Otosgosaascqisi C§Oo^;«Qc8 Gosoasq^ 0®^93Osajc8cq|8
198 coffifS (33e«i:«oT§8ocf8s)Sfl) (œou8)ii g£e® ©Sa^j^ÿcqusa^Si Ro^93o;ct} cSa^ocûSqS: i (is) aàrç:«|§S 33s§or8c^g8eoi 33§o:cor8^f8r^g8cci àco6:8: GopcSc^gScot G«pS:^cqj8i c^ot^SsgujcS GspSs^go^ s»o:cqc8cqj8GCo5qSsi (o ) 0ogo93C| cor8§r^SeaooSg8§C9^So3Ggor8r^gSG®i oago: coe£$cScfjg8G®i àcûS;8:G(TjOr8n^8e®i goso33qcur8§r^8 GsooSgS «$6aM93§o:o^OT$:œGœoc£33o: GspS:;j|cq;Si coj£;yo?c8 GspSiqjs^jçgog aaoscçcScqjS6Cû5qS:i :q^8i c§a>^:üo^c8 gcGgo9Gjcoc^§|r^8esoo8§Ç§05^S 4oaGgocSr^gSGoi 33§o;cor8fr8o^g8cci àœS:§!Grc]pcfco8 §8gci gocooaq corSsqu^SgSy^Goao 03§osajoo§:aiGtooc6 OTOSGosaaScqiSi c§oo^;«qc8 GosoaSq^ 0®^93osajc8cq|8 GODSqSsi c&ajr^GOWc&gSGot coco;8oc8o$:OT:g$î§3c6§SGCi souSj8cor8«^GC009ac^8g5: ÿÇGOCbSoC^gSGOI 330}S$GCOo83c6§8g® SqSqo^u (j) faï (°) ^SeoTgœojscoo §®^rrfl:cg£q$ oaoJGüîOj^ajcng: odgo3oc8od^i c^ySÿojcgfflggo^œosGCûogSoaBr^gqSgcsâqo^ii THE ARMS (TEMPORARY AMENDMENT) ACT. » [Act LI, 1951.] (27th October, 1951.) It is hereby enacted as follows :— 1. This Act shall remain in force until such date as the President of the Union may, by notification, direct that it shall no longer be in force; and the provisions of section 5 of the Bvrma General Clauses Act as respects the repeal of an enactment shall have effect when this Act ceases to be in force by virtue of such notification. 2. So long as this Act remains in force, the Arms Act shall have effect as if the following had been inserted after section 19 of the said Act as section 19a thereof, namely :— " ,9*- Whoever, with the intention of committing the offence of High Treason, and, in contravention of the provisions of section 13 or section 14 or section 15, goes armed with, or has in his possession or under his control, any of the following types of arms or ammunition or military stores, namely (i) Small arms, such as— (<i) Rifles, (6) Light Automatic, Sten Gun, Bren Gun, Tommy Gun, Browning, American '300 Carbine, " Published in Burma Gazelle, 1951 .Part I, p.
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