Montana Kaimin, October 6, 1965 Associated Students of University of Montana

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Montana Kaimin, October 6, 1965 Associated Students of University of Montana University of Montana ScholarWorks at University of Montana Associated Students of the University of Montana Montana Kaimin, 1898-present (ASUM) 10-6-1965 Montana Kaimin, October 6, 1965 Associated Students of University of Montana Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Associated Students of University of Montana, "Montana Kaimin, October 6, 1965" (1965). Montana Kaimin, 1898-present. 4187. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Associated Students of the University of Montana (ASUM) at ScholarWorks at University of Montana. It has been accepted for inclusion in Montana Kaimin, 1898-present by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at University of Montana. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ^SUM Allotted $176,400 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm CB to Discuss Budget M O N T A N A K A IMIN The associated students govern- public health major from Mis­ Wednesday, October 6, 1965 ng body, Central Board, will meet soula, and Torval Stockamp from AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER Vol. 68, No. 4 n the Ravalli Room of the Lodge Sun River who is majoring in his­ onight at 7. tory and political science. ASUM President John Ross will Junior delegates are Tom Be­ mtline plans for the 1965-66 han, a journalism major from ichool year. The ASUM budget Evanston, 111.; Whitey Fairley, a tor this year is approximately speech major from Roundup, and Governor Says Education $176,400 of which $88,200 will be Paul Reagor, a Missoula eco­ devoted to intercollegiate ath­ nomics major. letics. The remaining $88,200 will Sue Lanman, a Spokane jour­ be allocated by Central Board to nalism major, and Jim Peregoy, various ASUM committees and ac­ a business administration major First Responsibility of State tivities. from Ronan, are the sophomore Central Board meets every delegates. This month it will be By KEN MYERS will include stops in Hong Kong sentatives. He said that when he Wednesday at 7 p.m. The meet­ necessary to elect a third sopho­ Kaimin Reporter and Saigon. vetoed the House-passed legisla­ ings are open to the members of more to the board to replace a Gov. Tim Babcock said yester­ The governor criticized the Dem­ tion on air pollution, he hoped that the student body. member who did not return this day the first responsibility of state ocratic controlled 1965 legislature the House would accept a Senate fall. government is to provide the finest for failure to enact his building bill which was still alive. ★ ★ ★ Gardner Cromwell, professor of education possible for all the peo­ program. Gov. Babcock said he expected Central Board officers are Pres­ law, and Ellis Waldron, professor ple. Gov. Babcock lamented the fact Montana to turn eventually to a ident John Ross, a political sci­ of political science, are faculty ad­ The Republican chief executive that no new academic buildings sales tax as the only way to relieve ence major from Fromberg; Vice visers for Central Board. had high praise for the state’s edu­ have been constructed on Mon­ the property tax burden and still President Brett Asselstine, a lib­ cational units and criticism for tana campuses in 20 years. All raise needed revenue. eral arts major from Great Falls; those public officials who, he present expansion is in the area of The governor did not see enough Business Manager Dave Wendte, a claimed, downgraded the state in dormitory building, done with stu­ problems in the state to warrant business administration major their speeches. dent fees. a yearly session of the legislature. from Billings and Secretary Lynne Addressing a gathering in the The governor said he expects to The present system, he claimed, is Morrow, business education major University of Montana enroll­ University Music Recital Hall, he declare United Nations Improve­ more economical. from Great Falls. ment figures for fall quarter have said his forthcoming visit to the ment Day again this year. Gov. Babcock, under some pres­ Senior delegates to the board not been released due to an error Far East will provide valuable in­ Replying to a question about his sure to seek federal funds for are Ray Cosman, a Billings busi­ in the tabulation room, Registrar formation for state development. political intentions for 1966, Gov. Montana farmers whose crops ness administration major; Bar­ Leo Smith said yesterday. Mr. In Japan, the governor intends Babcock explained that he had were unharvested because of the bara Nisbet, a microbiology and Smith said that the IBM com­ to inspect petroleum industries, made no decision about seeking weather, said he would not do so puters used in tallying data have light industrial plants, and timber the Senate seat now held by Lee until he was certain that damage recorded more students than filed industries, all of which share mu­ Metcalf. was sufficient to warrant such a T-Board Picks student personal information cards. tual problems with Montana. Discussing air pollution, the request. The IBM machines have broken The trip is sponsored by the governor blamed the lack of air down twice during current fall Department of State and includes pollution legislation on the Demo­ Cheerleaders registration. five governors from each party. It cratic controlled House of Repre­ Kathy Snyder, Bonnie Herda, Registration figures are expected Plans Drawn Margaret Don Tigny, Phyllis to be released as soon as the dis­ Goodwin and Kathy Peck were crepancy* is corrected. Figures are For New UM elected freshman cheerleaders at expected to be in the area of 6,000. Orientation Week Smooth, a Traditions Board meeting last Montana State University released night. Judging was based on per­ reports of 5,837 students, an in­ Student Union sonal appearance, ability and orig­ crease of 13 per cent over last Says UM Dean of Students A preliminary design for the inality. autumn. Even after the “smoothest classes would be somewhat eased UM’s new student union was re­ Chosen as yell leaders to assist cently presented to a student Orientation Week ever,” Andrew and students could purchase their planning committee. Grizzly cheerleaders were Rick Cogswell, dean of students, is con­ books and supplies over the week­ At the meeting of students, Stokes and John Hawthorne. John Pranks Banned templating changes for next end, the Dean pointed out. chosen last spring to help plan a Bergerson, chairman, announced year’s program. These and other changes will be new SUB, George Barrow, of Fox, that Terry Soules was a new pom After study by the University examined further during meetings Balias and Barrow Architects, ex­ pon girl, replacing Sue Holstrom, By Panhell, IFC Health Committee, it was recom­ with Orientation Week chairmen, plained the schematic drawings who did not return to school. mended to him that freshman faculty and administration mem­ his firm prepared over the sum­ Arrangements are pending for a At a joint meeting of Panhel- Mantoux tests be eliminated from bers. mer. Plans were based on sug­ train to go to the Grizzly-Bobcat lenic, the sorority governing group, the week’s activities. It would be “I believe Orientation Week is a gestions made by the students last game. The train would leave Mis­ and inter Fraternity Council, necessary for students to have the good thing,” the Dean said. “Its year. soula Saturday, Nov. 6 at 7 am., pranks of any sort were outlawed. test previous to enrollment. value lies in the fact that fresh­ The sketches will be analyzed arriving in Bozeman at noon. The Each house reported articles Also under consideration is an men get early contacts with up­ at future meetings and then re­ train would leave Bozeman for that had been stolen during the idea to shorten Orientation activ­ perclassmen and the faculty.” turned to the architects for re­ Missoula at 1 a.m. Approximate year. Included were $300 in linen, ities and begin classes the Thurs­ Dean Cogswell expressed his vision. cost of the trip is estimated at $8. trophies and a television set. For­ day or Friday of the first week. appreciation for the work done by It was also announced that 8 Ray Cosman, chairman of ar­ merly, Saturday pilfering of tro­ The advantage of this system, the faculty speakers and the stu­ or 10 people will be selected to at­ rangements for the train, said that phies was allowed, providing the Dean Cogswell said, is that it gives dents who served as group leaders. tend the Association of College 300 tickets would have to be sold stolen articles were returned by students a “head start” on Mon­ “I’ve never had an Orientation Unions conference Oct. 14-16. in order for the train to be con­ the following Monday. day morning. The confusion usual­ Week when I had as little to do. Members of the SUB planning tracted. Included in plans is a car At an earlier meeting of the ly connected with the first day of The organization was very good,” committee and the Lodge’s Pro­ on the train with a band for danc­ Panhellenic group, it was an­ he tfaid. gram Council will attend the ACU ing, Cosman said. Tickets for the nounced that open rush started He also noted that group attend­ meetings at the University of game will be on sale in Missoula. Sept. 29 and would continue until ance at almost all activities was Washington. Representatives from Bergerson announced that new Dec. 10. Meeting pledges in the good and that the transfer stu­ Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Alas­ cheerleader uniforms will be worn Lodge immediately after picking dent orientation program was ka, British Columbia, Alberta and for the first time in Bozeman.
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