
The International Council for Science ~©L%~bulletin No. 150 July 2003

Measures, Decisions and Resolutions adopted at the Twenty-fifth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 10-20 September 2002 p 1


Published by the


at the


Twenty-fifth Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting Warsaw, Poland, 10-20 September 2002

Decisions, Resolutions and Measures

MEASURE 1 (2002) System: Management Plans Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 124, for Antarctic Specially Protected Areas Crozier, ; The Representatives, Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 126, Byers Recalling Resolution 1 (1998) allocating responsibility Peninsula, ; among Consultative Parties for the revision of Management Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 130, "Tram­ Plans for Protected areas; way Ridge", , Ross Island; Noting that the draft Management Plans appended to this • Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 137, North­ Measure have been endorsed by the Committee for west White Island, McMurdo Sound; Environmentqal Protection and the Scientific Committee • Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 147, Abla­ on Antarctic Research (SCAR); tion Point - ; Recognizing that these Areas support outstanding natural Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 148, Mount features and biota of scientific interest; Flora, ; Recommend to their Governments the following Measure Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 157, Back­ for approval in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 6 of door Bay, , Ross Island. Annex V to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to and which are annexed to this Measure, be adopted. the Antarctic Treaty: That the management plan for Cape Royds, Ross Island That the Management Plans for the following sites: (ASPA No 121) be approved by the ATCM subject to the • Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 106, Cape agreement by the Commission for the Conservation of Hallett, Northern , ; Antarctic Marine Living Resources. • Antarctic Specially Protected Area No l 07, , ; Note: The Management Plan for Antarctic Specially • Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 108, Green Protected Area No 106 was reproduced in SCAR Bulletin Island, Berthelot Islands; No 148 (January 2003). The Management Plans for • Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 117, Avian Antarctic Specially Protected Areas, nos 107, 108, 117, Island, ; 121, 123, 124 and 126 are reproduced here. • Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 121, Cape Royds, Ross Island; The Management Plans may also be found on the CEP • Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 123, Barwick website at: and Balham Valleys, South Victoria Land http://www.cep.aq/default.asp?casid=S 132 Management Plan for Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 107 EMPEROR ISLAND, DION ISLANDS, MARGUERITE BAY,

1. Description of values to be protected Recommendation IV-8 in 1966 after a proposal by the The Dion Islands (Latitude67°52' S, Longitude68°42' W), United Kingdom. All of the islands in the Dion Islands on the western side of the centra] Antarctic Peninsula in archipelago were included. Values prot!'cted under the north-western Marguerite Bay, were originally designated original designation were described as the presence of the as Specially'Protected Area (SPA) No. 8 through only colony of emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) SCAR BULLETIN NO. 150

known to exist on the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula • minimise the possibility of introduction of alien and that the isolation of this colony from others of the same plants, animals and microbes to the Area; species makes it of outstanding scientific interest. A • gather data on the population status of the emperor management plan for the Area was adopted through penguin colony on a regular basis, preferably at least Recommendation XVI-6 ( 1990), which reaffirmed the once every five years; values of the Area. The boundaries were extended to • allow visits for management purposes in support of include the intervening sea between the islands to ensure the aims of the management plan. protection of the emperors at sea or on sea-ice in the immediate vicinity. Attention was drawn to the additional 3. Management activities important value of the colony being one of only two known The following management activities shall be undertaken in which breeding occurs on land. It was also noted as the to protect the values of the Area: most northerly and probably the smallest of Emperor • Maps showing the location of the Area (stating the colonies, with annual numbers fluctuating around 150 special restrictions that apply) shall be displayed pairs. prominently at any operational research station lo­ The values of the colony are reaffirmed cated within 50 km of the Area, where copies of this in this revised management plan. The boundaries of the management plan shall also be made available. Area are now defined more precisely. • Markers, signs or other structures erected within the Area for scientific or management purposes shall 2. Aims and objectives be secured and maintained in good condition. Management at Emperor Island aims to: • Visits shall be made as necessary (preferably no less • avoid degradation of, or substantial risk to, the val­ than once every five years) to assess whether the ues of the Area by preventing unnecessary human Area continues to serve the purposes for which it disturbance to the Area; was designated, and in particular to conduct bird • allow scientific research on the ecosystem and physi­ censuses, and to ensure management and mainte­ cal environment, particularly on the avifauna, pro­ nance measures are adequate. vided it is for compelling reasons which cannot be served elsewhere; 4. Period of designation • minimise the possibility of introduction of patho­ gens which may cause disease in bird populations Designated for an indefinite period, provided the Emperor within the Area; penguins continue to breed in the Area.



Tanlente Luis Carvajal ()

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Map 1. Emperor Island, Dion Islands, ASPA No. 107, location map.

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5. Maps and photographs Map 2: Emperor Island, Dion Islands, ASPA No. 107: Map I: Emperor Island, Dion Islands, ASPA No. 107, in topographic map. Map specifications: relation to Marguerite Bay. showing the locations Projection: Lambert Conformal Conic; Standard of the stations Teniente Luis Carvajal (Chile). parallels: !st 67° O' 00" W; 2nd 68° 00' OO"S; Rothera (UK) and General San Martin Central Meridian: 68° 42' 30" W; Latitude of (Argentina). The location of other protected Origin: 68° 00' 00" S; Spheroid: WGS84; Datum: areas within Marguerite Bay (ASPA No. 117 at Mean sea level. Horizontal accuracy: ± 1.5 m; , ASPA No. 115 at Lagotellerie Vertical accuracy ±1 m (best accuracy of the Island, and ASPA No. 129 at Rothera Point) are control points); Vertical contour interval 5 m (index contour interval !Sm). also shown. Inset: the location of Dion Islands on Map 3: Emperor Island, ASPA No. 107: topographic the Antarctic Peninsula. map. Map specifications as for Map 2 .

.,.,,,...... ---- -,-- - ...... , EMPEROR ISLANDASPA No.107 _ 67"51'30" ,, ... I ...... ENTRY BY PERMIT ;I' NOTE: AIRCRAFT LANDINGS OR OVERFLIGHT BELOW 1000 m (3280 ft) ' 511 ; PROH!R!JEP 1 APRIL .1r; DECEMBER INCLUSIVE WITHIN THIS AREA ' o lll:"lRES o

/ ' LEGEND / 1000m ~ I NNE.l... CONSORT~' --·---- / G,,if'- ISLANDS o~ - ,_ I 'f' t:1l - c_.1111111 I ~'v0 \\ 'j1 ~=-..=;:::.., I A

6. Description of the Area The islands are generally small, rocky and precipitous, especially Emperor Island, which at a maximum elevation 6(i) Geographical coordinates, boundary markers of 46 m is also the highest. The island group contains and natural features numerous offshore islets, rocks and reefs, which are GENERAL DESCRIPTION potentially hazardous to shipping. The Dion Islands have The Dion Islands (Latitude 67°53' S, Longitude 68°42' W, only been visited occasfonally and detailed descriptions of within a region ofapproximately 12 km'), situated 13.5 km the Area have yet to be made. The islands are generally south of the south-western extremity of in ice-free in summer, although there are a few small patches north-western Marguerite Bay (Map I), is a small of permanent ice and persistent snow. A meltwater pond archipelago comprising the following islands, rocks and is located on the northern side of Emperor Island. Terrain reefs: Envoy Rock, Regent Reef, Consort Islands suitable for breeding birds is limited, and the colonies (approximately 3 ha), Emperor Island (approximately 5 present are relatively small, mostly found on Emperor ha), Jester Rock, Noble Rocks, Courtier Islands Island. For a detailed description of the geology and (approximately 8 ha), Embassy Islands and Consul Reef. biology of the Area see Annex I.


67'51'48' Approxtmete tocaltty of Blue-eyed Cormoranl andAd6Ue penguin colonies

EMPEROR Usual breeding locality of ISLAND Emperor penguins ENTRY BY PERMIT




~ Coast cache ..___, Contour (5 m) ..__,, lndu contour(15 m) NOTE: AIRCRAFT LANDINGS OR OVERFLIGHT BELOW 1000 m (3280 ft) JJ.., Survey station (occupied) PROHIBITED 1APRIL·15 DECEMBERINCLUSIVEWITHIN THIS AREA 0:JG Spot height (photogrammll:r1c)

68"42'45'"W 68"42'30• 68"42'15"

Map 3. Emperor Island (within ASPA No. 107) topographic map BOUNDARIES is (UK), 41 km to the north-east The designated Area ofjust over 3 km 2comprises Emperor on Rothera Point, also on Adelaide Island. Island and the marine environment (including sea ice when 6( iv) Location of other protected areas within close present) within I 000 m of the coastline of Emperor Island proximity of the Area (Maps 2 and 3). The 1000 m boundary is set as a precautionary limit to avoid disturbance to breeding The nearest protected areas to Emperor Island are Avian Emperor penguins. Within this zone landing and overflight Island (ASPA No. 117) about 12.75 km NNW, Lagotellerie restrictions apply to aircraft during the period I April to 15 Island (ASPA No. 115) 58 km east, and Rothera Point December (see Section 7(i) below). However, the area (ASPA No. 129) 41 km to the NE (Map I). does not include the terrestrial areas of the Consort Islands in the north, Jester Rock in the east, or the Courtier Islands 7. Permit conditions in the southwest. Entry into the Area is prohibited except in accordance with a Perrnit issued by an appropriate national authority. 6(ii) Restricted and managed zones within the Area Conditions for issuing a Permit to enter the Area are that: None. • it is issued only for compelling scientific reasons 6(iii) Structures within and near the Area that cannot be served elsewhere, in particular for scientific study of the avifauna and ecosystem of the No structures are known to be present within the Area. A Area, or for essential management purposes consist­ GPS survey station, consisting of a nail driven into a rock ent with plan objectives such as inspection, mainte­ marked by a small cairn, was installed on the northeastern nanc~ or review; side of the largest of the Courtier Islands in March I 997 • the actions permitted will not jeopardise the values (Gray and Fox 1997). of the Area; The nearest scientific research station is 14 km north­ • any management activities are in support of the ob­ west at Teniente Luis Carvajal (Chile), on southern jectives of the management plan; Adelaide Island (Latitude 67°46' S, Longitude 68°55' W), • the actions permitted are in accordance with the a summer-only facility operated from Octoberuntil March management plan; since 1982. Over this period the station has generally • the Perrnit, or an authorised copy, shall be carried accommodated up to 10 personnel. Formerly, this facility within the Area; was established and operated by the UK year-round from • a visit report shall be supplied to the authority named 1961until1977. The nearest year-round scientific station in the Perrnit;

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• permits shall be issued for a stated period; structures shall be undertaken in a manner that minimises the appropriate authority should be notified of any disturbance to breeding birds. All scientific equipment or activities/measures undertaken that were not in­ markers installed within the Area must be clearly identified cluded in the authorised Permit. by country, name of the principal investigator and year of installation. All such items should be made of materials 7(i) Access to and movement within the Area that pose minimal risk of harm to bird populations or of • Subject to the following restrictions, access to contamination of the Area. Removal of specific structures, the Area shall be by boat, aircraft or over sea ice equipment or markers for which the Permit has expired by vehicle or foot. shall be a condition of the Permit. • Vehicles are prohibited on land within the Area and all movement on land within the Area shall 7(iv) Location offield camps be on foot. Temporary camping within the Area is allowed when Access shall be conducted so as to minimise dis­ necessary for purposes specified in the Permit. Specific turbance to any fauna that may be present, and campsite locations have not been designated, but camping vehicles or boats should not approach closer than within 200 m of the emperor penguin colony should be 200 m to any breeding colony. avoided. There are otherwise no special restrictions on the 7(v) Restrictions on materials and organisms that can locations where vehicle or small boat travel or be brought into the Area landings may be made, but this shall be by the No living animals, plant material, pathogens or shortest route consistent with the restrictions in this plan and the objectives and requirements of microorganisms shall be deliberately introduced into the Area and the precautions listed in 7(ix) below shall be the permitted activities. taken against accidental introductions. In view of the Aircraft are prohibited from landing within the presence of breeding bird colonies on Emperor Island, no Area oroverflying the Area below IOOO m in the poultry products, including products containing uncooked period 1 April to 15 December inclusive. dried eggs, including wastes from such products, shall be • Vehicle, aircraft or boat crew, or other people on released into the Area, including into the sea. No herbicides vehicles, aircraft or boats, are prohibited from or pesticides shall be brought into the Area. Any other moving on foot beyond the immediate vicinity chemicals, including radio-nuclides or stable isotopes, of their landing site unless specifically author­ which may be introduced for scientific or management ised by Permit. purposes specified in the Permit, shall be removed from • All movement should be undertaken carefully so the Area at or before the conclusion of the activity for as to minimise disturbance to breeding birds. the which the Permit was granted. Fuel is not to be stored in soil and vegetated surfaces. the Area, unless specifically authorised by Permit for • Pedestrian traffic should be kept to the minimum specific scientific or management purposes. All materials consistent with the objectives of any permitted introduced shall be for a stated period only, shall be activities and every reasonable effort should be removed at or before the conclusion of that stated period, made to minimise effects. and shall be stored and handled so that risk of their 7(ii) Activities that are or may be conducted in the introduction into the environment is minimised. If release Area, including restrictions on time or place occurs which is likely to compromise the values of the • Scientific research that will not jeopardise the Area, removal is encouraged only where the impact of avifauna or ecosystem of the Area, and which is removal is not likely to be greater than that of leaving the for compelling reasons that cannot be served else­ material in. situ. The appropriate authority should be where; notified of any materials released and not removed.that • Essential management activities, including moni­ were not included in the authorised Permit. toring; 7(vi) Taking or harmful interference with native flora Restrictions on times and locations at which aircraft may or fauna operate within the Area apply, specified in Section 7 (i) of Taking or harmful interference with native flora or fauna this Management Plan. is prohibited, except by Permit issued in accordance with 7(iii) Installation, modification or removal of Annex II to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to structures the Antarctic Treaty. Where taking or harmful interference with animals is involved, the SCAR Code of Conduct for Structures shall not be erected within the Area except as the Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes in specified in a Permit and permanent structures or should be used as a minimum standard. installations are prohibited. Small temporary refuges, hides, blinds or screens may be constructed for the purpose of 7(vii) Collection or removal ofanything not brought scientific study of the avifauna. Installation (including site into the Area by the Permit holder selection), removal, modification or maintenance of Collection or removal of anything not brought into the


Area by the Permit holder shall only be in accordance with allow evaluation of the effectiveness of the management a Permit and should be limited to the minimum necessary plan. Parties should, wherever possible, deposit originals to meet scientific or management needs. Pennits shall not or copies of such original reports in a publicly accessible be granted in instances where it is proposed to take, remove archive to maintain arecordofusage, to be used both in any or damage such quantities of soil, native flora or fauna that review of the management plan and in organising the their distribution or abundance within the Area would be scientific use of the Area. significantly affected. Samples of flora or fauna found dead within the Area may be removed for analysis or audit Bibliography without prior authorisation by Permit. Anything of human Barlow, 1968. Biological Report. Adelaide Island. 1967/ origin likely to compromise the values of the Area, which 68. Unpublished report, BAS was not brought into the Area by the Permit Holder or Archives Ref. AD6/2T/1967 IN. otherwise authorised, may be removed unless the impact Conroy, J.W.H. 1975. Recent increases in penguiO of removal is likely to be greater than leaving the material populations in Antarctica and the Subantarctic. In The in situ: if this is the case the appropriate authority should biology ofpenguins, Stonehouse, B. (ed). Macmillan be notified. Press, London. 7(viii) Disposal of waste Croxall, J.P. and Kirkwood, E.D. I979. The distribution of All wastes, except human wastes, shall be removed from penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula and the islands of the Area. Human wastes shall be removed from the Area the Scotia Sea. British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge. or disposed of into the sea. Dewar, G.J. 1970. The geology of Adelaide Island. British Antarctic Survey Scientific Report 51. 7(ix) Measures that are necessary to ensure that the aims and objectives of the management plan can Fox, A. and Gray, M. 1997. Aerial photography field continue to be met report 1996-97 Antarctic field season. Unpublished British Antarctic Survey report, BAS Archives Ref. 1. Permits may be granted to enter the Area to carry AD6/2R/l 996/L2. out monitoring and site inspection activities, Glenister, T.W. 1954. The EmperorpenguinAptenodytes which may involve the small-scale collection of samples for analysis or review, or for protective forsteri Gray: II. Embryology. Falkland Islands measures. Dependency Survey Scientific Reports No. 10. 2. Any specific long-term monitoring sites shall be Gray, M. and Fox, A. 1997. GPS Survey field report 1996- appropriately marked. 97 Antarctic field season (plus Appendix). 3. To help maintain the ecological and scientific Unpublished British Antarctic Survey report, BAS values found at Emperor Island visitors shall take Archives Ref. AD6/2R/l 996/Ll. special precautions against introductions. Of Gray, N.F. and Smith, R.I. Lewis. 1984. The distribution concern are pathogenic, microbial or plant in­ of nematophagous fungi in the maritime Antarctic. troductions sourced from other Antarctic sites, Mycopathologia 85: 81-92. including stations, or from regions outside Ant­ Jennings, P.G. 1976. Tardigrada from the Antarctic arctica. Visitors shall ensure that sampling equip­ Peninsula and the Scotia Ridge region. BritishAntarctic mentor markers brought into theArea are cleaned Survey Bulletin 44: 77-95. or sterilised. To the maximum extent practica­ McGowan, E.R. 1958. Base Y Ornithological report 1958- ble, footwear and other equipment used or 59. Unpublished BAS internal report AD6/2Y/1958/ brought into the Area (including backpacks, Q. carry-bags and tents) shall be thoroughly cleaned Moyes, A.B., Willan, C.F.H., Thomson, J.W. and others before entering the Area. 1994. Geological map of Adelaide Island to Foyn 4. Poultry products and other introduced avian Coast, BAS GEOMAP Series, Sheet 3, Scale products, which may be a vector of avian dis­ 1:250,000, with supplementary text. British Antarctic eases, shall not be released into the Area. Survey, Cambridge. 7(x)Requirementsfor reports Poncet, S. 1982. Les lies Dion. In Le grand hiver: Damien Parties should ensure that the principal holder for each II, Base Antarctique. Paris, Arthaud: 93-97. Permit issued submits to the appropriate authority a report Poncet, S. and Poncet, J. 1987. Censuses of penguin describing the activities undertaken. Such reports should populations of the Antarctic Peninsula, 1983-87. British include, as appropriate, the information identified in the Antarctic Survey Bulletin 77: 109-129. Visit Report form suggested by SCAR. Parties should Procter, N.A.A. 1959. Ornithology: report on Emperor maintain a record of such activities and, in the Annual penguins at Dion Islands. Unpublished BAS internal Exchange of Information, should provide summary report AD6/2Y/1958/Q. descriptions of activities conducted by persons subject to Skinner, A.C. 1969. Field report on the geological landings their jurisdiction, which should be in sufficient detail to carried out on selected islands off the western coast of

6 NO. 150 JULY 2003

the Antarctic Peninsula, and in the Marguerite Bay northerly direction. The islands are surrounded by fast ice area, in the summer season of 1968-69. Unpublished up to 2 m thick for about seven months of the year, with a British Antarctic Survey report, BAS Archives Ref. variable presence of open water and pack ice during the AD6/2/l 968/G2. summer. Smith, R.I. Lewis, 1996. Terrestrial and freshwater biotic components of the western Antarctic Peninsula. In GEOLOGY, GEOMORPHOLOGY AND SOILS Ross, R.M., Hofmann, E.E. and Quetin, L.B. The geology of the Dion Islands consists of dark Foundations for ecological research west of the fine-grained and tuffs of Jurassic to Early Tertiary Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Research Series 70: age belonging to the Antarctic Peninsula Volcanic Group AGU, Washington D.C.: 15-59. (Dewar 1970, Moyes et al 1994). Andesitic and basaltic Spaull, V.W. 1973. Distribution of soil nematodes in the lavas and pyroclastic rocks dominate toward the south, maritime Antarctic. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin while in the north are found well-bedded sedimentary and 37: 1-6. volcaniclastic rocks. Shales, , grits and conglomerates are also present, usually as thin units of up Stonehouse, B. 1949. Report on biological activities at to about 1 m thick (Skinner 1969). Poorly preserved plant BaseE 1948-49. Unpublished British Antarctic Survey fossils have been observed on Consort Islands and Noble report BAS Archives Ref. AD6/2E/1948/Nl. Rocks, where indetenninate carbonaceous compressions, Stonehouse, B. 1949. Dion Islands, Marguerite Bay, 1949: presumably representing tree trunks, of up to 1 m across Notes on Emperor penguin rookery June 5'"-August occur (Thomson 1972). Flattened, carbonised and 16'". Unpublished FIDS report, BAS Archives Ref. mineralised logs, up to 4 m long and 50 cm across, are AD6/2E/l 949/Q. common in siltstones on these islands (Thomson and Stonehouse, B. 1950. Preliminary report on biological Griffiths 1994). Small veins of copper are prominent as work Base E 1949-50. Unpublished British Antarctic green streaks on the rocks. Survey report BAS Archives Ref. AD6/2E/1949/N. There is virtually no soil development in the island Stonehouse, B. 1953. The Emperor penguin Aptenodytes group, except for small pockets of ornithogenic mud forsteri Gray I. Breeding behaviour and development. composed largely of guano, decayed moss and Prasiola Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey Scientific crispa, notably on Emperor Island. Deposits of pure guano Reports 6. 10-30 cm thick have been observed on the edge of the Thomson, M.R.A. 1972 New discoveries of fossils in the Emperor Island cormorant colony. On the raised pebble Upper Jurassic Volcanic Group of Adelaide Island. beach on the largest of the Courtier Islands, periglacial British Antarctic Survey Bulletin 30: 95-10 I. circles of a yellowish-brown clay suggest an ornithogenic Thomson, M.R.A. and Griffiths, C.J. 1994. Palaeontology. origin, although bird colonies do not presently occupy the Supplementary text to Whilfan, C.F.H., Moyes, A.B. site. In moist depressions this soil type is colonised by the and Thomson, J.W. (eds) BAS GEOMAP Series, moss Sanionia uncinata (==Drepanocladus uncinatus). The Sheet 3, Scale 1:250000. Cambridge, British Antarctic soils have exceptionally high concentrations of Ca, P and Survey: 35-38. Mg, and also of Na in soils associated with the seabird Willey, J.M. 1969. Adelaide Island bird report 1968. colonies, as, for example, near the cormorant colony on Unpublished British Antarctic Survey report, BAS Emperor Island (Smith 1996). Archives Ref. AD6/2T/I 968/Q. Several small low-lying areas on the Courtier and Woehler, E.J. (ed) 1993. The distribution and abundance Emperor islands consist of large pebbles, suggesting raised of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic penguins. SCAR, beach deposits. The deposits occur on the south-eastern Cambridge. side of Emperor Island and on the largest of the Courtier Islands. Small sorted soil circles are evident in the dep<>sits Annex I. at about 6 m above mean sea level on this island. The geomorphology of the Dion Islands has otherwise not been 6(i) Additional information on the natural features of described. the Area. BREEDING BIRDS CLIMATE AND SEA ICE Six species of birds have been recorded as breeding on Extended meteorological records are not available for Dion Islands. Owing to the difficulties of access, however, Dion Islands, but records from 1962-74 for Adelaide Base data are few and dated. Descriptions below are thus often (formerly UK; now Teniente Luis Carvajal, Chile), show based on limited and/or old observations and it should be a mean daily maximum temperature of 3°C in February emphasised that these data are therefore not necessarily (extreme maximum 9°C) and a mean daily minimum of - representative of present numbers or trends. 8°C in August (extreme minimum -44°C). This general The outstanding feature of the avifauna is the presence pattern is consistent with observations at the Dion Islands of a small colony of emperor penguins which typically recorded by Stonehouse (1953) during the winter of 1949, breeds on a low-lying shingle beach and rocky headland who also noted that the dominant winds occurred from a on the northern coast of south-eastern Emperor Island. The


colony was discovered in October 1948 by Stonehouse August 1968 (Willey 1969), while a more precise nest (1953), who studied the breeding behaviour and count at the same location in February 1969 recorded 107 performance, while Glenister ( 1954) investigated emperor pairs and 33 pairs in two adjacent groups. About 200 empty penguin embryology from specimens taken by Stonehouse. nests were counted on broad ledges on the steep north­ It is the only emperor penguin colony in this region of western side of Emperor Island in July 1978, and there Antarctica; it is also the most northerly colony and possibly was evidence of the smaller breeding group closer to the the smallest, and one of only two in which breeding occurs location of the emperor penguin colony (BAS internal on land (the other is at , SPA No. 1). It is records, Bonner and Smith 1984). In February 1986, 388 also the most isolated, being about 2500 km (by sea) from pairs were recorded in two main colonies on Emperor the nearest known breeding colony. Stonehouse (1953) Island, one in the north and one in the southeast. Eight reported that the birds spent most of their time on the low­ pairs were recorded nesting within the Adelie penguin lying beach, occupying an area of about 650 m'. colony (Ponce! pers comm., 1999). Stonehouse (I 953) reported numbers of adult birds Kelp gulls (Larus dominicanus) and brown skuas varying between JOO and 183 during the 1949 winter (Catharacta loennbergi) are numerous, with several pairs (observations between 5 June- 15 August), and from egg nesting on the larger islands (Bonner and Smith 1984). A counts it was estimated that about 150 breeding pairs were breeding pair of kelp gulls with a chick was observed on present. In the previous year 100 adults and 70 chicks were Consort Islands on 24 February 1969 (BAS internal counted. Egg-laying occurred from around 1 June until records). Southern giant petrels (Macronectes giganteus), 29 June, 1949, with most eggs laid in the first week. Birds cape petrels (Daption capensis) and snow petrels laid one egg per pair, and replacement eggs were not laid (Pagodroma nivea) are frequently seen around the islands, if originals were lost. Initially, eggs were passed a number but breeding of these or other seabirds that have been of times between pair partners, eventually being held by observed in the area is unconfirmed, the nearest major the male for incubation over several months while their breeding site being Avian Island, 12.75 km to the north­ partners were at sea, most of which returned around the west. A few Wilson's storm petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) end of July I early August when hatching occurred. The nests were noted on Emperor Island in February 1969 (BAS internal records). numbers of adult birds present increased after hatching, with frequent arrivals and departures. Observations made VEGETATION on chicks the previous year showed they had formed Vegetation on Dion Islands is generally sparse, and the creches by October, and some evidence in the 1949 season flora has not been described in detail. Collections have suggested creches were formed around a month earlier. A been made principally on Emperor and Consort islands. chick mortality rate of less than 10% was estimated by Phanerogams are absent from the island and there is a limited range of cryptogams, although there is a rich lichen Stonehouse for this season. flora. The few taxa recorded on the islands are typical of Fluctuations in numbers have been discussed by Conroy maritime Antarctic sites exposed to strong winds, sea (1975), Croxall and Kirkwood (1979) and Woehler (1993). spray and nitrogenous enrichment from seabirds. The Approximately 150 breeding pairs were observed until flora of the Area is not regarded as possessing properties about 1968, with some evidence (based on aerial that in itself merits special protection. To date, six mosses photographs) of an increase (possibly to about 500 pairs) and at least 19 lichen species have been identified as in 1977. However, it is probable this latter count included present within the Area (BAS Plant Database 1999). Adelie penguins which breed nearby, as only 70-80 adults Bryophytes are restricted to small patches dominated and about 20 chicks were reported from a ground count in by Sanionia uncinata ( =Drepanocladus uncinatus) in late July 1978 (Ponce! 1982). The most recent count was moist hollows where there is some soil accumulation. The made in July 1999, when only 14 males with eggs were most substantial stands, covering several square metres, counted in the same location on Emperor Island. It is not occur on the largest of the Courtier Islands. Bryum known whether this number is typical of recent seasons. pseudotriquetrum (=Bryum a/gens), Ceratodon purpureus If so, continued presence of the colony may be marginal. and Pohlia nutans are usually associated. The moss A small colony of Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) Syntrichiaprinceps (=Tortu/a princeps) has been recorded in several groups occupies the south-eastern part of on Courtier Islands and Polytrichastrum alpinum Emperor Island. A rough count in 1948 indicated about (=Polytrichum alpinum) has been recorded on Emperor 500 pairs, while a 1969 estimate indicated about 175 pairs. Island. The most recent data available (a rough estimate made in The epipetric communities are composed entirely of 1986) indicated a population of700 breeding pairs (Ponce! lichens. Macrolichens, such as Usnea and Umbilicaria, and Poncet 1987, Woehler 1993). are rare although are common in the general region. The A small colony of blue-eyed cormorants (Phalacrocorax most prominent lichens includeAcarospora macrocyclos, atriceps) was present in the Dion Islands in October 1948, Amandinea petermannii, Buellia anisomera, B. cf. although numbers were not recorded (Stonehouse 1949). latemarginata, B. russa, Caloplaca cirrochrooides, C. spp., About 50 pairs were recorded on Emperor Island on 30 Lecania brialmontii, Lecanora spp., Lecidea atrobrunnea,

8 NO. 150 JULY 2003 l. spp., Mastodia tessellata, Physcia caesia, Usnea present. Of nine specimens recovered from a soil sample antarctica, Verrucaria elaeoplaca, V. psychrophil_ia, from Consort Islands all were H. renaudi (Jennings 1976). Xanthoria candelaria and X. elegans. Haematomma Rotifers have been recorded on Emperor Island, although erythromma is frequent on the largest of the Courtier no protozoans. Three predacious fungi have been isolated Islands. The only soil encrusting lichen noted is from the Dion Islands: an unidentified endoparasite from Candelariella vitellina. Moist rock depressions and faces Sanionia uncinata on Courtier Islands; and Anhrobotrys associated with sea bird colonies support small patches of robusta and Cephalosporium balanoides from Prasiola the alga Prasiola crispa and cyanobactarium Phonnidium. on Emperor Island (Gray and Smith 1984). INVERTEBRATES, FUNGI, BACTERIA BREEDING MAMMALS AND MARINE ~e microinvertebrate fauna, fungi and bacteria on Dion ENVIRONMENT Islands have yet to be investigated in detail. Nine species Crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophagus) are common on of microinvertebrate fauna have been recorded from the ice floes near the islands, with Weddell seals(Leptonychotes island group (BAS Invertebrate Database 1999): two weddel/ii) and Leopard seals (Hydrurga /eptonyx) being Collembola (Cryptopygus antarcticus, Friesea grisea); less frequent visitors (Bonner ad Smith 1985). A single one mesostigmatid mite (Gamasellus racovitzai), four immature bull Elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) was seen cryptostigmatid mites (Alaskozetes antarcticus, Halozetes on the largest of the Courtier Islands on 14 March 1981. belgicae, Magellozetes antarcticus and Globoppia The marine environment within the Area has not been /oxolineata (=Oppia /oxolineata)); and two prostigmatid investigated. mites (Eupodes minutus and Pretriophtydeus tilbrooki). HUMAN ACTIVITIES AND IMPACTS The dominant species are Cryptopygus antarcticus and There has been little human activity at the Dion Islands. Alaskozetes antarcticus. Visits have comprised a mixture of science and Nematodes have been recorded as abundant in Sanionia topographical survey. The impacts of activities such as uncinata on the largest of the Courtier Islands, but were these have not been described and are not known, but are rare in Prasiola growing on Emperor Island (Bonner and believed to have been minor and limited to items such as Smith 1985). A sample of Sanionia uncinata intermixed transient disturbance to breeding birds, campsites, with Bryum pseudotriquetrum from Emperor Island footprints, occasional litter, human wastes, scientific yielded several nematode taxa: mostly of the genus sampling and markers. A fuel drum, a box (possibly a food Mesodorylaimus, with Plectus and Eudory/aimus also cache, as mentioned in 1969 field reports), and several present (Spaull 1973). Of the tardigrades in the sample, poles were apparent in aerial photographs of Emperor most were Macrobiotus furciger and Hypsibius dujardini, Island taken in December 1998, although their status has with a small proportion of H. alpinum and H. pinguis also not been assessed in the field. Management Plan for Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 108 GREEN ISLAND, BERTHELOT ISLANDS, ANTARCTIC PENINSULA 1. Description of values to be protected formed by Chorisodontium aciphyllum and Polytrichum Green Island (Latitude 65°19' S, Longitude 64°09' W, strictum that, over much of their extent, overlie peat of 2 approximately 0.2 km ), Berthelot Islands, Grandidier more than one metre in depth. Antarctic hair grass Channel, Antarctic Peninsula, was originally designated (Deschampsia antarctica), one ofonly two native vascular as a Specially Protected Area through Recommendation plants that grow south of 56°S, was noted as frequent in IV-9 (1966, SPA No. 9) after a proposal by the United small patches near a blue-eyed cormorant (Phalacrocorax Kingdom. It was designated on the grounds that the atriceps) colony. The colony of blue-eyed cormor?nts, vegetation "is exceptionally rich, [and] is probably the located on the steep, rocky northwestern comer of the most luxuriant anywhere on the west side of the Antarctic island, was noted as being possibly one of the largest along Peninsula". The Recommendation noted: "in some places the Antarctic Peninsula. the humus is 2 metres thick and that this area, being of The present management plan reaffirms the values of outstanding scientific interest, should be protected because the rich Chorisodontium-Polytrichum moss turf as being it is probably one of the most di verse Antarctic ecosystems". the primary reason for special protection of Green Island. A Management Plan for the site was prepared by the The Polytrichum strictum moss banks, with associated United Kingdom and adopted through Recommendation Chorisodontium aciphyllum, are considered to be the most XVI-6 (1991). The original reasons for designation were extensive examples of this vegetation feature in the west extended and elaborated, although following comparisons Antarctic Peninsula region, occupying an area of over 0.5 to other sites in the vicinity, Green Island was no longer ha. Moreover, in recent years many comparable moss considered to be particularly diverse. The vegetation on banks on more northerly islands have suffered damage as the island was described as extensive on the north-facing a result of an increase in Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus slopes, with well-developed continuous banks of moss turf gazella). The vegetation at Green Island has thus far


6'.,s· 6'"10' ,,. . 63"'5" escaped any significant damage. In .. ..,w .. ""ID" 65'10'S addition, Chorisodontium aciphyllum PETERMANN is close to the southern-most limit of 013 <1:"'" its range at the Berthelot Islands. The • blue-eyed cormorant colony was one " 0 ""1 ~ of the largest along the Antarctic ~. "' '<:" Peninsula in 1981, when 500-600 P C\o> o o" ci7 individuals were present, and, until ARGENTINE ISLANDS ~t:;;J "'~r "» more recent data confirm otherwise, ~ [J • Q. YALOUR ISLANDS the value of this colony as one of the largest known, is included as an ~ ¥""" ""Galindez Island 65.,5' additional value and thus a further Vemadsky .. Research reason for special protection of Green Station (Ukr) Island. Green Island has been afforded ..., protection throughout most of the <:"' period of scientific activity in the <: • Green Island region, with entry permits having :t (.) ASPANo.108 been issued for only the most ENTRY BY 0 compelling scientific reasons. The Q: PERMIT island has not been subjected to Cl"' COLLINS intensive visitation, research or ' Cl sampling and is potentially valuable <: as a baseline site for future studies. Q:"" Due to the lack of visits and scientific

IO NO. 150 JULY 2003


-~ ,.,~,_..,,.,i .....w Soho,..,....,"£< Map 2. Green Island, ASPA No. 108 . . ' '''""'"''-""""""'l .. ol(f("""'' '""'''"'''"" ''" A H~oo•.1'11'°"'''°".. .. ,.. /'" Berthelot Islands •...... _,._ ~;~·=..:;~;.·:.;·.:..~·~:;::',4.e.,;.~ ... , Antarctic Peninsula _ c-'V'-~

Map 2: Green Island, ASPA No. 108, topographic map. occurring around the summit and to the south and east of Map derived from ground survey 24 February the summit. 2001 and digital orthophotography (ground pixel BOUNDARIES resolution 12 cm; source aerial photography taken The designated area comprises the entire island, with the 14 February 2001 by the British Antarctic Survey). boundary defined as the low tide level. Offshore islets and Ground features (vegetation, permanent snow, rocks are not included within the Area. Boundary markers colony, coastline and ponds) are digitised from have not been installed. The coast itself is a clearly defined the orthophotograph. Vegetation distribution and visually obvious boundary feature. indicates the principal moss banks, dominated by CLIMATE Polytrichum strictum. Map specifications - No climate data are available for Green Island but conditions Projection: UTM Zone 20S; Spheroid: WGS84; are expected to be similar to those at Akademik Vernadsky Datum: mean sea level (EGM96). Vertical contour Station (Ukraine) on Galindez Island, Argentine Islands 8 interval 5 m. Horizontal and vertical accuracy: km to the north. The mean summer temperature at ±2.0m. Vemadsky is 0°C while the extreme maximum summer temperature isl l .7°C. In winter, the mean temperature is 6. Description of the Area -10°C and the extreme minimum temperature is -43.,3'C. 6(i) Geographical coordinates, boundary markers The mean wind speed is 7.5 knots. and natural features GEOLOGY AND SOILS GENERAL DESCRIPTION Green Island, together with the rest of the Berthelot Islands, Green Island (65°19' S, 64°09' W, approximately 0.2 km2) is composed of gabbroofLower Jurassic to Lower Tertiary is a small island situated I 50 m north of the largest of the age (British Antarctic Survey 1981). No further information Berthelot Islands group, Grandidier Channel, is available on the geology of Green Island. Excluding the approximately 3 km off the Graham Coast of the Antarctic large peat deposits, soil is sparse and seldom exceeds 20 Peninsula (Map I). Green Island is 520 m from north to cm in depth, except occasionally in rock depressions and south and 500 m from east to west, rising to a rounded peak gullies. This is predominantly an ahumic coarse mineral at a height of 83 m. The island rises steeply on all sides, soil derived from weathering of the parent rock. Ledges with high precipitous cliffs on the south and east side. The and gullies close to the Blue-eyed Cormorant colony largest extent of low ground occurs above the northern contain an organically richer soil derived in part from coast, which comprises a gently sloping rock platform. decayed moss and guano. Over much of the steep northern There are several permanent snow patches with the largest slopes the mosses Chorisodontium aciphyllum and


Polytrichum strictum have developed a deep turf of living colony and on rock ledges on the western side of the island. moss overlying at least I m of barely altered or decomposed BREEDING BIRDS moss peat (Smith 1979, Fenton and Smith 1982). The A sizeable colony of blue-eyed cormorants (Phalacrocorax permafrost layer is found 20-30 cm below ground level. atriceps) is present on the steep, rocky northwestern flank Elsewhere on the island, notably the northeastern side, of the island (Map 2). This is one of the largest known blue­ there are small areas of scree. There are no well-developed eyed cormorant colonies along the Antarctic Peninsula periglacial features, although a few small stone circles are (Bonner and Smith 1985), although numbers may vary occasionally evident. substantially from year to year. Approximately 50 pairs VEGETATION were estimated as present in 1971 (Kinnear 1971 ), while The most significant feature of the vegetation is the 112 birds were recorded in 1973 (Schlatter and Moreno extensive continuous stand of Polytrichum strictum (= 1976). 500-600 individuals (of which 300-400 were Polytrichum alpestre) on the northern slopes of the island immatures) were present when visited in March 1981. (Map 2). The stand is approximately 140 m wide, extends Harris (200 I) recorded 71 chicks on 24 February 200 I. from an elevation of approximately 25 m up to 70 m, and Brown skuas (Catharacta loennbergi) are numerous covers over 0.5 ha (Bonner and Smith 1985). Growth is over much of the island, particularly on the extensive moss lush and the permanently frozen peat in places reaches two banks. South polar skuas (C. maccormicki) are also present, metres deep. The surface of the hard compact moss is along with a few possible hybrids. Over 80 birds were stepped, which is thought to be a result of slumping of the noted in March 1981, but only ten breeding pairs were active layer on the steep slope. Chorisodontium aciphyllum confirmed, most of which were rearing two chicks. No (=Dicranum aciphyllum) is abundant at the edges of the other breeding birds were noted. bank and around the periphery of small gullies in the bank, INVERTEBRATES, FUNGI AND BACTERIA where there is some shelter and moisture available from There is little information on the invertebrate fauna at drifted snow. Both these tall turf-forming mosses are Green Island, although 15 species were recorded in a study usually intimately intermixed in such communities further that suggested the invertebrate fauna on Green Island was north in the maritime Antarctic; however. in the Grandi di er comparatively diverse for the region (Usher and Edwards Channel region the more xeric P. strictum often occurs 1986). The most abundant species were Cryptopygus alone. C. aciphyllum is close to its southernmost limit on antarcticus, Belgica antarclica and Nanorchestes g ressitti. Green Island (Smith 1996). Amongst the C. aciphyllum, Larval B. antarctica were particularly abundant on Green Pohlia nutans is frequent, together with the liverworts Island compared to neighbouring Darboux Island. Other Barbilophozia hatcheri and Cephaloziella varians. species recorded in the Area are: Alaskozetes antarcticus; Epiphytic lichens are not abundant on the Ii ve Polytrichum Ereynetes macquariensis; Eupodes minutus; Eupodes and Chorisodontium, but Sphaerophorus globosus is parvus grahamensis; Friesea grisea; Gamasellus frequent in the more exposed north-western area. Several racovitzai; Halozetes belgicae; N. berryi; Oppia species of Cladonia are widespread on the moss banks. loxolineata; Parisotomaocto-oculata; Rhagidiagerlachei; The white encrusting epiphyte Ochrolechia frigida is present but not abundant here; black crustose species occur and Stereotydeus villosus. A definitive characterisation of on moribund moss. the arthropod fauna on Greert Island cannot be given until more site-specific research has been conducted. Wet hollows among rocks and melt runnels support small Information on fungal and bacterial communities is not stands of the mosses Wamstoifia laculosa (= Calliergidium austro-stramineum), Brachythecium austro-salebrosum available. There are no permanent freshwater bodies on and Drepanocladus uncinatus. Elsewhere lichens the island, and there is no information available on seasonal dominate the vegetation. On rocks and boulders away freshwater communities. from the shore and the influence of seabirds, a community HUMAN ACTIVITIES AND IMPACTS dominated by Usnea antarctica and species of Umbilicaria There have been few reported visits to Green Island. The (U. antarctica, U. decussata and U. propagulifera) prevail, first recorded landing on the island was by the Premiere with the mosses Andreaea depressinervis and A. regularis Expedition Antarctiques Fran,aise in 1903-05. The and various crustose lichens associated. Cliffs above the Deuxieme Expedition Antarctiques Fran,aise visited Green shore possess the most diverse and heterogenous Island severaltimes during the winter in 1909. The British communities, composed predominantly of lichens. These Expedition landed on the island on 18 March are a modification of the Usnea-Umbilicaria community 1935. Vegetation studies were undertaken on Green Island with various nitrophilous taxa, especially close to seabird by Lewis-Smith in 1981 (Bonner and Smith 1985) and nests, including species of Acarospora, Buellia, Caloplaca, Komarkova in 1982-83 (Komarkova 1983). Numerous 30 Lecanora, Mastodia, Omphalodina, Physcia and cm lengths of 2.5 mm diameter iron wire, marking the Xanthoria. comers of50 m square quadrats of the Polytrichum strictum The only flowering plant thus far recorded on Green moss turf overlying the peat banks, were recorded (and left Island is Antarctic hair grass (Deschampsia antarctica), in situ) by an inspection team in January I 989 (Heap which is frequent in small patches above the cormorant 1994). It is not known precisely when these markers were

t2 N0.150JULY2003 installed. The number of markers, their distribution and • Access to the island should be made on the rocky the nature of any possible contamination these may have northern coast (Map 2). No special restrictions had on the moss is unknown. apply to the routes used to move to and from the In recent years a number of important vegetation sites Area. in the Antarctic Peninsula region have been subjected to • Aircraft are prohibited from landing within the damage from trampling and nutrient enrichment by Area year-round, and restrictions apply to increasing numbers of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus overflight (see Table I below). gaze/la). While no Antarctic fur seals were observed on • Vehicle or boat crew, or other people on vehi­ Green Island during a site visit made on 24 February 2001, cles or boats, are prohibited from moving on foot there was some evidence of recent trampling and nutrient beyond the immediate vicinity of their landing enrichment on parts of the lower moss banks. However, site unless specifically authorised by Permit. damage appeared limited and most of the extensive moss • All movement should be undertaken carefully so banks remained intact. as to minimise disturbance to the soil and veg­ etated surfaces and birds present, walking on 6(ii) Restricted and managed zanes within the Area snow or rocky terrain if practical. None. • Pedestrian traffic should be kept to the minimum 6(iii) Structures within and near the Area consistent with the objectives of any permitted activities and every reasonable effort should be There are no structures present in the Area. The nearest made to minimise trampling effects. scientific research station is Akademik Vernadsky (Ukraine) (65°15'S, 64°16'W), approximately 9 km north Table I: Aircraft overflight restrictions applying year­ of the Area on Galindez Island. round at Green Island. 6( iv) Location of other protected areas within close proximity of the Area Aircraft Number Minimum The nearest protected areas to Green Island are Biscoe type of engines approach distance Point (ASPA No. 139), 62 km north, and Vertical (above ground) (ASPA No. 113), 63 km north, both nearthe southern coast Feet Metres of Anvers Island. Helicopter I 246/ 750 7. Permit conditions Helicopter 2 328/ 1000 Entry into the Area is prohibited except in accordance with a Permit issued by an appropriate national authority. Fixed-wing 1 or 2 1476 450 Conditions for issuing a Pennit to enter the Area are that: Fixed-wing 4 328/ 1000 • it is issued only for compelling scientific reasons that cannot be served e]sewhere, or for essential management purposes consistent with plan objec­ 7(ii) Activities that are or may be conducted in the tives such as inspection, maintenance or review; Area, including restrictions on time or place • the actions permitted will not jeopardise the ecologi­ Scientific research that will not jeopardise the cal or scientific values of the Area; ecosystem or scientific values of the Area, and • any management activities are in support of the ob­ which cannot be served elsewhere; jectives of the Management Plan; Essential management activities, including moni­ • the actions permitted are in accordance with the toring; Management Plan; 7(iii) Installation, modification or removal of • the Permit, or an authorised copy, shall be carried within the Area; structures • a visit report shall be supplied to the authority named Structures shall not be erected within the Area except as in the Permit; specified in a Permit and permanent structures or • permits shall be issued for a stated period; installations are prohibited. All scientific equipment • the appropriate authority should be notified of any installed in the Area must be approved by Permit and activities/measures undertaken that were not in­ clearly identified by country, name of the principal cluded in the authorised Permit investigator and year of installation. All such items should be made of materials that pose minimal risk of 7(i) Access to and movement within the Area contamination of the Area. Removal of specific equipment • Subject to the following restrictions, access to for which the Permit has expired shall be a condition of the the Area shall be by boat, or over sea ice by ve­ Permit. hicle or foot. • Vehicles are prohibited within the Area and all 7(iv) Location offield camps movement within the Area shall be on foot. When necessary for purposes specified in the Permit,


temporary camping is allowed within the Area on the low be greaterthan leaving the material in situ: if this is the case platform on the northern coast (Map 2). Camps should the appropriate authority should be notified. preferably be located on snow surfaces, which typically 7(viii) Disposal of waste persist in this locality, or on gravel I rock when snow cover is absent. Camping on continuously covered vegetated All wastes, including all human wastes, shall be removed surfaces is prohibited. from the Area. Human wastes may be disposed of into the sea. 7(v) Restrictions on materials and organisms which can be brought into the Area 7(ix) Measures that are necessary to ensure that the aims and objectives of the Management Plan can No living animals, plant material or microorganisms shall continue to be met be deliberately introduced into the Area and the precautions listed in ?(ix) below shall be taken to prevent accidental 1. Permits may be granted to enter the Area to carry introductions. In view of the presence of breeding bird out monitoring and site inspection activities, colonies on the island, no poultry products, including which may involve the small-scale collection of products containing uncooked dried eggs, including wastes samples for analysis or review, or for protective from such products, shall be released into the Area or into measures. the adjacent sea. No herbicides or pesticides shall be 2. Any specific long-term monitoring sites shall be brought into the Area. Any other chemicals, including appropriately marked. radio-nuclides or stable isotopes, which may be introduced 3. To help maintain the ecological and scientific for scientific or management purposes specified in the values of Green Island special precautions shall Permit, shall be removed from the Area at or before the be taken against introductions. Of concern are conclusion of the activity for which the Permit was granted. microbial. invertebrate or plant introductions Fuel is not to be stored in the Area, unless specifically from other Antarctic sites, including stations, or from regions outside Antarctica. All sampling authorised by Permit for specific scientific or management equipment or markers brought into the Area shall purposes. Anything introduced shall be for a stated period be cleaned or sterilised. To the maximum extent only, shall be removed at or before the conclusion of that practicable, footwear and other equipment used stated period, and shall be stored and handled so that risk or brought into the Area (including backpacks, of any introduction into the environment is minimised. If carry-bags and tents) shall be thoroughly cleaned release occurs which is likely to compromise the values of before entering the Area. the Area, removal is encouraged only where the impact of 4. Poultry products and other introduced avian removal is not likely to be greater than that of leaving the products, which may be a vector of avian dis­ material in situ. The appropriate authority should be eases, shall not be released into the Area. notified of anything released and not removed that was not included in the authorised Permit. 7(x) Requirements for reports 7(vi) Taking or harmful intetference with native flora Parties should ensure that the principal holder for each or fauna Permit issued submits to the appropriate authority a report describing the activities undertaken. Such reports should Taking or harmful interference with native flora or fauna include, as appropriate, the information identified in the is prohibited, except by Permit issued in accordance with Visit Report form suggested by SCAR. Parties should Annex II to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to maintain a record of such activities and, in the Annual the Antarctic Treaty. Where taking or harmful interference Exchange of Information, should provide summary with animals is involved, the SCAR Code of Conduct for descriptions of activities conducted by persons subject to the Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes in Antarctica their jurisdiction, which should be in sufficient detail to should be used as a minimum standard. allow evaluation of the effectiveness of the Management 7(vii) Collection or removal of anything not brought Plan. Parties should, wherever possible, deposit originals into the Area by the Permit holder or copies of such original reports in a publicly accessible Collection or removal of anything not brought into the archive to maintain a record ofusage, to be used both in any Area by the Permit holder shall only be in accordance with review of the management plan and in organising the a Permit and should be limited to the minimum necessary scientific use of the Area. to meet scientific or management needs. Permits shall not Bibliography be granted in instances where it is proposed to take, remove or damage such quantities of soil, native flora or fauna that Bonner, W.N. and Smith, R.I.L. (Eds) 1985. Conservation their distribution or abundance on Green Island would be areas in the Antarctic. SCAR, Cambridge: 73-84. significantly affected. Anything of human origin likely to Booth, R.G., Edwards, Mand Usher, M.B. 1985. Mites of compromise the values of the Area, which was not brought the genusEupodes (Acari, Prostigmata) from maritime into the Area by the Permit Holderorotherwise authorised, Antarctica: a biometrical and taxonomic study.Journal may be removed unless the impact of removal is likely to of:Z.Oology 207: 381-406.

14 NO. 150 JULY 2003

British Antarctic Survey. 1981. British Antarctic Territory Komarkova, V. 1983. Plant communities of the Antarctic Geological Map (Scale I :500 000). Series BAS 500G Peninsula near . Antarctic Journal of Sheet 3, Edn I. Cambridge: Antarctic Survey. the United States 18: 216-218. Corner, R.W.M. 1964. Biological report (interim) for Schlatter, R.P and Moreno, C.A. 1976. Habitosalimentarios' Argentine Islands. Unpublished report, British del cormoran Antartico, Phalacrocorax atriceps Antarctic Survey Archives Ref AD6/2F/l 964/N I. bransfteldensis (Murphy) en Isla Green, Antartica. Fenton, J.H.C and Smith, R.I. Lewis. 1982. Distribution, Serie Cientiftcia, lnstitutoAnttinico Chileno 4( 1):69-88 composition and general characteristics of the moss Smith, M.J. and Holroyd, P.C. 1978. 1978 Travel report banks of the maritime Antarctic. British Antarctic for Faraday. Unpublished report, British Antarctic Survey Bulletin 51: 215-236. Survey Archives Ref AD6/2F/1978/K. Greene, D.M and Haltom, A. 1971. Studies in Colobanthus Smith, R.I. Lewis. 1979. Peat forming vegetation in the quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. and Deschampsia antarctica Antarctic. In Proceedings of the International Desv.: III. Distribution, habitats and performance in Symposium on Classification of Peat and Peat/ands the Antarctic botanical zone. British Antarctic Survey Finland, September 17-21, 1979. International Peat Bulletin 26: 1-29. Society: 58-67 Harris, C.M. 200 I. Revision of management plans for Smith, R.I. Lewis. 1982. Farthest south and highest Antarctic protected areas originally proposed by the occurences of vascular plants in the Antarctic. Polar United States of America and the United Kingdom: Record 21: 170-173. Field visit report. Internal report for the National Smith, R.I. Lewis and Comer, R.W.M. 1973. Vegetation Science Foundation, US, and the Foreign and of re Argentine Islands Region. British Commonwealth Office, UK. Environmental Research Antarctic Survey Bulletin 33&34: 89-122. and Assessment, Cambridge. Stark, P. 1994. Climatic warming in the central Antarctic Heap, J. (Ed) 1994. Handbook of the Antarctic Treaty Peninsula area. Weather49(6): 215-220. System. 8•Edn. U.S. Department ofState, Washington. Usher, M.B. and Edwards, M. 1986. The selection of Kinnear, P.K. 1971. Phalacrocorax atriceps population conservation areas in Antarctica: an example using the data cited in BAS internal report re original reference arthropod fauna of Antarctic islands. Environmental unavailable. Conservation 13(2): 115-122. Management Plan for Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 117 A VIAN ISLAND, MARGUERITE BAY, ANTARCTIC PENINSULA

1. Description of values to be protected the entire island and the littoral zone without the exclusion Avian Island (Latitude 67°46' S, Longitude 68°54' W, 0.49 zone near the refuge on the northwestern coast. The values km2), is situated in northwestern Marguerite Bay, 400 m protected were the same as for the SSS!, but with attention south of Adelaide Island on the western side of the central drawn to the additional important values of: Antarctic Peninsula. It was originally designated as Site of • "35,600 pairs of Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis Special Scientific Interest (SSS!) No. 30 under adeliae), which is the largest Adelie colony on the Recommendation XV-6 in 1989 after a proposal by the Antarctic Peninsula, containing a third of the total United Kingdom. Included was the island together with its breeding population of the region"; littoral zone, but excluded was a small area near a refuge • "670 pairs of blue-eyed cormorants, which are close on the northwestern coast of the island. Values protected to the southern limit of their breeding range •. and under the original designation were described as the one of the largest known breeding colonies in the abundance and diversity of breeding seabirds present on Antarctic, representing approximately 85% of the the island, that the (Macronectes total population breeding south of the ". giganteus) colony is one of the most southerly known While the size of the Avian Island Adelie penguin colony breeding population of this species, and that the blue-eyed on the Antarctic Peninsula is not substantiated by recent cormorants (Phalacrocorax atriceps) are breeding close data, this colony and those of several other resident species to the southern limit of their range. The Area was therefore are nonetheless some of the largest in the region, and the considered of outstanding ornithological importance, values noted in the original SSS! and subsequent SPA meriting protection from unnecessary human disturbance. designations are generally reaffirmed in the present Designation as an SSS! was terminated with management plan. Further values evident from scientific redesignation of Avian Island as a Specially Protected Area descriptions of Avian Island are also considered important (SPA) through Recommendation XVI-4 (1990, SPA No. as reasons for special protection of the Area. These values 21) after a proposal by the United Kingdom. The are: boundaries were similar to the original SSS!, but included • the outstanding and unique attribute of being the only


known site on the Antarctic Peninsula where seven (Chile), Rothera (UK) and General San Martfn (Ar­ seabird species are breeding in such close proxim­ gentina), where copies of this management plan shall ity to each other within the confined space of a sin­ also be made available. gle, small island, with unusually high population • Signs showing the location and boundaries of the densities and virtually the whole island occupied by Area with clear statements of entry restrictions shall breeding birds throughout the summer; be placed in prominent positions on the northwest­ • Representation of seven of the seabird species breed­ ern and eastern coasts of the island (Map 2), to help ing along the Antarctic Peninsula; avoid inadvertent entry. • the southern giant petrel colony is one of the two • Markers, signs or other structures erected within the largest on the Antarctic Peninsula, comprising about Area for scientific or management purposes shall one-fifth of the population south of the South Shet­ be secured and maintained in good condition or re­ land Islands, and these birds are extremely vulner­ moved. able to disturbance; • Visits shall be made as necessary (no less than once the kelp gull (Larus dominicanus) colony is also every five years) to assess whether the Area contin­ large and is breeding near the southern extent of its ues to serve the purposes for which it was desig­ range; nated, and in particular to conduct bird censuses, and the southernmost record of breeding brown skuas to ensure management and maintenance measures ( Catharacta loennbergi) in the Antarctic Peninsula are adequate. region was noted on Avian Island in 1978-79; • the moss Warnstorfia /aculosa (=Calliergidium 4. Period of designation austro-stramineum) on Avian Island is at the south­ Designated for an indefinite period. ern limit of its known range. The boundaries of the Area designated under 5. Maps and photographs Recommendation XVl-4 have been changed ~--,-.,----,------,~--"',----~-..,.,---,,.,---, IO"W 17'W in this management plan to include offshore ARROWSMITH islets and rocks previously excluded. PENINSULA

ADELAIDE ISWIO 2. Aims and objectives 17'30'8 Management at Avian Island aims to: • avoid degradation of, or substantial Teniente Luis risk to, the values of the Area by pre­ Carvajal (Chile) venting unnecessary human distur­ I o bance to the Area; allow scientific research on the eco- t·: · NOTE: Overfltght system and physical environment, par- restrictions apply ...... _ over this area ticularly on the avifauna, provided it r.;,=FlFl=l:::l ~:r~l~~d is for compelling reasons which can­ .... not be served elsewhere; General san Martin (Arg) minimise the risk of introduction of MARGUERITE BAY pathogens which may cause disease in / bird or mammal populations within the 0 25 Km Area; minimise the possibility of introduc- Map 1. Avian Island, ASPA No. 117, Marguerite Bay, Antarctic Peninsula, location map. ti on of alien plants, animals and nticrobes to the Area; Map I: Avian Island, ASPA No. 117, in relation to gather data on the population status of the seabirds on the island on a regular basis, preferably for all Marguerite Bay, showing the locations of the resident breeding species at least once every five stations Teniente Luis Carvajal (Chile), Rothera years; (UK) and General San Martin (Argentina). The • allow visits for management purposes in support of location ofother protected areas within Marguerite the aims of the management plan. Bay (ASPA No. 107 at Emperor Island (Dion Islands), ASPA No. 115 at , 3. Management activities and ASPA No. 129 at Rothera Point) are also shown. Inset: the location of Avian Island on the The following management activities shall be undertaken Antarctic Peninsula. to protect the values of the Area: • A map showing the location of the Area (stating the Map2: Avian Island, ASPA No. 117, topographic map. special restrictions that apply) shall be displayed Map specifications - Projection: Lambert prominently at the stations Teniente Luis Carvajal Conformal Conic; Standard parallels: !st 67° 30'

16 NO. 150 JULY 2003

LEGEND south of the southwestern extremity of Adelaide Island -cont ... _, ASPAboundary NOTE: ENTRY BY PERMIT --..- Con!....- (5 m) OVERFLIGHT RESTRICTIONS APPLY: (Map 1). The island is 1.45 km long by 0.8 km at its widest, ._..lnde• i;ontour-(25 m) CONSULT MANAGEMENT PLAN and is of roughly triangular shape. It is rocky with a low • Pond , ...... ---, .t.:U·•survey stll:ion (occupied) , ' relief of generally less than JO m in the north, rising to • a Spot height (photogrammetric) ... - ,,/' \ I ' ,, I about 30 m at the centre, and 40 m in the south where .._Prefe~d walking routes ,,' ,_ ...... • Refuge (removal p.oposed) s1°4a•s several rock and ice slopes ofup to 30 m drop steeply to the A Designated camp site /"',,. -' -'f N~vigation beacon ...... sea. The coastline is irregular and rocky with numerous IMl..-• PQ•,bo"' ol su



Colonies (Dec 1998) Nests (1978) Features {positions approx111ute) la Pygoscelis ade/l.ae Maaonec/es gK)anteus -La~.es m Pha/acrocora( atriq:;ies * Larus dommcanus -- Contours (5 m) Data unavailable ~~j Mrounga /t;'Ofllm> &. Calharacta macco1rricXi (in wallows· breeding not recently confirmed) l:l. Catharacla loennbergi

N A 0 50 100 200 M.;oters

834SAOW EB"53'0W D.11a sources: Map 3. Avian Island, ASPA No. 117 />replted by: Ponce!. S 1962 Le Grand HNer &Mrontrenlal Rerearcll and AM.~Mmenl 81-S ileual phologr.;iphy Dec IS96 Distribution of breeding wildlife C~b~. .A:.Y 2002

18 NO. 150 WLY 2003 on 31 January 1999 (Map 2). The southernmost marker is case. A preferred walking route, which avoids the located adjacent to the navigation beacon and consists of most sensitive bird breeding sites, should be used a survey nail in bedrock covered by a cairn. A similar when traversing across the central part of the island marker is installed on the high point of the low ridge on where movement in this area is necessary (Map 2). the northeastern coast of the island, also covered by a cairn. The designated route extends from the central east­ The remaining two markers are survey nails affixed to the ern coast up the eastern slopes of the hill (Map 2). roof of each of the refuges. Two signs marking the Area Visitors should bear in mind that specific nest sites shall be installed in prominent positions on the may vary from year to year, and some variations on northwestern and eastern coasts of the island. the recommended route may be preferable: the route The nearest scientific research station is 1.2 km is intended as a guide, and visitors are expected to northwest at Teniente Luis Carvajal (Chile), on southern exercise good judgement to minimise the effects of Adelaide Island (lati_tude 67°46' S, longitude 68°55' W). their presence. In other areas, and where practical Since 1982 this has been operated as a summer-only and safe, it is usually preferable to adopt a route that facility, open from October until March. Over this period follows the coastline of the Area. the station has generally accommodated up to l 0 • Access into areas where southern giant petrels are personnel. Formerly, this facility was established and nesting (Map 3) shall only be undertaken for pur­ operated continuously by the UK from 1961 until 1977. poses specified in the Permit. When access to the beacon is necessary (eg. for maintenance), visitors 6( iv) Location of other protected areas within close shall follow the designated access route as closely proximity of the Area as possible, trying to avoid nesting birds. Much of The nearest protected areas to Avian Island are the Dion the area leading up to and surrounding the beacon is Islands (ASPA No. 107) about 12.5 km SSE, Rothera Point occupied by breeding petrels, so great care must be (ASPA No. 129) 40 km to the NE, and Lagotellerie Island exercised. (ASPA No. 115) 65 km east (Map l ). Movements should be slow, noise kept to a mini­ mum, and the maximum distance practicable should 7. Permit conditions be maintained from nesting birds. Entry into the Area is prohibited except in accordance with • Visitors shall watch carefully for signs of agitation a Permit issued by an appropriate national authority. and preferably retreat from approach if significant Conditions for issuing a Permit to enter the Area are that: disturbance is observed. • it is issued only for compelling scientific reasons Small boat landings should be made at the desig­ that cannot be served elsewhere, in particular for nated locations on the central northwestern coast or scientific study of the a vi fauna and ecosystem of the on the central eastern coast of the island (Map 2). If Area, or for essentiaJ management purposes consist­ sea or ice conditions render this impractical, small ent with plan objectives such as inspection, mainte­ boat landings may be made elsewhere along the coast nance or review; as conditions allow. the actions permitted will not jeopardise the values Access by vehicle to the coast when sea ice is present of the Area; should also use these access points, and vehicles shall • any management activities are in support of the ob­ be parked at the shore. jectives of the management plan; Travel by small boat or vehicle within the marine • the actions permitted are in accordance with the part of the Area is not confined to specific routes, management plan; but shall be by the shortest route consistent with the • the Permit, or an authorised copy, shall be carried objectives and requirements of the permitted activi­ within the Area; ties. Vehicle or boat crew, or other people on vehi­ • a visit report shall be supplied to the authority named cles or boats, are prohibited from moving on foot in the Permit; beyond the immediate vicinity of the landing site • permits shall be issued for a stated period; unless specifically authorised by Permit. • the appropriate authority should be notified of any • Aircraft should avoid landing within the Area activities/measures undertaken that were not in­ throughout the year. Restrictions on overflight also cluded in the authorised Permit. apply (see Table 2 below). A Permit may be granted for helicopter use when this is considered necessary 7(i) Access to and movement within the Area for essential purposes and where there is no practi­ • Vehicles are prohibited on land within the Area. All cal alternative, such as for the installation, mainte­ movement on land within the Area shall be on foot. nance or removal of structures. In such instances Movement within the Area on foot shall be by routes the need for helicopter access, including alternatives, that minimise any disturbance to breeding birds, and and the potential disturbance to breeding birds shall to achieve this it may be necessary to take a longer be adequately assessed before a Permit may be route to the destination than would otherwise be the granted. Such a Permit shall clearly define the condi-


tions for helicopter access based on the findings of 7( iv) Location offield camps the assessment. Camping should be avoided within the Area. However, Table 2: Aircraft overflight restrictions applying year­ when necessary for purposes specified in the Permit, round at Avian Island. temporary camping is allowed at two designated campsites: one on the central eastern coast of the island, the other on the central nonhwestem coast of the Area (Map 2). 7(v) Restrictions on materials and organisms that can Aircraft Number Minimum be brought into the Area type of engines approach distance No living animals, plant material or microorganisms shall Vertical Horizontal be deliberately introduced into the Area and the precautions (above ground) listed in 7(ix) below shall be taken to prevent accidental Feel Metres Feet Metres introductions. In view of the presence of significant breeding bird colonies on the island, poultry products, Helicooter I 2460 750 2460 750 including products containing uncooked dried eggs, are Helicopter 2 3300 1000 3300 100 prohibited within the Area. No herbicides or pesticides shall be brought into the Area. Any other chemicals, Fixed-wing I or 2 1480 450 1480 450 including radio-nuclides or stable isotopes, which may be Fixed-wing 4 3300 1000 3300 1000 introduced for scientific or management purposes specified in the Permit, shall be removed from the Area at or before the conclusion of the activity for which the Permit was 7(ii) Activities that are or may be conducted in the granted. Fuel is not to be stored in the Area, unless Area, including restrictions on time or place specifically authorised by Permit for specific scientific or • Scientific research that will not jeopardise the management purposes. Refuelling of aircraft or vehicles a vi fauna or ecosystem of the Area, and which is is prohibited on land within the Area. Anything introduced for compelling reasons that cannot be served else­ shall be for a stated period only, shall be removed at or where; before the conclusion of that stated period, and shall be • Essential management activities, including moni­ stored and handled so that risk of any introduction into the toring; environment is minimised. If release occurs which is Restrictions on times at which activities may be likely to compromise the values of the Area, removal is conducted apply within the Area, and are specified in the encouraged only where the impact ofremoval is not likely relevant sections of this management plan. to be greater than that of leaving the material in situ. The appropriate authority should be notified ofanything released 7(iii) Installation, modification or removal of and not removed that was not included in the authorised structures Permit. Structures shall not be erected within the Area except as 7(vi) Taking or harmful interference with native flora specified in a Permit. Any new or additional permanent or fauna structures are prohibited. Existing abandoned or dilapidated Taking or harmful interference with native flora or fauna structures should be removed or renovated. Small is prohibited, except by Permit issued in accordance with temporary hides, blinds or screens may be constructed for Annex II to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the purpose of scientific study of the avifauna. Before a the Antarctic Treaty. Where taking or harmful interference Permit may be granted for the installation, modification or with animals is involved, the SCAR Code of Conduct for removal of structures, an adequate environmental impact the Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes in Antarctica assessment shall be undertaken. Installation, modification, should be used as a minimum standard. maintenance or removal of structures shall be undertaken in a manner that minimises disturbance to breeding birds. ?(vii) Collection or removal of anything not brought Such activities shall be undenaken between 1 February into the Area by the Permit holder and 30 September inclusive to avoid the main breeding Material may be collected or removed from the Area only season. All structures, scientific equipment, hides or in accordance with a Permit and should be limited to the markers installed within the Area must be approved by minimum necessary to meet scientific or management Permit for a specified period, clearly identified by country, needs. Permits shall not be granted if there is a reasonable name of the principal investigator and year of installation. concern that the sampling proposed would take, remove or All such items should be made of materials that pose damage such quantities of soil, native flora or fauna that minimal risk of harm to bird populations orof contamination their distribution or abundance on Avian Island would be of the Area. Removal of specific equipment, hides or significantly affected. Samples of flora or fauna found markers for which the period specified in the Permit has dead within the Area may be removed for analysis or audit expired shall be a condition of the Permit. without prior authorisation by Permit. Material of recent

20 NO. 150 JULY 2003 human origin likely to compromise the values of the Area, 68. Unpublished British Antarctic Survey report, BAS which was not brought into the Area by the Permit Holder, Archives Ref. AD6/2T/1967/N. or is not otherwise authorised, shall be removed unless the Bramwell, M.J. 1969. Report on Elephant seal pupping on impact of removal is likely to be greater than leaving the Avian Island. Unpublished British Antarctic Survey material in situ: if this is the case the appropriate authority report, BAS Archives Ref. AD6/2T/l 969/N. should be notified. Bramwell, M.J. 1970. Journey report: Avian Island 7 Oct ?(viii) Disposal of waste -4 Nov 1969. Unpublished British Antarctic Survey report, BAS Archives Ref. AD6/2T/1969/K3. All wastes, except human wastes, shall be removed from the Area. Human wastes shall be removed from the Area Elliott, M.H. 1969. Summer geological camp on Avian or disposed of into the sea. Island 26 Nov - 4 Dec 1968. Unpublished British Antarctic Survey report, BAS Archives Ref. AD6/2T/ 7(ix) Measures that are necessary to ensure that the 1968/K3. aims and obji!ctives of the Management Plan can Fox, A. and Gray, M. 1997. Aerial photography field continue to be met report 1996-97 Antarctic field season. Unpublished 1. Permits may be granted to enter the Area to carry British Antarctic Survey report, BAS Archives Ref. out monitoring and site inspection activities, AD6/2R/1996/L2. which may involve the small-scale collection of Gray, M. and Fox, A. 1997. GPS Survey field report 1996- samples for analysis or review, or for protective 97 Antarctic field season. Unpublished British measures. Antarctic Survey report, BAS Archives Ref. AD6/2R/ 2. Any specific long-term monitoring sites shall be 1996/Ll. appropriately marked. Griffiths, C. 1992. Geological fieldwork on Adelaide 3. To help maintain the ecological and scientific Island 1991-92. Unpublished British Antarctic Survey values found at Avian Island visitors shall take report, BAS Archives Ref. AD6/2R/1991/GLI. special precautions against introductions. Of concern are pathogenic, microbial or plant in­ Harris, C.M. 2001. Revision of management plans for troductions sourced from other Antarctic sites, Antarctic protected areas originally proposed by the including stations, or from regions outside Ant­ United States of America and the United Kingdom: arctica. Visitors shall ensure that sampling equip­ Field visit report. Internal report for the National ment or markers brought into the Area are cleaned Science Foundation, US, and the Foreign and or sterilised. To the maximum extent practica­ Commonwealth Office, UK. Environmental Research ble, footwear and other equipment used or and Assessment, Cambridge. brought into the Area (including backpacks, Moyes, A.B., Willan, C.F.H., Thomson, J.W. and others carry-bags and tents) shall be thoroughly cleaned 1994. Geological map of Adelaide Island to Foyn before entering the Area. Coast, BAS GEOMAP Series, Sheet 3, Scale 4. Poultry products and other introduced avian 1:250,000, with supplementary text. British Antarctic products, which may be a vector of avian dis­ Survey, Cambridge. eases, are prohibited within the Area. Patterson, D.L., Woehler, E.J., Croxall, J.P., Cooper, J., 7(x) Requirements for reports Poncet, S. and Fraser, W.R. in press. Breeding distribution and population status if the Northern Parties should ensure that the principal holder for each Giant petrel Macronectes hal/i and the Southern Giant Permit issued submits to the appropriate authority a report petrel Macronectes giganteus. Submitted to Marine describing the activities undertaken. Such reports should Ornithology. include, as appropriate, the information identified in the Visit Report form suggested by SCAR. Parties should Poncet, S. and Ponce!, J. 1979. Ornithological report, maintain a record of such activities and, in the Annual Avian Island, 1978-79. Unpublished British Antarctic Exchange of Information, should provide summary Survey report BAS Archives Ref. AD6/2R/1978/Q. descriptions of activities conducted by persons subject to Poncet, S. 1982. Le Grand Hiver: Damien II Base their jurisdiction, which should be in sufficient detail to Antarctique. Les Editions Arthaud, Paris allow evaluation of the effectiveness of the management Poncet, S. and Poncet, J. 1987. Censuses of penguin plan. Parties should, wherever possible, deposit originals populations of the Antarctic Peninsula, 1983-87. British or copies of such original reports in a publicly accessible Antarctic Survey Bulletin 77: 109-129. archive to maintain a record of usage, to be used both in any Poncet, S. 1990. Avian Island, Marguerite Bay, Antarctic review of the management plan and in organising the Peninsula, SPA Proposal. Unpublished report to the scientific use of the Area. SCAR Group of Specialist on Environmental Affairs and Conservation 1990. Bibliography Smith, H.G. 1978. The distribution and ecology of terrestrial Barlow, 1968. Biological Report. Adelaide Island. 1967/ protozoa of sub-Antarctic and maritime Antarctic


islands. BAS Scientific Report 95, British Antarctic end of Adelaide Island and is composed of interbedded Survey, Cambridge. lithic-rich and feldspar-rich volcaniclastic sandstones. Smith, R.I. Lewis, 1996. Terrestrial and freshwater biotic Bedded tuffaceaous sandstones, pebbly sandstones rich in components of the western Antarctic Peninsula. In volcanic lithics, and a volcanic granule also occur. Ross, R.M., Hofmann, E.E. and Quetin, L.B. The latter is probably a primary volcanic deposit, while the Foundations for ecological research west of the rest of the sequence is largely composed of reworked Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Research Series 70: volcanic material. The sequence forms part of the Antarctic American Geophysical Union, Washington D.C.: 15-59. Peninsula Volcanic Group and is of Jurassic to early Stonehouse, B. 1949. Report on biological activities at Tertiary age (Griffiths 1992, Moyes et al I 994). Apart Base EI 948-49. Unpublished British Antarctic Survey from rock outcrop, the surface consists mainly of frost­ report BAS Archives Ref. AD6/2E/1948/NI. shattered rock with permafrost. Ornithogenic soils are Stonehouse, B. 1950. Preliminary report on biological widespread, particularly in the north; organic peat soil is work Base E 1949-50. Unpublished British Antarctic virtually absent, but where present is not well-developed Survey report BAS Archives Ref. AD6/2E/1949/N. and is associated with moss growth. Several raised beaches Willey, 1.M. 1969. Adelaide Island bird report 1968. have been noted on Avian Island, but the geomorphology Unpublished British Antarctic Survey report, BAS has not otherwise been described. Archives Ref. AD6/2T/1968/Q. STREAMS AND LAKES Woehler, E.J. (ed) 1993. The distribution and abundance Avian Island has several ephemeral freshwater ponds ofup 2 of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic penguins. SCAR, to I 0,000 m and of about 40 cm in depth, the largest being Cambridge. on the eastern coast, at about5 m altitude, and on the north­ Annex 1 western coast near sea level. Numerous small pools and meltwater channels develop from seasonal snow melt, and 6(i) Additional information on the natural features of small streams drain valleys in the vicinity of the ponds. the Area. Both the ponds and melt-pools freeze solid in winter. CLIMATE AND SEA ICE Freshwater bodies on the island are organically enriched No extended meteorological records are available for by guano, a source of nutrients, and in summer a number Avian Island, but records from 1962-74 for Adelaide Base of the ponds show a rich benthic flora and fauna of algae, (formerly UK; now Teniente Luis Carvajal, Chile), 1.2 km phyllopods, copepods, Nematoda, Protozoa, Rotifera, and distant, show a mean daily maximum temperature of 3°C Tardigrada. Large numbers of the crustacean Branchinecta in February (extreme maximum 9°C) and a mean daily sp. have also been observed (Poncet and Poncet 1979). minimum of -8°C in August (extreme minimum -44°C). The freshwater ecology of the island has not been studied The same general pattern was observed in year-round in detail. observations made on the island in 1978-79 (Poncet and BREEDING BIRDS Ponce! 1979). Precipitation on the island in this year was Seven species of birds breed on Avian Island, which is a usually as snow, most of which fell between August and relatively high number compared to other sites on the October, but with occasional snowfalls and some rain in Antarctic Peninsula. Several species have unusually high the summer. populations, being some of the largest for their species in Marguerite Bay usually freezes in winter, although the the Antarctic Peninsula region (Map 3). Detailed year­ extent and character of sea ice shows considerable inter­ round data for all species were collected in 1978-79 seasonal variation. Occasionally Marguerite Bay may not (Ponce! and Ponce! I 979), while data are otherwise clear of ice completely until February or March, at which sporadic. Descriptions below are thus often based on a time the sea may again begin to freeze. Despite the extent single season's observations and it should be emphasised and frequent persistence of regional sea ice. a recurrent that these data are therefore not necessarily representative polynya has been observed near Avian Island, which can oflonger tenn population trends. However, this is the best provide locally ice-free conditions from October onward. information that is presently available. In addition, strong tidal currents around Avian Island help The most recent data available for Adelie penguins to keep surrounding waters ice-free for much of the year, (Pygoscelis adeliae) on Avian Island indicated a population which facilitates easy access to feeding grounds for several of 35,600 breeding pairs (II/I In8) (Poncet and Poncet species. The island is not particularly windy, with an 1979, Woehler 1993). The colony occupies the northern annual average of IO knots in 1978-79. However, the half and central eastern coast of the island (Map 3). The strong katabatic winds that descend from Adelaide Island, former management plan referred to the Avian Island perhaps for 1-3 days a few times every month, reduce snow colony as "the largest on the Antarctic Peninsula accumulation on the island and push sea ice away from [containing] a third of the total population breeding in the the coast, helping to form the polynya. The relatively region". While this is not substantiated by recent data snow-free conditions are important for bird colonisation. (e.g. one Antarctic Peninsula colony has over 120,000 pairs GEOLOGY, GEOMORPHOLOGY_AND SOILS and several others have over 30,000 (Woehler 1993)), the The bedrock of Avian Island forms the eastern limb of a Avian Island colony represents one of the largest breeding NNE-SSW trending synclinal structure at the southwestern populations in this region. It contains perhaps as much as

22 NO. 150 JULY 2003

9% of the total Adelie breeding population along the In 1978-79 the birds were present on Avian Island from Antarctic Peninsula, excluding the . mid-September through to as late as June. In this season, In 1978-79 Adelie penguins were recorded on the island egg laying occurred from late October through to the end from October until the end of April, with egg laying of November, with hatching occurring throughout January occurring through October and November, and the first and chicks generally achieving independence by April. In chicks hatching around mid-December. Chick creches the 1978-79 austral summer up to I 00 non-breeders were were observed around mid-January, with the first chicks observed on the island during the courtship period in becoming independent near the end of January. Most of October, with these numbers decreasing to a few non­ the moulting adults and independent chicks had departed breeders as the season progressed. the island by the third week of February, although groups Approximately 200 adult Kelp gulls (Larus reiurned periodically throughout March and April. dominicanus), of which over 60 pairs were breeding, were A large colony of blue-eyed cormorants (Phalacrocorax recorded on Avian Island in 1978-79. These birds were atriceps) has been recorded in three groups located on the distributed widely, but principally in the elevated central south-western coastal extremity of the island (Map 3). and southern parts of the island (Ponce! and Poncet 1979) Stonehouse ( 1949) reported about 300 birds present in (Map 3). In the 1978-79 austral summer the majority of October 1948; a similar number were recorded in mid­ breeders arrived in early October, followed by egg laying November 1968, most of which were breeding (Willey around mid-November and hatching a month later. 1969). Ponce! and Poncet (1979) observed 320 pairs in Detailed data are not available because of concern that 1978, and approximately 670 pairs on 17 January 1989 human disturbance by data collection would seriously (Ponce! 1990). A count on 23 February 2001 recorded impair the breeding performance of this species. However, 185 chicks, although it is probable some had departed by no more than 12 chicks were observed on the island near the time of the count; approximately 250 nest sites were the end of January 1979, which would suggest breeding counted. In 1968 blue-eyed cormorants were observed performance in this season was low: the exact cause - present on the island from 12 August, with egg laying whether human disturbance or natural factors - could not occurring from November, and chicks hatching in be determined. In 1967, 19 pairs and 80-120 birds were December (Willey 1969). In 1978-79 they were observed recorded (Barlow 1968). from September until June, with egg laying occurring from An estimate of at least several hundred pairs of breeding November through to January, when the first chicks Wilson's storm petrels (Oceanites oceanicus) on the island hatched, and chicks started to become independent in the was made in 1978-79 (Ponce! and Ponce! 1979). Wilson's third week of February (Poncet and Poncet 1979) . storm petrels were observed on the island from the second Of the thirteen southern giant petrel (Macronectes week of November, with laying and incubation probably giganteus) colonies known south of the South Shetland occurring through to mid-December. Departure of adults Islands, Avian Island is one of the two largest, and and independent chicks was largely complete by the end comprises about one fifth of the breeding population in of March. Most of the rocky outcrops on the northern the southern Antarctic Peninsula region (Patterson er al in half of the island and all of the stable rocky slopes in the press). Jn 1979 the southern giant petrels occupied south are ideal habitat for this species. principally the elevated rocky outcrops of the central and southern half of the island in four main groups (Map 3). In 1978-79 about 25-30 pairs of south polar skuas Data on the numbers of birds present on the island are ( Catharacta maccormicki) were breeding on Avian Island. shown in Table I. The skua nests were distributed widely over the island, although the majority were on the central and eastern part Table I: Southern giant petrel (Macronectes giganteus) of the island, especially on slopes overlooking the Adelie numbers at Avian Island. penguin colony (Map 3). Large groups of non-breeders Year Number Number Number Source (around 150 birds; Poncet and Ponce! 1979) were observed of birds of oairs of chicks to congregate around the shallow lake on the eastern side of the island. Barlow ( 1968) reported approximately 200 1948 -100 n/a n/a Stonehouse non-breeding birds in 1968. Jn the 1978-79 austral summer JOAQ the south polar skuas took up residence around the end of n/a n/a Pauerson et al 1965 160 October, with egg laying in early December and hatching 2000 (?) complete by the end of January. Independent chicks and 1968 400 163 n/a Willey 1969 adults generally departed by the end of March, with some late-breeders remaining until mid-April. A breeding 1979 n/a 197 n/a Poncet and Poncet 1979 success of one chick per nest was reported in the 1978-79 austral summer. Barlow ( 1968) reported 12 breeding pairs 1989 n/a 250 n/a Poncet 1990 of brown (=subantarctic) skuas (Catharacta loennbergi), 2001 n/a n/a 237 Harris 2001 although this number could include south polar skuas. One breeding pair of brown skuas was recorded on the n/a - not available. southwest of the island in the 1978-79 austral summer.


This is the southernmost record of this species breeding and around Avian Island in 1978-79. During the winter along the Antarctic Peninsula. Several non-breeding more than a dozen remained, hauled out on coastal ice brown skuas were also recorded in the same season. (Ponce! 1990). Several pups were born on the shores of the Several other bird species, known to breed elsewhere in island in the last week of September 1978. An elephant Marguerite Bay, are frequent visitors to Avian Island, seal (Mirounga leonina) was reported pupping on the notably Antarctic terns (Sterna vittata), snow petrels northeastern coast of Avian Island on 10 October 1969 (Pagodroma nivea), and southern fulmars (Fulmarus (Bramwell 1969). Aerial photography taken on 15 glacialoides). These species have not been observed to December 1998 revealed 182 elephant seals hauled out in nest on Avian Island. Small numbers of Antarctic petrels groups, mostly close to the ponds. Leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx) have been observed around the shoreline, and (Thalassoica antarctica) have been seen on a few one was observed ashore in winter 1978. A number of non­ occasions. The cape petrel (Daption capense) was breeding Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) were observed on Avian Island in October 1948 (Stonehouse reported on the island in March 1997 (Gray and Fox 1997), 1949). Solitary individuals of king (Aptenodytes and again at the end of January 1999 (Fox pers comm patagonicus) and chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarctica) 1999). At least several hundred were present on 23 penguins were observed in 1975 and 1989, respectively. February 200 I (Harris 200 I), particularly on beaches and TERRESTRIAL BIOLOGY low-lying ground in the central and northern parts of the Vegetation on Avian Island is generally sparse, and the island. Crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophagus) are flora has not been described in detail. Phanerogams are regularly seen in Marguerite Bay, but have not been absent from the island and there is a limited range of reported on Avian Island. The marine environment cryptogams, although there is a rich lichen flora. To date, surrounding Avian Island has not been investigated. nine moss and 11 lichen species have been identified HUMAN ACTIVITIES I IMPACTS within the Area. Human activity at Avian Island has been sporadic. The Mosses described are Andreaea depressinervis, first record of a visit was made in October 1948, when Brachythecium austro-sa/ebrosum, Bryum argenteum, B. members of the UK expedition pseudotriquetrum, Pohlia cruda, P. nutans, Sanionia discovered the large Adelie penguin colony on Avian uncinata (=Drepanocladus uncinatus), Syntrichia princeps Island (then referred to as one of the Henkes Islands). (=Tortu/a princeps) and Warnstorfia laculosa Subsequent visits have comprised a mixture of science, (=Calliergidium austro-stramineum). The latter species base personnel recreation, tourism and logistic activity is at the southern limit of its known range on Avian Island (survey etc.). Refuges were constructed on the island in (Smith 1996). Moss development is confined to those 1957 and 1962 by Argentina and Chile respectively (see parts of the island that are unoccupied by breeding Adelie Section 6(iii)). penguins or blue-eyed cormorants, and uL:curs in 1noist A geological field party of two camped for about I 0 depressions or by melt pools. Patches of moss of up to days on the southeast of the island in November 1968 100 m' surround the shore of a small pond on the hill in (Elliott 1969). In the same year, a UK Naval hydrographic the south of the Area, at ca. 30 m elevation. The green survey team camped on the eastern coast of Avian Island foliose alga Prasiola crispa is widespread in wet areas of over the summer. Permanent chains and rings for mooring the island. lines to the survey vessel were installed in a small bay on Lichens identified on Avian Island are Acarospora the northwestern coast, and were still present in 1989 macrocyc/os, Cladonia fimbriata, C. gracilis, (Ponce! 1990). Dermatocarpon antarcticum, Lecanora dancoensis, In 1969, a field party camped on the island for a month Lecidea brabantica, Physcia caesia, Rinodina egentissima, conducting research on the common cold virus: Siphulina orphnina, Thamnolecania brialmontii, and accompanying dogs were inoculated with a virus and then Usnea antarctica. The most extensive communities are returned to base (Bramwell 1969). Dogs often on the rocky outcrops in the south of the island. accompanied personnel on the regular visits to Avian Island The microinvertebrate fauna, fungi and bacteria on Avian during the period of operation of the UK base on Adelaide Island have yet to be investigated in detail. Thus far only Island, but impacts are unknown. one mesostigmatid mite ( Gamasellus racovitzai) (BAS A two-person party spent a year on the island in 1978- Invertebrate Database 1999) has been described, although 79, based on the yacht Damien II, making detailed a Collembollan (springtail) and several species of Acari observations of the avifauna and other aspects of the (mites) have been observed but not identified (Ponce! biology and natural environment of the island (Ponce! and 1990). A number of nematode species (dominated by Poncet 1979, Ponce! 1982, Ponce! 1990). The yacht was Plectus sp.) (Spaull 1973) and one fungus (Thyronectria moored in a small cove on the NW coast. This yacht party hyperantarctica) (BAS Invertebrate Database 1999) have regularly visited the island over the next decade before been recorded on the island. SPA designation. BREEDING MAMMALS AND MARINE Map survey work and aerial photography was conducted ENVIRONMENT on and over the island in 1996-98 (Fox and Gray 1997, Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) were common on Gray and Fox 1997), and 1998-99 (Fox pers. comm.1999).

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The impacts of these activities have not been described to have visited Avian Island in the 1989-90 summer. and are not known, but are believed to have been relatively Growing concern over the number and unregulated nature minor and limited to transient disturbance to breeding of visits prompted SPA designation. birds, campsites, footprints, occasional litter, human The most lasting and visually obvious impacts are wastes, scientific sampling and markers. Despite the likely associated with the two refuges and beacon structures transient nature of most disturbance, it has been reported described in Section 6(iii), which are situated close to that human visits have caused loss of eggs and chicks, breeding birds. Both refuges were in poor repair in either through nest abandonment or by opponunistic February 2001, with rubbish such as rusting cans, glass, predation. Several species, such as southern giant petrels wood, roofing iron and empty fuel drums nearby. Birds and kelp gulls are panicularly vulnerable to disturbance, and seals were observed among this rubbish in February and have been observed to abandon nests at panicular 2001. The older of the two beacon structures is disused periods of the nesting cycle, perhaps at the sight of people and its iron structure, while standing, is rusting and as much as 100 m distant (Ponce! 1990). Approximately deteriorating. The new beacon, erected in February 1998, 140 people, including a tour vessel of 100, were reponed was in good repair in February 2001.

Management Plan for Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) No. 1 CAPE ROYDS, ROSS ISLAND

I. Description of values to be protected ecological values of the Area require long-term protection An area of about 300 m2 at Cape Royds was originally from possible adverse impacts associated with these designated in Recommendation VIII-4 ( 197~, SSSI No. 1) activities. after a proposal by the United States of America on the The boundaries have been funher extended in this plan grounds that it suppons the most southerly established to encompass the entire Adelie penguin colony. The new Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) colony known. The boundary extends farthernonh to include all of , Adelie penguin population at Cape Royds had declined and fanher east to include the penguin nesting areas. from 1956 as a consequence of human interference during a period when heavy sea ice cover made the colony 2. Aims and objectives panicularly susceptible to reduced recruitment. In 1963 Management at Cape Royds aims to: United States and New Zealand authorities agreed to • avoid degradation of, or substantial risk to, the values restrict activities and develop a management plan for the of the Area by preventing unnecessary human dis­ area in order to protect the scientific values related to turbance to the Area; penguin research. The site was specially protected to allow • allow scientific research on the ecosystem, and in par­ the population to recover and protect on-going science ticular on the avifauna in the Area, while ensuring programs. The population has recovered and now exceeds protection from disturbance; pre-1956 levels; since 1990 numbers have fluctuated • minimize the possibility of introduction of alien plants, between 2,500 and 4,500 pairs, primarily due to natural animals and microbes into the Area; variation in local sea ice extent. The colony remains of • allow visits for management purposes in suppon of high scientific and ecological value and as such merits the aims of the management plan. continued long-term special protection, especially in view of ongoing visits to Cape Royds from nearby stations and 3. Management activities tourist groups. • Brightly colored markers, which shoulO be clearly The original Area was enlarged in 1985 as a result of a visible from the air and pose no significant threat to proposal by New Zealand (Recommendation XIII-9) to the environment, should be placed to mark the heli­ include a 500 m-wide coastal strip to protect the seaward copter landing pads adjacent to the protected area access and nearshore feeding ground of the Adelie (see maps). penguins, as well as projected research on the Cape Royds • Signs illustrating the location and boundaries with inshore marine ecosystem. This coastal area of Cape Royds clear statements of entry restrictions shall be placed is a site of continuing studies on Nototheniid fish at appropriate locations at the boundaries of the Area population structure and dynamics. to help avoid inadvenent entry. In addition, flags Shackleton's Hut, Historic Monument No. 15 and SPA should be placed on the sea-ice in No. 27, is located 170 meters to the nonheast of the colony along the southeast boundary of the marine area (off­ and together with the colony itself are attractions to these shore from Derrick Point) on the first visit over sea­ visitors. Regular and frequent visits to Cape Royds means ice each season to indicate the restricted area so those that the Area could easily be damaged by human impact if traveling to Cape Royds over sea ice are aware of not provided with adequate protection. The scientific and the marine boundary of the Area. Flags placed shall


be removed immediately prior to closure of sea-ice Map A: Cape Royds regional topographic map. travel each season. The map is derived from digitized contours from NZ Lands • Signs showing the location of the Area (stating the and Survey Plan 37/108 (1982) combined with an special restrictions that apply) shall be displayed orthophotograph using the following specifications: prominently, and a copy of this management plan Projection: Lambert conformal conic shall be kept available, in all research hut facilities Standard parallels: !st 76° 40' 00'' S; 2nd 79° 20' OO"S located at Cape Royds. Central Meridian: 166° IO' 00'' E • Markers, signs or structures erected within the Area Latitude of Origin: 78° 01' 16.211" S for scientific or management purposes shall be se­ Spheroid: WGS84. Positional accuracy of original cured and maintained in good condition, and re­ orthophotograph at 1: 10,000 is ±5.0 m (horizontal) moved when no longer necessary. and ±5.0 m (vertical) with an on-ground pixel reso­ • Visits shall be made as necessary (no less than once lution of2-m. Photography: USGS/DoSLI (SN7847) every five years) to assess whether the Area contin­ 16 November 1993. ues to serve the purposes for which it was desig­ Inset: Ross Island, showing the location of McMurdo nated and to ensure management and maintenance Station (US) and (NZ), and the location measures are adequate. of other nearby protected areas on Ross Island (Ar­ National Antarctic Programs operating in the region rival Heights SSSI-2, SSSI-4, Tram­ shall consult together with a view to ensuring these way Ridge SSSJ-11, and SPA- steps are carried out. 20 at ) Map B: Cape Royds terrestrial area topographic map. 4. Period of designation Specifications are the same as those described in Map Designated for an indefinite period. A. Contours are derived from the digital elevation model used to generate the orthophotograph. S. Maps and photographs 6. Description of the Area

Map A Cape Royds, Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 121: regional topographic map 6(i) Geographical coordinates, boundary ...... ,...... ,., -~-· markers and natural features Cape Royds (166°09'56" E, 77°33'20"S) is situated on the west side of Ross Island, McMurdo Sound. at the western extremity of a ; coastal strip of ice-free land approximately 8 i km wide, on the west slope of Mount Erebus. The Area comprises both a terrestrial and marine component. The marine component of the Area extends for approximately 5 km from Derrick Point in the south to in the north, including Horseshoe Bay. The marine component of the McMurdo Area extends for approximately 5 km from Sound Derrick Point in the south to Rocky Point in the north, including Horseshoe Bay. The marine boundary is defined as extending NE along the Arrival Bay coastline from the most easterly corner of the terrestrial boundary at Arrival Bay (166°10'06" E, 77°33' 15.9"S) to Derrick Point (166°10'22" E, 77°33'14.l"S). From Derrick Point the marine boundary extends offshore 500 m in a SE direction and thence extends parallel to the coast 500 m offshore from the mean high water mark, around Cape Royds and north for 5.3 km to a point 500 m due north of Rocky Point then due south to Rocky Point. The terrestrial component of the Area consists --- Eltim&!lld couttn. 8 HellcopW~-- ... i ...... Prqilodorl.~-­ of ice-free land within approximately 350 m of 0 Lllkel/ponlll Contour inl«val: 10 m Cape Royds itself (166°09' 56" E, 77°33'20"S). ------"'-- - C-RDr

26 NO. 150 JULY 2003

in a SE direction for 114 mjust north of the lake to the eastern Map B - Cape Royds. Site of Special Scientific Interest No. 1: terrestrial area topographic map edge of the lake (166°10'01.3"E, 77°33' 12.6"S). The east ·- -' boundary then extends 86 m in a SSE direction to a third signpost (166°10'05" E, 77°33' 15.2"S), thence to the coast on the east side of Arrival Bay ( 166° 10' 06.0" E, 77°33' 15.9"S). All of the ice­ . ! free ground, snow-patches and freshwater bodies contained ·' west and south of the line f - . .o defined above to the coast ' "" extending around Cape Royds is included within the Area. The • terrestrial component of the Area comprises terrain of irregular flows, volcanic gravels and dark reddish scoria, with a low 3-m cliff face on the seaward side. Much of the Area is covered with thick deposits of guano and bird remains. TheArea contains the world's most southerly established Adelie penguin colony, with annual population numbers Arrival Bay currently fluctuating between 2,500 and 4,000 breeding pairs during the approximate mid­ October to mid-February occupation. The population size McMurdo in 1959 was deemed to be Sound equivalent to that in 1910 but Cape Royds then dropped somewhat, to • Lakes/ponds ® Designated hehcopler pads fewer than 1,000 breeding pairs 0 meters 50 • Penguin neM1ng areas (1990) - - ~ Estimated pos1bon of coas!lme in 1963, as a result of severe ice 0 Areas suit;;ible viewng penguins -··- Proteded Area boundary ContoU" interval 2 m • Buildings -- ProteCled Area boundary conditions which made the • Survey marks ••• ••••• Preferred walking routes "" Signposts Source Cape Royd~ manai:iemenl plan colony more susceptible to disturbance by visitation and breeding Ade lie penguin colony. The boundary of this part helicopter movements. Following visitor restrictions and of the Area has been revised from the original description relocation of the helicopter pad away from the colony, as so as to include all of the area occupied by breeding well as a shift in climate beginning in the late 1970s, penguins in 1995196 and the main southern access route numbers have gradually recovered, with the population in of the penguins to the sea. The north boundary of the 1998 numbering 4,000 pairs. The Area has been monitored territorial component of the Area extends 45 m from a regularly since 1965 and has been photographed from the small embayment, on the west side and 350 m north of air during the incubation phase of breeding annually since Cape Royds, in a straight line NE to a survey mark 1981. identified on earlier New Zealand maps as IT2 The marine component of the Area has neither been (166°09'33.3" E, 77°33' l l.l "S), which is an iron tube intensively studied nor fully described. To 500 m west of embedded in the ground. This line extends I 0 m east from the shore the sea floor generally drops off steeply down to IT2 to a signpost (166°09'34.8" E, 77°33' l l.l "S), then a several hundred meters. The bottom has not been surveyed further 80 m east to a signpost ( 166°09' 46.1" E, fully, but samples show that it consists of coarse volcanic 77°33' l l .O"S) at the south end of a small pond at the north gravels and small to large boulders, with some submarine end of Pony Lake. From this signpost the boundary extends cliffs, in the area approximately 100 m offshore from Coast


Lake. Research on the Nototheniid fish population and a permit issued by an appropriate national authority. structure in this region suggests it is very abundant for Conditions for issuing a permit to enter the area are that: fish, which have not been subjected to a level of sampling • it is issued for scientific reasons or for essential man­ that has occurred close to Hut Point further to the south agement purposes consistent with plan objectives on Ross Island. A series of surveys between 1978-81 such as inspection or review; suggested that Trematomus bernacchii was the most • the actions permitted will not jeopardize the ecologi­ common fish. The survey also recorded the presence of cal or scientific values of the Area and support of Trematomus hansoni, T. centronotus, T. nicolai and the objectives of the management plan; Gymnodraco acuticeps. The surveys also identified the •the permit, or an copy, shall be carried within the Area; presence of invertebrates such as echinoids, asteroids (e.g. •a report or reports shall be supplied to the authority or Odontaster validus), ophiuroids, pycnogonids (e.g. authorities named in the permit; Pentanymphon antarcticum, Colossendeis robusta), • permits should be valid for a stated period. pteropods, copepods, amphipods, isopods, hirudinea, bryozoa, polycheates, ctenophores, mollusca, and 7(i) Access to and movement within the Area 1nedusae. Within the terrestrial part of the Area access shall be on The coastal region between Arrival Bay and Green Lake foot and vehicles are prohibited. Within the marine part of is the main access route for birds traveling to and from the the Area, access should be by foot or vehicle when sea-ice nesting site, often over the sea ice that can extend up to 40 is present, or by ship or small boat during open water km from the colony during the breeding season. When periods. Access into the Area should be from the direction ice-free, the near-shore marine area is likely to be an of the helicopter pads, and if arriving over the sea ice or by important feeding ground for the birds, and as such may boat, then access should be from the embayment below be considered an integral part of the Cape Royds and east of the helicopter pads on the NW shore of ecosystem. Backdoor Bay (see Maps A and B). Access to SPA No. 27, including Shackelton 's Hut, is by permit only. Helicopters 6(ii) Restricted and managed wnes within the Area are prohibited from landing within the terrestrial part of the None. Area. Helicopters should land throughout the year at the Primary Pad (166°10'22.9" E, 77°33'03.5"S), 250 m 6(iii) Structures within and near the Area northeast of the northern point of Pony Lake. Shackleton's Hut (Historic Monument No. 15 and SPA Overflight of the Area is prohibited by single-engine No. 27) (166°10'06.4" E, 77°33' 10.7"S) is situated helicopters to altitudes lower than 750 m (-2,500 ft), by approximately 70 m from the NE boundary sign of the dual-engine helicopters lower than 1,000 m (-3,300 ft), terrestrial component of the Area, 100 m northeast of which is a small research shelter (New Zealand) by single or dual engine fixed-wing aircraft lower than (166° IO' 10.6" E, 77°33'07.5"S). Two survey markers are 450 m (-1,500 ft), and by quadruple-engine fixed-wing present within the Area - marker IT2 is on the north aircraft lower than 1000 m (-3,300 ft), except when boundary of the terrestrial part of the Area and is described required for essential scientific or management purposes above, while marker IT3 (166°09'52.7" E, 77°33' 19.T'S) specifically authorized by permit. Minimum horizontal (also an iron tube embedded in the ground) is 64 m SW of distance for aircraft approach is 500 m (-1600 ft) for Flagstaff Hill. Relics at the site of a small depot from the single-engine helicopters, 750 m (-2,500 ft) for dual­ time of Shackleton's voyages are present in a small engine helicopters, 450 m (-1,500 ft) for single or dual embayment on the west side of the penguin nesting area engine fixed-wing engines, and 1000 m (-3,300 ft) for (166°09'35.2" E, 77°33' 14.3"S: Map B). The depot should quadruple-engine fixed-wing aircraft. Use of helicopter not be disturbed except by permit for conservation or smoke grenades is prohibited unless absolutely necessary management purposes. for safety, and all grenades should be retrieved. Foot traffic within the Area should be kept to the 6( iv) Location of other protected areas within close minimum necessary consistent with the objectives of any proximity of the Area permitted activities. Permitted visitors should keep to the The nearest protected areas to Cape Royds are Cape Royds natural penguin access routes through the colony and not (SPA 27) adjacent to the Area, (SPA-25) IO approach occupied nests except as required for scientific km to the south, (SSSI-11) close to the or management purposes. Access to the marine component summit of Mt. Erebus situated 20 km east, and New of the Area should generally avoid the main seaward access College Valley (SPA-20) 35 km to the north at Cape Bird, routes used by the penguins, or be from outside of the and (SSSI-2) which is adjacent McMurdo terrestrial part of the Area. Station 35 km to the south. Cape Crozier(SSSI-4) is 75 km to the east on Ross Island. 7(ii) Activities that are or may be conducted in the Area, including restrictions on time or plac(! 7. Permit conditions •Scientific research that will not jeopardize the eco­ Entry into the Area is prohibited except in accordance with system of the Area;

28 NO. 150 JULY 2003

• Essential management activities, including moni­ in accordance with a permit and should be limited to the toring and inspection. minimum necessary to meet scientific or management needs. Material of human origin likely to compromise the 7(iii) Installation, modification or removal of values of the Area, which was not brought into the Area by structures the permit holder or otherwise authorized, may be removed No structures are to be erected within the Area except as unless the impact of removal is likely to be greater than specified in a permit. All scientific equipment installed in leaving the material in situ: if this is the case the appropriate the Area must be authorized by permit and clearly identified authority should be notified. by country, name of the principal investigator and year of Unless specifically authorized by permit, visitors are installation. All such items should be made of materials prohibited from interfering with or from handling, taking that pose minimal risk of contamination of the Area. or damaging any historic artifacts found within the Area. Removal of specific equipment for which the permit has Any new artifacts observed should be notified to the expired shall be a condition of the permit. appropriate national authority. Relocation or removal of 7( iv) Location offield camps artifacts for the purposes of preservation, protection or to Camping within the terrestrial part of the Area is prohibited. re-establish historical accuracy is allowable by permit. A field camp site exists 175 m northeast of the Area 7(viii) Disposal of waste adjacent to the New Zealand shelter. Camping within the marine part of the Area when sea ice is present is allowed All wastes shall be removed from the Area. by permit. Such camps should avoid the penguin approach 7(ix) Measures that are necessary to ensure that the routes within 200 m of the breeding colony, but are aims and objectives of the management plan can otherwise not restricted to a particular location. continue 10 be met 7( v) Restrictions on male rials and organisms that can •Permits may be granted to enter the Area to carry be brought into the Area out biological monitoring and site inspection ac­ No living animals: plant material or microorganisms shall tivities, which may involve the collection of small be deliberately iniroduced into the Area and precautions samples for analysis or audit, to erect or main­ should be taken against accidental introductions. No tain signposts or for management activities. herbicides or pesticides shall be brought into the Area. Any •Any specific sites of long-term monitoring should other chemicals, including radio-nuclides or stable isotopes, be appropriately marked. which may be introduced for scientific or management •To help maintain the ecological and scientific val­ purposes specified in the permit, shall be removed from the ues of the isolation and relatively low level of Area at or before the conclusion of the activity for which human impact at the Area visitors shall take spe­ the permit was granted. Fuel is not to be stored in the Area, cial precautions against introductions. Of particu­ unless required for essential purposes connected with the lar concern are microbial and vegetation intro­ activity for which" the permit has been granted. Dressed ductions from soils at other Antarctic sites, in­ poultry should be free of disease or infection before cluding stations, or from regions outside Antarc­ shipment to the Antarctic and, if introduced into the Area tica. To minimize the risk of introductions, visi­ for food, all parts and waste of poultry shall be completely tors shall thoroughly clean footwear and any removed from the Area and incinerated or boiled long equipment to be used in the area - particularly enough to kill any potentially infective bacteria or viruses. sampling equipment and markers - before en­ All materials introduced shall be for a stated period only, tering the Area. shall be removed at or before the conclusion of that stated 7(x) Requirements for repons period, and shall be stored and handled so that risk of their Parties should ensure that the principal holder for each introduction into the environment is minimized. permit issued submits to the appropriate authority a report 7(vi) Taking or harmful inteiference with native flora describing the activities undertaken. Such reports should or fauna include, as appropriate, the information identified in the Taking or harmful interference with native flora and fauna visit report form suggested by SCAR. Parties should is prohibited, except in accordance with a permit issued maintain a record of such activities and, in the Annual under Article 3 of Annex II by the appropriate national Exchange of Information, should provide summary authority specifically forthat purpose. Where animal taking descriptions of activities conducted by persons subject to or harmful interference is involved, this should as a minimum their jurisdiction, which should be in sufficient detail to standard be in accordance with the SCAR Code ofConduct allow evaluation of the effectiveness of the management for the Use ofAnimals for Scientific Purposes in Antarctica. plan. Parties should, wherever possible, deposit originals or copies of such original reports in a publicly accessible 7(vii) Collection or removal of anything not brought archive to maintain a recordofusage, to be used both in any into the Area by the permit holder review of the management plan and in organizing the Material may be collected or removed from the Area only scientific use of the Area.


Management Plan for Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) No. 3 BARWICK and BALHAM VALLEYS, SOUTH VICTORIA LAND

I. Description of values to be protected ues of the Area by preventing unnecessary human An area of 325 km 2 at , including part of disturbance to the Area; adjacent Balham Valley, was originally designated in • conserve the natural ecosystem as a reference area Recommendation VIII-4 ( 1975, SSSI No. 3) aftera proposal largely undisturbed by direct human activities; by the United States of America on the grounds that it • allow scientific research on the natural ecosystem provided an outstanding example of Antarctic wilderness. and physical environment in the Area provided it is The proposal described the Area as, "one of the least for compelling reasons which cannot be served else­ disturbed and contaminated cif the Dry Valleys of Victoria where; Land". The site is distant from field stations and has not • minimize human disturbance to the Area by prevent­ been subjected to intensive visitation or research. The ing unnecessary sampling; Barwick Valley was first visited in 1958 and several • minimize the possibility of introduction of alien subsequent expeditions were conducted in the 1960s plants, animals and microbes to the Area; through to 1975, after which time visits have been few allow visits for management purposes in support of because of the designation of the SSSI. Although some the protection of the values and features of the Area. human impacts from these early expeditions were visible within the region in 1993-94, Barwick and Balham Valleys 3. Management activities are believed to remain one of the least impacted areas in the • Copies of this management plan, including maps, Victoria Land Dry Valleys region of Antarctica. The shall be kept available, in the principal research hut region is therefore of high value as a reference area against facilities within the Area and at McMurdo Station which to measure changes in comparable ecosystems of and Scott Base. other dry valleys, which have undergone a variety of • Visits shall be made as necessary (no less than once scientific investigations. every 5 years) to assess whether the Area continues The boundaries of the original Area have been enlarged to serve the purposes for which it was designated to include more of the Balham Valley catchment, and and to ensure management and maintenance meas­ rationalized to exclude the Victoria Upper Glacier ures are adequate. catchment which was previously within the Area, resulting National Antarctic Programs operating in the region in a total area of 480 km2. shall consult together for the purpose of ensuring The Victoria Land Dry Valleys have a unique and that the above provisions are implemented. extreme polar desert ecosystem. The Area contains examples of a wide variety of the environments found in 4. Period of designation this ecosystem, including desert pavements, sand dunes, Designated for an indefinite period. patterned ground, glacial and moraine features, streams, freshwater and saline lakes, valleys and high-altitude ice­ 5. Maps free ground. Some of the best examples of ventifact Map A: Barwick and Balham Valleys topographic map. pavements and weathering-pitted dolerites are found on Map specifications: the valley floors, along with examples of chasmolithic lichens, layered communities of endolithic lichens, fungi, Projection: Lambert conformal conic algae and associated bacteria, and populations of soil and Standard parallels: !st 79° 18' 00" S; 2nd 76° 42' OO"S lake microflora. Special protection of the Area provides Central Meridian: 162° 30' 00" E the opportunity to conserve a relatively pristine example Latitude of Origin: 78° 0 I' 16.2106" S of this ecosystem as a baseline for future reference. Spheroid: WGS84 approximation Protection on a catchment basis serves to provide greater Datum: 'Camp Area' Local representation of the ecosystem features, and also Inset: McMurdo Dry Valleys and Ross Sea Region, showing facilitates management of the Area as a geographically the location ofMcMurdo Station (US) and Scott Base distinct and integrated ecological system. The high (NZ), and the location of the other specially protected ecological values, as well as the scientific, aesthetic and areas in the Victoria Land Dry Valleys ( wilderness values derived from the isolation and relatively SSSI-12, and SSSI-19) low level of human impact are important reasons for special protection at Barwick and Balham Valleys. 6. Description of the Area

2. Aims and objectives 6(i) Geographical coordinates, boundary markers Management at Barwick and Balham Valleys aims to: and natural features avoid degradation of, or substantial risk to, the val- Barwick Valley is situated about 65 km inland from the

30 NO. 150 JULY 2003

Map A- Barwick and Balham Valleys, Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 123: location map !C2'00'E

Skew Peak RANGE (2537) CLARE


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Protected area boundary o kilometer.; Projection· Lamber1 conformal conic A Proposed camp sites Spheroid. WJSS4 C0<11ourintllfVal: 100m e lakes/ponds SO

Ross Sea coast of South Victoria Land. The Area includes the East Ridge of Skew Peak above Webb Glacier, before Barwick and Balham Valleys and their respective following the catchment boundary in a more southerly catchments and is bordered on the south, west and north by direction toward Parker Mesa. From Parker Mesa the the McKelvey Valley, the Willet Range and the divide boundary descends further to follow the dividing ridge between the Victoria and Barwick Valleys, respectively. between the catchments of the Victoria Upper Glacier and The boundary of the Area extends from its eastern the Barwick Valley. The boundary extends east along this extremity in the lower Barwick Valley (around the ridge for 13 km to Sponsors Peak (1,454 m, 161°24E, confluence of the Barwick, Victoria and McKelvey 77° l 8S). The boundary descends the SW Ridge of Valleys) several kilometers south towards the ridge leading Sponsors Peak and Nickell Peak (approximately 1,400 m) SW to the summit of Mount Insel (1,345 m), from where to the lower Barwick to the eastern extremity of the Area, the boundary follows the high points of the ridge of the which is about 3 km northeast of Lake Vida, Victoria Insel Range for 5 km before descending to a low pass Valley. between the McKelvey and Balham Valleys at the location An extensive neve south of Skew Peak feeds the Webb of Bullseye Lake. The boundary crosses the lake before Glacier in the upper Barwick Valley. Very little ice from ascending the ridge to a further high point on the Insel the Polar Plateau actually flows over the scarp into the Range (approximately 1,250 m), and continues towards Barwick Valley, as flow vectors and debris cover patterns the upper reaches of the Balham Valley. As the terrain on the Webb Glacier in this location indicate that this part becomes gentler in the upper Balham, the boundary sweeps of the glacier is almost stationary. The Barwick and Balham north approximately above the 1,800 m contour line. The Valleys merge in the southeast of the Area, 5 km from boundary skirts around the summit of Shapeless Mountain where the Barwick joins the Victoria Valley. A series of until it cuts NW at a point west of the Apolcolypse Peaks. lakes occupy the Barwick Valley, the largest being Webb The boundary joins and follows a prominent ridge to the Lake (approximate elevation 650 m) at the snout of Webb summit of Mount Bastion (2,477 m, 160°34'E, 77°19'S). Glacier. Lake Vashka (approximate elevation 507 m), This ridge is followed in a northerly direction to Skew partially filling an unusually deep circular depression, is Peak (2,535 m, 160°26'E, 77°13'S), located at the head the second largest and 5 km down-valley from Webb Lake. of the Barwick Valley. The boundary then descends along Hourglass Lake (approximate elevation 625 m), the next

31 SCAR BULLETIN NO. 150 largest, is approximately half way between Webb Lake Inspection of the Barwick and Balham Valleys in and Lake Vashka. An intermittent stream connecting this December 1993 from Bullseye Lake to Lake Vashka series of lakes terminates at Lake Vashka, which has a revealed evidence of prior human activity, particularly level well below its overflow threshold. Early observations around Lake Vashka where field camps had been in use of the smooth surfaces of Lakes Webb and Vashka for scientific research in the 1960s. Impacts observed in suggested that they are "ice-block" lakes that contain no the Lake Vashka vicinity included stone circles 'for tents significant liquid water. However, liquid water up to at old camp sites, soil pits and a trench, remains of a several meters in depth was observed at the perimeter of wooden crate, a wooden box containing rocks and a paper Lake Vashka in December 1993. Recent studies on the poster, and a broken food cache partially submerged in physical features of any of the Barwick Valley lakes have the lake. Bamboo poles are situated near the snout of Webb not been made. Lake Balham, a small lake in a depression Glacier and at Vashka Crag. Dynamite charges have been (<700 m elevation) below Apocalypse Peaks, is the only used in the vicinity of Lake Vashka and at least one other lake in Balham Valley (generally around 800 m in unknown location in the Barwick Valley. Remediation of elevation). the site was carried out in 1995/6 by a New Zealand team. Multiple glaciations, mainly between 13 Ma and 3.5 Ma· 6(ii) Restricted and managed zanes within the Area ago, have resulted in a thick ground moraine on both valley None. floors. These deposits are mantled by solifluction sheets at the head of Balham Valley. In addition the valleys bear 6(iii) Structures within and near the Area a small number of fresh and saline lakes on the drift None. surfaces. In many cases the lakes have evaporated to leave extensive salt deposits. The walls of Barwick and Balham 6( iv) Location of other protected areas within close Valleys display remnants of glacial benches at about 800 proximity of the Area m and 1,200-1,500 m altitude. The soils near Lake Vashka The nearest protected areas to Barwick/Balham Valleys consist of moraine debris derived largely from dolerite are Linnaeus Terrace (SSSI-19) 35 km south in the Wright and , but granites, gneiss and schist make up as Valley, and Canada Glacier (SSSl-12) 50 km SE in Taylor much as 35% of boulders locally. Weathering is often Valley (Inset, Map A). indicated by deep red staining due to oxidation of iron compounds, usually eroded by wind-driven sand on the 7. Permit conditions boulders' windward side. The valley floors are extensively Entry into the Area is prohibited except in accordance with covered with patterned ground of sand-wedge polygons, a permit issued by an appropriate national authority. typical of permafrost areas in the Dry Valleys. The majority Conditions for issuing a permit to enter the Area are that: is old (high centered), with young (hollow centered) it is issued for compelling scientific reasons or for polygons found in recent stream channels, and both essential management purposes consistent with plan typically measure 20 m across. objectives such as inspection or review; No invertebrates have been found in the dry soils of the • the actions permitted will not jeopardize the physi­ Barwick Valley and there is little obvious vegetation. Algal cal, ecological, scientific or aesthetic and wilderness crusts and mats fringe the lakes and streams but the flora values of the Area; reported is essentially microbial: chasmolithic lichens are the actions permitted are in accordance with the man­ present in jagged screes of the Apocalypse Range and agement plan; dense layered communities of endolithic lichens, fungi, the permit, or a copy, shall be carried within the Area; algae and associated bacteria are occasionally found in • a report or reports shall be supplied to the authority boulders of Beacon Sandstone. Black lichen growth is or authorities named in the permit; reported to be well developed in areas of sandstone on the permits should be valid for a stated period. valley floor of Balham Valley. Significant heterotrophic 7(i) Access to and movement within the Area bacterial populations have been reported in sandy samples Access to the Area shall be by foot and vehicles are from Barwick Valley. The population contained lactose­ prohibited from the Area. Landing of aircraft and overflight fennenters, nitrate-reducers, nitrogen-fixers, yeasts and below 750 m (-2,500 ft) is prohibited within the Area, algae but no detectable filamentous fungi or Protozoa. except for scientific or management purposes specifically While the Barwick and Balham Valleys are one of the authorized by permit. Use of smoke grenades is prohibited most remote areas of the Dry Valleys, south polar skuas within the Areaand discouraged within 1 km of the Area. (Catharacta maccormicki) are known to visit the Area, with No special restrictions apply to the air or land routes about 40 carcasses found at Lake Vashka in 1959-60. The used to move to and from the Area. Scientists are mummified carcasses of two seals have been found near encouraged to access the Area at a practicable point closest the snout of Webb Glacier, and seven more, mainly to their site of study to minimize the amount of the Area crabeaters (Lobodon carcinophagus) were found near the that is traversed. Pedestrian routes should avoid lakes, Balham!Barwick Valley junction. ponds, stream beds, areas of damp ground and areas of

32 NO. 150 JULY 2003 soft sediments or dunes. Pedestrian traffic should be kept prohibited, except in accordance with a separate permit to the minimum necessary consistent with the objectives issued under Article 3 of Annex II by the appropriate of any permitted activities and every reasonable effort national authority specifically for that purpose. Where should be made to minimize effects. animal taking or harmful interference is involved, this should, as a minimum standard, be in accordance with the 7(ii) Activities that may be conducted in the Area SCAR Code of Conduct for the Use of Animals for Activities that may be conducted within the Area include: Scientific Purposes in Antarctica. • scientific research that has strong justification for oc­ curring within the Area, and that will not jeopardize 7(vii) Collection or removal of anything not introduced the ecosystem of the Area; by a visitor • essential management activities, including monitor­ Material may be collected or removed from the Area only ing. in accordance with a permit and should be limited to the 7(iii) Installation, modification or removal of minimum necessary to meet scientific or management structures needs. Material of human origin likely to compromise the values of the Area, which was not brought into the Area by No structures are to be erected within the Area except as the permit holder or otherwise authorized, may be removed specified in a permit. All scientific equipment installed in unless the impact of removal is likely to be greater than the Area must be approved by permit and clearly identified leaving the material in situ: if this is the case the appropriate by country, name of the principal investigator and year of authority should be notified. installation. All such items should be made of materials that pose minimal risk of contamination of the Area. 7(viii) Disposal of waste Removal of specific equipment for which the permit has All wastes shall be removed from the Area. expired shall be a condition of the permit. 7(ix) Measures that are necessary to ensure that the 7( iv) Location offield camps aims and objectives of the management plan can Camping should generally be avoided within the Area, and continue to be met two campsites outside of, but close to, the east and south • Any specific sites of long-term monitoring boundaries are identified for access into the Area. One of should be appropriately marked. these is at the confluence of the lower Barwick and To help maintain the ecological and scientific val­ Victoria Valleys (161° 41' 15" E, 77° 21' 45" S), while the ues of the isolation and relatively low level of other is close to Bullseye Lake in the McKelvey Valley human impact at the Area visitors shall take spe­ (161° 13' 08" E, 77° 25' 40" S)(see Maps A andB, Figure cial precautions against introductions. Of particu­ I). If deemed to be essential, camping should be at lar concern are microbial and vegetation intro­ previously impacted sites, preferably on snow or ice­ ductions from soils at other Antarctic sites, in­ covered ground if available. Researchers should consult cluding stations, or from regions outside Antarc­ with the appropriate national authority to obtain up-to-date tica. To minimize the risk of introductions, visi­ information on any sites where camping may be preferred. tors shall thoroughly clean footwear and any 7(v) Restrictions on materials and organisms that can equipment to be used in the area - particularly be brought into the Area sampling equipment and markers - before en­ No living animals, plant material or microorganisms shall tering the Area. be deliberately introduced into the Area. No herbicides or 7(x) Requirements for reports pesticides shall be brought into the Area. Any other Parties should ensure that the principal holder for each chemicals, including radio-nuclides or stable isotopes, permit issued submits to the appropriate authority a report which may be introduced for scientific or management describing the activities undertaken. Such reports should purposes specified in the permit, shall be removed from the include, as appropriate, the information identified in the Area at or before the conclusion of the activity for which Visit Report form suggested by SCAR. Parties should the permit was granted. Fuel is not to be brought into the maintain a record of such activities and, in the Annual Area, unless specifically authorized by permit for specific Exchange of Information, should provide summary scientific or management purposes. All materials introduced descriptions of activities conducted by persons subject to shall be for a stated period only, shall be removed at or their jurisdiction, which should be in sufficient detail to before the conclusion of that stated period, and shall be stored and handled so that risk of their introduction into the allow evaluation of the effectiveness of the management environment is minimized. plan. Parties should, wherever possible, deposit originals or copies of such original reports in a publicly accessible 7(vi) Taking or harmful interference with native flora archive to maintain a record of usage, to be used both in any or fauna review of the management plan and in organizing the Taking or harmful interference of native flora and fauna is scientific use of the Area.


Management Plan for Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSS!) No. 4 CAPE CROZIER, ROSS ISLAND

I. Description of values to be protected also abundant, with large areas of bright orange encrusting An area at Cape Crozier was originally designated as (crustose) lichens on rocks and stones on the slopes above Specially Protected Area No. 6 by Recommendation IV-6 the Ade lie colony, and rich growths of foliose and fruticose (1966) after a proposal by the United States of America on lichens in the vicinity of Wilson's Stone Igloo. the grounds that the region supports a rich bird and mammal A message post from Scott's National Antarctic fauna as well as microfauna and microflora, and that the Expedition (1901-04) is situated in West Colony ecosystem depends on a substantial mixing of marine and (169°16' 14"E, 77°27' 15''S) and was designated Historic terrestrial elements of outstarlding scientific interest. With Monument No. 69 in Measure 4 (1995). Wilson's Stone adoption by Antarctic Treaty Parties of the Site of Special Igloo (169°18'E, 77°51 'S), designated as Historic Site No. Scientific Interest (SSS!) category of protection in 1972, 21 in Recommendation VII-9 (1972), is situated in the Cape Crozier's designation as an SPA was terminated by south of the Area (lat/long). The rock shelter was Recommendation VIII-2 (1975) and the site was re­ constructed in July 1911 by members of the 1910-1913 designated as SSS! No. 4 by Recommendation VIII-4 British Antarctic Expedition during their winter journey (1975). The reason for designation of SSS! No. 4 was to to Cape Crozier to collect Emperor penguin eggs. protect long-term studies of the population dynamics and The high scientific, ecological and historic values of this social behavior of Emperor (Aptenodytes Jorsteri) and area along with its vulnerability to disturbance through Adelie (Pygoscelis adeliae) penguin colonies in the region. trampling, sampling, pollution or alien introduction, are These grounds for designation of the Area as SSS! No. 4 such that this Area requires long-term special protection. are still valid. Information gathered since the designation of SSS! No. 4 supports the inclusion of skua populations 2. Aims and objectives and vegetation assemblages as important values to be protected at Cape Crozier. The boundaries have been Management at Cape Crozier aims to: extended south to Igloo Spur to protect the range of • avoid degradation of, or substantial risk to, the val­ vegetation assemblages representative of the Cape Crozier ues of the Area, and in particular the avifauna and region. vegetation assemblages within the Area; allow scientific research, especially of the a vi fauna The Emperor penguin colony at Cape Crozier was first and vegetation assemblages, in the Area while en­ recorded by members of the British National Antarctic suring it is protected from oversampling or other Expedition in 1902. The colony is the most southerly possible scientific impacts; known and has the longest Emperor population record. minimize the possibility of introduction of alien The colony breeds on fast ice that forms between large plants, animals and microbes into the Area; cracks, which develop where the Ross Ice Shelf abuts Cape allow visits to Wilson's Stone Igloo, but under strict Crozier. The positions of these cracks shift with movement control by permit: of the ice shelf, and the colony itself is known to move • allow visits for management purposes in support of around different parts of the cracks during the breeding the aims of the management plan. season. The boundaries of the Area have been designed to include fast-ice areas consistently occupied by breeding 3. Management activities birds. • Durable wind direction indicators should be erected Cape Crozier has a large Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis close to the designated helicopter landing site when­ adeliae) population numbering around 150,000 breeding ever it is anticipated there will be a number of land­ pairs, and is probably the second-largest Adelie colony in ings at the Area in a given season. These should be Antarctica. The colony is divided into two main groups 1 replaced as needed and removed when no longer re­ km apart known as East and West Colonies. Associated quired. with the penguin colonies is a large South Polar skua • Brightly colored markers, which should be clearly (Catharacta maccormicki) colony, estimated at 1,000 visible from the air and pose no significant threat to breeding pairs. the environment, should be placed to mark the heli­ There are moss, algae and lichen assemblages in the copter landing pad. Area. Expanses of snow algae at Cape Crozier cover an Signs showing the location and boundaries with clear area of more than 4 ha adjacent to the skua and penguin statements of entry restrictions shall be placed at colonies. Growths as extensive as those at Cape Crozier appropriate locations at the boundaries of the Area have been remarked on only once before in the Continental to help avoid inadvertent entry. Antarctic Zone, on the Coast, and Ross Island • Signs showing the location of the Area (stating the has the southernmost record of snow algae. Lichens are special restrictions that apply) shall be displayed

34 NO. 150JULY2003

prominently, and a copy of this management plan Map A: Cape Crozier regional topographic map. shall be kept available, in the research hut facility at Map specifications: Cape Crozier. . Projection: Lambert conformal conic • Markers, signs or structures erected within the Area Standard parallels: !st 76° 40' 00" S; 2nd 79° 20' 00" S for scientific or management purposes shall be se­ Central meridian: 166° 10' 00" E cured and maintained in good condition, and re­ Latitude of Origin: 78° 01' 16.211" S moved when no longer necessary. Spheroid: WGS84 • Visits shall be made as necessary (no less than once Datum: McMurdo Sound Geodetic Control Network every five years) to assess whether the Area contin­ 1992 ues to serve the purposes for which it was desig­ Inset: Ross Island region, showing the location of nated and to ensure management and maintenance McMurdo Station (US) and Scott Base (NZ), and measures are adequate. the location of the other protected areas on Ross Is­ • National Antarctic Programs operating in the region land ( SSSI-10 and New College shall consult together for the purpose of ensuring Valley SPA-20 at Cape Bird, Cape Royds SSS!-!, that the above provisions are carried out. Arrival Heights SSSI-2, Tramway Ridge SSSI-11 and ASPA-XYZ) 4. Period of designation Map B: Cape Crozier site topographic map. Map Designated for an indefinite period. specifications are the same as those for Map A.

5. Maps and photographs 6. Description of the Area ,...------, 6(i) Geographical co- Map A - Cape Crozier, Antarctic Specially Protected Area No 124: regional topographic map ordinates, boundary markers and natural features NOTE: OVERFLIGHT RESTRICTIONS APPLYWTHINTHISAREA CONSULT MANAGEMENT PLAN Cape Crozier is at the eastern

'Mlliamson'1 Rod< extremity of Ross Island, where an ice-free area comprises the lower Ice~ Cl'8oC», Nov. 1i93 eastern slopes ofMountTerror. The designated area is situated in the vicinity of (407 m), extending to encompass the adjacent Ross Ice Shelf where large ~ ~ cracks in the shelf are covered by ' fast-ice which is occupied annually by breeding Emperor penguins. -· The Area includes a terrestrial region and ice shelf above the mean ROSS high water mark as well as the ICE adjacent fast-ice within the boundaries occupied by breeding SHELF Emperor penguins. The north i boundary of the Area extends 6.5 ' km along the 77°26'03"S line of latitude from 169°11 '43"E to 169°28'00"E. The west boundary Cape Crozier extends 1.5 km south from the northern boundary to the coast, thence in a NE direction following a low ice-free ridge that passes 30 m west of the hut and helicopter pad. The boundary then follows

~ 0 ~1CIOO this ridge in a southerly direction ...... , . ...~ .... i;i Contour 1n1erv•I; 20 m to be SW of the summit of Post -- Protected area boundary I§ Adelie Penguin colony -- • E:Uimated coasUine EJ Sk..,. nesting areas P•oiection:Lambertconforma1oooic Office Hill before following ® De5ignated helicopter palh D 1cesne11 Spheroid: WGSS4 another ridge in a SE direction to So.«.e: CapeCroziermallllgelTlefll plan '------___, the summit of a small unnamed

35 SCAR BULLETIN NO. 150 Map 8 - Cape Crozier. Site of Special Scientific Interest No. 4: site topographic map

------Ice shelf cracks, Nov. 1993 ' ; '


NOTE OVERFUCHT RESTRICTIONS APPL V'll1THIN Tl-tlSAAEA COtiSUlT \ MANAG(M(NT PLAN '\. ~ \.'\ \_/ . \ ..., ICE I \ \ .. ) SHELF - P1otecled ama boundary 0 AdO~e Penguin colony Estlm:itcd co:u:tlino 0 Skuo nMlmg nrt!ns ProjC'ICllM'. lamfl.MI conformal conic ConlOU• inhnv~l. 20rn ® Onignated hellCOpll!f pac:ll 0 lc;e~el1 ~erooc1- WG~B4 Sou1ee. Capil Crozoe< management plan peak (335 m) 1.2-km SSE of Post Office Hill. The The Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) colony at boundary descends down a SW ridgeline, before following Cape Crozier was discovered in October 1902 by R.S. this ridge to ascend to the summit of a large unnamed Skelton, a member of Scott's . The volcanic cone (520 m) 3.6-km south of Post Office Hill. presence of the colony depends on fast-ice locked between The boundary follows around the eastern side of this cone cracks in the Ross Ice Shelf where it abuts Cape Crozier. before descending south through a valley to another The size of the colony is limited by the area and condition unnamed conic peak (580 m) 1.5 km NNE of Bomb Peak. of the fast ice, which also affects the availability of The boundary follows a ridge through the middle of the breeding sites sheltered from the strong katabatic winds cone before descending down a ridge on the southern side that descend from Mount Terror. The location of the colony of the peak into a valley at the base of Bomb Peak. The varies from year to year and the colony moves within a boundary ascends the northern side of Bomb Peak to the breeding season, beginning the season near to shore and summit (>610 m) before extending down a ridge line on moving off shore as fledging approaches. The breeding the SE side of Bomb Peak to Igloo Spur and thence due population has fluctuated widely since the turn of the east along latitude 77°32'00"S to the east boundary at century, with 400 adults recorded in 1902, 100 in 1911, 169°28'00"E. and 1,300 in 1969. In 1983, 78 chicks fledged and the The ice-free ground at Cape Crozier is of recent volcanic fledging success of the colony has improved every year origin, with numerous small cones and craters evident since then. December 1990 counts recorded 324 chicks among gentle slopes of scoria and fine-grained lava. fledging. Between 1994 and 200 I the count of breeding Several of these hills, including Post Office Hill, shelter pairs fluctuated between 650 and 120 I, with the notable the penguin colonies from southwesterly winds. On the exception of 200 I, when the colony failed completely. surface are many volcanic bombs and other evidence of A comprehensive population study of Adelie penguins small-scale volcanic explosions. To the south of the Area occurred at Cape Crozier from 1961-62 through the 1981- coastal cliffs adjacent to the ice shelf are up to 150 m high. 82 austral summers, with 2,000 to 5,000 chicks banded The cliff faces show bedded lava and brown palagomite yearly. There are two Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) tuffs with several lenticular patches of columnar basalt colonies at Cape Crozier, known as East and West towards the base. Large rocks of continental origin Colonies. These are about I km apart, separated by a 45- transported by glacial action can be found on the northern m high ridge and a sloping ice field across which the birds side of Cape Crozier. Prevailing winds tend to be from do not travel. A coastline of 1.6 km with three beaches between the southwest and west, with temperatures separated by rock outcrops provides penguins with access generally about 8° colder than those at McMurdo Sound. to West Colony. By contrast, East Colony has one 50-m

36 NO. 150 JULY 2003 wide rocky beach and 550 m of sea cliffs. The population Encrusting orange lichens are present in shallow of the two colonies has increased substantially over the hollows, on rock outcrops, boulders and encrusting last 50 years, numbering 65,000 breeding pairs in 1958, bryophytes on the slopes above the penguin colonies. Also 102,500 in 1966 and 177,083 in 1987. Numbers fell to present adjacent to Wilson's Stone Igloo is the fruticose 136,249 in 1989 and 106,184 in 1994. The combined lichen Usnea and the foliose lichen Umbilicaria, both population of the East and West Rookeries at Cape Crozier duller in color but structurally more complex. Green algal make it the second largestAdelie colony in Antarctica after crusts are found throughout the Area , Northern Victoria Land. 6(ii) Restricted and managed zones within the Area Approximately 1,000 pairs of South Polar skuas None. (Catharacta maccormicki) breed on ice-free ground surrounding the Adelie penguin colony. A demographic 6(iii) Structures within and near the Area study of this colony began in 1961-62 and was still The Cape Crozier Hut (US) (169°11' 14"E, 77°27'39"S) is continuing in 1996-97. Chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis situated on the NW side of Pat's Peak. An observation hide antarctica), Wilson's storm petrels (Oceanites oceanic us), dating from research programs in the 1960-80 period is snow petrels (Pagadroma nivea), Antarctic petrels located at the base of Post Office Hill (north side). An old (Thalassoica antarctica), Southern fulmars (Fulmaris Jamesway Hut was built on a small terrace approximately glacialoides), giant petrels (Macronectes giganteus), I km NE of the present hut. This was destroyed by fire and black-backed gulls (Larus dominicanus), and South Polar all hut debris has since been removed. Materials such as skuas from more northerly breeding sites, have been nails, screws and hinges remain at the site. recorded as visitors to Cape Crozier. A historic message post, designated as Historic Site No. Algae can be found throughout the Area on large patches 69 under Measure 4 ( 1995), is situated in the West Rookery of snow and on soils and stones, often below the soil on the NE coast of the Area (169°16' 14"E, 77°27' IS"S). surface layer. Large areas of green snow algae, covering The post was used by the 1901-04 British National more than 4 ha, can be found in the north of the Area in Antarctic Expedition to provide information to the snowfields around the periphery of the Adelie penguin expedition's relief ships. An historic rock hut known as colony and skua nesting areas. Particularly large patches Wilson's Stone Igloo (Historic Monument No. 21) have been reported in the snow-filled valley between the ( 169°17' 48"E, 77°31'48"S) is located on Igloo Spur. two coastal hills at the northern end of the Adelie colony, with snow-tinted green over at least one hectare. However, 6(iv) Location of other protected areas within close the extent of snow algae is not always obvious, with the proximity of the Area green color often not revealed until a surface crust of white The nearest protected areas to Cape Crozier are on Ross ice is broken away. Snow algae samples are dominated by Island: Lewis Bay (SPA-26), the site of the 1979 DC-10 a species of Chlamydomonas, and associated with passenger aircraft crash is the closest and 45 km west; occasional Ulothrix-like filaments and diatoms. Growth Tramway Ridge (SSSl-11) nearthe summit of Mt. Erebus requires percolating meltwater during summer and is 55 km west; on the nutrients derived from the bird colonies. (SPA-28 and HSMI8); Arrival Heights (SSSI-2) is 70 km Prasiola crispa grows in slow water flows in the vicinity to the SW adjacent to McMurdo Station; Cape Royds of the penguin colonies and ribbon-like growths of P. (SSSI-1 and SPA-27) and Cape Evans (SPA-25) are 75 km calophylla are found where water percolates over stones west; and New College Valley (SPA-20) are 75 km NW at on the tallus slopes. Numerous small ponds are found Cape Bird. throughout the Area, from small pools 1-m in diameter to a lake 150-m in diameter situated immediately south of 7. Permit conditions . The four ponds in the penguin colonies contain Entry into the Area is prohibited except in accordance with abundant phytoplankton populations of Chlamydomonas a permit issued by an appropriate national authority. cf. snowiae, while ponds elsewhere support growths of Conditions for issuing a permit to enter the Area are that: red-brown to dark blue-green benthic felts dominated by • it is issued for scientific research, and in particular Oscillatoriaceae. Occasional epilithic algae (dominated by for research on the bird fauna as well as on the veg­ Gloeocapsa, Nostoc and Scytonema) are found as blackish etation assemblages in the Area; crusts coating rock surfaces where meltwater percolates. access to the historic sites may be permitted for sci­ Mosses are sparse and scattered in their distribution with entific. management, or historical purposes; most occurrences being of one or a small number of • the actions permitted will not jeopardise the ecologi­ isolated cushions no larger than I 0 cm in diameter. Richer cal, scientific or historic values of the Area; growths than this occur up to 0.5 km NE of the hut on • the actions permitted are in accordance with the north and NW facing slopes and on slopes immediately management plan; above the coastal cliffs about I km south of the penguin • the permit, or an authorized copy, shall be carried colonies. within the Area;


• a report or reports shall be supplied to the authority expired shall be a condition of the permit. or authorities named in the permit; 7(iv) Location offield camps permits should be valid for a stated period. Camping within the Area should be within a 100-m radius 7(i) Access to and movement within the Area of the hut (169°11' 14"E, 77°27'39"S). Camping is Access into the Area is permitted by foot or by helicopter. permitted outside of the hut vicinity where access is Use of land vehicles within the Area is discouraged. required to distant parts of the Area for extended time Helicopters shall land atthe designated site (169°11 '25"E, periods. 77°27'42"S; elevation 240 m) on the west side of Pat's 7(v) Restrictions on materials and organisms that can Peak, 150 m from the refuge hut, except when specifically be brought into the Area authorized by permit for scientific or management purposes. Overflight is prohibited by single-engine helicopters at No living animals, plant material or microorganisms shall altitudes lower than 750 m (-2,500 ft) and by dual-engine be deliberately introduced into the Area and precautions helicopters lower than 1,000 m (-3,300 ft), except when shall be taken against accidental introductions. No required for ·essential scientific or management purposes herbicides or pesticides shall be brought into the Area. Any other chemicals, including radio-nuclides or stable isotopes, specifically authorized by permit. Use of helicopter smoke which may be introduced for scientific or management grenades is prohibited unless absolutely necessary for purposes specified in the permit, shall be removed from the safety, and all grenades should be retrieved. Area at or before the conclusion of the activity for which Pedestrian traffic should be kept to the minimum the permit was granted. Fuel is not to be stored in the Area necessary consistent with the objectives of any permitted outside of the hut facilities, unless specifically authorized activities and every reasonable effort should be made to by permit for specific scientific or management purposes. minimize effects. Permitted visitors should keep to natural Dressed poultry should be free of disease or infection penguin tracks when walking through bird colonies and before shipment to the Antarctic and, if introduced into the should not approach occupied nests except as required for Protected Area for food, all parts and waste of poultry shall scientific or management purposes. Care should be taken be completely removed from the Protected Area and to avoid trampling nests when moving through skua incinerated or boiled long enough to kill any potentially territories. Visitors should avoid walking on visible infective bacteria or viruses. vegetation and care should be exercised walking in areas All materials introduced shall be for a stated period only, of moist ground, where foot traffic can easily damage shall be removed at or before the conclusion of that stated sensitive soils, plant and algal communities and degrade period, and shall be stored and handled so that risk of their water quality. introduction into the environment is minimized. Access to historic sites should preferably be from the 7(vi) Taking or hannful interference with native flora south of the Area. or fauna 7(ii) Activities that are or may be conducted in the Taking or harmful interference of native flora and fauna is Area, including restrictions on time or place prohibited, except in accordance with a permit issued Activities that may be conducted within the Area under Article 3 of Annex II by the appropriate national include: authority specifically for that purpose. Where animal scientific research that will not jeopardise the eco­ taking or harmful interference is involved, this should, as system of the Area; a minimum standard, be in accordance with the SCAR essential management activities, including monitor­ Code of Conduct for the Use of Animals for Scientific ing; Purposes in Antarctica. visits to historic sites for scientific. management or 7(vii) Collection or removal of anything not brought historical reasons subject to the conditions described into the Area by the permit holder within this plan; Material may be collected or removed from the Area only activities with the aim of preserving or protecting in accordance with a permit and should be limited to the the historic resources within the Area. minimum necessary to meet scientific or management 7(iii) Installation, modification or removal of needs. Material of human origin likely to compromise the structures values of the Area, which was not brought into the Area by No structures are to be erected within the Area except as the permit holder or otherwise authorised, may be removed specified in a permit. All scientific equipment installed in from any part of the Area, including the restricted zone, the Area must be approved by permit and clearly identified unless the impact of removal is likely to be greater than by country, name of the principal investigator and year of leaving the material in situ: if this is the case the appropriate installation. All such items should be made of materials authority should be notified. that pose minimal risk of contamination of the Area. Unless specifically authorized by permit, visitors are Removal of specific equipment for which the permit has prohibited from interfering with or attempting restoration

38 NO. 150 JULY 2003 of Wilson's Stone Igloo in any way, or from handling, microbial and vegetation introductions from soils at taking or damaging any artifacts. Evidence of recent other Antarctic sites, including stations, or from re­ changes, damage or new artifacts observed should be gions outside Antarctica. To minimize the risk of notified to the appropriate national authority. Relocation introductions, visitors shall thoroughly clean foot­ or removal of artifacts for the purposes of preservation, wear and any equipment to be used in the area - protection, or to re-establish historical accuracy is particularly sampling equipment and markers - be­ allowable by permit. fore entering the Area. 7(viii) Disposal of waste 7(x) Requirements for reports All wastes shall be removed from the Area. Parties shall ensure that the principal holder for each permit issued submits to the appropriate authority a report 7(ix) Measures that are necessary to ensure that the describing the activities undertaken. Such reports should aims and objectives of the management plan can include, as appropriate, the information identified in the continue to be met Visit Report Form suggested by SCAR. Parties shall • Permits may be granted to enter the Area to carry maintain a record of such activities and, in the Annual out biological monitoring and site inspection activi­ Exchange of Information, shall provide summary ties, which may involve the collection of small sam­ descriptions of activities conducted by persons subject to ples for analysis or audit, or for protective meas­ their jurisdiction, which should be in sufficient detail to ures. allow evaluation of the effectiveness of the management Any specific sites of long-term monitoring shall be plan. Parties should, wherever possible, deposit originals appropriately marked. or copies of such original reports in a publicly accessible • To help maintain the ecological and scientific val­ archive to maintain a record of usage, to be used both for ues of the Area, visitors shall take special precau­ review of the management plan and in organizing the tions against introductions. Of particular concern or scientific use of the site. Management Plan for Antarctic Specially Protected Area No. 126 , LIVINGSTON ISLAND, SOUTH SHETLAND ISLANDS

I. Description of values to be protected Recommendation XVI-5 (1991) to include boundaries Byers Peninsula(latitude62°34'35" S, longitude61°13 '07" similar to those of the original SPA: i.e. the entire ice­ 2 W, 60.6 km ), Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, free ground of Byers Peninsula west of the margin of the was originally designated as Specially Protected Area permanent Livingston Island ice sheet, including the (SPA) No. 10 through Recommendation IV-10 in 1966. littoral zone, but excluding Window Island and the five This area included the ice-free ground west of the western southern coastal sites originally included, as well as margin of the permanent ice sheet on Livingston Island, excluding all offshore islets and rocks. Recommendation below Rotch Dome, as well as Window Island about 500 m XVI-5 noted that in addition to the special geological value, off the northwest coast and five small ice-free areas on the the Area was also of considerable biological and south coast immediately to the east of Byers Peninsula. archaeological importance. Biological values noted were: Values protected under the original designation included • Sparse but diverse flora of calcicolous and calcifuge the diversity of plant and animal life, many invertebrates, plants and cyanobacteria associated with the lavas a substantial population of southern elephant seals and respectively; (Mirounga leonina), small colonies of Antarctic fur seals • Particularly well-developed vegetation on basaltic (Arctocephalus gaze/la), and the outstanding scientific plugs; interest associated with such a large variety of plants and Several rare cryptogams and two native vascular animals within a relatively small area. plants (Deschampsia antarctica and Colobanthus Designation as an SPA was terminated through quitensis) occur at several sites; Recommendation VIII-2 and redesignation as a Site of Coastal and inland lakes, the latter with a particu­ Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) was made through larly important biota, including aquatic mosses, and Recommendation VIII-4 (1975, SSSI No. 6). The new serving as breeding sites for the midge Parochlus designation as an SSSI more specifically sought to protect steinenii, the only native winged insect in the Ant­ three smaller ice-free sites on the peninsula of Jurassic arctic and which has exceptionally restricted distri­ and Cretaceous sedimentary and fossiliferous strata, bution; considered of outstanding scientific value for study of the • The only other Antarctic dipteran, the wingless former link between Antarctica and other southern midge Belgica antarctica, occurs with restricted continents. Following a proposal by the Chile and United distribution in stands of moist moss near Cerro Ne­ Kingdom, the SSSI was subsequently extended through gro.


In addition, the archaeological values were described 2. Aims and objectives as unique in possessing the greatest concentration of Management at Byers Peninsula aims to: historical sites in Antarctica, namely the remains of • avoid degradation of, or substantial risk to, the val­ refuges, together with contemporary artifacts, and ues of the Area by preventing unnecessary human shipwrecks of early nineteenth century sealing expeditions. disturbance; The values recorded in the original management plans, • allow scientific research on the ecosystem and geology; are reaffirmed in the present management plan. Further • allow other scientific research within the Area pro­ values not referred to originally, but evident from scientific vided it is for compelling reasons which cannot be served elsewhere; descriptions of Byers Peninsula, are also considered • allow archaeological research and measures for ar­ important as reasons for special protection of the Area. tefact protection, while protecting historic artefacts These values are: present within the Area from unnecessary destruc­ • well-preserved sub-fossil whale bones are present tion. disturbance, or removal; in raised beaches, which are important for radiocar­ • minimise the possibility of introduction of alien bon dating of beach deposits; plants, animals and 1nicrobes to the Area; • the described terrestrial flora and fauna is of excep-· • allow visits for management purposes in support of tional diversity, with one of the broadest representa­ the aims of the management plan. tions of species known in the maritime Antarctic; with over 60 lakes, numerous freshwater pools and 3. Management activities a great variety of often extensive streams, it is the The following management activities shall be undertaken most significant limnological site in the South Shet­ to protect the values of the Area: land Islands - and perhaps the Antarctica Peninsula • A map showing the location of the Area (stating the region - and also one which has not been subjected special restrictions that apply) shall be displayed to significant levels of human disturbance; prominently at Base Juan Carlos I (Spain) and St. the lakes and their sediments constitute one of the Kliment Ochridski Station (Bulgaria) on Hurd Pe­ most important archives for study of the Holocene ninsula, where copies of this management plan shall palaeoenvironment in the Antarctic Peninsula region, be made available; as well as for establishing a regional Holocene • Markers, signs, fences or other structures erected tephrachronology; within the Area for scientific or management pur­ Parochlus steinenii is of limited distribution in the poses shall be secured and maintained in good con­ South Shetland Islands, and Belgica antarctica has dition; a very restricted distrihution on the Antarctic Penin­ • Visits shall be made as necessary (preferably no less sula, but both species are abundant at several of the than once every five years) to assess whether the lakes and pools on Byers Peninsula; Area continues to serve the purposes for which it was designated and to ensure management and main­ unusually thick (3-10 cm) and extensive tenance measures are adequate. cyanobacterial mats of Phormidium sp., particularly on the upper levels of the central Byers Peninsula 4. Period of designation plateau, are the best examples so .far described in the maritime Antarctic; Designated for an indefinite period. the breeding avifauna within the Area is diverse. in­ cluding two species of penguin (chinstrap Pygoscelis 5. Maps and photographs antarctica and gentoo P. papua), Antarctic tern Map 1: Byers Peninsula ASPA No. 126 in relation to (Stema vittata), Wilson's storrn petrels (Oceanites the South Shetland Islands, showing the location oceanicus), cape petrels (Daption capense), kelp of Base Juan Carlos I (Spain) and St. Kliment gulls (larus dominicanus), southern giant petrels Ochridski Station (Bulgaria), and showing the (Macronectes giganteus), black-bellied storm pet­ location of protected areas within 75 km of the rels (Fregetta tropica), blue-eyed cormorants Area. Inset: the location of Livingston Island (Phalacrocoraxatriceps), brown skuas (Catharacta along the Antarctica Peninsula. /oennbergi), and sheathbills (Chionis alba). Map 2: Byers Peninsula ASPA No. 126 topographic While the particular status of designation and boundaries map. Topographic inforrnation simplified after have changed from time to time, Byers Peninsula has in effect SGEeta/(1993). Map specifications: Projection been under special protection for most of the modem era of UTM Zone 20; Spheroid: WGS84; Datum: scientific activity in the region. Recent activities within the Mean Sea Level. Horizontal accuracy ofcontrol: Area have been almost exclusively for scientific research. ±0.05 m. Verticalcontourinterval 25 m, vertical Most visits and sampling within the Area, since original accuracy unknown but expected to be better designation in 1966, have been subject to Permit conditions. than ±12.5 m.

40 NO. 150 JULY 2003



Ju.in Carlos I St Klmont Otwidslu • 0 (Sp.,n) (8ulg.iri1) SNOWISLA~ ASPANo 14J ASPA.No 1<15 DECEPTION ISLAND


.Q· 63"3)' 'b

0 Km 00

Map 1. Byers PenlnslJa, ASPA No. 126, Uvingston Isl aid, South Shetland Islands, to cation map Inset: loc atton or Byers Peninsula on the Antarctic Peninsula


"""'' - --... tHllrrt "'" Ji.• ~•-

8 E •


61°405 • E A c "

...... ~· ..... ~-. u -•e:;,.. 1 "VltUrRoc- 6!"15W 61"1ff • 61"05 ... Map 2. Byers Peninsula, ASPA No. 126, topographic map.


6. Description of the Area fortopographical survey are present within the Area. The nearest scientific research stations are 30 km east at Hurd 6(i) Geographical coordinates, boundary markers and Peninsula, Livingston Island (Base Juan Carlos I (Spain) natural features and St Kliment Ochridski (Bulgaria)). GENERAL DESCRIPTION 6(iv) Location of other protected areas within close Byers Peninsula (between latitudes 62°34'35" and proximity of the Area 62°40'35" Sand longitudes 60°54' 14" and 61°13'07" W, 2 The nearest protected areas to Byers Peninsula are: Cape 60.6 km ) is situated at the west end of Livingston Island, the second-largest of the South Shetland Islands (Map 1). Shirreff, ASPA No. 149, which lies about 20 km to the The peninsula has a central west-east extent of about 9 km northeast; and other parts of , and a NW-SE extent of 18.2 km, and is the largest ice-free ASPAs No. 140 and No. 145 respectively, which are area in the South Shetland Islands. The peninsula is approximately 40 km SSE; and 'Chile Bay' (Discovery generally of low, gently rolling relief, although there are a Bay), ASPA No. 144, which is about 70 km to the east at number of prominent hills ranging in altitude between 80 (Map 1). - 265 m (Map 2). The interior is dominated by a series of extensive platfonns at altitudes ofup to 105 m, interrupted 7. Permit conditions by isolated volcanic plugs such as ( 188 m) Entry into the Area is prohibited except in accordance with and Cerro Negro ( 143 m) (Thomson and L6pez-Martinez a Pennit issued by an appropriate national authority. 1996). There is an abundance of rounded, flat landfonns Conditions for issuing a Permit to enter the Area are that: resulting from marine, glacial and periglacial erosional • it is issued only for scientific study of the ecosys­ processes. The most rugged terrain occurs on Ray tem, geology or archaeology of the Area, or for com­ Promontory, a ridge forming the northwest-trending axis pelling scientific reasons that cannot be served else­ of the roughly 'Y' -shaped peninsula. Precipitous cliffs where; or surround the coastline at the northern end of Ray • it is issued for essential management purposes con­ Promontory with Start Hill (265 m) at the NW extremity sistent with plan objectives such as inspection, main­ being the highest point on the peninsula. tenance or review; The coast of Byers Peninsula has a total length of 71 • the actions permitted will not jeopardise the ecologi­ km (Map 2). Although of generally low relief, the coast is cal, geological, historical or scientific values of the irregular and often rugged, with numerous headlands, Area; cliffs, offshore islets, rocks and shoals. Byers Peninsula the sampling proposed will not take, remove or dam­ is also notable for its broad beaches, prominent features age such quantities of soil, rock, native flora or fauna on all three coasts ( in the north, President that their distribution or abundance on Byers Penin­ Beaches in the west, and South Beaches). The South sula would be significantly affected; Beaches are the most extensive; extending 12 km along • any management activities are in support of the ob­ the coast and up to almost 0.9 km in width, these are the jectives of the management plan; largest in the South Shetland Islands (Thomson and L6pez­ the actions permitted are in accordance with the Martinez 1996). For a detailed description of the geology management plan; and biology of the Area see Annex 1. • the Permit, or an authorised copy, shall be carried BOUNDARIES within the Area; The boundaries of the Area designated under a visit report shall be supplied to the authority named Recommendation XVI-5 have been changed in this in the Permit; management plan. The Area now includes two islets • permits shall be issued for a stated period; several hundred metres SW of and a small • the appropriate authority should be notified of any area of ice-free ground at in the SE comer activities/measures undertaken that were not in­ as these sites also support values consistent with the cluded in the authorised Permit. remainder of the Peninsula. The Area is now defined to 7(i) Access to and movement within the Area include the whole ofByers Peninsula west of the pennanent • Vehicles are prohibited within the Area and access ice sheet of Rotch Dome, Livingston Island, above the low shall be by small boat or by helicopter. tide water level, including the two islets adjacent to Devils There are no special restrictions on landings from Point noted above, but excluding all other offshore islets the sea, or that apply to the sea routes used to move and rocks (Map 2). to and from the Area. 6(ii) Restricted and managed wnes within the Area • During the period I October - 30 April inclusive, None. aircraft should avoid landing within 500 m of the coast (Map 2). Within this zone the overflight guide­ 6(iii) Structures within and near the Area lines, specified in Table 1 (below), should be fol­ Besides the sealers refuges, there are no structures known lowed to the maximum extent practicable in order to be present in the Area. Several cairns marking sites used to protect the numerous birds and seals concentrated

42 NO. 150 JULY 2003

along the coast. aircraft may operate within the Area apply, speci­ • Helicopters may land elsewhere within the Area fied in Section 7 (i) of this Management Plan. when necessary for purposes consistent with the 7(iii) Installation, modification or removal of structures objectives of the Plan, although landings should, where practicable, be made on ridge and raised beach Structures shall not be erected within the Area except as crests. specified in a Permit. Permanent structures are prohibited. • Helicopters should avoid sites where there are con­ All structures or scientific equipment installed in the Area centrations of birds or well-developed vegetation. shall be approved by Permit for a specified period and When conditions require aircraft to fly at lower el­ clearly identified by country, name of the principal evations than recommended in the guidelines, air­ investigator and year of installation. All such items should craft should maintain the maximum elevation pos­ be made of materials that pose minimal risk of sible and minimise the time taken to transit the contamination to the Area. Removal of specific equipment for which the Permit has expired shall be a condition of the coastal zone. • Use of helicopter smoke grenades is prohibited Permit. within the Area unless absolutely necessary for 7( iv) Location offield camps safety. If used all smoke grenades should be re­ When necessary for purposes specified in the Permit, trieved. temporary camping is allowed within the Area. Specific • Subject to the guidelines in Table 1, movement camp site locations have not been designated, although within the Area shall be on foot or by helicopter. camps should be located on non-vegetated sites, such as on • Pilots, air or boat crew, or other people on aircraft the drier parts of the raised beaches, or on thick (>0.5 m) or boats, are prohibited from moving on foot be­ snow-cover when practicable, and should avoid yond the immediate vicinity of their landing site concentrations of breeding birds or mammals. It is unless specifically authorised by Permit. prohibited to camp within 50 m of any historic sealer's • All movement should be undertaken carefully so as refuge or shelter. to minimise disturbance to animals, soils, geomorphological features and vegetated surfaces, 7(v) Restrictions on materials and organisms which can walking on rocky terrain or ridges if practical to be brought into the Area avoid damage to sensitive plants, patterned ground No living animals, plant material or microorganisms shall and the often waterlogged soils. be deliberately introduced into the Area and the precautions • Pedestrian traffic should be kept to the minimum listed in 7(ix)(3) below shall be taken against accidental consistent with the objectives of any permitted ac­ introductions. In view of the presence of breeding bird tivities and every reasonable effort should be made colonies on Byers Peninsula, no poultry products, including to minimise trampling effects. products containing uncooked dried eggs, including wastes from such products, shall be released into the Area or into Table 1: Aircraft overflight guidelines applying 1 the adjacent sea. No herbicides or pesticides shall be October - 30 April inclusive within a 500 m brought into the Area. Any other chemicals, including coastal zone at Byers Peninsula. radio-nuclides or stable isotopes, which may be introduced for scientific or management purposes specified in the Permit, shall be removed from the Area at or before the Aircraft Number Minimum conclusion of the activity for which the Permit was granted. type of engines approach distance Fuel is not to be stored in the Area, unless specifically Vertical (above ground) authorised by Permit for specific scientific or management Feet Metres purposes. Anything introduced shall be for a stated period only, shall be removed at or before the conclusion of that Helicopter I 2460 750 stated period, and shall be stored and handled so that risk Helicopter 2 3300 1000 of any introduction into the environment is minimised. If release occurs which is likely to compromise the values of Fixed-wing I or 2 1480 450 the Area, removal is encouraged only where the impact of Fixed-wing 4 3300 1000 removal is not likely to be greater than that of leaving the material in situ. The appropriate authority should be notified of anything released and not removed that was not 7(ii) Activities that are or may be conducted in the included in the authorised Permit. Area, including restrictions on time or place • Scientific research that will not jeopardise the eco­ 7(vi) Taking or harmful inteiference with native flora or system of the Area; fauna • Essential management activities, including monitor­ Taking or harmful interference with native flora or fauna ing; is prohibited, except by Permit issued in accordance with • Specific guidelines on times and locations at which Annex II to the Protocol on Environmental Protection to

43 SCAR BULLETIN NO. 150 the Antarctic Treaty. Where taking or harmful interference their jurisdiction, which should be in sufficient detail to with animals is involved, the SCAR Code of Conduct for allow evaluation of the effectiveness of the Management the Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes in Antarctica Plan. Parties should, wherever possible, deposit originals should be used as a minimum standard. or copies of such original reports in a publicly accessible archive to maintain a record of usage, to be used both in any 7(vii) Collection or removal of anything not brought review of the management plan and in organising the into the Area by the Permit holder scientific use of the Area. Collection or removal of anything not brought into the found above 50 min altitude (Lindsay 1971). An Area by the Permit holder shall only be in accordance with open community of predominantly Deschampsia and a Permit and should be limited to the minimum necessary Polytrichum piliferum extends for several kilometres on to meet scientific, archaeological or management needs. the sandy, dry, flat raised beaches on South Beaches. A Anything of recent human origin likely to compromise the unique growth-form of the grass, forming isolated mounds values of the Area, which was not brought into the Area by 25 cm high and up to 2 m across, occurs on the beach near the Permit holder, or is not an historic artefact orotherwise Sealer Hill. Deschampsia has been reported at only one authorised, may be removed unless the impact of removal. locality on the north coast (), where it forms is likely to begreaterthan leaving the material in situ: if this small stunted tufts (Lindsay 1971 ). is the case the appropriate authority should be notified. INVERTEBRATES, FUNGI AND BACTERIA 7(viii) Disposal of waste All wastes, including all human wastes, shall be removed The microinvertebrate fauna on Byers Peninsula from the Area. Human wastes may be disposed of into the thus far described comprises 23 taxa (Usher and Edwards 1986, Richard et al 1994, Block and Stary 1996, Convey sea. et al 1996): six Collembola (Cryptopygus antarcticus, 7(ix) Measures that are necessary to ensure that the Cryptopygus badasa, Friesea grisea, Friesea aims and objectives of the management plan can woyciechowskii, Jsotoma (Folsomotoma) octaoculata continue to be met (=Parisotoma octooculata) and Tullbergia mixta; one I. Permits may be granted to enter the Area to carry mesostigmatid mite (Gamasellus racovitzai), five out monitoring and site inspection activities, which cryptostigmatid mites (Alaskozetes antarcticus, may involve the small-scale collection of samples Edwardzetes dentifer, Globoppia loxolineata ( =Oppia for analysis or review, or for protective measures. loxolineata), Halozetes belgicae and Magel/ozetes 2. Any specific long-term monitoring sites shall be antarcticus); nine prostigmatid mites (Bakerdania appropriately marked. antarcticus, Ereynetes macquariensis, Eupodes 1ninutus, 3. To help maintain the ecological and scientific val­ Eupodes parvus grahamensis, Nanorchestes berryi, ues derived from the relatively low level of recent Nanorchestes nivalis, Pretriophtydeus tilbrooki, Rhagidia human impact at Byers Peninsula special precau­ gerlachei, Rhagidia /eechi, and Stereotydeus villosus); tions shall be taken against introductions. Of con­ and two Dipterans (Belgica antarctica and Parochlus cern are microbial or plant introductions sourced steinenii). from other Antarctic sites, including stations, or from Larvae of the wingless midge Belgica antarctica regions outside Antarctica. All sampling equipment occur in limited numbers in moist moss, especially carpets or markers brought into the Area shall be cleaned or of Sanionia, although it is of very restricted distribution on sterilised. To the maximum extent practicable, foot­ Byers Peninsula (found especially near Cerro Negro) and wear and other equipment used or brought into the may be near its northern geographical limit. The winged Area (including backpacks, carry-bags and tents) midge Paroch/us steinenii and its larvae inhabit the margins shall be thoroughly cleaned before entering the Area. of inland lakes and pools, notably Midge Lake and another 4. Poultry products and other introduced avian prod­ near Usnea Plug, and are also found amongst the stones of ucts, which may be a vector of avian diseases, shall many stream beds (Bonner and Smith 1985, Richard et al not be released into the Area. 1994, Ellis-Evans pers comm 1999). During warm calm 7(x) Requirements for reports weather, swarms of adults may be seen above lake margins. Parties should ensure that the principal holder for each The diversity of the arthropod community described Permit issued submits to the appropriate authority a report at Byers Peninsula is greater than at any other documented describing the activities undertaken. Such reports should Antarctic site (Convey et al 1996). Various studies (Usher include, as appropriate, the information identified in the and Edwards 1986, Richard et al 1994, Convey et al 1996) Visit Report form suggested by SCAR. Parties should have demonstrated that the arthropod population maintain a record of such activities and, in the Annual composition on Byers Peninsula varies significantly with Exchange of Information, should provide summary habitat over a small area. Tul/bergia mi.xta has been descriptions of activities conducted by persons subject to observed in relatively large numbers; it appears to be

44 N0.150JULY2003

limited in Antarctic distribution to the South Shetland prions (Pachytilla sp.) and snow petrels (Pagodroma Islands (Usher and Edwards 1986). Locally, the greatest nivea) have been seen on the peninsula but their breeding diversity is likely to be observed in communities dominated presence has not been confirmed. The census ofburrowing by moss cushions such as Andreaea spp. (Usher and and scree-nesting birds is considered an underestimate Edwards 1986). Further sampling is required to establish (White pers. comm. 1999). The majority of the birds nest populations and diversities with greater reliability. While in close proximity to the coast, principally in the west and further sampling at other sites may yet reveal the south. communities described at Byers Peninsula to be typical of BREEDING MAMMALS similar habitats in the region, available data on the microfaunaconfirm the biological importance of the Area. Large groups of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) breed on the Byers Peninsula coast, with a total of An analysis of soil samples collected from Byers over 2500 individuals reported on South Beaches (Torres Peninsula yielded several nematophagous fungi: in et al. 1981 )-which is one of the largest populations of this Deschampsia soil Acrostalagmus goniodes, A. obovatus, species recorded in the South Shetland Islands. Large Cephalosporium balanoides and Dactylaria gracilis; in numbers haul out in wallows and along beaches in summer. Colobanthus soil, Cephalosporium balanoides and Weddell (Leptonychotes weddellii), crabeater (Lobodon Dactylel/a gephyropaga were found (Gray and Smith carcinophagous) and leopard (Hydrurga leptonyx) seals I 984 ). The basidiomycete Omphalina antarctica is often may be seen around the shorelines. Antarctic fur seals abundant on moist stands of the moss Sanionia uncinata (Arctocephalus gaze/la) were once very abundant on (Bonner and Smith 1985). Byers Peninsula (see below), but have not substantially BREEDING BIRDS recolonised the Area in spite of the recent rapid population expansion in other parts of the maritime Antarctic. The avifaunaofByers Peninsula is diverse, although breeding colonies are generally not large. Two species of HISTORICAL FEATURES penguin, the chinstrap (Pygosce/is antarctica) and the Following discovery of the South Shetland Islands gentoo (P. papua), breed in the Area; although widely in 1819, intensive sealing at Byers Peninsula between distributed in the region, Adelie Penguins (P. adeliae) 1820 and 1824 exterminated almost all local Antarctic fur have not been observed to breed on Byers Peninsula or its seals and southern elephant seals (Smith and Simpson offshore islets. The principal chinstrap penguin colony is 1987). During this period there was a summer population at Devils Point in the SW, where a rough estimate of about of up to 200 American and British sealers living ashore in 3000 pairs was made in I 987; a more accurate count made dry-stone refuges and caves around Bye rs Peninsula (Smith in 1965 indicated about 5300pairs in four discrete colonies, and Simpson 1987). Evidence of their occupation remains of which almost 95% were nesting on an islet I 00 m to the in their many refuges, many of which still contain artifacts south of Devils Point (Croxall and Kirkwood 1979, W oehler (clothing, implements, structural materials, etc.). Several 1993). Small chinstrap penguin colonies have been reported sealing vessels were wrecked near Byers Peninsula and on the northern coast, but no breeding pairs were reported timbers from these ships may be found along the shores. in a 1987 survey. Gen too penguins breed at several colonies Byers Peninsula has the greatest concentration of early on Devils Point, with approximately 750 pairs recorded in 19th Century sealers' refuges and associated relics in the 1965. Two smaller gentoo colonies totalling about 400 Antarctic, and these are vulnerable to disturbance and/or pairs were reported on the northern coast in 1965 (Croxall removal. and Kirkwood 1979, Woehler 1993). More recent data are not available. Elephant seal numbers, and to some extent fur seal numbers, recovered after 1860, but were again decimated The most recent data available for other breeding by a second sealing cycle extending to the first decade of species are from a detailed survey conducted in 1965 the twentieth century. (White 1965, in Croxall -BAS internal bird data reports). The most populous breeding species recorded then, with HUMAN ACTIVITIES I IMPACTS approximately 1760 pairs, was the Antarctic tern (Stema The modem era ofhuman activity at Byers Peninsula villata), followed by 1315 pairs of Wilson's storm petrels has been largely confined to science. The impacts of these (Oceanites oceanicus), approximately 570 pairs of cape activities have not been described, but are believed to be petrels (Daption capense), 449 pairs of kelp gulls (Larus minor and limited to items such as campsites, footprints, dominicanus), 216 pairs of southern giant petrels markers of various kinds, sea-borne litter washed onto (Macronectes giganteus), 95 pairs of black-bellied storm beaches (e.g. from fishing vessels), and from human petrels (Fregella tropica ), 47 pairs ofblue-eyed cormorants wastes and scientific sampling. Several wooden stake (Phalacrocorax atriceps) (including those on nearshore markers and a plastic fishing float were observed in the islets), 39 pairs of brown skuas (Catharacta loennbergi), SW of the Area in a brief visit made in February 2001 and 3 pairs of sheathbills (Chionis alba). In addition, (Harris 2001).

45 ------


Bibliography of the gel)US Eupodes (Acari, Prostigmata) from maritime Antarctica: a biometrical and taxonomic Birnie, R.V. and Gordon, J.E. 1980. Drainage systems study. Journal ofthe 'Zoological Society of London associated with snow melt, South Shetland (A) 207: 381-406. (samples ofEupodes analysed) Islands, Antarctica. Geografiska Anna/er 62A(l- 2): 57-62. Convey P., GreensladeP. Richard K.J. and Block W. 1996. The terrestrial arthropod fauna of the Byers Bjorck, S., Hakansson, H, Zale, R., Karlen, W. and Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands Jtinsson, B.L. 1991. A late Holocene lake - Collembola. Polar Biology 16(4): 257-59. sediment sequence from Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, with palaeoclimatic Covacevich V.C. 1976. Fauna valanginiana de Peninsula Bye rs, Isla Livingston, Antartica. Revista Geologica implications. Antarctic Science 3(1): 61-72. de Chile 3: 25-56. Bjorck, S. Sandgren, P. & Zale, R. 1991. Late Holocene tephrochronology of the Northern Antarctic Crame J.A. 1984. Preliminary bivalve zonation of the Peninsula. Quatemary Research 36: 322-28. Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Antarctica. In Perrilliat, M. de C. (Ed.) Memoria, Ill Congreso Bjorck, S., Hjort, C, Ing6lfsson, 0., and Skog, G. 1991. Latinamerico de Paleontologia, Mexico, 1984. Radiocarbon dates from the Antarctic Peninsula­ Mexico City, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de problems and potential. In Lowe, J.J., Mexico, Instituto de Geologia: 242-54. Radiocarbon dating: recent applications and Crame J.A. 1985. New Late Jurassic Oxytomid bivalves future potential. Quatemary Proceedings I, from the Antarctic Peninsula region. British Quaternary Research Association, Cambridge: Antarctic Survey Bulletin 69: 35-55. 55-65. Crame J.A. 1995. Occurrence of the bivalve genus Bjorck, S., Hakansson, H., Olsson, S., Barnekow, L. & Manticula in the Early Cretaceous of Antarctica. Janssens, J. 1993. Palaeoclimatic studies in South Palaeontology 38 Pt. 2: 299-312. Shetland Islands, Antarctica, based on numerous stratigraphic variables in lake sediments. Journal Crame J.A. 1995. A new Oxytomid bivalve from the of Paleolimnology 8: 233-72. Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous of Antarctica. Palaeontology 39 Pt. 3: 615-28. Bjorck, S. & Zale, R. 1996: Late Holocene tephrochronology and palaeoclimate, based on lake Crame J.A. 1996. Early Cretaceous bivalves from the sediment studies. In L6pez-Martinez, J., Thurn.son, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Mitt. Geol­ M. R. A., and Thomson, J.W. (Eds.) Palaont. Inst. Univ. Hamburg 77: 125-127. Geomorphological map of Byers Peninsula, Crame J.A. and Kelly, S.R.A. 1995. Composition and Livingston Island. BAS GEOM AP Series Sheet 5- distribution of the Inoceramid bivalve genus A, 43-48. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey. Anopaea. Palaeontology 38 Pt. I: 87-103. Bjorck, S., Hjort, C., Ing61fsson, 0., Zale, R. and Ising, J. Crame J.A., Pirrie D., Crampton J.S. and Duane A.M. I 996: Holocene deglaciation chronology from lake 1993. Stratigraphy and regional significance of the sediments. In L6pez-Martfnez, J., Thomson, M. R. A. and Thomson, J.W. (Eds.) Geomorphological Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous Byers Group, map of Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island. BAS Livingston Island, Antarctica. Journal of the GEOMAP Series Sheet 5-A, 49-51. Cambridge, Geological Society 150 Pt. 6: 1075-87. British Antarctic Survey. Croxall, J.P. and Kirkwood, E.D. 1979. The distribution Block, W. and Christensen, B. 1985. Terrestrial of penguins on the Antarctic Peninsula and the Enchytraeidae from South Georgia and the islands ofthe Scotia Sea. British Antarctic Survey, Maritime Antarctic. British Antarctic Survey Cambridge. Bulletin 69: 65-70. Davey, M.C. 1993. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a Block, W. and Stary, J. I 996. Oribatid mites (Acari: maritime Antarctic stream. Freshwater Biology 30: Oribatida) of the maritime Antarctic and Antarctic 319-30. Peninsula. Journal of Natural History 30: 1059- Davey, M.C. 1993. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a 67. small pond in the maritime Antarctic. Bonner, W.N. and Smith, R.I.L. (Eds) 1985. Conservation Hydrobiologia 257: 165-75. areas in the Antarctic. SCAR, Cambridge: 147-56. Duane A.M. 1994. Preliminary palynological investigation Booth, R.G., Edwards, M. and Usher, M.B. 1985. Mites of the Byers Group (Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous),

46 NO. 150 JULY 2003

Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Review of Hjort, C., Ing6lfsson, 0. & Bjlirck, S. 1992: The last major Palaeobotany and Palynology 84: 113-120. deglaciation in the Antarctic Peninsula region -a review of recent Swedish Quaternary research. In Duane A.M. 1996. Palynology of the Byers Group (Late (eds. Y. Yoshida et al.)Recent Progress in Antarctic Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) Livingston and Snow Science. Terra Scientific Publishing Company Islands, Antarctic Peninsula: its biostratigraphical (TERRAPUB), Tokyo: 741-743 and palaeoenvironmental significance. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 91: 241-81. Hjort, C., Bjlirck, S., Ing6lfsson, 6. & M1iller, P. 1998: Holocene deglaciation and climate history of the Duane A.M. 1997. Taxonomic investigations of northern Antarctic Peninsula region: a discussion Palynomorphs from the Byers Group (Upper of correlations between the Southern and Northern Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous), Livingston and Snow Hemispheres. Annals of Glaciology 27: 110-112. Islands, Antarctic Peninsula. Palynology 21: 123- 144. Hodgson, D.A., Dyson, C.L., Jones, V.J. and Smellie, J.L. Ellis-Evans, J.C. 1996. Biological and chemical features 1998. Tephra analysis of sediments from Midge oflakes and streams. Jn L6pez-Martinez, J., Thomson Lake (South Shetland Islands) and Sombre Lake M.R.A. and Thomson J.W. (Eds.). Geomorphological (), Antarctica. Antarctic map of Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island. BAS Science 10(1): 13-20. GEOMAP Series, Sheet 5-A. Cambridge, British John, B.S. and Sugden, D.E. 1971. Raised marine features Antarctic Survey. and phases of glaciation in the South Shetland Gonzalez-Ferran, 0. Katsui, Y. and Tavera, J. 1970. Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin 24: 45- Contribuci6n al conocimiento geol6gico de la 111. Peninsula Byers, Isla Livingston, Islas Shetland del Sur, Anu\rtica. Pub/. INA CH Serie. Cientifica 1( 1): Jones, V.J., Juggins, S. and Ellis-Evans, J.C. 1993. The 41-54. relationship between water chemistry and surface sediment diatom assemblages in maritime Antarctic Gray, N.F. and Smith, R.J. Lewis. 1984. The distribution lakes. Antarctic Science 5(4): 339-48. of nematophagous fungi in the maritime Antarctic. Mycopathologia 85: 81-92. Kelly, S.R.A. 1995. New Trigonioid bivalves from the Early Jurassic to Earliest Cretaceous of the Antarctic Harris, C.M. 2001. Revision of management plans for Peninsula region: systematics and austral Antarctic protected areas originally proposed by paleobiogeography. Journal ofPaleontology 69( 1): the United States of America and the United 66-84. Kingdom: Field visit report. Internal report for the Lindsay, D.C. 1971. Vegetation of the South Shetland National Science Foundation, US, and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK. Environmental Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin 25: 59- Research and Assessment, Cambridge. 83. L6pez-Martinez, J., Serrano, E. and Martinez de Pis6n, E. Hansom, J.D. 1979. Radiocarbon dating of a raised beach 1996. Geomorphological features of the drainage at JO m in the South Shetland Islands. British system. In L6pez-Martinez, J., Thomson, J.R.A. Antarctic Survey Bulletin 49: 287. and Thomson, J.W. (Eds.) Geomorphological map Hathway B. 1997. Nonmarine sedimentation in an Early of Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island. BAS Cretaceous extensional continental-margin arc, GEOMAP Series, Sheet 5-A, 15-19. Cambridge, Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland British Antarctic Survey. Islands. Journal of Sedimentary Research 67(4): L6pez-Martinez, J., Martinez de Pis6n, E., Serrano, E. and 686-697. Arche, A. 1996 Geomorphological map of Byers Hathway, B. and Lomas, S.A. 1998. The Upper Jurassic­ Peninsula, Livingston Island. BAS GEOMAP Lower cretaceous Byers Group, South Shetland Series, Sheet 5-A, Scale I :25 000. Cambridge, Islands, Antarctica: revised stratigraphy and British Antarctic Survey,: regional correlations. British Antarctic Survey Martinez De Pis6n E., Serrano, E., Arche, A and L6pez­ Bulletin 49: 287. Martinez, J. 1996. Glacial geomorphology. In Hernandez, P.J and Azcarate, V. 1971. Estudio L6pez-Martinez, J., Thomson, M.R.A. and paleobotanico preliminar sabre restos de una Thomson, J.W. (Eds.). Geomorphological map of tafoflora de la Peninsula Byers (Cerro Negro), Isla Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island. BAS GEO MAP Livingston, Islas Shetland del Sur, Antartica. Publ. Series, Sheet 5- A, 23-27. Cambridge, British INACH Serie. Cientifica 2(1): 15-50. Antarctic Survey.


Pankhurst R.J. Weaver S.D. Brook M. and Saunders A.D. Usher, M.B. and Edwards, M. 1986. The selection of 1979. K-Ar chronology of Byers Peninsula, conservation areas in Antarctica: an example using Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands. British the arthropod fauna of Antarctic islands. Antarctic Survey Bulletin 49: 277-82. Environmental Conservation 13(2): 115-22. Richard, K.J., Convey, P. and Block, W. 1994. The White, M.G. Preliminary report on field studies in the terrestrial arthropod fauna of the Byers Peninsula, South Shetland Islands 1965/66. Unpublished field Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands. Polar report in BAS Archives AD6/2Hl966/N6. Biology 14: 371-79. Woehler, E.J. (Ed.) 1993. The distribution and abundance SGE, WAM and BAS. 1993. Byers Peninsula, Livingston of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic penguins. SCAR, Island. Topographic map, Scale 1:25 000. Cambridge. Cartografia Antartica~ Madrid, Servicio Geografia del Ejercito. Serrano, E., Martinez De Pis6n E. and L6pez-Martinez, J._ Annex 1 1996. Periglacial and nival landforms and deposits. In Lopez-Martinez, J., Thomson, M.R.A. and 6(i) Geographical coordinates, boundary markers Thomson, J.W. (Eds.). Geomorphological map of and natural features Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island. BAS GEO MAP CLIMATE Series, Sheet 5-A, 28-34. Cambridge, British No extended meteorological records are available for Antarctic Survey. Byers Peninsula, but the climate is expected to be similar Smellie J.L., Davies R.E.S. and Thomson M.R.A. 1980. to that at Base Juan Carlos I, Hurd Peninsula. Conditions Geology of a Mesozoic intra-arc sequence on Byers there indicate a mean annual temperature of below O" C, Peninsula, Livingston Island, South Shetland with temperatures >O" C for at least several months each Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin 50: 55- summer, and a relatively high precipitation rate estimated at about 800 mm/yr, much of which falls as rain in summer 76. (Ellis-Evans 1996). The peninsula is snow-covered for Smith, R.I.L. and Simpson, H.W. 1987. Early Nineteeth much of the year, but is usually completely snow-free by Century sealers' refuges on Livingston Island, South the end of the summer. The peninsula is exposed to Shetland Islands. British Antarctic Survey Bulletin weather from the Drake Passage in the north and northwest, 74: 49-72. the directions from which winds prevail, and tu the south. Stary, J. and Block, W. 1998. Distribution and biogeography GEOLOGY of oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) in Antarctica, The bedrock of Byers Peninsula is composed of Upper the sub-Antarctic and nearby land areas. Journal of Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous marine sedimentary, volcanic Natural History 32: 861-94. and volcaniclastic rocks, intruded by igneous bodies (see Sugden, D.E. and John, B.S. 1973. The ages of glacier Smellie et al 1980; Crame et al 1993, Hathway and Lomas fluctuations in the South Shetland Islands, 1998) (Map 3 - IN PREP). The rocks represent part of a Antarctica. In van Zinderen Bakker, E.M. (Ed.) Mesozoic-Cenozoic magmatic arc complex, which is Paleoecology of Africa and of the surrounding exposed throughout the whole of the Antarctic Peninsula islands and Antarctica 8. Cape Town, A.A. region, although most extensively on the Byers Peninsula Balkema: 139-59. (Hathway and Lomas 1998). The interior, elevated, region of the eastern half of the peninsula - surrounded to the Thom, G. 1978. Disruption of bedrock by the growth and north and south by Holocene beach deposits-is dominated collapse of ice lenses. Journal of Glaciology 20: by Lower Cretaceous non-marine tuffs, volcanic , 571-75. conglomerates, sandstones and minor mudstones, with Torres, D., Cattan, P. and Yanez, J. 1981. Postbreeding intrusions in several places by volcanic plugs and sills. preferences of the Southern Elephant seal Mirounga The western half of the peninsula, and extending NW half­ leonina in Livingston Island (South Shetlands). way along , is predominantly Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous marine mudstones, with Pub/. /NACH Serie. Cientifica 27: 13-18. sandstones and conglomerates, with frequent intrusions of Thomson, M.R.A. and L6pez-Martfnez, J. 1996. volcanic sills, plugs and other igneous bodies. The NW Introduction. In L6pez-Martfnez, J., Thomson, half of Ray Promontory comprises mainly volcanic breccias M.R.A. and Thomson, J.W. (Eds.). of the same age. Mudstones, sandstones, conglomerates Geomorphological map of Byers Peninsula, and pyroclastic rocks are the most common lithologies Livingston ls/and. BAS GEOMAP Series, Sheet 5- found on the peninsula. Expanses of Holocene beach A, 1-4. Cambridge, British Antarctic Survey. gravels and alluvium are found in coastal areas, particularly

48 NO. 150 JULY 2003 on South Beaches and the eastern half of Robbery Beaches, (differentiated from lakes in that they freeze to the bottom with less-extensive deposits on . in winter), and _a dense and varied stream network probably The Area is of high geological value because "the has the most stream types in the Maritime Antarctic. The sedimentary and igneous rocks exposed at Byers Peninsula gentle terrain favours water retention and waterlogged constitute the most complete record of the Jurassic-Early soils are common in the summer. However, the water Cretaceous period in the northern part of the Pacific flank capacity of the thin soils is limited, and many of the of the magmatic arc complex, and they have proved a key channels are frequently dry, with flow often intermittent succession for the study of marine molluscan faunas (e.g. except during periods of substantial snow melt or where Crame 1984, 1995, Crame and Kelly 1995) and non­ they drain glaciers (Lopez-Martinez et al 1996). Most of marine floras (e.g. Hernandez and Azcarte 1971, Philippe the streams drain seasonal snowfields and are often no et al 1995)." (Hathway and Lomas 1998). more than 5-10 cm in depth (Ellis-Evans 1996). The larger GEOMORPHOLOGY AND SOILS streams are up to 4.5 km in length, up to 20 min width, and Much of the terrain consistsoflithosols, essentially a layer 30-50 cm in depth in the lower reaches during periods of of shattered rock, with permafrost widespread below an flow. Streams that drain to the west often have sizeable active layer of 30-70 cm depth (Thom 1978, Ellis-Evans gorges (Lopez-Martinez et al 1996), and gullies up to 30 m 1996, Serrano et al 1996). Stone fields (consisting of silty in depth have been cut into the uppermost, and largest, of fines with dispersed boulders and surficial clasts), the raised marine platforms (Ellis-Evans 1996). Above the gelifluction lobes, polygonal ground (both in flooded and Holocene raised beaches the valleys are gentle, with widths dry areas), stone stripes and circles, and other periglacial of up to several hundred metres. landforms dominate the surface morphology of the upper Lakes are especially abundant on the higher platforms platforms where bedrock outcrop is absent (Serrano at al (i.e. at the heads of basins) and on the Holocene raised 1996). Debris- and mud-flows are observed in several beaches near the coast. Midge Lake is the largest at localities. Beneath some of the moss and grass communities 587xl 12 m, and deepest with a maximum depth of 9.0 m there is a 10-20 cm deep layer of organic matter although, (Map 2). The inland lakes are all nutrient-poor and highly because vegetation is sparse over most of Byers Peninsula, transparent, with extensive sediments in deeper water there are no deep accumulations of peat (Bonner and Smith overlain by cyanobacterial mats. In some lakes, notably 1985). Ornithogenic soils are present especially in the Chester Cone Lake about 500 m to the south of Midge Devils Point vicinity and on a number of knolls along Lake (Map 2), stands of aquatic moss Drepanoc/adus President Beaches (Ellis-Evans 1996). longifolius(= D. aduncus) are found growing at one to Parts of the interior of the peninsula have been shaped several metres in depth. Large masses of this moss are by coastal processes, with a series of raised beaches sometimes washed up along parts of the shoreline and may ranging from 3 to 54 m in altitude, some of which are serve as an opportunistic habitat for Parochlus larvae over 1 km wide. A radiocarbon date for the highest beach (Bonner and Smith 1985). deposits suggests that Byers Peninsula was largely free of The lakes are generally frozen to a depth of 1.0-1.5 m permanent ice by 9700 yr B.P., while the lowest beach for 9-11 months of the year, overlain by snow, although deposits are dated at 300 yr B.P (John and Sugden 1971, surfaces of some of the higher lakes remain frozen year­ Sugden and John 1973). Lake sediment analyses, however, round (Ellis-Evans 1996, Lopez-Martinez et al 1996). On suggest a more recent general deglaciation of central Byers the upper levels of the central plateau, many small, shallow, Peninsula of around 4000-5000 yr B.P., and radiocarbon slow-flowing streams flow between lakes and drain onto dates in the locality need to be interpreted cautiously large flat areas of saturated lithosol covered with thick (3- (Bjorck et al 1991a, b). In several places sub-fossil 10 cm) cyanobacterial mats of Phonnidium sp.. These whalebones are embedded in the raised beaches, mats are more extensive than in any other Maritime occasionally as almost entire skeletons. Radiocarbon dates Antarctic site thus far described, and reflect the unique of skeletal material from about 10 m a.s.l. on South geomorphology and relatively high annual precipitation Beaches suggest an age of between 2000 and 2400 yr B.P. of the Area. With spring melt there is considerable flush (Hansom 1979). Pre-Holocene surfaces of Byers Peninsula through most lakes, but outflow from many lakes may exhibit clear evidence of a glacial landscape, despite the cease late in the season as seasonal snowmelt decreases. gentle landforms. Today only three small residual glaciers Some of the streams also contain substantial growths of (comprising less then 0.5 km') remain on Ray Promontory. cyanobacterial and green filamentous algae, along with The pre-existing, glacially modified, landforms have been diatoms and copepods. A number ofrelatively saline lakes subsequently overprinted by fluvial and periglacial oflagoonal origin occur close to the shore, particularly on processes, and moraines and other glacial deposits are President Beaches, and where these are used as southern scarce (Martinez de Pison et al 1996). elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) wallows these have been STREAMS AND LAKES highly organically enriched. Those coastal shallow lakes Byers Peninsula is perhaps the most significant limnological and pools located behind the first raised beach often have site in the South Shetland Islands I Antarctica Peninsula abundant algal mats and crustaceans, including the region, with over 60 lakes, numerous freshwater pools copepods Boeckella poppei and Parabroteas sorsi, and

49 SCAR BULLETIN NO. 150 occasionally the fairy shrimp Branchinecta gainii. contortuplicata occurs in inland and upland habitats VEGETATION lacking in nitrogen, and is typical of substrata with some Although much of Byers Peninsula lacks abundant degree of disturbance such as solifluction; it is often the vegetation, especially inland (see Lindsay 1971), the sparse only plant to colonise the small rock fragments of stone communities contain a diverse flora, with at least 56 lichen stripes and frost-heave polygons (Lindsay 1971). It is species, 29 mosses, 5 hepatics and 2 phanerogams having usually found growing alone, though rarely with species been identified as present within the Area. Numerous of Andreaea and Usnea. N. commune covers extensive unidentified lichens and mosses have also been collected. saturated areas on level or gently sloping, gravelly boulder This suggests the Area contains one of the most diverse clay from altitudes of between 60-150 m, forming discrete representations of terrestrial flora known in the maritime rosettes of about 5 cm in diameter 10-20 cm apart (Lindsay Antarctic. A number of the species are rare in this part of 1971 ). Scattered, almost spherical, cushions of Andreaea, the maritime Antarctic. For example, of the bryophytes, Dicranoweisia, and Ditrichum are found on the driest soils. Anthelia juratzkana, Brachythecium austroglareosum, In wet, bird- and seal-influenced areas the green foliose Chorisodontium aciphyllum, Ditrichum hyalinum, alga Prasiola crispa is sometimes abundant. Henognhryum teres. Hypnum revolutum, Notoligotrichum Rock surfaces on Byers Peninsula are mostly friable, trichodon, Pachyglossa dissitifolia, Platydictya but locally colonised by lichens, especially near the coast. jungermannioides, Sanionia cf. plicata, Schistidium Volcanic plugs are composed of harder, more stable rock occultum, Syntrichia filaris and Syntrichia saxicola are and are densely covered by lichens and occasional mosses. considered rare. For A. juratzkana, D. hyalinum, N. Usnea Plug is remarkable for its luxuriant growth of trichodon and S. plicata, their furthest-south record is on Himantormia lugubris and Usnea aurantiaco-atra (=U. Byers Peninsula. Of the lichen flora, Himantormia lugubris, fasciata). More generally, H. lugubris and U. aurantiaco­ Ochrolechia pare/la, Peltigera didacty/a and Pleopsidium atra are the dominant lichen species on inland exposed chlorophanum are considered rare. montane surfaces, growing with the moss Andreaea gainii Vegetation development is much greater on the south over much of the exposed rock with up to 80% cover of coast than on the north. Commonly found on the higher, the substratum (Lindsay 1971). In sheltered pockets' drier raised beaches in the south is an open community harbouring small accumulations of mineral soil, the dominated by abundant Polytrichastrum alpinum liverworts Barbilophozia hatcheri and Cephaloziella (=Polytrichum alpinum), Polytrichum piliferum varians (=exiliflora) are often found, but more frequently (=Polytrichum antarcticum), P. juniperinum, Ceratodon intermixed with cushions of Bryum, Ceratodon, purpureus, and the moss Pohlia nutans and several Dicranoweisia, Pohlia, Sanionia, Schistidium, and Tortu/a. crustose lichens are frequent. Some large stands of mosses Sanionia and Warnstorfia form small stands, possibly occur near President and South Beaches, where extensive correlated with the absence of large snow patches and snowdrifts often accumulate at the base of slopes rising associated melt streams. Polytrichastrum alpinum forms behind the raised beaches, providing an ample source of small inconspicuous cushions in hollows, but it may merge melt water in the summer. These moss stands are dominated with Andreaea gainii cushions in favourable situations mainly by Sanionia uncinata (=Drepanoc/adus uncinatus), (Lindsay 1971). which locally forms continuous carpets of several hectares. Crustose lichens are mainly species of Buellia, The vegetation composition is more diverse than on the Lecanora, Lecede/la, Lecidea, Placopsis and Rhiwcarpon higher, drier areas. Inland, wet valley floors have stands growing on rock, with species of C/adonia and of Brachythecium austro-sa/ebrosum, Campylium Stereocaulon growing on mosses, particularly Andreaea polygamum, Sanionia uncinata, Warnstoifia laculosa (Lindsay 1971). On the south coast moss carpets are (=Ca/liergidium austro-stramineum), and W. sarmentosa commonly colonised by epiphytic lichens, such as (=Calliergon sarmentosum). In contrast, moss carpets are Leptogium puberulum, Peltigera rufescens, Psoroma spp., almost non-existent within 250 m of the northern coast, together with Coclocaulon aculeata and C. epiphorella. replaced by scant growth of Sanionia in hollows between On sea cliffs Caloplaca and Verrucaria spp. dominate on raised beaches of up to 12 m in altitude, and of lichens lower surfaces exposed to salt spray up to about 5 m, with principally of the generaAcarospora, Bue/lia, Caloplaca, nitrophilous species, such as Caloplaca regalis, Verrucaria and Xanthoria on the lower (2-5 m) raised Haematomma erythromma,and Xanthoria e/egans often beach crests, with Sphaerophorus, Stereocaulon and Usnea dominant at higher altitudes where seabirds are frequently becoming the more dominant lichens with increasing nesting. Elsewhere on dry cliff surfaces a Ramalina altitude (Lindsay 1971 ). terebrata - crustose lichen community is common. A On better drained ash slopes Bryum spp., Dicranoweisia variety of omithocoprophilous lichens, such as Caril/aria spp., Ditrichum spp., Pohlia spp., Schistidium spp., and corymbosa, Lecania bria/montii, and species of Buellia, Tortu/a spp. are common as isolated cushions and turves Haematomma, Lecanora, and Physcia occur on rocks near with various liverworts, lichens (notably the pink Placopsis concentrations of breeding birds, along with the foliose contonuplicata and black foliose Leptogium puberulum), lichens Mastodia tessellata, Xanthoria elegans and X. and the cyanobacterium Nostoc commune. P. candelaria which are usually dominant on dry boulders.

50 NO. 150 JULY 2003

Antarctic hairgrass (Deschampsia antarctica) is Islands (Usher and Edwards 1986). Locally, the greatest common in several localities, mainly on the south coast, diversity is likely to be observed in communities and occasionally forms closed swards (e.g. at Sealer Hill); dominated by moss cushions such asAndreaea spp. (Usher Antarctic pearl wort (Colobanthus quitensis) is sometimes and Edwards 1986). Further sampling is required to associated. Both plants are quite abundant in southern establish populations and diversities with greater gullies with a steep north-facing slope, forming large, reliability. While further sampling at other sites may yet occasionally pure stands with thick carpets of reveal the communities described at Byers Peninsula to Brachythecium and Sanionia, although they are rarely be typical of similar habitats in the region, available data found above 50 m in altitude (Lindsay 1971 ). An open on the microfauna confirm the biological importance of community of predominantly Deschampsia and the Area. Polytrichum piliferum extends for several kilometres on An analysis of soil samples collected from Byers the sandy, dry, flat raised beaches on South Beaches. A Peninsula yielded several nematophagous fungi: in unique growth-form of the grass, forming isolated mounds Deschampsia soil Acrostalagmus goniodes, A. obovatus, 25 cm high and up to 2 m across, occurs on the beach near Cephalosporium balanoides and Dactylaria gracilis; in Sealer Hill. Deschampsia has been reported at only one Colobanthus soil, Cephalosporium balanoides and locality on the north coast (Lair Point), where it forms Dactylel/a gephyropaga were found (Gray and Smith small stunted tufts (Lindsay 1971 ). 1984 ). The basidiomycete Omphalina antarctica is often INVERTEBRATES, FUNGI AND BACTERIA abundant on moist stands of the moss Sanionia uncinata The microinvertebrate fauna on Byers Peninsula thus far (Bonner and Smith 1985). described comprises 23 taxa (Usher and Edwards 1986, BREEDING BIRDS Richard et al 1994, Block and Stary 1996, Convey et al The avifauna of Byers Peninsula is diverse, although 1996): six Collembola (Cryptopygus antarcticus, breeding colonies are generally not large. Two species of Cryptopygus badasa, Friesea grisea, Friesea penguin, the chinstrap (Pygoscelis antarctica) and the woyciechowskii, /sotoma (Folsomotoma) octooculata gentoo (P. papua), breed in the Area; although widely (=Parisotoma octooculata) and Tullbergia mixta; one distributed in the region, Adelie Penguins (P. adeliae) mesostigmatid mite (Gamasellus racovitzai), five have not been observed to breed on Byers Peninsula or its cryptostigmatid mites (Alaskozetes antarcticus, offshore islets. The principal chinstrap penguin colony is Edwardzetes dentifer, Globoppia loxolineata (=Oppia at Devils Point in the SW, where a rough estimate of about loxolineata), Halozetes belgicae and Magellozetes 3000 pairs was made in 1987; amore accurate count made antarcticus); nine prostigmatid mites (Bakerdania in 1965 indicated about 5300pairs in four discrete colonies, antarcticus, Ereynetes macquariensis, Eupodes minutus, of which almost 95% were nesting on an islet 100 m to the Eupodes parvus grahamensis, Nanorchestes berryi, south of Devils Point(Croxall and Kirkwood 1979, Woehler Nanorchestes nivalis, Pretriophtydeus tilbrooki, Rhagidia 1993). Small chinstrap penguin colonies have been reported gerlachei, Rhagidia leechi, and Stereotydeus villosus); on the northern coast, but no breeding pairs were reported and two Dipterans (Belgica antarctica and Parochlus in a 1987 survey. Gen too penguins breed at several colonies steinenii). on Devils Point, with approximately 750 pairs recorded in Larvae of the wingless midge Belgica antarctica occur 1965. Two smaller gentoo colonies totalling about 400 in limited numbers in moist moss, especially carpets of pairs were reported on the northern coast in 1965 (Croxall Sanionia, although it is of very restricted distribution on and Kirkwood 1979, Woehler 1993). More recent dataare Byers Peninsula (found especially near Cerro Negro) and not available. may be near its northern geographical limit. The winged The most recent data available for other breeding species midge Parochlus steinenii and its larvae inhabit the are from a detailed survey conducted in 1965 (White 1965, margins of inland lakes and pools, notably Midge Lake in Croxall - BAS internal bird data reports). The most and another near Usnea Plug, and are also found amongst populous breeding species recorded then, with the stones of many stream beds (Bonner and Smith 1985, approximately 1760 pairs, was the Antarctic tern (Stema Richard et al 1994, Ellis-Evans pers comm 1999). During vittata), followed by 1315 pairs of Wilson's storm petrels warm calm weather, swarms of adults may be seen above (Oceanites oceanicus), approximately 570 pairs of cape lake margins. petrels (Daption capense), 449 pairs of kelp gulls (Larus The diversity of the arthropod community described at dominicanus), 216 pairs of southern giant petrels Byers Peninsula is greater than at any other documented (Macronectes giganteus), 95 pairs of black-bellied storm Antarctic site (Convey et al 1996). Various studies (Usher petrels (Fregetta tropica), 47 pairs of blue-eyed cormorants and Edwards 1986, Richard et al 1994, Convey et al 1996) (Phalacrocorax atriceps) (including those on nearshore have demonstrated that the arthropod population islets), 39 pairs of brown skuas (Catharacta Ioennbergi), composition on Byers Peninsula varies significantly with and 3 pairs of sheathbills (Chionis alba). In addition, habitat over a small area. Tullbergia mixta has been prions (Pachytilla sp.) and snow petrels (Pagodroma observed in relatively large numbers; it appears to be nivea) have been seen on the peninsula but their breeding limited in Antarctic distribution to the South Shetland presence has not been confirmed. The census of burrowing


and scree-nesting birds is considered an underestimate stone refuges and caves around Byers Peninsula (Smith (White pers. comm. 1999). The majority of the birds nest and Simpson 1987). Evidence of their occupation remains in close proximity to the coast, principally in the west and in their many refuges, many of which still contain artifacts south. (clothing, implements, structural materials, etc.). Several BREEDING MAMMALS sealing vessels were wrecked near Byers Peninsula and Large groups ofsouthern elephant seals (Mirounga /eonina) timbers from these ships may be found along the shores. breed on the Byers Peninsula coast, with a total of over Byers Peninsula has the greatest concentration of early 2500 individuals reported on South Beaches (Torres et al. I 9th Century sealers' refuges and associated relics in the 1981) - which is one of the largest populations of this Antarctic, and these are vulnerable to disturbance and/or species recorded in the South Shetland Islands. Large removal. numbers haul out in wallows and along beaches in summer. Elephant seal numbers, and to some extent fur seal Weddell (Leptonychotes weddellii), crabeater (Lobodon numbers, recovered after 1860, but were again decimated carcinophagous) and leopard (Hydrurga leptonyx) seals by a second sealing cycle extending to the first decade of may be seei:i around the shorelines. Antarctic fur seals the twentieth century. (Arctocepha/us gaze I/a) were once very abundant on Byers HUMAN ACTIVITIES I IMPACTS Peninsula (see below), but have not substantially The modem era of human activity at Byers Peninsula has recolonised the Area in spite of the recent rapid population been largely confined to science. The impacts of these expansion in other parts of the maritime Antarctic. activities have not been described, but are believed to be HISTORICAL FEATURES minor and limited to items such as campsites, footprints, Following discovery of the South Shetland Islands in markers of various kinds, sea-borne litter washed onto 1819, intensive sealing at Byers Peninsula between 1820 beaches (e.g. from fishing vessels), and from human and 1824 exterminated almost all local Antarctic fur seals wastes and scientific sampling. Several wooden stake and southern elephant seals (Smith and Simpson I 987). markers and a plastic fishing float were observed in the SW During this period there was a summer population ofup to of the Area in a brief visit made in February 2001 (Harris 200 American and British sealers living ashore in dry- 2001).


SCAR Bulletin SCAR Bulletin, a quarterly publication of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, is published on behalf of SCAR by Polar Publications, at the Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge. It carries reports of SCAR meetings, summaries of meetings of SCAR subsidiary groups, notes, reviews, and articles, and material from Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings, considered to be of interest to a wide readership. ·Selections are reprinted as part of Polar Record, tne journal of SPRI, and a Spanish translation is pub­ lished by lnstituto Antartico Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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This material appeared also in Polar Record 39 (210): 273-287 (2003)

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