NORTHAMPTON COUNTY REPORTER Vol. 57 No. 96 10/31/2013 ESTATE AND TRUST NOTICES Executrix: Betty Mayola Notice is hereby given that, in the Fraunfelter DeVito a/k/a Betty estates of the decedents set forth DeVito below, the Register of Wills has Attorneys: McFall, Layman & granted letters testamentary or of Jordan, P.C., Attorneys at Law, administration to the persons named. 134 Broadway, Bangor, PA Notice is also hereby given of the 18013 existence of the trusts of the deceased GETZ, WAYNE T., dec’d. settlors set forth below for whom no Late of the Borough of Bath, personal representatives have been Northampton County, PA appointed within 90 days of death. All persons having claims or demands Administratrix: Marcia M. Hahn against said estates or trusts are c/o Alfred S. Pierce, Esquire, requested to make known the same, Pierce & Dally, LLC, 124 and all persons indebted to said Belvidere Street, Nazareth, PA estates or trusts are requested to 18064 make payment, without delay, to the Attorneys: Alfred S. Pierce, executors or administrators or Esquire, Pierce & Dally, LLC, 124 trustees or to their attorneys named Belvidere Street, Nazareth, PA below. 18064 FIRST PUBLICATION KANNAPEL, SUZANN, dec’d. ALBARELL, AGNES J., dec’d. Late of the Borough of Wilson, Late of Bethlehem, Northampton Northampton County, PA County, PA Administrator: Victor E. Executor: Michael M. Albarell Scomillio, Esquire, 1216 Linden c/o Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba, Street, P.O. Box 1409, P.C., 4001 Schoolhouse Lane, Bethlehem, PA 18016 P.O. Box 219, Center Valley, PA Attorneys: Paul J. Harak, 18034-0219 Esquire, Boyer, Holzinger, Harak Attorneys: Fitzpatrick Lentz & & Scomillio, 1216 Linden Street, Bubba, P.C., 4001 Schoolhouse P.O.
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