Potent pot packing more punch? Research, rats and remembering You think you’re dying for a beer? Totally freaked out journos in wild factual abandon! Contents matters of substance February 2008 Features Vol 18 No 1 ISSN 1177-200X 02 Cover Story 19 Review of Alcoholism and 25 Research Update matters of substance is published by the We’re still talking about pot Drug Addiction Act 1966 Into my arms: Injecting NZ Drug Foundation. All rights reserved. drug use in New Zealand Neither this publication nor any part In the wake of the coroner’s of it may be reproduced without prior calls for increased treatment Chris Wilkins and Charles permission of the NZ Drug Foundation. facilities, the Ministry of Henderson compare findings Health outlines the on injecting drug use matters of substance invites feedback proposed review of the behaviour from the Illicit and contributions. If you’re interested in contributing a guest editorial or article, Alcoholism and Drug Drug Monitoring System please first contact us: Addiction Act. and Needle Exchange
[email protected] New Zealand’s p +64 4 801 6303 seroprevalence surveys. In the last issue, we sought 23 After the ban Brand development/graphic design to invoke a national Two studies put to the test Origin Design +64 4 801 6644 conversation around 27 Story Updates
[email protected] claims by the party pill www.origindesign.co.nz marijuana by inviting industry that a ban would This new regular feature various contributors to share increase methamphetamine provides brief updates on NZ Drug Foundation their views.