Judge Raps Truckers Wildcat Walkout
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TUESDAY, JUNE 2S, 1 9 6 ir fM S i m s t a a m lEwfuitig Iffralb J^irthday^Modd^ Temple Beth Sholom,, 1: About Town Directors to Take Vp Laws, u m N a o s iK ti -A m e m p Net FOR 1ATHTUI5 The WeatlMr A km ii l.C. Robert K. Green, Bennet Heating, BidWtaiver % ihrwfekaaM W u n m u t «r U. a WfeMkl ■on d MMthew R. Green <d 21 Sum iD, less Aetan St and Mn. Mary A. o N d SH O W E R S W om i sM d n m n r When the board of directors^ In one other Item of btMlneos, Bket^h o f Wldtlta, Ran., haa oa-Tf; hoi tmi ImmU been ■wlgmiil to Weatover AFB, meets tonight at 8 in the Mu Mayor Francle Mahoney wlU ^ Glass does a b eau ^ job 14,208 point a committee o t three wMi ehaore u t ■eatterai Miaae. Ele ia an nlrciaft me- nicipal Building Hearing Room purpoDes in your bathrooni. Em 7 to« directoTS to head a program tor MenaNe e« She A hOH Ugh aear 9*. <!tiBa2B and prevtouely served at Bo n m i u t OlradattiM Loamy AFB, Goto. it will consider the adoption of acqulrt^ new faclUtlea for the Clean. Never wears out. ' two ordinances, one speUing out Senior Otizens dub. Manchester A City of Vittage Charm penaHies of violaiUons during The site most often mentioned Tbe Voiunteer Nlmea Atdee water-usage bans, the other Ooty of (he Red Qposb wUl have tor that purpose, the oM Temple (OtewdfM AdvartUng on Page tS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ^ a picnte-tonlKht at 6:80 at the creating a local Department of Beth Sholom at Myrtle and Un- VOL. LXXXnr. n o . 224 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1965 'hotiie of Mra. WUttaaa Brennan, Economic opportunity to coor den SUi., WiH be Inapected to n M t Kebo PL Those attendlnc dinate a program under the morrow night by the three-man Federal Anti-Poverty Act committee. Mayor Mahoney, of J. A. WHITE O iS S 00. ■re reminded to brin^ a main The water - use ordinance dbh or salad, and a table aet- ficers of the Senior Cltlaend 31 Bhsdl $t.p-#lio— Ml 9-7322 would gnlnt to the general Chib, members of the Advisory th«. Geasert and bevewnee win manager the authority to regu be served. Rec and Pa$k Board and mem Events late, ban or control the con- bers of the Human Relatlora -sunipUon of water in that por Commission. Teonofile Ctapter, Order of tion of Manchester served by Judge Raps Truckers Saatem Star, wiR have an Inl- The latter is the agency which In State the town water department. has spearheaded the drive tor tlatocy m eet^ tomorrow at 8 An order is already in effect, pan. at the Manonic Temi^e. Of- new quarters for the senior citi banning the outdoor use of wa zens, with the emphasis placed ficera are remintfed to wear ter during the hours of 5 to 9 white gowns. Retreehmente will p.m. on the old Temple. Five Captured In aerved after tbe meeting. The proposed ordinance Mayor Mahoney and General would srt a fine, not to exceed Manager Richard Martin, plus After Robbery Tbe pant and present, execu- $25, for each day of violation of sever^ directors, have lavcsred Wildcat Walkout ttve boards of the Newoomer’a the general manager's order. the Temple’s purchase. Club of the Mancheater YWCA LEASE At Restaurant The other ordinance, creat W6H raeet tonight at 8:30 at tbe ing a local Department of Eco Five from Area A CAR FROM PAUL DODOI PONTIAC home of Mm Barry Noonan, Ireland^s Landscapes Featured in Exhibition nomic Clpportunity, wiU be ex BRISTOL (AP)—Three & l Saultera fUt Nora Addy Drake of Coventry stands near several of her paintings In the conference room plained by Joseph P. Dyer, Tech Graduates men and two women were Otes Refusal at Shady Glen, Bolton, where a one-man exhibit of her works opened Saturday and will state director of the program, ALL MAKES Washington Lodge wiU have a who helped draw up Manches captured early texiay in special meeting tomorrow at 8 cMitlnue through July 19. The public is Invited free of charge. “Ireland’s Green Landscape” is the theme of the show, which Is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. John Rieg, owners of Shady ter’s proposed legislation. Five Manchester area stu Plainville after a $100 rob psn. at Orange Hall. The Also to be cx>nsldered tonight dents graduated from the Hart ALL MODELS bery at Gales Restaurant To End Strike Orange degree will be exempli Glen. (Herald photo by Oflara.) is the proposed $300,000 reno ford State Technical Institute fied. Refreabmente wHl be vation of the Bennet Junior on Sunday, June 20. on Route 72 in Bristol. ,9 I served. The Swimming Pool Associa High School’s heating system. They are Frank P. Oaser of USE OUR ONE OR TWO YEAR They were rimrged with rob As ^Anarchy tion of the Manchester Country District Puts Sewer Plans Supt. of Schools William Cur 1039 Tolland T^ke., Irving C. bery with violence, said Police Tbe Manchdsber Emblem Club will open its pool facilities tis be on hand to pinpoint August of 626 Center S t, Brian CMef Robert Grace, and placed CkO> wtD meet tntfight at 7:30 Saturday from 10 ajn. to 8 p.m. the need for what he has called Fitzpatrick of 107 Spruce S t, LEASING PLAN under bond of $60,000 each. PHILADELPHIA (AP) a t the W . P. Quidh Funeral A “Bring Your Own” barbecue Right in Residents^ Hands “an Imme^ate priority.” Alan W . Kompanlk o f 286 He identified them as Joseph Judge Leo Weinrott told Home, 225 Main St, to pay re- The board of directors, when Woodbridge St, and Daniel W. M. Cussck, 23, of Norton Place, will be held Sunday at 5 p.m. Plainville; Pinkney Leroy Clark, striking teamsters today igiectB to John Ftrato, ^ o s e to welcome nerw mcmters. it allocated funds on June 1 for Tofeldt of 70 Mather St. that their refusal to end daughter, Mirs. Joseph Peox>, is The directors of the Bhghth<|>were undertaken all at once, repairs to the Bentley School They received their associate 80, and Sherri Lee, 20, both of Those interested in learning Vole, N.C.; Lester Miller, 82, of their illegal walkout “is a a merofxr of the dub. about the association may in Utilities District say that they the cost of the manholes would heating system, asked Curtis to in ai^lied science degrees and PAUL DODGE remain receptive to a proposal also be shared by the Chambers appear before it as soon as pos- are prepared for positions as Spring Street, New Britain, and bit of anarchy that must spect the pool at this time. Sheila Marquis, 16, of Charlotte, The executive oommittee of Further information may be to sewer (he Lockwood - C^iam- St. residents. slMe to explain the need at Ben engineering technicians in elec be put down.” Bbal B’ttth Witt meet Thuraday ber - Congress St. area. “The whole area will have to net and at Nathan Hale Schools. trical, mechanlcaL tool, civil N. C. obtained by calling Mrs. John Grace said two men entered The strike, which began Mkxb- at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. They will make no further be sewered sooner or later any In other business tonight the and data procesaing fleids. PONTIAC day, has halted nearly all ship Telgener, 63 Hillcreat Rd. the reotaurant, one of them with Dandd Kahn, 106 Ferguson Rd., move on the project, however, way,” Trivigno says. Many of board win hold a public hear ments, except those under unless a majority of the area the homes in the neighborhood ing and will take action on ap MANCHESTER 649-2881 a gun, and fqrqed (he bartender, to diKUBs plans for a bezbecue. Seaman Kevin J. McCarty of 373 Main St. Robert KovoMki, 23, to hand police protection to hocgtttals, o f Mba Sol Romsm and MIrs. Kahn the U.S. Coast Guard, son of residents petition for the proj have outmoded, 280-gallon sep propriating on additional $3,800 food, fuel oil and other neces ect. tic tanks that may have to be to the Disposal Fund for repairs over laOO from the oosh regie are co-chairmen of the event. Mr. and Wfts. Felix J. McCarty ter. sities to the three million resi of 15 Hawley St., is serving on The bosud voted down the in replaced, he says. to a bulldozer, and wiH waive dents of greater FhiMdelpliial stallation after a sUm majority Swanson suggested that any The men were seen entering the Cutter Yeaton, one of the bids on two items. a oar after which the bartender Millions of doBara worih of Coast Guard patrol vessels for of persons attending a public area residente interested in 1. An expenditure of $5,8<X) for food and produce to rotting in heerii^ on the proposal said bringing the project back to Ufe, repairing the bulldozer, wdth the Cosmetics telephoned Bristol police, who the Annapolis, Md., to Newport relayed the call to PMinvUle warehouses and railroad cars. they opposed it. should contact contractor An work to be done by Willhelm-Da- Many tons of foodstuffs hove R. I. ocean race, which began thony Dzen, low bidder for the ITS police.