Theedinburgh Gazette. ^Utftoritg
7534 553 TheEdinburgh Gazette. ^utftoritg. FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1865. PARIS UNIVERSAL EXHIBITION OF Right Trusty and Well-Beloved Councillors, 1867. Edward Cardwell, Our Principal Secretary of Science mid Art Department, South State for the Colonies, or Our Principal Secre- Kensington, April 29, 1865. tary of State for the Colonies for the time VICTORIA R. being; Sir Charles Wood, Baronet, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Honorable Order T7ICTORIA by the Grace of God of the United of the Bath, Our Principal Secretary of State, V Kingdom of Great ^Britain and Ireland, for India in Council, or Our Principal Secre- Queen, Defender of the Faith. To— tary of State for India in Council for the tune Our Most Dear Son Albert Edward, Prince of being; William Francis Cowper, Chief Com* Wales, Knight of Our Most Noble Order of missionerof Works, or the Chief Commissioner the Garter; Our Right Trusty and Right of Works for the time being; William Ewart Well-Beloved Cousin and Councillor, Gran- Gladstone. Chancellor of Our Exchequer, or ville George, Earl Granville, Knight of Our the Chancellor of Our Exchequer for the time Most Noble Order of the Garter, President being; Sir George Clerk, Baronet; Robert of Qur Most Honorable Privy Council; Our Lowe; Charles Bowyer Adderley; Henry Right Trusty and Right Entirely-Beloved Austin Bruce ; Our Trusty and Well-Beloved Cousin. George Granville William, Duke of Sir Stafford Henry Northcote, Baronet, Sutherland, Knight of Our Most Noble Companion of Our Most Honorable Order of Order of the Garter; Our Right Trusty
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