 September 1960, 6009170149087; (5) DELIA KRUGER ATTORNEYS, 92 TOTIOUS ROAD, POORTVIEW, ROODEPOOORT. 005030/2019—(2) Stassen, Nicola Barendina, 25 Junie 1945, 4506250052083, 16 Morgan Road, Morgan Ridge, Gauteng; (3) 27 Desember 2018; (4) James Willem Stassen, 19 Desember 1945, 4512195064084; (5) Nicoline Schnetler Attorneys, PO Box 25629, Gezina, 0031. 4134/2014—(2) DE JAGER, MARIA OCTAVIA DA CUNHA, 22 July 1928, 2807220035188, 11 SOUTH STREET BELLEVUE EAST JOHANNESBURG; (3) 8 November 2013; (5) SALGADO INC., 2ND FLOOR VASCO DA GAMA HOUSE , 26 ENERST OPPENHEIMER AVE , BRUMA LAKE , JOHANNESBURG.. 004017/2019—(2) NUNES, ANTONIO GOMES, 17 May 1939, 3905175136081, 16 AVIGNON DE PROVENCE, 42 FRICKER ROAD, ILLOVO, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 9 November 2017; (4) MARIA FATIMA NUNES, 4 September 1948, 4809040101081; (5) MARIA FATIMA NUNES AND GEORGE WOLFE AS NOMINEE OF GEORGE WOLFE ATTORNEYS, 7A THE AVENUE, ORCHARDS, JOHANNESBURG, 2192. 012885/2018—(2) SCHIMKE, FRIEDEL LOTHAR HELMUT, 15 January 1940, 4001155021185, MEARA ROAD, QUEENSWOOD, PRETORIA; (3) 6 August 2018; (5) BLUETT MAASDORP ATTORNEYS, C/O BLUETT MAASDORP ATTORNEYS,1st FLOOR, THE ADDERLEY, 31 ADDERLEY STREET, CAPE TOWN. 0000001822/2019—(2) Maartens, Elisabeth Yakoba Petronella, 27 Maart 1934, 3403270044087, Ebenhaeser 311 Anna Wilson Straat, Kilner Park, Pretoria, 0186; (3) 15 November 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Ingelyf nomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk, Heidelaan 11, Kempton Park, 1619. 2442/2019—(2) JANSE VAN VUUREN, FOLKERS JOHANNES PETRUS, 20 Mei 1935, 3505205027084, SUNRISELAAN 9, MAROELANA, , 0081; (3) 3 Desember 2018; (4) ELIZABETH DORETHEA JANSE VAN VUUREN, 2 Julie 1935, 3507020006087; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 003950/2016—(2) Mathebula, Kokosana Paulina, 12 February 1953, 5302120679084, 2015 Section G, Mamelodi West, 0122; (3) 6 March 2016; (4) Willie Lucas Mathebula, 12 January 1948, 4801125561081; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 002434/2019—(2) MGIDI, KHETHIWE ISAYA, 10 Januarie 1935, 3501105130086, 61 CHAUKE STREET, SAULSVILLE 0008; (3) 14 Januarie 2019; (4) MANKGWANE HENDRICA MGIDI, 31 Oktober 1949, 4910310555087; (5) Daniel Stefanus Pelser as Authorised Agent, Ingplan House Suit 4, Sussex Ave, Lynnwood, Pretoria. 4523/2019—(2) JOUBERT, GILLIAN MARY, 19 April 1937, 3704190065080, 3 SIXTH STREET ORANGE GROVE; (3) 17 January 2019; (5) FRANCOIS BOTHA JOUBERT C/O GEYSER ATTORNEYS, 24 ATHLONE AVENUE DALVIEW BRAKPAN. 5252/2019—(2) CHRISTIE, WILLIAM RALPH, 15 September 1929, 2909155065089, 5 SETT STREET, BOKSBURG WEST, BOKSBURG, 1459; (3) 29 January 2018; (5) MARTHINUS CHRISTOFFEL BARNARD, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 002702/2019—(2) BACCHUS, JOAN, 16 December 1928, 2812160013187, 47 MUMFORD STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK, 1911; (3) 18 January 2019; (5) Philip Bacchus, PO Box 4863, VANDERBIJLPARK, 1900. 001632/2019—(2) MEMBA, TELE ELIZABETH MERIAM, 7 February 1947, 4702070244089, 16 FREDERICK STREET, AQUAR PARK, TZANEEN, 0850; (3) 24 June 2018; (4) BROWN SERANGA MEMBA, 3 February 1942, 4202035617081; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 43

006262/2018—(2) Coward, Norma Elaine, 13 March 1941, 4103130062084, 48 Fransch Hoek Drive, Oakdene, Johannesburg South, 2190; (3) 3 April 2002; (4) James Gower Coward, 13 September 1936, 3609135070089; (5) AED Attorneys, 289 Ontdekkers Road, Carenvale, Roodepoort, 1724; (6) 30 days. 001357/2019—(2) SMOOK, ELIZABETH PETRONELLA, 14 Desember 1923, 2312140056083, PANORAMA PARK AFTREE- OORD, KLERKSDORP, , 2571; (3) 14 Januarie 2019; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 014630/2017—(2) GOUNDER, VEERAMALL, 28 March 1939, 3903280097082, FLAT 3, VILLAGE TERRACE, LOUISE STREET,DEL JUDOR, WITBANK. 1034; (3) 1 July 2017; (4) NA; (5) THAMANTHI GOVENDER, 138 HIMILAYA STREET, LAUDUIM, PRETORIA, 0001. 003640/2019—(2) HEYES, ANNE MARIE DESIREE SIMONE, 18 November 1936, 3611180099187, 6 CRYSTAL GLEN, ELSIE ROAD, RADIOKOP, EXTENSION 29, ROODEPOORT, GAUTENG; (3) 9 November 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) NEIL LINDSAY KNIGHT, 58 ST ANDREWS DRIVE, DURBAN NORTH, 4051. 355/2019—(2) BEYL, BELINDA WENDY, 25 April 1971, 7104250212084, KOMPANJESTRAAT 10, QUELLERIEPARK, KRUGERSDORP; (3) 8 November 2018; (4) VAUGHAN BEYL, 21 Junie 1968, 6806215224084; (5) H J MOLLER, POSBUS 2902, WILROPARK 1731; (6) 30. 336/2019—(2) JOOSTE, HENRY DE WET, 23 Julie 1956, 5607235221089, R127B MCLEANSTRAAT, WESTVILLAGE, KRUGERSDORP; (3) 18 Oktober 2018; (5) WA GRAY, CLIFFORDWEG 9, CHANCLIFF, KRUGERSDORP; (6) 30. 002362/2019—(2) So, Siu Hei, 17 August 1951, 5108175652185, 659 Vaalkop Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0043; (3) 24 December 2018; (4) Chui Han Kwok, 27 July 1954, 5407270938188; (5) AED Attorneys, 289 Ontdekkers Road, Carenvale, Roodepoort, 1724; (6) 30 days. 026601/2011—(2) MABOKA, SELLO ALFRED, 16 June 1940, 4006165629083, 399A KENANG STREET, ZONE 3 MEADOWLANDS; (3) 22 November 2015; (5) MITCHELLE TENDAI MSINDO, 25 PASCOE AVENUE, KEMPTON PARK 1619; (6) 30. 004517/2019—(2) FAKIR, Jasmita Nagin, 22 December 1968, 6812220135083, 61 Louiseway, KELVIN, 2090; (3) 24 January 2019; (4) Premanand Dheda Fakir, 13 February 1952, 5202135695085; (5) Premanand Dheda Fakir, 61 Louiseway, Kelvin, 2090; (6) N/A. 009516/20188—(2) MASANGO, THOKO SANNA MASANGO, 1 January 1948, 4801011805089, 15 MBUZI STREET, ECALENI; (3) 30 July 2005; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SIPHO AMOS MASANGU, 15 MBUZI STREET, ECALENI; (6) 30. 005177/2019—(2) MABUNDA, HLAMALANI SINAH, 1 May 1957, 5705010370087, 4273 FLORENCE MOPHOSHO STREET, TEMBISA EXT 11; (3) 23 June 1996; (5) ALFRED MABUNDA, 4273 FLORENCE MOPHOSHO STREET, TEMBISA EXT 11; (6) 30. 002165/2016—(2) STASSEN, ANNA DOROTHEA WILHEMINA, 14 November 1937, 3711140073080, 11 SPEKBOOM STREET, KEMPTON PARK EXT 4; (3) 22 November 2015; (5) MITCHELLE TENDAI MSINDO, 25 PASCOE AVENUE, KEMPTON PARK, 1619; (6) 30. 000110/2017—(2) MASANGU, PHEFENI THOMAS MASANGU, 13 November 1940, 4011135356080, 15 MBUZI STREET, ECALENI; (3) 6 December 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SIPHO AMOS MASANGU, 15 MBUZI STREET, ECALENI; (6) 30. 005911/2019—(2) HENRIQUES, ZITA CONCEICAO ABREU, 27 May 1935, 3505270222180, 839 BRIDAL VEIL CRESCENT, LITTLE FALLS EXT 1, ROODEPOORT, 1724; (3) 8 January 2019; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA. 005914/2019—(2) HAMILTON, OCKERT ANDRIES, 26 Junie 1953, 5306265055083, FLIP BOTHA SIRKEL 1, STRUBENVALE, , 1559; (3) 9 Desember 2018; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 005919/2019—(2) FOURIE, DANIEL ANDRIES, 13 September 1953, 5309135139087, VYFDESTRAAT 22A, MARAISBURG, JOHANNESBURG, 1709; (3) 24 Oktober 2018; (4) GERTINA ADRIANA FOURIE, 22 Desember 1946, 4612220077083; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA. 005923/2019—(2) FUNCK, LORNA SHEILA, 18 May 1923, 2305180010085, 73 QUEEN STREET, BETHAY HOME, BRAKPAN, 1541; (3) 15 October 2018; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA. 002851/2019—(2) CHOONARA, VEREDA, 27 October 1950, 5010270751088, 11509 BERILLIUM CIRCLE, EXTENSION 13, LENASIA; (3) 18 March 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) SHENAAZ DANGOR, 11509 BERILLIUM CIRCLE, EXTENSION 13, LENASIA; (6) 30 DAYS. 005698/2019—(2) HIRSCHOWITZ, DAVID CLIVE, 30 May 1962, 6205305112087, c/o RAPEPORT AND ASSOCIATES 107 OXFORD ROAD ROSEBANK; (3) 30 January 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) RAYMOND HACK, RAPEPORT AND ASSOCIATES 107 OXFORD ROAD ROSEBANK 2198 REF: MR R HACK; (6) N/A. 004464/2019—(2) OLLERHEAD, GLENYS NINA WYMARK, 1 June 1946, 4606010065084, UNIT C2, 5 ROSEWALK STREET, ROSEWALK GARDENS, HURLPARK, SANDTON; (3) 8 January 2019; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 005693/2019—(2) BERGH, NOELINE PATRICIA, 16 May 1940, 4009160142086, c/o RAPEPORT AND ASSOCIATES 107 OXFORD ROAD ROSEBANK; (3) 10 February 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) RAYMOND HACK, RAPEPORT AND ASSOCIATES 107 OXFORD ROAD ROSEBANK 2198 REF: MR R HACK; (6) N/A. 016501/2019—(2) SITHOLE, LERATO CHARMAINE, 9 June 1974, 7406090368087, 1010 PULA STREET, SILUMA VIEW; (3) 26 November 2017; (5) HLALELENI KATHLEEN DLEPU, 116 ROAD , NO.3 HOMESTEAD APLE ORCHARDS, WALKERVILLE.

This gazette is also available free online at 44 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

004453/2019—(2) SWART, JOHANNA CHRISTINA ISABELLA, 16 May 1938, 3805160015086, 45 BOEKENHOUT STREET, BIRCHLEIGH, KEMPTON PARK, 1618; (3) 16 January 2019; (4) STEYN SWART, 15 June 1934, 3406155047000; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 4346/2019—(2) Horn, Barend Johannes Petrus, 22 September 1944, 4409225115087, 25 Roets street , Rensburg , Heidelberg , 1441; (3) 15 December 2018; (5) Sonnekus Attorneys, 59 HF Verwoerd street , Heidelberg ,1438. 002109/2019—(2) VAN WYK, PAUL LODEWYK, 2 Julie 1940, 4007025037087, 658 STASIE AVENUE, PRETORIA NORTH; (3) 29 Januarie 2019; (4) ANNA MARIA VAN WYK, 21 Julie 1943, 4307210024084; (5) WEAVIND & WEAVIND INC., P O BOX 34, PRETORIA, 0001. 25596/2018—(2) DA SILVA, ROBERTO CARLOS, 7 May 1975, 7505075179086, 36 OUDEBERG ROAD, BASSONIA, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG, 2190; (3) 17 October 2018; (4) CINDY LEIGH DA SILVA, 12 March 1980, 8003120267089; (5) CINDY LEIGH DA SILVA, 36 OUDEBERG ROAD, BASSONIA, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG, 2190; (6) Thirty Days. 3360/2019—(2) TREDOUX, EDWARD CHARLES, 23 May 1945, 4505235026089, 6 PARC DE CHARNE, 76 ST AUBYN ROAD, NEW REDRUTH, ALBERTON; (3) 21 October 2018; (4) GAYLYN ELIZABETH TREDOUX, 1 July 1948, 4807010035081; (5) LAUREN ROSE HEAN, POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801. 003987/2019—(2) NXUMALO, NOMATHEMBA JOYCE, 14 November 1952, 5211140441088, 7 UMTHOLO STREET, BIRCH ACRES EXT 24; (3) 21 February 2003; (4) NKOSINATHI EMMANUEL NXUMALO, 3 March 1960, 6003035752086; (5) EMMANUEL NKOSINATHI NXUMALO, 7 UMTHOLO STREET, BIRCH ACRES EXT 24; (6) 30. 22773/2018—(2) Jooste, Catharina Helena, 30 June 1959, 5906300031088, Berthahof 11, Groblersrus, Roodepoort; (3) 22 August 2018; (5) Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 17, Pinegowrie, 2123; (6) 30. 018036/2018—(2) MASEKO, VELI DAVID, 20 February 1928, 2802205220087, 919 MAPETLA TOWNSHIP, SOWETO; (3) 21 September 2017; (5) SYDNEY MASEKO, RO SOWETO, 917 MAPETLA, 1818. 26875/2018—(2) Weyers, Johannes Hendrik Pieter Weyers, 13 January 1947, 4701135032083, 18 Mount Joy, Operalaan, Radio Kop, Roodepoort; (3) 30 June 2017; (4) Johanna Christina Weyers, 7 August 1949, 4908070018080; (5) Jaco Burmeister as nominee of Lubbes Trust Pty Ltd, 20 Tecomaria street, Montana. 020710/2017—(2) Ngwenya, Thandekile Joyce, 16 August 1940, 4008160337084, 174A, Mnguni Street, Zone 5, Meadowlands; (3) 26 April 2016; (5) Iréne Marléne Welling-Bekker, Jurgens Bekker Attorneys, 22 Plantation Road, Oriel, Bedfordview; (6) 30. 028829/2016—(2) Levinson, Eleanor, 10 March 1940, 4003100068089, 106 Houghton Gardens 59 Davendish Street Yeoville Johannesburg; (3) 25 June 2016; (5) Ian Levinson, c/o 207 Tuscan Estates Van Heerden Street Libradene Boksburg 1459; (6) 30. 014310/2017—(2) POTGIETER, HENDRINA BARENDINA PIETRONELLA, 6 April 1935, 3504060007083, CHAMBORD FLATS LA MONTAGNE PRETORIA; (3) 23 June 2017; (5) BEZUIDENHOUT VAN DER MERWE ATTORNEYS, NO 6 KIKUYU STREET, SUNNINGHILL. 005921/2019—(2) BEKKER, DALINA GERTINA, 5 Mei 1948, 4805050112083, HESTERSTRAAT 3, DEL JUDOR UIT 4, , 1034; (3) 24 September 2018; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 20269/2016—(2) SALTZ, JOAN, 26 August 1922, 2208260042087, 334 PEMBURY, CATHERINE STREET, SANDTON, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 8 April 2016; (5) Michael Dansky, 3rd Floor, Framework House, 4 Boundary Road, Rouxville, Johannesburg. 002467/2019—(2) SITHOLE, MAVUNDLA ISAAC, 20 July 1954, 5407205718085, 36 RETREAT STREET, ALABAMA, KLERKSDORP, NORTH WEST PROVINCE; (3) 2 December 2015; (4) SITHOLE NOMZAMO DINAH, 8 June 1955, 5506080759088; (5) TLOU MOKGOHLOA, 151 COMMISSIONER STREET, FLOOR 6, SUITE 611, KLAMSON TOWERS, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 013205/2018—(2) WHATHY, OKUHLE, 2 February 1993, 9302245583084, 688/36 BLOCK M, SOSHANGUVE, 0152; (3) 2 December 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) LUCAS LUCKY WHATHY, 688/36 BLOCK M, SOSHANGUVE, 0152. 004500/2019—(2) GANGAT, NOORJAHA, 24 October 1952, 5210240081083, 10 Brookes Road, Robertsham, Johannesburg.; (3) 4 October 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MN HOOSEN ATTORNEYS, P.O.BOX 1907, SOUTHDALE 2135.; (6) 30 Days. 005290/2019—(2) SMITH, NORMA, 22 June 1934, 3406220082180, 15 VILLA DI CASTELLO, 7 THE CLOSE STREET, SUNNINGHILL, JOHANNESBURG, 2191; (3) 17 January 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) CARL ROLF FAGELUND-GJERSOE, UNIT 16 SUNNINGHILL OFFICE PARK, 4 PELTIER DRIVE, SUNNINGHILL; (6) N/A. 027003/2018—(2) MOFOKENG, NONTUTHUZELO WINNIFRED, 1 June 1940, 4006010332081, 599 MOSEU STREET KATLEHONG; (3) 24 November 2017; (4) NTITANE JOSEPH MOFOKENG, 25 December 2041, 4112255474081; (5) THEART MEY RAMABULANA INC., 82 CHARL CILLIERS AVENUE ALBERTON NORTH. 005526/2019—(2) Rowell, Brenda Merle, 11 April 1952, 5204110200089, 22 Jarra Street, Sharonlea, Randburg, 2158; (3) 3 February 2019; (4) Kenneth Andrew Rowell, 11 December 1957, 5712115224086; (5) AED Attorneys, 289 Ontdekkers Road, Carenvale, Roodepoort, 1724; (6) 30 days. 001435/2019—(2) Van Graan, Marie Louise, 6 July 1943, 4307060054082, 17 Phillips Beyers Park Ext 7; (3) 31 October 2018; (5) Ellen Julia Nel, 2nd Floor, Rosebank Corner, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Parktown North, 2193; (6) 30. 4228/2019—(2) Bergh, Candice Leigh, 24 May 1987, 8705240032082, 7 Villa Linda, Morris Street East, Woodmead, Gauteng; (3) 1 December 2018; (5) Angela Theresa Bergh, 19 Riley Road, Bedfordview, Gauteng. 026880/2018—(2) MOFOKENG, NTITANE JOSEPH, 25 December 1941, 4112255474081, 599 MOSEU STREET KATLEHONG; (3) 19 August 2018; (5) THEART MEY RAMABULANA INC., 82 CHARL CILLIERS AVENUE ALBERTON NORTH.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 45

5880/2019—(2) Sab, Fathima, 29 April 1960, 6004290014089, 838 Surtee Street, Actonville, Extension 3, Benoni, 1501; (3) 6 January 2019; (5) Lagarto Bhana Attorneys, 676 Trichardts Road, Beyers Park, Boksburg, 1459. 5881/2019—(2) Johnson, Marlene, 13 August 1980, 8008130047082, 32 Hartley Street, Rynfield, Benoni, 1501; (3) 24 January 2019; (5) Lagarto Bhana Attorneys, 676 Trichardts Road, Beyers Park, Boksburg, 1459. 5877/2019—(2) Rowles, Arthur De Villiers, 20 May 1939, 3905205026088, 7 Brandwacht Road, Eastvale, Springs; (3) 4 February 2019; (5) Lagarto Bhana Attorneys, 676 Trichardts Road, Beyers Park, Boksburg, 1459. 003852/2019—(2) POTGIETER, CATHARINA HENDRINA, 12 December 1929, 2912120010081, 182 GUM STREET, BREDELL, BENONI, 1623; (3) 4 October 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, Sanlam Trust, Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; (6) 30. 005979/2019—(2) Chetty, Narasimuloo, 17 October 1949, 4910175200084, 4231 Simonberg Street, Extension 4, Lenasia South; (3) 12 December 2018; (4) Angamma Chetty, 11 July 1954, 5407110194083; (5) Franco Jacques De Wet, The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; (6) N/A. 005929/2019—(2) PRINSLOO, MAGRIETHA GERTRUIDA, 15 November 1951, 5111150055085, HILLSLAAN 8, DALVIEW, , 1541; (3) 1 February 2019; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 002529/2019—(2) SWART, ELIZABETH CATHARINA, 1 Julie 1923, 2307010060082, OLIVEWEG 121, VALHALLA, , 0185; (3) 22 Januarie 2019; (5) SYLVIA NOKUTHULA MASIMULA, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 005160/2019—(2) LUCAS, BRIAN DAVID, 9 December 1957, 571209115080, UNIT 29 BUSHY PARK RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 7 LAWRENCE ROAD, HONEYDEW MANOR, 2170; (3) 16 February 2019; (4) VERA YVONNE LUCAS, 15 May 1959, 5905150013089; (5) MICHAEL HODGSON, 64 LAWRENCE ROAD, POORTVIEW, ROODEPOORT, 1724. 002406/2019—(2) Naidoo, Veni, 14 August 1973, 7308140021080, 211 Side Road, Lyndhurst, Johannesburg, 2192; (3) 18 December 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 003565/2019—(2) NCUBE, LEADER, 15 September 1966, 6609155272182, 84 Market Street, Old National Bank Building Johannesburg; (3) 5 November 2017; (4) JOANA NDLOVU, 8 April 1963, FN854699; (5) BRIAN KUFAHAKUTIZWI, 84 MARKET STREET, OLD NATIONAL BANK BUILDING JOHANNESBURG. 4308/2019—(2) Graham, Kerry Anne, 17 April 1970, 7004170374081, 5 Minnesota, emily hobhouse Road, Wilgeheuwel; (3) 26 November 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 4308/2019—(2) Graham, Kerry Anne, 17 April 1970, 7004170374081, 5 Minnesota, emily hobhouse Road, Wilgeheuwel; (3) 26 November 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, PO Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 013584/2018—(2) SNIJDERS, ANTHONIE JOHANNES, 3 July 1932, 3207035021086, 8 DENNEHOEK, 66 JACOBSONLAAN, LYNNWOOD RIDGE, 0081; (3) 12 October 2018; (4) ASA SNIJDERS, 24 December 1937, 3712240086088; (5) RENETTE LEATHERN, 274 DOUGALL STREET, MUCKLENEUK, PRETORIA,0002. 5575/2019—(2) KRUGER, CHRISTOFFEL JACOBUS, 23 August 1929, 2908235036086, 20 CASMAARTENS, COSMOS, , 1944; (3) 30 October 2018; (5) CHRISTIAAN DAWID JANEKE, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 014882/2017—(2) MKENTANE, MAKEPEACE XOLISA, 13 June 1949, 4906135691081, 37 CANARY DEN STREET, PROTEA GLEN, EXT 13; (3) 13 October 2016; (4) KOLEKA CORNELIA MKENTANE, 29 October 1953, 5310290682085; (5) TLT ATTORNEYS INC, SUITE 203, 2ND FLOOR, BLOCK A, CRESTA JUNCTION, RANDBURG; (6) 30 DAYS. 023312/2016—(2) Xulu, David Mthokozisi, 27 March 1963, 6303275611087, 65 Augrabies Avenue, Leachville, Extension 1; (3) 13 August 2016; (4) Blossom Phumla Manxeba, 26 June 1959, 5906260756088; (5) Thabang Mashigo Attorneys Incorporated, 15 Corner Rothsay & Bedford Street, Lorna Court Building, Office number 7, Benoni. 4723/2019—(2) COMBRINK, HENDRIK STEPHANUS, 2 February 1937, 3702025001080, 40 ARDENWOLD LOCHVAAL VANDERBIJLPARK 1900; (3) 26 January 2019; (4) REBEKKA COMBRINK, 18 January 1957, 5701180034082; (5) LOUIS DANIEL MARTHINUS STROEBEL, 6 NJ VAN DER MERWE CRESCENT SASOLBURG 1947. 012603/2018—(2) Gobind, Ambikadevi, 16 August 1947, 4708160068080, 492 Brown Street, Laudium, Pretoria, 0037; (3) 22 July 2016; (4) Rabikissoon Gobind, 11 February 1950, 5002115093081; (5) Godfried JJ Kotze, 291 Sprite Avenue, Menlyn Woods Office Park, Faerie Glen, 0181. 000982/19—(2) NONYANA, MZAMANE JOHANNES, 1 March 1937, 3703015257088, 05657 PIMVILLE, SOWETO; (3) 26 September 2018; (4) NEVER MARRIED; (5) THATO MOTSOALEDI, 162 TALAVER ESTATE, INCGANGA RD, FOURWAYS. 002528/2019—(2) NELL, JOHN JOHANNES FRANCOIS, 5 May 1933, 3305055008080, 303 EBENHAESER TUISTE OLD AGE, 211 ANNA WILSON STREET, PRETORIA, KILNER PARK X1, 0186; (3) 11 February 2019; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 26469/2014—(2) KGANYAGO, REINETH RAMOKONE, 15 December 1972, 7212151213083, 1 SCHALK SWARTS STREET, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; (3) 15 March 2014; (5) GERRIT VAN DEN BURG, BLOCK C, EQUITY PARK, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN. 003837/2019—(2) KYSTER, BRANDON DILLION, 13 February 1979, 7902135050086, 19 GAIL ROAD, BOKSBURG, 1459; (3) 27 November 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PGL TRUSTEES, 85 DOREEN STREET, COLBYN, 0083. 005828/2019—(2) PHILIP, MAYANDREN JOHN YESUDAS PHILIP, 17 March 1973, 7303175254086, 204 HULLEY STREET WITPOORTJIE GAUTENG 1724; (3) 8 November 2018; (4) ALANA PHILIP, 14 June 1982, 8206140256087; (5) NAIKER-MAHLANGU ATTORNEYS, SUITE 8, 2ND FLOOR, 2 HOOD AVENUE, ROSEBANK, JOHANNESBURG. 001146/2019—(2) Selepe (Masilo), Josephine Nketso, 6 December 1965, 6512060933080, Stand 1561 Soshanguve Pretoria 0152; (3) 23 July 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 11805/2018—(2) Kruger, Johan, 1 February 1932, 3202015017089, C2/14 Kingswood Village, 317 Gay Street, Pretoria, 0180; (3) 3 October 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102.

This gazette is also available free online at 46 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

001743/2019—(2) BURGER, KAREL, 12 Julie 1936, 3607125024082, 1 EERSTE LAAN, NR 27 DIAMANTPARK, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT,1020; (3) 28 Januarie 2019; (4) MARTIENA JOHANNA BURGER, 13 November 1937, 3711130025082; (5) PETRUS F BURGER, POSBUS 53545, WIERDAPARK,0149. 2202/2019—(2) Van der Merwe, Jan Adriaan, 19 April 1921, 2104195008089, No 12 Holmes, Pretoria , 0137; (3) 4 February 2019; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 003825/2019—(2) De Faria, Maria Patrocinio, 30 November 1936, 3611300023182, 137 Elston Avenue, Benoni, Gauteng; (3) 16 January 2019; (4) Domingos Luis De Faria, 23 September 1934, 3409235050184; (5) Teresa Rowe, 4 Tugela Road, Farrarmere, Benoni, Gauteng. 355/2019—(2) BEYL, BELINDA WENDY, 25 April 1971, 7104250212084, KOMPANJESTRAAT 10, QUELLERIEPARK, KRUGERSDORP; (3) 8 November 2018; (4) VAUGHAN BEYL, 21 Junie 1968, 6806215224084; (5) H J MOLLER, POSBUS 2902, WILROPARK 1731; (6) 30. 003992/2019—(2) Mavuso, Phiwintaba Hum, 18 February 1941, 4102185243086, 106 Ntsoanna Crescent, Etwatwa; (3) 5 March 2018; (4) Sarah Bonakele Mavuso, 1 July 1949, 4906300513086; (5) Ndzondo Kunene Mosea inc, Suite 210, 1st Floor Bophelong Centre Building, 4th Street Springs 1560; (6) 30. 000204/2019—(2) Slabbert, Olga Elizabeth, 18 June 1923, 2306180028085, 474 Cliff Avenue, Waterkloof, Pretoria, Gauteng.; (3) 20 November 2018; (5) GH Engelbrecht, PO Box 2298, Wingate Park, 0153 OR 767 Ortho Clase Street, Elarduspark, 0181. 1174/2019—(2) Koekemoer, Hester Magdalena Maria, 21 Julie 1938, 3807210003088, Acanthusstraat 824, Weltevredenpark, 1709; (3) 21 November 2017; (4) Ebenhaezer Koekemoer, 14 Maart 1944, 4403145003085; (5) Ebenhaezer Koekemoer, P/a Mnre Coetzees Ing, Buitenstraat 25, Posbus 5, , 9585. 002395/2019—(2) Gebhardt, Johan William Ludwig, 18 January 1986, 8601185018089, 56 Montegu Road, Rooihuiskraal North, Centurion, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) 18 January 2018; (5) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Attorneys, 876 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. 009892/2017—(2) DIKENI, KHOSANA SIMON, 9 August 1962, 6208095585082, STAND 132 NALEDI VILLAGE MIDDELBURG MINE; (3) 22 January 2017; (5) CILLIERS BARNARD INCORPORATED, 977 TOM BURKE AVENUE, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA, 0081. 027852/2018—(2) Nemorin, Marie Therese Francess, 4 June 1957, 5706040217181, Unit 1, Stone Arch Village, Sunstone Road, Germiston; (3) 21 December 2017; (5) Nicoleen Yolandie Keulder, 1st Floor, 6 Merchant Place, 9 Fredman Drive, Sandton. 17434/2012—(2) Lebisi, Daniel James, 1 January 1928, 2801015455081, 82 Xubene Section, Tembisa; (3) 4 April 2002; (4) Selina Matsatsi Lebese, 5 May 1932, 3205050354085; (5) McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse Inc, 68 Dann Road, Aston Manor, Kempton Park. 005576/2019—(2) Dube, Mackson, 7 May 1973, 730507, 50 Angola Street, Klipfontein View Ext 3, Midrand; (3) 23 September 2010; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 002358/2019—(2) Kiewiet, Jacoba Frederika, 4 August 1938, 3808040060181, 43 Farmers Folly, 21 Vos Straat, Lynwood,; (3) 9 November 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 002469/2019—(2) VISAGIE, JAN LOUW, 6 September 1973, 7309065163089, ALETHEASTRAAT 139, LYTTELTON, , 0157; (3) 30 Desember 2018; (5) SYLVIA NOKUTHULA MASIMULA, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 005135/2019—(2) SPILLMAN, JULIAN DESMOND, 25 Februarie 1954, 5402255001086, No 89 BERNARD PRICE STREET, SW2, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) 31 Januarie 2019; (5) NELLIS ESTERHUYSEN, FIRST FLOOR, RIETBOK BUILDING, GENL HERTZOG STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK 1911. 13101/2018—(2) GELDENHUYS, JOHANNES JACOBUS, 5 February 1935, 3502055021085, 429 ALBERT STREET, WATERKLOOF, PRETORIA; (3) 10 September 2018; (5) WF BOUWER ATTORNEYS, 1225 JUSTICE MAHOMED STREET, MENLO PARK, PRETORIA. 12880/2016—(2) Van der Merwe, Chris, 29 July 1979, 7907295209083, 34 William Road, Norwoord, Johannesburg; (3) 19 August 2015; (5) Nicolette Macdonald of PSG Trust, 84 Deale Road, Dan Pienaar, 9301. 5195/2019—(2) Sammons, John George, 21 December 1947, 471221515209, 13 Tulbach Street, Phalaborwa, 1389; (3) 27 October 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Rynhart Kruger as Director of Rynhart Kruger Attorneys, 54 Hesketh Street, Moreleta Park, Pretoria, 0044. 002010/2019—(2) Van Der Walt, Elizabeth Lucy, 8 October 1939, 3910080034082, 8 Groendal, C94 Arnold Thelyler Street, Sinoville,0182; (3) 5 December 2018; (5) Mareese Lucille Joseph as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited c/o Schumann Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc, 32 Kempton road, Kempton Park 1619. 01688/2019—(2) Mokoa, Mosidi Agnes, 12 June 1946, 4606120626080, 6478 Olebogang Street, Mabopane-D; (3) 21 November 2018; (5) Mareese Lucille Joseph as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited c/o Schumann van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 12531/2018—(2) Tleane, Stephen Malope, 10 September 1964, 6409105399080, 5527, Ext 4, Protea Glen, 1818; (3) 23 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Mareese Lucille Joseph as Nominee of Absa Tust Ltd. c/o Schumann Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 012172/2018—(2) van der Vyver, Margaretha Johanna, 5 May 1938, 3805050015089, 4 Univille, 1144 Pierneef Street, Villieria, 0186; (3) 9 August 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Sherine Jansen as Nominee of Absa Trust Ltd. c/o Schumann Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 9626/2019—(2) Ntlabati, Andile Nelson, 20 January 1970, 7001206044084, 1268 Greenfield, Eden Park, Tokoza; (3) 14 January 2019; (4) Khuthazwa Ntlabati, 21 June 1983, 8306210602085; (5) Andrew Lishivha Incorporated, 88 Marshall Street, 8th Floor, Samancor House, Marshalltown, Johannesburg, 2107.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 47

004773/2017—(2) MAKATINI, NTOMBI ELIZABETH, 4 April 1935, 3504040446088, 318 Bendile Street, Strand 1308, Jabulani; (3) 27 February 2017; (5) Nompumelelo Motswesele, 728 Mthini Street, Naledi, Extension 2; (6) 30 days. 001690/2019—(2) Makwela, Jessie Joyce, 23 April 1926, 2604230141084, 6177 Rapodile Street, Stand 155 Unit, Ga-Rankuwa; (3) 23 September 2017; (5) Mareese Lucille Joseph as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited c/o Schumann van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 005707/2019—(2) Phillips, Edward Clive, 11 March 1956, 5603115140085, 255 Roots Avenue, 1ste rust, Pretoria; (3) 10 November 2018; (4) Magdalene Phillips, 15 January 1957, 5701150063087; (5) M Phillips and PP van Jaarsveld, c/o Smit Jones & Pratt Attorneys., Smit Jones & Pratt, Second Floor, Bulding C, Sunnyside Office Park, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193. 000493/2019—(2) De Villiers, Gardiol, 12 April 1964, 4604125039086, 34 Sanford Crest, 167 Bellairs Drive, North Riding, 2162; (3) 20 September 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, PO BOX 1291 Parklands 2121; (6) 30. 026552/2016—(2) Mbele, Mothe Simon, 14 November 1953, 5311145599086, 609 Mailula Park, Vosloorus, 1475; (3) 20 December 1994; (4) Sibongile Engelina Mbele, 25 December 1953, 5312250732082; (5) Alice Dibakeso Sehloho as Executor c/o Schumann Van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 005833/2019—(2) van Rensburg, Johanna Catharina Maria, 23 Desember 1935, 3512230093081, 106 Begeman Straat, Jordaan Park, Heidelberg, Gauteng; (3) 6 Junie 2017; (5) Alida Elizabeth Barnard, 106 Begeman straat, Jordaan Park, Heidelberg, Gauteng. 002016/2019—(2) Badenhorst, Elizabeth Catherina, 5 September 1939, 3909050039089, 6 Bucaneers walk Mtwalume; (3) 4 July 2018; (5) SJA Scheepers and PP van Jaarsveld, c/o Smit Jones & Pratt Attorneys., Smit Jones & Pratt, Second Floor, Bulding C, Sunnyside Office Park, 4 Carse O’Gowrie Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2193. 005839/2019—(2) Becker, Johanna Getruida, 23 Julie 1952, 5207230103083, 43 Mare Straat, Heidelberg, Gauteng; (3) 22 Januarie 2019; (5) Sanet McIntyre, 27 Merz Straat, Heidelberg, Gauteng. 1370/2019—(2) Gailele, Boitumelo Samuel, 22 June 1983, 8306225802084, Unit 102 Jabulani Heights, Jabulani, Soweto; (3) 1 December 2018; (4) Gopolang Jennifer Gailele, 6 June 1985, 8506061173082; (5) Gopolang Jennifer Gailele, Unit 102 Jabulani Heights, Jabulani, Soweto. 026398/2018—(2) Smit, Marthinus Jacobus, 2 April 1950, 5004025046084, 85 Reier Road, Atlasville, Boksburg; (3) 25 September 2018; (4) Susara Petronella Smit, 24 September 1950, 5009240043089; (5) Standard Bank of South Africa Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands 2121; (6) 30. 002613/2019—(2) Wiser, Keith Russell, 2 July 1948, 4807025172184, 15 Babington Street, Fairwood, 2192, Johannesburg, Gauteng; (3) 29 January 2019; (4) Andrea Hillary Wiser, 11 October 1954, 5410110128085; (5) J H Botha, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 11889, The Tramshed, 0126. 3893/2019—(2) MOKHACHANE, MOJALEFA JOSIEL, 22 August 1970, 7008225360086, 121 CASSANDRA, BEDWORTH PARK, VAN DERBIJLPARK; (3) 30 January 2019; (4) PULANE AGNES MOKHACHANE, 9 February 1976, 7602090450087; (5) PULANE AGNES MOKHACHANE, 121 CASSANDRA AVENUE, BEDWORTH PARK, VAN DERBJIJL PARK. 11949/2018—(2) BRAND, ALBERTUS JOHANNES, 18 January 1938, 3801185010087, FARM ROOIHARTEBEES, NO 729, CULLINAN; (3) 18 October 2018; (5) WF BOUWER ATTORNEYS, 1225 JUSTICE MAHOMED STREET, MENLO PARK, PRETORIA. 7840/2018—(2) DLAMINI, MOJE DLAMINI, 4 September 1979, 7909040536083, 308 ZONE 7 EXT 1 SEBOKENG; (3) 31 August 2012; (4) MZWAKHE JOSIAS DLAMINI, 30 March 1976, 7603305440087; (5) ANNERIE NIEUWENHUIS AS NOMINEE OF LEGAL AID SOUTH AFRICA, 8 JASMINE MANSIONS, 28 SENATOR MARKS AVENUE, VEREENIGING. 2536/2019—(2) MOLLER, JOHN PATRICK, 29 February 1928, 2802295021080, 2 CRESCENDO, MORELETAPARK, PRETORIA; (3) 17 December 2018; (4) N A N A; (5) Jasper van der Westhuizen & Bodenstein Inc, Posbus 781, PRETORIA, 0001. 699/2019—(2) Bisschoff, Beatrix, 11 November 1940, 4011110024083, 25 Mashie Road, Unit 28 Zwartkop Greens Close, Clubview X61, Centurion; (3) 21 November 2018; (5) Hurter Spies Incorporated, 1st Floor, Afriforum Building, Cnr of DF Malan- and Union Avenue, Kloofsig. 003349/2017—(2) MOLEKANA, MOKETE VIRGINIA, 14 April 1970, 7004140724084, 1905 MORULA STREET; (3) 16 November 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) NOMAWETHU DEIGRACIA MTEBELE, 42 MEGAMART MALL , TSWELOPELE; (6) 30 DAYS. 003448/2017—(2) MOLOKO, VUSI STEPHEN, 29 July 1961, 6107295730086, ERF 8383 NYEMBE STREET DUDUZA, NIGEL; (3) 6 December 2016; (5) Jan L Jordaan Inc, 1 FORSTER STREET, RYNFIELD, BENONI; (6) 30. 028885/2016—(2) Mukhudwana, Azwihangwisi Collence, 10 April 1980, 8004100554082, Number 502 Hlanganani Gardens, Cosmo City, Randburg, Johannesburg; (3) 10 November 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Mochadi Japhter Mapadimeng, 650 Louse Botha Avenue, Bramley, Johannesburg, 2092. 013422/2018—(2) BOTHA, LILY EVA, 16 May 1940, 4005160041088, 29 VALK STREET, ROOIHUISKRAAL, PRETORIA; (3) 9 November 2018; (4) N/A; (5) HENDRIK JACOBUS BOTHA (Executor), CM WOEST, VENTER ATTORNEYS, 7 NORTH RAND ROAD, KEMPTON PARK. 6638/2018—(2) Koko, Kedibone Martha, 22 November 1976, 7611220767088, 3843 Mahube Valley, Mamelodi, 0122; (3) 1 June 2017; (5) KIM DE JAGER, SNYMAN DE JAGER, SNYMAN DE JAGER, 262 ROSE AVENUE, RIVER FALLS OFFICE PARK,DORINGKLOOF, CENTURION. 4311/2018—(2) Zepe, Thembi Ntombikayise, 7 August 1973, 7308070667084, 277 Sekelgras Street, Danville, Pretoria; (3) 28 February 2018; (4) Dumisane Nelson Zepe, 29 October 1971, 7711029563008; (5) NJ Van Rensburg Attorneys, Suite 607 & 608 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria 0001.

This gazette is also available free online at 48 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

001699/2019—(2) Matlou, Malesela Josias, 10 May 1955, 5505105479086, 470c Jack Hindon Street, Pretoria North; (3) 6 May 2018; (4) Mmoni Stephina Matlou, 12 November 1952, 5211120861081; (5) Mareese Lucille Joseph as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited c/o Schumann van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 18551/2018—(2) COPPARD, ALETTA ELIZABETH, 2 October 1940, 4010020102088, 35 LILY ROAD, BRACKENHURST, ALBERTON; (3) 16 April 2018; (5) JACQUELYN PATRICIA RICHARDSON, 27 VILLE RICHE, ROBERT BRUCE ROAD, BEVERLEY, SANDTON, 2191. 017257/2013—(2) RAMATHELA, PULENG JOSEPHINA, 9 October 1982, 8210090894087, 297 FARM TOWN, ENARDALE; (3) 3 July 2013; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MARIA NCIKAZI MOAHLOLI, 70 FOX STREET, P.O BOX 62378, MARSHALLTOW, JOHANNESBURG. 18573/2018—(2) COPPARD, EION SOMMERFIELD, 23 February 1935, 3502235032085, 35 LILY ROAD, BRACKENHURST, ALBERTON; (3) 10 August 2015; (4) ALETTA ELIZABETH COPPARD, 2 October 1940, 4010020102088; (5) JACQUELYN PATRICIA RICHARDSON, 27 VILLA RICHE, ROBERT BRUCE ROAD, BEVERLEY, SANDTON, 2191. 013458/2018—(2) Zepe, Dumisane Nelson, 7 August 1973, 7110295630081, 277 Sekelgras Street, Danville, Pretoria; (3) 23 September 2018; (5) NJ Van Rensburg Attorneys, Suite 607 & 608 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria 0001. 2220/2019—(2) VAN NIEKERK, WILLEM JOHANNES, 30 July 1929, 2907305021085, 179 HOFSANGER ROAD, ROOIHUISKRAAL CENTURION, 0154; (3) 18 February 2019; (4) MARIE ALVA VAN NIEKERK, 3509280076081; (5) ROMAN VALYRE CHAUSSE, SNYMAN DE JAGER ATTORNEYS C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD&SOUTH STREET CENTURION 0046. 005663/2019—(2) TRUSCOTT, JOHN THOMAS, 2 January 1939, 3901025056082, 20 VAN DER BERGH STREE, ELSBURG,1428; (3) 27 May 2018; (4) ANTOINETTE TRUSCOTT, 15 August 1940, 4008150045085; (5) Chunilal & Tanna Attorneys, P O Box 42650, Fordsburg 2033, First Floor, Central House, 69-8th Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092. 010423/2018—(2) MOEKETSI, WILLIAM SIBUSISO, 25 April 1988, 8804256053080, 16857 KHABA STREET, EXTENSION 2, DAVEYTON, BENONI; (3) 13 April 2018; (5) MMABATHO OLIVIA MOEKETSI, OFFICE 602, BANK TOWERS, 190 THABO SEHUME STREET, PRETORIA, 0001. 5339/2019—(2) HOPKINS, SHIRLEY JOAN, 3 August 1934, 3408030031084, FAIRLEADS HOME CORNER JAMES & PRETORIA ROAD, FAIRLEADS, BENONI; (3) 1 February 2019; (5) BRIAN ROBERT MACGREGOR, MK 85 (JHB) MK 138 (PRETORIA); (6) 30. 027527/2017—(2) Manganye, Samson, 25 September 1963, 6309255302084, Number 13466, Oliver Thambo Avenue, Extension 8, Kagiso Township, Krugersdorp, 1740; (3) 19 September 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Mochadi Japhter Mapadimeng, 650 Louse Botha Avenue, Bramley, Johannesburg, 2092. 016646/2017—(2) MMUSHI, MATHANE MATTHEWS, 1 January 1961, 6101015204084, 1077 BLOCK X EXTENTION, MABOPANE,0190; (3) 31 August 2017; (5) MTIMKULU-KHWINANA ATTORNEYS, 15 BLOCK A, MABOPANE, 0190; (6) 30. 005879/2019—(2) Niemann, Andries Christiaan, 23 September 1942, 4209235119081, Park Care Centre, Frail Care, 36 Escombe Avenue, Parktown West, Johannesburg, 2193; (3) 5 December 2018; (5) Arnold Charles Shapiro, c/o Hogan Lovells (South Africa), 140 West Street, Sandton. 26778/2017—(2) SCHWARTZ, ANNE MARIE, 2 November 1977, 7711020127085, 24 Stoffberg St., BRAKPAN; (3) 18 May 2017; (5) NADINE BRENDA MANTLE, 650 ’S ROAD, BEYERSPARK, BOKSBURG; (6) 30. 001265/2019—(2) MATHIBELA, MAKHAZASI JULIA, 11 May 1947, 4705110433083, STAND 3026 UNIT 2 KUDUBE 0407; (3) 6 August 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BJ MHLONGO ATTORNEYS, 296 PRETORIUS STREET,PREMIUM TOWERS, 3RD FLOOR, OFFICE 323, PRETORIA.. 004508/2019—(2) LAZARUS, THARADEVI SAPRY, 1 January 1955, 5501010089086, 10 NATURE ROAD, POMONA, BENONI, 1509; (3) 6 November 2017; (4) ANTHONY LAZARUS, 9 September 1952, 5209095053080; (5) GISHEN- GILCHRIST INC, 209 ELSTON AVENUE, BENONI, 1500. 005730/2019—(2) BHOODHIA, GANPAT, 1 March 1960, 6003015171083, 11 GILIA CRESCENT, MARLBORO GARDENS, SANDTON; (3) 4 February 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) CHIBA-JIVAN INC, 190 BARRY HERTZOG AVENUE, GREENSIDE, 2193. 999999—(2) Oosthuizen, Maria Magdalena, 13 October 1934, 3410130069089, 1 Pumula, Koringspruit Street,Uitsig,Bloemfontein; (3) 15 January 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd., 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021. 005663/2019—(2) TRUSCOTT, JOHN THOMAS, 2 January 1939, 3901025056082, 20 VAN DER BERGH STREE, ELSBURG,1428; (3) 27 May 2018; (4) ANTOINETTE TRUSCOTT, 15 August 1940, 4008150045085; (5) Chunilal & Tanna Attorneys, P O Box 42650, Fordsburg 2033, First Floor, Central House, 69-8th Avenue, Mayfair, Johannesburg, 2092. 002813/2019—(2) BENETTI, MOLLY, 16 March 1931, 3103160021084, Lonehill Manor, Lonehill, Gauteng; (3) 5 October 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) MAITLAND FIDUCIARY LIMITED, BLOCK A, GROUND FLOOR, COACHMAN’S CROSSING OFFICE PARK, 4 BRIAN STREET, LYME PARK, BRYANSTON, 2021. 017495-2018—(2) BOWERS, AARON, 23 March 1937, 3703235266083, 23 Watsonia Street, Noordgesig; (3) 17 August 2016, 10 August 1955, 5508100576088; (5) LUCELLE CLARA BARNES, 23 WATSONIA STREET, NOORDGESIG; (6) 21. 027204/2018—(2) DE WET, PIETER RUDOLF, 30 March 1953, 5303305010087, 268 WILSON STREET, FAIRLAND, RANDBURG; (3) 21 October 2018; (4) IRANTIA ALETTA DE WET, 14 May 1957, 5705140051086; (5) GRAHAM WARRENDER (AUTHORISED AGENT), 219 KESSEL STREET, FAIRLAND, JOHANNESBURG. 022657 2018—(2) HULTON, EMY HEATHER, 23 September 1916, 1609230069186, RANDJELAAGTE RETIREMENT VILLAGE; (3) 24 August 2018; (5) JOHN EDWARD BROIDO, 17th Floor Marble Towers, 206/214 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg; (6) 21.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 49

027421/2018—(2) SEABELL, VICTOR MOSSY, 18 March 1941, 4103185090089, 12 WALNUT STREET, PRIMROSE EAST, GERMISTON; (3) 28 October 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) THOMPSONS ATTORNEYS, 3 MALHERBE STREET, BRACKENHURST, ALBERTON. 001802 2018—(2) PARSAD, VINESH, 12 February 1969, 6902126032086, 9447 VOLTA STREET, EXTENSION 10, LENASIA, 1827; (3) 19 January 2018; (4) MICHELLE PARSAD, 14 November 1973, 7311140249081; (5) MICHELLE PARSAD, 17th Floor Marble Towers, 206/214 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg; (6) 21. 23913/2018—(2) OPPEL, NINO, 18 June 1976, 7606185052088, 1822 NGWENYA DRIVE, WATERFALL VILLAGE, MIDRAND, GAUTENG; (3) 24 February 2018; (4) DALEEN EMBRENCIA OPPEL, 11 April 1978, 7804110106083; (5) WF BOUWER ATTORNEYS, 1225 JUSTICE MAHOMED STREET, MENLO PARK, PRETORIA. 004750/2019—(2) Smith, Emmerentia, 10 February 1938, 3802100005087, Unit 197, Featherbrooke Estate, Krugersdorp; (3) 25 December 2018; (5) Arnold Charles Shapiro, c/o Hogan Lovells (South Africa), 140 West Street, Sandton. 013463/2018—(2) VILAKAZI, FRANCINAH PEBETSI, 10 August 1969, 6908100388089, 1126 BLOCK UU SOSHANGUVE; (3) 10 August 2018; (5) STEVEN MAGORO ATTORNEYS, 2034 MOLEFE MAKINTA HIGHWAY, GA-RANKUWA ZONE 2, 0208; (6) 30 DAYS. 019000 2018—(2) VAN DER MERWE, HENRIETTA, 14 June 1938, 3806145068083, RANDJELAAGTE RETIREMENT VILLAGE; (3) 4 July 2018; (4) HENRIETTA VAN DER MERWE, 18 July 1941, 4107180026089; (5) HENRIETTA VAN DER MERWE, Erf 2329 Glenvista Extension 4, Township; (6) 21. 002824 2018—(2) BEINASH, GENIA, 9 August 1944, 4408090058033, 5 Waterbok Drive, Roodekop; (3) 7 February 2011; (4) JOSEPH LEON BEINASH, 15 January 1943, 4301155044082; (5) JOHN EDWARD BROIDO, 17 Floor Marble Towers, 206/214 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg; (6) 21. 01179 2018—(2) MOTAUNG, LOT, 17 January 1951, 5110175157082, 5 Waterbok Drive, Roodekop; (3) 3 March 2018; (4) KENEILO PRISCILLA MOTAUNG, 10 August 1955, 5508100576088; (5) KENEILOE PRISCILLA MOTUANG, 5 WATERBOK DRIVE, ROODEKOP; (6) 21. 002167/2019—(2) WERTHEIMER, GEORGE JOSEPH, 6 September 1931, 3109065025088, 213 Unit Park Manor, 37 Corlett Drive, Fairways, Illovo, 2196; (3) 25 December 2018; (5) Lindelani David Zwane, 7 Montrose Avenue, Craighall Park, 2196. 013425/2018—(2) SKOSANA, BAPHATHELE JOHN, 22 September 1957, 5709225715086, HOUSE 294 SECTION BA, KWA MHLANGA; (3) 6 November 2018; (4) ELSIE SKOSANA, 2 April 1959, 5904020781082; (5) MABUTHU MHLONGO C/O LINKAFTER SOLUTIONS, 2ND FLOOR, OFFICE 209, OLIVETTI HOUSE, CNR PRETORIUS & SOPHIE DE BRUYN STR, PRETORIA; (6) 30 DAYS. 005197/2019—(2) PRITZ, ROLF, 13 June 1955, 5506135228188, 1 FLAME STREET, FOURWAYS GARDENS, EXT 15, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 20 January 2019; (4) INES LEONILDE PRITZ, 31 May 1955, 5505310112084; (5) CHERYL LOUISE HOWARD, NOMINEE OF TALARIA FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD, BLOCK A, GROUND FLOOR, COACHMAN’S CROSSING OFFICE PARK, 4 BRIAN STREET, LYME PARK, BRYANSTON, 2021. 8228/2012—(2) Mazibuko, Suzan Ntombizodwa Mazibuko, 5 April 1974, 7404051081088, 6572 Dichele Street, Nellmapius Extension 23, Pretoria; (3) 7 August 2011; (4) Ignatius Bongi Mazibuko, 15 April 1975, 7504155651080; (5) NJ Van Rensburg Attorneys, Suite 607 & 608 Bank Towers, 190 Thabo Sehume Street, Pretoria 0001. 006018/2018—(2) Opperman, Gotlieb Rudolf, 18 June 1942, 4206185006086, 25 Big Creek Retirement Vilage, 1 Lehtabo Street, Meyerton; (3) 7 February 2019; (4) Albertha Cecilia Opperman, 25 February 1943, 3402250039084; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd., 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021. 005530/2019—(2) Botha, Ian Derek, 24 May 1953, 5305245119084, 83 Portion 15 Zeekoevallei; (3) 16 February 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd., 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021. 005902/2019—(2) MASHIANE, ELIZABETH LIZZIE, 24 April 1953, 5304240549080, 878 MABOTJA STREET, KWA- THEMA X1; (3) 7 July 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) NOKUTHULA PRETTY MASHIANE, 84 TRICHARDTS STREET, RAVENSWOOD, BOKSBURG. 011250/2018—(2) NKANYANI, THEMBI MELODY, 4 November 1967, 6711040521086, STAND 522 BLOCK M, SOSHANGUVE; (3) 1 September 2018; (4) WIDOW N/A; (5) MABUTHU MHLONGO C/O LINKAFTER SOLUTIONS, 2ND FLOOR, OFFICE 209, OLIVETTI HOUSE, CNR PRETORIUS & SOPHIE DE BRUYN STR, PRETORIA; (6) 30 DAYS. 001763/19—(2) NDLOVU, JOEL THEMBA, 10 March 1969, 6903105887086, 7 KHEDIVE STREET BRAAMFISHERVILLE ROODEPOORT; (3) 25 May 2015; (4) THEMNI MAUREEN NDLOVU, 1 March 1968, 6803010350081; (5) PIETER SCHOEMAN, 212 DOREEN ROAD AMAROSA ROODEPOORT. 002471/2019—(2) CHRISTIE, HULDA HELENA, 29 June 1946, 4606290100080, 116 COBALT STREET, PROCLAMATION HILL, PRETORIA; (3) 3 January 2019; (5) ARTHUR CHANNON, 693 RUBENSTEIN ROAD, MORELETAPARK, PRETORIA, 0044. 23607/2018—(2) MASEKO, NELLY, 7 November 1972, 7211070359084, 36 PIERRE DE VILLIERS STREET, HOMER, VEREENIGING; (3) 6 August 2018; (5) SAMSON TSHEDISO KOKOROPO, 36 PIERRE DE VILLIERS STREET, HOMER, VEREENIGING; (6) N/A. 005937/2019—(2) MASENYA, ANGELA, 11 November 1932, 3211110504081, 11B KOMA STREET, PHIRI, SOWETO; (3) 18 January 2019; (5) ARTHUR CHANNON, 693 RUBENSTEIN ROAD, MORELETAPARK, PRETORIA, 0044. 3290/2019—(2) MDUMBE, THEMBISILE SELINA, 12 July 1943, 4307120210088, STAND 691 ZONDI SOWETO; (3) 25 June 2011; (4) MBAMBANYANE WILLIAM MDUMBE, 16 November 1931, 3111165137086; (5) REBECCA MDUMBE C/O GEYSER ATTORNEYS, 24 ATHLONE AVENUE DALVIEW BRAKPAN.

This gazette is also available free online at 50 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

036953/2014—(2) MOSHIDI, LESIBANA FRANS, 6 September 1954, 5409065285080, 24 ROODEKRAANS, ROODEPOORT; (3) 7 September 2007; (4) MOITERI IEDA MOSHIDI, 22 July 1954, 5407220739082; (5) MOITERI IEDA MOSHIDI, 24 ROODEKRAANS, ROODERPORT. 004983/2019—(2) FRONEMAN, WILLEM HENDRIK, 25 March 1938, 3803255068086, 68 Bauhinia Street East, R511 Provincial Road, Xanadu Lifestyle Village, Hartbeespoort, 0216; (3) 15 December 2018; (4) Margaret Ann Froneman, 1 February 1940, 4002010057083; (5) Lindelani David Zwane, 7 Montrose Avenue, Craighall Park, 2196. 24213/2011—(2) KUMALO, KHATHAZILE BETTY, 15 June 1919, 1906150204086, 164 MOJAKENG SECTION KATLEHONG; (3) 21 August 2009; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 012992/2018—(2) MASANABO, KATLEGO MORGAN, 13 February 1986, 8602135408081, STAND 420, THE HILLS, MAMELODI, PRETORIA; (3) 9 November 2018; (5) FRIEDLAND HART SOLOMON & NICOLSON ATTORNEYS, 4-301 MONUMNET OFFICE PARK, 79 STEENBOK AVENUE, MONUMENT PARK, PRETORIA. 28590/2018—(2) Morris, Pamela, 2 September 1961, BN0040957, EBBE STRAAT 42, BIRCHLEIGH, KEMPTON PARK; (3) 1 Oktober 2018; (5) De Klerk, Vermaak & Vennote Ing, Blok 3, Orwell Park, Orwellrylaan, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging. 020946/2018—(2) KHENI, THABO ALOSIAS KHENI, 21 November 1949, 4911215254081, 12120 MOTSWEDI STREET, ZONE 7B, SEBOKENG, 1983; (3) 25 January 2017; (4) MARIA SEBOLELO KHENI, 19 August 1954, 5408190545087; (5) BJ Van Der Walt & Schoeman Inc, 4 Du Plessis Street, Florentia, Alberton; (6) 30 days. 005222/2019—(2) Ribeiro, Carolina Lemos, 10 April 1944, 4404100022185, 157 Eighth Avenue, Bezuidenhout Valley; (3) 29 September 2018; (5) Caldeira and Associates, 1 Allum Road, Kensington, Joahnnesburg. 027873/2017—(2) NYEMBE, BELLINA, 24 November 1953, 5311240264081, 248 TLOU STREET PROTEA CITY SOWETO; (3) 11 November 2017; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 003954/2019—(2) NCALA, MBULAWA SOLOMON, 30 March 1948, 4803305436084, 95 THANDA STREET VOSLOORUS EXTENSION 02 EKURHULENI 1479; (3) 14 January 2019; (4) BETTY NOMHLE NCALA, 3 February 1959, 5902030559084; (5) BETTY NOMHLE NCALA, 95 THANDA STREET VOSLOORUS EXTENSION 02 EKURHULENI 1479. 23148/2015—(2) MULUKI, NONTSIKELELO LYDIA, 11 May 1929, 2905110252085, 9 NEW SOUTH VILLAS, MONTANA PLACE, NATURENA; (3) 14 November 2014; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BOTSANE MMABI PHETLA, 11 HUGENOOT STREET BEYERSPARK BOKSBURG. 016488/2015—(2) MOKHETHI, DALLY, 3 September 1958, 5809035876084, 2342 RAMOGOELA STREET, SPRUITVIEW, GERMISTON; (3) 12 November 1999; (5) THABISO KEVIN MOKHETHI, L6 TERA NOVA COMPLEX, BROADACRES FOURWAYS GAUTENG. 001945/2019—(2) Arlow, Nicolaas Jacobus Johannes, 19 April 1964, 6404195107089, Portion of Erf 233 ,Claremont,Pretoria; (3) 11 September 2018; (4) Caren-Ann Arlow, 13 July 1966, 6607130239086; (5) Caren-Ann Arlow, 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2021. 005115/2019—(2) BULUBE, GEORGINIA THENGIWE, 7 April 1935, 3504070268089, 3515 MSIMANG STREET, ORLANDO EAST, 1804; (3) 7 September 2007; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MABEL MNGOMO, 3515 MSIMANG STREET, ORLANDO EAST. 27780/2018—(2) DINDAR, MAHOMED, 20 January 1948, 4801205106088, NO. 5 EDEN VILLAGE, HELDERKRUIN, ROODEPOORT; (3) 27 July 2018; (5) HAJIBEY-BHYAT INC, 255 WELTEVREDEN ROAD, BLACKHEATH, JOHANNESBURG 2195. 004106/2019—(2) VOS, BARBARA SUSANNA, 23 March 1950, 5003230135088, 2 BOK STREET, COMET; (3) 14 January 2019; (5) NATASJA ALLEN, 2 BOK STREET, COMET. 004215/2019—(2) Tresise, Debra Anne, 21 September 1960, 6009210730185, 20 Sable Complex, 111 Blandford, Northriding; (3) 18 December 2018; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services, 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston. 001483/2019—(2) OLIVIER, ARNIE, 26 August 1947, 4708265028088, RIVERSANDS 60, JORDAAN PARK, HEIDELBERG; (3) 15 November 2018; (5) MARIA ELIZABETH STRAUSS, ID NO. 740521 0069 08 8 a nominee of Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11287, Hatfield, 0028; (6) 30. 008250/2018—(2) MONONELA, NEHENG PAULINA, 30 June 1947, 4706300423082, 18275 ,ZONE 14 ,SEBOKENG 1983; (3) 20 May 2004; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 005071/2019—(2) DONA, MAKALE OTTILIA, 8 April 1952, 5204080754081, 5802 MZIKI STREET, ZONE 5 PIMVILLE,; (3) 6 December 2018; (4) DANIEL DONA, 2 May 1945, 4505025468087; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY)LTD, PO BOX 1007, JOHANNESBURG, 2000. 028222/2013—(2) Madimeja, Tau Alfred, 16 October 1968, 6810165299088, 5901 Sebenzisa Street, Riverside, Kagiso; (3) 23 September 2013; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) Josephina Fettie Madimeja, 5901 Sebenzisa Street, Riverside, Kagiso. 5683/2019—(2) SNYCKERS, FRANK DIETER, 10 June 1940, 4006105030186, 12 WOOLSTON ROAD, WESTCLIFF, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG.; (3) 23 December 2018; (4) NA NA; (5) EA NIEUWOUDT: AG SMUTS & KLOPPERS, RANDBURG, PO BOX 135, PINEGOWRIE, 2123. 7495/2014—(2) BERNSTEIN, ANNE PATRICIA, 26 October 1933, 3310260057187, WOLLOWBROOK RETIREMENT VILLAGE, RANDFONTEIN, GAUTENG; (3) 21 January 2018; (5) MARINA HIGGINSON, P O BOX 359, SAXONWOLD, 2196. 004205/2019—(2) MADUNA, SINKI MARTIN, 22 December 1959, 5912225749085, 4977 DINGAAN STREET, ZONE 12, SEBOKENG; (3) 7 September 2018; (4) MAMIKI SELINA MADUNA, 16 July 1959, 5907160733086; (5) S SULEMAN ATTORNEYS, 35A SENATOR MARKS AVENUE, VEREENIGING, 1930.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 51

003718/2016—(2) SWANEPOEL, HENDRIK JACOBUS, 19 Februarie 1946, 4602195067086, 264 GUDRUN STREET, TILEBA, PRETORIA-NORTH, 0182; (3) 30 Januarie 2016; (4) DIRKIE MARIA CATHARINA SWANEPOEL, 8 Mei 1952, 5205080092000; (5) H C VAN QUICKELBERGE, P O BOX 66577, WOODHILL, 0076; (6) 30 DAYS. 003917/2019—(2) DE LANGE, DANIEL GABRIEL, 10 September 1938, 3809105047089, UNIT 76, HENLEY RETIREMENT VILLAGE 109 EWELME ROAD, HENLEY ON KLIP; (3) 5 February 2019; (4) CATHARINA SUSANNA SALOMINA CATHARINA SUSANNA SALOMINA, 23 January 1939, 3901230112084; (5) A. G. Van Brakel & Ass. Inc., NO 3 JUDY PLACE, 23 CLEW STREET, MONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP; (6) 30. 28530/2018—(2) DE JAGER, DENISE CATHERINE, 20 November 1950, 5011200048082, 5 SILVERMERE, OUHOUT AVENUE, WELTEVREDEN PARK, 1709; (3) 24 September 2018; (5) SHARON O’HAGAN, PO BOX 1001 FOURWAYS 2055. 008604/2018—(2) EVERTON, GWENDOLINE, 24 October 1940, 4010240075080, 2 KAMFERBOS STREET, BRACKENDOWNS, ALBERTON; (3) 21 January 2018; (5) MARINA HIGGINSON, P O BOX 359, SAXONWOLD, 2196. 005206/2019—(2) KRUGER, ANDRIES, 26 November 1953, 5311265093084, 6 CYCAD STR, DALPARK, BRAKPAN, 1541; (3) 20 November 2018; (4) ELIZABETH SUSANNA KRUGER, 19 December 1955, 5512190007087; (5) OLD MUTUAL, PO BOX 1007, JOHANNESBURG, 2000. 005230/2019—(2) SAUNDERS, ANTHONY IAN, 25 August 1957, 5708255225180, 87 1st Road Kew Johannesburg 2196; (3) 23 September 2018; (4) JESSICA SAUNDERS, 15 January 1964, 6401150028086; (5) NEDGROUP TRUST, PO BOX 1007, JOHANNESBURG, 2000. 1309/2019—(2) NAIDOO, RAYMOND ANTHONY, 21 January 1956, 5601215171083, 78 GERANIUM AVENUE, EXT 2 LENASIA, 1827; (3) 26 December 2012; (4) PETRONELLA NICHOLETTE NAIDOO, 6 November 1960, 6011060115087; (5) NADIA MIA - MIA ATTORNEYS, 589 ONTDEKKERS ROAD, FLORIDA NORTH, 1709. 003639/2019—(2) VAN ZYL, NOEL ROY, 3 January 1939, 3901035005087, 21 CHESTERFIELD ROAD, BRYANSTAN, JOHANNESBURG, 2191; (3) 16 December 2018; (4) N/A; (5) ELIZABETH MARGARET BREEDT, 258 BEYERS NAUDE DRIVE, BLACKHEATH, 2118. 001329/2019—(2) De Lange, Gerhardus Daniel Johannes, 19 May 1956, 5605195070082, 19 Alice Street, Jan Niemandpark, Pretoria, 0186; (3) 3 December 2018; (5) Prishania Naidoo, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 005213/2019—(2) PRINSLOO, BARENDINA JOHANNA CHRISTINA, 7 October 1949, 4910070029083, 23 Poinsetia Crescent Meyersdal; (3) 10 October 2018; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST, PO BOX 1007, JOHANNESBURG, 2000. 002621/2019—(2) Mabuza, Jeanette, 2 December 1959, 5912020771086, 22122 Extension 4 Mbundulu Street Pretoria 0122; (3) 4 June 2017; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 005472/2019—(2) OWEN, BENJAMIN ROBERT ANDREW, 30 June 1944, 4406305060084, 15 BRENTWOOD LOFTS, FLAMBOYANT STREET, BRENTWOOD EXT 9; (3) 31 January 2019; (5) PROBATES (PTY) LTD, 1 FORSTER STREET, RYNFIELD, BENONI; (6) 30. 023304/2018—(2) VAN DER BERG, LE ROY, 8 Mei 1960, 6005085175084, 64 FELICIA STREET, NORTHMEAD EXTENTION 9, BENONI, 1501; (3) 28 April 2018; (5) FRIEDLAND HART SOLOMON & NICOLSON ATTORNEYS, 4-301 MONUMENT OFFICE PARK, 79 STEENBOK AVENUE, MONUMENT PARK, PRETORIA. 003482/2015—(2) STOFBERG, ELAINE MARGARET, 16 July 1954, 5407160038081, Randfontein; (3) 21 September 2013; (5) ELMARIE COETSEE, 3RD FLOOR, BLACKHEATH MEWS, 258 BEYERS NAUDE DRIVE, BLACKHEATH, 2195. 024584/2018—(2) THEBE, BATHENE JOHN, 11 April 1951, 5104115542081, 19 FOREST DRIVE FOURWAYS; (3) 8 July 2018; (4) MNONI SONJA THEBE, 23 January 1970, 7001230374085; (5) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC, NO 62 MARSHALL TOWN , KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR. 004892/2019—(2) Van Rooy, Jacobus Albertus de Wet, 5 September 1949, 4909055008088, PORTION 16 (PTN/PTN 8) FARM DANIELSRUST KRUGERSDORP; (3) 5 January 2019; (5) Anna C van Rooy, Jolandie Marais, Hendrik F de Wet van Rooy, Jacobus A de Wet van Rooy, Penelope R Mahon, c/o J B Hugo & Cronje Inc. P O Box 115, Krugersdorp, 1740. 002825/2019—(2) LOUW, ABRAHAM HENDRIK PETRUS, 22 Desember 1959, 5912225021089, JUBILEE SQUARE PLEIN, C/O: TROYE & KOTZE STREETS, SUNNYSIDE, PRETORIA, 0002; (3) 8 Januarie 2019; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T., N.V.T.; (5) H C VAN QUICKELBERGE, P O BOX 66577, WOODHILL, 0076; (6) 30 DAYS. 21312/2018—(2) RADEBE, PATRICK NCEDE, 26 July 1956, 5607265634086, 5243 PALMRIDGE EXTENTION 4 TOWNSHIP; (3) 19 March 2018; (4) AZELINAH TUTUBALA RADEBE, 29 September 1962, 6209290307082; (5) AZELINAH TUTUBALA RADEBE, 5243 PALMRIDGE EXTENTION 4 TOWNSHIP. 19560/2011—(2) MDLALOSE, RAWUGILE MARTHA, 27 March 1920, 2003270141080, 22239 MEADOWLANDS TOWNSHIP JOHANNESBURG; (3) 29 May 2011; (5) HLEZIPHI ANGELINA MDLALOSE, 22239 MEADOWLANDS TOWNSHIP. 002613/2019—(2) Wiser, Keith Russell, 2 July 1948, 4807025172184, 15 Babington Street, Fairwood, 2192, Johannesburg, Gauteng; (3) 29 January 2019; (4) Andrea Hillary Wiser, 11 October 1954, 5410110128085; (5) J H Botha, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 11889, The Tramshed, 0126. 005026/2019—(2) BOONZAIER, CORNELIUS CHRISTIAN, 29 January 1940, 4001295080083, 1 LOUIS TRICHARDT STREET, MONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP, GAUTENG; (3) 14 November 2018; (4) FRANCIS DOROTHY BOONZAIER, 3 April 1956, 5604030071082; (5) STEPHANUS PETRUS SWART, 165 ALEXANDER STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA. 015658/2016—(2) Louw, Francois, 14 October 1964, 6410145107087, 289 Chris Houghardt Str Wierda Park; (3) 2 August 2016; (5) Dirk Jacobus Louw, 278 Brian Ellwood str, Garsfontein, Pretoria. 002496/2019—(2) MEYER, JESSIE READ, 25 April 1942, 4204250034083, 23 CORDELFOS STREET, WEST PARK, PRETORIA; (3) 29 January 2019; (5) STEPHANUS PETRUS SWART, 165 ALEXANDER STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at 52 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

002669/2019—(2) ELLIS, PATRICK HENDRIK, 17 July 1945, 4507175065085, 4 CROCODILE CLOSE,WILDENWEIDE, RICHARDSBAAI; (3) 22 June 2018; (4) ERNA YVONNE LOUISE ELLIS, 23 September 1945, 4509230046084; (5) STEPHANUS PETRUS SWART, 165 ALEXANDER STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA. 28204/2018—(2) CRONJE, ABRAHAM MARTHINUS, 14 September 1966, 6609145028082, 16 LAGUARDIA AVENUE, BONAERO PARK, KEMPTON PARK; (3) 12 June 2018; (5) ALBRE HOPKINS, 817 CROTS STREET, RIETFONTEIN PRETORIA 0084; (6) 30 DAYS. 024918/2018—(2) AMOS, GIOVANNI, 27 June 1961, 6106275122082, 30 BROOM ROAD, CASSELDALE, SPRINGS, GAUTENG; (3) 30 September 2018; (4) MICHELLE AMOS, 4 May 1969, 6905040274080; (5) CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES, 1ST FLOOR WRIGLEY FIELD, THE CAMPUS, 57 SLOANE STREET, BRYANSTON. 005016/2019—(2) DE JAGER, ELLEN ISABELLE DE JAGER, 25 November 1951, 5111250101086, 53 REDAN, VEREENIGING, GAUTENG; (3) 21 September 2018; (5) STEPHANUS PETRUS SWART, 165 ALEXANDER STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA. 5875/2019/JHB—(2) Perotti, Clara, 19 August 1924, 2408190036080, 3 Bergh Street, Benoni, Gauteng; (3) 28 November 2018; (5) J V Hart cc, P O Box 13571, Cascades, 3202. 005021/2019—(2) DE BRUIN, MARIA MAGDALENA, 12 December 1946, 4612120161086, 82B KINGSWAY ROAD, BRAKPAN, 1541; (3) 5 April 2017; (4) ALBERTUS ABRAHAM DE BRUIN, 7 March 1945, 4503075141084; (5) STEPHANUS PETRUS SWART, 165 ALEXANDER STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA. 005927/2019—(2) GROBLER, ANDRE, 26 September 1964, 6409265068087, 2 Shalton St Carltonville 2499; (3) 15 January 2019; (5) Anna-Marie Nolan, ID 6007040176082, as Nominee for Absa Trust Ltd, 337 Petroleum Street Waltloo Pretoria. 002613/2019—(2) SHIKWANE, MALFENYANE CHRISTINA, 16 June 1949, 4906160379081, STAND NO. 1661 ZONE 25 GA-RANKUWA 0208; (3) 7 March 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BJ MHLONGO ATTORNEYS, 296 PRETORIUS STREET,PREMIUM TOWERS, 3RD FLOOR, OFFICE 323, PRETORIA.. 005964/2019—(2) SEOTSANG, OBED, 23 June 1960, 6006235769081, 6548 KHUMALO STREET, TOKOZA; (3) 9 March 2019; (4) DIVORCE; (5) JUNIOR NTHABISENG SEOTSANG, 6548 KHUMALO STREET, TOKOZA. 12895/2018—(2) Higginson, Sherrill Ann, 18 October 1961, 6110180044084, 101 Bon Courage, Lyttleton, Pretoria; (3) 21 February 2018; (5) Constant Wilsnach, 386 Orient street, Arcadia, Pretoria. 002613/2019—(2) SHIKWANE, MALFENYANE CHRISTINA, 16 June 1949, 4906160379081, STAND NO. 1661 ZONE 25 GA-RANKUWA 0208; (3) 7 March 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BJ MHLONGO ATTORNEYS, 296 PRETORIUS STREET,PREMIUM TOWERS, 3RD FLOOR, OFFICE 323, PRETORIA.. 002615/2019—(2) NYEMBE, KEMANI ESAU, 7 September 1947, 4709075227084, STAND NO. 21886 MAMELODI X3 MAMELODI EAST 0122; (3) 4 March 2019; (4) THANDI IRENE NYEMBE, 22 May 1950, 5005220181089; (5) BJ MHLONGO ATTORNEYS, 296 PRETORIUS STREET,PREMIUM TOWERS, 3RD FLOOR, OFFICE 323, PRETORIA.. 5872/2019—(2) LE ROUX, CHARLOTT VALERIE, 2 August 1944, 4408020032083, 5 GOLF STREET BOKSBURG GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) 3 March 2019; (5) ALBRE HOPKINS, 817 CROTS STREET, RIETFONTEIN PRETORIA 0084; (6) 30 DAYS. 023505/2018—(2) WATSON, PATRICK MICHAEL DOUGLAS, 18 April 1963, 6304185120086, 68 STEYN STREET 2515; (3) 27 July 2018; (4) MINETTE WATSON, 9 September 1968, 6809090042084; (5) DAWID MATTHEE, 49 KERK STREET FOCHVILLE 2515. 001634/2019—(2) ABOUCHABKI, NOEL JOSEPH, 26 December 1937, 3712265023082, 261 STORM STREET, CENTURION, 0157; (3) 22 February 2019; (5) COLIN PATRICK ABOUCHABKI, 60 HARRIS STREET, COLBYN, 0001. 010356/2018—(2) JURRIUS, PETRA JACOBA, 24 Junie 1931, 3106240006082, MONUMENTSIG RETIREMENT- VILLAGE, 226 BASDEN AVENUE, CENTURION; (3) 23 Junie 2018; (5) WILLEM STERNBERG AUCAMP, PETER MOKABA LAAN 100, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2521. 006196/2019—(2) Mshumpela, Mashumi Nimrod, 22 September 1932, 3209225145089, 19 Makula Section, Katlehong; (3) 4 March 2016; (4) Sizakele Ethel Mshumpela, 4 November 1944, 4411040248085; (5) c/o B.P. Ndaba Incorporared, 1st Floor Central House, 81 Ampthill Avenue, Benoni, 1500. 2220/2019—(2) VAN NIEKERK, WILLEM JOHANNES, 30 July 1929, 2907305021085, 179 HOFSANGER ROAD ROOIHUISKRAAL CENTURION 0154; (3) 18 February 2019; (4) MARIE ALVA VAN NIEKERK, 28 September 1935, 3509280076081; (5) KIM DE JAGER, SNYMAN DE JAGER ATTORNEYS C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD&SOUTH STREET CENTURION 0046. 005014/2019—(2) HEADS, RONALD JOHN, 24 June 1940, 4006245005080, 6 KAYERIE VILLA, MATROOSBERG STREET, VAALPARK, 1947; (3) 17 February 2019; (4) ALLETHA JOHANNA HEADS, 29 February 1948, 4802290047088; (5) STEPHANUS PETRUS SWART, 165 ALEXANDER STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA. 011083/2009—(2) Zackey, Anthony, 31 July 1956, 5607315096080, 7 Carleton Jones Avenue, Southdale Ext1, Johannesburg; (3) 13 May 2005; (4) Susan Zackey, 24 September 1953, 5309240124081; (5) Alec Vincent Leicher, 4th Floor, The Forum Building, 2 Maude Street, Sandton, 2196. 1527/2019—(2) ERASMUS, JOHANNES HERMANUS, 15 Maart 1968, 6803155043087, 1224 COLLINS LAAN; (3) 17 Desember 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) NICOLAAS JOHANNES ERASMUS, 1STE VLOER, KAMER 111a, WAVERLEY PLAZA, 1116 HERTZOG STAAT, VILLIERIA PRETORIA. 005324/2019—(2) Naidoo, Radha, 9 May 1960, 6005090024087, 8 Theunis Street, Bedfordview, Johannesburg, 2007; (3) 20 February 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Arnold Charles Shapiro, Hogan Lovells (South Africa), 140 West Street, Sandton.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 53


592/2019—(2) Gouws, Nanette, 29 February 1936, 3602290067081, 39 Centenary Road, Lorraine, Port Elizabeth; (3) 5 December 2018; (5) PBK Attorneys, 22 Hurd Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 278/2019—(2) KETELO, NDYEBO SELBY KETELO, 11 July 1959, 5907115884083, 190 NU 18, MDANTSANE; (3) 22 October 2018; (4) THOBEKA ELINAH NDYEBO (IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY), 25 April 1963, 6304250838083; (5) STIRK YAZBEK ATTORNEYS, 18 VINCENT ROAD, VINCENT, EAST LONDON. 278/2019—(2) KETELO, NDYEBO SELBY KETELO, 11 July 1959, 5907115884083, 190 NU 18, MDANTSANE; (3) 22 October 2018; (4) THOBEKA ELINAH NDYEBO (IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY), 25 April 1963, 6304250838083; (5) STIRK YAZBEK ATTORNEYS, 18 VINCENT ROAD, VINCENT, EAST LONDON. 06336/2018MOHPE—(2) Jonas, Nomsa Cecilia Jonas, 27 Januarie 1938, 3801270215088, Dunjwa Straat 16, Kwanobuhle, Uitenhage; (3) 12 Oktober 2018; (5) M S Strydom, G P van Rhyn Minnaar & Kie Ingelyf, Rhymin Gebou, Republiek Plein, Posbus 192, Uitenhage, 6230. 00646/2019—(2) Myburgh, Heila Magdalena, 2 March 1968, 6803020089083, 3 Stockenstroom Street, Van Riebeeck Hoogte, Uitenhage, 6229; (3) 21 December 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, P.o Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057; (6) 30. 003070/2018—(2) Taai, Mario Dennis, 17 April 1971, 7104175201089, 18 Eastbourne Road, Buffalo Flats, East London, 5209; (3) 28 August 2018; (4) Desiree Taai, 9 July 1971, 7107090298084; (5) Sanlam Trust, P.O Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057, South Africa; (6) 30. 01223/2019MOHPE—(2) Cairncross, Cyril Leon, 22 November 1953, 5311225148085, Newfeld Straat 24, Gelvanpark, Port Elizabeth; (3) 21 Januarie 2019; (4) Joan Marina Cairncross, 13 Februarie 1955, 5502130142086; (5) M S Strydom, G P van Rhyn Minnaar & Kie Ingelyf, Rhymin Gebou, Republiek Plein, Posbus 192, Uitenhage, 6230. 001180/2019—(2) September, Edwin Derrick, 18 February 1952, 5202185096085, 3 Habelgaarn Street, Galvan Park, Port Elizabeth; (3) 21 January 2019; (4) Katriena September, 30 September 1953, 5309300061082; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd Ref Lynne Louis e) [email protected], PO Box 27528, Greenacres, 6057; (6) 30. 1314/2011—(2) JACOBS, LEONA RENE, 20 Desember 1948, 4812200079089, 11 SCHREINER STREET, VAN RIEBEEK HEIGHTS, UITENHAGE; (3) 21 Februarie 2011; (5) EUGENE JACOBS, P/A THE TOWERS, GROUND FLOOR, 6 BAIRD STREET, UITENHAGE, PO BOX 358, UITENHAGE. 001084/2019—(2) ZOPF, KLAUS, 23 August 1943, 4308235446187, 4 TRALEE WEG, ST FRANCIS BAY, EASTERN CAPE; (3) 19 December 2018; (4) PHUMEZA CYNTHIA ZOPF, 21 December 1978, 7812210614088; (5) HEINRICH JOHANN SPANGENBERG, 34 DU PLESSIS STREET, HUMANSDORP. 5705/2018—(2) Gqamana, Mthuthuzeli Gladman, 29 January 1954, 5401295402080, 9373 Matomela Street, Port Elizabeth; (3) 22 October 2018; (5) Nicolene Botha, FNB Fiduciary, Posbus 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 0000000061/2019—(2) NDABANGAYE, BONAKELE DESMOND, 11 March 1970, 7003115856087, 59290 KAYANA STREET, ZWIDE, PORT ELIZABETH, 6204; (3) 28 October 2018; (5) Wynand du Preez, P O Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055. 004685/2018—(2) TROUP, JAMES BARRIE, 30 August 1942, 4208305012085, 15 THE SWALLOWS, LONGWAY AVENUE, LORRAINE, PORT ELIZABETH 6070; (3) 11 July 2018; (5) LITERALLY TAX CONSULTING (PTY) LTD, PO BOX 9258, CINDA PARK 1463. 794/2019—(2) Van der Merwe, Cathryn Marion, 17 July 1962, 6207170053081, 151 Village View Road, Kidds Beach; (3) 4 January 2019; (4) Anthony Collin Van der Merwe, 6 April 1961, 6104065114088; (5) Nicolene Botha, FNB Fiduciary, Posbus 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 709/2019—(2) Brummer, Elsie Carolina, 25 November 1949, 4911250008087, 65 Thompson Street, Elliot, 5460; (3) 5 January 2019; (5) AJT van Niekerk, PO Box 230, 1 Klip Street, Dordrecht, 5435. 003519/2017—(2) NDZIMBOVU, PATRICIA SINDISWA, 10 January 1968, 6801101181084, FORTDONALD A/A, NTABANKULU; (3) 7 July 2017; (4) PATRICIA SINDISWA NDZIMBOVU, 10 January 1968, 6801101181084; (5) P. CONJWA AND ASSOCIATES, OFFICE NO. 3, MAJOVA PLACE, MAIN STREET, MOUNT FRERE. 5489/2018—(2) Manzini, Charlotte Nomsa, 7 March 1949, 4903070590089, 27 Sobukwe Street, Tambo Village, Port Elizabeth; (3) 28 August 2018; (5) Mzubanzi Nongauza, 19 Maki Street, Zwide, Port Elizabeth. 5670/2018—(2) ROSSOUW, DAVID, 25 July 1953, 5307255151080, 46 SANGER STREET, UITENHAGE; (3) 1 November 2018; (4) FRANCIS MARGARET ROSSOUW, 13 May 1951, 5105130022608; (5) LYNETT@LAW ATTORNEYS, P O BOX 204, UITENHAGE, 6230. 000809/2018—(2) NOROTSHA, NOSEBENZILE, 3 March 1943, 4303030814085, TABASE ADMINISTRATIVE AREA, MTHATHA,5099; (3) 6 October 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) CAPS PANGWA AND ASSOCIATES, SUITE 202,1ST FLOOR, CITY CENTRE COMPLEX, YORK ROAD,MTHATHA. 001034/2019—(2) COATES, CLAUDE TERENCE, 2 January 1921, 2101025034087, NAZARETH HOUSE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 11 February 2019; (5) GEOFFREY JOHN COATES, P O Box 999, PORT ELIZABETH, 6000. 000612/2019—(2) DE SCANDE, MARK, 25 July 1975, 7507255036086, 20 SAFFRAAN AVENUE, ALGOA PARK; (3) 14 December 2018; (5) CHARMAINE LöTTER, 6 BOND STREET, MOUNT CROIX, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001. 001034/2019—(2) COATES, CLAUDE TERENCE, 2 January 1921, 2101025034087, NAZARETH HOUSE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 11 February 2019; (5) GEOFFREY JOHN COATES, P O Box 999, PORT ELIZABETH, 6000.

This gazette is also available free online at 54 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

001841/2018—(2) Tuswa, Virginia Nomfutshane Nosakhele, 18 November 1956, 5611180889080, 62 Louisa Street, King William’s Town; (3) 24 August 2018; (4) Tennyson Tanduxolo Mthunzi (subsequently deceased) Tuswa, 16 July 1951, 5107165143080; (5) Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town; (6) 30. 000574/2019—(2) Tuswa, Tennyson Tanduxolo Mthunzi, 16 July 1951, 5107165143080, 62 Louisa Street, King William’s Town; (3) 10 March 2019; (5) Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town; (6) 30. 1198/2019—(2) VAN DER MERWE, SAREL CELLIERS, 16 Desember 1952, 5212165122082, MAITLANDSTRAAT 2, UITENHAGE, , 6230; (3) 30 Maart 2018; (5) NANCY CARLEN RUDOLPH, Moffett Office Park, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffet & Overbaakens Rd, Fairview. 000981/2019—(2) Unwin, Eric, 11 March 1932, 3203115068188, 3 Harebell Place, Gonubie, Buffalo City; (3) 15 February 2019; (5) P R Heideman, PO Box 13169, Vincent, 5217. 000456/2019—(2) BRESLIN, MARION CLARE, 6 June 1946, 4606060085081, 32 GALJOEN CRESCENT, CINTSA EAST; (3) 22 November 2018; (5) J N COCKS ADMINISTRATORS C C, 18 ROSYTH ROAD, NAHOON, EAST LONDON. 002329/2018—(2) BRADFIELD, EVELYN MILDRED LEWIS, 13 September 1923, 2309130011086, LILY KIRSCHMAN HOME, JARVIS ROAD, BEREA, EAST LONDON, 5241; (3) 30 December 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) DA HARTMANN, PO BOX 19083, TECOMA, 5214. 531/2019—(2) SIBUTA, HITLER ELLIOTT, 4 June 1944, 4406045241085, THEMBENI LOCATION, STUTTERHEIM; (3) 15 August 2017; (4) NOTHOZAMILE SIBUTA, 24 June 1956, 5606240542083; (5) ANTON JACOBUS PRETORIUS, OFFICE 11D, BEACON PARK, 21 PELL STREET, BEACON BAY, EAST LONDON. 000706/2019—(2) Els, Andre Jacobus, 17 December 1955, 5512175027084, 139 Cove Place, Cove Rock, East London District; (3) 11 January 2019; (5) Deborah Anne Godwin, Independent Executor & Trust (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 8081, Nahoon 5210. 489/2019—(2) WENTZEL, SIDNEY HAROLD, 11 February 1935, 3502115020085, ALIWAL NORTH, EASTERN CAPE; (3) 17 December 2018; (5) ELSABE PETRA SMITH, MACLEAR, EASTERN CAPE. 001501/2019—(2) WOLMARANS, PETRUS GERHARDUS, 16 Maart 1955, 5503165108083, HOOPSTRAAT 4, OUDTSHOORN, 6625; (3) 2 Desember 2018; (4) CORNELIA FREDRIKA WOLMARANS, 15 Maart 1957, 5703150048084; (5) MORNé FOURIE, Moffett Office Park, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffet & Overbaakens Rd, Fairview. 000596/2019—(2) Van Jaarsveld, Philipine Rosemarie, 26 September 1941, 4109260054080, 14 Glenroy Estate, Glenroy Drive, Glenroy Park, Port Elizabeth; (3) 16 December 2018; (5) GOLDBERG & DE VILLIERS INC, 13 BIRD STREET, CENTRAL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001. 000516/2019—(2) Kopo, Lonwabiso, 19 January 1983, 8301195498088, 23 Circular Drive, Bhisho; (3) 10 September 2018; (5) Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town; (6) 30. 00078/2019—(2) Mjo, Andile Paul, 2 February 1972, 7202025883088, 16 Albatross Avenue, West Bank, King William’s Town; (3) 19 December 2018; (5) Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town; (6) 30. 1317/2019—(2) Clemens, John Richard, 25 June 1942, 4206255098088, 6 Belvedere, Recreation Road, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth, 6070; (3) 10 February 2019; (5) Nelson Attorneys, 60A Worraker Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 000572/2019—(2) Xabe, Gladwell Luvuyo, 1 September 1954, 5409015739087, 23 Frere Street, King William’s Town; (3) 14 January 2019; (4) Jessie Norooi Xabe, 7 November 1956, 5611070784086; (5) Elwyn Lentz, Box 1159, King William’s Town; (6) 30. 000704/2019—(2) Evenden, Adrienne Nancy, 13 May 1938, 3805130072084, 7 Club Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth; (3) 5 January 2019; (5) GOLDBERG & DE VILLIERS INC, 13 BIRD STREET, CENTRAL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001. 003455/2017—(2) COETZEE, DESMOND JOHN, 18 April 1956, 5604185033085, 3 MEINTJIES STREET, ABERDEEN, 6270; (3) 23 Mei 2017; (4) VALERIE DENISE COETZEE, 12 November 1970, 7011120064084; (5) IZAK WILHELM VAN DER VYVER, 10 CATHCART STREET, ABERDEEN, 6270. 1213/2019—(2) DUNN, JOHANNES, 24 February 1939, 3902245057082, 11 GARDEN PARK, WARBLER STREET, WESTERING, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 11 November 2018; (4) ROSALIE DUNN, 21 February 1946, 4602210059084; (5) ROGER CHARLES HANNINGTON, 43 WYCHWOOD AVENUE, LINKSIDE, PORT ELIZABETH. 535/2019—(2) TRENT, ELIZABETH CHRISTINE, 6 May 1945, 4508060026083, 201 FERNKLOOF, PARK DRIVE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 3 January 2019; (4) N.A. N.A.; (5) PKF (PE) INC., 27 NEWTON STREET, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH. 3636/2013—(2) Gqoli, Sydwell Dumisani, 10 June 1952, 5206105194086, 18 Jafta Street, Northcrest, Mthatha; (3) 13 June 2013; (4) Patience Gciniwe Gqoli, 28 June 1953, 5306280162088; (5) BNI Attorneys, Office No.7, ECDC Building, 7 Sisson Street, Fort Gale, Mthatha. 000598/2019—(2) Saunders, John Richard, 16 July 1950, 5007165073081, 5 Moorshead Street, Gonubie; (3) 27 September 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Matthew Yazbek, Stirk Yazbek Attorneys, 18 Vincent Road, Vincent, East London. 000791/2019—(2) Black, Pamela Audrey, 30 November 1926, 2611300023084, Kennersley Park, Bonza Bay Road, Beacon Bay, East London; (3) 26 January 2019; (5) Independent Executor & Trust, 49 Beach Road, Nahoon, East London, 5241. 000896/2019—(2) Bradshaw, George Walter, 22 March 1947, 4703225158083, 24 Blaine Street, King William’s Town; (3) 29 January 2019; (5) Independent Executor & Trust, 49 Beach Road, Nahoon, East London, 5241. 002930/2018—(2) NORTJE, MARIA JOHANNA, 30 September 1931, 3109300033087, GERT GREEFF TEHUIS, WILLOWMORE, 6445; (3) 1 Julie 2018; (5) GABRIEL PIETER STEYN, KNYSNASTRAAT 45, POSBUS 10, WILLOWMORE, 6445. 000827/2019—(2) Mamtani, Deepak, 3 November 1950, 5011035216185, 184 Villiers Road, Walmer, Port Elizabeth; (3) 10 November 2018; (4) Anita Mamtani, 18 March 1957, 5703180272183; (5) Pagdens Incorporated, P.O. Box 132, Port Elizabeth, 6000.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 55

000598/2019—(2) Saunders, John Richard, 16 July 1950, 5007165073081, 5 Moorshead Street, Gonubie; (3) 27 September 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Matthew Yazbek, Stirk Yazbek Attorneys, 18 Vincent Road, Vincent, East London. 006091 2018—(2) Sigenu, Vuyani Mahlazitha Watkinson, 19 March 1957, 5703195876085, No14 Mswakeli Street, Mbuqe park,Mthatha; (3) 24 June 2017; (5) Bolekwa Sigenu, No14 Mswakeli Street, Mbuqe Park,Mthatha; (6) 30 days. 004657/2018—(2) Mti, Charles Thembinkosi, 11 November 1955, 5511115908080, 21 Gugura Street, Motherwell NU5, Port Elizabeth; (3) 4 July 2018; (5) Adeline Deysel, Steenkamp Attorneys, 22 King Edward Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth. 006248/2018—(2) NOWERS, GEORGE EDWARD, 19 Oktober 1930, 3010195028085, PB GELDENHUYSSTRAAT 3, JOUBERTINA, 6410; (3) 2 November 2018; (5) CW MALAN JOUBERTINA INGELYF, POSBUS 5, JOUBERTINA, 6410. 004048/2018—(2) Ndaki, Timothy Mkhululi, 26 September 1943, 4309265126087, 43 Kings Road, King William’s Town; (3) 24 October 2018; (4) Buyiswa Louisa Ndaki, 10 October 1951, 5110100288085; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 001262/2019—(2) DU TOIT, MARLISA MYBURGH, 9 November 1958, 5811090022083, DE WAALSTRAAT, JOUBERTINA, 6410; (3) 29 Januarie 2019; (5) CW MALAN JOUBERTINA INGELYF, POSBUS 5, JOUBERTINA, 6410. 839/2019—(2) Msebenzi, Bonisile Milton, 17 July 1962, 6207175985087, Ncumbe Administrative area, Mount Frere; (3) 5 February 2019; (4) Nobusika Gladys Msebenzi, 7 July 1968, 6807071595088; (5) polo attorneys, 55 nelson mandela drive, mthatha; (6) 30. 5506060949089—(2) Somya, Thandiwe Cynthia, 6 June 1955, 5506060949089, 82 Cetu Street, Kwamagxaki Port Elizabeth; (3) 23 January 2019; (4) Thembani Canny Somya, 2 December 1961, 6112025844082; (5) Lawrence Masiza Vorster Inc, 214 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth; (6) 30 days. 001216/2019—(2) OELOFSEN, ALLETTA MARIA, 14 Mei 1934, 3405140042084, HUIS FORMOSA, JOUBERTINA, 6410; (3) 27 Januarie 2019; (4) NVT NVT; (5) CW MALAN JOUBERTINA INGELYF, POSBUS 5, JOUBERTINA, 6410. 001164/2018—(2) SILWANA, SICELO AYLIFF, 22 December 1952, 5212225827084, HOUSE NO. 1816 ZONE 1 PHAKAMISA EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) 28 April 2018; (4) KHOLIWE SILWANA, 6 September 1960, 6009060988081; (5) KHOLIWE SILWANA, HOUSE NO. 1816 ZONE 1 PHAKAMISA EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (6) 30 DAYS. 001048/2019—(2) Hall, John Henry, 27 January 1963, 6301275002083, Frailcare, Somerfontein Retirement Village, Admirality Crescent, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) 20 January 2019; (5) GOLDBERG & DE VILLIERS INC, 13 BIRD STREET, CENTRAL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001. 881/2013—(2) SIHELE, NOMONDE PRISCILLA, 11 June 1943, 4306110202089, 601 NU17, MDANTSANE, EAST LONDON; (3) 22 April 2009; (5) MVELISI SIHELE, 374 NU14, MDANTSANE ,EAST LONDON. 247/2019—(2) MASSYN, WILLIAM, 10 March 1936, 3603105004087, 70 DAGBREEK STREET, MANOR HEIGHTS, DESPATCH; (3) 16 November 2018; (5) GREYVENSTEINS ING, POSBUS 754, PORT ELIZABETH 6000. 001643/2018—(2) MABUSELA, NOSIPHO SYBIL, 31 October 1963, 6310310578080, 37 MPHEKO STREET, NU 7, MOTHERWELL,PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 11 March 2018; (4) VUKILE CLYDE MABUSELA, 24 April 1959, 5904245644081; (5) NN JOYI ATTORNEYS INC, 54 CRAWFORD STREET, NORTH END, PORT ELIZABETH. 1059/2019—(2) MATILL, LINDA PAMALA, 28 November 1957, 5711280100089, 430 HIGHFIELD ROAD, SCHAUDERVILLE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 16 December 2018; (5) DONICE VAN ZYL, P O BOX 24175, BAYWEST, PORT ELIZABETH, 6034. 6465/2018—(2) MATILL, REAGAN, 17 November 1991, 9111175551080, 430 HIGHFIELD ROAD, SCHAUDERVILLE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) 11 December 2018; (5) DONICE PERKINS, P O BOX 24175, BAYWEST, PORT ELIZABETH, 6034. 000816/2019—(2) Jackson, Annie Isabel, 15 June 1944, 4406150083082, 11 Topaz Road, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth; (3) 9 January 2019; (5) Mariska Kotzé, FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD, 7th Floor, FNB Newton Place, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 3652/2018—(2) DICKS, WENDY ROSEMARY, 8 February 1935, 3502080037080, CALLIE EVENS LODGE, CATHCART, 5310; (3) 21 August 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) FREDERICK JACOBUS ROSSOUW, 4 ROBINSON ROAD, CATHCART, 5310. 001428/2019—(2) MBALO, MANDU, 10 October 1962, 6210106563082, CHIZELA LOCATION, IDUTYWA; (3) 20 February 2019; (4) NOMATHEMBA VIRGINIA MBALO, 23 June 1973, 7306230742086; (5) N.C. MJAMBA ATTORNEYS INC, 22 DURHAM STREET, ASSUMPTION CONVENT, MTHATHA. 000895/2019—(2) KUMKA, ALICIA KOLEKA, 28 January 1950, 5001280114086, ZIMBANE LOCATION, MBANA ADMINISTRATIVE AREA, MTHATHA; (3) 10 February 2019; (5) N.C. MJAMBA ATTORNEYS INC, 22 DURHAM STREET, ASSUMPTION CONVENT, MTHATHA. 3515/2018—(2) PADOA, MICHAEL JOHN, 19 December 1949, 4912195004082, 9 HERON STREET, PORT ALFRED, 6170; (3) 20 September 2018; (4) DEBRA CARON PADOA, 26 September 1957, 5709260113080; (5) BVSA LEGAL SERVICES (PTY) LTD, 53 WILLIE VAN SCHOOR AVE, TYGER FORUM B, FIRST FLOOR, BELVILLE, 7530. 001344/2019—(2) Basson, Johan, 9 March 1954, 5403095076080, Plot 265, Kragga Kamma Road, Port Elizabeth; (3) 13 December 2018; (4) Johanna Basson, 18 September 1952, 5209180071088; (5) SE du Toit, PO Box 27078, Greenacres, 6057.


009076/2018—(2) Maleka, Sipho Paulus, 17 September 1964, 6409175358081, 592 Tshiame-A Harrismith 9880; (3) 10 September 2018; (5) Balden Vogel & Partners Inc, P O Box 22 Harrismith 9880.

This gazette is also available free online at 56 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

001749/2019—(2) KRUGER, SAREL JOHANNES, 24 Februarie 1954, 5402245057081, Plaas Graspan, Bainsvlei, Bloemfontein, 9338; (3) 2 Februarie 2019; (5) Hesna Aletta Rheeder, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Posbus 818, Bloemfontein, 9300; (6) 30. 318/2019—(2) ROBERTS, PETER BRIAN, 13 March 1943, 4303135026080, 1 Keerom street , Welkom , Freestate; (3) 16 October 2018; (4) N/A; (5) LA GAMBALE INC, P.O.BOX 2004 WELKOM 9460. 005536/2018—(2) SMIT, PIETER WILLEM, 22 Junie 1934, 3406225003082, NOORDSTRAAT 12, JACOBSDAL, VRYSTAAT 8710; (3) 30 Mei 2018; (4) MARTHA ETRECIA SMIT, 22 November 1936, 3611220053087; (5) NICOLAAS JOHANNES FABER, 3 ANDRIES PRETORIUS STRAAT, JACOBSDAL, 8710. 1094/2016—(2) VAN JAARSVELD, BAREND GERHARDUS VAN JAARSVELD, 25 Julie 1948, 4807125117089, 26 SAREL CILLIERS STRAAT, JACOBSDAL, 8710; (3) 22 November 2015; (4) MARTHA ELIZABETH VAN JAARSVELD, 23 Februarie 1952, 5202230101088; (5) NICOLAAS JOHANNES FABE, 3 ANDRIES PRETORIUS STRAAT, JACOBSDAL, 8710. 1528/2019—(2) COETSEE, DOUW GERBRAND, 26 Oktober 1938, 3810265027085, OUDE MOLEN 1, BRANDSTRAAT 36, VREDE 9835; (3) 25 Januarie 2019; (4) JOHANNA WILHELMINA COETSEE, 3 Mei 1943, 4305030025083; (5) Pretorius & Bosman, Bothastraat 59, Vrede 9835; (6) 30. FS000906/2019—(2) Crous, Adriaan Lodewicus, 11 Desember 1947, 4712115001089, Plaas Tevrede, distrik Frankfort; (3) 20 Desember 2018; (5) Jacomina Magdalena Crous, P/a Claasen Prokureurs, Strydomstraat 11, Posbus 7, Frankfort 9830. 1342/2019—(2) POTGIETER, ANDRE, 5 Augustus 1959, 5908055041080, CORNELIASINGEL 38, GENERAL DE WET, , 9301; (3) 27 Januarie 2019; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 1278/2019—(2) MOKOENA, NJANYANA EVELINA, 9 November 1960, 6011090607087, 24 TEBANG VILLAGE, WITSIESHOEK, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9869; (3) 23 November 2018; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 000676/2019—(2) KRUGER, JAUNITA MARGARET, 27 June 1993, 3306270015082, 15 CLARK STREET REITZ; (3) 20 May 2018; (5) ANNA-MARIE NOLAN(NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST), 337 PETROLEUM STREET WATLOO PRETORIA. 004800/2018—(2) WALLIS, LONETTE, 8 Augustus 1986, 8608080146089, PLAAS DUDFIELD, LICHTENBURG,2740; (3) 28 Maart 2018; (5) JOHAN BUITENDAG REKENMEESTERS ING., 23 TRANSVAALSTAAT, LICHTENBURG, 2740. 01038/2018—(2) Bezuidenhout, Pieter Andries Hendrik, 26 July 1946, 4607265014082, Rus my Siel, 1 Elma Plek, Riebeeckstad; (3) 14 September 2018; (4) Susanna Magdalena Elizabeth Bezuidenhout, 19 February 1948, 4802190008081; (5) Wynand Petrus du Plessis, Po Box 68 Welkom 9459; (6) 30. 004276/2016—(2) Schlechter, Maria Jacoba Fransiena, 7 January 1957, 5701070009087, 5 Van Der Vyfer Street, Odendaalsrus, Free State; (3) 12 December 2013; (4) Eben Johannes Schlechter, 24 July 1950, 5007245049085; (5) Monica Isabel Louro, 1st Floor, West Wing, Honey Chambers, Northridge Mall, Kenneth Kaunda Road, Boemfontein. 1810/2019—(2) VAN HEERDEN, BENJAMIN, 21 Mei 1944, 4405215035087, BEWAREA 48, PENTAGONPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 6 Februarie 2019; (4) CATHARINA SUSANNA VAN HEERDEN, 15 September 1953, 5309150050086; (5) CGF KROHN, CHARLOTTE MAXEKE STR 73, BLOEMFONTEIN. 002013/2019—(2) Loubser, Mareena, 24 Januarie 1944, 4401240012084, WESTERBLOEM 282, FASE 8, VAN HEERDENSTRAAT, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 23 Februarie 2019; (5) ELNA ELSA POHL, P.O. BOX 12012, BRANDHOF 9324; (6) 30. 1716/2019—(2) MOTLHOIWA, LEEPILE JOB, 3 November 1950, 5011035654088, 1877 ALBERT LUTHULI STRAAT, ROCKLANDS, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) 8 Januarie 2019; (4) SOPHIE MALESHOANE MOTLHOIWA, 2 Januarie 1958, 5801020766081; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 767/2019—(2) ERASMUS, ANNA CATHARINA ELIZABETH, 23 November 1941, 4111230083082, 12 SCHREINER STRAAT, JAN CILLIERSPARK, WELKOM, 9459; (3) 28 November 2018; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 001567/2018—(2) Moloi, Obed Makoko, 4 October 1963, 6310045485080, 60 Keiskamma Avenue, Vaalpark, 1947; (3) 18 January 2018; (4) Tete Elizabeth Victoria Moloi, 26 February 1965, 6502260567085; (5) Joachim Frederick de Beer, 15 NJ van der Merwe Crescent, Sasolburg, 1947. 1300/2019—(2) Van der Vyver, Izak Christoffel, 11 May 1951, 5105115106082, 11 Lilyvale Way, Rayton, Bloemfontein; (3) 5 January 2019; (5) Old Mutual Trust, P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 1416/2019—(2) Pretorius, Johanna Catharina, 6 Oktober 1952, 5210060056082, 5 Deidre Meenthuis, Pretorius Straat, Bloemfontein; (3) 27 Desember 2018; (5) Philippus Jacobus van Zyl as genomineerde van Nedgroup Trust, PO Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324. 2153/2019—(2) MEINTJES, SCHALK WILLEM, 28 September 1943, 4309285022084, GAWTHORNE STRAAT 35 NAUDEVILLE WELKOM PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) 26 Februarie 2019; (5) FB COETZER PROKUREURS, VAN HEERDENSTRAAT 45 THEUNISSEN PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (6) 30 DAE. 2032/2019—(2) LAUBSCHER, CHRISTIAAN JOHANNES, 16 August 1953, 5308165062086, 11 NIG MIENTJIE STREET, PELLISSIER, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; (3) 11 December 2018; (4) SANDRA SUSANNA LAUBSCHER, 31 January 1957, 5701310034081; (5) JOHN DOUGLAS ANDERSON, 165 ST ANDREW STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301; (6) 30. 7308/18—(2) TLAKE, SOKE OSIEL, 24 April 1953, 5304245596086, COLSONSTRAAT 8, SASOLBURG; (3) 13 Julie 2018; (4) NOKOBANDA MAGGIE TLAKE, 14 Oktober 1962, 6210140381087; (5) ALETTA BOTHA, NJ VAN DER MERWE SINGEL 15, SASOLBURG.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 57

1185/2019—(2) NELL, JOHAN, 1 Julie 1966, 6607015143080, 5 BERMUDA SINGEL, UITSIG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) 2 September 2018; (4) NVT; (5) CJ STANDER, LOVIUS BLOCK ING, EERSTELAAN 31, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301. 1864/2019—(2) SWANEPOEL, JOHANNES JURGENS, 28 April 1935, 3504285014088, NAJAARSRUS STRAAT 7, DOLF STREET, PARYS, 9585; (3) 13 Januarie 2019; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 008041/2018—(2) Smith, Suzette, 23 December 1949, 4912230113088, 9 White Lodge, Muizen Street, Welkom, 9459; (3) 29 September 2016; (5) Kogilan Arumugam, FNB Fiduciary (Pty) LTD, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 7926/2018—(2) Van Heerden, Anna Margaretha, 3 Januarie 1942, 4201030042089, Goudrif Dienssentrum 9A, Begoniastraat 28, Jim Fouchepark, Welkom, 9459; (3) 10 Julie 2018; (5) Johannes Petrus Daniël Botha, Wessels & Smith Ingelyf, Heerenstraat 26-28, Welkom, 9459, Posbus 721, Welkom, 9460. 766/2019—(2) SMIT, CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS, 7 Augustus 1932, 3208075025086, MALHERBE STRAAT 15, UPINGTON, , 8801; (3) 8 Desember 2018; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 8142/2017—(2) KHEZA, SELLO SAMUEL, 7 Desember 1956, 5612075776085, 85 RAS VAN NIEKERKSTREET, KROONSTAD 9499; (3) 4 Julie 2017; (4) PULENG PAULINA KHEZA, 10 Februarie 1967, 6702100765085; (5) WYNAND JOSEPH BOTHA P/A DU RANDT & LOUW INCORPORATED, 25 PRESIDENTSTREET, KROONSTAD 9499. 001167/2019—(2) Fick, Aletta Engela Vidrika, 27 Junie 1933, 3306270005083, Rina’s Haven te Huis, Othellostraat 76, St. Helena, 9460, Welkom; (3) 7 Januarie 2019; (5) Erika Aletta Maas, Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, 6 th Third Street, Bloemfontein. 001961/2019—(2) Swanepoel, Hendrik Fredrik Jacobus, 16 Augustus 1950, 5008165079086, Bekkerstraat 11, Vaalpark, Sasolburg; (3) 1 Februarie 2019; (4) Aletta Sophia Swanepoel (Gebore Henn), 14 April 1955, 5504140110087; (5) Stabilitas Eksekuteurskamer (Edms) Beperk, Stabilitas Chambers, 3de Vloer, Kentlaan 265, Ferndale, Randburg; (6) 28 Maart 2019. 1877/2019—(2) NASH, IRENE ELIZABETH, 20 October 1928, 2810200032084, RINA’S HAVEN, 76 OTHELLOROAD, WELKOM, 9460; (3) 17 January 2019; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN. 1195/2019—(2) LEBUSHO, MOTLOGELWA KLAAS, 27 April 1942, 4204275502080, 6434 TAU STREET, ROCKLAND, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 7 January 2019; (5) ELOISE POTTAS, 99 GENERAL HERTZOG STREET, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301. 1933/2019—(2) MOFOLO, MOTHOBI SAMUEL, 31 Desember 1951, 5112315562080, 6784 CONSTANTIA, MAOKENG, KROONSTAD 9499; (3) 5 Januarie 2019; (4) MATSILISO ELIZABETH MOFOLO, 16 Julie 1952, 5207160686081; (5) IWANDI MALHERBE-NORVAL, NORVAL & CO INC, 44a BRAND STREET, KROONSTAD 9499. 8076/2017—(2) THUKANI, LIMAKATSO PAULINA, 16 June 1936, 3606160223088, 496 ZIM STREET, ROCKLANDS, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 15 June 2016; (5) VAN DEVENTER & THOABALA INC, 99 GENERAL HERTZOG STREET, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN 9301. 1933/2019—(2) MOFOLO, MOTHOBI SAMUEL, 31 Desember 1951, 5112315562080, 6784 CONSTANTIA, MAOKENG, KROONSTAD 9499; (3) 5 Januarie 2019; (4) MATSILISO ELIZABETH MOFOLO, 16 Julie 1952, 5207160686081; (5) IWANDI MALHERBE-NORVAL, NORVAL & CO INC, 44a BRAND STREET, KROONSTAD 9499. 001924/2019—(2) Kuhn, Judith Maria, 9 Desember 1963, 6312090052085, Helpmekaar Straat 17, Uitsig, Bloemfontein; (3) 7 Februarie 2019; (4) Willem Matthys Kuhn, 19 Junie 1953, 5306195085085; (5) WM Kuhn, P/A: EG Cooper Majiedt Ing, Kellner Str 77, Westdene, Bloemfontein. FS001247/2019—(2) PRINSLOO, PIETER ANDRIES, 4 Augustus 1935, 3508045020087, Wilgerus Tehuis vir Bejaardes, Beckwithstraat, Frankfort; (3) 19 Januarie 2019; (5) Johan Daniel Claasen, Claasen Prokureurs, Strydomstraat 11, Frankfort, 9830. FS000572/2019—(2) WILKEN, ANDRIES JACOBUS, 25 Mei 1936, 3605255003082, Kleinfontein, distrik Frankfort, 9830; (3) 17 Desember 2018; (5) Johan Daniel Claasen, Claasen Prokureurs, Strydomstraat 11, Frankfort, 9830. 605/2019—(2) HEINS, THERESA, 1 Julie 1955, 5507010130085, VALHALLA OMPAD 16, VIRGINIA; (3) 19 Desember 2018; (4) OTTO HERMANN HEINS, 23 Desember 1954, 5412235122084; (5) MAREE & VENNOTE PROKUREURS, POSBUS 123, VIRGINIA, 9430. 605/2019—(2) HEINS, THERESA, 1 Julie 1955, 5507010130085, VALHALLA OMPAD 16, VIRGINIA; (3) 19 Desember 2018; (4) OTTO HERMANN HEINS, 23 Desember 1954, 5412235122084; (5) MAREE & VENNOTE PROKUREURS, POSBUS 123, VIRGINIA, 9430. 001918/2019—(2) De Roubaix, Emanuel Gabriel Petrus, 15 February 1936, 3602155029085, Rosenheim Aftreeoord 50, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein; (3) 29 January 2019; (5) Elna Elsa Pohl, Posbus 254, Porterville 6810; (6) 30. 009195/2018—(2) TLALINYANE, NTSOAKI MANKOEBE AGOSTINA, 18 June 1966, 045226299726, HA RALIEMERE, LIKHOELE, MAFETENG, LESOTHO; (3) 14 June 2013; (5) TLALENG ALINA MHLEKWA, NO 7 WALDORF GEBOU/ BUILDING, ELIZABETH STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. 2532/2018—(2) VAN NIEKERK, ABRAHAM PAUL JOHANNES, 7 August 1937, 3708075058086, 77 SANDRIVIER ROAD, VIRGINIA, ORANGE FREE STATE; (3) 11 November 2017; (4) ANNA JCOBA VAN NIEKERK, 9 August 1958, 5808090097081; (5) ANNA JACOBA VAN NIEKERK, 77 DANDRIVIER ROAD, VIRGINIA, ORANGE FREE-STATE; (6) N/A. 008599/2018—(2) HAVENGA, FRANCOIS, 14 September 1950, 5009145047086, WESSELSLAAN 3B, BAINSVLEI, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 7 Augustus 2018; (5) Madeleine Abrahams, c/o Aquila Trustees [Pty] Ltd, P O Box 5438, Tygervalley 7536.

This gazette is also available free online at 58 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

009529/2018—(2) Mthimkulu, Zika Moses, 13 March 1962, 6203135657082, 7937, Bohlokong, Bethlehem; (3) 5 October 2018; (4) Mmotse Charlotte Mthimkulu, 29 June 1970, 7006290439082; (5) Theo Engelbrecht, Theo Engelbrecht Attorneys Inc. Theron Street, Reitz 9810. 000612/2019—(2) Mazwi, Beatrice Nompumelelo, 29 March 1941, 4103290213089, 6921 Unique Homes Pahaimeng, Bloemfontein; (3) 27 December 2018; (5) De Villiers Prokureurs, Dealeweg 89, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein, 9301. 7413/2018—(2) Mashaile, Mane Joel, 29 December 1950, 5012295609085, 4333 F Section, Botshabelo, 9781; (3) 10 August 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Senameco Letshego Lettitia Motlogeloa, 84 Pres Reitz Avenue, Westdene, Bloemfontein. 001455/2019—(2) DREYER, JAN VAN DER VYVER, 26 Julie 1967, 6707265008080, GREENMANSTRAAT 85, DORPSGEBIED HEILBRON, PROVNSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) 6 Januarie 2019; (5) JOHANNES GERHARDUS POTGIETER - J G POTGIETER EN VENNOTE INGELYF, BREESTRAAT 33, POSBUS 199, HEILBRON, VRYSTAAT, 9650. 8015/2018—(2) BANYANE, LETSIELO BENJAMIN, 4 January 1958, 5801045303084, 11570 SWANEPOEL STREET BLOMANDA BLOEMFONTEIN 9323; (3) 28 August 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MOTAUNG ATTORNEYS, 2A HARRY SMITH STREET, WAVERLEY, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. 7717/2018—(2) MATLAMA, MOTLATSI, 12 May 1957, RC068692, RUSTENBURG; (3) 8 January 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MOTAUNG ATTORNEYS, 2A HARRY SMITH STREET, WAVERLEY, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. 7606/2017—(2) BANYANE, MATSHEDISO JULIA, 10 April 1958, 5804100865088, 11570 SWANEPOEL STREET BLOMANDA BLOEMFONTEIN 9323; (3) 27 June 2017; (4) LETSIELO BENJAMIN BANYANE, 4 January 1958, 5801045303084; (5) MOTAUNG ATTORNEYS, 2A HARRY SMITH STREET, WAVERLEY, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300.


014177/2018—(2) PALANI, RAMSAMY FREDDY, 30 August 1948, 4808305104087, 114 FOREMAN ROAD, CLARE ESTATE, 4091; (3) 6 September 2018; (4) VIGIELUTCHMEE PALANI, 12 July 1946, 4607120108087; (5) FELIX ATTORNEYS, 4 MEADOW ROAD, SYDNEHAM, DURBAN, 4091. 011932/2016—(2) GOVENDER, VANITHA MUNSAMY, 1 March 1971, 7103010360084, 43 SMITHVILLE, LOWER ILLOVO, KINGSBURGH, 4126; (3) 11 October 2015; (4) THIAGARAJAN PERUMAL, 5 November 1966, 6611055216087; (5) FELIX ATTORNEYS, 4 MEADOW ROAD, SYDNEHAM, DURBAN, 4091. 017147/2018—(2) LE CORDIER, SABINA MARIE, 11 September 1933, 3309110260082, 32 ELM AVENUE , AUSTERVILLE, 4052; (3) 16 December 2008; (5) FELIX ATTORNEYS, 4 MEADOW ROAD, SYDNEHAM, DURBAN 4091. 000722/2017DBN—(2) PILLAY, PERUMAL, 3 December 1922, 2212035056083, 8 ROAD 749 RISECLIFF, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 20 December 2006; (4) N/A N/A; (5) R MAHARAJ & COMPANY INCORPORATED, SUITE 7 AL-FALAH CENTRE, 54 PARTHENON STREET, STARWOOD,PHOENIX; (6) 30 DAYS. 002970/2019DBN—(2) ANGAMUTHU, DHANNALUTCHMEE, 24 November 1927, 2711240186080, 270 SKYRIDGE CIRCLE, MOORTON, CHATSWORTH; (3) 11 January 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) R MAHARAJ & COMPANY INCORPORATED, SUITE 7 AL - FALAH CENTRE, 54 PARTHENON STREET, STARWOOD, PHOENIX; (6) 30 DAYS. 001450/2019—(2) MOHAN, DINESH, 13 September 1954, 5409135200085, 37 STEEPLE CRESCENT NORTHDLAE PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 2 July 2018; (4) SHALITHA MOHAN, 5706110207054; (5) KESHRINA MAHABEER ATTORNEYS, 389 JABU NDLOVU STREET PIETERMARITZBURG. 000239/2019/PMB—(2) GODO, NOMUSA EUNICE GODO, 16 Augustus 1953, 5308160537082, 1123 FIDEL CASTRO STREET, STEADVILLE, 3373; (3) 30 Desember 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SIBRAN NKABINDE INCORPORATED, 9 POORT ROAD, LADYSMITH, 3370; (6) 30. 000618/2019/PMB—(2) CAREY, DERICK GEORGE MICHAEL, 30 May 1956, 5605305156086, 41 E J SMITH CRESCENT, LIMIT HILL, LADYSMITH, 3370; (3) 16 September 2018; (4) JILLIAN EVELYN WENDY CAREY, 20 October 1956, 5610200114081; (5) SIBRAN NKABINDE INCORPORATED, 9 POORT ROAD, LADYSMITH, 3370; (6) 30. 007085/2016/PMB—(2) AMEEN, ZUBEDA, 26 October 1945, 4510260031087, 6 INDIGO PLACE, LENNOXTON, NEWCASTLE, KWAZULU-NATAL, 2940; (3) 18 July 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) OSSIE LAKHI AND ASSOCIATES, 44 MONTAGUE STREET NEWCASTLE; (6) N/A. 1896/19 DBN—(2) GOUSE, FATHMA BEE, 2 February 1930, 3002020811082, 27 THIRD STREET, HILLARY, DURBAN, 4094; (3) 3 January 2019; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 1814/19 DBN—(2) ANDERSON, HARVEY CLIFFORD, 1 December 1948, 4812015096088, 59 RIVER RESORT, HIBBERDENE, , 4220; (3) 26 November 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 1893/19 DBN—(2) LUSCOMBE, MICHAEL STEVEN, 9 October 1965, 6510095088086, 50 ADMIRAL ROAD, BLUFF, , 4052; (3) 13 November 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 1891/19 DBN—(2) MOODLEY, ELAINE, 11 August 1970, 7008110191083, 64 BLUEJADE 50 SUMMIT DRIVE, SHERWOOD, DURBAN, 4001; (3) 25 December 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2620/19 DBN—(2) HEATH, CHARLOTTE AUDREY, 19 November 1977, 7711190036082, 554 BARTLE ROAD, UMBILO, , 4001; (3) 26 November 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2606/19 DBN—(2) HARMSE, HAROLD EDWIN, 24 July 1938, 3807245052084, SEEKOEI 3 AMAJUBA PARK, NEWCASTLE, , 2940; (3) 2 January 2019; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 59

013221/2018—(2) PILLAY, LUTCHMEE, 6 September 1944, 4409060084083, 38 FIRST CRESCENT, CAMPBELLS TOWN, MOUNT EDGECOMBE, 4300; (3) 10 August 2003; (4) N/A N/A; (5) RENU SEWPERSAD, 94 COWEY ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, 4000; (6) N/A. 012774/2018—(2) PILLAY, BHEEMAN, 31 July 1943, 4307315067087, 38 FIRST CRESCENT, CAMPBELLS TOWN, MOUNT EDGECOMBE, 4300; (3) 16 June 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) RENU SEWPERSAD, 94 COWEY ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, 4000; (6) N/A. 842/2019—(2) VAN WYK, DANIEL WILHELMUS, 28 July 1942, 4207285018088, BANK STREET MARGATE; (3) 26 July 2018; (4) ISABEL MARIA VAN WYK, 5 February 1949, 4902050014086; (5) P J Fourie, Barry Botha & Breytenbach Incorporated 16 Bisset Street Port Shepstone. 014719/2018/DBN—(2) Hlengwa, Sanele Tyson, 13 June 1990, 9006136312087, 103, 7th Gap Street, Georgedale, Hammersdale; (3) 11 May 2018; (5) MARLAN NAIDOO AND PARTNERS, 489 ARENA PARK DRIVE, ARENA PARK, CHATSWORTH. 0000000766/2019—(2) Fourie, Willem Jacobus, 11 Mei 1946, 4605115054084, No 7 Blue Buckstraat Panorama Empangeni 3880; (3) 1 Oktober 2018; (4) Cecilia Fourie, 6 Maart 1952, 5203060049082; (5) Joubert Scholtz Ingelyf nomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk, Heidelaan 11 Kempton Park 1619. 7875/2017/DBN—(2) RAMKUMAR, MAINMATHEE, 5 October 1933, 3310050124080, 256 FLEET STREET, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 18 March 2015; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLIABLE; (5) ANIRUTH BEHARIE, 275 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH, 4092. 002877/2019—(2) Nortje, Ronald, 20 November 1942, 4211205064081, 24 Twilanga Retirement Center, 89 Herrwood Drive, Umhlanga; (3) 13 February 2019; (4) Joan Margaret Nortje, 20 April 1944, 4404200048080; (5) Christopher Stuart Finlay, 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia, 4051. 14754/2016/DBN—(2) RAMKUMAR, HUNOOTH, 29 September 1956, 5609295175080, 256 FLEET STREET, WESTCLIFF, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 13 June 2015; (4) LEELAWATHIE RAMKUMAR, 9 February 1965, 6502090088088; (5) ANIRUTH BEHARIE, 275 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH, 4092. 1602/19 PMB—(2) FINDLAY, ANTHONY JAMES, 11 November 1954, 5411115082087, 8 MYKONOS , 5 COMRIE PLACE, PIETERMARIZBURG, , 3201; (3) 21 January 2019; (4) MARIA MAGDALENA FINDLAY, 2 June 1957, 5706020053085; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 11255/2018 DBN—(2) MOODLEY, GANASEN RAMSAMY, 10 March 1937, 3703105080085, 63 DAVID ROAD, SCOTTBURGH; (3) 14 March 2018; (4) PATHMAVATHIE MOODLEY, 4 August 1942, 4208040084084; (5) STRIDARAN MOODLEY, 24 GREENWAY DRIVE, RIDGEWORTH, WESTERN CAPE. 001661/2019—(2) VAN WYK, ABRAHAM JACOBUS, 18 December 1961, 6112185020085, SAMSONSKLIP FARM INGOGO; (3) 16 August 2018; (5) DBM ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 117, NEWCASTLE, 2940; (6) 30. 017523/2018—(2) Jones, Maureen Elizabeth, 3 December 1956, 5612030052085, Unit 16 Penny Lane, 30 Summit Drive, Sherwood, 4091; (3) 24 August 2018; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Christopher Stuart Finlay, 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia, 4051. 01933/2016/DBN—(2) PARASURAMEN, SIVA, 12 September 1951, 5109125606081, 68 CORRIANDER CLOSE, CROSSMOOR, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 6 December 2015; (4) MUTHAMMA PARASURAMEN, 11 September 1955, 5509110095085; (5) MUTHAMMA PARASURAMEN, 7TH FLOOR, PERMANENT BUILDING, 343 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4001. 02881/2019/DBN—(2) SOMAN, KEN, 24 December 1945, 4512245120084, 20 CLUBSIDE CLOSE, CANESIDE, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 5 December 2018; (4) N/A; (5) KUSHILA PADAYACHEE, 7TH FLOOR, PERMANENT BUILDING, 343 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4001. 02822/2019/DBN—(2) KANTHASAMI, SABITHA, 27 November 1951, 5111270096084, 87 EDGEBURY ROAD, EASTBURY, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 7 November 2018; (4) MADURAY KANTHASAMI, 4 May 1942, 4205045099083; (5) LOIS MOSHAL, 7TH FLOOR, PERMANENT BUILDING, 343 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4001. 017065/2018—(2) NAIDOO, RUNGANATHAN MAUSALIAH, 11 August 1948, 4808115105084, 215 AVOCA HILLS DRIVE, NEWLANDS EAST, 4051; (3) 8 September 2018; (4) SUNDRAGANTHI NAIDOO, 27 May 1951, 5105270142088; (5) MALINI RUNGANATHAN NAIDOO, 215 AVOCA HILLS DRIVE, NEWLANDS EAST, 4051. 2601/19 DBN—(2) VAN VOLLENHOVEN, CHRISTINA THANDIWE, 5 March 1937, 3703050098082, 16 KATE HARTNOLL ROAD, MALVERN, , 4093; (3) 18 March 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2625/19 DBN—(2) PILLAY, LOGUMBAL, 31 January 1947, 4701310085088, 207 SHANNON DRIVE, RESERVOIR HILLS, DURBAN, 4000; (3) 18 November 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, PO Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2630/19 DBN—(2) PILLAY, MOONSAMY SAGARAN, 5 September 1941, 4109055069087, 207 SHANNON DRIVE, RESERVOIR HILLS, DURBAN, 4000; (3) 8 April 2017; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2618/19 DBN—(2) MIYA, MGUBUZELI JOHANNES, 26 July 1942, 4207265378080, MPEMVU RESERVE, EMPANGENI, , 3880; (3) 16 November 2018; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2604/19 BN—(2) CHANGUION, ISABELL MUNRO MACVICAR, 31 October 1937, 3710310062089, 7 THE LINKS, 81 ASHLEY DR, GILLITTS, 3610; (3) 23 January 2019; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 1132/19 PMB—(2) WEYERS, ESIAS ENGELBERTUS, 6 October 1935, 3510065011087, EIKEPARK 11, PIKKEWYNLAAN, NEWCASTLE, 2940; (3) 1 January 2019; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 01675/2019—(2) GLASSON, DOUGLAS JAMES, 4 February 1929, 2902045052086, 17 OKKERNEUT ROAD, EMPANGENI; (3) 9 February 2019; (5) ZOLIA BOTHA, P O BOX 840, STILL BAY, 6674.

This gazette is also available free online at 60 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

003320/2019—(2) Moodley, Moonsamy Ayasamy, 8 November 1937, 3711085071081, 129 Aloe Street, Craigieburb, Umkomaas, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 27 January 2019; (4) Anjalamma Moodley, 20 January 1946, 4601200085083; (5) Sharlene Govender & Associates, 16 Andreasen Street, Port Shepstone; (6) N/A. 012063/2018—(2) Ndlela, Sibongile Lydia, 30 March 1937, 3703300167083, 8 Osuthu Street, Shakaville, Stanger, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 30 July 2018; (5) B.G. Singh and Company, 83 Mahatma Gandhi Street, P.O. Box 907, Stanger, 4450; (6) -. 002718/2019—(2) Davaraj, Rampath Persad, 24 August 1931, 3108245093081, Sub 102 (of 58), New Guelderland, Stanger, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 29 August 2018; (4) Shanthi Davaraj, 3812160468083; (5) B.G. Singh and Company, 83 Mahatma Gandhi Street, P.O. Box 907, Stanger, 4450; (6) -. 002701/2019—(2) Narainan, Rangamma, 28 August 1940, 4008280362087, 4 Opal Avenue, Shallcross, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 9 October 2018; (5) B.G. Singh and Company, 83 Mahatma Gandhi Street, P.O. Box 907, Stanger, 4450; (6) -. 002681/2019—(2) Govender, Poobalan Shunmugam, 22 March 1964, 6403225117084, Old Mill Security Estate, Empangeni Rail, Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 8 December 2018; (5) B.G. Singh and Company, 83 Mahatma Gandhi Street, P.O. Box 907, Stanger, 4450; (6) -. 003320/2019—(2) Moodley, Moonsamy Ayasamy, 8 November 1937, 3711085071081, 29 Aloe Street, Craigieburn, Umkomaas, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 27 January 2019; (4) Anjalamma Moodley, 20 January 1946, 4601200085083; (5) Sharlene Govender & Associates, 16 Andreasen Street, Port Shepstone; (6) N/A. 003020/2019—(2) De Sas Kropiwnicki, Alexandra Anna, 11 October 1923, 2310110015089, 31 Dersey Street, Nahoon, East London; (3) 28 January 2019; (5) -, P O Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 003271/2019/DBN—(2) KROK, NATHAN, 2 February 1933, 3302025029080, 46 Wanless Road, Umbilo, Durban; (3) 8 November 2017; (4) N/A N/A, -; (5) Kim Lambrechts (Attorney/Agent), 2nd Floor, Wearcheck House, 16 School Road, Pinetown, 3600; (6) 30. 1803/2019/DBN—(2) MUNIEN, SUNDRAVATHIE, 28 January 1945, 4501281000085, 22 MOUNTAINVIEW STREET, SILVERGLEN, 4092; (3) 21 January 2018; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) KARTHIEGASEN DHANAPALAN MUNIEN, 22 MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD, SILVERGLEN, 4092. 003099/2019—(2) Perumal, Saraspathiamma, 13 April 1950, 5004130124081, House 22,Road 721,Montford , Chatsworth; (3) 20 October 2018; (5) -, P O BOX 27511, GREENACRES, 6057. 001719/2019—(2) Mathebula, Beatrice Phumlile, 23 October 1960, 6010230709084, F1868 Section 6 Madadeni 2951; (3) 30 March 2018; (4) Madoda Russel Mathebula, 10 October 1960, 6010105787082; (5) Hlengiwe Nompumelelo Mathebula, F1868 Section 6 Madadeni 2951; (6) 30. 2463/2019—(2) SEONUNDAN, SOOKDHAW, 27 September 1984, 4809275116085, 95 BARRACKPUR ROAD, MEREWENT, MEREBANK, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) 24 December 2018; (4) DHANAMATHIE SEONUNDAN, 20 September 1947, 4709200626085; (5) DHANAMATHIE SEONUNDAN C/O CKMG ATTORNEYS, SUITE 2, GEORGE SEWPERSADH CENTRE, 23 GEORGE SEWPERSADH STREET, VERULAM, 4340; (6) N/A. 8664/2018/PMB—(2) Pretorius, Hercules Christiaan, 16 June 1948, 4806165123080, 59 East street Vryheid 3100; (3) 6 September 2018; (4) Anna Gezina Pretorius, 23 April 1954, 5404230005083; (5) J M Steenkamp & Co, 159 High street Vryheid 3100. 1371/2019—(2) Aldum, Avril Esme, 11 April 1940, 4004110066089, Greendale House, 33 Wear Avenue, Howick, 3290; (3) 2 February 2019; (5) HARVARD HOUSE FINANCIAL SERVICES TRUST and Gregory James Errington Edwards, c/o Harvard House Chartered Accountants , P O Box 235, Howick, 3290; (6) 30. 002942/2019—(2) HARICHARAN, KISHORE BALA, 19 August 1960, 6008195206088, 164 TAMMANY AVENUE, CROFTDENE, CHATSWORTH; (3) 26 January 2019; (4) NISHA HARICHARAN, 11 October 1967, 6710110108089; (5) NISHA HARICHARAN, 164 TAMMANY AVENUE, CROFTDENE, CHATSWORTH. 000209/2019—(2) Dlamini, Sicelo Mvikeleni, 1 January 1980, 8001019001080, Shiyanyawo Area, Nquthu, KwaZulu- Natal; (3) 21 September 2018; (4) Thenjiwe Prudence Dlamini, 17 October 1989, 8910170793089; (5) Thenjiwe Prudence Dlamini, Shiyanyawo Area, Nquthu, KwaZulu-Natal. 1992/2011 DBN—(2) VENKADU, MOONSAMY, 3 June 1936, 3606035066084, 61 PARKSIDE DRIVE, SILVERGLEN, CHATSWORTH; (3) 16 July 2008; (4) N/A N/A; (5) ASOGANANDAN PILLAY, 61 PARKSIDE DRIVE, SILVERGLEN, CHATSWORTH. 7774/2018/PMB—(2) NCWANE, SUNDAY MTHANDI, 1 October 1973, 7310015348085, 298 BEULIEU ESTATE, RICHMOND; (3) 31 August 2018; (5) Mason Incorporated, P.O. BOX 100, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3200; (6) 30. DBN5917/2017—(2) Mzimela, Sixtus Mfanafuthi, 25 July 1952, 5207255426088, 731 Nhlungwane, Area 2, Inanda, 4309; (3) 28 October 2016; (5) Zanele Dorcus Mzimela, 731 Nhlungwane, Area 2, Inanda, 4309. 1172/19/PMB PMB—(2) ASHINGTON, DONALD VINCENT, 15 May 1931, 3105155006087, 9 SHERWOOD, 17 MARE STREET, HOWICK, 3290; (3) 10 January 2019; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 672/19 PMB—(2) FAKEER, BALRAM, 7 July 1949, 4907075119083, 8 DIVINE ROAD, HOWICK WEST, HOWICK, 3290; (3) 21 November 2018; (4) SUMINTHRA FAKEER, 21 September 1954, 5409210210082; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2558/2019-DBN—(2) GRAMANY, GANESAN, 15 January 1957, 5701155136086, Plot 30 Valleyview Growder Farm, Umkoomaas; (3) 17 January 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SHARON GOVENDER & ASSOCIATES, SUITE 1417 DURDOC, CENTRE, 460 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN; (6) 30 DAYS.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 61

DBN9512/2010—(2) Pillay, Lingadhavan, 4 October 1955, 5510045268086, 53 President Street, Bayview, Durban, 4092; (3) 28 April 2010; (4) Kamala Pillay, 8 March 1952, 5203080072080; (5) Kamala Pillay, 53 President Street, Bayview, Durban, 4092. 001142/2019/PMB—(2) KHAMBULA, THANDEKILE CLARICE, 28 June 1965, 6506280512088, BIGGARSBERG NO. 5, DURNACOL, DANNHAUSER; (3) 16 December 2018; (5) VELI KHAMBULA, BIGGARESBERG N0.5, DURNACOL, DANNHAUSER. 0000001707/2019—(2) Zimu, Mhlabunzima Lucas, 4 July 1952, 5207045636087, 170157 Noshezi Location Pietermaritzburg 3201; (3) 5 December 2018; (4) Elizabeth Zimu, 23 July 1962, 6207230249083; (5) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road Kempton Park 1619. 003079/2019—(2) McQUADE, JOAN, 17 April 1927, 2704170006089, Doone Village, 1 Beare Drive, Pinetown, 3600; (3) 28 January 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) DIANNE DANIEL, 51 OAK AVENUE, RIVERCLUB, SANDTON, 2191. 001604/2019—(2) MOODLEY, THIGESEN, 9 April 1975, 7504095116087, 10 BOUGHTON PLACE ,PIETERMARITZBURG 3201; (3) 3 February 2019; (4) SHANAAZ DHARAMRAJ MOODLEY, 16 September 1975, 7509160183086; (5) SHANAAZ DHARAMRAJ MOODLEY, 10 BOUGHTON PLACE PIETERMARITZBURG 3201. 001977/2019/DBN—(2) GLATTHAAR, ROY VALENTIN BRUCE, 5 August 1944, 4408055031083, COTTAGE 264, 1 NORTH DRIVE, MARGATE RETIREMENT VILLAGE; (3) 18 December 2018; (5) CHANTAL NAIDOO, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 1165/2019/PMB—(2) MASIKANE, CROSOSTOMUS SIMANGA, 13 December 1967, 6712135613085, NO 1807 GOBILE ROAD AZALEA UNIT 5 PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 3 December 2018; (4) BONGEKILE HAPPYNESS MASIKANE, 17 July 1976, 7607170245083; (5) BONGEKILE HAPPYNESS MHLONGO, 21 HELLET ROAD ESCOURT,KWAZULU NATAL; (6) 30. 001903/2019/DBN—(2) FLEMING, COLIN JAMES, 20 August 1928, 2808205055084, 5 GLENHEATON, 2 HEATON NICHOLLS ROAD, KLOOF; (3) 3 October 2018; (5) CHANTAL NAIDOO, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 7633/2011 DBN—(2) WEBSTER, VICTOR, 26 October 1942, 4610265073081, 28 MARIA CRESCENT, AUSTERVILLE, DURBAN; (3) 24 April 2011; (4) DIPOU MARY WEBSTER, 8 September 1939, 3909080294084; (5) DIPOU MARY WEBSTER, C/O 85 PERCY OSBORN ROAD, WINDERMERE, DURBAN. 002755/2019/DBN—(2) NTULI, CANAAN SIPHO, 11 March 1931, 3103115175084, 1068 SUNDUMBILI TOWNSHIP, MANDENI; (3) 23 November 2018; (4) N/A; (5) SHANOJ ISHWARDUTH RAMDHANI, 2ND FLOOR FNB ACACIA HOUSE, 2 KIKEMBE DRIVE, UMHLANGA, 4320. 017176/2018—(2) Schulze, Nola, 24 March 1961, 6103240058087, 2 Meriden, 226 Clark Road, Glenwood, Durban; (3) 20 November 2018; (5) Nombuso Teresa Schulze c/o Tamryn Elizabeth Simpson, 21 Richefond Circle, Ridgeside Office Park, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban. 017335/2018—(2) MZAMANE, HAZEL TOBEKA, 7 February 1956, 5602070884083, 13 LEN NICHOL ROAD, AMANZIMTOTI; (3) 10 November 2018; (4) SITEMBELE TOBELA MZAMANE, 30 January 1952, 5201305764085; (5) JOLWANA MGIDLANA INC, 19 PARK ROAD, MTHATHA, 5099. 1651/2019—(2) PILLAY, SAVATHERY PILLAY, 19 February 1942, 4202190327088, CLUSTER BOX 157, CANELANDS, 4344; (3) 22 June 2005; (5) SHAMIM SHAIK & COMPANY, P. O. BOX 2, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4319. 001661/2017—(2) PILLAY, MUNIAMMA, 14 March 1941, 4103140392083, 42 PARKVALE CLOSE, RYDALVALE, PHOENIX, KWAZULU-NATAL,4066; (3) 5 January 2011; (5) ARAMUGAM PILLAY, 42 PARKVALE CLOSE, RYDALVALE, PHOENIX, KWAZULU-NATAL, 4066. 1775/2019—(2) RAJLAL, SARASVATHI, 3 June 1967, 6706030727081, 14 MELA STREET, MOUNT MORIAH, KWAMASHU, 4051.; (3) 7 January 2019; (4) DHARAMRAJ RAJLAL, 20 February 1957, 5702205110089; (5) DHARAMRAJ RAJLAL, 14 MELA STREET, MOUNT MORIAH, KWAMASHU, 4051.; (6) 30 DAYS. 016433/2018—(2) RAZAAK ABDOOL, LATIB, 22 February 1942, 4010125078084, DURBAN; (3) 10 September 2016; (5) ABBAS LATIB AND COMPANY, 77 INNES ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, 4001. 001905/2019/DBN—(2) WADE, ELIZABETH GUDRUN, 3 April 1940, 4004030025082, 16 THE HAMLET, 26B FIRTH CRESCENT, HOWICK; (3) 24 November 2018; (5) CHANTAL NAIDOO, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 13422/2010—(2) MHLONGO, SIBUSISO MBOMVU, 4 May 1959, 5905045489080, 1500 JIYANE ROAD, HAMBANATHI, TONGAAT; (3) 22 March 2010; (4) KHANYISILE IVY MHLONGO, 3 May 1973, 7305030636084; (5) KHANYISILE IVY MHLONGO, 1209 DUBE VILLAGE, INANDA, 4310; (6) 30 DAYS. 9461/2017/PMB—(2) NDLOVU, HAWU SAMUEL, 6 September 1935, 3509065176080, N 21 UMLAZI TOWNSHIP, P. O. UMLAZI, 4031, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 17 June 2017; (4) VIOLET NDLOVU, 2 September 1935, 3509020254089; (5) VIOLET NDLOVU, N 21 UMLAZI TOWNSHIP, P. O. UMLAZI, 4031, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL. 14495/2018 DBN—(2) Cowan, Gary James, 29 October 1955, 5510295686086, 12 Allenby Gardens, Durban, 4000; (3) 8 September 2018; (5) John Rowland Archer of Archer Law Inc., 1 Elrose court, 75 Currie road, Durban, 4000. 014613/2018/DBN—(2) CAIN, PIUS DELISANI, 3 December 1982, 8212035823080, NO.9 MANAAR ROAD, UMHLANGA ROCKS, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 8 September 2018; (4) ZAMEKA CAIN, 1 May 1982, 8205010575089; (5) ZAMEKA CAIN, NO.9 MANAAR ROAD, UMHLANGA ROCKS, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL. 001464/2019—(2) Bardenhorst, Maria De Lourdes Jaluador, 5 April 1960, 6004050112081, 61 Fredick Avenue, Bluff, 4052; (3) 21 December 2018; (5) MEUMANN WHITE ATTORNEYS, PO Box 50171, Musgrave, 4062; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 62 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

001981/2019/DBN—(2) OAKLEY, EDNA JOY, 20 October 1928, 2810200061083, ESSENWOOD RETIREMENT HOME, ESSENWOOD ROAD; (3) 2 January 2019; (5) RENUSHA GOVENDER, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 002047/2019/DBN—(2) GOVENDER, POONSAMY, 21 March 1940, 4003215078080, 16 EVE ELIZABETH ROAD, MALVERN; (3) 12 November 2018; (4) LUTCHMEE GOVENDER, 20 September 1945, 4509200100085; (5) RENUSHA GOVENDER, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 1559/2019/PMB—(2) Corfe, Sheila Jean, 7 May 1957, 5705070017081, 4 Fairford Grove, Cotswold Downs, Hillcrest; (3) 28 November 2018; (4) Marten James Corfe, 22 July 1957, 5707225139182; (5) ECKHARD VOLKER CA (SA), P O BOX 1086 Wandsbeck 3631. 2817/2019—(2) NARAINSAMY, VASUTHAVEN, 30 November 1955, 5511305117088, UNIT 53, MARINE SANDS , 237 OR TAMBO DRIVE, DURBAN .; (3) 14 December 2018; (4) MALIGA NARAINSAMY, 24 April 1961, 6104240655088; (5) PERUMAULS ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 60890 , PHOENIX, 4080. 001409/2019—(2) RABIKISSOON, SAVITHARANEE, 30 January 1943, 4301300126081, 18 DOLPHIN AVENUE, RESERVOIR HILLS, 4091; (3) 25 November 2018; (5) AUMPRAKASH DEBINARAIN, 18 DOLPHIN AVENUE, RESERVOIR HILLS, 4091. 002063/2019/DBN—(2) VAN RENSBURG, SUSARAH JOHANNA, 22 January 1938, 3801220046088, 72 GARMOUTH AVENUE, BLUFF; (3) 5 October 2018; (5) CHANTAL NAIDOO, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 001502/2019PMB—(2) Msimang, Ian Nathan Khululani, 9 April 1964, 6404095271084, 125 Ryley Street, Dundee, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 5 February 2019; (4) Truelove Bongile Msimang, 18 February 1972, 7202180359080; (5) Xaba Attorneys, 223 Boom Street, Central Office Park, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 8815/2018/PMB—(2) Cox, Roy Vincent, 7 March 1943, 4303075028088, 23 Peatties Lake Resort, Albert Falls, Kwazulu Natal; (3) 29 May 2018; (5) Candice Moore Attorneys & Conveyancers, 15 Welcome Way, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 003004/2019/DBN—(2) BRINER, MARCEL, 10 February 1950, 5002105140181, 17 OYSTER ROAD, PENNINGTON 4184; (3) 24 January 2019; (5) RENUSHA GOVENDER, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 7775/2018—(2) ADAM, HAWA BEE BEE, 2 April 1960, 6004020272080, 17 CABSTER TERRANCE. COPESVILLE, PIETERMARITZBRG; (3) 20 May 2018; (4) MOHAMED IYSHAD ADAM, 27 March 1960, 6003275075081; (5) MOHAMED IYSHAD ADAM, 321 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG. 028095/2019/JHB—(2) NDLOVU, THEMBINKOSI JABULANI, 21 April 1962, 6404215329089, HOUSE NUMBER 2437, MTALIYANI ROAD; (3) 20 November 2016; (5) CHANTAL NAIDOO, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 004034/2018—(2) SOODAMA, PRADEEP, 23 October 1961, 6110235188084, 46 8TH AVENUE ESTCOURT 3310; (3) 26 January 2018; (4) ROSHINI SOODAMA, 1 January 1962, 6201010075081; (5) ROSHINI SOODAMA, 437 BURGER STREET PIETERMARITZBURG 3201. 001970/2019/DBN—(2) PEARCE, HAZEL NANCY, 25 October 1925, 2510250058084, 224 AMBERGLEN, PRIVATE BAG X004, HOWICK, 3290; (3) 16 July 2018; (5) CHANTAL NAIDOO, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 017450/2018—(2) ZONDI, ALSON MLANDELI, 2 December 1964, 6412025283087, F 314 UMLAZI 117 BLESSING R/D; (3) 27 June 2018; (5) NKANYISO THANDO ZONDI, F314 UMLAZI 117 BLESSING ROAD. 004893/2018—(2) PILLAY, GOVINDASAMY, 25 December 1941, 4112255510082, 14 WELLPARK PLACE, SHASTRI PARK, PHOENIX, KWAZULU-NATAL, 4066; (3) 23 June 2013; (4) CHINNA GOVINDAMMA PILLAY, 2 February 1941, 4102020417085; (5) BODASING AND CO ATTORNEYS AND CONVEYANCERS, PO BOX 35, UMHLANGA, 4320. 3575/2012 DBN—(2) Gumede, Cynthia Zodwa, 23 April 1965, 6504230399086, 6 Sam Mdlalose Lane, Umlazi-C; (3) 2 October 2010; (5) MEUMANN WHITE ATTORNEYS, PO Box 50171, Musgrave, 4062; (6) 30. 002450/2019/DBN—(2) SING, DEORAM, 18 August 1951, 5108185082084, 22 SOOKLALL DRIVE, NEWLANDS WEST, DURBAN; (3) 21 January 2019; (4) NALINI SING, 21 March 1952, 5203210006081; (5) RENUSHA GOVENDER, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 016459-2018—(2) LATIB, KHADIJA BIBI, 2 October 1971, 7110020290282, DURBAN; (3) 29 May 2018; (5) ABBAS LATIB AND COMPANY, 77 INNES ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, 4001. 005266/2018—(2) PILLAY, CHINNA GOVINDAMMA, 2 February 1941, 4102020417085, 14 WELLPARK PLACE, SHASTRI PARK, PHOENIX, KWAZULU-NATAL,4066; (3) 15 December 2013; (5) SOUNDRAJAN GOVINDASAMY PILLAY, 14 WELLPARK PLACE, SHASTRI PARK, PHOENIX, KWAZULU-NATAL, 4066. 5302/2016 DBN—(2) Hattingh, Ryan Steven, 4 October 1954, 5410045169089, Unit 1, Gokul Valley, 67 Gokul road, Isipingo Rail, Durban, 4000; (3) 9 March 2012; (4) Rosemary Billie Stevens (estranged since 1984), 14 December 1950, 5012140037185; (5) Anthony Dolphin and Associates, 3 St. Stevens, 278 Clark road, Glenwood, Durban, 4000. 2031/2019 DBN—(2) Fincham, Keith, 24 January 1952, 5201245118087, 5 Gregory place, Bluff, Durban, 4000; (3) 4 November 2018; (5) Anthony Dolphin and Associates, 3 St. Stevens, 278 Clark road, Glenwood, Durban, 4000. 9950/2018/DBN—(2) KUNENE, VIVI PETROS, 20 August 1953, 5308205815089, ERF 745 OF KLAARWATER, 440508 STREET, KLAARWATER, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 21 May 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) EMMANUEL THOKOZANI MAHLOBO, COMMERCIAL CITY BUILDING, FLOOR 10, SUITE 1003, 40 DR. AB XUMA STREET, DURBAN, 4001. 3219/2019—(2) LEVETON, MARGARET SHIRLEY, 22 May 1947, 4705220035083, 5 Acacia Drive, Simbithi Eco Estate, Ballito 4420; (3) 22 February 2019; (5) D R Kneebone CA(SA), Box 1267, Kloof 3640.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 63

001894/2019/DBN—(2) ROBERTS, VALERIE MARY, 17 February 1945, 4502170095088, 142 Lewis Drive, Amanzimtoti; (3) 15 December 2018; (4) ROBIN MICHAEL ROBERTS, 17 May 1940, 4005175084081; (5) Brand van Niekerk & Co. Inc, 1st Floor, Brandfin House, 4 Holwood Crescent, La Lucia Ridge, 4051. 002737/2019/DBN—(2) GOVENDER, KRISHNAVELLI, 10 October 1953, 5310100057080, 6 SOLLY STREET, HIGHRIDGE, STANGER, 4450; (3) 17 November 2018; (4) SATHASIVAN MUNSAMY GOVENDER, 11 October 1947, 4710115056087; (5) SHANAZ SINGH, P O BOX 4130, THE SQUARE, UMHLANGA ,4320. 017099/2018—(2) GRIFFIN, MAREE, 31 July 1936, 3607310045082, 504 POINSETTIA PARK, 619 KINGSWAY, AMANZIMTOTI; (3) 20 September 2018; (5) Tomlinson Mnguni James Attorneys - Judd Robert Reid, Suite 201, Ridge 6, 20 Ncondo Place, Umhlanga. 001983/2019/DBN—(2) LAUBSCHER, JAMES ARCHIBALD STANFORD, 28 November 1937, 3711285069083, COTTAGE 233, MARGATE RETIREMENT VILLAGE; (3) 25 December 2018; (5) CHANTAL NAIDOO, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 002886/2019/DBN—(2) COETZEE, STEVEN GARY THOMAS, 11 July 1961, 6107115005081, 3 ROBERTSON ROAD, CAMPERDOWN; (3) 15 January 2019; (4) LUANNE MARCIA COETZEE, 30 June 1958, 5806300027088; (5) CHANTAL NAIDOO, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 002126/2019/DBN—(2) CORDIER, CHRISTIAAN GEORGE, 4 September 1936, 3609045070088, 42B Bream Hill, Meerensee, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 2 December 2018; (4) N/A; (5) Shanoj Ishwarduth Ramdhani, 2nd Floor FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive, Umhlanga, 4320. 012472/2018DBN—(2) VAWDA, RABIA BEE BEE CASSIM, 24 July 1948, 4807240113088, ROAD 703, HOUSE 23 CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) 21 December 2015; (4) N/A N/A; (5) AYOUB KAWA & COMPANY, 1ST FLOOR 171 FELIX DLAMINI ROAD, OVERPORT, DURBAN, 4091. 012196/2018/DBN—(2) Mbhele, Bongani Prince, 25 November 1943, 4311255161082, Ward 14, Cabhane Area, Mathulini Tribal Authority, Hibberdene.; (3) 14 May 2017; (5) Thomas Dandridge Diaz, PO Box 13527, Cascades, 3202.. 1565/2011—(2) Keswa, Zachariah, 3 March 1924, 2403035362080, R 400 Umlazi, Umalzi Township; (3) 18 June 1999; (4) N/a; (5) Aesha Ramchunder Attorneys, Suite 602B, Corporate Place, 9 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban, 4001; (6) N/A. 000425/2019—(2) Waters, Geoffrey Harvey, 24 August 1943, 4308245117083, 46 Kentucky Drive, Durban North; (3) 16 November 2018; (5) C M Kenton - Executor, 14 Darrel Crescent, Crestholme, 3610. 002468/2019 DBN—(2) ANQUETIL, MARLENE CELEST, 15 July 1940, 4007150049089, 2 AMON AVENUE, MALVERN, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 23 August 2018; (5) LLEWELLYN EDOUARD PATRICK ANQUETIL, c/o KING-ESSACK & ASSOCIATES, 64 KINGS ROAD, PINETOWN. 2125/2013—(2) Pasha, Shoko Emeline, 14 July 1932, 3207140225085, 1761 Kwamakutha A, Kwamakutha Township; (3) 14 June 2012; (4) N/a; (5) Aesha Ramchunder Attorneys, Suite 602B, Corporate Place, 9 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban, 4001; (6) N/A. 174/2019—(2) SHAH, CASSIM, 11 April 1945, 4504115442086, 80 CILLAGROVE CRESCENT, GROVE END, PHOENIX; (3) 6 July 2017; (5) SUMAYYA SHAH & AZRA CASSIM SHAH, C/O 85 PERCY OSBORN ROAD, WINDERMERE, DURBAN. 002465/2019/DBN—(2) BEECHOO, RAVATHEE, 9 May 1941, 4105090060081, 20 ROSEGREEN CLOSE, GREENBURY, 4068; (3) 12 January 2019; (5) RENUSHA GOVENDER, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 2523/2019—(2) SHAH, HANIFA, 2 July 1954, 5407020065088, 80 CILLAGROVE CRESCENT, GROVE END, PHOENIX; (3) 22 January 2013; (5) SUMAYYA SHAH, C/O 85 PERCY OSBORN ROAD, WINDERMERE, DURBAN. 003940/1996/PMB—(2) MSOMI, JULIUS, 22 April 1945, 4504225403085, C205 MPUMALANGA TOWNSHIP, HAMMARSDALE, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 13 January 1995; (4) ZIBUYILE DORIS MSOMI, 31 January 1942, 4201310112081; (5) NDUDUZI WELCOME MSOMI, C205 MPUMALANGA TOWNSHIP, HAMMARSDALE, KWAZULU-NATAL. 001666/2017—(2) PILLAY, KOTHANDA PANI, 5 August 1937, 4103140392083, 2 PARKVALE CLOSE, RYDALVALE, PHOENIX,4068; (3) 5 January 2011; (5) ARAMUGAM PILLAY, 42 PARKVALE CLOSE, RYDALVALE,PHOENIX, 4068. 8675/2018—(2) DAVID, MAGAMBAL, 15 July 1940, 4007150132083, 27 GARNET CRESCENT, COPESVILLE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 5 June 2012; (4) N/A N/A; (5) KUBENTHRAN DAVID, 91 BRAM FISCHER DRIVE, FERNDALE EXTENTION, JOHANNESBURG. 002827/2019—(2) Fourie, Johannes Cornelius Stephanus Fourie, 27 February 1933, 3302275033089, 10 Launceston Road, Amanzimtoti, 4126; (3) 8 January 2019; (4) Yvonne Fourie, 11 September 1932, 3209110017088; (5) MEUMANN WHITE ATTORNEYS, PO Box 50171, Musgrave, 4062; (6) 30. 011596/2018—(2) THAVER, NAGAMAH, 18 July 1950, 5007250162088, 44 ROEHAM PLACE, WESTHAM, PHOENIX, KWAZULU-NATAL, 4068; (3) 11 June 2018; (5) KASEN MOGAMBERY MOODLEY, 44 ROEHAM PLACE, WESTHAM, PHOENX, KWAZULU-NATAL, 4068. 3674/2018—(2) SURUJBALLY, UDARAJH, 6 December 1956, 5612065231083, 77 HANNAFORD DRIVE, FORESTHAVEN, PHOENIX; (3) 15 April 2017; (4) KEMRAJEE SURUJBALLY, 17 November 1958, 5811170198084; (5) KEMRAJEE SURUJBALLY, 77 HANNAFORD DRIVE, FORESTHAVEN, PHOENIX. 2357/2019—(2) GOVINDSAMY, MARIEMUTHU, 11 September 1947, 4709115137087, 71 FULLPALM STRRET, PALMVIEW, PHOENIX; (3) 17 August 2014; (5) RONALD GOVINDASAMY, 71 FULLPALM STREET, PALMVIEW, PHOENIX. 14532/2018—(2) IBRAHIM, HOOSEN, 3 September 1929, 2909035178086, 31 FELDFERN PLACE, REDFERN, PHOENIX; (3) 18 October 1998; (4) HAWA BIBI IBRAHIM, 21 February 1942, 4202210299085; (5) HAWA BIBI IBRAHIM, 31 FELDFERN PLACE, REDFERN, PHOENIX.

This gazette is also available free online at 64 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

3283/2019—(2) Anthony, Govindamah, 9 September 1959, 5909090258085, 50 Blundell Crescent, Queensburgh; (3) 5 February 2019; (4) Thomas Anthony, 9 February 1951, 5102095184080; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 108, Beacon Rock, 21 Lighthouse Road, Umhlanga Rocks. 1745/2019/PMB—(2) Wijnberg, David Owen, 10 July 1927, 2707105023087, 7 Waterfall Gardens, 45 Yellowwood Road, Waterfal; (3) 16 February 2019; (4) Joan May Wijnberg, 16 April 1933, 3304160034081; (5) ECKHARD VOLKER CA (SA), P O BOX 1086 Wandsbeck 3631. 2292/2019—(2) Hart, Ralph James, 7 July 1946, 4607075032084, 5 Havelock Street, Eshowe, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 25 January 2019; (4) Magdalena Hart, 14 December 1948, 4812140030085; (5) Campbell Attorneys, P O Box 4051, The Square, 4021. 3277/2019—(2) BHIKAM, RAJESH, 23 November 1963, 6311235150088, 22 ADDISON ROAD, HILLARY, MEMORIAL PARK, DURBAN; (3) 16 December 2018; (4) VANITHA BHIKAM, 20 December 1967, 6712200248080; (5) CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES, SUITE 108, BEACON ROCK, 21 LIGHTHOUSE ROAD, UMHLANGA 4319. 3280/2019—(2) URBACH, SALLY PAMELA, 9 July 1973, 7307090250087, 75 RIVER VIEW DRIVE, CRESTHOLME 3652; (3) 11 November 2018; (4) KEVIN CARL URBACH, 5 March 1973, 7303055162086; (5) CAPITAL LEGACY FIDUCIARY SERVICES, SUITE 108, BEACON ROCK, 21 LIGHTHOUSE ROAD, UMHLANGA 4319. 1900/19 DBN—(2) JOFFE, ARNOLD, 13 March 1942, 4203135037089, 211 WAVERLEY, MARGARET MNCADI AVENUE, DURBAN, 4001; (3) 8 December 2018; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2613/19 DBN—(2) PILLAY, LUTCHMY, 1 May 1954, 5405010128086, 14 ROAD 507, CHATSWORTH, , 4092; (3) 10 December 2018; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2438/19 DBN—(2) BOYD, CLAUDETTE ELLEN, 27 June 1947, 4706270032087, 3 TOPHAM ROAD, DOONSIDE, , 4126; (3) 14 December 2018; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 2447/19 DBN—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, MARLENE LAURETTE, 28 July 1944, 4407280009088, 1 MARTINIQUE SYKES ROAD 8, KINGSBURGH, KWAZULU-NATAL, 4126; (3) 21 December 2018; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 1816/19 DBN—(2) COERTZE, SHARON JOCELYN, 22 April 1951, 5104220150184, 21 SALMON DRIVE, PENNINGTON, DURBAN, 4184; (3) 9 December 2018; (4) JOHAN DANIEL COERTZE, 23 August 1957, 5708235048082; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 3396/19 DBN—(2) HARRIS, ALAN ROLAND, 21 January 1946, 4601215087082, NO 6 KLOOF GARDENS, 14 KLOOF ROAD, SOUTHPORT, 4230; (3) 25 January 2019; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 3382/19 DBN—(2) FUHRI, PAUL WAYNE, 23 August 1965, 6508235106081, 54 FREDERICK AVENUE, BLUFF, DURBAN, 4052; (3) 31 January 2019; (4) HEILI FUHRI, 2 June 1968, 6806020037085; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 003267/2019—(2) KASSIM, ZULEKA BEE BEE, 22 April 1957, 5704220193082, 74 SOUTHVALE AVENUE, RYDALVALE, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 1 January 2018; (4) HOOSEN KASSIM, 15 December 1954, 5412155046081; (5) HOOSEN KASSIM, 74 SOUTHVALE AVENUE, RYDALVALE, PHOENIX, 4068. 22171/2014/PMB—(2) PITCHFORD, PAMELA, 4 May 1921, 2105040038189, RIVERSIDE HOME, BULWER STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 24 May 2014; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) C A SHARROCK, 191 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 002843/2019—(2) PIETERSE, LYNNE ELLEN, 6 December 1950, 5012060039088, 22 CLENDENNING ROAD, PINETOWN; (3) 21 January 2019; (5) MCCLUNG MUSTARD, 5 WINDSOR ROAD, PINETOWN. 014943/2018—(2) CUNDUSAMY, KISTNASAMY, 2 October 1931, 3110025095088, 13 BOOTHGREEN WALK, GREENBURY, PHOENIX, DURBAN; (3) 13 July 2014; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2 Cranbrook Crescent, Cranbrook Park, La Lucia Ridge, Durban; (6) 30 Days. 1332/2019—(2) Toach, Cecil Ernest, 17 June 1943, 4306175064085, 70 Link Road, Waterfall, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 31 December 2018; (4) Verity June Toach, 29 June 1948, 4806290080080; (5) Prior and Prior Attorneys, P O Box 17338, Congella, 4013. 003018/2019—(2) Thorley, James Edward, 19 August 1937, 3708195090183, 2 Chelten Drive, Widenham Terrace, Umkomaas, 4170; (3) 20 July 2018; (5) Tracy Unsworth, P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057. 1599/19 DBN—(2) UYS, DIRK CORNELIS, 2 June 1957, 5706025004083, 791 OLD MAIN ROAD, QUEENSBURGH, , 4093; (3) 11 December 2018; (4) ANNA JOHANNA SUSANNA ANTASIA UYS, 28 January 1960, 6001280040082; (5) NANWANTHIE AJODHA GOVENDER, ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000. 003317/2019/DBN—(2) PACHAI, MAGALUTCHMEE, 28 March 1931, 3103280055087, 42743 Alba Court, Belleville, Michigan, USA; (3) 30 October 2018; (4) SOMASUNDRAM PUCKREE PACHAI, 14 April 1934, 3404145304086; (5) RENUSHA GOVENDER, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 003313/2019/DBN—(2) KAY, PERRY, 29 May 1930, 3005295028084, 3 Garden Mews, 5 Lauth Road, Pinetown; (3) 9 February 2019; (5) RENUSHA GOVENDER, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 003393/2019—(2) Meyer, Willem Lodewyk, 30 July 1940, 4007305019086, 762 Pongola Villa, Dr Jansen street, Pongola; (3) 15 November 2018; (5) Bea Weich, 182 Piet Retief street, Pongola, 3170; (6) 30. 003096/2019/DBN—(2) SAVAGE, TERESA, 23 January 1927, 2701230010184, 17 Boscombe Place, Marine Parade; (3) 16 September 2018; (5) RENUSHA GOVENDER, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 65

001904/2019/DBN—(2) SMITH, NEIL TERRENCE CARR, 8 December 1929, 2912085067084, TAFTA ON THE RIDGE, 51 EAST STREET, DURBAN; (3) 21 December 2018; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD, PO BOX 50840 MUSGRAVE 4062. 014846/2018—(2) CUNDUSAMY, KAMATCHEE, 1 July 1943, 4307010133085, 13 BOOTHGREEN WALK, GREENBURY, PHOENIX, DURBAN; (3) 13 July 2014; (4) KISTNASAMY CUNDUSAMY, 2 October 1931, 3110025095088; (5) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 2 Cranbrook Crescent, Cranbrook Park, La Lucia Ridge, Durban; (6) 30 Days. 0034082019—(2) Nunkhuor, Karishma, 14 September 1985, 8509140011083, 9 Winside Road Caneside Phoenix; (3) 26 February 2016; (4) Donver Nunkhuor, 21 October 1985, 8510215022088; (5) Donver Nunkhuor, 394 Trenance Park Drive Palmview Phoenix; (6) 30 days. 008382/2018—(2) Peddie, Michael Darrel, 23 July 1934, 3407235087081, Section 3 Ashley Gardens, 19 Cargill Terrace, Merrival, 3291; (3) 13 September 2018; (4) Guiqing Peddie, 27 November 1969, 6911271072185; (5) Standard Trust Limited, 1 Kingsmead Way, Standard Bank Centre, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; (6) 30. 015981/2018DBN—(2) PILLAY, RONEY MUNSAMY, 25 October 1938, 3810255093089, 32 BURLINGTON DRIVE, BURLINGTON HEIGHTS, SHALLCROSS; (3) 14 July 2018; (4) BALAMANI PILLAY, 3 November 1943, 4311030073081; (5) BALAMANI PILLAY, 32 BURLINGTON DRIVE, BURLINGTON HEIGHTS, SHALLCROSS. 2477/2019 DBN—(2) SAROOP, SUDESH, 19 April 1974, 7404195040081, 42 IVERNHAM GROVE, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 24 December 2018; (4) SHARDA DEBBIE SAROOP, 1 February 1972, 7202010205081; (5) MARIAM CASSIM AND ASSOCIATES, SUITE C111, 79 CROMPTON STREET (FORMERLY WAKEFIELDS HOUSE), PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 days. 000813/2019/PMB—(2) Ribeiro, Manuel Ferreira Da Silva, 2 May 1944, 4405025065183, Rua Do Outeiro 1997, Maia, Portugal; (3) 15 October 2017; (5) Standard Trust Limited 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 016627/2018 DBN—(2) NELLATHAMBY, POONASAMY, 17 October 1944, 4410175048088, 5 GILDCROFT CLOSE, LONGCROFT, PHOENIX, 4068.; (3) 20 September 2018; (4) DHANAVATHEE NELLATHAMBY, 12 September 1947, 4709120063088; (5) DHANAVATHEE NELLATHAMBY, 5 GILDCROFT CLOSE, LONGCROFT, PHOENIX, 4068.; (6) 30 DAYS. 017598/2018—(2) Vieira, Gregorio De Nobrega, 26 December 1942, 4212265061181, 9 Cambridge Gardens 130 Peter Mokaba Road Durban 4001; (3) 21 February 2017; (5) Vikashnie Naidoo, Private Bag 54319 Durban 4000; (6) 30. 002182/2018—(2) VAN HEERDEN, JOHANNES ALBERTUS, 7 June 1932, 3206075039081, 121 MOSS ROAD, BLUFF; (3) 17 September 2017; (5) ANDRIES PETRUS JOHANNES VAN HEERDEN, 84 TRICHARDTS ROAD, RAVENSWOOD, BOKSBURG. 008360/2018—(2) Bradfield, Bryan Colin, 4 March 1951, 5103045154082, Ivala Lodge R74 Muden, 3251; (3) 25 August 2018; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag 54319 Durban 4000; (6) 30. 003378/2019/DBN—(2) DICKS, KENNETH WILLIAM, 22 June 1935, 3506225031080, 52B York Street, Newcastle; (3) 7 November 2018; (4) MARGARET JOY DICKS, 3 October 1938, 3810030016082; (5) CHANTAL NAIDOO, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 010508/2018/DBN—(2) COWELL, MIMMIE MALAN, 24 December 1927, 2712240023083, APN RETIREMENT HOMES 53 HARBOTH ROAD, NEW GERMANY; (3) 15 April 2016; (5) CARYL CULLEN, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 0175922018—(2) Padayachee, Maganathan, 25 February 1967, 6702255192085, 8 Innerwood Crescent, Woodview, Phoenix; (3) 13 October 2018; (4) Sarah Chentell Padayachee, 25 May 1970, 7005250132083; (5) Vikashnie Naidoo, Private Bag 54319 Durban 4000; (6) 30. 16992/2018DBN—(2) PILLAU, SUBRAMONEY, 1 November 1932, 3211015112089, 68 FULLPALM STREET, PALMVIEW, PHOENIX; (3) 15 May 2007; (4) SHUNMUGAVALLI PILLAY, 1 March 1937, 3703010104087; (5) SHUNMUGAVALLI PILLAY, 68 FULLPALM STREET, PALMVIEW, PHOENIX; (6) 30 DAYS. 002084/2019—(2) Strydom, Richard Daniel, 4 June 1956, 5606045094082, 77 Harrison Drive, Durban; (3) 20 October 2018; (5) Vikashnie Naidoo (Identity Number : 8501190045087 nominee of Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag 54319 Durban 4000; (6) 30. 002916/2019—(2) Jones, Russell Waller, 20 February 1947, 4702205518084, 27 Acute Road , Bluff , Durban; (3) 8 December 2018; (5) Vikashnie Naidoo nominee of Standard Triust Limited, Private Bag 54319 Durban 4001; (6) 30. 000782/2019—(2) Vieira, Carlos Alberto, 19 September 1969, 6909195060088, 87 Harrison Drive, Glenhills, Durban; (3) 25 August 2018; (5) Vikashnie Naidoo, Private Bag 54319 Durban 4000; (6) 30. 002929/2019—(2) Ramnarain, Maganlall, 1 August 1950, 5008015091083, 66 Keyford Close, Sunford, Phoenix, 4068; (3) 21 November 2018; (4) Manthie Ramnarain, 13 September 1957, 5709130183081; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag 54319 Durban 4000; (6) 30. 001992/2019—(2) Patley, Louise Mercedes Irmguard, 18 June 1928, 2806180007088, 8 Sherbourne Village, Umhlanga Manors; (3) 3 December 2018; (5) Vikashnie Naidoo Identity Number ; 8501190045087 nominee of Standard Trust Limited, Private Bag 54319 Durban 4000; (6) 30. 001180/2019—(2) SIBIYA, DUMISANI CHRISTOPHER, 8 July 1966, 6607085441083, LADYBANK, NYANYADU, DANNHAUSER; (3) 22 July 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) SIKHUMBUZO WELCOME SIBIYA, SHOP NO 2 PRESHA CENTRE, 75 SCOTT STREET, NEWCASTLE, 2940. 003321/2019—(2) GRAVETT, CAVELL MAY, 15 March 1949, 4903150012087, LA GRATITUDE OLD AGE HOME 3 BIRD STREET NEWCASTLE; (3) 19 November 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 003200/2019—(2) SEWPARSAD, DAYANAND, 1 January 1943, 4301015076084, 18 RESERVOIR ROAD, WINSTON PARK GILLITS; (3) 21 November 2017; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 2086, Durban, 4000.

This gazette is also available free online at 66 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

003423/2019—(2) CAMPBELL, JOHN, 18 October 1946, 4610185065085, 10 HEYWOO AVENUE GLENWOOD DURBAN; (3) 8 January 2019; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 003510/2019—(2) JUTA, JAN CAREL, 13 May 1946, 4605135068080, 53 VASCO DA GAMA DRIVE SHILTON PARK KINGSBURG; (3) 23 November 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 2086, Durban, 4000. 1862/2019/PMB—(2) MBHELE, HUGH BAKHONA SIFISO, 13 April 1962, 6204135742080, 500238 NKOSI ROAD, ESIGODINI, EDENDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG, KZN; (3) 4 March 2019; (5) SIVA CHETTY AND COMPANY, 378 LONGMARKET STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG. 9291/2018—(2) CELE, NDUKUZEMPI ALPHEUS, 24 March 1954, 5403245386082, 13114 KWAMPUZA LOCATION, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 11 August 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) SANDILE LUIS CELE, 86 ERNA ROAD, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 016301/2018—(2) CHRISTENSEN, DULCIE ELLEN MARY HOWE, 10 December 1937, 3712100054086, 702 WHITERIGGS, 215 RIDGE ROAD, BEREA, DURBAN,4001; (3) 26 August 2018; (4) COLIN DAVID PAUL CHRISTENSEN, 23 August 1931, 3108235066089; (5) A G JENKINS ATTORNEYS, SUITE 3, 24 HILTON AVENUE,HILTON,3245. 15217/2017—(2) CHINASAMY, SATHIASEELAN, 7 October 1947, 4710075533083, 73 JACARANDA AVENUE, MOUNTVIEW, VERULAM; (3) 20 August 2017; (4) DHAVAGIE CHINASAMY, 27 September 1951, 5109270531084; (5) DHAVAGIE CHINASAMY, 73 JACARANDA AVENUE, MOUNTVIEW. 003417/2019/DBN—(2) Fourie, Riaan Fouche, 28 December 1962, 6212285005083, 27 Princeville Road, Illovo Beach; (3) 3 February 2019; (5) SANLAM TRUST LIMITED, P.O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000. 003420/2019/DBN—(2) FOUCHE, BAREND CHRISTOFFEL, 19 September 1939, 3909195009088, 2 Launceston, 22 Launceston Street, Amanzimtoti; (3) 1 January 2019; (4) SUSARAH MARIA FOUCHE, 11 August 1942, 4208110015083; (5) SANLAM TRUST LIMITED, P.O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000. 2749/2017—(2) MARAIS, ISAAC DANIEL, 3 June 1957, 5706035112082, 39 CONGER PLACE, NEWLANDS EAST, 4037; (3) 8 January 2017; (4) MARY MAGDELINE MARAIS, 3 March 1961, 6103035112082; (5) HALSE, HAVEMANN & LLOYD, 1st Floor East Wing – Deodant Building 12 Payne Street Pinetown, 3610. 313/2008 DBN—(2) GOVENDER, THANDROYAN, 1 August 1938, 3808015312088, 86 BULDANA ROAD, MEREBANK, DURBAN; (3) 7 August 2007; (4) N/A N/A; (5) KASINDREE CHETTY ATTORNEYS, 217 DAYAL ROAD CLAIRWOOD, DURBAN. 19DE1017—(2) NAPIER, JILLIAN PRISCILLA, 26 April 1938, 3804260028180, 6 GLAMIS LANE, UNIT 339, AMBERGLEN, KARKLOOF ROAD; (3) 27 January 2019; (5) J Leslie Smith & Company - Howick, -; (6) 30. 002083/2019—(2) Von Staden, Marlit Inge, 12 August 1938, 3808120113181, Section 328 Le Domaine, 100 Acutts Road, Hillcrest; (3) 5 November 2018; (5) Denise Audrey Williams, Office Suite 2, 16/18 Frosterley Crescent Office Park, Armstrong Avenue, Umhlanga, 4051. 005222/2018—(2) DOS SANTOS, KATHLEEN CORA, 10 July 1922, 2207100050086, CLARENDON HOUSE, ROBERTS ROAD, PIETERMARITZBURG, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 1 July 2018; (5) REDVERS JOHN LEE, 281 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG 3201. 0024942019—(2) Samuel, Josephine Florence, 13 July 1956, 5607130096081, 193 Blackburn Road,Redhill,Durban; (3) 10 January 2019; (5) Adv Shantha L. Naidoo, 18 Harbottle Road,Overport,Durban. 001373/2019—(2) PHOSWA, MABUTHO INSON, 21 December 1972, 7212215613088, XHOSHEYAKHE LOCATION, BULWER; (3) 2 February 2019; (5) SHABANGU ATTORNEYS, 29 Timber Street, Old Trust Building, 3rd floor suite 301, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (6) 30 days. 011797/2017—(2) GOODALL, LESLIE HAROLD, 21 June 1935, 3506215052088, 136 MERION COURT, 19 PRINCE STREET, DURBAN, 4001; (3) 24 July 2017; (4) EDNA AMELIA GOODALL, 12 November 1949, 4911120104082; (5) HALSE, HAVEMANN & LLOYD, 1st Floor East Wing – Deodant Building 12 Payne Street Pinetown, 3610. 2305/2019 DBN—(2) AJODHA, HARIRAM AJODHA, 4 June 1970, 7006045098084, 32 ASHLEY CENTRE, 84 MARIANHILL ROAD, PINETOWN, 3610; (3) 25 January 2019; (4) SHARON JACKQUILLEN AJODHA, 14 March 1971, 7103140059085; (5) MARIAM CASSIM AND ASSOCIATES, SUITE C111, 79 CROMPTON STREET (FORMERLY WAKEFIELDS HOUSE), PINETOWN, 3610; (6) 30 days. 008549/2018g—(2) GOVENDER, ANGAMMA, 4 December 1933, 3312040077089, 353 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH; (3) 9 April 2015; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PRAGASI GOVENDER, 353 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH. 001558/2019—(2) Booth, Joan Marie, 7 May 1920, 2005070011082, Unit 17 Eden Gardens Retirement Complex, 75 Gladys Mazibuko Road, Durban 4001; (3) 6 January 2019; (5) Michael Brewer Booth, PO Box 941, LinkHills 3652. 006567/2018—(2) PONNEN, MARGARET, 17 January 1946, 4601170079905, 11 RUDMORE ROAD, FORESTHAVEN PHOENIX; (3) 21 October 2017; (4) RUTHENSAMY PONNEN, 11 July 1943, 4307115117082; (5) RUTHENSAMY PONNEN, 437 BURGER STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 003766/2019-DBN—(2) GOVENDER, JACK, 25 December 1925, 2512255080089, 1 BOUNDARY ROAD, OSLO BEACH, PORT SHEPSTONE, 4240, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) 10 February 1996; (4) PRISCILLA GOVENDER, 15 May 1938, 3805150086089; (5) JAYRAJ RAMBHAROS, 34 CRESCENT STREET, MARBURG, PORT SHEPSTONE, 4240, KWAZULU NATAL; (6) 30. 002532/2018—(2) PADAYACHEE, SELVARAJ, 27 February 1966, 6602275138086, 16 WOODLANDS AVENUE, HILLARY, DURBAN; (3) 5 November 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PREABA PADAYACHEE, 183 EQUALITY AVENUE,CROFTDENE, CHATSWORTH.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 67

001887/2019—(2) MACK, DIETER, 3 November 1943, 4311035067088, 54 TOPHAM ROAD, 9 WINDSOR MEWS, PELHAM, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 21 February 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Longbourne Pty Ltd, PO Box 600, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. 003001/2019/DBN—(2) GILCHRIST, VERONICA CATHERINE ROSE, 26 August 1928, 2808260058080, 698 KINGSWAY, ATHLONE PARK, AMANZIMTOTI ,DURBAN; (3) 20 November 2018; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, NEDBANK PARK SQUARE, 9 PARK AVENUE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. 3240/2018—(2) MSELANA, SINENHLANHLA SONWABILE, 4 March 1994, 9401120470084, 6 CHELINS HOUSE, 300 WATSONIA ROAD, BLUFF, 4052; (3) 4 March 2012; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) MARISA LEAH AYN PAULSEN, 1 MANLY PLACE, TREASURE BEACH, BLUFF, 4052; (6) 30 DAYS. 001323/2016—(2) SUBRATI, AMOD, 31 August 1923, 2308315038088, 17 MARKLEW AVENUE, WESTVILLE, DURBAN, 3629; (3) 30 October 2015; (5) PARKER ATTORNEYS AND CONVEYANCERS, 289 BELGRAVIA ROAD, ATHLONE, CAPE TOWN, 7764. 3695/2019—(2) GOBURDHAN, PRASHIELA DEVI, 5 April 1957, 5704050121088, 33 SPORTPARK CLOSE, SASTRI PARK, PHOENIX; (3) 23 July 2015; (5) MAHES ATTORNEYS, 77 BLACKBURN ROAD, PARKHILL, DURBAN NORTH. 000566/2019—(2) Ngobese, Thandi Charlotte, 29 September 1937, 3709290225088, c1178 Sibusiso mdakane Drive, Umlazi; (3) 24 September 2018; (4) n/a n/a, n/a; (5) J.T and Associates, Suite 714 Sangro House, 417 Anton Lembede Street Durban. 15603/2018—(2) GOBURDHAN, POORAN, 15 June 1948, 4806155179084, 33 SPORTPARK CLOSE, SASTRI PARK, PHOENIX; (3) 6 July 2018; (5) MAHES ATTORNEYS, 77 BLACKBURN ROAD, PARKHILL, DURBAN NORTH. 3240/2018—(2) MSELANA, SINENHLANHLA SONWABILE, 12 January 1994, 9401120470084, 6 CHELINS HOUSE, 300 WATSONIA ROAD, BLUFF, 4052; (3) 4 March 2012; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) MARISA LEAH AYN PAULSEN, 1 MANLY PLACE, TREASURE BEACH, BLUFF, 4052; (6) 30 DAYS. 3457/2019—(2) ANIRUDH, ASHOK, 18 April 1961, 6104185227083, 105 LENHAM DRIVE, WESTHAM, PHOENIX; (3) 3 February 2019; (4) SHAKILLA ANIRUDH, 21 April 1963, 6304210759080; (5) MAHES ATTORNEYS, 77 BLACKBURN RAOD, PARKHILL, DURBAN NORTH. 001375/2019—(2) BENIMADHO, POONIA, 5 June 1938, 3806050072088, 156 RESERVOIR ROAD, BOMBAY HEIGHTS, PITERMARITZBURG; (3) 7 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) ANAND PILLAY ATTORNEYS INCORPORATED, 37 HENRIETTA STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3200; (6) 21. 003582/2019—(2) BIYELA, MQANJELWA NKINDLANE, 3 December 1962, 6212035475081, B19 GWABABA ROAD NGWELEZANE B EXT 51; (3) 13 February 2019; (4) DIMI NOKWAZI BIYELA, 7 January 1965, 6501070737086; (5) MASISA CONSULTANTS, 1 SULLIVAN ROAD , 2 SHAIBANI LODGE BISLEY PIETERMARITZBURG 3201. 017144/2018/DBN—(2) NTOMBELA, DINGENI THENJISIWE, 1 January 1953, 5301011641088, OLWANE RESERVE EMPANGENI 3880; (3) 7 December 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MASISA CONSULTANTS, 1 SULLIVAN ROAD , 2 SHAIBANI LODGE BISLEY PIETERMARITZBURG 3201. 002555/2019—(2) MATHULA, NDODAYEDWA GIDEON, 27 October 1954, 5410275737084, KWADENGE AREA NONGOMA KZN 3950; (3) 27 December 2018; (4) ZANELE CONSTANCE MATHULA, 21 November 1970, 7011210354080; (5) MASISA CONSULTANTS, 1 SULLIVAN ROAD , 2 SHAIBANI LODGE BISLEY PIETERMARITZBURG 3201. 013372/2016—(2) BRETT, DYMOCK DALLAS ALLEN, 26 May 1947, 4705265063081, 4 AQUILA TWO, 30 NKWAZI DRIVE, ZINKWAZI BEACH 4480; (3) 26 July 2016; (5) DAVID BASIL BATES, MAZARS HOUSE, 197 PETER MOKABA ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN 4001. 11378/2006DBN—(2) ZILOZI, MZUNGEZWA, 1 July 1930, 3007015541081, E809 NDABUKO ROAD, P.O KWAMASHU, 4359; (3) 22 September 2005; (4) NOMUSA GLADYS ZILOZI, 7 May 1955, 5505070477081; (5) SUITE 413, TOWER B, SALISBURY CENTRE, 347-351 DR PIXLEY KASEME STREET, DURBAN, 4001, SUITE 413, TOWER B, SALISBURY CENTRE, 347-351 DR PIXLEY KASEME STREET, DURBAN, 4001.


1421/2019—(2) VENTER, PETRUS JOHANNES HENDRIK, 9 May 1926, 2605095012088, PLAAS DE WAGENSDRIFT GROBLERSDAL LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) 19 January 2019; (5) JEAN ENGELBRECHT, 6 NJ VAN DER MERWE CRESCENT SASOLBURG. 883/2017—(2) Mmakgaha, Matodzi Abraham, 10 October 1968, 6810107037083, Ha-Ramukhuba Village, Vuwani District; (3) 25 March 2017; (5) Mukhodobwane Attorneys, Office Number 30, Limdev Building, First floor, Block D, Thohoyandou. 1318/2012—(2) Kganyago, Annah Lisbeth, 26 August 1969, 6908260499080, 37 Mississippi street, Westenburg, Polokwane, 0699; (3) 31 December 2011; (5) Anittah Kganyago and Victor Makwena Kganyago, 24 Lanatus street, Cycad Estate, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699; (6) 30. 5794/2017—(2) MANGANYI, KHAZAMULA THEMBA, 7 May 1968, 6805075705083, STAND 1858, OLIFANTSHOEK VILLAGE, HLANGANANA DISTRICT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) 1 August 2017; (4) VONGANI GIRLY MANGANYI, 5 April 1968, 6804050584084; (5) VG MANGANYI, C/O BJ ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS POLOKWANE, PO BOX 736, BENDOR PARK, 0713. 8220/2018—(2) Thuketana, Tsikiwane Bebeta, 1 September 1944, 4409010320082, Stand 30237 Burgersdorp Village, Tzaneen; (3) 26 March 2010; (5) Karin Johanna de Jager, 24 Agatha Street, Tzaneen, 0850.

This gazette is also available free online at 68 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

2094/2018—(2) Mashego, Zodwa Ginny, 23 July 1950, 5007230633083, 540 Zone A, Lebowakgomo, Limpopo, 0737; (3) 3 March 2019; (5) Polokwane EstatePro, 24 Lanatus street, Cycad Estate, Bendor, Polokwane, 0699; (6) 30. 1876/2019—(2) BEUKES, ANNAMARIE, 23 Oktober 1955, 5510230022082, Woodbushstraat 2, Ladanna, Polokwane; (3) 1 November 2018; (5) Jan Adriaan van der Walt, Albatrossentrum 2, Markstraat 21, Polokwane. 001878/2019—(2) DE LANGE, ADA JOYCE, 10 October 1925, 2510100008081, BOSLUISVOEISTRAAT, UITBREIDING 3, POLOKWANE.; (3) 18 December 2018; (4) WESSEL JOHANNES DE LANGE, 17 August 1931, 3108175018082; (5) SNYMAN DE JAGER, 262 ROSE AVENUE, DORINGKLOOF,CENTURION. 8621/2018—(2) Shikweni, Maria, 5 May 1972, 7205051008082, House No 130 Phalaborwa 1389; (3) 11 August 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 001183/2019—(2) STEYN, JOHANNES JACOBUS, 26 Januarie 1950, 5001265083082, 267 PIET KOKKEWIET STREET, GOLFPARK, MOOKGOPHONG, 0650; (3) 22 Desember 2018; (4) ANNA MARIA ELIZABETH STEYN, 25 April 1950, 5004250058085; (5) SANLAM TRUST LTD (MVG), SANLAM TRUST, PRIVATE BAG X137, HALFWAY HOUSE, 1685. 8621/2018—(2) Shikweni, Maria, 5 May 1972, 7205051008082, House No 130 Phalaborwa 1389; (3) 11 August 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 999/2019—(2) DE JAGER, ANDREW, 12 June 1953, 5306125070082, 73 BULOWAYO ST, LADANNA, POLOKWANE; (3) 18 January 2018; (4) ERREMINA ISABELLA DE JAGER, 1 November 1953, 5311010059083; (5) ANNARIE BURGER, 8 GIRAFFE AVE, FAUNA PARK, POLOKWANE. 00334/2019—(2) LETLAPA, HECTOR PETER, 2 April 1964, 6404025914084, ERF 11586 POLOKWANE, EXT 65; (3) 2 December 2018; (4) DIVORCED N/A, N/A; (5) MAPOKGOLE GRANT ATTORNEYS, 51 SCHOEMAN STREET, PIONEER BUILDING , POLOKWANE, 0699; (6) 30 DAYS. 001895/2019—(2) MAJA, MADIMETJA PHINEAS, 12 October 1943, 4310125288083, STAND NO.265, MAKWENG VILLAGE, ZEBEDIELA; (3) 4 January 2019; (4) RAMADIMETJA MERIAM MAJA, 19 December 1953, 5312190221089; (5) E.K MOHALE ATTORNEYS, NO. 343 MAIN STREET, ZONE F, LEBOWAKGOMO. 2092/2017—(2) Makola, Lepudi Joseph, 29 September 1939, 3909295206089, Stand NO. 276 Ga-Mashegoana, Sekhukhune; (3) 1 March 2017; (4) Kwane Selina Makola, 10 April 1945, 4504100263083; (5) Madingoane John Maponya, 49 Landros Mare Street, Polokwane; (6) 30. 003836/2018—(2) ZINTH, URSULA ELISABETH, 12 July 1930, 3007120035185, 9 Elizabeth Street, Bendor Village, POLOKWANE; (3) 31 March 2018; (4) ENGELBERT ANTON ZINTH, 30 August 1928, 2808300504185; (5) Martin Venter, 22A, Jupiter Ave, Sterpark, POLOKWANE. 1573/2019—(2) Pole, Tebogo Zacharia, 26 September 1989, 8909265814081, Stand NO. 1129 Ga-Madiba Village Mahwelereng, Mokopane; (3) 13 January 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Madingoane John Maponya, 49 Landros Mare Street, Polokwane; (6) 30. 2075/2019—(2) BAYI, MPHALALENI MOSES, 23 March 1965, 6503235724082, 90 MAMBA STREET, SERALA VIEW, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) 17 February 2019; (5) SHONISANI QUILLEN NAKENE & MOLATELO FLORENCE BAYI, 17B BICCARD STREET, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO PROVINCE. 0241/2019—(2) Ntuli, Baby Piet, 25 November 1937, 3711255261082, Stand NO. MA 90 Tafelkop,Ga-Motsepe,Groblersdal; (3) 30 November 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) Madingoane John Maponya, 49 Landros Mare Street, Polokwane; (6) 30. 001216/2019—(2) Joubert, Janette, 24 March 1949, 4903240088089, 334 Neushoring Street, Extention 3 Naboomspruit 0480; (3) 23 September 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 001875/2019—(2) Mnisi, Mfum Johannes, 25 October 1947, 4711025310085, Stand no 34 Doornkop, Bothashoek Village, Bothashoek, Burgersfort , 1150; (3) 11 January 2019; (4) Masesi Saronah Mnisi, 24 February 1951, 5102240456086; (5) Prishania Naidoo, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 2242/2018—(2) MUDAU, NDITSHENI THOMAS, 25 October 1955, 5510255841085, HA-MUTSHA TSHITANDANI; (3) 29 September 2018; (5) TSHIKORORO LIVHUWANI VIVIAN, HA-MUTSHA TSHITANDANI. 001703/2019—(2) BOTHA, MARGARETHA JOHANNA, 5 February 1935, 3502050005083, GOUE JARE OLD AGE HOME, MODJADJISKLOOF; (3) 10 July 2017; (5) JOUBERT & MAY ATTORNEYS, 50 BOUNDARY STREET, P O BOX 35, TZANEEN 0850. 001880/2019—(2) KUISIS, PENELOPE BLANDFORD, 8 January 1955, 5501080035084, 15 SCHALK DRIVE, POLOKWANE; (3) 15 February 2019; (5) JOUBERT & MAY ATTORNEYS, 50 BOUNDARY STREET, P O BOX 35, TZANEEN 0850. 1358/2019—(2) Mosehla, Topelang Petrus, 28 December 1952, 5212285332082, Stand NO. 04 Phelinbaba Section, Bothashoek Village, Burgersfort; (3) 20 December 2018; (4) Marweshi Maria Mosehla, 7 November 1958, 5811070725085; (5) Madingoane John Maponya, 49 Landros Mare Street, Polokwane; (6) 30. 000692/2019—(2) MALATJI, KHASHANE WELLINGTON, 17 August 1966, 6608175538085, HOUSE NO : 2750 SECTION B, NKOWANKOWA,0870,LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) 8 January 2019; (4) HLANGANASWO EVAH MALATJI, 16 February 1963, 6302160769083; (5) T.F MAMITWA ATTORNEYS, OFFICE NO: 08, VICTORIA BUILDING, DANNIE JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN, 0850,LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (6) N/A.

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005203/2018—(2) BOTHA, RUDI, 10 September 1971, 7109105042081, 23 KAREE AVENUE KANONKOP, MIDDELBURG, Mpumalanaga; (3) 11 June 2017; (4) MARIA MAGDALENA BOTHA, 18 January 1983, 8301180033080; (5) DIRK JOHANNES KOTZE / MARIA MAGDALENA BOTHA, c/o TERBLANCHE - PISTORIUS INC, 9 JOUBERT STREET, P O BOX 2128, MIDDELBURG, 1050; (6) 30. 5450/2018—(2) DE BRUYN, ROBERT GEORGE, 21 June 1971, 7106215176080, KOMATIPOORT, MPUMALANGA; (3) 11 October 2005; (4) LOUISA SUSSANNA MAGRIETHA JANSEN (voorheen DE BRUYN), 23 February 1977, 7702230141081; (5) Marais Basson Incorporated, 44 Duncan Street, Witbank, 1035. 744/2019—(2) MASOMBUKA, BUTI JEREMIAH, 13 Mei 1955, 5505135740085, 3072 MASHEGOANE CRESCENT MHLUZI MIDDELBURG; (3) 19 November 2018; (4) DOROTHY MALOPE MASOMBUKA, 6 Oktober 1956, 5610060738086; (5) Wynand Prinsloo & Van Eeden, Posbus 810, Middelburg, 1050. 886/2018—(2) MAGAGULA, XOLANI GOODMAN, 16 May 1987, 8705165649084, 34 Ridge View Estate, Reyno Ridge, Witbank; (3) 30 April 2017; (4) LEBOHANG MAGAGULA, 1 June 1987, 8706011044082; (5) Marais Basson Incorporated, 44 Duncan Street, Witbank, 1035; (6) 30 DAYS. 839/2019—(2) MEINTJIES, AZYLIA CHARMAINE MEINTJIES, 14 Januarie 1987, 8701140010088, Montgommery Gardens 3, Plumer Street, Witbank, Mpumalanga; (3) 6 Januarie 2014; (4) SAMUEL JACOBUS MEINTJIES, 18 September 1987, 8709185021084; (5) Marais Basson Incorporated, 44 Duncan Street, Witbank, 1035; (6) 30 DAYS. 601/07—(2) Nel, Hendrik Everhardus, 10 November 1937, 3711105032089, Huyser straat 6, Delmas 2210; (3) 11 June 2006; (5) Ean Nel, 195 Sarel Cilliers Sreet Delmas 2210; (6) 30. 001170/2019—(2) DELPORT, MAGRIETA MAGDALENA, 8 Augustus 1943, 4308080056081, 20 GARDENIA, 1 THEUNIS JANSON, EDENPARK, WITBANK, 1035; (3) 15 November 2018; (5) GERHARDUS PETRUS DUPPER, PROFFICE BUILDING, 23 CORRIDOR CRESCENT, ROUTE N4 BUSINESS PARK, BEN FLEUR, EMALAHLENI, 1034. 0000000576/2019—(2) Erasmus, Lybrand, 12 Julie 1987, 8707125065088, Perseel G.27 Rooibokkop Marble Hall Mpumalanga 0450; (3) 6 Oktober 2018; (4) Fredericka Robertha Erasmus, 18 Augustus 1988, 8808180138081; (5) Joubert Scholtz Ingelyf nomineerde Agent vir Absa Trust Bpk, Heidelaan 11 Kempton Park 1619. 000589/2019—(2) NEL, EDUARD CHRISTIAAN KRIEL, 4 February 1946, 4602045024089, 31 MORKEL STR, cnr NEW ORLEANS NO.8, MIDDELBURG, MPUMALANGA; (3) 22 September 2018; (4) CHRISTINE AMY NEL, 8 August 1953, 5308080100086; (5) GIDEON JOHANNES STANDER, 37 3RD STREET, DELMAS, 2210. 005047/2018—(2) BANDA, BIZAC TUNANA, 9 February 1956, 5602097589085, STAND NO 1232, KAMAGUGU TOWNSHIP, MPUMALANGA PROVINCE; (3) 17 September 2018; (4) DORIN SIMANGELE BANDA, 1 July 1961, 6107010298088; (5) DORIN SIMANGELE BANDA, STAND NO 1232, KAMAGUGU, MPUMALANGA PROVINCE. 002702/2018—(2) NKOSI, THEMBEKILE LOUISA, 19 January 1958, 5801190863080, STAND NO 1304, KABOKWENI TOWNSHIP, MPUMALANGA PROVINCE; (3) 13 June 2018; (5) NOMKHOSI CAROL NKOSI AND PRINCE SIZWE MAKHOSINI NKOSI, STAND NO 1304, KABOKWENI TOWNSHIP, MPUMALANGA PROVINCE. 016149/2017—(2) MAHLANGU, NOMAKHOWA DORA, 24 February 1942, 4202240318087, 8016 WATERVAAL A SIYABUSWA MPUMALANGA; (3) 4 October 2017; (5) VASSEN ABRAHAMS VAN LEEVE ATTORNEYS, 1ST FLOOR 26A JDN HOUSE SHORTMARKET STREET CAPE TOWN 8001. 016149/2017—(2) MAHLANGU, NOMAKHOWA DORA, 24 February 1942, 4202240318087, 8016 WATERVAAL A SIYABUSWA MPUMALANGA; (3) 4 October 2017; (5) VASSEN ABRAHAMS VAN LEEVE ATTORNEYS, 1ST FLOOR 26A JDN HOUSE SHORTMARKET STREET CAPE TOWN 8001. 005577/2018—(2) MABENA, JABULANE CHRISTOPHER, 7 July 1980, 8007076278081, 8622 EXTENSION 9 , EMALAHLENI 1039; (3) 21 May 2018; (4) RUTE SESI MABENA, 11 April 1982, 8204116217080; (5) NGOMANA & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS, 59 CNR MANDELA AND JELLICO STREET, WITBANK 1035. 1021/2019—(2) OBERHOLZER, JACOBUS JOHANNES, 26 April 1944, 4404265041087, 69 COLIGNY STREET, , MPUMALANGA; (3) 26 November 2018; (4) ROSE ELIZABETH JULIA OBERHOLZER, 27 March 1952, 5203270011088; (5) GERRIT HENDRIK NEL, PKG BUILDING, 23 BEYERS NAUDE STREET, STANDERTON 2430; (6) 30. 3363/2015—(2) ZWANE, THEMBA TALMON, 4 Junie 1957, 5706045787089, 7 HENSALL STREET, NELSPRUIT, , 1201; (3) 19 Oktober 2015; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA. 000699/2019—(2) CILLIERS, CHRISTOFFEL PETRUS, 10 Mei 1951, 5105105070082, WALTER SISULE STRAAT 71B, STANDERTON, MPUMALANGA 2430; (3) 31 Desember 2018; (4) LORRAINE ANTONETTE CILLIERS, 18 September 1956, 5609180036082; (5) LORRAINE ANTONETTE CILLIERS, WALTER SISULE STRAAT 71B, STANDERTON, MPUMALANGA 2430; (6) 30. 4018/2018—(2) TLOU, VAAI BEN, 2 May 1955, 5505025408082, MHLUZI, MIDDELBURG; (3) 10 May 2018; (4) SANNY TLOU, 3 June 1960, 6006030454087; (5) KRUGER & BEKKER ATTORNEYS, 32 WALTER SISULU STREET, MIDDELBURG, 1050. 728/2019—(2) Matlaila, Levy Mmalamisi, 5 October 1956, 5610055892088, 3 Gladiola Street, Extention 10, Emalahleni, 1034; (3) 26 July 2018; (4) Kedibone Minah Matlaila, 6307060726083; (5) Daniel Francois Arnoldus Du Toit, Hillcrest Office Park , Cnr Lynnwood & Dyer Road , Lynnwood , Pretoria , 0081; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at 70 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

729/2019—(2) Froud, Michael Stephen, 26 January 1935, 3501265035083, 26 Sabie View Assadaai Street,Sabie Mphumalanga,1260; (3) 22 July 2018; (4) Edna Jean Froud, 5 July 1937, 3707050020087; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 723/2019—(2) Du Preez, Isabella Elizabeth, 19 March 1932, 3203190026085, Plaas Rouxland,Morgenzo,2315; (3) 13 December 2018; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 4 6 6 2/2017—(2) ALLISON, GLENDA JUNE, 19 December 1956, 5612190016086, 9 Browning Street, Extension 8, Witbank, Mpumalanga; (3) 13 August 2017; (5) Ian Bailie Attorney, 42 Plumer Street, Witbank, 1035. 001064/2019—(2) NANCEKIVELL, MARLENE MAVIS, 21 May 1938, 3805210073085, 53 French Street, Witbank, Mpumalanga; (3) 29 September 2018; (5) Ian Bailie Attorney, 42 Plumer Street, Witbank, 1035. 005623/2018—(2) Viljoen, Gertruida Johanna, 26 December 1946, 4612260005085, 22 Rivierpark,Middleburg; (3) 20 April 2018; (4) Cornelius Johannes Viljoen, 5 May 1947, 4705055001085; (5) Mareese Lucille Joseph as Nominee of Absa Trust Limited c/o Schumann van Den Heever & Slabbert Inc., 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park, 1619. 005536/2018—(2) VILAKAZI, BEN FANIFANI, 23 May 1964, 6405235579088, 315B REILLY DRIVE, RIERSPRUIT, KRIEL; (3) 19 April 2017; (4) ZODWA SELINA VILAKAZI, 5 January 1972, 7201050655080; (5) NGOMANA & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS, 59 CNR MANDELA AND JELLICO STREET, WITBANK 1035. 000690/2019—(2) Theron, Frank John, 19 September 1955, 5509195089086, Hazey View River Country Estate , 469 Genl De Wet Street, White River, 1240; (3) 20 December 2018; (5) Prishania Naidoo, Private Bag x5, Menlo Park, 0102. 1102/2019—(2) Sibanyoni, Namduli Johanna, 12 June 1951, 5106120277082, Stand 393, Jansen Street, Kwa- Mhlanga, 0410; (3) 29 November 2017; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 1726/2018—(2) Latif, Mahomed, 27 August 1931, 3108275068086, 30 Pilodia Street, Eastdene, Middelburg, Mpumalanga, 1050; (3) 7 January 2018; (5) Van Deventer & Campher, 48 Walter Sisulu Street, Middelburg, Mpumalanga, 1050.


004248/2018—(2) MANAISA, MASWANG SOPHIA, 12 April 1957, 5704120857083, 2157 BATHOENG STREET, , POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) 19 April 2018; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE, N/A; (5) HERMAN LAWRENCE KLYNVELD, C/o KLYNVELD-GIBBENS INCORPORATED, 58 DU PLOOY STREET, PO BOX 1738, POTCHEFSTROOM 2520. 1290/2019—(2) Rossouw, Maria Magdelena, 7 Februarie 1948, 4802075046081, 15 Emmersonstraat, Orkney; (3) 18 November 2018; (4) Maria Magdalena Rossouw, 16 Junie 1945, 4506160105088; (5) Maria Magdalena Rossouw, 15 Emmersonstraat, Orkney; (6) 30 Dae. 1228/2019—(2) Mokhethi, Mpho Barbara Audrey Victoria, 12 Januarie 1965, 6501120348082, Huis 1875, Jouberton, Klerksdorp; (3) 19 Januarie 2019; (4) N/A -; (5) mOTLALEPULA MILDRED MOKHETHI, HUIS 1875, JOUBERTON, KLERKSDORP; (6) 30 Dae. 1729/2016—(2) VAN ZYL, JOHAN JACOB GERT MELGAARD, 11 Mei 1947, 4705115073082, COMMISSIONER STRAAT 2, OTTOSHOOP, 2866; (3) 15 Maart 2016; (4) ANNA JACOBA VAN ZYL, 10 Desember 1950, 5012100083088; (5) JOHAN NEL PROKUREUR, PRESIDENT STRAAT 11, ZEERUST, 2865. 1265/2019—(2) Muitana, Arlindo Ernesto, 28 July 1966, 30MC04296, House 18664 Jouberton Extension 19, Klerksdorp; (3) 15 June 2018; (4) Maureen Muitana, 18 August 1969, 6908180696088; (5) Jan Marthinus Nysschen, 51 Buffeldoorn Road, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp. 1488/2019—(2) GAINSFORD, FREDDIE, 11 May 1951, 5105115034086, 5 Blake Street, Elandia, Klerksdorp; (3) 23 September 2018; (4) Anna Magdalena Gainsford, 17 December 1956, 5612170039082; (5) JM Nysschen, 51 Buffeldoorn Road, Wilkoppie, Klerksdorp. 001029/2019—(2) van Aswegen, Marise, 5 February 1979, 7902050026087, 13 Scholtz Street, Lichtenburg, 2740; (3) 27 October 2018; (5) Anja Struwig, FNB Fiduciary (Pty) LTD, PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324. 001607/2019—(2) BOTES, MARTHINUS ANTONIE, 28 April 1948, 4804285045085, LANGSTRAAT 119, LICHTENBURG; (3) 1 Maart 2019; (5) JOHAN BUITENDAG REKENMEESTERS ING., 23 TRANSVAALSTAAT, LICHTENBURG, 2740. 1355/2019—(2) JORDAAN, SUSANNA CATHARINA, 30 October 1927, 2710300026087, 4 SUIKERBOSLAAN, PROTEA PARK, RUSTENBURG, NORTH WEST; (3) 15 September 2018; (4) WIDOW NA; (5) ALETJE VAN DEN BERG, P.O BOX 4179 RUSTENBURG 0300 ; 240 BEYERS NAUDE DRIVE, RUSTENBURG. 002065/2018—(2) CHOONARA, YANOOS, 19 February 1949, 4902195092088, 32 DAISY STREET, ZINNIAVILLE RUSTENBURG; (3) 3 November 2017; (4) BIBI ZAINUB ( MARRIED ONLY ACCORDING TO ISLAMIC RIGHTS) CHOONARA, 23 September 1948, 4809230094088; (5) SHAMILLA CHOONARA, 01 MOUNTAINVIEW, AVE, CNR BLACKHEATH, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 30 DAYS. 2063/2018—(2) ABBA, JOSUF, 7 July 1940, 4007075053083, 82 KARLIEN STREET, ZINNIAVILLE RUSTENBRUG; (3) 18 January 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) ZEENAT CHOONARA, 34 VERONA DRIVE, NORTH CLIFF EXT 25 JOHANNESBURG; (6) 30 DAYS. 000359/2019—(2) MTJALI, FANNY ITUMELENG, 15 March 1950, 5003155976086, 1678 SEITSHIRO MODISANE ,; (3) 12 January 2019; (4) MOGOMOTSI NORAH MTJALI, 4 June 1955, 5506040926082; (5) MOKWATSI ATTORNEYS, OFFICE NO 9 CORNER CARRINGTON AND VICTORIA ROAD MAHIKENG, 2745.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 71

8788/2012—(2) GRIMBEEK, MAGRETHA WILHELMINA, 13 January 1947, 4701130015083, HUIS NR1, ORKNEY VAAL, ORKNEY; (3) 11 October 2012; (4) ANDRIES JOHANNES HENDRIK GRIMBEEK, 27 December 1944, 4412275009085; (5) Johan Hendré Conradie, President Reitzlaan 119, Westdene, Bloemfontein; (6) 30. 1096/2019—(2) DELPORT, JACOB JOHANNES HENDRIK, 27 Maart 1936, 3603275047080, MAITLANDSTRAAT 14, ; (3) 23 November 2018; (5) SUSARA THEUNET RAS, PETER MOKABALAAN 101, POTCHEFSTROOM. 007589/2018—(2) NOTLOWITZ, ABIGAIL, 13 June 1953, 5306130029081, HOUSE NO 13, KARIA OORD, NG KERK, BISSHOFF STR, SWARTNIGGENS; (3) 22 August 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, Privaatsak x 45 Lynnwood 0040. 1027/2019—(2) SLABBER, JAN DANIEL, 30 November 1929, 2911305024081, WOONSTEL 29, GROENWILGERS AFTREE-OORD, MEULSTRAAT, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) 3 Januarie 2019; (5) SUSARA THEUNET RAS, PETER MOKABALAAN 101, POTCHEFSTROOM. 001561/2019—(2) MOKATI (MAIDEN NAME - PHETOE), REBECCA MANKWANA, 4 February 1945, 4502040261084, 57 BURN STREET, RUSTENBURG, NORTH WEST; (3) 9 August 1997; (4) SEFEKETSANE WILLIAM MOKATI, 21 May 1938, 3805215187088; (5) JOHANNES FRANCOIS GROBLER, CNR BEYERS NAUDE & BRINK STREETS, RUSTENBURG, 0299.. 004801/2017—(2) Bouwer, Elsie Cornelia, 14 Mei 1949, 4905140104080, 12 Roodt Street, Elandia, Klerksdorp; (3) 31 Maart 2018; (4) Jacobus Stephanus Bouwer, 10 Februarie 1943, 4302105090084; (5) Oosthuizen du Plooy, 32 Central Avenue, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, 2571. 7026/2018—(2) BESTER, BERNARDUS ALBERTUS, 20 Oktober 1935, 3510205022085, PLOT 382 MALEPE STREET FLAMWOOD; (3) 14 Oktober 2018; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) PETRONELLA SWART, PLOT 382 MALEPE STREET FLAMWOOD. 7643/2018MA—(2) BODILL, SUSANNA WILHELMINA, 26 Mei 1946, 4605260143088, BUHRMANSDRIFT, NOORDWES; (3) 5 September 2018; (5) JOHANNES PETRUS GOUWS, KANAALSTRAAT 3, POTCHEFSTROOM. 000444/2019—(2) OBERHOLZER, GERHARDUS MATTHYS OBERHOLZER, 1 Februarie 1940, 4002015010087, PLAAS BLOUBOSKUIL, VRYBURG; (3) 2 Desember 2018; (4) CAROLINE ELIZABETH OBERHOLZER, 13 April 1956, 5604130031085; (5) Venter Booysen & Ferreira Attorneys, 74 Vry Street, Vryburg, 8600. 977/2018—(2) Meiring, Christina Levina, 12 December 1940, 4012120113080, 6 Timbavati street, Moreleta Plaza, Moreleta Park Pretoria; (3) 1 December 2018; (5) The Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd, Standard Trust, Hillcrest Office Park, Ground Floor Barbet Place, Cnr Dyer and Lynnwood Road, Lynnwood 0081; (6) 30. 1036/2019—(2) Luyt, Frederick Mathew Stephen, 6 November 1950, 5011065053086, 23 Kruisbessie Avenue, No 3 house Villa Juleo Protea Park, Rustenburg; (3) 5 November 2017; (4) Margaret Patricia Luyt, 20 February 1956, 5602200078002; (5) Daniel Francois Arnoldus Du Toit, Hillcrest Office Park, Cnr Lynnwood & Dyer Road, Lynwood, Pretoria, 0081; (6) 30. 1082/2019—(2) OLIVIER, ANDRIES ERASMUS, 10 December 1962, 6212105134089, 10 ERICA AVE; GEELHOUTPARK; RUSTENBURG; 0299; (3) 2 December 2018; (4) MAGDA OLIVIER, 27 February 1967, 6702270092088; (5) MEYER VAN DER WALT ATTORNEYS, 66 RETIEF STREET; POTCHEFSTROOM; 2531. 000525/2019—(2) JACOBS, JOHN, 7 Februarie 1960, 6002075165084, BLOEMHOF, NOORD-WES PROVINSIE; (3) 31 Augustus 2018; (5) STEYN PROKUREURS, CHATEAU JANNEMAN, STAATSWEG 373, WELKOM, 9459. 347/2017—(2) AKOOJEE, YUSUF GOOLAM MAHOMED ADAM, 9 October 1948, 4810095060081, 83 SACKVILLE STREET, ZINNIAVILLE, RUSTENBURG; (3) 28 June 2015; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) FERZANA MIA ATTORNEYS, 14 OLGA KIRSCH STREET, RIDGEWAY, 2091; (6) 30 DAYS. 1207/2019—(2) SHALE, MOLEFI ANTONIUS, 12 March 2019, 0182932901, JACK PAUW STREET 2A; POTCHEFSTROOM; 2531; (3) 4 February 1998; (4) HLONKI ANDRONICA SHALE, 26 March 1961, 6103260645086; (5) MEYER VAN DER WALT ATTORNEYS, 66 RETIEF STREET; POTCHEFSTROOM; 2531. 001664/2019—(2) BÖHME, LEONARD HENDRIK, 9 Maart 1933, 3303095007089, SILWERJARE OUETEHUIS, SCHWEIZER-RENEKE, NOORD-WES PROVINSIE; (3) 6 Maart 2019; (5) NM KILIAN, SCHWEIZER EKSEKUTEURSKAMER BK, SCHWEIZERSTRAAT 50B, STANDARD BANK GEBOU, 1STE VLOER, POSBUS 722, SCHWEIZER-RENEKE 2780. 001309/2019—(2) Schoeman, Frederick Jacobus, 1 Maart 1963, 6303015032081, h/v Ou Wapad en Boemcrescent Suid, Ifafi 0260; (3) 7 Januarie 2019; (4) Lorraine Ina Schoeman, 23 Mei 1973, 7305230066082; (5) P.S. Buys, Posbus 2290, Brits 0250. 000517/2019—(2) MOOROSI, MMABATHO ANGELINE SELINAH, 29 August 1951, 5108290339080, 2926 MANGOPE STREET IKAGENG POTCHESTROOM 2531; (3) 8 January 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) RAMERAFE STEPHEN TAU, 23 VICTORIA STREET GOLFVIEW MAFIKENG 2745. 001428/2019—(2) MOATSHE, ITUMELENG GABRIEL, 13 November 1956, 5611135791084, 19 ROCKSPRAY STREET GEELHOUT PARK, RUSTENTBURG; (3) 22 January 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PW RAIKANE ATTORNEYS, 3192 MONARENG STREET TLHABANE 0309; (6) N/A.


-—(2) MUCKLE, YVONNE RUTH, 26 August 1950, 5008260078082, 18 LEANDER STRAAT, HERLEAR, KIMBERLEY 8301; (3) 7 August 2018; (5) NICOLAAS JOHANNES FABER, 3 ANDRIESPRETORIUS STRAAT, JACOBSDAL, 8710. 002946/2018—(2) MUCKLE, YVONNE RUTH, 26 August 1950, 5008260078082, 18 LEANDER STRAAT, HERLEAR, KIMBERLEY 8301; (3) 7 August 2018; (5) NICOLAAS JOHANNES FABER, 3 ANDRIESPRETORIUS STRAAT, JACOBSDAL, 8710.

This gazette is also available free online at 72 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

3947/2018—(2) GOUWS, HENDRIK CHRISTIAAN, 25 July 1938, 3807255015088, 85 SILWERBOOMSTREET, KATHU 8446; (3) 18 September 2018; (4) ANNA DOROTHEA GOUWS, 3 June 1938, 3806030025081; (5) ANNA DOROTHEA GOUWS, 85 SILWERBOOMSTREET, KATHU 8446; (6) N/A. 000694/2019—(2) Van Zyl, Gideon Johannes Pieter, 5 Desember 1942, 4212055061086, Plaas Sandgat, Pofadder; (3) 11 Februarie 2019; (5) Jacobus Cornelius Nel, Nel en Vennote, Posbus 1331, Upington, 8800. 000592/2019—(2) SLABBERT, PIETER GEORGE, 9 Maart 1936, 3603095010086, DIE PLAAS KLEINPOMPIE, DISTRIK GORDONIA, OLIFANTSHOEK; (3) 15 Januarie 2019; (4) SUSARA HELENA SLABBERT, 13 Mei 1943, 4305130036089; (5) CORNELIUS JOHANNES CARR, POSBUS 6 UPINGTON 8800. 000579/2019—(2) DIPPENAAR, MARTINUS JOHANNES, 18 Augustus 1956, 5608185089088, PERSEEL 169, SULTANA OORD, UPINGTON; (3) 1 Februarie 2019; (4) GERTRUIDEA DIPPENAAR, 15 Februarie 1962, 6202150006084; (5) CORNELIUS JOHANNES CARR, POSBUS 6 UPINGTON 8800. 000251/2019—(2) BOSMAN, CHRISTINA MARIA, 16 Mei 1944, 4405160015084, KREEFSTRAAT 695, MCDOUGALLSBAAI. PORT NOLLOTH; (3) 9 November 2018; (5) VAN DER MERWE JOHANNA CATHARINA VAN DER MERWE, KREEFSTRAAT 695, MCDOUGALLSBAAI, PORT NOLLOTH; (6) 30. 552/2019—(2) KOTZE, COENRAAD HENDRIK, 12 Februarie 1937, 3702125004083, PLAAS ERFDEEL, DISTRIK OLIFANTSHOEK, 8450; (3) 28 Desember 2018; (5) PIETER THOMAS SWEETNAM, VAN RIEBEECKSTRAAT 24, OLIFANTSHOEK, 8450; (6) 30 DAE. 004097/2018—(2) TSHETLHO, MALERATO DORCAS, 26 August 1946, 4608260495086, 1153 MARWANE STREET, MOTHIBISTAD, KURUMAN; (3) 10 April 2018; (5) MOLELEKWA ASHWORTH TAU, P O BOX 64 KIMBERLEY. 000707/2019—(2) ISAACS, JAN, 20 November 1948, 4811200160089, MOZAARTSTRAAT 100, UPINGTON, 8801; (3) 19 Junie 2018; (4) ELIZABETH CECILIA ISAACS, 20 November 1948, 4811200160089; (5) BECKER BERGH & MORE ING., KöOPERASIESTRAAT 13, UPINGTON, 8801. 000747/2019—(2) Lourens, Henry Cornelius, 29 Januarie 1963, 6301295007088, Haberfeldstraat 22, Klisserville, Kimberley, 8301; (3) 29 Oktober 2018; (4) Beatrix Hendrina Lourens, 16 April 1961, 6104160002089; (5) Beatrix Hendrina Lourens & Heinrich Gustav van Zyl, Rosendorff Reitz Barry Prokureurs, 6 th Third Street, Bloemfontein. 000740/2019—(2) Hill, Jan Gysbert Hugo, 27 Junie 1928, 2806275014080, Sorgvliet Tehuis, van Riebeeckstraat 21, Calvinia, 8190; (3) 9 Februarie 2019; (5) KOL Accountants BK, Queenstraat 42, Durbanville, 7550. 000814/2019—(2) GRESSE, JACOB COENRAAD, 4 Julie 1959, 5907045018083, WILDEBEESSTRAAT 21, UPINGTON, 8801; (3) 21 Februarie 2019; (4) JOHANNA HILDAH GRESSE, 22 Junie 1960, 6006220048087; (5) BECKER BERGH & MORE ING., KöOPERASIESTRAAT 13, UPINGTON, 8801. 000586/2019—(2) Rossouw, Maria Elizabeth, 25 Augustus 1939, 3908250026086, 5de Laan 515, Nababeep, 8265; (3) 29 Desember 2018; (5) Johanna Engelbrecht, Posbus 1636, Bellville, 7535.


001589/19—(2) ZEEMAN, ERNST BOTHA, 18 April 1931, 3104185021083, BOEKENHOUTLAAN 49 KLEINMOND 7195; (3) 4 Desember 2018; (5) PIERRE JOHAN KOTZE, VOORTREKKERSTRAAT 85, CERES, 6835. 019124/2018—(2) LEE, DONALD PETER, 29 October 1936, 3610295068087, 4 TIBER CLOSE, PORTLANDS, MITCHELLS PLAIN; (3) 31 May 2018; (4) MAVIS ERICA LEE, 8 March 1941, 4103080134081; (5) LEANDRI KRUGER, 8 VREDE STREET, DURBANVILLE. 16872/2018—(2) Mqungquthu, Bukelwa, 20 August 1973, 7308200792083, Bronaar, Koue Bokkeveld, 6836; (3) 12 July 2018; (5) Joubert Van Vuuren Inc, 84 Voortrekker Street, Ceres, 6835. 002461/2019—(2) Du Plessis, Ella Magdalena, 2 Augustus 1948, 4808020090082, Angelicastraat 38, Danabaai, 6510; (3) 28 November 2018; (4) Marthinus Petrus du Plessis, 16 April 1944, 4404165066085; (5) Du Plessis - Viviers Ing, Markstraat 136, Vryburg, 8601. 002860/2019—(2) TERBLANCHE, ATTIE WILSON TERBLANCHE, 1 Augustus 1946, 4608015047083, 42 ESSENHOUT AVENUE, HARTENBOS HEUWELS, HARTENBOS, 6520; (3) 4 Desember 2018; (4) CHRISTINA MARGARETHA TERBLANCHE, 29 Oktober 1948, 4810290030087; (5) JOLINE STEYN as nominee of DE KLERK & VAN GEND INC., 132 ADDERLEY STRAA, KAAPSTAD, 8001. 4419/2019—(2) Willis, Eleanor Marilyn, 11 Januarie 1942, 4201110071081, Gillianstraat 71, Rosendal, Durbanville; (3) 7 Maart 2019; (5) Riana Lemmer & Schoonees Ing, Posbus 9, Strand. 200/2019—(2) Hoogeland, Adrianus Maria, 5 May 1940, 4005055045186, 9 Hillcrest Avenue, Penhill, Eerste River 7100; (3) 30 November 2018; (4) Bonita Hoogeland, 22 December 1962, 6212220187087; (5) Carol Doren, 33 Joe Marks Boulevard, Retreat, 7945. 021939/2018—(2) ENGEL, MURIEL CORNELIA ENGEL, 5 Desember 1949, 4912050120080, BRANDSTRAAT 92, BREDASDORP; (3) 9 Julie 2018; (4) LESLIE ENGEL, 19 Junie 1944, 4406195111088; (5) DOMINIC LESLIE ENGEL, BESTERS PROKUREURS; (6) 30 DAYS. 013064/2018—(2) KRUGER, PIETER JOHANNES, 9 Julie 1939, 3907095021088, KRAAIBOSCH FRAIL CARE, TOWERKOPSTRAAT 13, KRAAIBOSCH ESTATE, GEORGE, 6529; (3) 13 Mei 2018; (4) N.V.T N.V.T, N.V.T; (5) LE ROUX LAMPRECHT PROKUREURS, VICTORIASTRAAT 44, GEORGE, 6529; (6) N.V.T.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 73

2240/2019—(2) MASSYN, JOHANNES BERNARDUS, 19 Junie 1942, 3502175082082, Japie Burger Straat 18, Vredenburg, 7380; (3) 8 Augustus 2018; (5) Izak Rudolph Nel, p/a Swemmer & Levin, Hoofweg 83, Saldanha, 7395; (6) 30 dae. 001800/2019—(2) MOBARA, MOGAMAT FARIED, 3 December 1957, 5712035171086, 56 ROSA HOPE STREET, NEW WOODLANDS, MITCHELLS PLAIN; (3) 7 January 2019; (4) JOHANNA MARIE MOBARA, 5712035171086; (5) N PARKER ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 2710, CLAREINCH, 7740. 001625/2019—(2) Brewer, Avril Phyllis, 7 April 1928, 2804070064186, La Bruyere Farm, Skilpadrug Road, Tulbagh, Breede River Valley, Western Cape; (3) 17 December 2018; (5) Herold Gie Attorneys, Wembley 3, 80 McKenzie Street, Cape Town, 8001. 3990/2019—(2) DIONISIO, FRANCISCO GREGORIO, 17 November 1951, 5111175096189, 17 HARRY MILLER STREET, MOSSEL BAY, 6500; (3) 28 February 2019; (5) JANEL KRUGER, RAUCH GERTENBACH INC, P O BOX 3, MOSSEL BAY, 6500; (6) 30. 0000002512/2019—(2) Parker, Shariefa, 17 February 1935, 3502170267084, 24 Balsem Court 125 Parow Street Parow 7500; (3) 16 May 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road Kempton Park 1619. 0000002512/2019—(2) Parker, Shariefa, 17 February 1935, 3502170267084, 24 Balsem Court 125 Parow Street Parow 7500; (3) 16 May 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road Kempton Park 1619. 003218/2019—(2) Simmonds, EIieen Madeleine, 13 October 1954, 5410130216084, 88 Upper Maynard Street, Vredehoek, 8001; (3) 3 December 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust Ltd, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 0000002512/2019—(2) Parker, Shariefa, 17 February 1935, 3502170267084, 24 Balsem Court 125 Parow Street Parow 7500; (3) 16 May 2018; (5) Joubert Scholtz Incorporated nominated Agent for Absa Trust Ltd, 11 Heide Road Kempton Park 1619. 021889/2018—(2) Marais, Margaretha Gezina, 14 September 1927, 2709140015086, Huis De Kuilen, Skoolstraat, Elim, Kuilsrivier; (3) 11 Oktober 2018; (5) S P Beeselaar Prokureurs Ingelyf, Proteaweg 10, Protea Hoogte, Brackenfell, 7560, Posbus 887, Brackenfell, 7561. 021116/2018—(2) MAJODINA, KUMKANI JOSEPH, 16 April 1968, 6804166020080, 147 NGQABE ROAD, LOWER CROSSROADS, CROSSROADS, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 13 September 2014; (4) NONKOLISEKO MAJODINA, 26 September 1968, 6809260874084; (5) NONKOLISEKO MAJODINA, 7 PARK ROAD, c/o KOEBERG & PARK, DURBANVILLE, WESTERN CAPE; (6) 30 DAYS. 003766/2019—(2) VERWEY, ALBERTUS JOHANNES, 16 Junie 1954, 5406165084082, Erf 9, Oorkant Rivier, Suurbraak, 6743; (3) 7 Februarie 2019; (4) Marika Verwey, 9 September 1955, 5509090097085; (5) Boshoff Visser Ingelyf, 29 Veldkornetstraat, Swellendam, 6740. 3406/2019—(2) De Kock, Jorina, 12 Oktober 1958, 5810120128084, Springfonteinlaan 35, Stellenryk, 7550; (3) 1 Januarie 2019; (5) Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 003440/2019—(2) BOSMAN, JACOB STEPHANUS, 10 Maart 1942, 4203105030080, Warbler Avenue 5, Somerset- Wes, 7130; (3) 22 Desember 2018; (5) Boshoff Visser Ingelyf, 29 Veldkornetstraat, Swellendam, 6740. 14247/2015—(2) Cloete, Jacobus Josias, 5 April 1955, 5504055057083, 5 Sir Percival Street, Camelot, Kuilsriver; (3) 28 July 2015; (4) Celia Mary Anne Cloete, 19 January 1959, 5901190061089; (5) Celia Mary Anne Cloete, 5 Sir Percival Street, Camelot, Kuilsriver. 002310/2019—(2) CARSTENS, WILLEM JOHANNES TOBIAS, 29 Desember 1957, 5712295002088, KRIEKBULT PLAAS, MOORREESBURG; (3) 25 Desember 2018; (5) HJ JANSE VAN VUUREN, 47 MAIN STREET, MOORREESBURG. 2803/2019—(2) JOHN, LESTER RYAN, 30 October 1968, 6810305187086, 30 BROOKDALE AVENUE , PINELANDS , 7405; (3) 22 September 2018; (4) PADMARANI SHERON JOHN, 2 November 1968, 6811020133082; (5) GARACH FIDUCIARY CONSULTING (PTY) LTD, 80 ARMSTRONG AVENUE, LA LUCIA, 4051; (6) N/A. 2869/2019—(2) GROBBELAAR, WINIFRED PETRONELLA, 15 February 1933, 3302150020086, 101 SPARROW CRESCENT, TABLE VIEW; (3) 3 February 2019; (5) GILLIAN GWENDOLEN GROBBELAAR, 9 IBIS, FLAMINGO VLEI, TABLE VIEW. 004533/2019—(2) DE VILLIERS, JOHAN, 21 September 1956, 5609215055081, Rheezicht singel 3, Onrus, 7201; (3) 14 Februarie 2019; (4) Benedetta De Villiers, 22 April 1958, 5804220011084; (5) Boshoff Visser Ingelyf, 29 Veldkornetstraat, Swellendam, 6740. 17891/2018—(2) JORDAAN, IVIN, 3 April 1976, 7604035068081, FRANCISSTRAAT 42, ROSEMORE, GEORGE, 6529; (3) 20 Oktober 2018; (4) YOLANDE JORDAAN, 7 Maart 1978, 7803070018080; (5) ANN MARJORY COETZEE, RAUBENHEIMERS INGELYF, POSBUS 21, GEORGE, 6530. 17895/2018—(2) JORDAAN, YOLANDE, 7 Maart 1978, 7803070018080, FRANCISSTRAAT 42, ROSEMORE, GEORGE, 6529; (3) 20 Oktober 2018; (4) IVIN JORDAAN, 3 April 1976, 7604035068081; (5) ANN MARJORY COETZEE, RAUBENHEIMERS INGELYF, POSBUS 21, GEORGE, 6530. 001526/2019—(2) Chaplin, Rosalie Delphine, 28 November 1939, 3911280016085, Q 9 Peers Village, Genoa Avenue, Fish Hoek; (3) 13 November 2018; (5) Standard Executors & Trustees Limited, 7th Floor Standard Bank Centre, Adderley Street, Heerengracht, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 004418/2019—(2) WARING, FRANCES GILIAN, 21 September 1938, 3809210016086, 18 ROSEBERRY AVENUE, ORANJEZICHT, CAPE TOWN, 8001; (3) 21 February 2019; (5) STONEHAGE FLEMING FINANCIAL SERVICES, FIRST FLOOR, NORTH BLOCK, WATERWAY HOUSE, 3 DOCK ROAD, VICTORIA & ALFRED WATERFRONT,8001; (6) N/A.

This gazette is also available free online at 74 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

004936/2018—(2) Mavundla, Musa Lawrence, 14 September 1952, 5209145201085, 301 North Home, 16 Leylands Street, North End, Port Elizabeth; (3) 30 May 2018; (4) Busisiwe Junior Mavundla, 10 December 1972, 7211210808081; (5) Andrew J. Massyn Attorneys, 1A Grotto Mews, Grotto Road, Rondebosch. 17750/2018—(2) Philander, Jan Johannes, 14 Junie 1967, 6706145763088, Ambersingel 11, Forest Village, Eerste Rivier; (3) 3 September 2018; (4) Angeline Philander, 11 September 1972, 7209110646080; (5) Gerna Marais, Posbus 5370, Tygervallei, 7536. 21576/2018—(2) LANGENHOVEN, BARTHOLOMEUS HENDRIKUS, 26 November 1940, 4011265055080, Bellcanto Singel 9, Selborne, Bellville, 7530; (3) 23 November 2018; (5) Legatus Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor Imperial Terraces, Tyger Waterfront, P O Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536; (6) 30. 019807/2018—(2) Swart, Dawida Anna Martha, 24 Augustus 1931, 3108240081081, Culemborg Singel 56 Stellenberg Bellville 7550; (3) 8 Oktober 2018; (4) NA NA; (5) Johannes Hermanus Engelbrecht, PO Box 740 Strand 7140; (6) 30. 018962/2018—(2) VOS, CHRISTIAAN GERARD, 27 October 1935, 3510275035082, NO 5 STRELITZIA STREET, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) 10 October 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) CECIL KILPIN AND CO, PO BOX 61, STRAND, 7139 / 55 BEACH ROAD, STRAND, 7140. 003238/2019—(2) Gilson, Isobel Olga, 10 December 1942, 4212100061081, Huis Piet du Toit, 42 Alma Road, Rosebank, 7700; (3) 23 January 2019; (5) Smith Tabata Buchanan Boyes, 26 First Avenue, Fish Hoek, 7975. 003353/2019—(2) CUPIDO, CORNELIA, 9 Februarie 1959, 5902090127087, GLADIOLASTRAAT 9, FRANSCHHOEK, , 7690; (3) 17 April 2018; (4) DAVID JOHN CUPIDO, 7 Januarie 1960, 6001075158081; (5) MARIA MAGRIETHA LOUW, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 2972/2019—(2) MUNDAY, KENNETH WILLIAM, 15 January 1933, 3301155061186, 1 PHAROS AVENUE, PLETTENBERG BAY; (3) 3 January 2019; (5) JACQUES MARAIS DE VILLIERS, 20 WOODMILL LANE, MAIN STREET, KNYNSA. 3427/2019—(2) WELCH, PAMELA JANE, 14 April 1948, -, PORTSMOUTH, HAMPSHIRE, ENGLAND; (3) 2 January 2019; (5) PETER BARR MARTIN, 20 WOODMILL LANE, MAIN STREET, KNYSNA. 18036/2018—(2) Jakuja, Malubandile Gideon, 1 June 1954, 5406015806080, 49 Moondust Street Ikwezi Park Khayelitsha; (3) 14 July 2003; (4) Nomatamsanqa Sylvia Jakuja, 25 May 1962, 6205250978086; (5) Marais Muller Hendricks Inc, 58 Van Riebeeck Road Kuils River. 003893/2019—(2) Jordaan, Wilna Amanda, 20 March 1939, 3903200042085, Unit B321, Sunrise Road, Pinelands; (3) 27 January 2019; (5) Morne Van Niekerk, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530, Absa Trust Ltd, Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 1428/2019—(2) BROWN, JOHNNY WILFRED DAVID, 17 Maart 1950, 5003175058089, PARKERSTRAAT 99, WORCESTER, , 6850; (3) 21 April 2018; (4) GAIL BROWN, 29 Mei 1952, 5205290164011; (5) MOSHOTLHI DAVID LEGODI, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 019322/2017—(2) GELDENHUYS, MARGARET FRANCES GELDENHUYS, 6 August 1923, 2308060011082, FRAIL CARE WOODSIDE VILLAGE, NORTON ROAD, RONDEBOSCH, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA; (3) 5 September 2017; (5) LAURA HAUDE OF HOFMEYR AND HAUDE INC, P O BOX 848, CONSTANTIA, CAPE TOWN, 7848 or LAURA@ HOFMEYRHAUDE.CO.ZA. 002126/2019—(2) MEYER, ROY, 3 Mei 1949, 4905035070081, MIDDELBURGSTRAAT 12 SALDANHA; (3) 20 Januarie 2019; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) PL UYS, BOSDUIFSINGEL 89 WIERDA PARK; (6) 30 DAE. 016223/2018—(2) SWIGELAAR, ROBERT, 6 October 1931, 3110065100087, 46 JASON STREET, WORCESTER; (3) 13 September 2017; (4) ELIZABETH SOPHIA SWIGELAAR, 2 December 1933, 3312020242083; (5) HA CONRADIE EN VENNOTE, 23 STOCKENSTROM STREET WORCESTER. 16484/2018—(2) MEIER, PETER, 1 May 1940, -, 42 BIRKENHEIDE, 27711, OSTERHOLZ-SCHARMBECK, GERMANY; (3) 8 June 2016; (5) BERND DAEBEL, C/O LOGAN-MARTIN INC, 20 WOODMILL LANE, MAIN STREET, KNYSNA. 769/2018—(2) Van Wyk, Eleanor Evelene, 26 October 1964, 2108275106085, No. Vivaldi Street, Delft South. 7100; (3) 12 September 2017; (4) N/A; (5) Mbeko Venfolo, 6 Floor, 36 On Long Building, No. 36 Long Street, Cape Town, 8000. 769/2018—(2) Van Wyk, Eleanor Evelene, 26 October 1964, 2108275106085, No. Vivaldi Street, Delft South. 7100; (3) 12 September 2017; (4) N/A; (5) Mbeko Venfolo, 6 Floor, 36 On Long Building, No. 36 Long Street, Cape Town, 8000. 000358/2016—(2) LE ROUX, HENDRINE NATHALIA, 3 February 1950, 5002030088083, 17 SHAMROCK GREEN STREET, GREEN SUMMER, MILNERTON,7441; (3) 8 January 2012; (4) N/A N/A; (5) LOUW COETZEE TRUST (PTY) LTD, P O BOX 146 DURBANVILLE, 7551 c/o ELOISE DE JAGER [email protected]. 4046/2019—(2) JOHANNES, CONNIE, 23 September 1928, 2809230088082, 23 2OTH AVENUE, ELSIESRIVER; (3) 10 November 2015; (5) LIEZL JEANINE KRITZINGER, BILL TOLKEN HENDRIKSE INC, PO BOX 687, SANLAMHOF, 7532; (6) 30. 3147/2019—(2) Cohen, Morris Michael, 29 November 1921, 2111295039088, Bergendal B20, Cornwall Place, Kenilworty 7708; (3) 30 January 2019; (5) Anica Ungerer, c/o Mazars, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Century City, 7441. 008433/2018—(2) Smit, Hermina Isabella Johanna, 7 Februarie 1931, 3107020031084, Wooonstel 412 Huis La Belle Alleynestraat Labiance Bellville; (3) 16 April 2018; (5) Susanna Elizabeth Baard, Posbus 6088, PAARL, 7620. 015175/2018—(2) Mapaling, Cathrine Margaret, 31 May 1955, 5505310155083, 33 Magnolia Court, Skyvue Drive, St Dumas, Kuils River, 7580; (3) 16 May 2018; (4) N/A - Never Married N/A - Never Married; (5) Kevin Clifton Ethian Van Vught - Agent/ Attorney, Abdul Karriem Jacobs & Associates, 4th Floor, 13 Blanckenberg Road, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30 days. 001915/2019—(2) Matthee, Jacoba Johanna Catharina, 5 Oktober 1945, 4510050042088, Huis Esperanza Siekeboeg, Donald straat, Strand ,7140; (3) 26 November 2018; (5) Karen Lotter, Sanlam Trust ,PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 75

003257/2019—(2) Kamfer, Dirk Johannes Louis, 17 Desember 1939, 3912175042087, Oasis Heights, De Beersweg 103, Strand,7140; (3) 5 Januarie 2019; (5) Karen Lotter, Sanlam Trust ,PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 001915/2019—(2) Matthee, Jacoba Johanna Catharina, 5 Oktober 1945, 4510050042088, Huis Esperanza Siekeboeg, Donald straat, Strand ,7140; (3) 26 November 2018; (5) Karen Lotter, Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; (6) 30. 1332/2019—(2) PIENAAR, CHARMAINE SHERON, 25 March 1965, 6503250229082, 139 ZEEKOE ROAD, ZEEKOEVLEI, 7941; (3) 4 December 2018; (4) MELVIN CHRISTO GODFREY PIENAAR, 30 September 1967, 6709305191082; (5) RILEY INCORPORATED, 212 ROSMEAD AVENUE, WYNBERG, 7800. 1869/2019—(2) ARENDSE, DANFRED JOHN, 18 Januarie 1959, 5901185097080, NAGTEGAAL LAAN 42, MACASSAR, 7130; (3) 15 November 2018; (4) ELIZABETH ARENDSE, 7 Junie 1961, 6106070180087; (5) Legatus Trust (Edms) Beperk, 3de Vloer, Imperial Terraces, Tyger Waterfront, Posbus 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536. 014042/2017—(2) Van Der Merwe, Carel Petrus, 13 March 1945, 4503135069085, 86 Kus Road, Sandbaai, Hermanus; (3) 28 August 2016; (5) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd., PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 12289/2017—(2) MARANG, FATIMA, 27 July 1947, 4707270007080, 74b REDBERRY STREET, BONTEHEUWEL; (3) 6 June 2017; (5) A. KHALFE & ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 241, ATHLONE, 7760. 002758/2019—(2) VILJOEN, ERROL, 10 November 1932, 3211105001085, FAGANSTRAAT 139, STRAND, 7140; (3) 4 Februarie 2019; (5) EDWARD JAMES TURNER (EKSEKUTEUR), BGR PYPER TURNER ING, POSBUS 385, SOMERSET MALL, 7137; (6) 30 DAE. 003616/2019—(2) MATTHEE, KAREL PHILLIPUS, 9 Oktober 1930, 3010095023087, DE VILLIERSTRAAT 64, PAARL, , 7646; (3) 3 Februarie 2019; (4) JOAN MATTHEE, 9 Maart 1945, 4503090025080; (5) MARIA MAGRIETHA LOUW, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 003611/2019—(2) Maritz, Riana, 19 Februarie 1957, 5702190048088, 7 Plein Street Paarl; (3) 25 Oktober 2018; (5) Ou Mutual Trust (Edms) Bpk., Posbus 86, Kaapstad, 8000. 17960/2018—(2) ISAACS, HOOSAIN, 31 August 1951, 5108315175089, 6 BRUSHWOOD ROAD, BRIDGETOWN, 7764; (3) 25 September 2018; (4) JAMIELAH ISAACS, 30 April 1948, 4804300616084; (5) CHAFEKER & SHABODIEN INC., AINTREE BUSINESS PARK, BLOCK A, 1ST FLOOR,CRN OF DONCASTER & LOCH ROAD, KENILWORTH,7708; (6) 30 DAYS. 003608/2019—(2) de Jongh, Maria Elizabeth, 28 Januarie 1929, 2901280025088, Woonstel 235, Altena nr. 5, Strand; (3) 26 Januarie 2019; (5) Johannes Marius de Jager, Thomstraat 36, Paarl, 7646. 1509/2019—(2) SOLOMONS, JOSEPH GEORGE, 5 November 1950, 5011055089082, 3 Colorado Street, Newfields, 7764; (3) 30 May 2018; (4) HANNAH MARIA ELIZABETH SOLOMONS, 9 April 1949, 4904090087080; (5) HANNAH MARIA ELIZABETH SOLOMONS, 3 Colorado Street, Newfields, 7764. 2044/2019—(2) Cloete, Allan, 25 September 1952, 5209255195085, 9 Yellowstone Crescent, Coniston Park, Steenberg 7945; (3) 11 July 2017; (4) Sybil Cloete, 8 March 1952, 5203080020089; (5) Sybil Cloete, 234, 8th Avenue, Grassy Park 7941. 003632/2019—(2) VICTOR, JOHANNA MAGRITHA, 22 June 1936, 3606220093083, 8 CULEMBORG FLATS, NEW STREET, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) 26 December 2018; (5) MARIA MAGRIETHA LOUW, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 15683/2018—(2) MILEHAM, CATHERINA JOHANNA MARGETHA, 3 April 1951, 5104030099084, 143 SOUTHFIELD ROAD, PLUMSTEAD; (3) 29 April 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) GARTH LLOYD AFRICA, 54 ARGYLE STREET, WOODSTOCK. 003640/2019—(2) PACKERY, PETER HORATIO, 17 August 1951, 5108175216080, 14 MORGAN WAY, ST AUGUSTINE VILLAGE, PAROW, 7500; (3) 11 January 2019; (4) VICTORINA MAGDELINE PACKERY, 26 February 1951, 5102260182083; (5) MOSHOTLHI DAVID LEGODI, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 004112/2019—(2) VAN ASWEGEN, CORNELIS JOHANNES VAN ASWEGEN, 4 November 1937, 3711045031084, 30 EAGLE DRIVE, FANCOURT , BLANCO, GEORGE; (3) 22 February 2019; (5) JACQUES DU PLESSIS, 132 MITCHELL STREET GEORGE 6529. 002634/2019—(2) Oberholster, Philippina Elizabeth, 11 January 1901, 1901110038088, Azaleahof Old Age Home, 11 van Riebeeck Street, Stellenbosch, 7599; (3) 7 December 2018; (5) HESTER BLACKBURN, BLACKBURN COMMERCIAL (PTY) LTD, 371 MAIN ROAD, PAARL, 7646. 001404/2019—(2) DAVIDS, WILLIAM JOHN, 14 September 1954, 5409145758080, 68 TRIUMPH STREET, BEACON VALLEY, MITCHELLS PLAIN; (3) 21 December 2018; (4) LILLIAN ANN DAVIDS, 10 November 1955, 5511100907089; (5) C.B.Fortuin and Associates, 29 Halt Road, Elsies River, 7490. 003989/2019—(2) Bosch, Hendrik Frederik, 21 Oktober 1926, 2610215035084, Woonstel nr 72, Groenkloof, Sandhoogte Pad, Groot Brakrivier, 6525; (3) 5 Februarie 2019; (5) Karen Lotter as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532, Sanlam Hoofkantoor, Strandweg 2, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 003989/2019—(2) Bosch, Hendrik Frederik, 21 Oktober 1926, 2610215035084, Woonstel nr 72, Groenkloof, Sandhoogte Pad, Groot Brakrivier, 6525; (3) 5 Februarie 2019; (5) Karen Lotter as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532 Sanlam Hoofkantoor, Strandweg 2, Bellville, 7530; (6) 30. 003612/2019—(2) Erasmus, Christina Alma, 9 Augustus 1929, 2908090047087, Meerlustlaan 9, Stellenbosch; (3) 13 Julie 2018; (5) Elene Goosen, Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood, 7460. 16155/2018—(2) APFELTHALER, GERTRAUD MARIA APFELTHALER, 22 April 1940, 4004220075186, 57 STONE PINE, ZEVENWACHT VILLAGE, LANGVERWACHT ROAD, KUILSRIVER, 7580; (3) 22 September 2018; (5) CLAUDIA BERNADETTE APFELTHALER, 57 STONE PINE, ZEVENWACHT VILLAGE, LANGVERWACHT ROAD, KUILSRIVER, 7580. 003630/2019—(2) BASEDIEN, MAGAMAT SARJATO, 9 October 1944, 4410095061088, NO 2 RADIANT MEADOWS, WEST STREET, GRASSY PARK, 7941; (3) 18 December 2018; (4) MYMOENA BASEDIEN, 25 October 1946, 4610250498088; (5) MARIA MAGRIETHA LOUW, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

This gazette is also available free online at 76 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

004071/2019—(2) Haasbroek, Pieter Gabriël, 19 Junie 1964, 6406195044089, Kitchener Straat 16, Fairfield Estate, Parow; (3) 12 Februarie 2019; (5) Elene Goosen, Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood, 7460. 003970/2019—(2) NEL, HENDRIKA MARIA, 29 Maart 1927, 2703290039087, JOUBERTSTRAAT 30, STRAND, , 7140; (3) 16 Januarie 2019; (5) MOSHOTLHI DAVID LEGODI, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 003626/2019—(2) WILLEMSE, JOHAN, 17 Desember 1956, 5612175041083, DIE TUINESTRAAT 5, BAARDSKEERDERSBOS, GANSBAAI, 7220; (3) 13 Desember 2018; (5) MARIA MAGRIETHA LOUW, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 002715/2018—(2) Wilson, David Johannes, 9 June 1935, 3506095090083, 46 Houtkapper Street, Louwville, Vredenburg; (3) 16 December 2017; (4) Johanna Wilson, 25 September 1967, 6709250770088; (5) Brand & Partners, 42 Saldanha Road, Vredenburg,7380. 003295/2019—(2) WILLIAMS, MAGRIETHA FRANSINA, 2 November 1963, 6311020107087, 12 SALMON STREET, SILVER OAKS, , 7580; (3) 23 December 2018; (4) MARK JOHN WILLIAMS, 10 March 1961, 6103105010082; (5) MARIA MAGRIETHA LOUW, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 003573/2019—(2) MARITZ, STEPHANUS HENDRIK MARITZ, 3 Januarie 1943, 4301035010089, Du Toitlaan 20, Langerug, Worcester, 6850; (3) 8 Februarie 2019; (4) nvt nvt; (5) Aletta Wilhelmina Maritz, p/a Bornman & Hayward Ing, Posbus 3609, Tygervallei, 7536; (6) nvt. 003309/2019—(2) ROSSOUW, SOPHIA JOHANNA MAGRIETHA, 10 Desember 1947, 4712100009089, GRATIANO 2-OTHELLO AFTREE-, OORD BORDAUXSTRAAT, BRACKENFELL, 7560; (3) 28 November 2018; (5) MARIA MAGRIETHA LOUW, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 004559/2019—(2) Ruiters, Cornelius Benjmain, 31 Maart 1952, 5203315703087, Japonicastraat 21, Kylemore, 7608; (3) 7 September 2006; (4) Wilhelmina Ruiters, 25 Januarie 1960, 6001250904085; (5) Mario Smith Prokureur, Bloemstraat 2, Newton, Wellington, 7655. 15322/2018—(2) Swart, Patricia Ann, 1 October 1952, 5210010112084, 174 Fairview Golf Village Gordons Bay; (3) 24 September 2017; (4) Johannes Wilhelmus Swart, 27 May 1950, 5005275081085; (5) Johannes Wilhelmus Swart, 17 Sir Lowry Estate Gordons Bay, 7140. 003927/2019—(2) GROENEWALD, COENRAAD ADOLF, 21 Maart 1924, 2403215030085, HATFORD WOONSTEL 1, HIGHWAY 98, VISHOEK, 7975; (3) 12 Januarie 2019; (5) MOSHOTLHI DAVID LEGODI, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 13908/2013—(2) BEHARDIEN, ANEESA, 18 October 1973, 7310180069086, 48 DERBY ROAD, LANSDOWNE, 7780; (3) 17 September 2013; (4) MAAHIR BEHARDIEN, 1 December 1974, 7412015260086; (5) CHAFEKER & SHABODIEN INC ATTORNEYS, AINTREE BUSINESS PARK, BLOCK A, 1ST FLOOR, DONCASTER & LOCH ROAD, KENILWORTH,7708; (6) 30 DAYS. 003304/2019—(2) SMALL, FREDERIK REYNIER, 9 April 1948, 4804095067089, 53 KITCHENERN STREET, PAROW, , 7500; (3) 19 October 2018; (4) ROSE MAUREEN SMALL, 10 May 1948, 4805100066081; (5) MARIA MAGRIETHA LOUW, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 003298/2019—(2) STOCKENSTROM, FRANCISKUS FREDRIKUS, 2 Junie 1930, 3006025003082, DIAMANTVELD AVENUE, HARTENBOS, MOSSEL BAY, 6500; (3) 9 Desember 2018; (5) MARIA MAGRIETHA LOUW, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 003531/2019—(2) VELLER, PETA BETTINA, 22 February 1961, 6102220038085, NITIDA WINE ESTATE, TYGERBERG VALLEY ROAD, DURBANVILLE, CAPE TOWN, 7550; (3) 23 January 2019; (4) BERNHARD WOLFGANG VELLER, 27 August 1956, 5608275010085; (5) JOHANNES HERMANUS JACOBS, CO-EXECUTOR, C/O CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INC, 11 BUITENGRACHT STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8001. 2968/2019—(2) Bailey, Jean Mary, 15 May 1950, 5005150074080, 10A Berg Street, Villiersdorp, 6848; (3) 31 January 2019; (4) Jerome Noel Bailey, 9 March 1948, 4803095100080; (5) JEROME NOEL BAILEY, 4 DURBANVILLE AVENUE SERVICE ROAD, VALMARY PARK, DURBANVILLE; (6) 30. 1559/2019—(2) VISAGIE, HENDRICKA CHRISTINA, 28 December 1925, 2512280058084, 13 Minos Road, Wetton, 7780; (3) 6 January 2019; (5) Legatus Trust (Pty) Limited, 3rd Floor Imperial Terraces, Tyger Waterfront, P O Box 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536; (6) 30. 1419/2019—(2) MAC GILLICUDDY, HUBERT, 28 May 1935, 3505285096082, 33 HANCOCK STREET, PLUMSTEAD; (3) 5 December 2018; (4) THORA MAC GILLICUDDY, 5 January 1939, 3901050074083; (5) MARK SCHAFER, 31 HEERENGRACHT ROAD, BERGVLIET. 021204/2018—(2) JONES, PATRICK EDWIN, 13 September 1945, 3711255024084, 75 DANIEL ROAD, SANDDRIFT, MILNERTON; (3) 2 November 2018; (4) MARIA MAGDALENA JONES, 13 September 1945, 4509130110089; (5) ST ADENS NATIONAL ESTATES AND TRUST SERVICES, POSBUS 1170, CAPE GATE, 7560. 003316/2019—(2) APRIL, EDGAR GUSTAV, 28 Desember 1960, 6012285108089, SPRINGBOKWEG 8, WELLINGTON, , 7655; (3) 5 November 2018; (4) KARIN APRIL, 6211901430881; (5) MOSHOTLHI DAVID LEGODI, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 003620/2019—(2) Thomas, Roger Hayton, 6 May 1944, 4405065090083, 21 Roderick Way, Constantia; (3) 23 January 2019; (5) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited, Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town. 003307/2019—(2) SAMUELS, ROLAND JOHAN, 17 February 1960, 6002175042084, 5 NERINA STREET, BELLVILLE, , 7530; (3) 29 December 2018; (5) MOSHOTLHI DAVID LEGODI, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532. 011598/2018—(2) COETZEE, GLADYS, 1 October 1930, 3010010029086, 23 DIAZ STREET, BOTHASIG, , 7441; (3) 28 May 2018; (5) MOSHOTLHI DAVID LEGODI, PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 77

3897/2019—(2) MCMURTRIE, ULYTH MEGAN, 15 July 1921, 2107150021088, 6 Cle du Cap, Polsmoor Road, Kirstenhof; (3) 8 February 2019; (5) RENETTE HENDRIKS AS NOMINEE OF PERSONAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, P O Box 476, Rondebosch, 7701; (6) 30. 000021/2019—(2) van Niekerk, Gilbert Nolan, 22 August 1964, 6408225186088, 13 Groen Place, North Pine, Brakenfell, Western Cape; (3) 9 September 2018; (4) Adriana Georgina van Niekerk, 11 July 1972, 7207110183088; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 709, 7th Floor, The Cliffs Niagara Way Tygerfalls. 20229/2018—(2) Johannes, Judith Sybil, 5 December 1966, 6612050176086, 57 Grand Canyon Close Portlands Mitchells Plain; (3) 15 September 2018; (4) Harold Johannes, 18 April 1962, 6204185233089; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 709, 7th Floor, The Cliffs Niagara Way Tygerfalls. 000831/2019—(2) Glen, Patricia Doreen, 2 August 1956, 5608020074089, 52 Bizweni Avenue, Somerset West, 7130; (3) 17 April 2015; (5) Malcolm Black & Associates, P O Box 45099, Claremont, 7735; (6) 30. 000851/2019—(2) Webb, Marlene Zelda, 5 December 1938, 381205019086, 148 Louis Thibault Drive, Edgemead, 7441; (3) 21 December 2018; (5) Pauline Bongers of Prpactive Wills and Estates, P O Box 300, Milnerton, 7435; (6) 30. 010390/2018—(2) SWART, LIZELLE, 1 February 1955, 5502010133080, B8 Pearly Beach Holiday Resort, Gansbaai, Overberg Municipality, Western Cape Province.; (3) 9 February 2011; (4) DEON PETRUS - Died on 03/10/2016 - Estate Number: 20972/2016 SWART, 21 August 1952, 5208215151089; (5) Gerhard Maré & Associates - Gerhard Maré, Office Suite 103, Hibernian Towers, Beach Road, Strand, Western Cape Province. 830/2019—(2) KRAUS, SYLVIA RUBY, 21 May 1938, 3805210095088, 15 Perth Road, Tokai, 7945; (3) 2 December 2018; (5) Mark Ronald Kraus, Malcolm Black and Associates, Great Westerford, 240 Main Road, Rondebosch, 7700. 003425/2019—(2) Appollis, Keith Timothy, 30 August 1966, 6608305182085, 13 Osborne Street Cape Town 8001; (3) 27 January 2019; (4) Natalie Lucille Appollis, 10 October 1968, 6810100029087; (5) Proactive Wills and Estates, P.O.Box 300 Milnerton 7435; (6) 30. 021248/2018—(2) SMITH, MARGARET SOPHIA, 1 January 1948, 4801010158084, 27 DEVON ROAD, WETTON, 7780; (3) 20 September 2018; (5) NICOLETTE MELANIE WESSON, 9 ARLINGTON ROAD, PENLYN, CRAWFORD, 7780. 2530/2019—(2) Taljaard, Johannes Nicolaas Jacobus, 26 Augustus 1950, 5008265054088, Doreensingel 5A, Worcester, 6850; (3) 2 Januarie 2019; (4) Nvt Nvt; (5) Herman du Plessis & Seun Prokureurs, Generaal delareystraat 28, Delareyville, 2770. 003969/2019—(2) MONKS, JUNE ETHEL, 8 July 1926, 2607080072184, 910 HELDERBERG VILLAGE SOMERSET WEST; (3) 23 January 2019; (5) RENETTE HENDRIKS AS NOMINEE OF PERSONAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, P O BOX 476 RONDEBOSCH 7700; (6) 30. 004169/2019—(2) Jupp, Edward William, 7 July 1924, 2407075046081, Constantia Place, Southern Drive, Constantia; (3) 16 February 2019; (5) Yasmin Jadwat, Pincus Matz House, Brodie Road, Wynberg, 7800; (6) 30. 013833/2018—(2) DANIELS, DENISE DIANNE, 29 August 1957, 5708290131088, 51 GLADIOLA STREET, HILLVIEW RETREAT, CAPE TOWN; (3) 17 August 2018; (4) EDWARD LEON DANIELS, 8 June 1959, 5906085213083; (5) RELIANCE LEGAL EXPENSES, 202 MEDICAL MEWS, 48 CHURCH STREET, WYNBERG. 8063/2007—(2) LAKAY, JOHANNA ELIZABETH, 8 May 1922, 2205080059085, 116 BONTEHEUWEL AVENUE, BONTEHEUWEL, 7764; (3) 6 June 2007; (5) LYNETTE JENNIFER LAKAY, 21 SURDOWN ROAD, HANOVER PARK, 7764. 003565/2019—(2) Louw, Elsabe Jacoba, 26 Augustus 1948, 4808260002086, Konstitusiestraat 5, Beaufort-Wes, 6970; (3) 6 Februarie 2019; (4) Nicolaas Albertus Louw, 2 Maart 1942, 4203025005089; (5) Crawfords Prokureurs, Posbus 25, Beaufort-Wes, 6970; (6) 30. 001820/2019—(2) Botha, Paul Philippus, 29 July 1948, 4807295090082, 24 Duiker Street, Kleinbaai, 7220; (3) 10 January 2019; (4) Mariette Botha, 11 July 1950, 5007110093085; (5) Godfried JJ Kotze, 291 Sprite Avenue, Menlyn Woods Office Park, Faerie Glen, 0181. 020112/2018—(2) MULDER, LEON RAYMOND, 9 February 1946, 4602095073085, 4 WINCHESTER ROAD, BLOUBERG RISE, 7441; (3) 5 November 2018; (5) CHARMAINE LöTTER, 6 BOND STREET, MOUNT CROIX, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001. 18689/2018—(2) BROWN, MOGAMAT SEDICK, 23 December 1956, 5612235208086, 53 AMAZON STREET, PRIMROSE PARK, 7764; (3) 7 June 2018; (4) FALDIELAH BROWN, 15 September 1957, 5709150250083; (5) HEYNS & PARTNERS INC, 168 VASCO BOULEVARD, GOODWOOD, 7460; (6) N/A. 9466/2017—(2) LEVENDALL, IVAN ROBERT, 11 August 1945, 4508115434084, 4 BARBET STREET, ELECTRIC CITY, EERSTE RIVER, CAPE TOWN, 7100; (3) 26 October 2016; (4) MARIANA LEVENDALL, 3 August 1945, 4508030451080; (5) CHAFEKER & SHABODIEN INC ATTORNEYS, AINTREE BUSINESS PARK, BLOCK A, 1ST FLOOR, DONCASTER & LOCH ROAD, KENILWORTH,7708; (6) 30 DAYS. 002304/2019—(2) SHER, BELLA, 6 June 1933, 3306060032081, SANDRINGHAM GARDENS, 85 GEORGE AVENUE, SANDRINGHAM; (3) 14 December 2018; (5) DOLORES PESTANA ATTORNEY, 9 LAURA LANE, MELROSE NORTH, JOHANNESBURG 2196. 004405/2019—(2) LOUW, JOSIAS JACOBUS, 12 Augustus 1961, 6108125108089, PERSEEL 51, LUTZVILLE; (3) 10 Februarie 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) KOOS COETZEE PROKUREURS, DORPSTRAAT 14, VREDENDAL 8160. 010390/2018—(2) SWART, LIZELLE, 1 February 1955, 5502010133080, B8 Pearly Beach Holiday Resort, Gansbaai, Overberg Municipality, Western Cape Province.; (3) 9 February 2011; (4) DEON PETRUS - Died on 03/10/2016 - Estate Number: 20972/2016 SWART, 21 August 1952, 5208215151089; (5) Gerhard Maré & Associates - Gerhard Maré, Office Suite 103, Hibernian Towers, Beach Road, Strand, Western Cape Province. 018961/2018—(2) Crowe, Robert William, 29 October 1950, 5002045066082, 14 Tuin Street Hopefield 7200; (3) 29 October 2018, 6006060129088; (5) Francois Hamman, 13 Mark Street, Vredenburg, 7380.

This gazette is also available free online at 78 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

3085/2019—(2) CARTIN, DOUGLAS, 4 August 1929, 2908045130186, 5 DAVID MURRAY CRESCENT, HEATHERPARK, GEORGE; (3) 1 February 2019; (5) ANN MARJORY COETZEE, RAUBENHEIMERS INCORPORATED, PO BOX 21, GEORGE, 6530. 007512/2018—(2) JAPIE, MOGAMAT, 25 July 1959, 5907255164080, NO. 6 MANGAAN STREET, VANGUARD ESTATE, ATHLONE, 7764; (3) 7 November 2017; (4) FAHIEMA JAPPIE, 11 July 1962, 6207110262081; (5) FAHIEMA JAPPIE, NO. 6 MANGAAN STREET, VANGUARD ESTATE, ATHLONE, 7764. 002457/2019—(2) Gonsalves, Vivian Alexander, 28 September 1940, 4009285066087, Farm Suurfontein, Yzerfontein; (3) 25 January 2019; (5) Miltons Matsemela Inc., P O Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443; (6) 30. 001980/2019—(2) DU TOIT, MOGAMAT IGSAAN, 21 July 1951, 5107215127083, 14 WREN SARGENT CRESCENT, WOODLANDS, MITCHELLS PLAIN; (3) 6 November 2018; (5) WILFRED PATRICK PRETORIUS, 16 WASHINGTON CLOSE, EIKENBOSCH, KUILS RIVER, 7580. 20242/2018—(2) GLESSER, CHRISTINA MARIA, 12 September 1928, 2809120046083, 4 PALOMA STREET, BELLVILLE, 7532.; (3) 13 July 2018; (5) Velile Tinto Cape Inc., 55 JOHN X MERRIMAN STREET, BELLVILLE, 7530.. 014793/2018—(2) Smith, Johannes Marthinus, 31 December 1931, 3112315025080, 5 Olivegrove, Vredekloof, Brackenfell; (3) 25 July 2018; (5) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd., PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 003920/2019—(2) Smuts, Judy Vera, 24 January 1941, 4101240021081, Ringwood, Southern Cross Drive, Constantia; (3) 22 January 2019; (5) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd., PO Box 86, Cape Town, 8000. 002520/2019—(2) Van Biljon, Jeanette Ann, 10 March 1951, 5103100086088, 23 Anton Reith Avenue, Edgemead; (3) 25 December 2018; (4) Jacobus Petrus Ronald van Biljon Van Biljon, 4 May 1953, 5305045128087; (5) Miltons Matsemela Inc., P O Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443; (6) 30. 021897/2018—(2) Ockhuis, Johannes, 11 April 1939, 3904115057085, 32 Olienhout Lane, Prince Alfred Hamlet, (6835); (3) 24 November 2018; (4) Klara Ockhuis, 14 October 1944, 4410140130086; (5) D L R Cloete Attorneys, 3 Retief Street, Ceres, (6835). 003133/2019—(2) GROENEWALD, BAREND STEFANUS, 22 Mei 1936, 3605225020083, Parkerstaat 29, Durbanville, 7550; (3) 13 Januarie 2019; (4) Susanna Johanna Groenewald, 29 Desember 1941, 4112290029080; (5) Andries Havenga, Hoofweg 208, Somerset Wes, 7130; (6) 30 days. 003617/2019—(2) STEYN, SYLVIA JEAN, 9 January 1932, 3201090006082, SILVERMINE VILLAGE HEALTH CARE CENTRE NOORDHOEK; (3) 12 February 2019; (5) RENETTE HENDRIKS AS NOMINEE OF PERSONAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED and BRUCE NEIL ANDERSON, P O BOX 476 RONDEBOSCH 7700; (6) 30. 002704/2019—(2) Jane Vivian, Herklaas, 18 November 1946, 4611180509085, 14 Jason Adam Street, Paarl, Western Cape; (3) 6 March 2017; (4) Jeffrey Herklaas, 31 October 1945, 4510315435085; (5) Tracy Unsworth, Po Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057. 3844/2019—(2) HADLOW, JOHANNA JACOBA ELIZABETH, 5 Junie 1940, 4006050051088, HUIS VERGENOEGD, HOOFSTRAAT, PAARL; (3) 17 Januarie 2019; (4) N/A N/A; (5) WILMA VILJOEN, WILMA VILJOEN PROKUREURS, CONCORDIASTRAAT 13, PAARL. 009729/2018—(2) BASSIE, LULAMA ABICIA, 27 June 1971, 7106270425083, NY101, NO 74, GUGULETU, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 20 April 2018; (5) CHRISTIE FOURIE, 3 HANDEL STREET, BRACKENFELL, 7560. 3553/2019—(2) MÜLLER, MIRNA, 13 Maart 1962, 6203130044088, 12 Recreation Road, Fisherhaven, HERMANUS, 7200; (3) 16 Januarie 2018; (4) JOHANNES MÜLLER, 13 Februarie 1963, 6302135172082; (5) J P VAN ROOYEN, 77 MAIN ROAD, HERMANUS, 7200. -—(2) LHOTSKY, LUMIR, 8 July 1946, 4607085075081, SUIDER OORD, BREDASDORP; (3) 21 February 2019; (5) JOHAN PIENAAR VAN ROOYEN, GUTHRIE & THERON, 77 MAIN ROAD, HERMANUS 7200. 2688/2019—(2) JARDINE, YUSUF, 7 June 1934, 3406075080081, 29 ANDREWS ROAD, NEWFIELDS, 7764; (3) 28 January 2019; (4) FATIMA JARDINE, 19 October 1942, 4210190325085; (5) SALIE & SALIE, 169 TARONGA ROAD CRAWFORD; (6) 30 days. 3979/2019—(2) ARRISON, URSULA LORRAINE, 10 June 1947, 4706100139086, 29 STERLING STREET, ROCKLANDS, MITCHELLS PLAIN, 7798; (3) 28 July 2015; (4) WINSTON ARRISON, 23 March 1946, 4603235172084; (5) SALIE & SALIE, 169 TARONGA ROAD CRAWFORD; (6) 30 days. 003004/2019—(2) May, Fredrika, 3 September 1938, 3809030060082, 43 Lynx Crescent, George; (3) 27 May 2018; (4) Adam May, 25 June 1939, 3906255093085; (5) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Attorneys, 876 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria. 016597/2018—(2) SCHROEDER, MOGAMAD ASLAM, 29 December 1964, 6412295072087, .; (3) 13 April 2018; (4) BHAHIA SCHROEDER, 30 June 1957, 5706300059083; (5) BHAHIA SCHROEDER, 42 CLARENCE ROAD, WYNBERG,7800. 008534/2018—(2) PAREKH, VIKRAMKUMAR VASANTKUMAR, 24 October 1964, 6410245946087, 20 PRINCESS ROYAL STREET, SOUTHFIELD, CAPE TOWN; (3) 4 March 2006; (4) AVRIL MERCIA PAREKH, 21 January 1961, 6101210150082; (5) AVRIL MERCIA PAREKH, 42 CLARENCE ROAD, WYNBERG,7800. 014662/2017—(2) DAVIDS, RUKEYA, 25 May 1944, 4405240207081, 15 GARNET CRESCENT, MANENBERG; (3) 21 November 2016; (5) ISMAIL DAVIDS, 15 GARNET CRESCENT, MANENBERG. 3396/2019—(2) RUANE, MICHAEL JOSEPH, 12 March 1938, 3803125063184, UNIT NO. 365 HELDERBERG VILLAGE, BAKKERSKLOOF ROAD, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) 28 January 2019; (5) MICHELLE HELEN LABUSCHAGNE, 365 ALDRIDGE DR. HELDERBERG, VILLAGE, SOMERSET WEST.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 79

004019/2019—(2) Nel, Susanna Catherina Fredrika, 28 August 1944, 4408280090086, 113 Wellington Street, Vasco; (3) 24 November 2018; (4) Dirk Johannes Nel, 17 October 1942, 4210175086082; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd , P O Box 86, Cape Town. 004135/2019—(2) Wentzel, Mark Charles, 22 March 1960, 6003225044088, 11 Francis Road, Constantia, 7806; (3) 13 February 2019; (4) Wanda Lynn Wentzel, 5 May 1962, 6205050177087; (5) Wanda Lynn Wentzel, 11 Francis Road, Constantia, 7806. 002533/2019—(2) LAUFS, WILLEM JOHANNES, 6 Januarie 1971, 7101065223082, 20 STRANDWEG, MELKBOSSTRAND; (3) 3 Januarie 2019; (5) PHILIPPUS THEUNIS BOTHA, PO BOX 16450, LYTTELTON, 0140. 4248 / 2019—(2) MUSTAPHA, ROKEYA, 30 June 1961, 6106300087086, 356 7TH AVENUE LOTUS RIVER; (3) 4 December 2016; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads Claremont 7700. 997/2019—(2) NJOBE, LANGA JAMES, 28 January 1939, 3901285297087, 72 NY 3 GUGULETU; (3) 9 October 2018; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads Claremont 7700. 4085/2019—(2) MOHAMED, EBRAHIM, 15 December 1965, 6512155210089, 14 STELLA ROAD GRASSY PARK; (3) 12 April 2018; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads Claremont 7700. 000654/2019—(2) VENTER, ENDRA, 22 April 1940, 4004220013088, UNIT 79 149 PARKROAD,BLUE MOUNTAIN VIEW,GEORGE,6529; (3) 7 Januarie 2019; (5) ALEXANDER HEYNS, -; (6) 21. 4055/2019—(2) Stipp, Johanna Christina Le Grange, 11 June 1928, 2806110061080, 26 George Starck Avenue Oostersee Parow 7500; (3) 28 January 2019; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X19 Durbanville 7551. 020011/2018—(2) Thaysen, Jennifer Geraldine, 20 May 1951, 5105200636084, 36 Triumph Street Beacon Valley Mitchells Plain 7785; (3) 18 October 2018; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X 19 Durbanville 7551. 4083/2019—(2) Swartland, Denise Ethel, 4 March 1956, 5603040058089, 22 Mars Street Bishop Lavis 7490; (3) 25 January 2019; (4) Maxwell Steven Swartland, 7 July 1958, 5807075189087; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X19 Durbanville 7551. 4489/2019—(2) Smith, Elaine Wilhelmina, 4 September 1952, 5209040035083, 14 Groenhof Close Northpine 7560; (3) 25 February 2019; (4) Alexander Richard Smith, 7 June 1949, 4906075074082; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X19 Durbanville 7551. 003255/2019—(2) Noor, Sayed Mohammed Achmat, 14 July 1951, 5107145144083, Flat 11, Pentelbury’s Place, 14 Pickle Street,Strand, 7140; (3) 15 May 2018; (5) Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 4567/2019—(2) SALEY, GALIL AHMED, 10 March 1944, 4403100065084, 35 TECOMA STREET PLATTEKLOOF; (3) 11 April 2016; (5) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys, Cnr of No 1 Alamein and Garfield Roads Claremont 7700. 2095/2019—(2) Cronje, Eva Martha, 30 Julie 1936, 3607300089082, Nooitgedachtlaan 17, Stellenbosch; (3) 27 November 2018; (5) Voogdy Trust (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 2355, Dennesig, 7601. 117/2019—(2) Fertig, Rikvard Ermenulf, 4 Junie 1950, 5006045025188, Plaas Heide Pros, Rondeberg Road, Philadelphia; (3) 25 Julie 2017; (4) Vera Fertig, 5 Augustus 1953, 5308050715186; (5) TSP Prokureurs, 8 Truterstraat Malmesbury, 7300. 19478/2018—(2) SEDEMAN, COLIN EDWARD, 28 Desember 1950, 5012285060083, 140 Winkel street, MALMESBURY, 7300; (3) 13 Januarie 2018; (4) JUDITH MAGDALENE SEDEMAN, 21 Junie 1951, 5106210050084; (5) JUDITH MAGDALENE SEDEMAN, 140 Winkel street, ABBOTSDALE, 7301. 785/2019—(2) DAMONS, HENRY JOHN, 3 June 1934, 3406035085089, 10 Panther Lane, Pacaltsdorp, George, 6534; (3) 5 January 2019; (4) Monica Elizabeth Damons, 16 July 1938, 3807160066085; (5) Niel Haycock, 7 Cathedral Square, Cathedral Street, George, 6530. 19792/2018—(2) Liebenberg, Leslie Thomas, 19 January 1934, 3401195009086, Huis Andrè van der Walt, Serena 32, 301 Durban Road, Bellville, 7530; (3) 16 September 2018; (4) Elma Liebenberg, 7 May 1933, 3305070023080; (5) Rianna Willemse Solms Attorneys, 79 Tafelberg Street, Kenridge, Durbanville, 7550. 020610/2017—(2) VORSTER, BAREND JOHANNES, 20 October 1930, 3010205018084, TUINIQUA CARE CENTRE, BLOCK 16, FLAT 2, CHURCH STREET, GEORGE; (3) 18 November 2017; (4) RACHEL BENICE VORSTER, 17 June 1942, 4206170052087; (5) J S MARAIS INC, PO BOX 1850, GEORGE. 004461/2019—(2) Stemmet, Johannes Christoffel, 2 Augustus 1947, 4708025101084, 7 Serenata Retirement Village, Addy Street, Wellington, 7655; (3) 17 Februarie 2019; (5) Sanlam Trust Bpk, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 016729/2018—(2) PALMER, GEOFFREY EVERETT, 1 February 1941, 4102015073083, 23 Forest Hill, 23 Forest Hill Road, Simon’s Town 7995; (3) 15 August 2018; (5) CHARLES EDWARD GORDON MCINTOSH, C/O OMW TRUST COMPANY,MUTUAL PARK, JAN SMUTS DRIVE, PINELANDS 7450. 18202/2012—(2) Petersen, Godfrey, 23 September 1947, 4709235089085, No. 29 Comet Road Bishop Lavis Western Cape Province; (3) 20 August 2012; (4) Charmain Isabelle Petersen, 19 February 1956, 5602190090082; (5) W. Isaacs & Associates, P.O. Box 106 Maitland 7404; (6) 30 Days. 018380/2018—(2) DEMINGO, ELIZABETH AUDREY, 12 June 1953, 5306120017088, 15 CONCERT BOULEVARD ROAD, RETREAT, 7945; (3) 13 March 2017; (4) LEONARD PETER DEMINGO, 11 July 1950, 5007115153082; (5) THEODORE JONATHAN OPPERMAN, 11 SOUTHGATE ROAD, RETREAT, 7945. 003747/2019—(2) Niemand, Andries Casper Mattheus, 18 November 1945, 4511185075084, 10 Craddock Street Worcester 6850; (3) 10 November 2018; (4) Marisa Niemand, 21 August 1950, 5008210056089; (5) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd, Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X 19 Durbanville 7551.

This gazette is also available free online at 80 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

6105/2013—(2) Mayongo, Attwell Bombom, 11 November 1955, 5511115911084, 6 Opperman Street, Mandalay; (3) 22 February 2013; (5) Schnetler’s Incorporated, Suite 205, Foyer 3, Colosseum, Century Boulevard, Century City, Cape Town, 7441. 003762/2019—(2) Ferreira, Josef Johannes, 11 September 1930, 3009115045088, 4F Grasso Flats; Beach Road; Strand; Cape Town; 7140; (3) 7 Oktober 2018; (5) Leandri Spies, C/o FNB Fiduciary, P.O.Box 135, Cape Town, 8000. 003237/2019—(2) Meyer, Jaco Marais, 24 April 1968, 6804245058085, 29 Masters Way, Worcester; (3) 7 February 2019; (5) Ilonka Grobbelaar as nominee of PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd, Ground Floor, Bonitas Office Park, Carl Cronje Drive, Tyger Waterfront, Bellville, Cape Town, 7530; (6) 30. 014997/2018—(2) Stemmet, Hermina Johanna Cornelia, 29 Oktober 1936, 3610290017089, 45 Jubileum Aftree Oord, Riebeek Straat 207, Tygerdal; (3) 16 Mei 2018; (5) Elene Goosen, Vasco Boulevard 181, Goodwood, 7460. 003193/2019—(2) MULLER, ANNETTE HELENE, 3 December 1940, 4012030007083, HAEL KRAAL FARM, MOSSEL BAY, WESTERN CAPE; (3) 9 January 2019; (5) JOOSTE HESWICK INCORPORATED, 12 PAPEGAAI STREET, STELLENBOSCH, 7600. 4293/2019—(2) CLAASSEN, NICOLAAS ALEXANDER, 24 September 1932, 3209245025089, NO 4 ELANGENI FLATS, 112 MARSH STREET, MOSSELBAAI, 6500; (3) 12 February 2019; (4) HESTER SUSANNA CORNELIA CLAASSEN, 25 February 1941, 4102250055084; (5) D J R Schutte, Citadel Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, 35 Markgraaff Street, Bloemfontein, 9301; (6) None. 003614/2019—(2) Maggs, Brian Kenneth, 28 August 1930, 3008285101085, Flat 113 Villa Cortona, Graanedal; (3) 15 August 2017; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LIMITED, PO BOX 86 CAPE TOWN 8000; (6) 30. 21765/2018—(2) LUMLEY, DESIREE DAPHNE, 25 Oktober 1942, 4210250057081, 24 BLUE CRANE WAY, GOEDEMOED, DURBANVILLE, 7550; (3) 26 Oktober 2018; (5) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS, 2 7th AVENUE, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7441. 2863/2019—(2) STEVENS, CECIL STEVEN, 20 November 1966, 6611205230087, 53 HAMILTON ROAD, CLAREMONT, 7708; (3) 11 August 2018; (5) FAIRBRIDGES WERTHEIM BECKER ATTORNEYS, 16TH FLOOR, SOUTH TOWER, THE TOWERS, HEERENGRACHT, CAPE TOWN, 8001. 004289/2019—(2) DINATH-SEEDAT, AZIZA, 30 November 1944, 4411300117087, 35 EVERGREEN NOORDHOEK, GLENCAIRN EXPRESS WAY, FISH HOEK, 7975; (3) 22 February 2019; (5) PHILIP HERHOLDT (AGENT), BUENA VISTA OFFICE PARK, CNR OF DURBAN- AND KENDAL ROADS, DURBANVILLE, 7550. 002531/2019—(2) ARMSTRONG, STANLEY EDWIN, 31 March 1933, 3303315043088, ROOM 25 BRIDGEWATER MANOR HEALTHCARE, ANDRIES PRETORIUS STREET, SOMERSET WEST 7130; (3) 9 November 2018; (4) N/A N/A; (5) GRAVETT SCHOEMAN INC, THE HUB, BONZA BAY ROAD, BEACON BAY, EAST LONDON, 5241. 003401/2019—(2) HANSEN, MARIETTA, 2 November 1966, 6611020016083, EDWARDSTRAAT 51, AVONDALE, ATLANTIS, 7349; (3) 5 Desember 2018; (4) JAKOBUS JOHANNES HANSEN, 15 Maart 1969, 6903155017089; (5) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS, 2 7th AVENUE, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7441. 003613/2019—(2) De Villiers, Johanna Cornelia, 5 October 1949, 4910050133087, 9 Annerley Road, Rosebank, Cape Town; (3) 2 February 2019; (5) Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs, 1 North Wharf Square, Loop Street, Foreshore, Cape Town. 013501/2017—(2) Faasen, Harold Francois Faasen, 30 July 1937, 3707305095082, Langvlei Cottage, Blue Water Road, Mooi Plaas, East London; (3) 17 March 2017; (5) Andrew J. Massyn Attorney, 1A Grotto Mews, Grotto Road, Rondebosch. 003758/2019—(2) CONSTANT, VIRGIL STEPHEN, 20 April 1965, 6504205151082, LUSITANIA STRAAT 4, SALDANHA, 7395; (3) 25 Oktober 2018; (4) ZELDA MAUREEN CONSTANT, 20 Maart 1966, 6603200207087; (5) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS, 2 7th AVENUE, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7441. 001517/2019—(2) Bennett, Judith Hope, 20 December 1935, 3512200031087, 9 Fynbosch Close, Parklands, Cape Town; (3) 9 November 2018; (5) Leandri Spies, c/o FNB Fiduciary,P O Box 135, Cape Town 8000. 020041/2018—(2) Olivier, Andries Hermanus, 4 Maart 1937, 3703045025083, Buitekantstraat 35 Oudtshoorn; (3) 18 September 2018; (5) Willem Hendrik Marais, Baron Van Reedestraat 101 Oudtshoorn 6625. 003729/2019—(2) MOSTERT, ALETTA CATHRINA, 27 Junie 1936, 3606270030084, 9 DAHLIA STREET, DWARSKERSBOS; (3) 21 Januarie 2019; (4) ABRAHAM JOSIAS MOSTERT, 28 Oktober 1935, 3510285041088; (5) Leandri Spies, P.O.Box 135, Cape Town, 8000. 004082-2019—(2) van Zyl, Charles Francois Wapenaar, 11 Maart 1926, 2603115018086, Victoria Straat 88, George, 6530; (3) 23 Februarie 2019; (4) Johanna Catharina Wlhelmina van Zyl, 30 Augustus 1930, 3008300044088; (5) Josef Johannes Myburgh, PO Box 1251, George, 6530. 001463/2019—(2) Van Zyl, Ryan Daniel, 28 March 1976, 7603285243089, G4 Radison Gardens, 2 Village Close,+++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Parklands, Cape Town; (3) 22 October 2018; (5) Roald Hubert Besselaar, 3rd Floor, 45 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town. 003318/2019—(2) MVUMVU, BONGANI MOSES, 8 Februarie 1968, 6802085963083, 37 FAURE STREET, CERES, WESTERN CAPE, 6835; (3) 20 November 2018; (4) THOBEKA CYNTHIA MVUMVU, 24 November 1971, 7111240692085; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 003301/2019—(2) SMIT, JOHANNA MARIA SOPHIA, 13 Februarie 1953, 5302130040087, FALCON STRAAT 35, DURBANVILLE,7550; (3) 14 September 2018; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 020401/2018—(2) Christiaans, Daleen Joan, 21 July 1953, 5307210093088, Nerinalaan 45 , Wesbank , Malmesbury , 7300; (3) 22 September 2018; (4) Henry Jacobus Christiaans, 26 April 1955, 5504265058087; (5) Leandri Spies, c/o FNB Fiduciary, P.O Box 135, Cape Town, 8000..

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 81

021857/2018—(2) Nel, Gideon, 19 Januarie 1951, 5101195045084, Vereenigingstraat 29, Moorreesburg, 7310; (3) 17 Oktober 2018; (5) Karen Lotter as genomineerde van Sanlam Trust Beperk, Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532. 4445/2019—(2) Shaw, Edward, 22 Julie 1938, 3807225104087, 21 Lodewyk Road, Newfields, 7764; (3) 9 Februarie 2019; (5) Sanlam Trust, PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 20744/2018—(2) SCHNEIGANSZ, DAPHNE LORNA ROSS, 7 January 1958, 5801070255084, 3 LA NICHE, BARN OWL STREET, ROOIHUISKRAAL, CENTURION, 0157; (3) 26 November 2017; (5) HARRY DISTIN CURTIS, P. O. BOX 53067, KENILWORTH, 7745. 998/2019—(2) BEUKES, LOUIS JACOBUS, 8 April 1941, 4104085070080, 109 CHRISTIAANS STREET, RAVENSMEAD,7493; (3) 15 May 2005; (5) SALIE & SALIE, 169 TARONGA ROAD CRAWFORD; (6) 30 days. 999/2019—(2) BEUKES, MAGDALENA LYDIA ANETTA, 24 April 1943, 4304240096083, 109 CHRISTIAANS STREET, RAVENSMEAD,7493; (3) 22 June 2006; (5) SALIE & SALIE, 169 TARONGA ROAD CRAWFORD; (6) 30 days. 020903/2018—(2) FURLONG, VINCENT WALTER, 8 August 1948, 4608085638084, 11 Bridge Close Fairways; (3) 22 April 2018; (4) PATRICIA MILDRED FURLONG, 11 August 1949, 4908110148087; (5) Dingley Marshall Inc, First Floor 22 Dreyer Street, Claremont, Cape Town. 001534/2019—(2) Thijsse, Willem, 9 March 1926, 2603095055181, 39 Kronendal Village, Hout Bay; (3) 28 November 2018; (4) Henriette Albertine Thijsse, 26 March 1925, 2503095055181; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Nedgroup Trust Ltd, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 002918/2019—(2) O’ROURKE, PETER, 2 October 1939, 3910025099182, 3 PERCIVAL ROAD, CAMBRIDGE EST, 7441; (3) 1 May 2019; (4) DOROTHY JOSEPHINE O’ROURKE, 20 May 1947, 4705200108181; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 001562/2019—(2) Sheehan, Frederick John, 5 May 1950, 5005055061083, 1 Hersham Crescent, Wentworth Village, Sunningdale; (3) 24 October 2018; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Nedgroup Trust Ltd, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 003358/2019—(2) CORNWELL, STANLEY NORMAN, 25 June 1935, 3506255061080, 62 TUGELA ROAD, PLATTEKLOOF GLEN, 7460; (3) 1 May 2019; (5) Absa Trust, Absa Building, Ground Floor, Bridge Park West, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; (6) 30. 003267/2019—(2) Truscott, Charles Wyatt, 13 January 1943, 4301135053088, 28A Chebel Crescent, Sun Valley; (3) 12 October 2018; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Old Mutual Trust Ltd, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 004472/2019—(2) RETIEF, ANDRE PIERIE, 12 Januarie 1959, 5901125102081, 7 LUSITAINA STREET, SALDANHA, 7395; (3) 10 Januarie 2019; (4) JUDA RETIEF, 25 Oktober 1960, 6010250073080; (5) ETIENNE DE GRAAF GENIS, 2 7th AVENUE, MELKBOSSTRAND, 7441. 412/2019—(2) WENCE, SYLVIA CATHERINE, 16 April 1948, 4804160678083, 39 DONEGAL AVENUE, CONNAUGHT ESTATE, ELSIES RIVER, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) 4 August 2018; (4) MARTIN WENCE, 25 August 1944, 4408255415086; (5) Nawaal Cloete, P O Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000. 18358/2018—(2) LACEY, PRISCILLA MARY, 7 June 1959, 5906070139087, 127 VIERBERGEN, STELLENBERG ROAD, OAKGLEN, BELLVILLE, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) 14 October 2018; (5) Nawaal Cloete, P O Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000. 1919/2008—(2) JOSEFS, PETRONELLA, 30 March 1946, 4603300034086, 6 CUSTER SQUARE, SHERWOOD PARK, ATLANTIS, WESREN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) 21 May 1997; (5) Nawaal Cloete, P O Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000. 17407/2018—(2) SOLOMON, JOHI, 8 December 1958, 5812080131082, 20 CORONATION ROAD, WALMER ESTATE, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) 17 September 2018; (5) Nawaal Cloete, P O Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000. 4667/2019—(2) DREYER, FAEZA, 24 June 1954, 5406240927081, 130 SCHOTSCHEKLOOF FLATS, BO KAAP, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) 4 March 2019; (5) Nawaal Cloete, P O Box 2303, Cape Town, 8000. 003242/2019—(2) CRAVEN, NORMAN EDWIN, 9 September 1934, 3409095008082, -; (3) 29 December 2018; (4) ANNE HELEN MARY CRAVEN, 6 May 1939, 3905060122089; (5) SILMA HAMDULAY, STANDARD TRUST LIMITED, PO BOX 5562, CAPE TOWN, 8000; (6) 30. 003265/2019—(2) Fraser, Valerie Alberta Leslie Fraser, 23 February 1932, 3202230070087, Legato Retirement Village, Durbanville; (3) 26 January 2019; (5) Fabiola Maria Amaral Marques as nominee of Nedgroup Trust Ltd, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8001; (6) 30. 004430/2019—(2) Booysen, Johny Johannes, 14 Augustus 1959, 5908145078084, Kavalierstraat 82, Kuilsrivier, 7580; (3) 25 Desember 2018; (4) Averol Bernice Booysen, 27 Augustus 1961, 6108270148088; (5) Karen Lotter, Sanlam Trust ,PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; (6) 30. 003577/2019—(2) Kremnitz, Walter Heinrich Adolf, 3 December 1923, 835203511, Frieding-Hurteustr 25 D-82346 Andecks Germany; (3) 17 December 2014; (5) Michael Helmut Wolfgang Kremnitz, 102 Fish Hoek Centre, Main Road, Fish Hoek, 7975; (6) 30. 015753/2018—(2) SAUERMANN, SYLVIA JOSEPHINE, 1 March 1935, 3503010034080, OTHELLO RETIREMENT VILLAGE, BORDEAUX STREET, BRACKENFELL; (3) 29 July 2018; (5) MR PIETER MARAIS, 16 KOLONIESLAND, NOORDWAL-EAST ROAD, STELLENBOSCH, 7600. 001602/2019—(2) Maart, Basil Edward, 23 November 1954, 5411235191081, 16 Shelly Court, Avondale, Atlantis 7349; (3) 28 December 2018; (4) not applicable not applicable; (5) HL Esau Attorneys, 4a Avondale Civic Centre, Grosvenor Avenue, Avondale Atlantis; (6) 30 days.

This gazette is also available free online at 82 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

Form/Vorm J 187


In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number, (2) surname, christian name(s), identity number, last address, (3) description of account other than first and final; (4) if deceased was married in community of property the surviving spouse’s names, surname and identity number; (5) period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrate’s Office; (6) Advertiser details.


Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van die Boedelwet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie en distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indien spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter insae lê van alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings. Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: (1) Boedelnommer, (2) familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, (3) beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; (4) indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; (5) tydperk van insae (indien korter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor; (6) Adverteerder besonderhede.


002796/2018—(2) NGOMA, JAMES ALPHAS (6512145851083); 38 De Bruyn Drive Ext 2 Glen Marais 1619; (3) First and Final; (4) MEYA NGOMA (6712130145182); (5) (KEMPTON PARK, SOUTH GAUTENG , JOHANNESBURG). (6) MATHIBE THABANG ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 21682 CRYSTAL PARK 1515; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 553 7117. 24927/2014—(2) LE ROUX (voorheen LABUSCHAGNE), GERTINA PETRONELLA (5909160126089); GEDEELTE 24, VAALBANK PLAAS 511JR DISTRIK BRONKHORSTSPRUIT 1020.; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) ANDRE DANIEL BARTHOLOMEUS LE ROUX (4811305111086); (5) (BRONKHORSTSPRUIT, PRETORIA). (6) ADB LE ROUX; POSBUS 1147, BRONKHORSTSPRUIT 1020.; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0660818780. 28078/2018—(2) Jeffreys, Johanna Hendrika Carstina (4003050094085); 32 Massel Road, Beyers Park X30; (3) First and final; (4) Roger Harold George Jeffreys (4308205037081); (5) (Boksburg, Johannesburg). (6) Aletta van Goeverden; Posbus 12129, Aston Manor, 1630; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828257135. 13913/2018—(2) LOUW, JACOBUS JOHANNES (2306035006088); 80 OTTO STREET, KRUGERSDORP NORTH, GAUTENG; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (KRUGERSDORP, GAUTENG). (6) VAN DER MERWE CRONJE & KAPLAN INC; 79 Von Brandis Street, P O Box 92, KRUGERSDORP, 1740; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011-953-1010. 10985/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, ROELOF JAOBUS (6305055073081); 172 HAMILTON AVENUE, BRAKPAN 1541; (3) First and Final; (4) AMANDA PRETORIUS (6604050101081); (5) (BRAKPAN, SOUTH GAUTENG). (6) A C NOTHNAGEL ATTORNEYS; 61 HENDRIK POTGIETER STREET, DALVIEW, BRAKPAN 1541; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011- 7409289. 011279/2018—(2) Mentz, Andries (4609235005083); Kudustraat 7, Pretoriuspark, Pretoria; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Johannesburg). (6) Efficient Board of Executors (Edms) Beperk; P O Box 17, Pinegowrie; E-pos: magriet. [email protected]; Tel: 0861722626.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 83

003645/2019—(2) Rathbone (Born Payne), Antonette Veronica (5102280071084); Unit 16 Meridian Villas, Honeydew Manor, Roodepoort; (3) First and Final; (4) Trevor Anthony Rathbone (4712145060089); (5) 29 March 2019; (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd - Mr. E. Strauss; Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 886-7195. 1633/2019—(2) Kula, Zbigniew (5709285858081); 4 Toscana Close, Concourse Crescent, Lonehill, Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) Janina Kula (born Kudasiewicz) (5806240932082); (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd - Mrs A. Strydom; Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; Email: t4@; Tel: 011 886-7195. 25617/2017—(2) BLOEM, YVONNE JEANETTE (4711170132086); 27 WEBB STREET, YEOVILLE 2001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) NERINA WESSELS ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 3423, PINEGOWRIE, 2123; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0825609479. 015605/2018—(2) Kruger, Jessie (2705090019086); Arbor Village, Cnr Bradford and Smith Streets, Bedfordview, 2007; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Edenvale, Johannesburg). (6) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd Ref: Lynne Louis; P O Box 27528, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0102345265. 020527/2018—(2) Lehane, Catherine Lilian (3010130059088); Riverside Manor Retirement Estate, 101 Leeuwkop Road, Sunninghill, Sandton; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Standard Executors and Trustees Ref: MEL; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831163. 28474/2018—(2) Smith, Peter Barrie (3905185052088); 19 Badger Street, Fourways; (3) First and final; (4) Not applicable Not applicable; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Lubbes Trust (Edms) Bpk; Posbus 906453, Magalieskruin, 0150; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-5486460. 2479/2018—(2) KHADUA, KAMAL SATISHWAR (7808175168086); SECTION 35 DEVON VALLEY WELTEVREDEN PARK EXTENSION 73; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) VICTOR AND PARTNERS; JACARANDA HOUSE 1350 GOOSEBERRY STREET HONEYDEW; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118310000. 20140/2017—(2) DE VILLIERS, PIETER ACKERMANN (3004035032084); OLIVE GROVE RETIREMENT VILLAGE, PRITCHARD STREET 150, OLIVEDALE, RANDBURG; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NERINA WESSELS ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 3423, PINEGOWRIE, 2123; E-pos: estates@nw-law. com; Tel: 0825609479. 019790/2018—(2) KHOTLE, DUNCAN MODUPE (7803045317088); 23152 THABO STREET, ZONE 13, SEBOKENG, 1983; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (JOHANNESBURG). (6) JOHAN VAN NIEKERK FINANCIAL PLANNER, FSB NR: 38952; 125 HEIDE ROAD, DANA BAY, 6510; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823720772. 1757/18—(2) RADLEY, ANDRE JOHAN (6307235079087); WOLFF KRUGERLAAN 43, SONLANDPARK, VEREENIGING; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARTHA CATHRINA RADLEY (6311030114081); (5) (VEREENIGING, PRETORIA). (6) DE BEER & CLAASSEN PROKUREURS; NJ VAN DER MERWE SINGEL 15, SASOLBURG; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0169760800. 010879/2018—(2) MURRAY, ANDREW CHARLES BARRY (4604145011081); 124 GAMKA AVENUE, SINOVILLE, 0182; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) LE ROUX REKENMEESTERS; 154 SEFAKO MAKGATHO RYLAAN, SINOVILLE, 0182; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 5439150. 008652/2016—(2) Brussow, Ludwig Ewald (2607115007080); 1190 Boekenhoutkloof Street, Booysens, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Marthie Elizabeth Sophia Brussow (4008220069081); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (B20753); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348- 1088. 019764/2018—(2) Scholtz, Ignatius Matthee (5808265009085); 17 Welgemoed Street, Elsburg; (3) First and final; (4) Levina Johanna Herculina Scholtz (6308240017088); (5) — (6) Lizelle Britz-Chapman; 14 Oaktree Avenue, Ground Floor, Hazelwood Gate Office Park, Hazelwood, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124247500. 008151/2016—(2) Barnardo, Johan Carel Malan (5301155065086); 53 Landsborough Street, Robertsham, Johannesburg South, 2091; (3) First and Final; (4) Denise Arlene Barnardo (5605270104087); (5) n/a; (Master’s office - Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Alec Carl Barnardo c/o Botha Copo Attorneys; Meyersdal Eco Office Park, Block B, First Floor, Cnr Michelle Avenue and Hennie Alberts Street, Meyersdal; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-867-0119. 026765/2018—(2) Porter, Roland Stuart (4707135124085); 56 Commissioner Street, Kempton Park, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (P3215); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 13732/2018—(2) TAR-MAHOMED, MASOOD (5205285134086); 20 GAZELLE STREET, LENASIA , EXT 5, 1827; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JHB, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Reshaad Tarmahomed Attorneys Ref: TAR302; PO Box 6039, Lenasia - North 1838; Email: [email protected]; Tel: -. 010575/2018—(2) Lawson, Ian Hamilton (4206245040182); 18 Beryl Avenue, Lyttleton, Centurion; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Crest Trust Holdings Ingelyf; P O Box 11808, Centurion, 0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 643 1049. 008467/2017—(2) FOURIE, JACOBUS ANTON FOURIE (5207305075083); 5 FAGAN STREET, MARLANDS, GERMISTON, GAUTENG,1401; (3) First and final; (4) ELIZABETH WILHELMINA CATHARINA FOURIE (5401170004084); (5) (GERMISTON, PRETORIA). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys; 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: mandie@; Tel: 0123481088.

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008414/2017—(2) Bothma, Lynette (6105250063089); 16 Florida Hill, Mount Helicon Number 15, Florida; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Stofberg Attorneys; 753 Old Farm Road, Portofino Number 15, Faerie Glen, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123435826. 010301/2018—(2) Mokoena, Ntombizodwa Julia (6307200574088); 376 Sebokeng Unit 10 Extension 3 Township 1982; (3) First and final; (4) Mokete Ariel Mokoena (6311295844083); (5) (Sebokeng, Johannesburg). (6) Dockrat Jassat Attorneys & Conveyancers; Po Box 3776 Vereeniging 1930; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0164225151. 013701/2018—(2) FEDERICO, ANGIOLA (3308030087187); 22 ATLANTA, 56 MULLER STREET, YEOVILLE, JOHANNESBURG, 2198; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 30 DAYS; (MASTER OF HIGH COURT - JOHANNESBURG). (6) SHAMMY MONICA KATUMBA; GROUND FLOOR , H. SANTOS BUILDING, 30 ARENA CLOSE, BRUMA, JOHANNESBURG, 2198; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-616-7286. 0084352018—(2) KLUG, SYLVIA (3003240026089); 47 BATH AVENUE, ROSEBANK, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SHAPIRO-AARONS INC; 1 UNITY STREET, FELLSIDE, JOHANNESBURG, 2192; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114832046. 022790/2018—(2) de Sousa, Luis Manuel Vilela (6001085040089); 7 Sandra Court, 57 Garden Street, Rosettenville; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Jose Nascimento Attorneys; 95 Victoria Street, Oakdene, Johannesburg, 2190; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114351772. 012554/2018—(2) CRAFFORD, CHRISTOFFEL HENDRIK PETRUS (5211255003087); 37 LAROCHELLE CRESCENT CENTURION PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Janneke Fourie; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s C/O Hendrik Verwoerd and South Street Centurion; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 17996/2010—(2) Boxall (born van Jaarsveld), Catherine Mary Sophia (3611020001088); 136 Sheffield Street, Kenilworth, Johannesburg; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Johannesburg, Pretoria). (6) Stabilitas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd - Mrs A. Strydom; Stabilitas Chambers, 3rd Floor, 265 Kent Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg; Email: t4@; Tel: 011 886-7195. 27672/2018—(2) VENTE, JACOBA JOHANNA (2410010034089); 55 CHOPIN STREET VANDERBIJLPARK SW5; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NOLTE INC. ATTORNEYS; 1ST FLOOR ROYAL PALMS BUILDING, C/O LOCH & PIERNEEF STREET, MEYERTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0163624108. 2078/2019—(2) BIERMAN, MICHIEL DANIEL (5001315013089); 65 ZEA AVENUE ARCONPARK VEREENIGING; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VEREENIGING, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NOLTE INC. ATTORNEYS; 1ST FLOOR ROYAL PALMS BUILDING, C/O LOCH & PIERNEEF STREET, MEYERTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0163624108. 11517/2018—(2) VAN RENSBURG, FRANCINA CECILIA (5108200040083); 654 FRIEDA ST, DASPOORT, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) ANDRIES MARTHINUS VAN RENSBURG (4708295051084); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) MARIE VICTOR ATTORNEYS; 248 DANIE THERON ST, PRETORIA NORTH, 0182; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0125466402. 007959/2018—(2) Matthee, Susanna Sophia (3004240031087); 668 26TH Street, Villeria, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Du Plessis Mundt Attorneys; 88 Umkomaas Road, Alphen Park, Pretoria; Email: estelle@; Tel: 0123460411. 016888/2018—(2) GAIT-SMITH, CAREEN (ZP002264); 7 PAULO CLOSE, PARKLANDS, KITWE, ZAMBIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) B. JEAN HUGO ATTORNEYS; 257 JORISSEN STREET, MONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP, 1739; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119545501. 005363/2018—(2) ERASMUS, PETER JOHN (5306115096089); 15 COLENSO STREET, PAULSHOF, 2191; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Pretoria; PO Box 11287, HATFIELD 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123495176. 023535/2018—(2) BARKHUIZEN, JOHAN NICHOLAS WILHELM (3408125026080); EKKLESIA PARK, ROOM113, RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First; (4) HELENA CHARLOTTA BARKHUIZEN (3104070053084); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, RANDBURG). (6) Erna De Villiers; PO BOX 11287, HATFIELD, PRETORIA, 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123495176. 17826/2012—(2) PETERSEN, ROMEO DAVID (6211215199081); 39 MILNER DRIVE KIBLER PARK JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) SHERYL TERESA PETERSEN (6601070250088); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) SCHOLTZ MARITZ; PO BOX 61934 MARSHALLTOWN 2107; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0836182555. 005778/2017—(2) Diamond, Johannes Jacobus (4306155017087); 37 Teengs street, Neserhof, Klerksdorp; (3) First and final; (4) Petronella Fredrika Diamond (4403280009087); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Karin Meyer Lategan Attorneys; 322 Alpine Way, Lynnwood, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)361-5102. 7685/2018—(2) Kruger, Stephanus Gerhardus (5104145002080); 18 Ana Agricultural Holdings ; (3) First and Final; (4) Charmaine Jean Kruger (5904110037080); (5) 21; (Pretoria). (6) Stopforth Swanepoel & Brewis Inc; 729 Park Street Arcadia; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-343-7437. 9017/2016—(2) VAN DEN HEEVER, GEORGE DIEDERICK (3411065059087); 15 HANTAMSTRAAT VAAL PARK; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) — (6) PSN INC; PRIVATE BAG X 041 VANDERBIJL PARK 1900; E-pos: yvdmerwe@psn.; Tel: 0169329101. 007231/2014—(2) COETZEE, CASPER LOUIS (6207035043087); PLOT 131, SANTE FE BOULEVARD, BLUE SADDLE RANCHES, MEYERTON; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Meyerton Magistrates Court) (6) BEV LOUBSER ATTORNEYS; 1ST FLOOR, BLOCK B, ASPEN VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, ASPEN LAKES DRIVE, ASPEN HILLS; Email: estates@; Tel: 0114328605/08. 001328/2019—(2) De Vries, Rob (4611145080180); 46 Moffat Street, SE, Vanderbijlpark, 1911; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: ME/am; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: imran.bhyat@; Tel: 0112831038.

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391/2018—(2) Masango, Jabulani Joe (5411116010087); 17 Ecaleni, Tembisa, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Tembisa, Marshalltown). (6) Old Mutual Trust; P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514005928. 24471/2018—(2) Ive, Derek William (2701015040083); 6 Saint Mark Road, Hurleyvale , Edenvale; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Edenvale, Marshalltown). (6) NedgroupTrust; P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514005928. 015125/2018—(2) PHAKANE, NATHANIEL (5111065439085); 222 FITZPATRICK STREET, GROBLERPARK, ROODEPOORT; (3) First and final; (4) ANNAH PHAKANE (5605180795081); (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KAKA AND KAKA ATTORNEYS INC; 40 CROUS DRIVE, HELDERKRUIN, ROODEPOORT, 1724; Email: reception@; Tel: 0117661037. 000453/2019—(2) JOOSTE, ABRAHAM ADRIAAN (5408275012086); 708 ROODEBERG, 615 ADCOCK STREET, GEZINA, PRETORIA; (3) First; (4) DERICK JOOSTE (8607075013080); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) ARTHUR CHANNON INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; 693 RUBENSTEIN DRIVE, MORELETA PARK, 0044; Email: ISABEL@ CHANNONATTORNEYS.CO.ZA; Tel: 012 997 37 47. 008823/2018—(2) BRENKMAN, HESTER ALIDA MARIA (2709110039082); TULBACH HUIS, GWARRIEBOSLAAN 47, WONDERBOOM, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) PIETER DANIEL FRANCOIS BRENKMAN (2406085055082); (5) 21 DAYS; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) VERITASBOE; 70 VAN RYNEVELD ROAD, PIERRE VAN RYNEVELD, CENTURION; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-6621399. 16075/2018—(2) Gadney, Louis (6011145006087); Freybergstraat 12, Ext 1, Duncanville, Vereeniging; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Vereeniging, Marshalltown). (6) Jonk Attorneys; P O Box 668, Chrissiefontein, 1963; Email: admin1@; Tel: 0871502814. 021101/2018—(2) BRINK, LOUIS GUSTUVUS TRICHARDT (3610205007084); KORAALBOOM LAAN 30, THABAZIMBI, 0380; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (THABAZIMBI, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) Sanlam Trust LTD (WB); Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-470-0330. 26659/2011—(2) Neumeyer, Evan (3308095035089); Arbor Village, Bedfordview, 2007; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: ME/am; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: imran.bhyat@; Tel: 0112831038. 24087/2017—(2) Mitrovic, Zivan (5209065045082); 24 Cypress str., Three Rivers; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Vereeniging, Marshalltown). (6) Jonk Attorney; P O Box 668, Chrissiefontein, 1963; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0871502814. 001317/2019—(2) MEYER, JOHANNES JURIE STEPHANUS (2910125015089); 15 Madeleine street Midstream; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (TEMBISA, Johannesburg). (6) Maryna van der Riet; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s River Falls Office Park, 262 Rose Ave, Doornkloof; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 001367/2016—(2) MOKHINE, SUZAN (6310101475082); 2112 KWA-GUQA EXTENSION 4, WITBANK; (3) First and Final; (4) NONE NONE; (5) 21 DAYS; (BUSHBUCKRIDGE MAGISTRATE’S COURT, PRETORIA). (6) NGOMANA & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS; 59 CNR MANDELA AND JELLICO STREET WITBANK; Email: litigation@ngomana-attorneys.; Tel: 013 656 5808. 011113/2017—(2) VAN WYK, CHRISTOFFEL JOHANNES (3209255003083); RUSOORD CENTURION, LYTTLETON, PRETORIA; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) HESTER MARIA VAN WYK (3502200033084); (5) 21; (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) PTA Boedels Administrateurs; Posbus 14341, Sinoville, Pretoria; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 5431229. 8464/2013—(2) Manqele, Neo (7305300360084); 13 Noltoth Road, Groeneweide, Boksburg; (3) First and final; (4) Wiseman Dumisani Manqele (6509155135084); (5) (Boksburg, Pretoria). (6) Pretorius & Wilsnach Inc; 386 Orient Street, Arcadia, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123429505. 017246/2018—(2) Leemhuis, Margo Florence (3103160031083); Westview Lodge, 40 Westview Drive, Bryanston; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Rupert Gush Incorporated; 242 ACACIA ROAD, NORTHCLIFF EXT 2, JOHANNESBURG 2195; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-678-1155. 006933/2018—(2) BOSMAN, JACOBUS PETRUS (4906225091085); PORTION 387, SOUTPANSDRIFT, BRITS, 0250; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) SECURE LEGACY; 345 APPELBLAAR STREET, MAGALIESKRUIN, 0150; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0125431806. 024151/2017—(2) Mackay, Hugh Morrison (3502245175189); 61 19th Avenue, Edenvale 1609; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) FPM Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; No 2 Jameson Avenue, Melrose Estate 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117789367. 14500/2015—(2) NIEUWENHUIS, GERRIT (2510075065181); ST GEORGE’S AFTREEOORD, ECNOMIEDES WEG, BEDFORDVIEW, 2007; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) RALDA VAN TONDER; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8394. 535/2014—(2) NDLOVU, DEON HUMPHREY (8403135794087); STAND 10030, SHARE VILLAGE, ENHLAZENI DISTRICT MPUMALANGA, 0001; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (THULAMAHASHE, NELSPRUIT). (6) GEORGE GATES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8675. 015817/2017—(2) MASSAFRA, RICARDO OVIDIO MARIA (5602255127100); 8 PETER AVENUE, KEMPTON PARK, , 1619; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KEMPTON PARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MARCIA DUIMPIES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8391. 3251/2016—(2) ROSSOUW, GERHARDUS JACOBUS (5008165194083); 16 FOXGLOVE VILLAGE, 42 FOX GLOVE AVENUE, WILROPARK EXT.6, 1724; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, PRETORIA). (6) RALDA VAN TONDER; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8394.

This gazette is also available free online at 86 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

003334/2018—(2) NUGENT, JANETTE (4107060082087); F054 HILLCREST VIEW, 646 DUNCAN STREET, HATFIELD, 0083; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) RALDA VAN TONDER; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8394. 016231/2017—(2) Maske, Irene Alice (2103270017080); 617 Northside, Somerset Oaks, Somerset West; (3) First and Final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) Old Mutual Wealth Trust Company (Pty) Ltd; Mutual Park, Jan Smuts Drive, M91 Building 5th Floor, H-Block Pinelands 7450; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 524 4450. 026649/2018—(2) Blake, Isobel (3912100063083); 48 The Manor, 27 Centre Road, Morningside, 2196; (3) First and final; (4) Ian Malcolm Blake (3810155084089); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) DHOOGE LAW; P O Box 14269 Farrarmere 1518; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823484113. 021032/2018—(2) CHESTER, RONALD STEPHEN (4410225086088); 63 PHEASANT STREET, ATLASVILLE, BOKSBURG, 1459; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MARCIA DUIMPIES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8391. 15311/2015—(2) MIYA, MALEFETSANE ISHMAEL (7002155388084); 2469 Umsangastreet, OLIEVENHOUTBOSCH; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) Rousseau & Rousseau Incorporated Attorneys; 982 Herminastreet, CONSTANTIAPARK, 0161; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)998-7316. 5944/2018—(2) BOERSMA, ERNST RUDOLF (NWF45F8C2); UNIT 701, 7TH FLOOR, 3 ST GEORGES MALL, CAPE TOWN 8001; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) Old Mutual Wealth Trust Company (Pty) Ltd; MUTUAL PARK, JAN SMUTS DRIVE, M91 BUILDING 5TH FLOOR, H-BLOCK PINELANDS 7450; Email: sally.dumont@; Tel: 021 524 4450. 13431/2017—(2) VISSER, LEON (7612285186081); BESEMBESSIESTRAAT 733, MONTANA PARK, , 0182; (3) Aanvullende Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA - NORTH, PRETORIA). (6) RALDA VAN TONDER; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8394. 020646/2018—(2) MBATHA, NUKIE WILSON (5808315584087); 617 SITE NO 617 RAMOKONOPI, KATLEHONG, , 1431; (3) First and Final; (4) VERONICA BABY MBATHA (6008130334086); (5) (SPRINGS, JOHANNESBURG). (6) GEORGE GATES; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8675. 22927/2018—(2) Oosthuis, Rona (2502170028081); Rynpark , 6 Parker Street , Rynfield , Benoni; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) 21 Days; (Benoni, Johannesburg). (6) Chamber Administrators cc; P O Box 246 , Shelly Beach , 4265; Email: agatha@; Tel: 0393151081. 12171/2018—(2) LIGHT, DAVID LEON (3910265029089); MISSISSIPISTRAAT 509, FAERIE GLEN; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) LOMBARD EN VENNOTE; POSBUS 5280, PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0824451826. 015874/2017—(2) Stander, Barend Jacobus (2006045034084); Olive Cresent No. 8, Olympus, Pretoria; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Burgert Smith Coetzee; 502 Jacqueline Drive, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0042; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0123481546. 030803/2015—(2) Mojalefa, Tumelo Maishe (7508205686087); 65 Acacia Street, Bushwillow Park Estate, Greenstone Hill; (3) First And Final; (4) Mahlagare Portia Mojalefa (8202160365080); (5) (Germiston, Southern Gauteng). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: KB; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831100. 004451/2018—(2) HILLS, HENDRIK FREDERICK (7205175009081); 4 SQUIRREL STREET, NELSPRUIT, 1213; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: EJ/AL; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 5177/2015—(2) CRONJE, LOURENS (6201045002084); 55 SWARTSTRAAT, KEMPTONPARK; (3) Supplementary First And Final; (4) CATHARINA CHRISTINA CRONJE (6306030104082); (5) (KEMPTON PARK, JOHANNESBUR G). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: MM; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 011830/2018—(2) De Lange, Johannes Frederik (3301225011088); 13 OAKTREE VILLAS, ALBATROS AVENUE, HELDERKRUIN, ROODEPOORT; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Matt Larkins Attorney; 6 Comet Street, Helderkruin, Roodepoort, 1724; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0832257540. 1481/2019—(2) OPPERMAN, GERBRECHT JOHANNA JACOBA (5707280109088); 331 BADENHORST STREET, WIERDA PARK, CENTURION,0157; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) EMILY CHAUKE; SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD LYNNWOOD; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 470 0175. 025167/2018—(2) Penton, Victor (3510235085086); 152 Lawn Street, Rosettenville, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) N L Administration Services (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 2259, Honeydew , 2040; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117914015. 009551/2016—(2) Van Rooyen, Theodorus Cornelius Johannes (2707095034086); 18 Snyman Street, Krugersdorp North, 1741; (3) First and final; (4) Petronella Christina Eunice Van Rooyen (3602250063088); (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) AED Attorneys; 289 Ontdekkers Road, Carenvale, Roodepoort, 1709; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-033- 8701. 014310/2017—(2) POTGIETER, HENDRINA BARENDINA PIETRONELLA (3504060007083); CAMBORD FLATS 715, LA MONTAGNE PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) 30 days; (PRETORIA). (6) BEZUIDENHOUT VAN DER MERWE PROKUREURS; NO 6 KIKUYU STREET, SUNNINGHILL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112368638. 9029/2018—(2) ERLANK, JACOBA PAULINA FRANCISCA (2502010004086); KIEPERSOL W/S 23 RABESTRAAT 59, PIET POTGIETER MONUMENT, MOKOPANE, 0601; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (POLOKWANE). (6) BEATRICE TSHUNGU; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1717.

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005887/2017—(2) GERICKE, HENRIETTA (5004030110008); 287 DAUBENEY ROAD, MONDEOR, , 2091; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) BEATRICE TSHUNGU; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1717. 17361/2013—(2) VERMEULEN, CORNELIUS JOHANNES (2003275055087); 109 SOUTPANSBERGWEG VILLIERA PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PRETORIA NEWS; Tel: 011 6332568. 011594/2018—(2) GREYLING, JOSEPH PHILIPPUS (2810255019085); HEUWELSIG FRAIL CARE CENTRE, ROOM 6 956 CLIFTON LAAN, LYTTELTON, 0157; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) BEATRICE TSHUNGU; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1717. 18965/2018—(2) INNES, PATRICIA (2703080041087); 58 AERODROME DRIVE, NORTHMEAD EXT 3, BENONI, 1501; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) BEATRICE TSHUNGU; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1717. 028557/2018—(2) STRYDOM, COENRAAD JACOBUS JOHANNES STEPHANUS (3108115054080); RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 38 VENUS STREET, FOCHVILLE, 2515; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) BEATRICE TSHUNGU; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1717. 016641/2017—(2) MABEBA, AGNES MMAMOKGONA (6212230316080); 81 YELLOWWOOD STREET, MAYBERRY PARK, , 1448; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) BEATRICE TSHUNGU; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1717. 013540/2018—(2) VAN DER WALT, CASPER JAN HENDRIK (3910175082087); 53 NAUDE STREET, RAYTON, , 1001; (3) First and Final; (4) JANETTA STEENKAMP VAN DER WALT (4503080120081); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) BEATRICE TSHUNGU; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1717. 846/2019—(2) DU RAND, PHILIPPUS PETRUS (3605015049086); 140 MARKOTTER STREET, DANVILLE, PRETORIA, GAUTENG.; (3) First and final; (4) ELIZABETH CATHARINA JOHANNA DU RAND (4411280051082); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PJ ROOS / VAN ZYL’S INC; 90 JEAN AVENUE, DORINGKLOOF, CENTURION; Email: pieter@vzylinc.; Tel: 012-667-5111. 002155/2010—(2) Luscombe, Catharina Cornelia (5712160084088); 1 Owl Straat, Struisbult, Springs; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) NVT NVT; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Judy Pretorius or Etienne Booyens; 36 Linden Street, Model Park, Witbank, 1035; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 013) 6564444. 3170/2017—(2) Nel, Lorraine (4404240062083); Underberg straat 6, Wierdapark, Centurion; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) Awie Moolman Attorneys; PO Box 7512, Centurion 0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-656-8843. 24561/2018—(2) DEN HELD, WILLEM (3209185094186); EMFULENI APARTMENTS G2 VANDERBIJLPARK 1900; (3) First and final; (4) JACOBA MAGTELD DEN HELD (3304200068180); (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) MOLENAAR & GRIFFITHS INC.; 6 NJ VAN DER MERWE CRESCENT SASOLBURG 1947; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0169760420. 5944/2018—(2) HOFT, CHANTAL MAURICETTE (4211210020185); 11 VILJOEN STREET, EMALAHLENI, , 1034; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT). (6) BEATRICE TSHUNGU; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1717. 026551/2017—(2) Davey, Janine Karen (6309070242085); 9 Quaggashoek Road, The Hill, Ext 1; (3) First; (4) Robert William Davey (5407045115088); (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: TM; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831099. 1267/2010—(2) Marumo, Masephiri Melita (5401010253081); Erf 54153, Zone 3, Sebokeng; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Vanderbijlpark, Johannesburg). (6) Schlebusch & Du Plessis; 41 Kruger Avenue, Vereeniging, 1930; Email: leanna@sdplaw.; Tel: 016-455-5530. 028487/2016—(2) Savage, Yvonne Laura (4412160019082); Unit 00285 Country Life Retirement Village (Pomona Ext 83), Brentwood, Benoni; (3) First and final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Harris Dowden & Fontaine; PO Box 651129, Benmore, 2010; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)8847373. 22832/2014—(2) MIYA, SIMON NGOYANA (4109065186085); STAND NO. 570 NCALA SECTION, KATLEHONG; (3) First and Final; (4) PULENG ALICE MIYA (5409210282081); (5) 21 DAYS; (NONE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MOLEFE- DLEPU ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 7398. JOHANNESBURG , 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116160005. 017494/2017—(2) FRATELLI, ALESSIO UGO CARLO (8405305208087); 845 EMERALD ESTATE, GREENSTONE HILL; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) FEDGROUP TRUST ADMINSTRATORS (PTY) LTD; PO BOX 782823, SANDTON, 2146; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113052300. 13971/2016—(2) Rivera, Francesco (4008055008188); 5 The Paddock Stolk Street Sandown Johannesburg; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Randburg Gauteng, Johannesburg). (6) Maitland Executors Limited; Maitland House 1, Gloucester Road, Mowbray Cape Town; Email: estates@maitlandgroup,com; Tel: 021-681-8513. 000709/2019—(2) SHUNMUGAM, NEVILLE (6611165096080); 202 ROCKWOOD CRESCENT WOODLANDS 0072; (3) First And Final; (4) SALOSHNA SHUNMUGAM (6907210336087); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: C Rammego; PO Box 6287, Pretoria 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124367132. 19767/2018—(2) Gordhan, Lalita (4409060086088); 1087 Wadia Street, Actonville, Benoni, 1501; (3) First and final; (4) Dhaya Gordhan (3612035073088); (5) (Benoni) (6) Lagarto Bhana Attorneys; 676 Trichardts Road, Beyers Park, Boksburg, 1459; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0115689326. 28600/2011—(2) KOOR, SYLVIA (2503100068080); 403 Dukes Court, 2nd Street, Killarney, Johannesburg.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Ken Braude & Associates; Ground Floor Autoparks House, 13 Park Crescent, Glenhazel, 2192; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-887-9440.

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010110/2018—(2) EVANS, MARGARET JULIA (3511290051088); 76 ELM PARK 1 SUZANNE CRESCENT NORTHCLIFF JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BLOOM & ASSOCIATES INC; 15 SUNNYSIDE ROAD, BIRNAM, 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 440 6140. 1015/2019—(2) INGWANE, NICHOLAS JEREMIAH (4904245636088); 280 HOSPITAL VIEW, TEMBISA, , 1632; (3) First and Final; (4) EMILY VIOLET INGWANE (5112250671086); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) BEATRICE TSHUNGU; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1717. 26162/2018—(2) Minnaar, Gabriel Stephanus (2102015031083); Eenheid 74 Lenitas Boswillstraat, Birchleigh, Kempton Park, 1618; (3) Tweede en Finale; (4) —; (5) 21 Days; (Johannesburg Gauteng). (6) Stefan Strydom; Postnet Suite 1305, Privaatsak X1007, Lyttleton, 0140; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 082 786 6107. 023067/2018—(2) STEVENSON, MARILYN NORMA (4504110033088); 28 MONT PARK DRIVE, 46 MONT PARK, LEBONBO COMPLEX, MONTGOMERY PARK, EXT3 JHB; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) APPLETON FIDUCIARY SERVICES PTY LTD; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 506070. 025600/2018—(2) Wood, Mervyn Charles (4708095109082); 17 Blackwood Road, Primrose, Germiston, 1401; (3) First and final; (4) Aletta Johanna Magdelena Wood (5007210101085); (5) (Germiston, Johannesburg). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 265 3320. 023171/2018—(2) BRUINS, DONALD GORDON (4002115024087); 6 FERERO STREET, EDENGLEN, EDENVALE,1610; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: EJ/AL; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 561/2019—(2) SEFADI, MMILOANE JOSEPH (5802265772081); STAND 600 ZONE 10 EXTENSION 1, SEBOKENG , 1983 ,; (3) First and Final; (4) PULENG JOSTINA SEFADI (5806110824088); (5) (SEBOKENG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1728. 001916/2019—(2) COETZEE, PIETER FREDERICH (4411025045084); DE WETSTRAAT 18, HORISON , 1724; (3) First and Final; (4) GEZINA ANNA CHRISTINA COETZEE (4802150031081); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: LYNETTE.WENTZEL@ ABSA.CO.ZA; Tel: 0112258431. 006392/2017—(2) McLaren, Elizabeth Jean (2409030032081); 23 Rosebank Village 16 Jellicoe Avenue Rosebank Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Maitland Executors Limited; Maitland House 1, Gloucester Road, Mowbray Cape Town; Email: estates@maitlandgroup,com; Tel: 021-681-8513. 25333/2014—(2) Gessler, Steven Eric (7205055116089); 17b Leyd street, Rustenburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Rustenburg, Pretoria). (6) Pretorius & Wilsnach Attorneys; 386 Orient street, Arcadia, Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123429505. 025406/2016—(2) SOLDIN, MARGARET ROSE (3812100016083); 1 Mountain View, 14 Newlands Avenue, Newlands, Cape Town; (3) Amended Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Ken Braude & Associates; Ground Floor Autoparks House, 13 Park Crescent, Glenhazel, 2192; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011- 887-9440. 024862/2017—(2) MIAN, MAHMOOD (4211175085082) (n/a); 23 Opaal Street, Extension 5, Lenasia, Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 DAYS; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FERZANA MIA ATTORNEYS; 14 OLGA KIRSCH STREET, RIDGEWAY, 2091; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 433 2824. 28055/2018—(2) Hira, Ramanlal (3505165062089); 757 Hira Street, Actonville, Benoni, 1501; (3) First and final; (4) Jamu Hira (3805210031083); (5) (Benoni) (6) Lagarto Bhana Attorneys; 676 Trichardts Road, Beyers Park, Boksburg, 1459; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118971900. 039348/2014—(2) FRANCIS, DASINGEE (3705025261083); 39 Southcliff Road, Inner Avenue, Southhampton, England; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SOUTH GAUTENG). (6) CURR VIVIER INC; P O BOX 3866, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: debbie@; Tel: 0214249168. 1393/2018—(2) JONES, JENNIFER THERESA (5302210071085); 11 KUISAB STREET, BRACKENDOWNS, EXT 3; (3) First and Final; (4) VALIANT JONES (4907285088086); (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) PAUL BARNARD INC.; SAVANAH OFFICE PARK, CYCAD BUILDING, CNR 9TH AND RUGBY STREET, WELTEVREDENPARK; Email: ADMIN@ PBILAW.CO.ZA; Tel: 0113754052. 024754/2018—(2) DU PLESSIS, RACHEL CORNELIA (2608300056080); 100 ELSBURG ROAD, DELVILLE, GERMISTON; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) EMILY CHAUKE; SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD LYNNWOOD; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 470 0175. 7519/2015—(2) MIDDEL, JOHANNES CORNELIS (4302095085086); FARM AVONTUUR, MIDDELBURG DISTRICT; (3) SECOND AND FINAL; (4) MARIA SUSANNA MIDDEL (4704210083088); (5) (MIDDELBURG, PRETORIA). (6) BIRMANS INC.; 1ST FLOOR ALZU BUILDING, 37 DOLERITE CRESCENT, MIDDELBURG, 1050; Email: estateadministration@; Tel: 013-245-1190. 005745/2017—(2) Van Den Elshout, Pierre Marc (7303195152088); 38 Glenthorne Gardens, Sutton, Surrey; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg) (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: KB; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: Refilwe. [email protected]; Tel: 0112831100. 010101/2017—(2) PIETERSE, JAN FOURIE (7802145127082); CRAWTHORNE ESTATE, PRETORIA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) BEZUIDENHHOUT VAN DER MERWE ATTORNEYS; NO 6 KIKUYU STREET SUNNINGHILL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112368638.

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027843/2016—(2) MAHLASELA, NOBATHAKATHI MAGDELINE (7406050493081); 19490 PHINGISA CRESCENT, KAGISO EXTENSION 9, 1754; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KAGISO MAGISTRATE COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MATOLO MAKGELE & PARTNERS ATTORNEYS; 82 EDWARD AVENUE, WESTONARIA HOUSE BUILDING, 1ST FLOOR, WESTONARIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117532027. 019480/2018—(2) NELL, DANIEL MARTHINUS (4307055020080); 62 RESERVE STREET, WENTWORTH PARK, KRUGERSDORP; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) HEIDTMANN & DU PREEZ ATTORNEYS; P O Box 7286, Krugersdorp, 1740; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116606757. 016275/2015—(2) NELL, MARLENE JOAN (4010100098081); 62 RESERVE STREET WENTWORTH PARK, KRUGERSDORP; (3) First and final; (4) DANIEL MARTHINUS NELL (4307055020080); (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) HEIDTMANN & DU PREEZ ATTORNEYS; P O Box 7286, Krugersdorp, 1740; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116606757. 014803/2015—(2) RAMASOBANA, SHIMANE ARTHUR (5607095807084); 21 PRETORIA CALLIES STREET, SAULSVILLE, EXTENSION 3, 0125; (3) First and final; (4) ROSIBANA DORAH RAMASOBANA (6011220672084); (5) (ATTERIDGEVILLE, PRETORIA). (6) MATHYE ATTORNEYS; 413 BANK TOWERS BUILDING, 190 THABO SEHUME STREET, PRETORIA, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123261133. 008823/2016—(2) RAMBAU, MATODZI JOHN (5611215580084); ROOM 7A, OAKMOOR HOSTEL, TEMBISA, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (TEMBISA, PRETORIA). (6) MATHYE ATTORNEYS; 413 BANK TOWERS BUILDING, 190 THABO SEHUME STREET, PRETORIA, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123261133. 001926/2019—(2) PITSO, MAPHOTO PATRICK (4106265117086); 2755 TSHUNGU STR, RATANDA, , 1441; (3) First and Final; (4) NTOMBANA ESTHER PITSO (4211110361085); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) LUCY LEGODI; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8409. 5944/2017—(2) CAMPBELL, ROYDON DARRYLL (5404275073087); 20 ILEX STREET, MOOINOOI NORTH WEST; (3) First and final; (4) ANNIE FRANCINA CAMPBELL (6201270088089); (5) (BRITS, PRETORIA). (6) BEZUIDENHOUT VAN DER MERWE ATTORNEYS; NO 6 KIKUYU STREET, SUNNINGHILL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112368638. 4241/2018—(2) BLIGNAUT, PIETER VERWEY (3906175035083); TWEERIVIERE AFTREEOORD; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) BEZUIDENHOUT VAN DER MERWE; NO 6 KIKUYU STREET, SUNNINGHILL; Email: cheryl@; Tel: 0112368638. 4697/2012—(2) GANI, ZOHRA BANU (6701160064082); 5 PILODIA STREET, EASTDENE, MIDDELBURG; (3) First and final; (4) SULIMAN GANI (5508135160080); (5) (MIDDELBURG, PRETORIA). (6) SCHALK PIETERSE ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 1411 MIDDELBURG 1050; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013-245-1190. 12317/2018—(2) Prinsloo, Frederika Wilhelmina Johanna (2301090022088); Eenheid 102,Oostvallei Aftree Oord,Serenestraat Garsfontein Pretoria; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) 21; (Pretoria). (6) PSG Trust (Edms) Bpk; Postnet Suite 96, Privaatsak X025, Lynnwood Rif, Pretoria, 0040; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0861-774-000. 024731/2018—(2) FERREIRA, MARY VERONICA (5802190143085); NEGENDESTRAAT 2, DELAREY, , 1709; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) ANDRE FERREIRA (6102175065083); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) P JANSE VAN RENSBURG; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0113544779. 1205/2019—(2) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, GESINA SUSANNA (4705170039085); SESDE LAAN 307, BREDELL, , 1619; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) JOHANNES DIEDERICKS VAN DER WESTHUIZEN (4002135011080); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) LYNNIE BRIEL; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8387. 17361/2013—(2) VERMEULEN, CORNELIUS JOHANNES (2003275055087); 109 SOUTPANSBERGWEG VILLIERA PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) PRETORIA NEWS; Tel: 011 6332568. 014626/2015—(2) Algooram, Ranjeeta (8512110281082); 2 Delphinium Street, Winchester Hills, Johannesburg South, 2091; (3) First and Final; (4) Preshen Algooram (8905155072087); (5) n/a; (Master’s office - Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Preshen Algooram c/o Botha Copo Attorneys; Meyersdal Eco Office Park, Block B, First Floor, Cnr Michelle Avenue and Hennie Alberts Street, Meyersdal; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-867-0119. 019434/2017—(2) Rangasamy, Socklingen (4605015145081); 6 Calliandra Road, Palm Ridge, Katlehong, 1488; (3) First and Final; (4) Sobiay Rangasamy (4604190188081); (5) n/a; (Palm Ridge, Johannesburg). (6) Annarojini Naicker c/o Botha Copo Attorneys; Meyersdal Eco Office Park, Block B, First Floor, Cnr Michelle Avenue and Hennie Alberts Street, Meyersdal; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-867-0119. 1962/2019—(2) JOUBERT, STEPHANUS LODEWYK (7104135081084); 11 HAWSTON RD, WARD 43, FREEWAY PARK, 1459; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) LYNNIE BRIEL; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8387. 001970/2019—(2) ESTERHUIZEN, JULIA LOUISA (3409200009082); WELHELMINA WED 16, CASSELDALE, 1559,; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258414. 000622/2019—(2) MAPITIZA, CORNELIA NOMAKULA (8310160637083); 8 SANDSTONE, 161 MONTROSE AVENUE , NORTHGATE EXT 41 , 2188; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA, 0001, 373 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA, 0184; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112258414. 021888/2017—(2) THEBEHALI, NOMSA IRENE (3606020392081); 812 DIEPKLOOF EXTENSION SOWETO; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 30 days; (JOHANNESBURG). (6) LESEDI LABATHO LEGAL SERVICES; 132 ALBERTINA SISULU ROAD, MANSION HOUSE BUILDING, OFFICE 605 JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113330001.

This gazette is also available free online at 90 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

1190/2019—(2) DUVENAGE, ANITHA ELISE (5204070064087); D F MALANSTRAAT 92, RENSBURG, HEIDELBERG, 1441; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) FRANCOIS PETRUS DUVENHAGE (5603175001086); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) LYNNIE BRIEL; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8387. 003472/2018—(2) Van Wyk, Maria Elizabeth (3005200044085); 10 Marmanet, 248 Bergrivier Drive, Terenure, 1619; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Philip Groenewald; 1 Walthof, 19 Vosloo Street, Birchleigh, 1618; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0823373555. 009901/2018—(2) MEZZOPERA, FRANCO (3404285034188); 20 BEKKER STREET, THE REEDS, CENTURION,; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST LTD; NEDBANK MENLYN MAINE CAMPUS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124367128. 27233/2014—(2) METHULA, NOMFUNDO GABSILE (8103131012084); ERF 986 PORTION, 11 ROSSENTENVILLE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, PRETORIA). (6) RORICH WOLMARANS & LUDERITZ INC.; BLOCK C, 257 BROOKLYN ROAD, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-3628990. 028108/2018—(2) FIGUEIRA, JAMES GEORGE (4912285141083); 48 MARBORE COURT, MARBORE STREET , IMPALA PARK , 1459; (3) First and Final; (4) MAGDALENA CATHARINA FIGUEIRA (5207090060084); (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1728. 028479/2018—(2) BROODRYK, PHILLIPUS JACOBUS (5802105026086); 11 BEGEMAN STREET, SECUNDA, 1201; (3) First And Final; (4) JACQUELINE CAROLINE WHITE BROODRYK (6310080222083); (5) (SECUNDA, Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: EJ/AL; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 15873/2000—(2) LUDICK, EDITH DAPHNE LUDICK (2712260187081); 212 8TH AVENUE BEZUIDENHOUT VALLEY; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) NICOLE SINOVICH ATTORNEYS; 7A ST ANDREWS AVENUE, SENDERWOOD, 2007; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114540129. 003798/2019—(2) ZIMAN, PETRONELLA WILHELMINA (2908290017088); PANORAMA FRAIL CARE, RANGEVIEW, KRUGERSDORP, 1739; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) HADI NAMO; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8415. 001380/2019—(2) VAN HEERDEN, LEONORA ELIZABETH (3706260113088); 23 SALIGNA, 1006 JAN STREET, ELDORAIGNE,CENTURION, 0157; (3) First and Final; (4) JACOBUS STEPHANUS VAN HEERDEN (3406165011087); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) AAMINAH KHAN; SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD LYNNWOOD; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 470 0276. 20346/2018—(2) CAROTO, ISABELLA MARIA ELIZABETH (4005110028086); 397 MAIN REEF ROAD, WENTWORTH PARK, KRUGERSDORP, 1739; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) LYNNIE BRIEL; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8387. 007171/2017—(2) PHUNDULO, NENKWANE JOHANNAH (1901011196084); 2831 BILA STREET, CHIAWELO EXTENSION - 2, SOWETO ,1818; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, MASTER OF THE SOUTH GAUTENG - JOHANNESBURG). (6) Monyadziwa Mirriam Phundula; 2831 BILA STREET, CHIAWELO EXTENSION - 2, SOWETO ,1818; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 065 856 9014. 12067/09—(2) MODISANE, MALEKGOTLA TABEA (3209280192083); 23308 Meadowlands Zone 2, Soweto, 1804; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, MASTER OF THE NORTH GAUTENG - PRETORIA). (6) Seipati Sejo Modisane and Ntlogeleng Eva Mogotsi; 23308 Meadowlands Zone 2, Soweto, 1804; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 065 856 9014. 1075/2019—(2) Topliss, Anna Johnna (3806230035088); 6 Timbavati street, Moreleta Plaza, Pretoria; (3) First And Final; (4) Peter Lawrence Topliss (3405015010083); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: ECO; Private Bag X25, Hatfield 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123660308. 310/2019—(2) VAN HEERDEN, MARIE (4007050042085); 11 PROTEA RETIREMT VILLAGE, ROSSUW STRET, WILGERS PRETORIA, 0010; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) MERRIAM MAPHUTUMA; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8390. 2366/2019—(2) FRANKLIN, JOHN ARTHUR (4112045110086); 25 ASSEGAI STREET, THREE RIVERS, , 1929; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (VEREENIGING, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MERRIAM MAPHUTUMA; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8390. 20422/2018—(2) SAUNDERSON, GERRIT ALBERTUS (5407205738083); 2 ORYX ,ECO ESTATE, 259 YORK AVENUE, FERNDALE, 2194; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MERRIAM MAPHUTUMA; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8390. 1407/2019—(2) Jacobs, Patrick Hendrik (5901015059086); 550, Van Heerden Street, Pretoria, 0082; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria North, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd.; Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102; Email: pearl.saaiman@fnb.; Tel: 0877366457. 485/2019—(2) SAMBO, MBAZIMA ANDRIES (5105305170088); GA-RAMAROKA BELLEVUE5 VILLAGE, STAND NO 186 BOLOBEDU AREA, MODJADJISKLOOF, 0835; (3) First and Final; (4) SAINA MPHEPHU SAMBO (5404200804085); (5) (TZANEEN, POLOKWANE). (6) MERRIAM MAPHUTUMA; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; Email: selete. [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8390. 3516/2018—(2) ORWIN, RUTH PAMELA (2504200027083); SAN SERENO RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 30 FLEMING ROAD, BRYANSTON, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INC.; PRIVATE BAG X40, BENMORE, 2010; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)562-1250.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 91

015977/2018—(2) RIKHOTSO, GEZANI ALMON (6206225286084); STAND NO. 2501 DOORNKOP EXTENSION 1, SOWETO, 1874; (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MIKATEKO IVY RIKHOTSO; (5) 21; (PROTEA MAGISTRATES COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MEMELA ATTORNEYS; 88 MARSHALL STREET, MARSHALLTOWN, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0710108495. 003608/2019—(2) Rowlings, Zuleika Mary Frances (3903030069084); 16 Starling Street, Rant-en-Dal Krugersdorp 1739; (3) First and Final; (4) Kenneth Rowlings (4111085090083); (5) (Krugersdorp, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 012529/2018—(2) van Zyl, Laureen Catherine (3208210034084); St Peters Garden Estate Garsfontein Pretoria 0081; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 001318/2019—(2) SHALE, MOIPOLAI ELIZABETH (3312290240080); 17 Rhino Ridge Althea Street Lyttleton; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) Maryna; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s River Falls Office Par, 262 Rose Ave, Doornkloof; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 010210/2018—(2) VENTER, HILDA MAGDELENA (2602100013086); 49 RINA STREET, EAST LYNNE, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA MAGISTRATES COURT, PRETORIA). (6) VAN STADEN CRONJE ATTORNEYS; 194 APEX STREET, SINOVILLE , PRETORIA , GAUTENG, 0128; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0732436545. 016059/2015—(2) TOPHAM, JAUN LEON (8211015004083); 18 VILLA REINETTE, SOOTY STR AMBERFIELD GLEN, ROOIHUISKRAAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA MAGISTRATES COURT, PRETORIA). (6) VAN STADEN CRONJE ATTORNEYS; 194 Apex Street, Sinoville, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0128; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0732436545. 023109/2018—(2) Costella, Arturo Giovanni (3406245061185); 117 Dunvegan Street, Sydenham, 2192; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 Days; (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Rubicon Trust Company Limited; 73 Beyers Naude Cnr Beyers Naude & Preller Drive, Roosevelt Park, 2195; Email: andré or [email protected]; Tel: 011 646 0064. 015163/2018—(2) Nortje, Marius (5702065099083); Plot 37 Witkoppies Road, Elandsfontein Farm, Kempton Park, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Hettie Rachel Nortje (7202080228088); (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (N10604); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 305/2019—(2) Van Eck, Hester Susanna Catharina (2803140009080); 146 Bougainvillea Estate, Montana, Gauteng; (3) First and final; (4) Pieter Stephanus Van Eck (2808245018084); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys; 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123481088. 012087/2018—(2) Oelschig, Cheri-Lee (8603250146084); 87 Piketberg Complex, Equestria Estate, Pretoria,; (3) First and final; (4) Werner David Oelschig (8306075116080); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 004143/2017—(2) Pitrakkos, Andreas Panagiotis (6205075126085); 18 Greybe Street, Rynfield, Benoni; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Benoni Magistrate’s Court, South Gauteng, Johannesburg). (6) Fluxmans Inc; 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, Johanensburg, 2196, Ref: Jfung/sc/00134876; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113281777. 000184/2019—(2) PIETERSE, GERBRECHT HEILIE (2812010011084); ONS HULDE OUETEHUIS, ELEAZERSTRAAT,POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SANET RAS PROKUREURS; PETER MOKABALAAN 101, POTCHEFSTROOM; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (018)294-8953. 001462/2018—(2) Mphaphuli, Lindelani (7101180675083); Rua Vista, 160B Jacuna Drive, Centurion; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Standard Trust Beperk; Privaatsak X25, Hatfield, 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-366-0321. 011714/2018—(2) Wrogemann, Natalie Sheila (3809140018087); 4 Madelaine Street, Retire @ Midstream, Midstream Estates, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Standard Trust Beperk; Privaatsak X25, Hatfield, 0028; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-366-0321. 006073/2017—(2) ELLERMAN, PIETER ERNS (3203275004080); 24 DAN PIENAAR AVENUE EXTENSION 5 WITBANK 1035; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MAGISTRATE COURT, EMALAHLENI, MASTER OF THE NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA). (6) CILLIERS BARNARD INCORPORATED; 977 TOM BURKE AVENUE, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA, 0081; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0121118040. 001838/2019—(2) de Wit, Thelma (3105170068088); F068 Featherwood Estate, Moreleta Plaza, Pretoria; (3) First; (4) Alfred de Wit (3206285080081); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Standard Trust Beperk; Privaatsak X25, Hatfield, 0028; Email: marlene. [email protected]; Tel: 012-366-0321. 016946/2018—(2) CHIOTTI, MURIEL JOSEPHINE ANGELA (6510101643080); 148 MARKET STREET, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOJANNESBURG, Johannesburg). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: LAURA DE CARVALHO; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg, 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112941794. 14216/2012—(2) Jacobs, Mogamat Moosa (6903135183084); 39 Victoria Road, Plumstead, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) VEZI & DE BEER INC; 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123615640. 001721/2018—(2) VENTER, IVAN MARTIN (3912055002086); RIVERSIDE MANOR 77, 101 LEEUWKOP ROAD, PAULSHOF, 2191; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY)LTD; PO BOX 52297, SAXONWOLD, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873358213.

This gazette is also available free online at 92 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

13646/2017—(2) Cohen, Ronald Raymond (3409105037089); 7 Lourie Lane Pecanwood Golf Estate, Hartebeespoort; (3) AMENDED; (4) —; (5) (Brits, Pretoria). (6) Sanlam Trust; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: Abigail.Adams@; Tel: 0124700020. 026441/2017—(2) Gordon, William (4809065112088); 142 De Waal Street, Brackendowns,; (3) First and final; (4) Johanna Magdalena Gordon (5510050011082); (5) (Palm Ridge, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877364067. 012004/2018—(2) Mnyayi, Anthony (6210095735089); 4189 Phase 1, Bram Fischerville, Dobsonville; (3) First and final; (4) Shirley Mpho Mosa Mnyayi (6110160720083); (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Rina Hageman; FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873355709. 017683/2017—(2) Gous, Marius Stefanus (7710305034081); 193 Pretoria Road, Rynfield, Benoni; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Benoni, Johannesburg). (6) Rina Hageman; FNB Fiduciary, P O Box 52297, Saxonwold, 2132; Email: Rina. [email protected]; Tel: 0873355709. 13544/2018—(2) Stoker, David Johannes (2904075001082); Eenheid 32 Newlandspark Aftree Oord, Gloxinialaan 230, Newlands, Pretoria.; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Anna Wilmien Stoker (3208240001087); (5) 21; (Pretoria). (6) PSG Trust (Edms) Bpk; Postnet Suite 96, Privaatsak X025, Lynnwood Rif, Pretoria, 0040; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0861-774-000. 022465/2017—(2) Hendriks, John West (3503235041084); 3 Villa Rachelle Commisioner Street Boksburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Boksburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Limited; Po Box 52297 Saxonworld 2132; Email: thora. [email protected]; Tel: 0877306522. 020601/2018—(2) Smal, Johannes Georg Christiaan Smal (3909245030084); 54 Flamink Straat, Landbouhoewe, Heidelberg, Gauteng; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Heidelberg, Marshall Town). (6) Santie Matthee; 27 Merz Straat, Heidelberg; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 016-341-2146. 23801/2018—(2) Van den Berg, Joan Ursula (3302040001080); Flat 66 Summerfield Retirement Village, Carlton Street, Jukskei Park, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) NL Administration Services; PO Box 2259, Honeydew, 2156; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117914015. 22401/2018—(2) MONOJE, MOKUFA ELIZABETH (4106090266082); 10938 MANEPE STREET, EVATON WEST EXT. 11, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Telfer & Associates Inc.; 1st Floor, Block E, St . Andrews Office Park, Meadowbrook Lane, Epsom Downs, Bryanston; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 267-2600. 17877/2018—(2) Marais, Cerena (3803150051088); 442 Felstead Avenue, Northriding, Randburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) McKenzie van der Merwe & Willemse Inc; 68 Dann Road, Aston Manor, Kempton Park; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0119756528. 5414/18—(2) PHELE, SETSEDI JACOB (3901225251087); 1983 DINOKA STREET, SEBOKENG, ZONE 13; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ABEL BESTER INC.; 83 VRY STREET, VRYBURG, 8601; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (053)927-5773. 14732/2017—(2) SWART, ANDRIAAN ANDRIES JACOBUS (6210185005088); 211 SELBORNE AVENUE, LYTTELTON, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) JUDITH MARGARET SWART (7201300059083); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) W F BOUWER ATTORNEYS; 1225 JUSTICE MAHOMED STREET, MENLO PARK, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012- 460-3244. 21047/2013—(2) Fourie, Nellie Jacoba (3506210068089); 17B Kimbolton Road, Benoni; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Schumann Van den Heever & Slabbert; 32 Kempton Road, Kempton Park; Email: maria@schumanns.; Tel: 0113949960. 005758/2018—(2) Tshikosi, Mmbulaheni Solomon (6003095767081); 8949 Maphala Street, Ext 1, Tokoza; (3) First and final; (4) Naledzani Gladys Tshikosi (6707020740084); (5) (Palm Ridge, Johannesburg). (6) Andrew Lishivha Inc; 88 Marshall Street, Samancor House, 8th floor, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118389110. 007739/2018—(2) Bela, Nguni Thomas (5504055316083); 9043 Grassbird Street, Etwatwa; (3) First and final; (4) Ritah Bela (6201011992086); (5) (Daveyton, Johannesburg). (6) Andrew Lishivha Inc; 88 Marshall Street, Samancor House, 8th floor, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118389110. 000584/2019—(2) Haasbroek, Johanna Jacoba (4810300065081); 31 Valley View Estate, Dokota Ave, Helderkruin; (3) First and final; (4) Johannes Lodewicus Haasbroek (4609155081080); (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Miemie Hendriksz; P.O Box 1095 Rant en Dal 1751; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116606800. 013030/2018—(2) Fletcher, Hylton Rodney (2411275025085); 201 Douglasdale Retirement Village, Galloway Avenue, Douglasdale, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Rupert Gush Incorporated; 242 Acacia Road, Northcliff Ext 2, Johannesburg 2195; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-678-1155. 002777/2018—(2) Mashabane, Tlodupjane Tarry (5404100341089); 16 Robben Road, Groeneweide , Boksburg,1459.; (3) First and final; (4) Modjadji Snow Mashabane (5706255449081); (5) (Boksburg, Johannesburg). (6) Andrew Lishivha Incorporated; P.O.Box 61726, Marshalltown, Johannesburg.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 838 9110. 10101/2016—(2) HORITZAUER, GERALD CLEMENS MICHAEL (6206095807084); ROSEWOOD ROAD, SAN HENRIQUE ESTATE NO.6, BROADACRES, FOURWAYS, GAUTENG; (3) First and Final; (4) MARTIE JAMESINA HORITZAUER (5809040129081); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) ROACH ATTORNEYS PER ADDRES CARIEN LOUW INC; 210 Amarand Avenue Menlyn Maine, Pretoria PO Box 694, Derdepoort Park, 0035; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0823228869. 7669/2017—(2) MARAIS, PETRUS PAULUS JOHANNES (6812245044088); 33 ILALA PALMS, STORK AVENUE, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) VAN DEVENTER & THOABALA INC; 99 GENERAL HERTZOG STREET, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514003400.

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015933/2018—(2) VAN DER BIJL, DAWN ALICY (2112250033082); PLG RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 2 HOBART ROAD, BRYANSTON; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CONNOCK ALLAN & CO; P O BOX 87258, HOUGHTON, 2041; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114862302. 0056542018—(2) De Klerk, Catharina Aletta (4305010047081); 4 Master Street, Airfield, Benoni; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Benoni, South Gauteng Johannesburg). (6) Dirk le Grange; 4 Master Street, Airfield, Benoni; Email: dirklg@; Tel: 0824495851. 002487/2018—(2) Piroe, Nolizwe Sylvia (7411130616081); 24 Molopo Street, Randlespark, Klerksdorp; (3) First and Final; (4) Kapeng Ruphus Piroe (6803076162081); (5) 21 days; (Klerksdorp, Mafikeng). (6) Maluleke Seriti Makume Matlala Inc; P O Box 3217, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0872321799. 1141/2019—(2) DURING, SUSARA MARIA (3306080032087); SORGVRYE MAANDE CARE CENTRE 150 GLOVER AVENUE LYTTLETON CENTURION; (3) First and final; (4) NA NA; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) ENGELBRECHT INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; 14 GLENVISTA CLOSE WOODHILL ESTATE PRETORIUSPARK PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0129935520. 000676/2017—(2) MOUFHE, JOYCE THEMBI (5605210831086); 19 ROOIELS ROAD, SHARONLEA , RANDBURG , 2194.; (3) First and final; (4) MAHLODI SAMUEL MUOFHE (5607235770085); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) JOSHILA DESAI INC; 373 KENT AVENUE, FERNDALE, RANDBURG, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113264455. 016333/2016—(2) MARINUS, CECELIA HUIBRECHT (3203140012086); Apartment 11A, The Retreat at Hazeldean, Lynnwood Ridge, Pretoria, Gauteng, 0081; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA CENTRAL, NORTH GAUTENG: PRETORIA). (6) MASSYNS & ASSOCIATES, PRETORIA; P O BOX 1855, BROOKLYN SQUARE, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, 0075; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348 2150. 026805/2018—(2) Macklin, Amanda Sue (3405240008084); Garden Village, Garden Road, Bordeaux, Randburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) DH Hall (Agent for Executor); 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 - 3254858. 9282/2018—(2) Greyling, Barend Christiaan (2904265029083); Doreen Avenue, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 0184; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd.; Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102; Email: pearl.saaiman@; Tel: 0877366457. 000201/2019—(2) MASON, GEORGE (5607275109087); 56B HAMMEREKOP STREET, THABAZIMBI,0380; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (THABAZIMBI, POLOKWANE). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: EJ/AL; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 001999/2019—(2) Swarts, Wouter Herman (7210095014088); 20 Carvalho Street, Meyerton; (3) First and final; (4) Corney Swarts (7007080080086); (5) (Vereeniging, Johannesburg). (6) Sanlam Trust Limited; Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700069. MOHJHB021726201—(2) FERREIRA, ALCINDA LEOCADIA (2912090053186); UNIT 4, 46 KEDDEL STREET, FAIRLANDS, 2170; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RUSSEL WOLPE & COMPANY; 11 RIVIERA VILLAS, 19 RIVIERA ROAD, KILLARNEY, 2193; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)646-3968. 003458/2018—(2) BROWNE, RUSSELL EDMUND RICHARD (6307085107087); 85 VICTORIA STREET, OAKDENE, 2190; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: EJ/AL; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 012281/2016—(2) MOTLHAJWA, KEBARILENG LUCAS (5110125518086); 157 SELUKWE STRAAT, PEACE HAVEN, FINSBURY, RANDFONTEIN, GAUTENG; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) KEDISALETSE DORAH MOTLHAJWA (6004060688088); (5) (RANDFONTEIN MAGISTRATE COURT, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG). (6) Pieter Schoeman Prokureurs; PO Box 20733, Noordbrug, 2522; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 018-294-3273. 003588/2019—(2) DU PREEZ, CHRISTINA JOHANNA (5702160097081); 16 CEDAR STREET, NORTHMEAD, BENONI; (3) First and Final; (4) JOHAN HENDRIK DU PREEZ (5612015053082); (5) (BENONI, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) Sanlam Trust LTD (WB); Private Bag X137, Halfway House, 1685; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-470-0330. 014885/2017—(2) SMIT, GESINA ALETTA (4104220110080); 15 DU PLESSIS STRAAT, ELSBURG, GERMISTON; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) HUMAN PROKUREURS; 11 HAWK STRAAT, DENNEOORD UITB 6, BRAKPAN; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 082 710 6527. 21893-2013—(2) BANKS, JOHN DAVID MILLER (3911035073183); 38 WILLIE WALIE STREET, ATLASVILLE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) ATTORNEY JOHN BRODIO; 17th Floor, Marble Towers, 204/216 Jeppe Street, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 333 2141. 9571/2010—(2) Coetzee, Petrus Jacobus (3301255042086); Akasia Street, Gerhartsville, Pretoria, 0157.; (3) First and final; (4) Hester Elizabeth Petronella Coetzee (3910110048086); (5) (Pretoria, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 27521, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350805. 025100/2017—(2) BRINK, DANIEL JOHANNES DE VILLIERS (4207205018085); 410 JACQUELINE DRIVE, GARSFONTEIN, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (PRETORIA, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BDO Wealth Advisers (Pty) Ltd - Pretoria; Summit Place, 221 Garsfontein Road, Building 5, 2nd floor Menlyn, Pretoria, 0081; Email: fnkuna@bdo.; Tel: 0124330240. 023418/2018—(2) Day, Winifred Alice (3212270094087); Plot 180 3rd Avenue Bredell 1619; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Kempton Park, Johannesburg). (6) Craig WA Webber Attorneys; P O Box 478, Benoni 1500; Email: mwebber@telkomsa. net; Tel: 0119130019.

This gazette is also available free online at 94 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

1075/2017—(2) GRAHAM, RONALD (3905055063181); UNIT 58, GLENZICHT RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 33 EAST STREET, OAKDENE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) BEV LOUBSER ATTORNEYS; 1st FLOOR, BLOCK B, ASPEN VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTRE, ASPEN LAKES DRIVE, ASPEN HILLS; Email: estates@; Tel: 0114328605/08. 009037/2018—(2) RIBANA, LEGADIMANA JOHANNES (5711105280082); STAND 8892, 1155 IKONJANE STREET, MAMELODI EXT 2 1022; (3) First and Final; (4) MATIISO MIRIAM RIBANA (6012150719085); (5) (MAMELODI, MASTER OF HIGH COURT: PRETORIA). (6) MOLOSI ATTORNEYS; 250 PRETORIUS STREET, 5TH FLOOR, OFFICE 509 PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123238056. 22387/2018—(2) TAYLOR, GLADYS HELEN (2801080028086); 31 WILFRED AVENUE, ALAN MANOR, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ETIENNE CLOETE; 1st FLOOR LAW CHAMBERS, SOUTHDALE SHOPPING CENTRE, ALAMEIN ROAD, SOUTHDALE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: jcilliers@; Tel: 0116806402. 30795/2012—(2) MOLOI, NEO EMPHRAIM (7607195428086); 5574 EXT 10 BOPHELONG; (3) First and final; (4) SELLOANE MIRRIAM (DECEASED) MOLOI (7303210492089); (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) LEGAL AID SOUTH AFRICA, VEREENIGING LOCAL OFFICE; 8 JASMINE MANSIONS, 28 SENATOR MARKS AVENUE, VEREENIGING; Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; Tel: 0164213527. 011606/2017—(2) HOOSEN, HAFIZA BIBI (6202010245088); 14 6th Street, Vrededorp, Johannesburg; (3) First And Final; (4) ANWAR AHMED HOOSEN (5703025198080); (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Moodie & Robertson; P O BOX 4685, JOHANNESBURG 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116288600. 016061/2018—(2) MAGGS, PAMELA (2702200030087); 110 2nd Street, Parkmore, Johannesburg, 2196; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) HARRIS-MORGAN ATTORNEYS; P.O. BOX 55888, NORTHLANDS, 2116; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-482-1873. 30795/2012—(2) MOLOI, SELLOANE MIRRIAM MOLOI (7303210492089); 5574 EXT 10 BOPHELONG; (3) First and final; (4) NEO EMPHRAIM (DECEASED) MOLOI (7607195428086); (5) (VANDERBIJLPARK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) LEGAL AID SOUTH AFRICA, VEREENIGING LOCAL OFFICE; 8 JASMINE MANSIONS, 28 SENATOR MARKS AVENUE, VEREENIGING; Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; Tel: 0164213527. 014133/2015—(2) GRAYER, IAIN WILLIAM (3609215062089); 46 YELLOW WOOD DRIVE, IRENE FARM VILLAGES, CENTURION, 0133; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) GISHEN-GILCHRIST INC; 209 ELSTON AVENUE, BENONI, 1501; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114210921. 28482/2017—(2) Cassim, Fatham Bebe (4305230055088); 13 Smarag Avenue, Lenasia Ext. 5, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Edelstein Farber Grobler Inc.; P O Box 412049, Craighall 2024; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113410510. 010653/2018—(2) PATEL, FIROZ YUSUF PATEL (5604095095083); 1329 LAKEWOOD ESTATE, ORMONDE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) N G PATEL & PARTNERS; 63 AVENUE ROAD , FORDSBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118322332. 001009/2018—(2) SMIT, CHRISTIE (7208095048080); 19 MACHINE STRAAT, ELSBURG, GERMISTON, GAUTENG; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) COLINDA CORNELIA SMIT (7505040042088); (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) HUMAN PROKUREURS; 11 HAWK STRAAT, DENNEOORD UITB 6, BRAKPAN; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 082 710 6527. 006295/2018—(2) GATTENIO, ELIEZER (5303255186184); 115 Wenning Street, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) DEVORA GATTENIO (5312200192189); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873358129. 007171/2018—(2) TALJAARD, RONALD OWEN (8012115185081); 70A KAMP STEET, POTCHEFSTROOM 2531; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, MAFIKENG). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SF; Private Bag X137, Halfway House 1685; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700020. 026303/2018—(2) Roos, Jan Alexander (5102165046086); 4 Niagra Gardens, Benoni; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Benoni, Johannesburg). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2129; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873522857. 009858/2018—(2) Naidoo, Ganesen (4407175088080); Unit 12M Midway, 189 Middel, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) Ravathie Naidoo (5008190076981); (5) (Pretoria, Johannesburg). (6) DH Hall (Agent for Executor); 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 -3254858. 019559/2018—(2) CHETTY, COMMERES (5502135064087); 28 DELHI STREET, MACKENZIEVILLE, 1491; (3) First and Final; (4) JOY EVOL FELICITY CHETTY (5810100104089); (5) (SOUTH GAUTENG). (6) STANDARD TRUST LIMITED; PRIVATE BAG 54319, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741000. 011488/2018/PTA—(2) Brimacombe, Douglas Cecil (3610295030087); 370 Danie Theron Street, Pretoria North, Pretoria; (3) First And Final; (4) Maria Cornelia Brimacombe (4010020016080); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Naomi Steyn; Private Bag 54319, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357531394. 012912/2016—(2) NAKA, NARAN (4211105099088); 198 ROSE AVENUE, LENASIA, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) RAJPATHIE NAKA (4405160114085); (5) N/A; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) VALLY CHAGAN AND ASSOCIATES; 25 OWL STREET, METAL BOX BUILDING, 12TH FLOOR, AUCKLAND PARK.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118342233.

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013918/2018—(2) soladi, Makgoale Idah (6512250992086); 670 fuchsu street ebony park; (3) First and Final; (4) Moramaga Alfred Soladi (6307075316086); (5) (tembisa magistrate court, Master of high court Johannesburg, 66 Marshall). (6) PULE MASEYA FROM MASEYA ATTORNEYS; 85 ELOFF STREET, JOHANNESBURG, ROYAL PLACE, BUILDING OFFICE 408; Email: [email protected] and [email protected]; Tel: 0113385107. 027572/2018—(2) RADEMEYER, MARIA ALETTA (5902200033084); 26 SHERIDAN AVE, FARRARMERE, BENONI; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Benoni, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Jan L Jordaan Inc Ref: USER4; P.O. Box 3434, BENONI 1500; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117484500. 022920/2018—(2) Khan, Mohamed Sadak (4801015220087); 28 Oak Street, Lensasia, Ext 6, 1829; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Protea /Soweto). (6) D Blore - Halse Havemann & Lloyd; P O Box 1667, Randburg, 2125; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117917786. 028808/2016—(2) Moshe, Loyiso (7307235868082); 3479 Extension 2, Phola Park, Thokoza, 1426; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Ditheko Lebethe attorneys; Suit 409, works@market building, Cnr Albertina Sisulu road & Von Brandis Street, Johannesburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113337537. 012923/2018—(2) MARAIS, MATTHYS VAN AS (6307165101083); PLOT 52 JACKAROOPARK, WITBANK, 1034; (3) First and Final; (4) RACHEL MARIA ELIZABETH MARAIS (6308240117086); (5) (WITBANK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NATASHA KISSON; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street Bryanston, 2191; Email: natashak@capitallegacy.; Tel: 011-5754495. 10355/08—(2) Van Jaarsveld, Gert Jacobus (1602245017084); Karmel Tehuis, Troystraat 20, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 0002; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) CMV Trust (Edms) Bpk; Posbus 39027, Moreletapark, 0044; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 9914400. 010920/2018—(2) Latzke, Martin Gerhard (3112115068181); 5 Corriedmoor Park, 121 Mimosa Road, Northcliff Extenstion 6, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) Ingeborg Latzke (3901120046186); (5) (N/A, Johannesburg). (6) DH Hall; 17 Westminster Drive, Craighall Park 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 - 3254858. 5026/2018—(2) VERMEULEN, CHRISTIAAN HERMANUS (3206245022082); 93 5TH AVENUE, FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT PARK, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) JOY MARLENE VERMEULEN (3804120033081); (5) (JOHANNESBURG CENTRAL MAGISTRATES’ COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) AUCAMP & CRONJE ATTORNEYS; 220 BARRY HERTZOG AVENUE, GREENSIDE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-486 4888. 018356/2017—(2) LETSELI, BUZELWA MAVIS (3712300238083); 3904 MOAGI STREET, VOSLOORUS, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) HANNES NICO BEKKER; 131 OXFORD ROAD, BEDFORD GARDENS, 2007; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118564467. 022134/2018—(2) MEIRING, HENRIETTA WILHELMINA (6506100134083); 9 BETA PLACE GLENESK JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) ARNOLDUS MAURITS MEIRING (7109045305085); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) PRESHNEE GOVENDER ATTORNEYS INC; 62 MARSHALL TOWN KHOTSO HOUSE , 9TH FLOOR; Email: info@pgainc.; Tel: 0114632655. 27986/2014—(2) MAHLANGU, VANGILE JULIA (5802020894089); 474 BLOCK U, MABOPANE 0190; (3) First and Final; (4) MAKHOBA WALTER MAHLANGU (5312105748085); (5) 21; (GA-RANKUWA, PRETORIA). (6) MTIMKULU- KHWINANA ATTORNEYS; 15 BLOCK A, MABOPANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-492-5627. 1281/2008—(2) JAUSTE, RAISONG BENJAMIN (2808025243084); 56 BOSHOEK SECTION, DWARSBERG VILLAGE, MADIKWE; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) NKOSI TSHABALALA INCORPORATED; 130 MARSHALL STREET, ROMI-LEE BUILDING, OFFICE 0804 , JOHANNESBURG , 2017; Email: vuyo.m@nkositshabalalainc.; Tel: 011 492-2654. 2281/2014—(2) Golden, John Howard (2606305020085); Johannesburg; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) Arnold Charles Shapiro / Hogan Lovells (SA); c/o 140 West Street, Sandton; Email: arnold. [email protected]; Tel: 011 7756373. 10867/2018—(2) ANNANDALE, PATRICIA RUBY (2705050059080); 237 SCHRODER STREET, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 days; (6) RUDOLPH BOTHA ATTORNEYS; POSBUS 17232, LYTTELTON, 0140; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0126640656. 000452/2019—(2) JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, MATTHYS JOHANNES (2907195051085); OU DE RUS HOME FOR THE AGED 84 BOEGOEBOS STREET KILNER PARK GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Janneke Fourie; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s C/O Hendrik Verwoerd and South Street Centurion; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 008699/2017—(2) CHAUKE, SAMSON JOEL (5302265471081) (N/A); 12687 ORANGE FARM, EXTENSION 07; (3) First and Final; (4) DIVORCED; (5) (MASTERS OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FOUT ATTORNEYS; 58 MARSHALL STREET, MARSHALLTOWN, JHB; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0104923831. 008745/2018—(2) Barnard, Marthinus Christoffel (6309185034088); 21 Jana Park, 1581 Jan Bantjies Street, Montana Park, Pretoria, 0182; (3) First and final; (4) Veronica Barnard (6403210135083); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2129; Email: leighann@; Tel: 0873522857. 025286/2018—(2) KEYTER, CHRISTOFFEL JOHANNES (3903285010080); 2 MIMOSA STREET, WILROPARK, ROODEPOORT, GAUTENG; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT MAGISTRATES COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FRIEDLAND HART SOLOMON & NICOLSON ATTORNEYS; 4-301 MONUMENT OFFICE PARK, 79 STEENBOK AVENUE, MONUMENT PARK, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-4240207.

This gazette is also available free online at 96 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

024789/2018—(2) WILLIAMSON, SUSAN (5208040004081); 306 TRAFALGAR SQUARE, PATRICK DUNKEN ROAD, FLORIDA PARK; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) BONGIWE MUDAU; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street Bryanston, 2191; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873522856. 016100/2018—(2) LOONAT, MOHAMED EKBAL (3905195082083); UNIT 10 CORPORATE TOWERS, 5 DR YUSUF DADOO STREET, FORDSBURG; (3) First and final; (4) KHATIJA LOONAT (4101300095082); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CHIBA-JIVAN INC; 190 BARRY HERTZOG AVENUE, GREENSIDE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118372468. 3898/2018—(2) CHAPMAN, EDITH MAY (4007200044080); PLOT 132, 6DE STRAAT, HEATHERDALE, PRETORIA; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA NORTH, GAUTENG NORTH). (6) ELKE DE KLERK; SAXBY WEG 1018, ELDORAIGNE, CENTURION; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012-6541438. 000250 /2019—(2) BUTCHER, DAVID HARRY LOFTUS (4103015083080); 66 GALWAY ROAD, PARKVIEW, JOHANNESBURG, 2193; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (South Gauteng Master’s office only., JOHANNESBURG). (6) De Wet - Van der Watt (Sandton) Inc; PO Box 78159, Sandton, 2146; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112682152. 023009/2015—(2) LUCHTENSTEIN, HERBERT GEORGE (3312195012089); VAN RIEBEECKSTRAAT 28, , 2310; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BETHAL, GAUTENG (SUID)). (6) MICHIEL GEORGE LOCHNER; LOCHNER & VENTER CONSULTING, (EDMS) BPK, POSBUS 7114, NOORDER-PAARL, 7623; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-8721005. 13212/2017—(2) UYS, SEAN CLINTON (6908255043083); 14 IJARA CLOSE, BADGER LODGE, SUNNINGHILL, JOHANNESBERG; (3) First and final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (RANDBURG MAGISTRATES’ COURT) (6) BEV LOUBSER ATTORNEYS; 1ST FLOOR, BLOCK B, ASPEN VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTRE, ASPEN LAKES DRIVE, ASPEN HILLS, JHB; Email: estates@; Tel: 0114328605/08. 024163/2018—(2) Koape, Abram Naledi (6206105783085); Stand 001140 Ntonyeni Street, Protea North, 1818; (3) First and Final; (4) Anna Koape (5801012851081); (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 3544775. 008680/2018—(2) Albertyn, Hendrik (4007235036085); 358, Aquilla Avenue, Pretoria.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 8902/2018—(2) De Swardt, Jacobus Johannes (2611305038087); 14 Scheiding Straat, Prestige Park, Pretoria; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) MacRobert Inc. Attorneys; Private Bag X18, Brooklyn Square, 0075.; Email: ktshuka@; Tel: 0124253449. 026390/2018—(2) KHUZWAYO, THOBEKA HARRIETT (5302150476088); 5213 PROTEA GLEN EXT 4 TOWNSHIP; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) GTC Fiduciary Services; PO Box 55118 Illovo 2116; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0105976880. 8702/2018—(2) MPOTSO, LETSHABILENG JOYCE (2809070159084); 8744B ORLANDO WEST2, PHIRIMA, ORLANDO,1804; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: P Hlungwani; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112958652. 022329/2018—(2) DUNN, FRANK (4002165073182); 65 MYRTLE STREET, TREE RIVERS, VEREENIGING; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VEREENIGING, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Sanlam trust; Privaat sak x 45 Lynnwood 0040; Email: brice. [email protected]; Tel: 0124700147. 026546/2018—(2) LE ROUX, RODNEY (6311075123088); 38 MATUMIE AVENUE, WELTEVREDEN PARK, 1709; (3) First and Final; (4) ANITA LE ROUX (6609130162086); (5) (WITBANK, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NATASHA KISSON; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street Bryanston, 2191; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873522814. 019914/2018—(2) VAN DER SCHYFF, LINDSEY JANET (5008220153082); 87 DUBLIN STREET, KENMARE EXT 4; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (KRUGERSDORP, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RICHARD F REED ATTORNEYS; 1 PENELOPE AVENUE, CORNER GORDON ROAD, FLORIDA NORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114723560. 023255/2018—(2) ORNELAS, CARLOS JOSE DRUMOND (5504015088087); 31 PARKLAND MANOR, CASCADES ROAD, LITTLE FALLS; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (ROODEPOORT, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) DALE BARRATT; FOX & BARRATT ATTORNEYS, 774 WATERVAL ROAD, LITTLE FALLS, ROODEPOORT, GAUTENG; Email: dale@foxbarratt. / [email protected]; Tel: 011 675 7741. 16135/2013—(2) Bucibo, Philemon Jabulani (5404155240087); 6 Siasreyneke Street, Dawn Park, Boksburg, Extention 30, 1459; (3) First And Final; (4) Makhazaza Sanna Bucibo (5207200282081); (5) (Boksburg, Johannesburg). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Bongi Mudau; PO Box 1007, Johannesburg 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112942987. 023419/2017—(2) TLADI, SABATHA DANIEL (3807255213089); 1074 BABOPI STREET, ZONE 13, SEBOKENG, 1983; (3) First and Final; (4) LETLHOLOGELO LEAH KETURAT TLADI (4911110291080); (5) 21 Days; (SEBOKENG, PRETORIA). (6) VAN DRÜNICK & ROELOFSE ATTORNEYS; 36 RHODES AVENUE, VEREENIGING, 1939; Email: [email protected]. za; Tel: 0164221240. 001894/2019—(2) Gropp, Magdalena Louisa (3508150013083); Palms Renaissance Aftree Oord, Unit 245/247, Pretoria Weg 684, Pretoria, 0184; (3) First and Final; (4) Fritz Herman Salmar Gropp (2606095004083); (5) (Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 6457. 012355/2018—(2) Wynne, Quintus Leslie (9108125387086); 310 Serene Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria, 0081; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: chantelle.joubert@fnb.; Tel: 087 736 6457.

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008833/2017—(2) GERRICK, WOLFGANF (3703055056184); 239 CHURCH STREET, JOHANNESBURG NORTH,; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) SCHOEMAN SEJWANE GROBLER INC.; SUNSET ROCK, 212 DOREEN ROAD, AMAROSA, RUIMSIG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 958 1273. 013319/2017—(2) FOCE, ANGELO CEZARE (2905095026082); 153 WALTON ROAD, CARLSWALD, MIDRAND, 1684, GAUTENG; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 DAYS; (RANDBURG, PRETORIA). (6) H C VAN QUICKELBERGE; P O BOX 66577, WOODHILL, 0076; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823357857. 006989/2018 JHB—(2) LIEBENBERG, RUDOLPH JOHANNES (5102115046087); 109 PAUL KRUGER STREET, BOKSBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNA CORNELIA MARIA ELIZABETH LIEBENBERG (5312290078082); (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) TUCKERS INC; 84 TRICHARDTS ROAD RAVENSWOOD BOKSBURG; Email: nadine@tuckers.; Tel: 0118971900. 23572/2017—(2) MDALA, NOBUNGA NELLIE (3605140209084); 3301 THANDEKILE, KAGISO; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KAGISO, SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT). (6) DURRHEIM LETLEY INCORPORATED; PO BOX 1724, NOORDHEUWEL, 1756; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0105918165. 026636/2018—(2) Knight, Maurice (3212255138180); 312 Dan Pienaar House, 13 Anne Street, Sandringham, Johannesburg; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: SG; PO Box 1291, Parklands 2121; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112831100. 4635/2017—(2) Maganedisa, Pontsho (0401030226088); 6 Porche Crescent Dawn Park Boksburg; (3) First and final; (4) n/a; (5) (Boksburg, Marshalltown). (6) PGL Trustees; 85 Doreen Street Colbyn 0083; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 3421240. 011285/2018—(2) SCHRIEVER, KARL-HERMANN (3704215053186); 533 ROSSOUW STREET, DIE WILGERS, PRETORIA, GAUTENG; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 DAYS; (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) H C VAN QUICKELBERGE; P O BOX 66577, WOODHILL, 0076; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823357857. 009383/2018—(2) GROBLER, FREDERIK JOHANNES NICOLAAS ANDRIES (5309125029082); SWAAN STREET 244, JAN NIEMANDPARK; (3) First and Final; (4) BARBARA JACOMINA MAGRIETHA GROBLER (5610140143083); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) ANNAH CHABA; Nedbank Menlyn Maine Campus,Cnr Aramist Avenue and Constellation Street,Waterkloof Glen Ext2,Pretoria; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 436 7124. 022329/2018—(2) DUNN, FRANK (4002165073182); 65 MYRTLE STREET, TREE RIVERS, VEREENIGING; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VEREENIGING, JOHANNESBURG). (6) Sanlam trust; Privaat sak x 45 Lynnwood 0040; Email: brice. [email protected]; Tel: 0124700147. 013374/2018—(2) Suzman, David (3110065005088); 421 Morning Canyon Drive, Corona Del Mar, Ca 92625, United States of America; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (South Gauteng, Johannesburg). (6) Fluxmans Inc; 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, Johanensburg, 2196, Ref: Jfung/sc/00139116; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113281777. 013384/2018—(2) Motto, Aldo Carlo Angelo (1708235020085); H36 Shannon Schiphol, 36 6th Road, Hyde Park Gardens, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (South Gauteng, Johannesburg). (6) Fluxmans Inc; 30 Jellicoe Avenue, Rosebank, Johanensburg, 2196, Ref: Jfung/sc/00139473; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113281777. 011647/2018—(2) GLADWIN, VICTOR HUNTSMAN (5502135715084); 5 CROCODILE STREET, SALLIES VILLAGE, 1541; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) TUCKERS INC.; 84 TRICHARDTS ROAD, RAVENSWOOD, BOKSBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-897-1900. 006459/2018—(2) VAN ZYL, PETRUS COETZEE (4209045023085); 450 SUSSEX AVENUE, LYNNWOOD PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) ANITA PHOEBE VAN ZYL (4208210016088); (5) (PRETORIA, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) VOS STEYN LABUSCHAGNE INC; PRIVATE BAG X9061, ERMELO 2350; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0123482999. 017403/2018—(2) Roberts, Peter George (3407245057082); 35 Winter Place, Tallam Sceales road, Lonehill, Gauteng, 2062; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Jill Elizabeth Sanders; 5 Old Kilcullen road, Bryanston, 2060 Gauteng; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834694954. 001060/2019—(2) VAN WYK, PIETER JOACHIM WILHELM (5010155046083); Waterkloof Trio 2 47 Lion Road Monumentpark ext 1; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Maryna van der Riet; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s River Falls Office Park, 262 Rose Ave, Doornkloof; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 002094/2019—(2) NEWMAN, ANN (3404130013080); Plot 101, Brits Road, De Wildt; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BRITS, PRETORIA). (6) Maryna van der Riet; Snyman de Jager Attorney’s River Falls Office Park, 262 Rose Ave, Doornkloof; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)663-1680. 003473/2016—(2) Deane, Ernestine Ivy (3204160028085); 6 BEAULEY STREET , RIVERLEA JOHANNESBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) CLEMENT BARNETT DEANE Deane (2806075040087); (5) (LOCAL, Johannesburg). (6) Master on Call Ref: M LUTHER; P O Box 1435, Strubens Valley 1735; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114759846. 012549/2018—(2) Steurer, Aletta Magdalena Steurer (3811300048086); 18 Buhrmann Street, Secunda, Mpumalanga, 2302; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Secunda, Johannesburg). (6) Neline le Roux; 296 Killarney Ave, Bronberrik, Centurion, 0157; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0736056076. 002033/2017—(2) JAPPIE, MOGAMED SALLIE (4506305089080); 741 REGENTS PARK EXT. 3, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) CAREEMA JAPPIE (4702020181084); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) FINDLAY & NIEMEYER INC.; 1027 FRANCIS BAARD STREET, HATFIELD, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123429164. 30073/2015—(2) DOLLIE, KEVIN EDMUND (6007135206083); 24 MARLBOROUGH AVENUE NANCEFIELD JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) PRUDENCE DOLLIE (6408190183086); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) NGL ATTORNEYS; BUILDING 3 WOODHILL OFFICE PARK, 53 PHILIP ENGELBRECHT AVENUE, MEYERSDAL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011-867-0476.

This gazette is also available free online at 98 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

016338/2017—(2) Moletsane, Johannes Molatlhegi (5805085933080); 1017 Block X, Mabopane, 0190; (3) First and final; (4) Lebogang Catherine Moletsane (5910290897086); (5) (Ga-Rankuwa, Pretoria). (6) Moshate More Attorneys; P O Box 911-3206, Rosslyn 0200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 083-3003771. 003102/2019—(2) MABASA, MAFEMANI THOMAS (5103045254080); STAND 895 ,46 SOLE STREET,ALEXANDRA EXT 2 ,2090; (3) First and final; (4) MAMAILA MARGRETH CHAUKE (5103045254080); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 10763/2017—(2) NOZULELA, NOMBONISO CYNTHIA (5803230952089) (N/A); 565 TEDSTONVILLE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) NEVER MARREID; (5) (GERMISTON MAGISTRATE COURT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) FOUT ATTORNEYS; 58 MARSHALL STREET, MARSHALLTOWN, JHB; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0104923831. 6594/2009—(2) HAGER, GILLIAUME JOHANN GEORG (6209075012089); CAMELIA STRAAT NR 10, ROODEKRANS, ROODEPOORT; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG). (6) DREYER & DREYER; GEORGE STORRAR RYLAAN 23, GROENKLOOF, PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (012)346-8309. 22193/2018—(2) Msimang, Faith Ntombikayise (5104010750086); P O Box 50065, Ranjiesfontien , Midrand,; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Midrand, Johannesburg). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 6457. 004171/2019—(2) KEBAITSE, LULAMA CHARITY (8408120547085); 18643 EXT 14,BRAAMFISCHER,1875; (3) First and final; (4) AUBREY KGOSIETSILE KEBAITSE (7707165419089); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 022891/2018JHB—(2) RAMIAH, TARUNESH SINTHAL (7402085283084); 40 ROYAL STREET , FERNDALE , RANDBURG, 2194; (3) First and final; (4) MASTOORA RAMIAH (7502150179081); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) RAY MAHARAJ ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 76121 , MARBLERAY , 4035; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0832719108. 9272/2018—(2) Sape, Esrom Shibishi (1705235077081); Plot 58 Winterveld AH,Pretoria North; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria North, Pretoria). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; Private Bag X5, Menlo Park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 6457. 006909/2018—(2) Kgobalala, Petaneshoane Andries (5308055482089); 4367 Rampere Section, Mathiebestad, Swartbooistad, 0418; (3) First and Final; (4) Diseko Minah Kgobalala (5703100975089); (5) (Moretele, Mafikeng). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, Absa Building, 14 Strand Road, Bellville, 7530; Email: Ursula.Jacobs@; Tel: 011 3544775. 001022/2018—(2) MEYER, CECILIA ANNA (4212160074081); 27 EIKENHOF STREET, HERFSOORD, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BOKSBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) KHANYI KUNENE; SANLYNN BUILDING, CNR SANLAM STREET & LYNNWOOD ROAD LYNNWOOD; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 778 6491.


000272/2019—(2) Van Eeden, Morné (7612245063081); 37 Voyle Court , Sydenham, 6001; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: BS/um; P O Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413925209. 000465/2019—(2) Holburn, Sylvia Caroline (4008020045083); 96 George Botha Road, Palm Ridge, Port Elizabeth, 6059; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: BS/um; P O Box 27428, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413925209. 4929/2018—(2) Roelofse, Dudley Georgsley (5007035129089); 52 High Street, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth Eastern Cape; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Tracy Unsworth Nominee of FNB Fiduciary, Elizabeth Gertruida Roelofse and Izak Erlank Roelofse; FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350827. 000623/2018—(2) SCHMIDT, PAUL MALCOLM SCHMIDT (5512255134081); Plot 40, Glen Gariff, East London Eastern Cape; (3) First and final; (4) ELIZABETH SCHMIDT (6005010055088); (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Limited ref Tracy Unsworth; P O Box 27521, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350827. 0000005841/2016—(2) MTONGANA, SITHEMBELE (8306106131082); 23 NGWEKAZI STREET, ZWIDE, PORT ELIZABETH, 6201; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Wynand du Preez; P O Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (041)-3916129. 022759/2014—(2) O’Riordan, Esme June (3206100017086); 42 Annelsley Gardens, Narcissus Street,Linton Grange; (3) Supplementary Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd Ref: Hein Janse Van Rensburg; P O Box 27528, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0102345264. 3332/2017—(2) PALMER, DUDLEY PALMER (3710275016088); 1 OAK AVENUE, SOMERSET EAST; (3) First and Final; (4) LYNN PALMER (4802260043083); (5) (SOMERSET EAST, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) A & R ATTORNEYS; 8 NOJOLI STREET, PO BOX 27, SOMERSET EAST; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0422431105/6. -—(2) Sifo, Zimasile (7207076347081); Tabase Administrative Area ,Mthatha; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Mthatha Magistrate’s Court, Cape Town). (6) Sakhela Inc; 72 Madeira Street , Mthatha; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0475540024.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 99

1769/2017—(2) LOMBARD, MARLEEN (4606210056081); EBONYSTRAAT 12, WAVECREST, JEEFFRYSBAAI, OOSKAAPPROVINSIE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (HUMANSDORP, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) EUGENE SCHOEMAN ATTORNEY; 53 VAN DER MERWE CRESCENT, WELGEMOED, BELLVILLE, WESTERN CAPE; E-pos: csms@; Tel: 0822288303. 2892/2017—(2) MEIRING, CATHERINA MAGDALENA (3504010041083); VAN RIEBEECKSTRAAT 22, SOMERSET OOS; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BURGERSDORP, GRAHAMSTAD). (6) VAN NIEKERK & KOEN PROKUREURS; KERK STRAAT 6, POSBUS 19, BURGERSDORP 9744; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0516530851. 3381/2015—(2) Dhlamini, Bafana Lawrence (5107265128080); 16 Baxter Street, Birchleigh North, Kempton Park; (3) First and final; (4) Pumeza Sindiswa Dhlamini (5202220801085); (5) (17 Monument Road, Kempton Park, Port Elizabeth). (6) Friedman Scheckter; 75 Second Avenue, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413958406. 2867/2018—(2) FLUGEL, LINDA EMILGE (3007280022080); GONUBIE FRAIL CARE, 18TH AVENUE, GONUBIE, EAST LONDON; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) DRAKE FLEMMER & ORSMOND INC; P O BOX 44, EAST LONDON, 5200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043-7224210. 1536/2017—(2) KOTI, CANDLISH FEZILE (6403115867087); 1047 NEW BRIGHTEN LOCATION, QUEENSTOWN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (QUEENSTOWN, MTHATHA). (6) PIETER JACOBUS COETZEE; BOWES McDOUGALL INC, 27a PRINCE ALFRED STREET, QUEENSTOWN 5319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 045 807 3814. 3787/2018—(2) ZEHRT, ANNE-MARIA ELIZABETH (4412150131087); 26 FITZPATRICK ROAD, QUIGNEY, EAST LONDON, 5201; (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010636. 5925/2018—(2) CRADDOCK, ROY STEPHEN (5104285078080); 24 RONDEBOSCH ROAD, FRAMESBY, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) ALIDA LEONARD; Moffett Office Park, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffet & Overbaakens Rd, Fairview; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906392. 002859/2018—(2) Goldschagg, Eduard Louis (3004185046082); 20 18th Avenue, Gonubie, Buffalo City; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) P R Heideman; PO Box 13169, Vincent, 5217; Email: p.heideman@mweb.; Tel: 0437260597. 004817/2018—(2) HILIARHOS, PENELOPE (3803270071081); SAN MICHELLE 404, 36 CAPE ROAD, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) ALIDA LEONARD; Moffett Office Park, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffet & Overbaakens Rd, Fairview; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906392. 5925/2018—(2) CRADDOCK, ROY STEPHEN (5104285078080); 24 RONDEBOSCH ROAD, FRAMESBY, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) ALIDA LEONARD; Moffett Office Park, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffet & Overbaakens Rd, Fairview; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906392. 002065/2018—(2) Du Plessis, Rico Niel (5609225170086); 6 Heron Heights, Beacon Bay, East London, 5241; (3) First And Final; (4) Riana Du Plessis (5907290048082); (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd Ref: Lynne Louis; P O Box 27528, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0102345265. 001036/2015—(2) Swart, Ivan Norman (4308225076085); Seaview, Port Elizabeth; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd Ref: Hein Janse van Rensburg; P O Box 27528, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0102345264. 5197/2011—(2) GCELU, ZWELAKHE ROBINSON (5701165178086); MTHOMBE A/A, LIBODE; (3) First and Final; (4) NOMTHANDAZO JOYCE GCELU (7205140245083); (5) 21 days; (LIBODE, MTHATHA). (6) Z.N. DUMALISILE ATTORNEYS; NO.07 CRAISTER STREET, MTHATHA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 047 531 2055. 006340/2017—(2) VENTER, JACOB BAREND ROEDOLF (2911045046089); 28 TULBAGH STREET, VAN RIEBEECKHOOGTE, UITENHAGE,6229; (3) First and final; (4) MARIA JOHANNA CATHARINA VENTER (3101160055086); (5) (UITENHAGE, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) GERT CORNELIUS VENTER - Executor; 39 UNIE STREET, RETIEF, DESPATCH,6220; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823948230. 3330/2017—(2) Els, Dirk Francois (2506125046080); 6 Seale Street, Komga; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Komga, Grahamstown). (6) Elliotts Attorneys; 16B Main Street, Komga; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (043)8311012. 0002525/2015—(2) Facey, Shirley (4910100070081); 24 Ralston Road, Fernglen, Port Elizabeth; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Goldberg & de Villiers Incorporated; 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0415019812. 020128/2014—(2) NEL, HERMAN BRIAN (4309295476080); 21 KANARIE STREET, COTSWOLD, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001; (3) Amended Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) MORNAY HUMAN; Moffett Office Park, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffet & Overbaakens Rd, Fairview; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3906396. 003816/2017—(2) Cloete, Guy Bremner (6212125019088); 23 Xavanga Street, Indwe, 5445; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Queenstown, Grahamstown). (6) Metcalf, Sahd & Co; 8 Grey Street, Queenstown; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 045- 8394136. 897/2017—(2) Ah Kun, Douglas Kwang Tuen (4106075072083); 16 Rhodes Street, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Jozef Benjamin Odendaal; 1 Carnation Avenue, Sunridge Park, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413609513. 001511/2018—(2) GRAVETT, FRED KENNETH (4003175031087); 32 LONG REACH ROAD, DORCHESTER HEIGHTS, EAST LONDON; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) GRAVETT SCHOEMAN INC; C/O GRAVETT SCHOEMAN INC, THE HUB, BONZA BAY ROAD, BEACON BAY, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043-748-2857.

This gazette is also available free online at 100 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

1747/2007—(2) AUSTIN-DAY, JAMES BEAUMONT (2702155029084); 31 MAIN ROAD, WALMER, PORT ELIZABETH, 6070; (3) Supplementary Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD, PRIVATE BAG X60571, GREENACRES, 6057; ABSA TRUST LTD, 2ND FLOOR, MOFFETT OFFICE PARK , OVERBAAKENS ROAD , FAIRVIEW, 6070; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906397. 2476/2018—(2) MELANI, NQABAYAKHE (8702135472085); TOLIFIYENI LOCATION, KING WILLIAMS TOWN, EASTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KING WILLIAMS TOWN, BISHO). (6) ANTON JACOBUS PRETORIUS / COMPASS TRUST SERVICES; OFFICE 11D, BEACON PARK, 21 PELL STREET, BEACON BAY, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437226996. 002886/2018—(2) Human, Zacharius (5406155003084); 12 Clevedon Road, Selborne, East London, 5201; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Independent Executor & Trust (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 8081 Nahoon 5210; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043 7354633. 005411/2018—(2) PARISH, JOYCE MILDRED (3312280099181); 45 BENNO ROAD, CHARLO, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) N/A; (4) —; (5) N/A; (N/A, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) CA TRUST COMPANY (PTY) LTD; WATERFRONT BUSINESS PARK, POMMERN STREET, HUMERAIL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0418201130. 003129/2018—(2) Ettinger, Mattanyah (2904095060084); 19 Edly Symons Avenue, Beacon Bay, East London, 5241; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Independent Executor & Trust (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 8081 Nahoon 5210; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043 7354633. 002092/2018—(2) NEL, MICHAEL DANIEL (5707255055084); 15 DE VILLIERS STREET, SOUTHERN WOOD, EAST LONDON; (3) First and final; (4) JENNIFER NEL (6403200032084); (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) ABDO & ABDO ATTORNEYS; 33 TECOMA STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437007900. 003240/2018—(2) Yeadon, Joan (3512150005180); Fairland Home for the Aged, Vian Road, Cambridge West, East London, 5247; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Independent Executor & Trust (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 8081 Nahoon 5210; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043 7354633. 003160/2017—(2) CREESE, SOPHIA MARIA (2907070019082); 1 AMBER PLACE, EMERALD AVENUE, QUEENSTOWN, 5319; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (STERKSTROOM, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) Ernest George Littleford; 19 Grey street, Queenstown, 5319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 045-8392008. 002183/2016—(2) Marais, Marthinus Louis (4310025027086); 50 Barracks Street Cathcart 5310; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cathcart, Grahamstown). (6) Malcolm Duncan Henry Campbell; P.O. Box 19728 Tecoma 5214; Email: estatesel@; Tel: (043)704-2200. 005877/2017—(2) BROWN, FELICITY FREDRICKA BROWN (4911280118088); BLOUBERG PLEK 10, BOOYSENS PARK; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) ST ADENS NATIONAL ESTATES AND TRUSTS; UNIT D4, ANANSI BUSINESS PARK, 25 CHURCH STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828844386. 6078/2018—(2) HIRSTLE, VERENA (5303260079184); CONDOR 106, AMANZI ROAD, COLLEEN GLEN, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) APPLETON FIDUCIARY SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 506070. 3197/2012—(2) SIYO, MBULELO (5805055421082); 81 SAKHWATSAH STREET, NU 8 MOTHERWELL, PORT ELIZABETH, 6211; (3) First and Final; (4) ROSEMARY SIYO (6010080706081); (5) 21 days; (PORT ELIZABETH, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) WAYNE MAC GEAR, ANEESAH CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS; SUITE 9, ADDERLEY ARCADE, 697 GOVAN MBEKI AVENUE, NORTH END, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0414872783. 4432/2017—(2) PIERS, IRENE (3201140270084); 56 MERRINGTON STREET, HILLSIDE, PORT ELIZABETH, 6059; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (PORT ELIZABETH, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) WAYNE MAC GEAR, ANEESAH CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS; SUITE 9, ADDERLEY ARCADE, 697 GOVAN MBEKI AVENUE, NORTH END, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0414872783. 2982/2001—(2) CUNTSWANA, MAZWI WELLINGTON (5312165667084); 631 MSWELA STREET, MAKHAMANGENI LOCATION, PORT ALFRED, 6170; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ALFRED, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) BRENDA CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 3, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6139; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0466222757. 004927/2018—(2) BRUMMER, DIRK DAVID (3911065055084); 85 LUNEVILLE ROAD, LORRAINE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) FEDGROUP TRUST ADMINSTRATORS (PTY) LTD; PO BOX 782823, SANDTON, 2146; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113052300. 004021/2018—(2) Maxwell, Joan (2608210041081); 20 Handsworth Street, Glenhurd, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and Final; (4) Cecil Arthur Maxwell (2308205054088); (5) (n/a, Port Elizabeth). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 27511, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 736 7320. 010375/2017—(2) BRUYNS, HARRY HENRY (5707265064084); 329 SELIKATS CAUSWAY, FAERIE GLEN, EXTENSION 1, PRETORIA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) APPLETON FIDUCIARY SERVICES PTY LTD; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 506070. 4854/2018—(2) FOXCROFT, CHRISTIAAN CLARENCE (3603075045086); 9A BUDDYONI PARSONVLEI PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Charmaine Hayes; 88 Cape road Mill park Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413730024. 5625/2017—(2) Mattheus, Hermina Catharina (2603230023086); 19 Rathkeale, Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth; (3) L & D Account; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Howard Collen Inc; 11a Shirley Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3653700.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 101

373/2019—(2) Hogan, Nellie (3405120037187); 303 Eldorado, St Peters Road, Southernwood, East London; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Independent Executor & Trust; 49 Beach Road, Nahoon, East London, 5241; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437354633. 3419/2018—(2) Yeko, Mpumezi (8601235307086); 81 Tamsanqa Street, Motherwell, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Zonke Budaza Attorneys; 192 Cape Road, Mill Park, Port Elizabeth; Email: yoli@zonkebudaza.; Tel: (041)373 0053. 1856/2018—(2) HELDSINGER, PATRICIA SHARON (4605250123082); 15 JEVON ROAD, AMALINDA, EAST LONDON; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) ABDO & ABDO ATTORNEYS; 33 TECOMA STREET, BEREA, EAST LONDON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437007900. 003340/2018—(2) ISAACS, ABDOL RIGMAAN (4709215184088); 13 LAVITA ROAD, BUFFALO CITY, EAST LONDON; (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) ELAINE PHYLLIS ISAACS (4702150146089); (5) (Magistrate’s Office - East London, Master’s Office - GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) PQ NAIDOO ATTORNEY; 39 FIFTH AVENUE, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413650460. 5582/2017—(2) FORLEE, MABEL ALMA (3407190057087); 118 WELCOME AVENUE, THEESCOMBE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) First and final; (4) N.A. N.A.; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) PKF (PE) INC.; 27 NEWTON STREET, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041-398-5600. 4260/2018—(2) MASKELL, JEAN (3112310030085); SETTLERS PARK, RETIREMENT VILLAGE, PORT ALFRED, 6710; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (n/a, Port Elizabeth). (6) PW Harvey & Co (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 5675, Walmer, Port Elizabeth 6065; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413732710. 117/2015—(2) COCKIN, VERNON FROST (2906265019089); CLEVEDON FARM, MORGAN BAY, 5292; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (KOMGA, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) FREDERICK JACOBUS ROSSOUW; 4 ROBINSON ROAD, CATHCART, 5310; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0458431227. 001557/2018—(2) Nel, Johann Georg (4302135061089); 59 St Clair’s Way, Lovemore Heights, Port Elizabeth; (3) First and final; (4) n/a; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) PSG Trust (Pty) Ltd - Port Elizabeth; PO Box 6111, Walmer, 6065; Email: natasha. [email protected]; Tel: 0413926900. 004071/2018—(2) NDONGENI, SIPHELO PATRICK (6203156037081); NO. 11 UKHOZI STREET, SOUTHERNWOOD, MTHATHA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MTHATHA, MTHATHA). (6) N.C. MJAMBA ATTORNEYS INC; 22 DURHAM STREET, ASSUMPTION CONVENT, MTHATHA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (047)5311173. 000121/2019—(2) NOYAYA, SONWABO (6508115763084); MQATYENI LOCATION, NGOZI ADMINISTRATIVE AREA, NTABANKULU; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MTHATHA, MTHATHA). (6) N.C. MJAMBA ATTORNEYS INC; 22 DURHAM STREET, ASSUMPTION CONVENT, MTHATHA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (047)5311173. 005836/2018—(2) NYUME, SITHEMBELE (6803116014086); CHRIS HANI C, MTHATHA; (3) First and final; (4) DANKISWA NYUME (7006031345085); (5) (MTHATHA, MTHATHA). (6) N.C. MJAMBA ATTORNEYS INC; 22 DURHAM STREET, ASSUMPTION CONVENT, MTHATHA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (047)5311173. 005654-2018—(2) CWEBA, MZWANELE (6609065872089); 09 MAKA STREET,MBUQE EXTENSION; (3) First and final; (4) VUYOKAZI CWEBA (7006201494085); (5) (UMTHATHA, UMTHATHA). (6) NKALA ATTORNEYS; 14, BUREA LANE,CHURCH SQUARE,PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828300173.


2670/2017—(2) PRELELR, CARL FREDERICH (4612055048084); PINELANDS 2D, MOUNT FRERE STREET, ST HELENA, WELKOM, 9459; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WELKOM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) PRELLER INCORPORATED; 323 STATEWAY, JABEZ BUILDING, 2nd FLOOR, WELKOM, 9459; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0573533173. 6012/2018—(2) van Aardt, Francois Johannes (3805065014085); Residentia nr. 2, Paul van Gentstraat, BETHLEHEM; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BETHLEHEM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Marais Crowther G.R. (S.A.) Ing.; Pres. Boshoffstraat 32, Posbus 221, BETHLEHEM, 9700; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0583035696. 010868/2017—(2) Mlangeni, Jabulani David (5001215249080); 2414 Intabazwe Harrismith 9880; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Harrismith, Bloemfontein). (6) Balden Vogel & Partners Inc; P O Box 22 Harrismith 9880; Email: info@baldenvogel.; Tel: 0586221035. 9077/2015—(2) Marogoa, Maria Maphuti (6501220220082); 2 Bishof Glen, Noordhoek, Bloemfontein 9301; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Bloemfontein). (6) Rossouw & Conradie Inc t/a Rossouws Attorneys; P O Box 7595, Bloemfontein 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0515062551. 10655/2018—(2) DE BEER, SYLVIA ESTELLE (5907100143081); VILLA DE SOL 56, VAALPARK, , 1947; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) JOSé ELS; ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010 630. 6501/2018—(2) DU PREEZ, MARIA LOUISA ADRIANA (3611190021080); WELGEDACHT AFTREEOORD, GENERAAL DE WET, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; (3) Gewysigde Eerste; (4) HENDRIK JOHANNES DU PREEZ (3401305025089); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ALIDA LEONARD; ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010 643. 007011/2018—(2) Van Wyk, Donald Andrew Mitchell (3210125005084); Viljoenstraat 16, Reitz, 9810; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Reitz, Bloemfontein). (6) CHRISTIE VAN WYK; SAREL CILLIERSSTRAAT 26, REITZ, 9810; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0588633468.

This gazette is also available free online at 102 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

2979/2018—(2) Breytenbach, Nicolaas Lourens (2111215030084); Serenitas 175, Generaal Hertzogstraat 51, Dan Pienaar, Bloemfontein 9301; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bloemfontein). (6) J J C Kock; Kerkstraat 6, Posbus 38, Edenburg 9908; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0517431138. 6501/2018—(2) DU PREEZ, MARIA LOUISA ADRIANA (3611190021080); WELGEDACHT AFTREEOORD, GENERAAL DE WET, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; (3) AMENDED FIRST AND FINAL; (4) HENDRIK JOHANNES DU PREEZ (3401305025089); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010636. 009299/2018—(2) Oosthuizen, Anna Elizabeth (3307160013088); Eliza Liddell House, 33 Biddulp Street, Harrismith, 9880; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Harrismith, Bloemfontein). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (O617); 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (012)348-1088. 008687/2018—(2) SCHMIDT, PIETER CHRISTIAAN SCHUTTE (3105075010086); MARQUARDSTRAAT 4, BULTFONTEIN, 9670; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BULTFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) BEUKES & BEUKES; POSBUS 15, BULTFONTEIN, 9670; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0518531110. 10490/2017—(2) FOURIE, EMMERENTIA CATHARINA (2706090023086); BULTFONTEIN VERSORGINGSDIENSTE, STOFBERGSTRAAT 2, BULTFONTEIN; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) DAVID BAREND FOURIE (2709235031089); (5) (BULTFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) DB FOURIE (EKSEKUTEUR); P/A KOOT OOSTHUIZEN PROKUREURS, POSBUS 53, BULTFONTEIN, 9670; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0518532682. 13254/2012—(2) HUMAN, CARL FREDERIK (4212095034085); No. 1 WELKOM TOWN HOUSES, KIEPERSOL STREET, WELKOM, 94549; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Welkom, Bloemfontein). (6) Rossouw en Vennote; 352 Stateway, Doorn, Welkom, 9459; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0573917100. 763/2018—(2) VAN SCHALKWYK, MARTHINUS (6912275008084); ERF 100 ON THE FARM VOETSPADS DRIFT WEST, KIMBERLEY; (3) First and final; (4) LOANNE VAN SCHALKWYK (7410290024086); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ANDRIES LOUIS VISSER; 24 BARNES STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514114000. 010187/2015—(2) Lombard, Hendrik Gerhardus Coenraad (2903135043084); Elizabeth Straat 8, Marquard, 9610; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Marquard, Bloemfontein). (6) Mnr B J Du Toit, Du Toit Louw Botha Ing.; Posbus 11, Ficksburg, 9730; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051933-2351. 3086/2018—(2) Fourie, Jacobus Andries Wynand (4901085013089); 79 Mercutio Street, Bedelia, Welkom; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Welkom, Bloemfontein). (6) Neumann Van Rooyen Ref: A Styger; P. O. Box 4, Welkom 9460; Email: info@; Tel: 0579166666. 6934/2018—(2) ABRAHAMSE, MACHEL MARIA (4807190104087); AVIGNON 9, CP HOOGENHOUT STR, LANGENHOVEN PARK, BLOEMFONTEIN, [email protected], 9301; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) ALBERT JOHN ABRAHAMSE (4302245089087); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) JOEY DU PLESSIS; ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010637. 010586/2018—(2) CORREIA, ALVARO JOSÉ PERICO (3512125060088); 13 LA-CHALAND, DAGBREEK, WELKOM, 9459; (3) First and final; (4) MARIA CANDIDA CORREIA (4007060066082); (5) (Bloemfontein). (6) PKF (Wkm) Inc; 296 Stateway, Bedelia, Welkom, Free State; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0573532601. 12128/2016—(2) WELLING, CAROLUS FRANCISCUS (4504215147189); 43 SPRINGBOK STREET, HARRISMITH, FREE STATE PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE; (5) 21 DAYS; (HARRISMITH, JOHANNESBURG). (6) COETZEE-ENGELBRECHT INC.; 51A STUART STREET, PO BOX 729, HARRISMITH, 9880; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0586230589. 6083/2018—(2) Campbell, Helena Catharina (4102180034084); Die Plaas Vine Villa, Distrik Marquard, Provinsie Vrystaat; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Robert Clive Campbell (3905305043082); (5) (Marquard, Bloemfontein). (6) JP Coetzee (Jnr); Buitenstraat 25, Posbus 5, Parys, 9585; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 056-811-2136. 7464/2018—(2) LOMBARD, ANTONIE JACOBUS (3612015026080); SALLY MARTIN AFTREE-OORD 423, MULLERSTRAAT 13, PARYS, 9585; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PARYS, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) EBEN KRIEK INGELYF PROKUREURS; KERKSTRAAT 17, PARYS, 9585; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 056-811 2323. 7478/2017—(2) DE LANGE, JOHANNA ETHRESIA (2909100031087); VOLKSWEG 13, JIM FOUCHE PARK, WELKOM, 9459; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (WELKOM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) SLT REGISTERED AUDITORS AND CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS; 247 STATEWAY, BEDELIA, WELKOM, 9459 / POSBUS 592, WELKOM, 9460; E-pos: LYDIA@SLTAUDIT. CO.ZA; Tel: 0573525249. 12801/2010—(2) STEYN, SAREL (5208295058089); PARKSTRAAT 6, FRANKFORT; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) NAOMI STEYN (5305030141004); (5) (FRANKFORT, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) BOCK & VAN ES PROKUREURS; KELLNERSTRAAT 61, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514477195. 11171/2016—(2) DIEDERICKS, ANNA BURGER (3803020004085); BEWAREA 124, 31 GENERAL BEYER STREET, PENTAGONPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) WILLEM GERHARDUS (ALSO DECEASED) DIEDERICKS (4307145037086); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) DE LANGE ATTORNEYS; 1 PRESIDENT STEYN STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-430-5178. 11166/2016—(2) DIEDERICKS, WILLEM GERHARDUS (3512295009089); BEWAREA 124, 31 GENERAL BEYER STREET, PENTAGONPARK, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) ANNA BURGER (ALSO DECEASED) DIEDERICKS (3803020004085); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) DE LANGE ATTORNEYS; 1 PRESIDENT STEYN STREET, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-430-5178.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 103

001174/2019—(2) DU TOIT, ALETTA JOHANNA (3204110017089); SCHOEMANSTRAAT 22, SUIDRAND, KROONSTAD, PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (KROONSTAD, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) NAUDé - THOMPSON INGELYF; CROSS STRAAT 98, KROONSTD, 9499; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0562123280. 10667/2017—(2) DU PLESSIS, DANIëL JACOBUS (6005085024084); 12DE STRAAT NO 32 HIELBRON 9650; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (HEILBRON, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) CORNELIUS & VENNOTE INGELYF; KERKSTRAAT 40, HEILBRON, 9650; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0588522035. 004051/2018—(2) Cohen, Petronella (5205300011087); Stasiestraat 2, Lakeview, Bloemfontein, 9301; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bloemfontein, Bloemfontein). (6) Joe Schoeman Dienste; Suite 18, Privaatsak X16, Brandhof 9324; E-pos: joe. [email protected]; Tel: 0731810114. 10168/2017—(2) MOCKE, ANDRIES JOSEFUS (3702215029081); WILGERUS TEHUIS VIR BEJAARDES, VAN REENENSTRAAT, FRANKFORT, 9830; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (FRANKFORT, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) RICHTER VAN DER WATT ATTORNEYS; 11 STRYDOM STREET, FRANKFORT, 9830; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0588131133. 4488/2016—(2) LOXTON, LEONARD CHARLES (4711065006080); PIET ODENDAAL AVENUE PLOT 18, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ABEL BESTER ING.; VRYSTRAAT 83, VRYBURG, 8601; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (053)927-5773. 3701/2015—(2) VAN VUUREN, SYBRAND LOURENS (4008275026085); PLAAS MEMO, JACOBSDAL; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) CORNELIA MAGDALENA CATHARINA VAN VUUREN (4809030103089); (5) (JACOBSDAL, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Schutte Prokureurs Verw: BV7; Posbus 137, Hopetown 8750; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0532030054. 000304/2019—(2) PELSER, HENDRINA FRANCINA (2703280037083); SERENITAS, DAN PIENAAR, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) UNARINE MUTHAMBI; 163A NELSON MANDELA DRIVE, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051 -407-8012. 9079/2018—(2) NYELELE, MALEFETSANE EPHRAIM (6712185575085); 8209 CONSTANTIA, KROONSTAD 9500; (3) First And Final; (4) NOMATYALA ENIE NYELELE (7809120915084); (5) (KROONSTAD, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) Claude Reid Inc Ref: John Anderson / Ina; PO Box 277, Bloemfontein 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514479881. 006782/2018—(2) Joubert, Morraine (2804290013088); 34 Graves Street, Hospitaalpark, 9301; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bloemfontein). (6) Nicolette Macdonald of PSG Trust; Posbus 43733, Heuwelsig, 9332; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0512504400. 9278/2018—(2) MARAIS, ALIDA LOUISA PETRONELLA (2602060030088); WELGEDACHT AFTREE-OORD,KOLBOO ISTRAAT,FLEURDAL,BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (N.V.T, Bloemfontein). (6) Claude Reid Inc; 165 St Andrew Street Bloemfontein; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514479881. 003688/2015—(2) MOLETSANE, MOELETSI GILBERT (7309265628089); 11319, PHASE 5, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) First and final; (4) EUNICE MOHANUWA MOLETSANE (8403230763086); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) ST ADENS NATIONAL ESTATES AND TRUSTS; UNIT D4, ANANSI BUSINESS PARK, 25 CHURCH STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828844386. 863/2018—(2) Busch, Mary Jean (3707050005088); De Leeuwstraat 31, Eureka, Bethlehem, 9701; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bethlehem, Bloemfontein). (6) Human le Roux Meyerowitz; Posbus 563, Bethlehem, 9700; E-pos: rika@; Tel: 0583070300.


5720/2017—(2) OELOFSEN, QUENTIN VAUGHAN (5407315071086); 2 SHIRLEY LANE, LADYSMITH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Ladysmith, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Macaulay & Riddell; P O Box 107, Ladysmith, 3370; Email: macrid@mweb.; Tel: 036-6372151. 5720/2017—(2) OELOFSEN, QUENTIN VAUGHAN (5407315071086); 11 PRESIDENT STREET, LADYSMITH, 3370; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Ladysmith, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Macaulay & Riddell; P O Box 107, Ladysmith, 3370; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 036-6372151. 016021/2018/DBN—(2) GOVINDASAMY, LEELAWATHI (5304230126089); 438 LENHAM DRIVE, LENHAM, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and final; (4) MANOGRAN GOVINDASAMY (5505105147089); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) R MAHARAJ AND COMPANY INC; SUITE 7 AL-FALAH CENTRE, GEM CITY, 54 PARTHENON STREET, STARWOOD, PHOENIX, 4068; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5078596. 15274/2017—(2) Stewart, Malcolm Daniel (2107165061087); Orchard Lee, 31 Clyde Road, Musgrave, Durban; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) Christopher Walton & Tatham Inc; Box 1845, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320; Email: Lvanniekerk@; Tel: 0315611104. 3256/2017 Dbn—(2) Kander, Balasundrum Thamothran (5207305153088); 11 Ebling Street, La Mercy, Tongaat; (3) N/A; (4) Neelasavathy Kander (5607180155084); (5) N/A; (Verulam, Durban). (6) Govender, Pather & Pillay; 31 Parry Road, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313014542. 11921/2011/DBN—(2) SIBIYA, CUPHENI ELIZABETH (4203120553082); M1273 UMLAZI, M SECTION, UMLAZI, 4091; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) (UMLAZI, DURBAN). (6) BEHARIE AND COMPANY INC.; 275 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH, 4092; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-4008004/7.

This gazette is also available free online at 104 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

DBN15417/2016—(2) Claasen, Antonie Michael (4011225089088); Cabin Road 131, Mtwalume, Province Kwa-Zulu Natal; (3) First and final; (4) Martha Maria Marthina Claasen (4303260078088); (5) (Port Shepstone, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Durban). (6) Claasen Attorneys; 11 Strydomstreet, P O Box 7, Frankfort 9830; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0588131131. 16343/18 DBN—(2) THIART, FLORIS ALBERTUS (4912215087083); 43 CARRICK ROAD, MALVERN, , 4093; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) CLAUDINE LINDEN; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Claudine.Linden@; Tel: 031-3669466. 11921/2011/DBN—(2) SIBIYA, CUPHENI ELIZABETH (4203120553082); M1273 UMLAZI, M SECTION, UMLAZI, 4091; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) (UMLAZI, DURBAN). (6) BEHARIE AND COMPANY INC.; 275 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH, 4092; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-4008004/7. 11921/2011/DBN—(2) SIBIYA, CUPHENI ELIZABETH (4203120553082); M1273 UMLAZI, M SECTION, UMLAZI, 4091; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) (UMLAZI, DURBAN). (6) BEHARIE AND COMPANY INC.; 275 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH, 4092; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-4008004/7. 14512/2017—(2) Mgobhozi, Baba Wilfred (4508215424084); 772 Ithendele Drive, Ntuzuma; (3) First and Final; (4) Sibongile Margaret Mgobhozi (4905030575084); (5) 21 days; (Verulam, Durban). (6) Severaj Incorporated; 26/28 Cypress Avenue, Stamfordhill, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3122004. 14512/2017—(2) Mgobhozi, Baba Wilfred (4508215424084); 772 Ithendele Drive, Ntuzuma; (3) First and Final; (4) Sibongile Margaret Mgobhozi (4905030575084); (5) 21 days; (Verulam, Durban). (6) Severaj Incorporated; 26/28 Cypress Avenue, Stamfordhill, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3122004. 14512/2017—(2) Mgobhozi, Baba Wilfred (4508215424084); 772 Ithendele Drive, Ntuzuma; (3) First and Final; (4) Sibongile Margaret Mgobhozi (4905030575084); (5) 21 days; (Verulam, Durban). (6) Severaj Incorporated; 26/28 Cypress Avenue, Stamfordhill, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3122004. 14512/2017—(2) Mgobhozi, Baba Wilfred (4508215424084); 772 Ithendele Drive, Ntuzuma; (3) First and Final; (4) Sibongile Margaret Mgobhozi (4905030575084); (5) 21 days; (Verulam, Durban). (6) Severaj Incorporated; 26/28 Cypress Avenue, Stamfordhill, Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3122004. 5910/2009/DBN—(2) MNYANDU, KHUMBUZILE CYNTHIA (6304230646087); 114 SUNNYSIDE PARK, AMANZIMTOTI, 4126; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) (UMLAZI, DURBAN). (6) BEHARIE AND COMPANY INC.; 275 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH, 4092; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-4008004/7. 5910/2009/DBN—(2) MNYANDU, KHUMBUZILE CYNTHIA (6304230646087); 114 SUNNYSIDE PARK, AMANZIMTOTI, 4126; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) (UMLAZI, DURBAN). (6) BEHARIE AND COMPANY INC.; 275 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH, 4092; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-4008004/7. 6149/2017—(2) NJIYELA, MABHEKA GIDEON (4608265353082); 15 HANCOCK STREET HARDING; (3) First and final; (4) FUNAKELE VIERA NJIYELA (5205230217085); (5) (Port Shepstone, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Barry Botha & Breytenbach Inc; 16 Bisset Street Port Shepstone; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 039-6825540. 1149/2019—(2) MAHARAJ, ADEEPPRAKASH (4910275071088); 12 THE KNOLL , KENVILLE, 4051; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) KAMINI ANITHA MAHARAJ (5902220113080); (5) N/A; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) GARACH FIDUCIARY CONSULTING (PTY) LTD; 80 ARMSTRONG AVENUE, LA LUCIA, 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5724000. 16330/2018/DBN—(2) SINGH, KUWAR (3705045058089); 9 WALWORTH ROAD, HILLARY, DURBAN; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) URMALA SINGH (4907220037081); (5) 21 DAYS; (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) J. BACHOO & COMPANY; SUITE 3, 192 CHATSWORTH MAIN ROAD, UMHLATUZANA, CHATSWORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314033365. 7004/2018—(2) Charilaou, Pericles Bernard (4401285021081); 7 Riviera Crescent Uvongo 4270; (3) First And Final; (4) Julia Maria Charilaou (4712200062087); (5) (Port Shepstone, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Kerry loukakis Attorneys Ref: USER2; 6 Viking Road, Margate 4275; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0393173374. 014308/2018—(2) Maylard, Brenda (3606061011186); 8 Tilgen Flats, 68 Scott Street,Scottburgh; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Scottburgh, Durban). (6) Siyabonga Tyutyu; FNB Fiduciary, 16 Newton place, Newton park, 6045; Email: siyabonga. [email protected]; Tel: 0873350524. 14583/2013DBN—(2) NAIDOO, KRISHNA (2712115056085); 3 BGS MEWS, 27 CHANCELLOR AVENUE, MUSGRAVE; (3) First and final; (4) PANJARUTHNAM NAIDOO (3101280023089); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) JAY REDDY ATTORNEY; 21 LARCH ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312024151. 3717/2018—(2) Roodt, Edmund Scott (4212025027084); Bounty Farm, Devonshire Lane, Winterskloof, 3201; (3) SUPPLEMENTARY; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) Tomlinson Mnguni James Inc Ref: TMokone/17R460118; P O Box 271, Pietermaritzburg 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333419100. 003506/2017—(2) Lalloo, Maneklal (4504225073086); 35 Tors Lane, Mountain Rise, Pietermaritzburg.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Master of the KwaZulu-Natal High Court - Pietermaritzburg). (6) Vanita Lalloo and Sanjay Lalloo; 35 Tors Lane, Mountain Rise, Pietermaritzburg.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823728925. 004692/2018—(2) Fraser, Colin William (5306055127084); 24 Richmond Ave, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal, 3610; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) David Kenneth Ferguson; 24 Richmond Ave, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal; Email: dkferguson@; Tel: 082 805 8290. 31503/2014 DBN—(2) SANGWENI, THEMBELIHLE MILTON (5007085409084); B53 MTHOMBENI STREET, NCOTSHANE, PONGOLA; (3) First And Final; (4) ZODWA MARRIET SANGWENI (5108180561082); (5) (PONGOLA, DURBAN). (6) Weich & Kriel Inc Ref: BS0141; ,; Tel: 0344132601.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 105

5888/2018—(2) VANDAYAR, NARAINSAMY (3107025072083); 93 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH,4092; (3) First and final; (4) DHANABAGIUM VANDAYAR (4702160137086); (5) (CHATSWORTH MAGISTRATE’S COURT, DURBAN). (6) MERVIN DORASAMY INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS; NO. 7 310 LENNY NAIDU DRIVE, BAYVIEW, CHATSWORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314004573. 472/2015 DBN—(2) HAYES, GWENDOLINE ETHEL (2004050065184); 10 KLOOF GARDENS, ABELIA ROAD, KLOOF; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) MCCLUNG MUSTARD; 5 WINDSOR ROAD, PINETOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317025311. DBN016015/2017—(2) Majola, Christopher Mbuso (7509056277083); 20 Lichene Road, Crossmoor, Chatsworth, 4092; (3) First and final; (4) Goodness Zinhle Majola (7302120594083); (5) (Chatsworth, Durban). (6) DM Govender Attorneys; P O Box 5528, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)3077911. 15652/18 DBN—(2) SIVSARAN, ISHWARDUTH (4604145099086); 195 RINALDO ROAD, GLEN ANIL, , 4051; (3) First and Final; (4) TAJAREE SIVSARAN (4312260073080); (5) (DURBAN). (6) ASHIE MOODLEY; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669428. 242/19 DBN—(2) SIVSARAN, TAJAREE (4312260073080); 195 RINALDO ROAD, GLEN ANIL, 4051; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) ASHIE MOODLEY; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669428. 000118/2018DBN—(2) SMALBERGER, JOHAN PHILLIPPUS (4509065067080); 2 ESSEX ROAD, ESCOMBE, QUEENSBURGH, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) NOT APPLICABLE; (4) HEATHER DORNE SMALBERGER (4708150070088); (5) NOT APPLICABLE; (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) ATKINSON, TURNER & DE WET; P O BOX 485, DURBAN, 4000 or 478 LILIAN NGOYI (WINDERMERE) ROAD, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313121303. 16558/2017—(2) JEEWA, ISMAIL (3408035074089); 1 OLD MAIN ROAD, ISIPINGO RAIL, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) RASOOL BIBI JEEWA (3611250087088); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) CASSIM SULIMAN & ASSOCIATES; 40 RIPPON CRESCENT, SHERWOOD, 4091; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312075003. 18132/2007—(2) Mthethwa, Bajabulile Beauty (5108260526088); J 370 Umlazi, Umlazi Township; (3) First and Final; (4) N/a; (5) 21 Days; (Umlazi, Durban). (6) Aesha Ramchunder Attorneys; Suite 602B, Corporate Place, 9 Dorothy Nyembe Street, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313077533. 7020/2018/PMB—(2) Harkess, Graham Shedden Burns (4701255063082); 4 Wakenshaw, Chapmans Drive, Ballito; (3) First and final; (4) Elizabeth Jane Margaret Harkess (4701150078086); (5) (Stanger, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Eckhard Volker CA (SA); P O BOX 1086 Wandsbeck 3630; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2668858. 3463/2018/PMB—(2) Samkin, Jennifer Ann (3509220056086); 23 Normandie, Le Domaine, Acutt Drive, Hillcrest; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Eckhard Volker CA (SA); P O BOX 1086 Wandsbeck 3630; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2668858. 4087/2015 DBN—(2) VAN HORENBEECK, LUC LEO HENDRIK EMMA (3812315085089); 35 York Avenue, Pietermaritzburg 3201; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg, Durban). (6) D R Kneebone CA(SA); Box 1267, Kloof 3640; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317658563. 015278/2018DBN—(2) CHUNDLAL, RAJWANTHI (4906100146087); 101 NORTHCROFT DRIVE, LENHAM, PHOENIX, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 days; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) BUX & ASSOCIATES; 138 WICK STREET, KATHRADA CENTRE, VERULAM; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0325338525. 8304/2017/PMB—(2) Thwaites, Lynda Ann (5805220114083); 61 Howick Road, Wembley, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) Candice Moore Attorneys & Conveyancers; 15 Welcome Way, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333462307. 002898/2018/DBN—(2) VAN ZYL, JOHAN (5011165101082); 10B HIGH ROAD, UVONGO, 4270; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (PTY) Ltd; P O BOX 4130, The Square, Umhlanga, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 16554/2017—(2) JEEWA, RASOOL BIBI (3611250087088); 1 OLD MAIN ROAD, ISIPINGO RAIL, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) CASSIM SULIMAN & ASSOCIATES; 40 RIPPON CRESCENT, SHERWOOD, 4091; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312075003. 8585/2018/PMB—(2) Sage, Harry William (3308245097088); 85 Lion Lodge, Flame Lily Park, Queensburgh; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Eckhard Volker CA (SA); P O BOX 1086 Wandsbeck 3630; Email: penny@; Tel: 031 2668858. 8247/2017/PMB—(2) McAllister, Frederick Fraser (4612065030080); 62 Garlick Avenue, Garlington Estate, Hilton; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) Leo Jonathan Quayle; 18 Oakleigh Avenue, Wembley, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0832720269. 606/2019/DBN—(2) Coetsee, Hendrik Stephanus (4205245030086); Subdivision 5, Lot 44, Marburg Settlement, Izotsha, KZN; (3) First And Final; (4) Wesselina Johanna Hendrika Jurina Coetsee (5010170016087); (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) Chamber Administrators CC; P O Box 246, Shelly Beach 4265; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0393151081. 010128/2018/DBN—(2) REED, BASIL EUSTACE (6503235058085); 56 WYLIE ROAD, BLUFF, DURBAN, KWA- ZULUNATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) ROSANTHIA ANGELINE REED (5605210108081); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) FNB Fiduciary (PTY) Ltd; P O BOX 4130, The Square, Umhlanga, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 013063/2018/DBN—(2) NEWTON, ELAINE DOREEN (2910080048083); The Village Pinetown Nursing Home, 5 Fair Close, Durban; (3) First and Final; (4) WILLIAM IVAN NEWTON (2508205041080); (5) (Pinetown, KwaZuluNatal, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; 2nd Floor, FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive, Umhlanga, 4320; Email: olwethuoscar.sabisa@fnb.; Tel: 0877302560.

This gazette is also available free online at 106 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

3414/2018—(2) RAMPERTAB, DHUNESHWAR RAMPERTAB (5710025171082); 10 INDUS STREET, PARADISE, NEWCASTLE; (3) FIRST; (4) MEEMEE RAMPERTAB (6109030094083); (5) 21; (NEWCASTLE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) MASTROSS INCORPORATED; 393 JABU NDLOVU STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-3945828. 959/2014DBN—(2) DHEDA, BHAGIRATHI REVASUNKER (4101260094083); 31 NEWCASTLE AVENUE, RESERVOIR HILLS, 4091; (3) First and Final; (4) NARSAI VALA DHEDA (3902135076085); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) NARSAI VALA DHEDA; 31 NEWCASTLE AVENUE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0847022737. 15332/2012DBN—(2) MORAR, MEENAKSHI NAVINCHAND (6309140915082); FLAT 10 VERMONT 15 VALLEYVIEW AVENUE DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) RAJRAMSARAN AND COMANY; 21 CLYDE AVENUE MUSGRAVE DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312010328. 008136/2017—(2) CHETTY, DEVARAJ NARAINSAMY (6301125207080); 115 BUTTERFLY ROAD PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) MUNIMAH CHETTY (6805040224087); (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) SOODAMA & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS; 437 BURGER STREET PIETERMARITZBURG 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0338189340. 009836/2018DBN—(2) JAMES, DIXON (4610145009082); 4 HILL VIEW ROAD PORT SHEPSTONE; (3) First and final; (4) SARAH EDNA JAMES (5712170139088); (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, DURBAN). (6) RAJRAMSARAN AND COMANY; 21 CLYDE AVENUE MUSGRAVE DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312010328. 001292/2018/DBN—(2) GOLDSTEIN, DAVID ROGER (5412265116089); 62 LENNOXMERE, 28 LILIAN NGOYI ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, 4001; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) WADE SHAPIRO (Ref: HMS/ cj/G352/001); P.O. BOX 639, DURBAN, 4000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 031-3097723. 10749/2015DBN—(2) JAMADAR, LIAQUATH ALLY KHAN SIKANDER (6003105152084); 57 SAUNDERS AVENUE, ISIPINGO HILLS, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) FATHIMA BIBI JAMADAR (5901270233087); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) AYOUB KADWA & COMPANY; P.O BOX 37122, OVERPORT, 4067; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312081611. 013345/2018/DBN—(2) MULLA, AHOMED SAIED (3810265067081); 97 DAINTREE AVENUE, ASHERVILLE, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) N/A; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) OSSIE LAKHI AND ASSOCIATES; 44 MONTAGUE STREET, NEWCASTLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343124775. 5216/2018PMB—(2) LUTAYI, LEONARD CHRISTIAN ( DECEASED HAD NO ID NUMBER AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH) (-); 010168 NKANTOLO ROAD, SHONGWENI DAM, 3650; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (HAMMERSDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) MAZIBUKO ATTORNEYS; NO 5 WALNUT ROAD, SMART EXCHANGE BUILDING, GROUND FLOOR, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313014316. 7940/2018 DBN—(2) Rampersadh, Hembathi (4910310165085); 35 Mars Drive, Glenhills, Stanger; (3) First and final; (4) Sadanand Rampersadh (subsequently deceased) (5009305617082); (5) (Stanger, Durban). (6) Sham & Meer Attorneys; P.O. Box 146, Stanger, 4450; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0325512265. 016911/2018DBN—(2) Krummeck, Aileen Kay (5106100046085); Flat 32 Glenhaven, 480 Esther Roberts Road, Glenwood, Durban; (3) First and final; (4) Richard Peter Krummeck (4704185108084); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 4130, The Square, Umhlanga, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877302560. 015117/2018/DBN—(2) SUNDAPARSAD, PRITRAJ (4402055097087); 45 DRAKENSBERG STREET SHALLCROSS 4093; (3) First and final; (4) RAJMATHY SUNDAPARSAD (4402120437086); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) ANIL RABINATH & ASSOCIATES; 299 UNDERWOOD ROAD, SARNIA, 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317082749. 005998/2018—(2) SOOKRAJ, BHARATHIE DEVI (4811030085084); 26 MELVILLE STREET, DUNDEE, 3000; (3) First and final; (4) GOPICHAND SOOKRAJ (4201155082084); (5) (DUNDEE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) RAFIQ KHAN & CO.; 45 MCKENZIE STREET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0342123121. 29416/2014—(2) Cullinane, Jeremiah (4308155069084); 34 Earlswood Place, Durban North, Kwazulu-Natal; (3) First and Final; (4) not applicable not applicable; (5) (not applicable, Durban). (6) R K Lambert; P O Box 2102, Hillcrest, 3650; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0721400023. 011210/2017—(2) DIACK, ALASTAIR JON ELLIS (7802065046080); 26 LITTLE BIRCHES, 142 ENTABENI ROAD, PINETOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Barkers; 8 Rydall Vale Crescent, La Lucia Ridge Office Estate, La Lucia; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315807400. 9407/2017DBN—(2) NAICKER, SHIRLEY JULIA (4002180123053); 27 FIGDALE CLOSE, NEWLANDS WEST, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) THANABALAN NAICKER (3708215109088); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) RODNEY REDDY & ASSOCIATES; P.O.BOX 698, HYPER BY THE SEA, DURBAN 4053; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0832996777. 8723/2011 DBN—(2) MNGOMA, FUNDISWA PORTIA (7111290531084); 13 SANDPIPER STREET, YELLOWWOOD PARK, 4004; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) NKOSINGIPHILE ROBERTSON MNGOMA (6610285587085); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) GOUNDER AND ASSOCIATES; 1600 NEDBANK HOUSE, 30 ALBERT STREET, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 305 7233. 15046/2018—(2) SOEKOE, HENDRIK CHRISTOFFEL (3801045027081); 3 SANDPIPER CRESCENT, FOREST VILLAGE, BRETTONWOOD, SHEFFIELD BEACH; (3) First and final; (4) JENNIFER ANN SOEKOE (4710110014081); (5) (KWADUKUZA, DURBAN). (6) APPLETON FIDUCIARY SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 506070. 14527/2018DBN—(2) PATRICK, PHOOMUNI (4411170072081); 235 SKYRIDGE CIRCLE, MOORTON, CHATSWORTH; (3) First and Final; (4) REUBEN MATTHEWS PATRICK (4802105145085); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) M CHETTY & ASSOCIATES; 290 ARENA PARK DRIVE, ARENA PARK, CHATSWORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314047455.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 107

4977/2018/DBN—(2) NYEMBEZI, AUBREY VULINDLELA BENEDICT (2705065133086); 1901 MAIN AVENUE, CLERMONT, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) WOODHEAD BIGBY ATTORNEYS; 92 ARMSTRONG AVENUE, LA LUCIA, 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313609728. 7624/2017/DBN—(2) ANDERSON, BARBARA SABINA (2012240062185); 7 Ridgewood Retirement Village, 6 Sargeant Close, Mount Edgecombe, 4300, Durban; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, KWA-ZULU NATAL). (6) MR JH SCHNEIDER; PO BOX 2230 BEDFORDVIEW, 2008. Physical:102 MONS ROAD, OBSERVATORY, 2198; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0824234524. 006276/2017—(2) LEAH, CHRISTOPHER ROBERT (4101205119086); 5 ALBANY GROVE, HILLCREST; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) MCCLUNG MUSTARD; 5 WINDSOR ROAD, PINETOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317025311. 9852/2018—(2) MONTILE, LOUIS RICHEVILLE ALLEN (3710185059087); 30 GRACELAND,18 GARDEN ROAD,HILLCREST 3630; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) T R HOWARD; P O BOX 372 WESTVILLE 3630; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0834076267. 13699/2016—(2) ASMAL, YASMIN AHMED (5709170138086); 914 WINDEMERE CENTRE, 163 WINDEMERE ROAD, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL 4100; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) PKF(DURBAN) INC; PO BOX 1858 DURBAN 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315735000. 016320/2018/Dbn—(2) Trotter, George Jameson (3705115079080); 38 Warrior Road, Hillcrest, 3610; (3) Supplementary; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited; P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2653320. 002759/2018—(2) Seesha, Prakash (5702075143087); 47 Sarge Road, Copesville, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) Pranesh Indrajith Attorneys; 41 Lahore Road, Raisethorpe, Pietermaritzburg; Tel: 0333871410. 14528/2018DBN—(2) MOODLEY, NUNDHA (4504225115085); 19 ROAD 742, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH; (3) First and Final; (4) MOGUMBAH MOODLEY (4903220119086); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) M CHETTY & ASSOCIATES; 290 ARENA PARK DRIVE, ARENA PARK, CHATSWORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314047455. 011129/2017—(2) Macdonald, Ruth (4906150100083); 48 Aycliffe Drive, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) J P Lunn; P O Box 1545, Westville, Kwazulu Natal; Email: lunn@eca.; Tel: 0834122224. 66/18 DBN—(2) BRIJLAL, LEENA (7306160037085); 24 FIDDLEWOOD CRESCENT, PHOENIX, , 4098; (3) First and Final; (4) DHARAMRAJ BRIJLAL (6907125299081); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) MELISHA DHUNRAJ; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313669430. 17579/18 DBN—(2) NAGEL, FREDERIK JOHANNES (4907315054082); 12 ADAMS ROAD, AMANZIMTOTI, , 4126; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) CHRISTINE NKABINI; ABSA Trust, P O Box 2174, Durban, 4000; Email: Christine. [email protected]; Tel: 031-3669425. 17106/2018—(2) BUCKTWAR, AMORJEE (4109275114085); 63 PEARGREEN PLACE, GREENBURY, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and final; (4) VIJAIWANTHIE BUCKTWAR (5101090104085); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) VIJAIWANTHIE BUCKTWAR; 63 PEARGREEN PLACE , GREENBURY , PHOENIX , 4068; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315391939. 007627/2018—(2) Barclay, Jeffery James (4306205053082); 26 Hillcrest Country Retirement Estate, Country Lane, Hillcrest.; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Deborah Susan Barclay (5009140022084); (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) BROOKES ATTORNEYS INC; 2 DIAS, FAIRWAY GREEN, 3 ABREY ROAD, KLOOF; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0310351055. 6279/2018—(2) Davies, William James (4010235050080); 23 Greenacres Retirement Estate, 53 Klooflands Road, Kloof, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Independent Executor & Trust (Pty) Ltd; 49 Beach Road, Nahoon, East London, 5241; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043-735-4633. 010150/2018—(2) Michel, Sylvia Alice (3212260014087); Unit 25, Eden Gardens, 75 Gladys Mazibuko Road, Durban; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Barry Andrew Michel - RSM SA Durban; Block A Surrey Park, 6 Barham Road, Westville, 3629; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312669222. 013599/2018/DBN—(2) Hearne, Doreen Madge (2603110038089); 315A Garden Grove, Durban; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Naseema Meeran; PO Box 50840, Musgrave 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365191. 177/2018 DBN—(2) MASONDO, NHLAKANIPHO LINDA (7207115333084); R 729 XOLO AVENUE, UMLAZI, 4066; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (UMLAZI MAGISTRATE’S COURT, DURBAN). (6) SIZA KHUMALO ATTORNEYS; SUITE 307 DOONE HOUSE, 379 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN, 4000.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313053262. 005807/2015DBN—(2) REDDY, SAMSON (5502025065087); 40 VANROVA ROAD, TONGAAT, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) GLORIA REDDY (6605090144080); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) TS LAW INCORPORATED; 119 BELLEVUE ROAD, MUSGRAVE, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313095026. 007049/2016 DBN—(2) McLean, John Wynd (3709045122101); 32 Harmony Court, 3 Second (2nd) Avenue, Malvern, 4093, Queensburgh; (3) First and final; (4) n/a n/a; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Ian van Rooyen Attorneys; PO Box 28116, Malvern (KZN), 4055; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314631756. 008030/2017/DBN—(2) Touche Du Poujol, Marie Nadine (5511200104082); 17 Courtney Mansions, Speedwell Road, Morningside,Durban; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Reeanne Chetty; PO Box 50840, Musgrave 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365000.

This gazette is also available free online at 108 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

29722/2014/DBN—(2) Stafford, Jacqueline (4404230073181); 44 Umdoni Road, Pennington; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Naseema Meeran; PO Box 50840, Musgrave 4320; Email: celisek@; Tel: 0315365187. 016231/2018/DBN—(2) Botha, Antoinette Johanna (4004160026082); 102 Yellowwood, Zimbali; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Celise King; PO Box 50840, Musgrave 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315365197. 0001612018—(2) Govender, Selvam (4906180662086); 29 Dacca Road Merebank; (3) First and Final; (4) Kisten (subsequently deceased) Govender (4210115584089); (5) 21 days; (Durban, Durban). (6) Phipson De Villiers; 74 Madeline Road Morningside Durban; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313033740. 14258/2013/DBN—(2) Naidoo, Thavalakshmi (5307310092089); 64 Highridge, 193 Ridge Road, Morningside; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Nomthandazo Gumede; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741802. 010960/2018/DBN—(2) NGCOBO, VUSUMUZI CHRISTOPHER NGCOBO (6005225368086); Inchanga Area, Inchanga, Hammarsdale, 3670; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) Doreen Daphney Ngcobo (5706021036089); (5) 21; (Hammarsdale, DURBAN). (6) FRANCOIS MEDALIE & COMPANY; 2nd Floor, Wearcheck House, 16 School Road, Pinetown; Email: sdawray@fmilegal.; Tel: (031)702-4315. 003512/2018—(2) ELLIOTT, WENDY MAY (4904100103083) (N/A); 4 CATHKIN PLACE, CHASEVALLEY, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) N/A; (N/A, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) AUSTEN SMITH ATTORNEYS; 191 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333920500. PMB/003259/2018—(2) Ramparsadh, Khemath (6608015281086); 182 Springvale Road, Bombay Heights, Northdale, Pietermaritzburg 3201; (3) First and final; (4) Kamsalla Ramparsadh (6710050175080); (5) (Pietermaritzburg, Pietermaritzburg). (6) DM Govender Attorneys; P O Box 5528, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)3077911. 2646/2014/DBN—(2) MSEZANE, MUSAWENKOSI (4906085225088); OBUKA RESERVE, EMPANGENI, KWAZULU- NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21; (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) V.B. MTHEMBU ATTORNEYS; 2ND FLOOR, CITY FINANCE HOUSE, 04 UNION STREET, EMPANGENI, KWAZULU-NATAL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357723735. 8283/2012 DBN—(2) KRANTZ, MICHAEL (5603255154086); 165 JOHN DORY DRIVE, NEWLANDS, 4037; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) GERALDINE KRANTZ (6503090047082); (5) (NEWLANDS, DURBAN). (6) SDG ATTORNEYS AND CONVEYANCERS INCORPORATED; SHOP 1, 7-ON-MILLENNIUM, 5-7 MILLENNIUM BOULEVARD, UMHLANGA RIDGE, 4319; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315662656. 004325/2016/PMB—(2) SCHMIDT, JOHAN (4905035094081); 528 Bulwer Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) Stowell & Co Inc; 295 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0338450554. 6674/2018—(2) ANDREWS, WALTER (5412075183089); 21 BAXTER STREET, PIONEER PARK, NEWCASTLE; (3) First And Final; (4) HESTER MAGDALENA ANDREWS (5811060014086); (5) (NEWCASTLE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) DBM ATTORNEYS Ref: EST/ODETTE/H07723; PO BOX 117, NEWCASTLE 2940; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0343281303. 1916/2016/DBN—(2) Sonnabend, Theresa Micaela (2907040086187); 412 Windermere Centre, 163 Lilian Ngoyi Road, Durban; (3) Amended Second And Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Daloshnie Govender; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741796. 6347/2018DBN—(2) MOODLEY, SOOBRAMONEY (4503155470080) (N/A); 27 STARLING ROAD, UMKOMAAS; (3) First and Final; (4) JAGATHAMBAL MOODLEY; (5) 21 DAYS; (SCOTTBURGH, DURBAN). (6) SHARM MOODLEY & ASSOCIATES; 14 CRETE STREET , STARWOOD , PHOENIX; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 5003445. 1916/2016/DBN—(2) Sonnabend, Theresa Micaela (2907040086187); 412 Windermere Centre, 163 Lilian Ngoyi Road, Durban; (3) Amended First; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Daloshnie Govender; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741796. 15012/2018/DBN—(2) NICHOLLS, FREDERICK PERCY (2611215026180); Flat 336 Bauhunia Gardens, Margate Retirement Village, Margate, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) John Mowat, Mowat & Partners; P O Box 25, Margate, 4275; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0393121403. 003483/2017—(2) Nieuwenhout, Aaltje (3012290024084); Essenwood Residential Home, 246 Stephen Dlamini Road, Durban; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: DG; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313741000. 1886/2018/PMB—(2) MOODLEY, YUGANATHAN SIVANATHAN (6203275849085); 199 OLYMPIA WAY, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG,KZN; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) SIVA CHETTY AND COMPANY; 378 LONGMARKET STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, KZN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-3429636. 9539/2017/PMB—(2) Wendy, Longhurst (5812160058080); 13 Salmon Road, Uvongo, Kwazulu-Natal; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Hylton John McGarr; McGarr & Co. 41 Boyes Lane, Margate, 4275; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 039 312 2662. 10024/2018/DBN—(2) GOVENDER, PUSHPHARANI (6007080024085); 37 LESFIELD ROAD, EARLSFIELD, NEWLANDS WEST, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) ARJUNAN GOVENDER (5610295123088); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) MAHES ATTORNEYS; 77 BLACKBURN ROAD, PARKHILL, DURBAN NORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315645154.

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922/2014/PMB—(2) MOLEFE, DERRICK SIBUSISO (4905175586086); 63 PINE STREET NORTH, EDENDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) RACHEL ZAKITHI MOLEFE (5306250874084); (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) Hay & Scott; P O BOX 12000, DORPSPRUIT 3206; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333424800. 837/2017 DBN—(2) JOHN, JENSON (7609125124082); 247 ROAD 701, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH, 4092; (3) First and final; (4) RHANTA JOHN (8006100140085); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) HENWOOD BRITTER AND CANEY; 5TH FLOOR, 6 DURBAN CLUB PLACE, OFF SMITH STREET, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313043621. 14155-2018DBN—(2) CELE, DUMISANI LAWRENCE (6208115560081); ERF 5363 RICHARDSBAY, 3900,KZN; (3) First and Final; (4) SIMANGELE PATIENCE CELE (6606200459087); (5) (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) BUTHELEZI ZUNGU INC.; P O BOX 2213 RICHARDS BAY, 3900; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357892372. 5386/2017/DBN—(2) BRAYLEY, DAVID LLOYD (4604095008087); 2 PUMULA WOODS, UMZUMBE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Umzumbe, Durban). (6) Goodrickes Attorneys; P.O. Box 5244, Durban, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)301-6211. 014311/2018—(2) MOONSAMY, SEENEVASSAN (6108035215081); 17 TWEED PLACE PHOENIX DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) RAJINI MOONSAMY; (5) (Durban). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; PO BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: milcah. [email protected]; Tel: 0313000122. 3287/2017 DBN—(2) HEERALAL, PREM (6009025015087); 17 SCHOOL LANE, GLEDHOW, 4450; (3) First and final; (4) SHAMDEVI HEERALAL (6310140642080); (5) (KWA DUKUZA, STANGER, DURBAN). (6) HENWOOD BRITTER AND CANEY; 5TH FLOOR, 6 DURBAN CLUB PLACE, OFF SMITH STREET, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]. za; Tel: 0313043621. 006864/2018—(2) COLLOTY, DENIS RAYMOND (3105105017085); Riverside Parkk Home, 450 Bulwer Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company - Howick; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Tel: 0333303360. 11580/2015 DBN—(2) NAIDOO, KUGATHREN (6810315293080); 25 SILVER OAK AVENUE, MOUNT EDGECOMBE; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A; (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) LEON PILLAY & ASSOCIATES; 1ST FLOOR, 28 MERIDIAN DRIVE, UMHLANGA RIDGE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313052493. 7508/2016DBN—(2) RAMBUCHEN, NARESH (6105125174087); 39 ROAD 735, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) M CHETTY & ASSOCIATES; 290 ARENA PARK DRIVE, ARENA PARK, CHATSWORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314047455. 002983/2017—(2) Brits, Peter Johan Andries (4403235129089); 28 Deer Lodge Drive, Dorchester Heights, East London; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Sterkspruit, Mthatha). (6) Loyiso Dayimane; 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045; Email: loyiso. [email protected]; Tel: 0873355280. 3383/2018/DBN—(2) MZOLO, THOKOZANI EMMANUEL (6509245645084); AA 1484 SIGANANDA ROAD, UMLAZI TOWNSHIP, UMLAZI, 4066; (3) First and Final; (4) BRANETT THANDI MZOLO (7201011169080); (5) n/a; (UMLAZI, DURBAN). (6) NV CELE & ASSOCIATES; SUITE 1201-12TH FLOOR, TOWER B - SALISBURY CENTRE, 347 DR PIXLEY KASEME (WEST STREET), DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 081-330-0939. 010551/2018/DBN—(2) Lourens, Erina (4809200092088); 17 Greenwich Crescent, Malvern; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Durban, Durban). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; P O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313000844. 016266/2018—(2) MFEKA, MONGI RICHARD (6304235649084); 13 DAHLIA ROAD PINETOWN; (3) First and final; (4) NOMFELO MONICA MFEKA (6308070807087); (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; PO BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313000122. 000650/2019/DBN—(2) Kruger, Silvia Roselia (4501040066089); 12 Deane Park, 35 Nettleton Road, Sherwood, Durban; (3) First and Final; (4) Dirk Arnoldus Kruger (4506095065084); (5) 21; (Durban, Durban). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; P O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313000844. 002380/2018—(2) Bubb, Gideon Timothy (3402135027089); 379 Umdoni Retirement Village, Pennington; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Scottburgh, Durban). (6) Estates & Testamentary Services; Office Suite 2, 16/18 Frosterley Crescent Office Park, Armstrong Avenue, Umhlanga, 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315629152. 016901/2018/DBN—(2) Kimber, Gwen Yvonne (3707100035085); 123 Tafta Park, 28 Greenwich Avenue, Bellair; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Durban, Durban). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; P O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: prashika. [email protected]; Tel: 0313000844. 017129/2018—(2) PHILLIPS, JACQEULINE BERNICE (3701150003085); UNIT 20, EDEN GARDENS 75 GLADYS, MAZIBUKO ROAD, DURBAN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; PO BOX 2086, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313000122. 11453/2016 DBN—(2) FORTMANN, MARGARET ROSE (3708210026089); 17 PRIOR ROAD, ASHLEY, PINETOWN, 3610; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) Anthony Whatmore & Co; P.O. BOX 20540, DURBAN NORTH 4016; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315637111. 000637/2015—(2) LEATHER, BASIL CHARLES (3410195011083); 11 FERN ROAD, ATHLONE PARK, DURBAN, 4126; (3) SECOND AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) A G JENKINS ATTORNEYS; SUITE 3, 24 HILTON AVENUE, HILTON, 3245; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333862509. 006285/2018—(2) Till, Sharon Beverly (6007310025084); 75 William Campbell Drive, La Lucia; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Estates & Testamentary Services; Office Suite 2, 16/18 Frosterley Crescent Office Park, Armstrong Avenue, Umhlanga, 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315629152.

This gazette is also available free online at 110 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

017587/2018—(2) GOUVERNEUR, ALBERTUS JOHANNES (4910195054081); 7 WOODFORD PLACE PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) First and final; (4) JOHANNA MARIA MAGDALENA GOUVERNEUR (5401190059001); (5) — (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; PO BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313000122. 4146/2018—(2) WYNNE, ROBERT GERALD (4201035015080); 19 SAN TEREZ, SEAWARD ESTATES, BALLITO, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) n/a; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC; 7 TORSVALE CRESCENT, LA LUCIA RIDGE OFFICE ESTATE, UMHLANGA, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5705578. 1925/2018—(2) Shakoor, Ayesha (4309140099087); 118 Balhambra Way, Newholme, Pietermaritzburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pietermaritzburg). (6) Asad Ameen & Company; 368 Jabu Ndlovu Street, Pietermaritzburg; Email: natasha@; Tel: (033)345-1319. 4454/2017DBN—(2) SEGAL, BERNARD (3810185072187); 115 MARION COURT,19 PRINCE STREET ,DURBAN,KZN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DBN). (6) AITKEN LAMBERT ELSWORTH; P O BOX 5214 RYDALL VALE PARK 4019; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0312027601. 0100118/2018—(2) SABASABA, ANTONETTE MAHALI (5211260235088); KHAUNDE LOCATION, MATATIEL, EASTERN CAPE, 4730; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) 29 March 2019 - 20 April 2019; (MATATIEL MAGISTRATES’ COURT, DURBAN). (6) MAPHOBOLOBA GWABINI ATTORNEYS; 37 POWELL ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0318266736. 11453/2016 DBN—(2) FORTMANN, MARGARET ROSE (3708210026089); 17 PRIOR ROAD, ASHLEY, PINETOWN, 3610; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) Anthony Whatmore & Co; P.O. BOX 20540, DURBAN NORTH 4016; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315637111. 009190/2018/DBN—(2) Tudge, Kathleen (3811250023089); 31 Huntley Road, Malvern; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Durban, Durban). (6) SANLAM TRUST LTD; P O BOX 2086 DURBAN 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313000844. 4550/2017—(2) VESELY, DESIREE MARCIENNE (5511030182084); 4B GLENBARRY, 178 COWEY ROAD, ESSENWOOD, DURBAN, 4001; (3) First and final; (4) PAVEL FRANTISEK VESELY (4309175116087); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) GARETH PETERS & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEY; POSTNET SUITE 22, PRIVATE BAG X04, DALBRIDGE, 4014.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-2073588. 3999/2017—(2) LUTCHIMIAH, PERUMAL (6904145061088); 8 HURBANS ROAD, GANDHI’S HILL, TONGAAT, 4400; (3) First and final; (4) WENDY LUTCHIMIAH (7508280065082); (5) (VERULAM, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) BALA NAIDOO AND COMPANY; SUITE 1, ASHANTI CENTRE, 19 ARBEE DRIVE, TONGAAT, 4400; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0329451371. 3238-2018 DBN—(2) CHETTY, LALITHAMANI (6506210198081); NO. 430 ROAD 706, MONTFORD,CHATSWORTH,4092; (3) First and Final; (4) KUMARASEN RALPH CHETTY (6010285171081); (5) (CHATSWORTH, DURBAN). (6) RAMIAH NARAIN AND ASSOCIATES; NO. 45 ROAD 701, MONTFORD, CHATSWORTH; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 031-404-5321. 1300/2019(DBN)—(2) MANNING, ELAINE YVONNE (5210240584086); 96 WATTLE DRIVE, MERLEWOOD, PORT SHEPSTONE, 4240, KWAZULU NATAL.; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (PORT SHEPSTONE, DURBAN). (6) JAYRAJ RAMBHAROS ATTORNEYS; P.O BOX 1207, PORT SHEPSTONE, 4240; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0396827204. 000637/2015—(2) LEATHER, BASIL CHARLES (3410195011083); 11 FERN ROAD, ATHLONE PARK, DURBAN, 4126; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) A G JENKINS ATTORNEYS; SUITE 3, 24 HILTON AVENUE, HILTON, 3245; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333862509. 4092/2018—(2) FRANK, JOSEPH ANTHONY DENNIS (3504025094085); 88 JINNAR ROAD, NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) ANAND PILLAY ATTORNEYS INCORPORATED; 37 HENRIETTA STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG; Email: anandpillay@telkomsa. net; Tel: 0333451452. 28821/2014/DBN—(2) MNGOMEZULU, THEMBANI ELIZABETH (7305140487089); 2685 ESIKHAWINI J1 SECTION, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) SIYABONGA BHEKIZENZO MNGOMEZULU (7803045821089); (5) 21; (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) V.B. MTHEMBU ATTORNEYS; 2ND FLOOR, CITY FINANCE HOUSE , 04 UNION STREET, EMPANGENI, KWAZULU-NATAL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357723735. 10024/2018/DBN—(2) GOVENDER, PISHPHARANI (6007080024085); 37 LESFIELD ROAD, EARLSFIELD, NEWLANDS WEST, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) ARJUNAN GOVENDER (5610295123088); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) MAHES ATTORNEYS; 77 BLACKBURN ROAD, PARKHILL, DURBAN NORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315645154. 6466/2018—(2) LITTLE, DOROTHY JANE (2504070037089); ESSENWOOD RESIDENTIAL HOME, 246 ESSENWOOD ROAD, DURBAN, 4001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) GARETH PETERS & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEY; POSTNET SUITE 22, PRIVATE BAG X04, DALBRIDGE, 4014.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-2073588. 001307/2017—(2) CLOTHIER, LYNETTE BELLE (3608170024084); 31 PALMER STRACHAN HOUSE, DOONE VILLAGE, PINETOWN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) A G JENKINS ATTORNEYS; SUITE 3, 24 HILTON AVENUE, HILTON, 3245; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333862509.

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5323/2018—(2) RYAN, DANIELINA JACOBA (1809150033085); UNIT 19, CARITAS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, BELA BELA, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (BELA BELA, POLOKWANE). (6) JG ELOFF; C/O BJ ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, PO BOX 736, BENDOR PARK, 0713; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-291-5274. 6479/2018—(2) KOEKEMOER, ANNA MARIA (3011100013089); HUIS BEJAARDES NABOOMSPRUIT 0560; (3) First and Final; (4) N.A; (5) 21 DAE; (MOOKGOPHONG, POLOKWANE). (6) JB CORNELIUS; POSBUS 1807, NABOOMSPRUIT 0560; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0823344084. 6147/2013—(2) Ramaphakela, Mosima Jemina (4909010599080); Rheiland Farm Bochum; (3) First and Final; (4) Pheeha Wilfred Ramaphekela (4802085625080); (5) (Senwabarwana, Polokwane). (6) Elmarie Bierman Attorneys; 10b Church street Polokwane 0699; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 2913410. 5862/2016—(2) ERASMUS, GERT JOHANNES JURGENS (2803275046089); FLAPLAAN 329, GOLFPARK, NABOOMSPRUT; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAE; (NABOOMSPRUIT, POLOKWANE). (6) THERON WESSELS & VENNOTE ING; 4de STRAAT 6, NABOOMSPRUIT; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 014-7431171. 8650/2016—(2) LAMPRECHT, JOHANNES JURGENS (2704265012083); FARM FANCY 518, ELLISRAS (LEPHALALE), LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (ELLISRAS (LEPHALALE) POLOKWANE). (6) M GLAS; c/o BJ ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, PO BOX 736, BENDOR PARK, 0713; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-291-5274. 8146/2017—(2) SPILLER, RODNEY ERNEST (5004195703183); 65 LIMPOPO STREET, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO PROVINCE, 0699; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) EDITH EVELYN SPILLER (5209180223085); (5) (POLOKWANE, POLOKWANE). (6) EE SPILLER; C/O BJ ESTATE ADMINISTRATORS, PO BOX 736, BENDOR PARK, 0713; Email: LIZA@ BJESTATES.CO.ZA; Tel: 015-291-5274. 6407/2018—(2) Benade, Pieter Stephanus (2708045001084); Kamer 15, Ons Tuis Ouetehuis, Polokwane; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) __ __; (5) (Polokwane, Polokwane). (6) Borman Snyman & Barnard Ingelyf; Thabo Mbeki Rylaan 100 Mokopane 0600; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 015-491-2251. 8164/2017—(2) Fisher, Margaret Elizabeth Ellen (5407160108082); 44A Chardonay Street, Bendor X 35, Polokwane, 0699; (3) First and final; (4) Graham Aiton Fisher (5410295192088); (5) (Polokwane, Polokwane). (6) Borman Snyman & Barnard Inc.; 100 Thabo Mbeki Drive, Mokopane 0600; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-491-2251. 7665/2016—(2) Heyneke, Bartholomeus Roelof Jacobus (5705135048089); 10 Srydom Street, The Reeds Ext 5, Centurion, 0157; (3) First And Final; (4) Johanna Petronella Heyneke (6008050069084); (5) (Polokwane, Polokwane). (6) Polokwane EstatePro Ref: EST00/0074; P O Box 3615, Polokwane 0700; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0152912147. 002256/2018—(2) Strauss, Louisa Magdalena (2209150033087); 147 Bezuidenhout Street,Mokopane; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Mokopane, Polokwane). (6) Siyabonga; FNB Fiduciary, 16 Newton place, Newton park, 6045; Tel: 0873350524. 7723/2017—(2) Friebe, Hildegard (4705010008183); Portion 43 of the Farm Diepkloof 44 JS; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Groblersdal, Polokwane). (6) M Wentzel Ing; Konstabel Straat 1, Groblersdal, 0470; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (013)2624388. 6829/2018—(2) PRETORIUS, DANIEL RUDOLF (6107195110082); PLAAS KAALDRAAI, THABAZIMBI, PROVINSIE LIMPOPO; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (THABAZIMBI, POLOKWANE). (6) KOTZE LOW & SWANEPOEL; DE KOCKSTRAAT 14 , POSBUS 123, VRYBURG; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0539273964. 7614/2018—(2) Powell, Gary (5311155140086); Domucilium 11, Bendor Park, Polokwane; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Polokwane). (6) Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd Ref: M van Jaarsveld; P O Box 17, Pinegowrie 2123; Email: maryna.vanjaarsveld@; Tel: 0861722626. 1080/2018—(2) DU BRUIJN, OCKERT JACOBUS DU BRUIJN (5103175084083); 18 Plein Street, Polokwane; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (POLOKWANE). (6) Niland & Pretorius Inc; 2 Albatross Centre, 21 Market Street, Polokwane; Email: hettie@; Tel: 015 291 1974. 3448/2018—(2) SOLMS, ANTHONY CHARLES (5504185113087); 117 ANDERSON STREET, FLAT NO. 4, LOUIS TRICHARDT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (LOUIS TRICHARDT, POLOKWANE). (6) STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC.; P.O. BOX 242, TZANEEN, 0850; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0153073760. 4716/2017—(2) SEMENYA, MMATLOU NELSON (6406275520081); HOUSE NO: 03 VIRGO STREET, STERPARK POLOKWANE; (3) First and Final; (4) TEMBEKA CYNTHIA SEMENYA (6902060451086); (5) 21; (POLOKWANE, POLOKWANE). (6) PMK TLADI & ASSOCIATES; 20 SCHOEMAN STREET, JUSTICE PALACE, POLOKWANE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-295-2034. 2366/2018—(2) MUNYAI, MOLOIWA PATRICK (6406026026081); 1194 MUTALE 0956; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (THOHOYANDOU, THOHOYANDOU). (6) MAANDA; 103 & 112 OLD MUTUAL BUILDING THOHOYANDOU; Email: info@; Tel: 015-962-0223. 2548/2017—(2) MASHEGO, MATSIDISO MARIA (5006050236084); STAND NO: 1307, LEBOWAKGOMO ZONE A, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (THABAMOOPO/LEBOWAKGOMO MAGISTRATE’S COURT, POLOKWANE). (6) THORISHO MAKGATI ATTORNEYS; 17B BICCARD STREET, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015 291 1717. 2761/2016—(2) Sankaran, Vaithianathaswami (5409265221182); House Number 24, Block Q, Sibasa, 0970; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) Macs Patel Brothers Cc; Shop Number 36, Block F, Eltivillas Complex, Louis Trichardt, 0920; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0155165087.

This gazette is also available free online at 112 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

8622/2018—(2) Schoeman, Frederik Andries (6801245020081); Hermanstrat 32, Ellisras; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Ellisras, Polokwane). (6) Menno Glas; Posbus 1026, Ellisras, 0555; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0149400982. 1359/2017—(2) Maswanganyi, Magezi Wilson (6701016700087); Stand no 11, Saselamani, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province; (3) First and final; (4) Mikateko Dollence Maswanganyi (6810030583088); (5) (Malamulele, Thohoyandou). (6) Wisani Keith Baloyi; 248, Block P-East, Dr Muremela Med centre,Thohoyandou ,0950; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 015-962-5118. 641/2017—(2) Netshifhefhe, Ndivhuwo Daniel (6011185883080); Stand no 219 Vuwani Location, Vhembe District, Limpopo province; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Thohoyandou, Thohoyandou). (6) Tshidzumba Makonde Attorneys; No. 248 Thohoyandou P-East, Muremela Medical Centre, Thohoyandou, 0950; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (015)962-5118. 009153/2015—(2) Mokgobu, Phaswana Eleazar (4808195583085); 19 Woodii Street, Cycad Estate, Bendor, Polokwane; (3) First And Final; (4) Moyagabo Rebecca Mokgobu (5710180727082); (5) (Polokwane). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Liza Wilson; Private Bag X11, Suite no 22, Brandhof 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123660321.


2079/2017—(2) RHEEDERS, JACOB SOLOMON (3404175019083); 9 OLYFBERG, AERORAND, MIDDELBURG; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) MARIA ELIZABETH RHEEDERS (4002190042087); (5) (Middelburg, Nelspruit). (6) Wynand Prinsloo & Van Eeden ing; Posbus 810, Middelburg, 1050; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (013)243-1077. 003647/2018—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, MARTHA MARIA (2905020013080); INTEGU ROAD, SUNRISE VIEW, STONEHIDGE, NELSPRUIT; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) P VAN DER SMIT; POSBUS 413, NYLSTROOM (MODIMOLLE) 0510; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 014 717 2448. 2387/2017—(2) Stiemens, Theodore Frederick (2709115003083); Farm Karino 134, JU, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Sabie, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga). (6) Seymore du Toit & Basson Attorneys; 12 Murray Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (013)752-4459. 004797/2017—(2) GOVENDER, NAGGAMAL (3109150112080); 9 MISPEL STREET, KOSMOS PARK, STANDERTON, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) TOMLINSON MNGUNI JAMES INC; SUITE 201, RIDGE 6, 20 NCONDO PLACE, UMHLANGA ROCKS; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315662207. 19830/2009—(2) NHLABATHI, BHEKITHEMBA JULY (4507195407085); STAND 2750 WESSELTON; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARIA ZONDA NHLABATHI (4903210295086); (5) (ERMELO, PRETORIA). (6) WHEELER SWART EN LEDWABA PROKS; POSBUS 146 ERMELO 2350; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0824451826. 002667/2016—(2) Matlou, Kgotlelelo Mathiba (8503135743081); 507 Machibini Drive, Kwa-Guqa, Extension 2, Witbank; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Witbank, Nelspruit). (6) Legatus Trust; P.O. Box 17, Pinegowrie, 2123; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0102505206. 005195/2018—(2) VAN STADEN, PIETER COENRAAD (4201145054086); RETIEF STRAAT 7, DELMAS, PRETORIA, 2210; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT). (6) LUCY LEGODI; 337 PETROLEUM STREET WALTLOO PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 8409. 22220/2014—(2) Schoeman, Hermanus Christiaan (4712065088086); Standerton Cosmos Ouetehuis; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Standerton, Nelspruit). (6) Savage Jooste & Adams Inc; PO Box 745, Pretoria, 0001; Email: angeliqueh@; Tel: 0124528200. 003368/2018—(2) Ralph, Maria Magrietha (5209090075088); 7 Keurboom street, Pullens Hope, Hendrina; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (Middelburg, Nelspruit). (6) Nel & De Wet Attorneys; The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-809-3057. 003372/2018—(2) Ralph, Ockert Machiel (5702085076087); 7 Keurboom street, Pullens Hope, Hendrina; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (Middelburg, Nelspruit). (6) Nel & De Wet Attorneys; The Willows Office Park, Unit I 1, C-O Simon Vermooten & Lynnwood Rds, The Willows; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012-809-3057. 4389/2018—(2) CAETANO, ANNA MARIA MAGDALENA (3102200002088); 5 MPUMALANGA VILLAGE, NELSPRUIT, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) EXECUTRUST FIDUCIARY SERVICES; 10 GERRIT MARITZ STREET, NELSPRUIT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137413148. 4389/2018—(2) CAETANO, ANNA MARIA MAGDALENA (3102200002088); 5 MPUMALANGA VILLAGE, NELSPRUIT, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) EXECUTRUST FIDUCIARY SERVICES; 10 GERRIT MARITZ STREET, NELSPRUIT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137413148. 000811/2016—(2) Mokoena, Thoko Esther (6809250536081); 15 Dyer Street, Balfour, Mpumalanga; (3) First and final; (4) Peter Mokhachane Mokoena (6606035779089); (5) (Balfour, Nelspruit). (6) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys; 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123481088. 4570/2018—(2) MAHOMEDALI, ABOOBACAR (10AA19003); 37 ACACIA STREET, NELSPRUIT, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (NELSPRUIT, NELSPRUIT). (6) EXECUTRUST FIDUCIARY SERVICES; 10 GERRIT MARITZ STREET, NELSPRUIT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137413148. 020587/2018—(2) VAN WYK, ADRIAAN FRANCOIS (4402165025085); FARM KOFFIESPRUIT DELMAS; (3) First and Final; (4) ELIZABETH LEONORA VAN WYK (5511060041084); (5) (DELMAS, MASTER OF THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT(48)). (6) GIDEON JOHANNES STANDER; 37 3RD STREET, DELMAS, 2210; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0136652311.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 113

005755/2016—(2) Jansen, Stephanus Johannes Schoeman (4702115065085); Plaas Blystaanboschspruit, Nelspruit; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Nelspruit, Pretoria). (6) Rynhart Kruger Prokureurs; 54 Hesketh straat Moreleta Park; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0129974669. 003256/2015—(2) BUX, ISHAQUE (5612305004084); 11 SILLBURY COMPLEX NELSPRUIT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MBOMBELA, MBOMBELA). (6) P J LOURENS ATTORNEYS; 4 Mc ADAM STREET, NELSPRUIT 1200; Email: sarie@; Tel: 0135907350. 002002/2019—(2) RIGAARD, HESTER CHRISTINA (5902240039083); SNUIFPEUL STR 7, ONVERWACHT; (3) First and final; (4) JAN HENDRIK RIGAARD (5504155002088); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) Sanlam trust; Privaat sak x 45 Lynnwood 0040; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124700147. 2795/2018—(2) Prinsloo, Noleen (7508040010089); 10 Goodman Street, Lydenburg, Mpumalanga; (3) First and final; (4) Adolf Cornelius Prinsloo (7011255048084); (5) (Lydenburg, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga). (6) Seymore du Toit & Basson Attorneys; 12 Murray Street, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (013)752-4459. 000667/2019—(2) DU PLESSIS, ANDRIES STEPHANUS (4008165023085); 42 NELSON STREET, SABIE; (3) First and Final; (4) MARTHA JOHANNA DU PLESSIS (4510090070081); (5) (SABIE, Nelspruit). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873358129. 4721/2017—(2) ELPHICK, RICHARD IVOR (5608145008087); THE FARM ALTHORPE, MALELANE, MPUMALANGA; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (NKOMAZI, NELSPRUIT). (6) WDT ATTORNEYS; 26 RUSSEL STREET, NELSPRUIT; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0137522119. 000296/2019—(2) Khoza, John Diboneng (6407125688086); Stand No 46E, John brown, Bushbuckridge; (3) First and Final; (4) Alinah Marokamela Khoza (7008230596088); (5) (Bushbuckridge, Nelspruit). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457. 811/2018—(2) MARX, WILLEM CHRISTOFFEL (4109155014082); 1117 WILLOW STREET AMERSFOORT; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNELIE MARX (6110016001084); (5) (AMERSFOORT, NELSPRUIT). (6) PWG ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 265 ERMELO 2350; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0178113377. 003765/2018—(2) Barnard, Marthinus Christoffel (3801075011088); 5 Eitenal Street Witbank 1042; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Emalahleni, Nelspruit). (6) FNB Fiduciary (pty) ltd; Private bag X5, menlo park, 0102; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877366457.


7853/2012—(2) MADIBA, BABA NAOMI (2403300167081); ERF 1892, REGOROGILE, THABAZIMBI; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MMABATHO). (6) GUY GUMBO ATTORNEYS; 160 LEYDS STREET, RUSTENBURG, 0300; P.O. BOX 2866, RUSTENBURG, 0300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145941844. 005194/2017—(2) DU PLESSIS, DANIEL ELARDUS (4207105059080); 1608 LEKHALE CLOSE, UNIT 6, MMABATHO, 2735; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (MAHIKENG, MAHIKENG). (6) AUDITSA REGISTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS; PO BOX 1897, WAPADRAND, 0050; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0128090060. 2372/2015—(2) PHILLEON, SAMUEL (7904225309083); HOUSE NO. 50270 MADIBANENG SECTION, MANAMAKGOTHENG; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MMABATHO). (6) GUY GUMBO ATTORNEYS; 160 LEYDS STREET, RUSTENBURG, 0300; P.O. BOX 2866, RUSTENBURG, 0300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145941844. 699/2018—(2) MALEKE, TEBOHO JAMES (8106065238088); RIVERSIDE AVE 6; BAILLIE PARK; POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) First and final; (4) MOTLALEPULE EUNICE MALEKE (8105110733085); (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MAFIKENG). (6) MEYER VAN DER WALT ATTORNEYS; 66 RETIEF STREET; POTCHEFSTROOM; 2531; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0182932901. 5297/2017—(2) QUANSAH, EBEN (3502245177086); 5536 IMPERIAL RESERVE, MAFIKENG, 2745; (3) First and Final; (4) MONTSENG ANACLETTA QUANSAH (5310240208189); (5) 21; (MMABATHO, MAFIKENG). (6) STEENKAMP INCORPORATED; 20 COOKE STREET, MAFIKENG, 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018-3818383. 3363/2005—(2) PATEL, MOHAMED SADIQ (A-7458928); 02 FORSMAN STREET, ZEERUST NORTH WEST; (3) First and Final; (4) HUSENA KHATUN MOHMAD SADIQ PATEL; (5) 21 DAYS; (RUSTENBURG, MAHIKENG). (6) R.A SOOMAR ATTORNEYS; 64 THABO MBEKI DRIVE, RUSTENBURG EAST END; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 014-596-5139. 6268/2018—(2) NDWANDWE, MFANISENI SIGISBERT (2811255175083); Y52 MOLEBATSI STREET, JOUBERTON, KLERKSDORP, NORTH WEST PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) THULELENI DORCAS NDWANDWE (4206280392084); (5) (MAHIKENG, KLERKSDORP). (6) WAKS SILENT INCORPORATED; WS CHAMBERS, 1ST FLOOR, 17 NORTH STREET, KLERKSDORP; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018-462-2551. 8084/2013—(2) LESHORO, GALEBOE PAULUS (5503085543088); 139 SOETDORING PARK, KLERKSDORP, NORTH WEST PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MAHIKENG, KLERKSDORP). (6) WAKS SILENT INCORPORATED; WS CHAMBERS, 1ST FLOOR, 17 NORTH STREET, KLERKSDORP; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018-462-2551. 4629/2018—(2) MOTLHAMME, MOGOLODI WILLIAM (5908086122081); 3938 EUNICE STREET MMABATHO UNIT 12; (3) First and Final; (4) MMAPULA SYLVIA MOTLHAMME (6511210776084); (5) (MAFIKENG). (6) CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS MARITZ; PRIVATE BAG X 2103 MAFIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0183813025.

This gazette is also available free online at 114 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

006257/2018—(2) MOSEKI, MMATSELA RUTH (4008250371084); 10036 PHESEKE SECTION; (3) First and Final; (4) ITUMELENG BALDWIN MOSEKI (4005215380085); (5) (RUSTENBURG, MMABATHO). (6) GUY GUMBO ATTORNEYS; 160 LEYDS STREET, RUSTENBURG, 0300; P.O. BOX 2866, RUSTENBURG, 0300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145941844. 1312/2017—(2) ELLIS, ANNIE (4301150069084); PLAAS BRAKSPRUIT, GEDEELTE 45, DISTRIK HARTBEESFONTEIN; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) JACOBUS ELLIS (4101205023080); (5) (KLERKSDORP, MMABATHO). (6) JOHANNES THEODORUS VAN WYK ( HANNES VAN WYK ING); SUITE 6, PLATAANLAAN 73, FLAMWOOD, KLERKSDORP, 2570; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0184685221. 3330/2016—(2) RAMOKOPELWA, BAFITI EMMANUEL (5710275922085); 3628 ROCKY STREET, DANVILLE, MAFIKENG, 2745; (3) First and Final; (4) OUMA MARTHA RAMOKOPELWA (6001200178087); (5) (MAFIKENG). (6) CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS MARITZ; PRIVATE BAG X 2103, MAFIKENG, 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0183813025. 002774/2017—(2) CHRISTIANS, SEMANGELE AGNES (5705230783085); KLEURPOORT STRAAT 17, PROMOSA, POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) JOHANNES CHRISTIANS (5212135650089); (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MMABATHO). (6) KLYNVELD-GIBBENS INGELYF; DU PLOOYSTRAAT 78, POTCHEFSTROOM; E-pos: admin@kglegal.; Tel: 0182945251. 5702/2018—(2) Janse van Rensburg, Issabelle Fredrieka (4910270014083); Plaas Limeriek, Vredefort, 9595; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) Mattheus Willem Janse van Rensburg (4308175017089); (5) (Vredefort, Mafikeng (Mmabatho)). (6) Sanlam Trust Bpk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 0049472018—(2) MODIBEDI, NTHATHANE MARTHA (7301290685085); 28 WEEVER AVENUE, SAFARI EXT. RUSTENBURG; (3) First and Final; (4) THAPEDI JACOB MODIBEDI (6607095793085); (5) (RUSTENBURG, MMABATHO). (6) GUY GUMBO ATTORNEYS; 160 LEYDS STREET, RUSTENBURG, 0300; P.O. BOX 2866, RUSTENBURG, 0300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145941844. 5452/2018—(2) MASHININI, NICODEMUS; 2004 KGORO SECTION BODIBE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DITSOBOTLA, MAFIKENG). (6) CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS MARITZ; PRIVATE BAG X 2103 MAFIKENG 2745; Email: estates@chrismaritz.; Tel: 0183813025. 005993/2018—(2) Van der Walt, Martha Catharina (3002220009081); Najaarsrus nr. 3, COLIGNY 2725; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (COLIGNY, MMABATHO). (6) JONKER EN VENNOTE; PRIVAATSAK X 12038, LICHTENBURG 2740; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 018-632 6061. 004202/2018—(2) Van Wyk, Hendré Daniel (6709275024081); Pretoriusstraat 1A Nr. 4, LICHTENBURG 2740; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (LICHTENBURG, MMABATHO). (6) JONKER EN VENNOTE; PRIVAATSAK X 12038, LICHTENBURG 2740; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 018-632 6061. 7551/2018—(2) VORSTER, JACOMINA HENDRINA (3704300011081); GERRIT MARITZ STREET 8, LICHTENBURG , 2740 ,; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (LICHTENBURG, MAFIKENG). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 225 1728. 006726/2018—(2) CRONJE, HERCULAAS JACOBUS (2803205045086); BALLENTINE MEWS 23, FLAMWOOD, , 2571; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (MMABATHO - USE MAFIKENG). (6) KAREN STASSEN; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0113544860. 002655/2017—(2) ERASMUS, ENGELA PETRONELLA JOHANNA (4910310014085); 1 Jenkin A Flats, Gerrit Maritz Street, Potchefstroom North West; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Potchefstroom, Mafikeng). (6) Pieter Schoeman Prokureurs; Po Box 20733, Noordbrug, 2522; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018-294-3273. 5277/2017—(2) Visser, Andre Jacobus (6308105136080); Lautzlaan 101, La Hoff, Klerksdorp; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Anna Magrietha Visser (6711060063084); (5) (Klerksdorp, Mahikeng). (6) Van Staden, Vorster & Nysschen Prokureurs; Buffeldoornweg 51, Wilkoppies, Klerksdorp; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0184681300. 7111/2017—(2) MOTHUSI, MMAISAKA HARRIET (3710060291086); 4046 PHOLA VILLAGE MMABATHO; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) (MAHIKENG, MAHIKENG). (6) RAMERAFE STEPHEN TAU; 23 VICTORIA STREET GOLFVIEW MAHIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018-381-8691. 12718/2013—(2) PHIRI, MAOSHADI CATHERINE (7109211012085); HOUSE NO. 6758 SALIX CLOSE UNIT 15 MMABATHO 2745; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MAHIKENG, MAHIKENG). (6) RAMERAFE STEPHEN TAU; 23 VICTORIA STREETGOLFVIEW MAHIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018-381-8691. 006547/2017—(2) LEBITSA, SELATADICHABA JOHANNES (5306085649081); 946 LEPHOLLETSE STREET, IPELEGENG; (3) First and final; (4) TSHOLOFELO CLARICE LEBITSA (6212150724081); (5) (MAHIKENG, MAHIKENG). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET, CENTURION, 0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 020363/2018—(2) JANSE VAN RENSBURG, JACOBUS CHRISTIAAN (6509105037083); OORBIETJIESFONTEIN 40 LINDEQUESDRIF; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MARSHALLTOWN). (6) Momentum Trust Ltd; IPC 90A, 268 West Ave, Centurion, Pretoria, 0157; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0126718507. 007420/2018—(2) TLHALE, MOTLAGOMANG BRUNHILDA (5511070811089); STAND 8938 IKAGENG EXT 4; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MAHIKENG, MAHIKENG). (6) CHICCO MTSHALI; C/O HENDRIK VERWOERD AND SOUTH STREET,CENTURION,0046; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 663 1680. 12718/2013—(2) PHIRI, MAOSHADI CATHERINE (7109211012085); HOUSE NO. 6758 SALIX CLOSE UNIT 15 MMABATHO 2745; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MAHIKENG, MAHIKENG). (6) RAMERAFE STEPHEN TAU; 23 VICTORIA STREETGOLFVIEW MAHIKENG 2745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 018-381-8691.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 115


1048/2018—(2) MANUEL, CORNELIA EDNA (4606300150083); 30 KAREE STREET, FLOORS, KIMBERLEY; (3) First and Final; (4) MANUEL WILFRED DENNIS EASTON (4404095138087); (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) ENGELSMAN MAGABANE INC.; 80 DU TOITSPAN ROAD, KIMBERLEY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0538328134. 1616/2018—(2) MARAIS, DANIEL FREDERICK (8812145095089); MAKANENGSTRAAT 5, KATHU; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KATHU, KIMBERLEY). (6) HERMAN VAN HEERDEN INGELYF; POSBUS 402, DOUGLAS, 8730; E-pos: hbvh@; Tel: 0532981828. 000174/2017—(2) Vollgraaff, Petrus Jacobus Vollgraaff (4906255020087); Plaas Swartkop, Noenieput; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Upington, Kimberley). (6) Nel & Vennote; Posbus 1331, Upington, 8800; E-pos: hester@nelenvennote.; Tel: 054-3378100. 2827/2018—(2) MARAIS, GERT JOHANNES (4111255019086); PERSEEL 189 GROOTDRINK; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) 21 dae; (GROBLERSHOOP, KIMBERLEY). (6) MALAN & VENNOTE; SCHRODERSTRAAT 25 UPINGTON . 8801; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 054-3321127. 1587/2017—(2) TLHOPILE, KGOTSIETSILE SIMON (6610155768088); ERF 1911 UNIT 2, MOTHIBISTAT, KURUMAN, 8460; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MMEME LENAH TLHOPILE (6606251053086); (5) (Kathu, Kimberley). (6) Oosthuizen Sweetnam & Reitz; Posbus 497, Kathu, 8446; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 053-7233271. 3894/2018—(2) GROBBELAAR, WILLEM JACOBUS (4912065024087); 30 PEAKMANSTRAAT, BEACONSVELD, KIMBERLEY, 8301; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (KIMBERLEY, KIMBERLEY). (6) JOEY DU PLESSIS; ABSA PROVINCIAL BLD, CNR NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010637. 3366/2018—(2) Dumas, Alexander Woolf (3511195109080); 30 Torrenberg Street, Colesberg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Colesberg, Kimberley). (6) Old Mutual Trust; P.O. Box 12124, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0102344875. 3392/2016—(2) BARKHUIZEN, JOHANNES NICOLAAS WILLEM (2802275033089); HODGETT STRAAT 4, POSTMASBURG, 8420; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Kathu, Kimberley). (6) Oosthuizen Sweetnam & Reitz; Posbus 497, Kathu, 8446; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 053-7233271. 185/2018—(2) VENTER, PETRUS JOHANNES (5007205139082); TAAIBOSSTRAAT 58, KATHU; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Kathu, Kimberley). (6) Oosthuizen Sweetnam & Reitz; Posbus 497, Kathu, 8446; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 053-7233271. 001610/2017—(2) Van Zyl, Willem Abraham (3401185005086); 13 Karee Street, Barkly-West, 8375; (3) First and final; (4) Heila Johanna Van Zyl (3707120008088); (5) (Barkly-West, Kimberley). (6) J A Van Niekerk Attorneys; 7 Campbell Street, Barkly-West, 8375; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 053-5310678. 004119/2018—(2) Smit, Adriaan Pieter (6706215102084); Plot 887, Marchand, 8873; (3) First and Final; (4) Johanna Maria Smit (6808080021082); (5) (Kakamas, Kimberley). (6) Anja Struwig - FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 12619, Brandhof, 9324; Email: [email protected]; Tel: +27873350976. 510/2014—(2) BOTHA, ELIZABETH ANNA JACOMINA (1905170030083); AANDBLOM TUISTE STRYDENBURG; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (HOPETOWN, KIMBERLEY). (6) DJ TERBLANCHE; TERBLANCHE ATTORNEY PO BOX 14 PETRUSBURG 9932; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0813022439. 001610/2017—(2) Van Zyl, Willem Abraham (3401185005086); 13 Karee Street, Barkly-West, 8375; (3) First and final; (4) Heila Johanna Van Zyl (3707120008088); (5) (Barkly-West, Kimberley). (6) J A Van Niekerk Attorneys; 7 Campbell Street, Barkly-West, 8375; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 053-5310678. 2963/2018—(2) BRITS, BAREND JACOBUS (6110055043088); JEREMYSTRAAT 7, HADISON PARK, KIMBERLEY; (3) First and Final; (4) MAGARETHA SUSSANNA BRITS BRITS (6108110022089); (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) ENGELSMAN MAGABANE INC.; DU TOITSPANWEG 80, KIMBERLEY; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0538328134. 210/2018—(2) LEKONE, CLARA (6306290230080); 14 GARRICK STREET, HOMELITE, KIMBERLEY; (3) First and Final; (4) SIPHO PAULUS LEKONE (6211045733083); (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) ENGELSMAN MAGABANE INC.; 80 DU TOITSPAN ROAD, KIMBERLEY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0538328134. 210/2018—(2) LEKONE, CLARA (6306290230080); 14 GARRICK STREET, HOMELITE, KIMBERLEY; (3) First and Final; (4) SIPHO PAULUS LEKONE (6211045733083); (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) ENGELSMAN MAGABANE INC.; 80 DU TOITSPAN ROAD, KIMBERLEY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0538328134. 001891/2018—(2) PORTWIG, MICHAEL JAMES HAYES (4708135006082); 15 TUIN STREET DSANIELSKUIL, NORTHERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (KIMBERLEY, KIMBERLEY). (6) HOUGH & BREMNER ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 642 NELSPRUIT 1200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 -752 3177. 001629/2018—(2) HENDRIKS, ADRIAAN JACOBUS (6906075297087); 21 STEWARD STREET, KIMBERLY, NORTHERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (KIMBERLEY, KIMBERLEY). (6) HOUGH & BREMNER ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 642 NELSPRUIT 1200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013 -752 3177. 556/99—(2) JOUBERT, STEPHANUS JOHANNES PAUL KRUGER (3410105030082); DIE PLAAS PIETA, P/K KAMEEL 8603; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) MARTHA MAGDALENA MARIA JOUBERT (3408210017085); (5) (VRYBURG, KIMBERLEY). (6) Schutte Prokureurs; Posbus 137, Hopetown 8750; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0532030264.

This gazette is also available free online at 116 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

000479/2019—(2) LIEBENBERG, PETRUS JOHANNES (4612035069085); 53 RONDOM STREET, UPINGTON, 8801; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (NORTHEN CAPE, KIMBERLEY). (6) UNARINE MUTHAMBI; 163A NELSON MANDELA DRIVE, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051 407 8012. 1129/2007—(2) KRUGER, JOHANNES HENDRIK (3102015012082); ADAMSTRAAT 2, KIMBERLEY; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNA SUSANNA ELSIE PIETRONELLA KRUGER (4802060026080); (5) (KIMBERLEY). (6) HENDRIK VENTER; KANTOOR 69, SUITE 1, EERSTE VLOER, NORTH CAPE MALL, JACOBUS SMITSTRAAT 31, KIMBERLEY,. 8301; E-pos: h [email protected]; Tel: 0538384700. 2781/2017—(2) SCHOLTZ, KONRAD (6002065042087); 23 HOOFSTREET, KEIMOES, 8860; (3) AMENDED; (4) —; (5) (KEIMOES, KIMBERLEY). (6) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, P.O. BOX 2413, BLOEMFONTEIN; 1ST NELSON MANDELA & DONALD MURRAY AVE, BRANDWAG, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-4010643. 002559/2018—(2) SWANEPOEL, JACOBUS CHRISTOFFEL (4304215081086); 64 INNES STREET, DE BEERS, KIMBERLEY; (3) First and Final; (4) ELIZABETH MAGRIETHA SWANEPOEL (5603250054083); (5) (Kimberley, Northern Cape). (6) A.M. KAZIE ACCOUNTANTS; P.O.BOX 1684, KIMBERLEY, 8300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0538312870.


11156/2018—(2) Daniels, Abraham (3310185067089); Suikerbekkiestraat 17, Mosselbaai; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) 21 dae; (Mosselbaai, Kaapstad). (6) DEKKER PROKUREURS; KLEINE LIBERTAS, KERKSTRAAT 33, MOSSELBAAI; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044-690 5653. 3863/2017—(2) Van Zyl, Elsie Wilhelmina (5002070124087); Wilhelm Thyslaan 2 A, Montagu; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Petrus Jakobus Van Zyl (4911195614080); (5) (Montagu, Kaapstad). (6) Van Zyl & Hofmeyr; Posbus 8, Montagu; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0236141100. 019882/2018—(2) Vercuiel, Nickolaas Johannes (4012105065081); Quarterdeck 12, Langebaan; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Hopefield, Kaapstad). (6) Heyns En Vennote Ingelyf; Vasco Boulevard 168; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0215907200. 3865/2017—(2) Van Zyl, Petrus Jakobus (4911195614080); Wilhelm Thyslaan 2 A, Montagu; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Montagu, Kaapstad). (6) Van Zyl & Hofmeyr; Posbus 8, Montagu; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0236141100. 11069/2016—(2) Moolman, Lafras (2502255030085); Helderberg Village 510, Somerset West; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Somerset West, Kaapstad). (6) Mnre Du Plessis & Mostert; Posbus 5, Malmesbury; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0224821101. 000684/2018—(2) EKERMANS, WILHELM ANDRE EKERMANS (5207135103089); 17 VAN RIEBEECKSTREET, BREDASDORP 7280; (3) First and final; (4) NANDA ELIZABETH EKERMANS (5010250101080); (5) (BREDASDORP, CAPE TOWN WESTERN CAPE). (6) BESTERS ATTORNEYS; 37 LONGSTREET, BREDASDORP 7280; Email: besteradmin@; Tel: 0284242386. CA15375/2018—(2) Prins, Johannes Charl Francois (2605245023084); A9 De Rust Aftree-Oord, Queensstraat 2, Durbanbille. 7550; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Aletta Catharina Prins (2802270028084); (5) (Bellville, Kaapstad). (6) MPV Boedeldienste BK.; Posbus 4603, Tygervallei. 7536; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)913-5655. 1987/2017—(2) STEENKAMP, DOUW GERBRAND (6309115007089); 190 MSINSI STRAAT MTUBATUBA; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Mtubatuba, KAAPSTAD). (6) MARINA CLIFT PROKUREUR; PO BOX 1476 SUIDER-PAARL 7624; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218630780. 5122/2018—(2) WILLIAMS, GLORIA JEAN (4302090059086); EDELWEISS G05, MOUNTAINVIEW DRIVE, EVERSDAL, DURBANVILLE, CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) MICHALOWSKY GELDENHUYS & HUMPHRIES; SUITE 1156, 11TH FLOOR, PICBEL PARKADE, 58 STRAND STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8001; Email: michalow@; Tel: 0214180542. 12720/2015—(2) MOORE, MARCIA (5610230198088); Velile Tinto Cape Inc., The Greenford Office Estate, Building XG01 & XG02, Punters Way, Kenilworth, 7708; (3) First and final; (4) DAWOOD MOORE (4902235124081); (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) Velile Tinto Cape Inc.; The Greenford Office Estate, Building XG01 & XG02, Punters Way, Kenilworth, 7708; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-6576300. 000255/2016—(2) VAN DER MERWE, LAUBSCHER (3202055027089); HOOFWEG 39, BONNIEVALE, 6730; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BONNIEVALE, KAAPSTAD). (6) PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC; PO BOX 1, ROBERTSON, 6705; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0236267300. 4557/2018—(2) MOORE, DAWOOD (4902235124081); Velile Tinto Cape Inc., The Greenford Office Estate, Building XG01 & XG02, Punters Way, Kenilworth, 7708; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) Velile Tinto Cape Inc.; The Greenford Office Estate, Building XG01 & XG02, Punters Way, Kenilworth, 7708; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-6576300. 020595/2018—(2) Buckle, Samuel Hendrik Reyneke (2208095012081); Perlemoenlaan 6, Stilbaai; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) Anna Maria Buckle (2603080006082); (5) (Riversdal, Kaapstad). (6) Heyns En Vennote Ingelyf; Vasco Boulevard 168; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0215907200. 015393/2018—(2) BRINK, ALIDA JOSEPHA (2411210055080); BERGHOF 504, HOFSTRAAT 44A, TUINE, KAAPSTAD, 8001; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (KAAPSTAD, KAAPSTAD). (6) ELDIE BRINK; POSBUS 12772, MEULSTRAAT, KAAPSTAD, 8010; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0825759801.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 117

008102/2018—(2) SAMUELS, JAN JACOBUS (4306185118087); 26 LESLIE STREET, LANGEBAAN; (3) First and final; (4) ELIZABETH CATHLINE SAMUELS (5009110151087); (5) (HOPEFIELD, CAPE TOWN). (6) MADELEYN INC; 8 VREDE STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219752587. 13933/2018—(2) OLIVIER, JOHANNES (3602085015089); 40 KOORSBOOMSTRAAT, REEBOK; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MOSSEL BAY, CAPE TOWN). (6) RAUCH GERTENBACH INC; LACHE HOUSE, 120 YORK STREET, GEORGE, 6529; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0446019900. 5767/18—(2) April, Mogamat Rafiq (5301105132085); 22 Blackberry Crescent,Belhar, Cape Town, 7493; (3) First and Final; (4) Ferozah April (5904300136080); (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Y.M.Patel & Company; 17 London Road, Salt River, Cape Town, 7925; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4482839. 677/2019—(2) PIENAAR, DANIEL FREDERICK (3606195025086); ROOIBOKLAAN NR. 84, REEBOK, MOSSELBAAI, 6500; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) MARTHA JACOBA PIENAAR (4107160020086); (5) (MOSSELBAAI, WES-KAAP). (6) Rauch Gertenbach Ing Verw: JANEL KRUGER; Posbus 3, Mosselbaai 6500; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0446912515. 20433/2018—(2) Arendse, Patrick Alexander (7607155079085); Zwartlandhof 23, Malmesbury; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Rene Arendse (8307100176081); (5) (Malmesbury, Kaapstad). (6) Mnre Du Plessis & Mostert; Posbus 5, Malmesbury; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0224821101. 016947/2017—(2) BUSCH, WOLF DIETER (4112075019082); BERGPLAAS, KLAASVOOGDS, ROBERTSON, 6705; (3) First and final; (4) KARIN EDELTRAUD BUSCH (NEÉ MICHELBERGER) (4008020026182); (5) (ROBERTSON, CAPE TOWN). (6) PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC; PO BOX 1, ROBERTSON, 6705; Email: PIETER.VAN.TONDER@PWC. COM; Tel: 0236267300. 11897/2017—(2) Arendse, Christina (3711200113081); 17 Durban way, Portlands, Mitchells Plain, 7785; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Mitchells Plain, Cape Town). (6) Carol Doren & Associates; 33 Joe Marks Boulevard, Retreat; Email: caroldoren@; Tel: 0824274142. 16197/2018—(2) Smith, Jacobus Johannes (3405275057089); Georges Place 4, Georgestraat, Strand; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) NVT NVT; (5) (Strand, Kaapstad). (6) Fourie Basson & Veldtman; Tijgerpark 5, Tygervallei, Bellville, 7530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219292600. 000108/2019—(2) KEOWN, ELIZABETH JOAN (5903150043081); BUREN STRAAT 12, PAROW, , 7500; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (KAAPSTAD). (6) KAREN STASSEN; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0113544860. 013014/2017—(2) SLABBERT, JOHAN GEORGE (2805115009086); KENILWORTH HOUSE, THE GEORGE AND ANNIE STARKE HOMES, FRANS CONRADIE DRIVE, BELLVILLE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) JACQUELENE PIETERSE; 8 LEIPOLDT STREET, PAROW NORTH, 7500; Email: jacquelene.pieterse@; Tel: 0761595866. 14429/2018—(2) HUYSAMEN, JOHN ARNOLDUS YEATES (3502175082082); Japie Burger Straat 18, Vredenburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 dae; (Vredenburg, Kaapstad). (6) Swemmer & Levin; Hoofweg 83, Saldanha, 7395; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0227142244. 020412/2018—(2) Damons, Shane Conrad (6910045016080); 39 Hofmeyr Street, Welgemoed, 7530; (3) First and Final; (4) Ingrid Hazel Damons (7004050273080); (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Sanlam Trust Ltd; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 12388/2018—(2) KASCHUB, GRETE BRIGITTE TRAUTCHEN (3309250163187); UNIT 6053, 13 GLEN ABBEY, ERINVALE GOLF ESTATE, SOMERSET WEST; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) LYNDI LABUSCHAGNE; 13 DRAMA STREET, SOMERSET WEST; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-850-9700. 012626/2018—(2) SCHOEMAN, GWENDOLINE SIEGFRIED (2708020039083); 77 TOWNSEND STREET, GOODWOOD, , 7460; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) KAREN STASSEN; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113544860. 554/2005—(2) Poedel, Orpah Petronella (3406020081085); Snellstraat 13 Scottsville Kraaifontein; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) Mostert & Vennote; 9de Laan 192 Kraaifontein; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219883702. 003777/2018—(2) GALLIE, ABDUL LATIEF (5003015064081); 23 MOZART STREET, BELHAR, 7493; (3) First and final; (4) ZAINAB GALLIE (4601040009087); (5) (BELVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) DELGADO VELOSA KENWORTHY & ASSOCIATES; UNIT A MAYFAIR, CORNER OASIS LANE & CENTURY WAY, CENTURY CITY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216715384. 15680/2017—(2) Goliath, Edward Andrew (5010275684086); Harmony Woonstel Nr 15, Malmesbury; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Rhoda Johanna Goliath (4910270624089); (5) (Malmesbury, Kaapstad). (6) Mnre Du Plessis & Mostert; Posbus 5, Malmesbury; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0224821101. 10783/2018—(2) SOLOMON, MILDRED (2501270175081); 88 ELEVENTH STREET, KENSINGTON; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) PARKERS INCORPORATED ATTORNEYS AT LAW; 120 COLLEGE ROAD RYLANDS ESTATE, ATHLONE; Email: [email protected] ; [email protected]; Tel: 0216990135. 013941/2017—(2) FOURIE, THERESA (2309140012082); ROOM 62 BLUE MOUNTAIN RETIREMENT VILLAGE GEORGE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) (GEORGE, CAPE TOWN). (6) HEUNIS ATTORNEYS; 1st FLOOR, CATHEDRAL SQUARE, 62 CATHEDRAL STREET, GEORGE 6529; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044-874-4170. 010984/2017—(2) GARDINER, JOHN MICHAEL BURNETT (2911135012082); 27 ROSEBERRY ROAD, MOWBRAY; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) KAMINER KRIGER HODDINOTT ATTORNEYS; P.O.BOX 3330, CAPE TOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4253070.

This gazette is also available free online at 118 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

018714/2017—(2) MARTHEZE, DAVID ANDRE (3902225015084); 7 HUMAN STREET, ONRUSRIVIER, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (HERMANUS, CAPE TOWN). (6) CHRISTINE KENNEDY; C/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 135, Cape Town; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0873356469. 14255/2017—(2) PIETERSEN, GEORGE (5211035713088); Velile Tinto Cape Inc., The Greenford Office Estate, Building XG01 & XG02, Punters Way, Kenilworth, 7708; (3) First and Final; (4) KATRINA SOPHIA PIETERSEN (5104180016086); (5) 21 DAYS; (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) Velile Tinto Cape Inc.; 55 John X Merriman Street Bellville 7530; Email: monique@; Tel: 021-9493195. CA8255/2017—(2) Netta, Rosalene (2911190023081); Traleestraat 15, Heathfield, Wes-Kaap; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Kaapstad). (6) Steyn & Van Rhyn Ingelyf; Voortrekkerstraat 45, Goodwood; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)591-3241. 010292/2018—(2) PHELPS, EDWARD VALENTINE (5410145113086); 5 LA PROVENCE, GIE ROAD, PARKLANDS 7441; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN). (6) ADV. JACQUES ANTONIO NELSON; UNIT A, ESTUARY SUITES, OXBOW CRESCENT, CENTURY CITY 7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0215527136. 1513/2017—(2) Mahlasela, Luyanda Ambrose (5310015434085); 69 Buza Street, Harare, Khayelitsha, 7784; (3) First And Final; (4) Thembisa Venus Mahlasela (6008110762082); (5) (Khayalitsha, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: LH; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012484. 18721/2018—(2) Isaacs, Dawid Johannes (4501115118088); Woltemadestraat 8, Vredendal-Noord, 8161; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Maria Magdalena Isaacs (4707120105081); (5) (Vredendal, Kaapstad). (6) Swanepoel & Swanepoel Ingelyf; Dorpstraat 3, Vredendal, 8160; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 027-2131011. 18728/2018—(2) VAN WYK, ELIZABETH JOHANNA HOPLEY (2810190030080); HARTENRUS AFTREE-OORD, HARTENBOS 6520; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (MOSSELBAAI, KAAPSTAD). (6) S A HOFMEYR & SEUN; ROBERTSONSTRAAT 6, POSBUS 16, RIVERSDAL 6670; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0287132424. 1016/2005—(2) SUSSMAN, EUNICE HENRIETTA (3506140038087); DAVENPORT ROAD VREDEHOEK; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT). (6) DURRHEIM LETLEY INCORPORATED; PO BOX 1724 NOORDHEUWEL 1756; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0105918165. 021125/2018—(2) CORREMS, NEELS (5611105109085); JUPITER STRAAT 65, SAREPTA, , 7580; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) CHARLEEN JESSMAINE CORREMS (5611105109085); (5) (KUILSRIVIER, KAAPSTAD). (6) KAREN STASSEN; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0113544860. 003132/2018—(2) LOUBSER, ELSA DORETHEA (4911130074085); 66 DES PRESSTREET, DE ZOETE INVAL, PAARL 7646; (3) First and Final; (4) NICOLAAS KENNETH LOUBSER (4604245097089); (5) (MAGISTRATES’C OURT FOR THE DISTRIC OF PAARL, CAPE TOWN). (6) CAPE TIMES; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-488-4911. 14608/2018—(2) Van der Linde, Martha Jacoba (5503010120085); Ou Hoofstraat 22, Onrustrivier; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Hermanus, Kaapstad). (6) Marais Muller Hendricks; Posbus 36, Kuilsrivier; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219005300. 013781/2017—(2) Booysen, Esbe Bernice (6007200098084); 5de Laan 162, Kraaifontein; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Avril Patrick Booysen (6011075104084); (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) VisagieVos; Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7459; E-pos: stefan@; Tel: (021)591-9221. 003042/2018—(2) van der Westhuizen, Robert Johan (3104265060084); Fitzroy Straat 135, Goodwood; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Kaapstad). (6) VisagieVos; Posbus 90, Goodwood, 7459; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)591-9221. 17202/2018—(2) CLOETE, JOHANNES JACOBUS (4305015032088); GEDEELTE 67, PLAAS MODDERRIVIER DISTRIK GEORGE; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GEORGE, KAAPSTAD). (6) WRE BURGER; POSBUS 9602, GEORGE, 6530; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0448736333. 013706/2018—(2) POGGENPOEL, MERCIA PETRONELLA (4410240083086); -; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) HEROLD GIE ATTORNEYS; WEMBLEY 3, 80 MCKENZIE STREET; Email: gvzyl@heroldgie.; Tel: -. 008727/2018—(2) NICOLLE, EVELYN JOAN (2502070010080); FLEUR DE LIS, 27 DIRKIE UYS STREET, FRANSCHHOEK; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) —; (5) (PAARL, CAPE TOWN). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys Ref: W25383; P O Box 18027, Wynberg 7824; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217978191. 673/2008—(2) DE WEE, JOHANNA (4410030018086); 2 DAHLIA STREET, SAREPTA, KUILS RIVER; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (KUILS RIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) SHALENE SCHREUDER ATTORNEYS; 7 PARK ROAD, c/o KOEBERG & PARK, DURBANVILLE, CAPE TOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-976-0585. 18036/2018—(2) Jakuja, Malubandile Gideon (5406015806080); 49 Moondust Street Ikwezi Park Khayelitsha; (3) First and final; (4) Nomatamsanqa Sylvia Jakuja (6205250978086); (5) 30 days; (Khayelitsha, Cape Town). (6) Marais Muller Hendricks; 58 Van Riebeeck Road Kuils River; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219005300. 9422/2019—(2) ADAMS, THEODORE RUDOLF (4005115076080); 29 MOSSIE STREET, KUILSRIVER, 7580; (3) First and Final; (4) VERONICA BERNADETTE ADAMS (5711280141083); (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) Kim Armfield & Associates Inc.; 2nd Floor Sunbel Building, Cnr Old Paarl & Voortrekker Road, Bellville, 7535; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219491758. 9545/2017—(2) DU TOIT, ALETTA SUSANNA (2505170019083); HEIDEHOF TEHUIS VIR BEJAARDES, HOOPSTRAAT, CALEDON; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (CALEDON, KAAPSTAD). (6) BOSMAN SMIT PRETORIUS ING; KERKSTRAAT 1, CALEDON; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0282121108.

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005336/2016—(2) KRIEL, JACOB GABRIëL (2606255007082); DERDEHEUWEL, MONTAGU 6720; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (MONTAGU, CAPE TOWN). (6) ANTHONISSEN FINANSIELE DIENSTE; P O BOX 2340, SOMERSET WEST 7129; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218513808. 001530/2019—(2) Loubser, Alberta Jacoba (4510220062081); De Plattekloof Leefstyl Landgoed nr 231, Olienhoutlaan 55, Plattekloof, 7500 en La Domaine 9, LucasMeyerstraat, Welgelegen, 7500; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Beperk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 3244/2017—(2) Kiewiets, Jacob (3610055091089); 33 Estelle Crescent, Morgenster, Mitchell’s Plain; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Maria Magdalena Kiewiets (5505160029081); (5) (Mitchell’s Plain Magistrate’s Court, First Avenue, Mitchell’s Plain, Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Van Graan Attorneys; 20 Monte Vista Boulevard, Monte Vista; E-pos: andrisa@vangraan.; Tel: 021-558-0067. 11661/2017—(2) KAMFER, VERNA ISABEL KNOX (4502280016081); METRO POLE PLAZA 9B, KUSWEG, STRAND, 7140; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (STRAND, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) R L PIETERSE; 307/309 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333947156. 2842/2018—(2) Calitz, Willem Andries (5008155062084); 6 Leerdam Street, Vredenburg, 7380; (3) First and final; (4) Maria Susanna Kathrina Calitz (5001270019089); (5) (Vredenburg, Cape Town). (6) Brand & Partners; 42 Saldanha Road, Vredenburg, 7380; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0227151671. 17811/2016—(2) Kenneth, Jeffrey John (6109145239086); Curlew Street 20, Eerste Rivier, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Blue Downs, CAPE TOWN). (6) FNB Fiduciary Pty Ltd; P.O. Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873350814. 018598/2015—(2) Langeveldt, Douglas Andrew (4405075035086); 4 Surrurier Avenue, Monte Vista; (3) First and Final; (4) Elaine Lona Langeveldt (4609120173086); (5) (Goodwood Magistrate’s Court, Voortrekker Road, Goodwood, Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Van Graan Attorneys; 20 Monte Vista Boulevard, Monte Vista; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-558- 0067. CA006024/2018—(2) Marais, Irene Joan (3201030015086); No 216 Farm Uitzigt, Knysna, 6571; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Knysna, Cape Town). (6) Vowles Callaghan & Boshoff Inc; 24 Queen Street, Knysna, 6570; Email: deon@vcblaw.; Tel: (044)3823111. 8581/2018—(2) Anderson, Vernon Edward (3904225141084); 604 Oakleigh, Rondebosch, Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Gavin Kruse & Associates; P O Box 31120, Tokai, 7966; Email: Kruse@mweb.; Tel: 0217020911. 007825/2018—(2) VAN GREUNEN, SOPHIA ELIZABETH FREDERIKA (5506030159082); OEWERPALMS 9, OUDTSHOORN, , 6625; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) ANDRIES JOHANNES JONATHAN VAN GREUNEN (5306135117089); (5) (OUDTSHOORN, CAPE TOWN). (6) MORNAY HUMAN; Moffett Office Park, 2nd Floor, Cnr William Moffet & Overbaakens Rd, Fairview; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 041-3906396. 019956/2018—(2) Groenewald, Petrus Albertus (6105155001085); Reigersdaalstreet 22, Plattekloof Glen, Goodwood, 7460; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) Helna Groenewald (6706280288081); (5) (Goodwood, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: HT/BP; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 8384/2012—(2) Macutwana, Ethelina Nomaza (5303120685089); E1000 Sibini Avenue, Zwelitsha, 7750; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SC; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 021834/2018—(2) Blignaut, Petrus (4409185058087); Green Mountain Villas 16, Sandbaai, Hermanus; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) Emmerencia Blignaut (4407200036088); (5) (HERMANUS, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: HT/BP; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 006214/2018—(2) Swart, Vernus Martin (4508245085087); Quinta slot nr 2, Bracken Hoogte, Brackenfell, 7560; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) Johanna Christina Philipina Swart (4510210094086); (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: HT/BP; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 0010057/2018—(2) DE VILLIERS, MARIA ALETTA (3003080046080); PLUMSTEAD RUSOORD, 1 BIRMINGHAM STREET, PLUMSTEAD, CAPE TOWN; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) D PRINSLOO, N M E NILSSEN & ASSOCIATES; 32 MIMOSA CRESCENT, PLATTEKLOOF, CAPE TOWN; Email: dean@; Tel: 0722000756. 18516/2016—(2) DAMONSE, BRIAN FREDERICK (5801205154087); 73 THIRD STREET, STRAND, 7140; (3) First and Final; (4) JENNIFER CHARMAINE DAMONSE (5311130206085); (5) (STRAND, WESTERN CAPE). (6) SEPTEMBER AND ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS; 11 Southforkclose , Southfork, Strand; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0827475482. 11352/2017—(2) ROODT, PAUL FREDERICK (4610225089087); 21 CENTRAL AVENUE, BELTHORNE ESTATE, CRAWFORD; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) A. KHALFE & ASSOCIATES; P.O. BOX 241, ATHLONE, 7760; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)6864703. CA0037152018—(2) Loftie-Eaton, Hendrik Gabriel (4506105011086); Buitekantstraat 40, Oudtshoorn, 6625; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) (Oudtshoorn, Kaapstad). (6) Saayman & Kie Rekenmeesters (Edms)Bpk; Posbus 1346, Oudtshoorn, 6620; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (044)2728310. 21388/2017—(2) MCGEE, BENNIE WILLIAM (4208235482085); 44 DEFIANT STREET, MITCHELLS PLAIN, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) CHRISTINA MCGEE (3605180132089); (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) JOUBERT GALPIN SEARLE; 173 CAPE ROAD, MILL PARK, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 041 396 9200.

This gazette is also available free online at 120 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

015213/2018—(2) LE ROUX, JACOB JOSUA (5603135135081); 203 LOURENSFORD ROAD, SOMERSET WEST, 7130; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) ILSE LE ROUX (5803060099084); (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) MILLER BOSMAN LE ROUX INC.; PARC DU LINKS, 9 NIBLICK WAY, SOMERSET WEST, 7137; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218408000. 17463/2018—(2) HUMAN, RUSSELL (4510275006082); PALMINO STRAAT 8, MALMESBURY, 7300; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MALMESBURY, KAAPSTAD). (6) Efficient Board of Executors (Edms) Beperk; 3de Vloer Floor, Imperial Terraces, Tyger Waterfront, Posbus 3883, Tyger Valley, 7536; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219140835. 020516/2018—(2) Jansen Van Vuren, Lukas Jacobus (5604055036085); Reidstraat 6, Ceres, 6835; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Ceres, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Beperk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: dannelynne. [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 006586/2018—(2) DE SOUSA, MARY (3801010072088); 21 FLOWER STREET, HERMANUS, 7200.; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A; (5) (Hermanus & Caledon Magistrate’s Court, Cape Town). (6) Coenraad Johannes Bierman; Vorster & Steyn Attorneys, 16 Mitchell Street, Hermanus, 7200.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0283130033. 013175/2018—(2) Smith, Alexander Ferguson (3112155100183); 51 Ranger Road, Fish Hoek; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Simon’s Town, Cape Town). (6) Guthrie Colananni Attorneys; 102 Fish Hoek Centre, Main Road, Fish Hoek; Email: mlamb@; Tel: 0217826012. 15300/2017—(2) Samsodien, Rehan (4811090559085); 1E Bramble Way Bonteheuwel Cape Town; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Cape Town). (6) Mukuddem Ahmed - Kagee Attorneys; PO Box 36058 Glosderry, 7702; Email: ca1@; Tel: (021)671-4838. 021721/2018—(2) Hesse, Joyce Magdelene (4005220061084); Protea Tehuis, Kamer no 6, Alice Straat, Goodwood, 7460; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood, Kaapstad). (6) Susanne Rall-Willemse; Oewerpark 21, Die Boord, Stellenbosch, 7600; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)887-1021. 002928/2018—(2) De Vries, Peter Gerhard (2503115021082); 15 Hercule Street, Paarl; (3) First and Final; (4) Mary Jane De Vries (3102260061081); (5) (Paarl, Master of the High Court, Cape Town). (6) Zelda Bester; c/o Mazars, P O Box 134, Century City, Cape Town 7446; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218185133. 14059/2010—(2) HASKELL, SYDNEY RICHARD (1307145046189); No. 1 Connock Park, Main Road, Fish Hoek 7975; (3) FIRST SUPPLEMENTARY; (4) —; (5) (Simonstown, Cape Town). (6) C&A Friedlander Inc; 42 Keerom Street, 3rd Floor Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 487 7900. 017671/2017—(2) Van Rooy, Rachel Gertruida (3005310049081); Botmaskopweg 6, Idasvallei, Stellenbosch, 7600; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Stellenbosch, Kaapstad). (6) Jeanine Bredenkamp Prokureurs; Anestastraat 33, Paradyskloof, Stellenbosch, 7600; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218801641. 7530/2018—(2) DILJEE, ANNIE FRANCIS (2609240056081); 5 AUDREY ROAD, MANENBERG, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) HENDRICKS INC ATTORNEYS; SUITE 11 220 OTTERY ROAD OTTERY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217626364. 015741/2018—(2) MOSES, JULIA AUDREY (3608030093089); 30 HOEK STREET, GLENHAVEN ESTATE, BELLVILLE, 7530; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, KAAPSTAD). (6) JEAN LE ROUX; 18 ALTONA STRAAT, OAKGLEN, BELLVILLE,7500; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0842021052. 007333/2018—(2) MENTOOR, JOHNIE GRAHAM (6003285075089); 13 AUGUSTA STREET, STONEHILL, RAVENSMEAD, PAROW; (3) First and Final; (4) KAREN ELNA MENTOOR (6908230133082); (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) QUERIDA MENTOOR; GROUND FLOOR, 35 ON ROSE, 35 ROSE STREET, BO KAAP, CAPE TOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214879300. 010597/2016—(2) MARTIN, MOGAMAT FAIEZ (5710265101088); 23 AVERY AVENUE, SILVERHURST, CONSTANTIA, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) STBB ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 23355, CLAREMONT, 7735; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 673-4844. 002628/2018—(2) ENGELBRECHT, OCKERT BAREND (5108245066085); 46 TROON STREET, LANGEBAAN; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (HOPEFIELD, CAPE TOWN). (6) OLD MUTUAL TRUST (PTY) LTD; Nedbank ClockTower, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town, 8000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4166351. 007399/2018—(2) Van Wyk, Kenneth Peter (4611135071082); 31 Olienhout Street, Lynx Avenue, Vermont 7201; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Hermanus, Cape Town). (6) HCB Fick; Vorster & Steyn, 16 Mitchell Street, PO Box 500, Hermanus, 7200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (028)313-0033. 18944/2016—(2) HANNAY-ROBERTSON, LORNA ANN CLEMENCY (3312100055082); RIVERSIDE PLACE, ALNWICK ROAD, DIEP RIVER, CAPE TOWN.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) ROMY TAO STRAUSS; 40 UPPER CLARENS ROAD, FRESNAYE, CAPE TOWN.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 434 8820. 10652/2018—(2) MOORE, BASIL JOHN (3306065632182); Moores End, R310, Helshoogte Pass, Stellenbosch 7600; (3) Amended First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Stellenbosch, CAPE TOWN). (6) Cluver Markotter Inc; P O Box 12, STELLENBOSCH 7599; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218085600. 017517/2018—(2) VERMEULEN, DANIEL (5507065063082); ASMARASTRAAT 27, CHARLESVILLE, , 7490; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) MAUREEN VERMEULEN (5509050219083); (5) (GOODWOOD, KAAPSTAD). (6) NANGAMSO KAVE; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0115018452. 21376/2014—(2) Hütter, Hans Joachim Arthur (112331388); Woodfieldlaan-Oos 14, George; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) N/A; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Veronica Pretorius; Stadcogebou (Suite 5), Yorkstraat, 126, George; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0448730278.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 121

008095/2018—(2) DE KOCK, HENDRIK ALBERTUS (3502215023088); 59 VENUS STREET, OTHELLO RETIREMENT VILLAGE, BRACKENFELL; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) SYBRAND ALBERTUS DE KOCK (3806190026085); (5) (KUILS RIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) LOR DEA TRUST CC; 8 PICARDY STREET, EVERGLEN, 7550; Email: cventer@lordea.; Tel: 0219766902. 018340/2018—(2) BOURQUIN, CORNELIA ELIZABETH (4206140060087); 82 MAIN ROAD SANDBAAI, HERMANUS, , 7200; (3) First and Final; (4) HENDRICUS JACOBUS FRANCISCUS BOURQUIN (3908055021084); (5) (HERMANUS, CAPE TOWN). (6) NANGAMSO KAVE; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0115018452. 12608/2018—(2) JUSTUS, SHIRLEY ELAINE (4409040021080); 41 BELLEVLIET STREET, BOTHASIG, CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) ERNEST PIETER LESLIE JUSTUS (4109175037089); (5) (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) DECEASED ESTATES TRUST; PO BOX 1100, DURBANVILLE 7551; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 082-822-0544. 019806/2016—(2) LEIBOWITZ, DEIRDRE (GBR706364307); 101 CHARTLEIGH HOUSE, BEACH ROAD, SEA POINT; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) BRIAN LUTZNO KRAUS & ASSOCIATES; 24TH FLOOR, ATTERBURY HOUSE, 9 RIEBEECK STREET, CAPE TOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4185566. 017177/2017—(2) THERON, JAN DANIEL (4406215028080); CJ LANGENHOVEN WEG 62,HEATHERLANDS,GEORGE,6529; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (George, Kaapstad). (6) Alexander Heyns; Outeniqua Straat 29,Denne-oord,George,6529; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0448733009. 018163/2017—(2) Botma, Anna Louisa (2911220042085); 502 Horizons, Three Anchor Street, Three Anchor Bay, 8005; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Western Cape). (6) Andre Gerber; 1297 Aletta van As Close, Langebaan; E-pos: andre@fintop.; Tel: 0832831284. 12765/2018—(2) DOMINY, VERONA (4411020029083); 60 FRASER STREET, SEDGEFIELD; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KNYSNA, CAPE TOWN). (6) APPLETON FIDUCIARY SERVICES; POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0800 506070. 20517/2018—(2) Rossouw, Hendrik Johannes Christoffel (4409195070080); 10 Upington Street, Villiersdorp; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Caledon, Cape Town). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 709, 7th floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087-352-2950. 18076/2016—(2) Mc Millan, Dudley Kirk Warren (7311295153088); 9 Kremetart Silveroaks, Kuilsriver, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsrivier, CAPE TOWN). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 709, 7th floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873522950. 010074/2017—(2) Verstraete, Dirk (5811055283183); 7G Rothesay Street Bloubergrise; (3) Third and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Maitland Executors Limited; Maitland House 1, Gloucester Road, Mowbray Cape Town; Email: estates@maitlandgroup,com; Tel: 021-681-8513. 1833/2018—(2) McIntosh, Timothy Brian (4212315025087); 32 Blue Crane Way, Steenberg Estate, Tokai, 7945; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Malcolm Black and Associates; Great Westerford, 240 Main Road, Rondebosch, 7700; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216853811. 018525/2015—(2) Scott, Gillian (4310160131081); 30 Brommaert Avenue Constantia Western Cape; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg Western Cape, Cape Town). (6) Maitland Executors Limited; Maitland House 1, Gloucester Road, Mowbray Cape Town; Email: estates@maitlandgroup,com; Tel: 021-681-8513. 017871/2018—(2) Short, Norma Jean (3303070006189); Villa Du Cap, 2 Urmarah Lane Constantia 7806; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg Western Cape, Cape Town). (6) Maitland Executors Limited; Maitland House 1, Gloucester Road, Mowbray Cape Town; Email: estates@maitlandgroup,com; Tel: 021-681-8513. 17683/2017—(2) CHING-THOMAS, EDWIN AUBREY (3303035052088); 72 PLOVER ROAD GEORGE; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (GEORGE, CAPE TOWN). (6) Personal Trust Ref: JMK; P O BOX 476, RONDEBOSCH 7701; Tel: 0216898975. 15873/2012—(2) DAVIES, DEREK IRVIN (4609205102084); 20 4TH AVENUE, BELGRAVIA ESTATE, ATHLONE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) ST ADENS NATIONAL ESTATES AND TRUSTS; UNIT D4, ANANSI BUSINESS PARK, 25 CHURCH STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0828844386. 10093/2018—(2) WILKINSON, IVY (3704130107083); 26 KOPER CRESCENT, VANGUARD ESTATE, ATHLONE 7764; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, Cape Town). (6) Lloyd Padayachi Attorneys; 11 Pearl Street, Pelican Park; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 012 396 1615. 21530/2018—(2) MOSTERT, CHRISTINA MARIA CATHARINA (3201120027082); ROOSSTRAAT 11, GORDONSBAAI; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (STRAND, KAAPSTAD). (6) MARIUS VORSTER; FHBC FIDUSIêRE DIENSTE, POSBUS 899, WELLINGTON, 7654; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-8645180. 000566/2018—(2) Dowrie, Hendrik (5802085144081); 12 October Street, Bredasdorp, 7280; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bredasdorp, Cape Town). (6) Anesta Kruger; 50 Church Street, Bredasdorp, 7280; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0284251222. 130/2019—(2) Grimmer, Eufemia (3010310034083); The Haven Blue Mountain Retirement Village George; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (George, Cape Town). (6) Mindes; PO Box 4040 Tygervalley 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219189000. 014221/2018—(2) HULL, JINEFER DOROTHY (5105310113081); 43 BEROMA SINGEL, GLENHAVEN LGD, , 7530; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) KAREN STASSEN; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113544860. 21319/2017—(2) Worrall-Clare, Kurt (7201175213088); 13 Claire Crescent,Northcliff, Ext 22; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Trevor Bouwer-Bouwer Cardona Inc; 59-7th Avenue, Parktown North; Email: info@; Tel: 0117590940.

This gazette is also available free online at 122 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

016563/2018—(2) Weideman, Roelof (3706195057087); 2 Tarentaal Street, Genevafontein, George, 6529; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Maria Louisa Adriana Weideman (4203290040084); (5) (George, Cape Town). (6) Sanlam Trust; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-947-2429. 015035/2017—(2) LEIBBRANDT, IZAN-ROBEY (5303105017084); 27 JOHN DANEEL STREET, KLEINMOND, WESTERN CAPE, 7195; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CALEDON, CAPE TOWN). (6) TAYLOR & NAGEL ATTORNEYS; 59 SCOTTSTREET , UPINGTON, 8801; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0543324404. 18976/2018—(2) BOTHA, ADOLF MATTHEUS (4704065060082); SAREL CILLIERSSTRAAT 26, NAPIER; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BREDASDORP, KAAPSTAD). (6) MARIUS VORSTER; FHBC FIDUSIêRE DIENSTE, POSBUS 899, WELLINGTON, 7654; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-8645180. 11018/2017—(2) MAART, ANNIE WILHELMINA (3401090053080); 65 BLOEKOM AVE, IDAS VALLEY, STELLENBOSCH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (STELLENBOSCH, CAPE TOWN). (6) ANDRE BESTER ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 55, PAROW 7499; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219142038. 006419/2018—(2) MARINUS, WILFRED CLIVE (6005305113089); 83 SPRINGBOK STREET, EERSTE RIVER; (3) First and final; (4) MARA ELENA MARINUS (5901210141085); (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) ST ADENS NATIONAL ESTATES AND TRUSTS; UNIT D4, ANANSI BUSINESS PARK, 25 CHURCH STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: emil@; Tel: 0828844386. 016804/2018—(2) Labuschagne, Jacobus Erns (3409215030081); La Viesingel 25, Groenleegte, Paarl; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Paarl, Kaapstad). (6) African Mutual Trust Company (Edms) Bpk; Van der Lingenstraat 25, Posbus 3339, Paarl; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)860-1500. 21042/2017—(2) GRAY, GARY WINSTON (6306035192082); 26 CENTRAL DRIVE, NORTHPINE, 7560; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) DIE BURGER; 4TH FLOOR, BLOEMHOF BUILDING,112 EDWARD STREET, TYGER VALLEY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873531322. 14251/2017—(2) CLAASSENS, JOALYN ANN (6002170149082); 387 5TH AVENUE, LOTUS RIVER, 7941; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG MAGISTRATES COURT, CAPE TOWN). (6) STRAUSS DALY (WESTERN CAPE) INC; PO BOX 23016, CLAREMONT, 7708; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216747411. 14966/2018—(2) ROSE-INNES, MARLIEN SOPHIA (3807070088088); Huis Bergsig, 22 Voortrekker Street, Riebeek West.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MALMESBURY, CAPE TOWN). (6) MULLER ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 585 CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0723856676. 1217/2019—(2) SCHEEPERS, JOHANNES HERMANES (5202095148083); WAILEASTRAAT 20, KRAAIFONTEIN, , 7570; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (KUILSRIVIER, CAPE TOWN). (6) P JANSE VAN RENSBURG; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0113544779. 014506/2018—(2) Kossew, Raphael Leonard (7902095097085); 13 Cowrie Crescent, Sunset Beach, 7435; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Marx Gore; 1 The Pavilion, Central Park, Esplanade, Century City, 7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-555-3666. 003677/2015—(2) KRAMER, NORA (2807260047085); Mon Desir, 14 Magnolia Street, Milnerton, 7435; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Freegro Financial Management CC; P O Box 221, Cape Town, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214244666. 007604/2010—(2) Jones, Ronald Barry (1950/03/19); 209 High Level Road, Sea Point, Cape Town; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs; 1 North Wharf Square, Loop Street, Foreshore, Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 410 2500. 9828/2018—(2) Thomas Charles, Bantham (4903305187081); 21 Mercury Road, Rocklands, Mitchells Plain, 7798; (3) First and final; (4) Evelyn Aletta Hendricka Bantham (5010270184082); (5) (Mitchells Plain) (6) R. Sadien & Associates; 54 Gabriel Road, Plumstead, 7800; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217610387. 017715/2018—(2) Mark, Lennox Henry (4112085117082); 39 Moray Way, Strandfontein, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) Pauline Elizabeth Fredrika Mark (4312100262083); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Aliwal Road Trust Company (Pty) Ltd; P. O. Box 53279, Kenilworth, 7745; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 763 4400. 65702017—(2) Martin, Romeo Wilfred (7210135101085); Richmondstraat 8, Paarl, 7646; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Paarl, Kaapstad). (6) Adams Prokureurs; Hoofstraat 57, Paarl, 7646; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)2021195. 0010057/2018—(2) DE VILLIERS, MARIA ALETTA (3003080046080); PLUMSTEAD RUSOORD, 1 BIRMINGHAM STREET, PLUMSTEAD, CAPE TOWN; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) D PRINSLOO, N M E NILSSEN & ASSOCIATES; 32 MIMOSA CRESCENT, PLATTEKLOOF, CAPE TOWN; Email: dean@; Tel: 0722000756. 19701/2018—(2) LOUIS, TESUEL (9312185193083); 5 KLIPBOK STREET, KRAAIFONTEIN, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KUILS RIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) LAUBSCHER & HATTINGH Inc.; 1st FLOOR, IMPERIAL TERRACES, TYGERWATERFRONT, BELLVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)9442400. 014518/2017—(2) FERREIRA, LORRAINE (3309030107082); CT6 GARDEN GATES, KNYSNA, 6571; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (KNYSNA, CAPE TOWN). (6) ET EXECUTORS CC; PO BOX 516, GEORGE, 6530; Email: lynette@; Tel: 0832256434. 11129/2018—(2) Bender, Ben (3707305041086); Helpende Hande Aftreeoord, De la Haye Laan, Bellville; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville Landdroshof, h/v Voortrekkerweg en Landdrosweg, Bellville, Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Van Graan Attorneys; 20 Monte Vista Boulevard, Monte Vista; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-558-0067. 020564/2017—(2) CHENG, XIAOHONG (710313108609); 186 MAIN ROAD, KALK BAY; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (SIMONSTOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) Bill Tolken Hendrikse Inc Ref: LK/LL; Bill Tolken Hendrikse Inc., 1 Sarel Cilliers Stree; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219443000.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 123

000701/2018—(2) PERRANG, CHRISTINA LYDIA (4506040102081) (N/A); 14 BUITEKANT STREET, VAN RHYNSDORP; (3) First and final; (4) NONE N/A (N/A); (5) (CLANWILLIAM, CAPE TOWN). (6) DIE BURGER; 40 HEERENGRACHT STREET, CAPE TOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877401086. 89562018—(2) WOOLLS, KAREN ELIZEBETH (7001310114088); 1 SAREL HAASBROEK CRESCENT WELGELEGEN 7550; (3) First and final; (4) EDWARD APPELFORTH WOOLLS (7205075164085); (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) THORA DU TOIT & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS; 93 ODENDAAL STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: INFO@THORADUTOI. CO.ZA; Tel: 0219760333. 19868/2018—(2) Visser, Jacobus Bartholomeus (3310155011083); Andante Aftree-oord, Kuilsrivier, 7580; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Matthysa Jacoba Visser (3410220043085); (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) African Mutual Trust Company (Edms) Bpk; Van der Lingen Straat 25, Posbus 3339, Paarl; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)860-1500. 19966/2018—(2) Oor, Albertus Benedictus (5607025044089); Azaleasingel 46, Belhar, 7493; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) Linda Oor (5910170066083); (5) (Bellville, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SC; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 0178622017—(2) KRUGER, HENDRIKA JACOBA (3112190042085); 2 NEL STREET PORTERVILLE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORTERVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) THORA DU TOIT & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS; 93 ODENDAAL STREET, DURBANVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219760333. 10068/2018—(2) VAN ZYL, CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS (4708225068083); Vyferstraat 97, De Kelders, Gansbaai, Wes- Kaap Provinsie, 7220; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Hermanus, Kaapstad). (6) Harmse Kriel Prokureurs; Posbus 5150, Kaapstad, 8000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)4210464. 0010057/2015—(2) DE VILLIERS, MARIA ALETTA (3003080046080); PLUMSTEAD RUSOORD, 1 BIRMINGHAM STREET, PLUMSTEAD, CAPE TOWN; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) —; (5) 21 DAYS; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) D PRINSLOO, N M E NILSSEN & ASSOCIATES; 32 MIMOSA CRESCENT, PLATTEKLOOF, CAPE TOWN; Email: dean@; Tel: 0722000756. 017571/2017—(2) Mc Fadden, David John (3201295055082); 1 Windsor Lodge, 22 Beach Road, Fish Hoek; (3) Second And Final; (4) —; (5) (Simonstown, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: NJ; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012334. 19443/2018—(2) Basson, Wilhelmina Anna Jakoba (3606030004080); Huis Van Niekerk, Benadehof Versorgingsafdeling, Neethlingstraat 30, Strand, 7130; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) —; (5) (Strand, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: SC; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 15374/2017—(2) Silberbauer, Jonathan Bettison (8208265168089); 9 Westerford Road, Rondebosch, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Michael Ward Attorney; 301 House Vincent, Ebenezer Road, Wynberg, Western Cape; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 762 9545. 18791/2018—(2) Muller, Hendrina Catharina Petronella Susanna (5109070085083); 15 Mopani Street Heiderand Mossel Bay; (3) First and final; (4) Bartholomeus Muller (4806075067088); (5) (Mossel Bay, Cape Town). (6) Gardner,Host & Associates; P.O. Box 11076, Dana Bay, 6510; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0716920671. 7564/2018—(2) Watt, Colleen Olive (3007120059086); 9 Ascot Mews, Dikkop Crescent, Table View, Western Cape.; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape). (6) Kulenkampff & Associates; 2nd Floor, 57 Caledon Street, Somerset West; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218515155. 10437/2010—(2) LUKAS, JOHANNA (2710220115085); 15 ARNISTON CLUSTER, D’ALMEIDA, MOSSELBAAI; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (MOSSELBAAI, WESTERN CAPE). (6) Rauch Gertenbach Ing; Posbus 3, Mosselbaai 6500; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0446019900. 20050/2018—(2) LOUWRENS, PETRONELLA HELENA LOUWRENS (2411230026087); HUIS LOURAL WITTEBOOMSTRAAT HARTENBOS; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) 21; (MOSSEL BAY, KAAPSTAD). (6) ANNA-MARIE PRETORIUS OOSTHUIZEN MARAIS & PRETORIUS ING; POSBUS 206 MOSSELBAAI 6500; E-pos: anne-marie@omplaw.; Tel: 044-6016900. 015570/2018—(2) HAMMAN, PIETER (2811125013084); HUIS ANDRIES HAMMAN, BARINGSTRAAT, WORCESTER; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (WORCESTER, KAAPSTAD). (6) MULLER, TERBLANCHE & BEYERS INGELYF; KERKSTRAAT 66, WORCESTER, 6850; Tel: 0233486000. 014808/2018—(2) Gantana, Martin Ayliff Jeremy (5605265100082); 7 Traminer Court, Northpine; (3) First; (4) Alida Diliena Gantana (5406010188088); (5) (Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Naomi Steyn; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357531394. 10124/1998`—(2) MAKALUZA, LOUISA NOSEM (1601025000706); 28 NJOLI AVENUE LANGA; (3) First and Final; (4) UNMARRIED; (5) (BISHOP LAVIS, CAPE TOWN). (6) KRALO ATTORNEYS; UNIT 607 TYGERBERG CENTRE,16 VOORTREKKER ROAD, BELLVILLE ,7535; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 073 484 7500. 019557/2018—(2) BOOYSEN, MARK MICHAEL (7205215108083); 10 SWEET WILLIAM STREET, LENTEGEUR, MITCHELLS PLAIN; (3) First and final; (4) CYNTHIA NATASHA BOOYSEN (7309240246080); (5) (MITCHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) N PARKER ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 2710, CLAREINCH, 7740; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0721998955. 9685/2009—(2) PETERSEN, JONATHAN DAVID (6312185167080); 7 BORZOI CRESCENT STRANDFONTEIN; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MITCHELLS PLAIN, Cape Town). (6) Gaironesa Davids Attorneys; Cnr of No 1 Alamien and Garfield Roads Claremont 7700; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 683 74 37. 20909/2018—(2) Coetzee, Jasper (5110245046083); 87 Lovel Avenue Stellenbosch 7600; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Stellenbosch, Cape Town). (6) Servo Fiduciary Services Pty Ltd; Postnet Suite 76 Private Bag X19 Durbanville 7551; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214925094.

This gazette is also available free online at 124 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

017334/2018—(2) Ackermann, Catrina Maria (3708010040082); Bauhinialaan 24, Fernridge, George, Wes-Kaap, 6530; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (George, Kaapstad). (6) Adv G D Coetzee; PO Box 9970, George, 6530; E-pos: suzanne@; Tel: 044-8744030. 9738/2010—(2) DEMBULA, NOTHEMBA JOYCE (2705290125089); 20 HLANKOMO STREET, KHAYELITSHA, 7784; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (KHAYELITSHA, Cape Town). (6) ESI Attorneys; P O Box 5122, Tygervalley, 7536; Email: shirlene@; Tel: 0219435111. 9482/2017—(2) RUBIN, EILEEN ELLEN (3108260061187); Blue Mountain Village, George, 6529; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GEORGE, CAPE TOWN). (6) RAUBENHEIMERS INCORPORATED; PO BOX 21, GEORGE, 6530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 044 8732043. 001277/2019—(2) JONKER, MARIA MAGDALENA (3008130009087); A 301 VILLA CORTONA, GREUNENDAL; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, KAAPSTAD). (6) JURGENS JOHANNES TUBB; MHI PROKUREURS, 295 DURBANWEG, TYGER VALLEY; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219108429. 12779/2018—(2) Roets, Johan Hendrik Adriaan (4201315048082); 309 Aristea Drive Mossel Bay Western Cape 6500; (3) First and final; (4) Renola Roets (4502220052089); (5) (Mossel Bay, Cape Town). (6) Danie Sauer Incorporated; PO Box 1339 Middelburg Mpumalanga 1050; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0132827258. 015433/2018—(2) ERASMUS, THEODORE NATHANIEL (3507145051083); 219, 6TH AVENUE, EIKENDAL, KRAAIFONTEIN, 7570; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) JOAN ALETTA ERASMUS (4101040052088); (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) FA HANEKOM ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 9, CAPE TOWN, 8000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0214182528. 17393/2018—(2) Burkli, Alois Gilbert (3108295143083); 5 Gillard Rd, Simon’s Town 7975; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Simon’s Town, Cape Town). (6) Pohl & Stuhlinger; PO Box 763, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 424 7030. 17394/2018—(2) Burkli, Alice Franziska (2908120394087); 5 Gillbert Rd, Simon’s Town 7975; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Simon’s Town, Cape Town). (6) Pohl & Stuhlinger; PO Box 763, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 424 7030. 06667/2018—(2) Van Graan, Willem Nikolaas Daniel Louw (5509115047081); Deliastraat 3, Oakglen, Bellville; (3) First and Final; (4) Anna Aletta Van Graan (5301220003088); (5) (Bellville Magistrate’s Court, 122 Van Riebeeck Road, Kuilsriver, Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Van Graan Attorneys; 20 Monte Vista Boulevard, Monte Vista; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-558-0067. 013150/2017—(2) HENDRICKS, ASA (3101040212089); 28 WILLIAM MASON ROAD, BISHOP LAVIS; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (GOODWOOD MAGISTRATES COURT, CAPE TOWN). (6) RAMONE CLOETE; 1ST FLOOR WILLOWBRIDGE CENTRE, 39 CARL CRONJE DRIVE, TYGERVALLEY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0814956679. 2154/2018—(2) Wehner, Fritz Johannes (4001055537181); 14 Medburn Rd, Camps Bay 8005; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town). (6) Pohl & Stuhlinger; PO Box 763, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 424 7030. 9545/2017—(2) DU TOIT, ALETTA SUSANNA (2505170019083); HEIDEHOF TEHUIS VIR BEJAARDES, HOOPSTRAAT, CALEDON; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (CALEDON, KAAPSTAD). (6) BOSMAN SMIT PRETORIUS ING; KERKSTRAAT 1, CALEDON; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0282121108. 12264/2018—(2) ADAMS, PWTER WILLIAM (3609025087086); 63 Batavia Road, Ruyterwacht, 7460; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Goodwood). (6) Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd; Imperial Terraces, 3rd floor, Carl Cronje Drive, Bellville, 7530 l PO Box 3883, Tygervalley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 914 4925. 11209/2018—(2) Basson, Carel Leopold (7009095290080); Oxfordstraat 4, Wellington, 7655; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Wellington, Cape Town). (6) Sanlam Trust; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-947-2429. 16190/2009—(2) DLAMBULO, JACKSON (5601015842081); 17 WARBLER WAY, ELECTYRIC CITY, BLUE DOWNS, 7105; (3) First and final; (4) IVY NOMAMPONDO DLAMBULO (6401011933086); (5) (KUILS RIVER, Cape Town). (6) ESI Attorneys; P O Box 5122, Tygervalley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219435111. 562/2017—(2) Brass, Brother (3710085108083); 21 Astra Avenue, Elsies River, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Goodwood Magistrates Court, Cape Town). (6) Gideon Truter Attorneys; P.O. Box 13834, N1 City, 7463; Email: rowena@; Tel: 0215580067. 003678/2018—(2) TOFTE, ALETTA MARIA (3304090059083); FARADAYSTRAAT 39, STRAND , 7140; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (STRAND, CAPE TOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD; PO Box 1032, SANLAMHOF, 7532; Email: karenst@; Tel: (011)354 4860. 017051/2018—(2) HOFFMAN, PIETER JOHANNES (5605305108087); 147 LYNERS AVENUE, WORCESTER , 6850; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WORCESTER, CAPE TOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD; PO Box 1032, SANLAMHOF, 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354 4860. 19836/2018—(2) Keating, Sam (4609035052087); 55 Frederick Street, Gaylee, Blackheath; (3) First and final; (4) Dorothy Natalie Keating (5207100071089); (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc.; 301 Durban Road, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219190490. 007211/2017—(2) DANIELS, CHARLES PETER (4910275120018); 23 KORHAAN STREET, ELECTRIC CITY , 7100; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) BERYL MARIE DANIELS (4706130101080); (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD; PO Box 1032, SANLAMHOF, 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354 4860. 021185/2018—(2) Venter, Maria Margaretha (5107310072085); 2 De Wilde Vygen, Angelierstreet 75, Proteahoogte, 7560; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) Stephanus Gerhardus Venter (4603255034081); (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: HT/BP; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399.

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18999/2017—(2) ROSSOUW, ANDRIES JACOBUS (3502095047082); 46 VUE DU CAP, GREY AVENUE, TABLEVIEW, 7441; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) DE WAAL ESTERHUYSE INC; OFFICE C6, LEONARDO PARK, C/O LINK AND MAIN ROAD, PARKLANDS, 7441; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0215572967. 8653/2015—(2) KIVIDO, DENNIS EMMANUEL (6808265301085); 1 WILLOW STREET, HILCREST BLUE DOWNS, EESTERIVER, 7100; (3) First and Final; (4) JENNY YVETTE KIVIDO (6708060151083); (5) 21 DAYS; (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) GOVERNMENT GAZETTE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0860117520. 19838/2018—(2) Keating, Dorothy Natalie (5207100071089); 55 Frederick Street, Gaylee, Blackheath; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) Roopa Potgieter Cape Town Inc.; 301 Durban Road, Tyger Valley, 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219190490. 16007/2009—(2) WITBOOI, MOSES JOHN SAMUEL (6909095116089); 228-8TH AVENUE, EIKENDAL, KRAAIFONTEIN, 7570; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) CHARMAINE CHRISTELENE WITBOOI (6712220252088); (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) FA HANEKOM ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 9, CAPE TOWN, 8000; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0214182528. 00230/2018—(2) McLean, Yvonne (2903050049082); 5 Prince Street, Roundhay, Somerset West, Cape Town, 7130.; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Somerset West, Cape Town). (6) Nicole van Wyk-Rasi; c/o FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, P. O Box 135, Cape Town, 8001.; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873121340. 016034/2018—(2) BOSHOFF, GERALD VALENTINE (2705105025086); HUIS UITSIG, PAROW NOORD; (3) First and final; (4) NOT APPLICABLE; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) J.A.L VAN ZYL; P.O.BOX 3463, DURBANVILLE; Email: koos@; Tel: 0842689663. 18973/2018—(2) VISAGIE, CHRISTOFFEL GERHARDUS (4412075088081); VYFDESTRAAT 17, KLEINMOND, 7195; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (CALEDON, KAAPSTAD). (6) SCHUR MARAIS DU PLESSIS PROKUREURS; RIEBEECKSTRAAT 39, WORCESTER, 6850; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0233470807. 015056/2018—(2) DAMONSE, JACQUELINE (5905090190088); C-O 20 NEVADA STREET, MONTANA, CAPE TOWN, 7490; (3) First and Final; (4) E/L SELWYN DAMONSE (5910205153088); (5) 21; (GOODWOOD, CAPE TOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4661. 022029/2018—(2) La Grange, Daniel Cornelius (3111045023084); Othello Aftree Oord, Brackenfell,7560; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: HT/BP; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 021401/2018—(2) Annandale, Henry Peter (5001045111088); 2nd Avenue 4 Riverside, Kleinbrak River, 6503; (3) First and Final; (4) Tersia Annandale (6601120069082); (5) 21; (Mosselbay, Cape Town). (6) Nontando Mfana; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Ground floor, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011) 3544780. 21310/2018—(2) BURNELL, ANNE MARY (3111010005082); FRAIL CARE, RUSOORD, BIRMINGHAM ROAD, PLUMSTEAD; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) KEITH JENKINGS ATTORNEYS; 7 SUNNINGHILL ROAD, WYNBERG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-7621516. 1025/2018—(2) HAMILTON, DOUGLAS IAN (3305145040085); 61 STORMHAVEN PARK, SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) B A HENWOOD; P O BOX 15581, VLAEBERG, 8018; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873591270. 88752016—(2) Jones, Angela (6505080019088); 41 Valderama Road, Sunningdale, Cape Town; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town). (6) Alan Melnick Attorney; 15 Mimosa Arcade, Regent Road, Sea Point; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214398670. 19949/2018—(2) FOURIE, IZAK DAVID (4201245058086); 4 Avebury Village, Pascali Close, Sonstraal Heights, Durbanville 7550; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Cape Town). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town Ref: JdV; P.O. Box 44774, CLAREMONT, 7735; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214166476. 022070/2018—(2) Fourie, Martha Elizabeth (3807030009083); Huis Lafras Moolman, Rawsonville; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Worcester, Cape Town). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd - Cape Town Ref: J de Vos; P.O. Box 44774, CLAREMONT 7735; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216740390. 18434/2017—(2) HENEKE, MARGUIERITE MARIE-LOUISE (2306010051083); Fairmead Court Frail Care Centre, College Road, RONDEBOSCH, W.Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) DICHMONT & THOMSON; PO Box 18521, WYNBERG, 7824; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217621357. 025872/2014—(2) LAMPRECHT, PHILLIPPINA JOHANNA (2812280033081); 11 LOUW STREET, STELLENBOSCH, 7600; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, Cape Town). (6) Schliemann Incorporated; PO Box 1503, Somerset West, 7129; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218527511. 016940/2018—(2) Jackson, Avis Josephine (3405020068084); Cottage G7, Peers Village, Fish Hoek, 7975; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Simonstown, Cape Town). (6) Sanlam Trust Limited; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; Email: dannelynne. [email protected]; Tel: -. 6593/2011—(2) HENDERSON, NAOMI HELENA (5205260170089); 36 LEIDEN CRESCENT, UITZICHT, DURBANVILLE,7550; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) KEMP & ASSOCIATES; 8 CHURCH STREET, DURBANVILLE, 7550; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219793280. 014507/2018—(2) HOLLMANN, BRIDGET ELIZABETH (3402190045182); B20 WOODSIDE VILLAGE, 21 NORTON WAY, RONDEBOSCH; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) CITADEL FIDUCIARY LIMITED; 17TH THIRD AVENUE, WESTDENE, BLOEMFONTEIN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514004101. 6329/1967—(2) ADAMS, ELLEN (187410150000000); FIRGROVE CAPE; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET WEST, CAPE TOWN). (6) Morkel & De Villiers Inc.; The Forum, 13 Drama Street, Somerset West; Email: lyndi@; Tel: 021 850 9700.

This gazette is also available free online at 126 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

009406/2018—(2) ALLEN, MONTY (2501075031083); 11 VOORTREKKER ROAD, GRABOUW, 7160; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (GRABOUW, CAPE TOWN). (6) GJ CLAUGHTON ATTORNEY; 39 MAIN ROAD GRABOUW 7160; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218592852. 2759/2016—(2) Theunissen, Martha Stefiena Hermina (3705220030085); Leebstraat 5, Prince Albert, 6930; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Prins Albert, Kaapstad). (6) Jan Pretorius; Posbus 24254, Gezina, 0031; E-pos: lizelgroenewald@gmail. com; Tel: 0828572965. 23121/2014—(2) KOHLER, LORAINNE LA-VITA (3810100065084); 58 PARKDENE ROAD, RAVENSMEAD, 7493; (3) First and Final; (4) ERIC DENIS KOHLER (2707275066080); (5) 21; (BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE, CAPE TOWN). (6) MELISSA S BAKER ATTORNEYS; 15 WINDSOR CLOSE, MAITLAND, 7405; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0829974787. 015224/2017—(2) GREEFF, MARTINA MARIA (2704200035082); ADAGIO 8, LEGATO AFTREE-OORD, SONSTRAALHOOGTE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) (BELLVILLE, KAAPSTAD). (6) J.A.L VAN ZYL; POSBUS 3463, DURBANVILLE; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0842689663. 018288/2018—(2) Visser, Sophia Elizabeth (2906220042085); Klaradyn Aftree Oord, Matroosberg 38, Brackenfell, 7560; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Hendrik Johannes Petrus Visser (2506245045087); (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Beperk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 12993/2017—(2) Majiet, Rashied (6110155233084); 12 Dormer close, Crawford, 7780; (3) First and final; (4) Myona Majiet (6511180060089); (5) (Wynberg Magistrates Court, Cape Town). (6) A V Dawson & Co. Attorneys; 7 Link Road, Belgravia, Bellville, 7530; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219448800. 021298/2018—(2) HIGNETT, DAVID ARCHIBALD (4302195074089); 101 MILLDENE ROAD, RAVENSMEAD,; (3) First and Final; (4) ANNA LOUISA HIGNETT (4903160095080); (5) 21; (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) ESTERHUYZE INCORPORATED; CARL CRONJE DRIVE, CANAL EDGE 3,UNIT 6, TYGERVALLEY WATERFRONT; Email: WERNER@ ESTERHUYZE.CO.ZA; Tel: 0219140788. 003390/2019—(2) Conradie, Theana Muriel Isobel (6102100114089); Jakaranda straat 42, Protea Hoogte , Brackenfell,7560; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) Jacobus Hendrik Jeremias Conradie (6101175120088); (5) (KUILSRIVIER, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: HT/BP; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 006907/2018—(2) Swart, Willem Jacobus (6512275086088); Caledonstraat 22, Grabouw, 7160; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Lizella Swart (7505170017082); (5) (Grabouw, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Beperk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 002898/2018—(2) MARAIS, MALAN (5011265094088); BENGHAZIWEG 19, KENWYN, 7780; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) ELIZABETH KATHEREEN MARAIS (5509230208089); (5) 21; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4661. 018437/2018—(2) ALLY, MASHUQ (5101305129083); ELGIN SIRKEL 6, VISHOEK, 7975; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) 21; (SIMON’S TOWN, CAPE TOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: Ayanda. [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4661. 012880/2017—(2) Burmeister, Elzen Jacobus (3008055033088); Bassonstraat 13, Franskraal, 7220; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Paarl, Cape Town). (6) Louis Nienaber; 21 Binnekant Street, Paarl, 7646; E-pos: louis.nienaber2@gmail. com; Tel: 0833753673. 18239/2017—(2) MAQINA, LOYISO EBENEZER (9005175188085); 16 VILLA MILON, WATERFORD STREET, BUHREIN, KRAAIFONTEIN, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) MBAVHALELO FORTUNATE VELE (9005041269085); (5) (KUILS RIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) LAUBSCHER & HATTINGH Inc.; 1st FLOOR, IMPERIAL TERRACES, TYGERWATERFRONT, BELLVILLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (021)9442400. 000644/2018—(2) GROBBELAAR, CORNELIUS JOHANNES (5112125001089); PANORAMA LANDGOED, ROBERT BROOMSTRAAT, KRUGERSDORP; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) N.V.T. N.V.T.; (5) (KRUGERSDORP, KAAPSTAD). (6) J.A.L VAN ZYL; POSBUS 3463, DURBANVILLE; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0842689663. 017854/2018—(2) Jantjies, Brenda Ann (4703240089081); 23 Nyala Crescent, Silvertown, Athlone; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Bissets Boehmke McBlain; 3rd Floor, 45 Buitengracht Street, cnr Castle and Buitengracht Street, Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-4419800. 013967/2018—(2) NORDIEN, NAZEEM (6212175198089); 18 KATBERG CRESCENT, TAFELSIG, 7785; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (MITCHELL’S PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) ABSA TRUST LIMITED; Po Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7532; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)354-4661. 014089/2018—(2) Vigo, Gavin Charles (6312245209088); Hercules straat 7,Vredenburg,7380; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) Sharenize Lucreshe Vigo (6711270329085); (5) (Vredenburg/Hopefield, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: HT/ BP; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 000243/2019—(2) Strydom, Johannes Jacobus (4303045043084); Bergsig Villa W/S, Oudtshoorn, 6625; (3) First and Final; (4) Cecilia Catherina Strydom (4401130020080); (5) 21; (Oudtshoorn, Cape Town). (6) Nontando Mfana; Absa Regional Office, Absa West, Ground floor, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011) 3544780. 017050/2018—(2) Appleton, Emerentia Maretha (3504160051080); Groenewoude Retirement , Darling, 7345; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) —; (5) (Malmesbury, Kaapstad, Wes-Kaap). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: HT/BP; PO Box 1260, Sanlamhof 7532; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0219476399. 19971/2017—(2) JAMESON, HYNO RICARDO (6905175495088); 7 TARPON CRESCENT, EERSTERIVIER, WESTERN CAPE; (3) First and final; (4) DANEALL JOSEPHINE JAMESON (7303240284084); (5) (KUILS RIVER, Cape Town). (6) Leon Frank & Partners; Block B, The Beachhead, 10 Niblick Way, Somerset West; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218510737.

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14294/2018—(2) Noto, Vuyisile Daniel (7804095362081); No: 9 Kolosani Street. KTC-Nyanga; (3) First and final; (4) Ntombizandile Noto (7607070641084); (5) (Philippi Magistrate Court, Cape Town). (6) Pinini Attorneys; Suite 708,7th Floor. 47 Strand Street. Cape Town; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021 8290 492. 13731/2018—(2) RETIEF, LESLEY JEANETTE (5107220018087); 3 TAFELBERG ROAD, KENRIDGE, DURBANVILLE, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) ERROL CARL RETIEF (4708075035083); (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) Nawaal Cloete & Associates; P O Box 2303; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214224124. 16406/2018—(2) BLAAUW, KATHLEEN DORIS (4008260108088); 16 MARAUDER STREET, MITCHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN, WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (MICHELLS PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) Nawaal Cloete & Associates; P O Box 2303; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214224124. INSOLVENCY ACT AND COMPANIES ACTS NOTICES/ INSOLVENSIEWET- EN MAATSKAPPYKENNISGEWINGS

Form/Vorm J 28


Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by the Masters of the High Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) date upon which and (4) division of court by which order is made and (5) upon the application of.


Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) datum waarop en (4) afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en (5) op die aansoek van.

B53/2018—(2) Prinsloo Familie Trust (IT2017/97), Insolvent trust; (3) 21 February 2019; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Vincemus Investments (Pty) Ltd t/a Kempston Finance Reg No 1969/004762/07. B113/2018—(2) Berg Foods Farming (Pty) Ltd (2003/014379/07), Private Company in liquidation; (3) 28 February 2019; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Pannar Seed (Pty) Ltd. 2006/099739/23—(2) Matrix Warehouse Ermelo BK/CC (2006/099739/23), Close Corporation; (3) 13 March 2019; (4) Magistrate Court District Msukaligwa, Ermelo; (5) Matrix Warehouse Group (Pty) Limited. C107/2019—(2) ARNOLD ARTHUR LEWIS (6807155078084), 2 VEERHEIDE ROSENDAL, DELFT; (3) 14 March 2019; (4) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE. C114/2019—(2) Ian Crafford (631012 5023 08 2), 129 Conroy Street, Peerless Park, Kraaifontein, Western Cape; (3) 6 February 2019; (4) Western Cape Division, Cape Town; (5) Lucas Dysel Crouse Inc.. C179/2019—(2) LIZANNE BOTHA (830502 0054083), 3 ALBATROS ROAD, BLOUBERGSTRAND; (3) 15 March 2019; (4) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE. C198/2019—(2) JOHAN DEETLOF & AMANDA BOTHMA (7111105032088 & 7603120046085), KRUINSIGPLAAS, RIVERSDALE; (3) 14 March 2019; (4) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE. C121/2019—(2) SVENCRAFT (PTY) LTD (2012/103769/07), 9 DULWICH GREEN, BOUNDARY ROAD, NEWLANDS , WP; (3) 8 February 2019; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE . C701/2018—(2) BOUWER POTGIETER INC (1994/007024/21), 120 MAIN ROAD, STRAND, WP; (3) 3 December 2018; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (5) STEPHAN THERON. C167/2019—(2) JACOBUS MARTHINUS ELS (7204195002082), 16 KUHN STREET, HOSPITAL HILL, WORCESTER; (3) 14 March 2019; (4) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE. 2012/181935/07—(2) THE BUSINESS ADVOCACY GROUP (PTY) LTD (2012/181935/07), 6 Rose Street, Mowbray, Cape Town; (3) 27 February 2019; (4) High Court of South Africa, Western Cape Division; (5) MUSTEK LIMITED.

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This gazette is also available free online at Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA

March Vol. 645 Pretoria, 29 2019 Maart No. 42341



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Form/Vorm J29


The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, or being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters of the High Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, the nomination of liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973 and considering the statement of affairs of the company, as the case may be. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) date of the provisional and date of the final order, and (4) special resolution and (5) division of court by which order is made, and (6) date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer, of gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, of nomminasie van likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, en die oorweging van die verklaring van die sake van die maatskappy na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en (4) spesiale resolusie en (5) afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en (6) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 131

T2712/10—(2) THEMBINKOSI MARTIN NDHLOVU (620111 5379 08 1), 18 MARUTLHLWARE STREET LOTUS GARDENS EXT 2 PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 6 July 2010 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2712/10—(2) THEMBINKOSI MARTIN NDHLOVU (620111 5379 08 1), 18 MARUTLHLWARE STREET LOTUS GARDENS EXT 2 PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 6 July 2010 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T872/18—(2) CAG LOGISTICS AND PLANT HIRE (PTY) LTD (2016/084273/07), 3 PEPPER CORN STREET ZAKARIYYA PARK EXT 1 JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 3 September 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE JOHANNESBURG. T1963/18—(2) COOL PAWS (PTY) LTD (2014/212954/07), 15D ALEXANDER AVENUE JOHANNESBURG; (3) Provisional Order: 21 August 2018; (3) Final Order: 30 January 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE JOHANNESBURG. T2951/18—(2) DESRE SUSAN BERNARD (890405 0068 08 4), 963 FLORIN STR STRUBENSVALLEY ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 24 January 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE ROODEPOORT. G97-2019—(2) MARKET DEMAND TRADING 734 (PTY) LTD (2010/018215/07), 99 9TH AVENUE RIVONIA, JOHANNESBURG 2128; (3) Final Order: 5 December 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 10 April 2019, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE COURT. G846-2017—(2) BASSONIA FOUR ZERO SEVEN CC (1997/017490/07), C/O 14 BEAUMONT STREET, BOOYSENS JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 8 August 2018 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER JOHANNESBURG. G417-2018—(2) BEAST GRILL ROCK COTTAGE (PTY) LTD (2015/112511/07), ROCK COTTAGE SHOP 4, CORNER VOSTER AND CHRISTIAAN DE WET ROADS, WELTEVREDEN PARK E; (3) Final Order: 20 March 2018 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 10 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDBURG COURT. G37-2018—(2) AU PROPERTY INVESTMENT (PTY) LTD (2012/204812/07), 185 STELLAR ROAD CROWN MINES JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 20 June 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER JOHANNESBURG. G1096-2017—(2) PROPORTIONAL LABOUR BROKERS (PTY) LTD (2007/020557/07), 73 FIFTH AVENUE, NORTHMEAD BENONI 1501; (3) Final Order: 10 October 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, VEREENIGING MAGISTRATE COURT. G226-2019—(2) LERECHABETSE ADVANCED PRODUCTS (PTY) LTD (1999/013809/07), 59 HF VERWOERD STR, HEIDELBURG 1441; (3) Final Order: 21 February 2019 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 17 April 2019, 11:00, HEIDELBURG MAGISTRATE. G230-2019—(2) AMSTRONG MODISE INVESTMENTS (2008/047656/23), 267 KHUMALO STREET, PROTEA NORTH PO CHIAWELA 1818; (3) Final Order: 16 November 2018 (4) —; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G241-2019—(2) DETENTION TRACKING INFORMATION (PTY) LTD (2015/167958/07), SHOP 5A 28 DEGREES NORTH SHOPPING, CENTRE CNR WEBBER & DOAK AVE HAZEL GAUTENG 0001; (3) Final Order: 4 March 2019 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 11 April 2019, 11:30, BOKSBURG MAGISTRATE. G237-2019—(2) DAVEST TRADING 15 (PTY) LTD (2014/251442/07), 34 VIN ROUGE CRESENT, HURLINGHAM EXT 5, SANDTON GAUTENG 2196; (3) Final Order: 26 February 2019 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 17 April 2019, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G234-2019—(2) ARMAND SMITH (850406 5002 084), NO 280 PRETORIA, FERNDALE RANDBURG; (3) Final Order: 11 September 2018 (4) —; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 10 April 2019, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G1303-2018—(2) ORIBEL PROPERTIES 35 (PTY) LTD (2009/008909/07), 5 GREENWOOD STREET,HOMESTEAD PARK, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 20 November 2018 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 11 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G234-2019—(2) ARMAND SMITH (850406 5002 084), NO 280 PRETORIA, FERNDALE RANDBURG; (3) Final Order: 11 September 2018 (4) —; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 10 April 2019, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G963-2018—(2) PHILIPINA MAGDALENA TERBLANCHE (560416 0060 087), 10 ELSBURGWEG DELVILLE GERMISTON; (3) Final Order: 17 April 2012 (4) —; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, GERMISTON MAGISTRATE. G233-2019—(2) LEVINE JASON (721107 5035 085), 1ST FLOOR, 34 ,MELROSE ARCH BOULEVARD JOHANNEBSURG; (3) Final Order: 19 November 2018 (4) —; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 11 April 2019, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G239-2019—(2) ANTONIO CAR RENTALS (PTY) LTD (2014/065909/07), 19 LINDELINE,33 BRAAM FISCHER DRIVER, LINDEN EXT 1 RANDBURG; (3) Final Order: 20 February 2019 (4) —; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 17 April 2019, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. T2795/18—(2) SHAUN & WENDY ANN NAUDE (660104 5211 08 2 & 691231 0040 08 4), 42 GROEN AVENUE KRIEL; (3) Final Order: 28 September 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KRIEL. T2795/18—(2) SHAUN & WENDY ANN NAUDE (840802 5006 08 8 & 851218 0128 08 0), 4/2599 FALCON STREET KRIEL; (3) Final Order: 28 September 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KRIEL.

This gazette is also available free online at 132 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

T2795/18—(2) SHAUN & WENDY ANN NAUDE (840802 5006 08 8 & 851218 0128 08 0), 4/3599 FALCON STREET KRIEL; (3) Final Order: 13 December 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KRIEL. T52/19—(2) CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS BOTHA (570928 5036 08 4), 247 SULLIVAN STREET DIE HOEWES PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 29 January 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T41/19—(2) JOHANNA VAN TONDER (651106 0051 08 3), 210 PROTEA AVENUE POMONA ESTATES KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 5 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T23/19—(2) EMMERENTIA PETRONELLA SWANEPOEL (661102 0168 08 2), 679 PAULSEN STREET RIETFONTEIN PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 31 January 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T323/19—(2) LESURO (PTY) LTD (2012/214492/07), 485 MORELETA STR PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 5 February 2019 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T382/17—(2) STEVAL ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD (2001/017093/07), 301 DAVID VORSTER STREET ANNLIN PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 26 September 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T495/18—(2) JOHANNES PETRUS VAN EEDEN (570311 5048 08 8), 21 O’HARE STREET JANSENPARK BOKSBURG; (3) Final Order: 6 April 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 18 April 2019, 11:30, MAGISTRATE BOKSBURG. T621/14—(2) IAN DU PREEZ (810428 5032 08 4), 46 KAREE AVENUE KANONKOP MIDDELBURG; (3) Final Order: 10 April 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T103/19—(2) SLEEP INNOVATIONS (PTY) LTD (2012/047929/07), 100 THIRD STREET BABELEGI HAMMANSKRAAL; (3) Final Order: 26 June 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T105/19—(2) REVOLUTION DANCE CENTRE (PTY) LTD (2015/035879/07), 43 REGENCY DRIVE 311 PROSPECT CLOSE BUILDING C2 ROUTE 21 CORPORATE PARK IRENE PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 9 January 2019 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T114/17—(2) DEWALD & MARIA MAGDELENA PRINSLOO (681018 5015 08 4 & 680309 0021 08 1), 4476 SEINGA AVENUE THE HEADS LYDENBURG; (3) Final Order: 7 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1324/17—(2) CHARL BRITS (860913 5123 08 1), MAGLIN VILLAS UNIT 3 C/O BALTIMOR ROAD & AVIAN AVENUE PIERRE VAN REYNEVELD PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 23 June 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1601/18—(2) ANDRIES JOHANNES OOSTHUIZEN (550903 5177 08 3), 263 LEDGER AVENUE DANVILLE PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 13 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1475/18—(2) CHARLENE KILIAN (850702 0030 08 2), 3090 VILLAGE MAIF IRENE FARM CENTURION PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 20 November 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2373/18—(2) DEON GRAHAM & AMBIGHIA ELLIOT (730115 5138 08 9 & 741011 0256 08 2), 6801 ERF 1138 SUZUKA CRESCENT CELTISDAL EST 39 RASLOUW PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 17 October 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T293/12—(2) ABEL HERMANUS & DULCIE HOFFMAN (510616 5023 08 6 & 540124 0077 08 6), PHIANA HOEWE NR 11 KAMEELDRIFT WES HARTBEESPOORT; (3) Final Order: 12 February 2012 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2085/17—(2) WILLEM JOHANNES BESTER (560531 5072 08 3), 45 BLOEM STREET WITPOORT WOLMARANSTAD; (3) Final Order: 30 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 18 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2861/17—(2) JOHAN & RUTH ABIGAIL JONCK (790103 5030 08 1 & 820917 0006 08 3), 53A LOUIS TRICHARDT STREET PARKTOWN PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 28 February 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2404/15—(2) ISP CASH (PTY) LTD (2010/008832/07), 71A ELEVATION AVENUE RANDJESFONTEIN MIDRAND; (3) Provisional Order: 28 August 2017; (3) Final Order: 8 November 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1575/18—(2) CENTURION SQUARE (PTY) LTD (2007/015976/07), DIE KLUBHUIS CNR 18TH STREET AND PI HAZELWOOD PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 29 June 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2381/18—(2) MARIETJIE PARSONS LOGISTICS (PTY) LTD (2014/134593/07), 86 MIDDEL ROAD BRENTWOOD PARK; (3) Final Order: 12 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BENONI.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 133

T1603/17—(2) MARLON CECILLA MARGARET MAY (720130 5291 08 7 & 790618 0068 08 3), THE HSRC BUILDING 134 PRETORIUS STREET PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 18 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T161/19—(2) JOSEPHUS JACOBUS WALDUS DE JAGER (800920 5072 08 8), 13 CATHERINE STREET SHERE PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 21 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T21692/14—(2) JEAN-PIERRE TAUTE (860916 5198 08 2), 1066 BURNETT STREET BC 1014 THE FIELDS HATFIELD PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 9 October 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T3604/15—(2) RUAN & FELICIA ANN VAN ROOYEN (720715 5107 08 3 & 730503 0024 08 3), 201 XAVIER 24 TH AVENUE 751 RIETFONTEIN PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 27 November 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2422/18—(2) ANINA KOTZE (760621 0242 08 4), 89 PEREL STREET RAYTON; (3) Final Order: 1 November 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE CULLINAN. T1821/18—(2) THEMBINKOSI SHEDRAK & MBALENHLE MTAMBO (730419 5314 08 2 & 8212029 0541 08 2), 10 ANGVICK ROAD VALHALLA PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 20 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2702/18—(2) THABO PATRICK KUBHEKA (831029 5698 08 3), 6 PINE PARK KEITH STR RANDBURG; (3) Final Order: 6 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE JOHANNESBURG. T2130/18—(2) KUBHEKA: THABILE EDNA (570421 0629 08 7), 10535 MANGALA STREET, DOBSONVILLE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 18 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T0178/19—(2) SURJAN: MEGAN ANNE (820829 0070 08 6), 19 KEITZ STREET, DALVIEW, BRAKPAN; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: BRAKPAN. T2646/18—(2) NMD OFFICE (PTY) LTD (2013/189097/07), NO 3 EINSTEIN ROAD, HIGHVELD TECHNO PARK, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 26 October 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1614/17—(2) SUNSITE MOTORS (PTY) LTD (2008/028775/07), 562 MAIN ROAD ERASMIA PRETORIA; (3) Provisional Order: 23 August 2017; (3) Final Order: 21 December 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T52/19—(2) CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS BOTHA (570928 5036 08 4), 247 SULLIVAN STREET DIE HOEWES PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 29 January 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T46/19—(2) LOURENS ABRAHAM ERASMUS (750721 5001 08 9), 141 HARPUISBOS STREET MYBURGH LANGEBAAN; (3) Final Order: 6 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T2586/18—(2) LAKIE: ANNA CHRISTINA MARGARIETHA (561213 5020 08 6), 1 KIMBOLTON STREET, WESTON EXT, BENONI; (3) Final Order: 22 November 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BENONI. T1823/18—(2) PETRUS JOHANNES VAN WYNGAARDT (780509 5003 08 8), 287 14TH AVENUE RIETFONTEIN PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 18 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T353/19—(2) FLOORINGBOYZ (PTY) LTD (2012/080927/07), 1418 CUNNINGHAM AVENUE WAVERLEY TOTIUSDAL PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 7 February 2019 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T0997/18—(2) GATES: IVOR CYRIL EUGENE AND ESTHER SANDRA (610331 5165 08 0 AND 520413 0090 08 0), 18 WOODSTREAM LOFTS, 10 PIET RETIEF AVENUE, MONUMENT, KRUGERSDORP; (3) Final Order: 4 September 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:30, MAGISTRATE: KRUGERSDORP. T644/18—(2) HEIDI FOURIE (620816 0041 08 6), 109 JOHANNES POSTMAN MCKENSIE STREET BROOKLYN PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 12 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T713/18—(2) MPOBETJIE HEWIT MAOHLATLOLE (880911 5637 08 0), 698 DIAMOND STR CLAREMONT PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 19 December 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T0499/19—(2) 8 MILE INVESTMENTS 148 (PTY) LTD (2004/012445/07), NORTH BUILDING, 138 MUCKLENEUK STREET, PTA; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0178/19—(2) SURJAN: MEGAN ANNE (820829 0070 08 6), 19 KEITZ STREET, DALVIEW, BRAKPAN; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: BRAKPAN.

This gazette is also available free online at 134 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

T2166/13—(2) MEYER: DAWID DANIEL (561213 5020 08 6), PLOT 78, HAAKDORINGLAAGSTE WALMANSTHAL, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 13 February 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1369/18—(2) SMIT: JACOBA ISABELLA (601214 0010 08 2), 177 BOOYSEN STREET, ELOFFSDAL, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 16 August 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2066/18—(2) BOTHA: JACQUES JASON (850319 5133 08 2), 59 LEPELHOUT STREET, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 19 September 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 11 April 2019, 09:30, MAGISTRATE: VANDERBIJLPARK. T0246/19—(2) VAN TONDER: NICOLAAS HENDRIK (641201 5061 08 9), 163 MARKOTTER STREET, DANVILLE, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 20 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T6910/09—(2) STRYDOM: RUDOLPH MARX AND MAGDALENA CECELIA (700927 5142 08 5 AND 730213 0180 08 9), CRONJESTRAAT 14, DANVILLE, PTA; (3) Final Order: 2 November 2009 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0499/19—(2) 8 MILE INVESTMENTS 148 (PTY) LTD (2004/012445/07), NORTH BUILDING, 138 MUCKLENEUK STREET, PTA; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3217/16—(2) MOCKE: JAN ADRIAAN GIDEON AND GERBRECHT ELIZABETH (520113 5022 08 4 AND 520514 0029 08 3), 14 RETIEF STREET, GEDULD, SPRINGS; (3) Final Order: 25 November 2016 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: SPRINGS. T1632/17—(2) AFRICAN FRONTIER HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD (2008/005691/07), LEBOMBO PLACE 38 LEBMBO STREET ASHLEA GRDENS PRETIRA; (3) Final Order: 7 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T1429/15—(2) NKEMELE: PHEELO PETRUS AND MOSELANTJA SELINAH (820427 0527 08 4 AND 840427 0527 08 4), 694 LAKESIDE PROPER, EVATON; (3) Final Order: 29 May 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: GERMISTON. T2558/18—(2) AUTO RENT TO OWN (PTY) LTD (2012/065878/07), 90 11TH STREET, MENLOPARK, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 12 October 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T3369/16—(2) NEL: HENNIE WESSEL (620922 5104 08 3), 6 DANIEL WAY, PIERRE VAN REYVELDT, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 6 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2010/16—(2) RINGGOLD INVESTMENTS 474 (PTY) LTD (2013/134324/07), NO 5 CENTRAL OFFICE PARK, JEAN AVENUE, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 18 October 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0790/18—(2) NAGAIAHA: ASHLEY AND MARYANN (841111 5046 08 9 AND 890720 0100 08 7), 770, 20TH AVENUE, RIETFONTEIN, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 20 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T938/15—(2) SEKU: BEAUTY NOBAHLE (531229 0693 08 8), 112 YVETTE CRESCENT, OLD NATURENA; (3) Final Order: 17 April 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1820/18—(2) HARDIEN: NAZEEM AND MICHELLE THERESA (660122 5230 08 4 AND 670208 0129 08 8), 1235 IRVIN STREET, QUEENSWOOD, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 18 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T0058/17—(2) WOLFAARDT: ISAK JOHANNES AND ELIZABETH CATHARINA (740610 5152 08 8 AND 790126 0017 08 4), 5 KEAMANN STREET, SETAKIA, THABAZIMBI; (3) Final Order: 19 May 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: THABAZIMBI. T2067/18—(2) BOON: CHERISE (901029 0025 08 9), PLOT 391 MAIN STREET, HEATHERDALE, AKASIA, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1799/18—(2) COETZEE: JOHANNA SUSANNA (620322 0139 08 7), 44 BEVERLEY RYLAAN SUID, CONSTANTIA PARK, ROODEPOORT; (3) Final Order: 12 December 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: ROODEPOORT. T1048/18—(2) GREEFF: FRANCOIS PETRUS (740916 5172 08 7), 158 ALBERTYN STREET, KYALAMI HILLS; (3) Final Order: 8 November 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T2010/16—(2) RINGGOLD INVESTMENTS 474 (PTY) LTD (2013/134324/07), NO 5 CENTRAL OFFICE PARK, JEAN AVENUE, CENTURION, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 18 October 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T938/15—(2) SEKU: BEAUTY NOBAHLE (531229 0693 08 8), 112 YVETTE CRESCENT, OLD NATURENA; (3) Final Order: 17 April 2015 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 135

T20667/14—(2) BRUWER: EDUARD (870121 5115 08 5), SIMONSTRAAT 81, DE OUDEKLOOF, BETHAL; (3) Final Order: 10 July 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: BETHAL. T3369/16—(2) NEL: HENNIE WESSEL (620922 5104 08 3), 6 DANIEL WAY, PIERRE VAN REYVELDT, PRETORIA; (3) Final Order: 6 June 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: PRETORIA. T1768/17—(2) SABCOOL (PTY) LTD (2010/015914/07), UNIT 2A, CITY DEED INDUSTRIAL PARK, 36 CITY DEEP, JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 17 October 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 25 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE: JOHANNESBURG. T20790/14—(2) STEENKAMP: SAMANTHA ESTHERINA (761231 0110 08 0), 4 GARTH STREET, BIRCHLEIGH NORTH, KEMPTON PARK; (3) Final Order: 23 October 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 16 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE: KEMPTON PARK. G735/2017—(2) Profitable Investments C.C. (2003/014362/23), Real Estate Activities; (3) Provisional Order: 10 August 2017; (3) Final Order: 5 September 2017 (4) —; (5) North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Johannesburg. G1307/2018—(2) SIMLEC CC (2002/049324/23), 3 SAPELE STREET BARDENE EXT 2 BOKSBURG; (3) Final Order: 10 October 2018 (4) Special Resolution: SPECIAL RESOLUTION.; (5) —; (6) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG. D151/2017—(2) HERON PLANT HIRE CC (2002/003455/23), 204 HERON STREET KHARWASTAN CHATSWORTH KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) Provisional Order: 19 October 2017; (3) Final Order: 19 October 2017 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU - NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 15 May 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. D189/2016—(2) PAMELA SACKHAN & RICARDO RUNGIAH SACKHAN (7602170263087 / 5906165221055), 8 HLAWE STREET, TONGAAT; (3) Provisional Order: 10 July 2018; (3) Final Order: 10 July 2018 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU - NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 15 May 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. T172/19—(2) LAUJOYCE TRADING (PTY) LTD (2007/034149/07), PLAAS RIETRIVIER MOOKETSI; (3) Final Order: 22 November 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE POLOKWANE. T0516/14—(2) VERMEULEN: HENDRIK WILLEM AND MAGRIETHA MAGDALENA (790329 0055 08 4), 3 BEKKERLANDGOED, PHALABORWA; (3) Final Order: 28 March 2014 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 25 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: PHALABORWA. T3151/16—(2) ALUMNI TRADING 141 (PTY) LTD (2008/000800/07), LANASTRAAT 1 WITBANK; (3) Final Order: 18 May 2018 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION PRETORIA; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE WITBANK. T0395/18—(2) STORBECK: JACOBUS WILLEM MARTHINUS AND SHARON ANN (591210 5074 AND 670519 0036 08 5), PORTION OF RIETFONTEIN 274 STERKSPRUIT, MBOMBELA; (3) Final Order: 15 March 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 13 May 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE: NELSPRUIT. T994/18—(2) JAN JOHANNES PETRUS & SUSARA CHRISTINA WILHELMINA NEL (580905 5074 08 1 & 601124 0040 08 0), 5 DEXTER STREET ROOSHEUWEL KLERKSDORP; (3) Final Order: 23 May 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KLERKSDORP. T1804/18—(2) SAREL JACOBUS VAN DER WALT (890930 5042 08 1), NO 6 BUFFALO THORN K’SHANEHARTBEESPOORTDAM; (3) Final Order: 23 January 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BRITS. T32/19—(2) CECILIA CHRISTINA DICKS (690429 0078 08 5), 031 HOWTH ROAD KENMARE EXT 1 KRUGERSDORP; (3) Final Order: 5 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KRUGERSDORP. T2825/18—(2) KAREL WILLEM MEINTJES (640419 5007 08 1), 124 DE WET STREET KRUGERSDORP; (3) Final Order: 11 December 2018 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DEVISION; (6) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KRUGERSDORP. C833/2018—(2) DEON WERNER & YVONNE KLEYNHANS, WILLIAM HENRY & ANNA ELIZABETH GROENEWALD (6012065078080 , 5401180192085 , 5601055024087 & 5702040026086), 3 SPRIGG STREET, DENNEOORD, GEORGE & 52 GOLF PARK 1, PINE ROAD, HEATHER PARK, GEORGE; (3) Provisional Order: 16 November 2018; (3) Final Order: 30 November 2018 (4) —; (5) EASTERN CIRCUIT LOCAL DIVISION, GEORGE; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, GEORGE MAGISTRATE COURT. C107/2019—(2) ARNOLD ARTHUR LEWIS (6807155078084), 2 VEERHEIDE ROSENDAL, DELFT; (3) Final Order: 14 March 2019 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 12 April 2019, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATES COURT. Ref-C55/2019---—(2) GETAWAY PRODUCTIONS (PTY) LTD (2015/283532/07), 20 JARVIS STREET, DE WATERKANT, CAPE TOWN; (3) Provisional Order: 18 December 2018; (3) Final Order: 19 February 2019 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, Master’s Court - Cape Town.

This gazette is also available free online at 136 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

C104/2019—(2) Germishuizen Roofing (Pty) Ltd (2002/007713/07), 1 Lee Street, Brackenfell, Western Cape; (3) Final Order: 4 February 2019 (4) Special Resolution: By Registrar of Companies.; (5) —; (6) 17 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Kuils River. C114/2019—(2) Ian Crafford (631012 5023 08 2), 129 Conroy Street, Peerless Park, Kraaifontein, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 6 February 2019; (3) Final Order: 11 March 2019 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division, Cape Town; (6) 17 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Kuils River. Ref-C195/2019--—(2) 360 DIGITAL (Pty) Ltd (2013/149937/07), Ground Floor, Block C ,The Boulevard Office Park, Searles, WOODSTOCK,WC; (3) Provisional Order: 23 May 2018; (3) Final Order: 23 May 2018 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, Master’s Office- Cape town. Ref-C369/2017--—(2) Caspher Jan Hendrk & Mathilda Susara Johanna Van Aswegen (721127 5198 089 & 7530917 0114 086), Nr 203, TYGER QUAYS, TYGER VALLEY, BELLVILLE, W.C; (3) Provisional Order: 30 June 2017; (3) Final Order: 30 June 2017 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 12 April 2019, 11:00, Magistrate’s Court- BELLVILLE. C179/2019—(2) LIZANNE BOTHA (830502 0054083), 3 ALBATROS ROAD, BLOUBERGSTRAND; (3) Final Order: 15 March 2019 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN. C198/2019—(2) JOHAN DEETLOF & AMANDA BOTHMA (7111105032088 & 7603120046085), KRUINSIGPLAAS, RIVERSDALE; (3) Final Order: 14 March 2019 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN. Ref-C566/18----—(2) Natashia Wiszowathy (880208 01114 086), 3B MONTROSE AVENUE, CLOVELLY, FISH HOEK, W.C; (3) Provisional Order: 22 November 2018; (3) Final Order: 22 November 2018 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - SIMONS TOWN. Ref-C60/2019---—(2) One Inch Punch (PTY) LTD (2017/178716/07), 44A Bloem Street, Cape Town,W.C; (3) Provisional Order: 22 January 2019; (3) Final Order: 8 March 2019 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, Master’s Office- CAPE TOWN. C121/2019—(2) SVENCRAFT (PTY) LTD (2012/103769/07), 9 DULWICH GREEN, WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 8 February 2019; (3) Final Order: 14 March 2019 (4) — HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN.; (5) —; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, WYNBERG MAGISTRATES COURT. C411/2018—(2) DE JAGER KIDS (PTY) LTD (2016/115047/07), 38 OXFORD STREET, DURBANVILLE , WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 4 October 2018; (3) Final Order: 4 October 2018 (4) Special Resolution: MEMBERS VOLUNTARY.; (5) —; (6) 12 April 2019, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATES COURT. C167/2019—(2) JACOBUS MARTHINUS ELS (7204195002082), 16 KUHN STREET, HOSPITAL HILL, WORCESTER; (3) Final Order: 14 March 2019 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 11 April 2019, 09:00, WORCESTER MAGISTRATES COURT. C81/2019—(2) RUWAYDA PILLAY (8103010090086), HELDERSTROOM PRISON PREMISES, FLAT 15, CALEDON, WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 28 February 2019; (3) Final Order: 28 February 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, CALEDON MAGISTRATES COURT. C217/2019—(2) VITICHEM (PTY) LTD (2012/064546/07), 95 BERGRIVER BOULEVARD, PAARL; (3) Final Order: 13 March 2019 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) —; (6) 15 April 2019, 09:00, PAARL MAGISTRATES COURT. C71/2019—(2) ALCAPE PERIMETER SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD (2011/120645/07), 49 BELL CRESCENT, WESTLAKE BUSINESS PARK, WESTLAKE WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 22 January 2019; (3) Final Order: 22 January 2019 (4) Special Resolution: CREDITORS VOLUNTARY.; (5) —; (6) 12 April 2019, 09:00, WYNBERG MAGISTRATES COURT. C61/2019—(2) INDAWO ELUNGILE PROPS (PTY) LTD (2005/022178/07), 19 EDINBURGH ROAD, WEST BEACH WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 22 January 2019; (3) Final Order: 28 February 2019 (4) — HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN.; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 9 April 2019, 09:00, MASTER’S OFFICE CAPE TOWN. C80/2019—(2) ANNA MARIA CRONJE (8007220052085), 14 KRONKELWEG, STRANDFONTEIN; (3) Final Order: 28 February 2019 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 11 April 2019, 09:00, MITCHELLS PLAIN MAGISTRATES COURT. C910/2018—(2) ROBERT MORTON (661108 5151 080), 9 PEACH TREE CRESCENT, SUNNINGDALE WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 6 February 2019; (3) Final Order: 6 February 2019 (4) — HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN.; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 9 April 2019, 09:00, MASTER’S OFFICE CAPE TOWN. C701/2018—(2) BOUWER POTGIETER INC (1994/007024/21), 120 MAIN ROAD STRAND WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 18 December 2018; (3) Final Order: 31 January 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 10 April 2019, 09:00, STRAND MAGISTRATES COURT. C919/2018—(2) AIRBRAKE 24(PTY) LTD (2016/139001/07), UNIT 2,52 WILLOW ROAD, BELLVILLE, WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 18 December 2018; (3) Final Order: 31 January 2019 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 12 April 2019, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATES COURT. Ref-C69/2018--—(2) TIGER PERFUME (PTY) LTD (2015/082957/07), 192 VOORTREKKER ROAD, PAROW,W.C; (3) Provisional Order: 18 December 2018; (3) Final Order: 18 December 2018 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 12 April 2019, 11:00, Magistrate’s Court -BELLVILLE.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 137

Form/Vorm J 29CC


The Close Corporations mentioned below having been placed in liquidation by order of the High Court of South Africa or the Magistrate’s Court having jurisdiction, and pursuant to section 78 of the Close Corporations Act, No. 69 of 1984, read together with section 40 (1) and 77 of the Insolvency Act of 1936 and sections 356, 375(5) (b) and 412 and 356 of the Companies Act of 1973, notice is hereby given that persons indebted to the under- mentioned Close Corporation are required to pay their debts to the liquidator forthwith unless otherwise indicated and that the First Meeting of Creditors and Members of the undermentioned Close Corporations will be held on the dates and at the time and places mentioned below, for the following purposes: (i) The consideration of the statement of affairs of the Corporation lodged with the Master of the High Court; (ii) the proof of claims against the Close Corporation; (iii) determination by creditors of the necessity of the appointment of a co-liquidator and, if so, the nomination of a person for appointment; (iv) receiving or obtaining directions or authorisation in respect of any matter regarding the liquidation. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of Close Corporation; (2) name and description of Close Corporation; (3) name and address of liquidator; (4) date, hour and place of meeting and (5) period within which debts must be paid, if this is not done forthwith.


Nademaal die Beslote Korporasies hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika of die Landdroshof wat bevoegdheid het, in likwidasie geplaas is, en ingevolge artikel 78 van die Wet op Beslote Korporasies, No. 69 van 1984, saamgelees met artikel 40 (1) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet van 1936, en artikels 356, 375(5)(b) 412 en 356 van die Maatskappywet van 1973, word kennis hierby gegee dat persone wat enigiets aan die onderstaande Beslote Korporasie verskuldig is, onmiddellik die skuld aan die likwidateur moet betaal, tensy anders aangedui is en dat die Eerste Byeenkoms van Skuldeisers en lede van die ondervermelde Beslote Korporasies gehou sal word op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld vir die volgende doeleindes: (i) Die uiteensetting aangaande toestand van sake van die Korporasie wat by die Meester van die Hooggeregs hof ingedien is te oorweeg; (ii) eise teen die Beslote Korporasie te bewys; (iii) te besluit of ’n mede-likwidateur aangestel moet word en indien wel iemand te nomineer vir aanstelling; (iv) opdragte of magtiging ten opsigte van enige aangeleentheid betreffende die likwidasie te ontvang of te verkry. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van Beslote Korporasie; (2) naam en beskrywing van Beslote Korporasie; (3) naam en adres van likwidateur; (4) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (5) tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik geskied nie.

G04/19—(2) CLOSE TRADE 107 CC (1998/007957/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) M. COWIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196; (4) 10 April 2019, 10:00, THE MAGISTRATES COURT, BENONI. G147/2018—(2) Alfa Grafsteenwerke CC (1991/005382/23), (In liquidation) / 22 Constelation Street, Sunward Park Boksburg; (3) A B Shaban & M Mosa, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 25 April 2019, 11:30, Magistrate Boksburg. T2861/2018—(2) Module Kitchens CC (1991/033527/23), (In liquidation) / No 533 Duniet Street, Elarduspark Pretoria; (3) G L S de Wet & L Masutha, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 29 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G515/2017—(2) Unit No 79 Via Orvietto CC, (In liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet & C C Mienie, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 24 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. G273/2018—(2) World of home Tuition CC (2001/014687/23), (In liquidation) / 174 Corlett Drive, Bramley; (3) A B Shaban & L van der Merwe, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein, 2094; (4) 30 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T2384/18—(2) 786 Global Designs & Print CC (2008/116980/23), In Liquidation; (3) AW Van Rooyen & ML Ledwaba, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 2 May 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at 138 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

G428/2018—(2) LUDONGA CONSTRUCTION CC (1997/045059/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) RALPH FARREL LUTCHMAN & TSHEPO MEDUPE & FRANCIS TJALE, SUITE 103A WATERKLOOF GARDENS, 270 MAIN STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA. 0181; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG. G281/2015—(2) MEZEPOLI MELROSE RESTAURANT CC (2008/094059/23), SUITE 208 2ND FLOOR, SOUTH BLOCK, THRUPPS CENTRE, 204 OXFORD ROAD, ILLOVO; (3) MS MOTIMELE, P.O. BOX 55166 WIERDA PARK, 0149; (4) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG. T2633/18—(2) Phomolong Developments CC (2007/057772/23), In Liquidation; (3) PJC Van Staden & SJ Kalianjee, Unit F 4, First Floor, 14 12th Street Menlo Park; (4) 23 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G1138/2018—(2) SBTJ Property cc (1999/030192/23), In liquidation; (3) Constant Wilsnach and Sune Smith, 386 Orient street, Arcadia, Pretoria; (4) 17 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Randburg. T1258/2017—(2) SPARTA WHOLESALERS DISTRIBUTION CC (2006/0261137/23), (In liquidation); (3) Gregory Keletso Mohosh and Nadasen Moodley, Suite 111, 1st Floor Central Towers Building, 286 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0001.; (4) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs. E000004/2019—(2) ZENITH INSTALLATIONS CC (2001/070110/23), In Liquidation, formerly trading as metal fabricators at 11 Leo Laden Street, Wilsonia, East London.; (3) Andrew Stuart Paterson and Aneel Darmalingam, 10 St Patricks Road, Belgravia, East London and 119 Witch-Hazel Avenue, Highveld Technopark, Centurion.; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, East London. B64/2018—(2) Andrew M Communications CC (2002/051267/23), In Liquidation; (3) OT Manzini, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 15 May 2019, 09:00, Magistrate, Kroonstad. N4/2019—(2) Mini-Wareing CC (1992/018489/23), (In Liquidation); (3) R A Long, P O Box 2042, Hillcrest, 3650; (4) 11 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Pinetown; (5) n/a. N5/2019—(2) Bruce John Properties CC (2008/137084/23), (In Liquidation); (3) R A Long, P O Box 2042, Hillcrest, 3650; (4) 10 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Durban; (5) n/a. N293/2018/PMB—(2) SHARP CLEANING SERVICES CC (2001/025796/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) EUGENE NEL, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES, 3202; (4) 24 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. T1981/18—(2) Bethal Clutch and Brake CC (1989/033911/23), In Liquidation; (3) MR Benninghoff & JS Koka, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 3 May 2019, 09:00, Magistrate, Bethal. C193/2019—(2) DDT INGENIEURSWESE CC (2002/005277/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) SA ROUX, 6 FAIRVIEW OFFICE PARK, FIRST STREET, GEORGE EAST; (4) 12 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATES COURT, GEORGE. C125/2019—(2) VOIGRO INVESTMENTS CC (2006/112186/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) SA ROUX, 6 FAIRVIEW OFFICE PARK, FIRST STREET, GEORGE EAST; (4) 12 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATES COURT, KNYSNA. C162/2019—(2) VISTA MOTORHOMES CC (2006/087655/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) J L KRYNAUW & G NOKHANDA, BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, PO BOX 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599; (4) 25 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE’S COURT, SOMERSET WEST. C62/2019—(2) COALITION TRADING 1365 CC (2010/084139/23), IN LIQUIDATION; (3) SA ROUX, 6 FAIRVIEW OFFICE PARK, FIRST STREET, GEORGE EAST; (4) 12 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATES COURT, GEORGE.

Form/Vorm 1


Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) name and address of trustee or liquidator; (4) date, hour and place of meeting; (5) period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 139


Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal, tensy anders vermeld. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, tyd en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en (4) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (5) tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou; en op ander plekke voor die Landdros.

G1186/18—(2) TONGA ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD (2012/049367/07) (In Liquidation); (3) M. COWIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196; (4) 11 April 2019, 10:00, THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG. G04/19—(2) CLOSE TRADE 107 CC (1998/007957/23) (In Liquidation); (3) M. COWIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196; (4) 10 April 2019, 10:00, THE MAGISTRATES COURT, BENONI. G1085/2010—(2) Newshelf 793 (Pty) Ltd (2005/020963/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Deidre Heather Meurs, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041; (4) 23 June 2010, 10:00, -; (5) N/A. T2664/12—(2) RAVI Guarantee Corporation No 4 (RF) (Pty) Ltd (2007/012728/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Deidre Heather Meurs, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041; (4) 29 June 2012, 10:00, Gauteng; (5) N/A. G515/2017—(2) Unit No 79 Via Orvietto CC (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet & C C Mienie, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 24 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg. T0182/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hendrik Christoffel de Beer; (3) G L S de Wet & A Darmalingham (co R Parbhoo), c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 23 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2185/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Cornelius Abraham Smit; (3) G L S de Wet & R Masoanganye, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 24 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T3489/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gullius Cornelius Breedt & Anette Breedt; (3) A B Shaban & T Tylcoat (Hill), c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 24 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Middelburg. T1177/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Michelle de Jager; (3) E Makhese & S Jiyane, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein, 2094; (4) 25 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T950/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Carle Frans Bouwer; (3) A B Shaban & Z H Ngogodo, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 29 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. G1165/2012—(2) Esbach Booysen Vervoer (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 30 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Kempton Park. T0707/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bertus Geldenhuys; (3) G L S de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 26 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Standerton. T1483/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johanna Magrietha Grobler; (3) E Makhese & L M Mundalamo, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 30 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T3363/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Andries Adriaan Grove & Anna Francina Grove; (3) A B Shaban & S J Lapoorta, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 24 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T257/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Charon Kinghorn; (3) G L S de Wet & M B Beginsel, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 25 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G147/2018—(2) Alfa Grafsteenwerke CC (In Liquidation); (3) A B Shaban & M Mosa, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 25 April 2019, 11:30, Magistrate Boksburg. T0316/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Linda Bekker; (3) G L S de Wet & M Kuilder, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein, 2094; (4) 24 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Roodepoort. T1858/2017—(2) Crete Solutions (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet & A van Jaarsveldt, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein, 2094; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T0779/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Willem Marthinus Beets; (3) O Kotze & K Maharaj, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 26 April 2019, 09:30, Magistrate Secunda. T1139/2017—(2) Insolvente Boedel: Christiaan Cornelius Grobler; (3) O Kotze & L Venter, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 24 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Potchefstroom.

This gazette is also available free online at 140 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

T5291/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johan Groenewald & Ella Johanna Groenewald; (3) c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 24 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Middelburg. T1030/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nadia Hancke; (3) G L S de Wet & E M van Wyk, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 30 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate Brits. G47/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Harinangoni Funganai Kamunhu; (3) G L S de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 24 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Randburg. T0258/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Morne Kinghorn; (3) O Kotze & J M Damons, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein, 2094; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2861/2018—(2) Module Kitchens CC (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet & L Masutha, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein, 2094; (4) 29 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T318/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Leonard Lee Nel & Johanna Cornelia Nel; (3) O Kotze & M L M Kutumela, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T1141/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Quentin Nothnagel & Sophia Maria Nothnagel; (3) O Kotze & A van Wyk, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein; (4) 30 April 2019, 14:00, Magistrate, Fochville. G289/2018—(2) Simplegrow Properties 3 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) G L S de Wet, Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 24 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Roodepoort. T21376/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Stephanus Hendrik Steinman; (3) G L S de Wet & L A Loubser, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 29 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Lichtenburg. T1389/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hendrina Jacoba Maria Theron; (3) V A Tsopotsa & D Manilal, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T2001/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Adriana van Dijk; (3) A B Shaban & A K Bikani, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 29 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1390/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marius Hendry Venter; (3) O Kotze & T O Manzini, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094; (4) 29 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G273/2018—(2) World of Home Tuition CC (In Liquidation); (3) A B Shaban & L van der Merwe, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein, 2094; (4) 30 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Johannesburg. G679/2018—(2) Crowned Cormorant Investments 81 (Pty) Limited (2004/032620/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Shawn Williams and A M Ayob, GCW Administrators (Pty) Ltd, Sunnyside Office Park, Building B 1st Floor 32 Princess of Wales Terrace Parktown; (4) 10 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg. T1432/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Steven, Collen (8908175019 08 8); (3) MR Benninghoff & T Medupe, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 30 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1523/11—(2) Ugezi Energy (Pty) Ltd (2007/010578/07) (In Liquidation); (3) AW Van Rooyen & A Van Wyk, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 7 May 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2384/18—(2) 786 Global Designs and Print CC (2008/116980/23) (In Liquidation); (3) AW Van Rooyen & ML Ledwaba, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 2 May 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G2944/2009—(2) Insolvent Estate: Magua, Verne Dominic (701104 5132 08 1); (3) MR Benninghoff & MS Motshekga, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 15 May 2019, 09:00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. T0747/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kruger, Stefan & Elizabe Christina (601009 5051 08 5 & 641219 0127 08 5); (3) AW Van Rooyen & T Oosthuizen, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 13 May 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Brits. T880/17—(2) Innogreenbuild (Pty) Ltd (2015/169323/07) (In Liquidation); (3) WM Magagane, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 15 May 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T3626/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lange, Annemarie (810826 0241 08 1); (3) MR Benninghoff & C Bickmore, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 9 May 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T4014/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Coetzer, Henri (490920 5182 08 0); (3) MR Benninghoff, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 3 May 2019, 09:00, Magistrate, Germiston. T2572/18—(2) Daleen Van Wyk Occupationl Therapist (Pty) Ltd (2017/195621/07) (In Liquidation); (3) AW Van Rooyen & KL Selahle, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 14 May 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T0583/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Burley, William Robert Charles (810216 5100 08 8); (3) MR Benninghoff, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 15 May 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp. T20647/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Joubert, Cornelia Getruida (640209 0024 08 6); (3) A Taunyane, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 10 May 2019, 09:30, Magistrate, Krugersdorp. T1627/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Laubscher Daniel (6501255011083); (3) A van Jaarsveldt/JW Yzel/M Gumbo, P.O Box 40023 Moreleta Park 0044; (4) 25 April 2019, 10:00, Master Johannesburg. G1068/2018—(2) Klaprops 332 (PTY) LTD (2006/020078/07) (In Liquidation); (3) A van Jaarsveldt/ T Oostuizen, P.O Box 40023 Moreleta Park 0044; (4) 26 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Germiston. G688/2017—(2) Genflex (Pty) Ltd (2002/019555/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MJD Breytenbach/KC Monyela/RF Lutchmann, P.O Box 40023 Moreleta Park 0044; (4) 17 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Palm Ridge. T1859/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: PIETER ABRAHAM MYBURGH (8208185034080); (3) NTSHENGEDZENI ANTHONY MICHAEL TSHIVHASE, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Master Pretoria. T0780/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: GUNDULA, NORMAN FULUFHELO & MASHUDU LUCY (7506026227081 & 8002290399086); (3) MC STHERLAND & D APPAVOO, 17 BOTTLEBRUSH AVE, ROODEKRANS, ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG 1724; (4) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA.

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T0118/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: BRUINDERS, SASKIA JESSICA (8303190062083); (3) MC STHERLAND (PIETERSE) & A POOLE, 17 BOTTLEBRUSH AVE, ROODEKRANS, ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG 1724; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA. T290/2018—(2) POLKADOTS PROPERTIES 134 (PTY) LTD (2010/002086/07) (In Liquidation); (3) TEBOGO MORITIDI EUSTACE KWAPE, P O Box 2190 JHB 2000; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T3054/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: PHETLA, ALBERT SWAYINI (710512 5884 080); (3) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND (PREV PIETERSE) & MATONE JOSEPH MONTSHO, NO 17 BOTTLEBRUSH AVENUE, ROODEKRANS, ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG, 1724; (4) 16 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE OFFICE KEMPTON PARK. T2321/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: TECHNO STAR VILLAGES (PTY) LTD (2007/006816/07); (3) Frans Langford & YAB Ismail, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 23 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T530/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: MOTLANTHE CLEMENT TSHEPO & SUZETTE KAMOGELO (8105195452080 & 8308210676085); (3) AAG KHAMMISSA & R MAHARAJ, C/O O.M.A. CORPORATE OFFICE PARK, 98 DOREEN STREET, COLBYN, PRETORIA; (4) 12 April 2019, 09:30, MAGISTRATE KRUGERSDORP. T4772/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: MASHWENE THOSETJE ERNEST (7807185655082); (3) SAG KHAMMISSA, C/O O.M.A. CORPORATE OFFICE PARK, 98 DOREEN STREET, COLBYN, PRETORIA; (4) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. T2637/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Thobias Stephanus Janse van Rensburg (6712025091087); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T978/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Frederik Francois Botes (6508255072080); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1131/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Buyisiwe Jane Msomi (7805280989083); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 9 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2917/18—(2) Autumn Moon Investments (Pty) LTD (2011/007266/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T3037/17—(2) PPM Developments (Pty) LTD (2014/237187/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2946/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Karin Labuschagne (6105150049089); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 18 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1562/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: UYS ELZETTE (8210200084082); (3) IMRAN DINATH & ZIYAD SONPRA, PO Box 13461, HATFIELD, 0028; (4) 8 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER PRETORIA. T21291/2014—(2) DINNER 2012 (PTY) LTD (1981/005946/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford & Paul Thebe Rabaji, Postnet Suite162, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0041; (4) 29 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T1920/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Tanja Luongo (8208210006087); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 15 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T277/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nickey Venter (7410080095080); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2583/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johann van Heerden (7502015053083); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 10 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2623/18—(2) Tuff Guard Pretoria (Pty) LTD (2015/384428/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 16 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T408/2011—(2) MERAKA LOGISTICS (PTY) LTD (2008/007109/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Frans Langford, AP Maralack & M Oelofsen, Postnet Suite, P/Bag X1, The Willows, 0011; (4) 24 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. T1241/17—(2) 7 WORLD GROUP (PTY) LTD (2012/118289/07) (In Liquidation); (3) SAG KHAMMISSA, C/O O.M.A. CORPORATE OFFICE PARK, 98 DOREEN STREET, COLBYN, PRETORIA; (4) 24 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDBURG. T1210/18—(2) Albapro Mineral (Pty) LTD (2009/021516/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 29 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2258/18—(2) PQS Projects Management Services (2000/005394/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1907/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: SHARON CHARMAINE PETERSON (770810 0162 081); (3) MS MOTIMELE, P.O. BOX 55166, WIERDA PARK, 0149; (4) 25 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA. G281/2015—(2) MEZEPOLI MELROSE RESTAURANT CC (2008/094059/23) (In Liquidation); (3) MS MOTIMELE, P.O. BOX 55166, WIERDA PARK, 0149; (4) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG. T1663/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: FRANS JOHAN MOSS (8607295227080); (3) ME SYMES & SAM DANEEL, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 1460; (4) 3 May 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE OBERHOLZER. G691/2018—(2) LICIASTYLE (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (2014/050457/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARYNA ESTELLE SYMES AND MARIETTE BENADE, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 1459; (4) 8 May 2019, 10:30, MAGISTRATE SPRINGS. T2188/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: ETTIENE MARAIS (621007 5102 086); (3) BARN TRUST, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310 RIETONDALE 0083; (4) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER PRETORIA. T2968/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: McSeveney; Mauritz (7808225006088); (3) G.H. Philander, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore-North, Krugersdorp, 1739; (4) 25 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria.

This gazette is also available free online at 142 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

G268/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: GOVENDER BRADLEY JOHN AND PEMISHINE (800222 5039 088/800408 0174 083); (3) M A DLAVANE, 2 Riana Avenue, Northcliff, Ext 16; (4) 12 April 2019, 10:00, THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG. T.0203/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: LAWRENCE SEGIDA (7106055312084); (3) HLALELENI KATHLEEN DLEPU, P O BOX 7398, JOHANNESBURG , 2000; (4) 8 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER PRETORIA. T3343/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: AS & R STEYN (7012145058085 & 8208010021088); (3) R STOCKHOFF & EW PRINSLOO, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 18 April 2019, 09:30, MAGISTRATE VANDERBIJLPARK. T1595/18—(2) SSIS PIPELINE SERVICES (PTY) LTD (2005/026847/07) (In Liquidation); (3) BARN TRUST, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310 RIETONDALE 0083; (4) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER PRETORIA. T1444/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: JE VAN ZYL (810417 5204 082); (3) R STOCKHOFF & JE MAHOMED, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE VEREENIGING. T2113/17—(2) PSZ QUALIFIED SECURITY CC (1997/059814/23) (In Liquidation); (3) BARN TRUST, SOUTPANSBERG WEG 310 RIETONDALE 0083; (4) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER PRETORIA. T3343/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: CHRISTIAN JOEL COQUELET (7307145039089); (3) ER SMITH & MP RAATH, SYMINGTON & DE KOK AND RAATH TRUSTEES; (4) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE KLERKSDORP. T1929/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: FREDDY TSHETLHA RATHOBOTHA (8204205438088); (3) ME SYMES & TV MATSEPE, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 1460; (4) 7 May 2019, 10:00, MASTER PRETORIA. G428/2018—(2) LUDONGA CONSTRUCTION CC (1997/045059/23) (In Liquidation); (3) RALPH FARREL LUTCHMAN & TSHEPO MEDUPE & FRANCIS TJALE, SUITE 103A WATERKLOOF GARDENS, 270 MAIN STREET, BROOKLYN , PRETORIA,0181; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNEBURG. T1225/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Q BOTHA (820520 5060 087); (3) R STOCKHOFF & SM JOHNSON, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 18 April 2019, 11:30, MAGISTRATE BOKSBURG. T3459/17—(2) B3 E2 Collaborative Pty Ltd t/a Carry Deck Crane Rentals (2005/027141/07) (In Liquidation); (3) PH Strydom and MV Magagane, Corporate Liquidators PO Box 28675, Sunnyside, Pretoria; (4) 26 April 2019, 09:00, The Master of the South Gauteng High Court Pretoria. T2268/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Renier Kritzinger (8106175001087); (3) Mari Haywood & Kevin Chow, Unit F 4, First Floor, 14 12th Street Menlo Park; (4) 3 May 2019, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T0371/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: WF & SJ SLIEKER (671202 5041 082 & 680918 0313 080); (3) R STOCKHOFF & VD RAMUEDZISI, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE WITBANK. T0236/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: VAN STADEN JOHANNES NICOLAAS & ELIZABETH JOHANNA (730918 5094 08 1 & 730507 0018 08 6); (3) LINDELWA MBANJWA, P O BOX 52649 DORANDIA 0188; (4) 18 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. T2880/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Q SEABORNE (820721 5011 084); (3) R STOCKHOFF & B DAYA, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. G20924/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: DJ & RV NEL (710114 5238 084 & 700419 0287 081); (3) RN KHARIVHE, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 18 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG. T2156/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: PD MOTLOUTS (851203 5600 085); (3) R STOCKHOFF & R TLHABANYANE, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE SPRINGS. T0421/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: SL MABELANE (650625 5556 084); (3) R STOCKHOFF & K TITUS, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 15 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1451/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: C SCHEEPERS (860221 5117 081); (3) R STOCKHOFF & TH NONYANE, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 18 April 2019, 09:30, MAGISTRATE VANDERBIJLPARK. G262/18—(2) Beds by Cordy (Pty) Ltd (2017/499492/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Mari Haywood & Michael Timkoe, Unit F 4, First Floor, 14 12th Street Menlo Park; (4) 2 May 2019, 11:30, The Magistrate Boksburg. T2633/18—(2) Phomolong Developments CC (2007/057772/23) (In Liquidation); (3) PJC Van Staden & SJ Kalianjee, Unit F 4, First Floor, 14 12th Street Menlo Park; (4) 23 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G735/2017—(2) Profitable Investments C.C. (2003/014362/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Mrs T.Hill. & Mr H.J.Musi., Heritage Office Park, Mindalore-North, Krugersdorp, 1739; (4) 10 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Johannesburg. T0271/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: HJ SMAL (600216 5110 081); (3) R STOCKHOFF & TG HLUNGWANI, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 16 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE KEMPTON PARK. G1307/2018—(2) SIMLEC CC (2002/049324/23) (In Liquidation); (3) JH BLIGNAUT / MR BENNINGHOFF / RE MAPHAKA, P O BOX 1010 EDENVALE 1610; (4) 10 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG. T4234/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacques Theodore & Wilhelmina Johanna Rosina Van Wyk (7605035157089 & 7708180067085); (3) Mari Haywood & Michael Timkoe, Unit F 4, First Floor, 14 12th Street Menlo Park; (4) 8 May 2019, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G691/2018—(2) LICIASTYLE (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (2014/050457/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARYNA ESTELLE SYMES AND MARIETTE BENADE, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG, 1459; (4) 15 May 2019, 10:30, MAGISTRATE SPRINGS. G1138/2018—(2) SBTJ Property cc (1999/030192/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Constant Wilsnach and Sune Smit, 386 Orient street, Arcadia, Pretoria; (4) 17 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Randburg. T1028.18—(2) Insolvent Estate: VM DE VILLIERS (630404 5016 086); (3) R STOCKHOFF & AL VILAKAZI, 250 Johnny Claassens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA. T1412/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Abraham Carel Slabbert (740725 5017 08 9); (3) Pogiso Tumisang Timothy Mfoloe, 461 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn, 0181; (4) 25 April 2019, 09:00, The Magistrate, Pretoria North.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 143

T1549/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Salmon Maritz & Magdalena Geldenhuys (741113 5243 08 9 & 760521 0006 08 5); (3) Zaheer Cassim & Louise-Ann van Zyl, 461 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn, 0181; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, The Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1258/2017—(2) SPARTA WHOLESALERS DISTRIBUTION CC (2006/0261137/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Gregory Keletso Mohosh and Nadasen Moodley, Suite 111, 1st Floor Central Towers Building, 286 Pretorius Street, Pretoria, 0001.; (4) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Springs. T64/2018—(2) Andrew M Communications CC (2002/051267/23) (In Liquidation); (3) OT Manzini, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 15 May 2019, 09:00, Magistrate, Kroonstad. K21/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: SCHIETHOEK BOERDERY TRUST (IT903/03); (3) Mmaeshibe Phuti Dibete, Ottlie Anton Noordman & Kishor Nathoo Rama, 77 Kellner Street, Westdene, Bloemfontein, 9301; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrates Court Richmond. N2/2019—(2) COASTAL STEEL SUPPLIES CC (1999/053635/23) (In Liquidation); (3) SIYABONGA SAMUEL MOHLOMI AND CAROLINE MMAKGOKOLO LEDWABA, 45-51 JOSIAH GUMEDE ROAD, 4TH FLOOR UNION MAIN CENTRE, PINETOWN 3600; (4) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT DURBAN, 4TH FLOOR , 2 DEVONSHIRE PLACE , DURBAN 4000. D40/2018—(2) Sixty Four Mpushini Avenue CC (1990/016352/23) (In Liquidation); (3) R A Long, P O Box 2042, Hillcrest, 3650; (4) 11 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Pinetown; (5) n/a. N4/2019—(2) Mini-Wareing CC (1992/018489/23) (In Liquidation); (3) R A Long, P O Box 2042, Hillcrest, 3650; (4) 11 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Pinetown; (5) n/a. N181/2017/PMB—(2) ANCHOR COINS AND TRADING (DURBAN) (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (2013/209289/07) (In Liquidation); (3) TREVOR MAHLASELE RAMODIKE, P O Box 2190 JHB 2000; (4) 24 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, DURBAN. N5/2019—(2) Bruce John Properties CC (2008/137084/23) (In Liquidation); (3) R A Long, P O Box 2042, Hillcrest, 3650; (4) 10 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Durban; (5) n/a. N17/2019—(2) ADC DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LIMITED (2016/114032/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Neil David Button and Hashim Yunus Ismail, 295 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermartizburg 3201 and P O Box 2837, Brookyyn Square; (4) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg. N177/2018—(2) Kwa Gijima Express Services (Pty) Ltd (2003/024786/07) (In Liquidation); (3) R A Long; N A M Tshivhase, P O Box 2042, Hillcrest, 3650; (4) 10 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Durban; (5) n/a. N239/2018/PMB—(2) IMAGE RUBBER MOULDING PTY LTD (2012/097625/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARCEL EDWIN NEL, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - PIETERMARITZBURG. D218/18—(2) Sugarstone Developments (PTY) LTD (2014/039970/07) (In Liquidation); (3) L Myburgh, Unit F 4, First Floor, 14 12th Street Menlo Park; (4) 17 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Durban. N161/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marc Anthony Jacobs (671103 5014 089); (3) A Moollajie & K R Vengadesan, 46 Burnley Road, Crawford, 7780; (4) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate Court - Empangeni. D172/2018—(2) MAGNIFICENT FOUR PROPERTIES PTY LTD (2005/023714/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARCEL EDWIN NEL, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202; (4) 24 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. N247/2018/PMB—(2) FEREZ PTY LTD (2007/014825/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARCEL EDWIN NEL, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202; (4) 26 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - PIETERMARITZBURG. D123/2017—(2) Tedsons Construction And Plant Hire CC (2007/251226/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Cornelia Maria Cloete, C/O Xirimele Trustees, 74 General Kock Road, Maroelana, Pretoria; (4) 20 May 2019, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court Empangeni. D123/2017—(2) Tedsons Construction And Plant Hire CC (2007/251226/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Cornelia Maria Cloete, C/O Xirimele Trustees, 74 General Kock Road, Maroelana, Pretoria; (4) 20 May 2019, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court Empangeni. T1981/18—(2) Bethal Clutch and Brake CC (1989/033911/23) (In Liquidation); (3) MR Benninghoff & JS Koka, P.O Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126; (4) 3 May 2019, 09:00, Magistrate, Bethal. T1713/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Motsiri, Sedikwe Doyle (690407 5997 08 7); (3) Cornelia Maria Cloete, 74 General Kock Road, Maroelana, Pretoria; (4) 15 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court Brits. C922/2018—(2) ICON ELEVATORS CC (2007/043081/23) (In Liquidation); (3) GD WALLACE & K VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 12 April 2019, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C847/2018—(2) H & K BRETTENNY PROJECT MANAGEMENT CC (2007/248070/23) (In Liquidation); (3) GD WALLACE & KA MOETSI, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 12 April 2019, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C534/2018—(2) FUSION PROPERTIES 339 (PTY) LTD (2011/131555/07) (In Liquidation); (3) GD WALLACE & AD DRAAI, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 12 April 2019, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C466/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: JOHANNES & RENE GERBER (5010055123081 & 5607300119085); (3) GD WALLACE & DE STEYN, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 12 April 2019, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C455/2017—(2) RK Sauer Construction South Cape CC (2007/066843/23) (In Liquidation); (3) Danie Acker, Jochen Eckhoff and Gladys Nkateko Ngobeni, c/o Rauch Gertenbach Inc, P O Box 3, Mossel Bay, 6500; (4) 12 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate George.

This gazette is also available free online at 144 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

C393/2018—(2) RED REVENGE STUDIOS (PTY) LTD (2016/472019/07) (In Liquidation); (3) GD WALLACE & T AOBAKWE, Sir Benjamin Promenade, Oxford Street, Durbanville; (4) 12 April 2019, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C619/2018—(2) GONA PILLAY PROPERTIES CC (1991/02157/23) (In Liquidation); (3) TARYN JANE NEIZEL, P.O. BOX 13446, CASCADES,3202; (4) 25 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE COURT WYNBERG. C580/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: NICOLAAS GEORGE HONIG (360612 5006 008); (3) JOCHEN ECKHOFF and Johannes Hendricus du Plessis and Sean Mario Johnson, 7th Floor, Mandela Rhodes Place, Cnr Wale and Burg Street, Cape Town, 8001; (4) 25 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATES COURT, SOMERSET WEST. C584/2018—(2) Beach Music Trading Company (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) Johannes Jacob Theron and Mohamed Yaseen Khammissa, Box 323, Cape Town, 8000; (4) 15 May 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Strand. C647/2011—(2) BARZANI 105 (PTY) LTD (In Liquidation); (3) S L RAI and M R RAJAH, 10 BRINK ROAD CONSTANTIA; (4) 18 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE SOMERSET WEST.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 145

Form/Vorm 2


Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act of 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) the number of estate/company; (2) the name and description of estate/company; (3) the date, hour and place of meeting and (4) the purposes of meeting. (5) Any additional annexure or resolutions. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926,en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ’n byeenkoms van skuldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (4) die doel van byeenkoms. (5) enige additionele aanhangsels of resolusies. In ’n plek waar ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

T3578/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: BARBARA ELIZABETH MACKENZIE (7709080207086); (3) 11 April 2019, 09:00, THE MAGISTRATES COURT, PRETORIA NORTH; (4) FURTHER PROOF OF CLAIMS. T2741/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ferreira Andrew (640919 5167 082); (3) 25 April 2019, 09:30, Magistrate court, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Second meeting of creditors. T22657/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mabowa Ngawanakgolo Lizzy (680207 0501 088); (3) 23 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Second meeting of creditors. T1645/11—(2) Insolvente Boedel: COENRAAD ADOLF SWANEPOEL (530324 5090 082); (3) 18 April 2019, 09:00, DIE LANDDROSHOF PRETORIA NOORD; (4) VERDERE BEWYS VAN EISE. T523/2017—(2) SURIANO INTERTRADE (PTY) LTD (2016/100320/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 17 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria; (4) Prove of Claims. T629/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobus Nicolaas & Engela Maria du Plessis (5603215046083 & 5407300129089); (3) 17 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate, Randburg; (4) Proof of further claims. T21329/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Colette Potgieter (7809040027085); (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims. T1887/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hendrik Johannes & Cariza Nannette Doubell (7702060044084 & 7905300221085); (3) 18 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims. T2989/15—(2) Silver Lakes Trading 119 (Pty) LTD (2005/184098/12); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims. T4087/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hugo Wessels (7109065018089); (3) 17 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge; (4) Proof of further claims. T20477/14—(2) Zambli 137 (Pty) LTD (2005/032583/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 18 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Proof of further claims. T1208/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: KARIN NIGRINI (771102 0028 085); (3) 11 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE - PRETORIA NORTH; (4) TO PROOF CLAIMS. G367/2018—(2) Sell Chem CC (2007/224683/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 09:00, The Magistrate Germiston; (4) Further poof of claims and interrogation. T1696/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: JOHN & JOHANNA PETRONELLA DE WET (5007245023080 & 5412270095088); (3) 18 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE NORTH HIGH COURT ,PRETORIA; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. G697/2017—(2) UPS DIRECT (PTY) LTD (2001/005170/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 18 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE

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HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. T2419/16—(2) Allied Commodity Ventures CC (2003/067039/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court: Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. T3670/15—(2) TPM CONSTRUCTION AND ENGINEERING SERVICES CC (1998/021727/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 8 April 2019, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (4) Further proof of claims. G267/2017—(2) BALEIA B2B TRADING 444 CC t/a REEL2REAL INTERACTION (2011/097121/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 17 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATE RANDBURG; (4) Further proof of claims. T6041/00—(2) BASCELLI PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD (87/01094/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 8 April 2019, 10:00, The Master of the High Court Johannesburg; (4) Further proof of claims. G440/2018—(2) FOURTH AVENUE POLONY CC (1996/040365/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE SPRINGS; (4) Further proof of claims. T3387/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: GABRIEL PETRUS & MALINDA HELENA DELPORT (5702085096085 & 6012100034080); (3) 10 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims. T0584/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: JACOBUS STEPHANUS (7408035045085); (3) 12 April 2019, 09:30, Magistrate Secunda; (4) To prove further claims. T3464/2017—(2) STAND 185 URANIAVILLE CC (1988/023383/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate Germiston; (4) Further Proof of claims. Resolutions to be adopted; (5) Resolution 1, 2, 3 & 4: 1. That the actions of the Liquidator to date hereof be and are hereby ratified and confirmed. 2. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to engage the services of Attorneys and/or Counsel for the purposes of taking and or defending any legal action that may be considered necessary in the interest of the estate. All costs so incurred to be treated as administration charges and paid for by the estate. 3. That the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised to make an inventory, value and dispose of movable and immovable assets of the Close Corporation by public auction, private treaty or public tender in his sole discretion and that all costs incurred in relation thereto be costs of administration and paid for by the estate. 4. In the event of any assets which is subject to a Mortgage Bond, or other form of security not realising sufficient to pay the claims of the secured creditors, plus the pro rata share of the costs of administration in full, the Liquidator be and is hereby authorised in his discretion to abandon or sell such assets to the creditor concerned at an agreed valuation, subject to the payment by such creditor of a pro rata share of the costs of administration, including but not limited to the costs of a valuation T0569/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: E FOUCHE (680801 0100 089); (3) 18 April 2019, 09:30, MAGISTRATE VANDERBIJLPARK; (4) Proof of further claims. T0423/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: DR FAY (681228 5034 080); (3) 17 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE BENONI; (4) Proof of further claims. T2419/16—(2) Allied Commodity Ventures CC (2003/067039/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court: Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. T2419/16—(2) Allied Commodity Ventures CC (2003/067039/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court: Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. G1833/2011—(2) Acqui Trading (Pty) Ltd (2002/015706/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 10 April 2019, 09:00, The Magistrate Court, Roodepoort; (4) Prove of further claims. T1936/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: LUKAS CORNELIUS JOUBERT (840523 5059 089); (3) 17 April 2019, 10:00, THE MAGISTRATE COURT MIDDELBURG; (4) PROVE CLAIMS & ADOPT RESOLUTIONS. T2178/18—(2) TZONEVA ASPHALT SUPPLIES (PTY) LTD (2012/035386/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 13 April 2019, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT PRETORIA NORTH; (4) SPECIAL MEETING OF CREDITORS FOR FURTHER PROOF OF CLAIMS; (5) IN THE MATTER OF: TZONEVA ASPHALT SUPPLIES (PTY) LTD” (IN LIQUIDATION), MASTER’S REFERENCE NUMBER: T2178/18 T2168/18—(2) Fingor CC (2002/067290/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 11 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria; (4) Prove of claims. T22968/2014—(2) Etna Trading 14 (Pty) Ltd t/a First Travel (2006/022595/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master Johannesburg; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. T2419/16—(2) Allied Commodity Ventures CC (2003/067039/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court: Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. T2419/16—(2) Allied Commodity Ventures CC (2003/067039/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the High Court: Pretoria; (4) Proof of claims. T405/2016—(2) Nizen Pipe Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd (Incorporating Fiberpipe Holdings (Pty) Ltd) (2010/025144/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 26 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court Germiston; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. T405/2016—(2) Nizen Pipe Manufacturers (Pty) Ltd (Incorporating Fiberpipe Holdings (Pty) Ltd) (2010/025144/07);

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(In Liquidation) (3) 26 April 2019, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court Germiston; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. T22968/2014—(2) Etna Trading 14 (Pty) Ltd t/a First Travel (2006/022595/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master Johannesburg; (4) PROOF OF CLAIMS. S34/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Geoffrey Frederick Alan Waters (790802 5077 089); (3) 10 April 2019, 14:00, Master of the Eastern Cape High Court, Port Elizabeth; (4) Further proof of claims. B44/2018—(2) Mmaradebe Properties (Pty) Ltd (2003/026161/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 11 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate Kroonstad; (4) Receiving the report of the liquidators on the affairs and condition of the estate and giving the liquidators directions in connection with the administration of the estate.. N28/2018—(2) ALESSANDRO B 891 (PTY) LTD (2016/531648/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 11 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate’s Court, 52 George Sewpersadh Street, Verulam; (4) Second Meeting of Creditors for the tabling and adoption of the liquidators report & resolutions and to have any submitted claims proved. N117/2018—(2) YOBO SNACKS CC (2003/074921/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 10:00, Master of the KwaZulu- Natal High Court, Pietermaritzburg; (4) To prove claims. T22628/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Werner Oberholzer (7909135015084); (3) 17 April 2019, 10:00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp; (4) Proof of further claims. C689/2017—(2) ROWMOOR INVESTMENTS 908 (PTY) LTD (2009/013557/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 09:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN; (4) Proof of claims. C31/2018—(2) SILENT POND INVESTMENTS CC (1999/064729/93); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 09:00, MAGISTRATES COURT, GEORGE; (4) LIQUIDATORS REPORT RESOLUTIONS PROOF CLAIMS. C656/2018—(2) Catch 62 (Pty) Ltd (In liquidation) (2016/526339/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 12 April 2019, 11:00, Magistrate Bellville; (4) Proof of late claims. Form/Vorm 4


Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later date. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/ company; (3) description of account; (4) account for inspection at Master’s and Magistrate’s office, (5) date, (6) period (if longer than 14 days).


Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 406 (3) van die Maatskappywet 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van skuldeisers of kontribuante sal lê te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ’n tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) beskrywing van rekening; (4) rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, (5) datum; (6) tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae).


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T2013/17—(2) COMBAT FIRE CC (1985/002909/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PRETORIA G1042/17—(2) MEGA RADIO CC (1996/022337/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; ROODEPOORT G0612/17—(2) AUTOQUIP RETAIL (PTY) LTD (1981/006292/07) (In Liquidation), (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; N/A G0661/17—(2) MAJESTIC SUN MARKETING CC (2006/133016/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; KEMPTON PARK G1133/17—(2) FIRE RAIDERS CAPE (PTY) LTD (2003/004692/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; BOKSBURG T0482/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: WERNER STREICHER (8706175117088), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; SECUNDA T4231/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: MATTHEUS GERHARDUS & TILANE VENTER (7305105002089 & 8202280045083), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; LEPHALALE T4231/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: MATTHEUS GERHARDUS & TILANE VENTER (7305105002089 & 8202280045083), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; LEPHALALE G20723/2014—(2) BREEZE COURT INVESTMENTS 61 PTY LIMITED (2009/000099/07) (In Liquidation), (3) SECOND AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; - T5170/2009—(2) Insolvent Estate: LOPIN 2 TRUST (IT5395/2006), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. T22275/2014—(2) GERHARDUS STEPHANUS HARRINGTON (780411 5064 089) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. T0280/2015—(2) JOHANNES JURIE & ANKIE VAN STADEN (781212 0005 088) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. C960/2012—(2) ELITE ASSIST 4 (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (2004/023703/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) CAPPE TOWN; KUILSRIVER; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. T3707/2010—(2) FREDERICK RICHARD HAMMAN (6704265015082) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. T3707/2010—(2) FREDERICK RICHARD HAMMAN (6704265015082) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. T2244/2015—(2) GURSHWIN RENIER & ALLISON RABIE (8306265194087 & 900318021084) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. G223/2014—(2) GAP FINANCE 8-5 (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; NONE; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. G635/15—(2) NEWSHELF 808 (PTY) LTD (2005/034970/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court; N/A; (5) 5 April 2019; (6) N/A. G635/15—(2) NEWSHELF 808 (PTY) LTD (2005/034970/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court; N/A; (5) 5 April 2019; (6) N/A. G547/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: JAN ALBERTUS ACKERMAN (7607275030083), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; NONE; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. T1433/2016—(2) TIVCOM ENGINEERING PNUEMATIC & HYDRAULIC CC (2001/037574/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. T1551/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ryan William Teague, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Roodepoort G20811/2014—(2) Crystal Lagoon Carriers CC (In Liquidation), (3) Redrawn First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate Krugersdorp T21015/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jabulani Sibanda, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None T1220/2017—(2) Green Africa Lawn (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None

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T1151/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Linda Trytsman, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Master of the High Court, Johannesburg G709/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Morne Riaan Pienaar, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; Magistrate Palm Ridge (Alberton) T7157/2009—(2) Insolvent Estate: Makotana Rodney Hamese, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None T161/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sarel Jacobus van der Walt & Ingrid Ursela van der Walt, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Middelburg T5252/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Diederick Jacobus Josef Fritz & Natasha Fritz, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Kempton Park T2756/2015—(2) Dream World Investments 283 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None T2265/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hennie Botha, (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None G294/2016—(2) Ydeco (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate Roodepoort T3241/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jose Odilio Benedito, (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T2623/2015—(2) Bay View Trading 141 CC (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None T5100/2011—(2) Blue Disa Trading 302 CC (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None T858/2017—(2) Ashley’s Heavy Transport CC (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None T2224/2017—(2) Air Flo Tech CC (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; None T4034/2015—(2) Anzel Trading 1007 CC (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Klerksdorp T75/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Brenda Gail Bradley, (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; None G547/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: JAN ALBERTUS ACKERMAN (7607275030083), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; NONE; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14 DAYS. G1010/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Van Der Westhuizen Willem Marthinus (730628 5071 08 4), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; -; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 29 March 2019 - 12 April 2019. G291/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Van Der Merwe Izak Jacobus & Marihetta Magdalene (440904 5083 08 5 & 520104 0010 08 3), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; Magistrate Brakpan; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 29 March 2019 - 12 April 2019. T2349/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Strydom Petronella Elsa (620328 0001 08 6), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 29 March 2019 - 12 April 2019. G130/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ideal Powder Coaters CC (2003/067424/23), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; -; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 29 March 2019 - 12 April 2019. T20166/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Janse Van Rensburg Michiel Adriaan (701022 5265 08 3), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Wolmaranstad; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 29 March 2019 - 12 April 2019. T376/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kruger Johanna Elizabeth (890422 0240 084), (3) The Amended First and Final Liquidation Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 29 March 2019 - 12 April 2019. G709/16—(2) PABST Productions (Pty) Ltd (2004/032910/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; Randburg

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T22325/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Swanepoel Jacobus Albertus Johannes (850413 5082 08 2), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Potchefstroom; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 29 March 2019 - 12 April 2019. T3172/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: DKB Residence Trust (IT3781/97), (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; - T1652/16—(2) Hy-Design (Pty) Ltd (1981/005264/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended Third & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Roodepoort T2874/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Van Der Westhuizen Helicia (730612 0007 08 7), (3) The First Liquidation Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; Magistrate Pretoria North; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 29 March 2019 - 12 April 2019. T609/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: Du Plessis Albertus Johannes Francois & Susanna Elizabeth (680211 5004 08 0 & 771120 0023 08 2), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 29 March 2019 - 12 April 2019. T21943/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: VAN ZYL, CJ (6012160073002), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; n/a G632/2016—(2) LYNRAY ENGINEERING CC (2007/010392/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; n/a T3124/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jennifer Charlotte Murray (5403130013080), (3) The First and Final Liquidation Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court Pretoria; -; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 29March 2019 - 12 April 2019. G140/18—(2) Klongcor Boerdery CC (1998/036438/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) The Master of the South Gauteng High Court Johannesburg; The Magistrate Vanderbijlpark T20390/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobus Tjaart & Juanita Swart, (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Magistrate, Vereeniging; (5) 29 March 2019 G392/17—(2) Mazambane Trading (Pty) Ltd (2008/001832/07) (In Likwidasie), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court JOHANNESBURG; Magistrate BRAKPAN G908/18—(2) Campi Online CC (2000/057974/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Master of the High Court JOHANNESBURG; Magistrate BENONI T44/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Neville Mark & Juanita Alida Eggberry, (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Magistrate, Middelburg; (5) 29 March 2019 T997/2009—(2) Insolvent Estate: RAMOGALE CHARLES SEKWELE (780216 5333 081), (3) The Second amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Cullinan G692/15—(2) Atlas Star Auto Body Repairers CC (1987/004223/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court JOHANNESBURG; Magistrate BENONI T1728/16—(2) M and H Consultants (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 29 March 2019 T2320/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: A Whitfield (6712040088084), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court PRETORIA; Magistrate KEMPTON PARK G549/2018—(2) SO PRECIOUS CC (2011/105892/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; BENONI T150/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pieter Andries Nell, (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 29 March 2019 T3390/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ovens Martin James (761119 5145 088), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pretoria; Magistrate Meyerton; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 2019-04-12. G498/2015—(2) HLANIPHEKA ELECTRICAL CC (2010/059741/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; N/A T150/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pieter Andries Nell, (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 29 March 2019 T2369/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: ANTON DU PLESSIS (6411275027087), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; N/A T20390/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobus Tjaart & Juanita Swart, (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Magistrate, Vereeniging; (5) 29 March 2019

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T1173/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Harmse; Christo (7705045012082), (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; None G1191/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: NAIDOO, DHEENADAYALAN, KRISHNASAMY (6306055180082), (3) First and final liquidation and distribution account; (4) Johannesburg; n/a; (5) 29 March 2019 T20139/14—(2) Zama Auto Repairs & Maintenance C.C. (2006/182125/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria & Nelspruit; None G632/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: BORMAN CORNEL CHRISTIAAN (6907085179083), (3) FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG; MAGISTRATE ROODEPOORT T1691/17—(2) Span Bolt and Tool CC (1997/029154/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) The Master of the North Gauteng High Court Pretoria; The Magistrate Phalaborwa G513/2017—(2) SA Nut Industries (Pty) Ltd (2001/024957/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; na T144/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Elmarie Visser, (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 29 March 2019 G1000/2010—(2) MG ANGLING SUPPLIES CC (1998/073380/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Shortfall Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; Magistrate Meyerton; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 2019-04-15. T144/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Elmarie Visser, (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 29 March 2019 T772/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: MASHIANE MK & EK (571111 5983 089 / 600321 0687 081), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT PRETORIA; POLOKWANE T2379/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: CHARMAINE LORNA ROWLAND (780119 0098 081), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; None T44/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Neville Mark & Juanita Alida Eggberry, (3) First and Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Magistrate, Middelburg; (5) 29 March 2019 T1728/16—(2) M and H Consultants (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A; (5) 29 March 2019 G1024/2017—(2) CLEAR CREEK TRADING 160 (PTY) LTD (2011/006518/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG; - G513/2017—(2) SA Nut Industries (Pty) Ltd (2001/024957/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; na T4034/00—(2) Soshanguve South Development Co (Pty) Ltd (1992/003088/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Third and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Boksburg T22274/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: HARRINGTON ZELMARIE (8408150172085), (3) LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; -; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14DAYS. T0608/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johnny & Maria Anna Hasebroek (770227 5258 089 & 790528 0131 080), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Thabazimbi T1966/17—(2) Gnutech Trailers and Steelworks (Pty) Ltd (2016/196400/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Pretoria North T3571/16—(2) Oysters Inc Menlyn (Pty) Ltd (2003/000241/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; N/A T3837/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Vanessa Robbertze (7010030028080), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Pretoria North T1180/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Dinah Maria Theron (700417 0063 080), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Pretoria North T2333/2017—(2) CURANI HOME NURSING(PTY)LTD (2014/098873/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE G513/2017—(2) SA Nut Industries (Pty) Ltd (2001/024957/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; na T2591/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Monique De Lange, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master Pretoria; None

This gazette is also available free online at 152 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

G513/2017—(2) SA Nut Industries (Pty) Ltd (2001/024957/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; na G513/2017—(2) SA Nut Industries (Pty) Ltd (2001/024957/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; na T22572/14—(2) Costas Candles (Pty) Ltd (1998/023644/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pretoria; Potchefstroom G513/2017—(2) SA Nut Industries (Pty) Ltd (2001/024957/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; na T496/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Natasha Angenant (7604210060085), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) The Master of the High Court, Pretoria; The Master of the High Court, Johannesburg T74/2013—(2) Business Harmony 33 (Pty) Ltd (2006/002433/07) (In Likwidasie), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; Lydenburg T2591/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Monique De Lange, (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master Pretoria; None U2/2013—(2) SOUTH WILD ENTERPRISES CC (In Liquidation), (3) SECOND SUPPLEMENTARY LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MTHATHA; N/A E000032/2016—(2) FLYVILLE TRADING CC (2009/229449/23) (In Liquidation), (3) SUPPLEMENTARY LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) GRAHAMSTOWN; EAST LONDON E000024/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rudolph Albert Botha (730109 5212 08 5), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Grahamstown; Graaff-Reinet B37/2011—(2) JOROY 0063 BK (2005/117373/23) (In Likwidasie), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) BLOEMFONTEIN; -; (5) 29 Maart 2019 B46/2015—(2) BIG SKY CARRIERS (PTY) LTD (2010/016900/07) (In Liquidation), (3) SUPPLEMENTARY FIRST AND FINAL; (4) BLOEMFONTEIN; BLOEMFONTEIN; (5) 29 March 2019 B50/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sanet Barnard (681028 0114 089), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Bloemfontein; n/a; (6) 14. N96/2015—(2) JADE ROCK 120 INVESTMENTS CC (2008/254314/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PIETERMARITZBURG AND DURBAN; - N51/2016/PMB—(2) CHRIS DE BEER CC (1997/058604/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PIETERMARITZBURG; - N69/2015/PMB—(2) Insolvent Estate: DENNIS RONALD YATES AND JACQUELINE CAZI YATES (5602125041085 and 7301310201087), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PIETERMARITZBURG; EMPANGENI N149/2016—(2) Buffalo Tankers (Ltdy) Ltd (2013/037068/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Pietermaritzburg; Pinetown N123/2016—(2) Afripalm Managed Services (Pty) Ltd (2007/026575/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Pietermaritzburg; Verulam N219/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Susan Adair McGlashan (560519 0103 08 6), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Pietermaritzburg; N/A N218/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Alistair Ian McGlashan (541030 5057 08 1), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Pietermaritzburg; N/A N09/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: SHAREN NATASHA LEE SEERALAN (631129 0186 084), (3) First and Final Liquidaation and Distribution Account; (4) Master of the High Court, Pietermaritzburg; Magistrate, Verulam M20004/14—(2) WOLFRAM & PELO CC (2010/112830/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MAHIKENG; N/A M20037/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Adriaan Jacobus Young & Michelina Young (6311275097082 & 6108230008083), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Mafikeng; Rustenburg; (5) 29 March 2019; (6) 14. M20065/2014—(2) QUADRICO CC (2000/054633/23) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, MAFIKENG; MAGISTRATE, RUSTENBURG

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C1000/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: CLINTON MARCO & GLYNNIS ANTHEA SCHEEPERS (7309255227082 & 7506040064080), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) CAPE TOWN; WYNBERG C332/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bartel Wilhelm Smit & Sonja Natasha Smit (5808015023089 & 6304170194088), (3) First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Kuils River; (5) 26 March 2018 C610/2018—(2) Shine The Way 481 CC (In Liquidation) (2004/121728/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Mitchells Plain C135/20189—(2) THE TRYLINE GROUP [PTY] LTD (2012/049357/07) (In Liquidation), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN; MAGISTRATE SOMERSET WEST; (5) 29 March 2019 C524/2016—(2) Winskor 139 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) Second & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Stellenbosch C961/2016—(2) TEXAS GRILL (PTY) LIMITED (2015/255332/07) (In Liquidation), (3) SECOND & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) Cape Town; George C20428/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pappadopoulos, Demetrius Haralambos (7002105896087), (3) Second Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wynberg C96/2017—(2) Mega Plastic CC (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Mossel Bay C695/2015—(2) Sunset Bay Trading 347 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Atlantis C837/2016—(2) Ocean South Fresh (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) Second Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Somerset West C715/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: ALBERTUS CHRISTIAAN & HELENA DOROTHEA PRETORIUS (6011275044080 & 7310020197089), (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) CAPE TOWN; KUILSRIVER C938/2009—(2) Edrei Property Finance Limited (in liquidation) (In Liquidation), (3) 4th Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wellington C164/2016—(2) World Cargo Services (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) (In Liquidation), (3) 2nd Supplementary Third & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; none C408/2018—(2) Stellenbosch Development Company (Pty) Ltd (1963/006981/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; n/a C569/2018—(2) OMNIRAPID INVESTMENTS 8 (PTY) LTD (2001/021928/07) (In Likwidasie), (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) CAPE TOWN; KNYSNA; (5) 29 March 2019 C410/2018—(2) Gauloises (Pty) Ltd (1993/001961/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; n/a C569/2018—(2) ARTISTIA 152 CC (2007/139328/23) (In Likwidasie), (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) CAPE TOWN; GEORGE; (5) 29 March 2019 C466/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lynn Natasha Williams (850607 0087 083), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Mitchells Plain C20421/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacqueline Priscilla Steenberg (851021 0082 087), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Kuils River C716/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Leoni Jacobs (750620 0078 086), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; - C460/16—(2) Pure Platinum Property Holdings Limited (2001/018759/06) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Cape Town; N/A C973/2012—(2) Gaussian Resources (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Master Cape Town; Magistrate Stellenbosch C170/2018—(2) TDL Specialist Rigging & Transport Services (Pty) Ltd (2007/017471/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C192/2017—(2) West Dunes Properties No. 56 (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation) (2004/005473/07) (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Knysna; (6) n/a. C193/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rachel Elizabeth Jordaan (811025 0096 087), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Cape Town; Clanwilliam

This gazette is also available free online at 154 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

C669/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Zuleigha Kariel (780820 0143 088), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Wynberg C36/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hester Susanna Solms (670720 0017 089), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Kuils River C216/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lizelle Smit (700501 0249 086), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Paarl C20176/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Peter Barrie Els (780818 5054 086), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Goodwood C241/2015—(2) DWR INVESTMENTS CC (2008/081499/23) (In Liquidation), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Atlantis C562/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gavin Clinton Cottee (840114 5159 085), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Kuils River C421/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Charlton Thean & Joelene Mary-Ann Leibrandt (831113 5162 082 & 751009 0100 084), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Paarl C145/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacques Gerhard Kruger (670430 5081 086), (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Strand C760/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nadia Carr (630825 0852 085), (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) Cape Town; Wynberg C1100/2012—(2) ZELPY 2465 (PTY) LTD (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) The Master of the High Court, Cape Town; Magistrate, Bellville; (6) 14 Days.

Form/Vorm 5


The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned, notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the address mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company and (3) account; (4) date when account confirmed; (5) whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and (6) name and address of trustee or liquidator. UITKEER VAN DIVIDENDE EN INSAMELING VAN KONTRIBUSIES IN GESEKWESTREERDE BOEDELS OF MAATSKAPPYE IN LIKWIDASIE

Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of likwidateur moet betaal. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy en (3) rekening; (4) datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; (5) of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ’n kontribusie ingevorder word, of beide, en (6) naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur.

T2880/2015—(2) HALOGENIX (PTY) LTD (2010/020657/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 9 October 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) IMRAN DINATH, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD PRETORIA 0081.

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T2376/2016—(2) GEOCHRIS INVESTMENTS CC (2010/163980/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 25 January 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) IMRAN DINATH, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD PRETORIA 0081. G975/2010—(2) DYAMBALA TRANSPORT AND CLEANING SERVICES CC (2001/040967/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 31 January 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R.F LUTCHMAN & E.M MALATSI, PO BOX 76135, LYNNWOOD RIDGE, PRETORIA,0040. T2161/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: DUARD SIEMENS (800725 5042 084); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 19 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) M GONDORA, 28 Cooper Street, Randpark, Randburg. T3171/2012—(2) FOOD DISTRIBUTION HOSPITALITY CC (2008/019028/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 9 April 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) MARC BRADLEY BEGINSEL, 12 SUNNYSIDE ROAD, EDGEMEAD,7441. T4781/2012—(2) D’ NERA TRANSPORT CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (2003/023985/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 8 April 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) MARC BRADLEY BEGINSEL, 12 SUNNYSIDE, EDGEMEAD 7441. T543/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Phinah Patience Chima; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 11 February 2019; (5) Dividends paid and contribution levied; (6) E Makhese & C A Jones (co S A G Khammissa), c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein, 2094. T3647/2016—(2) Ithaba Coal and Energy (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 4 February 2019; (5) None; (6) G L S de Wet & I C M Shirilele, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein, 2094. G101/2016—(2) Marbri Trading (Pty) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 21 January 2019; (5) None; (6) N Cronje, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. G86/2013—(2) Shades of Summer Investments 143 CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 5 February 2019; (5) None / Shortfall; (6) c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. G1131/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lizelle Slabbert; (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 6 November 2018; (5) None / Shortfall; (6) Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. T3328/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Vanessa Smit; (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 12 February 2019; (5) None / Shortfall; (6) G L S de Wet & L B Nkwane (co A W van Rooyen), c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd, Doornfontein, 2094. T4944/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hlambo Sifiso Amon (670310 5437 084); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 18 March 2019; (5) Paid Dividends Paid , Contribution Levied,; (6) W Van Rooyen / O R Sekat (Co: J Z H Muller), PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. G1332/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Boledi Audiology (PTY) LTD (2012/020587/07); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) No Dividends Paid , No Contribution Levied,; (6) AW Van Rooyen & FH Sulima, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T20470/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Chase Donavan Centlivers & Roxanne Nadine (850624 5024 088 & 840806 0097 083); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Distribution Account; (4) 7 March 2019; (5) Paid Dividends Paid , No Contribution Levied,; (6) LF Kaaba, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T21853/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lacante Johannes Hemdrik Sarel & Johanna Christina Wilhelmina (600322 5007 085); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 8 March 2019; (5) No Dividends Paid , No Contribution Levied,; (6) MM Tayob, (CO: AW Van Rooyen), PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. G1176/2017—(2) EDCON HOLDINGS LIMITED (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) (2006/036903/06) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 9 January 2019; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) GARY JAMES OERTEL, THE MARC, 129 RIVONIA ROAD, SANDOWN, SANDTON. T2420/07—(2) Insolvent Estate: Umjindi Pipe & Steel CC (2005/037186/23); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 19 May 2015; (5) No Dividends Paid , No Contribution Levied,; (6) AW Van Rooyen / EM Motala, PO Box 12545, The Tramshed, 0126. T1580/18—(2) Insolvent Estate: TANNER, STEVEN-JOHN (790513 5095 084); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) MARINDA CHRISTINA SUTHERLAND & CLIFFORD THABANG MAREDI, 17 BOTTLEBRUSH AVENUE, ROODEKRANS, ROODEPOORT, JOHANNESBURG, 1724. G2776/2014—(2) NORTH WIND TRADING 162 CC (2005/101041/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 21 February 2019; (5) None; (6) RALPH FARREL LUTCHMAN AND SELLO MASHAO RASETHABA, SUITE 103A, WATERKLOOF GARDENS, 270 MAIN STREET, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA, 0181. T0436/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christoffel Van Huyssteen Du Plessis; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution account; (4) 19 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T560/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ashley James Foxcroft; (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution account; (4) 18 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T0822/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: JN ZWART (6906155255088); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 8 March 2019; (5) None; (6) Jacolien Frieda Jansen van Rensburg & Sello Mashao Rasethaba, 310 Soutpansberg Road, Rietondale, 0083. T170/2009—(2) Bester Johanna Susanna (690902 0007 080) (In Liquidation); (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 23 July 2013; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Liebenberg Dawid Ryk van der Merwe & Ahmed Moosa Gani Suliman, Unit B5, Clearview Office Park, 77 Wilhelmina Avenue, Constantia Kloof, Roodepoort, 1724.

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T2972/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Solomon Mathe; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution account; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1742/16—(2) JHS Bestuurdienste CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation account; (4) 25 February 2019; (5) None; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1852/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Steven Millar; (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution account; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1309/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hendrina Maria Nasilowski; (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution account; (4) 19 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T3370/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Elizabeth Marjorie Steyn; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution account; (4) 27 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T250/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Tryna van Wyngaardt-Schoeman; (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 27 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. G254/18—(2) Jenjay Investments (Pty) Ltd (2015/039858/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 11 February 2019; (5) None; (6) MJD Breytenbach/CKV Tanna, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T2411/17—(2) Longtom Bearings Seal & Transmission CC (1992/011476/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 14 March 2019; (5) NONE; (6) A van Jaarsveldt/TS Mahomed, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T560/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ashley James Foxcroft; (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution account; (4) 18 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T646/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Johannes Lodewickus & Ronel Myburg; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution account; (4) 5 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2434/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bayta Ilana Mcmillan; (3) First & Final Liquidation account; (4) 1 March 2019; (5) None; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T7931/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Shingiraya Evidence Nyamaritama; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution account; (4) 5 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1848/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Garth Eden Skinner; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution account; (4) 1 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T3829/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Angelique Van Tonder; (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 22 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) H DRAHT, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2109/16—(2) Kokopelli Restaurant and Golf Driving Range (Pty) Ltd (2013/200437/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 11 March 2019; (5) Preferent/Concurrent; (6) MJD Breytenbach/MM Malowa, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T444/18—(2) Inner-Vate Consulting (Pty) Ltd (2016/230329/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) NONE; (6) A van Jaarsveldt/S Tintinger, National Liquidators SA (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 40023, Moreleta Park, 0044. T536/2016—(2) BEKKKER MANAGEMENT SERVICES (PTY) LTD (2013/082676/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary to Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 18 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid & Contribution being collected; (6) CA Starbuck & JM Oelofse, PO Box 4373, Pretoria 0001. T3352/17—(2) OLIVEWOOD VET CAFE CC (2004/071050/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK 1460. T2490/17—(2) STATSOFT READING & CONSULTING PTY LTD (2012/172571/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION ANS CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CAVBERRA ROAD IMPALA PARK 1460. G782/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: FOOTGUARD PROPERTIES CC (1996/044071/23); (3) First and final liquidation distribution and contribution account; (4) 14 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) A I Surmany / G N Ngobeni, P O Box 783601 Sandton 2146. G511/2016—(2) TELLABS HOLDINGS SA (PTY) LTD (IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION) (2000/017210/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 22 January 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) GARY JAMES OERTEL, THE MARC, 129 RIVONIA ROAD, SANDOWN, SANDTON. T3598/2016—(2) NANTUS CC (1988/003949/23) (In Liquidation); (3) The First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) None; (6) Ranel Trust, 2 Riana Avenue, Northcliff, Ext 16. G498/17—(2) Bizfin (Pty) Ltd (1999/016328/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 15 March 2019; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) GN Ngobeni, PO Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059. T1449/05—(2) Bunker Hills Investments 319 (Pty) Ltd (2000/002177/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Amended First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 9 November 2018; (5) None; (6) JP Voges (Co: JF Engelbrecht), PO Box 92333, Mooikloof, 0059.

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T3167/16—(2) Webstrategy SA (Pty) Ltd. (2010/024495/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 26 September 2018; (5) None; (6) M.C. Rawoot, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore-North, Krugersdorp, 1739. T0809/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: M HUMAN (850527 0113 087); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 11 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R STOCKHOFF & SM JOHNSON, 250 Johhnny Claasens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. T2709/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: CM RYAN (660208 0114 082); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 14 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R STOCKHOFF & SL MAGARDIE, 250 Johhnny Claasens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. T3831/03—(2) Amlac Limited (1995/008727/06) (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 28 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) T. Hill; G.M. van Tonder; B.J.J. Bezuidenhout, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore-North, Krugersdorp, 1739. T21470/14—(2) Insolvente Boedel: S C P VAN DER RIET (5304290001081); (3) Eerste en finale Likwidasie en Distribusierekening; (4) 1 Augustus 2017; (5) Dividende uitbetaal; (6) H M HAMMAN, Biancasingel 49 Montana Park. T0200/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: DJ HUMAN (750313 5023 089); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 14 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R STOCKHOFF & AD MCQUIRRIE, 250 Johhnny Claasens Street, Garsfontein, Pretoria. T4661/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Robert Reginald Stevens (8102185004088); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 11 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) M Haywood, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T3423/11—(2) Winskor 168 (Pty) Ltd (2006/003032/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Amended First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 18 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) PJC Van Staden, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T2443/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Tiyani Beuken Mabunda (820930 5513 086); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribuiton Account; (4) 21 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) J Z H Müller & M R Benninghoff, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T3134/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Cornelis Michiel & Johanna Abramina Louw (530208 5028 087 & 560803 0106 087); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) I J Boshoff & A P Maralack, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T1729/18—(2) Echo Extreme Import & Exports CC (2006/209587/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 11 February 2019; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & B Qangule, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. G783/17—(2) H.J. Bruwer Farming and Trading CC (2009/123119/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 6 February 2019; (5) None; (6) J J Beetge & N Ndabeni, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T5053/09—(2) IFS Services (Pty) Ltd (1988/004968/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 20 January 2010; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Johannes Zacharias Human Muller & Charles Isaacs Lehoka, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T1611/16—(2) Pfula Investments (Pty) Ltd (2000/025592/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 19 February 2019; (5) None; (6) J Z H Müller & Y A B Ismail, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T2750/16—(2) Pristine Style & Image (Pty) Ltd (2011/126952/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 22 February 2019; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & M Abrahams, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T3815/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Harold Philpott (5612145027089); (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 14 June 2012; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) PJC Van Staden, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. G29/2018—(2) ATLANTIC INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE (PTY) LTD (2014/126256/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account Confirmed; (4) 11 March 2019; (5) None; (6) Deidre de Carvalho, Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041. T2153/17—(2) Up to It Trading 502 CC (2005/018537/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 14 February 2019; (5) None; (6) L H Maphosa, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T2813/17—(2) Vapotrax (Pty) Ltd (2012/015392/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 8 March 2019; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & H A S Moosa, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T2627/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Dalene Van Rensburg (8307180065089); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 15 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) PJC Van Staden, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T210/18—(2) Cheripath (Pty) Ltd (2016/090976/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 18 February 2019; (5) None; (6) J Z H Müller & L G Mpakati, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T1239/18—(2) Foothills Trading and Investment 10 (Pty) Ltd (2009/003811/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 19 February 2019; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & R Parbhoo, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria.

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T1730/18—(2) LUG Projects CC (2004/095443/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 18 February 2019; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & M P Raath, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T1022/16—(2) Sandspruit Works Association NPC (1999/019160/08) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 14 February 2019; (5) None; (6) J F de Beer, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. T0856/18—(2) Zeteon CC (2009/213589/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 19 February 2019; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & M F Vallie, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. G312/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jack Nobinga Ngoma (5811055486083); (3) First Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) Z Cassim & NA Matlala, PO Box 2596, Brooklyn Square, 0075. S8/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: DENNIS and RACHADA JANUARIE (7104255250089 and 7101050710085); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 12 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Sean Johnson & Elizabeth Edwards, Lexicon Attorneys, corner of Westbourne and Clevedon Roads, Central, PORT ELIZABETH. E000009/2018—(2) KEI BRICK & TILE COMPANY (PTY) LTD (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 1 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) MR G M VOIGT, MR V D RAMUEDZISI, PO Box 432 East London 5201. E000024/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gert Wilhelm Daniel Els (870607 5019 08 7); (3) Second Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 14 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) Deborah Joubert, 25 Retief Street, Alexandria, 6185. B65/2017—(2) IMMACULATE TRUCK REPAIRS CC (1996/063093/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRT AND FINAL LIQUIDATION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 17 January 2019; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) H. HENNING, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. D20/2017—(2) Saranac CC (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 15 February 2019; (5) Dividends paid; (6) G Behardien & O Kotze, c/o Kaap Vaal Trust, 74 Siemert Rd Doornfontein 2094. N93/2017/PMB—(2) APPLEMINT PROPERTIES 45 (PTY) LTD (2006/032086/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) GLEN USHER, PO BOX 11703, DORPSPRUIT, 3206. D9/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: SEACREST (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (2012/050575/07); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 8 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) J W E MADDOCKS, POSTNET SUITE 47, PRIVATE BAG X01, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4320. D37/2018—(2) FIRST WORLD TRADE PTY LTD (2013/127843/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 22 February 2019; (5) DISTRIBUTION TO SECTION 98A CREDITORS; (6) EUGENE NEL, PO BOX 13446, CASCADES, 3202. N115/2017/PMB—(2) INJECTRADE 83 CC (2007/153341/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 March 2019; (5) DISTRIBUTION TO SECURED CREDITORS; (6) EUGENE NEL, PO BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202. M0048/15—(2) BAAREKALLAH INVESTMENTS CC (2009/116957/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION ACCOUNT; (4) 12 November 2018; (5) None; (6) M. COWIN, 54 GLENHOVE ROAD, MELROSE ESTATE, 2196. M000085/2017—(2) PROTEK COOLING PTY LTD (2015/357176/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 4 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) M E SYMES, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK. M000078/17—(2) Jeannemay Trading Services CC (2008/167134/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 13 February 2019; (5) None; (6) A van Wyk, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. C1057/2011—(2) Insolvent Estate: IGNATIUS ANDRE & WILNA PRINSLOO (5604225005085 (IGNATIUS) & 5503210125082 (WILNA)); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 6 March 2019; (5) Dividend are being paid out.; (6) Susan Judith Lapoorta and Leonard Maart, Suite 303, Colosseum, 3 St Georges Mall, Cape Town. C887/2016—(2) Grootefontein Ayrshire Farming CC (in liquidation) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) Secured Awards being paid; (6) S Moodliar & K Titus, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. C322/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: HJG VAN HEERDEN (5412075074080); (3) SECOND AMENDED FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 11 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) CB ST CLAIR COOPER, C/O CK TRUST, P O BOX 3065, TYGERVALLEY 7536. C196/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Insolvent Estate Colin Arthur Hall; (3) First & Final Liquidation & Contribution Account; (4) 12 March 2019; (5) Contribution levied; (6) S Moodliar & MA Christian, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. C238/2015—(2) Prosperito (Pty) Ltd (in liquidation) (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 11 March 2019; (5) Concurrent Award being paid; (6) S Moodliar & GN Ngobeni, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. C314/2016—(2) Roode Heuwel Sand Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 1 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) C F Bester, Mazars Houser, Realto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 159

C180/2018—(2) Insolvent Estate: Wilgerweg Trust; (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 6 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) C F Bester , L von W Bester & A Van Jaarsveldt, Mazars Houser, Realto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441. C784/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Walter Henry & Helene Wilma Williams; (3) First Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 4 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) C F Bester & J D Pema, Mazars Houser, Realto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441. C157/2018—(2) DUDLEY’S DRIVING SCHOOL (PTY) LTD (2012/137054/07) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 13 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JOCHEN ECKHOFF & Dallie van der Merwe, Summit Trust, 7th Floor, Mandela Rhodes Place, Cnr Wale and Burg Street, Cape Town, 8001. C703/2016—(2) EACB STUDIO (PTY) LIMITED (1999/018642/07); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 12 March 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) JOCHEN ECKHOFF & Mohamed Mahier Tayob, Summit Trust, 7th Floor, Mandela Rhodes Place, Cnr Wale and Burg Street, Cape Town, 8001. C527/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Insolvent Estate Simone Luck (8602070166082); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 18 October 2018; (5) Dividends being paid; (6) G Behardien, J P Fourie, Z C Twala, 61A Fourth Avenue, Rondebosch East 7780. C20633/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate Willem Johannes Basson (In Liquidation); (3) Supplementary First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 11 March 2019; (5) Secured Award being paid & Contribution levied; (6) S Moodliar & TC Dlamini, 3rd Floor, 5 St George’s Mall, Cape Town, 8001. C470/2012—(2) JUNIOR MOCKE BOUKONTRAKTEURS CC (2010/131262/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION AND CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 6 March 2019; (5) Dividende word uitbetaal; (6) SA ROUX, PO BOX 4411, GEORGE- EAST, 6539. C20603/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christoffel Frederik & Lee-Ann de Wit (8207155042081 & 8505250091089); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 23 January 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) A Moollajie & S Moodliar, P O Box 38009 Gatesville 7780. C854/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marilyn Florence Jackson (7701070205089); (3) First & Final Liquidation, Distribution & Contribution Account; (4) 5 December 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) A Moollajie, P O Box 38009, Gatesville, 7780. C246/2018—(2) International Mobile Protection (Pty) Ltd (In Likwidasie); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 4 March 2019; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) L Lombard & B Daya, c/o BDO Business Restructuring (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 820, STELLENBOSCH, 7599. C.69/2017—(2) KUYANDA COMMODITIES19 CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (2001/042244/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 22 February 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) SAKHILE ABRAHAM MASANGO, PO BOX 4440, THE-REEDS, CENTURION, 0158. C67/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kim Patricia Gerretsen (7201040303080); (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) 12 October 2018; (5) None; (6) TS De S Mathebula, C/O St Adens International, P O Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T2832/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: RIAAN VAN DYK (7312045056084); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION CONTRIBUTION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 November 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) NAWAAL CLOETE, PO BOX 2303, CAPE TOWN, 8000. C20482/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Siela Adams (7507180162080); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 12 December 2018; (5) None; (6) A Moollajie, CJ Pick & CL Pinini, P O Box 38009 Gatesville 7780. C715/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rudolph & Anzette Belia Raats (8407285092085 & 8907130090085); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 6 December 2018; (5) None; (6) A Moollajie & LC Muller, P O Box 38009 Gatesville 7780. C20150/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Abigail Joleen Liebenberg (8812310047089); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 10 December 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R Moollajie & M F Vallie, P O Box 38009 Gatesville 7780. C213/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Susan Day (7001250073088); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 23 January 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R Moollajie, P O Box 38009 Gatesville 7780. C20144/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Roger Merrett Forrest Hull (3902135004087); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 22 January 2019; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) A Moollajie & DC Starkey, P O Box 38009 Gatesville 7780. C197/2017—(2) Prive Hair Studio (Pty) Ltd (2015/243285/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 4 March 2019; (5) None; (6) K van der Westhuizen & Z V Ngogodo, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria. C358/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sean van Eeden (8011185084083); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 5 December 2018; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) R Moollajie & S M Rampoporo, P O Box 38009 Gatesville 7780. C937/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Henriëtte De Klerk (8902180210089); (3) First & Final Liquidation Account; (4) 4 January 2019; (5) None; (6) A Moollajie & AA Parker, P O Box 38009 Gatesville 7780. C1110/2012—(2) Mascodor 180 (PTY) Ltd (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 7 December 2015; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) STEPHANUS ABRAHAM ROUX, 6 FAIRVIEW OFFICE PARK, FIRST STREET, GEORGE EAST.

This gazette is also available free online at 160 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

Form/Vorm 6


Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for his or her rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite his or her name. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) number of estate; (2) full name and description of insolvent (including his date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; (3) date when estate sequestrated, and address, occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; (4) division of Supreme Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; (5) ground of application.


Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone hieronder genoem om sy of haar rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor sy of haar onderskeie name aangedui is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) nommer van boedel; (2) volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy/haar geboortedatum en identiteitsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; (3) datum waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en woonadres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; (4) afdeling van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; (5) rede van aansoek.

T3094/13—(2) KOEDYK, LIESEL, 5 October 1983, 8310050095087, BRANCH SECRETARY, 236A LEYDS STREET, RUSTENBURG, NORTH WEST, UNMARRIED; (3) Final Date: 26 November 2013, 289 BAVIAANSPOORT STREET, EASTYLYNN, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, BRANCH SECRETARY; (4) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 22 May 2019, 10:00; (5) IN TERMS OF SECTION 124(2)(a) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT NO.24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED. T0724/13—(2) PRINSLOO, KAREL PETRUS JACOBUS, 5 October 1961, 6110055077086, NATIONAL WARRANTY ADMINISTRATOR, 250 MANSER STREET, MEYERSPARK, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY; (3) Final Date: 15 April 2013, 250 MANSER STREET, MEYERSPARK, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, REGIONAL MANAGER; (4) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 22 May 2019, 10:00; (5) IN TERMS OF SECTION 124(2)a OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT NO.24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED. T369/12—(2) SOUPEN, CHARLENE ALDINE, 9 January 1969, 6901090240089, SALES & MARKETING SPECIFIER, 29 SAGEWOOD ROAD, FERNBROOK ESTATE, CRAIGAVON, SANDTON, GAUTENG, DIVORCED; (3) Provisional Date: 3 November 2011, Final Date: 4 May 2012, 29 SAGEWOOD ROAD, FERNBROOK ESTATE, CRAIGAVON, SANDTON, GAUTENG, SALES & MARKETING SPECIFIER, ALSO MEMBER OF CALTEX WESTGATE CC, T/A ZELPY 101; (4) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 22 May 2019, 10:00; (5) IN TERMS OF SECTION 124(2)(a) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT NO.24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED. T3518/10—(2) LOGAN, COLLEEN LINDA, 24 October 1970, 7010240051088, PILATES INSTRUCTRESS, 349 RIVERGLADES ESTATE, JUKSKEIPARK, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG, DIVORCED; (3) Final Date: 5 November 2010, 215 RIVERGLADES ESTATE, JUKSKEI PARK, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG, FUNCTIONAL SUPPORT SPECIALIST; (4) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 22 May 2019, 10:00; (5) IN TERMS OF SECTION 124(2)(a) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT NO.24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED. T338/11—(2) EALES, GREGORY VINCENT, 27 June 1973, 7306275232084, REPRESENTATIVE, 526 YSTERHOUT STREET, BOSKRUIN, RANDBURG, GAUTENG, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY; (3) Final Date: 25 February 2011, 11 MYRTLE STREET, RANDPARK RIDGE, RANDBURG, GAUTENG, SALES MANAGER, ALSO PARTNER IN FRANCHISE KNOWN AS WILDFIRE TRADING 4/7 T/A PEN & ART; (4) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 22 May 2019, 10:00; (5) IN TERMS OF SECTION 124(2)(a) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT NO.24 OF 1936, AS AMENDED. G196/2015—(2) Mwale, Ivy, 7 March 1967, 6703070394088, Medical Operator, Jubilee Rd, Parktown Johannesburg, 874A Sowa Str, Meadowlands Soweto, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 13 February 2015, 874A Sowa Str, Meadowlands Soweto, Medical Operator; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 13 May 2015, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124 (3) of the Insolvency Act. T5189/09—(2) Mlauzi, Christopher, 16 April 1977, 7704166007088, Sales and Marketing Manager, 16 Summit Road, Blue Hills, Midrand, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 14 August 2014, 16 Summit Street, Midrand, Unemployed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 9 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Rehabilitation.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 161

T20223/14—(2) Kuppan, Dean, 21 November 1971, 7111215171081, Unemployed, 17 Barbados, Carribean Estate, Diepkloof Street, Honeydew, Married in community of property. Kuppan, Magdelene, 25 December 1972, 7212250025081, Unemployed, 17 Barbados, Carribean Estate, Diepkloof Street, Honeydew; (3) Final Date: 26 May 2014, 1050 Road 3, Allens Nek, Roodepoort., Cost Accountant, Specifying Consultant; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 9 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Rehabilitation. T21072/14—(2) Thole, Karl Albert Jude, 26 October 1974, 7410265082085, Transport Manager, 11 Rock Road, Waterfall, Durban, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 12 August 2014, 5 Anna Road, Germiston, Johannesburg, Branch Manager; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 9 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Rehabilitation. T805/11—(2) Opperman, Gert Pieter Hendrik, 17 August 1981, 8108175012308, Unemployed, 5 Sevenster Lane, Sydney Street, Jansen Park, Boksburg, Johannesburg, Married in community of property. Opperman, Carmen, 17 July 1984, 8407170100084, Unemployed, 5 Sevenster Lane, Sydney Street, Jansen Park, Boksburg, Johannesburg; (3) Final Date: 25 March 2011, 18 Eldorado Street, Kempton Park, Johannesburg, Motor technician, Unemployed; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 9 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Rehabilitation. T2737/2016—(2) Petersen, Anton Sidney, 20 April 1972, 7204204176085, Panelbeater; 7 Balelesberg Street, Albertsdal, Alberton, Gauteng, 1448, 7 Balelesberg Street, Albertsdal, Alberton, Gauteng, 1448, Married in community of property. Petersen, Lesley Jean, 30 May 1974, 7405300137084, Supervisor; 11 Dan Jacobs Street, Alrode, Alberton, Gauteng, 1456, 7 Balelesberg Street, Albertsdal, Alberton, Gauteng, 1448; (3) Final Date: 6 October 2016, 7 Balelesberg Street, Albertsdal, Alberton, Gauteng, 1448, Panelbeater; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 15 May 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T0105/2016—(2) Bouwer, Wilhelmina Juanita, 26 May 1986, 8605260243082, Senior Personnel Officer; 429 Helen Joseph Street, Pretoria, Gauteng, 21 Delmondo, Montana Park, Pretoria, Gauteng, Divorced; (3) Final Date: 11 February 2016, 19 Frank Day Oord, Claremont, Pretoria, Gauteng, Senior Personnel Officer; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 7 May 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T20594/2014—(2) DU PLESSIS, PETRUS MARIUS, 29 November 1963, 6311295012087, Branch Manager, 35 Lonedale Estate, Die Hoewes, Centurion, Gauteng, Married out community of property; (3) Final Date: 3 July 2014, 292 Galway Drive, Bronberrik, Centurion, Gauteng, Sales Rep / Branche Manager; (4) Gauteng Division Pretoria, 14 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Section 124(5) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 .. G188/2014—(2) LUBBE, GERT LODEWYK, 7 July 1971, 7107075186086, MANAGER, NO. 18 VUURPYL AVENUE VERWOERD PARK ALBERTON GAUTENG, NOT MARRIED; (3) Final Date: 19 February 2013, NO 13A 1ST AVENUE ALBERTON NORTH GAUTENG, MANAGER; (4) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG, 20 May 2019, 10:00; (5) REHABILITATION SECTION 124(3)(b). T2811/2011—(2) KROEZEN, MACHIEL JOHANNES JACOBUS, 12 April 1965, 6504125159082, Forensic Voice Stress Analyst, 583 Vaaloewer Avenue, Vaaloewer , Van Der Bijl Park, Married in community of property. KROEZEN, AMANDA, 10 October 1966, 6610100191089, House Wife, 583 Vaaloewer Avenue, Vaaloewer, Van Der Bijl Park; (3) Final Date: 4 August 2011, 4 Rietbok Crescent, Brackenhurst, Alberton, Gauteng, Lost Control & Security Manager / Mortgage Originator; (4) Gauteng Division Pretoria, 14 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. T1496/2012—(2) RAUTENBACH, PETRUS FREDERICK, 26 May 1963, 6305265017084, Design Draughtsman, 34 Glen Ivy, Jan Smuts Drive, Meerhof, Hartbeespoort, North West, Married out community of property; (3) Final Date: 20 April 2012, 23 Justin Crescent, Eldoraigne X27, Pretoria, Gauteng, Design Draughtsman; (4) Gauteng Division Pretoria, 14 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. T7040/09—(2) Prinsloo, Johannes Lodewyk, 2 August 1971, 7108025254081, Manager, 73 Prins Albert Street, Brackenhurst, Married out of community or property; (3) Final Date: 4 November 2009, 8 Maselspoort Street, Brackendowns, Alberton, Businessman; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 22 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Application in terms of Section 124(2) of the Insolvency Act No 24 of 1936. T20080/2014—(2) LE ROUX, MATTHEW WAYNE, 18 September 1967, 6809185026083, National Project Manager, 8 13th Avenue, Boston , Cape Town, Married in community of property. LE ROUX, SANDRA ELRENE, 2 January 1973, 7301020056086, Facilitator Assessor, 8 13th Avenue, Boston, Cape Town; (3) Final Date: 5 September 2014, 30A Pastoll Road, Sarina, Pineslopes, Randburg , Gauteng, Project Manager / Personal Assistant; (4) Gauteng Division Pretoria, 13 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. T3770/2012—(2) JOUBERT, TOBIE, 18 July 1984, 8407185013082, Logistics Manager, 2 Florence Road, Glenpark, Pinetown, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Married in community of property. JOUBERT, ELIZABETH MARGARETHA, 10 April 1988, 8804100020087, House Wife, 2 Florence Road, Glenpark, Pinetown, Kwa-Zulu Natal; (3) Final Date: 6 September 2012, 674 Tulnschstreet , Hercules, Pretoria, Gauteng, Warehouse Manager / House Wife; (4) Gauteng Division Pretoria, 14 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. T4511/12—(2) VOS, SONICA, 18 November 1982, 8211180002086, STRATEGIC ACCOUNT MANAGER, NO 9 FARMSIDE, c/o STONEWALL & LOTHAIR AVE, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA, NOT MARRIED; (3) Final Date: 9 November 2012, NO 9 FARMSIDE, c/o STONEWALL & LOTHAIR AVE, FAERIE GLEN, PRETORIA, PRODUCT MANAGER; (4) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 8 July 2019, 10:00; (5) REHABILITATION, SECTION 124(2) (a).

This gazette is also available free online at 162 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

T1524/2016—(2) WADLOW, MARK HENRY, 18 December 1984, 8412185020089, SITE MANAGER, CN14 CURLEWS ROAD, ROCKEY’S DRIFT, WHITE RIVER, MARRIED IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY. WADLOW, CHARMAINE MARQUERITE, 24 October 1989, 8910240829087, TEACHER, CN14 CURLEWS ROAD, ROCKEY’S DRIFT, WHITE RIVER; (3) Provisional Date: 23 June 2016, Final Date: 23 June 2016, 36 ACKERMAN EXTENSION 16 WITBANK, SELF EMPLOYED; (4) GAUTENG, PRETORIA, 13 May 2019, 10:00; (5) SECTION 124(3)., N/A. T4585/11—(2) COETZEE, ERNEST WILLIAM, 4 April 1982, 8204045175080, AREA MANAGER, 123 BUITEN STREET, KRUGERSDORP NORTH, GAUTENG, MARRIED IN OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY. COETZEE, ANELDA, 15 December 1983, 8312150134089, ADMIN ASSISTANT, 123 BUITEN STREET, KRUGERSDORP NORTH, GAUTENG; (3) Final Date: 2 November 2011, 9 VAN WYK STREET, KRUGERSDORP WEST, GAUTENG, MANAGER; (4) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 14 May 2019, 10:00; (5) REHABILITATION SECTION 124(5). T 2336/16—(2) STRYDOM, BRETT VINCENT, 27 September 1977, 7709275056082, COMPUTER PROGRAMMER, 45 ALEXANDRA STREET FLORIDA GAUTENG, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY; (3) Final Date: 31 August 2016, NO. 4 ST. ANNE’S THE HIGHWAY FLORIDA GAUTENG, COMPUTER PROGRAMMER; (4) GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 21 May 2019, 10:00; (5) REHABILITATION SECTION 124(3)(b). T3451/15—(2) HOPE, HANNETTE, 28 May 1971, 7105280023086, FINANCIAL ADVISOR, 279 BEREA STREET MUCKLENEUK PRETORIA, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY; (3) Final Date: 24 January 2016, 279 BEREA STREET MUCKLENEUK PRETORIA, FINANCIAL ADVISOR; (4) IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 14 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Rehabilitation Section 124(3)(b). G 187/2014—(2) FOURIE, JACOBUS HENDRIKUS ANDRIES, 12 March 1980, 8003125058087, WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR, NO. 18 VUURPYL AVENUE ALBERTON GAUTENG, NOT MARRIED; (3) Final Date: 19 February 2013, NO. 13A 1ST AVENUE ALBERTON NORTH GAUTENG, WAREHOUSE SUPERVISOR; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG, 20 May 2019, 10:00; (5) REHABILITATION SECTION 124(3)(b). T 3291/15—(2) KOTZE, MICHAEL FREDERIK, 16 August 1983, 8308165020081, FLORA EXPORTER, 50 NESTADT AVENUE, SUNDRA, 2200, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY; (3) Final Date: 30 October 2015, 50 NESTADT AVENUE, SUNDRA, 2200, FLORA EXPORTER; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 14 May 2019, 10:00; (5) REHABILITATION SECTION 124(3)(b). T0519/2016—(2) De La Rey, Hendrik Jacobus, 19 September 1965, 6509195031087, Business Solutions Consultant, No. 199 Constance Avenue, Clubview, Pretoria, Married out community of property; (3) Final Date: 6 July 2016, No. 199 Constance Avenue, Clubview, Pretoria, Labour Consultant; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 6 May 2019, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act. T2979/2017—(2) BEZUIDENHOUT, JAN LODEWYK, 17 July 1963, 6307175094088, SENIOR GENERAL MANAGER - FOREVER RESORT, R38 MAIN ROAD, BADPLAAS, 1190, NO.1 BADLAAS FOREVER RESORT, R8 MAIN ROAD, BADPLAAS, 1190, OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY; (3) Provisional Date: 2 November 2017, Final Date: 12 February 2018, 251 WILLEM BOTHA AVENUE, WIERDA PARK, 0157, SENIOR GENERAL MANAGER; (4) THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 2 July 2019, 10:00; (5) In terms of Section 124(3). T300/2010—(2) GUNGUDOO, PRAVAN GOPAL, 15 February 1977, 7702155150083, Sales Clerk, Unit 10773, Thatchills Estate, Centurion , Gauteng, Married in community of property. GUNGUDOO, MELISSA LILIAN, 16 June 1978, 7806160135086, Business Analyst, Unit 10773, Thatchills Estate, Centurion, Gauteng; (3) Final Date: 15 March 2010, 26 Cordelfos Street, Pretoria-West, Gauteng, Manager / Business Analyst; (4) Gauteng Division Pretoria, 13 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. T1852/2009—(2) VAN ZIJL, RENIER, 10 May 1963, 6305105127085, Internal Auditor, Nr 102 Die Hoewes, 276 Von Willich Street, Centurion, Gauteng, Married in community of property; (3) Final Date: 24 April 2009, Nr 15 Namib , Kenega Street, Erasmuskloof , Pretoria, Gauteng, Project Manager; (4) Gauteng Division Pretoria, 13 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. T259612012—(2) DA CUNHA, ARMENIO GEORGE FERNANDES, 17 April 1971, 7104175033086, SALES CONSULTANT: 33 WILKENS ROAD, ROCKY’S DRIFT, MPUMALANGA, 13 MARTIAL EAGLE STREET, RIDGE HILL ESTATE, MBOMBELA, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY. DA CUNHA, BERNICE,; (3) Final Date: 31 August 2012, 83 MELKWEG STREET, EXTENSION 14, MBOMBELA, SELF EMPLOYED BUSINESS OWNER; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA - MPUMALANGA DIVISION (FUNCTIONING AS THE MBOMBELA CIRCUIT COURT), 27 May 2019, 10:00; (5) IN TERMS OF SECTION 124(2) OF THE INSOLVENCE ACT (LAW NO 24 OF 1936): ONE YEAR HAS ALREADY ELAPSED SINCE THE DATE OF CONFIRMATION OF THE APPLICANT’S FIRST ESTATE ACCOUNT OR ONE YEAR WILL HAVE ELAPSED ON THE DATE OF APPLICATION SINCE THE DATE OF CONFIRMATION OF THE APPLICANT’S FIRST ESTATE ACCOUNT.., N/A.

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C689/2012—(2) Laurence, James Walter, 20 May 1948, 4805205003088, Manager - Nooitgedacht Farm, Northern Paarl, Paarl District, Val de Vie 460, Paarl, Western Cape Province, Married Out of Community of Property. Laurence, Estelle Louise Laurence, 15 May 1949, 4905150081004, Pensioner, Val de Vie 460, Paarl, Western Cape Province; (3) Provisional Date: 10 July 2012, Final Date: 10 August 2012, Nooitgedacht Farm, Northern Paarl, Paarl District, Western Cape Province, Owner of Waltel Boerdery (Pty) Ltd; (4) Western Cape Division , Cape Town, 6 May 2019, 10:00; (5) That the Applicant be rehabilitated in terms of Section 124(2) of the Insolvency Act, Act No 24 of 1963 (as amended).. C20552/2014—(2) ZEELIE, FIONA JULIE, 24 May 1970, 7005240019085, DOCUMENTATION MANAGER, 32 YELLOWWOOD CRESCENT, DIEPRIVER 7800, MARRIED ANC; (3) Final Date: 28 November 2014, 13 HAROMA COURT, MAIN ROAD, PLUMSTEAD, EXPORT DOCUMENTATION CONTROLLER; (4) Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 14 May 2019, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency.

Form/Vorm 7


Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’ accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate; (2) name and description of estate; (3) date of sequestration order; (4) division of the High Court by which order is made; (5) date of confirmation of final account,and (6) name and address of curator. KENNISGEWINGS VAN KURATORS

Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het (behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel; (3) datum van sekwestrasiebevel; (4) afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; (5) datum van bekragtiging van finalerekening, en (6) naam en adres van kurator.

T22759/14—(2) Southern Spirit Properties 8 (Pty) Ltd (2002/026177/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 17 November 2014; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 26 July 2016; (6) S Trakman, T V Matsepe and J T Mphahlele, c/o Highveld Trust and Management CC, P O Box 652550, Benmore, 2010. G1007/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: PETRUS JOHANNES LODEWIEKUS DE BRUIN & MARYKA DE BRUIN (8201095091084 & 8202050038086); (3) 16 September 2013; (4) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (5) 17 August 2018; (6) SI Ganie, 16 Wanderers Gardens, 40 North Street, Birdhaven, 2196. G20023/14—(2) Aengus Property Holdings (Pty) Ltd (2002/028280/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 15 January 2014; (4) South Gauteng High Court; (5) 11 April 2018; (6) T W van den Heever, H Mayo & N A Choshane, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. G745/12—(2) Dynamic Interiors CC (2004/099447/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 5 June 2012; (4) South Gauteng High Court; (5) 8 December 2015; (6) T W van den Heever & N A M Tshivhase, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. T4901/00—(2) Transglobe Agriwaste Ltd (1998/002071/06)(In Liquidation); (3) 11 September 2000; (4) Transvaal Provincial Division; (5) 9 July 2018; (6) T W van den Heever & J Z H Muller, PO Box 904, Florida Hills, 1716. T20072/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: R & SAL Kampman; (3) 24 April 2015; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 8 May 2018; (6) A van Jaarsveldt/SJ Kallianjee, PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T20363/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Charles Donald Bosch (6412205003081); (3) 20 June 2014; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 8 July 2016; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2684/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Natasja Cilliers (7607140118089); (3) 2 February 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 22 May 2015; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T161/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Francois Gideon Fourie (6605245072087); (3) 18 May 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 24 April 2018; (6) Ms Tania Oosthuizen, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1655/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gerhardus Bartholomeus Kloppers (5805055010083); (3) 10 May 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 19 October 2015; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. G504/17—(2) Esor Plant (Pty) Ltd (1995/008321/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 26 June 2017; (4) South Gauteng High Court; (5) 13 March 2018; (6) T. Hill, Heritage Office Park, Mindalore-North, Krugersdorp, 1739. T4321/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Patricia Louise Koorts (7802170104089); (3) 29 June 2010; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 5 October 2015; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion.

This gazette is also available free online at 164 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

T5233/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nomvula Eglet Kubeka (6110300515088); (3) 8 February 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 31 October 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2834/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nomi Mabope (7404151259089); (3) 11 June 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 9 October 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1266/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Joseph Vusiwe & Ponto allowcia Mbele (7408155677089 & 7207270834082); (3) 3 September 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 22 October 2018; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T3214/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Wilna Loiusa Mithchell (Kruger) (8011150016086); (3) 16 August 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 20 July 2015; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1484/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Herman Morake (7902245206081); (3) 20 April 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 5 January 2017; (6) Ms Tania Oosthuizen, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T3883/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lydia Nonhlanhla Mpanza (7509280346084); (3) 16 September 2010; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 1 November 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T7220/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kedishi Phineas Ngoepe (6811185654088); (3) 18 November 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 7 August 2015; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2588/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Angelique Petronella Oosthuizen & Roxanne Elizabeth Hattingh (7704270140080 & 8211080271088); (3) 26 February 2014; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 11 August 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2834/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Theodorus Schalk Pieterse (7210155119082); (3) 29 October 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 13 July 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T0807/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Eugene Pitout (8306205152088); (3) 23 March 2011; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 1 March 2016; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2024/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Engedzani Cynthia Ramaligela (7702021224088); (3) 30 July 2010; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 13 March 2018; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2824/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Herman Petrus & Catharina Johanna Potgieter (6306185896086 & 6702200120082); (3) 27 March 2014; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 10 July 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2709/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Chabe Jacob Ramoganyana (7212026298087); (3) 25 October 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 7 July 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T4884/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hester Catherina Ranch (6804210095088); (3) 13 December 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 24 October 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T4783/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Antonio & Patricia Ribeiro (5308115180186 & 5610101413087); (3) 9 November 2011; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 20 April 2015; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1263/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ettienne Armand Roets (6710265118081); (3) 5 April 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 26 August 2016; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T3821/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacques-Pierre & Sonja Roux (7511015094088 & 7806290043085); (3) 30 May 2011; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 31 March 2015; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T5482/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Riaan Rossouw (7410055030088); (3) 19 January 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 18 January 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1065/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Elaine Elizabeth Salter (4911290036080); (3) 23 March 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 29 August 2018; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2175/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Elizabeth Anna Schalkwyk (5303080013082); (3) 3 June 2010; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 17 February 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T5676/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mbuzeni Sicoto (7610205885089); (3) 7 January 2011; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 11 November 2016; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T913/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ashnee Singh (8501060227088); (3) 10 June 2015; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 4 August 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2128/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Esre Smit (7807310028080); (3) 21 February 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 31 January 2019; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1981/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Nicolaas Jacobus Smit (7004285026089); (3) 21 February 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 6 November 2014; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T4808/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: David Schalk & Jade Marle Smith (8111295049081 & 8202210091082); (3) 14 May 2010; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 2 November 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T0831/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mark Hartmut & Bonnita Wilhelmina Weiss (6804205122087 & 680209144083); (3) 25 March 2011; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 13 March 2015; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T3721/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Brian Paul Walsh (6307315013089); (3) 21 September 2011; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 23 August 2016; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T4460/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Benjamin Van Der Berg (7112275152086); (3) 1 November 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 1 July 2016; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T5225/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christo & Petra Van Der Linde (7405305151080 & 7705260058083); (3) 13 February 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 12 December 2016; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T5225/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christo & Petra Van Der Linde (7405305151080 & 7705260058083); (3) 13 February 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 12 December 2016; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion.

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T730/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Anneline Francina (Pienaar) Van Der Walt (7510100054080); (3) 8 March 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 30 June 2015; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T21709/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: W Coetzee; (3) 8 October 2014; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 23 May 2016; (6) R Stockhoff/D Ismail, PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T1630/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Amanda Van Heerden (6601210004080); (3) 20 May 2011; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 6 December 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1749/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: M Heyns; (3) 24 July 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 22 July 2015; (6) R Stockhoff/OJ Sithole, PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T164/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: HL & A Erasmus; (3) 5 February 2015; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 20 June 2017; (6) R Stockhoff/D Ramuedzizi (co JZH Muller), PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T5484/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobus Stephanus Van Rensburg (7006135206084); (3) 24 February 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 4 December 2013; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1270/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Christoffel Lodwickus & Marte Jeanne Venter (6108245005082 & 6209290170084); (3) 4 April 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 25 August 2016; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1024/15—(2) Salle Construction CC (In Liquidation); (3) 10 April 2015; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 14 March 2018; (6) M Romanos/MS Motimele (co JS Koka), PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T988/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: GA & EW Strydom; (3) 19 May 2017; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 31 August 2018; (6) A van Jaarsveldt/HM Hamman, PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T2429/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: DF & S Tylcoat; (3) 6 July 2012; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 25 July 2017; (6) R Stockhoff/JS Koka, PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T1439/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: LA & C van der Merwe; (3) 13 August 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 2 September 2016; (6) R Stockhoff/LS Kgatle, PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T1040/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Andries Jacobus Viljoen (6302145226084); (3) 26 March 2010; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 24 March 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1081/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: John Louis Wessels (6304155123086); (3) 24 May 2011; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 16 November 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T5323/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Sekgabo Gift Thloolebe (8412240777085); (3) 24 August 2009; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 11 November 2014; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T5077/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Maria Helena Visser (4802030082080); (3) 11 January 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 20 July 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T1377/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Cornelius Delorious Zeelie (6711185113087); (3) 13 June 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court, Pretoria; (5) 13 September 2017; (6) Mr H Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. T2247/13—(2) HJ de Vos Boerdery Ondernemings (In Liquidation); (3) 11 November 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 9 April 2018; (6) MJD Breytenbach/WF Harris, PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T1354/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: C McKillop; (3) 12 June 2013; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 11 July 2017; (6) R Stockhoff/H Draht/DD Mailele (co L Morake), PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T1744/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: PJ & CM van Heerden; (3) 6 November 2015; (4) North Gauteng High Court; (5) 20 June 2017; (6) R Stockhoff/NY Seriti, PO BOX 40023, MORELETA PARK, 0044. T 20162/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: MAASDORP, PH & SJ (660902 5171 085 & 661221 0076 085); (3) 24 April 2013; (4) NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (5) 16 August 2017; (6) CHANTEL DEYSEL, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG. T 2857/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: GLAS, H.G. (7707205003083); (3) 24 April 2013; (4) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (5) 16 August 2018; (6) CHANTEL DEYSEL, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG. T6329/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bezuidenhout, Johannes Gerhardus & Melody Susan (ID No: 640706 5073 083 & 730107 0026 088); (3) 30 September 2009; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 13 July 2011; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T1371/07—(2) East Auto Hydraulics CC (Reg No: 1986/022473/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 20 July 2007; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 20 September 2011; (6) J H Botha, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T1419/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Keet, Martha Magrietha (ID No: 640512 0126 086); (3) 6 June 2008; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 29 April 2010; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T2696/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lindeque, Abraham Frederick & Lindi-Leigh (ID No: 740210 5040 084 & 790331 0167 083); (3) 22 August 2008; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 23 June 2010; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T5051/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pather, Kerry Leigh (ID No: 730629 0047 087); (3) 20 March 2009; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 5 October 2010; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T 2431/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: VORSTER, DV & HMC (700106 5104096 &700923 0011 088); (3) 2 July 2012; (4) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA; (5) 4 November 2016; (6) CHANTEL DEYSEL, 30 CANBERRA ROAD, IMPALA PARK, BOKSBURG. T2143/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Herselman EE (6405100119085); (3) 13 June 2011; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 11 February 2016; (6) Becker M & Morobane NC & (Co:Cassim Z), Po Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. T325/02—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jansen Van Rensburg G & ME (4302235094006); (3) 17 April 2002; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 15 May 2015; (6) Haywood M, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027.

This gazette is also available free online at 166 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

T1253/11—(2) Insolvent Estate: Kritzinger DL & C (5304015118087); (3) 19 April 2011; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 9 May 2013; (6) Van Staden PJC & Muthanyi J, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T1997/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Makuya AP (7708030725080); (3) 21 May 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 6 August 2012; (6) Bester EL & Barnard A, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T696/13—(2) Insolvent Estate: Swanepoel CJJ & LD (8101075016807); (3) 20 January 2012; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 24 October 2017; (6) Haywood M & Ndekwe M & (Co:Manameala KLM), Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T458/05—(2) Insolvent Estate: Swanepoel NG (7807155086086); (3) 20 April 2005; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 1 June 2016; (6) Vermeulen L & Patel NG, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T1680/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Wannenberg GR & ME (7111305207084); (3) 12 June 2012; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 11 November 2014; (6) Haywood M & Ledwaba ML, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T6329/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bezuidenhout, Johannes Gerhardus & Melody Susan (ID No: 640706 5073 083 & 730107 0026 088); (3) 30 September 2009; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 13 July 2011; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T1371/07—(2) East Auto Hydraulics CC (Reg No: 1986/022473/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 20 July 2007; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 20 September 2011; (6) J H Botha, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T2423/2012—(2) Insolvent Estate: Alichia Stoltz (811128 0001 089); (3) 13 July 2012; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 14 October 2016; (6) Izak Johannes Boshoff & Sharief Farouk, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T2319/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hattingh CJ (7504155010089); (3) 7 June 2010; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 30 April 2013; (6) Van Staden PJC & Patel NG, Po Box 1314, Groenkloof, 0027. K20/16—(2) Steyn`s Home Builders CC (2010/106897/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 1 July 2016; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 8 September 2017; (6) Van Staden PJC & Benade M, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T1371/07—(2) East Auto Hydraulics CC (Reg No: 1986/022473/07)(In Liquidation); (3) 20 July 2007; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 20 September 2011; (6) J H Botha, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T5051/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pather, Kerry Leigh (ID No: 730629 0047 087); (3) 20 March 2009; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 5 October 2010; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T991/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Swart LJL & M (7511195071088); (3) 25 April 2008; (4) Gauteng North High Court,Pretoria; (5) 15 May 2013; (6) Haywood M & Hogewind I, Po Box 1314 Groenkloof 0027. T5051/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Pather, Kerry Leigh (ID No: 730629 0047 087); (3) 20 March 2009; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 5 October 2010; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T6329/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bezuidenhout, Johannes Gerhardus & Melody Susan (ID No: 640706 5073 083 & 730107 0026 088); (3) 30 September 2009; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 13 July 2011; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. T796/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Leonard George & Christina van Tonder (720312 5171 085 & 690113 0019 089); (3) 9 March 2010; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria; (5) 24 October 2014; (6) Mpoyana Lazarus Ledwaba, Tshwane Trust Co (Pty) Ltd, 1207 Cobham Road, Queenswood, Pretoria, 0186. T6329/09—(2) Insolvent Estate: Bezuidenhout, Johannes Gerhardus & Melody Susan (ID No: 640706 5073 083 & 730107 0026 088); (3) 30 September 2009; (4) Master, Pretoria; (5) 13 July 2011; (6) C Murray, C/o Sechaba Trust (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 11889, The Tramshed 0126. N168/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: CHRISTOFFEL JOHANNES STEPHANUS DE BEER (5609175056087); (3) 12 November 2013; (4) PIETERMARITZBURG; (5) 13 November 2018; (6) Marlene Retief and S P Maharaj, 12 Gifford Crescent, Salt Rock, 4392.

Form/Vorm 9


In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner / debtor of his or her making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his or her estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously made and upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, Identity No, occupation and address, style of partnership or firm, and names and partner Identity No, partner occupation, partner addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of High Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’s Office where lying and, if so, the Magistrate’s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date.

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Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoeker/ skuldenaar kennis gegee van sy of haar aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy of haar boedel; of van die intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeëre kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming, ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê vir 14 dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal lê; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum.

Eloff, 910328 5432 087, Operations Manager, 1118 Bernini Crescent, 17 Mont Bernini, Die Hoewes, Centurion, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria; (4) Danie Potgieter Attorneys, 1 Shelanti Street, Lytteltown Office Park, Building C, Ground Floor, Centurion, Gauteng, 26 November 2018. Gail Gomez, 5407280043086, Therapist, 19 El Shammah Celeste Crescent, Discovery, Roodepoort, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria, Roodepoort; (4) Danie Potgieter Attorneys, 1 Shelanti Street, Lytteltown Office Park, Building C, Ground Floor, Centurion, 28 November 2018. Hendrik Jacobus Albertus van Eeden / Maria Johanna Catharina van Eeden, 54072 5037 080 / 580123 0156 081, Caretaker / Manager, Plot 220, Kameelfontein, Pretoria, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria, Pretoria; (4) Danie Potgieter Attorneys, 1 Shelanti Street, Lytteltown Office Park, Building C, Ground Floor, Centurion, Gauteng, 4 December 2018. Henry Thomas Knoetze, 74022245274080, Maintenance Manager, 1190 Iroko Street, Moregloed, Pretoria; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 23 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria, n/a; (4) Deysel Attorneys, 80 Lyttelton Avenue, Clubview, Centurion. William Martin Matthews, ., Senior Systems Engineer, 13B Pelgrimsrust Street, Eldoraigne, Centurion, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Pretoria, 23 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Nanette Matthews, ., Remunerations Manager, 13B Pelgrimsrust Street, Eldoraigne, Centurion, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Pretoria, 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria; (4) Francois Uys Incorporated, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion. Christiaan Petrus Buitendag & Petronella Maria Buitendag, 740625 5149 082 & 760822 0061 082, Production Foreman, 31 Porter Avenue, Brakpan, Gauteng; (2) Application: HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 7 May 2019, 10:00; (3) 9 April 2019, MASTER’S OFFICE, PRETORIA, BRAKPAN MAGISTRATE COURT; (4) CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS, MULLINS HOUSE, 1 MULLINS ROAD, BEDFORDVIEW, JOHANNESBURG, 2007, 11 March 2019. HENDRIK JOHANNES FOURIE, 761214 5117 08 6, BUSINESSMAN, 4 WAWIEL PARK, OUKRAAL ROAD, ERASMUSKLOOF, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY; (2) Application: NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA, 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, PRETORIA, N/A; (4) MW NOTHNAGEL ATTORNEYS, 1 LARCH NOOK, BENCHMARK OFFICE PARK, CENTURION, GAUTENG, 19 March 2019. KHANYA THAMSANQA MDLALO, 901126 5262 08 7, SOFTWARE TECHNICIAN, 1309 MORALO STREET, ROCKVILLE, SOWETO, JOHANNESBURG, GAUTENG, UNMARRIED; (2) Application: NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, JOHANNESBURG, N/A; (4) MW NOTHNAGEL ATTORNEYS, 1 LARCH NOOK, BENCHMARK OFFICE PARK, CENTURION, GAUTENG, 19 March 2019. NANA KOFI ODEI OFEI, 820625 6438 18 0, SUPPORT ENGINEER, 27 VILLA STRELITZIA, WATERBERG DRIVE, KOSMOSDAL, CENTURION, GAUTENG, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY; (2) Application: NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA, 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, PRETORIA, N/A; (4) MW NOTHNAGEL ATTORNEYS, 1 LARCH NOOK, BENCHMARK OFFICE PARK, CENTURION, GAUTENG, 19 March 2019. CYNTHIA THANDI MTSHWENI, 820411 0370 08 7, POLICE OFFICER, STAND 6358 SOSHANGUVE PRETORIA GAUTENG, UNMARRIED; (2) Application: NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA, 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, PRETORIA, N/A; (4) MW NOTHNAGEL ATTORNEYS, 1 LARCH NOOK, BENCHMARK OFFICE PARK, CENTURION, GAUTENG, 19 March 2019. LYNN INRI VAN ZYL, 660408 0078 08 5, PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANT TO HER HUSBAND WHO IS A LABOUR NEGOTIATOR, 13 PHOBOS AVENUE, POLOKWANE; (2) Application: HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, LIMPOPO DIVISION, POLOKWANE, 23 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, POLOKWANE; (4) MAGDA KETS INGELYF, RUSSELSTRAAT 306, RIETONDALE, PRETORIA, 18 March 2019.

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JACOBUS MARTHINUS JOHANNES VAN ZYL, 650713 5066 08 0, LABOR NEGOTIATOR, 13 PHOBOS AVENUE, POLOKWANE; (2) Application: HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, LIMPOPO DIVISION, POLOKWANE, 23 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, POLOKWANE; (4) MAGDA KETS INGELYF, RUSSELSTRAAT 306, RIETONDALE, PRETORIA, 18 March 2019. Jacobus Pieter Etsebeth, 671023 5001 08 6, Bestuurder, Willow Place 3, The Wilds Estate, Pretoria, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 18 Maart 2019. Otto Marius Greeff, 521014 5072 08 8, Tegniese adviseur, 44 thorntree Place, Cedar Laan Wes, Johannesburg, Gauteng, Getroud buite gemeenskap van goed; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria, Johannesburg; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 18 Maart 2019. Braiden Ras, 781201 5233 08 4, Ontwerper, Killarney Estate 12, Hilton Straat 10, Eldoraigne, Centurion, Gauteng, Getroud buite gemeenskap van goed; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 18 Maart 2019. Adriaan Willem Swanepoel, 760506 5005 08 3, Passer & Draaier, 72 Gerrit Maritz Straat, Dalview, Brakpan, Gauteng, Getroud buite gemeenskap van goed; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria, Brankpan; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 18 Maart 2019. EDMUND FRED HIGGINS, 660210 5044 08 2, BUSINESS MAN, 26 SAN MORE, 82 HESKETH DRIVE, MORELETAPARK, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, WIDOWER; (2) Application: North Gauteng Division, 23 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria; (4) Kruger & Co Inc. Attorneys, The Corner Office, 410 Lynnwood Road, Menlo Park, Pretoria, 20 March 2019. Cheryl Lynne Ross, 530111 0073 08 4, financial manager, 39 Sixth Street, Krugersdorp, married out of community of property; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, Pretoria, Krugersdorp; (4) -, -. Richmond Khoza, 820326 5515 08 2, driver, 2979 Phase 3, Tshepisong, Roodepoort, Married in community of property; Zintle Khoza, 780927 0503 08 6, administration clerk; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, Pretoria, Roodepoort; (4) -, -. Belinda Valencia Mylie, 830221 0051 08 4, practice manager, 59 Suikerbos Street, Greenhills, Randfontein, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, Pretoria, Randfontein; (4) -, -. Vernon Valmond Emslie / Johanna Jacoba Catharina Emslie, 610802 5146 080 / 620214 0005 089, Unemployed / Unemployed, 34 Delheim, 263 Glover Avenue, Die Hoewes, Pretoria, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria; (4) Danie Potgieter Attorneys, 1 Shelanti Street, Lytteltown Office Park, Building C, Ground Floor, Centurion, Gauteng, 19 March 2019. DANIEL THABO MAILE AND NIKIWE NOMBUYEKEZO MAILE, 610502 5130 080 AND 630227 0157 088, UNEMPLOYED & CONSULTANT, 335 ESANWENI SECTION, TEMBISA, KEMPTON PARK; (2) Application: The High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 2 April 2019, PRETORIA, KEMPTON PARK; (4) Wagner Attorneys, 384 Gorge Street, Erasmuskloof Ext 4, Pretoria, 20 March 2019. Gail Gomez, 5407280043086, Therapist, 19 El Shammah Celeste Crescent, Discovery, Roodepoort, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria, Roodepoort; (4) Danie Potgieter Attorneys, 1 Shelanti Street, Lytteltown Office Park, Building C, Ground Floor, Centurion, 28 November 2018. Hendrik Jacobus Albertus van Eeden / Maria Johanna Catharina van Eeden, 54072 5037 080 / 580123 0156 081, Caretaker / Manager, Plot 220, Kameelfontein, Pretoria, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria, Pretoria; (4) Danie Potgieter Attorneys, 1 Shelanti Street, Lytteltown Office Park, Building C, Ground Floor, Centurion, Gauteng, 4 December 2018. Eloff, 910328 5432 087, Operations Manager, 1118 Bernini Crescent, 17 Mont Bernini, Die Hoewes, Centurion, Gauteng; (2) Application: Gauteng Division Pretoria, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria; (4) Danie Potgieter Attorneys, 1 Shelanti Street, Lytteltown Office Park, Building C, Ground Floor, Centurion, Gauteng, 26 November 2018. MOHAMED FAZEL SONI MAHOMED, 6201225193083, UNEMPLOYED, 73 SEAL CRESCENT, LENASIA EXTENSION 7, GAUTENG, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY; (2) Application: HIGH COURT JOHANNESBURG, 3 May 2019, 10:00; (3) 4 April 2019, JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG; (4) NM ABOO ATTORNEYS, SUITE 303, OFFICE TOWER 3RD FLOOR KILLARNEY MALL 60 RIVIERA ROAD, KILLARNEY, JOHANNESBURG, 22 March 2019.

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Jeremia Petrus van Niekerk, 850117 5030 08 8, Besigheidsman, 62 Geldenhuys Straat, Randpoort, Randfontein, Gauteng, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Marichen Minette van Niekerk, 8605150204087, Konsultant, 62 Geldenhuys Straat, Randpoort, Randfontein, Gauteng; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria, Randfontein; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 20 Maart 2019. Andreas Petrus Kroch, 780703 5014 084, Business Development Specialist, 3319 Snow Gum Close, Amberfield Ridge, Centurion, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Pretoria; (4) Erasmus Attorneys, 234 Glover Avenue, Waterford Court, Block A, Unit 6, Centurion, 17 April 2018. PAUL JOHANNES GERBER, 5903225023084, DRAUGHTSMAN, 8 VILLA RAMIKA, OAKLEY STREET, RAYTON; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 23 April 2019, 09:30; (3) 29 March 2019, PRETORIA, CULLINAN; (4) Bezuidenhout Law Incorporated, 92, Twentieth Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria. ESAIAS ENGELBERTUS MEYER LOOCK, 7907185029088, CNC OPERATOR, 721, 19TH STREET, RIENFONTEIN, PRETORIA; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 25 April 2019, 09:30; (3) 29 March 2019, PRETORIA; (4) Bezuidenhout Law Incorporated, 92, Twentieth Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria. MARIUS VERMAAK, 781210 5069 083, TECHNICIAN, 11 KANARIE STREET WESTONARIA; (2) Application: GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA, WESTONARIA; (4) JOHAN VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, BARNSTABLE NO 17 A LYNNWOODMANOR PRETORIA, 22 March 2019. Andre van Rensburg, 680222 5048 08 4, Security Technician, 448 Burger Street, Pretoria North, Pretoria, Married in community of property; Marinda van Rensburg, 641007 0076 08 3, Bookkeeper; (2) Application: Gauteng, Pretoria, 24 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, Pretoria, Pretoria North; (4) Serfontein Viljoen & Swart, 165 Alexanderstraat, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 22 March 2019. WESSEL HUGO MAREE, 8102165007085, a project manager, 85 Concerto Park, 200 Concerto Crescent, Pierre van Ryneveld, MARRIED ANC; (2) Application: Gautengse Afdeling, Pretoria, 29 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Master Pretoria; (4) Riaan de Kock, Nr 16, Sixth Avenue, Melkbosstrand, 22 March 2019. PIETER JACOBUS KRUGER, 710813 5080 087, BUSINESSMAN, BEACON ROAD 7 FLORIDA NORTH ROODEPOORT; (2) Application: GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 23 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA, ROODEPOORT; (4) JOHAN VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, BARNSTABLE NO 17 A LYNNWOODMANOR PRETORIA, 22 March 2019. MATTHEUS JOHANNES COETZER, 720224 5194 084, UNEMPLOYED MAN, 126 2ND AVENUE BRENTWOOD PARK BENONI; (2) Application: GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 23 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA, BENONI; (4) JOHAN VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, BARNSTABLE NO 17 A LYNNWOODMANOR PRETORIA, 22 March 2019. Thandazile Precious Cele, 8103180375085, Driver, Z1799 Imtshimtshi Avenue, Umlazi, 4066, Unmarried; (2) Application: KwaZulu-Natal Division, 24 April 2019, 09:30; (3) 29 March 2019, Pietermaritzburg, Umlazi; (4) Mornet Attorneys, 42 Linwood Drive, Pietermaritzburg. Siyathokoza Sydwel Dlamini, 8804100865085, Waitress, B1359, Veniyeni Road, Umlazi, 4066, Unmarried; (2) Application: KwaZulu-Natal Division, 25 April 2019, 09:30; (3) 29 March 2019, Pietermaritzburg, Umlazi; (4) Mornet Attorneys, 42 Linwood Drive, Pietermaritzburg. Janet Eager, 640821 0012 08 3, estate agent, 5 Strelitzia, King Edward Drive, Tzaneen, unmarried; (2) Application: In the High Court of South Africa, Limpopo Division, Polokwane, 25 April 2019, 09:30; (3) 29 March 2019, Polokwane, Tzaneen; (4) Corrie Nel & Co, 25 Bodenstein Street, Polokwane. LIZANNE OTTO, 8809060081089, a assistant, 15 Tochwood Avenue, Phalaborwa, MARRIED ANC; (2) Application: Limpopo Afdeling, Polokwane, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, Master Polokwane, Magistates Phalaborwa; (4) Etienne Genis, 7de Laan Nr 2, Melkbosstrand, 22 March 2019. C J UYS FAMILIETRUST (CJ UYS N.O & HL UYS N.O), IT 000092/2011, TRADING TRUST, 17073 (ERF 1703) BERGHAAN CRESCENT, ELLISRAS, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (2) Application: LIMPOPO DIVISION, POLOKWANE, 26 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 6 December 2018, POLOKWANE, LIMPOPO, ELLISRAS; (4) IN PERSON - CHRISTOFFEL JAKOBUS UYS N.O & HELGA LOUISE UYS N.O, 17073 (ERF 1703) BERGHAAN CRESCENT, ELLISRAS, LIMPOPO, 22 March 2019. Hendrik Pretorius Le Roux, 770714 5086 08 1, Manager at Moulding Plant, 11 Leibnitz Street, Graskop, Mpumalanga; (2) Application: Mpumalanga Division, 15 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, Mbombela, Graskop; (4) Doman Weitsz Attorneys, 2 Joe Hanna Street, White River, 18 March 2019. Johanna Louise Alberts, 6402210100089, Senior Business Development Consultant, 17 Iron Street, West Acres, Nelspruit; (2) Application: Mpumalanga Division, 15 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, Mbombela, Nelspruit; (4) Doman Weitsz Attorneys, 2 Joe Hanna Street, White River, 18 March 2019.

This gazette is also available free online at 170 No. 42341 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 29 MARCH 2019

Johannes Jacobus Swanepoel, 890701 5324 08 8, Unemployed, 7 De Klerk Drive, Stilfontein, Single; (2) Application: North-West, Mafikeng, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, Mafikeng, Klerksdorp; (4) King Jordaan & Swart, 17 Golf Street, Klerksdorp, 22 March 2019. Petrus Jacobus Kleynhans, 600120 5060 08 2, Pensioner, 25 Hobson Street, La Hoff, Klerksdorp, Married In Community of Property; Levina Catharina Willemina Kleynhans, 611120 0019 08 0, Home Executive; (2) Application: North-West, Mafikeng, 25 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 29 March 2019, Mafikeng, Klerksdorp; (4) King Jordaan & Swart, 17 Golf Street, Klerksdorp, 22 March 2019. Sonja Grundling, ., Administration Clerk, Erf Id 19,Rietfontein,Dysseldorp,Western Cape, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Western Cape Division, 26 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Cape Town, Oudtshoorn; (4) Alers van Aardt Bester Incorporated c/o Smit Kruger Attorneys, 32 Wellington Road, Durbanville,Western Cape. Sonja Grundling, ., Administration Clerk, Erf Id 19,Rietfontein,Dysseldorp,Western Cape, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Western Cape Division, 26 April 2019, 10:00; (3) 1 April 2019, Cape Town, Oudtshoorn; (4) Alers van Aardt Bester Incorporated c/o Smit Kruger Attorneys, 32 Wellington Road, Durbanville,Western Cape.

This gazette is also available free online at STAATSKOERANT, 29 MAART 2019 No. 42341 171


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