University of Aberdeen Court Proposed Changes to Ordinance: Amendment to the Composition of the Senatus Academicus Notice is today, Friday 13 January 2017, hereby given under the terms of the () Act 1966 that at its meeting of 6 November 2016 the University Court resolved to send to the Business Committee of the General Council the enclosed Draft Ordinance.

Proposed Changes The Court has agreed to formally consult, as required by statute, on a draft Ordinance to give effect to proposals to amend the ex officio and student memberships of Senate to align the membership with recent changes to College structures. A draft Ordinance reflecting the proposal for amended ex officio and student memberships of Senate is enclosed as Appendix 1 below. Details of the current composition of Senate in the form of Ordinances 138 and 140, are included in Appendix 2 below

Background With recent changes to College structures, the ex officio membership of Senate requires to be revised to align with the new structures and the associated new ex officio roles. The proposed changes increase the ex officio membership from 39 to 40.

In regard to student membership, it is proposed that the current student membership of Senate should be realigned to allow representation from emerging student populations, such as taught postgraduate, research postgraduate and international students. This is achieved with no change to the number of student members (19 plus 1 in attendance)

Comments to the University Senate Any other body or person having an interest who wishes to comment on the proposals should lodge such representations (in writing) by 5pm Friday 8 March 2017 with the Academic Registrar, Regent Building, Regent Walk, Old Aberdeen, AB24 3FX, [email protected].

Appendix 1


WHEREAS the University Court of the University of Aberdeen deems it expedient to amend the composition of the Senatus Academics of the University of Aberdeen designated in section 5 of the Universities (Scotland) Act 1858 and Section 7 of the Universities (Scotland) Act 1966 as amended by University Court Ordinance No. 138 (Amendment to the Composition for the Senatus Academicus) and University Court Ordinance No 140 (Amendment to the Student Membership of the Senatus Academicus): THEREFORE the University Court of the University of Aberdeen in exercise of its powers under section 3, and paragraph 1 of Part I of Schedule 2 to, the Universities (Scotland) Act 1966 and of all other powers enabling it in that behalf, hereby statutes and ordains: 1. Ordinance of the University Court of the University of Aberdeen No. 138 (Amendment to the Composition of the Senatus Academicus) and No 140 (Amendment to the Student Membership of the Senatus Academicus) are hereby revoked. 2. Notwithstanding the provision of section 5 of the Universities (Scotland) Act 1858 and section 7 of the Universities (Scotland) Act 1966, the membership of the Senatus Academicus of the University of Aberdeen shall comprise: (a) ex officio the , all Vice-Principals and Heads of College, all Heads of School, all Deans, Representatives of the Quality Assurance Committee and the University Librarian; (b) an elected number of Professors, Readers and Lecturers and research staff of equivalent status not already ex officio members as specified in Section 2(a) of this Ordinance and equal to not less than twice the total number of these ex officio members; the elected members shall continue to be so elected in the manner set forth in University Ordinance No. 111 [Election of Readers and Lecturers to the Senatus Academicus]; (c) the Student President of Aberdeen University Students’ Association, Education Officer, the School Conveners of the said Association and three postgraduate representatives, provided (i) the said Student President, Education Officer and School Conveners have been elected by a poll of all students in the University or by a poll of all students at undergraduate level who have been assigned by the Senatus Academicus to the appropriate School, respectively, and (ii) the said postgraduate representatives have been elected by a poll of all postgraduate students registered on programmes taught in Arts, Humanities & Business, and Science, Engineering & Medicine and research students) and do not hold an appointment at or above the grade of Lecturer or equivalent in the University of Aberdeen; Declaring that the said student members may be excluded from meetings of the Senatus Academicus on occasions when this is deemed appropriate by a majority of the remaining members.”. 3. If, at the date on which a person’s membership of the Senatus would otherwise terminate he or she is acting as an Assessor from the Senatus on the University Court of the University of Aberdeen in terms of section 2 of the Universities (Scotland) Act 1966, his or her membership of the Senatus shall be extended to cover the remainder of his or her current term of appointment as an Assessor on the said University Court. 4. The Ordinance shall not affect the rights of those persons presently members of the Senatus Academicus by virtue of section 7 of the Universities (Scotland) Act 1966. 5. This Ordinance shall come into force on the date on which it is approved by Her Majesty in Council. IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents are sealed with the Common Seal of the University Court of the University of Aberdeen and subscribed on behalf of the said Court in terms of the Requirements of Writing (Scotland) Act 1995.

Appendix 2