
PERSPECTIVE PERSPECTIVE Discovery of the magnetic behavior of : A beginning of Kara L. Brena, Richard Eisenberga,1, and Harry B. Grayb,c aDepartment of Chemistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627; bDivision of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125; and cBeckman Institute, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125

Edited by Michael A. Marletta, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and approved September 18, 2015 (received for review August 7, 2015)

Two articles published by Pauling and Coryell in PNAS nearly 80 years ago described in detail the magnetic properties of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin, as well as those of closely related compounds containing . Their measurements revealed a large difference in magnetism between oxygenated and deoxygenated forms of the and, along with consideration of the observed diamagnetism of the carbonmonoxy derivative, led to an electronic structural formulation of oxyhemoglobin. The key role of hemoglobin as the main carrier in mammalian had been established earlier, and its allosteric behavior had been described in the 1920s. The Pauling–Coryell articles on hemoglobin represent truly seminal contributions to the field of bioinorganic chemistry because they are the first to make connections between active site electronic structure and the function of a .

| bioinorganic | magnetism | oxygen transport |

Hemoglobin occupies a very special place in four unpaired electrons per Fe atom. This re- directly to the function of the protein as the the annals of chemistry. Work on the protein sult would have major implications in estab- principal oxygen carrier in mammalian blood. began in the early 1800s, when it was found to lishing the role of the protein as an oxygen Duringthedecadeafterthedevelopmentof be a major component of mammalian blood transporter in the red blood of mammalian quantum mechanics, great strides were made cells and, importantly, found to contain . systems. In this Perspective, we discuss the in understanding bonding in molecules. In Isolation of hemoglobin was achieved by Pauling–Coryell articles and their role in the 1931, Pauling authored a compelling article Hünefeld in 1840 (1); shortly thereafter, it subsequent molecular-based understanding of entitled “The Nature of the Chemical Bond” was determined to have four one-iron sub- oxygen transport, as well as in the binding of that brought together the concepts of quan- units, each with a relative molecular mass of other small molecules to heme iron centers. tum mechanics, the electron pair bond, and 16,000 (an unprecedentedly large value at the The measurements by Pauling and Coryell the structures of molecules (5). The title of time). Research aimed at discovery of other were conducted using a Gouy balance in this paper would be used by Pauling in sub- properties of hemoglobin followed almost im- which the weight of a sample was determined sequent publications, including his classic mediately, including observations in 1845 by in the absence and presence of a magnetic field. textbook on the subject. In his 1931 treatise, Michael Faraday that it was not magnetic, in Thefieldwasprovidedbyanelectromagnet, which appeared in the Journal of the Amer- contrast to most other iron-containing matter and sample weights were measured at two ican Chemical Society,Paulingintroduced (2). These measurements were conducted by different field strengths. The specific examples the notion of hybridization of metal atomic placement of a sample between the poles of a examined included ferroheme, ferriheme, orbitals and different hybridization schemes magnet and measuring its change in weight. oxyferroheme, carbonmonoxyferroheme, and that correlated with observed or implied struc- Magnetic samples were drawn into the field, a variety of other heme compounds. The tures of metal-containing compounds. Most giving an increase in weight; nonmagnetic balance that was used for these measure- notable were the d2sp3 scheme that generated (diamagnetic) materials were repelled by the ments resides in the Chair’s office of the six equivalent hybrids directed to the vertices field, accompanied by a negligible or slight Division of Chemistry and Chemical En- of an octahedron and dsp2 hybridization that decrease in weight. In this context, remember gineering at the California Institute of gave four equivalent orbitals directed to the thatitwasfully80yearslaterthatthenotion Technology (Caltech) (Fig. 1). In the data

of electron spin would be proposed as the analysis, the samples were corrected for Author contributions: K.L.B., R.E., and H.B.G. wrote the paper.

principal basis of magnetic behavior. their small inherent diamagnetism. Based The authors declare no conflict of interest. Our story is based on the work of Linus on these measurements, the previously This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Pauling and Charles Coryell, who, in 1936, observed diamagnetism of hemoglobin This article is part of the special series of PNAS 100th Anniversary published two articles in PNAS on the in the form of oxyferroheme, as well as articles to commemorate exceptional research published in PNAS magnetic properties of hemoglobin and re- that of carbonmonoxyferroheme, was con- over the last century. See the companion articles, “The magnetic lated substances (3, 4). Pauling and Coryell firmed whereas deoxyferroheme was deter- properties and structure of the hemochromogens and related sub- confirmed earlier findings that oxygenated mined to possess magnetism characteristic stances” on page 159 in issue 3 of volume 22, and “The magnetic properties and structure of hemoglobin, oxyhemoglobin and as well as carbonmonoxy forms of hemoglo- of unpaired electrons. Therefore, arterial and carbonmonoxyhemoglobin” on page 210 in issue 4 of volume 22. bin were diamagnetic but discovered that the venous blood were found to have different 1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: deoxygenated protein was magnetic, having magnetic properties, the basis of which related [email protected].

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1515704112 PNAS | October 27, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 43 | 13123–13127 Downloaded by guest on October 9, 2021 corners of a square, in striking contrast with iron atom is not attached to the four porphy- surface arranged in a square formation (9). the sp3 hybrids of tetrahedral carbon in satu- rin nitrogen atoms and the molecule by Cooperativity induced by binding to rated organic compounds. covalent bonds, but is present as a ferrous , the hemes in this arrangement would re- In this context, the electronic structure of the bonds to the neighboring atoms being es- quire communication between and among carbonmonoxyhemoglobin was easiest to sentially ionic bonds.” The particular nature of the sites over relatively large distances. understand. The porphyrin ring of the protein the neighboring atoms is not specified, but The first X-ray crystal structure of human was known to contain four pyrrole N atoms discussion of the magnetic properties of fer- hemoglobin, one of low resolution (5.5 Å) capable of binding to Fe in a plane, with rous compounds is presented, suggesting that determined by Perutz in 1959, provided a test one axial bond to the globin and the other significant quenching of orbital angular mo- of Pauling’s predictions (10). Although the connecting to . The six mentum to the total magnetic moment is seen hemes were found to be encapsulated by d2sp3 hybrids of Fe were used to form these in such Fe(II) compounds. The authors added, globinandnotonthesurface,Pauling bonds, leaving the remaining three d or- “It is not yet possible to discuss the significance was correct in the sense that they were bitals to accommodate the six electrons of of these structural differences in detail, but not in direct contact and, indeed, were Fe(II). A completely spin-paired arrange- they are without doubt closely related to and more than 25 Å apart. Furthermore, changes ment was thus achieved, consistent with in a sense responsible for the characteristic in quaternary structure as a function of the observed diamagnetism of carbonmo- properties of hemoglobin (for oxygen trans- heme ligation state were observed. The de- noxyhemoglobin. The diamagnetic behavior port).” (4) termination of the hemoglobin structure of oxygenated hemoglobin was similarly ac- One of the most important of the char- was the basis for the 1962 Nobel Prize commodated, but, according to Pauling and acteristic properties was discovered in the in Chemistry to Perutz, which he shared “ Coryell, The oxygen molecule undergoes a 1920s: namely, that the hemoglobin/O2 with John Kendrew, who had solved the profound change in electronic structure on equilibrium was affected by pH and that structure of . Incidentally, these

combination with hemoglobin” in light of the the four heme subunits of hemoglobin structures played a role in confirming the = S 1 paramagnetism of the O2 ground state did not bind O2 with the same formation details of an unrelated 1951 prediction by (4). The coordination of O2 to Fe was repre- constant. In work by Adair (6, 7) and Ferry Pauling in the Proceedings of the National sented in terms of two “resonating” structures and Green (8), oxygen binding was found Academy of Sciences by revealing the struc- shown below, but without any discussion of to proceed in a cooperative way: the more ture of the alpha helix (11, 12). resultant charges on either the Fe(II) ion or O2 that was bound, the easier it was to In addition to postulating that each of the the O2 addend. More about that later. bind the next O2. Pauling published an hemes must somehow communicate its liga- The observation of magnetism for deoxy- analysis of the problem in PNAS in 1935, tion state at a distance, Pauling also correctly hemoglobin was the key experimental fea- deriving an equation using only two vari- predicted that the change in magnetism ture of the Pauling–Coryell work. From mag- ables rather than the four different equilib- upon oxygen binding was important in the netic susceptibility measurements, it was rium binding constants used by Adair (9). function of the protein, based on expected determined that the magnetic moment (μ) The basis of the cooperativity, or allosterism differences in bonding linked to spin state for the deoxy protein was 5.46 Bohr mag- as it is also called, was not known at the time (3). Structural studies on the and netons (B.M.), which is only slightly larger but related directly to the change in hemo- on synthetic model compounds were both than the 4.90 B.M. value expected for four globin spin state in going from the paramag- important in testing the hypothesis that unpaired spins per Fe(II) based on a spin- netic deoxy form to the diamagnetic oxy iron spin state change triggers geometrical only formula. Although the result had a ma- form. It took another 33 years before the changes essential for allostery. It should jor impact on the subject of hemoglobin and basis for the spin state change and the al- be emphasized that model compounds led oxygen transport, the Pauling—Coryell inter- losteric behavior would be elucidated through the way to understanding this notion, with pretation proved incorrect. Specifically, they the seminal work of Max Perutz. J. Lynn Hoard’s structural characterization of wrote, “this (the magnetic susceptibility) shows Pauling’s 1935 analysis of hemoglobin high-spin and low-spin iron porphyrin de- that there are present in each heme four un- cooperativity postulated that the protein rivativesinthemiddletolate1960s.Hoard,a paired electrons, and that consequently the bound four equivalent hemes on the protein former student of Pauling, found that the

13124 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1515704112 Bren et al. Downloaded by guest on October 9, 2021 state (oxy) and tense (T) state (deoxy), the PERSPECTIVE resolution was still insufficient to define changes clearly in heme stereochemistry. Nevertheless, Perutz made use of a ruler in a reflecting box to estimate that there was a 0.75-Å displacement of Fe from the heme plane in horse deoxyhemoglobin, and a 0.3-Å displacement in horse met- hemoglobin, which is high-spin and six- coordinate. The suggestion was that these properties fall between those of deoxyhemo- globin (high-spin, five-coordinate) and oxy- hemoglobin (low-spin, six-coordinate), which was met with significant skepticism, although theconclusionswouldlaterprovetobequal- itatively correct. In making his case for the “trigger” hypothesis, Perutz also drew on Hoard’s results on model systems. A conclud- ing statement in his analysis made a clear link between the properties of the iron and the function of hemoglobin: “It is remarkable that there should be such an exceedingly complex, subtle and elegant instrument of respiratory transport, exploiting a difference in atomic ra- dius of 13 per cent between the covalent and ionic forms of iron.” (19) The limitations of the hemoglobin struc- tures, including their modest resolution and the instability of the oxy derivative over the experimental time frame, necessi- tated the use of alternative approaches to test the trigger hypothesis. In particular, researchers drew on a number of spec- troscopic methods. Extended X-ray ab- sorption fine structure (EXAFS) studies by Eisenberger et al. (1978) (20) and Perutz et al. (1982) (21) on deoxyhemoglobin pro- vided measures of Fe-N(porphyrin) bond lengths, showing an increase for deoxy rel- ative to the oxy protein. However, the extent of displacement of Fe from the porphyrin core could not be determined from these data. Fig. 1. The balance used by Coryell and Pauling in 1936 to do the Gouy magnetic susceptibility experiments on oxy- and Perutz took advantage of the link between he- deoxyhemoglobins, as well as other hemochromogens and hemoglobin derivatives. Image courtesy of J. Barton. moglobin structure and spin state to monitor the effects of the R-to-T transition on the ab- sorption spectrum of ferric iron. He prepared – high-spin ferric ion lies 0.4 0.5 Å out of the Duringthesameperiod(1968),Perutz partially reduced hemoglobin in the presence plane of the four porphyrin nitrogens in solved structures of hemoglobin at higher of CO, resulting in hemoglobin Fe(II)-CO model compounds, forming relatively long (2.8-Å) resolution, permitting a more detailed (low-spin)/Fe(III) (high-spin) hybrids. If CO – bonds (2.06 2.07 Å) (13, 14). In contrast, analysis of the structural basis for cooperativity binding to the Fe(II) subunits induces a tran- low-spin ferric porphyrins have Fe(III) (16–18). His analysis relied on compari- sition to the R state in the unligated Fe(III) nearly in the heme plane and with shorter son of horse deoxy- and subunits, the ferric will shift toward a (1.989 Å) Fe-N(porphyrin) bonds (15). [high-spin Fe(III)] and a derivative modified low-spin configuration, as seen by a decrease Although these studies were on ferric por- to stabilize the quaternary structure of the in intensity and a red-shift of the 620-nm ab- phyrins, Hoard predicted that spin-state oxy ferrous state. A structure of oxyhemoglo- sorption band. Indeed, this red-shift is the be- changes in ferrous would lead to sim- bin had not been determined at this time havior that Perutz observed (22). Support for ilar changes in stereochemistry, and thus O2 (contrary to the earlier report by Perutz), ow- the model also came from NMR (23) and binding would yield substantial movement ing to problems with oxidation to the met or EPR (24) investigations. of Fe relative to the porphyrin ring. There Fe(III) form during data collection. Although Several years later, higher resolution struc- were no structures of ferrous porphyrins this structure allowed analysis of differences tures of hemoglobin provided more definitive available; and, sadly, this situation would re- in tertiary and quaternary structure between data on heme stereochemistry. The 2.1-Å main unchanged for some time. the derivatives, referred to as the relaxed (R) structure of oxyhemoglobin was reported in

Bren et al. PNAS | October 27, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 43 | 13125 Downloaded by guest on October 9, 2021 that this result could not be correct (39), as did others (40), but the Italian group reported additional experiments at room temperature in support of their model (41). In 1985, how- ever, Cerdonio threw in the towel (42). One of us (H.B.G.) well remembers discussing these papers with Pauling at the Caltech Athe- naeum. When told that his early work had not been disproved, his reaction was: “Why did you bother to tell me? I knew I was right.” Current views of iron–oxygen bonding in hemoglobin are mixed. It would seem that reality is more complex than implied by the limiting models proposed by Pauling and Weiss; indeed, our understanding of the A B Fig. 2. A view of the oxygen binding sites of oxyhemoglobins ( ) and deoxyhemoglobins ( ). The view is edge-on Fe(II)–O interactioninoxygenatedhemoglo- with respect to the porphyrin and reveals the subtle structural difference with regard to iron residing in the porphyrin 2 plane in oxyhemoglobin and out of the plane in deoxyhemoglobin, with consequent “doming” of the porphyrin ring. bin continues to evolve. In 2013, Edward I. Figure prepared from files 1HHO (25) and 4HHB (26) using Pymol (52). Solomon and coworkers reported analyses of iron L-edge X-ray absorption spectra of an oxy-picket fence porphyrin, a model for oxy- 1983 by Shaanan (also at Cambridge and a Arguably the most compelling evidence is ferrohemoglobin (43). They considered three collaborator of Perutz) (25), followed by the finding that Co(II) packaged by N-donor limiting descriptions of the Fe–O unit, for ’ 2 Perutz s report of the 1.74-Å structure of transfers an electron to oxygen in which they also prepared synthetic models: deoxyhemoglobin (26) (Fig. 2). The geometry forming Co(III)-superoxo complexes (30) – (i) the Pauling model, with an Fe(II) O2 unit of the Fe in deoxyhemoglobin was indeed and that oxidative addition of oxygen to in which both the iron and the oxygen are found to be similar to the five-coordinate phosphine-Co(I) units produces side-bonded spin 0; (ii) the Weiss model, with a low-spin model compounds of Hoard, with 0.40(5)-Å Co(III)-peroxos (31). Of relevance here is ferric ion coupled to a superoxide ion; and – (alpha subunits) and 0.36(5)-Å (beta sub- that J. J. Weiss formulated the iron oxygen (iii) a model put forth by McClure, units) distances of Fe from the porphyrin N bond in oxyhemoglobin as an Fe(III)- Harcourt, and Goddard in which intermedi- mean plane whereas the oxyhemes were close superoxo unit (32), which led to a spir- ate-spin Fe(II) (S = 1) interacts with triplet to planar. This work was the first to show ited exchange between Pauling and Weiss oxygen. In models ii and iii,theironandits definitively the doming of the heme toward (33, 34). Also of interest is that Irving Klotz ligand would couple antiferromagnetically to the axial His in deoxyhemoglobin, providing insisted on the noninnocence of oxygen in yield the observed diamagnetic (S = 0) ground ’ strong support for Perutz s trigger hypothesis forming bonds to metals in other blood pro- state. Their data reveal that the Fe(II) in the and Pauling’s much earlier proposal that teins. In formulations of Fe–oxygen bonding iron–oxy complex has a Zeff between that of changes in iron spin state lead to the large in the nonheme reddish purple blood protein low-spin Fe(II) and Fe(III), but closer to that – conformational movements in hemoglobin and of Cu oxygen bonding in the of Fe(II). Furthermore, they found that there responsible for allostery. Crystal structures blue blood protein oxyhemocyanin, Klotz and is up to 15% metal character in the low-energy of high-spin Fe(II) porphyrin complexes Klotz proposed that the oxygen molecule had d(π) hole, indicating a contribution from a many years later provided additional evi- been reduced to peroxide (35). In 1972, mag- state resembling low-spin Fe(III). Of the three dence in support for the trigger hypothesis. netic susceptibility measurements strongly models, the intermediate-spin case has the – In contrast to a 1973 structure determination supported this formulation in the case of least resemblance to the Fe(II) O2 compound. of a high-spin, five-coordinate Fe(II) tetra- hemerythrin because the oxygenated protein The Stanford group led by Solomon also phenylporphyrin, which was complicated by was found to be weakly paramagnetic, con- recognized that hydrogen bonding to the disorder (27), related studies 30 years later taining a superexchange-coupled Fe(III)- oxygen ligand in the globins will have an yielded detailed structural information on tet- O-Fe(III)-hydroperoxide unit (36). Four effect on spin polarization, which will af- raphenyl and octaethyl high-spin Fe(II) por- years later, resonance Raman experiments fect coupling to the iron, so that further phyrin derivatives (28, 29). The latter of these carried out by Donald Kurtz et al. con- studiesontheglobinsand/ormodelsincorpo- studies showed different ferrous ion displace- firmed that the oxygen in oxyhemerythrin rating hydrogen bonding were needed. And, ments from the heme plane toward the axial is an iron-bound peroxide (37). indeed, the Stanford group, this time led imidazole ligand in different derivatives, consis- But if oxyhemoglobin contains an Fe(III)- by Sarangi, followed up with X-ray absorption tent with the proposal by Perutz that ferrous superoxo unit, how can we account for spectroscopy and EXAFS studies of oxyhemo- deoxy heme stereochemistry differs between its diamagnetism? One explanation is globin (44). The results revealed dominant − the alpha and beta subunits of hemoglobin. that the low-spin Fe(III) is antiferromag- Fe(III)-O2 (Weiss model) character for Lively discussions of the nature of iron– netically coupled to the S = 1/2 superoxide solution-state oxy-hemoglobin and domi- = oxygen bonding in oxygenated hemoglobin ion, giving an S 0 ground state with a nant Fe(II)-O2 character (Pauling model) continue to this day. The resonance struc- spin triplet at higher energy. Interestingly, in crystalline hemoglobin. The authors em- tures Pauling proposed imply that oxygen is Massimo Cerdonio et al. proposed that a phasized that iron–oxygen bonding in he- innocent: that is, it has not taken an electron triplet was populated in the temperature moglobin requires a multiconfigurational from Fe(II) to form an Fe(III)-superoxo unit. range 25–250 K, based on magnetic sus- description that can be tuned by subtle differ- But there is a great body of evidence that ceptibility data collected on frozen samples ences in hydrogen bonding and solvation. oxygen is noninnocent in metal complexes. of oxyhemoglobin (38). Pauling insisted In discussing their results, the Stanford

13126 | www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1515704112 Bren et al. Downloaded by guest on October 9, 2021 group underscored the continued com- Even though current understanding of would say the field began with the landmark PERSPECTIVE plexity of bonding in hemoglobin: In the electronic structure of the iron–oxygen investigations of oxidase by Otto their words (43), “...theelectronicstructure unit in oxyhemoglobin is not perfect, it should Warburg (49) and David Keilin (50). But oftheironintheFe-O2 center is not simply be remembered that Pauling correctly described Pauling occupies a special place in the history described by any of these models, emphasiz- the bond as highly covalent, referring to exten- of the field because he was the first to attempt ing the limitation of the three oxidation sive electron sharing between O2 and iron. to come to grips with the role of structure ... – state descriptions in describing this Ontheotherhand,hewaswrongaboutFe(II) around the metal in dictating function; and ” highly covalent compound. porphyrin bonding in deoxyhemoglobin, the development of structure/function relation- “ ” But should this conclusion be taken as the which he described as ionic. Pauling did ships has been a central theme of modern bio- ’ last word on the subject? We don t think so. not have much use for ligand field theory inorganic chemistry, with much attention paid Work at Caltech by Grinstaff et al. showed (LFT), but, if he had paid more attention to to metal ion electronic structure (51). And the that a high potential Fe(II) porphyrin has it, he would have realized that the binding of many advances we have witnessed in biochem- absolutely no interest in bonding to oxygen O increases the energy separation between 2 istry, structural biology, metallosite synthetic (45), supporting the notion that, unless the 3d-L π and σ* orbitals, leading to a low- chemistry, spectroscopy, and theory all have Fe(II) has the ability to transfer an electron spin iron center, whereas, in deoxyhemoglobin, to oxygen to make a charge transfer complex, the smaller separation between the 3d-L π contributed to the current understanding of no bond is formed. Thus, the argument and σ* orbitals produces a high-spin Fe(II) the functions of metals in biology. about the nature of the bond starts only after ground state. LFT thus becomes essential to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Jay R. Winkler for a the oxygen is reduced. Does the resultant appreciating fully the changes in the iron co- critical reading of the manuscript and for several helpful Fe(III) have properties similar to low-spin ordination that are intimately linked to suggestions. Research in biological inorganic chemistry at Fe(II) because the superoxide acts as a good allostery in oxygen binding and release. the California Institute of Technology is supported by the σ donor? Apparently it does because all of the Why do we say that Pauling’s work on National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under Award vibrational spectroscopic evidence points to the hemoglobin was a beginning of bioinorganic R01DK019038 (to H.B.G. and J. R. Winkler) and at the Fe(III)-superoxo formulation of the iron– chemistry? After all, metalloproteins were University of Rochester is supported by National Science oxygen unit in oxygenated hemes (46–48). investigated long before the 1930s, and some Foundation Award CHE-1409929 (to K.L.B.).

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