BEUFOED & 80S, W atchmakers,

JEWELLERS k SILVERSMITHS BEST VALUE. BEST VALUE. QUALITY GUARANTEED. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Repair* by Expert Mem. Repairt by Expert Mem. GUIDE 100, Terminus-rd., Eastbourne lWtTermrous-r

H E LADIES’ COLLEGE, T GRABBINQTON ROAD. EAflTBOURN*. EASTBOURNE j >URT D e BBSMAKBE. M ARY H . C THK DUKE 01 The W heel of Fortune A Day School for the Daughters of Gent lessen* rftOHOOL OF OOMME Ride a Rudge-Whi twortfc bicycle and cut your travel­ Principal: MISS HITCHCOCK. *££.- 11, Pevensey-road ling expenses. Strongest, fastest and most reliable of Puplle prepared, If desired, for the Preliminary. Junior. Latest Creations in FETE and EVENING GO>WN8 at Moderate Prioes A U K S , 3ff.A, British bicyles. The Rudge-Whitworth will quickly Senior and Higher Cambridge Looal Examinations. aim SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRIT save its cost. IPs yours on easy payment terms, for Matriculation, London University, and tor tM IN' 16 LESSONS. r a and every cyclist knows a Rudge will last a lifetime. Examination br the Associated Board of th* Royal IRIGINAL AND EZ< Academy ot Music and Royal College at H id a The School la a FIR8T-GRAI Write foe a Catalogue and for *«rrio*Urt ot onr easy ■W. H. EOBEBTS, Diplomats® 1 of Gentlemen. Btndente desirous of pursuing their studies after leaving (Awarded Gold and Silver Medals). -wwnsm t n a ^ School may join Advanoed Claeses In Kngilnh Literature Boys are prepared for the Uhl' and History. French. German, Latin andVfsthereatlre and Civil Servloes, Professions Rnrtgc W Ulwsdk, Ltd. BOAD T B O Hookey, Net-ball and Tennis Clnba L L SIDE, ST. AN LIBMOBS There are special Armt sail I m. 10, Terminus-road, Eastbourne. kAst b o u r n k . A FBW BOARDERS ARE RECHIVED GOFFS; vaoar Preparatory School ft For Prospectus and Informal incipal Agents, < application should be made; t^ I The Principal will be at home to see Parents an de, JCastbourne. le-W hiiworih Friday* between 2.30 and 4.30 p.m. and at Physical Drill Is oompnlsa p a B est Bicycle other times by appointment. d i c k e r & c HIRE), H.M.KmgGoorgt ANT8 & GROCERS, REENOBOPT-ELLESUIK HIGH - CLAJB8 P (VISION ROAD, 1. SPENCER ROAD IOFUI. (Late of SSL, The AvennaA A FEW SPLENDID 1 Old QlenliYet WhiHkey, 4/- k 4/6 per bottle, line Old 1 iey Port, 3fl/- 42/- per dozer k SHALL OLAS8 FOR THE CHILDREN A . OF GENTLEPBOPLB ONLY if i __ _! FRUITS, Ac. TolnWhnno H o. 6 8 . N E W JAMS, TTLED Is held at A GRANGE ROAD. Punas can be prepared for the Cambridge Preliminary UPPERTON). Examination. Beginners are received. OFFERING DURING FEBRUARY SUBJECT References from Parents of Pup Us. Apply, Hiss E. Clrathrb. SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 1VTDME. EM l!LIE PETRELLI, R.A.M. (Of Lqfdon) AUDICK ROAD, (Late pupil of Signor Randegger) MACHINE T E N P E R CENT Prims Donna Opera and Principal London Oonoart*. iWING B u n i c i p a l s o b o o l o p a b t and F inishing RECEIVES PUPILS for LESSONS In SINGING ntes Sea (TncaunctAX. Insuruta, Gbovx-boad). and VOICE CULTURE (Italian Method). M TOWN DAILY. DAY and EVENING CLASSES a n held to aU pH and CRAIG-Y-DON, B, DUKE'S DRIVE), EASTBOURNE. Btaashee of Art, including Olaasea in Metal Fork, RSe (Loud.) late Also at M ens. Clift's, Gil dredge-road, and Wood Carving and Leather Work. ,i Cheltenham, Messrs. Hermitage A Sons, Terminus-road -j Visitors oen join for short periods. t S ta ft t Grounds. Good DANCING AND CALISTHENICS. MUNICIPAL SECONDARY^ DAY 8CHOOL Recreation and FOR GIRLS Under Royal Patronage. (U f p e b t o n -r o a d ). IS S ELEANOR RATCLIFF*. 8EOONDARY DAY SCI M 10 yean Aeatetant to MRS. WORDSWORTH. Ha* RESUMED HER CLASSES at the GRAND FOR BOYS for the rterrag* of tokieh lory* underground Concrete Tank* h o t e l , S a t u r d a y , 2.45. u . I n s t it u t e , G b o v e -b o a d ] SAVIOUR’S HOIK SCHOOL, Fancy Dandng, 4.30. Juveniles, U o’clock. E-ROOMED I ! SO UTH EASTBOURNE At DEVONSHIRE PARK. WEDNESDAY. 14A M ARSHALL a n d DUNBAR Baby Claaaes Wednesday and Friday. 1L15. L i m i t e d , Special Class for Girin, 15 to 20 years, Wednesday, SANITARY ST lM LAUNDRY CO. (Proprietors: MARSHALL a n d SO N), j 6 o'dock. An Adnlt Class for Offioere. their friends and Eastbonrne Resident*. Friday Evening, 8.30. LATIMER ROAD, EA8TBOURNE. CLERICAL, NAVAL AND MILITARY TAILORS, Special Classes for Ope ratio Technique are held dally hr Mi hk Maitland, P u p il of Madams Z ah f r u it a. toe Is provided tor ensuring the Highest of Work for Families, Lodging RIDING HABIT AND BREECHES MAKERS, j I Houses, or HotobL Apply—AL LAND ALB, COOMBS ROAD. CROYDON. telephone 995. * n m s a ^ « i » Established 1898. DRYING ROAD. BPAdOUB HIGH CLASS LADIES' TAILORS. DANCING AND DEPORTMENT. a . A — *—»«- COACHES BACKWARD PU1 HOSIERS AND SHIRT MAKERS. ISS HUTTON MOSS and MI8S PAINS BPECIAL SUBJECTS WIT1 M have resumed their CLASSES. Families CtULDHMT'B Cl a ss at THE GYMNASIUM, YORK 'JSS.-. I l l & 1 1 3 , SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. ROAD, on SATURDAYS, at 8.90 p.m.


l RES8C TTTTING W MODELLING FOOTBALL, HOOKEY, »oe with private MARK MARTIN k R.N . OOILINffSP [ OOUR' FOB LONDON.- OORNFIKLD BEALLY HIGH-CLASS THOLOMEW 28, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. TAfI f J IBS(Oertifloated 'LIZZIE Pianist _jfiA fjrtnlt: Building, Decorating, Electric I*igh1 OertiSoated Senior R.A.M anWtCI DANCING AND ELOCUTION. \ OABH ADVANCED G iv a s Lmaftug and Sanitary Work PIANOFORTE. THEORY i Pupils reooeeefnliy prepared ton CHARLES BREACH, Taevho~No m Builder, Contractor and Sanitary Plumber. HOLDS CLASSES AT i cabbiag: PAID TO AS CLASSES. End Building Works, Meads. Residence Matlock-road. Meads r a i l w a y s t a t io : IN ENGLA D OB WALES rARBT West : 1, PROMPT CASH ADVANQE! ESTIMATES GIVEN POE GENERAL ROUSE REPAIRS. £ 1 0 upward* SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRAINAGE AND HOUSE SANITATION. London k Provinces Discount Go P R IV A T E L E SSO N S BY APPOINTMENT. 19, Lanedovme-road, Oroj T raining Classes D aily fob T eachers and fob M E M * Prtva*. Mn*jTwin, and ““*■ MILLER & SELMES, the Stage. Iders. Decorators. Plum ) DONEi • i ||| NS In Drawing and For Particulars apply: Every Description of Building and Bouse Repairs done at Moderate Charges, , £10 to any Amount. '{siting Teaoher In m. and Is open to Special attention to Drainage and Sanitary W ork. | j 2, HAREWOOD PLACE, HANOVER SQUARE. Gash Advances promptly made to Farmers, —and every article of Furniture in our Home striot.; Pupils have Ion with schools in Dairymen and all responsible Appticam i-road, Bast bourne. S t r ic t e s t P r iv a c y A s s u r e d . lifetim es » and Works: 75, TIDB8WELL ROAD, EASTBOUB V Furniture to last HYSICAL EDUCATION for D e l i c a t e No Fee Charged. • • j • I Ch il d r e n at their own HOMES (any part ot • A dvawcxs Completed ok D ay or A fplicatioi e, and of oomfort to the body, MONEY. WARDROBES. P England), Including Dancing, Graceful Deportment, —to add distmetaon to the Hoi i W alking and Exercises. i kr — at Attention given. N o Sureties reqMi (lieb u t the best mate rials were T RIOQ k Board of Education), to retain ita newness to the lair ilwaya proclaim that no •tbourne MONEY. WARDROBES, A Lady, with twenty years’ experience in the Court Apply by Letter, In Oonfldeobe, ta - nr executed it, and w ithal to Circles of Society, will forward long List of Patronesses used in He manufacture, and the moot-skilled laboi h a Visitsd. and Terms upon application. ESSES. M. BARNARD & C offer i In own Studio. J2T, “ Chronicle ” Office, South-street. on T -...... a v* 1* ■ — n LIIUMM you a Pawnbrokers, Jewellers and General Salesmen, IBS MINA HUDSON, Cert. Voo. T.CLL., E l spent. 40, SEASIDE ROAD (opposite the Colonnade), EASTBOURNE. AY1 Mem. LAM. (former PupU of Mr. Albert VlnitMa, Saving of 3/< GIVES LESSONS IX SOLO aiNGING, v o ici ( I ’ V | Always ON SALE a Large Assortment of NEW and SECOND-HAND WATCHES, CLOCKS, DEV ELOF MEN T AXD PIANOFORTE PITTING. Jewellery, Silver Plate, Electro-plated Goode. Cutlery. Telescopes. Marine. Field and Opera Glasses, Pupils prepared for Examination. ExoeUentTestimoaiala. flail and ramble through our Entire its are free from importunity!! Spectacles, all Unde of Musical Instruments, Books, See., Sea. A m on gst th is year’s snooeeses th ree p u p ils w ere selected for the Final Test* in Solo Singing at the Hasting* ANOKD Oath Advanced on every description of Property. Ladiet' end Gentlemen't Wardrobe* Purchased for Prompt C M . Musical Festival Competitions, and two ranflldetee awarded Certificate* for Senior Solo Singing. PARTIES WAITED ON AT ANY TIME AT OWN RESIDENCE. P a ss, Advanoed Grade, Associated Board RlA.MJtR.CJE. Laddc*’ Choir. W illoughby Hodbr, Station-paradr.

THE BEST AND FULLEST GUIDE BOOK Patronised by Royalty. warfuMAW, COMPLETE HOU R N I8HERS taras the gymnasia rsr. IMBEES’I GUIDE8 TO EASTBOURNE, a n d S c h o o l ok P h y s ic a l E d u c a t io n , oto’ of Har d ’to YORK ROAD, Eab i boumwb (near Tow n H a ll). T ei W . I L PR0TU8ELT ILLUSTRATED, j [ and DERWENT ROAD. MEADS (TaL UBIh A leo a t HE x H ii.t^ .. i T zE 'S s i 6 to 10 and 24 to 27, Kensingt dens, Brighton. LOCAL INFORMATION. M IL L W R IG H T 8, AND CONTAINING Bver^hcanohofPhrrieal Education snlenlfffawllyti R gtt • I »stop at Oornov. live minutee’ walk from Central Button. ; WOIUBR MAKERS, Prloe o n rem nw , l a P ieto rlal Oovwr. Ub of JlAchlncry snob a* n e t . Hydraulic Lifts, Ac. This Book will be found of great advantage to the Trade of Eastbourne wt reference. The desire of the Publisher* waa to make this NEW EDITION POPULAR IN EVERY WAY.

obtained of the Publishers, Messrs. F a rn o o m bs A Ocl, T-lmifaqi, a t th e BEST VALUE in LB” OFFIOB, SOUTH STREET, EASTBOURNE. AND OF ALL BOOKSELLERS.

M ea i^ | ...... :k, l / » ; MEADe, W ANTS o f a l l k in d s , vbjeet to Alteratioi ARTICLES FO B HAT.w, MOTOR FAKNCOMBE & L i m i t e d 8ERVANT8 WANTED or HITUATIONB REQUIRED. (1IYE US A CALL and Speed, £30 AOCE8SOBIX8. Dyton A re Advertised In the whole of £48.10s.; Boyal Enfield Comb General Printers, Lithogr and Publishers ’ Farnoombe & Co.’s Sussex Newspapers SATISFACTION < (Ltd.) A t One C harge, v is . lASTBOURNB c h &o n i c l e 1 Insertion ... (not over 30 Words) Orb Shuuzki 8 Insertions...... T w o Shillings and Sttpencm 'ENVELOPES STAMPED IN ANY COLOUR IN 1THE LATEST 7 Insertions ...... - ...... Five S h illing s H O M E I aW“ ' * ARTISTIC STYLES. - I Popular Prices. EXP! Memorial Cards in Mew a n d Elairant Dasisms. HIONS M OURNING a Sr; X iA T E S T F Show Cards and Labels Designed sod Printed. YiBitiOg Cards from Type or Copper Pistes. i : ' - I . ■■■;.. . . . f a r m e r s s c («1om to Theatre B o y a l) . ENGRAVING DONE BY ALL THE NEW PROCESSES. 3 and 4, NEW BC JJ - :| ■ •: : J . : T , ' i till- .■ ■ ' Ball Prognuumee, Mean Cards, Wedding Garde and Invitations to Dinner, Muaioal and Evening Parties, taatefully executed.

,t 96, Western , E s t a t e P l a n s L ithographed b y E x p e &i s n o e d D r a u g h t s m e n . 8 Presentation Addresses niuminated in the Highest Style of Art. Chronicle” W< u Chronicle ” Printing W orks, South-street, Eastbourne M E ASTBODRNR CHliON 10ER. 8ATURDAY, FEBEU^BY 26, 1916.s

the Army, , I Applicant said he could enlarge on that if they gave The Chairman ( I am sorry we cannot grant your him the opportunity. < Parish ' application. | , j The Mayor: He only claims exemption from com­ Oommd batant service. ‘ i . ij on 1st ! BRTJEORlb & SON. \ SILVERSMITH EXEMPTED. j Applicant: I appeal for exemption generally, partly Litany I The application for exemption of G. F. 0. Prebble, on the ground of my work at school. ELLIOTT’S Sunday" watchmaker and silversmith, -Grove-road, was at his The Chairman: We exempt you from combatant Ooklyn| request considered privately. service only. Days: Applioant having shown that the continuance of the Applicant was informed by the Town Clerk that he needsy UTHDtOUS DIAL WRIST WAH FOR SERVICE USE. business was wholly dependent upon his personal could appeal to the District Tribunal. STORES. 6.80 p.n services, the Tribunal granted the application. Litany I ARSON’S L lffilT B D Btreatf A HARD CASE. H . We OUTFITTERS’ MANAGER GETS TWO W. S. Smith, bootshop assistant, in claiming eXemp- (Opposite S. Saviour’s O.uich), Ofwics: NICKEL: 21/- ea ch . MONTHS’ POSTPONEMENT. i tion, stated that he had been twice rejected as medically with Franois C. Povey, Hyde-gardens, manager in charge unfit. H e had to keep the home to r his mother and Comma of the establishment of Messrs. Brown & Co., Ltd., sister. Two brothers were at present serving. on 8rd I ea ch . : tailors, applied for exemption or postponement to a Alderman Duke said it seemed to-be a hard case. EA>.m:URNE; a n d ! SILVER: £2 and later group. Exemption was granted for two months from March And at MEADS. Holt .. ;prr-:; - c . ■ ■-■■■ <‘j . ■■ i 1 ii Mr. James (accountant), on behalf of the company, 5th. Comma supported the application. He said five of the shop A BOOT REPAIRER’S CLAIM. 1st and | SEEN IN THE DARE . i evening %HE TIME CAN BE BEAD ILF staff had already enlisted. Mr. Povey gained his A boot repairer, J. 0. Willard, who claimed exemp­ 11; atte PROCEEDING. position on the death of Mr. Brown, and ne practically tion onoi the ground that the giving up of his employment on 4th took over the late Mr. Brown’s duties. Mr. Brown, ; would mean the dissolution of his home, had the sup- Oommu j port of his employer, who said he had lost seven out of / M rnlaj " ' j! ' - . j ] ’ ’ i .1 jun., joined the Forces eighteen months ago. Telephone Numbers: Rainta’i Alderman Duke (to the applicant): Do you do the eight men. Wednc m buying? | Exemption was granted for two months. South Houses, 1227 (3 lines). R ev » . | w . BEUEORD & Applicant: Yes, and the financial part as welL OTHER OASESl1 S Meads Branch, 207. •flt.BAV Alderman Duke said it was a serious matter for an and 11.4 important business to be deprived of a responsible A. J. Forward, grocer, was givjen a two months’ 9.46 a i BARGAINS manager. I, ; rospitq,; and an application for exemption by H. J. Telegraphlo Address: evepiaort JL •• ' i i ' After some discussion the Tribunal allowed a post­ Dyer (cab driver) was refused. “E l l io t t’s S torks, E a st b o u r n e ." a-m.; The Tribunal decided to hold its next sitting on Even-o | In all Departments. ponement for two months from March 2nd. B am .,« [CE COURT. OXING TOURNAMENT. Monday. ______I and H a l A SERIOUS HARDSHIP. Litany f On the ground that a serious hardship would be song 5.4 Mr. A. Mavhewe, D .L (in theohair), CONTESTS AT DEVONSHIRE imposed if compelled to join the Colours, G. Parken, APPLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTION. and Saq K.O.M.G., Major H. P. Molineux, .. ’ 1 PARE. , umbrella and trunk maker, Sussex-gardens, applied for An tho Bolton, OoL A. B. Mein, Mr. W helptl ’ w . exemption. L The following notice, dated Wednesday, has been L. Hanq Claude ] and Mr. T. Parsons. E CIAIi SEDUCTIONS IN After going into the ] circumstances the Tribunal issued by the Local Government Board ;— TEA AND COFFEE ixing tournament in the Winter Gardens, grauted the application. 8 r. P m i TLLOW SLIPS “ RECEIVED.” It is possible that some men (or their employers) and 8 i ARMY re Earle, on Tuesday, attracted a large 10.45 a.ri Frederick ____Bennett, of Old Town, was sum and the excellent programme that had been HOTEL COOK NO ' RESPITE. who have not been uttested, and Come under the pjn.: e« matted for living army stores, namely, ten pillow was keenly appreciated by both the military CTRIC RADIATORS. Frederick Sargent, Sidley-road, a cook at the Grand Military Service Act, and in [respect of whom EXPERT'S. munion I ■tips, from ddier, the property of the Secretary of and civ seotions of the audience. The entertain, Hotel, applied for a postponement of his military duty. application lias already been made under the previous on Thu ment d of two-ten round contests and five of six instructions to local Tribunals [to be treated as BAB a i State for Wi , on January 26th. He said he had three single brothers serving with the ] Litany J rounds and with the exception of one bout the Colours. “ starred,” may think that it is not necessary to make Mr. R. t on behalf of the a fresh application for exemption tinder the Military ll.80.-Ti I not I events wed highly interesting. One of the principal Alderman Duko: What advantage is there in putting G. Haw l coni was that between George Gamester, of Pad- Service Act, though they wish to |>e exempted. It is of Summerdown Camp, stated that your case back ? Christ cte they had,been missing pillow slips di ■ _ and Sid Ooben, of Greenwich, whilst another Applicant: I am practically supporting mv mother, advisable, therefore, that the local Tribunal should for some secure full publicity to the fact that under! the Coffee Roaisted by Electricity Bunitay I from the______1 at the camp. The one ptoduoed was whioh .ttraoted considerable : local interest was that —allowing her £1 a week. My father gets the old age 8rd Mod to tl nee that had been missed, the value being bei Air Meohanios Watson and Raymont, of the 102, TERMINUS ROAD, pension. Military Service Aot, fresh application must be made and 7 a l each. R.N. Amongst the six rounds events the one that The Chairman: There seems no reason why an in respect of any uuattested man for whom exemption during all hours of the day. Thursds attrao most attention from the crowd was that exception should be made in your case. The application from the provisions of the Act is desired, and that it Matins Niedermayer: How many have you missed ? EASTBOURNE. makes no difference in the matter if an application servioe ' i • I cannot say. We ha' have 10 or 20 thousand, betwi Sergt. C. Williams (Hants, Carabiniere) and is refused. .Sergb 'oy (Royal Fusiliers). The two had previously has previously been made to a local Tribunal, even Sample Tin on application. *•*> p i . it is very difficult tosay. though the application has been decided in his favour. Fridays I Is it moreore than 10?—Yes,10?—' many more. met in he ring, when ahe Hants man won a popular MAGISTRATE’S SON EXEMPTED. andFrtd Detect!ive Inspector• Wells1 deposed that on February victory . i done ii i the opening rounds, but at the fourth round The Mayor: Only if medically rejected under Lord stage by the Mayoress. (Miss H udiiig), Miss A.shwell, j p.m .,H o ’With tl ow slips ?” at the same time handing hii Raymont suddenly hit out and brought bis man down, BrdSnnd a parcel. itness said he wonld look at -<*>« Derby’s scheme. j Canon Streatfeild (vicar of Eastbourne), Miss j^foel I after t Watson being counted out. Mr. Mullaly remarked that the Advisory Committee 1 Streatfeild and Councillor S. N. Fox, his home, which was about twenty yi SAMPLES ON APPLICATION. Days uently his wife told him she would ha' Six -Round Contests. had postponed several cases to allow of examination by The Mayor, in opening the proceedings, claimed that I ana t ‘ k the slips, as there had been so KidlHarris (Canada) v. Tom Austin (Blackfriars).— the Army doctor. i the service rendered by tile organisation which supplied for baying Buch goods. He saw The Canadian was the more nimble of the two, and Two Conscientious Objectors. Councillor Bolton : Is it right we should insist on an . these concerts was inestimable. The movement was night and handed the dips his ra{ id footwork made Austin look slow in compari­ operation taking place? thoroughly systematised, and thanks to Miss Ash well’s On son. ! Elarris scored well in the first two rounds but at The Mayor: That is for the medical man to decide. energetic and judicious management, tho resources— the ni ixt meeting Austin recovered some of his lost Mr, Bishop: I don’t quite understand what Mr. ! artistic and financial — wore utilised to the bjst Momlnn groum I. In the last two rounds however, Harris again Mayhewe’s objection is to an examination by the Army advantage. Upwards of 0(10 concerts had been given to evening] meed. He (< unable to ident went $ head, and although he took some risks he won [ The Local' Tribunal ejected to hear and deoide ujpon ART MASTER’S APPLICATION. doctor. date, none of them costing the fuiid more than two Saints' <1 ) camp. oomfo: tably on points. A. B. Higgs, assistant master at the Municipal School Councillor Bolton: It seems to me to be quite guineas. The holding of them had teen greatly facili­ Bev. Evl mplications for exemption ' )tal or temporary) of for unnecessary. There isj no doubt the applicant is ELLIOTT’S S t. Amns’l Mrs. Beflnett, wife of the KO Forbes (R.N.A.S.) v. Sergt Dick Beard (Royal of Art, applied for * postponement 1 beyond the dele for tated by the co-operation of the Young Men’s Christian 'nurkon the slipe, 1 at on thinking the mat1 urtheper time, under the Mill ry Service Aot, sat at{ the medically unfit, aud I move that he lie exempted. ! Association, whose work on behalf jof the troops ever li.o. r Susse: Regiment).—Beard opened in fine style, and whioh hei badhad bibeen called up. He said he had expeoted, Seven voted for the proposition and none against, and Matins i decided, not to hai them. She said to f appea -ed to have quickly got the measure of his man. Town Hall on Wednesday,! ithe proceedings taking but had not received, personal notice of when he was since the War began had been beyjond all praise. A Week- orive them to> him ba the Chairman announced that the application was I military chaplain had spoken of the cheer which the STORES. L * Take my advice He got to Forbes’ body three times.but then he left an place in the Mayor’s Parlour. The whole of ! the required to present himself. jV I granted. nesi want anything to with them.” After hi opeuii ig which the Service man did not neglect He The Town Clerk: The Proclamation and notices ] concerts produced among opr soldites at the Front as LIMITRD 7.0; Mall 1 tc Id her be had them baok to the soli members of the Tribunal were present, viz., Major] H. published about the town are deemed sufficient legal Alderman Duke: That still leaves the military being “ worth much physic and not a; few sermons,” and 10AO. Wirt got hi ileft strongly to Beard’s jaw and the Sussex man the Mayor (Alderman authorities to act if they wish to do sc. Bev. W .l bank God, all right.” was receiving instruction ?|! being proportioned to purchases. This reduces insur­ 8J0 p.m. defendant it some centres, -Salvation Army Sisters, aince.the able to give financial assistance. One brother was in realial tragedyjfor the troops if; the committee failed to got B p.m. found lady h Browne: Fourteen the Army and another had just received his disc n rge. MEDICAL AND BUSINESS REASONS. ance to tne prime cost, and in the cases I have given pm .; Thd widn euoement of the war, have been oolleoting the mathematical teOch- sufficient“ su >ort to continue the work (applause). would result in a saving of the greater part of the house sinoe 4th, and no l soldiirs’socks and taking them home to mend. Brigades, |r. Mullaly !| I don’t think The latter, besides being wounded, was a married I lan. The application for exemption of S. Marks, jeweller’s 8 pm . Oj. presence had at that age is of highly technical pr advanced Councillor FoxJ. | whioh it is always observed. e [patterning on tl The case was deferred for the personal a tendancu of it is difficult to understand how ladies with incomes be the Good, brute Force shall never having la II [HAIRDB HIS BUSINESS. Meade-* ti | fc ath btb is reminiscent of the neck, the applicant. EXCUSED FOR TWO MONTHS, On Wednesday, at the Town Hall, before Mr. AO. computed in hundreds of pounds can teach domestic London, fraud win out i dfcic ed suggestion of moth’s win lours. Were it all I Ernest Stoi Seaside, applied for A MONTH’S GRACE. economy to workers, or the wives of workers, who have rood. iVfn, and ribald shout; : -Ound that his business wquld irge R. Bates, aged 20, manager of the business Hillman (in the chair) and Dr. W. Muir Smith, TThomas ofie I lain brown the bird would sbo' up easilysily on the exemptioniption on Arthur John Hicks, 114, South-street, in the employ carried on for many years by the late Mr. George Blackwell, vanman, living in Whitley-read, pleaded to measure their income and expenditure in shillings and London an] re for hate, but pure endeavour i-trunks, but the minute pnnciU: _s of brown, blaak ,pee if he withdraw from it, as although a parade. [dished yet goes on sad feels no doubt as an assistant of Messrs. Bobby & Co., ap Bates, tobacconist, gunsmith and fishing tackle dealer, guilty to charges of embezzling £2. 4s. 2d. on .Tan. 17th pence, sometimes in farthings. It would be interesting 'London i shite reproduce the effeot if the lights and man h« i did all th Work. He acquired the applied for exemption. if some of these economists would give an address on _ . which was a looks the War postponement. and £1. Os. (%]. on .Tan. 18th, the moneys of his Manager.! ^fi^wvthaearedarid withered , on rough bark. Hhdemei ,th the.plumage js It transpired there had been one postponement Mr. Mullaly said the military view was that if the employers, the Beach Laundry Co., Ltd. how to budget for a family of six, seven or eight.on an London i a white and this feature serves readily to distinguish it in broke out Hii father’works k & < oration, and income of, say, thirty shillings weekly, or even less. road. M4 three brothere of bis (apf: icant’s) joined the already. Applicant is contributing to the support >fa applicant was an expert gunsmith he might be useful In acknowledging the offences, accused asked for _ ltb e assassin is the B’s Master, , winter, when there are no other birds of simi! widowed mother and a sister. 1 for munitions work. The life o f millions of tho industrial class is a daily, [mercy with its rod i and habits in the oountry with a wl I breast save tfie Colours. Applicant said he managed the business for his lenient punishment for the sake of his wife and three hourly exemplification of thrift, frugality and scientific Tannin- ■ tta Klantr tiAa . [ - l i ' j bad T. Upton, labourer, Donnis-road, employed (,t months, from March 2nd, was granted. Too many of these preachers of economy are like a by fire in Paradise will feast Gas Works, asked to be put into a later grpuP’.in i He Miss May Perkins, manageress of the laundry, man who guards himself against burglars by double- ’jgaa < rea, enable it"'to establish a firmer bold i The! dot one for exempt: Union rp l and rules, upon the tempest seated, itponement?: was, he said, the only one at home to help main*.tain! : bis SCHOOLMASTER’S CONSCIENTIOUS deposed that it was the duty of prisoner to collect locking his door and leaving his windows open.>pe They .U r patent it from slipping back. The Woodpecker, w! there *>y widowed mother, wh'o was 69 years of age. ’• OBJECTION.] see only in part or dimly. They never advocate-the OornflekM the erue| ltj observes human watohers, retreats! toflthe baok of Yoi have: m e . money, whioh he was supposed to pay in two days a t Mr. Mullaly said there was•as no i ion fro n the week. She had not received from him the moneys payment of high wages and the just requital of labour, rise, bat not 80 the creeper. As a it takes i Applicant yoi give! to try and sell [the Applying for exemption, G. R. G. Whiohelo (a master employer, Mr. W. Hammond. at fit. Anthony’s School) gave as the grounds for his referred to in the charge. T.r the greatest and soundest economics ever devised. noticei of anyone, and, if it disappears behind 1 isiness? Applicant said his wages were 24s., out pf which is almost sure to emerge again -to view Mr. Bishop: [Have l|to sell the business ? olaim that there was a pressing demand for his pro­ Mr. W. O. Perkins, managing director, stated that Good wages always spell efficiency and a high average paid his mother £1. His two brothers, wh(> were fessional services and a conscientious objection to of comfort and prosperity. At no period during the last •>l V he method of fr — ■■ I L__- - from that S Applicant:'. Army, were both married and had large families, Blackwell left the laundry on Saturday week and did hundred years pave wages been so high and pauperism m ', curved bill is nut at ; The Ohairmf You are up for; March engaging in war. “ I totally objeot to war,” he pleaded. not return to work agiuh - The total defalcations had been worldngat the Gas Works far eight years. Two masters at the school were grouped for military and unemployment so low. And this prosperity is JRioogb light and and falsehood) _ i n whioh the i '1 You will be a(ortaig ( beyond that date. Mr. Hasdell : Why has Mr. Hammond not a]>p discovered to date amounted to about £9. reflected in the condition of all classes of the community. bird indi it seems to live service, and his oontinued work was of great import­ Prisoner said he told Miss Perkins that he would not ) evil thing SUPPOR m u SISTER. on your behalf ? ance to the, head master. He asked -for absolute Good wages always spell increased spending; and nnmeroc i exist on tie-e___ _ Applioant: 1 put the ease before him; and he exemption. be returning to work. expenditure on things useful benefits the whole com­ f pain to bring; bark* bat . these provide no more than. the case„ __ of Frank Tottitt, a ter, who had already set baekfrom Group 122 to Iroup 22, an appl' he could do nothing more. Mr. Mullaly: This was not assented to by the Detective-Inspector Parker, who arrested prisoner, munity, increases the demand for products and for 3 is useless, ana I s the bird neveri lauses a moment i Councillor Bolton: It certainly seems very hi vrith labour to produce and manufacture, and these in turn 3 eternal stress, and 'it down from the summit of oa iption ’ fidviaory Committee. If the applicant had a con­ said Blackwell had been previously bound over for regard to the mother. scientious objection to fighting, fjnare was other work embezzlement swell the coffers of the banks, and the healthy flow of i^heU H fptata tbs saving Gross Mr Mullaly : There would be the applicants that required doing. The Benoh sentenced Blackwell to three months’ exchange fertilises the whole circle of human activity. Executed anoe of 3s. 6d., and there would probably he Applicant said he had wished) to go to Egypt, where hard labour. It is a glaring paradox that our Statesmen, condemn­ fend teas for the addition, whilst qfext year the widow will receive the tree which has he could teke part in special work, bnt he had not the ing as they do the trade in strong drink as being “ the l the brand old age pension. means of paying tho considerable expenses. woyst enemy we have to fight,” whilst restricting the Tpe only two The ease was adjourned for a week, a r iqneat importation of neoessaries, take no steps to curb this Aldennan Duke: There is the R. AMO.! W a r Office P igeon S ervice. — A t the made to Mr. Hammond to attend on the next Applicant: I don’t want to go into that. evu'traffic that economically is wholly indefensible. It West Ham Police Court on Monday William Pratt, a is to the credit of the 1,524 co-operative societies of WINDOW CLEANING NOT A NATION The Chairman: Have you a conscientious objection labourer, was charged under tbe-Defence of the Realm to nnirsing the wounded? Great Britain, catering normally for something like mfelybsek. NECESSITY. Applicant: I don’t mind that, but I don’t want to go fifteen million souls, ana for the last eighteen months a Exemption was applied for by 0. R. Bushel], window into the R, AM.0. considerable proportion of the army in addition, that cleaner, employed by Mr. Martin, Sonth-etreet. The Town' Clerk read the written terms of the there is not a single license to sell alcohol among them. suggested ihat w nd ow shot it with a gun. It was stated that the pigeon was Did space permit it would be easy to enlarge on. Bolton applicant’s oonadentiona objection to war. Mr. in trainingunder the control of the War Office Pigeon TVTo t e i be a medium far economising it Whiohelo maintained that war was opposed to the Service. The Magistrate. ;n finjng pratt £10, said he oo-operative economics in other directions. A S faehloil Scriptural precept that hade them cultivate the fruits had been guilty of a serious offenoe, especially ah the EKSt aSJS T \K,.Yours faithfully, nt said he had to help maintain the fi unify, c t fife Spirit,—peaoe, joy, long-suffering, meekness, being 60 yean of age. He had one brotfie^ u only homing pigeons now flown were those kept for the ! ' I GEORGE E. QUIRK. gentleness, Ac. purposes of the war. Eastbourne, February 2L W.

, i ][•,.• : I ! EAS CHRONICLE, 8ATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1916.

ft Mg* PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bahama Islands! They were made possible by the COUNTY COURT. DEVONSHIRE PARK recently jierfected Williamson submarine tube, down wl'ich the photographer can descend until he is from 50 THE P IE R book additions haw been The following reoont T ue.iuay.—Before J IS Honour .1 udge Maokarkkss. ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS. to 100 feet below the snrface of the water. In a suK exhibited in the show cae i during the past wwt, and nu-rged photographic cbaml>er at the bottom of this “MR PREEDY AND THE COUNTESS.* At the concerts given in the Winter Garden during R g '.; £<“■?■{/<#* will lie in issue on M >11 day morning next MONKY-LENDING DEBT. tub-, tiie camera man sits in oom] mrative comfort and Mr. R C. Carton’s clever oomedy of the above title last week-end Miss Lilian Byrne (m izzj-soprano) was turns the handle, while ocean scenes and all kinds of E V E N DENS, CENTRAL LIBRARY. Annie Jewell *, Cxeogbeg.ui aud wife was a claim the special vocalist, and she confirmed ihe good opinion j forms the attraction in the Pier Theatre this week. Mr. for £15. 10s. for money lent. marine life go slowly past. Charles rtoadnigbt’s excellent company giving ^ 212. Besant, Annie. "The Immediate Future," and which she created at previous visits. Several members Many sorts of strange fish seen at borne, queer other lectures. 1914. Defendant admitted owing £14, but oontended that of the orchestra had opportunities fo- displaying their H. W. NICHOLSON, Ltd., spirited _ re-production of the entertaining play. Mr. 212. Besant. Annie. *k Man’s Life in This and Other be had paid the bilance of £L‘ j.0a by cheque dated ------, animate that look like vegetation (in reality ooral forma- l’reody is not the sort of person to inspire confideuoe, "'“'1 as soloists an Monday afternoon, After a fine ' tions), great man-eating sharks battling for food, with a Worlds.*’ 1913. August U th last. M ormanoe of Wagner’s Foot of Devonshire Place, especially of the kind that is imparted to him by tW fioent overture to “ Die final thrilling fight between a man and a shark for the senior partner. BounBalL He also appears to be locking I 212- Besant, Annie. “ Popular Lectures on Theosophy.” Miss Jewell admitted that she had reoeived the — j------— ------d, almost every ii • 1913. | I £L 10s. and his Hohour gave judgment for £14. climax. These are a few features of the most sensa­ :: E A 8 T B 0 U E N E . in that strength of character which gains the trustor 212. Besant Annie. “ Some Problems of life.” IS’2. ment may be said to have solo work for itself, Mr. tional motion pictures ever shown. the fair sex, yet, when the supreme moment of trial Defendant asked that the sum migbt be paid off by George Ckthie, the leader, was heard in a “ Medita­ 212. Bibby, Joseph. “ A Friendly Talk with Socialists monthly instalments of 10s. He said the joint inoome The engagement extends over the entire week, with comes, he displays a surprising amount of power, and and Others.* 1913. ^ , j 1 . . tion’’ for violin and orchestra by Gou iod. Mr. O&thie exhibitions twioe daily,—at 3 and 8 o’clock. Aooom- The subject is discussed from the point of view of was about £)S. 5s. a week, and ah order for the payment is well known as*a violinist of the rom Antic rather than the adventure with the countess ends with the honours panying the display will be a lecture of absorbing unequivocally on his side. Naturally Preedy does not the laws of Karma ana reincarnation. of 19s. a month was made. strict classic school, and is always at hi s best with music interest by Mr. Leslie Paget. 212. Edger, Lilian. “ The Elements of Theosophy." wish to become involved in his partner’s surreptitious whfch demands expressive handling ; therefore it was love affairs, particularly after he has, by a desperate 212. Leadbeater, O. W. T“ A Textbook of Theosophy.” not surprising to find the audienoe full of warm appre­ Jo U R N B ; 1914. | and clumsy plunge, only just become engaged himself, ciation for his work in the piece undei notice. Messrs. and it is only when Bounsall forcibly points out his 212. Sinnett A P. fThe Growth of the SouL" SHEEP WORRYING AT Fred Lee and Greenwood had; their i;urn in a duet for Frontispieoe. 1905.: I ! _ „ , M J___ [L , | obligations to him that he reluctantly consents to be * 355.4. Oooke. Frederick G. “ The Value of Observation two flutes and string acoompaniment, “ Air de Ballet ” DEVONSHIRE PARK THEATRE. 1 party in the matter. Bounsall then temporarily dis­ In War.” Illustrations. i»18. , h i ! , . I ARCOMBE. (Gounod) and it may fairly be said they made the best of ------: t 355.4. Cooke. Frederick G. "Soonting by Night."! (A their parts. Mr. Fred Siddell, who his for so long and appears and poor Preedy is left with the onerous task sequel to the above volume). Illustrations. 1916. I so ably fulfilled his important duties ta first horn, bad a “W HAT HAPPENED TO JONES.” of entertaining the oountees and the smoothing over of 623.42. Solano. Captain K. J. ieditorl. “ Machine Gnn RINGMER FARMERS’ CLAIM. all the complications whioh arise through her presence Training." C303 and -23 cartridges). Organisation. solo, “ Sleep, dearest angel ” (Mozart), which he per­ ONE OF THE FUNNIEST OF FARCES. { in his modest flat. ; Section drill. Tactical handling. Fire oontrol. Annual ft fi qQffl Peals of explosive mirth accompanied the unfolding Mr. Arthur Dennis, in the leading partas “ Hamilton coarse. Illustrations Charts. 1915. DOGS TRACED BY FOOTPRINTS. of Mr. George Broadhurst’s diverting play on Thuraday ( Preedy,” is an able successor to Mr. WeedonGroasmith, This edition contains the new organisation Of a Abbas (solo ’oello) in Schubert’s “ Crar le Song” for the night, when Mr. Frank Weathersby’s Company opened Machine Gun Corps which came into force on Nov. and he portrays the unassuming character of Bounsall’a three instruments with strings, in which admirable a three-da vs’ engagement. It was laughter all the way, partner in an intensely amusing manner. He is always 1st, 1915; and the new General Machine Gun At the Eastbourne •day, work was accomplished.loomplished. The orchestra as a whole were which oarne into force in May, 1915. e so far as the audience were concerned, and the perform­ natural, his humour is unforced, and his sketch of the his Honour Judge Mackarnees, John Porter and another heard in “ Rondo Oapricciosoapricci ” (Men ielssohn) and Sir ance—a clever one in all respects—must have been 651.1. Hawkhoad, J. (X. “ Handbook of^ Technical sued S. J. f Lake for damages to the amount of temperamental peculiarities of Preedy’s character is Charles Stanford’s “ Irish Rhapsody, 4 work which hugely enjoyed. What Happened to Jonet is an extremely well done. Miss Kate Vogne is eminently Instruction for Wireless Telegraphists.'______, ustrations. £72. 13a 6d. for trespass by dogs. grows quickly in popular favour. ___Diagrams.______1915. _N 6w exlitloned:" n extenhiveljextensively he vised aud intensely tunny farcical comedy, the action being as suited to the part of the “ Countess” and gives enlarged by H. M. Dowi Mr. W. A. Wardl (barrister), instructed by Messrs. The orchestra on Tuesday afternoon dispensed ibe ingenious and dramatic as it is ludicrous, and the effective impression of the fascinating Society woman Besant, Annie. An Autobiography.” Portraits. Isaac .Vinall k Sons, appeared for the plaintiffs, and following programme with their accustomed taste ind dialogue fairly conuscating with witticisms. A more whose elopement with Bounaall comes to an unexpected Illustrations. 190?. Mr. J; D . Buchanan [(barrister), instructed by Mr. S. A. effect under Mr. Megone’s baton;— certain cure for. the doldrums than this well-tried, end in Preedy’s flat. Mr. C. Ro&dnight is responsible F iotiok. Thompson, London, {was for the defendant. Overture, “ The Cricket on the Heart roUicking concoction it would he difficult to find or for an artistic study of the overbearing “ Bounsall ” t ’Sapper" (pseud.). “ Sergeant Michael Cassidy. R.E.' Mr. Wardley said! the plaintiffs were the executors Mackenzie \ to suggest- Giveu a good oompany, such as the present and Mr. W. Lawrence is highly snocessful as the “ Earl J uvenile L iterature. for tbeir late father and had been carrying on the Berceuse ...... 1...... C S im o n combination undoubtedly is, and for a production better of Rushmere,” whilst other creditable impersonations business of farmers and sheep breeders for some time, Violin solo, Mr. George Cat! ie. calculated to please seekers after an interval of genuine are the “ Earl of Kinslow ” of Mr. Herbert J. Walton ; *FF£fi Brazil, Angela. “ The Joiliest Term Wo Record." Serenade...... [...... \....,.....W idor Brereton, F. 8. “ With Our Russian Allies." the farm being known as Church Farm, Baroombe. Fantasia from the grand opera “ Dihomh ” ... amusement it would be neoessary to travel far and the “ Hon. Robert Jennerway ” I of Mr. Arthur " ' Grahame-White. Claude, aud Harper, Harry. “The The defendant ocaupied another farm about 300 yards Meyerbeer \ wide. ville; the “ Emma Sidgrave ” of Miss Molly InvisibleAvrlmkla War-plane."Uf asm nlona away and 550 yards from the sheep fold. The sheep Violoncello solo, “ Adagio” ...... J ' jo c a te lli j The extraordinary things that happen to Jones, and { the “ Mr. Sidgrave” of Mr. C. R. Norton” and were very valuable Sbuthdowns and on Dec. 15th they Mr. • hillip Abbas. incidentally to a good many other people, are the CENTRAL REFERENCE LIBRARY. ‘ Reginal Saunders ” of Mr. Harley Merica. were safe within the fold. There were 234 and moat of Suite-from “ Laurin ” ...... J...... Moezkoweky product of a commercial traveller’s American audacity The oompany conclude their engagement today with 426.6. Walker, J. “ The, Rhyming Dictionary of; the them I were ewe tegs, that was ewes bom in the previous L " March of the Elves.” and resource. Finding himself in a dilemma, at the | performances at 3 and 8. English Language," in which the whole language is March. Sometime during the night the sheep were * Valse Coquette.” residence of an eccentric and hen-pecked Professor, arranged according to its termination; revised and a ‘Bacohanale—the Demon’s Revels," TWO CONCERTS TO-MORROW. enlarged by J. Longmuir. No date. worried by two dogs and 25 were badly injured, and Jones takes advantage of casually-acquired knowledge, -ifa- a- some I died or had t o be killed and nine others were Ther . ___hqr to impersonate an expected brother of the Professor, i day afternoon was unavoidably canoe iled owing to the The Sunday concerts of the Emits Kamp Komedy *c SEASIDE BRANCH LIBRARY. badly1 hurt. :There » as no doubt that the worrying was the Bishop of Ballarat. In this character the stranger Kompany maintain their musical excellence, and are also injurious to the rest of the flock and caused illness of Mr. Harold Colombatti, the solo pianist, but unblushingly imposes himself upon the household, and i e i t y “ Sapper" (pseud.). “ Sergeant Michael Cassidy, R.E." patrons were not entirely robbed of thB expected plea­ much enjoyed by all patronising them. Wood, Mrs. Henry. “ Parkwater," and other stories. deterioration on the part of the other sheep. The with such effect that his familiarities with the ladies of iSuits Further concerts are announoed for to-morrow at 3 evidence against the defendant was purely ciroum- sure;, for Mr. Cathie stuck to his gune and played the the family aastnne an extremely amusing aspect. The and 8 p.m. ! violm oonoerto in F sharp minor (Vieu ctemps) on W* t h e d a y . >■ The following additional magazines are now taken in stantikh The defendant was the owner of two large fun rises in a cresoendo, for with the arrival of the real “ALADDIN.” the Reading RoomsI dogs, one a thorough bred sheep dog, and the other was nesday afternoon instead. Both'the andante and finale Bishop desperate devices have to be practised to choke a cross bred between a sheep aog and a retriever and were given in a manner eminently worth y of the composer off the latter and to enable the wily Jones to maintain the of MESSRS. J. D. HUNTER AND BUCK’S Central.—” The English Review" (monthly); “ Pro and of the performer, and the loud applause at the clbse ! gress” (monthly), for the blind, in Braille typq; — The was, he was instructed, unusually venomous towards deception. Meanwhile the professor’s charming ward, F ash ion PANTOMIME. smallholder" (weekly) and “The Summerdown Camp sheep! testified to the enjoyment which the popular leader had “ Cissy,” although strongly suspecting that Jones is afforded the audience. The orchestra l items included Messrs. J. D. Hunter and Fred Buck’s pantomime, 1* 1 Journal ” (weekly). T „ . ii .{ „1_„ William Mjannington Porter, of Park House, Ring- playing a part, falls in love with the fellow,, who, A la d d in , should attract good audiences to the Pier Branch. — “ Amateur Gardening” (weekly); „The an impressive rendering of the fine Pi elude to “ Man­ despite his masquerading foolery, has certain fascinat- Smallholder” (weekly) and “ The Summerdown Camp mer, one of the plaintiffs, stated that in the middle of fred” (Sohumann) and a first performance in this town a n d Theatre during next week. A la d d in will be performed Journal" (weekly). Deoember last he had a flock of 234 sheep, 218 being of Lalo’s.” Scherzo.” Lalo is coming more and more to - - - nlY every afternoon at three o’clobk, and also on Monday. ewe tegs, and the remainder fatting ewes. The flock plausibly accounts for his presenoe, but obtains the old Wednesday and Saturday evenings. There is no more the fore at Park ooneerts, and deservedly so, for each gentleman’s sanction to his allianoe with his ward. U tility . > 8 and 11 was founded in 1884. He valued the ewe tegs at 56s. new piece is as delightful as the last. popular comedian on the South Coast than J. D. TEAS Wednesdays 6 30 each and the fatting ewes at 54s. A cross bred dog The “ JoneS” of Mr. O. Vernon Proctor stood out as Hon ter (or “ Johnny ” as he is familiarly known), and -V* set sloe 1 16 p j l ECONOMY IN THE HOME. between a sheep dog and a retriever was very fond of On Wednesday evening Trooper F. 0. Wickens a particularly, smart presentment. Acting with ease his performance of the “ Widow Twankev” from all • 7.46 'ascent Wednesday and------hunting, especially by itself. On Deo. 16th he found (baritone), of the Hants Carabiniere, was the soloist, and naturalness, but introducing many little tricks of accounts is of the most amusing order, and exoeeds his Litany). Dally Evensong 8 pat. with Bible readings voice’ and movement, Mr. Proctor kept the ball rolling Wednesdays. Baptism 4 p.m. every Sunday. PLAIN MEALS—FEWER SERVANTS. in the fold 18 dead#sheep, one very much injured, and sang two of Amy Woodforde-Finden’s “ Indian really exoellent representation of the Dame in one of BT TH® t another died the same night, and several others were Love Lyrics” and Haydn Wood’s “ Love’s Garden of at a great pace. As “ Ebenezer Goodly,” the distracted; the most successful Christmas productions at the p’ r J injured. He was claiming £11. 5a. for depreciation in Roses.” The orchestra submitted a programme of and much humiliated professor, Mr. Alfred Byron was Lyceum Theatre, London, two or three years back. ) S . | . ;' ’St. Pm up’a, Whltley-rnad. —Holy Oommnnlan r likewise excellent. Miss Margaret Seudmore fully ■ am . 1st, tnd and 3rd I noon on 1st sad The National Organising Committee for War Savings respeot to the latter. popular works. The company will be supported by a full and well- week drew attention to waste on motor oars and realised the demands of Ebenezer’s autocratic wife; This week we illustrate one of many trained ehorus. • am . only on 4th Fridays and Luke Verrall, Bonj of Otto Verrall, the plaintiffs’ OONCERT ARRANGEMENTS. Days T am . Sundays, U a a .. or cycles used for pleasure. They now issue, foreman, stated that he knew the defendant's two dogs. and other specially well-acted parts were the “ Bishop N E W STYLES Daily Matins through the Press Bureau, an urgent appetite all those On the afternoon of Dec. 15th he was down the Culver- A popular orchestral oonoert will takee plaoe this of Ballarat” of Mr. Alec Forbes, the “ Richard IW OUK “THE SECOND IN COMMAND.” p t i w v who keep large domestic establishments. _ Itoe needs of road and while he was there he saw the'larger dog going evening, when the following programme will be per- Heatherly ” of Mr. Ernest J. Noyl, the “ Alvina Star­ the country make it essential that as little labour as in the direction of the railway line. Shortly afterwards formed:— light” ot Miss Dot Seilby, the “Cissy” of Miss possible should be used for unproductive purposes, and he heard on {the opposite side of the line, where the Grand march, “ La Relne de Saba" G ou n od Christine Wacher, and the “ Marjorie’’ of Miss Violet EARLY SPRING COLLECTION. I Second in Command, will be played by the Summeirdoa _ sheep were, two distinct barks from two dogs, which Overture, “ Tannhauser ” ...... W a g n e r Lindsey. The piece was played with great spirit and This Suit is made of reliable Navy Coating, well Convalescent Hospital Company. OriginaUy produced r i l b . . Mnsic to “ The Merchant of Venice ...... S u lliv a n at the end the company were several times re-called. at the Haymarket Theatre, London, by Cyril Maude an appeared to he going in the direction of the sheep fold. “ March of the Little Leaden Soldier .,....P ie m e out and tailored, and for practical purposes at the poses if In reply to Mr. Buchanan, the witness said he knew A m atinee is announced for to-day at 2.30, and there price it is quite unprecedented in value. November 27th, 1900, The Second, in Command was en Intermezzo, “ Laughing Eyes " ...... F in ck will be evening performances at 6,45 and 9. drastically cut down. the dogs well and had often seen them about the fields Suite, “ Scenes Napolitaines " ..M a ssen et Ladies with dress aUowanoes should not fail to enormous success and ran for about 18 months. Since- The committee ask all ei ers of domestic servants, and roads, Fantasia. “Tina” ...... !...... R u b en s see and compare the specially attractive value of then has been reproduced by Mr. Maude several tirnro, pwn this form of service as far MISS LENA ASHWELL in ‘IRIS male and female, to out do' John Porter, one of the plaintiffs, stated that in Valse, “L’Enfant P rod igiie ____ ... W o_____rm se r these advertised Suits. always with great success, and has been toured by him as ibly can by shutting up part of tbeir hi Russian dance, “ Gopak ”...... | ...... ifo u sso rg sk y INTERVENES. ” and also other managements. It is interesting to know ,te meals, and otherwise simp!' oonsequuenoe Uf some information he reoeived he went to ba- Church FarmJ on— to— I 17th and saw that some of the To-morrow evening’s special concert promises to be of Large and highly appreciative audiences assembled at P r i c e , 3 G u i n e a s . that this great military play is to be produced by the their iold arrangements. Thus they will thoroughly .interesting character. The programme the Park Theatre during the opening half of the week, officers and wounded soldiers at Summerdown Military BLKNO, right example, sheep were in a g state. Some jof the heads money for the war, set were almost smashed some of their ears were hang- will include the following compositions when Miss Lena Ashwell and bur talented oompany Convalescent Hospital. There will be rather a unique labour for more useful pi Overture, “ The Cricket on the Heatjth "...... appeared in the charming oomedy, Iris Intervenes. cast, as it includes two “ V.C.s,” many wounded soldiers th garden may ba given up. ingddwn. thbeeque itly he found a dog’s footprints, Needless luxuries in which he followed to ;he railway, where the tracks of A . C. Mackenzie Artistically acted and tastefully staged, the play intro­ Ladies' Tailoring and three soldiers who, before the war were professional l b . Hothouses, for instanoe, ‘:e up a large amount of “ A Wedding Day in TroldhaUgen” .....L.....G rieg actors, namely, Capt. Cecil Armstrong, Sergt Leslie _ jple have set a patriotic another large do; noticed. The two sets of tracks “ The Death of Asin," “ Anitra's Dance," “ In the duces a humorous and attractive story, with some . [by labour and fuel. Many were followed alUB!NR Thrice circled with the fivo towers terrible, the smaller one appeared to have been brushed and spiritedly rendered; moreover, the entertainment iis Tby name the front of a slain nation’s tomb cleaned. There was 9pme dirt on the bead of the big gentleman sets to work and “ investigates” the case a hint of a romanoe—the girl under age, the unyielding presented with a smartness that holds the attention of father and the persistent lover, but for the rest the Which being now riven, and therefrom upraised dog. On Dec. 17th witness followed the tracks of dogs with a cunning and acumen that could not be rivalled At Lewes Petty Sessions, before Mr. F. B. Whitfeld | and on some brambles found hair, which corresponded the audienoe from start to finish. by Sherlock Holmes himself. The unravelling of the pieoe follows the recognised lines, and we hear no more A soul reahnven—and its slayer eerased— Performances will be given to-day at II and 8. (in the chair) and other Magistrates, on Tuesday, Loses its cbarnelled and carnivorous spell— with that of the de(pn(lant’s dog. crime and the capture of the criminal makes a story of of the lover’s difficulties until the finish, when suddenly matters take a favourable turn. Between these two William Arnold Fitzgerald, landlord of the Crown Inn, Perceivesite shades for smiles of Heaven make room. Witness ptpduoea a box containing brambles, on MR MARK HAMBOURG’S RECITAL. intense interest, whioh has a thread of romanoe running Seaford, was summoned for selling whiskey which waa Armenia, see 1 Thy, blood! thy tears are pri which l ’ i! ,but he could not say from which very pleasantly through it comparatively trivial incidents there is a veritable feast Our readers are reminded of the rental which Mr. of rollicking fun, which is kept up to a high pitch not of the nature and quality demanded, namely, Lo ! risen from Russia, thy [deliverer Christ dog they came Mark Hambourg, the distinguished Rissian pianist, is 'here will be one performance nightly (at 8), and a whiskey containing 60 degrees of proof spirit (tn* Tons Reed, t ibe, stated that on Dec. 16th he m atinee on Wednesday. throughout. The responsibility of keeping the audience to give in the Winter Garden bn Tuesday afternoon amused rests almost entirely with Mr. Nat Gold, who minimum allowed by law being 75 degrees), at Seaford, LTI0K was working with a man named Chatfield at The next. It will be a Chopin programme, and will include on January Uth ;. also for selling rum which was not of r >Srd Sunday N ot on the clonds of heave Thou earnest, Lord, Beeche Laker’a two dogs came on the verandah; “ TANTALISING TOMMY.” undertakes a lieavy if notqnerons task as the ubiquitous the nature and quality demanded, namely, rum contain­ n rrh i& u S . But canopied amid dun ( ion smoke, several of the more generally admired of the grejat “ Spuds.” He wo|ks strenuously all through the pieoe, it was) a-m. They were wet and dirty, but composer’s solos and studies. After tie recital there Tantalising Tommy, the delightful comedy by Paul ing 67‘5 degrees of proof spirit (the minimum allowed mill. Incumbent Which into glory like She aah broke l usually clean and tidy. It was a wet and and although be is almost continuously oh the stage the will he a performance of light music by the Devonshire Gavault and Michael MurtoD, to be played next Thurs­ audienoe apparently never see enough! of him. His being 75 degrees), at the same time and place. I find that 1 When those great guns ] led Thy mystic Word: dirty day, Friday and Saturday (twioe nightly), is no stranger but■ evenannn na nnriaei)sword.” ® 1 I ^ « Park Orchestra. exhilarating humour is tbe'life and soul of the revue; Mr. W! Futcher, of Lewes, inspector under the Food 11 ami. Kvenizu “ N ot to bring peace I co Buchanan He did not see any blood or to Eastbourne, therefore it is hardly neoessary to remind Then fell the damned, i in wild alarm WOOli was not close enouglfn to notioe his witticisms are the causie of incessant mirth, and Drugs Act, said on Januaiy 17th he called at the mniandafly.tsoi In the dogs; he THE MAN WHO DINED WITH TH E K AISER. playgoers that the fascinating Miss Evangeline Pepper, Crown Inn, Seatord, and purchased a shilling’s worth of ; ordinary Beneath Thy scourging i arm that. is impossible not to laugh heartily at his inimitable B dally, 10 i ______oa Wednesday. 8 an The author of the remarkab articles in the D a ily a lia s “ Tommy,” was first introduced to the public by whiskey and a shilling’s worth of rum from defendant. fourpence to Friday, 8 p.m. , Bern P. Lynch AT. N To the last confines oi th poured; Charles 0! atfield, employed by Mr. Fudnell, a black- drolleries and grotesque fqcial expressions. M a il descriptive of his experiences in tK Balkans, whbn Mr. Cyril Maude at the Playhouse, London. “ Just the He divided each purchase into three parts, giving one " i l i a S And whilst Death’s many-t •ted cloud still roared smith, gave similar evidence,iae and added that the dogs Mr. Ernie Shannon also has a large share in the r. A ons. Whitter-road.—Sunday*: Mam. MO he secured admission to the dinner attended by the play for these times” is a hackneyed phrase, yet repeti­ snooess of the production^ though in a more subdued of each to defendant, sending one to the public analyst Meaning service. 6 JO. And ere Thy thunder-h oeased to slay, i ‘ flew” at him. tion does not invariably diminish truth, and oertainly What bayonetted light i lit Thy way, Kaiser and King Ferdinand, has been specially engaged form. H is impersonation jof “ Bobby Denton ” reveals | and retaininging one himself- He produced the last-named e. Aj bpbiWi F m b i t h m C rim ea of E sau P.S.jGoodsell, stationed at Chail r, said he went tb to relate his jonrneyings at Devonshire Park on Wed­ Tantalising Tommy’s four acts qf irresponsible, whole­ him as an exceedingly versatile artist. He renders his samples in Court Hereeeived ~ Sundays, lie Purging meet passage 1 iy feet, Adored, [ Church Farm {on December____ 16th. s afterwards saw some fun form a perfect evening’s distraction. Mr. hmdajr of mt Ana theirs, this saviour become the Rod nesday afternoon next The lecture will be illustrated songB with admirable taste, his character studies of which stated that the whiskey sample was equal to Mr. Inker andnfl said, I am making inquiries respecting by numerous wonderful pictures, and should prove well Arthur Gibbons will bring an almost entirely fresh 80 per oent genuine whiskey, with 20 per cent added . s is higher, __ r.atdoaeofi Of the long-suffering bnt lr God? well-known artists are very cleverly presented, whilst Young Men and Worn re M a case of sheep v ing that has occurred at Church worth hearing. Apart from this, there will be a natural oompany to that which previously presented the play his incidental items with MR. Gold add appreciably to water, and the rom equal to 90 per cent genuine rum, offices was Farm during the Jt. Do you own two large dogs? ” ouriosity to see in the flesh a very remarkable mab. here. Primarily Mias Mary Fairdougli, a clever and with 10 per oent. added water. £7,236,404 ; T M far, 816 p a . W< hxQ the pleasure of the' audienee. 6 10 630 pm . Bvw N e’er was snclf triumph or ich trophy wod, Mr. Laker replied, [“ {es, I do, but thev would not do The usual afternoon tea oonoert by the orchestra will experienced young actress, takes the role originally Miss Graoe Perry By Mr. E. T. Wellsted (who appeared for defendant): , absorbed no leas ____. _ J d . 4 pm Friday, sthen asked, “ Were they out all treated by Miss Marie Lohr. Mias Fairolough has race Cavendish ” is seen in a Such breach,of Tophet’s gai nor rout therein such a {thing.” Witn follow the lecture, whioh oommenoee atjthree o’clock. 5 charming part and in the third soene she is the central Both samples were consistent with spirits originally 35 of' a million Rev. Jamee Reid. Minister. night?” to whioh thi defendant replied, “ Yes, they The identity of {“The Man who Dined With the done good work in Beveral leading London theatres, and above proof, having been broken down twice instead of e costly scheme Of devils, since tbecrested i lernhin figure in a stirring patriotic number, “ Jack Tar,” a _ Pzjjsa Chapml (] Chaired the fair morning of Armageddon broke away gardener yesterday afternoon Kaiser” has been the subject of muoh I speculation On though an excellent comedienne with an unusual sendb song that is received with enthusiastic appreciation. onoe. , maximum of _ SJOpja.; Bible study, 8 p i of humour, is a gifted Shakespearian actress of wide W hile all th’ embattled h of God set on about 3 or 4 o’clock anl came home this morning about the part of the public, whose interest hus been keenly Mr. Alec Wilson as “ Rupert Cavendish ” also gives a Mr. Wellsted said defendant’s explanation was that * Tto 8. Prayer meeting, Thursday, T1 9.” Witness asked, “ id you notioe their oondition ? ” experience. Mr. Sam Lepone, who plays Mr. Cyril r \ 8 to » Lord's Smiprr 1st Bun< And ’neath the marge of lone sullen star aroused by the intrepid daring whioh hts characterised creditable display. The piece, whioh is presented in mistake bad been made. Mr. Fitzgerald was called np Millions, and Mr. Laker answi d, “ They were much as usual Maude’s part of “ Jimmy Cottenham, is a well-known to join the Army some months ago. Before this he i total funds Service- Minister. Pastor,' The lost sank with their chief Lucifer, his journeys through the seats of1 war. Stribt five scenes, is exoellently staged, and provides a lively ’Mid sphereal singing, ot antiphon, when they oaihe hi ’ Witness then said, “ WiU you anonymity will be preserved, nor will biB nationality, aotor, and has appeared in Eastbourne in many leading and stimulating entertainment. purchased proof spirit in two-gallon jars, and broke it no leas than 16.80 p.m. And shooting of the Sons God with joy allow me to administe; an emetic to cause vomiting ? ” beyond the fact that he is a neutral, be disclosed, but roles. Mr. George Percy still plays the selfish artist down himself to the required strength under proof for 1 contributors That the Destroyer Thou id’st thus destroy! but Mr. Laker rep! f‘No, I refuse to allow anyone the way in which he succeeded in [getting into forbidden “ Warry Killick,” and the oompany includes Mr. NEXT WEEK’S [ENGAGEMENTS. retaiL When he left Seaford his wife remained in I the face value to do that except our 'et.” W itness examined “ N ell,” places and the “ close shaves” he bad in getting out bf Edward Valentine, Mr. Wilfred Stephens aud Miss Another revne will be presented at the Hippodrome I charge of the business, and he instructed her how to is subject to W. J . W enhajc. feet and mouth were clean. In Margaret Davidge. ! the bitch, and! found them'will be thrillingly described. Many’interesting next week, and it bids fair to be a very attractive one in break down< the spirits. He was invalided out of the a subsequent intervh the defendant said. “ My dogs documents, including his passports, regu larly vized, ana every respect. It is entitled H urry Along, Please, and I Army after some months’ service, and returned to the often go opt hunting, ,_t I have never known them to 1 First sandwich-n 1 D o t h e y some splendid pictures will be exhibited! the company of well-known artists who {grill take part I Crown. Inn-and again took over the management qf the p ay you worry sheep before. ’ H e invited Mr. and Mrs. Laker business. Then instead of following his practice of well?” Seoondsandwich-n “ No; there ain’tkin1 much SWIMMING BATHS include the popular comedians Woodhonse and Wells I to go and examine ''tin footprints, and Mrs. Laker said INTOXICANTS ON NEWHAVEN and George Reeves. The Doris Wynter Troupe of [ buying proof spirit he had it in balk at 35 above proof O*. - money in theee literary jobs! ” the marks were too bi| for their dogs. •ervioes; The swimming baths of the Devonshire Park add Lady Dancers will give pleasure to lovers of the and broke it down to the required retail strength and By Mr. Bdohanan The defendant said the foot- Baths Oompany will bear comparison with the finest I HARBOUR. I Terpsichorean art, and there will be, in addition,______a | put lit into the two-gallon jars. He was laid up for * marks looked like thoi i of an Irish terrier. H e denied to be found anywhere. The water is ke pt at an agree- numerous Beauty Chorus,{including the Hurry Alour | tew days, and! during that time there was a call for that he said he coul< not tell one dog’s mark from able temperature, and the general arrangements will Girls. There will be five scenes, two of which will be in I spirits at his house. His wife, finding tbespirits in the another. I [- S U S S E X g ( [ETY OTE satisfy the most exigeant DetailsDe! of the times for DEFENDANT’S SINGULAR EXPLANATION. tableaux. The revue will be performed twioe nightly— I two-gallon jars,, again broke bro it down as formerly,,. P.O. Edwards, jned at Baroombe, corroborated mixed bathing‘ ‘ _ and - for - -bathing - bby Bgentlemen and ladies at 7 p.m. and 9 pm . that her husband had already broken it down the evidence qf the kvious witness, and said there was respectively are advertised in another column. to retail strength. Defendant sold the spirits to tb* ,7 80i )FES. no'difficulty in ti the footprints, especially at the Inspector, not knowing that his wife bad broken it ■■ L KNm ROLLER SKATING. Before Mr. F. B. Whitfeld (in the chair) and other plaoe Where six ebee; were found dead! The tracks Magistrates, at Lewes Petty Sessions on Tuesday, down the second time. H e assured the Bench th at PLEASANT WRITE UPON. were followed up to 9 lb Beeches. H e had since heard This invigorating and enjoyable exercise oontinnes to there was no intention on defendant’s part to sell spirit* December 18th, bnt that was Harry Morgan, of Richmond-gardens, Brighton, was PICTURE HALLS. that a dog was killed be in marked favour at Devonshire Pi.rk, where the summoned for having intoxicating liquor in his posses­ which were not of the required strength. As a matter kept about half a mile >m the sheep fold. The tracks oonditions for indulging in the healthful] pastime leave of fact one of the samples now before the Court would TO BE HAD OF STATIONERS, this dog would be smaller than nothing to be wished. Hours of assemblies and other sion within dock premises, at Newhaven, on February that would be m ade' 15th, in ooutraveution of the Order made under the EASTERN CINEMA. not have been challengable bad it been sold just outside those found in| the will be found in the adVe ient Or of the Sole Proprietors, Defenoe of the Realm regulations. * “THE MAN IN THE ATTIC.” the boundary of Seafbrd, at Bishopstone, owing to th* tun* (OahrinisMe), Mra;Sarah ife of a signalman at Culver Liquor Oontrol Board’s regulations reducing the retail in the big dog jump over the DANSANTE AND PAGEANT: ISTPONED. Defendant pleaded not guilty, saving he was not To-day the fourth episode of “ The Exploits id Sri) p .m. Wedi JOHN BEAL ft SON, Junction, eaidlshe_ aware of the regulations forbidding the introduction of strength of spirits. {_ ■ Bnnday at 10 fence and chase the she down the The dansanto and pageant that the 1 i Booth and Elaine,’ the great mystery drama-will be screened, The Bench imposed a fine of £2 in each case. Hymns. Mini 66, BAST STREET, BRIGHTON, j Kennels, said he bought 20 spirits on the dock premises. • . when further striking Jack Diekman, of “ their talented pupil8 were to give in Pavilion an Detective-Sergt. John Coles, of Sootland Yard,' said '' ‘ ~ incidents in Elaine’s adventures iH u a OUICvd. Samples nntoa Application, carcases of “ worried sheep from Mr. Porter, and he Wednesday ana Thursday next, in aid | the Red Cross with “ The Clntching Hand ” will be revealed. Other injuries could only have been he was on duty at Newhaven at 3 p m . on the 15th inst. subjects are “ Dream Dud sees Chaplin,” “ Beautiful waa of opinion that ient Society and War Hospital Supply Depot, while the gangs leaving work were being searched. Swan, Waterman J t Onoto FOUNTAIN PENS. made try a big has 1 in unavoidably postponed to on 15th ami Thoughts,” “ Hash House Mashers” and “ The Patbe ZEPPELIC UNPROPHETIC. Defendant, who was a labourer on the Quay, walked Gazette.” A gents for the Ordnance Survey Maps. Herbert Po , said he bought three ewe 16th. towards witness. H e searched him and found a quartern i will show that ■ mdand at SJOpjil] and it was impossible for a On Monday and the two following days the premier | tegs from Me CINEMA TRAVEL TAI ,KS. bottle half full of liquid, in one of his pockets. Witness To th* Editob. societies, £524 ' r * a u a Q a m Haix, | small dbg to 1 [ the injuries. attraction will be a three-part drama, “ The Man in the lesser number far BrsaUng Bread, at “SWITZERLAND : LAST *' TO-DAY. asked, “ What is this? ” and he replied,’ “ Whiskey. I Attic.” The story shows now Jacob Clay, a miser, and S i r : As one of “ J. F. T”s ” numerous grandchildren, jfendant l 6 he beard of the sheep worry always bring in whiskey and if you like I will tell you EE3rr* ‘ "1 as at. I ing waq of December 16th. He had Last Saturday Mr. Arthur B, Mr den, F .R G .S |, may I be permitted to submit the foUowing as a con­ entertained a good audience in the .vilion with why. I bring it in ease anybody on the Quay should tinuation to my esteemed grandfather’s poem :— never h of sheep worrying by his faint or fall overboard. I have carried some for WAIT plenty of sheep w the fields graphic aooount of “ Egypt and t N ile ” Tl “ Bnt as no more batches were out that night _ _ dogs, tl talk” as M months.” Witness said, “You must know that it is collector, is being pressed for payment of a promissory ;Minister, L _ Rev. Sydney T. East. dose tc polioe sergeant called with pictures illustrating the lecture —or against the regulations, as you must have seen the The Zeppelins went on their homeward flight, Malden prefers to call it—were of g .t beauty and note, and one night, while Olay is out, he gets into the Flying mp high and quite out of sight, I m o s t o r n o n * tb, Bolton-road.—i ___ Muorting to regard 1 his wife admitted the do notices prohibiting it each time you draw your pay.” to the bitch “ Nell,” tl charm, and evoked hearty expressions____ of ppreciation. attic and breaks open the old man’s desk. : He finds the For to be at home ere it was light. jflm utay at 11 and *80. ittemtion should had bee This afternoon, at 5.15, Mr. MaldenAden [will give this Defendant replied, “ I have not read the notice. I am money, also the strange will leaving everything to ailments lest satisfied that her teeth were 1 bu rasT Hospital Ch i i _____ ooncluding “ talk” of the series, the sub] to eng sorry if la m wrong. I thought it only referred to beer.” 'Maggie. The miser returns too soon, and j the terrified, I “ They didn’t succeed and one was ‘ downed,’ Chaplain, Her. K. A . GUlaapie, C.F. trouble. : A she uite all right : When the Defendant said he had worked on the Quay 15 months And it in sore plight the ‘ King Stephen ’ found. s other dbg he also said it bias all right attention on this final occasion being “ S tzerland, thief strangles him and escapes. Later Jarvis identifies | y to oanztipa- Playground of Europe.” A ll propotnng attend may and had not read the notices. He had carried the the body and makes some interesting revelations of the But the crew of the ‘ King’ did not hew a sound a fte^ T ibloqd_ on it On the following day the whiskey, as he stated, for restorative purposes, as he Of the cries and left them all to be drowned. during * sergeant said ihad Fc and some foot marks which had count on a most pleasing and edifying li ure, as well as double Ufe of the old miser. How the mystery of the a highly original and select exliibitii of animated had found it useful as a boatman and bathing attendant latter’s death is solved by means of a narcissus stalk | “ And so one ‘ Zepp ’ the Kaiser has lost been traced 3eeches.” {Witness {went to at Brighton. The Saak had only been out of his pocket the marks, was some difficulty m find pictures. and what beoomes of Maggie forms a very interesting ' Through being shoot by the wild waves tossed. _ most important onoe in six months and that was when his wife gave a conclusion to a thrilling drama. And its erew were killed by cold and by frost— stomach and the them. H e shi ;he marks were those of an Ii WILLIAMSON EXPEDITION SUBMARINE teaspoonful of the whiskey to one of the children who a remark to that effect The “ He Wouldn’t StayDown,” a Keystone comedy, will So the raid was hardly worth what it oost.” satisfactorily. Tb* terrier, and MOTION PICTURES. had bronchitis. He had never been searched at the also prove a highly -acceptable item, involving a Oo'tttt aro marks were no! those I qf his dog. There were ten other harbour previous to this occasion. q I remain, yours faithfully, " of the sheep fold,! and half of FINK ATTRACTION NEXT EEK. question of some insurance money, the story bring dogs within a Detective-Sergt. Coles said 18 of the notices as to treated in characteristically humorous style. REGINALD T. SHARPE. am PBovnaal. 1 them 'the same as be saw. Particular interest will doubtless oen in the pro- intoxicants being prohibited were posted about the Maiuwer. Mg. H. Mr. don’t suggest there are any the “ Snatched from the Alter,” a Nestor homedy, will Kensington, Feb, 23rd. aim P io v r tu u (Lhnit/d), duction, in the Pavilion, next week, of t Williamson premises and there was one exhibited at each pay office, likewise provide great fun, whilst an interesting topical engagement • Manager, Mr. . Watkins. Isizeaf 1 ir Expedition Submarine Motion Pictures, tl with a notioe prohibiting smoking. film, “ A Machine Gun School at the Front,” will Show (rise on the aim Rsoviuciax. ; (Limited), UO. i alixhtest suspicion Witm i: I of which is a commeuable stroke of Defendant said the men were anxious to take their the staff of officers, a section going into action- drill ;er. Mr. R k. Mrs. , iwife the defendant, a she looked part of the management. Theee have been turn at the pay office and they did not read the notices. m a n ____ (Limited), that all’ is not wall with/the organs of and instruction with Maxim, Vickers and Lewis gnus, digestion, la Boebbsn’s Pills—that well- after dogs! and had never had y complaint “ running*’ at the Philharmonic don, where The Chairman said the Bench were of opinion that on the range, an instructor firing, good shooting on the GREY AND GOLD. Manager, Mr. Paretee. ; sheep. When the they have attracted large and a crowds, this mx aim ilSW unr .. known trustworthy preparation which has with defendant should have known the regulations. They target, &c. h ’ T • i I , ______Mr. A. Owen In had such enormous t utmost in the treat- I sergeant called ____ o t Deoember 16th the films being as unique in character > pictonally imposed a fine of £2, with the alternative of 21 days’ Exhibitions take plaoe daily at 3, 7 and 9. The sun is setting—see the beauteous sky, not been She had seen the big dog in striking and interesting. Having i week some imprisonment. MinglflH, the gold and grey! I _ arm South-WasrxHa Ban* il ment of digestive disorders. Those who 4°*?' have tried this rem< >dy—and they now the and signs of blood o l it, ot any aooount of the conditions under remarkable Defendant said he earned 25a a week and had a wife CENTRAL CINEMA. The lengthening shadows tell us night is nigk. munbei a greet multitude—are entirely bate when he came in set of motion pictures were seem neoessar; and five children. He would probably lose his work at “THE DEEP PURPLE. Dying, another day! ' lanuger. Mr. K. T h era satisfied that, for ooi rooting ailments of and there i ras mud on to indicate the great range of the the Quay through this. t (UiniteC.;. 64, 'lienalrus-rosd the stomach and the hrer, there is nothing ____, jot “I haie seen him tion on the bed of thaooean. The of, Detective-Sergt. Cedes said he thought arrangements The outstanding feature of the aow being To some the day has been a day of gladness, ■ Holyoake IT- . -p. curious presented at the Central Cinema No grey has dimmed the gold; I/Omem an> 6hitb*8 B arx (Ti to surpass added, were several dogs i »the neigh sunken wreck, the capture of ra canid be made for defendant to continue work there as .181 % e made marks as large as their sponge fishing, and encounters with i i all find and other good items include And in it there has been no thought of ssdasi - — Mr. H .J. :T i that he had been there 15 months and there was no previous Why did the day grow old ? plaoe in the rooord of the e: The Dad', oomplaint against him. Daughter ” (a farce in one act), A Plugged Nickel ” (a iter of thi: defendant, G ra p h ic observes with regard exhibition The Bench agreed to allow defendant s fortnight in comedy) and “ With the T Troops m France.” Other* alas ! have-passed the day in sorrow. BEECH AM’S the largi ir dog when “ Some of the most Remarkable pictures ever whioh to pay £1 of the fine and another fortnight for _ drama in fiv acts, entitled “ The Deep No gold to gild the grev; home. shown. N ot only every achooll everyone ti payment of Purple,” heads the bill for first half of n est week, And they reioioe not in the near to-morrow, PRINTING WORKS. W agon, e defendant, stated whom the mystery of the ocean peals shonk It depots in an exciting i the happenings in* Hope sheds no brightening ray ! P l L T i S . iber 15th the dogs left see these wonderful pictures, ___ boarding house n rsa f the underworld, who still" a hold on the woman O heart so glad and joyous, soatter tby gold, the railway station. On particularly the amazing fight • man and Mingle it with the grey; # - ne back to shark, as anything that has ever THE WELL-KNOWN “ ROAD RULE.” who owns it and is a ref< thief. Two love C ' are included in the drama, and give addedled in*iterest to it. Comfort the one that sorrow doth enfold. P rxpakkd only b y I it no before. They throw a new light Love will find out the way ! Nature.” “ The Tale of a Tyre” is a screamingly f ------; 0 8 1---- The rule of the road tion of what happened to a husband who took his And thus the oolonrs will be softly blended. had never seen The modern school boy and Is » paradox quite; Or EVERY DZ THOMAS BXSGHA1!, St. Helans, Lane. tedium and dnllram with schools Go right, you go wrong, on wbat was meant to be a joy ride, but which The gold and grey entwined ; kmg that the very thought that to he very much the reverse. “ The Widow’s _ The sorrow-laden day in peace be ended Sold every where hi boxes, G o left, yon go right. Suit” (an Edison comedy) [is among the other A s night falls soft and kind. l In the Best Style i P rin ts instructive can at the same tan* k x m o h U s m o w*. ing will be thoroughly disbelieved, films to be screened. -I ! __ S. M ukdzn. ISlls, stated motion pictare^nsigjbto bwn , Newport, LO.W., I that on pecemifer ; for a man. I t 'eb. 19th. FARNOOKB f t 0 0. Ltd., r0U CAN BELY O N 2 fg £ | in rathe ■ poor the Williamson Submai »t hketheT road, D ED, BUT NOT {DAZED.—A m an who - i , In either Sex, for all Acquired , H is Honour said not have the sh|( htest doubt about to be shown beta , i must keep to the i knocked down and seriously injured by a 1 CHRONICLE PRINTING j tiiat the injury “ j was done by the lafendanfs in a way that is often amusing yon follow the :— - 1—” tal in a serious oondition, K i l l e d b y a Z e p p e l i n R e l ic .—Believing1 — This film haa been a Of an j he evi “ been uroduoed seemed to if you’re * After the operation, be that part of a Zeppelin bomb which she found was the BOOTH STREET. EASTBOURNE. elusive in thefield and in the a t motion pictures To break tl “ Yon have been badly I radiator fan from a motor car, the sister of a Lincoln­ r ot the ; were those of the defendant's said the house surgeon, shire farmer took it home. While turning the propeller Proprietors—The Luroout I toe ' ' __ wonderful adventures ’ “ Recover’’’hriaaid. i round her brother, aged 28, was blown to pieces by fh& rOTE PAPER,' Midland Counties Dbob Col. brotbe e were photographed in . v -> i , J' : 1 detonator, and the sister was injured in the leg. fashionable styles, a t ! Ltd., Linoolk.

■ M

had motor-car was taken to a and waa operated oh at said feebly, “ Where am I! " dared ins motor-car aocadi out You will recover all ri| 1 “ Recover! How much?” ;j.' n;;- ;-v r ;fj. . . I | j ‘ r ’ EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, 8ATOBD. iY, FEBRUARY 26, 1916,

iR U U lim 1882. Telvp on* 78. BRAELISHBD 1878. J. O. TOWNER A BROMLE AKDEN ft CO., HASTINGS ft SO AUCTION)___ S, AUCTIONEERS, Q ------OURNB. o u s e a n d e s t a t e a g e n t s , DEVONSHIRE PARK SURVEYORS AND VALUERS. HOUSE, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS. Clerical, Naval, Military and 1 ladies’ Tailors, SURVEYORS. VALUERS. W I U T T C J S S l « r A. U S JO>JE£_KS"„ AGENTS FOR ALL PRINCIPAL PROPS. Morttu/t 6 Inmmtos Broken. MonUiy Prcpertt Begietm. Auotion Sales Oonduoted in Town and _ Tn__ Manager and Secretary Term inus-road, Eastbo Offloee • - • 10, CORNFIELD ROAD. Edgar Allan Brown. Sun vets ft Valuations for Mortgage, Pro; sate, S o. ■ ■ ■ ■ Telephone: No 9, Rents Collected. Mortgages Arranged, Telephone'Eastbourne 1234. PROMENADE COSTUMES AND BIDING SPECIALITY, H Insurances Effected. Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. THE AUCTION MART, 67, TERMINUS] ROAD SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. All (ferments Hade on the Premises by First-class Workmen in good Sanitary Workshops. EASTBOURNE. SALE WEDNESDAY NEXT. IS, SOUTH CLIFjF AVENUE, EASTBOURNE, ON THURSDAY NEXT. OAKDEX S t OO. On W ednesday, March. 1st, at 3- 1800, THE AUOTION MART, 67, TERMINUS AD. Have received Instructions to Sell by Public Auction EASTBOURNE. upon the Premises, as above, on WEDNESDAY J. O. TOWNER & BROMLEY NEXT, 1st March, 1916, r c i s | k s o n s , Will Sell by Public AubrioN, at The Auction Mart, o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e , including on THURSDAY 2nd March, 1916, Iron, oak qnd white enamelled bedsteads, T JR N E O E M S TE MASONS. linoleum, Axminster carpets, stair carpets, two oak bed­ B o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e and effe c ts, room suites, white enamelled bedroom suite, oak dress- lental Sculptors and Bngr* Including brass and Iron Frenoh and other bed­ steads and bedding, bedchamber suites In ash and grained wood, mahogany, walnut, birch and painted i 87, UPP^&TON ROAD, iT B O U R N B . oheets of drawers., dressing tables arid washstande, oak sideboard, extending dining table, suite of seven ESTIMATES SUPPLIED. carved walnut sideboard, walnut cheffonnier, bagatelle oak dining chairs, open bookcase, oak hall stan " LBPHONB 570. board, whatnots, large billiard room settee, easy and H tables and utensils and miscellaneous effects. occasional chairs, walnut and mahogany extending Items on View Tuesday Next, 29th February, 1916, from frame dining table, carpets, linoleum, fenders and Are Ten till Four o’clock. Himplements, oak and mahogany hall furnltu :e, inlaid rosewood envelope card (able, occasional aqd centre 8ale to oommence at TWO o'clock precisely. Telephone No. 411. tables, chimney glasses, pictures, ornament il items, Catalogues may be obtained at the Auctioneers' JOHN NIX china andglass, refrigerator, two wringing and mangling Offices, 10, Cornfleld-road, Eastbourne. Goldsmith j machines, repeating rifle, useful cupboards, Bentwood Telephone 1234 Eastbourne. chairs, kitchen tables and chairs, culinary utensils and Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. Silversm ith effects. Sale to commence at Two o’clock. CEDARA FARM, HAILSHAM, SUSSEX Term inus Bond On View the Day previous. Catalogues of the Auctioneers. (Within Ten Minutes of the Market), W a t c h m a k e r OAKDhN & CO. Have received instructions to Sell by Public Auction, J e w e l l e r . ERRYS AUCTION ROOMS & SALE- Upon the Premises, as abovo, on WEDNESDAY, 8th YARD (adjoining the Estate Offices). March, 1916, JOHN NIX j£ h n NIX 19, CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURNE. OUR D A IR Y COWS, about 200 head of Telephone 844. poultry, chicken houses, nine incubators (Hebdltch and Gloucester), hen coops, chaff cutter, chicken crates, BI-WEEKLY bales. I wire netting, a sectional intensive house (42-ft. by 30-ft.), SaL 440. Goods oan always be included. dog cart, butcher's cart, four-wheeled light waggon, E, MORRIS & SONS, Special dates; by arrangement. lawn mower, household furniture, including bedsteads, T wardrobes, chests of drawers, dining table, linoleum This* Sale Rooms -r« noted for the advantageous and miscellaneous effects. 6«," SEASIDE BO AD, B^SIBOpBHB, ■><", T. rncm. oumpturc, FItems on View Morning of Sale. Coins, Jewellery, Anlm*' ^ 3' - ’ J, Stock-ln-'hrade. ™ ’ ' Oar- Sale to commence at TWELVE o’clock precisely. rlages andana norses,Horses, motorMotor uars, Bloyoles, Boats, fto. Catalogues may be obtained at the Auctioneers’ .ongers, Cutlers, Electric and Gas Fitters, Best value Is always obtained at these Anotlan Rooms, Offioee. 10, Cornfleld-road, Eastbourne. Doing largely attended by local and oountrjr buyers, Hot Water and Sanitary STS. also buyers from London,' Brighton. Lewes, Hastings, Telephone 1234 Eastbourne. Sco. ! I 1 I' ’ Telegrams Oakdens, Eastbourne. GOODS PURCHASED FOR CASH WHEN DESIRED. NO EXPENSES. ] SELMESTON VICARAGE, A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED HISTORY AND FUrniturb Saijes at Private Houses. ! Two Miles from Berwick Station. SHARE SALES AND PROPERTY SALES. THE MAN WHO DINED OAKDEN ft CO. VALUATIONS. Have received instructions from the Reverend W. R. WITH VIDE TO HERSTMONCEUX CASTLE HOUSE AND ESTATE AGENCY.—Exclusive Lists Nightingale, M.A.J who is retiriDg, to Sell by Of Homes for Sale and to Let. Auction, at an Early Date, (G orm an), INSURANCES of every description etfeoted o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e Rents Collected and1 Property efficiently managed. By t h i Bar. E. E. CRAKE, M.A, AND GENERAL EFFECTS. THE KAISER TARRY 8 P A, I.; Auctioneers’ Offices: 10, Cornfield-Toad, Eastbourne. GRIFFITHS.—Aug. 8, 1916, killed In action at Anzac, ; (tS Pears' Local Experience). Telephone: 1234 Eastbourne. WILL TELL Richard Evelyn, eldest son of the late Herbert Tyrrell One of the most Interesting and Picturesque Castles in the County of Sussex. Telegrams: Oakdens, Eastbourne. Griffiths, M.D., of 5, Kensington-square, ~ Griffiths, of Glebeside, Bexhill, aged 27. PRIC ran . TERRYS AUOTION ROOMS AND SAlIkYARD, WHAT HE SAW AND HEARD RHOADE8.—Feb.23rd, at 22, MMlf61d-road,Kastboni(ne, 19, CORNFIELD ROAD, EASTBOURIjJE. » obtained of the Printers and Publishers, H TERRYS, F .A .I. I nnoaaes, alter tong and patient; snnering, aged: &» DEVONSHIRE PARK years. Funeral on Monday j next, first portion; of FARNCOMBE & GO., SOUTH STREET, EASjTBOURNE (IS Pears’ Local Experience) During his Remarkable and Intrepid aervioe 2.80 at Christ Church. Interment at Ocklynge Will Sell at his Roome, as above, on TUESDAY Cemetery 3.30. . - NEXT, February 29th, 1916, commencing at 11 o'clock THEATRE. REED.—Feb. 19, at 108, High-street, Lewes. Catherine, I in the Morning and at 2.30 in the Afternoon, the Sole Lessees Sc Managers: Murray King ft Clark. Journeys through the Seats of War. * * ~ ' sr-street, end daughter | superior ckney, near Pevens Tele; 121, Eastbourne. Tele. 424. j Tele. 424. o u s e h o l d f u r n i t u r e & e f f e c t s , The Lecture will be Illustrated by Wonderful Pictures. Irk's Military Hospital, including dining room suites in leather and HUDSONS L t d . . saddlebags, inlaid Sheraton dining table, ditto music TWICE N1GETLY. Talker,; of the cabinet, bureau and specimen show case. oak| cabinet, P rices ; Stalls, 5s.; 3s. Reserved (but Unnumbered); 2s. Back Seats. (Subscribers’ Tickets handsome carved walnut sideboard with bick and display shelves, large mahogany ditto with mirror over- TO-DAY (SATURDAY), Feb 26th, at 2 30, and Coupons not available). IN MEMORIAM. ALE & k e :B L E t, back, very fine mahogany dining table withf ve extra 6-45 and 9- BIDE.—In loving memory of George Merriek Hide, of | HOUSEHOLD REMOVALS leaves in stand, numerous setteos, couches, tables, I h e 1 ecture will be followed (at 4.30) with an AFTERNOON TEA CONCERT by Anchor House, Eastbourne, who died Feb. 23rd, 1 dressing chests, washstands, overmantels in walnut and ti e a s i d e r o a d & t e r m i n u s r o a d mahogany,H pictures, qarpeto, easy chairs, mahogany and Albert, who died May 2nd, 1911; and Georgy Men S , ANI Wliat Happened to* Jones.” inn., who died Sept, ith, 1913; sons of the above, j At STORAGE. lain ted chests of drawers.' quantity of bedsteads and I The Devonshire Park Orchestra. ABE CONTINUING THE IB ledding and manyother useful miscellaneous items. ^^On^View To-Day and op Monday, February 28th, and ONCE NIGHTLY. Telephone 125y. j j TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2Gth, at Three o’clock EXPERT PACKERS. For Catalogues please apply at the Auotion Rooms. MONDAY, Fkb. 28th, for Three Nights at 8. FAMES ANDREWS, M ason and Sculpto; Devonshire Park Orchestra. I M a t i n e e on Wednesday at 2.30. W srk t: Baxkb’s-boad (near St. Mary’s Church). 3 2 PERFORMERS. MARK HAMBOTJEGr, Residence, Office and Show-room: Oanbara Villa, Go** | Telephone 424. F U R N Il RETURN VISIT of the ENORMOUS SUCCESS, P ark (adjoining the Cemetery), Eastbourne D epositories : p r o p e r t i e s t o ijiE T The Famous Russian Pianist, M usical D ibector : Will give a Design* and Estimate* Furnished. “ GRUMPY.” VlOTORL Station ... LONDON, a w . N O R F O L K M EGONE. Including MR. HORACE HODGES. CHOPIN R E C I T A L . Te r m in i i Gates BRIGHTON. BIRLEY. An up-to-date and convenient Detached KVENDEN& (Phone 466). Villa in Pbideaux-road. t till 65, Grov s Road...., A 4.30 5.15 Pric EASTBOURNE. Rent £90. f.p ’’’ TWICE NIGHTLY. W. NICHOLSON Ltd.. AFTERNOON CONCERT OF LIGHT MUSIC BY THE V 1 I Accommodation: Six bedrooms, bath room ; a I on one * • Cornfold-terracb, EASTBOURNE, | THURSDAY, Ma r 2nd, for Three Nights at C O N C E R T S > floor. Three reception rooms, large entrance hall, Devonshire Park Orchestra. FUNERAL FURXISHBBB. A P P L Y FO. ESTIMATES. i usual domestic offices. Fitted electric light, gas 6 4 5 and 9 AFTERNOONS: and all modem conveniences. Large garden. Pricf.8 : Recital and Afternoon Tea Concert, 5s- COMPLETE MOURNING OU^FlT$. M a tin e e on Saturday at 2.30. (Reservod and Numbered); 3s. (Reserved but Un­ 'ile. 481 Eastbourne, Motor Garage. MONDAY, TUESDAY, 1 WEDNESDAY numbered); and le. (Unreserved). Annual Tickets not Personal attention to all command*. DURING FEB] ALSO AT available. “ Tantalizing Tommy.” and THURSDAY, at 3.15. H £60 per Annum. No. 4, THE GOFFS. In v ie w of the increasing difficulty Manufacturers have I in chaining Cotton,1, Linen and Woollen Goods, our CHARLES RNE, F.A.I., ONCE NIGHTLY. ROLLER SKATING. 8 0 N , Bargains are quite exceptional. Having purchased for Further Particulars, ap Principal Agents or IN THE LECTURE ROOM. UJtDBRTi before the great rise in prices some very heavy ^ u o n o . 1R, HOUSE AGENT Owner, 2, Station-parade, itboume. I I MONDAY, Mar. 6th. for Six Nights st 8. \ - i T H U R SD A Y EVEN ING , 7.30 to 9.30, W ith M v a iu ,we shall offer without doubt the best value in GBR, M a tin e e s Wednesday and Saturday at 2.30. FRIDAY, March 3ap, at 3.15. F R ID A Y MORNING, 10.30 to 1, Without Music. F uneral and the market. i, EASTBOURNE. ] !; | M’ .> The Enormously Successful Play from the Haymorket FRIDAY AFTERNOON and EVENING, 3.15 to Kotor Hearse BAILIFF. R. H. T. THORPE is open Chamber Music Concert- PiBASE SHOP DURING •DAYLIGHT. Theatre, Londonf 5.15 and 7.30 to 9.30, With Music. V , CAVENDISH PLAGE ft 19, SOUTH Appointed Marttnean to Levy re-seive Particulars of Properties . : • ; >},.'it;ti.,m „ •... •,. ■ , tent Act. 1888. Let and For Sale, or Business Connections SA TU R D A Y , 10 a.m. >to 12.30, Without Musi*. 8 A.M. TO 7.80 P.M. For Disposal. BUSINESSES ON to* DISPOSAL “ QUINNEYS’.” EVENINGS: WEDNESDAY/SATURDAY and ,, 3.15 to 5.15, With Music. Tel. 788. X. B A . H A Y L A V D , Tel. ’ Address:—LloVds Bank Chambers, By Horace Annesley Vachell. , SUNDAY, at 8.15. 1TNDKRTAKKR A FUNERAL CARRIAGE I Established 1886. TBRMINUS*ROA||,. U PROPRIETOR. I 17 I Exceptional Bargains in ARNOLD, SWIMMING BATHS. M V O C 4 L I S T - OPEN CABS, GLASS « CLOSED HKAI Household linens. | ^ u o n o : ALUKR8, HOUSE, W I N T E R TIME T A B L E . Bu sin e ss and Saturday ft Sunday Evenings, Fkb. 26th & 27th: 0 'T sa rt’ London Experience. PIER THEATRE, jjs' X rX ED BATHING—EVERY MORNING, 7 to » AGENTS, : , Manager G. Hayes. (including Sunday). E X r m a u L w r h a t h s n r g r e a t v a r ie t y . BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED TABLE m i d : CHAMBERS, * 'MR CHARLES COMPTON (Tenor). EVERY AFTERNOON, 3 to dusk. DAMASKS AND CLOTHS. • d I u , p Kv k n b k x r o a d , b a s t b o u b n b ; EASTBOURNE, TO-DAY (SATURDAY), at 3 and 8. GENTLEMEN ONLY-DAILY, 9 to 10.30 and Park. Admission 6d. '( 12 to 2 (except Sunday). Bargains in Damask Cloths Grand Value. > lktahlktvrt 1874. Mr. Wekdon Grossmith's Great Success, LADIES ONLY-EVERY MORNING, 10.45 to 1* AMBLYN, Stalls (Saturday and Sunday), 6d. extra. (except Sunday). R O B E R T 8 . H A R T , | SHEETS and SHEETINGS. o u s e ING SURVEYOR, “ Mr. Preedy and the Countess.” TTNDKRTAEER ft COMPLETE FUNERAL Specially all Rednoed for this Sale. auctio; VALUER. By R. C. Carton. M< 4 / f u r n i s h e r , ______8, ELM S B SEASIDE ROAD, G8, CALICOES ANI LONGOLOTH8 . a I m i W , Ol d SMinoinun. | BBBncrINI Telephoned SUNDAY, at 3 and 8 PAVILION) DEVONSHIRE PARK, Fnnermla Oooduoted to All Parts. Hr. H^ha- y ean ’ local experien SPECIAL OONOEETS Towels. ■as oocunled in pnM ii„ I J ' f 2------— p apeoialljr qna&fled for By the Turki Coloured Border, 2 for 1/3$, 2 for 2/1}, H Proparty; or Bupervislng Kxrats Samp Komedy Kompany SSI 3NT1EJXT W ESEXSL IS Oolol l Striped Cotton Turkish Towels 2 for (From the Summerdown Convalescent Hospital). , 6}d. to 1/11 each ; worth 2/64 to^lay. E astbourne , ft DAVIES* .Under the direction of Capt.|E. Green Foley, R.A.M.0 fW IO E D AILY at 3 and 8 o'clock. Feb. 26, , Station; By kind permission of Col. Bostook, R.A.M.C. at 11.90 a.m. ,vy Stock of Blankets and Coloured UOTIOj STATE AGENTS, Seats: 2d., 4d. and 6d. A few Reserved Seats at Is. H a h a h a m H a will m el Travelling Ruga. in Self A' 0 VALUERS, . 26, Yew 1 :on, 11 Soldiers Half-prico to all parts. S B N S A T Ik) N A L ENGAGEMENT. Oolonra. eham Street, TERMINUS HOAD . EASTBOURNE, THE [WORLD-FAMOUS T h e Bast Su ssex F< will meet on | I/or . red other Purposes. Week commencing MONDAY, Feb. 28th. ____ ow, iu Ren w a n ts in Flannelette, Calico, Sheetings, Monday, Feb. 28, Harrow Agent* for ail the brine; Local Residencies and EVERY AFTERNOON at 3. J - j ^TILLIA M SO N Thursday, March 2, Ashb Furnace, 1L30 a. m. Latpns; also Oddments too numerous to Bn iness . laily to Centre Bargain MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY Th e Southdow n iunds will meet on I mention added daily to Centre Barga\ EVENINGS at 8. ednesday. March L C " o u n t e r . 1 I1878. S& S^y^nrst, it. Meet at 11 sum. MESSRS. HUNTER and BECK present the Grand EA STER ft WRIGHT, each day. Immense Reductions will be Offered iu Pantomime, SUBMARINE MOTION PICTURES A UCTIONEERS VALUERS, HOUSE, £ X LAND AND TB AGENTS, N e w M o d e l s “ALADDIN.” H A R RIET COLE, D ecbas MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. The Well-known Comedian, J. D. HUNTER, as “Widow 110, TERMINU l EASTBOURNE Adjodning tlu ' md County Bank). Twankey," and First-Class Company and Chorus. Pursuant to the 22nd and 23rd Vlot, cap. 35. i&rkable Bargains in Xace Curtains. IN Seats ...... 2s. to 4d. Valuations for Probate, 'er and other purposes. CARPETS. RUGS, LINOLEUMS and Seats at 2s. ami Is. 6d. may be reserved in advance at the 9 against______PBOPHBTI FOB BALK. pier Gates, or by Teh 674. r of "84 and 36, High-street, Mile FLOORCLOTHS. TDRN1BHBD Avn SHED BE8IDENOEB. TAILORED SUITS of Clevedon ” ' i \ ’ " ;>r HA The Williamson Expedition Week commencing MONDAY, Mabch 6th. .BASE CALL AND INSPECT ON OUR MESSRS. [.LOYSjB Submarine Motion Pictures REMNANT COUNTER. BLOUSES G 0W Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday -whose Will was grai ^C O T IO N E K R 8 ,aq USRS AMD ESTATE Afternoons at 3. Registry on the 27th < Wednesday and Saturday Evenings at 8. Henry 8tallon, the g il d Dress Departme nt. Silks 6, : BASTBOUBNB Performances of Capt. Robert M arshall’s Stirring TAKEN UNDER xeqnired to send in the Fac ng Military Play, -writing to the nndersigi Estates- r Our value combines reasonable pric, March, 1916, after which Blousings. _____ Weekly and proceed to distribute the s ipt Settlements. urith quality and orginality of sty1 1. “ The Second in Command/’ THE OCEAN to the Claims of which he he HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. ■ j 7.1 r ' T will not be liable for the. ______By the Offloers and Wounded Soldiers of I ’‘‘Most remarkable motion pictures ever seen in any part thereof so distributed as aforesaid to Any Two Pairs of Ladies’ Hoie for 2/6}. lUOL sd). Prioe Five Shillings, post tree. 8UMMERUOWN MILITARY CONVALESCENT London.” I . HOSPITAL, Person of whose Claim he shaOl not then have had notice. Q.LIMPS: OF Otm ANCESTORS IN Pall Mall Gazette.—~u Fascinating, delightful, instructive.” Dated this 22nd day of February, 1916. HANDKERCHIEFS. Y our V isit will be appreciated at i Under the Management of Oapt. E. Green F oley. Standard.-—'* An amazing fi*ht between Mr. Williams and THE BLUE BOY OKGHKSTRA, under Trumpet-Major an enormous shark is an exciting finish to a fascinating V. H. STALLON ft SONS, | OHitrooN’s, Six for 3$d. and 6$d. MoConnel. and highly instructive film." Of Sheernem, Kent, J I* . Ladies’, Six for I0$d. and lAi$d- OONT. B HISTORY 3 CARLISLE BUILDIMS The whole Production is under the supervision of and by Solicitors for the said Executor. kind permission of Lieut.-Col. J. W. Bostook, R.A.M.C., OOBSBTS and UNDEBOLOTHING. FAMILY. DEVONSHIRE PARK , _ damn Commandant. : : > U , Seats at 3s., 2s. and Is. 6d. may be reserved in advance at Amazing Motion Pictures, showing the Wonderful Beauties of ENTRAL WESLEYAN CHURCH, el Suaaox Martyrs; The the Pier Gates, or by Tel. 674. the Ocean Bed ias never before conceived. . . . Entrancingly PKVEN8EY ROAD. lxshoraft; “ Gleaning* ’ DURING NECESSARY ALTERATIONS Beautiful Coral Formations, Marine Gardens, Sponge Fishing, Sn—ex, fto .' ■■. I SUNDAY, FEBRUARY nth. ALE & KERLEY, ‘• At " • ' !; Diver Exploring Sunken Wrecks, Astonishing Fishes and R eadier: REV. ISAAC 8HIMMTN. 4? GH0VF. ROAD Hair-raising Fights between Mea and Sharks 1L0 a.m.—Subject: “ The Supremacy of Spiritual I HIPPODROME, Methods.” SEASIDE ROAD ' t TERMINUS ROAD. EASTBOURNE, j ■ I-' -.1- ' I ! u n d er W ater. C^6L30 p.m.—Subject: **The Kingdom whiph Cannot be Managing Director... | _. Ms. Sidney W. Winter P o t t and Country Orders receive P r o m p t I Manager _ ...... Hekbkbt Raymond. A BRILLIANTLY SUCCESSFUL, ENTERTAINING AND ABSORBING REVELATION A tte n tio n . PsnrrxBs, fto., MONDAY; Feb. 28th, and during the Week. OF THE MYSTERIES AND WONDERS OF THE OCEAN. BYENSBY ROAD CONGREGATIONAL | Bast Grinstead. CHURCH. Twice Nightly at 7 and 9. Direct from the P hilhabmonic H all, L ondon. .ere. 1 ’ Messrs. WELLS and REEVES present the Up-to-1 ate SUNDAY NEXT, Februarv nth, Spectacular Prices: 2/6, Is., 6d. (216 Seats m ay be Reserved). at 11 AND 6.30. BKS WRITTEN Preacher: GCOOND-HftND FURNITURE, Carpets, Antique Ive Scenes, ftc.. Bought for Cash. No of remove ,! REV. J. G. HENDERSON. „ - Alfred Wright, 86 and 87, DOGGEREL. C E N T R A L c i n e m a , EASTERN CINEMA, . Z S nb boaruo. “ Hurry long Please.” A Company of . well - known Artistes, inbinding the SEASIDE ROAjD. DAILY ...... 8.0, 7.0 and 9.0. T. ANDRHW’S PRESBYTERIAN m SHOULD Popular Comedians, Woodhonse and Wells and George OHUBOH, Blaokwaxkr-road. Reeves, the successful Pantomime and Revue Artistes. Also Francis Drew, Gladys Witton. Jimmy Guidery. TO-DAY (SATURDAY), Feb 26th TO -DAY (SATU RD AY). Feb. 26th. SUNDAY, February n t h . j ; S DoUylFordham. MllUe Ford. fto. Servioes: 11 a.m. and a30p.m. ANT EDITIONS. The Doris Wynter Troupe of Lady Dancers. At 8, e.30 and 8 30 “ The Exploits of Elaine ’’ Preacher: REV. JAMES BEl ■ SOUL Full LondonUmdon Beauty Chorny,^includingling the FHurry Along The Great Mystery Film Serial in Two Parts. __ TUESDAY, at Noon, intercaaetoa L “ MAR8E COVINGTON.’’ I; Episode No. 4. 01B A I.8' . AN ADULT PLA8S FOR THURSDAY, at 7 pjm. t m u l Congre LAD] B’S the Prices i 12s. 6d. and 10s. 6d. “ Metro ’’ Drama in Foqr Parts. “ BRONCHO BILLY’S PROTEGEE.” Western Drama. S WOP WB8T-CLAIB a l l -room D A N O 1 N G . booked); Faub (reserved, 2s.); Pit “ DREAMY DUD SEES CHAPLIN." Cartoon. All vacant Seats * » % * • % minutes before the Grand Oirclo and time of Service. U^NEI TO J^UNNUN. Will bis. held reeerved. Is. 6d.):Plt,M.(eMiydwsI^?)^ % “ MORTGAGE ON HIS DAUGHTER." Comedy. “ BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTS.” Vitagraph Comedy. 3d. (early doors, id.). Telephone No. 336. "HASH HOUSE MASHERS." Keystone Comedy. : !- ' ' ------— r " ■' ' ------| O B N A M E N T A L a t d e v o n b B ir b p a r k "WITH THE INDIAN; TROOPS IN FRANCE.” DANCING. I .'■.•.■’•.'J ' OOMPj For Offloers, (heir Friends and. Eastbourne Residents. “ A PLUGGED _ NICKEL." Comedy. PATHB GAZETTE. . T o n BUI THE WAR CHARITIES ROBBS, FRIDAY EVENING, 8.30 to 10 o'clock. P K o m x a GAUICONT GBAftHIO. MONDA Y. Feb 28th , and Two Following Days. to give i ure to the Children b General Printing In will arrange to L A D J i L B ’ S BFor Parttonlare write to: i ofOreryklnd |* raqured MONDAY, Feb. tSth.and Two Following Days. “ The Man in the Attic ” M^SSnWt S“gtettS:| Trees and Bsrdy Flowers, Ae.i M na E atcliW k, The Ohattworth Hotel. and. at the Drama in Three Parts. Exclusive to this Theatre. R II T KRRIC ft Co. Chrenlola “ Printtng Work*, “ THE BEEP PUBPLEJf “SNATCHED FROM THE ALTAR.” Comedy. ---- * ------— require “Ohrcmiole" Office, Sonth-etreet, M A aPEfflAt. “ World ” Drama in Five Acts. “HE WOULDN’T STAY DOWN.” Comedy by ------'------NURBBBIlSi 1 ^ 8 ACRES. Keystone. WIT '.", :.V’ a •‘THE WIDOW'3 BREEZY sjjIT.” Comedy. “ A MACHINE GUN 8CHOOL AT THE FRONT.” m ON OOLLKOB OF MUSIC. Letterpress and 1 Printing Topical. QATALOGUBS BALLROOM DANCING andj iDEPOjBTMBNT, o f all “THE TALE OF A TYRk.” Comedy. F A T B E GAZBTTF. RATION . 4A V 10X S ! GRAPHIC. 4d„ 8d. and Sd.—All Tip-ups. O E 1 A L f t Si ^RTJBTKJ MEMORIAL CARDS. Seats, 3d., Sd. and Is. Telephone No. 1183. Is.. Special Reserved and Raised Seats. Telephone 706. \Hsil EMORIAL OARI ______U___ _ t. '. j------THE NOBSBRIES, BAOH. Cards: _____ J Black ; Cards: CARDS are Mr. Moggs : “ I see the French'Tiave gained Bowling : “ Poetry is an ascent to the 60. 6s. 6d.; 100, llsT( _pricesThese heights.” Hobbe : “ That’s what I think. Yet when ION LABELS of all Unda ma ra- LABELS of all U nde A m rooi inolude Envelopes. extra: 12, 3ft; 25, (5.; 60, o o M fonr hundred metres from the enemy.* « Mrs. Moggs : “ " ‘ lO a’e l a v P i 5d.; 100, fld.—FARNO- o„ Ltd., Prl iters,. Aswes, * * How splendid! That should help io [put a stop to you start to write it peoplejsay you have dropped into- East Grinstead and i Berth ekwirt, : those-dr eadful gas attacks! ” __ verse! ” 1


4 -? ' ' . 4 i wv I

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Annual Meeting The Right Hon. Walter Runoiman, Mrs. Runciman and fainilV are staying at Rirling (prap Hotel. •. held in the Town H all, on Thursday, Alderinkn C O’Brien Harding (Mayor of Kastbouriie) B rown. M arch 2nd, at 3 p.m . attained (his o7th birthday on Tuesday last. His Worship, i who is‘devoting him-self unsparingly to the : No a 3S WETHEBED, of Calcutta, many callfc upon his time and services, lias now quite Will Speak on behalf of the Society. thrown off his recent cold. Earl Brassey, G.C.B., on board the “ Sunbeam,” The Chair will be taken by the Rev. G. P. Bassett FARMS arrived at Perim on 20th February, after having been Kerry, M-A-, President of the Eastbourne Association. 8UBGICAL 8UPPO J D E P O T , delayed by strong southerly winds. After calling at oLtainable can be obtained Aden for provisions and coals the “ Sunbeam” left for 3 * - 30, QUEEN'S ROAD, GHTON. Bombay qn the 21st inst. and is expected to arrive there at their best from us. The early in March. collective experience of four Squadron Sergt.-Major Harry Thomas Hounsom has been granted a second lieutenancy in the Sussex generatioj|is in the Coal Trade ONDOJil J E W S SOCIETY e a p y e a r Yeomanry. Second-Lieut. Hounsom, in civil life, is a L IN AID OP THE and our long dealings with clerk in the Town Clerk’s office. M i s s i o n Princess Alice Memorial Hospital. Sir G. Qroydon Marks, M .P., who recently addressed th e best Collieries enable us a meeting of the Eastbourne Sunday School Union, is Special CJommissioner in the Tyne district on the to P IC E and CHOOSE their A L E A P Y E A R DANCE munition scheme for the dilution of labour. best outplut. ANNUAL MEETING WILL TAKE I'LACI AT The Djike of Richmond and Gordon (Provincial SPECIALLY WATERPROOFED. THE GRATED HOTEL, Grand Master for Sussex) presided on Wednesday at the anniversary festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent SUITABLE FOR ALL WEATHERS. o r THIS SOCIETY Institution, at which the receipt of subscriptions Therefore!, when you plaoe ! On TUESDAY NEXT, 2 9 t h . amounting to £34,000 was announced, £7,000 of that sum coming from Sussex. your orders with us, you WILL (D.V.) BE HEU.P Dancing prom 9 p.m. jro 1 a.m. A marriage has been arranged lietween Thomas Earls S p e c ia l P r i c e . t i know that your coal has been Light Refreshments. Davis, RLA.M.G., of Sydney, Australia, and Norah Oh THURSDAY, MARCH 9th, at B o'clock, Gratwicke, only daughter of W. Gratwicke Heaaman, carefully selected, and that Tickets, 8s. Gd. each, are obtainable at the of Michelgrove, Eastbourne. Grand Hotel Office. you are getting the utmost Many sympathetic inquiries have been made respect­ WEAR GUARANTEED. T H E SAFFRONS BOOH, ing the progress of Alderman C. F. Simmons sinoe the value for your money. recent operation on one of his eyes. It Is still uncertain O W N HALL, EASTBOURNE, what measure of permanent benefit may arise from the T operation, but Alderman Simmons’ innumerable fnjends REV. CARPENTER will cherish the keenest hopes in this respect. The A P U B L IC LECTURE, Alderman took some outdoor exercise on Thursday, and M a i s o n l o r a (The Society's Missionary at Warsaw we are glad to hear that his general health is satis­ F , and Moscow, who has lately returned With Slides, by factory. home) will give a )A MBS. ST. C X A IB STOBABT, 59, 61, 63, GROVE ROAD, Thrilling A ecount of Recent Events lIw BRADFORD*SONS On WEDNESDAY, M AliCl' 1st at S p.'tn. THE RED CROSS AUCTION Rpseia and Poland. \ r EASTBOURNE. Mbs. St. Clair Stobart! with tier Hospital Unit, retreated with the Serbian Army. SALE. 2, Station Psarad< The Chair will be taken by A. F. COX, Esq. The Entire Profit* of the Lecture will be H i i l FINANCIAL STATEMENT. I D e a t h o f a D a ir y m a n .—The funeral took devoted to Eerbfiu Belief. LOCAL NEWS. place on Monday, a t '■ Oeklynge Cemetery, of Mr. FOUNDED in the R ign of GEORGE IV. Alfred Alexander Loadsman, aged 46, dairyman at 90, Tickets, 3s., 2s. and 1b„ from Messrs. Ryder, KeKward, A meeting of those connected with the recent auction i Latimer-road, who diet) on the 10th inst, a Hermitage and Prentice. sale on behalf of theTted Cross Equipment Society and TIMES op HIGH WATER & LIGHTING-UP ; widow and five youpgchildren. Themoumers inu. uded War Hospitals Supply Depot and the Red Cross Hixh ’Water. Lighting ; the widow, two sons. Councillor C. Loadsman (HovcV Hospitals took plaoe in the Council Chamber, Town Mom. Alter. Up Mr. G. Loadsruan (now serving in the Army), Mrs. Gi -■. i E I > JUST RECEIVED. ^ T . SAVIOUR’S, EASTBOURNE. Hall, yesterday afternoon. The Mayor (Alderman C. Saturday, Feb. 26 ._ 3.18 3.47 ._ 6. I LoadBman, Seaman Loadsman, R.N.Y.K ., Mr. Holli­ O’Brien Harding) presided, and amongst those also Sunday, Feb. 27 ___ 4.12 i_ 4.45 ._ 6. 3 day, of Slough (brother-in-law) and Mrs. Haliid.i and iresent were the Mayoress (Miss Harding), Mr. Roland SHORT ORGAN RECITALS Monday, Feb. 28----- 5.24 ]_ 6.12 ._ 6. 5 several local dairymen. There were a num > r of lurke, Mr. Claude Bishop and Mr. T. Simpson (the floral tributes. — N E W I— Will be given bv managing committee), Councillor C. W. Bolton, Mrs. Tuesday, Feb. 29 ...... 7. 9 L 8. 0 ._ 6. 6 JAMES R. DEAR, Mus. Bac., Astley Roberts, Councillor F. Hollins, Mrs. Roland W ednesday, Mar. I... 8.50 L 9.10 .„ 6. 8 ‘.‘T h e M a k in g o f t h e W e a l d .”—A le lu r e M r C I . E S and MOTOR CYCLES. with the foregoing title is to he given next Thursday at „ EVERYTHING for C On the WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS in Lent, Burke, Mr. C. A. Leatham, Mr. A. Talior, Councillor Thursday, Mar. 2...... 9.24 ... 10. 1 ._ 6.10 * j V 8. Russell, Mrs. F. S. Williams, Councillor S. N. Fox, Friday, Mar. 3 _ 10.20 .L 10.50 6.12 the Technical Institute under the auspices of th !• ast- SPRI N G M ODELS at 8.30, Major H. P. Molineux, Alderman T. B. Rowe, Council j bourne Natural History Society. The lecturer is the h i Advance in Prices Cycles and Motor Cycles. Commencing ASH WEDNESDAY, March 8th. lor J. Easter, Councillor F. O. D. Durell, Mr. F. I Rev. J. C. Thompson, formerly of Hampden Par . and U H Lloyd and others. now of Bexhill. Mr. Thompson is well known as a very Royal S ociety fo b P revention of Cr uelty Why Buy a New Cycle or [otor Cycle when you can have your old h e THEOSOPHiplt S O C IE T Y . The Mayor, in opening the meeting, said they knew keen naturalist, and he has for some time run a wild ARD ! to A nimals, Eastbourne Branch. Hon. Sec., Miss flower exhibition at Bexmll on the line of that con­ Qyde or Motor Cycle Re-1 Repaired, Re-enamelled, equal to new, T ORPHEpS LOIIOE.j63o. Terminus-road how exceedingly successful the sale was, and the reason Locke P addo^, 1, Compton-street. Subscriptions (over Gallery Kincma). for its suooess. They did not have a Cabinet of twenty- are urgently needed^ana may b© paid to the Hon. ducted in the Museum by the Natural History Society. SHOWING YO A SAVING OF FASHION BOOTS TUESDAY, Feb. \S9tht c.t $ o’clock. three, but only three eeutlemen who thoroughly knew Treasurer, H enry H olyoake, Esq., “ Fairmont,’ Admission to the lecture will he free. itrepid their work and carried it out magnificently. It was 3, De Roos-road, or at Liaiyds Bank, Ltd. All oom- L o n d o n C o l l e g e o f M u sic . — From th e r Proprietor: The Lodg-e Meeting- will he devoted to entirely due to their extraordinary energies and their * plaints should he addressed to Inspector E. W. ) P H O N E &neBtioxiB and Answers. Cowley, 1a, Compton-ntreet, Eastbourne. list published in the Daily Telegraph and musical papers GEORGE DOTJLL & GO. , George Dotjll. business abilities that the event was such a great triumph of successful candidates at the Diploma Examine cms rf W a r . Questions on Theoponhicajl SnbjectR may be sent in High-class F ootwear. N o better value. beforehand to the Secretary, lu. Hartington-mansions. Mr. B rrkk, in the course of a statement regarding held in London and at the Provincial and Co’ nial Prompt Cycle and Motor Cycle R ep airs. the financial result, said it was proposed, in due course, New season's •L Pa? ndkr®» jog, South- I Qentres for the half-’ to December, 1915, it appears Those interested arc invited to be present. street (between Baviour’s Church and Devon- res. to issug to the Press a complete audited statement show­ Bhire-pl&ce). that there were 922 candidates for diplomas, of which 1, WEST STREET. ing the whole workimg of the sale and how the money number 584 passed. 328 failed and 10 were a'l ent. M b , GROVE ROAD. 48, G R O V E R O A D . Luminous W atches, invaluable for night a s t b o u r n e n a t u r a l h i s t o r y , had been allocated. The total income was £2,588. 8s. 8d. The next examination (as will lie seen from an a iver- ibers’ Tickets MI Stock. Repairs i 1 Hiring a Speciality. use, reliable tims keepers, from 18s. 6d. Clients tisement in another column) takes place ill April ■ < xt, Accessories, Petrol, OH, Tyres, etc* PHOTOGRAPHIC & LIT EH A KY SOCIETY. The expenses were rather heavy, amounting to 'own W aices and Clocks made Luminous.—F. G. £2S3. 13s( 7d. The net sum realised was £2,304. 15s. Cucmenok, Goldsmith. Silversmith and Watchmaker, entries for which should tie sent in to the College, Great The committee had not been able to cousult with the 18, Cornfleld-road. Eastbourne. Phone 782. Marlborough-street, W. ; or to the loeal represent .live* fCERT by A M u s n n BOOKS. organisations with regard to the allotment of the Avenue House, r astbourne, not later than March 5th. A Public Lei t u r e V in a l l ’s , Drapers, 53 aud 53 a, Terminus-road, money, but probably a certain amount might be sent to Will be delivered on THURSD. fij March 2nd. at are showing some genuine bargains in Blankets, P e r s o n s R e q u ir in g practical Book-keep­ II'S, tj the Red Cross Society in London, which had rendered ing. Shorthand and Typewriting Lessons should apply 815 p m„ in the LECTURE TH1 IAiTRE, Technical Flannels, and Flannelettes the best of all being 4.000 b l v e y r o l u v n u \ great assistance to the local hospitals. Mr. Burke went yards Heavy Striped Flannelette, 31 inches wide, 4d. to H. T. Thorpe, Lloyds Bank Chambers, Eastbourne. TOM C L A D P o L E T S E iNSTITOTje, by tl on to thank the numerous helpers who contributed per yard, usually sold tljii. Telephone 521. —Advt. towards the success of the sale, the auctioneers and at Three o'clock BEY. J 0. THO IPSON. Notice.—A ll those who wiBh to W arehouse “ Th e Romance of E conomy.”—This is othera j , their Furniture should not do so until they have J A N C L A ROLE’S TRIP TO ’MERRICTJR S u b ject: ‘T h e M a k in g o i the W eald.” Councillor H ollins proposed a vote of thanks to the the attractive title of the lecture to be given on Tuesday Inspected Messrs. G. K. Matnakd’b, Limited, Ware­ next at the Saffrons Rooms by the Rev. G. P. B issatt KTB.G, IX — .w m OF DOLLAR TRESS. A d m issio n triumvirate (Mr. Burke, Mr. Claude Bishop and Mr. houses, which are the finest In Eastbourne. Estimates Simpson), who so successfully carried out the work. free.—Note the address, G. K. Maynard, Limited, Kerry, M.A., vicar of Holy Trinity. Doubtless many Removal and Storage^ Contractors, Greys Lone will want to hear what lie has to say on a subject whose R V S U S S E X D O e S l B X L . Mr. L eathaii seconded the motion, which was carried buildings. South-street,,-street Eastbourne; IN with acclamation. "many1 implications have gradually become apparent even, N-B. — February reduction! in charges for to those who at first were disposed to regard the Tea The Mayor remarked that he had been associated Gas Fires : 10 per cent.—Eastbourne Gas Co. Conferences as a new form of recreation for the “ light FABNCOMBE & CO., LDCTItD, (Jastbottrncdjbronulc with pulilic affairs for many years, but lie knew of half-believers of our casual creeds.” The chair will be nothing that had been so successfully carried out as the F r e e CH u r c h B r o t h e r h o o d .—A ld erm an occupied by Miss Susan Gutliff. M USIC BT TBK KM, SOUTH STREET, BARTBOURXX, SEE WINDOWS. [• ------1------< recent sale. Eastbourne usually did things exceedingly E. Duke, J.F. (president), took the chair at Sunday well, but: he thought the town should be particularly afternoon's meeting tof the above! Society. It was I ncome Ta x on W ar Loan Interest.— n ooW OWT T.WRH. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1916. grateful to the three gentlemen who managed the sale reported that the application for eggs for distribution Holders of the 4j per cent. War Loan will find that ______.J______J. _ _ I __ _ __ | Income Tax at the rate of 3s. in the £ has been deducted Tea Concert, 5s. for their splendid work. at the local hospitals; continued to meet with a useful I (Reserved but Un- Mr. B urke, Mr. B ishop and Mr. Simpson briefly response. The address was given i)v Mr. Bewlay, of from their half-yearly interest paid on December 1st. ( > Annual Tickets not s e l l replied, and the meeting then terminated. Hampden Park, whose subject was “ Duty.” A “ fare­ In most cases some measure of relief or repayment is STRAY NOTES well ” was gi veil to Mir. J. Sutton, who is leaving East­ due to the stockholder, and this wifi depend on the bourne for Cambridge,'after long residence in this amount and nature of the individual income. The AND town. T ! Eastbourne and District Income Tax Reclamation Tribuealb at W ork. BOYS FOR THE NAVY. Society, 7, Bolton-road, Eastbourne, is dealing with V e h ic u l a r C o l l is io n . — On Saturday these matters daily, and is prepared to look into and > 9.30, W ith M u s t* . Th e local Tribunals under the Derby scheme morning, about half-piist eight! a butcher's cart, driven advise on any case free of charge. Should the Society and the Military Service Act are making , | / To the E ditor. , by David Knight aid owned by Mr. G. H. Bodle, be able after investigation to make a claim and secure > 1, Without Music. steady and satisfactory progress with the S ir : The Education Committee has for the last two Terminus-place, was turning from Tideswell-road into repayment, the only cost incurred is a small fee based On JG, 3.15 to duties imposed on tbenji. Or Wednesday the or three years offered annually to hoys in the schools of Terminus place when: it collided with a back wheel ot the actual benefit, aud being a per centage of the actual body formed in pursuance of the Compulsory tbe town two “ Sea Scholarships ” of £22. 10s. each, to a van driven by Johh Dyer. The butcher's cart was saving or repayment. statute—Hie constitution of which was deter­ enable the holders to be trained for 18 months on the overturned on to the pavement and the horse, with one Princess A lice Memorial H ospital, Will, out Musis. 114., TERMINI'S ROAD, training ship “ Arethusa,”.and from there to pass into shaft attached, ‘bolted along Terpiinus - place into mined at the last meeting of the Town Council Terminus-road, where it was stopped by a soldier. supported by voluntary contributions.—The following \\M u tic. the Navy; The results have been most encouraging is the weekly return of patients for week ended Railway Station, —dealt with some two doaen applications for Fortunately no one wps injured. exem ption, temporary! 4>f: complete, and and the boys chosen have done remarkably well. The Feh. 23rd : Number of patients Feb. 16th, 55; D evonshire Park, showed through the proceedings every .desire competition for these scholarships has this year been U n io n J a c k Cl u b f o r S o l d ie r s a n d admitted during the week, 8; discharged during the |B AT IIS. TBOURNE very keen and it was difficult to distinguish between Sailors.—Miss Pringle wishes, through the Chronicle, week, 16 ; died, 0 ; remaining in hospital at date, 47. to act fairly and considerately by the parties the first five competitors, as they were all admirably to thank the kind friend who sent, anony mously, such This hospital is open to the inspection of visitors on Eastbourfie ’PHC1 ! ' 1 concerned. It was noticeable that in most, qualified to lie trained for the Navy. The Education a beautiful parcel of warm things and games to the Sundays Wednesdays and Bank Holidays from 2 to ' MORNING. 7 to • cases the ground of appeal w is that it would Committee did not see its way to give more than one club. They ate most acceptable and are much appreci­ 4 p.m. Additional annual subscribers are urgently be a “ serious hardship’’ for the applicants to scholarship in addition to tbe two which had been ated by those using the club. needed. Contributions will be thankfully received by l to dusk, offered, but an Eastbourne gentleman has kindly offered the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. O. O’Brien Harding, J.P.. have to relinquish their present civil occupa­ L e c t u r e s b y M i s s A r u n d a l e .—On T u es­ r, B to 1030 and tions, the complaints in this respect being to pay the fees for another boy, and that leaves only the 15. South Cliff. House visitors: Mr. C. W. Bolton uud fifth unprovided for. I am writing this in the hope day afternoon, under the auspices of the Orpheus Mr. F. Slooombe. LETS ONE NO. 1 1 5 7 . twofold—personal loss and the detrimental that it may catch the eye of some generous resident Lodge of the Theosojihical Society, an “ At Home” 3.10.45 to 1* effect upon dependents. “ Serious hardshi who mav be in a position to provide a boy with a fine took plaoe iu the rooms over the Gallery Kinema. Tea being an excusatory objection stipulated by career and the Navy with a promising recruit. and music imparted a brightening and cheering influence, and an interesting lecture on “ The Evolution of Life” the Act common use of the term is natural Yours faithfully, MRS. ST. CLAIR STOBART. MONDAY NEXT, F e b r u a r y 28, S. SQ UIRE & CO. enough ; but those entering such a plea must was given by Miss Arundale, a lady who has been for : F. S. W ILLIAM S, many years in India and whose work has been connected expect to have to prove soitael hing more than with the Central Hindu College, Benares. The COMING LECTURE AT THE TOWN HALL. FOR a contingent dislocation of home arrange­ Chairman of the Higher Education >ARK, The College, Sub-Coqmiittee. lecturer, who was introduced -by the President, began ments and the loss by dependent relatives of a February 24th, 1916. by speaking of the unfoldment of Life—the one life portion of their present means of support. which permeates the universe, in every blade of grass A large attendance is fully expected at the meeting; ONE EEK ONLY. FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, Mr. Long, President of ihe Local Government and flower that grows up to tbe divine conscious­ to be held at the Town Hall, on Wednesday after­ ness in man. In an intelligent conception of evolution noon next, when Mrs. St. Clair Stobart is to give a Board, very properly insists! that to justify lecture on her remarkable Serbian experiences, the miCIANS,' exemption under the ‘articlilar section the EASTBOURNE VOLUNTEER TRAINING we have to consider the: two sides, that of the evolving life and that of the developing forms. It is this psycho­ proceeds to goto the fund for providing medical aid for “ hardship” must, be “ serious. He CORPS. physical parallelism that the scientists do not under­ Serbia. In connection with the lecture a number of a t a n d . adds : “ It has to be bo: mind that, at a stand. With every change in motion, there is a corres­ striking lantern views will be screened. ' “ A " Company. NT. time of crisis like the t, some sacrifice ponding change in matter. Theosophy explains an Mrs. St. Clair Stobart’s strenuous and difficult work Gas, Hot Water and Sanitary m ay reasonably be del of all, and that Headquarters: 81, South-street, Eastbourne. I evolution of matter, anil of life which ensouls matter.— in Serbia, where she had command of tbe combined what constitutes ‘ serioi s hardship’ must be Orders for week ending March 4th, 1916. “ The Coming of a Wprld Teacher ” was the subject of Anglo-Serbian Field Hospital during the last fighting and retreat of the Serbian Army, excited the greatest Engineers. interpreted in this light. A hardship which Parades. a lecture given on the following afternoon by Miss interest and admiration. The Chief of the Medical- might reasonably be regarded as serious under V.T.C. Arundule in connection with the Order of the Star in the East. j .Military Department of the Legation Iioyale de Serbia ENGAGEMENT normal conditions may not be so at the present Saturday Feh. 26th.—Cyclist Section, parade at Head­ has spoken of the hospital as one of the most popular tim e.” quarters 2 45 p.m. A F ir e m a n ’s D e a t h .—M r. George W illiam REPAIRS BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN Sunday, Feb. 27th.—Company drill, parade at Head­ organisations in Serbia. “ Yon brought,” he writes, } .— : ",ii_* tjt, quarters 3 pm . Terry, son of Engineer George Terry, of 44, Latimer- “ successfully, with your energy and splendid behaviour, UR£S PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Camp’s N ew E ntertaikment H ut. Monday,Feb. 28lh.—Drill with rifloa a t College, parade road, for twelve years a member of the Borough Fire all your staff to Scutari. It was a tremendous task to “ WONDERFUL Brigade, passed away, after a severe illness,.at Malt-' Th e Convalescent Camp at. Summerdown, at Headquarters K 45 p.m. achieve on account of the many difficulties and incon­ Most wonderful You will witness Tuesday, Feh. 29th.—Instruction class for N.C.O.’s and ings Farm Sanatorium, Nayland, near Colchester, on veniences through which the Serbians had to pas*. the unveiling of secrets hidden from reputed to be one of tbe bent military hut­ man desiring promotion, parade at Headq uarters 6.43 p.m. Friday last. Deceased was 33 years of age, and was a Wednesday. March 1st. — Physical drill, parade at Your hospital was the only one that knew how to save the eye of man sinde man was.” ments in the country, has received yet another mounted trumpeter in the old 2nd Sussex Artillery the staff and bring same to Scutari. . . . You have- ESTIMATES GIVEN. Artillery Drill Hall, The Goffs, 6.45 . Y olunteers. (London) Evening News. useful addition to its structural equipment. Thursday, March 2nd.—Shooting at Technical Institute made everybody believe that a woman can overcome and it between a man On Thursday evening a building specially 8 to 10 p.m. L e a p Y e a r D a n c e . — An advertisement endure all the war difficulties, and as a commander of a designed for the holding of concerts, theatricals Friday, March 3rd.—Drill with rifles at College for all gives particulars of a Leap Year dance, to be given at the medical unit, can save all the staff and at the same tim e Fascinating! and not efficient iu rifle exercises, parade at Headquarters S ta n d a r d . and other entertainments wa« opened with a 6., 5 pun. Grand Hotel, on Tuesday next, February 29th, in aid doing useful work whilst going hack to your great musical performance arrangec by Mr. Roland Saturday, March 4th.—Cyclist Section,parade at Head- of the Princess Alice Hospital. Tickets, price 8s. (id. Motherland.” 2 2 , TERMINUS ROAD, Burke, under whose silpervi don, it will be carters 2.45 p.m.; drill with rifles at College, parade at each, can be obtained at the Grand Hotel Office. Further particulars will be found in an advertisement.' leadquarters 6.45 p.m. remembered, the camp was originally con­ Ch u r c h o f E n g l a n d Z e n a n a M is s io n a r y Councillor S. Russell (St. Heliers, Grange-road), is acting as lion, secretary and treasurer. EASTBOURNE. structed. Shapely and icommojdious, and so V.T.C. and Derby Reservists. S ociety.—The annual meeting of this Society, to be >ER arranged and fitted internally as to afford all Sunday. March 5th.—Route march, parnde nt Head- held at the 7 own Hall on Thursday afternoon next, will ju arters 10 a.m. March to Stone Ci oss; drill 11.30 to 12.15, be presided pver by the Rev. G. P. Bassett Kerry, desirable convenience tofboth performers and then march to Pevensey; lunch at Castle Inu 1 to 2. audience, the new entertainment hall supplies SReturn march vid Pevensey Bay and coast road; back president of the Eastbourne Association. An address Si ON D esire de tres bons pommes de terres on pout a much-felt want, and will be more and more about 4. Men to provide own rations; haversacks and on the, work of the Society will be given by Miss les obtenir a tres bon marche chez ,T. C. H astings, Wethered (of Calcutta). 10, Pevensey-road et 1b, Compton-street.—Advt. appreciated as time goes on. The convales­ arms to be carried ; cyclists to be mounted, with arms. cents are heartily to be congratulated on their Derby Reservists. EVENDENS Saturday, Feb. 26th.—Drill, parade at Artillery Drill latest acquisition, the appearance and material Hall, The Goffs, 6.45 p.m. characteristics of which evoked general expres­ Sunday. Feb. 27th.—Company drill, parade at Head­ sions of delight and satisfaction at Thursday’s quarters 3 p.m. W. NICHOLSON, LTD. Monday. Feb. 28th.—Drill, parade at Artillery Drill inaugural gathering. Hall, The Goffs, 6.46 p.m. (Foot i f D evonshire Place), Tuesday, Feb. 29th.—No drilL Wednesday. March 1st. — Physical drill, parade at DO NOT FAIL TO SEE H ouseholders ’ O b l ig a t io n s . Artillery Drill Hall, The Goffs, 8.45 p.m. E, A 8 T B O U R N E , A m o n g s t the wholesome changes which it Thursday. March 2nd.—Musketry instruction, parade a t College 6 45 p.m. THE r to announce in connection with may be hoped will be Wrought, or at least Friday, March 3rd.—Drill, parade at Artillery Drill their delightful expedited, by the War, is one . in the direction Hall, The Goffs. 6.45 p.m. of a livelier sen Be of individual obligation in Saturday, March 4th.—Drill, parade at Artillery Drill E ii LOUNGE matters concerning the common welfare. We Hall, The Gifts, 6.45 p.m. SPRING DISPLAY do not now refer to that h gher range of Signalling. This Eighth of ths Skbus or As notified at Headquarters. personal duty! which affects the religious dnd OF IJPECIAL :: moral' life of the community, hut rather to Orderlies (for week commencing 27th Feb.). fELATIOX the service which the inhabitant owes in Officer, Mr. E. H. Black; Sergeant, Corporal and / | I . ? : | [ (V social and municipal affairs.- T re householder, six Privates from No. 11 Section. CAL TEAS for instance, is far too compl icently wedded (For week commencing 5th March). to tbe notion that with ti e payment of Offioer, Mr. L. M aclachlan; Sergeant, Corporal and six M illinery, U nderclothing, T o - d a y .turday), Feb 26th Privates from No. 16 Section. periodical rates his interest in the public Headquarters will be open for taking recruits, fee.. AND administration of his borough is at an end. during the following hours: Every morning, 11 to 12; AND EACH throughout F ebruary. He not only ignores the pract/ica] advantages Monday and Thursday evenings, 7.30 to 8.15. of private co-operative effort, but seems to A. J. H art. MARVEL! ARTISTES: O F D E E P live in blissful ignorance of any definite legal O.C. “ A ” Co., Eastbourne Battalion. IBS X DX S IX XX, V iolinist responsibilities. Soon after tbe war broke G eneral Drapery, (from the 's Hsfi and principal *9 out the Town; Council, through the Sanitary f Concerts). THE BRITISH RED CROSS SOCIETY. Feb . 96th. T ^ G R A P H Y . Committee, made an earnest appeal to house­ AT TAYLOR, V ocalist. holders to make up for the shortage of labour, I (Scbsxx/15 Y.AD.) • 1' . Laine ” as well as help in the! laudable object of Commandant: Ashley G. Cluffe, M.D. i Two Parts. W. GILLING economising in public expenditure, by burn­ Orders far week ending March 3rd, 1916. J ACCOMPANIST. ing or otherwise privately disposing of as Sunday.—2 45; First Aid and Ambulance drill. Monday.—815: Preparation class, “ Nursing.” (Phar- GTON, Pianist. much of their domestic and shop refuse as ,nd B officers forduty. Cartoon, ible. A desirable course in normal times, ; u—8.0: Lecture on Nursing,” in th e Tech- i Comedy. FROM 4 TO 6 P.M. i under existing conditions one of the e. by Dr. F. R. P. Taylor. > Comedy. Preparation class. “ The Roller Band- greatest importance; yelt we llearn that! the ' C. aud D. officers for duty. Prices. Excellent Service. response has been so poor as to give little or j no relief to the official} work of collection. K o m N.B.—The N otice to Mem bers of Military A ge. * J‘— matter in which Ibe private house- ! You are requested to send in at ouoe, if yon have not U f c i c ” Musical Teai Holder often fails to rise jto 1 i occasion is in already done so. the following attestation particulars for ( this Theatre. AT IRE the clearing of snow fr front of | .his the official return: dwelling. An illustratib i has occurred L No. of Group. L” Comedy. DAINTIEST & MOST REFINED 2. Group to which yon are postponed (if any). 87, Term inus Road Ounedy by this week in many i Quarters, where S. Your exemption claims (if any). 5 been left ! ; influences L O W O S i . Your age next birthday. AND ! FRONT.” of the thaw and the aho Corporation By order of the Commandant. avengers. Yesterday's] fall gives THIS IS THE-* [BEST PAPES FOB N lSTBOUBNE. H. R. J. COFLKSTON, residents an {repairing this H od. Sec. and Deputy Quartermaster. 25, Term inus Road. mistake. BINDS, a l b a t S t . S a v io u r ’s .— A ADVERTISEMENTS OF ALL Tommy r A rtistic l Hearts, Harps, recitals wiD be given by Mr. James Chaplets, I Wedding 4 a. 6a, 7*]6d., at S t Saviour’s Church on tbe Kh. 6d-, 1 large ja*.>. to j 63s.'—Jjj. CL during L ent at 3.30, oommenc- of shoes to have heels put on ’em. H astings, 10, Compton-street, ly, March 8th. Mr. Dear will be O F F I C E , . S O U T H STREET, EA8TBC Tele. 580, 708. vocalists and instrumentalists. OVER LOOO READY-TO-WEAR HATS TO CHOOSE FROM. IfyS?.'

  • awsav Mr. Infield mentioned that many thanks Were INVESTMENTS: BIG & LITTLE. K S^-JuLSSr* “ diw:us9ion which he! NATIONAL L FEliOAT INSTITU­ due to the outlying districts, Willingdori,lgdon, Hailsham, Pevensev,ensey, Wannock and Hdnkham,Hankham, for tiltthe assistance GENERAL TOPICS. Mb. Arthur B owln TION. that had been rendered from these placet. LOCAL TRADING; Congratulated the lecturer and the audience in the Votes of thanks to the Mayor for allowing the This ia anything but a quiet Week in Parliament. mi'-' excellent substitute that Mr. W. A. Jacob arid Mr. of tho parlour, the Press and the Chairman concluded The ,unprecedented ------demand- for inuucjmoney whichV Mr. tarry Kent had provided for this afternoon b r a n c h m e e t i n g the meeting Foster Clark’s EASTBOURNE . Asquith has had to make hag served to emphasis The exceeding stress of work has precluded Mr. ■ddrojs. When Mr. Jacob telephoned that he was =F the really great strainain which is being placed upon W. A. Jacob opening the conference at the Saffrons detained at Bexhill and asked him to be his substitute A 2d. packet makes 1 j pints of Rich Nourishing Soup, j our resources, and the gravo wordswordi of tho Prim^ Rooms last Tuesday. Owing to the active co^^pra- in moving a vote of thanks it bocimo evident thjt THE YE AK’S RECORD. Minister have greatly impressed all parties. Th. nOithor the lecturer or the audience could be con- ALLEGED CHEQUE M IG ERV In six varieties :—O x-tail, M ock Turtle, M ulliga­ decision to allow tho pacifist groups an opportunity tion of Mr. Harry Kent, however, the large audience glatu Mr' Bowon very humourously touched of putting their h&se did not pleaso everybody, but x had an opportunity of listening to Councillor Andrew upon the question of figures and'described a lady whb i There was a good attendance at the annual raeet- AT SEAFURD. ; ta w n y ,G r e e n P e a , L e n til, a n d P e a (Tom ato 2$cL)|W| believe it iB generally felt that it was a wise plan to Buohanon, of Paddington, London. This gentleman I f?°en rendered an account to her entire satisfae- 1 . e/^, !, \ , ,, , T ., givoitho Government an opportunity to reaffirm its is an exceedingly well known popular l^turer He | tgn f e s e she had made up the[ balance on both fng | of the Eas}bourp4 Brand) of the National L.fe- resolve. The debate is not likely to ho misunder- i n the most agreeable manner possible, boat Institution, which took place in the Mayor’s TWO SOLDIERS AND AN OFFlcjsilj’S stood in foreign countries and it is felt to ho a good -nttacked the problem before him on a very I novel liss Gatliff, in seconding Mr. Bowen’s pronosi- Parlour, Town] Hall, |on Thursday afternoon. Mr. • lnfL what Mr. Asquith compared quite early and ihteresting basis. CHEQUE! BOOK. in the war to “the twittering of aparrows ” should tipn, agreed that the discussion would make clear C. A. Leatham (chairman ol the branch) presided, Paxta Alderman DUKE, who presided, explained in intro­ Mw V1/ e?tra money can be dealt”w ithin small be seen in its proper proportions. A controversy on Cuanns ducing tho lecturer that these very successful con­ qi ant tties by saving and investing in some practical and amongst those abo present were Councillor C. 24 S o u p s the tariff question in tho near future seems pretty «L—Mr. j ferences were likely t!o have very far-reaching results, minnsr.; , / W. Bolton, Mrs. Boltjon, Mrs. Astley Roberts, Mr. At Lewes Police Court, before Mr. F. B. Whitfold, certain. The poll of tho Manchester Chamber of am a on Wednesday, John Gill and Harry Brindle, iof tho Commorce has stimulated discussion, and Mr in addition to tho large numbers who attended on The Rev. David Barron vied with his fellow F. H. Hurst, Mr. A. C. Gab!), Councillor B. Brad­ 11th Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, Tuesday afternoons, the views expressed reached a cquntyman in some amusing remarks upon Scotch ford, Mrs. Haine, Councillor A. A. Chapman, Sub- temporal noods of the visitors, saying they wero Montague’s speech appealing to tho Liberals to keep far larger audience in consequence of the splendid were charged, on remand, with feloniously forging an open mind is much talked of in political circles. thrift and raised the question ,if the form’ of Liout. A. Davis, R.l f.V.R., Mrj Mark HookUam, & always sure of a hearty Welcome from tho Eastgato White reports in the Press. It is well known that there and uttering a cheque for £5 on Messrs. Cox Co.’s SUSSEX BAPTISTS. Supporters of a tariff are inclined to press the matter patriotism which begins in our own immediate Mr.]T. Bennett, Mrs. J3. Hammond, Miss L. Wright, bank, with intent to defraud, at Seaford, on January friend^. N on are many people who have proved to be very success­ surroundings and so extends to larger areas. 8th. as or}o of urgency, and contend that it would not be .Lilbuh ful m business and made vast sums of money who Mrs. G. Briggs, Mrs. Evilly Hiss L. M. R. ‘Adams! Mr. G. F. Tappenden (church secretary) responded. wise) to wait until the conclusion of tho war to M iss.. Local Trading. Mr., Henry Vine, Mrs. Reed. Mr. Arthur E. Infield Gill had been brought up on the previous Wednes­ ASSOCIATION’S ANNUAL MEETING. inaugurate a new regime. Hastinc| have found it exceedingly difficult to save and invest day, having, been arrested that day at Seaford Camp. The] Rev R. M. Hunter extended a cordial safely. Our forefathers wore satisfied to hoard up . He pointed out the need of considering the (hon. secretary) and others. Apologies for non- welcome to the Rev. Tlios. 1 Woodhouse, who had been Arji year to hayohave been £721, In. 5d. and thothe expend'expandi- SussoxL 1 : ” tecti< n in return. These are debatable matters; but. and T ,urO £705. 14s. 3d., leaving a surplus of £19. 7s. 2d. Manciiester. Neither of the prisoners made any Tl)e annual gatherings of the Sussex District of llcjwd which had been floated m every direction. In these sic e of Eastbourne. He spoke as interpreting the ! IHr0 £705. 14s. 3d., leaving a surplus of £19. 7s. reply when the warrant was read to them. The!Rev. T. W oodhouse, in reply,, thanked the what is beyond question is the desirability of develop- they invested their hard-earned savings, only to lose policy of the Economy Committee a ad would be glad 1 The balance sheet in respect io the. special effort~ rf on Mr. E. T. Wellstod, of Newhaveh, said ho tho Kent and Sussex Baptist Association were held representatives for the kind way in which ho. had ing ciur agricultural resources____ to tho full." The Board a large proportion of their money. - Alderman Duke to elecit Councillor Buchanan’s views. Mr.. Barron„ ! “ „t>oa*' Day, 1915, gave th > income to be £282.SI at Ejastgate Baptist Church, Lewes, on Wednesday. been teceived. He said;; ho had only been a few of Agriculture is quite emphatic in its leaflets on this alad asked for information as to which form of bank ?s* anc* a^er met ting th > expenses the sum of iroBecuted on behalf of Messrs. Cox & Co., army mu­ begged his fellow townsmen to invest now to help lankers, of Charing Cross, London. Prisoner) were At mid-day there was a Communion Service, con­ weeks in the county, but already he had seen enough point, “Next to men and munitions of war’ K oxnv. - the nation in its present groat crisis. In this awful or institution was most suitable for the small inves- ! 10a. w&s remitted to ;he parent Institution. to convince him that the churches were all actively the atest leaflet, home-grown food for men and .f_.-A.i_i- S ! T K n P U lID M l XI nnL AL_A .. ,‘lL ;______J - a . l l ,! members of the 11th Battalion Loyal (North ducted by tho Rev. John Gifford, of Bognor. war money would carry us through successfully, aitd tor, such for instance, as the Savings Banks existing i , The Chairman said that With regard to the pro Lancashire Regiment, Brindle being a Corporal and engaged, in spite of depressing conditions, and he amm■ ils is, at the present time, the country’s chief wo were asked to economise that the money saved in the- Midlands and the North. ; posed motormotor lifeboat lifeboat which which tley tqe; werewere so so anxious anxious tc to Gill a private. Lieut. Gill, in whose name (the LUNCHEON SPEECHES. was glad to notice the splendid spirit of brotherhood need The fact that agriculture has boon placod on L -M ra. might be used by the nation to prosecute the war. 'jThe LECTURER stated that Mr. B irron’s first ques­ 1 obtain for Eastbourne they hi .a. not received a very cheque was forged, was a second-lieutehant in the Liincheon followed in the School Hall. Ladies con­ that existed in all directions. tho list of occupations of vital importanco carries 1.—Mr. i tion rjaised a very far-reaching and interesting topic, I sncquragin^encouraging rejilyreP‘y frontiirom noadqhoadquarters. The difficulties with it a moral responsibility. Agriculturists aro a.-M iss Councillor A ndrew B uchanan, same regiment and tho prisoner Gill waB servant to nected with Eastgate Church had made excellent The evening meeting in the church was presided left • .-M r., which), without trenching on any political or con- sinned to increase ovjing to the war, hut the oom- another officer in the same regiment, whose bubicle over by Mr. S. Sargeant (Newhaven), who was >ehind when others aro called out to serve in in a whimsical way, referred to last week’s excellent • in. a by considering m/ttee^were. - using , „ evjery gffert to obtain a motor provision for the guests. The catering arrangements the Fothe . newspaper report of the conference on the “Economy travel sial ground, could be explain, was next to that occupied by Lieut. Gill. Lieut. were under tho able superintendence of Miss Morris, supported by the Rev. Thos. Woodhouse, the Rev.. Army, not because their own interests might •.—Mrs. 1 the cfot ofvtho British— ,------. market, that that is, theis", the upkee; u ‘ lifeboat when“ the opportunity occurred. Continuing suffer if they went away, but because on thoir farms of Amusements.” He stated that the lecturer Mr. Leathani said:— 1 Jude, another officer in the rogimont, occupied the among those assisting being Mrs. Kent, Miss Kent, A. C. Chambers (St. Leonards), tho Rev.] J. P. Morris Phillip of th) Army and Navy, lighting], police and same cubicle as tho officer to whom Gill was servant. Mrs. Giles, Mrs. Tapponden, Mrs. Pope, Mrs. Brown, and Mr. E. J. Gorringe (Seaford). they are expected to serve their country—not merely 8.—Lieut delivered his address “ in rich musical tones.” This It is with profound s thompelves. And this responsibility rests not only Mrs. S | week the rich musical' tones would certainly be lack­ Impel ial and local charges. These charges or cost of Lieut. Jude had a banking aocount with Messrs. Cox Mrs. Langridge, Mrs. Staples, Mrs. Tucknott, Mrs. P. The Chairman thanked the District for electing the British market are born and paid for out of the to the facVumt British! Lifeboalt men have fully main­ and Co., and on December 1st last a aheque book on mien of military age, but it extends to all engaged Miss I ing, as he was suffering from bronchial catarrh! He Komp, Mrs. Peskett, Mrs. Beadle, Mrs. Huggett, him as President for the year, and promised to do in food production; so that tho agriculturist—bo ho 10.—Ladjl oouudimented the committee upon the inauguration goods purchased in that market. Before the war this tained thKjJohle traditions of courage, endurance containing the cheque in question was issued tb him. Miss Briggs, Miss Slarks and Miss Underhill. Mr. all ho could for the welfare of tho churches. Ho 1L—Miss) it vas about 13 per cent. It has! been urged that kndihumamty which have been associated With the Oil January 4th Lieut. Jude left this cheque book J. Horton Stephens, of Brighton, presided, in the farmer or farm servant—who docs not bend hi» •f these educational conferences; in itself this was an ce since its] formation and| establishment, confessed to tho idea that tho Baptist churches had energies to the task of raising more produce from Miss Jtf • exceedingly difficult problem. Education os such this percentage»»icenwijje shouldeuuuiu bow iinpuseqimposed upon all goods service since its] formation andl establishment, ninety in tho top drawer of a chest of drawers iii his cubiclo, absence of tho Mayor of Lowes (Councillor T. G. carried their independences too far, and the time had West Vi] exceedingly difficult problem._Education as such frqm abroad which make use of this British market, i twolyears ago. ! Whilstdilsp our'naval< and military forces and to this cubicle Gill, tho prisoner, as servant to Roberts), who was away at Bournemouth, and from *th e~ jpusfc---- _ be r ------classed------with the man unwillingnil n lllllipi to HJ F kinc was upside down—it would have to be tackled on come when they should look after the small com­ tight for his oountry, or with tho munition worker business' principles—and in future we touit coh- the other hand, it has been urged that these j)av* been earning- imperishable renown in fighting the other officer, had aocess. On January 8th Lieut. whopi the Rev. J. P. j- Morris read a letter stating munities. He was glad the Sustentation Fund hud Walks ’ i from abroad had to bear the dost of the market Ijbe battle of freedom] and’ honour in every quarter Judo required his cheque ’book and found tiat it that he had beon confined to his room for the greater who restricts his output.” M,—Mrs. I aentrate upon creating craftsmen and not clerks. All dm whence they oame and thit equalised the df the globe, men of the same hardy stock have been had such an auspicious stajrt, and everything pointed #1.—Mrs, | education is worthless unless founded upon mora was missing. On the same idav the cheque was pre­ part 1 of the time ho had been there. Mr. Morris to a successful career. He welcomed every sigh of Apparently farmers are not as kocn on sulphate of H .—Mr. i matte). Councillor Buchanan pointed out that if he engaged in the work] of rescuing those who Have sented at Lioyds Bank, Seaford. and purported to be addeid that there was no man in Lewes outside the unity and good fellowship among tho churohes. ammonia as they were expected to be. Lord SYDNEY ■nd Christian teaching, aa Bishop Magee had said opiened a shop, say at Brighton, and ^paid_____ his_____ rates oeeii shipwrecked ihipwrecked on the ca the United King­ Selborno is calling attention now to the fact that th* “ Intellect without moral qualitiea is only cunning.” drawn by Second-Lieut. Reginald D. Gill; of thB 11th Baptist Church to whom that church was more The! Rev. Thos. WoobnousE said his address Mrs. Td Pit. and ti xesjthere, that would not givcj him the rightport of tho nation, since the lifeboat need of cultivating the spirit of unity in face of the men cciuld sustain long pastorates with great success, Ay lott 1 was was only to be won by using the resources of the sentative of Messrs. Cox A Co.’s bank, who was new iponditiona which were opening out before them while Others needed a change every feyv years. AU by the Rov. Walter. Carey in this direction, despite British Empire to their fullest extent. Educational private income exceeds this figure she would be f a truly,notional work, bot: accustomed to dealing with Lieut. Gill’s cheques, His somewhat forbidding description of it as a H arris. I .ble to invest in Exchequer Bonds'ahy small funds and character, and of the qualities in consoqutnco of the .var. this spoke of more definite business methods in the ▲ttneaw work such as is being done in Eastbourne is most would also give evidence on that point. He thought denominational life in place of the usual muddling “ roveIt,” has, I believe, a very wide measure of M r. and) excellcntj Organisation is of great importance to wpich might stand in her name. and heroism and hardihood which it demands such evidence would be sufficient to justify a! com­ The Rev. J . WESTLAND R ose (Presbyterian sympathy in clerical circles. !t was claimed that many a working man’s wife (pppiause).lppjause). The work of the Institution has ver minister of Lowes), whose name was coupled with the methods which had held sway for so; long. Their Gooding avoid overlapping. There aro hundreds of com­ mittal. If Lieut. Gill was able to attend he could be key-note was co-operation - many churches, but one Some very well deserved tributes have been paid Araluk mittees formed to assist those anxious to do their made excellent chancellors of the rightly been termed t le “ Red Cross of tho Sda.’’ called at a later stage of tho trial. toast, suitably responded. He said he had not been Mrs. mahnor in which she Between tho years 185 and 1915 there were 188)870 in Lewes long, but he was deeply sensible of the spirit kingdom—they must make a wise use of all the fo the Salvation Army in connection with the dedica­ bit of war work, in many cases many are doing Mr. Augustus Ruddell, sub-departmental chief opportunities that God ”gave. As a denomination tion this week of the motor ambulance .unit of fivo Mr. tho fame thing. In one district he knew of five com­ ! for rent, food, clothing, wrecks round the Brit sh Isles, 7,346 of which wjero clerk in Messrs. Gox A Co.’s bank, Charing Cross, l of unity ana comradeship which was manifested they had a progressive ]and definite policy, and he S anduub e systematic method might be adopted fo enable attended with loss of 1 fe Th; Institution has been stated that a cheque book containing the cheque among the Free Churches in the .town. He already fully-Aquipped cars, given bv Canadian Salvationist* Dune mittees actively occupied 'in making socks for the all sum to be put aside each week, which in time the means of saving cver 53,(00 lives, very largely realised the prominent place which the Rev. J. P. was proud of it, and much; of the success was due to and accepted by the Czar. Tbo Army, by the way. same regiment. This showed a lack of co-ordina­ mentioned in the charge was issued to Second-Lieut. wise leadership. He thajnked the Sussex representa­ is expecting “ business as usual ” in self-denial week. Mrs. tion and a central committee should be jormed in ildlamount to a respectable nest egg and promote the jives of meii in the full vigour of life and man­ L. G. Jude on December 1st. The cheque wag pre­ Morris occupied in church life in the town, in fact it tives for the hearty welcome they had given, and Miss J o | hapit and pleasure of saving. hood, whose rescue ha also saved their homes from sented for payment on January 10th by-Lloyds Bank, would not he wrong to call him the Nonconformist Last year, £78,000 was raised. General Booth tell* L ie u t i -each district to direct the energies of all efforts and shipwreck. It may interest you to know most bfjtho bishop of this diocese (laughter and applause). As expressed his willingness to do all he could by way me that, roughly speaking, one-half of the amount is aymond to co-ordinate the extraordinary amount of voluntary EO. Sexton pointed out in veil-chosen words Seaford, thiough the Metropolitan clearing House, of advice and service. expended on extensions in other parts o f the world, Mrs. J* that although many -families worn making great Lifeboat Inspectors are away qn active service. The and paid. The cheque purported to be drawn by formor . Baptist minister who, he supposed, came work that was at present forthcoming. Chief Inspector of Li eboats. Captain Holmes, under the explanation of the last speaker that nature Tho Rev. A. C. CHAMBERS said they represented and o in-half for operations at home. A considerable West ps in inducing their sons and menfolk to offo) Second-Lieut. R. D. Gill and endorsed “ Reginald D. Ktaghad N ational Expenditure and Loans. a | lost his son in action, a,nd numbers of men who form Gill.” They had a customer named Regina d D. had a good deal to do with membership of union 1 and communion—Organisation as well as portion of the latter amount is devoted to poorer their lives for .the country, there wi-s no sacrifice in organism. Tho Germans as a nation were models of corps, and some finds its way to the aid of officer* and MrJ, People nowadays speak of millions of pounds as if inducing people to offer tneir saving s to the country. the usual crews of the lifeboatii are serving with the Gill who was a second-lieutenant in the 11th Batt. particular church, anff who had returned to tho Mr. and) Royal Navy or as mine sweep irs. Our own District Loyal North Lancashire Regiment. Ho knew Lieut. church of his forefathers, he realised the value of tho organisation. The Baptist [denomination was at last who t re hard pressed in difficult places. Another Miss I they were so many shillings; The members of a On] thp contrary, they were doing a very good thing in the way of being wha) it ought to be. Every portion is given for the provision of Homes of Rest Town Council, who might possibly be earning two for] themselves in placing their money in the finest Inspector, Lieuti.-Co.mmander Basil Hall, R.N., lias Gill’s signature well. Neither the signature nqr the special object of those gatherings—the Baptist Mrs, a n l been called up immediately on the outbreak of war; member had a direct responsibility to the church, agid allowances for sick officers and pensions for those Dougla - or three pounds a week, would cheerfully vote away opt in the world! endorsement on the cheque produced was in Lieut. ] Sustentation Fund. Thero was need for it, beyond work. Considerable assistance is also given OoL ^nd thousands of pounds without thinking of the poor bur i Second Coxswain, Simpson, and Bowman Gill’s writing. The request for payment to bearer particularly for the assistance of the village churches. and every church had a direct responsibility to the Chairman explained that ne) t Tuesday’s con- Mockett, with three other men of the crew, are all Union, and what was needed was a more sympathetic by th > aid of the Self-Denial Fund to tho training Kvoru people who have to pay back in rates and taxes. In would be-opened by the Eev. Mr. Bassett purporting to be signed by Lieut. Gill was not in Mr; W. Mannington proposed “ Visitors and of young officers and for tho social work of the » 1913 the national expenditure of the kingdom was doing their bit! ] Thus! the roc ird of the Institution Lieut. Gill’s writing. Friends.” He said, although he was himself outlook—“ Each for all and all for each ”—working Qo on “The Romance of Economy,” and that stands as one which must malic a Btrong appeal to j By the Chairman: Witness did not pass the cheque not for the Baptist churches, but for the Baptist Salvation Army ilf its many branches. In view of Wto HI 196 millions, in 1916 it was 1,590 millions and in 1916 atliff would preside. visitor, ho did this at the request of the Rev. J. P. the higher wages amongst tho people at home, Coro- it was likely to be 1,826 millions. Only one-fifth is the patriotism ahd generosity bf all British men and in question. Had the cheque come before him he Morris, for whom he had such great respect that he Church. This was one of the great object* of the M rs. G. r I women. The Committee of Management are pursu­ would not have passed it, as the endorsement was sustentation scheme. He appealed for a greater .missioner Higgins, who is responsible for the Self- M iis Arod found by taxes to-day and four-fifths by loans,loans. T would do anything. He had long realised that Mr. degree of fellowship, Denial effort in this country, hopes to change the Jdeickeua ing the Crimea and Napoleonic Wars one-half ofi ing i undeviatingly the task of maintaining the obviously not Lieut. Gill’s signature. Morris was the man for Lewes and that the Lewes sovereigns of last year into guineas this time. Taylor. efficiency of tho service and al >o increasing its scope Second-Lieut. Leo Gerald Jude, of the^ 11th Batt. Collections were taken at each meeting on behalf cost came out of taxes and ono-half out of revenue church was the church for him, and he hoped the The plight of musicians in this country is not, I M rs. Coi The only method of meeting the present financial (ITHOVER BELL-RINGERS* i by the construction of] motor lifeboats, as far as it Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, at Seaford, said union would long continue on its present successful of the National Sustentation Fund. Mrs. and J situation is by following a sportsmanlike simplicity of | is possible to provide them, under the present very he knew Second-Lieut. Reginald D. Gill, of the same lines. This toast also had to do with Christian unity, am glad fo learn, so acute as it was some months I difficult conditions And we [are , not without hope battalion, who occupied the next cubicle' to witness ago. A good deal of organisation has been under­ life in all classes. This work is the first and obviously GUILD, LEWES. end in the face of the greater needs of the day, which taken in London by Mr. Victor Beigel and others Mr. and] must precede any effort to teach how the savings so | that Eastbourne may yet have its own motor lifeboat in the same hut. Witness shared his cubicle with were becoming increasingly felt, Christian unity must Joaltn. should be invested. In Woolwich, where , (hear, hear). two other officers. He knew the prisoner Gill, who be more and more emphasised INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF to find employment for artists in temporary straits. D Y M E M B E R S E From the same gentleman I have received detail* Stellar Js artificially large wages are now being earned, the LECTED. ] Mr. Infield, speaking with reference to the was servant to one of the other officers in witness’s The Rev. B. Wilkinson responded. He said he K.-:* cubicle—Second-Lieut. Perks. In that capacity the whicii show that musicians in Franco are lesa apeaker described one street of working class houses - balance sheet, said laBt year they started with a trusted they would be entering on an era of greater GOOD TEMPLARS. fortumtely situated. As a result, and under the ril where every one had a gramophone. ! ' balance of £42. 19s. 10d., but the surplus was not prisoner would have aocess to the cubicle when the usefulness through the establishing of the Sustenta bsuch. Mq PROPOSED VISIT OF COUNTY officers were absent. Witness banked with Messrs, t tion Fund largely owing to the genius and statesman patronage of Millicent Duchess of Sutherland, the W id e s pr e a d Starvation. ! quite so large now, though-this was due to the fact Marchioness of Ripon, Sir Edward Elgar, Sir Claude b*eh. ASSOCIATION. : ! tnatTl’they, were anxious to sene to the Institution all Cox A Co. His cheque book, which was issued on ihip of the Rev j H Shakespeare. He would like ' SUSSEX DISTRICT LODGE. Unless the true situation was' brought home to the tjheyj possibly could. 1 j j . j | December 1st, disappeared from his cubicle betjween to welcome the Rev. T. Woodhouse, who was taking Phillijs and Mr. John Sargent, R.A., the French people a terrible catastrophy would arise at the Musicians’ Fund has been opened in this country Hr. W. | Councillor Bolton, in moving the adoption of the January 4th and 8th. There were four or five unused up this work in the southern area, to aid the Paris fund. Over 50 per cent, of the termination of the war, and unleas they economised cheques in the book. The drawer in whiqh the book The Good Templars of Sussex held their District Pope. now nothing could prevent widespread starvation. The yearly meeting of the Southolver Church Bell- statement of accounts! said the balanco was very was kept was unlocked. Ho missed the book on BUSINESS MEETING. French musicians are in the fighting lino, or have Morris. •The speaker expressed most sympathy for the middle Guild,, was held the Rimrinj Satisfactory and he hoped thoy would be equally Lodge annual meeting alt the Baptist Forward given their lives for their country, while many of the M a/ton. ® P an/wiAoafiil with rocrnrrl tn IKaI ifinAnriiftl t>ORlfclon dunner January 8th, and two days later ne ------In the afternoon a business meeting was held. Tho elder musicians have been rendered destitute by the K err. clan trader and professional man. The Government | imber, Southover Church, on Tuesday, Cox 4 Co. of it* disappearance. Witness did not Rev. R. M Hunter (Seaford) took the chair at the Mission Hall, Eastbourne, on Wednesday. There Banning. wjil be required to pay more attention to their d&un think Lieut. Gill was in Seaford on was a i good attendance (of representatives from war. The Comite d’Honneur in Paris has at its weikl“ practice. This was the anniversary _»ite; of the, many calls January 8th. ] commencement, supported by the Rev. J. P. Morris head M. Camille Saint-Saens, and several other Jboyoe. -in the future. The Economy Committees would d made upon them. and he had every confidence the He knew Lieut. Gill’a signature, Neither tho (hon. secretary of the district). Among those also Lewes,, Chichester, Bognor, Littlehampton, Wick, -a great work if they could only {induce the people jication of the newly-constituted peal after re- endorsement on the cheque produced no; members of the Institute and Directors of the Con­ gii ig the eight old bells with th ; other two theij committee would bo able to co'lect as much this year present were the Rev. David Barron (Eastbourne), Worthing, Henfield, Southwick, Aldrington, Hove, servatoire. not to continue the wicked waste of jmoney noW notwithstanding! the claims of other institutions. to pay bearer was in Lieut. Gill’s writirn, the Rev. A. D. Garrow, the Rev. Joseph Nash, the A lexandh lavished on • picture palaces, where it is frequently by the munificence of Mr. J. Thornton Rickl ' Mr. Frank Vincent Baker,, cashier at Llbyds Bank, ______Brighton,. Burgess Hill, Ardingly, St. Leonards and The most interesting feature of the report of the il ii’reel Mr. HURST seconded, and th; motion was carried. Rev. T. Woodhouse, Miss E. J. Dixon, Mr. J. Horton Eastbourne. The District Lodge was honoured by a Mrs. Fn impossible to gain admission. M.A., and his mother, the late Mrs. Jolni Seaford, said on January 8th the cheque and the ; Stephens and Mr. R. G. Battley (Brighton), Mr. W. visit from the Grand Chief Templar of England (Bro. Actinp British Consul-General at Moscow on the CUTr, Fori Mr. Infield,! in the course of a statement on the request for payment were presented at the bank by a ] Mannington, Mrs. E. A. , Mannington (Roberts- future possibilities of British trado with Russia lies F. Clarkq AFTBR THE Wi ian. The date of the ceremony (by the Ven, J. W4 Hopkins, of Gloucester), who is also Inter­ in- his insistence on a study of local conditions. It deacon Sutton) was February 2!Ind, 1906, and tlw _ work of the Institution said: First I should like to private soldier. Witness was unable to identify the bridge), Mr. G. Ellis (Rye), the Rev. E. Barlow, Mrs. national Superintendent of Juvenile Templar work. Misses Consider what will j happen the moment that tile ■ ^ tender my very hearty thanks---,r )o all who , ,have ... helped .soldier. It was the custom to cash cheques drawn by G. Barlow and Mr. W. Evans (Hastings), Pastor A. cannot be repeated too often, declares Mr. Lockhart, M. H unt war concludes, or even \raen peace is in sight, after iia resolutions passed in 1913 the annual meeting The District Chief Templar (Rro. J. V in e), in sub­ J l so splendidly during the past 3year, by subscribing,, by j 0fficerg Gf a regiment stationed in the town, put C. Coffin (Shoreham-by-Sea), the Rev. John Gifford that Russia is not an El Dorado in which tho British J . B a st , the negotiations have justified the stopping of fixed to take place on or as near that date as mitting his report, thanked the officers who had Cheeney^ rile, and the said resolutions were directed to be collecting, contributions and ji many other ways; request for payment was always required before a (Boghor), the Rev. Arthur C. Chambers (St. merchant has only to grant credit like his German munition work. Thousands will be thrown out of we are deeply grateful^ and I am sure this meeting cheque on anothor bank was cashed, unlest the rendered Valuable assistance by visits to lodges rival i a order to acquire vast wealth. Russia com­ ana Mia work and the mills will be stopped until a demand is. st the opening of each yearly meeting. On this Leonards-on-Sea), Mr. G. F. Tappenden, Mr. C. L,, throughout the countv, and expressed pleasure at the MnhTYN.- i >n there were present the Roctor, the Rev. T. will be an inspiration to all to go forward during cheque was presented bv the officer personally. Staples and Mr. P. Kemp (Lewes), the Rev. W. mercially is not a West-European country. She has createdid again for*w. our...... usual.. peace...... manufacturers..— At 1916 with renewed generosity, zeal and goodwill. Witness gave three £1 and four 10*. Treasury [notes opening of new lodges at Bognor, Brighton and busineis customs and bankruptcy laws which are M r .l lent one and a half million workers, men and women, H. [ W indle (president), in the chair, the Rev. A. i S, Bampton Taylor (Worthing), Mrs. S. Sargeant, Mr. Chichester, The report reviewed the oondition of and M r id; -, Messrs. H. EL White and J. T. Glandfield The R.N.L.I. justly fclaims lie title “ National,” in exchange for the cheque. W. G. Sargeant and the Rev. H. E. R. Wassell (New­ peculia rlv her own, and there is- no country in the and M r will be thrown out of employment, and_ in addition because it discharges a national duty, and I am proud IDetective-Sergt. Joseph Sims, of the Mancl ester the lodges, paid an appreciative tribute to the late world where knowledge of local renditions is. so lour million men now in tne Army will be returnmg (vipe-Uresidents), and Messrs. F. S. Sturt (captain); haven), the Rev. J. Gr. Bowon and Mrs. M. A. Bro. C; E. Haefner, who was for many years the M rs. 8y (hon. secretary), to have been associated with the Institution in its City Police Force, deposed that at 9.30 a.m. on Ashdown iHadlow Down), Mr. P. Burgess (Uckfield), essential a factor in business success. No one under­ Coleman] to civil work or bring to return to civil work, lne R. C. Hide (sub-captain), C. Errey gran;rand work for so mai)y years At no period in the January 19th he »aw the prisoner Gill at A bert- able secretary of the District, and intimated Bro. J. stood this better than the Germans. Although busi­ Mrs. critical time before us all is when this happens, unless ijoyes, J. A. Hart (Uckfield), W. Moore, ]G. haVo the lifeboats been Mr. J. Adams (Worthing), Mr. J. WTckens (Burgess Vine’s inability to accept the position of D.C.T. for Walker. dson and J. Ward. InStitution’s ’ loni ng histjary hav|_ •treet Police Station, Manchester. Witness tolc him Hill), &c. ness suocese in Russia is largely dependent on the it be possible for jail of us to save ourselves and more active and successful irill thcir_splendidtheir T ^ work he wa* a police officer and that he understood he the ensuing year. credit system, there is no country where credit should Ml-s induoe others to save the extra capital which it no]w he| report and balance sheet were produced arid After the reading of the minutes, the Rev. R. M. Helmer. than] since the outbreak of war. The Institution wanted to clear some matter up. Gill said, * Yes^ Bro. F. J. Silvester, D.S.J.T. (Littlehampton), be granted with greater caution, or where the Woodwa being expended on unproductive war work. The balance in hand is £4. IQs. lid., the have made a direct contribution to the war of over I might as well, os it1 will have to be cleared up.’ Hunter vacated tho chair in favour of Mr. S. presented his report of the Juvenile work. There incautilous and unw ary can come to grief more easily. ips rativoly largo amount being accounted for by 400 lives whichTthe lifeboats have saved from H.M. Sargeant, who, as vice-chairman for the past twelve Credit in Russia is a matter of knowing the right j Money is Only a T oken. He was cautioner and then made the following state­ were, he said, eleven Juvenile Temples, and, fact that the alinual dinners have been J in Ships which have been mined, torpedoed or otherwise ment: “ Corporal Brindle, of my regiment, has a key months, succeeds to the chairmanship for the current although the darkened streets made it difficult; for people. Nibbling at Russian trade will accomplish, S.—Mr. Great confusion of mind exists. Money is not 1 raice since the wap started, and] the spiall outin year, i Mr. H unter extended a cordial welcome to nothing. Merchants here with whom I have spoken Acheson I in distress from causes arisin x directly out of the which will fit all the the camp. Welhave the younger mombers to attend the weekly meetings, last year was a--private affair ■id for by each war. In tho year 1915 the Institution granted been going in and taking baoon and a fpw pairs of new Chairman and wished him a pleasant year the membershipP was well maintained. He eulogised. agree that this is a warning which should be taken in.—Miss N | er and did not touch the ild funds. The rewards for the saving of 671 lives by lifeboats and shoes, and a lot of blankets. Next I stole an officer’s of office. tho educational work of the Southwick Templele fold to heaft. 11.—Mr. anq lari stated, ,'nlrr a l ia , that four embers were on 161 lives by shore boats, a graid total of 832. Since Tho Rev. A. C. Chambers (St. Leonards) was and Mrs. , cheque book. Brindle signed the cheque, * Reginald chosen vice-chairman; the Rev. J. P. Morris was reproduced a quarter’s programme. of that Dranch.ranch. T he Lans Eesert the whole of it would be willingly given tive service, Messrs. Anscombe, older, D. Turner ■ho formation of tho Institution it had been tho D. Gill,’ and I cashed it at Lloyds Bank, Bedford, Reference was made to the excellent work o£ the M r. and if it could secure one decent meal. If the yea 1 W. Ward; two (Messrs. Boyes ind Moppett) had cans of saving upwards of 53,400 lives, sufficient to for £5. We had £2. 10s. each out of that. II you re-elected district hon. secretary; and the Rev. A. D. Temple; at Wick under the auspices of Bro. Merritt; ASK YOUR NEIGHBOUR, Mrs. and I capital value be taken at 1.300 million pounds th joiijer) the V.T.C.; and two (Messrs. Hide and Moore) ipulate a town of the size of Eastbourne. Not only want to know where the cheque book is, it is in the Garrow and Mr. J. Horton Stephens were appointed a brother 85 years of age. He suggested that a con­ Miss M ai actual money is only 144 million pounds. Money 1 weie ____iheduled under! . the Group _ system to join up ave they saved hundreds of lives yearly and millions River Thames. You know the cheque book did not representatives of the committee of the Kent and ference of workers in the , juvenile department! be HUNDREDS OF EASTBOURNE PEOPLE CAN Oswald orily a token. The wealth of a country is in W shortly. Their Captain (Mr. F. S. Sturt) found] it f. property, blit, T. ,thoi£----T work , ,^was^ -preventive also. .belong to Lieut. Gill, but to Second-Lieut. Jude. Susseg Baptist Association, the Chairman and Hon. held each half-year. 1 TELL YOU ALL ABOUT IT. Brand. population and production; money has no relative impossible to continue in office, as he had not time Secretary being ex-afhtio- members of the committee. Miss Asb ivery year they prevented uhtold loss of life and uniform jB fo a pit about 20 feet deep iome Bro. Gough, D.E.S., reported on foe electoral Home endorsement, the public expression of East­ connection with capital. The United Kingdom is At I to discharge the duties as he wished, and hoped, property._____J_ TITWe . J. qre------anJ ntinnl/sland people, 4-lxsv non the sea is in burnil* I where * «between . «Manchester r « ■ and IT Leigh. *1 1171 Where,____ TI do The Rev. T. Woodhouse said they could not allow a great disadvantage so fajr as the teachings of thrift while] promising all the help he could, that the tho re-election of the Rev. J. P. Morris to pass with­ work, and showed some of the benefits resulting from bourne [people, should be evidence beyond! dispute for blood and in our boni and to us the sea is a link not know, as I have never been there’ before. I the action of the Liquor Control Board. • every Eastbourne reader, Surely the experience of are concerned and the efforts that have been Guild would relieve him. The question of admitting which binds and unitei our scattered Empire. It is won’t disclose to whom I sold the goods.” Witness out expressing their grateful thanks to him for the 1*.—Rev. I lad^ fingers to'Guild membership glso wanted con­ Mrs. E. H. Vine (district secretary) reported an friends [and neighbours, cheerfully given by them, to: inculcate a »Pirit of thnft amonS thc P^P1®- tiie high road which cirries oqr commerce, and also added that he saw Brindle the same morning at the able services he had rendered during past years. will carry more weight than tho utterances of Brownloa sideration, as there were three wlg> had helped in the barrier which shields our shores from invasion. County Police Court, Strangeways, Manchester. Besides being busy with the work of his own church aggregate membership of 827 adults in 21 lodge 14—Mrs. J “T h r if t an I n v e n t io n of Ca pit a l ist R o gues,” ringing for Sunday services, and had taken a lot of being an increase of two lodges and 53 members* strangers residing in far-away places. Read the U .—Mr. What was it that had made the sea in this way their Witness read the statement of Gill to him, and he was actively engaged in his duties as district hon. following:— This is the declaration of an el-Cabinet Minute); anxiety off the Hon. Secretary in ensuring a band friend and not their fpe? Shirtly it was1 Juat just “this. >1B; Brindle made the' following reply voluntarily: “ It’s secretary, and his energy and tact were appreciated during the last quarter. it represents the false teaching of certain politic- for such services. A much valued friend and vice- On June 3rd, 1913, Mrs. E. Sheridan, of 51, Bexhill- It was the stun of which the men were made thattk true key js ;n my property. I was in at the in all the churches with which he came in contact. Satisfactory reports were received from the Dis­ road, near foe Fishing-Station, Eastbourne, said: “ I COUBTLAH who’should be held responsible for thej“ “^ltio1 president had.passed away in Captain Stewart-Jones, Went down to the seti in the r ships beholdingbolding its I <1 do.’ • >• | , He would like to propose a hearty vote of thanks to trict Treasurer and District Superintendent’ of which we now find ourselves. It is to be hoped who had died for his King and country, and the is nation knew him for tho work he had done. f know I inherited kidhey complaint, for both my wonders, braving its perils, and so this nation km Lieut. Jude (re-called) said the prisoners left the Temperanoe Education, who were heartily thanked’ parents cied with dropsy. I managed to- enjoy the CHK8HAM tills war will wipe out the prejudice which has bee Guildihad sent a vote of condolence with the bereavei" as no other nation did the sei vices of its fisherfolk, camp without leave on January 8th. Mr. H orton Stephens seconded, and the motion for their valuable services. created in setting one class against another. The fam and it was their] nationjal duty, so to speak, to girdle was heartily carried. best of health myself, however, until'I was about DarU function of all governments is the maintenance bf Gill said he did not know what forgery was. He The Executive Committee, in their report, dealf in •thirty, when I was Hid up with inflammation of the Norland . their coast with a lifebelt and do all they human!; had never seen a cheque before he entered; the Army. The subject of the Manse at Hadlow Down was much detail [with the month’s temperance mission;by Capt. and iustice and a Government must have the means to expressed a hope that the usual Christmas collection to~shield aiid protect the r lives. The Lifeboal raised, and the Rev. J. P. Morris pointed out that bladder. /1 was confined to my bed for a month, and naintain justice. Now tiiat the gtoat crisis ha. comc Brindle said he had no intention of committin Councillor T. J. Kirby, of Fenny Stratford,' district was unable to pass.weter for three days-.. W. Mack'1 which they had waived on this last) occasion would; Institution had proved a model for other countries, forgery. He did not know what it mean);. Ht it appeared that they would have to pay legacy duty chief templnjr of Bucks. Special attention, tit Was D. Bills vie have to do in 18 months the work of 20 yea)S. when happier times recur, again bp made with the jt ha j understand, been cjpied by France and upon the £200 left for the building as well as on the “ What X suffered! during that time I shall never H artms H ow much better js the organisation of a country never before seen a chetjue book. stated, was given to Brighton, Chichester; Bogrior, forget is long as II live; my body swelled all over, Mrs. Ho same (satisfactory results as heretofore. Germany,- although ' Germany !iad not acknowledged Prisoners were committed (for trial at the Assizes, harmonium given to them. The question of proceed- | n or,ham and , Hastings. As a result lodges had' been like Germany? j j ing With the building of the house for the minister and foe water in'the system caused‘me to be alt Fothe P The election of officers resulted as follows: Captain; ;he imitation inf tho same gen :rou3 wav tho French which commence at Lewes next week. ______it— l__I------I *l------openea an ignor, Brighton and Chichester, an)’ perspiration one minute and then quite cold and Mrs. !§ • B r it is h and P r u ssia n Savings. R. C. Hide, on the proposition of Messrs. F. S. id, by Swederi, Denmark and even Japan, and it They applied for legal aid, and the Chai -man was a difficult one. On;the one hand there was the number | of promises obtained towards a new branch chill/ I was in agony in my back, too-; if I only Bwinton - in 1875 the deposjts in the Savings Banks o t ;]and J. Ward;ird; Sub-Captain,Sut Mr. G. Richardson; aa- recognised as an extraordinarily perfect Institu- advised them to make the application to the Jjudge greatly increased cost of materials and labour, and stirred just a littiri-sueh a frightful pain would dart Townley.l United Kingdom amounted to 68 jndhons andm, by-Mt,. W. Mi!oore and seconded by Mr. W. ion or this would not be so. It is a fact to be at their trial. ] on the other there was the fact that the evangelist through me that ;L oould have cried out with it. My Barnes. Prussian Saving Banks 49 millions. In 191U ; Hon. Secretary, Mr. C. Erijey, re-elected on reati.v regretted that eight breve men [have been l the Rev. J. G. Bowen) had to live five miles away rk heart was affected, and my head was bad; I was- United Kingdom deposits reached 221 millions oposition of Messrs. Hide and j Boyes; the office illea in action [in the| service since the-outbreak of from tho church, and anybody who knew the road D. Turner, and save < thers, and the present from Uokfield, where he lived, to Hadlow Down The reportiort was unanimously adopted' and the reffuced to a wreck, at last. I 1fce Prussian had leapt up to 546| millions w] eplekeeper to be vested in Mi sr, and war whilst attempting fo s MATRIMONIAL CASE. Executive were congratulated on the success of tiie “The doctor gave me I Y»ll- with twelve million depositors in the absence on active service to curled cout by, year opened sadly! enoyghh for the Institution in the would realise what a great tax these journeys were medicine, ordered flannels Errey, as ini the past ypar. The Honj ]08s of three___ gallant gallant follows folio v ho were drowned on upon him. One week recently he paid five viaits and also Turkish baths, but IL H. 1 , dom, urer (Mr. J. R. Lusted) was] unanimously re, service off Port Eynon. Th( loss of material has the church which necessitated travelling 50 miles. Bro. T. J.; Miller (Eastbourne) and Bro. J'. A. G. Kvorard. I twonti A SEPARATION 0|RDER VARIED. Vine (Worthing) were elected as representatives to I made little progress under d, on the motion of the Captain, seconded by also been very heavy, two lifeboats being completely Mr. Ellis said he had visited Hadlow Down and this treatment. Then a Ion. Secretary. wrecked and several others dai naged ana put out of he felt sure it would he very unwise for them to Grand Lodge, the annual meetings o f which- will tion of the two kingdoms being neighbour recommended ark o action. It thereby behoves us o bestir ourselves and proceed with the building of the house at the present take place at Liverpool during Easter week. P H these figure*res 1hefo fo oxplain thevrast reserves that ter a short discussion, and there being nothing A case, the parties concerned in which are well known me to try Doan’s Backache. Miss LtlUd Germany W to fall back upon ^beir simplicity bf | rules against it; a proposition was made that put all our energy into] the woik if it is to be carried time, as the cost would bo a great deal more than in Tho officers for the year were chosen as under: B boomlie.] g has in in Lewes and Plumpton, was heard at Croydon Borough normal times. They all recognised the hardships Kidney Pills, and I am life in the part i» now helping them. two flady ringers

    ' : -■ WILMING' Brentwood.—Miss Deni___ HAILSHAM DISTRICT Hamilton. Mrs. Cutler. Misses Cu|tlor. J Mr. and -V H>r (tr ^ - r1 Mrs. GornalL M in HOigiou. a r . and lira. Guthrie Darmstadt —Mine Da via Lieut Webster. Lieut. E bZEHUM FoBTlfjlCATlPNS. Davis. Lieut. LeihbriJge Mre. McCtinnel’s f. AGS'OF REAL GOLD !'! ! Lots of them, cram Croydon Goose. Mrs. uoidoo. Mr. Ki A. Gordon. According to the “ French Daily Review,” the F r a n k fw rter Zcitwrui^ says General Hofmeister, who inspected ‘full—that’s what you can win in a jolly Picture, A meeting of the Hailshr.m 1 ual Dis rict Council Mr*. B irker MUs Fusroy. Ml-s Shut*'. Mrs. tiowee. MR. GpULBURN LOVELL AT ] took place at the Board Ho: t Mr. Drew. Miss orew. Mr. aud Mra. Jjm.ings the town of Erzerum some years ago, declared thut the “ Letter Competition in this month’s ‘ H O M E Workhouse MARSSFIELD CAMP. fortifications had been organised in every detail accord- on Wcdi : day. Mr. A. i.E ■: :o il, and other JEVINGTON GARDENS. mg to the most up-to-date mditlary ejpeiieiice. COOKERY , ’—the housekeeping paper that Mvmniio members present were M, - is . D. White, R. 3.—The Hon. Mra. Fraser, The Hod. Wra D»VEon. f. buys. The pictures are all about'Vl-COCOA—I Hohden, A. HaiVenden. id. Richardson, M. R^. Lord M ayor and E aiskris Gift. , Holrnaii, G. Giles, 1'. Gorin Bunnylawn. — Mrs. Ms ay. Mrs. McNeil. Mias Then Count Mur stei*saw the red flare shortly before hope you read them well and win a big prize. Listen _r. A. Rumary, H. Whalley. Miss Strut} wu k. MitaEUiL-ou J i ! Lrieilly , , vacated___. ,his . r- English i.-i. i home,____i— he The Lord Mayo? of Londonj speaking at the Press i Wooller, J. F. Leigh Clare, J. Saunders, S. R. d —Lieut-CoL and Mrs. A bitenmbs Club on Saturday, said, the lCaiser In 1907 presented to the lot there are :— Burgess, C. Walker and G. W ied the transformation that would Deadman, with the Montvord.—Dr. and Mra. b o. ban, f. Mrs. Venables. I not have him with the Order of the Crown. He had recently seen “ 1 s t Prize, £ 5 0 ; 2 n d Prize, £ 2 0 ; 3 r d Prize, £ lO ; Clerk (Mr. E. Catt). Mise Venables | take! place ield Park. Over 3,000 troopers E lton House.—The Rev, K. -S. and Mra Custanoe, f. his terrier playing with the ribbons (laughter). “4 other Cash Prizes; lOO £1 Hampers, and A New Member Wanted. now | hold and his favourite animals have i controversy Miss E. Salwey. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Mo F atal I ce Accidb *900 Consolation Prizes. L u t U M i u V L " In Ihp absence of Mr. Herbert Curtcis, the Chair­ 36.—Mr. and Mrs. S m ith,!. Mr. i become the troopers. All that could crowded re seems pretty Tali [ ’ A party of boys were skating on a pond at Stanhope, Vi-Cocoa—on Sale everywhere. Full particulate of Competition from man mjoved a proposition reciiustini; the Herstnion- Chamber a t Morninqside. — Mra Edward Smith. Miss Smith. into 'the YlM. hut last Wednesday evening to Durham, when two of their number—Robert Best and a ceux Parish Council to forthwith submit the name of i. and M r. Mrs. Beilig. Mias Webb. Miss Scott Miss Enroll. listen to one of Goulburn Lovell’s war talks and i lad named Patterson—were precipitated into the water a qualified person for .election hv the Council to fill jerals to keep Miss Birkioehaw T-l I to take paijt i: inoert organised bj- Mr. Payne, ' and drowned. Patterson’s father, A sergeant in the E astbourne: Mr. H. B ristow, 270, Seaside; Messrs. Davison & Co., Sussex Stores, Terminus-load; up the vacancy on the Kura! District Council and _ iitical circles, Homey, lira. Miller's Dalk. -M r. and Mrs. J. W. R. Still and son This! gentleman] h; just had his activities transferred Durhams, was home on week-er d leave. Mr. Mortimer H arris, Archery Stores, 24, Channel View-road; Mr. H. J. Forward, 57, Firle-i■oad; Boaril of Guardians caused bv the death of llr. J. P svknsny H o o -t—Jftr Moore. Misses Moore (3). Mr. >m other * " . oenties,'ind Wednesday evening Mr. D. H. Miller, 1, Melbourne-road; Mr. M. Pockney. 67, Cavendish-place; Mr. H. W est, 349, Seaside; Errey. press the m atter F. Ledger. Mr. Tayior j A valanche K ills 36. | it would not b* Douglas Ell! >tt. is the firsl on which he was able to provide i---- ’ Messrs. T. H oadlky & Son, 159, Seaside. H ampden P ark : Mr. W. A. Salter. P.0, and Grocery Stores. Mr. IlOLMAN seconded, and it was carried. CARLISLE ROADj one of thosejen ments for the troops whiclich have H ailsham: Mr. A. Masters, 76, High-street. P olecats: Messrs. Dennis & Co., 11, Station-road. of the war to RowieU. A telegram from Munich states tha ; a big avalanche m One Serving. Sobtitborough.—Mrs. ecome so popn: where. has occurred in the Hochkonig region The M iin c h e n e r Mrs. Stew art Mrs. Gai A letter- was read from the I.oral Government ____ lira , Some Kaatboi ladies well' known in contributing i Neuetli Nachrichten learns that the avalanche carried Board asking for a return of medical men of 45 or Blackwood. l 001 STREET. tp these ente: cents provided excellent music j away a mountain shelter with the occupants. Thirty- Rev. i ind both before and after the lecture. five bodies have already been recovered from under the under in the service of. the Council. has to pay Hazelvda*.—Mias Miss Gordon. Mr. and tory order they asked for, a speedy itrial would be The Clerk pointed out that there was only Dr. ._ port. Hr. rousi lg choruses of the I soldiers’ songs I masses of snow. l{ to some pro- North. Sirs, Mrs. Hammings NEW ANiZAC-ON-SEAL desirable; but he submitted that thej mamy should Black, and ho was already serving w ith the Colours i m atters; Du*, i i S V r t berg W aratah —Mrs. John« Mr. Johnson. Miss Newen. greatly assistetl: the performers, and gave a personal I njured Mayoress D ead. be reserved until the .rights of the plaintiffs pad been lity of develop- Mrs. Pelham-Anderson id obi Id inlerfest to hundreds of the men, who could justly claim determined A Request From Warbleton. Mona Houbx.— Mrs. SU ley B ooke Winch, L Mias to have assisted in the programme in no uncertain The Mayoress of a Staffordshire town, who was.injured A letter was read from the Clerk to the Warbleton 11. The Board q a b d s n s . Morris. Mrs. Chapman, ' Miss L. Lung ton. Mr. and during a recent Zeppelin raid, died during Sunday night. ACTION IN THE CHANCERY DIVISION. The Judge said the evidence was thkt mono money i leaflets on th is ’ House.—Mr. Mrs. Wildeu, t I I mi inner. j j The deceased lady, who was noted for her philanthropic had been expended than the amounts received from Parish Council asking if it was possible that the men of war," says Mo i s t .- Mrs. Harrop. St. Ci’THBRRT'a.—Miss Pickard Cambridge; Miss Ethel The lecture -was one of those plain talks with work, received hbr injuries while on a tramcar, a bomb the competitors. How could the plaintiffs ti ace their on the roads should he- two instead of four now for men and Mias Harvey ^ Walker. Miss Laliamai d. Miss uaulel enormous maps; which have become bo exceedingly dropping some distance away. G jGreat sympathy. is . .felt . The novel means adopted of opening up the new money? employed. In consideration of the shortage of men PARADE. t TP? luoour the Council was of opinion that this r’a chief CORNFIELD TERRACE. pojpular, as they eriable civilian and soldier alike to for the Mayor, who is a prominentant Midland solicitor. estate between Newhavdn and Telscombe, which has Mr. Bennett said that was a matter to be gone . Edith Thornier Peach rif stay understand the progress of the war. What has into at the trial. | 4 should be done, at any rate during the war. ’1 ho S.—Mr. end PowiPowell friend U.—Misses Smallpieee. M iss Hawke. Mias Bone Desebter’8 D islike of K ilt. been named jNew Anzac-on-Sea, formed thfe subject Council said they would also like to know at-Miss Ellis. Master Mr. been done, what hag to be done, a general survey of The Judge said the plaintiffs stated that they were ilturists are HYDE GARDENS. events was given. Borne plain facts and figures were Remanded at Enfield on Monday on a charge of being of an action before Mr. Justice Younger in the induced to pay their three guineas by fraudulent mis­ 1. What time the roadmen w-ere supposes] to « .-M r„ Mrs. and Mi High! ooramence work in the morning? nt to serve in IMhergDL Misses 17.-M rs. Haines. CoLUpjileby. Misses Uppleby (2) put forwardp These enabled the audience to grasp the deserter from the Seaforth „ indera, a private Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice on representations, and on that ground were seeking to m ight proper significance ojf tlie news as it oomes through day named Gentle, about 5-ft. in height, said he had joined recover their money. He passed no judgment what­ Mrs. and Master Clarendon H oumb. — Mr- I Howell. Miss Ransoma. Friday, when Mr. William Baillie and £0 others 2. What time was allowed for dinner? i on their forms bviday. Mr. Lbvell) explained there was no reason to the Navy. He had deserted frqm his regiment because soever at the present stage upon these allegations, Mrs. Beddon, t Mr. i md Mrs. Wooltorton. Miss Richards. Miss Stanger cLl _X— i—: ~--~n o.j. evidence in the news- applied for an injunction against Mr. Charles William “3. What time they were supposed to leave not merdy| i B « i d Mrs. Ptolnrt. he could not adapt himself to the kiltl Neville, trading as the South Coast Land anjd Resort which were matters which would require ihe most work at night? ” HOB - Mrs. Sinclair. Misses Sinclair (S). Mrs. Barrlngtlon. GILDRKDGE ROAD. S ______die numbers of effective careful inquiry, and the explanations! by the defen­ A Speedy “ SNail.” Company, restraining him from parting oii dealing dant would have to be very carefully sifted. For Mr. .Headman : W rite and tell them they hawe i to all ( .... _ H S E B E U i s T Hiohbttry.—Mrs. Caswell, Mrs. aud Miss Reaves fignting men possess ?d by the enemy and the Allies. It with certain money received by him from thiem. nothing to do with the roads. h» U.-M iua Jackson. Misses Brookes. Mr, fo Ditklby Dkan. Mrs. tchreiuer. Miss Chapman. VIrs had been clearly esti blished that only 10 per cent, of the A motorist undergraduate naihed Geo. iAnsbacher, of the purposes of these motions he passed thest matters Winter Johnson. Mist Knington. Miss Offlsy. Trinity College, Cambridge, who said that bis friends Mr. C. A. Bennett appeared for plaintiffs, land Mr. by and dealt only with the question of agency., upon Mr. HOLMAN : They are not our masters. not bend foie Miss Jolliffe . total! population could Ire considered available for Mr. White■ I think they do it v. i:ii a good object. produce from Wane V law .-M rs. Galloway. j VII , Elliot Miss Blyth. Miss Fosbeiy. Mi-s Kay. Mrs. Thatcher. efficient soldiers;qr stilors. To talk of utilising men of called him “ The Snail,” because he drove so slowly, A. 0. Clauson, K.C., and Mr. Harry Dobb [were for which point ho was unable to take th^ same view as Mr. Greene. Mis-es Tripp (2>. Mra Hamellus was fined £3 at Cambridge on j Monday for driving a the defendant; The Inspector (Mr. Harmer) was instructed to reply 1 unwilling to Msuranas Mansion.—Kev. ao 45J as Germanv is now doing, or men of 55, as Austro- the plaintiffs. In his opinion the defendant, would to the letter. . nition work er Hungary is-doing, is simply adding so much dead motor car at thirty-five miles a hour. P lots as P rizes. have difficulty in justifying his $tatenjeiits. a L to the* I S ^ S t e Vairf' Miae KLng.^kUas An Inspector's Application. f ' F weight to the Arm es of the Central Powers. They T he H ealth of the Navy; Mr. Bennett said plaintiffs claimed that they were cost of the conveyance, but that was ai very different BRIGHTON. must:bo entirely! outclassed by the soldiers of the Allies each entitled to-recover from defendant three guineas matter from saying that he was the agent of the Mr. J. Huxley (sanitary inspector) wrote applying m sulphate of Notwithstanding the hardships they had to undergo, paid to him,f as their agent, for a specific Ipurpose, plaintiffs to negotiate with a solicitor pn their behalf. fo the 'Council for an open testimonial as to his' > . be. Lord r Housa.—Mrs. CUaml S u ic id e i n P r in c e ’s -c b e s c k n t .—A n in q u ir y -young men physici Uy fit and in the pride ofjyonthful the health of the Fleet to-day is better^than it has ever Towniey. Miss Gi' ___ Shielv vigoiir.iioiir. liy kidding t ogetfier ' the population of Germany, and they asked that these sums might be (reserved The motions must- be dismissed, but in the circum­ character and abilities during the time he lias been fact that tfon was held by-the "Borough Coroner bn Monday into the been since statistics were taken; said Sir Arthur May, stances he would reserve the costs. Tlje more serious ■ for the export ____ t-9ub-Uent. HacJ Ueut-Jan circumstances attending the death of Geo. Etherington, Austro-Hunpary,,■ --I-.: Bi lgarta-,■! and , ,L Turkey,,, and by - taking - R.N., at the annual, meeting of the Royal Medical until their rights had been determined. Towards the employed by the Council as district surveyor and Flight-Suo-Lieut. Carll ht-Snb-Lii cent, bf tins total, Voughl.v 14 millions represent Benevolent Fund Guild at the Mansion House on end of” last year, counsel statedl about 200 j acres of questions would have to be determined at tl e trial, sanitary: inspector, in older to enable him to obltti* umption that Kioiit,r.jriight-dub-L [ht-Sub-Lia aged 64 years, a ..pensioner of the Port of London land in Sussex were conveyed to defendant. This and in the interests of all parties he was wi ling to an appointment under another Authority "where the substantially ght-Sub-Lieut* ltrbub Authority, who committed suicide on Friday by cutting ootiyei fighting men winch the enemy possessed | Monday. That was largely due to the naval medical ) a t oooe increasn. 6u Sub-Lieut ' it-SubL his throat with a razor at his lodgings I in Prince’s- he begiuhiDg of the war. Not all trained, but the . service, many of whose members had joined from private land was situated on the coast about five miles from afford every facility for an early date being f xed. tenure of office is more secure.”'' He added that he I that stocks will light-Snb-Lli it-tab-1 crescent. Deceased was 6tjated to be rather eccentric in ority had been. By adding together the popula- , llfe since the war. A stream of medlcal men had eome Brighton and two mile9 from Newhavin. On Mr. Clauson said that the defendants cheq ies had had held office under the Council for 19 years. ___ . OT«rt-9ub-LMut.i lt-Sub-Lie Of Russia, France, Great Britain, Italy, Belgium forward to help the'Navy January 8th l|ast-defendant inserted an advertisement been dishonoured owing to the c x p a r te injunction, The application was granted. i;eurtailed. In his habits. Shortly beforje he committed the rash act having been granted, and the Judge [stated f,hat he effort to Hoggan. Flight-Sub-Lieut it-tab Ua he sent the following letter to his brother : “ Dear Serbia, and [tailing ,10 per cent, of this total, _ in a number,of newspapers offering £2,600 in prizes Foe Distressed Belgians. Cologuon. * Hght-sub- Lieut Flight-a ;hly 27 millions represent the effective fighting men F i r F istol Dangers. for; a name for a new South Coast resort, [the first would reserve^hjsJmT^m?^^ crops during U euu Welleeby James Brother,—Forgive me for all the trouble and shame that -The Chairman mentioned that as the-result- oi tlture and of I am causing you and all ithe family. Try and do all A seven-year-old girl namedj named Rose Evelyn prize to -be £100 in cash, with fiftv other prizes con| Mna Vnrw.—Mrs. Ingram. Mre.Ki Btockti Comparatively few oE these had been trained, but the ; Leach was killed at Anstey, Leicestershire, on Saturday sisting of “splendid freehold building plots 1 similar his appeal £29 had been sent to the Belgian Relief appeals to Mrs. WalL Mr. mow. Miss “ and you can for‘ :Flc Florrie ' aud ' ‘ —Thank you'Jfor all” your to those offered by the Company at £50 a plot. The Committee, the money having been subscribed in delay of tire Misses Andrews. Miss Duffln. tbum Rob kindness to me. I’m yoiir mad’ and ’ r-- L Mother.” numbersi^nbei are|no\g inc-easing by leaps and bounds. ! ' | by a bullet from a “ toy ^pistol, Jrith which her brother,! 100 YEARS AGO. Hollingly and Herstmonceux. of sulphate a r e Mrs. Marks. Miss Ad and The jury certified that deceased suicide Tj’he enemj have tl e advantage of fighting on interior wao playing. Having a; barrel over nine inches advertisement continued: “The situation) of the W ind and. Mrs. and Misses Gi Ir. and while temporarily insane. limp With ra ad-_.jn.--i iiailv-ay communications, - . . . •but ■ so -long as long, the pistol, which originally cost 8s. 6d., did not estate is ideal. It lies between Brighton and New* Marsha come within the Pistols Act Iii returning a verdict of haven, the whole of the southern boundary having a of Con vocation E . H. Hinds. Mm. Ware. Mrs. we jean hold hem within tfie present rope Of steel, there The following extracts are taken from T h e S u s s e x J Gen. Kosa-Church. Miss Rayi .. aud T h e f t s b y a S p a n E.D.—B enjai in Lopez, “ Accidental death” the jury drew attention to the frontage to the sea. . . . Provisions for a magnificent s p e n d i n g t a x e s I with intensely are furthur, reatj rest rves of fighting men to draw upon. Weekly Advertiser of Monday, February 26th, (.816:— uuid . Atkina Lieut Heath. Hr. CarmiehaeL Mrs. Tullcc a young Spaniard, was < larged before ie Borough ,n prov ide four millions, danger of so-called toy pistols. \ promenade 100-ft. wide will be reserved ana extend ess barren con- Major Tulloch with steabng a cruet, a Japan alone along the whole of the sea frontage, whlich will : Magistrates on Friday, tion of 1 he British Empire is 370 millions: “Tom Brown’s !Bible. SMUGGLING. ! exercising tire B u i s e a n n Honcn.—Miss Evans. Gau-’tJi >tt. mustard pot; a spoon, a of nutcrackers and five The popi conduce to the attractiveness of the estate and IV.—THE CIVIL SERVU.'K ACCOUNT | for the spiritual Mrs. Jack-on. Mr. and Mrs. Roach. Kill liqueur glasses from the T iyAl York HotelHot c%ithe 18th thii does no! ipcludi > that ofothe British Isles already Ruifby School Library has been pres nted bj[ Mr. H. enhance the Value of every plot. This esiate will Custom House, London, The plan ' Mias Ratolitfe. Madame Camber. os. Combi! December, 1914; and Florence Knight, ag® 24, was counted. If] only one per cent of theses millions be G. W. Heron,;an Old Kuglieian, with the family Bible undoubtedly become one of the brightest and -most 27t-h January, 1816. Me. and Mrs. Harris. M r.aad Mrs. ” Mis. included it increases the Allies’ ultimate grand total to of Thomas Hughes; the author of Ton Brown’s School- Whereas it has been represented to the C immis- ■ Miss otrattoo. Mr. and Mrs. Made charged with receiving tie articles.-fiDetrotire-SergL popular seaside resorts near London.” There was In “ Finance Accounts ” for the year 1913-1914 wa Henry Taylor said he fpu ud the articles sit a house in over 34 millions, as against 14'millions of the enemy. days.” The flyleaf contains the names of the parents, no entry fee in the competition, and among ithe con- sioners of His Majesty’s Customs that in the Night O atknduh H orn, —Lady Ursula Gi ijipposing j the fotils of killed, captured, sick and., brothers, and sisters of Thomas Hugha#, also of bis | ditions set out was the ’following “ Each'winner of of the 30th Day of November last Jofin Wilton, an find- an item of £53,901,000 -chadded to miscellaneous Miliar. CoL and Mrs. Godfrey Webster.! Blenheiin-place. Lopez, o n being asked for an explana­ -. 1 a m ore :*Ir. J. Taylor. Mr. N. P. ben wick. 1 tion, said he was very son y, and Knight replied that lined be tfie same on l>oth Kidqp (which they are not), ; 'Y]:L an< records of the birth and fiaptism of their one of the otiher prizes will receive a duly executed officer of the Customs, at the Port qf Rye, in the Civil Services; also Post Office (services, £24,607,000; at initiated. A ylett Meore. Lady Puleston. Miss B. KadolifTe. the other defendant gave the articles to her. She UBt be quite clesr that there can now be only one children. j 1 conveyance of the plot awarded upon pavmerit of the County of Sussex,- and his assistants, being o l duty near Bexhili, in the said County o: Susse::, und and Customs and Excise, £2,431,000; and Inland Miss Prevethiok. Mr. and Mrs. Jones. added that she did not know they had been stolen.— to the xYar. That is, if we all exercise ceaseless Shortage of Clergy. sum of three guineas, which will include stamp Revenue, £2,052,000. The detailed explanation of B u m Mrs. Cloutman. Mr. and Mr Hlldiu Lopez was sent to prison for a month and an order , exhaustive tienee and think, always think of The Bishop of Liverpool (Dr. Chavaase), says the duty.” Plaintiffs entered the competition and sug-j having seized a [Smuggling Boat with a Ca-go of " jfo 'u llfo a Crandall Hir Montague Turner. Mr. made lor his deportation, and Knight was fined £2. As}c your ves or ask the Kaiser, “ If the supply of clergy is gradually drying up; owing to enlist- gested names, and on January 18th they received Smuggled Goodt on board were assaulted and these amounts is found in a book of 500 pages, Hooduan. Mrs. Robert Low can hold his present lines with six million j ments. from the South Coast Land and Resort Company a obstructed by several Persons unknown. entitled , “ Civil Services and Revenue Departments ARAWCN.—Mr. and Mrs. Lenaoton. Snb-Lloot. Cowd A C a b P r o p r ie t o r C o m m it s S u i c i d e .—A The said Commissioners of the Customs, order Appropriation Accounts, 1913-1914 ” (price 4s.). In effective figh ing, me i, what lines will he hold in six G rants! for H oliday R esorts. considerable volume of literature, with a covering this year the account is divided into eight classes ouglas King. Mrs. Nerison. Mrs. Durr cab'proprietor, named Ames Underwood, agjttd 65 years, niobths’time!” His rate of his wastage is not less than l The Manx Legislative Council have just read a second letter containing the following passages: . “!We ard to bring to Justiceslice the said Offenders, are ereby l Mrs. A. Jones. Miss Jones was found on Saturday evening hanging by a,chain in one| million e ;ary three months. I Further, you may ask | time a Bill for the relief of Douglas and other places extremely pleased to inform you that you have been pleased to offer a Reward of Two HUNDRED Pc tJNDS instead of into seven as noted in 1“ Finance Accounts, . — Dr. and Mrs Bteele. Mr. Storr. a stable at the rear of Couway-street. Th)e discovery . to any Person or Persons who shall discove ■ and for the year 1914-1915,” the iterh “Miscellaneous” ____ Mrs. Ai ----jrselves or) ask |th$ Kaiser, ‘‘How he will convince j-suffering from the absence of holiday tiiakers. Several successful in pur recent competition for a name for Duncan. Mr. Parker. Misa Byrne. was made byb y Georgeuoorge^ Heiirstretch,Hcmstreurn, aa, flyny proprietor ofoi \| bis subjects ajnd...... his Abies that tliey 1have - only to go on metnbers urged liberal grants. ; our new South Coast resort. The name submitted apprehend or cause to .be discovered and i.ppre- being here given as a separate tjlass.' Now, if wei I *he way. Mie. Yjd«- Mr. and Mrs. L’reer. Mr. . at, who rented e stall in the stable., .Itwas j u • approach this book as taxpa3Ters who desire to know*! t i WOfiKn ***- f - — Mine Moore. Misa Haynes.-Ml‘ WdM Miss ^ Smi(. i i T q ^ S X y t S t dee^ % a d teen j bei^ig slaughtered to become the masters of the world ? " by you was an excellent one, and although not hended any ono or more of the said! Offenders, to E gg-Laying V ictory.! successful in [competition for the first prize, we feel be paid by thej Collector and Comptroller off tho whether we are getting value for jour money, we aroi Booth tells l i e i t and Mra Hobbs. Bev. and Mrs. Corfleld. Mia much upset because his U udiady, with whom he had j A four months’ gg-laying coihpetitilon, organised at met at the beginning by a big difficulty. There iw f the-amount in. Bymondron. Mrs. Lowe. Misses HeUaby sure that you will consider your efforts adequately Customs at the Fort of Rye, upon conviction. ' Mrs. Jassop. Misses Jeroop. Miss Dyer. lodged for l4 years; was gi' ring- up her house. He had Blackburn, has resulted‘ sd itin a] vie y of the Buff rewarded by the consolation prize awarded to you, By order'of the-Commissioiiers, practically no information as to the services rendered.! i of'die world, arranged to move on iratur lay mormngi Deceased told DRUNKENNESS TAILS. Orpington variety, |one pen of fotir he: haring laid 316 There is, indeed, a vast amount of useless informa­ ’A considerable W ear R ooks. — CoL Chamberlin. Miss Horn.. SUMMONS FOR which is a freehold building plot on this magnificent j G. Delevald, Secretary. gingham . Miss Aingnam. Miss O. KI etch a few hours reforieforje the tragedytragoay' I! that in eggs aud another 306. estate. With a view to saving you as much trouble tion of the kind so much beloved |of the official mind, ' tp poorer and Mrs. Joy. Mrs. and Miss Wans. ; up he had seen several things he had]!had by Custom House, Rve, 29th Jan., 1816. but of real, vital information of la nature calculated! aid of officer* 150,000 Serbians R ead and expense as possible, we have been enabled to Mr. and Mrs. Bollaron. Misses Rollaron. him for years and it was explained at the inquest that A t Lewes 1 ’etty Si ions'on Tuesday, Williain James, make a special arrangement by which we cap deliver to be of use to the ordinary trader critic there iy; MisaPoaL Miss Gar butt. Mr.. Mrs, and J the things referred to were memorial cards tojbis wife of St. Pancras-ten Lewes, wgs summoned for being Serbian troops now transferred to th number about 150,000. They have b en______entirely„ re-. _ to you the deed of conveyance at a nominal cost, POACHING. revenue, buildings, the total expenditure cf which! i Westgf and mother. The jury rel umed a verdict of “ Suicide dru rk iu ohairgeibajfo- of. a —horse and cart in Fisher-street, amounting in all to three guineas, which includes tlid Douglas. MLsHoarn, Mr. Mitchell. M during temporary ins-initji,” the Coroner saying that . Lev -e- Februarty ] 5th. equipped and will lie ready shortly to fight again. The The Gentlemen resident in- and-! Owners and is £648,246. 13s. Id., wo aFe given theses items:j OoL »nd Mis. Harris. Capt. and M Mrs; on Crown Prince of ; Serbia is superintending the re­ Government stamp duty. There are no further costs . Kvarard. Mr. and Mrs. Cnpwell I Underwood doubtless, foum 1 life very lonely. Defendant pleaded not guilty. ’hatever. The Company reserves the right to allot Oocupiers of Land within the parishes uf Cucl::field, Bristol Head Post Office, installation of band con-j equipment. Hutstpierpoint, Clayton, Kcymer, Ditchling, W veis- veyor, 2il lOd.; Peterborough Pleiad Post Office, pro­ Quunbborough Hotel (Grand P. Th e Late Mr . W. J. S. Lew is! — Tbe PC Duplcick, stationed at Lowest said at 7.40 p.m. any particular plot to you . . . but the plot [will riot) *)• Straw H ats I nferior and D earer be less than 2(500 superficial feet in area.” Plaintiffs field, Twinebam, Woodmancote, Henfield ant the vision cjf new fittings, 5s. 9d. ; 'Glasgow Ahderton! Miss Henderson. Miss Ebtdewhlta Trevbr. remains of the late Mr. \V|. J. S. Lewis, of 22,; Rugby- i on (be 15th iitst. he taw defendant in Fisher-street in several adjacent parishes are requested to atte:ad at Branch jPost Office, alterations, Is. 5d. In vot-e 9, Mrs. 41. D. Smith. M ra and Master Kem Mrs. a id road, .were interred in ihe Brighton and Freston < chai 'ge of a hbrsc Rtta ihed to a Post Offiepjmail, van. A Straw hats this spring will be sixpence dearer and not also received a slip stating that tbe name chosen from so white as formerly. Makers are lecjiiomising in many thousands submitted was “ New Anzac-on-Se , tho Friar and Oak Inn. in Clayton, on Mondaj the Class l.i with an: expenditure of; £210,953. 5s. lid., M « Arnold. Mr. Tayler Mr. and Miss ilth. M-a; ,Cemetery ____ . . on., Friday. , .... .tho. fii>y . part . of the^serviie being : sailor wn- seated Ivy I is side. He noticejl tlmt defen Eleventh day of March next, at Eleven o’clo :k in we are I [solemnly given four separate items of 6d. liaekensia Mrs. and Miss Scarborow. aud Mys. conducted in >t. Augtl-tii c s Chim.-h. The . dant das holding tii■ ■ reins loosely and was IcsAing over material, so that ribbon will be narrower and bows not and tbe names of two persons were given as having —J U nder. Mrs. Burrows. Mr. and Mrs. Hutton. Mr. and the Forenoon, : to take- into consideration tlie for alterations to buildings, each item having two who tuc eideel.fiou of. the.late Air. S, S. iwis and to t re right hand sidtside, Witness shouted, “ What’aiihe too ample. won the £100 prize. lines ofj detail. What a majestic exhibition of lira . Cornell. Mr. Niobols Thomas. Mrs. Maxwell Donkeys Galore. expediency of fohning an Association, for the more Mm. and Miss Hans. Capt. Oldham Mrs. Lewis, of 33, Beaconstield-villas, had in in ; matlter■5” ?” to defendant, who was driving towards T h e Attractions. effectual prevention of Poaching within the Governmental wisdom ! How far! above us ordinary failing health for some years The chief mon irswere , High-street, and he replied, “ Nothing.” Defendant In response to an; appeal for a donkey to pull a liath hove Mkdwtn (Oaslisle Road). hlrs. W. J. S. Lewis (the widow), Mrs. Lewis (j The documents set out the attractions of the estate, Neighbourhood. ( mortals these officials are! On the other hand, iu 'Other), I; raised himself, and witness then noticed that he had no chair for soldiers at Brooklands. Hospital, Weybridge, one description reading: “A golf club and course Class 2, vote 18a, we are told tnat £2,069. 19s-. 3d_ and others Mr. and Mrs. George Stark. Mrs. SereL t * . and M rs- tlie Misses Lewialsisiem), Mr. Samuel Lewis ( ther), ; read light and that onjlv a small glimmer was!showing six were offered and two have been chosen. t e n ) p o u n d s REWARD. was spent by the Board of] Control (Mental Jesllu. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. ’Ann. Mr. and Mrs James M r. and Mrs, Erie Nev'o (sdn-in-Uw and danghl Br)t_Mr. from the frobt light; Defendant got down from the are^ within a stone’s throw of the estate. Excellent lorary straits, B ritish C laim to the “ Ai pam. fishing is obtainable either in the sea or the River Whereas, David, King the younger, some time Deficiency), Plngland1^—a sum which a study of i. seived ’ details Blohwrdaon. Mrs. Randall A. God ley (In-v^her-in-law)! Mrs. Jam hs UVid: e, Mrs. ? vej, eJe and staggered aixiut. Eventiially he found a since, absconded from the parish of Slapgham, the A. .T. R. aud Miss E. V. Uridge (sister The legal representatives of the British owners of the Ouse near by.; Sites for tennis courts are being pro­ Governrhent finance leads one to think ought to bo tire n n Honsi (Lasoilles T errace). -tn-lAw) ■ candle in onte of hisj pockets. Witness came to the vided. A park reservation (Anzac Park) is centrally County of Sussex, leaving his wife chargeable thereto, very grqatly increased. d'at Hilt. Mrs. Fnesclana Mr. and lira. Kiggrln and Miss Gratis. \Vwatbs were sent! as fol' iws; To conoluBvon thr.t he wals drunk, and informed him that “ Appam ” have brought Admiralty pruceedings under tho Churchwardens add Overseers of tl e Poor if the my dearest, from bis loviiig wife; in loving; I remem- , he vkould take charge tvf tbe mail cart He did so, and the prize laws to regain possession of tile ship. situated in the estate. A promenade 100-ft. wide has In this book we are told that ithe expenditure of bach. lira. Anderson. Mrs. Hannam. Lieut. Rigg-j o- been reserved along the sea. front. Allowance has said parish herefiy offer a Reward of] Ten Pcunds the all-important Foreign Office during the year wus , Sfi- Cfands fc»oh Mrs. Taverner brance, from Harry, Nell, and Eric ; , in ever-loving j took it to the Sorting Office. Defendant was seated on D ependents of Soldiers. to any person who will give them such information £68,767. 16s. 3d., which is divided into four items*: memory of a dear son, from his sorrowing mother; m the vim wbie they were going there. Afterwards been made for pavilions and bandstand adjoining the Hie French G lendowxb (Bubunoton P la( Under an Army; Order issued! on Saturday making promenade. A site has been selected for !a large! of the said Daviid King as may' enable the] Salaries,1, wages and allowances,; £61,177. 14s. Id.;. this country loving uH-mory of a ciear bnrtlnir, from hit sorrowing wituesH - :took - defendant - . i to tbe . police -■ station,j where he apprehend him. The said David King is abci d r. W. 8. Keyce. Mbu Lethbridge. sisters; in ever-loving.memory of a dear hrbther, from provision for pensions or gratuities for the dependents hydro or hotel, and it is hoped that it will be erected! messengers’ salaries, £2,747. Is! 6d.; messengers’ t of tire Pope. MiesBoake. Miss Chapman. Ml was detained till shortly after midnight; The horse of deceased soldiers, a parent may be granted a pension immediately after the war.” Another document,! years of age, well made, about.five feet|eight o: nine travelling expenses, £4,230. 10s. 9d. ; incidental have Monde. Mrs. Butter-worth. Misses Sam ; in remembrance and deep sympathy, from Uncle and van were taken home to Mr. Rowland’s in Sduthover. inches high, pale complexion, dark hair and eyes, William (Furzeleigh.).; in ldving memory, from Albert, equal to the amount paid by the soldier before mobilisa­ continued counsel, was a beautifully illustrated expenses! £612. -Qs. lid. Do we get value for our i many of tfos Heaton. Mrs. and Miss Merton. Mrs By the Bench: Defendant smelt strongly of liquor. tion or a widow’s pension, whichever is Jess. Provision pamphlet, the remarkable feature of which was that and his upper teeth rather projecting, j money? | Of course, we have an extra superfine, by tire Kerr. Mrs. Bdgar Selby. Mise Belt George and Willi with deepest Sympathy, from Uncle Slaugham, January 20th, 1816. Manning. Mise Gower. Miss & Roake Dick, George and Emm; with love and sincere sym­ The sailor, wfio was also tinder the influence of drink, is made for women who have been entjirely dependent while it gave photographs of Rottingdean, Hastings, heaven-spnt Foreign Secretary, whose tenure, of offieo i d ifo feopoe. Mr. Boyce, jun. Mrs, and Miss got down from the van and vanished when defendant on a soldier and children of the soldier in their charge. Folkestone, Arundel, Brighton, Eastbourne and is dependent upon the electoral aiid political chances, | several other pathy, from Cousin Emily (Leamington);! Alec and stupjped. When at the police station defendant aeked HOUSE OF COMMONS.! e; Bert and Giss.; Ethel, Ruth and Cecil; all at S eaTlane P icke6 U p. Worthing, it contained no photograph whatever of; but what about the unknown permanent officials? i of the Core M08TYN iTERRAOE ' to s^e a doctor, and he was told that he could have any New) Anzac-lqn-Sea. The photographs included1 Thursday, February, 22nd, 1916. Are they earning their money,? Without more A lexandra Hotel.—dr; J Yremnau. and Mr -. Downside: Mr. and Mrs. fl. Escott and falmijly; Mr. The South Shields Gazette says; “ Captain Blain, of and Mrs. C. O. Gebhie; Mr. and Mra int and doo ir he likelc" pictures of dcliirhtful walks which did not exist; Mr. Byng presented a Petition front the It habi­ information, we are unable to judge. As it is, we i report of the H Treen-an. Mr. and Mrs. R. Knigh Mr. and . as it was the steamship ‘ Framfield,’ from Methil to Rouen, tants, of ithe Old Artillery Ground againsi the can only form our own conclusions! from other sources family; Mra. Hewitt.; iIX Mr. i. aand u u XT-1.4Mrs. O. Geor, U U U lgt? 4| iolman; within twenty or thirty miles of the place. The ' row en th e M rs. Frank Match am. Miss Match am. r. and Mi s. the i tounty’s place to pay. reports that on Wednesday, the 9th inst., he picked up Property [Tax.—Ordered to lie on the tible. of information. But it must not be supposed that Clffc Ford. Mr. M V. Po. geant M r. Mr. and----- Mrs. Edgar 'Nevea-tid family (Blackhea i) j Mr. a seaplane which was floating liottom upwards in the owners of the plots were under no obligation to Russia lire b W.-Oarke. Irr. and Mre .___ __ Mrs. Pin a ! Difendant said all the liquor he had was four glasses build. On January 28th defendant bought anotjher The Honourable Gentleman also present the abo|re figures represent the j total cost of the ------, and Mra W. G. Pickett; ilise E. Victorme ] ridge ; North Sea, and delivered it to the mil itary officer at Foreign |Office. In an appendix we are given eight conditions. Ik _____i Boughtau Leigh. Mr. I M is Mra Vobes and family.; Mra George F. ay and of a e. Had be been drunk he would have been unable Rouen.” 200 .teres of land. Another circular sent to the prize Petition from Inhabitents of the Ward df [Alder: ^ r. Lockhart, M. Hunt. Mr. F. Blnks. Ueut. MoF Mr.. Madeline. to oolleet the (nails ard deliver them correctly to the winners related to railway facilities. J it stated: “ A upon the; same subject, praying further tha; the separate jitems of cost in addition, and also one item i the British J. Hastings Turner. Mr. Owen I Mr. iu Sorting OfBceias lie did. i H eroic A viator. proposal has how been made to the South Coast House would look with vigilance to all [subjects con to deduct, which brings the nett total cost to £107,924. ■Cheney. Mr u ttm . Mrs. and Mr i. The despatch received from General Headquarters in > his German anil mas flmyth , Selrgt. Burt jsaid defendant was brought to the police Land and Retort Company bv the Kearney High- expe: There are six pages of closely printed matter in this • station shortly before 8 o’clock on the evening in France on Tuesday night gives the following instance Speed Railway Company for the construction of the to lie on the table. appendix) dealing with a great number of accounts in Mourm.—Mice Evenson. Mr. and H A IL S HAM. of the heroism of one of our military aviators: “ One the samel way. In it the Board ofjEducation is given M r. Mrs. and Miss Coventry, question. He was unc er the influence of drink and was first unit of this system in Great Britain. The pro- Distresses of th e Country. and Mm. Terry. Mrs. Thnrlow. T h e H a r b ik k s —T h r* w as a good attend- __ ly unfit! to take charge of a horse apd part He of our aeroplanes was struck by an anti-aircraft shell. we give a station site and a right of as having a nett total cost of £14,574,830, and no one- and Mrs. H. W. Harding. Mr. Mrs. ance at Saturday^ meet, ivbiiiuh took place at West ham. j Las The pilot’s leg was practically severed. He managed, way through f^ew Anzac-on-Sea in order that a short Mr. Gooch presented a Petition from upwar Is of who hasj studied this book will grudge paying his Sjmington. Mrs. Parker. ath. The Marsh area was ithe a it-ne of the day’s principal dauflsi however, to land his machine safely in an aerodrome line may be constructed to Newliaven, and after­ 1,000 respectable freeholders, farmers and landhclders share qf the amount provided education can M . Par call.IL Mr audi I in M orii activities and several spirit':d runs were enjoy id. As waj and without injury to his observer.” wards to Brighton, and eventually to London, join- in the coiinty of Suffolk lamenting the distress ;s of ultimately be extended so as to embrace those- Although hare and Misses Davavid non ii by Mr the times,, and their inability, unless some means is responsibly for Government book-keeping. A very Nettleton the afternoon advanced, however, seen): becatie very chartelof a b s and Van. E xchequer R eturns. utg up therel with the Strand and Crystal Palace ndent an the ker. MnLJJacks bad, and hounds worked under considerable difficulties, i Tube. This will be done. The completion o f this suggested [by Parliament for their relief, to pay their large pai*i of the book is devoted to a stupid and i credit should Miss Hi. Miw-e ant Inspector P. Atkins, of the Lewes Postal The Exchequer returns from 1st April, 1915, to thel”[ |___ railway_ would allow,, residents ^ of New „ Au/.ne-on-Sea rents and taxes.— Ordered to lie on the table. childish description of the relationship of the ton. and ™th 'reterally po.,r ; resulta-Wednesday was st^ ^ “ - ^ Y b y " defendant,’ and heTstated that Mr. M. |A. Taylor moved: “That leave be ; ivfen Woodward. Mr. Parker, a devoted tolerations omtb<}_;Downs alm^Fpstlbourne, , defeldLt arriM at tie sorting office at 7.45 p.m., the cause differences between the sum granted for various pur­ the meet hieing at Meails Flaoe Farm (Mr.! krteris). re> ’ ’ ’ , I I the South Coqst between Newhaven and BrighBrighton to to bring in a BiH for the abolition of the punish] nenir poses and the expenditure on them. For instance, LANSDOWNE ICE. « constable being in char g-of tbe horse and mail van. The Blinded Soldiers. of the pillory.”—-Leave given;. There was ao abundance of boles, but scent was poor, constable refused to al ow defendant to euter the sorting become practically a suburb of London. ” in vote, 24, Class 2, some office boy estimated or 9.—Mr. and Mrs. Rowe farsh. and from this cause and 1 a numlier of changes no j «< Mr. Tennant has informed Mr, Wilson (Lah., West- A BIG FAMILY. guessed that the paper.for public departments would i X have spoken Acbeeon Grey. M ia T specially good run -was enjoyed. Snow began to fall i .. tia deliver thh' ilails, and the constable delivered hougton) that the number of non-com missioned officers A P r iz e W in n e r ’s V is it . cost £423,000, which sum was granted; the expendi­ Wk-MiesNorton. Mias— „ inch Was irregular. Defendant was excited, A few days since, an ewe belonging to Fariner • da be taken 1L—Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Mr. and] Mrs. Mould. heavily in the afternoon, and the pack Wais consequently l ’'"S and men rendered totally blind in' the p-esent war and Counsel proceeded to read an affidavit sworn by ture wasi£396,716. 19s. 3d., which w^s £26,283. Os. 9d. taken home at an earlycarl v hou;hour. j doubt! be had had some drink, but he was not discharged up to Jauuary 31st last is 65l distributed as Mr. Grane, a chemical manufacturer of High Holborn; Baker, of Adderiwater, near Exeter, yeaned five less than the amount granted. We are gravely told He Was only a quarter of an hour beyond his iambs, one of .them died, but the remaining T b S linmvow^ e. -MissKendaU. Mr.and Mrs D ppli follows: Privates 59, corporals 4, sergeants 1, company London, who was a prize winner, though not one four, that this) was a saving due to a drjop in tho price of Mr. and Mm. Morris. J ' W ater Com pany. he half-yearly rneet- |ed time, which was very good considering that sergeant-majors L ;All these will receive pensions, or of the plaintiffs in the action. This stated that off with their dam, axe likely to do well. manilla and in National Insurance; expenditure, and ing the Hailsham Water J a rainiy night Tim mAil contractor was Mr. IR. Mm. and Mise Cannon.; ipany took place at the it are n o w i n receipt of them. January 29th fie visited New Anzac-on-Sea for the CLOTHING THE RUSSIAN ARMY. so on, in a vast number of cases. Every difference- Mise Martin Leake. George Hotel on Monday, j Air. A- iturtenshaw pre­ d, of Brooklau 1s Farm, Southover, Lewes, and purpose of seeing the estate. He left London Bridge * j • j . . . I Detweenbetween expenditure and grant is dulyhufy noted. IM Nrow CAN Oswald Smith Mrs sided, and others present were Messrs. J. J.'White, A. !, defe; nt acted as nail driver. He started from I Married G rou ps. at 9.50 a.m. And reached the estate at 1.20 p.m ^ C^il1i?!i?:_C^0r)!:i!af^ 18_in?i^_in PJ°Kres? of esdcu- I yfjhat possible value to the taxpayers can there Tie rr. Brand. Mrs. B-yes. 1 K. Burtenshaw!, M. R. Holman, W. Strickland W. G. j New at 6 5 p.m., and had to make 10.calls at sub- The Derby groups will remain bpen lo married men (laughter). i tion in Yorkshire for the clothing of Russian tro ]. printing page after page of such idiotic nonsense as Him Aston. ItLeFyM fL ioes and letter boxes, and also to collect letters 750,000 complete sets of regimentals have been poo. CapfoOee. Mr. and Mrs. Crocker,' H. T. Hastings, J.[H. Maryan, El Martin, T. ! post j»l after March 1st, the date when the groups will be closed Tlie Judge: You must remember this is war time that? Jt is all very well for the office hoys con­ Hastings, R. Vine; J. J. Hollands, J. B. Campion from;any call reported that he was sober war taxes shortly to;be submitted to thejHeichstag will 100-ft. high. ThBre is no sea beach. The sea washes as wise spending is concerned, and [may be a part of ’*1 ELMS A” en maintained, albhoug! the demand hat! been and col eeted the mails properly and up to time, impose additional burdens of at least £25,000,000 per the cliffs at high water and at low water there The agriculturists'of this neighbourhood (Leits), either good or bad financing. To call an expenditure j rf51, BexhiU- COPTLAEna.—Mrs. GiiL £. greater. An increased supply would have to be secured Defendant, 6n oath, denied that he was drunk, but annum on the already well-loaded shoulders of German only a narrow strip ,of slimy chalk. There are no who have petitioned the House of Commons praying rtmne, said: “ X a redress of their grievances, have determined | to which was less than the estimnte it “ saving ” is a , for both m y HARTINGTON PI in the near future, which would mean either 1 - said he was eicited. He collected the mails properly taxpayers. ’ f . ’ -[ buildings upon; any of the adjoining estates. There gross misuse of language, although it may not appear new well, or deeperdng,the present one or ini and go; down! to atte id to the lights on the way, and U nwritten L aw on R an is no possibility of sea-bathing or sea-fishing in the send a similar Petition': to the House of Lords ;Tand as such to the commercial incoinpetents who con­ |fc m * y th» Ciiewmi Mansion. — Mr. and Po id. Misace storage. The directors recommended that a dividend the f%ct that he.vvas ah e to do this proved that he could immediate vicinity "of the estate. The sewage of such aB may. be desirous of signing the same [will wee about Darlington. Mr. and Mrs. Yates. Tate f. A policeman charged with murdering with an iron bar have an opportunity of giving it the support of their struct the national figures. Arid these are the people Nokla.vd H o t e l—Mr. G. A. Hewsan. MInUdime at the rate of 5 per eptit Jess income tax should be not have been; drun! He was at Offham at 7.20, and another European whom he found with fyis wife pleaded Brighton flows! out into the sea quite near to the into whose hands many innocent taxpayers propose of th a paid.—The report was adopted. —Messrs. R. Vine and that Was his last ctl He bad driven for 35 years in estate. I could find no indications of there being names by attending at the Star Inn in this towif j U and Capt. aad Mrs. Grim> dale. Mrs. Maokirnon. Rev Ri the unwritten law. The judge said this was not recog- Saturday next. to willingly trust the whole of the; national wealth ! . Maotdnnon. Mrs. Ellis. Mae; J. J. White, the retiring directors, were re-elected, and Locidpn for s ” and on Government work, and no nised by British justice, but tbe jiiry aft r deliberating any water laid on anywhere near the estate.” The Are they fit to run a costermonger's business? Care­ D. Rills the sum of £35 was voted' to the directors for their complaint had lieen t ade against him. for fiftefifteen minutes returned a unanimous verdict of not I deponent concluded that, calculating the value of the NEW W'ATCH-HOUSE FOR SMUQGLERfe. less estimating and spending are luxuries that cannot shall never Law*. — M m Berry, services.—Mr. J. H. Maryan was elected auditor in the to dismiss the case. ‘ i all over, Thq Bench decide .guilty.guilty. j ' | | | plot awarded to him. on the basis of 20 years’ purchase The smugglers will not be pleased to hear thut a be afforded in ordinary trading. But the gem'' of a son. Miss place of Mr. A. F. Smith, who retired. of the rent which it produced when let, he should say the whole book is the Exchequer and Audit Depart­ i to be aO (Use Bower. = that the outside value of his plot', was 4s. building is about to be erected at Saltdean Gaj>; * cold and __ ___ - £ Miss at T e a c h e r s ’ A sso cia o n .—M r. H . CSlovi the expense of the Government as a watch-house f ment account. The expenditure totals £68,650. _. if I only f 8 win ton - Brown. Miss presided on Saturday a t tl annual meeting EXPERIMENTS WITH T h e Law . the more offectuql prevention of their contraband 0s. 9d., which, with the amounts in'■ the appendix, is i would dart- Tawnier. Mrs Lyon Hailsham and District Tea liters’ Associatio BOYS AND AIR G'JNS. traffic brought up to £99.919. The account bears three Barnes. Mias Hacking ; Mr. Bennett submitted that the representations certificates -one from the Accounting Officer of tho H r others present being Mr. G. 1 v e t o ’s Lig h t n in g c o u g h ; c u r e. Which were made regarding tbe estate were untrue; DEVONSHIRE Exchequer and Audit Department!; one from tlie- i t s 5 J. Jervis, Mr. T- Stroud, Mi ATTACK ON SOUTH HEIGHTON SCHOOL. and that plaintiffs’, having paid their three guineas Comptroller and Auditor-General, presumably of the _ Hons*.—Mr. and Ir. G. Penfold, Mr. Haylocl y a L ondon Scientist. for a specific purpose for which the whole of the Miss Bridget* A TRAMP. same department ; and one from the Auditor of tho G. Capon.—The report showed a tol money was not used, were efititled to have their Civil List from the Treasury. This most "important _____ .___m a s .—Mrs- banyan. of no28, ibeing * an 5increase - of * ”)ve during At,a Children’s Court on Tuesday Ben; Lamport (14), money returned. (By the A uthor of “ U npretentious R hymes. EL H. Coles. Mrs. and Miss Gask. account,-,, which revealed a s Hyatt - Wpolf, Esq., F.R.P.S.; F.R.S.L., department which audits all the rdst simply audits kmh baths, but ■retard. Mias Horrent ; : all credit balance in hand, of Hampden-gardenS, South Heigh ton, iind Roy Care; The Judge pointed out that it was not a free con­ itself! What an epic of red tape! [We are a simple were deemed satisfactory.—|Mr. G. Penfold, r of Popular Science Siftings, writes aa follows in (14), of Lewes-cottages, South Height m, were eacl veyance. It was a three guinea conveyance, and in Then & BURLINGTON 'president, was duly installed by his pn ’ "■ about things we live on an d. d a ily use : summoned for carrying a gun withoui. a license, at Roaming, yet Ijappy, seeming always poor, people to hike all these accounts in this self-audited 1 his opinion any1 ordinary man would read the offer I wander lagging aims at many a door; fashion. No worder our taxes are heavy, with such recommended Park Houfr.—Ur. G. A. Goldie Mrs. Lillie' the other elections for the ensuing year were ______i diseav aring a form of me ‘icine needed South -Heighten, on January 23rd.j as meaning that it was a three guinea conveyance. Ts Backacba. Miss Lillie. Cant, aud Mrs. Morrloe President, Mr. R. K. Hills!; hon. Sect to dimi aish congestionL aid expectoration, and soothe Bath defendants pleaded guilty, and salid they had air Manage to earn a most precarious living, a system of book-keeping as is here disclosed. We, ------t _K la9 Grampton. Ml ” Williams, t Treasurer, Mr. G. Loads; [Parliamentary the respiratory! track, I experimented in the laboratory It did not appear to him that if the thing had gone Thanks to those hearts which benefit by giving. the workers and traders, laboriously gather wealth, and I am guns. j I G: l . . through plaintiffs oould have recovered any portion and then permit our hard-earned money to bo thrown say that tire ’ r.-M ra Renas. Miss Correspondent, Mr. H. J. Glover; Commit! with V mo’s Lightning Cough' Cure and applied it in P.C. Migball, stationed at Newhaven, said on My clothes arc tattered, and my boots are wcrn,| “ i Bose 1 Bennett, Mir. Capon, Mra E ’ practice. I found this] remedy contained a variety of of the three guineas on the ground that defendant to the four winds of heaven by a stearp shovel con­ _ to act pro- Stroud, Mr. T. iStrou January 23rd he interviewed both; defendants and told did not require the whole of it for the purpose of Tanned are my features, and my hair unshorn ; trolled by unbusinesslike incompetence in high places. I had finished HOWARD SQUARE. Miss E. M. Farr, Mr. Harry j ylock and Mr. Bennei matters capable.of affording relief in all .those rases them that there had been complaints that the school paying the cost of the conveyance. It was money I live my free'Iife travelling on the road, i was a lot of H olysood.—Mr. H. do Conner Peach. Barrage -A sum of £2 was voted to tl lenevoleut and Orphan where c tughing is a symptom. * Not only this, but it is porch door at South Heighten had been shot at with paid in consideration of getting a thing which was Carrying uiy little unpretentious load. RICHARD HIGGS. Fund, and it was decided to port the candidature of a distinct nerve tomq,land is not only applicable with air guns on the previous Sunday Bfternpon, and from the water, Miss Balharry. Mra Fraser. Mr. FI Mr. u d wanted. It might be that at a later stage plaintiffs Resting at will beside some cooling stream, i had gone away M ra Robinson. Miss Lynes Mr. F. J. Hbldaway for the xiecutive of theN-U.T. advantage in cases of bronchial coughs, but also for inquiries he had ma,de fie had a«certaified that they, would be entitled to all sorts of remedies, but were lal swellings ■ i HJWi'ua House.—Mr*. " lias Street stoma cl coughs. It woiild likewise have a certain value with other boys, were there sbocting at the door with Choosing a hedgerow to ineent my dream ; Mra Bontmry. Capt, with other boys, were there shoeUng at the door with thev entiUecl to relief upop an interlocutory applica- Or, unsheltered sleep to music of tbe waves, S ad D eath of a Y oung L k W’e s W oman. my back gob. in consumption, it shpwed distinct ability to abate j —Great sympathy will be felt for Mrsl F. E. Piper, of B owarb Hotrsam Hotel. — Mr. and Mm. Eot at the door with he given an opportunity of explaining his case. Birds, who are welcome, often feed with me. the death of Mrs. Alive Dorcas Woodhams, the 12tn pattern It contains np opiate or anything that could da license, Lamport I r i have been LASOELLES TERRACE. the funds of the Fairlight, ~ lestling and Pel his gun. Questioned whether he ha Mr. Clauson said Mr. Neville was anxious that the Well they deserve from me all I can give, child of the late Mr. Pii>er and of Mrs. Piper, and wife iled to da me Association. A resolution it the contribnti effect lit.rm.” . led that bis gun! only fired smi ill shot, and lie did Whose love eorigs often help to teach me live ; of Mr. A. Woodhams, of Brighton, Who was formerly the gratitudo L Edwards. Mr. and Mra Donaghse be £15, and another that 1 the donation Tak|e Veno’s tightniiig Cough Cure for all diseases of not know he needed a license fqi such! a small gun. case should be gone into. Mr. Ernest Cockle was yhk appearing for 700 or 800 people who had paid their Their singing ojver garden fence or wall an assistant to Mr. W. Futeber, inspector'of weights ve got on with*. L .—Mm. R. L. Mullens, t M«j» and Mr.. £lfl. 10a. were both defi and the £5 chest, throat id lungs in young or old. Prioes Witness added, in reply to the inch, that he under- and measures to the East Sussex County Council. She 111 3d id 3s. , off all chemists. s were purchased. about three I three guineas, and who were delighted with defen­ Taught me where love was, there was help for allj. lli—TheRtw.Innee R and Mra. ’ upon by II votes to 10. lljd., stood that these dant’s scheme and were indignant at these proceed­ had beeu married about two years. The deceased bad EO Y EA RS U.-Mr. F. L. Utort, months ago, and t they had been changing hands Kind words have often helped me on my way. an accident three or four months ago and it is tbourfit juying them from one another, ings. It was perfectly ridiculous to suggest that tbe And smiles that showed some human sympathy ; s’s p iu b through the boys defendant had made a profit out of allotting these that this may have had something to do with her death. , FOR I HAY* ■SSSL.-IM .TU*: Neither of the eridants actually pan based the air From those who passing handed me a penny, She had apparently recovered from its effects and-she RINGMER. plots at three guineas a time. He read an affidavit Or said, “. I’m sorry, but I have not any.” i>THEY RID MM LIFE’S SONG. guns at a shop. by Mr. Neville, who declared that the allegations was one of the mourners at her father’s funeral at the SOME YEARS E a r l y E g g s.—A th i h’s nest; containing The Magistrates’ Clerk (Mr. F. Lewis): Was ■ ■ I i H. G. L. Cemetery on the 24th ult. On Monday evening she nga;? made against him were absolutely untrue, inaccurate two eggs has been discovered [ Ringmer. | j ; it their old school that they were fij or incomplete. ; The advertisements plainly stated went out for a walk and on reaching her home at from Foster- e, whit is it J Just a song Witness: Yes, sir. Brighton had a seizure. iShe did not regain conscious­ R e c r u it in g A d v iso r Co m m it t e e , i - M i. • - ,y OI f >rd,—short or long; that the payment of three guineas waB a condition of RELIEF FOR ALL. t, London, Bored. I t was stated that Carey was emplo; on a ship at the conveyance being made, and ten days were given ness and died on the following morning. piUfor-aak F. Washer and Mr. J. T. Mi in have been appointed t we cannot tell, boiler scurfing, and Lamport worki a private Why Hot try these Tr -chks > represent Ringmer parish c the Recruiting Advisory the successful competitor in which to elect whether for your fidgety rough I B ritish F armers’ R ed Cross F und.—.This , tbe sanre. we have sung it well, garden. Both boys iStated that the gui bow been BROWN’S iommittee df the Chailey ’’ ‘ District | | they did not [know at a license he would lake up his plot or not. He purchased and They are the old fashioned fund has wronged to provide the British Red Cross „ is hard to sing broken up, and that paid for 415 acres, sufficient to provide between 5,000 remedy for th - alleviation of 8ociety with a further sum of £65,000 for the following F i r e .—On T u e sd a y and mar its pleasant ring ; was required for guns which did not fire ves. C onghv Hoarseness, Bore ening, shortly! after the Magis- and 6,000 plots Of equal or greater size than those he BRONCHIAL objects: £20,000 for Hospital Stores aud Comforts for five o’olook, it was discove that a died at the bade -ir, if, at oOr life’s end, TheChairman(Mr F. B. Whitfi ’” Tnroar. Bronchitis and — T h e W » r statement^ that boys did not had provided, fie paid £15 per acre, and not £11 : }-. j • , A-1 lima, they con min uo the Sick and Wounded Soldiers of the Egst African of Merton Cottage (the of Mr. G. G. T- song has hel{ed—nay, saved, trates accepted the as suggested by the plaintiffs. Instead of making Field Fores; £5,000 for Motor Ambulances and Steam I the method of, Our dc it friend J . D. F. know that a license was required,! and herefore they TROCHES. opiate and are much appre­ :mmissions m Trehefne) was on fire. Tl •e adjoins a i, light penal ' defendant any profit out of, the allotment of the plots as alleged, ciated by Singers and Public Launch for! tbe use of the Sick and Wouuded Indian and the Vicarage stable ooach-house. Ti R i g h t s R e s e r v e d .} would only im; ny and Special he had spent upwards of £2,000 more than the sums Sneakers. j Soldiers in Egypt; £15,000 for theprovii ‘)□, equipment covery was made by Hob Washer, aged would be fined received. It was untrue that there was! no sea beach ■ and maintenance of Recreation Hutluts fo the Sira and the ranks, Mr. F. Washer, who v the abed to ft r the purpose at New Anzac-on-Sea, and immediately the estate D a m a g e b y Z e p p e l i n s .—Mr. Thomas asked Wounded ildiers in Red Cross Hospital atHome and tools. He gave the . • and . Mr. F .![. )' A rabs ad o r Dunn was purchased be commenced the formation of roads. Abroad; >,000 towards the cost of Convalescent i of candidates ir to Mr. R. Ki ipaon, who lives < A recruit the President of tbB Board of Trade in the House cf Homes in i recommend as “ W e bavt method by which be < I let his friends There was a water supply 250 yards from the estate. Commons whether he was aware that as a result of th i 'land and France for Britidl and Colonial quickly arri' suooeeded in ind we Between 700 and 800 other persons had paid their recent Zeppelin raid a nuraberof small bouses, uncovere 1 Officers* fied to tha 1SR the flames !n waa stationed when ion active ser hich they are fortunes are indissolubly Franoe,” he said, sign my three guineas, and wanted to retain their plots. by insurance, bad been damaged,; and whether, in viei r N e w ome for Enemy A lien s. — T he isg to the 'mg the In giving his decision Mr. Justice Younger sug­ the forwarded conttnts of - , E. Dunn.” Of the hardship involved, the Government would gran; Borstal It station at Feltham has been closed owing- i will not bn i n g ,a t yon leave England ? his friend gested that it Was a case for a speedy trial of the compensation f Mr. Rea replied that when the Govern ■ to tbe redne number of youthful offenders detained A cask actions, as there was a great deal in them, apart from there. It it the flat Wednes- sign Well D unn!" the reply, ment insurance scheme was started it was announce!! shortly to be re-opened for the housing of a place in this highly technical point as to agency or fiduciary that no compensation would be given in respect of pro enemy aii< - who will cultivate the 90 acres of pasture- Tourist: ^ v e ry chai relationship. perty not insured under the scheme, and it wouh land which rround the building. ■ ■! -:' which you get down here Old fishert across city men repre- ’ad been chkngeal 4e we’d have Mr. A. Benne ,, for plaintiffs, agreed that if the 'danger the scheme if this decision were deparlet , A good way to kill envy is to honour those Treberne’s do ye call it, sir ? If i to grant his clients the interlocu- from. i considered sentatives of great Misittdss firms. chamgad it long ago! Judge was unab whom we a vy. W-

    life! T"T W: wm

    "I : t l EASTBOURNE CHRONICLE, SATURDAY FEBKUABY 26, 1916 L In my shooting notes last Saturday I regret having Dr. Habqood moved the re-appointmentt^ Alderman SPORT—AND orlittea tX) mention—through no fault of my own-y-the County Borough of Eastbourne. PRINCESS ALICE MEMORIAL O’Brien Harding us TrmMirer,‘with a vote of thanks Serbanis & Assistants SEanttb SB S. Masoh, V.T.C., Seo. 15, amongst the S I *+r-— ' for past services anq saidi they were all quite M.ire the I highest individual...... scorers of the ’ As a matter of UuSpiTal. finances of the Hospitaltiostiitn vyould be___ safe______in his, _____hands. THINGS. it, he was actually th e top soorer with 78, and should \ Y A l l RELIEF ■ FUNDS. TheThe Rev. J. G. H!kndkhson seconded and the motion BIGGE1R DEMAND THAN EVER FOR ave had the place of honour all to himself. I am glad was carried. M A Y K A II D (B y SPECTATOR.) MOTOR DRIVERS.—LEARN MOTORING j supply the omission now. This week the pride of ■ I On the proposition of Mr. A llum, seconded by Mr. AT ONCE.—Good pay, excellent prospects. TH K CLOSING LIST op the Following F dnds: The 8 rious Fhuuiciai Position. V ine, the Hon. Secretary was re-appointed, und Mr. LARGEST INSTRUCTION WORKS IN THE £ 8. H. H. Coles was cordially thanked for his work on FOR LIMITED WORLD. Tuition on heavy Motor Lorries or any A most regrettable scene on the Eastbourne ground Anglo-Russian Hospital...... 133 17 behalf of the Institution) typoofTouringCarasdesired. • LO\ OWKST _____ CHARGES___ team shooting all round maintains a fair average of Serbian [Relief Fund ...... J.. 131 8 A S P E C IE , APi'MAli T<> THK II: Bl.10 The Vice-Presidents were re-appointed, as also were IN LONDON. TRAINING UNLIMITED WITHOUT was witnessed on Saturday, when a football match had English Prisoners in Germany...... 126 13 EXTRA CHARGE UNTIL PROFICIENT AND luality, whilst another fine total of 226 by Thwaites and the retiring memlieis of the committee (the Rev. W. P. SATISFIED. Secure the B. S. M. OFFICIAL to’be abandoned owing to disorder. To the best of my ions indioates a welcome return to form on their part. Comfort s for Rqyal Sussex Regiments Jay, the Rev. H. Urling Whelpton, the Rev. J. Salwey, A REMOVALS CERTIFICATE and Free Benefits of the Licensed belief such a thing has never happened at the Saffrons I There have been no startling changes in the League now serving abroad :...... 77 12 0 Ao Alderm iM « (itn-'rom Oon itli. n the Rev. I. Shiminin, Mr. C. Francis, Mr. J. H. Haine, Motor Employment Agency. SPECIAL LADIES’ before, and it is sincerely hoped it will never ooour this week, and the results of the matches were as Councillor Hollins, Councillor Fox, Mr. G. F. Gee and COURSE. Individual Tuition. Special Guaranteed again. The only oonsoling feature about the contre­ lows:— £469 10 0 Mr. G. H. Silverlock). Mr. Claude Bishop was elected Course until Royal Automobile Club Certificate to fill a vacancy on the committee. AND obtained. Special APPRENTICESHIP COUUStK. temps was that the players themselves were very little ,T.O., Sep. 5...... 211 beat S Bindon ...... it 1 The annual meeting; of tho GoVernoijs, of tho The appointment of the medical staff was confirmed .T.O., Seo. 7 ...... 1 LIST OF DONATIONS. STORAGE. Call or write for full particulars. . to blame for it. Nor was the referee—altogether. \ . Dyer ...... 220 £ 8. Princess Alice Memorial Hospital was held at the and a tribute paid to Dr. Farnell, Dr. Nicholls and T.Om Sec. 16 ...... 211 ' T.O., Seo. 14 ... 84 Dr. Woodson Paul, who are taking the places at the THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF MOTORING LTD., . J * * - * Town Hall ...... 216 latoon-Sergeants. 2 Amount alread ted ...... 290 19 Saffrons Rooms yestejfday afternoon. The Rev. Dr. Mrs. R. Mallii 0 10 Cb c w d en presided, and there were also present the Hospital of members of the staff who have joined the 5, Coventry Street, P iccadilly Circus, The misohief was worked almost entirely by a score V[T.O., See. 6...... 169 0. Whittaker.., & Army. | ■ ; N or so exuberant convalescent spectators who allowed V1T.O., Seo. 3...... 223 T.C., Sec. 176 Misses Mullen Mayor (Alderman O’Brien Harding), the Deputy London, W. their zealfor the success of their team to get the Mrs. Winters 1 The Auditors (Mr. J. H. Wright and Mr. F. H. Thwaites & Sons...... 226 Company R. Mar in Bird Mayor (Councillor C. W. Bolton, ClS.I.), the Rev. Emary) were re-elected. Goods Warehoused in Separate -of their discretion. They werenew arrivals at Su VjT.O., Seo. 5.;...... 220 uoation Staff ..1 218 , Esq. down Clamp, I fancy—young, noisy North oouni A. J. Howard, Esq... Canon Streatfeild, the Rev. and Mrs. W. Johnson t Mr. Sydney Hudson presented the report of the LL CLASSES OF SERVANTS WANTED at Kate Office .... Lock-up Compartments. OXFORD REGISTRY. Susans-road, Eastbourne, bubbling over with animal spirits and the ioy of Jones, the Rev. W. F. Aston, the Rev. I. 3himmin, s|ib-committee appointea to consider tne present icial Wants below.—Cooks, Cook-Generals, House- alive after facing death in the trenches. They A card, which I reoeived the other day, bearing an Mrs. Keighley the Rev. J. G. Henderson, Alderman Rov'e, Coun­ serious financial position of the ; hospital. He said invitationevil to attend a special service last Sunday even­ Surjg.-Gfin. and 'parlourmaids, Generals, Kitchenmaids (Private and no harm at the start. But things began to go Mrs. Htrvey cillor S. Russell, Councillor S. N. they considered, as one possible alternative, the Boarding Hoiiaes).______ing in one of our Eastbourne Nonconformist churches, Mrs. Mscleay cjosing down of the hospital, but they thought it .with their team, one or two decisions were not U. anounces in bold type:— Misses Whiting. F. Hollins, Councillor Durell, Dr. Finest Fireproof Warehouses A VACANCY exists for smart, intelligent YOUTH, as liking and then they began to ohip the referee, vfould be better to] trust to one more appeal. The AjL Apprentice to the Reporting; good opportunity the official was not to be intimidated, and | Subject: “ SIMPLETONS;” E. Riddell, Esq Merry, Dr. Harper, Dr. Sfierwood, sob-committee proposed that it be a recommendation in Eastbourne. for well-educated lad.—Apply at “Chroniclo" Offices, administering acaution to Paternoster, the Convalescent 1 then in large letters immediately underneath J. E. Aj toun, ! Ssq. . H. D. Farnell, Mrs. Crowded, Mr. J. to the Governors to request the Mayor to make an South-street, Eastbourne. Dr. H. Gabl ett Sydney Hudson, Mr. J. Vine, Mr. w . centre half, ne sent that player on the field for a D V A H eart? W elcome to You. __ appeal in his official capacity to the public of EaBt- LL kinds Of GOOD MAIDS WANTED at once for I. D. M l Balfour, Esq. Mr. C. A. Leatfiam, Mr. J. H. Maryan (Hailsham), iurne. repetition of the offenoe. Discontent increased at this Mrs. Balfour Smart and Up-to-date Vans. privato, schools, hotels, boarding and apartment and eventually, when the referee disallowed a goal for nder how many aocepted the .invitation and went ? Mr. J. H. Haine. Mr. H. W. Fovargue, Mr. A. E. Councillor Fox seconded, and it was carried. houses: Eastbourne and away; no booking fee.—Myrtle- iidn’t. Mr. and Mrs. S. Fox Rook, Mr. A. Tabor, Mr. G. F. Gee.! Mr. D. Allum, holme Employment Agency, 32, Gildredge road, East­ off-side upon the only oooasion the Campers got the ball • • Mrs. J. Maitland-Kirwan .... [The M ayor said he had received a cheque for £100 bourne. ’Phone 646. into the net, the angry handful of spectators encroached Mr. G. H. Silverlock, Mr. H. H. Coles (hon. secre­ from Alderman Towner (applause); and it was further H 1 on the ground, hustled the offending official and made low that Spring has actually come—as that Hampden A. Campliell, Esq. tary), Mr. J. H. Silkstone (assistant stecrotary). Experienced and Careful Men A PRPENTICES WANTED (2), one to Shirtanaking rk chap assured up weeks ago—now that the skies Miss M. A. Boys .. announced that £25 had been given by Miss / A and one to Ladies' Coat Room'; wagon from com­ matters so unpleasant that any further play was Apologies for absenco were received from the Rev. Njfatheson and twenty guineas by Mr. Blackden MR. rendered inadvisable, the match being abandoned at blue, birds are singing and all; nature is rejoicing in Mrs. Crcshaw T. W. P. Jay, Alderman Wright and Councillor only Employed. mencement.—Apply, Marshall Sc Dunbar. Ill and 113, thp returning warmth and gladness of the sun’s embraces, A. M. Wilkinson, Esq. Pearson. (applause). South-street,A Eastbourne. that point. • • • I feel tempted to clothe myself in my lightest summer G. C. W bitfield, Esq. The Committee’s Report. ; The meeting then closed with a vote of thanks to A PPLY Mrs. REEDER’S Gentlewomen’s Employ, R.N.C As a candid critie who saw both the game and the lit, discard my hat and go for aj glorious ramble over M. Martin, Esq...... L tjie Rev. Dr. Crowden for presiding. ment Bureau, e .s. Rotten-row, Lewett Vacancies: the verdant, thyme-'seented Downs. . But I shall have H. Ewart, Esql...... ,Ll. , The first item on the agenda was “ to receive the ESTIMATES FREE. Generals, Nurse-Attendants, Nurses. Working House- incident, I am bound to honestly state that the referee’s report of the Committee of Management and state­ keepors. Maidservants, Married Couples. decision was, in my opinion, a perfectly correct one. tojget a shovel first and dig my Way out of the house Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Do|an .through the snow in which it lies buried. O. S. Fabey, Esq.... ment of accounts of the Institution for the year Whether the man who actually pnt the ball into the net 1915.” (Tho document was published in our last MILITARY HOSPITAL. APPLY OY REQUIRED in Estate Agency Office; one just O. A. Benecke,, Esq, issue.) leaving school would do.—Apply, in own hand­ was on side or not I oan’t say, but the referee had I Mrs. R. T. Clarke writing, stating wages required, to X. X., “Chronicle’* R already blown his whistle for off side against the man R. Lodge, Esq...... The Chairman, in the course of an i eloquent Office, Eastbourne. | who had just previously played the ball—and there can Rev. A. T. Wise ... speech, said: Before moving tho adoption of this ; On Thursday the usual weekly concert was given in ARMAN WANTED at onco.—Apply to Messrs. be bat little, luihbt he was justified in doing so. BOROUGH POLICE COURT. Mrs. Ray...... report 1 propose to make ■ it the basis of an appeal thebe RecreationRecri T"Hall. " Miss Davies-Gilbert very ''kindly ” G. E. MAYNARD, Ltd. Robins, Ltd., High-6treet, Seaford. / • * • •] Miss P. Wheeler ... w-bi Ct orbi, an appeal I mean not only to the ovided the entire programme, and prod uced an exeel- intit troupe. 'The performance opened with a musical OOKS, Cook-GeDerals, Houseparlourmaids. House­ > And, after all, it matters very little any way. The i Y estkbday.—Before Major H. P. Molineux (in the W. L. Wallis, Esq. Governors, but to tho town generally 'and the maids, Kitchenmaida, General Servants, also Girls Convalescents were being outplayed by a much better surrounding districts' which look to the hospital as selection by Mrs. Stone and the Misses Wycliffe Taylor. Bto Train WANTED. Good Situations Vacant in all chair), Alderman H. W. Keay, Mr. C. A. Leatham, Mrs. Twomey..]...... |...... Complete House Furnishers, side, and were so hopelessly behind m the matter of [ Mrs. and Miss Holmes !...... the special home of hope and healing for their sick It was followed by a song from Miss de Broe, who gave parts. Servants suited free.—Send postcard for particu­ ouncillor 0. W. Bolton, Councillor S. N. Fox and lars or call, The Sussex Registry, 28. Friars -walk, Lewes, points that the lose or gain of a single gocfi could nave r~, Claude Bishop, Misses G). and F. Daw ...... and suffering poor. To those of i us wbo haVe afi her encore “ Keep the home fires burning.” A play, Jmd no possible effect upon the result of the game, Mrs. Karslake ...... 1...... imagination to read the reality behind its plain entitled “ A Backward Girl,” was splendidly rendered Sussex. by Miss Noel Streatfeild and Miss Percival. It was Greystone Buildings, C And I know these. Blue Boy players suffli fitly well to A RAILWAY PRO! 30UTI0N. Mrs. H. iH. Sams...... figures and statements the report is a very] patriotio TOOK-GENERAL, or USEFUL HELP, WANTED; say that they would have taken their icking like Anonymous.....j...... ,...... document. 768 patients, we are toldJ were admitted enthusiastically received by the men, and well deserved cr Christian home. — Write, salar;ry aud ago, Mre. S’ 'ictor H. Carlson, of Londi was summoned' for during the year just past, that is 768 men, women its applause. Miss Wycliffe Taylor played a violin WilCllson, 9, Ridge-road, Stroud Green, London. sportsmen, and the game would have pi lea and (veiling on the L.B. &, S.O. without previously F. L. Sword, Esq...... L Eastbourne. ended as games usually do, had it not for the ^ug ms fare. The offence was______dmitted. B. A. Lacoste et Fils ..]...... and little children all languishing anq suffering from do, “ Caprice,” in fine style, and gave “ Berceuse TYLINDER and PLATEN HANDS (ineligible) for unruly behaviour of this small section of their sup- I Messrs. A Jones A Sons ...... disease and sickness and pain. To effect tneir cure taysanne’ as encore. Mrs. Cross sang “ The gay j best Commercial Catalogue, half-tone and colour . O. H, Brewer appeared to prosecute on behalf of tomtit” and in response to applause sang “ The little work —Apply, giving experience, to Cooper & Budd, m Pud porters. Railway Company, and Mr. W. T. James repre Major StuddarC...... :...... '.. the hospital brought into operation “ the whole Ltd., MeDcimott-road Peckham, London. i. - * * ♦ * ited the defendant, who did not appear, Dr. and Mrs. H. Habgojod ...... science and art and charity of medicine and surgery,” Ijrish girl.” Miss Rosamund Wycliffe Taylor gave then work that is by day and work fiy night, for the doors ai very fine ’cello solo, “ Gavotte Humoresque ” and Miss ormitory m aids w a n t e d for Ardingiy The matoh was. in oonneotion with the Eastbourne [r. Brewer said the defendant at one time held a Misses Ffoste ...... J...J...... College; wages £U.—Apply. Head Matron. Services League, and should have produced interesting on tiaket which was available; between Eastbourne H. A. Frisby, Esq...... of the hospital are never closed, ami ovefi in tfie dja Broe sang “ A perfect day ” and “ Woman of mine.” gituations fi&anteb. football. The Convalescents were opposed to the C. H. Cave, Esq. night the ear of the nurse, the lady of the lamp, A most enjoyable programme concluded with selections isch arg ed soldier w a n t e d ; must b* and London. This was given up] when ifi expired, and from the orchestra, the men singing lustily the experienced general clork ; one with knowlodg Hants Carabineers, and whilst the formi are con- another special ticket between Brighton ana London Mrs. Beresford ... patrolling the wards is quick to detect the cry of ( choruses. DVJERTI8EMENT8 must be replied to in ,o r itin o . Corn Trade preferred.- -Apply, Stricklands, Ltd., ! M' stantly suffering from losses in their team, ;he Oarabi- wafi taken by the defendant It was only available f< Mrs. Bell...... pain, and her hand prompt to bring tho Accessary AA DV didirected to the addresses given. Personal applies- sham. neers have the advantage of playing the st ien pretty the two stations named. He wafi known to a tick, Mrs. Reid ...... help and relief. Of tfiese 768 patients !.83 were I On Saturday, at 6.30, the Boy Scouts are giving an ilonB at' our Publishing Offices, for particulars, are useless. DAY ts men to relieved and 420 restored* to health and usefulness. kRAPERYJ-WANTED,i JUNIOR Y-OUNG LADY regularly. It did not take long for the collector at Eastbourne, and on December 10th a spficial Miss G. !3. Reid entertainment, play and concert, and we are to have ftOWMAN (married) SEEKS SITUATION : good for Costumeibtume Department (outdoors). - — Apply,‘ Branafi assert their superiority. They quickly fo: a corner, examination of tiokets at the Eastbourne barrier for Mrs. Irens ...... The Unthinking Many. t&e pleasure of the Hippodrome Variety Troupe on ______m ilker;. early riser; 45 ; no family; small herd.— personally,D to Evenduos (H. W. Nicholson, Ltd.), Easb- Thursday next and from a lovely centre bv Watson thi hall was the train leaving at 8.35 a.m. was arranged. Defen­ H. W. Fovargue, Esq. But to this cheering record there is a sad and dis­ E. 3., 47, New House Cottages, WeBt Ho.thly. boarne. cleverly headed between the Camp posts b; dant told the collector he had not gob bis season ticket Miss Strofton ...]...... creditable antithesis, the largo and cripplirg deficit ' Acknowledy ARDENER SEEKS SITUATION in Lewes; perma­ D RESSMAKING.-WANTED, APPRENTICES and! the outside left. A few minutes later the i with him, and he supposed he should have to leave his Mrs. Fo.'-Watkins .... on the year’s working of £1,111. 7s. lOd. 1?he chief tile Vicar anc nent, or would undertake jobbing work; good IMPRO VERS to the Dressmaking.—Apply, Bobby M UNlI put on a second goal in almost an exac name and address. He gave this! to the collector, who Misses Sixitt ...l.....;... dfiilies and two refenQAterencea.—Apply, A Cheverton, 2, Alexandra-terrace, and Co., Ltd., Eastbourne. manner. causes of the deficit are the increased cost of labour said, “ Eastbourne to London season,” to which the F. Marnham, Ktq...... and food, and drugs and other necessities, resulting literature, Mrs. Ellis; gramophone records from Miss Huratpierpolnt. TfcRESSMA ERS.—WANTED, by O. Morrish & Sim, defendant answered “ Yes.” Defendant travelled to Mrs. I. 11. Davidson ... DW from this terrible war. But there is ; another cause, G. de Broe; a round games table from Mrs. Davies- RS. 8TRACEY wishes to RECOMMEND young ^1 Drapers, J^wes APPRENTICES 8c IMPROVERS It was. here that Paternoster got into trouble with London and parsed through the barrier without paying Mrs. Kdriisou..!...... Gilbert; china from Mrs. Yatman ; wood carving tools RET.QIAN LADY diplom6o for few hours daily in the Dressmaking Department. ______:_____: MUNI the referee and was ordered off. He had been con- K. Frazer, Esq...... the surprising and disappointing subscription lists. i any fare or giving up a ticket. Inquiries were made, £1,123. 78. 6d.*were all that Eastbourne and its neigfi- and wood from Mrs, Lane; and three armchairs from CH1NG in schools or private family; very good RESSMAKING.—Experienced Bodiceco Hands and. spicious for (jlever play, but, egged on by the crowd, he it was found that the defendant had no Eastbourne Miss Cornah ...l...... bourhood, with a population of more than 60,000, Mrs. Eeley for our Recieation Rooms. French; experienced in teaohing, &c.—35, Upperton- As8it.tanlis Wanted.—M. Phillips, 44, Grove-rood. did something be didn’t ougnter, and was cautioned. L. SL George, Rsq...... road, Eastbourne. Eusibourne.D rndon ticket. He was seen jby one of the Com­ could spare to subscribe for the care and (relief of Almost immediately afterwards he attempted to repeat Major-Gen. H aig...... f 1DOW. middle • aged. REQUIRES POST as fy's polios officers, to whom he said, “ I went to the their sick poor in the hospital. What an unwritten RESrsinAKiNu.—oiiae(ilNG.-! stekr, or kja, cantempo- the offence (a rather trivial one), and. the referee, who >n ticket'offioe at London when I arrived, and told Miss Foloy...... f ...... history of generosity and meanness, of sacrifice and W1. . WORKING HOUSEKEEPER; widower pre­ road. East Grinstead, has VACANCIES iriJR evidently objected to being badgered, gave him his what had happened. I saw a man with a'beard, Rev. and Mrs. Dee .... Jot §alc or to Jkt. ferred.—Mrs. Chandler, Glynde, Lewes. APPRENTICES. marching orders. The official was quite within his no sacrifice may be read in these disappointing lists 1 M 0. H. Hurton, Esq...... ,...... OUNG LADY (2t> REQUIRES POST as CORRES took full particulars. I offered to pay my fare, but There are the outstanding names of tho generous ast su ssk x county asy lu m , hkllingly. rights, but he certainly didn’t err on the side of leniency. ifused to accept it.” There was no man with Mrs. Rule and Mrs. Webb Gillman. few, who need no repentance, and conspicuous by ASTBOURNE (close to). — For SALE, detached PONDENCE CLERK; experienced, shorthand, . —TO UPHOLSTERERS.—A Temporary UPHOL­ * * . * 4 E. H. Block, Esq...... 1... ■ HOUSE, with large garden; two reception, four. typewriting and filing . , d at figures.—Box H. G. O.. D M 1 1 at the season ticket office. their absence are the names, I will not say of the STERER and MATTRESS MAKER REQUIRE!* S. T. Martin, Esq. rooms, bath iOom; gas; water; price£1,000.—Terry,, ' “ Chronicle ” Office, Eastl ourne.i ______immediately at the above Asylum ; salary 27s. 6d- per* For the rest of the game the Convalescents were r. .lames said for over 20 years his client had been ungenerous, but of the unthinking many, who give Cornfield-road. Eastbourne.______i I: VOUNG LADY, four years’ experience. REQUIRES handicapped by having to play a man short, and a season ticket bolder between London, Brighton, Mrs. Martin ...i...... nothing and who need a speedy repentance. It has week.—Apply to the Clerk and Steward. Eastbourne and Hastings. The ticket expired in I AST UK______INSTKAD.—Freehold, ______semi-detached -ix- ['tJiL^RKENG^AG^IMENt as NURSERY GOVER^NESS DOOD GENERAL SERVANT; no cooking; oonntry though they worked hard and pluckily they I were quite been objected that the; hospital is worked 'extrava­ to one child in Eastbourne, second week in March mm November last year, and the defendant then took a £469 10 0 roomed COTTAGE FOR SALE; good garden; girl preferred.—Mrs. Wiseman, 28a, Seaside, East­ unable to hold their olever opponents. Before half­ gantly. To this objection I can give a ready and £250 ; 5 per cent. Investment.—C. H., " Observer office, highest references; £28-30. — Write, Miss Taylor, 3, bourne. time Smith, the Hants centra forward, added three ticket between London and Brighton, his business assuring reply. If you compare the Expenditure of r fcst Grlnstead, \ ______Pattison-«oad,Ciicklewood,Y London. Private! lit goals, and his team crossed over leading by five goals to between Hastings and Brighton hfiving ceased. With 3. BURRELL, the Princess Alice Hospital with that of other E a r n ess MAKERS. - WANTED, GENERAL- ritk The Summerdowners made a better show after regard to the offence, the. defendant instructed him Town Hall. hospitals as given in Sir H. Burdett’s! annual record TAYWARDS HEATH ANI) DISTRICT. - Fos C ___ HAND; . state age, capabilities, wages; roomy; Hon. Treasurer. L Particulars of HOUSES TO BE LET or 80LD in sunny workshop.—Wilcox. East Grinstead, Sussex. the interval, but Chappell again scored wiih a lovely thalt it had escaped his memory that the ticket bad Feb. 25th, 1016. you^will find that it compares favourably With that tiffs charming and healthy locality, with excellent rail- ^ftisceUatteotts, erms-shot, and Smith further increased the lead by Having travelled for sq many years he wafi of any hospital of the same size and efficienqy. And w,y service to London, Brighton and Eastbourne, apply E AD CARMAN REQUIRED. — Bradford Steam* Tel. I popping on two more goals in quick succession. With under the impression that hef1 was a season ticket this is not surprising. I have been a member of the T. Bannister A On.. House and Estate Agents, Market G Laundry, it. Leonards. holder between Eastbqurne and London at that time. . f] Finance Committees for 17 years and have Attended place, Haywards Heath.______1 BARRISTER, suffering from nervous debility, about a quarter of an hour to go the unpleasant incident wishes t>» enter a Medical Man’s house or Nurse’s f OUSE MAID GENERAL REQUIRED ; three in Ti already described happened, the game at {hat time He; (Mr. James) submitted the case was not a bad one, I X11 \I M r, IDOiWN CONVALESCENT nearly all the meetings. And with the confidence of PER ANNUM.-No. 4, THE GOFFS; vacant private home, where he can have some pleasant society [ family; no children ; good reference required.— standing: Hants Carabineers, 8; Convalescents, 0. and that the'defendant did not intend to defraud the | kJ. u this long experience I can testify to the argus-eyed Lady-Day.—Particulars, apply principal Agonts, or and a little attention; would______prefer to live in the 8outh Hihe Avenue, Eastbourne. Company. vigilance with which the members of these com­ vner, Owen Bradford. 2, Station-parade, Eastbourne, f of England; ie now at Eastbourne ; wm pay rood terms, o u sem a id -w a it r e ss required in Private —. t o • J , i i • j I A one of £2 was imposed, and the defendant was also IjOSP. TAL. mittees have invariably scrutinised the' accounts, how —West End Nursing Association, 92, New iond-atreet, Hotel, also UNDER-HOUSEMAID on March 11th; The winners were much the better side, and outclassed ordere j to pay £1. ls.\x»ts. LKKISTON. — TO LET, MOIRA HOUSE, High­ London, W. waiter and porter kept; good wages.—B., 84, Marine- their opponents in every department of the game. 1 careful they have been to see that j every shilling ly. street. Alfrlston. containing two sitting rooms, I parade, Brighton. hadapartii spent yielded its full value, how quick they !wero to nr bedrooms, kitchen, with usual offices and large dry A DOPTION.—Wonld any kind Lady ADOPT LITTLE They had a particularly efficient half-back trio and a line r BOYS BIRCHED. N e w r E o k e a t i o n r o o m o p e n e d . detect any deviation from the usual economy and illar; rent £20 — A pply, Wood, Butoher, Alfrlston. A GIRL, aged 6 years? iapectable birth; no OUSHPAKLOURMAID WANTED in private of forwards who showed smartness, unselfishness and a _ family of two; wages £19-20.—Write or* apply, A ttempted. T hest pbom a L etter Box. what precautions they t o o k to prevent similar devia­ ► AROOMBE.—HoUfK !IO LET seven rooms; good for love only;—Write, 640, ‘Chroniole” Office, Hc decided aptitude in taking advantage of everjToppor­ tion in the future. Andt-yhero is a further check bourne. beforiore 11 or after 6, to Miss Pitt; 30, Upper-avenuo, East­ tunity that presented itself. The style of the two teams Frederick Weston (12),^ Gilbert-road, and Albert 9 position ; key at Post Office..—For, particulars bourne. Jupp (11), of Leslie-street) were sutnmoned foratte The new creati on Hall at the Summerdown Con upon expenditure. It miist not be forgotten that the ply to Curtis & Co., Saddlers, Lewes. ASTOFF CLOTHES. BOOTS, UNDER LINEN, were ih marked oontrast—the winners adopting the HOUSEHOLD LINEN, &c ; any quantity Bought H en urgently w anted to HELP. - You ingl to steal postal letters, the property of W. H. Srfifth valescent Hospital wasi opened under auspicious members of the General Committee,! to wl om the quick, short passing methods of the amateurs and going monthly accounts are submitted, and of the smaller 1ASTBOURNK (2ll Enys-roadl.-PAYING GUESTS for Cash ; bankers’' reference.—Mrs. Morgan’s. 6a, Ock- cannot flghtor join the Army becau you are over mj' straight for goal, whilst the Campers played in semi- ’ Sons. circumstances on I hursday evening with an enter- 1 RECEIVED: well-appointed: house; comfortably- I fynB-n-nwl Kasflhoume our gallant professional style, making square passes and slower A. W. Crumpton, manager to Messrs. Smith and I ^^nent, at which a larg e number of prominent House Committee, which is the spending depe rtment, hented winter residence; convenient, pleasant situation. (?.Dgr roM’ Eastbourne. men atr home or abroad in the Recreation Huts, Tents- J f f i c * ' Soil Eastbourne Branch, Terminus*road, stated iWt I r®aldents, m addition to a considerable gathering of are not like pawns on* a chess board moved and —jlrs. Fred Tovey. ! ' ^''tAHT-OlAST-OFF CLOTHING.—LADIES’, GENTLEMEN’S and Ulubs of tho CHURCH ARMY. Keen Churchmen, progress. Thackeray was the beat of the losers’ * « « .'a i ■ T k AA I • I I /lAnirolnannnlaconvalescentsl v.rA.Awere present). * B For1 some time past it controlled by the dominance of a strorjg and master­ V and CHILDREN’S Boots, Household Linen, &c., abstainers, prepared to work hard and rough it, are forwards, and—until he disappeared into obscurity— on Sunday. February 13th, about 6.30 p.m., Ihe IASTBOURNK—PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED ir BOUGHT FOB CASH.—Mrs. Hart, 6, Station-street, behind the door keeping observation on the letter has been reajlised t nat the accommodation provided ful will, but clear-thinking, plain-speaking, fearless _ a comfortable hbme i highly recommended; good invited to apply at once to Prebendary Carllle, D.D.. Paternoster was the piok of the defenoe. men, elected some of them from thp keenest and iking; garden, tennis and croquet ^pleasant situation 'Lewes. Church Artny Headquarters, 65, Bryanston - street, Thfi letters on being put through the box fell ini for tho recreation of the m in during their recupera­ C London, W. I » : . .jeftri * * * _ . t r , vas bag about 2-ft. deep. About 5.40 he saw a ham tive period was insufficient and although there has most successful business men in the town. These —Miss Ackermann, 20j The Avenue. Eastbourne. OMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET to M There have been many famousous players wholromwhofrom time I puj through the letter box and he grasped it, open been a hall ifiwhicn concerts and dramatic entertain­ committees'form a busy-, »y-ji and . co-operating body, with AST GRlNHTEAJ>.—OOT PAGES TO LET. rent private house, with good cooking IVflLLIN ERY. — Smart practical4 MILLIN-EK- o a b J and attendance.—SoatV Chronicle ” Office, South-street, to time bave donned the Blue and Yellow shirt and done I the door and captured Weston. Witness took him irit ments have been field, many difficulties bad to be no other thought of rivalry than the laudable emula- __ from 5s. 6d. weekly]; good’ gardens.—Apply, H; Eastbourne. IrJL KrquirbI) ; must be good trimmer and designer;, arne football, the most famous of them encountered owing to the limited space. Now, how tion to secure the best results and‘ to got efficient | Middleton, 96, London-road. East Grlnstead. live out.—Full particulars first letter, Ridsdale, Bexhill- f t shop,°P> and the hoy . mentioned; . that Jupp „ was . wit) IGGS FOR Ji ATOH1NG of Rhode Island Reds (S.O.) on-Sea. I; ! G. Bache, who died on the field of honour bii ’ He also said that Jupp told him to look into the ever, thanks to thoj initiative of Mr. Roland Burke work done at the lowest; possible cost.; pL AT.—Central position; seven rooms and bath room; r V " : Mt in France. . Although accustomed to playing who has from tho [incoptic n . of the Camp taken B Is. 6d. doz.; Crossbreds, 3s. 6d. ILUN ERY. — Assistants Wanted nir g iod-olaai» boi and see if his brother was inside. He afterwari WoNDEB»WoKKtNb'Appliances. garden; tennis lawn; rent £100'inclusive.—Apply, -HI arm. Felbridge, East Grinstead. trade.—M. Phillips, 44, Grove-road, Eastb mrna. football in company of the highest class, Bache used to said that other boyB had told him to go to the box and deep and sympathetic interest in the Hospital, the ys, 19, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. M ■ B & r' thoroughly enjoy the matches on the Saffrons. I have But no economy or financial skill! can tnake a ENS WHICH DON’T LAY DON’T PAY. Karswood 1LLINERY.—APPRENTICES and IMPROVERS :e out letters and give them to them. Witness pro­ War Office has provided a hall of such dimensions shilling do the work| of eighteen pence or arrest the >LAT TO LET (self-contained), containing six rooms C Poultry Spice, containing ground insects, ensures EASY bpfore me as I write a letter from him, in which he that no further trjouble may be anticipated with ___ REQUIRED for the practioal Millinery.—Apply, duced a paoket of letters which he said had been diminishing value of the purchasing power of gold. _,, and bathroom, or the entire Shop Premises.—27, eggs. Tryasample; 2d.,Sd., Is.; bypost4)d., 10a., Is. 6d.,PlM ummer, Hoddis. Ltd., Eastbourne,. j AC speaks of his association with the Eastbourne Club, and viously taken from the letter box, and were found in regard to accommodation for the recreative side of Cqrnfield-road, Kastbffurne;______[ from Stanford, Corn Merchant, Lingfleld. No doubt tho yearly expenditure of the hospital has ONOTTYPE OPERATOR. — BOY WANTED- as it is difficult to believe that the brilliant young Inter­ Ide-gardens. Inside had been a postal order for Camp life. As aoori as Mr Burke roceived instruc­ increased, and it will increase. Its buildings have rjlRONT BBE DROOM, sunny. Cornfield-road, TO LET^ TZ~ ARSWO0D POULTRY 8PICE containing ground national (he woe only 25) who has so often delighted Is. 10d., which was missing. His head office corres- tions to build the hall he tt once set to work upon JD Furni-lIshed; terms 7s. per week; no attendance. M Learner.—Apply, Manager, W. E. Baxter, LtiL, and thrilled us with his extraordinary skill should now been enlarged, and the number of patients and nurses Hi;F., “ chrtChronicle ’’ Office, Eastbourne. ~ JCV. insects wiili doable your egg supply ; 2d., 6a.. Is.— Lewiwes. 1 Jence for the previous Saturday had been taken and the plans, and it Was the mammons opinion of all and servants have became proportionately more _ Wood, Miller, Steam Floor Mills, Ifleld. be no more. He was equally good at cricket, tennis and ■oyed, and had caused him a great deal of trouble. those who were present on Thursday night that ho ARGE, sunny BED-SITTING- ROOM or One Sitting EQUIRED, immediately, GENERAL for small hookey, but be was moet famous os a footballer, and to numerous. Anu every year science discovers new T ADIK8’ HAIRDRESSING, SHAMPOOING and house in East Urinstead; aged invalid lady* and itective-Sergt. Curtis stated that Weston said to has produced a structure thit will conveniently meet 1 and Bedroom in healthy position ; no attendance ; HJ the world of sport in general and to the football world in methods and new appliances, often very costly, for us very moderate.—13, Pentale-rosid, Royal-parade, I MANICURE by a Young.Woman at ladies’own nurse-housekeeper: gentleman week-ends; good wages: at the shop: “ I put my hand inside the letter every requirement. Tho hall iB 150-ft, long and is Ae cure of sickness and disease. For tho pill and houses; terms moderate.—M.,21, Longstone-road, East- elderly person preferred ; references.—250, “ Observer* particular his death is a very severe loss. But he nobly some one took hold of it and held it, and a man capable of seating about 1 ,500. There is a sloping «t bourne. bourne. :' Office, East Griustead. ve nphis life in his country’s cause and the name of floor, which gives an unintc rrupted view of the stage potion and rough surgery, which were the drastio opened the door and took me in the shop.” medicines and methods of treatment of the early part >YE, SUSS EX.-Well recommended APARTMENTS ADY GIVES LESSONS IN FRENCH ; rapid MART) BOY WANTED as PAGE; live in.—Apgily, eut, H. G. Baohe—one of the world’s greatest foot­ upp’s father gave his son a good character, and throughout the entire length of the auditorium. The i, by Gentleman, leaving after four months' visit; i method; highest references; moderate terms. — ballers—will* be for ever honoured amongst the glorious building can be adapted t two purposes, namely, of tho last century, we have now new and wonder­ inclusive terms with board and good cooking ; husband Chronicle " Office, Eastbourne. Manager. Queen's Hotel. Eastbourne. in’s grandmother, who has had charge of him working medicines and appliances, ant -toxins, and wife £1 3s. per week; single lady or gentleman TEKRSMAN- REQUIRED for Steam Tractor. — dead. ■■■-■!'. I he was 18 months old, said she gave the boy a for providing enter ainmen a in the evening, whilst electricity, X-rays, aseptic surgery, bacteriobgy, all £212s.—Apply. Mrs. Brook. 20, Lion-street, Rye. EMORIAL CARDS.—Artistio Folded Cards: 12.3s ; R * * * Apply, stating wages required and experience, Ur ling when she heard of the matter. ir. the daytinie it will be a ight, sunny room for the working in harmony with results that are almost 26. 4s. GA.: 36. 8a; 60, 7s. 6d.: 100. 13s. 8d. Black 4. E. Maynard. Ltd., Removal Contractors, Greys ton* ■The Boxing Tournament at Devonshire Park on ie Chairman said the boys bad commenced life recreation of the men and in addition it will miraculous. And every hospital which does not f GUI, UlJDltOOiU DULfWDD IXIVVI JL|t WIU , CGLU* ed Folded Cards: 12, 2b. 6d.; 25, 4s.; 50, 6s. 6d.; 100, landings, Eastbourne. Tuesday evenmg.-laat drew together a large and appre­ ly, and if they went on in the same way they would probably be isod fer phyiihysiijal exercises. The hall is fortably furnished; with or without board-—Apply, Us. 6d. Cash with order. These prices include Envelopes ciative audience, who bad no reason to grumble at the substantially built ^na hi an iron roof, and even employ them and make full use of them is out of 47.iC'ftntolnpe-road, East Grinstead.______Postage extra: 12.3d.; 26t 4d.; 60,5d.; 100,6d.—Farnoom bkLNTRONG BOY WANTED ; good wagon. — Mead* S finfi themselves in gaol. Each lad was ordered to date and, dangerously inefficient. I do not wish to and td O Library, Meads-street, Eastbourne. bill of fore provided by the management. To some of ve six strokes with the birch. boasts of a handsome clock tower,- which Lieut.-Col. f r o LET, DWELLING HOUSE, situateon main road Co.. L ., Printers, Lewes, East Grinstead andS the more blopdthirsty spectators one or two of the Bostock supplied ft m funds at his disposal. The diminish by one penny the funds contributed to the l in village of NKWIUK, comprising two sitting Eastbourne. 1HI Rif PORTER"3RTER WANTED for house and luggage^— Cash The Chairman told Mr. Crumpton the Magistrates support of the Red Cross Hospitals and the various Apply, Manager. Queen’s Hotel, Kastbournei- events might probably appear tame. There are people thought it would be a good thing if he had a safer letter clock was i -eneroi ly pri sented by Mr. A. W. lOma, four bedrooms, kitchen, seullery, garden and ILKU MILK.—NOTHING PAYS FARMERS SO B Dain —and plenty of them—who do not appreciate the Bruford. agencies working so nobly and so patriotically to usual offices; rant £28.—Apply, Waller, Maitiands, ,.MS WELL.—Churns free. Cheques Fortnightly. No RAVELLKR REQUIRED for SALE of WINES on box scientific niceties of the noble art and are only satisfied provide for the comforts and necessities of the brave Newick. StODpStoppages. Originators o t the CountryMilk Trade have _ Commission (side line) b^ qjd-establlshedi firm. Crumpton remarked that be was sorry,the boy The interior of iho hall is as cosy as could bo men who have been and are fighting for us facing VACANCIES for Large or Small DAIRIES. Empties Brandy and Wine Shippers, 29, “Hastings Inde- i l when one or the other of the combatants is knooked ont 1 been placed in such a position,; but it was necessary wished. A p rotty d| orativo scheme imparts a bright LET. in central position in East Qrinstead, returned at once. No mQk required kept at home. or very badly mauled in the encounter. And if both death in all its horrors that we might live. We . BAKER’S 8HOP, with bakehouse complete: good pendent,” Lewes. be public interest I and ehoerful ispect _ there is a stage of ample propor­ cannot see the wounded on our streets or ; larados, flness for past 10 years; alre LOCK-UP SHOP Cheques always posted on receipt of account.—Dairy men get half-killed in the coarse of the bout, so milch Fhe Chairman : Quite right tions and 'a suitable) place in front for the orchestra. Supply Company, Limited, Museum-street, London, W.C. m W O CARTERS WANTED ; married men; cottego the better. j with bandaged heads and maimed limbs, walking on joining.—Apply, W., “Observer” Office, East Grin- Bankers ( London: ( ounty and Westminster Bank, Ltd., i and garden and fit per week, with lots of overtime • • * , . 1 In short, Mr Burkje and the inmates of the Camp orutches with foot or leg gone, or Watch them in New Oxford-street. London. at 5d. per hour, ■ -J. D. Buckingham, Stroods, Hurst- hive every reason (jo be satisfied with the structure, Well, from thjs point of view, some of the bdxing [ their pain and helplessndss lifted with genjtle and rIOARAGE ROAD.—Close te Golf Links; sunny ] ILK.-WANTED. SEVERAL DAIRIES of weU- pier point. which will supply aj much-needed want and add con­ merciful hands into the ambulance wagons which will position; three reception, five bedrooms, bath T can only be considered tame on Tuesday, and this was DEATH OF AN EASTBOURNE siderably to the pleasure anp comfort of the men. qm, dressing room; rent £50.—Terrys, 19, Cornfleld- IyJL cooled MILK.—Write or call with full particulars YPIST WANTED in Auctioneers' Offioe; yoatL ~ r. applicable to the exhibitions given by the bear them away to the healing and comfort) of the to Welford’s Surrey Dairies Ltd., High-street, South preferred straight from school.—Edgar Hovn and Mi The opening took the form of an entertainment hospitals provided for theln, or see them lying there i Eastbourne, s [ • ;______1 ‘ Norwood. Chartres, 31, Cornfield-road, Eastbourne. Btic artists...... from-iT. the Metropolis. Pit a couple.17. AIRMAN. if sailors or airmen against each other andj yon began arranged by Mr. Bjirke, who had secured a number with shattered nerves and! broken bodies or what for ILK. WANTED for Eastbourne and Tunbridge ANTED, a Lady CASHIER.for Cinema.—Apply. of popular artistes, j Amongst those present were the some of them will be their mattress graves. We LL available Furnished and- Unfurnished HOUSES Z., “ Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne. too Seesee fireworks; turn loose a couple of soldiers intq the (■elected lists sent on receipt of requirements.— Wells; any quantity; payment as desired.— ring and you’d think an earthquake had been turned on Mayor and ! Mayoress (Alderman and Miss O’Brien cannot see such sights as'these and refuse any help Hick & Davies, House Agents, Terminus-road, East­ ress. Smith. -Ui ‘VestWest Hilf-nroad,'Brighton. - ~ • ANTED. HOUSEPARLOUBMAID ; housemaid top and that the heavens were about to falL Bnt these notherof the naval aviators trained ,in Easl Harding), Mr. and [Mrs. Roland Burke, Mrs. Astley which it may be in our power to give. These men bourne. v ] ] i | ’ O IN8ECTS—NO EQG8.—KARSWOOD POULTRY kept: no knives, boots or-scuttles; goodi char- made his last journey, on which he was str Roberts, Miss Aatlpy Roberts, Lieut.-Col. Bostock, appeal to us with their lives in their hands, and to SPICE, containing ground insects, ensures eggs ; oteressential.—Apply, or write, Mrs. Howard Austin* London pugilists, though very olever and ery showy end his homeland against those winged demoni Mr. E. A. Brown, Miss Thornton, Miss M. Thornton, IOUR ROOMS. — Central position ; low rental. — T iswestry House; Meads-road, Eastbourne. and seemingly in dead earnest, were not out ir damages | prefer our own dtowby comfort to-tho sacrifices neces­ Killlck & Davies; as above.. E6ff„ IS.—Kltcher, 321, Seaside, Eastbourne.______and had no intention of hurting one anol ter. They jtter death among the women and the children in our Mr. A. W. Bruford; Mr. S. Hudson, Major and Mrs. sary to relieve them' would be a sin and a shame, IURNI8HED HOU8E. —Near sea; two reception TJIa NOS WANTED: good cash prices given.— rANTED, good PLAIN COOK and HOUSE- Teale, Capt. E. Gr^en Fol^y, Capt. Armstrong and rooms, three bedrooms, bath room; nice garden ; a Horace Jaekson Sc Sons, 162, High-slreet, Lewes. PARLOURMAID, age25to35; fouriikfAinily.— had far too much respect for each other’s gS for formation has been received tl at Flight 3ub-Lifiu<. j A Standing Rebuke. Wtpply. 777, “ Chronicle ” Office, Eastbourne.______others. , Tno ‘ weekly.—Killlck Sc Davies, as above. general! that, and it was not Burprising that the : ieree more ‘ ! At the same time the duty remains that we UBLICANS’ SPIRIT BOOKS One ShUUng each R. Lee, R.N., left Yarmouth in a seaplane on Ai Brown. The programme, which was enthusi- UBINKSS PREMISES.—Lange Shop with dwelling- (Postage 3dv extra). Larger sizes for the wholesale rANTKD, COOKGENERAL ; houseparlourmaia nienoe. than once ordered them to stop being clevi and begin afternoon of the 15th inst. to carry out patrol di astically received, opened with a couple of instru- neither forget nor neglect pur many local institutions W CONri to fight instead. house (side entrance); minute from Terminus- trade — Farocombe & Co., Ltd., Lewes and Eastbourne. and nurse kept; age 20 to 30; v|rages £26to £22.— i s has been missing since that date. Exhaustive items by t!ho Devonshire' Park Orchestra, and charities, which are now languishing for lack qf ; low rental.—Killiek Sc Davies, as above, Ir.-. Kerrick. Honeytop, Edensor-road[ Eastbourne. (Actual ------— ------„ ------but without | of Mr. Norfolk Megone. Then support. Amongst them is our own hospital, God’s ANTEDiih Eastbourne, good neighbourhood,-near “ Prenn After Kidi Hanis, of Canada, had ten Tom under tho direction lORSALE.,—Near sea; Modern House; two reception sea, TWO- UNFURNISHED ROOMS ; attend­ r ANTED, GENERVL, for small family; oomfbrt- it, and, in view of the heavy gales prevailing lately, ■ for nearly a i houi The Qualities,” a vaudeville guest house, whioh He put it into the heart of a past _ rooms, four bedrooms, bath room; semi-detached; ance and probably board; occasional visits; one lady.—i, , able home;hiiiuv, good uuuu^o outings.—Apply,.—a pi Mts. Gates, Austin, of Blackfriars, on points pretty d< ively, the generation to build for Him in our town for the corner house: nice garden; low figure to close estate.— ] r For feared that there can be no dloubt that he has lost company appearing at Devonshire Park this Mrs, Beer, Sunny Mount, Tunbridge Wells. ) Glyndo avenue. Hampdon Park, 'lastbourne,Blast! the ring was oconpied by Petty Offii life. week, presented a ’ery amusing entertainment, the rooeption1' of 1 TT:-His sick-;ck and needy.needy, Arid its work is "'lllck Sc Davies, as above. R.N.a TS., and Sergt Dick Beard, Roj sd Sqi ANTED; ih Eastbourne (West End) HOUSE rANTKD, an experienced COOK - OKNXEtAL; £5 !e is the son- of Mr. C. Richards Lee, of « various i numbers, whioh were of a popular being crippled by the powerlessnesspowerless which comes P . family of three; good wages given.—Apply,Mrs. Regiment. Beard was far the quioker and Ore skilful (Unfurnished!, suitable for high-cla6s Apart­ makee liralty, mid the nephew of Mr. find Mrs. R. GOulburn character, evoking rapturous applause. It was from insufficient resources and faint-hearted support. ments. — Apply, stating ZeDt and particulars, to E. OBrvico. , Estball, Saffron--road, Eastbourne. Trade of toe pair, and he got in three or four trei dous left- ’ell, of Eastbourne. His brothel- is serving in Frfince remarked that tho acousti ; properties of tho hall And they are a standing rebuke to us, these broken “ Chroniole Office, Eastbourne. handers on the face without eliciting any i use j and wounded men and their compeers; and old com JUtiries of0{ .*“e the | m( ney, I make the following suggestion. Have all and the tears and pleading qf the poor futterera —Apply, stating wages, Miss. 8L Clair, Farindons.. Hants Carabineers, and Sergt. Foy, Fr--1' . promised tradesmen’s orders written on a slate and hung outside JOiNCERT. craving for admission touched the heart cf ’East­ STEAM ROLLERS FOR HIRE : 8, 8 and 10 Tons. Di irmansland, Lingfield. EN-ljKGl bourne and a new wing with accommodation for 2Q to be file event of the evening, bnt u inately the | on the book door; In wet feather suspend the slat The anniml meeting of the Sussex Bowling. Associa­ ANTED, capable NURSE to. take Charge of Two. latter was unable -to put in an appearance through an additional patients was erected as a memorial, to the LittleGirfc, 3-6plight,washing, mending; wages inside the nearest' window to the back door. : Whei BSOLUTELY the best Winter Layers, BUFF tion was held at Brighton on Wednesday,, and the £®.—Mrs. Guthrie. 24, Vloarage-drive. Eastbourne. injury to bis ankle and the event consequently fell thi i various items ordered are b -ought have a tab! |On Wednesday ev, :nmg, at the Pevensey-road Con- late King Edward VII. That wing, it was said at ORPINGTONS 3s. per sitting;, excellent Table prizes won in the various competitions in the past through. Foy, however, had sent Sergt. * Ae gregational School ,oom, the Eastbourne Glee Choir the time, could only be kept open and maintained in >bits, Is. 6d.—C. K. Furnpr, 4, De Montforb-road,. ANTED, a olean, hono->t Girl as GENERAL in* ide the passages leaving the back door unlocked, an full efficiency by the practical help of £l.wU a year. res. season were presented. There was a large number of W SERV ANT for morniugs.—Apply.between 3 and 5* same regiment, in his place and the boat een him the articles can be placed on it by the messengers, gave a [concert on lehalf of the funds of the East- members of the affiliated clubs present. We are glad and the redoubtable Carabineer exoited ti interest patting on the slate for the first few days the m| bourne [Free Churcl Brotherhood. In spite of the Appeals at public meetings and in the PreSB, appeals IICYCLKS, PERAMBULATOR8 and MAILOAiRTS. 15 Cambridgeroad, Eastbourne. by lettere and circulars, 'Canvassing from hoiise to to.say that Eastbourne Cavendish Club cams out on top and'* enthusiasm, Williams, a powerf) . built, wc rds, “ Please shut door.” The tradespeople srtowy (ivenir g a gi id aiidience turned out to hear - ANNUAL SALE; 150 to dear; 2s. ia the £ bv. taking the premier cap of the Association (The rANTED, lespectableLAJ> for Farm work; i beautifully young fellow, was ie heavier mist grateful, and the cook, too, fir the constat what' proved to bo [a most [enjoyable entertainment. house, the persuasive eloquence of preachei s, w*!-a >unt for Cash for a few weeks only, including 11-16 years; 12s. weekly.—Apply, Bailiff, Dry,] i tiers. Swift. Sunbeam, Enfield and Triumph y les, Teacher Cup), This is the most valuable eup of the W , Ford Manor. LlngfiekL. man, splendidly and, point of in): of the book door bell will be f tactically don J, p. Ga rdenerj honj secretary, offered on behalf all employed, with the result that a sum of £ OU only ants hum. was added to the year’s subscription list. 9 he war _* 80s. upwards.—Jury & Son, Trinity-buildings, and1 associations, and was presented by Messrs. Teacher, of than a match for the wi;h. This causes muoh interruption of work lee Choir tb give tpis concert' to enable the 131 Seaside. Eastboarae. ' , ______i >' [ whiskey Sane. f rOUNG GIRL WANTED as GENERAL j three in. ______fiercely and. in spite of us skill, the titles. & rej lenish [their! fund, which was jsomewhat has forced upon us the inevitable crisis, and tap com­ family ;_ must be willing to learn.—Write, Mrs. _ out and t is hoped that after meeting expenses mittee report that, unless something! like another IaBBa u E PLANTS.—Strong Autumn sown, Early This Cup was very keenly contested for- lest season, htingate, jnn., 16. Brightouroad. Crawley. _____ Fusilier was unable to stall off the rushes ai know that fewer maids are kept now, ai ------. - •> • ------ill be compelled _ apfold, Fleckmaster, over a dozen of the best dubs in the county competed the heavy punches of bis opponent. He ;ht in the kn< ians by which we ladies can help to lighten la there Ujill be a substantial amount to bo devoted to and Late Drumheads, Snsei YOUNG GIRL WANTED to LEARN COOKING and; strength the object mentioned. An excellent programme had >t believe Enfield Market and Purple Flatpoll; 2s. 6 clear off tho adverse balance and referred in highly^ _ _” ------J termi to the I toiled and perfect; 121s. for lot Eworth double ; I “ Judging from the wa” he keeps reminding me of ” ;_htly. _J‘ But Pongo__.. ___ won’t______me. madam,” he ould successful that there...... might bo a little valuable work done during the year Mr. Sydney proval willingly am I,—Write.C.H., “Sussexand I expenses, replied the father, “ I should say it P tinted by the Proprietors, F a r n c o m b b 8c Co., Limited, J ey Courier, Lewe and Published by them every Saturday11 at (heir Officea- Then, Roberts, you must {follow Pongo ‘ ” •plus'to cheer their Treasurer. Hudson as Chairman of Committees. mostly arithmetic! ” “luth-street. Koto bourne, r f ’> ] j. I i-1 ! - A 1 1 m M l : -