Parshat Tzav
Parshat Tzav Shabbat HaGadol 8 Nissan 5778 / March 24, 2018 Daf Yomi: Avodah Zara 68; Nach Yomi: 2 Shmuel 11 Weekly Dvar Torah A project of the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF YOUNG ISRAEL SPONSORED BY THE HENRY, BERTHA AND EDWARD ROTHMAN FOUNDATION ROCHESTER, NY,CLEVELAND, OHIO, CIRCLEVILLE, OHIO Just One Speck Rabbi Shlomo Hochberg Mara D'atra, Young Israel of Jamaica Estates, NY In memory of my beloved father, Rabbi Dr. Hillel Hochberg, z”tl, HaRav Hillel ben Yeshayahu Eliyahu, who passed away Erev Pesach, 14 Nissan 5752. The poem, Chasal Siddur Pesach, popularly known to us as the Nirtzah component of the Hagaddah, actually comprises just the last four lines of a lengthy Halachic Piyyut composed by the Gaon, Rav Yosef Tuv Elem. It is to be said on the morning of Shabbat HaGadol. The Piyyut, Elokai Haruchos L’chol Basar, details the numerous regulations of Pesach preparation. Among the Halachot cited, are the laws of kashering utensils for Pesach, in which Rav Yosef Tuv Elem notes regarding “knives that were used with chometz meals, it is best to make them like new.” The Rav, Moreinu Verabeinu Harav Hagaon Rav Yosef Dov Haleivi Soloveitchik, zt”l, explained that this idea of making them like new is actually a special rule of kashering chometz utensils for Pesach (similar to utensils of Kedoshim, of ritual sacrifices) which does not apply to kashering utensils from traif to kosher. Codified by Maimonides, this rule mandates that, when kashering utensils by hag’alah (purging), the traif utensil becomes kosher as soon as it has been dipped into boiling water.
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