The Aboriginal Gender Study A research report prepared by the Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Ltd. © The Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Ltd. Contacts and the Lowitja Institute. 2019 The Aboriginal Health Council ISBN: 978-0-9943253-1-0 of South Australia Ltd. 220 Franklin Street, Adelaide First published: June 2019 South Australia, 5000 AUSTRALIA This work is published by the Aboriginal Health T +61 8 8273 7200 Council of South Australia Ltd. The project was E
[email protected] funded by the Lowitja Institute, Australia’s national institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research, incorporating the Lowitja Institute The Lowitja Institute Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health CRC (the PO Box 650, Carlton South Lowitja Institute CRC), a collaborative partnership Victoria, 3053 AUSTRALIA funded by the Cooperative Research Centre Program T +61 3 8341 5555 of the Australian Government Department of Industry, E
[email protected] Innovation and Science. This work is copyright. It may be reproduced in For Citation Aboriginal Health Council of whole or in part for study or training purposes, or South Australia Ltd. (2019). The Aboriginal Gender by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community Study: Final Report. AHCSA, Adelaide. organisations subject to an acknowledgment of the source and no commercial use or sale. Reproduction Project Investigator Group Amanda Mitchell, for other purposes or by other organisations requires Alice Rumbold, Gabriella Zizzo, Dominic Guerrera, the written permission of the copyright holder. Courtney Hammond, Odette Pearson, Karen Glover, Gokhan Ayturk and Vivienne Moore.