twittertwitter howhow toto WhatWhat isis ?Twitter?

micro-blogging platform

messages up to 140 characters

containing words, numbers, links

tweet! TwitterTwitter vocabularyvocabulary

1. basic features 2. applications

• Followers • Tweetdeck

• Following •

• Lists / •

• Mentions @ • Twitpic • Re-tweets RT


• Direct Message DM

tweet! OverviewOverview

updates box main menu

Your profile - user name - following -bio - followers - location -lists

your last update Twitter “vocabulary”

Other timelines - @ or “mention” - RT or “re-tweets”

Search box

Lists Updates of people You are following (chronologically)

Trends or “Hashtags”


BasicBasic featuresfeatures


Sorting people / organisations you follow by categories. Public RSS feeds Can be followed by anyone

example of list :

Twitter account Name of the list

tweet! BasicBasic featuresfeatures


A way to aim a tweet at someone Replying Asking a question Involving the person in a statement

example of mentions: @someone, did you walk to work today? Just saw @livingstreets website – it’s amazing!

tweet! BasicBasic featuresfeatures


Relaying someone else’s tweet More than simply repeating Can go with a quick comment

example of re-tweets:

tweet! BasicBasic featuresfeatures


Joining the conversation Allows you to relate your tweet to a global conversation on a topic Can be created by anyone but isn’t exclusive

example of hashtags:

tweet! BasicBasic featuresfeatures

Direct Messages

The only way to exchange private messages Same format as tweets : 140 characters, text and links. Can only be sent if the two twitter accounts are following each other

example of direct messages:

tweet! ApplicationsApplications


Flash-based software for the use of twitter Quick download Can display several twitter accounts simultaneously Makes it easier to follow several threads at a glance Can also be set with a Facebook and Linkedin account, displaying the status updates only Can be synchronised with external accounts related to the use of twitter (url shortener, pictures…)

tweet! ApplicationsApplications


Online service for the use of twitter No download – embedded in a browser page Can display several twitter threads simultaneously Makes it easier to follow them at a glance Comes with a built-in url shortening service Allows statistics in the upper menu bar – might be intrusive for the user, not easy to use the stats afterwards

tweet! ApplicationsApplications Livingstreets’ ccount details One of the several url shortening services a ng@livingstre rowena.hardi No download – online service api key: 197983 5dc673eab0b R_4ca45d0c3 Short url on this model : b10dda nd livingstreets a Linked to: nts twitter accou Detailed statistics: walkingworks Time, geography Can be linked to several twitter accounts to make stats on RT Shows the share in the influence: number of clicks via our link / number of visit to the original url within the same time

tweet! ApplicationsApplications


The most common online service to share pictures via twitter No download – online service Short url on this model : .com/xxxxx Compatible with an existing twitter account Allows simple comments and RT

tweet! ApplicationsApplications


Another online service to share pictures via twitter No download – online service Short url on this model : Compatible with an existing twitter account Allows simple comments, rating and RT Give statistics

tweet! LinksLinks
