University of Melbourne Parkville, Victoria 3052 UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE Research Report 1979

University of Melbourne Parkville, Victoria 3052

I t A summary of research activities and investigations, including published contributions to science and literature, during thc research year, January' 1 to December 31, 1979. CONTENTS Reports from departments connected with faculties are placed in alpha­ betical order under faculty headings. Each faculty area commences with a general introduction on research activities in that faculty, prepared by the relevant Dean. Reports from units not connected with faculties then follow.

AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY—Dean's Introduction 1 Agriculture and Forestry 2

ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING AND TOWN & REGIONAL PLANNING—Dean's Introduction 11 Architecture and Building 12 Town and Regional Planning 15

ARTS—Dean's Introduction 18 Classical Studies 19 Criminology 21 East Asian Studies 22 English 23 Fine Arts 26 French 28 Geography 30 Germanic Studies 33 History 34 History and Philosophy ofScience 38 Indian Studies 40 Indonesian and Malayan Studies 42 Italian 43 Middle Eastern Studies 44 Philosophy 46 Political Science 49 Psychology 52 Russian 58 The Horwood Language Centre 59 DENTAL SCIENCE—Dean's Introduction 60 Conservative Dentistry 62 Dental Medicine and Surgery 64 Dental Prosthetics 66

ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE—Dean's Introduction 67 Accounting 68 Economic History 69 Economic Research 71 Economics 72 Graduate School of Business Administration 76 Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research 78 Legal Studies 81 Regional and Urban Economic Studies 82

EDUCATION—Dean's Introduction 83 Education 84 Centre for the Study of Higher Education 95

ENGINEERING—Dean's Introduction 97 Chemical Engineering 98 Civil Engineering 101 Electrical Engineering 106 Industrial Science 109 Mechanical Engineering 110 Mining and Metallurgy 116 Surveying 119

LAW—Dean's Introduction 120 Law 121

MEDICINE—Dean's Introduction 125 Anatomy 126 Biochemistry 128 Community Health 133 Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 134 Medical Biology (Walter and Eliza Halllnstitute) 136 Medical History 143 Medicine (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital) 144 Medicine (Dept. of the James Stewart Professor, Royal Melbourne Hospital) 155 Medicine (St Vincent's Hospital) 161 Microbiology 165 Obstetrics and Gynaecology 168 Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Mercy and Austin Hospitals) 170 Ophthalmology 172 Otolaryngology 174 Paediatrics 176 Pathology 181 Pathology (Austin Hospital) 183 Pharmacology 184 Physiology 187 Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine 190 Psychiatry 194 Radiology 199 Surgery (Austin Hospital and Repatriation General Hospital) 200 Surgery (Dept. of The James Stewart Professor, Royal Melbourne Hospital) 203 Surgery (Dept. of The Hugh Devine Professor, St Vincent's Hospital) 206

MUSIC—Dean's Introduction 209 Music 210

SCIENCE—Dean's Introduction 212 Botany 214 Chemistry 222 Computer Science 229 Genetics 230 Geology 233 Human Movement Studies 237 Mathematics 238 Meteorology 245 Optometry 248 Physics 251 R.A.A.F. Academy—Chemistry 259 —Mathematics 259 —Physics 259 Statistics 262 Zoology 264

VETERINARY SCIENCE—Dean's Introduction 269 Veterinary Clinical Sciences 270 Veterinary Paraclinical Sciences 272 Veterinary Preclinical Sciences 275

Centre for Environmental Studies 277 Social Studies 281

Archives 283 The Library 284 Student Health Service 285 University Assembly 286


The abbreviations of the titles of journals used in the lists of Published Work are based on those given in World List of Scientific Periodicals published in the years 1900-1960 (4th ed., 1963). INTRODUCTION In this Research Report for 1979, projects in progress are listed, together with publications, theses completed and in progress, and major grants received. Deans of faculties have been invited to write introductory' notes to the research activities listed for their faculties. In common with other Australian universities the University of Melbourne has to husband its resources in these difficult times. The funds devoted to "research only" activities (as distinct from "teaching and research" activities, in the definitions of the Tertiary Education Commission), have slowly increased, but the increment between 1978 and 1979 - from $11,1 12,242 to $ 11,408,834-was smaller than anyannual increase since 1975. Less support was received from the Australian Research Grants Committee and from State instrumentalities, but these reductions were more than offset by increases in funds made available from the National Health and Medical Research Council and from other Commonwealth sources, including the Department of Productivity and the National Energy Research Development and Demonstra­ tion Council. These new avenues of support for applied research are very' welcome, but it remains extremely difficult to marshal sufficient resources for adequate levels of activity in basic research. Research training, for long a major academic commitment ofthe University, continued to expand slightly despite strict University control of total numbers enrolled. The proportion ofthe "student load" enrolled for higher degrees increased from 19-3 per cent in 1978 to 19 9percent in 1979. Particularly notable was a substantial increase in Ph.D. enrolments in Arts disciplines, continuing a steady growth of numbers in the previous decade. Ph.D. enrolments in science disciplines have also grown since 1975, after an earlier decline. Thc University continued in 1979 to enrol a greater proportion of its higher degree students for research degrees (rather than for course-work awards) than is the case in most other Australian universities. The lists of theses in this Report give an impressive indication of thc contribution of postgraduate students to the University's- research activities as a whole. The University's Committee on Research and Graduate Studies distributed S2-7 million in support of researchi n 1979. About half thc total was distributed to departments, on the basis of their level of research activity; about SI 50,000 was allocated in support of individual projects with special needs; and 5430,000 was spent on research fellowships open to international com­ petition, and in assisting departments to bring visiting scholars to participate in research activities of the University. Thc importance, to the University and to the nation, of maintaining international links of all kinds in the world of research and scholarship, and of maintaining inter­ national standards in recruiting, cannot be overstresscd. When the number of Commonwealth Postgraduate Awards available for 1979 was reduced, the University decided to raise the number of University of Melbourne Postgraduate Awards offered to 70, making 170 awards in total for the year. This increased the total cost of post­ graduate and travelling scholarships offered by the Committee to more lhan S620,000. Thc research activities of thc University are extremely varied, and so are the circumstances in which particular groups and individuals undertake the pursuit of knowledge and discovery. In fostering research creativity thc University, and in particular the Committee on Research and Graduate Studies, has to balance the not readily reconcilable aims of assisting excellence on the one hand while encouraging areas in need of development on the other. A similar balance is of course required in national research policies, if distortions ofthe national research effort are to be avoided.

J. R. Poynter Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research)


Dean's Report The School of Agriculture and Forestry has been recognized as a School because of its multi-disciplinary nature. This has stimulated co-operative and cross-disciplinary research programmes which not only produce hybrid vigour but tend to avoid thc danger of over- specialized research cells. This is illustrated by the major problem of soil salinity in which three sections ofthe School have active programmes with cross-supervision and sharing of faci 1 ities. The School of Agriculture and Forestry' has one ofthe highest ratios of postgraduate to under­ graduate student enrolments in the University. The School also has a very high level of external research grants, from the ARGC, Reserve Bank, agricultural industry research funds (Meat, Pig, Wool. Wheat, Oil Seeds, etc.). State Departments (Fisheries and Wildlife, Soil Conservation Authority, etc.), Australian Extension Services, Education Research and Development, various industry corporations, and a number of major private industries. ln 1979, with a total staff of 40, thc School had 61 research topics in progress, 50 papers, articles, books or chapters of books were published, 6 Ph.Ds and 12 Masters degrees were passed, and 22 Ph.Ds and 45 Masters degrees were in progress. We have had the stimulus of two Senior Research Associates, a Senior Research Fellow and 7 Research Fellows, who have contributed by their personal research and leadership to the most critical evaluation of our research programmes and philosophies. The Faculty's Mount Derrimut field station, together with the Parkville facilities, provides a range of laboratories, controlled environments, glass and houses. In addition, the 300 ha farm at Mount Derrimut and the 200 ha demonstration and research forest al Mt. Disappoint­ ment enable us to maintain both short and long term field trials.



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Farm financial management and payment systems for agricultural products-A. S. Watson, N. H. Sturgess, M. Read. 2. Stabilization of farm incomes-A. G. Lloyd, M. Kent. 3. Land leasing and tenure arrangements in East Java - N. H. Sturgess, H. Wijaya. 4. Wheat supply and risk - N. H. Sturgess, A. S. Watson, J. Brennan. 5. Oligopoly pricing on the world wheat market-N. H. Sturgess, A. S. Watson, C. Alaouze. 6. An economic study of the Victorian scallop fishery - N. H. Sturgess, N. Dow. 7. Energy policy-A. G. Lloyd. 8. Survey of agricultural marketingand price policy-A. S.Watson,A. G. Lloyd. 9. Agricultural land values-A. S. Watson, D. Briggs.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books 1. WATSON, A. S. - Rural Policies, in From Whitlam lo Fraser - Reform and Reaction in Australian Politics, eds. Allan Patience and Brian Head, Oxford University Press, Melbourne (1979).

Articles 2. ALAOUZE, C. M., STURGESS, N. H. and WATSON, A. S. - Australian Wheat Storage: A Dynamic Programming Approach - A Correction. Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 23(3): 231 -232 (1979). 3. ALAOUZE, C. M., WATSON, A. S. and STURGESS, N. H. - Oligopoly Pricing in the World Wheat Market: Reply. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 61 (3): 578-580 (1979). 4. WIJAYA, H. and STURGESS, N. H. - Land Leasing in East Java. Bidletin of Indonesian Economic Studies. 15 (2): 75-93 (1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress WIJAYA, H. - Land Leasing and Tenure Arrangements in East Java. MAgrSc Theses in Progress BRENNAN, J. P.-Price Risk in Victorian Wheal Supply Response. BRIGGS, D. - Land Values. KENT, M. - Variable Amortisation Schemes and Farm Income Stabilisation. READ, P. M. - Farm Financial Management and Payments Systems for Agricultural Products.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Rural Credits Development Fund, Reserve Bank: Farm financial management and payment systems for agricultural products. Rural Credits Development Fund, Reserve Bank: Stabilization of farm incomes. Rural Credits Development Fund, Reserve Bank: Wheat supply and risk. Fisheries Research Fund, Victorian Division of Fisheries and Wildlife: An economic study ofthe Victorian scallop fishery.



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Nature and Extent of Self-Directed Learning Structure within the rural industry - P. VV. Salmon and M. Walker (leaders). 2. The Effective Management of Farm Labour Problems and Training Needs - P. W. Salmon and N. Barr (leaders). 3. Part-time Farming: A Problem or Resource in Rural Development - P. W. Salmon and N. Barr (leaders). 4. Farm Management Experimental Education Project - P. W. Salmon and M. Walker (leaders). 5. Evaluation of Australian Broadcasting Commission Programme on Market Intelligence- P. W. Salmon and E. Almond (leaders). 6. Survey of Adult Education Literature - P. W. Salmon (leader).

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. PRESSER, H. A. - Social Surveys conducted as thc Practical Exercises in the subject Rural Sociology for the Diploma of Agricultural Extension, 1967-77. University of Melbourne (1979). ' 2. PRESSER, H. A. - Farmers' Opinions of the White llorsenettle (Silver-Lead Nightshade) Containment Program in the Hopetoun- Woomelang Area of Victoria. University of Melbourne (1979). 3. WESTON, R. E. and CARY, J. W. - A change for the better? Stress, Altitudes and Decision Making of Dairy Farmers, 1976- 78. University of Melbourne (1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Master of Agricultural Science (Extension) 1. WYL1E, P. - Change and Uncertainty in Agricultural Extension.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress BARDSLEY, B. - An Interactive Procedure for Reviewing Farmers' Use of Information and Information Sources. MAgrSc Theses in Progress BOUWER, J. - A Systems Analysis of Organisational Learning. CLARKE, L.-An Investigation of Farmers' Management Styles. HOLMES, W. E. - Economic and Management Planning. NANCARROW, J. - Applying Adult Education Principles to Agricultural Extension Programmes. PHILLIPS, T. - Self Directed Learning Processes amongst Dairv Farmers. POUSSARD, H. - Work Attitudes and Organisational Change. STEPHENS. E. - An Evaluation of the Victorian Farm Apprenticeship Scheme. SUTRISNA, I. B. - Bali Chicken Users Survey. UNDERWOOD, C. - Self Directed Learning Processes amongst Queensland Extension Officers.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Australian Extensions Services Grant (AESG): Extension Research in Management and Labour Problems. Education Research and Development Committee (ERDC): Adult Education Literature Review. Consortium of Australian Wool Corporation, Australian Meat and Livestock Corporation, Australian Dairy Corporation, and Australian Broadcasting Commission: Evaluation of Market Intelligence Programme. 4 FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS Ruminant and non-ruminant nutrition - D. E. Tribe. 1 Energy efficiency in animal production systems - D. E. Tribe. 3. The growth, body composition and carcass quality of farm -N. M. Tulloh. 4. Thegeneticimprovementoffarmanimals-R. G. Beilharz. 5. Genetic selection for reproduction in mice-R. G. Beilharz. 6. Behaviour of cattle at electric fences-R. G. Beilharz, J. MeCutchan. 7. Behaviour of sheep in yards and races-G. D. Hutson, R. G. Beilharz. 8. The utilization of crop and animal by-products and residues -G. R. Pearce. 9. The use of feed supplements by grazing animals -G. R. Pearce. 10. Sulphurmctabolisminsheep-P. T. Doyle. 1 1. Influence of protein and energy intake on growth and body composition of the young pig — A. C. Dunkin. 12. Effect of nutrition in early life on the subsequent growth and body composition of growing pigs-A. C. Dunkin. 13. Fat cell development in the growing pig-A. C. Dunkin. 14. Effect of pre-slaughter treatment on thc carcass yield and meat quality of bacon pigs-A. C. Dunkin.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. DUNKIN, A. C. and GARDNER, J. A. A. (eds.) - Australian Pig Manual. Australian Pig Industry Research Committee, Canberra (1979). Chapter of Book 2. DUNKIN, A. C. - Feeding Grower and Finisher Pigs, in Australian Pig Manual, ed. A. C. Dunkin and J. A. A. Gardner, Australian Pig Industry Research Committee, Canberra, pp 97-100(1979). Articles 3. BEILHARZ, R. G. - Verhaltensgenetik bci landwirtschaftlichen Nutztieren. Der Tierzuchler 3/ .275-278 (1979). 4. BEILHARZ, R. G. - Competitive Order as a Measure of Social Dominance in Dairy Cattle: A Criticism ofthe Paper bv Friend and Polan. Appl. Anim. Ethol. 5:191 -192 (1979). 5. DOYLE, P. T. and MOIR, R. J. - Sulfur and Methionine Metabolism in Sheep. I. First Approximations of Sulfur Pools in and Sulfur Flows from the Reticulo-rumen. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 32:51-63 (1979). 6. DOYLE, P. T. and MOIR, R.J. - Sulfur and Methionine Metabolism in Sheep. II. Quantitative Estimates of Sulfur Metabolism in the Sheep's Stomach. Ausi. J. Biol. Sci. 32: 65-76(1979). 7. DOYLE. P. T. and MOIR, R.J. - Sulfur and Methionine Metabolism in Sheep. III. Excretion and Retention of Dietary and Supplemental Sulfur, and Production Responses to Intra-ruminal Infusions of DL-methionine. Aust. J. Agric. Res. 30:1185-1 196 (1979). 8. DOVE, H. and FRENEY, J. R. -The Influence of Methods ofOxidation and Hydrolysis on the Determination of the Amino Acid Composition of Milk Powder. Aust. J. Dairy Technol. 34:13-18(1979). 9. HILLIARD, E. P., BEARD, J. and PEARCE, G. R. - Utilization of Piggery Waste I. The Chemical Composition and In Vitro Organic Matter Digestibility of Pig Faeces from Commercial Piggeries in south-eastern Australia. Agric. Environ. 4:171-180(1979). 10. HILLIARD, E. P. and PEARCE, G. R. - Variability in the Composition of Commercial Pig Diets with Particular Reference to Minerals. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Hush. 19:36-42 (1979). 1 1. HILLIARD, E. P. and SMITH, J. D. - Minimum Sample Preparation for the Determina­ tion of Ten Elements in Pig Faeces and Feeds by Atomic-absorption Spectrophotometry and a Spectrophotometric Procedure for Total Phosphorus. Analyst 104:313-322(1979). 12. HITCHCOCK, D. K. and HUTSON, G. D. - Effect of Variation in Light Intensity on Sheep Movement through Narrow and Wide Races. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb. 19: 170-175(1979). 13. HITCHCOCK, D. K. and HUTSON, G. D. - The Movement of Sheep on Inclines. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb. /P. 176-182 (1979). AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY 5

14. LOBATO, J. F. P. und BEILHARZ, R. G. - Relation of Social Dominance and Body Size to Intake of Supplements in Grazing Sheep. Appl. Anim. Ethol. J: 233-239 (1979). 15. LOBATO, J. F. P. and PEARCE, G. R. - Individual Variability in the Intake of Oat Grain by Grazing Sheep. Anais da XVI Reunicio Anual da S.8.Z., Curitiba, Brazil, pp 91-92 (1979). 16. NGIAN, M. F. and PEARCE, G. R. - Utilization of Piggery Waste II. Thc Chemical Composition and In Vitro Organic Matter Digestibility of Fractions of Pig Faeces Separated bv Sieving and bv Centrifuging. Agric. Environm. 4:181-188 (1979). 17. NGIAN, M. F. and PEARCE. G. R. - Ultilization of Piggery Waste III. Effects of Sodium Hydroxide Treatment of Pig Faeces on Chemical Composition, Microscopic Physical Characteristics and In Vitro And In Vivo Digestibility. Agric. Environm. 4:189-205 (1979). 19. PEARCE. G. R. - Quality Aspects of Livestock Wastes in Relation lo their Utilization. Auric. Wastes /. 223-236 (1979). 20. PEARCE, G. R., BEARD, J. and HILLIARD, E. P. - Variability in the Chemical Composition of Cereal Straws and In Vitro Digcstibilitv with and without Sodium Hydroxide Treatment. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. Anim. Husb. 19:350-353 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Agricultural Science 1. MORLEY, F. W. H. - Pasture Plants and Production Systems.

Doctor of Philosophy 2. LOBATO. J. F. P. - Variability in the Intake ql Supplements hy Grazing Sheep. 3. NATASASMITA, A. - Body Composition of Swamp Buffaloes. Master of Agricultural Science 4. CAMPBELL, R. G. - Energy and Protein for Early Weaned Pigs. 5. GRAINGER, C. - Effect of Both' Condition at Calving on Milk Yield ofthe Dairv Cow. 6. MeDONALD, C. L. - The Behaviour of Cattle at Electric Fences. 7. ROGERS. R. J. -Aspects ofthe Endocrinology of Clover Infertility in Sheep. 8. SMITH, G. A.- Measuring and Improving Work Performance in Milking Systems. 9. STAPLES, W. D. - The Biochemistry of Ovine Pregnancy: Associated Antigens and the Recognition of Pregnancy. 10. TOLAND. P. C. -Whole Grain for Beef Cattle.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress CAMPBELL, R. G. - The Effect ofliarlv Nutrition on the Growth and Body Composition ofthe Kg- EGAN.J. K.- The Nutrition of Weaner Sheep. GODDARD, M. E. - A Breeding Programme for Guide Dogs for the Blind. IBRAHIM, M. N. M. - Thc Utilization by Animals of Crop Residues and By-products. STANOG1AS, G. - Studies on the Utilization of Piggery Waste. WILLIAMS, K. C. - Utilization of Synthetic Lysine by the Growing Pig. MAgrSc Theses in Progress ALGAR, D. - The Nutrition and Behaviour of Emus. BRIEN. F. D. - Nutritional and Hormonal Aspects of Reproductive Performance in Ewes. CORR, P. V. - Investigation into Bait Materials Palatable to the European Wild Rabbit (Oryctolaguscuniculus) in Victoria. COATS, S. T. - Sensory Perception of Electric Fences by A nimals. CROKE, B. - Energy Inputs and Outputs on Non-Irrigated Dairy Farms. DAVIES, G. T. - The Influence of Pre-Slaughter Management on Weight Changes and Meat Quality in Pigs. DOR NOM, H. P. - Energy Inputs on Non-Irrigated Dairy Farms. FRANKLIN, J. R. - The Effect of Olfactory. Auditory and Visual Stimuli on the Movement of Sheep. HEMMING, A. - Feeding Practices with Thoroughbred Horses. KROKER, G. A. - 77ie Nutritional Management of Pregnant Beef Heifers. MACLEAN, D. N. A. - Equipment for Measuring the Intake of Molasses - Urea Blocks bv Cattle. PEEL, C. J. - The Induction of Lactation in Dairy Cows. POLLARD, T. G. -Factors Affecting the Intake of Supplements by Cattle. 6 FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY

SHEPHERD, R. C. H. - Studies of Wild Rabbit Populations (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in the Mallee and Central District of Victoria. TANGD1L1NT1N, F. K. - Utilization of Crop By-products by ruminants. TJANDRAATNADJA, M. - Anaerobic Fermentation of Crop By-products. THOMAS, G. W. — Experiments wilh Do.iry Cattle Concerning Itidnced Parturition and Calf Rearing. WINUGROHO, M. - Factors Affecting the Composition and Digestibility of Crop By-products.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Australian Meat Research Committee: Utilization of Low Quality Roughages by Ruminants. Australian Pig Research Committee: Utilization of Different Levels and Sources of Dietary Protein and Specific Amino Acids and Carbohydrates. The Nutrition and Management ofthe Young Pig and Its Relation to Subsequent Performance and Carcass Composition. Pre-Slaughter Treatment of Pigs in Relation to Weight, Shrinkage and Meal Quality. Fibre Components of Pig Diets and Faeces and Effects on Waste Utilization. Australian Wool Corporation, Wool Research Trust Fund: The Behaviour of Sheep in Relation to Handling in Yards and Sheds. Selection for Reproduction. Reserve Bank of Australia: Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects of Piggery Wastes.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Silviculture and growth of Eucalyptus obliqua. 2. Management planning models. 3. Management of native Callitris stands in the Northern Territory. 4. Management information systems. 5. Optimization of production and stock control in sawmilling. 6. Coppicing and bud development in eucalypts. 7. Effects of salinity by agroforestry using coppiced eucalypts. 8. Effects of salinity on eucalypt growth and development. 9. Effect of heat stress on physiology of eucalypt. 10. Root/shoot relations in eucalypts. 11. Effects of pine planting on nutrient cycling and soil fertility. 12. Induction of sporulation in apparently sterile fungi isolated from roots. 13. Effect of host stress on fungal pathogenicity. 14. Digital image analysis for the remote sensing of changes in the natural environment. 15. Root/shoot relations of Eucalyptus with special reference to root physiology.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles RUDRA, A. B. - The influence of Spatial Disposition of Neighbours on the Diameter Growth of Individual Trees. Proc. ofl.U.F.R.O. Conference S4.01-02, Vienna (Sept. 10-14,1979). RUDRA, A. B. - Preliminary Report Timber Consumption Survey - Indonesia. INS/78/054, Forestry and Forest Products, FAO., Indonesia (September 1979). Book Review RUDRA, A. B.-Tropical Trees as Living Systems, ed. P. B. Tomlinson and M. H.Zimmerman, (Cambridge University Press, London). Search 10(6) (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. HOGG, J. - Vegetative Mapping using Additive and Subtraclive Colour Photographic Techniques. AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY 7

Master of Forest Science 2. KEATING, W. G. - The Role of Australian Standards in improving the utilization of timber. 3. MACK, J. J. - The analysis and evaluation of strength characteristics and performances of nailed timber joints.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BAKER, T. G. - Studies on the Distribution and Cycling of Nitrogen in Forests. HATELEY, R.F.-A Sampling Strategy for Vegetation Study. PERERA, B. - Root/Shoot Relation of eucalyptus with special reference lo Root Physiology. TUDDENHAM, W. G. - Multiband Imagery for Monitoring Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Biosphere.

M For Sc. Theses in Progress ADES, P. K. - Control ojSalinity by Agroforestry using Coppiced Eucalypts. QAZI, R. A. - Management of Fir and Conifer Forests ofthe Kashmir Valley. THOMSON, L. A. J. - Variation in Salt Tolerance and Effects of Salinity on the Growth and Physiology o/Eucalyptus camaldulensis Provenances.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Soil Conservation Authority of Victoria: Digital image analysis forthe remote sensing of changes in the natural environment. Rural Credits Development Fund, Reserve Bank: Digital image analysis for thc remote sensing of changes in thc natural environment. Coppicing and bud development in eucalypts. Water Research Foundation of Australia: Effects of salinity by agroforestry using coppiced eucalypts. Effects of salinity on eucalypt growth and development.

E. PLANT SCIENCES RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Investigation of enzymes in wheat controlling metabolism of nitrogen from foliage to grain and concomitant senescence processes-M. J. Dalling, E. Noble. 2. Studies with wild and cultivated species of wheat aimed at reducing high temperature sensitivitv, increasing protein content, disease resistance, grain size and yield - M. J. Dalling, R. Gleadow, U. Kushnir, D. G. Parbery, L. L. Stubbs, J. H. Wilson. 3. Incorporation of gibberellin insensitivity and winter growth habit in Australian wheat - A. T. Pugsley. 4. Investigation of tissue culture techniques to induce haploidy in wheat - Beng Tan. 5. Study of environment-genotype interactions influencing crop development and yield - Y. Aitken, G. M. Halloran, J. H. Wilson. 6. Studies of exotic and indigenous pasture grasses in relation to winter productivity, ohosphate dependence and tolerance to barley yellow dwarf virus - Y. Aitken, G. M. Halloran, L. L. Stubbs, R. J. Sward, J. H. Wilson. 7. Investigation of physiological and genetical factors controlling development of salinity tolerance in luceme-G. M. Halloran, D. W. West. 8. 'Proteoid' root and rhizosphere influences in legume wheat rotations- D. G. Parbery. 9. Ultrastructural studies of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi -R. J. Sward. 10. Potential for genetic and agronomic improvement of new species for Australian agriculture -G. M. Halloran. 11. Investigation of nitrogen fixation ability and physiological efficiency of Acacia pellita, a primary colonizer of manganese mined areas of Groote Eylandt-M. J. Dalling. 8 FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY

PUBLISHED WORK Chapter of Book I. HALLORAN, G. M. - Breeding of Self-pollinated Crops, A Course Manual in Plant

O....J:..- -j r» ,^_:_u* A ..„* i:„_ \r: r-u.,„„„nrt..„' r*nr** m:,,na 1 A-1 77/10*70, L>l eeuing, cu. iv. jxuigiu, in rvuMi diiau v iw^-x~imiiwCnv;io ^uiuniniCc 1 —i. J-O ,t 1" i yf.

Articles 2. BERRY, G. J. and AITKEN, Y. - Effect of Photoperiod and Temperature on Flowering in Pea(Pisum sativum L.). Aust. J. Plant Phvsiol.. 6:573-587 (1979). 3. COFFEY, S. G. and HALLORAN, G. M. - Higher Plants as Possible Sources of Petroleum Substitutes, Search. /0. 423-428 (1979). 4. DALLING, M. J., TRUNOFF, P. N. and SWINDEN, L. B. - Identification of Sub­ terranean Clover (Trifolium subterraneum) Cultivars on thc Basis of Electrophoretic Mobility ofthe Seed Giobulin Proteins. Seed Sci. ci Technol., 7:117-123 (1979). 5. HALLORAN, G. M. and LEE. J. W. - Plant Nitrogen Distribution in Wheat Cultivars. Aust. J. Agric. Res.. 30:779-789 (1979).

6. LANGKAMP, P. J., SWINDEN, L. B. and DALLING, M. J. - N,(C2H2)-Rcduction by Acacia pellita in the field. Plant Ph vsiol. 63: S483 (1979). 7. LANGKAMP, P. J., SWINDEN, L. B. and DALLING, M.J. - Nitrogen Fixation (Acetylene Reduction) by Acacia pellita on Areas Restored after Mining at Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory. A us. J. Bot.. 27:353-361 (1979). 8. MURRAY, D. R., PEOPLES, M. B. and WATERS, S. P. - Proteolysis in the Axis of Germinating Pea Seeds. I. Changes in Protein Degrading Enzyme activities ofthe Radicle and Primary Root. Planta 147:11 I - I 16 (1979). 9. PEOPLES, M. B. and DALLING. M. J. - Intracellular Localization of Acid Peptide Hydrolases in Wheat Leaves. Plant Phvsiol.. 63: S882 (1979). 10. PEOPLES, M. B., FRITH, G. J. T. and DALLING, M. J. - Proteolytic Enzymes in Green Wheat Leaves IV. Degradation of Ribulose 1, 5-Biphosphate Carboxylase bv Acid Protein­ ase isolated on DEAE-cellulosc. Plant & Cell Phvsiol. 20:253-258 (1979). 11. RIDLAND, P. M. and HALLORAN, G. M. - The Influence ofthe Lucerne Bud Mite (Eriophves medicaginis Kcifer) on the growth of Annual and Perennial Medicago species. Aust. J.'Agric. Res. 30:1027-1033 (1979). 12. SALISBURY, P. A., BERRY, G. J. and HALLORAN, G. M. - Expression of Vernaliza­ tion Genes in Ncar-Isogenic Wheat Lines: Methods of Vernalization. Can. J. Genet. Cvlol. 27:429-434(1979). 13. SHERRARD, J. H. and DALLING, M. J. - In vitro Stability of Nitrate Reductase from Wheat Leaves 1. Stability of Highly Purified Enzyme and its Component Activities. Plant Phvsiol. 63:346-353 (1979). 14. SHERRARD, J. H., KENNEDY, J. A. and DALLING, M. J. - In vitro Stability of Nitrate Reductase from Wheat Leaves II. Isolation of Factors from Crude Extract which Affect Stability of Highly Purified Nitrate Reductase. Plant Phvsiol. 64.439-444 (1979). 15. SHERRARD, J. H., KENNEDY, J. A. and DALLING, M.J.-In vitro Stability of Nitrate Reductase from Wheat Leaves III. Isolation and Partial Characterization of a Nitrate Reductase-Inactivating Factor. Plant Phvsiol. 64:640-645 (1979). 16. WATERS, S. P. and DALLING, M. J. - Distribution and Characteristics of Aminoacyl /J-Naphthylamidase Activities in Wheat Seedlings. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 6: 595-606 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. KJRKHAM, R. P. - Interspecific Hybridization between Lycopersicum esculentum and L. peruvianum. 2. SHERRARD, J.H.- A Study of Factors influencing the Stability of Nitrate Reductase in Wheal Leaves.

Master of Agricultural Science 3. BAMAKHRAMAH, H. S. - Harvest Index as a Criterion ofthe Yielding Ability ofa Genotype. 4. FLOOD,R. G. - Seed Quality in Several Pasture Species. AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY 9

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BERRY, J. G. - The influence of Genotype and Environment on yield of?\s\im. BOWKER, W. A. T. - A study of the Epidemiology of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus and of its efj'ects on the Growth of Perennial Ryegrass (Lolium perenne). FLOOD, R. G. - Genetic Control of Developmental Responses in Wheat. GARDNER, W. K. - Microbiology of Root Systems in relation to Growth Responses in Wheat- Legume Rotations. LANGKAMP, P.J. - An Investigation of Factors controlling Establishment. Growth and Survival of Selected Plant Species on Groote Eylandt. NOBLE, C. L. - Genetic and Physiological Aspects of Salt Tolerance in a range of Agricultural Species. PEOPLES, M. B. - Investigation of the Degradativc Processes involved in the Turn-over of Ribulose 1,5, Diphosphate Carboxylase in Wheat Leaves. SIMPSON, R. J. - Amino Acid Transport and Nitrogen Redistribution in Wheat. WATERS, S. P. - Identification of Aminopeplidases in Wheal Leaves and their Possible Role in Senescence.

MAgrSc Theses in Progress COFFEY, S. G. - Introduction and Evaluation of some New Crop Species of Potential Importance for Australian Agriculture. CRAIG, A. D. - Winter Productivity of Pastures in southern Australia. MARTIN, P. J. - Investigation ofthe Reaction of'Wild' Species o/Triticum and Acgilops to infection with Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. MULVANY, L. M. - Testing for Take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis) Resistance in 'Wild' Progenitor and Related Species of Wheat. SALISBURY, P. A. - Inheritance of Hardseededness in Subterranean Clover (Trifolium subterraneum). WARD. G. N. - The Efficiency of Phosphate Usage by Pasture Species.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Role of Infection by Pathogens in explaining Seasonal Variations in Subterranean Clover Oestrogen Content. ARGC: Relation between Activity Levels of Proteases in Wheat Leaves and Translocation of Nitrogen to the Grain. Wheat Industry Research Council: Incorporation of Large Grain Size and High Protein of Triticum dicoccoides in Bread Wheal. Wheat Industry Research Council: Work-shed for Wheat Research Mt. Derrimut. Wheat Industry Research Council: Development of New Selection Criteria for Use in Breeding for High Grain Protein in Cereals. Wheat Industry Research Committee of Victoria: Wheat Improvement Programme at Mt. Derrimut. Wheat Industry Research Committee of Victoria: Overseas Travel Grant-G. M. Halloran. Wheat Industry Research Committee of Victoria: Effect of Moderate to High Temperatures on Grain Yield in Wheat and the Identification of Genotypes giving Optimum Yield. Wheat Industry Research Committee of Victoria: Part-funding of Extension of the Brumley Plant Sciences Laboratory, Mt. Derrimut. Wheat Industry Research Committee of Victoria: Screening of'Wild' Progenitors of Wheat for Tolerance to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus. Wheat Industry' Research Committee of Victoria: Induced Haploidy and Wheat Breeding. Wheat Industry Research Committee of Victoria: Publication of Papers on Wheat Research. Rural Credits Development Fund (Reserve Bank of Australia): Support for a Visiting Research Fellow. Groote Eylandt Mining Company Pty. Ltd.: Revegetation Studies of Mined Areas on Groote Eylandt. Dampier Mining Company Limited: Rehabilitation of Mined Areas at Gregory Mine Site. 10 FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY


RESF1SCH TOPICS IN pjar^oirec 1. Estimation of soil erodibility-L. A. Douglas. 2. Effect of piggery waste on soil properties - L. A. Douglas. 3. Losses of gaseous N forms from soil - P. M. Chalk. 4. Salinity effect on N fixation - P. M. Chalk, L. A. Douglas. 5. Herbicide effect on soil biochemical reactions-L. A. Douglas. 6. Phosphorus loss from pasture following superphosphate application-L. A. Douglas.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. MAY, P. B. and DOUGLAS, L. A. - Effect of Catechol, 2,5-Dimethyl-p-Benzoquinone and p-Benzoquinone on Soil Enzvmes. Proc. ffumus et Planta. Brno, Czechoslovakia, 279-283. 2. PEVERILL, K. A. and DOUGLAS, L. A. - Adequacy of Critical P and S Concentrations in Soils and in Pasture Species for Assessment of Nutrient Availability. Ausi. Soil Sci. Conf. Proc. Yanco, N.S.W., 64-70. 3. SMITH, C. J. and CHALK, P. M. - Nitrogen Gas Preparation System for Isotope-Ratio Analysis by Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta / 04:245-252. 4. SMITH, C. J. and CHALK, P. M. - Mineralization of Nitrite Fixed by Soil Organic Matter. Soil. Biol. Biochem. 11:515-519. 5. SMITH, C. J. and CHALK, P. M. - Determination of Nitrogenous Gases Evolved from Soils in Closed Systems. Analvsl. 104:538-544.

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Doctor of Philosophy 1. SMITH, C. J. - Nitrification and Transformations of Nitrite in Soil Nitrogen Balance.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress HOPMANS, P. - N Fixation by Plants Growing in Salt-Affected Soil.

MAgrSc Theses in Progress FISHER, H. - Production of Urease by Bacteria Isolated from Piggery Effluent. FRASER. P. K. - Effect of Herbicide and Cultivation Treatments on Wheat Yields and Soil Biochemical Properties. GREENHILL, N. - Characteristics and Sources of Diffuse Agricultural Runoff in the Westernport Catchment. REID, R. - Effect of Piggery Effluent Applications on the Elemental Contents of Soil and Plants. WUST AM ADIN - Estimation ofthe Erosion Potential of Soils.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Australian Wheat Research Council: Chemical Denitrification in Banded Nitrogen Fertilizers in Wheat-Growing Soils. Rural Credits Development Fund (Reserve Bank of Australia): Nitrogen Fixation by Plants Growing in Salt-Affected Soils. Wheat Industry Research Committee of Victoria: Effect of Different Cultivation Treatments on Wheat Yields and Soil Properties. FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, BUILDING AND TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING

Dean's Report In Architecture and Building the published work of the Department has continued mainly along the major themes of architectural history and conservation and thermal performance of buildings. Both of these themes have been supported by grants from government agencies. As the research and publications indicate some new themes are being developed. The major thrusts in Town and Regional Planning publications and research are related substantially to the Master of Urban Planning programme. The degree of Master of Urban Planning by course work and minor thesis is a two-year, part-time graduate programme which offers considerable opportunity for supervised, individual and group research in a range of specialization areas including: Philosophy and Urban Design, Planning Theory and Policy Analysis, Political Economy, Analytical Techniques for Urban Planning, Landscape Assess­ ment: Analysis of Physical Environment, Regional Policy in Victoria, Urban Locational Distri­ butions, Wholesaling and Retailing, Problems in Housing and Issues in Local Government Planning. During the first year of the programme students engage in research in two areas of specialization and, in the second year, their work focusses on one area and culminates in a minor thesis. There is scope for joint staff and student research, particularly in the first year; in 1979, this involved a project funded by the Ministry for Conservation.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. The Antarctic habitat - R. Clark, A. Rodger. 2. The thermal performance of buildings- A". B. Coldicutt, S. Coldicutt, D. White. 3. The behaviour of structural masonry-J. C. Scrivener. D. Gairns. 4. The development of building technology; architects in Australia; thc morphology of Melbourne-M. Lewis. 5. The development of industrial estates-J. Robinson. 6. Documentation oflisted historic buildings in Victoria-A. Willingham. 7. Construction techniques-T. W.Chu. 8. Industrialized services units- P. Williams. 9. Built form and flexibility; working drawings procedures - R. Rahni, L. Rudolph. 10. Design methodology-D. Watson, D. Lc Grew. 11. Colonial architecture in Indonesia: architectural links between S.E. Asia and Australia - H. O'Neill. 12. Housing for the elderly and the handicapped-B. Kidd.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters in Books 1. COLDICUTT, A. - A Simple Method for the Prediction of Annual Energy Requirements for Heating Buildings, in Energy Conservation and the Built Environment, Second CIB Symposium, Copenhagen (1979). 2. COLDICUTT. A. - An Evaluation of Window Systems as "energy sources", in Energy Conservation and the Built Environment. Second CIB Symposium, Copenhagen (1979). 3. COLDICUTT. A. - The Proposed Australian Code of Recommended Practice for the Thermal Performance Design of Dwellings, in Energy Conservation and the Built Environ­ ment. Second Cl B Symposium, Copenhagen (1979). 4. COLDICUTT, S. - Energy Conservation Projects for Public Housing in Australia, in Energy Conservation and thc Built Environment, Second CIB Symposium. Copenhagen (1979). 5. LEWIS. M. B. - Maldon, in Historic Places of Australia. Vol. 2, Melbourne, Cassell (1979). 6. LEWIS, M. B. - What to do about the Inner Suburbs, in The Inner Suburbs - Past Present and Future. Committee for Urban Action. Melbourne (1979). 7. LEWIS, M. B. - The Cooks and the Cottage, and The Cottage in Melbourne, in Cook's Cottage. Melbourne City Council, Melbourne (1978).

Articles 8. DOVEY. K. and LE GREW, D. - Thc Child's Place: Drawings and Visions. Architecture Australia. 68 (2): 37-42 (July 1979). 9. KIDD, B.-A Choice for the Aged. Architecture A ustralia. 68(1): 61 -66 (March 1979). 10. LEWIS, M. B. - Victorian Primitive. Chartered Builder. 24:7-13(1979). 11. LEWIS, M. B. - Bark and Wattle. Chartered Builder, 25:21-29(1979). 12. LEWIS, M. B. - Logs and Slabs. Chartered Builder. 26:19-25 (1979). 13. LEWIS, M. B.-Adobe or clay lump. Chartered Builder. 27:27-30(1979). 14. LEWIS, M. B. - What to do about the Inner Suburbs of Melbourne. Architecture Australia, 67(6.1:62-66 (January 1979). 15. LEWIS. M. B. - The Assessment of Substandard Housing, Unibeam 8: 53-56, Singapore (1978/79). 16. RODGER, A. - Intrusions and the Super-elites. Architecture Australia. 65(1): 40-41 (March 1979). 17. SCRIVENER, J. C. - Education and Building Students at thc University of Melbourne. Chartered Builder. 26:39-42 (1979). 18. TIBBITS, G. R. - Rodney Howard Alsop. Australian Dictionary of Biography, ed. Bede Nairn and Geoffrey Serle. v;7:47-48, MUP Melbourne (1979). 19. TIBBITS, G. R. - Harold Desbrowe Annear. Australian Dictionary of Biography, cd.. Bede Nairn and Geoffrey Serle, vii: 77-78, MUP Melbourne (1979). 20. TIBBITS, G. R. - William Arthur Mordey Blackctt. Australian Dictionary of Biography, ed. Bede Nairn and Geoffrey Serle, v//: 314, MUP Melbourne (1979).


21. TIBBITS, G. R. - Walter Richmond Butler. Australian Dictionary of liiographv. ed. Bede Nairn and Geoffrey Serle, vii: 510-511, MUP Melbourne (1979). 22. TURNBULL, J. - Morality and the Architecture ofCharles Moore. Transition 14-21 (July 1979). 23. WATSON, D. -edited Architecture Australia. 1979. 24. WILLIAMS, P. H. M. - Thc New Architecture of Wooloomooloo. Tlie Chartered Builder. 27:39-43(1979). 25. WILLIAMS, P. H. M. -edited The Chartered Builder. 1979.

Reports 26. KIDD, B. and others - The Experience of Retirement Migration to Phillip Island and its Impact on the Community. National Research Institute for Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (October 1979). ' 27. LEWIS, M. B. with JACOBS, LEWIS. VINES-Scwf/i Fitzroy Conservation Study. Jacobs, Lewis, Vines, Melbourne (1979). 28. ROBINSON, J. and others - Construction Data Base - Report lo the U.K. Department of the Environment. Department of Construction Management, University of Reading (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Master of A rchiteciure 1. DOVEY, K. - Perception of meaning in architecture. 2. MISSINGHAM, G. - Comparison between behavioural and semantic response to architectural space.


PhD Theses in Progress DOVEY, K. - User participation and environmental meaning. LINZEY, M. - On the nature of form. WILLIAMSON, T. - The means of achieving energy conservation in buildings.

MArch Theses in Progress ANDREWS, J. -Briefing information. FOX, P. - The computer as an aid to design synthesis and evaluation. H A LA FOFF, S. - Cluster grouping of operating theatres. H ARDWICK. C. - Art Dcco Building in Victoria. KIDD. B. - Factors involved in community location ofhousingfor the elderly. LIN DELL, M. - Study ofthe ways 'space' conditions behaviour, with emphasis on designing and therapeutic environment. MOORE. D. - Holography as a medium for architectural representation. OGILVY, E. - Conceptions of community and the planning of urban areas. PREST. D. - Computer applications in architectural practice. RIGG. M. - Medium density housing. ROGERS, R. - Development ofa 'design to cost'target manual. SMITHSON, P. - Elastomeric building sealants. SWEETNAM, D. - A computerized package for space projection, simulation and allocation as a planning tool in the development of educational institutions. WILLINGHAM, A. - The architecture of Davidson and Henderson.

MBIdg Theses in Progress DYNAN, K. - Design ofa computer system for a mathematical model to assist in the allocation of resources in large scale building programmes in the Victorian P. WD. MARSHALL, G. - Programme network planning procedure. 14 FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE. BUILDING, TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING

MBldgSc Theses in Progress CAMPBELL, R. - Thermal behaviour of materials, new techniques in solar energy and design of buildings lo conserve energy. FREEDMAN, C. - Development ofa common data base for an in-house mini-computer in an architect's office. G AIRNS, D. - Concrete masonry walls under lateral loading. HOLMES, I. - Development of prefabricated modular buildings, complete with associated services, suitable for use in remote bases in cold regions. LOVELL, P. - Renovation and rehabilitation ofC19th buildings. McELHINNEY, K. - Design and implementation oj'a computerized'management system forthe building industry. SALOMONSSON, G. - Evaluation of construction processes.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Australian Housing Research Council: Thermal Performance of Public Housing. ARGC: The behaviour of structural masonry. Australian Heritage Commission: Documentation of noted Historic buildings and structures in Victoria. TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Technology transfer in urban and regional planning- P. A. G. Alonso. 2. Acquisition and application of exogenous data by Victorian planners - P. A. G. Alonso. 3. Perceptions of the quality of the environment and the effects ofthe Eastern freeway (F19) on Carlton residents - R. G. Bookman, R. G. Wyatt. 4. Biophysical, visual and historical components of Victoria's rural landscapes - W. B. Calder. 5. Landscape character types within the Otway Ranges - W. B. Calder (in association with A. Thornley, Town and Country Planning Board). 6. Mapping of shoreline plant communities and evidence of human impacts in Western Port Bay. Stage l.-W. B.Calder. 7. A comparative analysis of regional shopping centres in Melbourne-W. J. N. Flannigan. 8. Industrial estate development in Melbourne: a case study - W.J.N. Flannigan, J. Robinson. 9. Regionalism in Victoria - A. Logan. 10. Equity aspects ofthe Victorian statutory planning framework-A. Logan, E. Ogilvy. 11. Evaluation ofthe Fitzroy Collingwood Rental Housing Association - N. P. Low. 12. Analysis of housing policy under Labour Governments in S.E. England-N. P. Low. 13. Policy co-ordination in the State Government of Victoria -N. P. Low. 14. Spatial distribution of spending on teachers salaries in metropolitan Melbourne - N. P. Low. 15. An investigation of the relevance and application of problem resolving methods for planning practice-G. E. Ogilvy, V. M. Davies. 16. Evaluation of action methods in town planning education - B. T. Tyson. 17. Statutory planning in Victoria; Town Planning Appeals Tribunal Decisions (Multi-level index)-A. P. W. Williams. 18. Computer-search techniques for complex urban strategy selection - R. G. Wyatt. 19. Centrographic techniques-R. G. Wyatt. 20. Complexity in policy-design-R. G. Wyatt.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapter of Book 1. OGILVY, E. G. - Public Involvement in Recreation Planning, in Recreation Planning and Social Change in Urban Australia, ed. D. Mercer and E. Hamilton-Smith, Sorrett, Melbourne, 10:124-131 (1979). Articles 2. ALONSO, P. A. G. - Australian Cartographic Bibliography. Cartography, 11: 108-112 (1979). 3. ALONSO, P. A. G.-Thc The Globe. 11:1-2] (1979). 4. ALONSO, P. A. G. - Map Collections in Libraries: Starting, Building Maintaining Them. School Library Bulletin, Victorian Education Department, //: 2-24 (1979). 5. FLANNIGAN, W. J. N. - In-housc Post-experience Education for Planners. Polis, A Planning Forum. 6(1): 33-37 (1979). 6. FLANNIGAN, W. J. N. - Planning at thc Local Government Level for a Litter Free Environment. Memo, ii: 38-41 (1979). 7. FLANNIGAN, W. J. N. - The City as a Building Site. The Chartered Builder. 26: 55-63 (1979). 8. FLANNIGAN, W. J. N. - Project Work in Planning Education: A Critical Appraisal and Some Pertinent Issues. Planning Outlook. 21(2): 8-12 (1978). 9. FLANNIGAN, W. J. N., NEILSON, L., CROLL, G., WARD, G. - Shepparton, Victoria. A Regional Centre. Architecture in Australia. 60(5): 783-818(1971). 10. LOGAN, A. - Recent Directions of Regional Policy in Australia. Regional Studies. IS: 153-160(1979). 11. LOW, N. P. - Urban Management, some Models for Policy Making. Long Range Planning. 12(5), Pergamon Press, Oxford (1979). 12. LOW, N. P. - Practice: M.M.B.W. Vision Short on Thought. Roval Australian Planning Institute Journal, 17(4) (1979). 13. MORRISON, D. - Factions toy with Westernport Plan, Roval Australian Planning Institute Journal. 17(2) (May, 1979).


Faculty Research Papers 14. BOOKMAN, R. - A Survey of Town Planning Students in Victoria. Research Paper No. 60. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional Planning. Melbourne (1979). 15. CALDER, W., CHAMBERLAIN, J., DAVIES, P. and NADEBAUM, L. - Warringine Creek catchment and estuary: A landscape assessment study. Research Paper No. 56, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional Planning, Melbourne (1979). 16. FLANNIGAN, W.J.N. - Shire of Shcrbrooke: Strategy and Policy Planning Study, Research Paper No. 54, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional Planning, Melbourne (1979). I 7. LOGAN, A. and OGILVY, E. - Preferred Development Areas and Negotiated Planning, Research Paper No. 59. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional Planning, Mclbourne(1979). 18. ALONSO, P. A. G. - Map Sources of Victoria, Nationwide Map Week Committee (Victoria) brochure (August, 1979). (Adapted from Victorian Planners Catalogue of Maps and Map Sources. Research Paper No. 58, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Town & Regional Planning, Melbourne (1978).)

Reports and Notes 19. BOOKMAN, R. - An Assessment ofthe Social Disruption on Alexandra Parade Residents caused bv the Opening of the Pastern (F19) Freewav. Town Planning Advisory Service, Melbourne (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Master of Urban Planning 1. CRUICKSHANK, A. - An Urban Input-Output Model-Melbourne. 2. EDGINGTON, D.- Micro-Level Processes and the Future Role of Melbourne's C.B.D.

PhD Theses in Progress ALONSO, P. A. G. - Environmental standards, value systems and social formation in Australian urban and regional planning. BLAKE. A. - Infill control in historic areas. BREALEY, T. - Identification and measurement of significant environmental variables.

MTRP Theses in Progress FAUBEL, M. - Implementation of statements of planning policy. HEMMING, A.-A general theory of planning. MARTON, R. - Citizen participation: authority and decision-making at local government level. MORRISON, D. - The physical planning implications of the changes from rural to urban on thc outskirts of Bandung (Java) Indonesia.

MUP Theses in Progress APPELBEE, L. - Criteria for evaluation ofthe role of government in residential land and housing management. ARON, J. - Housing in Melbourne. BEATTIE, N. - Perceived environmental quality- the use of linear models to approximate the en vironmental evaluation progress. BONATO, C. - Towards the comprehensive assessment of housing needs - the Northcote case study. CASH MORE. P. - Systems ideology in planning-an evaluation. CHAMBERLAIN, J. - Environmental effects of industrial development DA VI ES, P. - A n in vestigation of historical and cultural influences on landscape. HATJIANDREOU, M. -1mproving opportunities for personal mobility in Melbourne. LANTER1, A. - Compensation for Town Planning. LENNIE, O. - Mela-planning and regional planning authorities in Victoria. MACLELLAN, S. - Measuring the spatial element ofthe Victorian Education budget. NADEBAUM, L. - Management ofVictoria's visual landscape resources within the Government legal and administrative structure. TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING 17

NANKER VIS, iM. - Cognitive maps - perceptions of accessibility. SMITH, J. - Threshold analysis applied to planning in metropolitan Melbourne-an evaluation. WOLINSKY, G. - Retail markets in Melbourne: an evaluation for urban planning. WORSFOLD, G. - The neighbourhood concept and social network.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Ministry for Conservation: Impacts of existing port/industrial development on the shoreline of Western Port Bay. Department of Housing and Construction (Federal): Evaluation of the Fitzroy/Collingwood Rental Housing Association. FACULTY OF ARTS

Dean's Report Research in the Faculty continues to be widely diversified. The Faculty contains nine humanities and social science departments, three of which are directly represented in the Faculty of Science. There are also nine language departments plus tlie Language Cciilic. Research can therefore be expected to vary from the scholarly book which is very' much the product of its author's study and reflection to the joint report with a mass of statistical appendices. With such a variety of publication, crude statistics are not very informative. It is nevertheless interesting to note that books published by Faculty members rolled off the presses on an average of one every fourteen days in 1977,one every ten days in 1978 and one every fifteen days in 1979. Articles have ranged from essays in Chinese in the publications of the Academica Sinica, Taipei (East Asian Studies), to studies of the Australian drinking driver and risk taking at intersections (Psychology and Criminology). Such diversity produces very variable demands on the available funds. A philosopher may require money for typing several drafts of an article, a linguist or political scientist may need to travel to his country of interest, a geographer may wish to construct a complete new laboratory. The Faculty's Research and Graduate Studies Committee has taken on additional responsi­ bilities in this area. Although the bulk of research funds are distributed through departments, the Faculty has organized a programme of postgraduate travel grants in aid, and the competitive use of a research development fund. Although many Arts graduates now feel the need to complete a full Ph.D. programme, the Faculty's traditional M.A. still fills a useful purpose. In addition to the M.A. by research thesis alone, some departments now offer specialized M.A.'s like that in clinical neuropsychology which provide a recognized professional qualification. More technical training, and greater sophistication in research techniques has increased the demand for more complex equipment. Computer usage has greatly increased and the Faculty has been eager to explore the advantages offered by the varieties of word processors. The Faculty has successfully applied New Development funding to the extension of its research interests. Not all of this research falls easily into a single department and the programme in Public Policy Studies, for example, has no single departmental home: it involves co-operation between members of the Departments of Political Science, Psychology, Criminology, History and Philosophy with other members outside the Faculty altogether. The University will need to develop new institutional arrangements to meet the needs of this type of intellectual innovation.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. The EpistlesofCyprian. 2. Thc Plays of Euripides. 3. The archaeology of Torone, Chalkidiki, Greece. 4. The Epigrams of Callimachus. 5. Hellenistic Greek Literary Symbolism. 6. The Comedies of Plautus. 7. Neo-Latin Literature. 8. Juvenal's Satires. 9. Modem Greek Folksong and the Rebeliko tragoudi. 10. The Poet Angelos Sikelianos. 11. The Epics of Homer.


Books 1. CONNOR, P. J. and HOME, R. W. - Aepinus's Essay on ihe Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, with an introductory monograph and notes by R. W. Home, translation by P. J. Connor, Princeton University Press (1979). 2. GAUNTLETT, S. and CARROLL, M. - Images of the Aegean (an anthology of modern Greek poetry, annotated and with a metrical appendix), 2nd cd., University of New England Publishing Unit, Armidale (1979).

Chapters of Books 3. CONNOR, P. J. - A Geometric bronze horse in the University of Melbourne, in Studies in Honour of Arthur Dale Trendall. ed. A. Cambitoglou, Sydney Universitv Press, 61-67 (1979). 4. CONNOR, P.J. - Thc Georgics as description: aspects and qualifications, in Virgil's Ascraean Song. ed. A. J. Boyle, Hawthorn Press, Melbourne, 34-58 (1979). 5. KEDDIE, J. N. - The identity of Aelius Gallus (Tacitus, Ann.. V. 8,1), in Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History. I. ed. C. Deroux (Collection Latomus 164), Brussels, 312-316(1979). 6. MARTYN, J. R. C. - George Buchanan's Eranciscanus, in Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Amstelodamensis. ed. P. Tuynman, G. Kuipcr, E. Kcssler Verlag. Munich, 721 -746 (1979).

Articles 7. CONNOR, P. J. - Ymagc d'Alabastre: A Medieval sculpture of Saint John the Baptist. An Bulletin of Victoria. 19:60-67 (1978). 8. CONNOR, P. J. - A marriage procession. Archdologischer A nzeiger: 158-161 (1979). 9. CONNOR, P. J. - An Apulian oinochoe in the University of Melbourne, Archdologischer Anzeiger:2&2-290 (1979). 10. GAUNTLETT, S. - O 'epanastatis' Varnalis ke o 'diplomatis' Sefcris opos tous ide propolemika enas Afstralos. Antipodes, 5. 27-32 (1978). 11. MARTYN, J. R. C. - John Owen and Tudor Patronage: A prosopographical analysis of Owen's Epigrams. Humanistica Lovaniensia, 76:143-147 (19 79). 12. MARTYN, J. R. C. - Martial 1.19 and Juvenal 6.385. Hermes. 107:126-127 (1979). 13. MARTYN, J. R. C.-Serviusand Juvenal. I'hilologus. /2J/325-326 (1979).


Master of Arts 1. FERBER, J. - Theophanes' account ofthe Emperor Heraclius. 2. HOLMES, A. - The Cult of Zeus Amman.


THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis, in Progress WEBB, J. - Bronze Age Religion in Cyprus. MA Theses in Progress FIFIS, C. N. - Modern Greek poetry ofthe 1950s. FORD, P. A.- Virgil andthe Supernatural. HOGAN. S. J. - Dionvsins of Alexandria. PITCHER, R. A. - People in Martial. PODGORNIK.J. E. - The Early Books of Malalas. S PI LI AS, A. - Post- war Greek short stories. STALLM AN, C. - Studies in Early Putristic Literature. T A M1S. A. - Macedon ian Folksongs. TSANGARIS,Ci. P.-Charos. TYLER,T. A. H.-Aelred of Rievaulx:de standanlo.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED Thc following grant has been received: ARGC: Thc Epistles of Cyprian (G. W. Clarke). CRIMINOLOGY RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Revision of Victorian sentencing legislation -S. W. Johnston. 2. United Nations criminal law and sanctions-S. W. Johnston. 3. Thc strategies against patrol preventable crime - K. L. Milte. 4. Homicide in Victoria(1974-1976)-K. L. Milte. 5. Political terrorism - K. L. Milte. 6. A cross-cultural analysis ofthe police occupation role - K. L. Milte. 7. Analysis of official data on young offenders - D. O. Challinger. 8. Controlling shoplifting- D. O. Challinger. 9. Thc welfare role ofthe Victoria police force-L. E. Foreman. 10. Family and juvenile courts in Australia-L. E. Foreman. 11. The feasibility and implications of establishing a family-oriented welfare system in Australia-L. E. Foreman. 12. Social welfare research in Australia - L. E. Foreman. 13. Intersection control in residential arcas-S. A. Lovegrove. 14. Driver decision making in relation to thc road rules-S. A. Lovegrove. 15. Empirical studies of sentencing-S. A. Lovegrove. 16. Young offenders in schooling-D. N. Greig. 17. The relationship of criminology to sociology -D. N. Greig. 18. Working-class criminality - D. N. Greig.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. MILTE. K. L. and BARTHOLOMEW, A. A. - Psychiatry and the Railway Vandal. Australian and New Zealand Journal ofCriminology . /2(3): 1 75-176 (1979). 2. MILTE, K. L. and BARTHOLOMEW', A. A. - Prisoners' Rights and Behaviour Therapy. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. 12(4): 222-240 (1979). 3. LOVEGROVE, S. A. - Risk Taking, Approach Speeds and Traffic Control at Low Volume Intersections with Restricted Sight Distances. Australian Road Research. 9(2): 42-47 (1979). 4. LOVEGROVE, S. A. - Sentencing Persons Convicted of Drink Driving Offences, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. 120): 139-144 (1979). 5. LOVEGROVE. S. A. - Road Traffic Control, Driver Behaviour and thc Law. Australian Law Journal. 43:707-717(1979). Report 6. FOREMAN, L. E. - At the Crossroads? An interim report to the Criminology Research Council. THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress FOREMAN, L. E. - Present tasks and future prospects of policewomen in Victoria. MILTE, K. L.- Thc policeman's occupation role. MA Theses in Progress ANDERSON, V. A. - Couterfeiting of currency in Australia. BENNETT, P. H. - Police discretion. BROWN, G. P. - An examination of police patrol strategies in metropolitan Melbourne. DA SILVA. J. - International law. extradition and deportation: Australia. HART, M. C. - Authority andthe prison officer. HIGGINS, W. L. - Police cautions. KANDASAM Y, R. - Prison industry corporation in Victoria- Is it feasible? NEWNHAM, N. R.- Police recruiting- An examination of Victoria's police for the 21st century. SINCLAIR, K. C. - A critical analysis ofthe justifying assumptions underlying the laws proscribing homosexual behaviour.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Criminology Research Council. Various Police Associations.



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Discourse tactics and scenario-related structures in Chinese - H. F. Simon. 2. The composition of models of speech in Chinese-H. F. Simon. 3. Script reform and romanisation systems in Chinese-T. H.Chang. 4. Thcdynastic history ofthe Ching court-R. C. 1. King. 5. Symbolism and language in modern Chinese poetry-C. M. Liao. 6. Right wing nationalist movements in Japan-L. R.Oates.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. KING, R.C.I. - An Investigation of Emperor Yung Cheng's Name. Journal of the Department of Modern History, 8: Academia Sinica, Taipei. (1979). 2. SIMON, H. F. - On Being Sayable and Readable. Proc. of AULLA. XIX: 13, Brisbane (1978).

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress LIAO, C. M. -Syntax, Symbol and Image in the Poetry ofBian Zhilin and Ai Qing. MA Theses in Progress ENDREY, A. A. - Hu Peng as a Marxist Literary Theorist. HUA, F.-.4 Study of Some Selected Leftist Writersfrom 1930-1942. IRVING, R. - The Writings of Liu Dingzhen chen Dengke. LIM,G.- The Writings of Wang Wen hsing. NAILER, C. - Ch 'ii Yuan: The Emerging Personality. TROPP, L. - Some Features and Problems of Contemporary Chinese in 'Back to the Countryside' Fiction.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED The following grant has been received: ARGC: A Study of Syntactic Changes in Standard Chinese since 1949. ENGLISH

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Literary Theory in Australia - H. Felperin. 2. Thc poetics of Jonsonian Comedy-H. Felperin. 3. Language and action in The Winter's Tale-H. Felperin. 4. Milton's use of older literary models- H. Felperin. 5. Laurence Sterne, Performer- P. Steele. 6. Gibbon, biography and autobiography - P. Steele. 7. Modernist and post-modernist elements in contemporary American poetry - P. Steele. 8. Shakespearean comedy-T. Kelly. 9. Drama, Greek and Shakespearean tragedy-T. Collits. 10. Marxist literary criticism-T. Collits. 11. A study of the 'vulgar' element in Australian drama - P. Pierce. 12. An account of Australian and American literature which has been concerned with the Vietnam War- P. Pierce. 13. Literary uses of concepts of the Ages of Man in the Middle Ages and Renaissance - M. Dove. 14. Langland's Piers Plowman C-Version - G. Russell. 15. Symbolic characterization in Spenser. Donne, Milton and Joyce - R. Jordan. 16. Thomas Traherne-biography and bibliography - R. Jordan. 17. Further essays on seventeenth century poetry and drama - R. Grove. 18. Keats in his manuscripts- R. Grove. 19. Study of Elizabeth Taylor's Fiction - R. Grove. 20. Twentieth Century Australian Poetry-C. Wallace-Crabbe. 21. Literary conceptions of the self and itscontinuity-C. Wallace-Crabbe. 22. Critical commentary on Blake's Milton designs-M. Davies.

PUBLISHED WORK Books I. WALLACE-CRABBE, C. - Toil anil Spin: 'Two Directions in Modern Poetrv. Hutchinson (1979).

Articles 2. DOVE, M. - The Criticism of Mediaeval Literature: A Sermon and an Exemplum (=the portrait of the Yeoman from the General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales). The Critical Review. 2.': 36-44. 3. GROVE, R. - Blake: the note of Innocence. The Critical Review. 2/:45-56. 4. PIERCE, P. - Exploring the Territorv: Some Recent Australian Novels. Meanjin. 38(2): 225-233 (July, 1979). 5. PIERCE. P. - Kipling's Durable Hostages. C.R.N.L.E. Reviews Journal. 2: 27-29 (December. 1979). 6. PIERCE, P. - Minding Everybody's Business: the Languages of Recent Australian Fiction. Meanjin. 38(4): 501-509 (December, 1979). 7. WALLACE-CRABBE, C. - Custodians ofthe Muses' Hill. Meanjin. 38(4): 510-515 (December. 1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Master of Arts 1. HARRIS,J. M.- Three Modern Australian Poets. 2. KERR, J. - Tense and Narrative St vie in Middle English Alliterative Poetrv. 3. LYNCH. A.-Chaucer's Early Poetry. 4. PEAKE.C. - A Phenomenological Approach to John Donne.


THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ARTHUR, K.- Dante, Eliot and Beckett. DENNETT, M. - Selei. ieu modern Spiritual Poets. COLLITS, T. - Greek and Shakespearean Tragedy. DANIEL, H. - The Outsider in Post- War Australian Fiction. FORSYTH, J. - Eighteenth Centurv Shakespearean Criticism. GODDARD, J. - Mediaeval Drama. HARROP. L. - Developments in Australian Poetrv Since World War II. SHARR, R.-The Religious Subject in White's Early Novels. MA Theses in Progress BELL, P. - Public Service Writing. BRANNAGAN, S. - African 'colonial' Literature. COHN, C. - Religious Features of Modern Poetry. COLLETTE, A. - Novels of Henry James. EDWARDS, B. - Frye and Pynchon. ENGLISH, D. - Recent Novels of Thomas Keneallv. GARDE,3.-OldEnglish Poetrv. GER RARD, G. - The Novels of Samuel Richardson. GROWNEY, P. -Interpretations of Innocence and Experience in English Literature. GUILE, M. - Children in the Works ofD. H. Lawrence. HANSFORD, A.- TroilusandCriseyde. HARRIS, J. - Three Modern Australian Poets. KELLY, V.- Henry James' Heroines. KEMEN Y, A. - Virginia Woolfs Artist Figures - a Study of Four Novels. KREISMANIS, B.- Meanjin Writers and Australian Culture after World War 11. LANG, D.- Wordsworth. L1DDELOW, E. - Linguistic Analvsis of Henry James Late Fiction. McCREDDEN, L. - Henry James'Short Stories. McGUINNESS, H. - Late Nineteenth/early Twentieth Century Short Stories. McMULLEN, D. - Characterization in the Novels of Thomas' Keneallv. M ASEL, C. - Self in Modern A merican Poetry. MENDELOV1TS, J. - George Eliot. NESTOR, M. - Dickens. O'SHEA, H. - The Poetry ofSeamus Heaney. PENDER, J. - Fourteenth Century Mystics. PERRET, M. - Aristotle and Theory of Tragedy. PRICE, G. - Jung. Frye and Modern Literature. RADIC, L. - The Changing Face of Comedy. REIDY,J.- Patrick White. ROJTER, A. R. - Politics and Comedy in drama of Brecht and Shakespeare. SHAW, G. A. - George Eliot. SPENCELY, J. - Parody in the Novels of Saul Bellow. SYMES, B. - Alexander Pope. WALKER, R. - Melville. WALLACE, J. - The Breton Lai. WATERS, J. A. - George Eliot and the Nineteenth Century Family.


RESEARCH TOPIC IN PROGRESS 1. Variation in Australian English - D. Bradley.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. BRADLEY, D.-Lahu Dialects. A.N.U.P.,Canberra(1979). 2. BRADLEY, D. - Proto-Loloish, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Scries No. 39, Curzon Press (1979). ENGLISH 25

Periodical 3. MILLER. G. (ed.) - Working Papers in Linguistics. No. 5. University of Melbourne (1979).

Articles 4. BRADLEY, D. - A study of Australian English vowels by phonetics/phonology students. Talanya. 6:67-75. 5. BRADLEY, D. and BRADLEY, M. - Melbourne vowels. Working Papers in Linguistics. 5. University of Melbourne (1979). 6. BRADLEY, D. - Speech through music: the Sino-Tibetan gourd reed-organ. Bulletin ofthe School of Oriental and African Studies. XL11L3): 535-540. 7. ZATORSKI, R. J. - Bresnan's Realistic Transformational Grammar. Working Papers in Linguistics. 5. University of Melbourne (1979). 26 FACULTY OF ARTS


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. William Frater: Themes and Stylistic Variations - L. Course. 2. The Art of Frederick McCubbin. a monograph - A. Galbally. 3. Film and Television Training in Tertiary Institutions in Australia - B. J. Gilbert. 4. The role of semiotics and structuralism in film theory and criticism - B.J. Gilbert. 5. Methodologies for thc study ofthe history of film -B. J.Gilbert. 6. Marginal illustrations in a group of 13th and 14th century French psalters-M. Manion. 7. A comparative study of medieval illuminated manuscripts- M. Manion. 8. Portraiture in Padua and Hungary in thc Fourteenth Century- M. Plant. 9. The Abstract Painting of Janet Dawson -M. Plant. 10. The Besancon Missal-V. Vines. 11. Aspects of Netherlandish Art-V. Vines. 12. Directory' ofart libraries and visual resource collections in Australia - J. Stewart (and J. McGrath, State Library).

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. GALBALLY, A. - Myth-making in Australian Art. La Trobe Librarv Journal, 6(24): 65-67 (October 1979). 2. GALBALLY, A. - Notes by Frederick McCubbin. La Trobe Librarv Journal. 6(24): 68-78 (October 1979). 3. GILBERT, B.J. - Film Periodicals: A Historical Survcv, Part V: Australia 1970-1978. Cinema Papers. 19: 196-197(1979). 4. GILBERT, B. J. - Film Study Resources Guide (Study kits and films). Cinema Papers. 19: 231:240(1979). 5. GILBERT, B.J. - Film Study Resources Guide (Film Libraries and Archives). Cinema Papers. 20:311 (1979). 6. GILBERT, B. J. - Film Study Resources Guide (Commercial Film Distributors). Cinema Papers. 21:395; 400 (1979). 7. GILBERT, B. J. - Film and Television Training in Australia, Part I: The Australian Film and Television School. Cinema Papers. 22:425-427; 478 (1979). 8. GILBERT, B. J.-Film Studv Resources Guide (Australian Film). Cinema Papers. 22:413; 476(1979). 9. ZUBANS, R. - "Biographical Essay", Ethel Carrick (Mrs. E. Phillips Eox), A Retro­ spective Exhibition, Geelong. 1979.

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. GREGORY, J. - The Iconography ofthe Public Life of Christ in Ottoman Art.

Master of Arts 2. THOMSON, J. - Kenneth Powell, Stage Designer and Painter.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress EDQUIST, H. - Thematic Development and Design in Piero della Francesco. PLANT^M. - Italian fresco painting in the Fourteenth Century. RIDDLE, M.-A Study of Joseph the Patriarch in Early Christian and Medieval Art. SfMONS. P. - Ghirlandaio and the Tornaquinct Chapel: a Studv of Patronage and Portraiture in Quattrocento Florence. VINES, V. - The place of Jacques Daret in Fifteenth Century Flemish Art - a reassessment of currently held views. FINE ARTS 27

MA Theses in Progress ASTBURY, L. - Late 19th Century Australian Subject Painting. BARKER, L. - Romanesque Art and Monastic Culture. EDQUIST, R, - An Introductory Study and Catalogue ofthe Sadeler Collection of Prints in the Baillieu Library. FA IGA N, J. - 77it' Walercolours of Paul Sandb v in the Hamilton A rt Gallen: FULLERTON, P. - The War Cartoons oj Norman Lindsay in The Bulletin 1914-1S. HELMER, J. - Thc Art of George Hall. JONES, J. - Robert Dowling-Monograph and Catalogue. KIRBY. S. - Mallarme and the French Symbolists. McCRACKEN, M. - Australian Landscape Artists. 1890-1930. McNEILL. D. - Marxist Aesthetics and Sociology of Art. MOORE, F. - The Sculpture of Dani/a Vassiliejl RIDDETT, R. - Vigils of the Dead in a Group of Fifteenth Century Franco-Flemish Manuscripts. SEEGER, C-L. - Aspects of Archaic Greek Sculpture. THOMAS, D. - Catalogue on Frederick McCubbin s Works. THWAITES. V. - Aspects ofthe An of Rosso Fiorentino. VAUGHAN, G. - The Art of Maurice Denis before 1910.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED The following grant has been received: ARGC: Grant for comparative study of manuscripts in Australasian collections. 28 FACULTY CF ARTS



A. LANGUAGE 1. Studies in Romance linguistics: marginal areas and substrates-S. J. Scott. 2. Word frequency lists and vocabulary lisls-C. B. Thornton-Smith. 3. Phonetics and stylistics-A. K. Holland. 4. Language acquisition theories in Beginners' French -S. Gutierrez. 5. Aspects ofthe Anglo-Norman verb-A. Trindade.

B. LITERATURE 6. Narrative structures in Old French and Middle High German Tristan romances - A. Trindade. 7. Women's journalism in the 18th century-P. A.Clancy. 8. Mme Lcprincc de Beaumont and thc education of women in thc 18th century - P. A. Clancy. 9. Children's literature in the 18th century-P. A. Clancy. 10. A physical bibliography of Manon l.cscaul-A. K. Holland. 11. An edition ofthe English text and Louis XVI's translation of Horace Walpolc's Life and Reign of Richard UI-C. R. Duckworth. 12. A biography of the comte d'Antraigues: The Handsome Intrigucr-C. R. Duckworth. 13. French drama in performance: 18th to 20th ccnturics-C. R.Duckworth. 14. Dialogue in drama-S. Farrall. 15. Translation, wilh preface and notes, of Hubert de Castella - Les Squatters australiens. Paris. HacheUc, 1861 (300)-C. B.Thornton-Smith. 16. Bibliographical survey of first-hand accounts in French of colonial Australia, with details of published English translalions-C. B. Thornton-Smith. 17. The authenticity of the material on Van Dieman's Land in Les Baleiniers: voyages au.x lerres anlipodiques, journal du docteur Felix Maynard public par Alexandre Dumas (pcre), Paris, Michel Levy Freres, 1861 -C. B. Thornton-Smith. 18. 19th century poetry - T. R. Casey. 19. Beckctt'sea'rlychildhood-C. R. Duckworth. 20. NewZealand reactions to Beckett's Wailing for Godot-C R. Duckworth. 21. Bachelard-D. K. Keuneman. 22. The theatre of Sartre-D. K. Keuneman. 23. Problems in literary criticism- D. K. Keuneman. 24. Various Mauriac studies, including Mauriac and Jansenism-C. B. Thornton-Smith.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. THORNTON-SMITH, C. B. - Translation, with preface and notes, of Hubert de Castella, Notes of an Australian Vine Grower, Mast Gullv Press (1979). 2. THORNTON-SMITH, C. B. - Graded French Vocabulary Topics (Revised Edition), O.U.P.(I979). Articles 3. CLANCY, P. A. - Mme Leprince dc Beaumont: Founder of Children's Literature in France. Australian Journal of French Studies, A'('7.(Part II): 281-287 (1979). 4. DUCKWORTH. C. R. - Literature under Fire. Australian Journal of French Studies. A'l-7(Partl): 133-135(1979). 5. DUCKWORTH, C. R. - D'Antraigue's Feminism: Where Fact and Fantasy meet. Woman andSocietvin 18th-century France. Athlone Press, 166-182(1979). 6. DUCKWORTH, C. R. - Louis XVI and English History: a French reaction to Walpole, Hume and Gibbon on Richard III. Studies on Voltaire and the 18th century, CLXXVI: 385-401 (1979). FRENCH 29

7. DUCKWORTH. C. R. - Theatre defended. Melbourne University Magazine. 1978-79. 9-13(1979). 8. HOLLAND, A. K. - The Miracle of Prevost's Grecque moderne. Australian Journal of French Studies. XVI (Part II): 278-280 (1979). 9. KEUNEMAN. D. K. - Le monde conscrvateur des Liaison dangereuscs. Australian Journal of French Studies. A'I--/(Part II): 288-294(1979). 10. LAS GOURGUES. L. - Lc Mariage de Figaro: characters, intrigue and structure. A astralian Journal of French Studies. X VI (Part 11): 29 5-299 (19 79). 11. THORNTON-SMITH. C. B. - Metamorphoses ofa diarv entry bv Francois Mauriac. Australian Journal of French Studies. A'1-7 (Part 1): 100-104(1979):

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Master of A rls FINDER. J. M. - Structure narrative des Vies dc saints cn ancien francais.

THESES IN PROGRESS I'hD Theses in Progress EGAN-LEH, J. A. - Barthes and the Banishment of Man from Literature. FLINTOFT, M. - Landscape of Desire and Threat: a Literary Study of French Garden Imagery. GALLI. B. A. M. - 77it- Idea ofthe Transccndant in Early Romantic Poetry. WAN IS. V. - The Family Constellation in the Fiction of Herve Bazin. MA Theses in Progress CARTWRIGHT. P.-The Theme of War in French Theatre. 1939-1945. D'ARCY, S. F. - La rhetorique medievalc dans la poesic des troubadours. HUGHSON. H. - Chronique dc Morcc-comparaison des le.xtes grec etfrancais. LASCARIS, T. P. - Etude descriptive de la langue dc 'Fauvci. MORGAN, M.-T. - La femme dans les oeuvres rumancsques de George Sand. PASQUA, N. M.-Analysis of Social Roles in Two of Herve Bazin's Novels. WILSON. G. J. - Morality and Personal Relationships in the Fiction of Jean-Paul Sartre. WOODMAN, S. M. - Evolution stylist iquc ct thcmatiqiic dans l'oeuvre de Daudet. WORTIIINGTON. M. J. - Mutation ct hranlc dans les oeuvres de Montaigne. 30 FACULTY OF ARTS


1. Historical geography of Australia in the late 18th and 19th centuries with special reference to the work of Matthew Flinders - T. Perry. 2. Growth of Melbourne's innersuburbs-T. Perry. 3. Maritime boundaries-V. Prescott. 4. International interaction in the early history ofgeographical thought-A. Wilcock. 5. Quantitative methods ofterrain classification-J. Massey. 6. Agricultural and pastoral land-use dynamics in Australia: 1900 to the present-J. Massey. 7. Presentation of computer-produced maps of census data on black/white and colour microfiche-J. Massey. 8. Agricultural Atlas of Victoria-]. Massey. 9. Patterns of rainfall preceding droughts in Victoria-J. Massey. 10. The role of flood inundation and flood plain maps in local perception and community response to flood risks - B. Finlayson and J. McKay. 11. Limestone hydrology and geomorphology in the Buchan area - B. Finlayson and L. Mill. 12. Antarctic geomorphology - B. Finlayson. 13. The Australian garden city and suburbs- R. Freestone. 14. Malay Settlements in Kuantan -G. Missen and M. Swift. 15. Peripheral capitalism in Malaysia -G. Missen. 16. Analysis ofsandy shoreline changes during the past ccntury-E. C. F. Bird. 17. Coastal management in the humid tropics-E. C. F. Bird.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. PRESCOTT. J. R. V. - Frontiers and boundaries, Croom and Helm, London. 210pp. (1978) . 2. PRESCOTT, J. R.V. and LOVERING, J. F. - Last of Lands - Antarctica, M.U.P., Melbourne, xi+212pp. (1979). 3. PRESCOTT, J. R. V. (cd.) - Australia's continental shelf. Nelson, Melbourne, x+198pp. (1979) . Chapters of Books 4. BIRD, E. C. F. - Coastal erosion, in Wissenschafe and Meinscheit, ed. A. A. Logunow, Urania - Berlag, 72-83 (in German) (1978). 5. BIRD, E. C. F. - Geomorphology of the sea floor around Australia, in Australia's Continental Shelf cd.}. R. V. Prescott, Nelson, Melbourne, 1-21 (1978). 6. BIRD, E. C. F. - Coastal processes, in Man and Environmental Processes, ed. K. J. Gregory andD. F. Walling, Dawson, 82-101 (1979). 7. BROOKFIELD, H. C. - Urban bias, rural bias and the regional dimension: to the house of Twcedledcc, in Towards a New Strategy for Development, ed. K. Q. Hill, Pergamon, New York, 97-121 (1979). 8. BROOKFIELD, H. C. - Lakeba, the eastern islands and the work of the project in retro­ spect, in Lakeba: Environmental Change, Population Dynamics and Resource Use, ed. H. C. Brookfield, UNESCO/UNFPA Population and environment project in thc eastern islands of Fiji, Islands Report, 5:217-44 (1979). 9. PERRY, T. M.- Matthew Flinders-The Man, in Matthew Flinders: the Ifs of Historv. ed. R. W. Russell, Flinders University of South Australia, 49-62 (1979).

Articles 10. BIRD, E. C. F. - Sites of special scientific interest. Victorian Naturalist. 96( 1): 21 -8 (1979). 11. BIRD, E. C. F. - I. G. U. Commission on the Coastal Environment, a presentation of current projects. Sea Level. 2:8-13 (1979). 12. B1RD,E. C. F.and PASKOFF, R.-Relationships between vertical changes of land and sea level and the advance and retreat of coastlines. Proceedings ofthe Symposium on Coastal Evolution in the Quaternary, cd. K. Suguio, San Paulo, Brazil: 29-40(1979). 13. BROOKFIELD, H. C. - Land reform, efficiency and rural income distribution: contribu­ tions to an argument. Pacific Viewpoint, 20:33-52 (1979). GEOGRAPHY 31

14. FINLAYSON, B. L. - Electrical conductivity: a useful technique in teaching geo- morphoXoffi. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 3(2): 68-87 (1979). 15. FREESTONE. R. G. - Minneapolis Public Library from 1885. Part One: The First Library. Hennepin County History. 38(2): 13-22 (1979). 16. FREESTONE, R. G. - The Geography of Urban Public Librarv Development. Minnesota Libraries. 25(10), 299-310 (1978). 17. MASSEY, J. S. - Quantification in Landscape Studies. Proceedings of an International Symposium on Contemporary and Integrated Landscape Research. Slovak Academy of Sciences, Smolenice, CSSR, Vol. 1, pp. 59-90. 18. MASSES', J. S. - Computer Mapping Victoria's Agricultural and Pastoral Land Use: 1906 to 1975. Aust. Ceog. Stud. April, 1979: 18-32. 19. MASSEY. J. S. - Automated Production of Colour Animated Movies Showing Computer- Produced Maps. Conference on Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis. Adelaide, 13-15 August 1979. sponsored by The Institution of Engineers. Australia. 20. PRESCOTT, J. R. V. - Problems of international borders with particular reference to the current negotiation ofthe Indonesia-Papua New Guinea agreement concerning administra­ tive border arrangements. The Indonesia-Papua New Guinea Border: Irianesc Nationalism and Small State Diplomacy, ed. R. J. May. Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific Studies. Australian National University. 12-32 (1979).


THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BI RD. J. F. - Environmental history of Victorian river systems. BOSTON, K. G. - The physiographic role of'Spartina. DE VRIES. B. - The nature of the interior - an examination ofthe explorers'assessments of landscape in the State of South Australia 1802-1864. CARNEVALE, F. N. - The political geography of international organisations. FREESTONE. R. G. - Australian garden city and suburbs. MILES. I. W.- 'The morphology and dynamics of tidal channels. PARTON, A. - Agricultural land-use change in Melbourne's rural-urban fringe 1950-76. TEH. T. S. - Beach ridge systems in Malaysia.

MA 'Theses in Progress ANDERSON. B. L. - Trade and industry policies and how ihey affect the international location of industry between developed and developing countries. CABENA, P. B.- Transhumance in thc Victorian Alps. COHEN. S. E. - Urban development in Kuala Pilah District. Malaysia. FRANCE, L. - Perception in the geographical environment. GRUNFELD, H. - Agricultural and pastoral land use changes in the Wimmera region 1906-1975. LANCASHIRE, C. I. - Historical geography of central Victoria. SHARP, N. R. - Land-use and settlement in the Daylcsjbrd region.

MSc Theses in Progress GELL, R. A. - Beach systems on the Viclorian coast. QU1N N, P. B. - Erosion surfaces in the geomorphology of southern central Victoria. WHITE, S. - Past landforms and their relation lo quaternary calcareous dune ridges at Bat Ridge. Portland. Victoria. 32 FACULTY OF ARTS

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Movements of sand dunes on the Victorian coast-E. C. F. Bird. Caulfield Institute of Technology. Funding for new initiatives: Agricultural Atlas of Victoria - Massey. J. S. CSRG: Agricultural Atlas ofVictoria-Massey,}. S. Department of Agriculture, Victoria, OAP: Agricultural Atlas oj'Victoria -Massey, J. S. Ministry of Conservation: Sites of environmental significance - E. C. F. Bird. N. Rosengren, M. Williams. UNU: Coastal management in Indonesia-E. C. F. Bird. UNESCO: Coastal management in thc humid tropics- E. C. F. Bird. GERMANIC STUDIES

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Expressionist literature - M. Adams. 2. A reference grammar of Dutch-B. Donaldson. 3. Introduction to Weimar Classicism -C. Grawe. 4. Critical commentary on Schiller's Die Fiesco zn Genua -C. Grawe. 5. The Dutch regional novel-Ci. van Hoeydonck. 6. Textbook on the analysis of comics-G. van Hoeydonck. 7. An examination ofthe manuscript and printed versions of Wedekind's "Lulu" plays - H. Maclean. 8. AnalysisofSwedish textbooks-J. Martin. 9. Teaching migrants in Sweden-J. Martin. 10. Translation ofnovels bv Arne H. Lindgren - J. Martin. 11. History of German Literature 1789-1830-G. Schulz.


Books SCHULZ, G. (ed.)-Isidorus Oriemalis. Guido(1808). Lang, Bern, xxiv + 360 (1979). SCHULZ, G. (ed.)-Rostorf Dichter-Garten (1807). Lang, Bern, xxxviii + 362 (1979). Chapter of Book SCHULZ, G.-Johannes Bobrowski: Dorfmusik. In: Frankfurter Anthologic. 4. Inscl. Frankfurt. 183-187(1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress PERCZUK. Y. - The Journey Motif in thc Novels of Max Frisch. MA Theses in Progress ACKER, U. - Hans Arp s Die Wolkenpumpe. FRIEDEL. M. - Motive aus Hoffmanns Die Elixiere des Teufels im zeitgenossischen Kontext. KALITO. J. - The Theme of Self-Realisation in the Novels of Max Frisch. RYRIE, H. - Hans Arp s Mondsand.

GRANT RECEIVED The following grant is continuing: ARGC: Grant for Professor Schulz's History ofGerman Literature.




A. AUSTRALIAN HISTORY 1. Social and political history of New South Wales 1788-1860-J. Hirst. 2. Women and the family in colonial Australia - P. Grimshaw. 3. History of Tasmania from the earliest times- L. Robson. 4. Sir Charles Gavan Duffy-J. Parnaby. 5. Australian Bicentennial History Project, 1888 section-G. Davison. 6. Soldier settlement after World War I - J. Templcton. 7. History of Footscray-J. Lack. 8. The Australian soldier and Britain 1914-18-L. Robson.

B. BRITISH HISTORY 9. Household of Cardinal Wolsey - L. Gardiner. 10. 16th and 17th Century English Puritanism - D. Kennedy. 11. Crime and law-enforcement in England c. 1780-1850- D. Philips.

C. EUROPEAN HISTORY 12. Government ofthe Papal State under Paul II (1464-71)-1. Robertson. 13. 15th Century Witchcraft treatises - C. Zika. 14. Local government during the French Revolution - A. Patrick. 15. The development and implantation of Socialism in France-C. Sowerwine. 16. The Jewish Community of Regensburg in 19thCentury-J. Foster.

D. AMERICAN HISTORY 17. Comparative studies of Dutch and English settlers in 17th Century New York state - D. Merwick.

E. ASIAN HISTORY 18. The Great Ritual Controversy in Ming China-C. Fisher. 19. The Hakka Chinese - S. T. Leong.

F. ANCIENT HISTORY AND PRE-HISTORY 20. Ancient History-W. Culican. 21. Roman history and historiography-R. Ridley.

G. SOCIAL, CULTURAL HISTORY 22^ Social history of British and U.S. Navy lower deck sailors-G. Dening. 23. Study of ethnographic history and an historiography of theories concerning the semiotic nature ofculture-G. Dening. 24. Origins of urban sociology, Britain and U.S. A., 1800-1930 -G. Davison. HISTORY 35


Chapters of Books 1. BLAINEY, G. - New Zealand and Australia: Social and Cultural Similarities and Differences, in Australia and New Zealand Relations, ed. R. Havburn, University of Otago, /0:9I-1OO(1978). 2. BLAINEY, G. - Introduction to 125 Years of Age, ed. G. Hutton and L. Tanner, Nelson, ix-xi (1979). 3. BLAINEY, G.-Preface to Tlie Gold Fields and Mineral Districts of Victoria, R. B.Smyth, Queensberry Hill Press, i-iii (1979). 4. BLAINEY, G. - Antidotes for History, in Historical Disciplines and Culture in Australasia. ed. J. A. Moses, University ofQueensland Press, 6.82-100 (1979). 5. BLAINEY, G. - Patrick Hannan, The Prospector, in Westralian Portraits, ed. L. Hunt, University of W.A. Press, 73-77(1979). 6. DENING, G. - Transculturalism and Marginality. in Counter Predictive Outcomes, ed. Jean L. Martin, A.N.U. Press, Canberra, 57-66 (1979). 7. HIRST, J. - La sociedad rural y la politica en Australia, 1850-1930, in Argentina y Australia, ed. J. Fogarty, E. Gallo and H. Dieguez, Institute Torcuato di Telia, Buenos Aires, 77-98 (1979). 8. LACK. J. - William Ah Kel, in Australian Dictionary ofBiography, vol. 7, ed. B. Nairn and G. Serle, Melbourne University Press, 19-20 (1979). ' 9. LEONG, S.T. - Traditional Issues in Sino-Soviet Relations since 1949, in China: Development and Challenge, cd. S. K. Waung, Centre for Asian Studies, Universitv of Hong Kong, 1 17-45(1979). Articles 10. DAVISON, G. - The Dimension of Mobility in 19th Centurv Australia. Australia 1888. Bulletin. 2:7-32 (1979). 11. DAVISON, G. - Australian Urban Historv: a progress report. Urban Historv Yearbook: 100-109(1979). 12. DAVISON, G. - Thc Melbourne University Social Survcv 1941-3. Australia 1938-1988. Bulletin. 3:6-8 (1979). 13. FISHER, C. - The Great Ritual Controversy in the Age of Ming Shih-tsung. Bulletin for the Study ofChines e Religion. 7 (1979). 14. GRIMSHAW, P. - Women and the family in Australian history - a reply to The Real Matilda. Historical Studies. 18(12): 412-21 (1979). 15. GRIMSHAW, P. - Reflections on Engels' The Origin ofthe Familv. Private Property and the State. Hecate, 5(1): 65-74 (1979). 16. MERWICK, D. - Dutch Townsmen and Land Use: A Spatial Perspective on 17th Century Albany, New York. William and Mary Quarterly. XXXVII: 53-78 (Jan. 1980). 17. RIDLEY, R.-Sumerian royal inscriptions ofthe early dynastic period. Mundus Antiquus, 2:79-94(1978). 18. RIDLEY. R. - The genesis of an historian: Gibbon's English journal. Mundus Antiquus. 2: 64-78(1978). 19. RIDLEY, R. - In collaboration with Theodor Mommsen: Ettore Pais and the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. Klio. 67:497-506 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. BARRETT, A. H. B. - The Civic Frontier: the Origin of Local Communities and Local Government in Victoria, 1834-70. 2. MITCHELL, C. J. - The French Legislative Assembly. April-September 1792. 3. MOLLER, A. G.- Bellicose Nationalist of Republican China: An Intellectual Biography of Fit Ssu- 'Nien. 4. TABBERNEE, W. - The Opposition to Montanism from Church and State: A Study ofthe History and Theology ofthe Montanist Movement as shown by Writings and Legislation of the Orthodox Opponents to Montanism. Master of Arts 5. BLASKETT, B. A. - The Aboriginal Response to White Settlement in the Port Phillip District 1835-1850. 6. CHAMBERS, M. F. - Polynesian Missionary Teachers in the Western Pacific 1830-1870: A Study in Culture Contact. 36 FACULTY OF ARTS

7. HARRIS. J. C. - Richard Sibbes: A Moderate in Early 17th Century Puritanism. 8. HORSLEY, A. - Roman Lugdunum. 9. LEMON. A. G. L.- James Balfour. 10. MARENDY. E. - 77ie Gallic Religion and Rome. 11. PEOPLES, K. - The Oreo.! War and the Churches in Bendigo. 12. POOK, H. F. - Depression and Government in Victoria 1929-1932: A Study in Labour Politics. 13. REEVE. L. J. - Clarendon and the English Revolution. 14. ROSANDER. E.-History Material in Victorian Museums. I 5. USSHER. B. - Religion and the Social Structure: An Analysis of the Salvation Army's Role in Late 19th Century Melbourne.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ADLER, J. - The Jews in Paris. 1940-1944. COPE, G. S. - The Woollen Industry in 19th Centurv Victoria. DUNST A N, W. D. - The Melbourne City Council 1860-80: A Study in Urban Politics. EAGLE, M. E. - Painting in Sydney from World War I to 1930. FAHEY.J. C- Wealth and Poverty in Northern Victoria. GILLAM. R. A. - Thc Origins and Characteristics of the Cult ofthe Goddess Ilaihor from the Earliest Times to the 13th Dvnastv. GRIMSHAW, P. A-A Social Historv of Women in Culture Contact in the Pacific. 1797-1850. HOWE, A. - Anglo-Dutch Politics in Colonial New York Cit v. 1700-1760. HUEGE dc SERVILLE, P.-The Upper Classes in Victoria. 1850-1914. JOHNSTONE, C. B. - History of the Origins. Formation and Early Development ofthe Broken Hill Associated Smellers Pty. Ltd. JORDAN, D.}.-Nettie Palmer: Australian Women and Writing. McCONVlLLE, C.J. - Urbanisation ofthe Irish: Migration from Ireland to Melbourne and Sydney from 1850 to 1900. MACLEAN, P. J. - Eastern European Jews in Germany 1918-1939. RASMUSSEN,C. A. - 'The Anti- War Movement in Australia in the 1930s. REEVES, A. P. - Trade Unions and Communism: Industrial Recovery in Australia and Great Britain 1930-1939. ROBERTS, B. D. - A Study ofthe late Chartist Press. 1848-1856. STEPHEN, S. J. - ' Youth' and the City in Australia and America. STRAHAN, L. M. - Meanjin Quarterly in the context ofA ustralia's cultural historv. TEMPLETON, J. D.- The Boys Come Home': A Study of World War I Veterans. THORNTON-SMITH, P. ft.- 1917 Australian Federal Election. TREMBATH,G. R.- 'The History ofthe Royal Viclorian 'Trained Nurses' Association 1901-34. UNDERDOWN, M. R. - The Japanese Role in Mongolian Nationalist Movements. VLAHOGIANNIS.N.-A-//'/!nc/ato- VI. KingofPonlus. WATTS, R. - Welfare Planning in Australia. 1938-1946. WOOD-ELLEM, E. O. - Queen Salote Tupou 111 and Tungi Mailejihi: a study of leadership in 20th Century Tonga (1918-41). YULE. P. - The Tariff Reform Movement and the Unionist Parly 1903-1914. ZIMMER, J. K. - Islamic Jewellery. MA Theses in Progress ALSOP, G. - British Educational Policies in Hong Kong in late 19th Century. ASHER, L. - The Women's Electoral Lobby and its relation to other early Australian Feminist- groups. BOANAS, G. A. D. - 15th Century Roman Antiquarians and the 'Restoration 'Papacy. BRAND, D.L.D. -Annotated Bibliographical Guide to the University of Melbourne Archives. BROWNING, H. O. - Some aspects ofthe move lo federation and the writing ot the Australian Constitution Act of1900. CARTER, J. D. - The Role of Collectors of Archaeological Relics in Victoria prior to professional Archaeological Studies. COFFEY, S. E. - The National Sunday League and Anti-Sabbatarianism in 19lh Century England. CRITCHETT, J. F. - A History of the Framlingham and Lake Condah Aboriginal Stations, 1860-1918. DESCHAMP,B. D.-John Wycliffe: His Reputation at the Time of the Reformation. DOLAN, N. S. - Pressmen and the War: An Examination of the relationship between some leading British newspapermen and politicians and High Command during World War I. HISTORY 37

DOWNEY. N. C. - Irish Female Immigration, c. 1848-1870. EGAN, J. B. - Reaction of the British Medical Profession to Anettrin Bevan and his National Health Service Legislation. ELLIS, J. J. - Altitudes of Obedience and Allegiance of Radical Early 17th Century Puritans. FAHEY, A. - Family in New York City in 18th Century. GRIFFITHS, T. R. - Beechworth: Historical Consciousness in a Small Town. HELMS, C. IL- Anglican Missionaries in British New Guinea. HOLL1NGWORTH, J. M. - Class Discrimination and Imperialism in early 20th Century Australian Children's Literature. HOOPER, E.R. - Antiquarian Theory concerning the Origin ofthe Cells in Central and Western Europe in Prehistoric Times. HOPKINS, M.- German Resettlement Policy. 1939-45. HORROCKS, L. C. - The 'Endeavour'in the Pacific: Aspects of Culture Contact. JONES, G. O. M. - 19th Century Middle Class Women in Australia in Employment: Governesses and Teachers. KISS, R. E. - Fitzroy in the 19th Centurv. KRAUSS, W. -,-1/7 Autobiography. LA MACCHIA.G. L.- 'Thalassocracy': The Great Naval Age 1875-1925. LASTER, K. - The Utopian and Ami- Utopian Traditions: their influence on future forecasting. LEWIS.R. J.- Victorian Governments and lhe Chinese. 1880-1910 LYNZAAT, A. M.- Women in the Clothing and Textile Trade in Victoria. 1880-1950. McKAY, P. M. - History ofl he Cement Industry in Australia. McMULLIN, A. F. R. -Perceptions ofthe Great War in Australia. 1914-1938. McPHERSON,A. B.- William Butterfield and the Building of St. Paul's Cathedral. Melbourne. MACPHERSON, P.J. - The Early Settlement and Pastoral Development of North-Eastern Victoria, with panicular reference to thc Dockers of'Boniherambo'. M ATHES, C. R. - The Godly Magistrate in the Long Parliament. M1LLMAN, J. - Thc Organization and Administration of Institutions for the Mentally III in Victoria. 1850-86. O'BRIEN, L. - Destitute Old Age in Victoria in the Colonial and early Commonwealth Period. PR1ED1TIS, Ci. - The Beginning cf Australian Post- War Immigration: Baltic Immigration in the late 1940s and early 1950s. ROFE. D. -5. Francesco Romana. ROLFE, A. - Echuca in the 20th Century: Aspects of its Social History. SAGAZIO, C. - The Victorian Labor Party, c. 1885-1900. SAGONA. A. G. - Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in Eastern Anatolia and 'Transcaucasia. SAGONA. C. R. - The Origins of ihe Sea Peoples. SCHUTT,R. E.-Samuel Barnett and Tovnbec Hall. TYRRELL. M. L. - / 7th Century Quakerism. UULF, R.-.-l Socio-Economic Model for the Study of Women in Colonial Australia. WAJSENBERG. J. - Migration of Jews from Bialystok (Poland) to Australia. WATTS. L. A. - Norman Mailer: Facingand Making History. WHITING, M. K. -An Interpretation ofthe Iconography on some Graeco-Roman Amulets. WILLIAMS, H. K. - Henry Fielding: His Literary. Political-legal works in relation to his work as a London Magistrate. WINZENRIED, A. P.-The Sabbatarian Controversy of the 1590s. ZOGBAUM. H. - The Abolition of Images and Iconoclasm in Southwest Germany during the early Reformation.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED The following grant has been received: Australian War Memorial: Soldier Settlement. 38 FACULTY OF ARTS


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. The Chemical Revolution in France 1740-! 794- H. E. Le Grand. 2. The Influence of Thermodynamics on Heat-Engine Technology in the late Nineteenth Centurv - K. R. Hutchison. 3. Public Health in the Colony of Victoria 1851-1901 -D. Dyason. 4. The Mathematization of Physics during thc Eighteenth Century - R. W. Home. 5. The Role of Magic in thc Scientific Revolution - K. R. Hutchison. 6. The Demarcation ofScience from Non-Science - H. Krips. 7. Theories of Space and Time -H. Krips. 8. Foundations of Quantum Theory - H. Krips. 9. Mathematical Heuristic, with special reference to classical (Euclidean) geometry' - J- Pottage. 10. Social Factors in Scientific Change-H. E. LcGrand. 11. Philosophical Problems of Scientific Explanation - S. Gaukrogcr. 12. Non-Darwinian Theories of Evolution in the Early Twentieth Century - M. M. MacCallum. 13. Physics Research in Australia 1875-1945 - R. W. Home. 14. Biology and Society in Australia, 1850-1940-L. A. Farrall. 15. The History ofthe English Eugenics Movement 1865-1920-L. A. Farrall. 16. Philosophy of Medicine-H. Krips. 17. Mathematical Truth and Ontology - F. J. Clendinnen. 18. Identity and lnter-thcoretic Reduction-F. J. Clendinnen. 19. Thc Rational Basis of Scientific Inference-F. J. Clendinnen.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. FARRALL, L. A. (cd.) - Whither Technology. Deakin Universitv, Open Campus Program (1979). 2. HOME. R. W., with CONNOR, P. J. - Aepinus s Essay on the Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Introductory monograph and notes by R. W. Home, translation by P. J. Connor. 514 pp. Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J. (1979). Chapters of Books 3. CLENDINNEN, F. J. - Inference, Practice and Theory, in Wesley C. Salmon, ed., Hans Reichenbach: Logical Empiricist, Vol. 132, Synthese Library, D. Reidel, Dordrecht/ Boston, 85-128 (1979). 4. GILLESPIE, R. P. - Asbestos: Setting a Standard, in D. W. Chambers and others, eds., Liberation and Control, a reader for the course "Knowledge and Power", Deakin University, 265-267 (1979). 5. HOME, R. W. - Out of a Newtonian Straitjacket: Alternative Approaches to Eighteenth- Century Physical Science, in R. F. Brissendcn and J. C. Eade, eds., Studies in the Eighteenth Centurv, IV: Papers presented at the Fourth David Nichol Smith Memorial Seminar, Canberra, 1976, ANU Press,Canberra, 235-249 (1979). Articles 6. DYASON, D. J. - Untimely Death in the Age of Enlightenment. Snippets, 2:47-71 (1979). 7. FARRALL. L. A. - The History of Eugenics: A Bibliographical Review. Annals of Science, 36:111-123(1979). 8. FARRALL, L. A. - Sciences in Cultures, Essay review ofthe journals Chinese Science and Journal for the History of Arabic Science. Isis, 70:584-587 (1979). 9. HOME, R. W. - Nollet and Boerhaave: A Note on Eighteenth-Century Ideas about Electricity and Fire. Annals ofScience. 36:171-176(1979). Reports and Notes 10. CLENDINNEN, F. J. - Review of Suppe, F. (ed.) The Structure of Scientific Thought (second ed. Urbana 1977). Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 56:211-273(1978). 11. FARRALL, L. A. - Growth of Science, review of Joan Radford, The Chemistry Department of the Universitv of Melbourne. Australian Book Review, p.26 (Oct. 1979). 12. GAU K ROGER, S. W. - Science and Matter. History ofScience, 17:214-216 (1979). 13. GAUKROGER, S. W. - Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 9:379-382 (1979). HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 39


Master oj Arts 1. KENNEDY. R. B. - The Beginnings of Probability Calculus with Special Reference to the Works ofDe Moivre and Simpson.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress CLA R K, J. F. - The Quantification of Electrostatics in the earlv 19lh Centurv. CUSHAN.A. M. - Medical Ethics. DAVEY, B. G. - Kantian Explications ofthe Metaphysical Residues of Newton's Concept of Space. FOX, C. A. C. - Rationality Theory and Heuristics. GA LLE, P. J. - The Meaning of Theoretical Terms. ITO, Y. - Geology and A ntiquarians in 17th Century England. JONES, L. J. - The Contribution of John Ridley to Australian Technology. NAYLER. M. A. - Theories of Muscle Function after the 17th Centurv. STOKES, T. - The Nature of Theories. TURNBULL, G. D. - Some Historical and Philosophical Aspects oj the Demarcation Between Science and Non-science. MA Theses in Progress CLAR K, C. - Science and Religion in the Work of Robert Boyle. KEEN, J. R. - Dr William McCrae. First Chairman ofthe Central Board of Health in the Colony of Victoria. KENNEDY. D. C. - On Zcno's Paradoxes. McCARTHY, M.J.- Investigations of Scientific Methods and Predictions with special reference lo Lakatos. NICOL, G. J. - Viclorian Colonial Medical Profession 1851-1865. NORMAN, P. D. - Some Aspects ofthe Role of Intuition in Science. OVERTON, R. }.- The Beginnings of Group Theorv. RAVENHALL.J.G.-CVkw/.v'rvm 19th Centurv Melbourne. REYNOLDS. K.-Late 18th Century Veterinary Science. SMITH, A. P. - The Statistical Relevance Account of Explanation. MSc Theses in Progress GILL, W. - Chemistry and Public Health in thc 19th Century. GITT1NS. M. J. - Religion and Science in the 17th Century. OZOLINS. J. T. -An Examination ofPersonalist Probability.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Biology and Society in Australia 1850-1940. ARGC: The Mathematization of Physics during thc 18th Century. ARGC: The Chemical Revolution in France 1740-1794. ARGC: Public Health in the Colony of Victoria 1851 -1901. 40 FACULTY OF ARTS


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. A critical study of Gatha-Saptasati - A. Mojumder. 2. Intellectualsand Social Change in Asia-S. N. Ray. 3. Renaissance in Bengal-S. N. Ray. 4. M. N. Roy: projected biography of a revolutionary in three volumes (first volume completed)-S. N. Ray. 5. Social organisation and religious beliefs ofthe Santals - A. Mojumder. 6. Arabic. Persian and Turkish words in Bengali - A. Mojumder. 7. Buddhism in Medieval India: a study on the condition of Buddhism in India during the period from the 10th century up to the 16th century. This research, based on literary and archaeological sources, is intended to fill thc gap which exists in Buddhist studies - T. Rahula. 8. A critical edition ofthe Apadana Pali: undertaken for the Pali Text Society, London - T. Rahula. 9. Sources for the Study of British India in the State Library of Victoria. Part II, Gazetteers, Maps and Photographs-J. M. Dunham, Beh Kim Un. H. C. Charlesworth. 10. Modernization of Bengali women in thc late nineteenth century with special reference to response of women themselves-G. Murshid. 11. Contribution of BamobodhinlPatrikd. 1863-1923, to social reform movement in Bengal - G. Murshid.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. MOJUMDER. A. - Carvapodas. Calcutta. Naya Prakash, 5th enlarged ed., xviii + 235 (1979). 2. MOJUMDER. A. - Middle IndoArvan Languages and Literature. Calcutta, Naya Prakash, 6th cd.. vii + 193(1979). 3. MOJUMDER, A. - Mavahi Betal(m Bengali), Calcutta, Jatak, 64 (1978). 4. MOJUMDER, A. -Samay Asamay Duhsamay (in Bengali), Calcutta, Jatak, 64 (1979). 5. RAY, S. N. - The World Her Village. Ellen Gottschalk Rov. Ananda Publishers, Calcutta, 376(1979). Chapters of Books 6. RAY. S. N. - A Rationalist View of Man, in M. Sinha (cd.), Man, Samatata Prakashan, Calcutta, 35-42 (1979). 7. RAY, S. N. - Section 35: pp. 122-126 in D. Narain and S. H. Deshpande. G. D. Parikh. Centre for the Study of Social Change, Bombay. 370(1979). Articles 8. MOJUMDER, A. - Tagore's Educational Experiments. Melbourne Journal of the Helen Vale Foundation. VII: 19-27(1979). 9. MOJUMDER, A. - Thc love poems of the Santals. Journal of the Folklore Academy. Calcutta. XL 197-208 (December 1978). 10. RAY, S. N. - Tagore, Gandhi and Rov, Three 20th Century Utopians. Gandhian Perspec­ tives Q uarterly. 2( 1): 1 -12 (19 79). 11. RAY, S. N. - Nastiker Dharma-jijnasa (An Atheist's Inquiry into Religion). Desh, 46(22): 1 1-15(1979). 12. RAY, S. N.-FromDeroziotoNazrul./Vfw(2uei7, 5:5-14(1977). 13. RAY, S. N. - Marxism and India. Bhavna-Chinta. 6:19-20:1:8 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. BAILEY,G. M.-The Mythology of the god Brahma. INDIAN STUDIES 41

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress DUNHAM, J. M. - Time und History in the Mahabharata. DUYKER, E. A. - Na.xalism in West Bengal: The Midnapore Uprising. A study of the guerilla warfare in rural India. MADDERN, M. - A Bengali Grammar: Structure of Bengali in relation to lhal of English. RULE, P.-CrimeandSocietyin Calcutta 1859-1947. WISE. J. J. - Western Educated Elite in Krishnagar West Bengal in late 19th Century. MA 'Theses in Progress DEY, N. -BengalCongress in Legislative Politics 1937-47. DHILLON, M. S. - Radical Trends in Indian Literature 1920-47. HOOD, i.-A Study ofAlanik Bando-podhvay: The Bengali Radical Novelist. MACH, i.-A Critical Studv of19th Centurv Moslem Elites. SOMERVILLE, M.-Serpent in Indian Culture. 42 FACULTY OF ARTS


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. SyntaxandetymologyofBahasalndonesia-J. P. Sarumpaet. 2. Modern usage in Bahasa Indonesia-J. P. Sarumpaet. 3. Compilation of Toba-Batak- Bahasa Indonesia dictionary-J. P. Sarumpaet. 4. Collection of material on thc life and work orthe writer Idrus-J. P. Sarumpaet. 5. Priangan gentry-peasantry relationships - M. Slamet. 6. "Subud" and "Pangestu" spiritual movements - M. Slamet. 7. History ofConfucian religion in Indonesia-C. A. Coppel. 8. Comparative study ofChincse and Arab minorities in Indonesia-C. A. Coppel.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books 1. COPPEL, C. A. - Contemporary Confucianism in Indonesia, in Proceedings of the Seventh I AH A Conference. Vol II. Chulalongkorn University Press. Bangkok, 739-757 (1979). 2. HARDJADIBRATA, R. R. - Consonant clusters in Indonesian, in Second International Conference on Auslronesian Linguistics: Proceedings. Fascicle I. Western Austronesian. Australian National University,Canberra, 165-180(1978). 3. SARUMPAET, J. P. - Sentences with ADA in Indonesian, in Second International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics: Proceedings, Fascicle 1, Western Auslronesian, Australian National University, Canberra, 529-535 (1978). Articles 4. COPPEL, C. A. - Arab and Chinese Minority Groups in Java. Southeast Asia Ethnicity and Development Newsletter. 3 (2): 8-15 (1979). 5. COPPEL, C. A. - Review of C. Salmon and D. Lombard, Les Chinois de Jakarta: Temples et Vie Collective (Cahier d' Archipel 6, Paris, 1977). Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. 70(1): 225-227(1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Master of Arts 1. O'NEILL, R. M. G. S.-Spirit possession and healing rites in a Balinese village.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress YOUNG, R. P.-The literary works oflwan Simatupang. MA Theses in Progress F1DDIAN, W. R. - Transmigration as a factor in regional development: An Indonesian case studv. HARDJADIBRATA, R. R. - Study of Sundanese Syntax. ITALIAN

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. FcrdinandoGagliardi and his book on Australia-C. A. McCormick. 2. The problem of Dante's "development" in the Divine Comedy-C. A. McCormick. 3. Italian dialects in Australia - M. Calio. 4. Enlightenment in 18th century Italy-C. Gundolf.


Master of Arts 1. GENOVESI, P. - // disegno storico della poesia italiana novecentesca: esame critico- polemico. 2. O'HALLORAN, I. - Saba; from Reality to Mythology.


MA Theses in Progress BERTOZZI, A. - The novels ofL. Capuana. BORGHESE, V. - Letteratura triestina. DE ROSA, M. - Luigi Santucci. DURANTE, L.-L 'anatfabetismo rijlesso nella letteratura italiana prima dell'unificazione. LEONI, E. - Ignazio Silone. MUSOLINO, A. - The poelrv of Eugenia Montale SCHIAVONI. F. - Aldo Paldzzeschi. TEH, S. - The novels of I. Svevo.



RESEARCH TOriCS LN PROGRESS 1. Hebrew in ils West Semitic Setting- A. Murtonen. 3. Muslims in Australia-A. K. Kazi. 3. A Comprehensive History of Arab Peoples- N. Mirza. 4. The de Peiresc collection ofSamaritan manuscripls-J. G. Fraser. 5. Recent Developments in Methods of Hebrew Language teaching to immigrants in Israel - Z. Shavitsky. 6. Further evidence of Israelite and Judaean Exiles in Mesopotamia up to 300 BCE - Z. Shavitsky.


Articles 1. MIRZA. N. - A Study of two great mvstics (Sufis) in Islam. ILM. August, 1979: 7-9. London (1979). 2. MIRZA, N. - The Doctrine of Imamatc in Shi ism. Ismaili Forum. September 1979: 14-15, London (1979). 3. MIRZA, N. - Remarks on thc views of an Egyptian Scholar on Shiism. Al-Nahar Weekly, December 1979: 3. Sydnev (1979). 4. KAZI.A. K. - Basics of Islam. The Australian Minaret. April 1979: 2-5, Sydncy(I979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Master oj Arts 1. FIELD, R. A. - A critical appraisal of the possible meanings of fire symbolism in the prophecy of John the Baptist and the Pentecost narrative. 2. WHITE, P. J. - The influence of Syrian asceticism on the ascelical theology of St John Chrysostom.


PhD Theses in Progress AMINOFF, 1. - The conflict between Jacob and F.sau as reflected in Midrashic-Talmudic sources and contemporary parallel literature. ATA, 1. - Impact ofthe Australian culture on the assimilation and social behaviour of Lebanese migrants in Melbourne. BERGMAN, B. - Hebrew literature-a new method of analysis. CHEN, P. L. - Mediaeval Muslim travellers and geographers and their literary works with special reference lo accounts in China. CLARK, \.-A study of Safaitic inscriptionsfrom the Eastern Desert of Transjordan. FRANK, E. - Translation and critical edition of mediaeval Syriac manuscripts. MOJUMDER, A. J.- Arabic. Persian and Turkish words in Bengali. SALT, J. - Christian imperialism in Turkey 1876-1908.

MA Theses in Progress BERGER, E. - The influence ofAgnon on modern Israeli writers. COHEN, B.- Zion - in ihe writing of Yehuda Ilalevy. FLATTLEY, K. - God and suffering in Biblical and Post-Biblical literature. FRIEDMAN, I. - Anli-semilism in the Soviet Union in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. KEDEM, R. - Symbolism in Islamic art. Middle Eastern an and an concepts. LENG, W. - Symbolism in selected Prophets in Israel. MAHON, P. - Early Christian lives ofthe Saints or Martyrs. McLOUGHLIN. C. M. - 77ie Hagiography ofthe Syriac Persian Martyrologies. MOHAMED, S. -A comparative study of family law in the Middle East and Australia. MOUSSA, Ni.-Crime and punishment in Islamic Sharia. MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES 45

MOUSSA. M. E. A. A. -A comparative studv ofAl-Farabi's First Chief and the Muslim Caliph. NASRALLAH, N. - The Palestine Problem. OKNO. G. -A critical theological analysis of St Ephraem's Hymns and Homilies. SAMSONAKIS, S. - Sociological aspects ofthe Safaitic Societv. SPENCER, G. - Translation wilh introduction and thematic exposition ofthe manuscript. On the Resurrection of Bodies by John ofDara (9th Century AD Bishop). TU DB A LL, B. - A form critical study ofthe Seventh Century Minor Prophets of Israel. WESTFOLD-SCOTT, S. B. - The llexaemeron in early Syriac Literary 'Traditions. WIGG, J. - Animal husbandry in ancient Mari. WILLING, M. J. - Biblical and archaeological study of religion in Israel during the Iron Age II period. YACOUB, T. H. - A critical study of Al-Maqrizi's view ofthe Falimid period in Egypt. 46 FACULTY OF ARTS


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. The defining criteria of'Personhood' - L. M. Broughton. 2. Human relationships- L. M. Broughton. 3. Consciousness-L. M. Broughton. 4. Aesthetics of Architecture-L. M. Broughton. 5. Just war. conscience and pacifism-C. A.J. Coady. 6. Knowing a mathematical truth - C. A. J. Coady. 7. Regress and speaker mcaning-C. A. J. Coady. 8. The epistemology oftestimony-C. A. J. Coady. 9. Hobbes's theory of obligation - C. A. J. Coady. 10. The rights of conscience, in J. H. Newman and J. Rawls-E. D'Arcy. 11. Thc effect of duress, coercion and necessity on responsibility-E. D'Arcy. 12. Significant Logic - L. Goddard. 13. Evidence-L. Goddard. 14. 'Person', T, and referring-D. L. Gunner. 15. Wittgenstein, truth, and truthfulness-D. L. Gunner. 16. Is non-psychological certainty an illusion?-D. L. Gunner. 17. Identity through time - B. Langtry. 18. The philosophy of Leibniz - B. Langtry. 19. Logical probability and induction -B. Langtry. 20. Kant's groundwork of aesthetics - M. A. McCloskey. 21. Reasons, morals and mental conflict-M. A. McCloskey. 22. Mind and morals- M. A. McCloskey. 23. Introduction to Plato'sHippias Major-M. A. McCloskey. 24. Intrinsic good - M.A. McCloskey. 25. Pleasure, beauty and good in Plato's works-M. A. McCloskey. 26. Rational man theory, and the social sciences-G. D.Marshall. 27. Activity and passivity-G. D.Marshall. 28. Space, substance and metaphysical necessity - F. Mora. 29. Kant's epistemology - T. Nemcth. 30. Thc theory of logic and language proposed in Wittgenstein's Tractatus-L. J. O'Neill. 31. The concepts of techniques of rational inquiry - L. J. O'Neill. 32. Mysticism-W. K. Presa. 33. Emotions-W. K. Presa. 34. Metaphor and imagination - W. K. Presa. 35. Materialism and dualism-B. F.Scarlett. 36. Ethics of belief- B. F. Scarlett. 37. Warand Morality-B. F.Scarlett. 38. Examination of concepts of responsive government-J. T. J. Srzednicki. 39. S. Lesniewski's Logical Papers, etc.-J. T. J. Srzednicki. 40. Contemporary importance of some Kantian problems-J. T. J. Srzednicki. 41. Motivations behind logics-J. T. J. Srzednicki. 42. The semantics of natural language - B. Taylor.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. D'ARCY, E. - Conscience and its Right to Freedom, x + 277, Sheed and Ward, London (1979). (New impression. First paperback edition, Sheed and Ward, London & New York (1961). First hardback edition, Sheed and Ward, New York (1962).) 2. D'ARCY, E. - Authority or Conscience? Newman vis-d-vis Anglo-American Philosophy, 1979. pp. 34, Pontificia Universita Urbaniana, Rome (1979). 3. SRZEDNICKI, J. T. J., ed. (with BROUGHTON, L. M., assist, ed.) - Melbourne Inter­ national Philosophy Series, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague: Vol. 5 TATARKIEWCZ, W. The History of Six Ideas - an essay in aesthetics (1979).

Chapters of Books 4. TAYLOR, B. - Truth-Theory for Indexical Languages. Reference Truth and Reality, ed. M. Plaits, Routledge, London, 182-198(1979). PHILOSOPHY 47

Articles 5. COADY, C. A. J. - Review of Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars. Philosophy, Vol. 54(209): 415-420 (July, 1979), 6. JUDGE, B. - On Reflection. Psychotherapy: Theorv, Research and Practice, Vol. 16(\): 22-29 (Spring, 1979). 7. McCLOSKEY, M. A. - Review of Perception. Emotion and Action by Irving Thalberg. Philosophy, Vol. 54(208): 264-266 (April, 1979). 8. McCLOSKEY, M. A. - Review of The Fire and the Sunby Iris Murdoch. The Australasian Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 57(2): 189-192 (June, 1979). 9. PRESA, W. K. - Theory and Practice. AA TADE. Vol.11: 1-3(1978/79). 10. SRZEDNICKI, J. T. J. - Declarative vs. Operative Signs and True. Semiotic Studies, IX: 77-87(1979). 11. WOOD, D. - Hume on Identity and Personal Identity. Australasian Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 57:69-73 (1979). 12. WOOD, D. - Rawls's Maximin Argument. The Personalis!. Vol. 60:221 -227 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. JU DGE, B. - Representation and Reality (ANV).

Master of Arts 2. DEL PORTO. A. - Davidson's Theory of Mind. 3. HENDERSON, A.-Justice. Narrowness, and Conflict. 4. RAWNSLEY,G.- Theory ofInductive Acceptance. 5. TREXLER, G. (formerly SMITH) - Kant's Distinction of All Objects in general into Phenomena and Noumena.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress AKIE, M. - Human Rights, Public Order and Social Purpose. BURNS, L.- Vagueness. CROSTH WAITE. J. - Analvsis and Comparison of Some Theories of Meaning. DEL PORTO, A. - A Study of Nozick's Contribution to Moral and Political Philosophy. FLEMING, P. - Rationality. GREY. B. - Modality. Reference and Time. HENDERSON, A. - Notion of Reciprocity, its relation to Kant's Ethics and Metaphysics. }ARASUJS,\'.-Necessity. KONDOR. J. - Explanation in the Social Sciences. M ARNELL, G. - The use of Mela-ethics. OPIE, C. - The Logical Structure of a Language Containing Vague Terms. ROBINSON. D. S.-The Semantics of Mass Terms (Monash). WOODS, M. - A Study of the Semantic Nature of Natural Kind Predicates and their Importance and Role in Rational Inquiry.

MA Theses in Progress BLONDER, I. - Psychologism: The Frege-HusserlDispute. DAVENPORT, D. C. - Problems in Dummeli's Philosophy of Language and Logic. DUSCOV IC, B. - Meiaph vsics and the Aesthetic Experience. GILHEANY,J. C. - Activity, Abilii v. Skills. HALIK. S. C. - Power. IMBERGER. H. - Quine's definition of "Logical Truth". The necessity oj non-existentional notions lo his definition. 1NG1GNERI, J. E. - Names in Fiction. JOLLEY, M. C. - Mood and Mode. LEWIS, N. T.- Time and Non-Realistic Theories of Meaning. MILLER. R. - On Explanation. MILLER, S.-Convention. M1LTIADOU. R. - 'Towards an Ethical Knowledge. 48 FACULTY OF ARTS

NEGRI. A. F.-Equality. NORTHROP. J. M.-Mcaningfulncss. POULTON, J. 1). - Getting the Point. RAINER, V. J. - Some Metuphvsical Problems, with Special Reference lo Immanuet Kant. RUSSF.1..L; S. (formerly HEATH-RUSSELL) - Kant'.? Mora! and Political Philosophy. SANDS, C. A.. - Sartre and Freud: a Review of their Theories of Mind. SOPHOCLEOUS. A. - Pleasure. The beautiful and the Sublime are Symbols of Morality (as thev come out ofEthical and Aesi helical Experience) in Kant s Critique of Judgement. TULLOCH. P'.C-Skinner and Seeing Red. WOOD, D. A. R.-Rawh s Theory of Distributive.Justice. POLITICAL SCIENCE

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. A roll-call analysis of U.S. Congressmen's ideology in 1967-76 - K. G. Armstrong. 2. Intergovernmental relationsin Victoria-J. iM. Power. 3. Political resourccsand political skills — J. M. Power. 4. Metaphor: towards a social theory of knowledge and action - D. F. Miller. 5. Public aspirations and public policy-B. W. Headey. 6. Thc Soviet intelligentsia: changing structure and roles - L. G. Churchward 7. A political biography of Governor Philip Gidlcy King, Governor of N.S.W. - J. King. 8. Marxism and individualism - D. F. B. Tucker. 9. Censorship and political freedom - D. F. B.Tucker. 10. Internal security in thc West German Federal Republic-A. H. Hughes. 1 1. The political economy ofstagtlation and structural unemployment-A. II. Hughes. 12. Beliefs and mood structures associated wilh alienation in mass publics - A. H. Hughes. 13. Public policy and prisons-A. H. Hughes. 14. Political Values and Attitudes in Australia - J. M. Holmes.


Books 1. CHURCHWARD. L.G. - Australia and America 1788-1972: An Alternative Historv. APCOL, Sydney (1979). 2. KI NG, J. - 77K' Other Side ofthe Coin - a political history of A ustralia in cartoons. Revised second ed.. Cassell, Sydney (1979). 3. POWER, J. M. (jt. aut.) - Final Report ofthe Board of Review ofthe Role, Structure and Administration of Local Government in Victoria, Victorian Government Printer (1979). Chapters of Books 4. DAVIES, A. F. - Political Socialisation, Ch. 16 of F. J. Hunt cd. Socialisation in Australia, Australian Instructional Press and Publishers. Melbourne. 301 -314 (1979). 5. DAVIES, A. F. - Varieties of Hope. Ch. 2 of Ross Ritzgerald cd. The Sources of Hope. Pergamon Press, Sydney, 24-35 (1979). 6. HOLMES, M.j. - The Liberal-National Country Party Coalition, in 77K> Australian National Elections of1977. ed. Howard Penniman, A.N.U. Press 92-124 (1979). 7. PERES, L. G. - The Changing Allocation of Resources of Science and Technology in Australia, in Science and Technology - an Australian Perspective, Proceedings of Australian Academy ofScience, 32-39 (1979).

Articles 8. ALLAN. L. - Ethnic Politics - Migrant Organisation and the Victorian A.L.P. Ethnic Stud..2(2):2\-i\ (1979). 9. CHURCHWARD, L. G. - Public Participation in the USSR. Socialism and Participation. cd. Marian Sawer, A PSA Monograph No. 24: 83-94(1979). 10. HOLMES, M. J. - Political Chronicle Victoria, A.J.P.II. I5( I): 92-103 (1979). 11. HOLMES, M.J. -Political Chronicle Victoria! A.J.PH.. /5(3): 390-398(1979). 12. HOLMES, M. J. - Administrative Chronicle Victoria. Ausi. J. Pub. Admin.. 38(1): 91 -98 (1979). 13. HOLMES. M. J. - Thc 1979 Victorian State Election. Ethos. 9(4): 36-41 (1979). 14. MILLER, D. F. - Metaphor, The Writing of History and Manning Clark. Australia 1888, 3: 53-65 (1979). 15. SIMMS, M. and TSOKHAS, K. - Ideology. Rhetoric and Liberal Party Policies on Public Enterprise. Politics 14(2): 252-264 (1979). 16. TUCKER, D. F. B. - Nozick's Individualism. Politics 14(\): 109-122(1979).


Doctor of Philosophy 1. KRIEGLER, R. - /( Comparative Examination of the social, political and normative characteristics of manual and lower white-collar workers in A ustralia. 2. WALTER. J. A.-jt'. G. Whitlam: An Essay in Political Biography.


Master of Arts 3. TSOKHAS, K. - The Political Economy of Soviet- Third World Relations. 4. WONG, W. S. -A Structuralist Study of Red Guard Language. 5. WOOLFE, T. M. - The Social Involvement of the Roman Catholic Church in the Third World - A Changing Role}1.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BERRY, M. J. - Politics of Urban Planning in Melbourne with particular reference to Resident Groups. BRETT, J. M. - The Psychoanalytic Approach to the Writer and His Language. BROWN, A. D. - Thc Determinants of Local Government Organization. BURKE, M. J. - Issues in the Australian Political Culture. CAMPBELL, F. J. - A Comparative Analysis of Class Consciousness among Blue and While Collar Workers. EDWARDS, M. R.-.-l Studv of Aspects of Extreme Right- Wing Political Activitv in Australia. GEORGIOU, P.-Organization Theory. JONES, A. - Social Planning in the Barwon Region. KING, J. - The political background of the First Fleet. KIRSNER, D. - The Words of Samuel Beckett. LOVE. J. - The Political Economvof'Antiquity. PARAMANATHAN. T. - Television Themes and Styles. RICHARDS, M. J. - The Canberra Parliamentary Press Gallery. SCHEDV1N, M. B.-Study of Political Socialization-Interaction in Marriage. VANDELOO, E. - Political Culture and Local Government. Case Studies in Municipal Politics. WEBLEY. 1. A. - Political Myth in Australia. WILSON, J. C. - Social Climbing and Peak Experience. WHITE, K. R.-A Political Biography of John Cain. WONG-SANDOR, H. K.-S. - Chinese Political Culture. MA Theses in Progress ALLAN. L. J. - Preselection in the Viclorian ALP. BAYLEY, M. I. - Teaching English lo Migrant Students. BENJAMIN, C. G. - Impact of Whitlam Government Program on Western Region of Melbourne. BENNETTO, A. W. - Post-war Educational Policy-making in Victoria. BLACK, D. E.-TheLefi Wing in Australia. BLATT, P. A. - Technology 'Transfer in India. CLARK, J. E. - Symbol and Myth in the works of Karl Marx. CON DON, R. W. - Decision-Making Procedures in University Councils. CONSIDINE, M. - Australian Government Insurance Corporation Campaign. 1975. CORN ALL, G. D. - Provision of Legal Services. CUSACK, D. H.- The Catholic Worker. DOBLE, B. A. - Focus on Alienation: Anti- Uranium Movement. DRUMMOND, G. I. - Qualities of Work in an Australian Iron Ore Mining Company. DUCK, J. L. -An organisational study of the Shipwrights' Union. EVANS, D. K. - Political Constraints in an Area of Education Welfare in Australia (Adult Literacy). FRAWLEY, P. F. - Evaluation of Albury- Wodonga Development Corporation. GOODE, J. E. - Community Health Centres in Melbourne. INACHIN, V. - The Influence of Economic Factors on Political Processes. KIELY, R. A. - The Social Adjustments ofa Sample of Single Mothers raising their Children. KRONEMANN, M. - Labour Disputes in the Soviet Union. LINDNER, W. - An exposition of Politico-linguistics. LYNCH. M. E.-Organization 'Theory. MARTIN,Z. - Western Relations with the Third World. McCRACKEN-HEWSON, J. - Democracy in Associations - Case Studies of Australian Community Groups. McLEISH, G. W. - Local Government Reform in Australia. McGREGOR, J. M. - Biography of Dame Peggy Van Praagh as Administrator. NILSON, S. - Civil Disobedience. NYE, A. D. - International Organization. OLLIVIER-JEAN, P. L. - The French and Italian Communist Parlies. POLITICAL SCIENCE

O'LOUGHLIN.T. W.- Intellectual and Cultural Elites in Australia. PANAGACOS, G. - Australian/Greek Foreign Policy Relations. PATTERSON, D. M. - The FACS Program in the Mildura Region. PHUNG, N. H.-Conventional Missile Defence in Australia. REILLY, J. J. - The Hogan Government in Victoria 1929-32. RIMMER, J. R. - The Viclorian Board of Inquiry into Local Government. RUMPF, P. B. - Policy Making in Heidelberg City Council. SHORT, P. D. - Comparative Incomes Policies under Communism and Capitalism. SI NCLAIR, A. - A nalysis of small groups as problem-solving learns. S1EVERS, J. A.-Civil Disobedience-Protest and Non- Violence. SM Y R K, L. - Marxism and Feminism. STEELE, P. - The Canberra Parliamentary Press Gallery. TONGUE, B. D. - Power and Authority in West German Politics. TURBAYNE, D. M. - Study of Government Co-ordination. WARD, M. R. - Political conflict and social order in Machiavelli. Wl LEM AN, B. - The Politics of Prison: classification and treatment of offenders. WISHART, B.-Feminism.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Public Aspirations and Public Policy. ARGC: Political Values and Attitudes in Australia. 52 FACULTY OF ARTS


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Thc natural history of personality disorders-1. M. Campbell and G. Mellsop. 2. Reduced sensory environments in (a) reduction of phobic behaviours and (b) elimination of smokingbehaviours-J. J. Summersand I. M.Campbell. 3. Refinement ofthe Ego Resilience, Extravcrsion and Authoritarianism factors of the MMPI andtheCPl-S. B. Hammondandl. M.Campbell. 4. The psychology ofthe CPI Extraversivc scales-1. M.Campbell. 5. Sanity in Madness: in collaboration with young former journalist, on this man's experience ofmadness-C. W. Langley. 6. Development of cross-modal skills in normal and brain-damaged children - A. W. H. Buffery. 7. Techniques to promote recovery from brain trauma - A. W. H. Buffery. 8. Neuropsychological difficulties associated with Broca's Aphasia-G. Kinsella. 9. Difficulties in posodic discrimination in right hemisphere lesioned patients-G. Kinsella and R. Wales. 10. Acute recovery patterns in psychological functions as found in stroke patients - G. Kinsella. I 1. Changes in intellectual function in multiple sclcrosis-G. R. Gates. 12. Auditory function in Australian mammals - G. R. Gates and L. M. Aitkin (Monash University). 13. Context effects in sentence comprehension-V. M.Holmes. 14. Syntactic and semantic strategies in sentence comprehension-V. M. Holmes. 15. Coping skills and the behaviour of dentally anxious children -N. E. McMurray. 16. Cognitive-behavioural interventions with socially withdrawn and anxious children - N. E. McMurray. 17. The development of language and communication - A. G. Cross. 18. Communication disorders in childhood - A. G. Cross. 19. Parent-child interaction - A. G. Cross. 20. The development of children in day-care centres-A. G. Cross. 21. Language Acquisition: (I) Deixis, (2) Speech perception - R. J. Wales. 22. Planning units and syntax in sentence production - M. Ford and V. M. Holmes. 23. Job attitudes in organizations with changing technologies-G. Gardner. 24. Air traffic control as a socio-technical system-G. Gardner and B. Bartlett. 25. The Melbourne Careers Project - K. F. Taylor, G. 1. Kelso, P. G. Power, H. Pretty, A. D'Arcy-Evansand N. Longthorpe 26. The developmental priority of identity conservation over equivalence conservation - R. Gold. 27. False conservations in thc concrete-operational period - R. Gold. 28. The mechanisms of theory change - R. Gold. 29. Sex differences in mathematical abilities in Form IV and Form VI students- N. Grieve and P. Pattison. 30. Students in transition from University-N. Grieve and T. Kotler. 31. Family processes associated with academic achievement in school children-T. Kotler. 32. Marital relations in a clinical and a normal sample-T. Kotler. 33. Planning and efferent components in thc coding of movement - J. J. Summers, A. Levey, J. Sommer and C. Bucovaz. 34. Lateralization of motor functions in the cerebral hemispheres - J. J. Summers and C. A. Sharp. 35. Psychological characteristics ofthe marathon runner-J. J. Summers and G. Sargent. 36. Social impact analysis - A.J. Wearing. 37. Policy evaluation - A. J. Wearing. 38. Decision making-A. J. Wearing. 39. Problem solving-A. J. Wearing. 40. Simulation modelling- A. J. Wearing.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. MOLLOY, M., STANLEY, G. V. and WALSH, K. W. (eds.) - Brain Impairment: Proceedings of the 1978 Brain Impairment Workshop. Dominion Press, Melbourne (1979). PSYCHOLOGY 53

Chapters of Books 2. BROTHERTON, P. - Speaking and not speaking: Processes for translating ideas into speech. In Sicgman, A. and Feldslein. S. (eds.). Of Speech and Time: Temporal Speech Patterns in Interpersonal Contexts, Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, New Jcrscy(1979). 3. BUFFERY, A. W. H. - Neuropsychological aspects of language development: An essay on cerebral dominance. In Waterson. N. and Snow, C. E. (eds.). The Development of Communication. Wiley & Sons, London: 25-46 (1978). 4. CAMPBELL, I. M. - The psychology ofthe MMPI K scale. In Butcher, J. N., Hama, H. and Matsuyama, Y. (eds.), Proc. oj the Sixth International Conference on Personality Assessment, Doshisha Universitv Press, Kyoto: 149-167(1979). 5. ELTON. D.. BURROWS, G. D.'and STANLEY, G. V. - Hypnosis in the measurement of pain, ln Burrows, G. C. Collison, D. R. and Denncrstein. L. (eds.), Hypnosis 1979, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1979). 6. HOLMES. V. M. - Some hypotheses about syntactic processing in sentence compre­ hension. In Cooper, W. E. and Walker. E. C. (eds.). Sentence Processing: Psycholinguistic Studies Presented to Merrill Garrett, Lawrence Erlbaum, I Iillsdalc. New Jersey (1979). 7. McLEAN, N. J. and CAMPBELL, I. M. - Thc drinking driver: a personality profile. In Johnson, I. R. (ed.), Proc. ofthe Seventh International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra: 145-153(1979). 8. McMURRAY, N. E.-Childhood fears and phobias. In Griffin. M. and Hudson. A. (eds.). Children's Problems-A Guide for Parents. Circus Books. London (1979). 9. McMURRAY. N. E. - Therapy approaches for children's fears and anxieties. In Hudson. A. and Griffin, M. (eds.), Children wilh Problems- A Guide for Professionals. Circus Books, London (1979). 10. STANLEY. G. V. - Thc concept of developmental lag in developmental neuropsychology. In Molloy. M.. Stanley. G. V. and Walsh. K. W. (eds.). Brain Impairment: Proceedings of the 197S Brain Impairment Workshop. Dominion Press, Melbourne: 79-84 (1979). 1 I. WALES, R.J. - Deixis. In Fletcher. P. and Garman, M. (eds.). Language Acquisition. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge: 241 -260 (1979). 12. WALES, R.J. and TONER. H. L. - Interaction and ambiguity. In Cooper. W. E. and Walker. E. C. (eds.). Sentence Processing: Psycholinguistic Studies Presented lo Merrill Garrett. Lawrence Erlbaum. Hillsdale, New Jersey (1979).

Articles 13. AITKIN. L. M., GATES, G. R. and KENYON. C. E. - Some peripheral auditory charac­ teristics of thc Marsupial brush-tailed possum. Trichosorus Vulpecula. J. Exp. Zool, 209: 317-322(1979). 14. BROTHERTON, P., KOTLER, T. and HAMMOND, S. B. - Development of an Australian index of social class. Austral. Psych.. 14: 77-83 (1979). 1 5. CROSS. A. G. - Mothers' speech adjustments and child language learning: some methodo­ logical considerations. Language Sciences, 1:3-25 (1979). 16. ELTON, D., RURROWS. G. D. and STANLEY, G. V. - Clinical measurement of pain. Med.J.Aust.. 1:109-1 I I (1979). 17. ELTON, D., BURROWS, G. D. and STANLEY. G. V. - A multidimensional approach to the assessment of pain. Austral. J. Phvsiolhcr.. 25:33-37 (1979). 18. ELTON, D.. BURROWS. G. D. and STANLEY, G. V. - The relationship between psychophysical and perceptual variables and chronic pain. Brit. J. Soc Clin. Psvchol.. IS: 425-430(1979). 19. ELTON. D., VAGG. P. R. and STANLEY, G. V. - Augmentation-reduction and pain: Reply to Pctric. Percept. Mol. Skills. 49:496-498 (1979). 20. FORD, M. and HOLMES, V. M. - Planning units and syntax in sentence production. Cognition. 6:35-53 (1978). 21. HILL. D.. CARSON. N.. GARDNER, G., EAST, S.. GRAY. N.. HEFFERMAN. M. and PAGET, N. - Simple health education about breast cancer in general practice. Internal. J. Health Education. 22:25-29 (1979). 22. HOLMES, V. M. - Accessing ambiguous words during sentence comprehension. Quart. J. Exptl. Psych.. 31:569-589 (1979). 23. JORY, M. K. and DAY. R. H. - Thc relationship between brightness contrast and illusory contours. Perception. S:3-9 (1979). 24. KINSELLA. G. and DUFFY, F. - Psychosocial readjustment in spouses of stroke patients. Scand. J. Kebab.. 11. 129-132 (1979). 25. LANGFORD. J. and HOLMES, V. M. - Syntactic presupposition in sentence comprehen­ sion. Cognition. 7:363-383(1979). 26. MURPHY. G. and GARDNER. G. - Job satisfaction and turnover among psychologists in two government departments. Austral. Psych.. 14:85-93 (1979). 54 FACULTY OF ARTS

27. NELSON-JONES, R., TONER, FI. L. and COX HEAD, P. - An exploration of students' sense of learning competence, lirit. Educ. Res. Journal. 5:175-183 (1979). 28. SCHNEIDER, M. and BROTHERTON, P. - Physiological, psychological and situational stresses in depression during the climacteric. Maturitas. 1: 153-158 (1979). 29. SHEIKH, K.'. SMITH, D. S\, MEADE, T. W., GOLDENBERG. E.. BRENNAN, P. J. and KINSELLA. G. - Repeatability and validity ofa modified Activities of Daily Living (A DL) index in studies of chronic disability. Int. Rehab. Med.. 1:51-58 (1979). 30. STEGER, C. and KOTLER, T. - Contrasting resources in disturbed and non-disturbed family svstcms. lirit. J. Med.. 52:243-251 (1979). 31. SUMMERS, J. J. and SHARP, C. A. - Bilateral effects of concurrent \erbal and spatial rehearsal on complex motor sequencing. Neuropsvchologica. 17:331 -343 (1979). 32. TAYLOR, K. F., KELSO, G. I., COX, G. N., ALLOWAY, W. J., and MATTHEWS, J. P. - Applying Holland's vocational categories to leisure activities. J. Occup. Psychol.. 52. 199-207(1979). 33. WRIGHT, F. A., LUCAS, J. O. and McMURRAY, N. E. - Dental anxiety in 5-9 year-old children. J. ofPedontics(\919).

Reports 34. ARMSTRONG, A. and WEARING, A. J. - An introduction to smallest space analysis. Melbourne Psychology Reports. No. 57(1979). 35. BURTON, C. and WALSH. K. - Unilateral spatial neglect after cerebrovascular accident. Melbourne Psychology Reports, No. 54 (1979). 36. GURNEY, R. and TAYLOR. K. - Research on the psychology of unemployment: some criticisms and suggestions. Melbourne Psychology Reports. No. 60(1979). 37. HARGREAVES, D. J., COLMAN. A. M. and SLUCKIN, W. - Aesthetic preferences for names in relation lo their experienced familiarity, 11: England. Melbourne Psychology Reports. No. 5911979). 38. MOLLOY, M. and WALSH, K. - Early detection offalloffin cognitive function in chronic alcoholics. Melbourne Psychology Reports, No. 56 (1979). 39. MURPHY,G. C, REMENI, A. G. and TAYLOR, K. F. - Thc school psychologist's work: A comparison of sent and received roles. Melbourne Psychology Reports. No. 6/(1979). 40. SLUCKIN, W., HARGREAVES. D. J. and COLMAN, A. M. - Aesthetic preferences for names in relation to their experienced familiarity 1: Australia. Melbourne Psychology Reports. No. 55 (1979). 41. STOLK, Y. and BROTHERTON, P. - The spinster stereotype: A demographic refutation? Melbourne Psychology Reports. No. .55(1979). 42. MACKINNON, A. and WEARING, A. J. - Complexity and decision making. Melbourne Psychology Reports. No. 52(1979). 43. VAGG, P. L. and STANLEY, G. V. - The relationship between experimental pain and personality. Melbourne Psychology Reports. No. 5.?(1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. CROSS, A. G. - Mother-Child Interaction in the Study of Language Development. 2. FORD, M. - Planning Units and Syntax in Sentence Production. 3. GETHING, L. - Extreme Response Styles.

Master of Arts 4. ALLANSON, S. - Sex Differences. Personality and Behavioural Characteristics of Adolescent Solvent Misusers. 5. HENDERSON, M. - Work Role Centrality - an Australian Study of the Moderator Concept in Occupational Psychology. 6. KIRBY, K. - Structural Ambiguity and Sentence Processing. 7. KOTZMAN, M. - Post-traumatic Amnesia: an Examination ofthe Nature of the Memory Impairment frequently foundfollowing Closed Head Injury. 8. MacMILLAN, I. - A Comparison of Normal Readers and Dyslexics on a Series of Attentional Tasks. 9. ' MOLLOY. C. S.-Job Satisfaction Study ofLow-Level Technical Workers. 10. PICKERING, D. - Socio-economic Status, Ethnic Back ground and Reading Performance. 11. UMA NSK Y, S. - A Cognitive Change Model of Reading Retardation. 12. WOOLLACOTT, H. - Casual Attribution in Children's Academic Performance. PSYCHOLOGY 55

Master ofScience 13. ARNOTT, L.D. -' Mathematical Spatial and Reading Comprehension Abilities: A Multivariate Study and Concept Structure Model 14. GREENWA Y, J. - Sensitivity to Rejection. Affiliation and Dependency as Correlates ofthe Major Dimensions of Interpersonal Interaction in Psychotherapeutic Groups. 15. McGARTLAND, M. - An Item Level Factorial Comparison between the FAM and, MMPI. 16. MORAN, F. - Self-concept-A Developmental Approach.


PhD Theses in Progress ARMSTRONG, A. F. - Subjective social indicators and health care policy. DARBYSHIRE, M. G. - A study of behavioural, cognitive and developmental anomalies: Deficits in children. DAWSON, R. W. - Cognitive change elements in behaviour therapv. DOWLING. P. J. - Recovery from head injury. ELTON, D. - Psychological control of pain. EVANS, A. J. - Charismatic injlucncc in organizational sellings possibly executives or religious and political leaders. GURNEY, R. M. - Aspects of school leaver adaptation to unemployment. HILL, D. J. - Responses to threatening communication about health. HOLDEN, R. W.- Delinquent self HUGHES, A. H. - Some aspects of subjective alienation and anomie (including its measurement). LANGFORD. J. - A psycholinguistic approach to aphasia. LAWSON, M. C. - An allogenic model of self concept MACKINNON. A. J.-Dynamic decision making. MATTHEWS, J. P. - Language acquisition: Effects of parental speech. MOLLOY, M. P. - Investigation into memory disorders found following closed head injuries. PATTISON. P. XL.- Representations of structure in human groups. ROBINSON. R. C. - Evaluation of continuing education programmes in human sexuality and communication skills. ROSS, M. W. - Homosexuality, sex roles and society control. ROWE, H. A. H. - Investigation of structural components of thc problem solving process. SHARP, C. - Cerebral lateralisalion of spatial aspects of human movement control. SM A LE, S. II.- Family relationships and emotionally linked learning difficulties. THOMAS, S. A.-An assessment of social judgement theory. VOWELS, L. M.- A longitudinal investigation of intellectual change in multiple sclerosis. WESTON, R. - Psychological stress in farmers facing economic recession. WILLIAMS, A. J. - Investigations of speech perception in young children.

MA Theses in Progress BARKER. R.J. - Adaptive regression, oral trails and therapeutic outcome in three dynamic encounter groups. BARTLETT, B. W. T. - .'1 socio-technical system analysis of air traffic control. BARSON, F. P. - Disruption of cognitive and memory functioning in uraemia. BOCK, I. M. - Role theory and approach to thc analysis of the social system. BODLEY, A. L. -Possible inlcrhemisphcric functional inefficiency ofspina bifida children. BOREHAM, J. E. - Modification and adaptation of student learning strategies in response to perceived changes in environment demands and evaluation ofsirategics. CARROLL. G. B. B. - Assessment centres. CROFTS. P. N. - Client characteristics and comparative treatment outcomes between three treatment approaches to drink driver rehabilitation. FAIR, F. R. - The effects ofa cognitive and a somatic treatment on the cognitive and somatic components of anxiety: a clinical study. FIELD, M. M. - Agenesis of thc corpus caltosum in children: a developmental neuro­ psychological study. FOX. P. D. - Selection of students in computer programming: validity and criteria problems. GALLAGHER, G. A. ). - Children's understanding of proportionality of performance on algorisms for rational numbers. GREEN, j. M. - Changes in interpersonal perception associated with an encounter group. GU ERIN. I... M. - Marital relationships in head injured patients. HARRISON. A. F. - Changes in two aspects of the self-concept of student primary teachers. 56 FACULTY OF ARTS

HARRISON, E. I. - Altitudes towards, and meaning attributed to 'work'and 'leisure'. HUDSON, R. T'. - Prediction of "success" in alcoholism treatment. 1 IU NT, M. W.-/1 preliminary investigation nffromal lobe disorders found in alcoholism. JAM ES, H. L. - The relationship between kinetic familv drawing and perceived familv relations JAMES. S. P. - Personality assessment of Victoria Police recruits. JUCHNOWSKY, M. - Some relationships between mother and child care arrangements and language development in young children. KELLY, S. - Impact on family (personal) relationships ol the reluming lo sludv ofmaiure-age women. LAIDLER. T.J. - Catholic secondarv school students: patterns of interaction and cognitive styles. LOCKE, M. A. - Cross modal skills in dcafchildren. LOVE, A. W. - Sex differences in attitudes to mathematics. L YN DA LL, R. - Memory deficits in chronic marijuana users. MacMILLAN, I. W. - A comparison of normal readers and dvslexics on a series of attentional tasks. McLACHLAN. D.L. - Some aspects ofthe unilateral spatial neglect syndrome following cerebrovascular accident. MAIZELS. N. H. -repertory grid study of change in a psycho-therapeutic encounter group. MARKS, M. E. - Conjugate lateral eye movements and reading disability. MATHESON. A. M. - Processing varieties of recent information in the epileptic school child-un approach to the analvsis ol learning problems. \\XT)CM. C- Metaphor. MILLIS, P. E. - Comparative efficacy of progressive muscle relaxation and pscudomeditation in the reduction uf anxiety using self-report measures. MOLLOY, C. J. S.-./ob satisfaction study of low-level technical workers. MORGENROTH, E. D. - Intcrorganizational communication (information overload responses). MORTON. J. R. - Self-esteem and accuracy of self perception as predictors of group therapy outcome. MUNRO. J. K. - The acquisition of temporal linguistic reference in children. MURPHY', B. - Experimental evaluation ofa special program for Form I of a disadvantaged technical school. O'CONNELL. B. M. - Sex, personality and background of Melbourne's illicit drug users. ORCHARD, E. A. - Differential diagnosis of memory disorders in multiple sclerosis paticnls wilh chronic multiple sclerosis. OTTREY. G. A. - Parent/child communication and early language development. PERSH1N, P. - Developmental stages in graphic production in pre-school children. PICKERING. R. B. - A simulation model investigating the processes of individual decision making about recreational choice. PONSFORD, J. L.- Memory disorder in vertebrobasilar disease. RECHTER. L. - The transition to parenthood: an examination uf marital adjustment and sex role orientation. REUBEN, J. H. - Interface between two professional groups at Family Court. RICKARDS, A. L. - Long term effects of intensive care of babies of very low birth weight. ROBERTS, C. A. - Disturbances of language prosody following right hemisphere lesions. STEGER. CM. - Family resources in delinquent, disturbed and normal family systems. STOKES. D. L.- Neuropsychological traits of dyscalutia in children. STOLK, Y.- Lifestyle and personality of older single women. THOMAS, R. C. - Research into the accident problem in a large organization. VERBERNE, T. J. P. - An extra-ability age-effect in "incorrect" WAIS picture arrangement responses of psychiatric patients. WEARNE, G.G. - Relationship between maternal anxiety and depression, and infant development. WEBER, A. M.- H''riling preference/posture andcerebrallateralization of function. WINK, P. M. - Interpersonal perception in marital dyads. WR1GLEY, W. J. - Marriage roles. ZEEHER. T. F. - Changes in personality variables, values and self concept as a function of participation in a dynamic encounter group. MSc Theses in Progress BERG, R. - Aspects of women's sexual relationships. CHERRY, D. T. - An investigation ofthe masculinity/femininity scales on the MMPI and CPI. CORNWELL, J. - Comparison of single and multiple sessions of hypnosis in the treatment of smoking behaviour. D'ARCY-EVANS, A. C. - MMPI and CPI. DUNN. F. M. - Empirical study oj''some MMPI indicators in thc diagnosis of schizophrenia. PSYCHOLOGY 57

ENGLAND, A. S. - The effect ofa physical fitness programme in changing ihe self-esteem of male incarcerated delinquents. Fl ELD, C. D. - Memory disorder following cardiac surgery. FREL D. Z. - Hemispheric differences in emotional disposition following stroke. GRAHAM. K. L. - Evaluation ofa gifted children's programme. HANLY. J. R. - Investigation of rate of change and treatment generalization for two versions of cognitive therapy applied to stress. HARDY. S. L. - The use ofpsychology in the selection of graduates into the Australian industry. HENDY. J. E. - Hemi-inaltcnlion with right hemisphere lesions. McCUBBERY, W. M. - Varieties of asthma. MORAN, F. M. - Self- concept - A developmental approach. M YER, R. - Children's responses lo fairytale "Goldilocks and the three hears" O'CONNOR. G. P. - Children's simplifications of consonant clusters. PEAD. J. - .-( controlled comparison of self-instructional training (SIT) and rational analysis in group cognitive therapy Jor depression. POLGAR, S. - Caudate nucleus lesions and active avoidance - A possible model for H unlington's disea sc. ROSALION, R. M. - Learning and cognitive performance of cigarette smokers compared to non-smokers. TURNBULL, G. - Functional hemispheric asymmetry with internal capsule infarctions. VICKERS, M. H. - Modelling social structures in secondary schools. WALSH, A. W. - Constructionalapraxia as a disconnection syndrome. WEIR, D. A. - Evaluation of on-lhc-ioh training provided under thc National Employment Strategy for Aboriginals 'NESA).

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grams have been received as follows: ARGC: Context Effects in Sentence Perception. ARGC: Environmental Factors in the Development of Speech and Language. ARGC: Language Development in thc Hearing-Impaired Child and in the Hearing of Deaf-Mute Parents. ARGC: Children's Abilities to Use Words involving Spatial and Temporal Reference. ARGC: Memory Representation and the Production of Skilled Movements. ARGC: Concept Learning in Mental Retardation. ARGC: A Study of Career Development based on Holland's Theory' of Vocational Behaviour. ERDC: Structural Basis of Spelling Errors. ERDC: Specific Learning Disorders in Migrant Children. 58 FACULTY OF ARTS


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Synchronic typology of the modern Slavonic languages. 2. Word-bound translation in English and Russian. 3. The 'empty' prefixes in Russian. 4. The Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets. 5. A handbook on Russian Romanticism. 6. Enclitic systems in the Slavonic languages. 7. The Polish language in the Australian environment. 8. Problems of Applied Linguistics and the teaching of Russian and Polish.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress DOLGOPOLOVA. Z. - The structure and humorous effects ofmodern anecdotes. GARNER, M. - The Development of Language and the Socialisation of children 3-5 years. A comparative (Russian-English) study. K.EK.S, O. - In search ofthe creative thought ofVelemir Khlehnikov: text, structure and meaning. M ESH A KO V-KORJ A KIN, I. - Yevgeny Yevtushenko: a critical study. MOLNAR, A. - 18th Century Russian literature with special reference to the socio-political ideas of Radishchev. SCURFIELD, J. R. - Historiography and literary values in Povest' vrcmennykh let and the Heimskringla. VICKERY, H. M.- Thc Dolgushin case and Dostoevsky's novelA Raw Youth. WERCHOLA. J. - The Poetry of Andrei Voznesensky. ' MA 'Theses in Progress BAGG, L.E.-A re-examination of Dostoevsky's House of the Dead. BEDNAREK, T. - The family theme and the love theme in Chekhov's works. HIRSHORN, B. - The influence of Russian literature on the Polish literature ofthe 20th century. THE HORWOOD LANGUAGE CENTRE

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Self-instructional cassette programmes for acquiring basic communicative competence in five ethnic languages. 2. A survey of language needs in a high-rise housing complex with a population of high migrant density.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. HAARBURGER, W. - German Reading Manual. Melbourne: Artemis Educational Materials, 1979. Articles 2. KELLY, P. G.-Get the Dictionary Habit-A Review Article. Babel. I5(\): 42-45 (1979). 3. QUINN, T. J. and DROUSIOTOU, C. - Modern Greek for Radiographers: An exercise in Limited Communicative Competence. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics. 2(2): 36-43(1979). 4. QUINN, T. J. and DROUSIOTOU, C. - Multiculturalism: Greek for Radiographers. Education News. /<5(I0): 32-33 (1979). 5. STANLEY, J. A. - Communicative Syllabus Design - A Review Article. Babel. 15{\): 38-41 (1979).

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED A grant has been received as follows: Education Research and Development Committee: Self-instructional cassette programmes for acquiring basic communicative competence in five ethnic languages.

59 FACULTY OF DENTAL SCIENCE Dean's Report The Faculty strategy over a decade ago, of stimulating interest in research; by introducing an undergraduate research topic in the latter years of the course; by requiring that candidates for an M.D.Sc. by course work also present a research thesis; and by the introduction of a Ph.D. degree, lias begun to create an environment encouraging research and enquiry' at all levels. This has occurred despite the excessively heavy clinical teaching loads, the lack of technicians and the uncertainties of obtaining and retaining additional research finance from sources outside the University. There arc now a large number of projects being pursued over a very wide range of basic and clinical dental science topics by a relatively small number of full time academics supervising a large number of students. One factor helping this development has been thc steady acquisition of modern research equipment from University of Melbourne sources. While research activity has increased somewhat erratically, some 'common themes' have been pursued independently in all departments. One example is the problem ofthe development, calcification and removal of calcified tissues of teeth and bones which is basic to clinical dental sciences. Another is the growing interest of research workers in the attitudes, expectations and fears of individuals and community groups about dental disease, as they turn their attention from the technology of treating dental disease to the care of individuals who might be suffering from oral disorders. Many independent projects can bc grouped together: for example, thc growth, development and structure of tissues is being investigated in all departments. The factor stimulating the growth of epidermal tissues (EGF) and its nature is being investigated. It has been found that this factor stimulates the development of nonglandular epithelial tissues and increases keratinization. Studies of the growth of transplanted tail vertebrae have demonstrated, not only that their basic form develops in the absence of normal functional stress, but that some, as yet unknown, factor accelerates their growth and maturation in the first few weeks after transplantation. The role of thc enzyme alkaline phosphatase in the development of tooth structure has been mapped and it has been found to be concentrated mostly in thc dentinal matrix immediately prior to the laying down of calcium salts. Newly developed techniques of thinning extremely hard enamel by eroding it under a beam of ions has revealed much new information about the details ofthe crystal and intercrystallinc structure at thc electron microscopic level. In part it resembles a sieve. This may help to explain why there has been some partial success by using bleaching agents to remove intrinsic discolouration from tooth structure: particularly the tetracycline group of antibiotics which discolours teeth grey-yellow-brown. Factors inhibiting thc dissolution of tooth mineral have been found in milk. Thc major one is a-j-casein which has a great affinity for mineral surfaces and also the potential to form a protein monolayer which buffers the organic acids in the dental plaque responsible for the initiation of dental decay. In complementary studies thc microbiology of the dental plaque has been investigated and the effects of dietary' and other constituents are being analysed. Studies on the results of tooth transplantation continue. An immunological investigation into thc storage and transplantation of teeth shows that minor antigens are effective in sensitising graft recipients and the length of time before the transplant is rejected is prolonged. The effects of mechanical stress on the dental and bony hard tissues have been a constant theme of research in the Faculty lor many years. Methods have been developed to show that bone forms under tension and is removed under pressure. These studies are consistent with clinical research showing remodelling of bones during maxillary expansion as well as during tooth movement induced by orthodontic treatment. Photo-elastic techniques have been developed to investigate the stresses developed in the jaw bones of subjects who wear partial dentures, and in particular those incorporating precision attachment designs. Thc distribution of stress patterns in the bone and adjoining teeth has provided valuable information in relation to long term patient management. The loss of contour of thc jaw bones after tooth extraction is of special significance in relation to the provision of satisfactory prosthetic appliances such as full or partial dentures. Methods have been devised to measure this and how the effect may bc minimized by different treatment procedures. The teeth are attached to bone by a hammock ofconnective tissue; the periodontal ligament. The way this ligament behaves under mechanical and chemical stresses is being studied. A model of inflammation has been used to test the effects of different therapeutic agents and nerve destruction on the periodontal tissues. While amalgam restorations have been used for manv years little is known about the effects of their constituent elements, silver, tin and mercury, on the periodontal tissues. A novel method of using ion-exchange beads containing these metals in solution has been used to determine their effects on growing connective tissue. These metals are far from inert and produce interesting effects under experimental conditions on the formation of collagen and its constituents. Silver toxicity is partly counteracted by large doses of vitamin C.


Thc effects of metabolic agents on bones and teeth continue to be investigated: fluoride stimulates new bone growth but does not inhibit resorption of bone due to calcium deficiency, the two effects occurring independently. Thc oral dermatoses continue to be the subject of studies and detailed investigations of normal mucosa are being done in an attempt to provide a more effective basis for describing changes in the mucosa induced by allergies to drugs and particularly disease entities such as lichen planus and premalignant and malignant mucosal disease. A prospective study of patients suffering from chronic oro-facial pain, discomfort and phobias is demonstrating that the majority have a significant psychological or psychiatric disturbance. To overcome pain, studies of the effects of the ingredients of local anaesthetic solutions on blood vessels are receiving increasing attention and this could lead to development of safer and more effective local anaesthetic solutions. Epidemiological studies of various aspects of dental health extend our knowledge ofthe slate of dental health in Victoria. A long term study of oral cancer as it occurs in Victorians continues. Thc presenting signs and symptoms are being correlated with the different types found; largely oral mucous membrane carcinoma, oral lymphomas and tumours of bone in jaws. The problems of homebound patients, their location, needs and dental care have been defined. The nutritional state of patients and their attitudes and knowledge about diet and dental health reveal an alarming situation; in particular, the large number who have an inadequate breakfast and frequently snack with sugar-laden foods, gives much cause for concern. The growing habit of prolonged bottle feeding of infants is now also causing alarm, for an increasing number of reports link this with rampant dental decay of anterior teeth in very young infanls. The study of infection and its consequences continues, in one investigation an animal model is being used to follow the kinetics and prevention of bacteracmias induced by oral surgery and how they may be prevented by disinfectivc agents. In another study Candida glabraia, an organism producing a rare oral infection in man, has been studied for its capacity to produce granuloma lesions in experimental animals to enable methods to be developed to cope with thc clinical problem. Two factors have determined this wide, rather than concentrated, advance in research in the Faculty: first, the need to capitalize on rapid developments in many fields of dental science: and secondly, the need to contribute more knowledge to help improve thc state of dental health in Victoria now and in thc future. 62 FACULTY OF DENTAL SCIENCE


The relation between force and function during growth, development and maintenance of bone and bones - E. Storey. Ultrastructure of low calcium/high phosphate rickets - E. Storey. S. Feik. Connective tissue response to heavy metals-G. Ellcnder. Biophysical aspects ofosteofluorotic bone-A. S. Malcolm. Ell'ects of beverages on tooth enamel - F.. Reynolds. Glucanase producingoral microorganisms-1. H.Johnson. Pharmacology of local anaesthetic agents-J. G. Waterson. Gingival inflammation - R. H. Hammond. Effects of diet on thc plaque flora ofCallithricjacchus- H. A. Mcintosh. Dental health status and treatment needs of selected groups in Victoria - W. A. McDougall, A.J.Spencer. Bleaching of tetracycline discoloured teeth -A. A. Vernieks.

PUBLISHED WORK Bonks 1. McINTOSH, H. A. - Dental Health - A resource hook for teachers of oral health, Victorian Dairy Industry Authority (1978). 2. STEEL, J. E.- Supplementary Nutrition Notes. Victorian Dairy Industry Authority (1978).

Articles 3. BEIGHTON, D., McINTOSH, H. A. and McDOUGALL, W. A. - Bacteriological studies of the effects of cow's milk on dental plaque and dental caries in rats. J. appl. Bact., 47: 255-262(1979). 4. ELLENDER, G. - Cadmium toxicity in rat connective tissues using ion-exchange resin beads. J. Phvsiol., 290. 35-36(1979). 5. ELLENDER, G., HAM, K. N. and HARCOURT, J. K. -The ultrastructural localization of the corrosion products of dental amalgam. Aust. dent. J.. 24(3): 174-177(1979). 6. ELLENDER, G., SEWELL, D. K. B., HAM, K. N. and STOREY, E. - Lead-loaded ion-exchange resin bead asacalcergen. Calcif. Tiss. Res., 26:253-258 (1978). 7. FEIK, S. A. and STOREY, E. - Low-calcium/high phosphorus rickets in rats. I. Mast cell changes. Pathology, 11:641 -652 (1979). 8. FIEK, S. A. and STOREY, E. - Low-calcium/high phosphorus rickets in rats. II. Osteoclast changes. Pathologv, 77. 653-661 (1979). 9. REYNOLDS, E. and STOREY, E. - A review ofthe effect of milk on dental caries. Aust. J. Dairy Technol.. 34(4): 175-180(1979). 10. SPENCER. A. .1. - Dental health status and treatntent needs of students at a disadvantaged secondarv school, Victoria, Australia - 1975. Commun. dent. Oral Epidemiol. 6:217-221 (1978). 1 1. STEEL,J.£7t'ii(.y..2i(6):471-473(1978). 12. STEEL, J. E. - Food consumption in Victoria in 1976. Part 3 - The evening meals. ./. Dietetic Assoc. Vic. 29(4): 88-91(1978). 13. STEEL, J. E. - Food consumption in Victoria in 1976. Part 4 - Between meals. J. Dietetic Assoc. Vic..30(\): 10-16(1979). 14. STOREY, E. - Dental hazards in the luckshop../. Dietetic Assoc. Vic. 25(3): 45-52 (1977). 15. WRIGHT, F. A. C. - Dental attitudes knowledge and values of inner suburban Australian teenagers. J. Int. Ass. Dent. Child.. 10:31-39(1979). 16. WRIGHT, F. A.C. and LANGE, D. E. - Management of dental phobia. N.Z. dent. J.. 74(338): 210-2140978). 17. WRIGHT, F. A. C. and W1DMER, R. P. - Pulp therapy in primary molar teeth: A retrospective study. J. Pedodonl.. 3(3): 195-206 (1979). Reports and Notes 18. STEEL, J. E. - Nutrition and Athletic Performance. Sports Coach, 3(3): 9-1 1 (1979). 19. STOREY, E. - Nutrition and dental health. Australian Dental Association Viclorian Branch Newsletter. 257(May, 1979). CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY 63


Master of Dental Science 1. *ANG, W. Y. - Studies in maturation factors in children. 2. *BUCHHOLZ, P. - The influence ofthe nasal sepal cartilage in mid-facial growth. 3. *ELLETT, D.-Rat cranial growth. 4. *FRYER, R. - Compressive force on bone. 5. *GAN, R. - Partial amputation of rat caudal vertebra. 6. *HELSBY, T. R. - The fate of transplanted bone, bones and joints. 7. *HIGGINS, T. J. - A study of the regrowth of dental plaque upon periodontally diseased teeth. 8. SPENCER, A.J. - The estimation of dental treatment needs in a secondary school population. * Minor theses.


DDSc Theses in Progress HALL, R. K. - A study offactors inducing hypoplasia and hypocalciftcalion in teeth of man and animal and associated structural changes. MALCOLM, A. S. - Biophysical relationships ofosieofluoriiic bone. WEST, V. C. - A study of dimensional changes related to orthodontic therapy. PhD Theses in Progress ELLENDER, G. - Connective tissue responses to some heavy metals. HAMMOND, R. H. - Reactions of rat periodontal tissues lo experimentally induced inflammation. JOHNSON, I. H. - Glucanase producing organisms in dental plaque. MDSc Theses in Progress BURT, K. - Venous stasis in the rat caudal vertebrae. CAMPBELL, J. E. - Studies on the perioral musculature. CARROLL, J. A. - The delivery of denial care within a University clinic. CRACK, D. J.- The effect of cytotoxic agents on developing dental tissue. DONOV A N, J. - Effects of heavy metals on periapical calcification. F1TZWALTER, P. - Morphology of root canals. GREBNEFF, M. - Electrical osteogenesis in literal tail. HOFM AN, S. - The effect of force on the growth of rat caudal vertebrae. HOLDER, T. - The effect of surgical incision ofthe iranseptal fibres on relapse of expanded upper incisors in the guinea pig. LUCAS. J. - Assessment of child denial anxiety. MeDONALD, J. D. - Studies on growth ofthe nasal septum of ruts. NERVO. G. - Effects of cold on tooth enamel. ROBERTS, G. - A quantitative analysis ofthe stress behaviour ofthe rat tail. SNOW. M. - The influence of periosteum on endochondral growth. VERCO, P. J. W' .-Further studies on inflammation in rats. W1DMER, R. P.- Deciduous pulp efficacy ofpulpotomy agents. WILDE, J. F. G. -Stress mediated effects on the morphogenesis of bone in animal systems.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NH & MRC: Adaptation of connective tissue, cartilage and bone under altered physical stress in vivo. Victorian Dairy Industry Authority: Factors modifying the effect of milk on dental plaque. 64 FACULTY OF DENTAL SCIENCE


RESEARCH TOPICS !N PROGRESS 1. Thc role of extracellular matrices in dental organogenesis- H. J. Orams. 2. Ultrastructural studies of dental hard tissues using ion beam thinning- H. J. Orams. 3. The behaviour of cells from odontogenic tissues-N. E. Steidlcr. 4. A technical and immunological study into thc storage and transplantation of teeth - A. P. Barrett, P. C. Reade. 5. Phe regulatory effect during growth and development of epidermal growth factor - N. E. Stcidler, P. C. Reade. 6. The brush tail possum Trichosurus vulpecula in experimental oral embryology - N. E. Steidler. 7. Studies on infective endocarditis-A. J. Chalk, P. C. Reade. 8. The pathogenesis and histopathology of oral dermatoses - K. D. Hay. 9. The effects of tobacco products on human and animal oral mucosa - P. C. Reade, B. G. Radden. 10. Oral carcinoma as it occurs in Victoria-A. M. Rich. P. C. Reade, B. G. Radden. 11. Oro-facial pain and dental phobia-J. A. Gerschman, P. C. Reade. 12. Salivary IgA levels in various oral conditions - P. C. Reade.


Chapters of Books 1. GERSCHMAN, .1., BURROWS, G. D. and READE, P. C. - Chronic Oro-Facial Pain, in Advances in Pain Research and Therapy, cd. J. Bonica, J. Liebcskind and D. Allie-Fcssaid, New York, Vol. J.31 7-323 (1979). 2. GERSCHMAN, J., BURROWS, G. D., READE, P. C. and FOENANDER, G. - Hypnotizability and thc Treatment of Dental Phobic Illness, in Hypnosis and Psycho­ somatic Medicine, eds. G. D. Burrows, D. R. Collison and L. Dcnnerstein, Elsevire/North- Holland Biomedical Press. Amsterdam: 33-39(1979).

Articles 3. BASTIAAN, R.J. and READE, P. C. - The tobacco smoking habits and attitudes of Australians with oral mucous membrane keratoses. Communitv Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology. 7:292-296 (1979). 4. FEIGLIN, B. and READE. P. C. - The Distribution of (,4C) Leucine and »5Sr Labelled Microspheres from Rat Incisor Root Canals. OS.OM.OP.. 47(3): 277-281 (1979). 5. FEIGLIN, B. and READE, P. C. - Arterio-Venous Shunts Demonstrated in the Apical Circulation of Rat Incisor Teeth bv thc use of Radiolabeled Microspheres. OS.OM.OP., 47(4):364-368(1979). 6. HASE, M. P. and READE, P. C. - Thc oral leukocyte migration rate index as a method of assessing periodontal disease in an individual. J. Periodontal Res., 14:153-159 (1979). 7. MILLER, W. A. and BEIGHTON, D. - Bone Abnormalities in Two Groups of Macropod Skulls: A Clue to the Origin of Lumpy Jaw. Aust. J. Zool.. 27:681 -689 (1979). 8. READE, P. C. - Cryosurgery in clinical dental practice. Int. Dent. J., 29(1): 1-11 (1979). 9. READE, P. C. and ROBERTS, M. L.-Some long-term effects of cyclophosphamide on the growth of rat incisor teeth. Arch, oral Biol., 23:1001 -1005 (1979). 10. SIM, F. R., ORAMS, H. J., PRIME, S. S. and READE, P. C. - Morphology of contacts between Bovine Odontogenic Epithelial Cells In Vitro. Arch, oral Biol., 24:293-2.97 (1979). I 1. STEIDLER. N. E., COOK, R. M. and READE, P. C. - Aneurysmal Bone Cysts ofthe Jaws -a Case Report and Review ofthe Literature. Brii. J. Oral Surg., 16:254-261 (1979). 12. STEIDLER, N. E. and READE, P. C. - An histological study ofthe effects of extra­ corporeal time on murine dental isografts. Arch, oral Biol., 24(2): 165-169 (1979). 13. TOH. G. H., RANDELL. B. V. and PRIME S. S. -Concanavalin A Surface Receptors and Cytoplasmic Actin in Cell Adhesion. Ausi. J. Exp. Biol. & Med. Sci., 57:429-441 (1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Master of Dental Science 1. NEWBURY. R. D. - Oral surgical needs of Dandenong. DENTAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY 65

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BARRETT, A. P. - An investigation into the technical and immunological problems of storage and transplantation of teeth. CHALK, A. J. - A study ofthe kinetics and prevention ofbacteraemias induced by oral surgery procedures. GERSCHMAN, J. A. - An investigation of oro-facial pain and phobia. STEIDLER, N. E. - The developmental effects of epidermal growth factor.

MDSc Theses in Progress BEN NET, K. R.- Salivary IgA levels in tobacco smokers. HAY, K. D. - A clinicopathological survey of some aspects of oral dermatoses. HEGGIE, A. A. - /(light and electronmicroscopic study of human oral mucosa. LACY. M. -An histological evaluation of lichen planus. McKELLAR, G. M. -An evaluation of surgery for orthodontic purposes. O'BRIEN, M. D. - Complications ofmiddle third fractures. RICH, A. M. - A study of intra-oral cancer in Victoria. STORY. R. D. - An evaluation of the use of artificial saliva in xerostomia. WIESENFELD, D. -An investigation of denial infections.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: The NH & MRC of Australia. The Rowden White Foundation. 66 FACULTY OF DENTAL SCIENCE


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Studies in dental materials-J. K. Harcourt, A. Leong. 2. Cleft palate and speech-C. G. Dennis. 3. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction - K. D. B. Faulkner. 4. Jaw muscle EMG and force-H. I. Gill. 5. Properties of periodontal ligament and bone-W. J. Ralph. 6. Changes in biting force - W.J. Ralph. 7. Post extraction healing-volume changes-H. I.Gill. 8. Post extraction healing - immediate denture therapy - K. Johnson. 9. Prosthetic needs of the community-H. M. Spratley. 10. Factors involved in geriodontics-A. S. Price. 11. Precision attachments in dentistry-B. L. Stewart. 12. Development ofan artificial saliva-B. W. Darvell.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. BEHREND, D. A. - Patterns of tooth displacement in simulated chewing cycles in man. Arch. Oral Biol., 23:1089-1093(1979). 2. DARVELL, B. W. - Preparation of uniform cylindrical amalgam test pieces. Aust. Dent. J., 24(1): 37-38 (1979). 3. DARVELL, B. W. and SPRATLEY, M. H. -The inapplicability of formulae to determine vertical dimension. Aust. Dent. J., 24(1): 48-51,272 (1979). 4. RALPH, W. J. - Thc effects of dental treatment on biting force. J. Pros. Dent., 41(2): 143-145(1979). 5. WIDMALM, S-E.. GILL, H. I. and WIDMALM, S. - Trend analysis of jaw jerk action potential-amplitude data. J.Dent. Res.1333-1336 (April 1979). 6. WIDMALM, S-E., GILL, H. I., WIDMALM, S. and ERICSSON, S. G. - Standard values of the amplitude of jaw jerk action potential and differences due to age, sex and L-Dopa treatment.//Jew.fles.l337-1350(April 1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Master of Dental Science 1. CONDON, G. D. - Restorative materials and the oral environment.

THESES IN PROGRESS DDSc Theses in Progress GILL, H. I.- Jaw muscle EMG andforce. JOHNSON, K. - Post extraction healing. McCARTHY, J. F. - Development ofthe mandibular alveolar process. PRICE, A. S. - Factors involved in geriodontics. MDSc Theses in Progress LINDNER, C. -An investigation into tooth movement during the wearing of partial dentures. STEWART, B. L. - Precision attachments in dentistry. FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE

Dean's Report A major event in the research activity ofthe Faculty in 1979 was the re-filling ofthe Ritchie Chair of Research in Economics. In association with the Ritchie Chair, the University has established within the Faculty the IMPACT project which is now a joint research venture ofthe University and the Commonwealth Government. The research work involves the application of general equilibrium econometric models to the estimation ofthe consequences for the economy as a whole of changes in key policy instruments or parameters. The development within the Faculty of the IMPACT model, together with the. IMP econometric forecasting model in thc IAESR, represents a substantial concentration in thc Faculty of large-scale econometric modelling experience and capacity. These developments, in conjunction with the expansion of econometric teaching and research in thc Department of Economics, the proposed introduction ofa new quantitative major in the Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1981 and the expansion of the use of computers in courses in accounting and business administration constitute a fundamental change in the Faculty's emphasis on teaching and research in the quantitative areas of economics and commerce. While it is not intended as a consequence of these developments that the Faculty should diminish its traditionally strong emphasis on the critique and development of economic and business policy, it should certainly bc expected that in the next decade work on policy will be substantially strengthened and complemented by the development and application of quantitative methods of research. A substantial increase occurred in 1979 in thc number of articles placed in refereed journals, particularly by members of the Department of Economics. Papers were published on thc inflationary effects of price expectations, employment theory and policy, appropriate mixes of policy measures in macroeconomic management and the effects on the balance of payments of exchange rate adjustments and monetary policy. Book-length studies were published on the economic status of Aborigines and the role of demographic factors in Australian economic development. Thc substantial interest of thc Department of Economics in industrial economics was reflected in research on air transport, the securities industry, trade in motor cars and the investment decision-making process in Australian companies. The Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research continued its work on the analysis of current economic development in Australia. The Institute's short-term forecasting pro­ gramme includes the preparation of two sets of integrated forecasts each year. The forecasts are published in thc Australian Economic Review. As a basis for its forecasting activities, the institute carried out research during 1979 on unemployment, wage and price relationships, the balance of payments, the monetary sector and private consumption expenditure. Work on the labour market included studies of the varieties of labour force attachment, with particular attention to 'hidden' unemployment. Apart from its work on short- and long-term forecasting, and the related study of the functioning ofthe Australian economy, the Institute carried out research on, among other topics, the export performance of manufacturing industry, water resources in the Kerang region, and the cattle industry. In the area of social research the project on the role of municipal authorities in the provision of welfare was continued. The second volume of Public Expenditures and Social Policy in Australia was completed during this year. In thc Department of Economic History, a major project on the experience of Australian firms operating in South East Asia was begun. A number of Ph.D. candidates are carrying on work in this area. In addition to work on the history ofthe Australian economy, thc Department is also carrying on research on the Indian and Argentinian economies. A comparative study of Australian and Argentinian economic development is in progress. The Department of Regional and Urban Economic Studies is continuing work on the social and economic consequences of urban development, particularly in relation to Government policy towards housing. In thc Department of Accounting papers were published on measures of profitability, the working capital ratio, and current cost accounting. Capital budgeting, the use of computers in municipal government and the supply of equity share capital are among thc topics currently being studied. Members of the Graduate School of Business Administration published work on the analysis of leadership and the functioning of options markets, while research on topics in government business relations and the process of formation of government policy was begun. Research in the multidisciplinary area of industrial relations is carried out in at least three departments, and in 1979 material in this area was published in the Departments of Economics and Legal Studies and the Graduate School of Business Administration. In 1979, the Faculty received a Research Development Grant from the Research and Graduate Studies Committee for expenditure in 1980. It is intended that this grant, which the Faculty has undertaken to supplement with funds from existing research grants, will be allocated to projects designed to increase significantly the capacity of certain departments and areas to carry out effective research. Some departments and groups have faced threshold problems in that, without substantial supplementation of existing research funds, they have been unable to carry out projects on a viable scale. This problem has been particularly relevant in the smaller departments ofthe Faculty.



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS !. Working capital management - F. K. Wright. 2. An investigation into the allocation problem in capital budgeting with special emphasis on technological change- G. H. Burrows. 3. An investigation into computing problems in local government authorities-N. Roberts. 4. An Australian study ofthe liquidity-hedging hypotheses ofthe term structure of interest rates- L. R. McGinley. 5. Accounting for foreign exchange-D. R. Roberts. 6. Interlocking corporate ownership: implications for the financial objective of maximizing share prices- R. E. G. Nicol. 7. Funds statements and disclosure in corporate reports- R. C. Clift. 8. A critical examination of break-even relationships - K. A. Middleton. 9. Current cost accounting, especially with regard to purchasing power gains and losses on monetary items-C. J. Warrell. 10. Thc supply of equity share capital in Australia - R. E. G. Nicol.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. CLIFT, R.C. - The Funds Statement, Discussion Paper No. 2, Australian Accounting Research Foundation, Melbourne, 42 + iv +appendices (1979). Chapter of Book 2. WRIGHT, F. K. - An Examination of the Working Capital Ratio, in Financial Ratio Analysis: An Historical Perspective, ed. J. O. Horrigan, Arno Press, New York (1978). Articles 3. WRIGHT, F. K. - Accounting Rate of Profit and Internal Rate of Return. Oxford Economic Papers, JO: 464-468 (Nov., 1978). 4. WRIGHT, F. K. - Cash as an Item of Stock: a Comment. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 6:115-1 19(Spring, 1979). 5. WRIGHT, F. K. - The Ex-Post Internal Rate of Return: Who Needs It? Accounting and Finance. 79(1): 71-80 (May. 1979). 6. HOLMES. E. McL. - The Environment for Business in the South Pacific with special reference to the need for the University of the South Pacific to offer Training Courses in Small Business. The Fiji Accountant. March 1979:3-9, and June 1979:10-15. 7. TAYLOR, D., WEBB. L. and McGINLEY, L. R. - Annual Reports to Employees - The Challenge to the Corporate Accountant. The Chartered Accountant in Australia, 49(10): 33-39 (May, 1979). 8. LEWIS, C. R. and HARRIS, G. J. - Opinions of Chartered Accountants on CCA. The Chartered Accountant in Australia. 49(8): 19-23 (March, 1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Master of Commerce BURROWS, G. H. - An investigation into the problems of accounting for research and development expenditure.

THESES IN PROGRESS MCom Theses in Progress ANDERSON, R. H. - An investigation into the usefulness to investors of accounting information disclosed in annual financial statements. GREEN, D. F. W. - An evaluation of leasing as an alternative to owning assets, with special reference lo plant, equip ment and motor vehicles, for A ustralian public companies. HILTON, I. H. - An investigation into transfer price policies used bv firms in industry. MONAGHAN, P. J. - The financial effects ofthe wool price decline 1969-1972. ROBERTS, N. - An evaluation of management information systems in use in Viclorian local government wilh special reference lo the use of computers for the provision of decision and control oriented information. TREACY, J. R. - An examination of the use made of market information by participants in the unofficial sector ofthe short-term money market. ECONOMIC HISTORY

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. A history of CSIRO 1926-70 -C. B. Schedvin (with K. Trace). 2. Family and the state in Australia-C. B. Schedvin (assisted by J. Tyers). 3. Australian experience of military-business interaction - C. B. Schedvin (with D. T. Merrett). 4. British popular attitudes towards Australia 1830-1880 - their origin and influence - E. A. Beever. 5. Letters of working class migrants to Australia 1845 to 1855 -E. A. Beever. 6. The operational experience of Australian joint ventures in South-East Asia - A. G. Thompson (assisted by R. Muir). 7. Nineteenth century regions of recent settlement-J. P. Fogarty. 8. Economic development in Argentina under the Radical Governments 1916-1930 - J. P. Fogarty. 9. Economic aspects of psycho-geriatrics - M. G. Harper. 10. The British shipbuilding industry 1870-1914 - P. L.Robertson. I 1. Thc management of manpower in American industry since 1870- P. L. Robertson. 12. The role of science and engineering graduates in the British economy before 1914 - P. L. Robertson. 13. The views ofthe classical economists on state intervention - P. L. Robertson. 14. Patterns of fertility of different socio-economic groups in South Asia-A. M. Vicziany. 15. The relationship between population growth and economic development in the Punjab - A. M. Vicziany. 16. Nuclear weapons. The new proliferation - M. J. Kennedy.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. ROBERTSON, P. (with POLLARD, S.) - The British Ship/wilding Industry 1870-1914. Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1979).

Chapters of Books 2. FOGARTY, J. - Australia y Argentina en el perido de 1914-1933, in Argentina y Australia, eds. J. Fogarty, E. Gallo, H. Dieguez, Instituto Torcualo Di Telia, Buenos Aires (1979). 3. VICZIANY, A. M. - Bombay Merchants and Structural Changes in thc Export Community, 1850-1880, in Studies in Indian Economic and Social Historv. eds. C. Dewey and K.Chaudhari, Oxford University Press. Delhi: 163-196(1979).

Articles 4. ALFORD. K. - Married Women's Employment and its Relation lo Youth (Un)Employmcnt. Australian Economic Review {3rd Quarter 1979). 5. ALFORD. K. - "Cramming the Workforce and Neglecting their Children"? The Journal of Australian Political Economy. No. 6 (1979). 6. BEEVER, E. A. - The Pre-Gold Boom in Australia 1843-51. Australian Economic Historv Review. XIX: 1-25 (1979). 7. SCHEDVIN, C. B. - Midas and ihe Merino: A Perspective on Australian Economic Historiography. Economic Historv Review. 2nd ser. XXXII: 542-556 (1979). 8. SCHEDVIN,C. B. - ManningClark's Model of Man. 1888 Bulletin, 3 (1979). 9. VICZIANY, A. M. - The Dcindustrialisation of India in thc Nineteenth Century: A Methodological Critique of Amiva Kumar Bagchi. Indian Economic and Social Historv Review. XVI. 105-146(1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Master of A rts 1. PHI LCOX. R. - Early Computer Systems in A ustralia.


THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ALFORD, K. A.- The labouring role of Australian women. 1788-1850. AL!, w. - Ruralcrsdi: in Bengal 1900-1947. DUNCAN, W. T. - The impact ofthe Baring Crisis on the development of Argentine economv 1890-1904. FRANCIS, B. - The Kauri Timber Company in the Pacific Islands. KENNEDY. M. J. - The role and significance of horses and bullocks in the economic develop­ ment of Australia 1788-1930. MUIR, R. S. - Some aspects of recent operational difficulties of Australian businessmen in Asia. SIAR, S. - Transnational corporation investment in developing countries. WH1TWELL, G. - The evolution of Commonwealth Treasury economic thinking 1945-1970.

MA Theses in Progress BOWMAN, R. B. - Aboriginal-European contact in Victoria to 1860. COX, M. C. B. - The unemployment issue in Australia 1890-1940. HOWARD, M. J. - Unemployment in Victoria before 1890. LEWIS, K, N.- Structural change in women 's employment 1939-1977-Geelong. SOUKUP, J. J. - Tourism in Australia to 1914. VENN,M.A.-,4/1 economic history of Australian railways. ECONOMIC RESEARCH


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Applied general equilibrium analysis ofthe Australian economy-A. A. L. Powell, B. R. Parmenter, D. P. Vincent. D. Sams. 2. Demographic structure and labour supply - A. A. L. Powell, D. Sams, A. Tulpule, P. Williams.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. DIXON, P. B., POWELL, A. A. L. and PARMENTER, B. R. - Structural Adaptation in an AilingMacroeconomy, Melbourne University Press (1979). Chapter of Book 2. DIXON, P. B., PARMENTER, B. R.and POWELL. A. A. L. - Structural Adjustment and the Macroeconomy, in The Economics of Structural Change and Adjustment, eds. C. J. Aislabie and C. A. Tisdell, Institute of Industrial Economics. University of Newcastle, N.S.W.: 223-256 (1979).

Articles 3. POWELL, A. A. L. and PARMENTER, B. R.-The IMPACT Project as a Tool for Policy Analysis: Brief Overview. Aust. Quarterly, 5/(1): 62-74 (1979). 4. DIXON, P. B. and PARMENTER, B. R.'. - Advances in Input-Output Analysis: A Review Article./ Policy Modeling. 1(2): 271-285 (1979). 5. VINCENT, D. P., DIXON, P. B., PARMENTER, B. R. and SAMS, D. C. - The Short Term Effects of Oil Price Increases on the Australian Economy with Special Reference to the Agricultural Sector. Aust. J.Agr. Econ.. 23(2): 79-101 (1979).

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED The following grant has been received: Commonwealth Government: IMPACT Project support.



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. A survey of ihe literature on the personal distribution of income in Australia-J. Abraham i. 2. Financial requirements of Australian industry - R. H. Allan. 3. Australian money markets- R. H. Allan. 4. The economics oi cricket-R. H.Allan. 5. John Locke's system of political economy-A. Aspromourgos. 6. Leading indicators of Australian economic tluctuations since 1950 - E. A. Boehm. 7. Australia's inflation since the Second World War: causes and effects - E. A. Boehm. R. A. Williams. L. V. Defris. 8. Unions as employers: A study of employment in Australian white collar unions - L. G. Cupper. 9. An examination of the growth, structure and policy of Australian trade unions - L. G. Cupper, G. D. Griffin. 10. Trade union involvement in non-industrial issues- L. G. Cupper. J. M. Hearn. 1 I. Average age of the capital stock-R. J. Dixon. 12. Underdevelopment in Papua and New Guinea - R. J. Dixon. 13. Changes in the social division of labour in the 1970s-R. J. Dixon. 14. Size ofthe price mark-up coefficient and thc labour process - R. J. Dixon. 15. The economics of restrictive trade practices-A. W. G unifier. 16. Australian policy towards foreign investment-A. W.Gunther. 1 7. Some aspects of government policy towards research and development - A. W. Gunthcr. 18. Income distribution, poverty and the relationship between personal taxation and means testing- R. J. A. Harper. 19. Industrial relations in the open-cut black coal industry in Queensland - K. W. Hince. 20. The economics of air transport-R. D.Hocking. 21. Trade in motorcars within the E.E.C. -R. D. Hocking. 22. The tobacco industry and anti-smoking campaigns-A. I I. Y. Hooi. 23. Domestic credit policy and devaluation-J. Home. 24. Sterilization and monetary independence-J. Home. 25. Distribution of the world money supply-J. Home. 26. Rational expectations and unemployment in Australia - J. Home. 27. A study ofthe Victorian Teachers'Union-S. B.Jones. 28. Capital utilization in the manufacturing industry with specific reference to shift working in U.K., U.S.A., Germany and Australia-A. Kan. 29. The history and development of Australian price indices-A. Kan. 30. Wage and employment determination-the trade union case-1. M. McDonald. 31. Culling cost-push taxes as an anti-inflationary policy - I. M. McDonald. 32. Macroeconomic implications of uncertainly and market power-1. M. McDonald. 33. The economics of share-cropping-I. M. McDonald. 34. Thc problem of human action and social aims- N. Moldofsky. 35. The economic consequences ofcertain professions-J. P. Nieuwenhuysen. 36. Principlcsofmacro-economicpolicy-J. O. N. Perkins. 37. A basic lexton macro-economics-J. O. N. Perkins. 38. Price formation in the stamp markct-J. E. Price. 39. Balance of payments theory and the establishment of an Australian foreign exchange market-J. H. Reeves. 40. Construction of commodity cost of production time series for the farm sector - R. L. Smith. 41. The analysis of international trade in agricultural commodities, with special emphasis on market structure and relationships - R. L. Smith. 42. Thc monetary proposals of J. F. Darling-J. E.Sullivan. 43. U.K.-Australian financial relationships-J. E. Sullivan. 44. Australian financial structure and development - J. E. Sullivan, J. Home. 45. The financing of strikcrs-J. Teicher. 46. Labour market policy for disadvantaged workers: The relevance of overseas experience to Australian practice-J. Teicher. 47. The lags associated with monetary policy in Australia in thc 1970s - M. A. Teofilovie. 48. Investment decision-making procedures in Australian firms - L. R. Webb, R. H. Allan. S. Kasch. 49. Monopoly and centralisation in Marx - P. L. Williams. 50. Literature survey ofthe structure of Australian Industry-P. L.Williams. 51. Inflation, unemployment and consumer demand - R. A. Williams. ECONOMICS 73


Books I. ALTMAN, J. and NIEUWENHUYSEN. J. P. - The Economic Status of Australian Aborigines, Cambridge University Press, xix+ 230 (1979). 1. BOEHM. E. A. - Twentieth Century Economic Development in Australia. 2nd ed., Longman Cheshire, Melbourne, xix + 368 (1979). 3. PERKINS, J. O. N.- The Macroeconomic Mix to Stop Stagflation, Macmillan, London, ix + 193(1979). 4. PERKINS.J.O. fi.-Australia in the World Economy. 3rd ed.. Sun Books, Melbourne, 182 (1979). 5. SMITH. R. L. (with BRAIN. P. J. and SCHUYERS, G. P.)- Population. Immigration and the A ustralian Economy. Croom Helm. London, 404 (1979).

Chapters of Books 6. ALLAN, R. H.. NIEUWENHUYSEN, J. P. and NORMAN, N. R. - Government Inter­ vention in thc economy of Australia, in Government Intervention in the Developed Economy, ed. P. Maunder, Croom Helm, London: 41-71 (1978). 7. BOEHM, E. A. - El desarrollo economico australiano a partir de 1930. in Argentina y Australia, eds. J. Fogarty, E. Gallo and H. Dieguez. Scrie Jornadas. Instituto Torcuato Di Telia, Buenos Aires: 115-163 (1979). 8. DIXON, R. J. (with THIRLWALL, A. P.)-a Model of Export-Led Growth with a Balance of Payments Constraint, in Inflation, Development and Integration, ed. J. Bowers. Univ. of Leeds Press: 173-192 (1979). ' 9. NORMAN. N. R. - The PJT: Institutional Procedures in thc Pricing Process, in Readings in Austral/an Marketing, eds, G. Ferris, M. Mathew and P. Stcindl, Ball State University, Indiana: 132-146(1979). 10. PERKINS, J. O. N. - Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Growth in Economic Growth and Resources. Vol. 4. National and International Policies (Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of the International Economic Association, Tokyo, Japan. 1977), ed. Irma Adclman, Macmillan, London: 23-33 (1979). 1 1. PERKINS, J. O. N. - Of Budget Deficits and Macroeconomic Policy, in The Significance of the Budget Deficit, ed. J. R. Hewson and others, Occasional Paper. No. 7. Centre for Applied Economic Research. University of N.S.W.: 33-59 (1979). 12. SMITH. R. L. - Australian Immigration 1945-1975, in Population. Immigration and the Australian Economy, bv P.J. Brain, R. L. Smith and G. P. Schuyers, Croom Helm, London: 37-58(1979). 13. SMITH. R. L. - Australian Post-war Demographic Experience, in Population. Immigration and the Australian Economy, by P. J. Brain, R. L. Smith and G. P. Schuvers, Croom Helm. London: 59-73 (1979). 14. SMITH, R. L. - Australian Population Projections: The Borric Report and Its Predecessors, in Population. Immigration and the Australian Economy, by P.J. Brain. R. L.SmithandG. P. Schuyers,doom Helm. London: 86-110(1979). 15. SMITH, R. L. - The Effects of Immigration on the Australian Economy, in Population. Immigration and the Australian Economy, by P. J. Brain. R. L. Smith and G. P. Schuvers, Croom Helm, London: 113-127(1979). 16. SMITH, R. L. - Marriages, Fertility and Mortality, in Population. Immigration and the Australian Economy, by P.J. Brain, R. L. Smith and G. P. Schuvers, Croom Helm. London: 213-233 (1979). 17. SMITH, R. L. (with SMITH. A. W.) - The Implications of thc Borrie Report, in Population. Immigration and the Australian Economy, bv P. J. Brain. R. L. Smith and G. P. Schuyers. Croom Helm, London: 341-367 (1979).' 18. WEBB, L. R. - Structural Change and Market Forces, in The Economics of Structural Change and Adjustment, eds. C. J. Aislabie and C. A. Tisdell. Universitv of Newcastle: 55-66(1979).

Articles 19. CUPPER. L. - Dvnavac Revisited: Self Management in Transition. Jnl. of Ind. Relations. 21:51 -62 (1979). ' 20. DEFRIS. L. V. and WILLIAMS, R. A. - The Formation of Consumer Inflationary Expectations in Australia. Eco. Record. 55:136-148(1979). 21. DEFRIS. L. V. and WILLIAMS. R. A. - Quantitative versus Qualitative Measures of Price Expectations: Thc Evidence from Australian Consumer Surveys. Eco. Letters. 2: 169-173 (1979). 74 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE

22. DIXON, R. J. - Accounting for Variations in the Wage-Share in Australian Manufacturing: 1969-1977. Aust. Eco. Papers, 18:192-199(1979). 23. DIXON, R. J. - Relative Wages and Employment Theory. Jnl. ofPost-Kevnesian Econ., 2: 181-192(1979). 24. HORNE, J. - The Effect of Devaluation on the Balance of Pavments and the Labour Market: United Kingdom 1967. Economica. 46:1 1-25(1979). 25. HORNE, J. and BATCHELOR, R. - Money, the Balance of Payments, and the Rate of Exchange. Annual Monetary Rev.. 1:19-27(1979). 26. MeDONALD, 1. M. - The Dynamic Interactions between the Phillips Relation and the 1S-LM Model. Eco. Record. 54:369-379(1978). 27. NIEUWENHUYSEN, J. P. - Wages. Prices and Economic Policy. Economics. 13: 2-1 1 (1978) . 28. NIEUWENHUYSEN. J. P. - Social Economics and Political Change in South Africa. International Jnl. of Soc. Econ.. 5:148-157 (1978). 29. NIEUWENHUYSEN, J. P. - A Nco-Non-Monetarist View of Wage Policy in South Africa, Sth. African Jnl. of Eco.. 47:239-254(1979). 30. NORMAN. N. R. - Economic Outlook 1979-80. Management Review. 4:16-19 (1979). 31. PARK. U.-S. K. - Modern Economic Development in the Republic of Korea. Seoul Nat. Univ. Eco. Rev.. 12:14-25 (1978). 32. PARK, U.-S. K. - Inter-Industry Effect of Cumulative Wage Indexation. Aust. Eco. Papers. 18. 138-148(1979). 33. PERKINS, J. O. N. - Aspects of Macroeconomic Policy. Aust. Eco. Review, 45: 90-94 (1979) . 34. SMITFI, R. L. and SMITH, A. W. - The Australian Cattle Industry: Prospects and Consequences. Aust. Eco. Review. 47:57-68 (1979). 35. TEICHER, J. - NEAT: A Little More than an Acronym. Jnl. of Ind. Relations, 23: 1-21 (1978).

Report 36. WEBB, L. R. (with JOHNSTON. R. N. R.) - Shell Australia Limited and Related Companies, Matter. No. N79/25, Inquiry into Proposed Higher Prices for Petroleum Products, Report by Prices Justification Tribunal: 90(1979).


Master of Arts 1. DOBSON, W. J. - Associated Chambers of Manufactures of Australia 1904-1977.

Master of Commerce 2. DEER Y, S. J. - The National Stevedoring Industry Conference and its impact on industrial relations in the A ustralian stevedoring industry. 3. DE SILVA, M. A. - A case study ofthe impact ofthe cost of funds on firms in the metals fabrication industry with special reference to government monetary policy and bank lending rates in Australia. 4. SANDY, G. A. - Metropolitan local government and its role in social welfare in Victorian Region 14: with special emphasis on the provision ofdomiciliary services for aged persons.


PhD Theses in Progress GRIFFIN, G. D. - White collar unionism in A ustralia: the growth of militancy. M AHMOOD, M. - Jute and synthetics: a study of technical change and trade in the jute market. SAVAGE, B. A. - The provision of transport services in Australia - the interaction of public and private enterprise. SCHUYERS, G. P.-An analysis of Australian energy resources. SMITH, R. L. - An econometric model of Australian agriculture with emphasis on disaggregated profitability. STRICKER, P. - A nalysis of flow processes in the A ustralian labour market. TULPULE, A. H. - Factors affecting the supply of labour. ECONOMICS 75

MCom Theses in Progress ALDRED, K. J. - Scrutiny ofpublic expenditure bv the Federal Parliament. ARMSTRONG, L. A. - Industrial relations in the A ustralian Oil Industry 1969-1979. ASPROMOURGOS, A. - The political economy of John Locke. BEVAN, M. - Case study ofa union wage policy - an enquiry into the influence of trade union militancy on relative wages. BROUS. A. D..- Welfare and control: Social and economic factors in public and private sector relationships. BYRNES, D. H.- The commercial bill market in Australia. COWANS, G. E. - The structural determinants of technological progress: a cross-sectional study of research and development activity in Australian manufacturing industry. CRANE. R. P. - Determinants of industrial relations in professional employment: the case ofthe Viclorian Institute of Colleges. ENSLEY, R. G. - Some aspects of industrial relations in small manufacturing business firms. HARRISON, A. W. - The statutory corporation in industrial relations. HOGG, T. M. - The valuation of private lime savings by inter urban travellers. JOHNS, R. F. - An examination and evaluation of the major factors causing longer term variations in private capital expenditure on new housing in Australia from 1948-1949 to the present and an assessment ofthe analysis for the future private capital expenditure on new housing. KH AW. P. C. L. - Dualism in the Malaysian economy. LEAVESLEY, J. A. - A study of the Australian maritime labour market. MAHLER, F. W. - The developing countries: A case for the development of the traditional economics organization. McPHEE, J. M. - Thc industrial relations system in the pulp and paper industry in Australia. MELOTTE, Y. M. - Urban development. MITCHELL, W. F. - Thc determinants of profits and the profit share and the consequences of wage policies upon employment levels and thc distribution of income. RAWLINGSON, M. J. - Labour turnover in the technical musterings ofthe RAAF: an economic analysis. ROBERTS, J. H. - A comparative study of short term forecasting techniques used in planning a telephone network. ROWE, B. A. - 'The oil industry in Fiji-1958-1978: an analytical industrial relations study. TOME, J. A. - Industrial relations and technological change: a comparative study ofthe metro­ politan daily newspaper industry in Melbourne and Madrid. WALLS, A.J. - The Industries Assistance Commission - an examination ofthe operations origin and impact of an economic policy institution.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows; ARGC: Investment decision making by firms in Australia. ARGC: The economic consequences of certain professions. ARGC: International trade in agricultural commodities. ARGC: The environmental determinants of industrial conflicts in the North Central Queensland open-cut black coal mining industry. Australian Wool Corporation: Commodity cost of production time series for the farm sector. Economic Research Fund of the Reserve Bank of Australia: Australia's inflation since the Second World War. Emergency Research Grant: Leading indicators of Australian economic fluctuations. Rural Credits Development Fund ofthe Reserve Bank of Australia: An econometric study ofthe demand for and cost of air transport in Australia. 76 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. The strategies and structures of Australian organizations-W. J. Byrt. 2. Thc political thought of H. J. Laski - a re-assessment in thc light of modem conditions - W. J. Byrt. 3. Organization theorists-W. J. Byrt, J. Gould. 4. A comparative study of thc incorporation of interpreters in established institutions and its policy implications for education-J. M. Hearn. 5. Australian trade union involvement in "non-industrial" issues-J. M. Hcam. 6. Women in management - J. L. Howlett. 7. Business and Government-P. J. Rose. 8. Thc Process ofGovemment Policy Formation - P. J. Rose. 9. An investigation of confidence limits of sample proportions, and errors associated with commonly used approximation methods- H. G. Stanton. 10. Development of new methods of analysis of conventional market research survey data, aimed at identifying market segments-H. G. Stanton. 11. Thc share price effects of rights issues-1. R.Woods.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. BYRT, W. J.-Leaders and Leadership,Sun Books, Melbourne (1979). 2. CRAIG, H. F. - Case Studies and Readings in Business Administration. 4th ed.. Law Book Co. Lld..Melbournc(1979). Articles 3. HEARN, J. M. - Creating a Climate of Change. School-Community Based Decision Making. Report on thc Second National Advisorv Committee on School Based Decision Making, Victoria (1979). 4. PAYNE, A. F. T. - The Conventional Options Market. Journal of the Securities Institute of Australia, 1978Mo A: 19-24 (December, 1978). 5. PAYNE, A. F. T. - Thc Exchange Traded Options Market. Journal of the Securities Institute ofAustralia , 1979, No. 1:21-28 (March, 1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Master of Business Administration 1. BRUNCKHORST, J. M. - The role and adequacy of shareholders' funds in Australian banking groups. 2. CHUA. t. H. - Sourcesojftnance for smallbusinesses. 3. COLLINS, B. A. - An efficient Hamilton algorithm. 4. CROWE, A., HARPER P. and O'RIELLY, T. - The management of retail pharmacy in Victoria. 5. DAVIDSON, I. and WARREN. C. - A study in organization design. 6. DEACON, G. B. - An investigation into records management practices and policies in thc University of Melbourne. 7. FLYNN. D. R. -A business strategy plan for ICI Australia Limited. 8. GU NN, N. D. - A review ofthe major funding facilities offered to the corporate sector by the merchant banking industry in Australia. 9. HORDERN, D. A. - Rationalization ofthe A ustralian wheeled tractor industry. 10. LU NG, P. W. Y. - Some aspects ofthcphoiofinishing market. 11. MILLER.G. D.- Manpower planning in a hierarchical organization. 12. MORLETY, I. D. - Feasibility study - prospects for investment in private hospitals and nursing homes. 13. NG, K. G. - Superannuation funds and service companies - a study of their formation and operations and the strategies which underly them. 14. OLSEN, J. O. - An analysis ofthe decline in sales in bulk confectionery and to postulate what action should be taken to correct or replace the lost sales. 15. O'BRIEN, T. H. - An analysis of the Australian market for the submersible sewage, dewatering and drainage pumps. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 77

16. PHA IR. J. M. - A feasibility analysis on the importation and marketing of the Sky Climber Powered Suspended Platform for KwiFrom Industries Limited. 17. PROBERT, G. R. and SANDERSON, S. - business opportunities in the data processing industry. 18. ROBERTSON, L. J. and FIGGIS. C. i.-A readership survey forThe Melbourne Times. 19. ROWLES, K. N.-Integration of Australian scientific service. 20. SCULLY. V. - Trends in lending to persons by the major trading banks. 21. VAN LINT, W. J.-Unemployment-some alternative approaches. 22. VERHAR DT, J. S. - Australian offshore in vestment. 23. WATSON, Q. M. - Future demand Jor pinewoodfurniture.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD 'Theses in Progress BAILEY, J. - Small business. CUMMINS, T. J. - Mid-career development ofthe Australian manager. KI NG. J. B. - Patterns ofbehaviour of boards ofdirectors of selected A ustralian companies. LINCOLN, M. G. - Business failure prediction in Australia. MASTERS, P. R. - The structure and content of post-experience management development programs. MURPHY. E. - Career structures of recreation personnel. STANTON, H. G. - Application of heuristic programming techniques lo resource scheduling.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED Thc following grant has been received: ERDC: A comparative study ofthe incorporation of interpreters in established institutions and its policy implications for education. 78 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE



A. SHORT-TERM ECONOMIC CONDITIONS. POLICIES AND FORECASTS 1. Analysis of economic conditions in Australia - J. P. Brennan, B. C. M. Derody. P. P. Strieker. 2. Short-term forecasts of economic developments - D. McDonald, P. B. Rosendale, P. J. Sheehan. 3. Publication ofthe Australian Economic Review-P. J. Sheehan and others. 4. Surveys of consumer attitudes - J. S. McDonnell, S. Derrick (with the Roy Morgan Research Centre). 5. Analysis of consumer attitudes and the saving ratio-J. S. McDonnell, D. S. Ironmonger. 6. Unemployment - P. J. Sheehan, P. P. Strieker. 7. Issues of macro-economic policy - R. F. Henderson, D. S. Ironmonger, P. J. Sheehan. 8. Project LINK- International linkage ofeconometric models- D. S. Ironmonger. 9. Quarterly model of sections ofthe Australian economy- P. J. Sheehan, B. C. M. Derody, P. B. Rosendale, D. McDonald.

B. LONG-TERM ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, POLICIES AND FORECASTS 1. Medium and long-term forecasts of economic developments - P. J. Brain and others. 2. A medium-term econometric model of the Australian economy - P. J. Brain, C. H. McPhee. 3. Analysis of industrial activity in Australia - B. S. Gray, J. W. Lang, W. H. Fung. 4. A model of supply and demand for energy in Australia - G. P. Schuyers. 5. A model of thc Australian financial sector- P. I. Burgess, S. M. Donath. 6. Econometric modelling ofthe operations of Telecom Australia - PR. Thcaker. 7. Economic activity in thc Australian States- B. S. Gray, J. W. Lang. 8. Analysis of demographic factors underlying the Australian economy - P. J. Brain, A. W. Smith, G. P. Schuyers. 9. An econometric model of Australian agriculture - A. W. Smith. J. P. Brennan. 10. Analysis of selected international economics as they affect Australia - A. Puntascn.

C. INDUSTRIAL, FINANCIAL AND AGRICULTURAL POLICY STUDIES 1. World trade in Australian agricultural products-A. W. Smith. D. J. Niall. 2. Australian manufactured exports-G. L. R. Dixon, J. I. Eberhardt. 3. Australian imports- P. B. Rosendale, E. B. Williamson. 4. Analysis of costs of production in Australian agriculture - A. W. Smith, K. F. Meikle. 5. Economic aspects ofthe use of water resources in the Kerang region - A. W. Smith, P. J. Taylor. 6. Mining investment in Australia- D. McDonald, S. Derrick.

D. SOCIAL CONDITIONS, WELFARE AND SOCIAL POLICY 1. A study of social expenditure patterns in Australia -R. B. Scotton, H. L. Ferber. 2. Local government co-ordination of welfare services-C. C. Thomas. 3. Funding local government welfare operations - R. B. Lewis. 4. Responsibilities of local government in welfare operations - R. F. Henderson. 5. Hidden unemployment in Australia - P. J. Sheehan, P. P. Strieker. INSTITUTE OF APPLIED ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH 79

E. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL STATISTICS 1. Institute's econometric data bank-J. C. Buchanan. 2. Preparation of annual data bank for econometric model ling-C. H. McPhee, A. E. Leahy. 3. Computer programming for econometric modelling and analysis of economic conditions- W. F. Foster, B. P. Kelly.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. BRAIN, P. J., SMITH, R. L., and SCHUYERS, G. P. - Population, Immigration and the Australian Economy, Croom Helm, London (1979). 2. DERODY, B., with CARMODY. A., SHEEHAN, P. J., and IRONMONGER, D. S. - Fluctuations in Dwelling Construction in South Australia, Technical Paper No. 13, Inst, of Appl. Eco. and Soc. Res.. Melbourne (1979). 3. SMITH, A. W., and TAYLOR, P. J., with FERGUSON, J. O. - Economic Aspects ofthe Use of Water Resources in the Kcrang Region. Main Report: Economic Analysis Using the Kerang Farm Model and Project Conclusions, Technical Paper No. I I, Inst, of Appl. Eco. and Soc. Res., Melbournc(l979). 4. TAYLOR, P. J. - The Kerang Farm Model, Technical Paper No. 12, Inst, of Appl. Eco. and Soc. Res., Mclbourne(1979). Chapters of Books 5. BRAIN, P. J. and SCHUYERS, G. P. - Demographic Changes and Australian Economic Growth, in Population. Immigration and the Australian Economy, Croom Helm, London (1979). ' 6. DIXON. G. L. R. - The Economic Consequences ofthe Australian Liquid Fuel Situation, in Oil and A ustralia's Future - The Economic, Social and Political Consequences, Hodder & Stoughton (Dec. 1979). 7. GRAY, B. S.. and BRAIN, P. J. - The Determinants of Employment and Changes in Inter- Sector Resource Allocation in thc Australian Economy, 1966-67 to 1973-74: A Multi- Sector Analysis, in C. A. Tisdell and C. J. Aislabie. eds. The Economics of Structural Change and Adjustment. Institute of Industrial Economics, University of Newcastle (1979). 8. GRAY, B. S., and SCHUYERS, G. P. - The Determinants of Migration Flows and Their Policy Implications, in Population, Immigration and the Australian Economy, Croom Helm, London, (1979). 9. IRONMONGER, D. S. - The Economic Program ofthe Labor Party, Chapter 10 in Howard R. Penniman, ed. The Australian National Elections of1977. American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington (1979). 10. ROSENDALE, P. - Thc Balance of Payments, in Indonesia under Soeharw, A. Booth and P. McCawley, eds., Oxford University Press, Melbourne (1979). 11. SCHUYERS, G. P. - The Determinants of Labour Force Participation Rates, in Population. Immigration and the Australian Economy, Croom Helm, London (1979). 12. SMITH, R. L., and SMITH, A. W.-The Implications of the Borrie Report, in Population. Immigration and the Australian Economy, Croom Helm, London (1979).

Journal 13. SHEEHAN. P. J., ed., MeDONALD, D. and ROSENDALE, P., assoc. eds. and BUCHANAN, J., assist, ed. - Australian Economic Review, Nos. 45, 46, 47 and 48: published quarterly by the Inst, of Appl. Eco. and Soc. Res. Articles and Papers 14. BRAIN, P.J..GRAY. B. S., and LANG, J. - Why do Model Results Differ: A Partial Study ofthe Coefficients and Structure ofthe I.M.P. and IMPACT Models, Paper presented at the Eighth Conference of Economists, La Trobe University. Melbourne. August 1979. 15. BRAIN, P. J. and DONATH, S. - A Corporate Model of the Australian Telecommunications Commission: Structure and Applications, Australian Journal of Management. Vol. 4(1979). 16. DIXON, G. L. R., and McGOWN, V. J. - The Behaviour of Australian Manufactured Exports 1968/69- 1972/73. Paper presented to Section 24 of the 49th ANZAAS Congress, Auckland, 22 January 1979. 17. HENDERSON, R. F. - Employment in the Tertiary Sector. Aust. Eco. Review, (2nd quarter 1979). 18. McDONNELL, J. S. - The application of Consumer Survev Data, Aust. Eco. Review (3rd quarter 1979). 80 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND COMMERCE

19. McDONNELL, J. S. and IRONMONGER. D. S. - Consumer Priorities and the Savings Ratio, Paper delivered lo the Second Oxford Conference on The role of Consumer Attitudes and Buying Intentions Data. Oxford. England. April 1979. 20. McDONNELL, .1. S. - The Effects of Inflation on Patterns of Consumption for Ten Major Categories of Consumer Expenditure. Paper delivered lo the International Conference on CoiiSuiuiT Behaviour, Melbourne. March 1V79. 21. SHEEHAN, P. J.. DERODY. B.. and ROSENDALE, P. - An Assessment of Recent Empirical Work Relevant lo Macroeconomic Poliev in Australia. Ausi. Eco. Rcview (I st quarter 1979). 22. SMITH, A. \V.. and SMITH. R. L. - The Australian Cattle Industry: Prospects and Consequences. Ausi. Eco. Review {irii quarter 1979). 23. SMITH. A.W.. and SMITH. R. L. - The Impact of Changing Economic Condi lions on the Australian Agricultural Sector. Paper presented to the 17th International Conference of Agricultural Economics, Banff, Canada, September 1979. 24. SMl l'I I, R. L. and SMITH. A. W. - Further Developmenisofan Econometric Model ofthe Australian Farm Sector. Paper presented to the 49th Congress of ANZAAS. Auckland, Januarv 1979. 25. SMITH. A. W.. SMITH, R. L, COLLARD, A. K. and WALLIS, R. J. C. - Disaggregated Cost Data for Australian Agriculture: Procedures and Some Preliminary Results, Paper presented to the 23rd Annual Conference of the Australian Agricultural Economics Societv, Canberra. 1979. 26. TAYLOR, P. J.. FERGUSON, .1. O. and SMITH. A. W. - The Economic Viability ofa Salt-Affected Irrigation Region. Paper presented to thc 23rd Annual Conference ofthe Australian Agricultural Economics Society, Canberra. February 1979.


Doctor of Philosophy 1. HAYWOOD. E. - Economic Eluciuuiions: Australia and its Stales, 1950-1972. Master of Commerce 2. MeDONALD, D.- The Estimation of Potential Output in Australia: 1964-1975.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BU RBI DG E, A. - Government Policies for the Work-force Poor. CUTTANCE. P. - Educational Achievement at the Secondary School Level. SCHUYERS. G. P. - 77ie Impact of Sew Energy Sources and Technologies on Eiuure Australian Energy Consumption and Production Patterns. STRICKER, P. P.-Operation of the Australian Labour Market. MCom Thesis in Progress LANG, J. W. - An Econometric Model of thc Victorian Housing Industry.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: World trade in agricultural products and Australian agriculture. ARGC: Investigation of assumptions underlying the delivery of personal welfare services by local government. ARGC: The behaviour of Australian manufactured exports 1963-64 to 1973-74. Australian Wool Corporation and Reserve Bank of Australia: Analysis of Australian farm costs. Telecom Australia: Econometric modelling and forecasting. Viclorian Ministry of Water Resources and Water Supply: Economic aspects ofthe use of water resources in the Kerang region. Victorian Ministry of Youth. Sport and Recreation: A study of hidden unemployment in Australia, 1974-1978. Details of subscribers to thc Consumer Surveys and Econometric Forecasting Projects will be found in thc Annual Report of the Institute for 1979. LEGAL STUDIES

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Aspects of government regulation of industrial relations practices- R. J. Mitchell. 2. The extent to which laws against deception impose a duly to disclose information - F. C. Hanks. 3. Trade practices-L. Rc. 4. Marxism and the law-R. McQueen. 5. Legal concept ofthe relationship between the individual and the state - D. A. Wishart. 6. Enforcement ofthe internal rulesofcompanics-J. H. Telfer. 7. Changes in taxation law-J. H. Telfer. 8. A textbook on commercial law-Z. Singer. 9. Takeovcrsand legal persons- M. E. Kino. 10. Medical negligence-M. E. Kino. 1 I. Legislative control of food manufacture and distribution - M.E. Kino.

PUBLISHED WORK Article 1. MITCHELL, R. J. - Industrial Relations Under a Conservative Government. The Coalition's Labour Law Programme 1975-1978. Journal of Industrial Relations. 21: 435-465(1979).



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. A regional and sectoral survey of Australian economic and resource development - R. K. Wilson. 2. Migration and mobility (for Urban Development course at the Open University, England)- R. K. Wilson. 3. Recent urban development in Melbourne -C. S. Beed. 4. Distributional aspects of federal government housing policy - R. A. Carter. 5. Lone parents in private rental housing markets-R. A. Carter. 6. The industrial and occupational structure ofthe London economy - R. A. Carter.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapter of Book 1. WILSON, R. K. - Urban and Regional Policy, in Public Expenditures and Social Policy in Australia, 6, eds. R. B. Scotton, H. Ferber, Longman Cheshire (1979). Article 2. CARTER, R. A. - The Interactions Between Economic Growth and Economic Development. Thc Role of Urban Development in National Economic Development, ed. R. A. Carter, Department of Regional and Urban Economic Studies; 69-86 (December, 1979). Reports 3. CARTER. R. A. and LITTLE. F. M. - Urban Development, Economic Development and Growth, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Melbourne (December. 1979). 4. CARTER, R. A. (with SALVARIS, M. I.)- Tenancy Law Reforms and the Law Institute of Victoria, Victorian Council of Social Service for the Community Committee on Tenancy Law Reform, Melbourne (November. 1979).

THESIS IN PROGRESS BOOTH, D. R. - Income and Distance: Inter-Statistical Division Gross Migration Plows, Victoria, 1966-1971. FACULTY OF EDUCATION

Dean's Report The Faculty is achieving a balance in emphasis between fundamental research, and those applied studies which contribute directly to contemporary educational debate. 1979 was an especially productive year: staff from the Department of Education published seven important books, and staff from the Centre for the Study of Higher Education published three books and two monographs, in addition to regular articles, papers and chapters of books. Gwyneth Dow's Learning lo Teach: Teaching to Learn appraises the innovative approach to school-based teacher education which she has led in recent years. Published in England, extensively reviewed here and abroad, her book adds to the present concern for the qualitative aspects of teacher education programs. It complements work ofa different kind commissioned by the National Inquiry into Teacher Education from the Centre for the Study of Higher Education. A group led by Professor Beswick has undertaken a national survey of the views and characteris­ tics of academic staff and practising teachers who contribute to teacher education. The Water and the Wave, by Ian Hansen, is addressed directly to teachers of English. As a senior scholar who has remained a classroom teacher, Hansen seeks to encourage and stimulate teachers in presenting literature, from a theoretical base, but as one who knows how things are in the classroom today. Scholarly works in a tradition of cultural analysis come from Imelda Palmer and Lesley Johnson. Palmer's study of Matthew Arnold, published by Macmillan, illumines thc contem­ porary' debate on aims of education and the appropriateness of curricula to foster a 'general liberal culture'. Johnson's The Cultural Critics is a significant volume in the International Library of Sociology series of Routledge & Kegan-Paul. Eight members of staff of the Department of Education have contributed chapters to Perceptions of Excellence, edited by Wilma Hannah and J. V. D'Cruz. This book takes up the current concern 'to understand the necessities, the inescapable elements ol a genuine human culture, the common ground that lies behind the pluralities of discrete perceptions'. The annual publication ofthe Faculty, Melbourne Studies in Education, reached its 21st volume in 1979. This, and the previous six volumes, have been edited by Stephen Murray- Smith. During 1979 Murray-Smith also edited and had published, under the title Mission to the Islands, the diaries of Canon Marcus Brownrigg. Staff from thc Department of Education continue their extensive contributions to the Australian Dictionary of Biography. Five staff members contributed eight entries published in 1979, and further entries are in progress. The Williams Committee Report this year has urged the importance of sustained academic study ofthe problems of tertiary education. The Centre for the Study of Higher Education exists, in large part, to fulfil that role. It has sharply focussed attention on some leading issues in tertiary education: university-government relations; financial assistance to students: problems of career choice, selection and attrition: the supply of teachers; and institutional and program evaluation. An important contribution from the Centre was published within the Williams Committee Report. It reports recent findings from longitudinal surveys of school leavers and young workers in Australia. The Centre has introduced a new program of policy oriented research linked to its involvement with postgraduate training. Limited term secondments of staff from other institutions (in 1979 from Western Australian Institute of Technology, Australian National University, Melbourne State College and Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences) with finance from outside funding agencies have assisted this research program, as have visiting stalT(in 1979 from the universities of Illinois and Aberdeen). Research training is a large element in the total activities ofthe Faculty. Some two hundred persons are enrolled for higher degrees. Four doctorates were completed in 1979, and 26 Masters degrees were conferred. Research Training Fellowships awarded by the Education Research and Development Committee have been taken up by students in the Faculty, in addition to Commonwealth, University and other awards.




RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Secondary school curriculum in France-O. Wykes. 2. Comparative study ofadministration of education in Australian States-O. Wykes. 3. Comparative study of secondary school curriculum in Australian States-O. Wykes. 4. Reforms in higher education in France-O. Wykes.

THESES IN PROGRESS MEd Theses in Progress

Major Thesis KIDD. J. M. - A Comparison of Deliberate Attempts to Foster Bi-cultural Identity in Selected Government Primary Schools in Victoria with Schools in Sweden and Israel. Minor Theses GARDNER, C. R. - Developments in Australian Government Public Service Board Training Policy since 1945. MERLINO, F. - Thc Three Teachers' Unions in Victoria: A Comparative Study. RUSH. E. R. - English in the Final Year of Australian Secondary Schooling 1975: A Compara­ tive View. WILLIAMS. F. G. - 'The Educational Recommendations of the World Bank Mission Report on Papua New Guinea 1964-74. WILSON, I. R. B. - Geography Curriculum in Australian schools. Years 11 and 12.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Content and structural analyses of junior secondary science material and syllabi - A. R. Fawns. 2. 'Clinical'supervision ofcurriculum studies in pre-service teacher education-A. R. Fawns. 3. Sex differences in English achievement-1. V. Hansen. 4. Completion ofbook, Maria Teaches:Maria Learns-G. D. Dow. 5. Humanisticteachereducation-G. D. Dow. 6. A longitudinal survey in Victoria, Tasmania and A.C.T. ofthe attitudes of 15-16 year olds totheirschooling-A. R. FawnsandR. V. Teese.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress GOUGH, N.iP. - Toward a Theory of School-based Curriculum Development: Principles and Practices in Decision Making. GRANT. A. N. - A Study of the Response to the Reading of Fiction by Pupils at the Upper Secondary School Level. MEd Theses in Progress

Major Theses BAKER, M. J. C. - 'The Mathematical Curriculum. B1GUM, C. J. - HSC Subject Choice Trends 1966-1975. BRYCE, J. - The Heterogeneity of Music Backgrounds of Students at ihc Beginning of Secondary School and Implicationsfor the Secondary School Music Curriculum. EDUCATION 85

GIDDENS, M. J. - The 20th Century Progressive Educational Music Concepts: Theories and Practical Applications oj Dalcrozc. GREENALL. A. E. - Environmental Education: The Curriculum Development Centre and UNESCO. HAMERSTON, M. T. - The Public Examination of English in Victoria: Study of One External Influence on the Secondary School English Curriculum, 1944-1974. HAMMOND, H. J.-Student Response to Literature in Directed and Undirected Discussions. LEASK, J. D.- The Justification of Music Education in the School Curriculum. ROBINSON, I. H.-The Use ofModels in Curriculum Theory. SCHWARZ. V. - Impact of 'Technological Change on Society and lis Implications for Education. SPEAR. M. S. - School-based Curriculum in Viclorian Secondary Schools: Its Introduction and Rationale and a Case Study. TROY NAR, G. M. - Concepts of Integration in Science Education. VINCENT, C. - An Investigation into the Historical Development of Instrumental Music at the Secondary Level in Victoria.

Minor Theses BARRACLOUGH. M. - Development of Mathematics Curriculum in High and Technical Schools. BLANCE. A. R. - The Notion of Relevance in Chemistry Curricula. BRUDENELL. P. L. - A Comparative Study of Three Primary Schools' Attempts to Develop School-based Curriculum. CAMERON, B. M,- The Effect ofthe Method of Introduction on Students' Laboratory Practical Work. COSGRIFF, R. O. - Investigation ofthe Role of Writing in Secondary Schools. DAVID, M. D.-'Visual Thinking' in thc Secondary Curriculum. GILCHRIST, P. T. - The Thinking Processes of Secondary Chemistry Students Studying 'The Mole Concept'. GOWD1E. J. P. - The Place of Foreign Language Study in the Curriculum. 1NCHLEY, G. T. - The Applicability of the Current HSC Programme to Mature Age Students. IRWIN, M. F. - Music Education and Curriculum Measurement. JONES, A. J. - An Evaluation of Victorian Computer Studies Curricula in Secondarv Schools. LIM CHIOW BENG. M. - Changes in Biology Curriculum. OLDMEADOW. J. C. - Decision Making in Curriculum Programming. PETERS. L. - Recurrent Education. POWER, P. D. - Childrcns' Participation in Physical Activities. SEDAL, L. - The Medical Curriculum: A Model for thc Study of Educational Theory. SHAW. N. A. - Nursing Education. STEEL. R. P.-Outdoor Education. WHITE. A. D. - Strategies for Promoting Curriculum Change: A Literature Survey. WILLIAMSON, R. M. - The Core Science Curriculum in the Years 7-10 in Victorian Schools.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Progressive and alternative school theory-P. N.Gill. 2. Sources and evolution of the basic concepts in thc pedagogical theorv of Maria Montessori - D. F. Cave. 3. The pedagogical'thcory' of Antonio Gramsci - D. F. Cave. 4. Education, culture and social reform: Daniel Bell-W. D.Hannah. 5. Culture, elites and education: a study of some contemporary English writers - K. I. Palmer.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress D'CRUZ, V. - The Educational Thought of Vivckananda in its Ideological and Cultural Context. GRIFFITH. J. R. - Education as an Aspect of Social Reform in the Works of Some Victorian Writers. 86 FACULTY OF EDUCATION

MEd Theses in Progress Major Theses BOWDEN, J. S. - Thc God-Concept of Adolescents! Australian and Fijian Samples).' HEATH, R. M. - Freedom and Authority in the work of Selected 'Progressives'. MICHEL, J. E. M. - Fullness and Education: An Exposition and Interpretation of D.H. Lawrence's Educational Thought. TAYLOR, D. P. - Yoga and Education. Minor Theses GOODWIN, C. R. - The Educational Philosophy of Jacques Marilain. HEINE, T. J. - Stciner Education: A Guide for Parents. KENNEDY. J. - Education and the Utility of thc Individual: A Study of J. S. Mill. McKNIGHT, C. - The Roman Quinlilian: A Writer of Importance in the Development of Classical Educational Thought. TRANTER, B. C. - Raymond Williams' Theory of Culture: A Critique.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Critical bands in thc cochlea following thc selective destruction of inner and outer hair cells -T. G. W. Nienhuys. 2. Mothers' speech to hearing and hearing-impaired children -T. G. W. Nienhuys. 3. A comparison of mothers' speech in two early-intervention programmes for deaf children - T. G. W. Neinhuys.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Consultative practices in Victorian schools-R. H. Millikan. 2. Perspectives on educational consultation-R. H. Millikan.

THESES IN PROGRESS MEd Theses in Progress

Major Thesis MclNDOE, R. G. - Educational Administration: Legal Accountability. Minor 'Theses AUSTEN, R. E. H. - Administration in TAPE. BARBER, I. A. - Assessment of Agricultural Courses in Indonesia. BROWN, J. E. - Leadership of the Primary School Principal. CAULFIELD. M. K. - Leadership and Responsibility. CHAMPION, N. D. - School-based Budgeting. CLACY, J. E. R. - Survey of Semi-professional Officers. CRUISE, R. J. - Educational Administration oft A IE Off-campus Study Courses. D'ORSA, J. B. - Accountability amongst Senior Staff Members in Catholic Senior High Schools in Victoria 1970-1979. FARISH, S. J. - An Investigation into the Effect of Sample Design upon Estimates of Test Reliability in Educational Research. FRASER, J. D. - Comparative Study ofOrganisation ofU. K. and Viclorian High Schools. HAMILTON, A. T. - The Role ofthe Off-campus Studies Co-ordinator. HARDMAN, T. D. - Authority Bases of Primary School Principals. HARRISON, P. J. - Organisational Climate of Schools. HAWARD, N.C.- The Role of Service Teachingin Technological Institutions. EDUCATION 87

HOLMES, G. R. - The Changing Role of School Councils I975-19S0. HOUGHTON, J. F. - Administrative Problems in Giving Parents Greater Choice in the Education their Children Receive. HOWELLS, E. C. - The Perceptions of the Role of the Victorian Primary Vice-Principals without Specific Grade Responsibility. ILES, R. L. - Viclorian High School Principals' Perception of School Review Boards as Instruments for School Evaluation. JANKOVIC. M. M. - Stress and the Educational Administrator. KENNELLY, P. A. - Diminishing Executive Role of Principal and ihe Concept of Staff Executives in School Administration. LAUGHTON. R. A. - School as Initiator of School-Community Links. LA WRY, R. P.- In-service Education: Primary Division. LLOYD, G. L. - Study Leave Program ofthe Education Department of Victoria. MEEHAN, R. L. - Description and Evaluation of Primary Teacher Qualifications. NEAL, R. T. - Leadership Role ofthe Subject Co-ordinaior. PAYNE. A. F. T. - Marketing Education in the Non-profit and Services Sector. PIETSCH, E. C. - Evaluation and its Relationship to Decision-making. RIDDIFORD, R. F. - Bureaucracy and the Supplementary Grams Programme. STEER, W. A. - Teacher Motivation in Viclorian High Schools. STONE. R. J. - Rural Isolation in Secondary Schooling. TOMKINS. M. R. - Thc Feasibility ofa Senior High School in ihe Western Suburbs. WILLIAMS. J. M. D. - Evalualingfor Accountability.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. History ofthe Australian College of Education -G. C. Fendley. 2. History of secondary education in Australia 1788-1900-E. L. French. 3. History of Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology-S. Murray-Smith. 4. History oftechnical education in Australia-S. Murray-Smith. 5. Community survival and adaptation in small island communities-S. Murray-Smith. 6. Humanistic teacher education -G. M. Dow. 7. BiographiesofEnid Derham, Julia Flynn-K. I. Palmer. 8. Biographies of Percy Deanc, Harold C. Dannevig-S. Murray-Smith. 9. Biography of Theodore Fink-W. D. Hannah. 10. Cultural transplantation: a studv of the educational activities of Mere Amelic Salmon, RSCJ - D. F. Cave.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress CLEMENTS, M. A. - Middle Class Education and Matriculation in Victoria 1890-1965. DARE, A. J. - Working Men's College lo Institute of Technology: a history of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 1930 to 1970 wilh special reference to the perceptions of staff and students. LING. P. N. - An Analvsis of Arrangements made for the Provision of Technical Education in Australia. 1880-1914. McLAREN.J. D. - The Influence of ihe Writings ofF. R. Lea vis on the Teaching of Humanities with particular reference to Australia. MITCHELL, J. A. - Thc Evolution ofthe Viclorian State High School System 1905-1928. NOBLE, G. W. - The Historv of Secondarv Education in Australia from 1800-1958. TASKER. D. H. - The Place of Religion in Commercial Television in Australia (1956-78). MEd 'Theses in Progress

Major Theses AB1USO, G. - The Historv of Italian Cultural Organizations in Victoria. 1861-1946. BOURAS, G. - Biography of A. J. Hicks. CRUTCHFIELD, L. L. - Liberalism. Feminism and State Secondary Education for Girls. GARLICK, L. F. C. - Movements thai Led to the Establishment of the Victorian Teachers' Tribunal und its Operations during the Years 1946-66. 88 FACULTY OF EDUCATION

KF.HOE, M. -Changes in the Concept of the 'Catholic Teacher' 1965-1976. KIMBER. R. F. - The Development ofthe Primary School Curriculum in Victoria 1900-39. McPHEE. B. P. - Catholic Education: 'The Contribution of Archbishop Carr 18S7-1917. MORATH.J.- Study of Development oj'Federal A.I. P. Educational Policy I960-1975. MOUNT, J. J. - Catholic Education: Changes in Policies and Practices in Victoria, 1965-1978. FOSTEMA. H. vi.-Some Aspects oft'oiicy in Pubiic Education in Victoria 1918-1940. REID, G. R. - A Studv oj Independent Schools: Geelong Grammar. Clvde and Geelong C.E.G.G.S. in the 1930s. RUSH, D. C. - Methodist Altitudes lo Public Education in Victoria 1855-1910. TURNER, A.-Independent f Vork ing Class Educatii min A ustralia 1917-1927. WATERS. P. M. - The Development of Catholic Education in Melbourne 1839-1880. Minor 'Theses BARKLEY, R. A.-A History of the Hermitage C.E.G.G.S. BEA V1S. C. A.- An Evaluation ofthe Recommendations ofthe Bullock Report and thc Assump­ tions Underlying It. BURRELL. J. N. - School Community Relations in Victoria. COLDREY, B. M. - Lord Somers Camp and Power House: A Response to a Climate of Fear, 1929-1941. DILLON, M. C. - A Studv of Working Class Education in thc Western Suburbs of Melbourne in thc 1920s and 1930s. GILLBANK., L. R. - History of ST A V. JACKEL, S. G. - The Employment of Teachers in Victorian Government Schools. 1862-1892. McDONOGH, J. J. - Some Aspects of Secondary Technical Education in Victoria. S1LVERBACK. R. B. - Tertiary Education in Provincial Cities. SMITH, A. C. - An Analvsis ofthe 'Teaching uf Religion in Victorian Catholic Primary Schools since 1900. WHITF.LE Y. R. H. - Donald Clark: The First Chief Inspector of Technical Schools. WILKINSON, R.C. - The Administration ofthe Secondary Examination System wilh particular reference to the Introduction oj ihc Matriculation Examination in 1944.


RESEARCH TOPIC IN PROGRESS 1. Linguistic variation in Australian children-E. R. Dines.

THESES IN PROGRESS MEd Theses in Progress Major Theses CALTON. C. J. - English Language Curricula in Teachers' Colleges. CAMPBELL, R. M. - Language and Concept Formation with particular reference to Bruner, Piagel and Vygotsky. DUNSTAN, C. D. - Psycho-socio-linguislic Factors in the Development of Mathematical Cognition. FRANCIS. N. A.- Comparative Study of Language and Music Acquisition. HOLROYD. L. M.-An Investigation of Narrative Writing at Grade band Form 2 Levels. PINGE, I. R. - Assumptions Underlying Appruachcs to ihc Teaching of English in Secondary Schools. Minor Theses BLAZE, D. A. - Language Delayed Working Class Children: Different or Deviant. CARR, J. V. - Early Language Development of Children. HAYNES. J. M. - Linguistic and Functional Variations in Classroom Discourse. KAVANAGH, M. B. - Development in Language from 5 years to Adulthood. KINDLER. K. P. - Language Differences in Fifteen Year Olds of Differing Socio-economic Backgrounds. KYNOCH, H. M.- Problems of Language Maintenance in Some Melbourne Italian Families. LOM AS, W. P. - Development and Directives in the Speech of Children of Earl v Primary School Age. MAHER. M. J.-Assumptions Underlying English 'Teaching. EDUCATION 89

MULCAHY, VI. D. - The Structure and Function of Written Narrative. WHEELER, H. G. - Language and Teaching in the Classroom.


THESES IN PROGRESS MEd Theses in Progress Major Thesis PARKER, J. D. - A Consideration of Ethnic Prejudice and Peer Acceptance Relationships in Multi-ethnic Classrooms. • Minor Theses ABADA. S. H. - Administration of Ethnic Education in Victoria. ARUNDEL, K. A. - Particular Problems of Newly-arrived Migrant Children in Mathematics. DAPIRAN, H.J. - The Influence of Home Environment on the School Achievement ofthe Migrant Student. KERSTJENS, C. - Problems Related to the Provision of Interpreter Services Jor Australian Migrant Communities. SISLOV, L. - Multi-cultural Studies: The Emergence ofthe Concept and Suggested Practical Consequences. VLAHOWASIOU. T. - The Development and Elaboration ofthe Concept of Multi-cultural Education 1970- 77: A nalysis of Significant Documents. Government and Private. WOLF, E. - The Emergence ofthe Concept of Pi-lingual Education 1970-1977.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Philosophical aspects ofa theory of teaching-K. G. Fleming. 2. An analysis of rights in an educational context-W. G. S. Smith. 3. Education and intrinsic value-W. G. S.Smith. 4. Philosophy of music education - W. G. S. Smith. 5. Autonomy as an educational aim - D. F. Cave.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress DUFF, B. E. - Education Criticism: An Attempt to Rethink Dcwev's Philosophy of Education. RZECHORZEK, P. - Educational Autonomy. MEd Theses in Progress

Major Theses BRADBEER, J. M. - Claims to Religious Knowledge (andReligious Education). DOROSZLAV,K. - An Analysis of the School Discipline 'Classical Civilisation' in the light of Epistomological Principles. GRESCHKE, L. R. - A Criticism of Transcendental Arguments in the Area of Justification of Educational Activities. HUGHES, D. J. M.- The Analvsis of Education' and the Value of Educational Activities. N1CHTERLEIN, J. - Kant's Philosophy of Education. Minor Theses ATKINSON, J. F. - Forms of Knowledge and Integrated Studies. CARMICHAEL, I.- Physics Teaching and Forms of Knowledge. DERHAM, M. G. - Is There a Relation between the Concepts of Teaching and Meaning? SETTLE, J. M. - Philosophical Foundation of Hirst's Forms oj Knowledge. 90 FACULTY OF EDUCATION


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Increasing self-confidence in low-achieving low self-concept school-age children - M. E. Bernard. 2. Parents as teachers-M. E. Bernard and others. 3. Diagnostic teaching-M. E. Bernard. 4. Sex role behaviour and teacher-student assessment-M. E.Bernard. 5. Computer simulations as a teaching aid-C. Poole. 6. Lateralisation of linguistic stimuli in Down's Syndrome children-X. Hartley. 7. Effects of attention-orienting instructions on cerebral dominance in adults- X. Hartley. 8. Teaching thinking skills (CoRT programme - dc Bono) to primary school children - X. Hartley. 9. Computer-based drill and practice in primary school arithmetic-A. McDougall. 10. Validation studies of a distinction between state and trait curiosity - F. D. Naylor. 11. Interest orientations of particular occupations - F. D. Naylor. 12. A community directed model for behavioural consultation in learning difficulties - M. E. Bernard and F. D. Naylor. 13. Product variables as criteria of teacher effectiveness - H. Schofield and K. B. Start.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress AINLEY, M. - The Role of Curiosity in Problem-solving. BALL, I. L. - Performance in Stressful Situations. BO Y LE, G. J. - Effect of Manipulating Mood States and Motivational Dynamics upon learning Task Performance. Taking into Account Ability and Temperament. GRIFFIN, P. E. - Apprenticeship Training: The Effects of Additional School-based Training. MILNE, R. - Moral Development in Early Childhood. RIDSDALE, A. M. - A Longitudinal Investigation into some Aspects of the Language of Tertiary Students. SCHOFIELD, H. - Attitudes and Achievements: Teacher and Pupil Relationships. MEd Theses in Progress Major Theses FENBY, B. P. - A Study of Moderating Procedures in Maths in Viclorian Technical Schools. GALE, J. G. - A udilory Perception and Music Language Acquisition. K ING, M. G. - Middle Level Technical Students. SHERWELL, I. F. - Learner and Instructional Variables Contributing to the Learning and Retention of Related Concepts at the Formal Levels of Attainment. Minor Theses BERRY, R. V. - Some Effects of Criterion Mastery Levels and Student Aptitude upon Achieve­ ment and Retention of Cartographic Knowledge and Skills. CERBASI, J. I. - Disabilities in Learning: Diagnostic and Remedial Methods Iin Mathematics). CLACY,J. E. R.-Survey of Semi-professional Officers. CURWOOD, M. R. - Achievement as a Function of Academic Status and Engaged Time. DALE, E. C. - Relation between College Achievement and Subsequent Professional Teaching. DU DLEY, A. G. - Children's Comprehension of Mathematical Language. GALLAGHER, M. F. - The Relation between a Child's Performance of Mathematical Tasks and the Language used to Present the Task. GLASS, C. N. - Gain Scores: Problems Involved in Pre-test Post-test Situation. HAEBERLE, R. L. - Gifted Children Programmes: A Case Study. HOSFORD, J. N. - A udilory Short-term Memory: Rehearsal Strategies. . JACKLIN, K. M. - Comparison of Mastery Learning and Traditional Methods of Grade VI Level. KELLEHER, M. M. T'. - Application of Psychology lo Teaching and Curriculum. LARSEN, E. W. - Effects of Streaming in Form 3 and Form 4 Mathematics. LYNE, M. L. - Teacher Morale in Technical Schools. McLEAN, R. J. - Computer-assisted Instruction in Elementary School Mathematics. MAKIN, G. J. - Slate Anxiety and Performance in Mathematics. EDUCATION 91

MORRISH, R. - An Evaluation of the Effect of Integration on the Socialisation of the Trainable Mentally Retarded. NEWTON, W. D. - An Analysis ofthe Language Component ofthe AM4 Test: Mathematical Ideas Using the Rasch Logistic Model. OPPY, N. E. - The Relevance of Overseas Teacher Effectiveness Research for Australian Teachers and Teacher Educators. PATEMAN, N. A. - Remediating the Basic Mathcmatic Knowledge of School Teachers. PITT, D. R.- Learning Variables: School and Home. SCILLIO, G. H. - Disabilities and Remedial Mathematics: Attitudes and Achievement in Mathematics. SMITH, I. R. H. - Relationship between Personality Factors. Motivational Analysis Test Scores and Abilities. WEEKS, G.J. - The Parent as a 'Teacher: The Critical Aspects of Parents' Attitudes and Behaviour that Influence Child Development. WHITE, G. - Redundancy of Statistics. WILSON, M. R. - The Estimation of Sampling Variance in Educational Surveys. WISE, J. t>.- Psychology of Reading Music.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Cultural and national unity: the development of broadcasting in Australia - L. R. Johnson. 2. The geographical distribution of grade retention rates in Victoria - R. V.Teese.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress BANNISTER, II. M. - Education and the State: An Application of Social Theory to the Study of Education. MEd Theses in Progress Major Theses CHRISTIE, C. S. - Co-education in Independent Schools. DOWNES, S. E. - The Changing Structure and Function ofthe Broadcasting Media in A ustralia with particular reference to Educational and Children's Broadcasting. FORD, O. A. - A Studv of Local Communities and their Schools in the Shire of Bravbrook. 1871-1921. GOODALL. J. D. - Paulo Freire: Implicationsfor Teaching in Viclorian State Education. HOWELLS. J. C. - Some Sociological Aspects of Religious Education. KEANE, M. A. - The Phcnomenonological Perspective as a Methodology for the Social Sciences. McCA LLU M, D. D. - Aspects of Ideological Functioning of Schools. McMAHON. A. G. - Education and Technological Change. RYAN, Y. - A Study ofthe Motion of Role in Relation lo ihc Behaviour of Full-time Mature Students in a Regional College. SEDDON, J. M. - Literacy and Social Control. THOMAS, C. C. - Educational Aspirations of Adolescent Girls. UNGER, Z. M. - Effect of Social Theory on Social Studies Curriculum Materials. WITNEY. N. A. - Organization Climates and Altitudes in Educational Innovation. Minor Theses ADAMS, D. J. - Careers Education. DETHRIDGE. E. M. - Sociology oj'Australian Education. GRANT, i. - Sociology ot Educational Ideas. HAM PEL, B. K. - An Examination of Social Ideologies of some Multicultural Curricula. HANDLEY, M. J. - Co-education and the 16-18 Year Old Girl. JONES. S. L.- The Secondarv Correspondence School in Victoria 1938-1978. KERWlCK(nee PATTERSON), S. D.- Substantial Change in Education. McKINNA, C. - Factors Associated with Early School Leaving. MA AS, F. W. - Early School Leavers and the Australian Economy. 92 FACULTY OF EDUCATION

MAY. G. ri.-Alternative Schools in Urban Areas. ORR, M. J. - Variations in Post-compulsory Recruitments. SALKIN, I. W. - Comparative Study of Literacy Standards in Primary Schools in Relation to Socio-economic and Cultural Factors. SALVAS, A. D. - Post-compulsory Holding Measures of Victorian Secondary Schools.

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGRESS Doctor of Philosophy 1. A1NLEY, J.G. - /Id Evaluation ofthe Australian Science Facilities Programme and its Effect on Science Education in Australian Schools. 2. ASTBURY, J. (McMILLAN)-Childbirth and Childbirth Education. 3. BIDDINGTON, R. W.-Policies in Primary Teacher Trainingin Victoria 1850-1950. 4. CLARKE, P. N. - Pre-training Influences on Student Teachers. Master of Education Theses Major Theses 5. CLARKSON, P. C. - Curriculum Development in Mathematics: A Case Study. 6. GIBBS, D. R. - John Thomas Lawton (1878-1944): Biography of an Educational and Social Reformer. 7. MILES, G. McL. -School in the Middle Years: Four Melbourne Independent Boys' Middle Schools. 8. WHITE, J. D. - The Effects of Student Characteristics and Computer Based Modes of Drill and Practice on Achievement in Primary School Mathematics. Minor Theses 9. BECROFT, J. - Home Environment. Spelling Ability and Types of Spelling Errors. 10. BLYTH, P. E. - Payment by Results as an Innovation in Victorian Education - with particular reference to the Period 1868-1878. 11. DICKIE, B.T. - Relationships between Extroversion. Neuroticism. 'Trail Anxiety and Trail Curiosity. 12. DUFF, B. E.- Theoretical Sociology and Education. 13. FAULKNER. M. J. - The Developing Ideologies of Bright Working Class Children. 14. GILCHRIST, M. T. - The Role ofDr Mannix in Viclorian Catholic Education. 1913-1923 and its Determinants. 15. HESKETH, B. C. - Computing in Secondary Schools: Internal and External Views. 16. HEWITT, R. D. - Factors Relating lo the School Performance of Ten Year Old and Fourteen Year Old Students from Non-English Speaking Backgrounds. 17. HOPKINS, B. - The Attitudes of Teaching College Students lo ihe Role of Primary Teacher. 18. JOHNSON. B. R. - Word Association and its Relationship lo the Reading Miscue Inventory. 19. JOHNSTON, C. T. - High Schools wilh Technical Components - The First Decade 1969-1978. 20. LEACH, S. S. - A' Comparative Study of Some Aspects of the Administration and Organization of State Secondary Education in N.S. W. and Vic. 1945-1975. 21. McKlNNON. I. D. - The Establishment and Operation of School Councils in Viclorian Government High Schools. 1973-1978. 22. MORGAN, G. - A Criterion-referenced Measurement Model with Corrections for Guessing and Carelessness. 23. RZECHORZEK, P. - Knowledge Assessment and Criteria. 24. SCOTT, A. E. - Effectiveness of Motor-sensory Therapy on Under-achieving Children. 25. SMITH, B. W. - An Investigation into ihe Relationship between Time Spent by Grade 3 Pupils on a Mathematics Task and their Achievement on lhat Task. 26. SMITH, M. - 77ie Relationship between Peer Group Slams and Academic Achievement in the Primary School. 27. STEWART, R. S. - Religious Development of Senior Students in Selected Single-sex and Co-educational Catholic Schools. 28. VEITCH, M. D. - A Study of A. S. Neill with Attention to his Perception of the Relation between Freedom and Authority in an Educational Institution. 29. WALKER, G. A. - The Effect of Success and Failure on Self Concept and Anxiety. 30. WELSH, R. J. - Relationship of a 'Time on Task' Measure to Achievement on a Specified Topic in Year Three Mathematics. EDUCATION 93

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. DOW, G. M. - Learning to Teach: Teaching to Learn, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London (1979). 2. HANNAH, W. D. and D'CRUZ, J. V., eds. - Perceptions of Excellence. Polding Press, Melbourne (1979). 3. HANSEN. I. V. - The Water and the Wave: An Approach to Literature in Secondary Schools. Jacaranda Press. Brisbanc(1979). 4. JOHNSON, L. R. - The Cultural Critics: From Matthew Arnold to Raymond Williams. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London (1979). 5. MURRAY-SMITH, S., ed. - Melbourne Studies in Education 1979. Melbourne University Press (1979). 6. MURRAY-SMITH, S., ed. - Mission to the Islands: The Missionary Voyages in Bass Strait of Canon Marcus Brownrigg. 1S72-1S85. Cat and Fiddle Press, Hobart (1979). 7. PALMER, K. 1. - Matthew Arnold: Culture. Societv and Education, Macmillan, Australia (1979).

Chapters of Books 8. CAVE, D. F. - Maria Montessori, in Perceptions of Excellence, ed. J. V. D'Cruz and W. D. Hannah, Polding Press, Melbourne: 317-334 (1979). 9. FOSTER. R. McA. - Philip H. Phenix: Meaning and the sources of the curriculum, in Perceptions of Excellence, cd. J. V. D'Cruz and W. D. Hannah. Polding Press, Melbourne: 381-392(1979). 10. GILL, P. N. - A. S. Neill: The education ofthe free child, in Perceptions of Excellence, ed. J. V. D'Cruz and W. D. Hannah. Polding Press. Melbourne: 335-348(1979). 11. HANNAH, W. D. - Beyond pluralism: Education for an agreed cultural purpose, and John Dcvvev: Education for intelligently directed action, in Perceptions of Excellence, ed. J. V. D'Cru'z and W. D. Hannah, Polding Press, Melbourne: 1-12,115-143(1979). 12. JOHNSON, L. R. - Raymond Williams: An egalitarian vision, in Perceptions of Excellence, ed. J. V. D'Cruz and W. D. Hannah, Polding Press, Melbourne: 479-494 (1979). 13. NAYLOR, F. D. and ROGERS, C. - Education and Client Centred Therapy, in Perceptions of Excellence, ed. J. V. D'Cruz and W. D. Hannah, Polding Press. Melbourne: 41 1-428(1979). 14. REUS-SMIT, K. - Karl Mannheim, in Perception of Excellence, cd. J. V. D'Cruz and W. D. Hannah, Polding Press, Melbourne: 281-291 (1979). 15. SMITH, W. S. - R. S. Peters: The concept ofthe educated man, in Perceptions of Excellence, ed. J. V. D'Cruz and W. D. Hannah. Polding Press, Melbourne: 365-380 (1979). 16. START, K. B. - Quality in Education, in Quality in Australian Education. The Australian College ofEducation. Carlton: 17-36 (1978). 17. START, K. B. - The School as an Academic or Social Agency, in Quality in Australian Education. The Australian College of Education. Carlton: 5 5-60 (1978).

Articles 18. BAYLY, M. - Team-teaching in post-primarv schools. Polycom (Victorian Education Department), 2/: 3-9 (May. 1979). 19. BERNARD, M. B. - Does sex role behaviour influence the way teachers evaluate students? Journal of Educational Psychology. 7/(4): 553-562 (1979). 20. FAWNS, R. A. (Theme ed.) - Science in thc core curriculum. Australian Science Teachers Journal. 25(2): 1-1 12 (Aug.. 1979). 21. FAWNS, R. A. - The first decade of moon prints: Some recollections. Journal ofthe Science Teachers Association of Victoria. 23(3): 15-26 (June. 1979). 22. FAWNS. R. A. - Model building in the science classroom for technological sensibility. Journal ofthe Science Teachers Association of Victoria. 23(5): lS-35(Oct.. 1979). 23. FAWNS. R. A. - The rough theatre of science teaching in the compulsory' years: Rationality and artistry'- Research in Science Education. 5:23-35 (1979). 24. FRENCH! E. L.-F. H. J. Archer. Australian Dictionary of Biography. 7:86-87(1979). 25. FRENCH,E. L.-W. M. Buntine. Australian Dictionary ofBiography. 7:480-481 (1979). 26. HANNAH, W. D. - Establishing a sense of the professional role. New Horizons. (Hong Kong) 20:71-77 (November, 1979). 27. HANNAH, W. D. - Johanna Barron, Australian Dictionary of Biography 7 191-192 (1979). ' 28. HANSEN, I. V.-G. E. Blanch. Australian Dictionary of Biography. 7:324-325 (1979). 94 FACULTY OF EDUCATION

29. HANSEN, I. V. - The case for literature studies in secondary schools: Some difficulties. The Teaching of English. 36:3-16 (May, 1979). 30. McCALLUM. D. D. - Teacher unemployment: The supply and demand hoax. Radical Dossier. 8:12-14 (Autumn, 1979). 31. McDOUGALL, A. - Students, teachers and comDuters: Gettina the order right. COM-3. 74.-34 (1979). 32. MURRAY-SMITH, S. - J. W. Barrett. Australian Dictionary of Biography. 7: 186-189 (1979). 33. MURRAY-SMITH, S. - F. A. Campbell. Australian Dictionary of Biography. 7: 547-548 (1979). 34. PALMER, K. I. - Louisa Benson. Australian Dictionary of Biography, 7:272 (1979). 35. SMITH, W. G. S. - The place of music in teacher education: A philosophical point of view. Music in Teacher Education (Proc. National Conf. A.M.E.L.. A.S.M.E.): 22-27 (May, 1979). 36. START. K. B. ~ Selection, Training and Professional Progress of Teachers. Educational Magazine. 36(5): 41 -47 (1979). 37. START, K. B. - Training our Future Teachers. Educational Magazine, 36(6): 43-45 (1979). 38. WILLIAMS, M. S. - J. D. M. Brownlce. Australian Dictionary of Biography. 7: 450-451 (1979). Reports and Notes 39. DINES, E. R. - Formal and Functional Variation in Urban Children's Language. Final Report to E.R.D.C. (March. 1979). 40. FAWNS, R. A. - To all, to all, to all: A brief history of junior science courses in Victorian secondary schools. Workshop Papers for Developing a Four Year Science Syllabus, ed. R. A. Fawns, Victorian In-Service Education Committee, Melbourne, App. I, 25 pp. (1979). 41. FAWNS, R. A., ed. - The Working Paper: Science in Society. Science Teachers Assn of Victoria, Melbourne (1979). 42. FAWNS, R. A., cd. - Workshop Papers for Developing a Four Year Science Syllabus. Victorian In-Service Education Committee, Melbourne (1979). 43. HANSEN, I. V. - Kingswood College. Evaluation: Report of Visiting Committee, 50 pp. (October, 1979). 44. HANSEN, I. V. - Sex Differences in English Achievement, a Melbourne Study: Interim Reporl:25 pp. (November. 1979). 45. JOHNSON, L. R. and OZOLINS, U., eds. - Melbourne Working Papers 1979, University ofMelbourne, 127 pp. (1979). 46. McCALLUM, D. D. - The educational inequality problematic: A note on Australian education intellectuals, 1935-1945. Melbourne Working Papers 1979. eds. L. R. Johnson and U. Ozolins, University of Melbourne: 83-109 (1979). 47. OZOLINS, U. - Lawtons 'Refutation' of a working-class curriculum. Melbourne Working Papers 1979, eds. L. R. Johnson and U. Ozolins, University ofMelbourne: 26-62 (1979). 48. REUS-SMIT, K.. C. - Urban theory, and the theory of urban education. Melbourne Working Papers 1979, eds. L. R. Johnson and U. Ozolins, University of Melbourne: 110-127(1979).

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Language development in thc young hearing-impaired child and thc hearing child of deaf-mute parents (in conjunction wilh Psychology). Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, Rome: Life of Pierre-Julien Eymard, vol. II. Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School: Sex differences in English achievement. Schools Commission: Attitudes of 15-16 year olds to their schooling. CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF HIGHER EDUCATION

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Thc education policy process at state level: an Australia-United States comparative study- G. S. Harman and F. M. Wirt (University of Illinois). 2. Study of academic staff in Australian Universities and Colleges of Advanced Education - G. S. Harman. 3. National study of Australian teacher educators and education policy - D. G. Beswick and G. S. Harman (with G. R. Elsworth and B. J. Fallon, Melbourne State College). 4. A study of the social and educational role and values of Australian academics-J. E. Anwyl and J. A. Bowden. 5. Design of materials for teaching of manipulative skills in the chemistry laboratory - J. A. Bowden. 6. An appraisal of education and training for local government in Victoria - R. F. Garton and G. S. Harman. 7. Effects ofthe new technology on curriculum and organizational structure-J. G. Hedberg. 8. Visual perception and the design of pictorial learning materials-J. G. Hedberg. 9. Individualized learning in medical education-S. C. Driver. 10. School effects on the relationship between HSC and university performance-T. R. Dunn. 11. The evaluation of university courses - D. G. Beswick and R. F. Garton. 12. Intrinsic motivation, curiosity and career related behaviour-D. G. Beswick. 13. Early career development of country school matriculants' equality of opportunity and secondary - tertiary transition of students from non-metropolitan regions of Australia - D. G. Beswick and G. S. Harman.

PUBLISHED WORK Books and Monographs 1. ANDERSON, D. S. and BESWICK. D. G. - Adolescents in School Reform. Monograph in Evaluation in Education: An International Review Scries. i(l), Pergamon Press, Oxford (1979). 2. ANWYL, J. E.. cd. - Australian Community Colleges. Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University ofMelbourne (1979). 3. BOWDEN. J. A. and RIX, C. J. - Mass and Volume Measurement. Heinemann Educational (1979). 4. HARMAN, G. S. - Research in the Politics of Education 1973-1978: An International Review and Bibliography. Education Research Unit, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra (1979). 5. RAO, G. L. - Brain Drain and Foreign Students: A study of the altitudes and intentions of foreign students in Australia, the USA, Canada and France. Universitv of Queensland Press, St. Lucia, Q'ld (1979). Chapters of Books 6. BARDSLEY. W. N„ BESWICK, D. G., BOREHAM, J. E., DUNN, T. R., McDONNELL, P. and MacMILLAN, C. N. - Recent findings from longitudinal surveys of school leavers and young workers in Australia, in Williams, B. R. (chairman), Education. Training and Employment: Report ofthe Committee of Inquiry into Education and Training. A.G.P.S., Canberra, Vol. 2:383-412 (1979). 7. BOWDEN, J. A. and RIX, C.J. - Section 1: Qualitative analysis, in Fundamentals of Practical Chemistrv, ed. P. McTigue, MUP, Melbourne (1979). 8. HARMAN, G. S. (with ST. CLAIR JOHNSON, R.)-Academic Accountability-Courses and Programs, in Accountability in Higher Education, ed. P. Sheldrake and R. Linke, Allen & Unwin, Sydney: 100-1 17 (1979). 9. HARMAN, G. S. - The Relevance of the North American Community College Idea for Australian Higher Australian Community Colleges, ed. J. Anwyl, Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University ofMelbourne, Parkville: 120-150 (1979). 10. HARMAN, G. S. (with SELBY SMITH, C.)-The Universities of Australia, in Common­ wealth Universities Yearbook 1979. The Association of Commonwealth Universities, London, /: 2-10(1979). 11. HEDBERG, J. G. - Factors contributing to instructional innovation in higher education: A comparison of Australian and American responses, in L. Ausburn. ed.. Australian Society of Educational Technology Yearbook. Australian Society of Educational Technology, Melbourne (1979).


12. HEDBERG, J. G. - The management of client relationships in instructional design, in D. Unwin, cd., Research and Development in Higher Education, 2, Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, Sydney: I 19-132 (1979). 13. HEDBERG, J. G. and KINGS. C. B. - Correlates of course design in higher education, in G. Rowley, ed., Proceedings of the Annual Conference. Australian Association for Research in Education, Melbourne: 467-477 (1979). Articles 14. BESWICK, D. G. - The work ethic: Some attitude studies. St. Marks Review. 97: 24-28 (1979). 15. BOWDEN, J. A. - The background and experience of full-time TAFE teachers. TAFE Quarterly. 10): 13-16(1979). 16. HARMAN, G. S. - Policy-making in Education: Some Concepts and Theories. Australian Council for Educational Administration Bulletin. 14:31 -48 (1979). 17. HEDBERG, J. G. - Review of New Accents: Reading Television by J. Fiske and J. Hartley. Bahel. /.5(2): 41-42 (1979). 18. LAWRASON, R. E. and HEDBERG, J. G. - Instructional development projects in higher education: Predicting success. Journal of Instructional Development, 1978/79. 2(2): 32-38 (1979). Reports 19. BESWICK, D. G.. MacMlLLAN, C. and COUNSELL, E. - Evaluation of Special Studies in Arts 1978-79. Prepared for the Committee for the Evaluation of thc Experimental First Year, Faculty of Arts. 20. GARTON, R. F. and HARMAN, G. S. - Education and Training for Local Government in Victoria. Report prepared for the Board of Review of the Role, Structure and Administra­ tion of Local Government in Victoria (September, 1979). 21. HEDBERG, J. G. and DRIVER, S. C. - Thc Brownless AV Centre: The first year of operation. Report prepared for the Brownless Medical Library Steering Committee, Melbourne University (March, 1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress DUNBAR, G. A. - The development of policies and practices in advanced education 1964-78: Conflict or concensus. KINGS, C. B. - Factors predicting success of graduate diploma programs. ROSS, K. N. - Social area indicators and education achievement. MEd Theses in Progress GARRETTY, H. - Placement ofE-type applicants with previous tertiary experience. KERR, A. P. - The role ofthe Registrar's department in tertiary education institutions.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: A study of the social and educational role and values of Australian academics. ERDC: Thc education policy progress at state level: An Australia-United States study. ERDC: Study of academic staff in Australian universities and colleges of advanced education. Victoria Institute of Colleges: Evaluative study of the Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education. Commonwealth Department of Education: National study of Australian teacher educators. Department of Local Government: Education and training for local government in Victoria. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING

Dean's Report A very high level of basic and applied research is being achieved in the Faculty of Engineering, support being drawn from both University and externally provided funds. A feature of the present situation is the extensive and increasing support for applied research directly related to national and industrial issues. Thc policy of thc Faculty is to encourage interaction with government and industry in order to ensure that applied research is soundly related to practical problems and to enable staff to maintain contact with current technological developments. Experience has shown that this type of contact is very often responsible for encouraging new lines of basic research, which in turn frequently has been found to have some further practical application. The division between basic and applied research in engineering is often not readily perceived, and indeed it is highly desirable that there should not bc a rigid separation. A principal function ofthe research programmes is the research training provided for graduate students which will fit them for further academic work or for more specialized appointments in industry or government. Such research-trained graduates are in considerable demand in many areas. The research in progress covers a wide range as is clearly demonstrated by the titles ofthe projects listed later in this report. In a number of instances, the research is of an interdisciplinary nature with different sections and departments contributing specialist skills. Energy research provides an outstanding example of the contributions which can be made when well established engineering principles are applied towards achieving practical results. In the energy case, substantial funding has recently become available which has enabled large scale research programmes to be set up in the mechanical, chemical, agricultural and electrical engineering areas. The Faculty has been active in promoting interaction between departments and has taken some initiatives to attempt to widen the interdisciplinary base of energy research across the University. Thc departments ofthe Faculty are participating actively in the Antarctic Studies Programme with the development of specialized Antarctic Engineering projects, particularly associated with iceberg utilization, ice mechanics and related hydraulic problems. Research associated with development of appropriate technology for third world countries is also being promoted on a Faculty-wide basis. Contacts have been established in the Asian and Pacific regions from which it is hoped that furtherjoint research initiatives will be developed. Another field with a wide range of opportunities is that of Agricultural Engineering. Con­ siderable success has been achieved in attracting substantial external financial support for a large number of major projects. These studies have lead to the development of specialist discipline areas, including live stock handling, farm buildings and soil-water interaction. Chemical Engineering projects include studies of a range of problems associated with the utilization of brown coal. These projects are likely to have an increasingly important role in meeting future national energy needs. Computer modelling of water resources has continued in the Civil Engineering Department where new projects have also been introduced in vibration studies in foundations and in the fatigue performance of structural elements. Transport engineering studies have continued with particular emphasis on travel demand and freight movement. New projects have also been commenced in construction management involving direct interaction with industry. Development of interest in coastal and offshore engineering in Australia has encouraged interdisciplinary research into new areas including the application of new surveying techniques for mapping sea floor features, coastal control studies and the interaction between structures, currents and waves. The acquisition of new equipment has led to new areas of study being developed in Electrical Engineering, particularly in the fields of power-electronics, control systems and communica­ tions. In the electrical bio-engineering area, considerable success is being achieved in the development of practical devices for implantation to overcome nerve deafness. In addition to thc highly successful energy programmes undertaken in Mechanical Engineer­ ing, studies in dynamics have been further extended into vehicle-driven interaction studies and outstanding results have been achieved with new forms of instrumentation developed for studying the structure of turbulence in fluid and gas flow. New programmes have been introduced into research in Mining Engineering with studies of tunnel boring machines and economic evaluation of mineral deposits. Work in mineral flotation processes of interest to current mining operations is also being further developed. Problems ofa practical nature associated with extractive and physical metallurgy are also being studied. The electrical and mechanical properties of polymers are being studied in the Industrial Science programme where air pollution also continues to be an active research interest. Photogrammetry research is continuing in the Surveying Department with a new feature in the recording of architectural and archaeological features. Side scan sonar mapping techniques arc also being actively developed using recently acquired equipment. This has been used successfully for marine work in association with external agencies.




A. FUEL ENGINEERING 1. Fluid bed combustion-B. R. Stanmore, M. A.Connor. 2. Processes for dewatering brown coal-B. R. Stanmore, S. R. Siemon, D. G. Evans. 3. Structure of brown coal - S. R. Siemon. 4. Conversion of brown coal to liquid fuels - S. R. Siemon, R. S. Yost. 5. Handling of solid fuels-F. A. Bull. 6. Electrode grist and pitch from brown coal char- F. A. Bull.M. A. Connor. 7. Identification of petroleum residues in arsons-F. A. Bull. 8. Solvent extraction of brown coal - S. R. Siemon. 9. Brown coal slurries - S. R. Siemon.

B. BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING 1. Role of activated carbon in waste water treatment - W. R. B. Martin. 2. Algae growth on sewage-W. R. B. Martin. 3. Influence of environmental parameters on yeast alcohol fermentations-N. B. Pamment. 4. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation of cellulose to ethanol - P. Ghosh, N. B. Pamment, W. R. B. Martin. 5. Mathematical modelling of lag phases and transients in microbial growth - N. B. Pamment. 6. Sulphide toxicity in anaerobic digestion of piggery wastes-N. B. Pamment. 7. Effect of saline shocks on performance of activated sludge treatment units - N. B. Pamment. 8. Kinetics of phenol biodegradation -1. J. Harris. 9. Utilisation of oxygen in activated sludge plants -1. J. Harris. 10. Effect ofair pollutants on Australian plants-G. N. Kerkin. 11. Continuous high temperature/short time sterilization of liquid foods using steam injection -D. G.Wood.

C. TRANSPORT PHENOMENA 1. Droplet coalescence and breakdown in packed liquid extraction columns - H. R. C. Pratt. 2. Droplet coalescence/breakdown in pulsed liquid extraction columns- H. R. C. Pratt. 3. Effect of column diameter on continuous phase backmixing in pulsed extraction columns- H. R. C. Pratt. 4. Separation of wool grease components by multicomponent fractional extraction - I. J. Harris. 5. Mass transfer coefficients in multicomponent vapour-liquid systems-R. S. Yost. 6. Condensation inside horizontal and vertical tubes - D. G. Wood. 7. The structure ofthe interface during condensation two-phase flow-D. G. Wood. 8. Local heat flux measure - D. G. Wood, K. L. Nguyen.

D. OTHER 1. Heat loss during anaesthesia - I.J. Harris. 2. Kinetics of oxidation of organic components in aqueous solution -1. J. Harris. 3. Socio-economic factors in solid waste treatment and disposal-M. A. Connor.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books I. ALLARDICE, D. J. and EVANS, D. G. - Moisture in Coal, in Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products. Vol. 1. ed. C. Karr, Academic Press, 247-262 (1978). CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 99

2. EVANS, D. G. and ALLARDICE, D. J. - Physical Property Measurements on Coals Especially Brown Coals, in Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products, Vol. I, ed. C. Karr, Academic Press, 83-121 (1978). Articles 3. BATTAERD, H.A.J, and EVANS, D. G. - An Alternative Representation of Coal Composition Data. Fuel, 58:105-108 (1979). 4. CAMIER, R. J. and SIEMON, S. R. - Molecular Weights of Brown Coals. Fuel. 58:67-69 (1979). 5. CONNOR. M. A. - Modern Technology for Recovering Energy and Materials from Urban Wastes - Its Applicability in Developing Countries. Conservation and Recycling, 2: 85 (1978). 6. HOOPER, R. J., BATTAERD, H. A. J. and EVANS, D. G. - Thermal Dissociation of Tetralin between 300 and 450*C. Fuel. 55. 132-138 (1979). 7. HOOPER, R. J. and EVANS, D. G. - Reaction ofa Coal Liquid with a Hydrogen-Donor Solvent to form a Carbon-Rich Solid. Fuel, 57. 799-801 (1978). 8. NGIAN, K. F., LIN,S. H. and MARTIN, W. R. B. - Effect of Mass Transfer Resistance on the Lineweaver-Burk Plots for Flocculating Microorganisms. Biotechnology and Bio- engineering. 19:1773 (1977). 9. PAMMENT, N.. ROBINSON, C. W. and MOO-YOUNG, M. - Pulp and Paper Mill Solid Wastes as Substrates for Single-Cell Protein Production. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 21 (4): 561-574(1979). 10. PRATT, H. R. C. and ANDERSON, W. J. - On Axial Mixing and the Design of Packfd Extraction Columns from First Principles. ISEC 77. CIM Volume 21. 11. PRATT, H. R. C. and TUOHEY, P. G. - Binary and Multicomponent Mass Transfer at "high transfer rates". The Chemical Engineering Journal, /S.251 (1979). 12. RADFORD, R. D. and HARRIS. I.J. - The Simulation of Turbulent Mixing with Simultaneous Chemical Reaction of Miscible Reactant Streams. Can. J. Chem. Eng.. 57: 692-697(1979). 13. STANMORE, B. R. and BOYD, A. R. - Removal of Water from Brown Coal by Treatment with Steam. Fuel Processing Technology. 7:305-313 (1977-8). 14. TANG, T. O., ROBINSON, G. J. B. and HARRIS, 1. J. - Thermal Changes in Humans during General Anaesthesia. Proc. Seventh New England Biocngineering Conference, cd. L. E. Ostrander, Pub. IEEE: 366 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. COVEY, G. H. - Application ofthe parallel plate plastometer to brown coal rhcomctry. 2. OUSSA, A. R. - The sorption of ammonia on brown coal 3. PYKE, L. H. - Econometrics of recycling in environmental protection. Master of Engineering Science 4. APPELGREN, L. - Treatment of saline wastewaters by the extended aeration process.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BARNARD, W. J. - Primary breakage of brittle particles. BEKTASH. R. M. - Effects of heat and pressure on bacterial spores. BIEN, C. N. - Attack of carbon monoxide on brown coal. CANDELORO, V. - Structure of brown coal and its effect on the hydrogenation process. CHIAM, H. F. - Kinetics of bacterial growth on phenol. DAS, A. K. - 77ie fluidized bed combustion of wet brown coal. DAVEY, K. R. - Continuous sterilization. DEVLIN, H. R. - Kinetics of oxidation of aqueous wastes. DOWNING, P. G. - Liquid fuel from brown coal. GARG, M. O. - Axial dispersion and droplet coalescence/breakdown in a pulsed liquid-liquid extraction column. HAMILTON, J. A. - Coalescence and break down rates of droplets in a liquid-liquid extraction column. KAR1M, M. - Solvent attack on brown coal. LILBURNE, G. M. - Condensation inside tubes. O'CONNOR, J. A. - Effect of air pollution on Australian plants. 100 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING

PATHAK, J. P. - Heal treatment of lucerne. STEVENS. G. W. - Liquid/vapour interfacial studies. TANG, T. O.-Heat loss during anaesthesia. THATCHER, P. J. - Identification of petroleum residues in arsons. TUOHEY, P. G. - Mass transfer in multicomponent systems. VVAKNEK, J. - Fractionation of wool grease by liquid-liquid extraction. WRIGHT. M. J. - Kinetics of chlorine dioxide, sterilization. MEngSc Theses in Progress ARMSTRONG, R. J. - Extrusion ofbrown coal. HUYNH. T. S. - Electrical resistivity of chlorinated char. JUNG, K. - The fluidized bed combustion of wet brown coal. POLAT. S. - Auto ignition of dried brown coal ROYLANCE, S. J. - Oxygen utilization in an activated sludge aeration. RYAN, R. P. -Industrial alcohol al elevated temperature. SEHIC, O. A. - Bioactive fluidized sand. WOON, T. S. - Effect of lithotype on brown coal dewatering. MAppSc Theses in Progress BAUMGARTEL. K. II. - Binders from brown coal tar. IP, S. Y. - Algae growth and utilisation in water and wastewater. TH1A. B. - Anaerobic digestion of piggery wastes. MSc Thesis in Progress WOSKOBOENKO, F. - Brown coal slurries.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: The development of processes for producing petroleum substitutes from brown coal. ARGC: Axial dispersion and its effect on the performance of pulsed extraction columns. NERDDC: Extraction ofbed moist brown coal. NERDDC: Structure ofbrown coal. NERDDC: Brown coal slurries. VBCC: Thc effect of lithotype on the dewatering of Victorian brown coal. VBCC: The hydrogenation of Victorian brown coal. VBCC: Attack of carbon monoxide on brown coal. VBCC: Solvent attack on brown coal. Criminology Research Council: The identification of petroleum residues in arsons. CIVIL ENGINEERING


A. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING 1. Shallow How of water through vegetation-A. K.Turner. 2. Spray irrigation tor orchards in heavy soil-A. K. Turner. 3. Increased runoff from rural catchments-A. K.Turner. 4. Soil moisture and hydrology ofthe Basalt Plains of Western Victoria-A. K. Turner. 5. Runofffromcattlesaleyards-A. K.Turner. 6. Water balance for Koo-Wee-Rup Basin - A. K. Turner. 7. Soil-water management in East Java-A. K. Turner. 8. Systems analysis of engineering operations in wheat harvesting-J. R. Burrow. 9. Performance of pneumatic seed drills-M. E. McKay. 10. The effect of ultrasonic waveson soils and seeds-D. E.Angus. 11. Kinematics of the tractor chassis - R. H. Macmillan. 12. Power demand and use in tillage and sowing operations-R. H. Macmillan. 13. Mechanical handling of sheep - R. P. Burrow. 14. Mechanical and pneumatic handling of wool-J. A. Bryson. 15. Improved methods for wool severance-A. J. Mackenzie. 16. Methods for depositing depilatory chemicals on sheep-B. W. Field. 17. Technology transfer to the woolgrower-R. B. Field. 18. Subsurface application of fertiliser to rice-R. H. Macmillan. 19. Protein extraction from green crops-R. II. Macmillan. 20. Evaporation problems in an agricultural catchment- D. E. Angus. 21. A simple method for estimating actual evapotranspiration - D. E. Angus. 22. Solar energy applications in agriculture - D. E. Angus. 23. Estimating global radiation in Australia-D. E.Angus. 24. Thermal behaviour of greenhouses in relation to heating requirements - D. E. Angus. 25. Air-liquid nozzles for spraying-C. G. E. Downing.

B. HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING 1. Basic physics of particles transport -1. C. O'Neill, B. B. Sharp. 2. Two-phase How in closed conduits-B. B. Sharp, I. C. O'Neill. 3. Unsteady flow (water hammer) in closed conduits - B. B. Sharp. 4. Boundary laycrand friction properties ofcorrugaled conduits-H. R. Graze. 5. Unsteady How in open channels-1. C. O'Neill. 6. Mathematical modelling of stream channel morphology-1. C. O'Neill, J. D. Lawson. 7. Mathematical modelling of sediment sources and transport within catchments - I. C. O'Neill, J. D. Lawson. 8. Simulation modelling of water resources and multicomponent systems -1. C. O'Neill, J. D. Lawson. 9. Coastal erosion studies-J. D. Lawson, H. R. Graze. 10. Wave forces and wave run-up on coastal/offshore structures- H. R. Graze. 1 1. Properties of a real sea state through simultaneous measure of wave height and current - 13. B. Sharp. 12. Dynamic physical properties of rivers and estuaries - B. B. Sharp. 13. Research into the rational behaviour of air chambers -11. R. Graze. 14. Dynamic field investigation of integrated pumping installation - B. B. Sharp. 1 5. Developments of novel velocity measuring techniques- B. B. Sharp. 16. Modelling of air-entraining vortices-1. C. O'Neill. 17. Hydrodynamics of iceberg towing-H. R. Graze. 18. Analysisofcircularhydraulicjump-J. D. Lawson. 19. Development of island breakwaters-H. R.Graze.J. D. Lawson.

C. SOIL ENGINEERING 1. Behaviour of surface foundations on clay - P. J. Moore. 2. Soil structure interaction in piled foundations- P. J. Moore.


3. Earth pressure distributions on rigid retaining wall - P. J. Moore. 4. Evaluation of subgrade and flexible pavement materials-J. R. Styles. 5. Foundation performance in deepsea sediments-J. R. Styles. 6. Vibratory cutting ofbrown coal - P. .1. Moore. L. Gottlieb. 7. Landslide susceptibility of slopes following inundation -P. J. Moore. S. Fipeiinejacking- f. j. fvioore. 9. Response ofa tensioned pile under vibration - P. J. Moore. 10. Secondary compression behaviour of clay - P. J. Moore. 11. Foundation performance ofa high rise building - P. J. Moore. 12. Behaviour of shallow footings under vibratory loading - P. J. Moore. 13. Evaluation of a device for measurement of permeability anisotropy- P. J. Moore. 14. Behaviour of rock socketted piles- P. J. Hoadley. 15. Unfircd mud bricks stabilized with rice hulls/rice hull ash - J. R. Styles. 16. Prediction of pile settlement in sand using the quasi-static cone penetration test - J. R. Styles.

D. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 1. Stresses in end-zonesofpretensioned concrete bcams-G. D. Base. 2. Shrinkageandthermalcrackinginreinforcedconcrcte-G. D. Base. 3. Concrete structural hinges (articulations)-G. D. Base. 4. Analysis of column-supported reinforced concrete slabs-G. D. Base. 5. Limit design of reinforced concrete slabs-G. D. Base. 6. The response to load of elastomeric bridge bearings-D. S. Mansell. 7. Stiffened steel plates as structural elements for multi-storey buildings-D. S. Mansell. 8. Testing procedures for scaffolding-D. S. Mansell. 9. Bearing failure criteria in steel connections-D. S. Mansell. 10. Fatigue strength of stud shear connectors in composite beams - L. C. Schmidt. 11. Dynamic response of structures and structural elements to various loading systems - L. K. Stevens. 12. Effectsofimpactonstructuralclcments-L. K.Stevens. 13. Development and application of limit design - L. K. Stevens. 14. Inelastic behaviour of space trusses- L. C. Schmidt, P. R. Morgan. 15. The influenceof micro-cracking in concrete in compression-G. D. Base. 16. Pressure of granular materials on containers - L. C. Schmidt. 17. Dynamic stability of thin-walled beams-R. Kohoulek. 18. Behaviour of friction grip connections -L. C.Schmidt.

E. TRANSPORT ENGINEERING 1. Behavioural modelling of urban travel demand- H. P. Brown. D. W. Bennett. 2. Optimal location of rural highways- D. W. Bennett. 3. Attitudinal variables in models of mode choice-H. P.Brown. 4. Trip generation characteristics of recreational facilities-D. W. Bennett. 5. Temporal stability of trip generation relationships-D. W. Bennett. 6. Policv sensitive modelling of the Victorian grain transport system - D. W. Bennett. M. J. Kent.' 7. Analysis of urban freight movement in Australia - D. VV. Bennett. 8. Modelling recreational travel demand - H.P. Brown. 9. The estimation of travel demand models using census data - H. P. Brown. 10. Time series analysis of public transport patronage data -H. P. Brown. 11. Economics of road design standards-D. VV. Bennett. 12. Automobile ownership in Melbourne - D. VV. Bennett.

F. ENGINEERING PRACTICES 1. The use of analytical and other techniques in construction management - P. R. Morgan. 2. Management games in construction management education - P. R. Morgan. 3. Computer simulation of construction companies in a bidding environment-P. R. Morgan. CIVIL ENGINEERING 103

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. BECK,V. R. and STEVENS, L. K. - Wind Loading Failures of Corrugated Roof Cladding. Civil Eng. Trans.. Inst. Eng. Aust.. Vol. CE21. No. 7:45-56(1979). 2. BREN, L. J. and TURNER, A. K. - Overland Flow in a Eucalypt Forest. Aust. J. of Soil Res.. 30:43 (1979). 3. FARRAN, I. G. and MACMILLAN, R. H. - Grain-Chaff Separation in a Vertical Air Stream. J. Ag. Eng. Res.:24 (1979). 4. HARITOS, N. and STEVENS, L. K. - Dynamic Response ofa Simple Pile Structure to Wave Loading. Civil Eng. Trans.. Inst. Eng. Aust., Vol. CE21, No. 2:104-110(1979). 5. MOORE, P. J. - Determination of Permeability Anisotropy in a Two Way Permeameter. A.S. T.M.. Geotechnical Testing Journal. (Sept. 1979). 6. MOORE, P. J. and BALBIS, R. E. - Head Losses in Packer Tests. A.S.C.E. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, Vol. 105. No. GT9:1108-11 12 (Sept. 1979). 7. SCHMIDT, L. C. and HANAOR, A.- Force Limiting Devices in Space Trusses. Journal of Struct. Div, A.S.C.E., Vol. 105. 575:939-951 (May, 1979). 8. SCHMIDT, L. C, MORGAN, P. R. and CLARKSON, J. A. - Space Truss Design in Inelastic Range. Journal of Struct. Div.. A.S.C.E.. Vol. 104. ST12: 1915-1919 (December, 1978). 9. SCHUBERT, J., GRAZE, H. R. and FORREST, J. A. - Versuche an Windkesseln (Druckluftwasser-behalter) in Wasscrversorgungsanlagen. gwf-wasser/abwasser 120 11.9: 427-433(1979). 10. TULLBERG, J. N. and ANGUS, D. E. - The Effect of Potassium Carbonate Solution on the Drying of Lucerne. I Laboratory Studies. / Agric. Sc.. 97:551 (1978). Reports 11. DOWNING, C. G. E. and others - Agr. Eng. Research and Investigations. R.R. Agr. 3. (1979). 12. KENT, M.J. -The Optimal Location of Modal Interchanges. R.R. Trans. /i(1978). 13. MOORE, P. J. - The Influence of Steady State Seepage on the Stability of Infinite Slopes. R. R. Soils 02 (1979). 14. MOORE, P. J. and DIGHT, P. M. - Pipeline Flotation in Sandy Soils. R.R. Soils 05 (1979). Technical Report 15. McKAY, M. E. - Performance Characteristics of Pneumatic Drills - Transverse Distribution. T.R. Agr. 7(1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. PATTON, T. A. - Transport and Residential Location in Western Cities. 2. THOMPSON, A. G. - Experimental and Theoretical Investigations ofthe Behaviour of Foundations Resting on Soil. Master of Engineering Science 3. APELBAUM, J. - Ground Traffic Generation at Airports. 4. BECK, V. R. - Wind Failures of Roof Cladding. 5. COOK, G. R. - Brittle Type Instability of HSFGB Joints. 6. DOWN, M. J. - Pneumatic Separation of Grain in the Header-Harvester. 7. GREGG, B. M.-Ultimate Load Capacilyoja Space Truss. 8. MOODY, J. R. - Dynamic Response of Flexibly Supported Highway Bridges. 9. O'MEAGHER, A. J. - The Ultimate Load Behaviour of a Space Truss. 10. PIPER, J. P. - Vibration of Tension Piles. 11. WELLINGTON, N. B. - Watershed Hydrology and Sediment Transport. 12. ZOPPOU, C. - Computer Simulation of Transport and Sedimentation Processes Overland and in Rivers. Master of Agricultural Science 13. CHANMEESRI, N. - The Role of Stem Diameter for Shallow Flow of Water Through Vegetation. Master of Applied Science 14. PARISH, A. E. - Simulation of Traffic Flows at a T- Intersection. 104 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BACZYNSKI, N. R. P.-Siahilily oj Shale Hanging- Walls. BAMFORD, W. E. -Some Geomechanicai Studies .for I unnelhng Projects. BASSETT, R. C. - Transport and Urban Structure for New Cities. BROWN. H. P.-Attitudes in Behavioural Modelling-A Study in Modal Choice. CHANDLER, I. J. - Transfer ojPrestress in Pretensioned Prestressed Concrete. GABRIC, A. J. - Investigation of Buoyant Plume Distribution. GARZOLI, K. V.- Thermal Behaviour of Greenhouses. GREGG, B. - The Effects of Statistical Variations of Properties on the Ultimate Load Behaviour of Space Trusses. GOLDSTEIN, S. - Moment Distribution in Non-Prismatic Members and its Application lo Plat Slab Analysis. HANAOR, A. -An Aspect of Space Truss Behaviour. HARITOS. N. - Wave Spectra and Energy Transj'er to Dynamic Structural Response. JOWETT. P. H.- Effect ojUltrasonic Waves in Soil and Seeds. KENT. M. .1. - Modelling the Viclorian Grain 'Transport System. M ACNAM EE, B. P. - Dynamic Response of Marine Structures. PATH A K. J. P. - Dewatering of Crops by Thermal and Mechanical Treatment. RICHARDS, I. D.-An Optimisation oj Rural Rail Goods Movement. SCOTT. G. - Investigation of Imperfection in Stiffened Steel Plate Structures. STYLES, J. R. - Foundation Performance in Deep Sea Sediments. THOMAS. J. D. - Temperature Effects in Bridge Decks. TRUONG, H. V. P. - Behaviour oj Foundations of Structures Subjected lo High Fluctuating Wind Loading. UBER. C. B. - Some Aspects of Traffic Gap Acceptance. WALKER, L. W. - Quantity and Quality of Stormwater Runojffrom Cattle Saleyards. WASHUSEN, J. - Investigation into Stress Strain Time Behaviour in Rocks. WATTS, P. J. - Evapotranspiration from an A gricultural Catchment. WESTCOTT, R. }.- Lateral Stability of Trusses. WILLIAMSON, R. J. - Soil Moisture and Hydrology ofthe Basalt Plains of Western Victoria.

MEngSc Theses in Progress ALTMANN, A. E. - Urban Hvdrologv and Sediment Transport. ATT A RD, J. - Hillerborg's Strip Method of Design of R. C. Slabs. BENNETT, A. L. - Response of Structures to Impact Loading. BETHUNE. A. J. - Beha viour of Verv Soft Silts and Cla vs. CALLINAN, R. J. - Optimization of Stiffened Plates. CHOONG. Y. T. - Earth Pressures on a Floating Dock Wall. CRAWFORD, B. G. - Fogging for Frost Prevention. DUMBLE, P. L. - Modelling Urban Freight Movement in Australia. FACHRI, S. A. - Alternative Industrial Roof Structure. FA1RHURST, L. - Circular Frevssinel Concrete Hinges. FRIEND, H. A.-Behaviour ofRock Socketed Piles. GOULD, N. S.- Power Demand and Use in Cultivation and Sowing Operations. KOHOUTEK, R. -Dynamic Stability of Thin- Walled Beams. LANGDON. M. E. - Wind Effects on Structures. LEE, S. W. - A Study on the Development ofthe A ir- Liquid Nozzle for Sprayers. LOO, Y. H. - Micro-Cracking of Concrete in Compression. LYLE, C. W. - Uniform Irrigation of Soils in Orchards. McMICHAEL, I. - Management of Large Projects using the "Client - Design/Build Company" Approach. NG, T. E. - Reinforcement Placement. PHANG, P. W.-Space Truss Collapse Loads. PORTER, J. A. - Trip Generation Characteristics of Parks and Recreational Facilities in Urban Areas. PUMP, W. L. - In Situ Strength ofa Residual Fissured Clay. SEAMER, P. R. - The Temporal Stability of Trip Generation Relationships. SENTONGO-KIBALAM A, J. - Sub-Surface Application of Fertiliser lo Rice. SMITH, D. M. - Selection of Flexible Pavement Materials. TATTERSALL, C. - Pressure of Granular Materials on Containers. TAYLOR, J. A. - Design of Joints in 'Timber Structures. VAN DER MOLEN, J. L. - Curing of Concrete. CIVIL ENGINEERING 105

WATTE RS, K. - Progressive Failure in Slijfenecl Plate Structures. WHITE, P. D. - Evaluation ofa Repeated Loading Triaxial Machine as an Indicator of Base Course Material Performance. WISDOM, A. S. - Modelling Recreational Travel Demand. WOO, Y. S. - Fatigue Behaviour of Concrete/Stiffened Plate Composite Construction. WONG, A. W. C. - Dynamic Response of a Tubular Cantilever due to Impact Loading. WONG. K. T. - Hydraulic Flow Characteristics in Corrugated Plastic Pipes. YONG. A. F. K.-Secondary Compression Behaviour ofCoodc Island Sill. YTTRUP, P. J. - Consolidation Characteristics of Hydraulic Fill. MAgrSc Theses in Progress EKANAYAKE, E. M. P. B.-.l Simple Method of Estimating Potential Evaporation. GOULD, I. V.- Vacuum-Pneumatic Conveying of Raw Wool. MAppISc Theses in Progress GRAVES, J. W. - The Potential Market for Limited Range Automobiles. JEFFRIES. J. - The Water Balance of the Koo- Wce-Rup Basin.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Australian Research Grants Committee. Australian Water Resources Council: Soil Moisture. Australian Welding Research Association. Australian Wool Corporation: Engineering Aspects of Sheep. Australian Wool Corporation: Technology Transfer. Commonwealth Council for Rural Research & Extension: Mechanisation Needs. Commonwealth Extension Services Grant: Farm Buildings. Country Roads Board. Victoria. Department of Agriculture (Vic): Agricultural Engineering. Ministry' of Conservation (Vic): Runoff from Cattle Saleyards. Reserve Bank: Agricultural Buildings/Structures. Viclorian Grain Elevators Board. Wheat Industry Research Committee of Vic: Wheat Machinery' Research. 106 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING



A. WAVE DIGITAL FILTERS K. M. Adams 1. Wave digital filter hardware design, control and operation. 2. High-level language microcomputer adaptive control.

B. POWER-ELECTRONIC SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN K. M. Adams, A. E. Ferguson, R. A. Minasian 1. Power electronic system design. 2. High speed switching in converters and inverters. 3. Accurate control of power waveforms. 4. Suppression of user-generated higher harmonics.

C. BIOENGINEER1NG D. J. Dewhurst 1. Control of skilled human limb movements. 2. Electrical safety in the hospital environment. 3. An implanted nerve deafness prosthesis. 4. Computer-assisted training for the physically handicapped.

D. MICROWAVES D. F. Hewitt, R. A. Minasian 1. Large signal modelling of microwave MESFET transistors. 2. Numerical simulation of microwave field effect transistors. 3. Analysis of MESFET mixers.

E. ELECTRIC FENCE SYSTEMS J. C. MeCutchan 1. Development of automatic observation equipment. 2. Training animals to respect electric fences. 3. Field performance of electric fence components. 4. Electric fencing for kangaroos. 5. Solar powered electric fence systems. 6. Fence pulse strength monitor systems.

F. CONTROL SYSTEMS J. S. Packer, J. H. Anderson 1. Modal control via eigenvalue and eigenvector assignments. 2. Microprocessor based control of the spray boom on a tractor. 3. Simulation studies of kidney function. 4. Optimal control methods for industrial processes. 5. Frequency domain controller design for multivariable systems. 6. Computer-aided design with interactive graphics. 7. An evaluation of large-scale systems methods. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 107

G. COMMUNICATIONS D. A. H. Johnson, J. Brown 1. Data compression studies facsimile. 2. Adaptive equalizer studies. 3. Computer music project. 4. Microprocessor implementation of convolution codes.

H. POWER SYSTEMS J. H. Anderson, K. M. Mackley, I. C. Cochrane 1. Digital computers and interactive graphics. 2. Medium term dynamics of electrical power systems. 3. Control system design for power systems. (See also F 6-7 above) 4. Optimum usage of energy resources. 5. Energy storage.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. ADAMS, K. M. and FERGUSON, A. E. - Thc "new" power electronics - perspectives. IREECON International Convention Digest. 1979:421 -424, IREE Aust. Sydney (1979). 2. DEWHURST, D. J. and CLARKE, G. M. - A multiple-electrode implanted cochlcau stimulator for the alleviation of nerve deafness. Proc. XII Internat. Conf. on Med. & Biol. Eng.. Jerusalem: 41 -42 (1979). 3. JOHNSON, D. A. H. and CAMPBELL, J. C. - Fast number transforms in signal processing. IREECON International (Sydney 19791 Digest: 447-449 (1979). 4. JIN, Y. - New adaptive equalizer with infinite impulse response. Electron. Lett., 15: (18): 557-558(1979). 5. MINASIAN, R. A. - Modelling the MESFET output nonlinearity. Electron. Lett., 15: 515-516(1979). 6. MINASIAN, R. A. - A study of intermodulation in microwave MESFET's, IREE Convention. Dig. Tech. Papers: 361 -364 (1979). 7. MINASIAN, R. A. and FORREST, J. R. - Harmonic effects in locking and initiation of TRAPATT oscillations. Int. J. Electronics, 46:13-17(1979). 8. NICHOLSON, P. L. and ADAMS, K. M. - Hardware design and control of a wave-digital filter system. IREECON International Convention Digest, 1979: 118-121, IREE Aust., Sydney (1979). 9. PACKER, J. S. - A simulation of certain aspects of inflation. Model and Decision Making in National Economies. ed.S. M. L. Jaussen, L. F. Pau, A. Straszak; 201-208 (1979). 10. SUM, C. M. A. and DEWHURST, D. J. - Digital cardiac defibrillator tester. Med. Biol. Eng. & Computing, 17:710-714 (1979). 11. SUTANTO, L. and JOHNSON, D. A. H. - Data compression in coding studies for facsimile transmission. IREECON International (Svdney 1979) Digest: 450-452 (1979). 12. THOMAS, L. R. and DEWHURST, D. J. - Quantitative assessment of musculc-skeletal disorders. Proc. Manipulative Therapy Conf. Melbourne: 83-88 (1979).

Reports 13. THOMAS, L. R. and NEWMAN, R. G. - An algorithmic state machine controlled PROM programmer. Departmental Research Report No. I. 1979. 14. HUCKER. R. J. - Power transistor modelling using SPICE. Departmental Research Report No. 2. 1979. 15. ADAMS, K. M. - A cascade synthesis. Departmental Research Report No. 3, 1979.

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. FORSTER, I. C. - Dala transmission and processing for an audio prosthesis. 108 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING

Master of Engineering Science 2. DAVEY, P.\.-A microprocessor controlled spray boom. 3. HOLMES, D. G.-Area voltage control ofa diverse power system. 4. K.AYE, R. J. - Simulation oj microwavefieldeffect transistors. 5. NEWMAN, R. G. - The design of computer' generated video displays for ihe training of physically handicapped patients. 6. NIVEN, R. C. - An electric fence monitor svstem. 7. ROTENBERG, J. - Efficient speech coding. 8. SALVANO, S. R. - 77ie application of slate machine techniques lo small computer based systems. 9. SUTANTO, L. W. - Data compression and coding studies for facsimile transmission. 10. THIEN. R. S. - Hardware realization of wave digital filters.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress DLUZN1AK, R. - Frequency domain controller design for multivariable systems. JIN, Y. - Adaptive equaliser studies. MINASIAN. R. A. - Large signal operation of microwave transistors. SUM, C. M. A. -A speech processor for a nerve deafness prosthesis. TAN, J. S. - Model control via eigenvalue and eigenvector assignments. MEngSc Theses in Progress BARFOOT, G. - Solar cell powered converters working at maximum power transfer. COCHRANE, I. C. - Electric thermal storage space healing. CALDER, P. R. - Development of an auditory prosthesis. DAVIE. W. J. - Design ofa microprocessor-based training aid. DEK.EIZER, A. - An adaptive cardiac defibrillator. FENNELL, S. - Long term dynamics ofa power svstem. HE1M.E.J.P. - High speed logic. LAIRD, R. - Data processing/or an implanted nerve deafness prosthesis. MACLEOD, J. R. - An ionospheric path simulator. NAUVEL, R. R- Optimisation ofpower system. NICHOLSON, P. L. - Microprocessor control oj'wave digitalfilters. PRICE, C. - Adaptive wave digital fillers. RATHBONE, G. - Data characterising respiratory function. ROWE, J. P. - The electronic music studio. MAppSc Theses in Progress DOWNING, M. - P. WM. controlled DC to DC switching power regulator. THOMAS, L. R. - Strategy ofcontrol of human limb movement. MAgrSc Theses in Progress MeDONALD, C. L. - A nimal response to electric fences. COATS, S. - Sensory perception of electric fences by cattle.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ERB: Converters for suppression of user-generated higher harmonics. ERB: Electrical power systems. ERB: Optimal design of defibrillators for thc emergency treatment of electric shock. NH & MRC: The development ofa hearing prosthesis. Rowden White Trust: Computer-assisted training for the physically handicapped. Rowden White Trust: Electrical power systems. Rowden White Trust: Power electronics and digital signal processing. Rural Credits Development Fund: Practical electric fence design. Australian Meat Research Committee: Design of electric fences. ARGC: Adaptive wave digital filters. ARGC: Power electronic system analysis and design. ARGC: Simulation and control of electrical power systems including applicability of multi- variable control system design theory. RRB: Signal processing using microwave field effect transistors. RRB: Thyristor converter with particular reference lo variable power sources. INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Environmental stress cracking of polyethylene-O. Delatycki. 2. Properties of structural sealants-O. Delatycki. 3. Ultraviolet degradation of polymers with particular reference to polyethylene - O. Delatycki. 4. Properties of dental polymers (I )bis-GMA resins-O. Delatycki. 5. (a) Development of wide range dielectric spectrometer; (b) Dielectric response of selected polymeric materials-G. J. Pratt. 6. Air pollution and planning-S. J. Mainwaring. 7. Polycyclic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere-S. J. Mainwaring. 8. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediments-J. Bagg. 9. Phosphate exchange between water and sediments-J. Bagg.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. PRATT, G. J. and SMITH, M. J. A. - The dielectric response of irradiated poly (methyl methacrylate) compositions incorporating triallyl cyanurate; preliminary investigations. I.U.P.A.C. Preprints Makromainz. J: 1459 (1979). 2. MAHER, A. W., BAGG, J. and SMITH, J. D. - Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hvdrocarbons in Marine Sediments. Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem.. 7:1 (1979). 3. CHARLESWORTH, J. M. - Structure of Diepoxide-Diamine Network Polymers I. Average Network Properties. / Polvm. Sci.. Polvm. Phvs. Eclu.. 17:1557-1569 (1979). 4. CHARLESWORTH, J. M. - Structure of Diepoxide-Diamine Network Polvmers II. Soluble Chemical Species./. Polvm. Sci., Polvm. Phvs. Edit., 17:1571-1580(1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Master of Applied Science 1. LONGMORE, A. - Exchange of phosphate between water and sediment in River Yarra.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BIGGER, S. - U. V. Degradation of Polymers. OLSZEWSKI, A. - Environmental Stress Cracking. MAppSc Theses in Progress BUZMA, E. - Plow ofPolvethvlcne Foams. CHEUNG, L. - Denial Polvmers. GOLDMAN, M. - Denial Polymers.




A. APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS 1. Passive solar energy collection. 2. High temperature flat plate collector performance tests. 3. Heat pipe flat plate collectors. 4. Wind and sky temperature effects. 5. Thermal effects in greenhouses. 6. Thermal storage tanks. 7. Air cooled absorption cycle air conditioning using solar energy. 8. Solar energy and heat pump systems. 9. Open cycle air conditioning. 10. Optimising automotive radiator design. 11. Analysis and prediction of urban vehicle fuel consumption. 12. Development of driving cycles for measuring emissions. 13. Emissions and fuel consumption in stop-go driving. 14. Controlling s.i. engine combustion for low pollutions. 15. Measurement of effects of vehicle variables on fuel consumption and emissions. 16. Prediction of fuel consumption and emissions from cars. 17. Evaluation of alternative fuels for transport.

B. DYNAMICS 1. Motorcycle rider skill assessment. 2. Braking, stability and handling of motorcycles. 3. Evaluation of short range delineation.

C. ENGINEERING DESIGN 1. Problem solving and decision making processes. 2. Diagnostic problem solving. 3. Design education. 4. Computer modelling of manufacturing process. 5. Computer aided design. 6. Waste management in urban environment. 7. Design of tunnelling machinery. 8. Case studies in design education.

D. FLUID MECHANICS 1. Viscous resistance of shi p shapes. 2. Thc separated flow behind bluff bodies with splitter plates. 3. Low Reynolds number turbulent boundary layers. 4. The effect of longitudinal curvature on turbulent boundary layer behaviour. 5. The eddying structures in periodic co-flowing jets and wakes. 6. The structure of high Reynolds number flows in jets and wakes. 7. Turbulent boundary' layer development over wavy and rough boundaries. 8. A visual study of turbulent spots and the transition process. 9. Vortex filament modellingof the structure of turbulent boundary layers. 10. Development of new optical techniques in the study of flow patterns. 11. A study ofthe unsteady vortex shedding process behind blunt bodies. 12. Fundamental study of eddying motion about ground based bodies and devices. 13. A study of phase averaged large scale structures in turbulence. 14. Constant vorticity extension of free-streamline wake flows. 15. Numerical study of separation and reattachment bubble in a turbulent boundary layer. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

16. Nonlinear vertical stability of a vortex layer at a wall. 17. Boundary layer separation at a right angle comer due to a moving wall. 18. Turbulent shear flow in rough wall pipes and over flat surfaces. 19. Effects of coriolis force on turbulent duct flow. 20. Response ofa Salter duck to a wave train. 21. Air-sea interaction study.

E. HUMAN ENGINEERING 1. Effects of feedback delay on human movements. 2. Comprehension of traffic signs. 3. Modelling of simple assembly tasks. 4. Studies in night driving performance. 5. Advance direction signing of complex intersections.

F. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 1. Mechanics of cutting analyses for machining operations. 2. Nomenclature and geometrical specifications of cutting tools. 3. Assessment of cutting tool performance. 4. Economics of machining operations. 5. Quality control in manufacturing industry. 6. Financial modelling of business firms. 7. The use of computers for the reading of engineering drawings. 8. Analyses of optical angle measuring instruments.

G. SOLID MECHANICS AND BIOMECHANICS 1. Estimation of residual stress distribution in the vicinity ofa propagating fatigue crack. 2. Mathematical models for fatigue crack growth rate with constant and variable stress intensity factors. 3. The influence of the Bauschinger effect on the stresses at the tip ofa crack. 4. The effect of overload ratio and crack length on residual stresses at the tip of a crack. 5. Crack growth arrest. 6. Crack closure and compliance. 7. Time dependent effects in fatigue crack growth. 8. Structural stability of stayed yacht masts. 9. Failure criteria for carbon fibre reinforced plastics. 10. Safety in bus seat design. 11. Analysis and design ofjoints in fibre reinforced plastic materials. 12. The interaction between material properties and energy storage in superflywheels. 13. Effect of growth stresses on fruit cracking and splitting. 14. Stress distribution around surface imperfections on fruit. 15. Biomechanics of the foreleg of a horse.

H. SYSTEMS THEORY AND TECHNOLOGY 1. Analysis of complex systems. 2. Multi-criteria decision making. 3. Pulse control of systems using d.c. motors. 4. Some comparisons between optimal and classical control system responses. 5. Technology and culture. 6. History of technology. 7. Kinematics of technology. 8. Kinetics of technology. 9. Technical problem solving. 10. Technical history of Vickers Ruwolt. FACULTY OF ENGINEERING

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. BRECKON, C. J., JONES, L. J. and MOORHOUSE, C. E. - Visual Messages. 2nd ed. (1st lf»'7^\ r>:* /ir,-m\ i y i-r), i i Lilian, iviciuuui nu \ l 7 I 7). Chapter of Book 2. CHARTERS, W. W. S. - Passive Solar Heating, in Solar Energy Applications in Buildings: 139-145, Academic Press, New York (1979).

Films 3. PERRY, A. E. and LIM,-T. T. - Eddies in Captivity (film based on the paper Coherent Structures in Co-flowing.lets and Wakes. [See 1978 Research Report]), Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University ofMelbourne (1979).

Articles 4. GOOD, M. C. - Effects of Free Control Variables on Automobile Handling. Vehicle System Dynamics. 8: 253-285 (1979). 5. HOFFMANN, E. R. - Confusion of Numerals. Aust. Road Research Board. Report 246-3 (1979). 6. HOFFMANN, P. H. and PERRY, A. E. - The Development of Turbulent Thermal Layers on Flat Plates. J. of Heat and Mass Transf.. 22:39-46 (1979). 7. HUNT, I. A. and JOUBERT. P. N. - Effects of Small Curvature on Turbulent Duel Flow. J. of Fluid Mechanics. 91:633-659 (1979). 8. JONES, L. J. - The Early History of Mechanical Harvesting. History of Technology. 4 (1979). 9. JOUBERT, P. N. and HOFFMANN. P. H. - An Experimental Studv or Viscous

Resistance ofa 0.564 C3 form./ ofShi p Research. 23:140-156(1979). 10. MEGLER. V. - Behaviour of Cross Flow Heat Exchanges Under Limiting Condition. Reg. F. Energy Heat and Mass Transf. 1(2): 123-129. 11. MEGLER, V. - Automotive Radiations - Limiting Performance Criteria. S.A.E. Aust. paper 79023. 12. PERRY, A. E., SMITS, A. J. and CHONG, M. S. - Thc Effect of Certain Low Frequency Phenomena on the Calibration of Hot Wires. J. of Fluid Mechanics. 90:415-431 (1979). 13. PULLIN, D. 1. - Kinetic Models for Polyatomic Molecules with Phenomenological Energy- Exchange. The Phvsics of Fluids. 21:209-216 (1978). 14. PULLIN, D. I. - The Large Scale Structure of Unsteady Self-Similar Rolled-up Vortex Sheets. J. of Fluid Mechanics. 55:401 -430 (1978). 15. PULLIN, D. I. - Vortex Ring Formation at Tube and Surface Openings. The Phvsics of Fluids, 22:401-403 (1979). 16. PULLIN. D. I.-Generation of Normal Variates with given Sample Mean and Variance. J. Statist. Comput. Simui. 9:303-310(1979). 17. SMITS, A. J. and PERRY, A. E. - Optimization of LDV Geometry. Applied Optics, 18: 1097-1100(1979). 18. SMITS, A. J., YOUNG. S. T. B. and BRADSHAW, P. - The Effect of Short Regions of High Surface Curvature on Turbulent Boundary' Layers. / of Fluid Mechanics. 94:209-242 (1979). 19. SMITS, A. J., EATON. J. and BRADSHAW, P. - The Response ofa Turbulent Boundary Laver to Lateral Divergence./ of Fluid Mechanics. 94:243-268(1979). 20. STOUFFER. D. C. and WILLIAMS, J. F. - A Model for Fatigue Crack Growth with a Variable Stress Intensity Factor. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 11:525-536(1979). 21. WATSON, H. C. - The Prediction of Fuel Consumption in Real Driving Conditions. J.S.A.E.A.. 39(2): 60-72 (1979). 22. WATSON, H. C. - Examination of Some of the Engine Design and Fuel Storage Inter­ actions for the Hydrogen Fuelled Car. Proc. I. Mech. E., C 225:69-78 (1979). 23. WATSON, H. C. - Energy Usage in the Vehicle Life Cycle. S.A.E.A. paper 79313 (1979). 24. WATSON, H. C. - Summary of S.A.E.'s Energy Policy S.A.E. A. paper 79313 (1979). 25. WATSON, H. C, MILKINS, E. E. and MARSHALL. G. A. - A simplified Method for Quantifying Fuel Consumption of Vehicles in Urban Traffic. S.A.E. A. paper 790/5(1979). 26. WATSON, H. C. - Vehicle Driving Patterns and Measurement Methods for Energy and Emissions Assessment. Bureau of Transport Economics. Occasional paper No. 30 (1979). 27. WILLIAMS, M.J. and HOFFMANN, E.R. - Alcohol and Motorcycle Accidents. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 11:199-207 (1979). MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 113

28. WILLIAMS, M. J. and HOFFMANN, E. R. - Conspicuity of Motorcycles. Human Factors. 21 (5): 619-626 (1979). 29. WILLIAMS. M. J. and HOFFMANN, E. R. - Motorcycle Conspicuity and Traffic Accidents. Accident Analvsis and Prevention, 11:209-224 (1979). 30. WILLIAMS. J. F. and STOUFFER. D. C. - An Estimate ofthe Residual Stress Field in the Vicinity of a Propagating Fatigue Crack. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 11: 547-557 (1979). 31. WIRIYACOSOL, S. and ARMAREGO, E. J. A. - Thrust and Torque Prediction in Drilling from a Cutting Mechanics Approach. Annals. C.I.R.P.. 28 (1): 87-91 (1979).

Reports 32. BAXTER, G. L. and GOOD, M. C. - A Proposed Optimal Control Driver-Vehicle Model for the Evaluation of Short-Range Roadway Delineation. Dynamic Svstems Report No. DSR-79-3. Dcpt.ofMech. Engin., University ofMelbourne (1979). 33. DOREY, A. D. - VCC Users Manual. Human Factors Report No. HF35. Dept. of Mech. Engin.. University ofMelbourne (1979). 34. FOX, J. C, GOOD. M. C. and JOUBERT, P. N. -Collisions with Utility Poles. Report No. CR1. Office ofRoad Safety, Commonwealth Dept. of Transport (1979). 35. FOX, J. C, GOOD, M. C. and JOUBERT. P. N. - Collisions with Utility Poles: Summary Report. Report No. CR2. Office of Road Safety, Commonwealth Dept. of Transport (1979). 36. FOX, J. C, GOOD. M. C. and JOUBERT, P. N. - Development of Breakaway Utility Poles. Report No. CR10. Office of Road Safety, Commonwealth Dept. of Transport (1979). 37. GOOD, M. C.-Specification and Measurement of Ride Quality. Dvnamic Svstems Report No. DSR-79-1. Dept. of Mech. Engin., University ofMelbourne (1979). 38. GOOD, M. C. - Capabilities and Applications ofthe University ofMelbourne Variable Characteristic Car. Dynamic Systems Report No. DSR-79-2, Dept. of Mech. Engin., University ofMelbourne (1979). 39. MILNER, P. and PENGILLEY, C. J. - Glen Wills. Dept. of Mech. Engin., University of Melbourne (Oct., 1979). 40. PULLIN, D. I. - A Constant Vorticity Riabouchinsky Wake Model. Report FM 14. Dept. of Mech. Engin.. University of Melbourne (1979). 41. SMITS, A. J. - A Critical Preliminary Review of Literature Relating to Bluff Bodies with Splitter Plates. Report FM10. Dept.ofMcch. Engin., University of Melbourne (1979).

Conference Papers 42. CHARTERS, W. W. S. - Combined Solar Heal Pump Systems. Victorian Solar Energy Research Committee, Solar Energv Today Conference, University ofMelbourne (1979). 43. CHARTERS, W. W. S. and DIXON. C. W. - Some Performance Characteristics ofthe Unimclb Air Source Solar Boosted Heat Pump System. ISES Congress, Atlanta, Georgia (1979). 44. CHARTERS, W. W. S. and CHEN, W. D. - Some Design Aspects of Air Cooled Solar

Powered LiB/H20 Absorption Cycle Air Conditioning Plant. ISES Congress, Atlanta, Georgia (1979). 45. CHARTERS, W. W. S., DIXON, C. W., MIKHELSON, J. and PRYOR, T. L. - Power Production from a Solar Thermal Input. ISES Symposium, Melbourne (1979). 46. HAVERBEKE, A. A. J., WOOD, D. H. and SMITS, A. J. - Uncertainties and Errors in Conditional Sampling. 2nd International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Imperial College, London (1979). 47. JOUBERT, P. N. - Development and Effect of Scat Belt Laws in Australia. International Symposium on Seat Belts in Tokyo, Shizuka Takazawa (1979). 48. LEWIS, W. P. and BLOCK, T. E. - On the Application of Computer Aids lo Plant Layout. Proc. of 5th International Conference on Production Research (1979). 49. MILKINS, E. E. - Alcohol Fuels - S.A.E.-Aust. Conference on Energy Sources in the Nineties for Automotive Vehicles (1979). 50. PERRY, A. E.. LIM, T. T., WATMUFF, J. H. and CHONG, M. S. -Cohcrcnl Eddies and the Large Scale Motions in Turbulence. 2nd International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Imperial College, London (1979). 51. ROTENBERG. A. - The Descriptive Geometry of Reflections. Proc. of International Conference on Descriptive Geometry: 135-139, Am. Soc. for Eng. Educ. (1978). 52. SAMUEL, E. A. and LEWIS, W. P. - Student Response to a Case Study in Diagnostic Problem Solving. Proc. of National Conference on Case Studies. American Soc. of Eng. Educ. (\919). 53. SAMUEL, A. E. - The Success of Failure in Design Teaching. Proc. of National Society of Eng. Educ. (\919). 114 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING

54. SMITS, A. J. and JOUBERT, P. N. - The Effect of Pressure Gradient and Longitudinal

Curvature on the Viscous Resistance of a .80 Cp Tanker Form. Presentation at thc 2nd International Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Imperial College, London (1979). 55. WATSON, H. C, MILKINS, E. E. and MARSHALL, G. A. - Controlling Traffic Flow for Minimum Energy Consumption and Emissions. I.E. Aust . Transportation Conf. (1979). 56. WATSON, H. C. - Effects of Vehicle Usage and Fuels on Emissions and Energy. Clean Air Soc. of Aust. and N.Z. Conf. Air Pollution in the Eighties. The National Quest for Emissions Controls, Canberra (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. BROWN, J. M. - The Exterior Calculus and its Application to Engineering. 2. DOREY.A. E.-Free Control Variables and Automobile Handling. 3. FOX, J. C. - Collisions with Utility Poles. 4. LIM, T. T. - Coherent Structures in Co-flowing Jets and Wakes. 5. MacDONALD, W. A. - The Measurement of Driving Task Demand. 6. MacFADDEN, P. D. - Flame Propagation in a Spark Ignition Engine. 7. WATMUFF, J. H. - Phase-averaged Large-scale Structures in Three-dimensional Turbulent Wakes. Master of Engineering Science 8. DIXON, C. - Solar Boosted Heal Pump Air Conditioning. 9. GRIFFITHS, J. - Engineering Judgement. 10. HUNT, K. - Development ofthe Hydrogen Engine. 11. SIER, G. H. - Engineering Diagnostics and Design Problem Solving.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BASKARAN, V. - Viscous Resistance of Ship Shapes. BORG, G. - Innovation in Australian Industry. CHIA, T. H. - A Study of the Economical Selection of Cutting Conditions for Turning Operations. ERM, L. P. - Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers. GARZOL1, K. - Thermal Effects in Greenhouses. HENBEST, S. M. - Turbulent Shear Flow in Pipes and Flat Surfaces. JOHNSON, R. C. - Multi-Criteria Decision Making. PANNALA, A. S.-Computer Aided Mechanical Design. PRYOR, T. - Open Cycle Air Conditioning. SANTIKARN, D. - A Study of Some Aspects ofHacksaw Blade Performance. SMITH, A. J. R. - Studies of the Effects of Geometrical Machining Variables on Tool Temperature. TEH, E. W. - Study of Transition Processes in Boundary Layers on Solid Surfaces and Above Water Waves. WINCH, K. - Study of Night Driving. WRIGHT, J. P. - A Study of the Drill Point Geometry - Its Generation, Variability and Effect in Forces. MEngSc Theses in Progress ANDERSON, J. - Structures in Free Shear Layers. BAXTER, G. L. - Evaluation of Short Range Delineation. BECKER, P. - Thermal Storage Tanks. BRAUNSTIENS, J. - Driving Cycles for Fuel Consumption and Emissions Testing. CHEN, W. D.-Air-Cooled Solar Absorption Cvcle Air Conditioning. DOHERTY, B. S.-Pulse Control of Svstems UsingD.C. Motors. FITZPATRICK, I. - Fly Wheels as Energy Storage Devices. GUTHRIE, K. - High Temperature Honeycomb Collectors. HA YES, G. - A Historv of Charles Ruwolts Pty. Ltd. JUNIPER, R. G. - Braking. Stability and Handling of Motorcycles. KODAMA, M. - Effect of Feedback Delay on Human Controlling Performance. LAM, S. - Response ofa Salter Duck in a Wave Train. LAMBERT, }.-Some Comparisons Between Optimal and Classical Control System Responses. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 115

LEE, E. C. - Process Capability and Quality Control Studies of Manufactured Twist Drill. LEE, S. K. - Computer Integrated Manufacture. LESSLIE, D. - Passive Solar Energy Collection. LIM, E. E. - Microprocessor Technology and Technique Clusters in Industrial Problem Solving. LIM, K. L.-FlowOvera YVavv Wall. LIM, L. W. - Heal Pipe Flat Plate Collectors. MACLEOD, G. A. - Tactile Perception of Speech. MARSHALL, G. - Fuel Consumption in Urban Driving. MEERMAN, A. - Advance Direction Signs for Complex Intersections. MUSHTAQ, M.- Variability of the Drill Point Geometry and its Control During Manufacture. PARTRIDGE, M. - Modal Vehicle Emissions and Fuel Consumption. PREM, H. - Motorcycle Rider Skill Assessment. SASADEUSZ,G. L.- Layout of Industrial Plant. STEINER, T. - Flow from Chimneys. TAN, D. - Vector Fields in Jets and Wakes. TAY, G. C. - Wind and Sky Temperature Effects on Solar Collectors. THOMAS, V. C. - Engineering Applications ofthe Exterior Calculus.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARRB: Evaluation of Short Range Delineation. ARRB: Design of Traffic Signs. ARRB: Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Emission. ARGC: Modifying Spark Ignition Engine Combustion. ARGC: Viscous Resistance of Ships. ARGC: Coriolis Forces in Turbulent Duct Flow. ARGC: Turbulence Structures. Aust. Inst, of Nuclear Science & Engin.: Effect of Wall Roughness on Turbulent Boundary Layers and Heat Transfer. Comm. Dept. of Transport: Impact Attenuation Solutions for Cable Supporting Utility Poles. Comm. Dept. of Transport: Motorcycle Rider Skill Assessment. Comm. Dept. of Transport: Braking, Stability and Handling of Motorcycles. FRB: Solar Boosted Heat Pump. NERDDC: Solar Boosted Heat Pump. NERDDC: AirCooled Solar Absorption Cycle Air Conditioning. The Robbins Co.: Instrumented Tunnel Borer. 116 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING



A. MINING 1. Design of tunnel support systems- W. E. Bamford. 2. Prediction of rock cuttability and its correlation with tunnel boring machine performance- W. E. Bamford. 3. Assessment of rock properties and computer based design of excavations in rocks display­ ing non-linear properties-W. E. Bamford. 4. Geoslatistical techniques applied to orebody modelling-J. S. F. Dunlop. 5. Economic assessment of mineral deposits-j. B.Evans. 6. Environmental control strategies applicable to mining operations-J. B. Evans.

B MINERAL PROCESSING 1. Aspects of polymetallic sulphide flotation systems-J. S. Carr. 2. Flotation response of various lead sulphide minerals-J. S.Carr. 3. Flotation behaviouroffine mineral particlcs-J. S.Carr.

C. EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY 1. Mixing studies in metallurgical reactors - N. B. Gray. 2. Controlled atmosphere roasting of sulphides in a fluidized bed - N. B. Gray. 3. Chemical reactivity of carbon, including brown coal char- N. B. Gray, V. N. Misra. 4. Reduction of metallic oxides by carbon-containing materials-V. N. Misra, N. B.Gray. 5. The cobalt-iron-silica system at high temperatures-G. M.Willis. 6. Thermodynamics of sulphur in lcad-G. M. Willis, T. R. A. Davey. 7. Heavy metal removal from metal finishing effluents as hydroxides - N. B. Gray.

D. PHYSICAL METALLURGY 1. Precipitation hardening - D. W. Borland. 2. Structure and properties of steels-D. W. Borland. 3. Acoustic emission from off-shore structures-J. J. Carter. 4. Electrical resistance changes in iron-nitrogen alloys - D. W. Borland. 5. Hydrogen embrittlement in high strength steels -J.J. Carter. 6. The energy and potential dependence of model potentials-P. J. Bunyan. 7. Calculation of heats of formation, using thc density functional formalism of Hohenbergand Kohn - P. J. Bunyan. 8. Creep and superplasticity- P. McNamara. 9. Grain boundary sliding and high-temperature fatigue - R. C. Gifkins. 10. Dry rubbing wear of cast iron - D. W. Borland.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. BORLAND, D. W., CLAREBROUGH, L. M. and MOORE, A. J. W., eds. - Physics of Materials. A Festschrift for Walter Boas. Dept. of Mining & Metallurgy. University of Melbourne and CSIRO, Melbourne (1979). Articles 2. BAMFORD, W. E., BROWN, E. T. and SIR1BUMRUNGSUKHA, B. - Mechanisms of Diamond Drilling, Fracture at Work. The Fourth Tewksburv Symposium on Fracture, Univ. ofMelbourne: 7.1 -7.25 (1979). MINING AND METALLURGY 117

3. BAMFORD, W. E. - Stresses Around Openings, from Elastic Theory. Tunnelling. Australian Geomechanics Society, Melbourne: 41-47(1979). 4. BORLAND, D. VV. - Methods for the Local Control of Microstructure. Meials Forum, 2: 5-19(1979). 5. CONOCH1E.D. S. and GRAY, N. B. - Model Studies of Mixing Induced by Top Jetting in a Channel Reactor. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall, 88:C14-18 (1979). 6. DAVEY, T. R. A. - Developments in Direct Smelting of Base Metals - A Critical Review. Paper No. 6 in "Advances in Chemical Metallurgy". Indian Inst, of Metals. Bombay, Vol. 1:6/] -6/34 (1979). 7. DAVEY, T. R. A. and WILLIS, G. M. - Lead-Zinc-Tin: Extractive Metallurgy Review. J. of Metals. 31(5): 17,42-51 (1979). 8. DUNLOP, J. S. F. - Geostatistical Modelling of an Australian Iron Orebody. Proc. 16th Int. Svmp. Application of Computers and Operations Research in thc Mineral Industry, ed. T. J. O'Neil, AIME, New York: 226-239 (1979). 9. EVANS, J. B., ELLIS, D. V., LEJA, J., POLING. G. W. and PELLETIER, C. A. - Environmental Monitoring of Porphyry Copper Tailing Discharged into a Marine Environment. XIII International Mineral Processing Congress. Warsaw, Vol. 11:649-690, Polish Scientific Publishers (1979). 10. POLLARD, D. M. - Phases Formed during Sulphur Treatment of Lead. 'Trans. Inst. Min. Metall.88:C\3\/2(\919). 11. WEATHERLY, G. C, HUMBLE, P. and BORLAND. D. - Precipitation in a Cu-0.55 wt % Cr Alloy. Acta Metall, 27:1815-1828 (1979).


Master of Applied Science 1. DeGLAS, M. - Recrystallization of Carbon-Manganese and Carbon-Manganese- Niobium Steels.

Master of Engineering Science 2. DUNLOP. J. S. F.- Geostatistical Modelling oj an Iron Orcbody. 3. RECHNITZER, G. - Non-linear Finite Element Analysis of Underground Openings.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD 'Theses in Progress BACZYNSKI, N. R. P.-Stability of Shale Hanging-walls. BAMFORD, W. E. - Some Geomechanical Studies for Tunnelling Projects. HARDING, M. P. - Computer Prediction of Atom Patterns in Metallic Alloys. K.UK, I. H. G. - Resistivity Changes During Strain-Ageing ol' High Purity Iron and Iron Alloys. LEECH, P. W. - The Unliihricatcd Wear Behaviour of Cast Irons. PATTISON, I. G. - Sulphite and Oxygen in Sulphide Mineral Flotation Systems. ROME. G. - Automated Design oj Underground Structures Incorporating Rock Restraint. WASHUSEN, J. A. - Time-dependent Properties of Melbourne Silurian Mudstone.

MAppSc Theses in Progress GIBSON, T. J. - Cleavage Fracture Resistance of Deformed Structural Steels. JELENIHWSKI, V. E.-Hvdrogen Embrittlement in High Strength Steels. SIMPSON. D. A. - Metal Dusting Corrosion in High Nickel A Hoys. SMITH, G. D. J. - Thermodynamics of Sulphur in Lead.

MEngSc 'Theses in Progress NEWELL, A. J. H. - The Ejfect of Specific Impurities in Lead Sulphide on its Flotation Behaviour. NYUNT, S. S. - Extraction of Metals from Solutions bv Brown Coal. SIRIBUMRUNGSUK.HA, B. - Rock Drillability for Impregnated Diamond Bits in Fullscalc and Microscale. Van der WAERDEN, M. A. S. - Some Aspects of Fine Mineral Particle Behaviour in Flotation Systems. 118 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING

MSc Theses in Progress PEARSON, G. M. - Reactivity of Brown Coal Char in Reduction of Hematite. POLLARD, D. M. - The Distribution of Non-Ferrous Metals in Copper Matte Smelting. WEXLER, D. - Precipitation in High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: The Robbins Co.: Instrumentation of Tunnel Boring Machines, and Rock Cuttability Predictions. Repco Research Pty Ltd: Wear of Cast Iron. National Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Program: The Role of Chemical Reactivity of Carbon in Metallurgical Applications. The Broken Hill Proprietary Co. Ltd: Reduction of Iron Ore Pellets. SURVEYING

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Models for reduction of Satellite-Doppler Fixation - F. J. Leahy. 2. Use of metric cameras in industrial applications including self calibration procedures - S. G. Bervoets. 3. Geodetic Traverse Adjustment-B. T. Murphy. 4. Title Boundaries and Cadastral Surveys-B. T. Murphy. 5. Mapping of deep watertrawlinggrounds-G. L. Benwell. 6. Heritage Photogrammetry - applications to architectural and archaeological recording - L. J. Rivett. 7. The measurement of earthworks volumes-L. J. Rivett.

PUBLISHED WORK Article 1. MURPHY, B.T. - Title Boundaries in Victoria, Australia, South East Asian Survey Congress, Singapore- Kuala Lumpur, 1979: 21.1-21.10. Reports 2. BENWELL, G. L. - The Application of Side Scan Sonar Mapping to Deep Water Rough Bottom Trawling. Report to Victorian Fisheries and Wildlife Division (November 1979). 3. RIVETT. L. J. - The Application of Photogrammetry to the recording of rock art and archaeological sites in the Kakadu National Park. Report to the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service (June 1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS MSurvSc Theses in Progress BIRD, D. E.- Computer Aided Mapping. EARLS, C. }.-Self Calibration Procedures for Close Range Photogrammetry.

SUBSTANTIAL CRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ANPWS: Rock Art Recording Kakadu National Park. National Estate Grant: Heritage Photogrammetry. SEC/SRWSC/MMBW: Earthworks Quantities Measurements.


Dean's Report The range and direction of research in the Faculty of Law. although in many respects different in character from research in other faculties, depend fundamentally on thc same basic- factors. Thesc include thc established specialized competencies of stalf members, the availability in Melbourne of appropriate source material, the availability of appropriately qualified research assistance back-up, and access to funding. Research in law shares with other forms of scholarly research the characteristic of being a continuing exploration ofthe world of ideas on the basis of ascertained facts. Because of its panicular characteristics, the character of the facts to be ascertained vanes widely. At one end ofthe spectrum lies the traditional material ofthe lawyer, thc immense and constantly enlarging wealth of documentary record and speculation. This type of research seems likely to remain for thc foreseeable future the major field of scholarly inquiry in law but in recent times it has been to an increasing degree paralleled by research into the actual working of thc law, as opposed to what can perhaps be called thc intellectual structure and content ofthe law. A typical example of this kind of research orientation concentrates on the daily practical operation of the courts of law and the consequences oftheir procedures and decisions in sociological or economic terms. Another major related area of research interest focusscs on the expression of policy in legislative form and modes of providing legal restraints on necessary governmental discretions. Thc central subject of investigation in this kind of research is thc connection between govern­ ment policy and its legal expression, including particularly the necessary restraints on the former imposed by thc limits ofthe latter. A further almost limitless area of research, which is develop­ ing rapidly, seeks lo formulate useful legal or quasi-legal concepts and structures within the framework of which relations between national states, both on the planet and, now. in outer space, can be conducted. Thc diversity of interest which is revealed in this year's, quite typical, list of projects currently under investigation in this Faculty is accounted for partly by Ihc huge potential research range in law and partly hy its tendency lo be individual rather than team research. Team research is by no means unknown in law. On the contrary, il is a common phenomenon. Its limitation however, in law as in other disciplines, is the degree of access to appropriate funding which is available. Such funding is difficult to come by in Melbourne. There is in consequence a natural tendency in this faculty to develop relatively small scale projects which can be comfort­ ably handled by individuals oral most a small group of workers. Perhaps the only other point to make in an introduction to what is, for non-lawyers, the somewhat mysterious, if not baffling, world of research in law is that it has in common with nearly all other university level research a close connection with the teaching activities ofthe Faculty. Indeed it may have this characteristic in higher degree than in some other faculties because it is quite rare for thc results ofcurrent research not to be reflected almost simultaneously in the teaching program.

120 LAW

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. A textbook on easements and restrictive covenants-A. J. Bradbrook, M.A. Neave. 2. The prevention of harassment in landlord-tenant law- A. J. Bradbrook, S. V. MacCallum. 3. A textbook on the Victorian Residential Tenancies Act - A.J. Bradbrook. 4. Solar law in Australia-A. J. Bradbrook. 5. Problems of criminal injuries compensation-S. L.Campbell. 6. Australian Legal History Bibliography Research Project [continuing] - R. Campbell. 7. Draft National Water Resources legislation for Nigeria-S. D.Clark. 8. Regimes for environmental management in Antarctica-S. D.Clark. 9. Preparation of book of cases and materials on Australian labour law-W. B. Creighton. 10. Study of the implementation of Australian and British anti-discrimination legislation - W. B. Creighton. 11. Study of occupational health and safety as an industrial relations issue, with special reference to the British Safelv Representatives and Safetv Committees Regulations of 1978 -W. B. Creighton. 12. Australian mining and petroleum law- B. M. L. Crommelin. 13. Government management of oil and gas resources in Australia-B. M. L. Crommelin. 14. Economic analysis of property rights, with reference to resource tenures - B. M. L. Crommelin. 15. Legal aspects of resource development in Antarctica -B. M. L. Crommelin. 16. Economic analysis of consumer protection legislation - A. Duggan. 17. High Court contract law 1950-80-M. P. Ellinghaus. 18. An examination of proposals for reform ofthe law of duress as a defence in criminal law- 1. D. Elliott. 19. An examination ofthe Australian law with respect lo illicit drugs-1. D. Elliott. 20. Liability of public authorities for failure to exercise statutory powers- R. C. Evans. 21. Misfeasance in a public office-R.C. Evans. 22. Relationship between false imprisonment and negligence-R. C. Evans. 23. A textbook on the law of trusts - H. A. J. Ford. 24. Management regimes for living resources in Antarctica-J. G. Gardam. 25. Legislative regulation ofthe construction and operation of pipelines in New South Wales- J. G. Gardam. 26. A survey of the law of family property in Australia-1. J. Hardingham, M. A. Neave. 27. A comparative study of the rights of secured creditors in commercial insolvencies - M. E. Hiscock. 28. Legal problems of international trade between socialist and non-socialist States - M. E. Hiscock. 29. Dispute resolution in Australia-People's RepublicofChina trade-M. E. Hiscock. 30. Principles of constitutional law: the interaction between legal power and political power- C. Howard. 31. Continuing work on the law ofaccomplices-D. J. Lanham. 32. A book ofcases and commentary on the law of torts- H. Luntz. 33. Severance of joint tenancies-S. V. MacCallum. 34. Harassment of tenants-S. V. MacCallum. 35. Trespass to air space in relation to mineral exploration-S. M. Morgan. 36. Analysis ofthe nature of rights to royalties and over-riding royalties in relation to mining- S. M. Morgan. 37. Thc indivisibility of State legislative power-B. O'Brien. 38. Indefeasibility under the Victorian Transfer ojLand Act-B. O'Brien. 39. Rights to make interstate communications under s.92. - B. O'Brien. 40. A study in the political economy ofthe Australian Constitution - B. O'Brien. 41. Alienation of income - K. S. Pose. 42. The use of extrinsic materials in statutory' interpretation - K. S. Pose. 43. Preparation of new edition of Pose K. S., Baxt, R., Gelski, R., Grbich, Y. F. R. and Marks, B. Cases and Materials on Taxation - K. S. Pose. 44. A textbook on industrial and intellectual property-S. Ricketson. 45. An investigation of s.80 ofthe Commonwealth Constitution and the role of trial by jury - S. Ricketson. 46. Review of colonial legislation at local and imperial levels in Canada and Australia in thc 19th century-J. G. Santamaria. 47. Development ofthe implied institution of review in Australia both at Federal and State levelsafter 1900 —J. G. Santamaria.


48. Thc relation of judicial definitions of intention and the concept of intention in thc philosophy of mind-J. G. Santamaria. 49. Constitutional and administrative law in Australia-C. A. Saunders. 50. The first five years ofthe Australian Constitutional Convention-C. A. Saunders. 51. The effect of intergovernmental arrangements on legislation, administration and policy­ making in Vicioria-C. A. Saunders. 52. Thc role of purpose and motive under section 51 of the Income lax Assessment Act - J. Singh. 53. The control of exemption clauses in standard form contracts in Victoria - J. Singh. 54. Public control through financial accountability of public enterprises-J. Singh. 55. Thc taxation of businesses in the ASEAN countries-J. Singh. 56. A casebook on industrial law-R. R. S. Tracey. 57. A comparative analysis of due process and natural justice rules in Australia, England and the United States - R. R. S. Tracey. 58. Protection of the rights of the individual unionist under Australian federal law - R. R. S. Tracey. 59. Australian sovereignty in Antarctica at international law-G. D. Triggs. 60. An analysis ofthe "stolen goods" requirement for the offence of handling-M. S. Weinberg. 61. Thc juristic nature ofa view in the law of evidence - M. S. Weinberg. 62. Inquiry into food and drug law-R. S. Lancy.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. CLARK, S. D. and HOLMES. N., eds. - Australian Environmental Studies - Order from Disorder?, Ministry for Conservation, Melbourne (1979). 2. CLARK, S. D. - Groundwater Law and Administration in Australia, AGPS, Canberra (1979). 3. CREIGHTON, W. B.- Working Women and tlie Law, London(1979). 4. CROMMELIN, M. and LANG, A. G. - Australian Mining and Petroleum Laws: An Introduction. Butterworths, Sydnev (1979). 5. EVANS, R. and GALBRAITH, "A. - Revision Notes on Building Law, Butterworths. London (1979). 6. FORD, H. A. J. - Cases on Trusts. 4th ed., Law Book Co;, Sydney (1979). 7. HOWARD, C. and SAUNDERS, C. - Cases and Materials on Constitutional Law, Law Book Co., Sydney (1979). 8. LANHAM, D. J., TRACEY, R. R. S., SYKES, E. I. - General Principles ofAdministrativ e Law, Butterworths, Sydney (1979). 9. POSE, K. S. and SMITH, M. D. H.,-Maher. Derham and Waller, Cases and Materials on the Legal Process, 3rd ed., Law Book Co. (1979). 10. POSE, K. S., BAXT, R., GELSKI, R., GRB1CH, Y. F. R. and MARKS, B., Addendum to Cases and Materials on Taxation, Butterworths (1978). 11. WEINBERG, M., ARONSON, M. and REABURN, N. - Litigation - Evidence and Procedure, 2nd ed., Butterworths. Sydney (1979). Chapters of Books 12. CROMMELIN. M. - Natural Resources, in An Annual Survev of Law 1978, ed. R. Baxt. Law Book Co., Svdnev: 211-236(1979). 13. LUNTZ. H.- Law of Torts, in An Annual Survev of Law 1978,ed. R. Baxt, Law Book Co.. Sydney: 132-163(1979). 14. SINGH, J. - The Apportionment of Expenses Under Section 51, in Recent Developments in Taxation Series B, Faculty of Law, Monash University and Taxation Institute of Australia, Melbourne, 4:53-82 (1979). 15. TRACEY, R. R. S. - Certiorari and Prohibition, in Locus Standi, ed. L. A. Stein, Law Book Co., Sydney: 56-81 (1979).

Articles 16. BRADBROOK, A.J. -Fencing Easements in Australia. A. L.J., 53:306-310 (1979). 17. BRADBROOK, A. J. - The Actions for Double Rent and Double Value Against Over- holding Tenants. U.W.A. L. Rev, /J.420-434 (1979). 18. BRADBROOK, A. J. - Residential Landlord-Tenant Law Reform in Tasmania. Univ. of Tas. L. Rev.. 6:81-95 (\919). 19. CAMPBELL, S. L. - Recent Cases. A. L. J., 53:212-218 (1979). LAW 123

20. CAMPBELL. S. L. - Recent Cases. A. L. J., 53:271 -273 (1979). 21. CAMPBELL, S. L. - Practice Note. A. L. J., 53:727-730 (1979). 22. CAMPBELL, S. L.-Practice Note. A. L. J., 5j. 847-851 (1979). 23. CREIGHTON, W. B. - The Sex Discrimination (Northern Ireland) Order 1976. Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 29:316-338(1978). 24. CREIGHTON, W. B.-Watt v. Lord Advocate. Ind. L.J.,8:118-121 (1979). 25. CROMMELIN, M. - Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Act: The Nature and Security of Offshore Titles. Aust. Mining and Petroleum L.J.,2:135-159(1979). 26. ELLIOTT, 1. D. -The Use of Deadly Force in Arrest: Proposals for Reform. Crim. L. J., 3: 50-88(1979). 27. EVANS, R. C. - Damages - Personal injury or physical harm allegedly due to employers breach of duty. A. L. J., 53:94-96 (1979). 28. EVANS, R. C. - Damages - Action for property loss caused by negligence. A. L. J., 53: 718-720(1979). 29. HISCOCK, M. E. and ALLAN, D. E. - Trading with the People's Republic of China. Australian Law News, 74:9-12, 19-23 (1979). 30. LANHAM, D. J. - Self-Defcnce Prevention of Crime, Arrest and thc Duty to Retreat. Crim. L. J.,3:188-210(1979). 31. LUNTZ. H. - Damages in a Nutshell. Law Inst. J., 53. 639-644 (1979). 32. MacCALLUM, S. - A New Approach to the Unilateral Alteration oflnstruments. Adel. L. Rev., 7:274-285(1979). 33. RICKETSON, S. - Public Interest and Breach ofConfidcncc. Melb. U. L. Rev., 12:176-209 (1979). 34. RICKETSON, S. - Recent Developments in the Law relating to Breach of Confidence. Aust. Current Law Digest: 313-319(1979). 35. SAUNDERS, C. A. - Maritime Crime. Melb. U. L. Rev., 12:158-175(1979). 36. SINGH. J. - The Rights of Manufacturers in Malaysia under the Industrial Co-Ordination Act 1975, (Part I). Malaya L. Rev., 21:197-224 (1979). 37. SINGH, J. - Recurrent Payments for Purchase of Shares: Capital or Income? Aust. Bus. L. Rev., 7:300-319(1979). 38. TRIGGS. G. D. - Restrictive Sovereign Immunitv: The State as International Trader, Part I. A. L. J., 53:244-253 (1979). Part II. A. L../., 53:296-306 (1979). 39. TRIGGS, G. D. - Extra-territorial Reach of United States Anti-trust Legislation: The International Law Implications ofthe Wcstinghouse Allegations ofa Uranium Producer's Cartel. Melb. U. L. Rev., /2:250 (1979). 40. NEAVE. M. and WEINBERG, M. - The Nature and Function of Equities (Part II). Univ. of Tas. L. Rev., 6:115-137(1979). 41. SANTAMARIA, J. G.-Whitmore and Aronson, Review of Administrative Action. Melb. U. L. Rev., 7/:603 (1978). 42. SANTAMARIA. J. G.-The Royal Commission on Human Relationships: An Analysis of its Recommendations on Homosexuality, Prostitution. Incest and Abortion. 8 'Thomas More Society Journal, 3 (1979). Reports and Notes 43. HISCOCK, M. E. - Lines of Inquiry for Australian Investment Overseas, Australian Law Council Foundation (1979). 44. SAUNDERS, C. A. - The Constitution, in Mathews, R. - Australian Federalism 1978, Centre for Research on Federal Financial Relations. Canberra: 29-39 (1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Master of Laws I. WISHART, D. A. - The Acquisition of Australian Nationality.

THESES IN PROGRESS LLM Theses in Progress BRENNAN, F. T. - Protest, Public Order and Police Power. GALVIN, J. M. - Law ofCredit Unionsin Victoria. GARDAM, J. G. - Government Regulation ofthe Construction and Operation of Hydrocarbon Pipelines in A ustralia. MORGAN,S. M. B.- The Nature of Interests Acquired under Various Mineral 'Titles. OWEN, G. A. - The Development. Present Ambit and Future ofthe Tort of Passing-off. 124 FACULTY OF LAW

PhD Theses in Progress SORENSON, H. R. - Administration of lax laws. TRIGGS. G. D. - The Australian Antarctic: An examination ofthe International and Domestic Legal Consequences of A ustralia's claim to Sovereignly in A ntarctica.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED The followinggrant has been received: ARGC: Legal aspects of resource development in Antarctica. FACULTY OF MEDICINE Dean's Report The Faculty of Medicine represents the largest concentration of research within this University. It is not easy, therefore, to do justice to its range of activities extending as it does from basic scientific research in the field of human biology to applied research directly relevant to medical treatment, or to thc behavioural and epidemiological fields which impinge on the social sciences. Affiliated with the Faculty are two large research institutions, the Howard Florey Institute and the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute, which arc of high international standing in their own fields as are a number of other groups in the Faculty. Quite apart from the two institutes, research workers in the Faculty of Medicine already attract substantially more funds from the major research granting body, The National Health & Medical Research Council, than any other Faculty of Medicine in Australia and this denotes its high standing in a wide range of disciplines. Perusal of the reports of individual departments will indicate the vigorous efforts which are undertaken to ensure continuing support for research activities in competitive fields. Nonetheless, appropriate funding of research remains a matter of major concern within the Faculty as research continues at a slower pace than we would wish to see because of inadequate funding. It would be invidious to single out particular departments or research programmes within this scenario. Suffice it to say that basic scientific research in the Faculty is conducted in both campus and clinical departments and a significant growth of collaborative research between departments is apparent. Research activity is central to our plans for further academic and professional development and we look forward to strengthening of our close international links in many fields.



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS !. Norma! and abnormal glomerular barrier function and thc mechanisms of proteinuria in glomerular disease - D. Alcorn, G. B. Ryan. 2. Crescent formation in rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis- D. Alcorn, G. B. Ryan. 3. Studies of the morphology and functional significance of the renal juxtaglomerular "peripolar cell" - D. Alcorn, G. B. Ryan. 4. Studies of tubular and juxtaglomerular morphology in the isolated perfused kidney - D. Alcorn, G. B. Ryan. 5. Effects of ureteric obstruction on renal morphology and function - D". Alcorn, G. B. Ryan. 6. Renal and adrenal morphology on normal and abnormal states of sodium balance in sheep -P. A. Hill,G. B. Ryan. 7. Renal and adrenal morphology in normal and toxaemic pregnant sheep - P. A. Hill, G. B. Ryan. 8. Morphologic and functional studies of adrenal cortical cells in vitro - D. Alcorn, P. A. Hill, G. B. Ryan. 9. Development ofthe sheep adrenal cortex-P. M. Robinson. 10. Effect of ACTH on the morphology ofthe sheep adrenal cortex - P. M. Robinson. 11. Morphology and development ofthe sheep pituitary' gland - R. A. Perry, P. M. Robinson. 12. Morphology ofthe pituitary gland in normal and abnormal states of sodium balance in sheep-R. A. Perry, P. M. Robinson, G. B. Rvan. 13. Morphology ofthe pituitary gland in normal and toxaemic pregnant sheep - R. A. Perry, P. M. Robinson, G. B. Ryan. 14. Development of thc renal juxtaglomerular complex in sheep - G. M. Mitchell. B. F. Stratford. 15. Studies of placental morphology in sheep-G. M. Mitchell, B. F. Stratford. 16. Glomerular and juxtaglomerular morphology in models of acure renal failure in rats - R. Jacobs, G. B. Ryan. 17. Locomotion of embryonic cells-J. O. Lavarack. 18. Morphology ofthe primitive streak-J. O. Lavarack. 19. Studies of the pathogenesis of arterial myointimal thickening-G. B. Ryan. 20. Investigations of factors influencing fetal sheep lung development - D. Alcorn. 21. Joints ofthe cervical vertebral column - L. J. Ray. 22. Movements ofthe craniovertebral joints - L. J. Ray. 23. Cranial morphology-L. J. Ray. 24. Scanning electron microscopic studies ofthe middle ear-L. J. Ray. 25. Structure and function ofthe pineal gland-G. C. T. Kenny. 26. The pineal region of non-euthcrian mammals-G. C. T. Kenny. 27. The mesencephalon of non-eutherian mammals-G. C. T. Kenny. 28. Serial studicsofanthropometric measurements-B. D. Bowden. 29. Serial studies of craniofacial growth-B. D. Bowden. 30. Computer assessments of results of surgical and orthodontic treatments for craniofacial anomalies-B. D. Bowden. 31. Serial studies of maturity markers-B. D. Bowden. 32. Serial studies of dental caries - B. D. Bowden. PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books 1. KENNY, G. C. T. - The CNS Substrate, in Neuropathology: Selected Topics, ed. S. Weiner, Health Commission of Victoria, Melbourne, 2:1-6(1979). 2. RYAN, G. B. - Ultrastructural Studies of the Mechanisms of Proteinuria in Glomerular Disease, in Progress in Glomerulonephritis, eds. P. S. Kincaid-Smith, A. J. F. D'Apice and R. C. Atkins, John Wiley & Sons, New York: 145-158(1979). Articles 3. KENNY, G. C. T. and SCHEELINGS, F. T. - Observations ofthe Pineal Region of Non- Eutherian Mammals. Cell Tissue Res.. 198:309-324 (1979). 4. ROBINSON, P. M., ROWE, E. J. and WINTOUR, E. M. - The Histogenesis of the Adrenal Cortex in the Foetal Sheep. Acta Endocrinol. 91:134-149 (1979). 5. RYAN, G. B., COGHLAN, J. P. and SCOGGINS. B. A. - The Granulated Peripolar Epithelial Cell: A Potential Secretory Component of thc Renal Juxtaglomerular Complex. Nature. 277:655-656(1979). ANATOMY 127

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Master of Science 1. HAMILTON, R. C. - The Ultrastructural Effects of Venoms on Animal Tissues. 2. OPPERMANN, J. A. - Acetylcholinesterase in the Ciliary Ganglion ofthe Cat.

THESES IN PROGRESS MSc Thesis in Progress JACOBS, R. - Ultrastructural Studies ofthe Mammalian Juxtaglomerular Region. PhD Theses in Progress HILL, P. A. - Morphologic and Functional Studies of Human and Experimental Toxaemia of Pregnancy. MITCHELL, G. M. - A Study ofthe Fine Structure ofthe Placenta in Human Preeclampsia and Experimental Ovine Toxaemia. PERRY, P. A. - Thc Cytology and Histochemistry of Steroid Cells in vitro.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED: A grant has been received as follows: NH&MRC: Morphologic studies of renal disease. 128 FACULTY OF MEDICINE



A. INTERMEDIARY METABOLISM 1. Evolutionary studies on the transport of lipids in the blood with particular reference to serum albumin - F. J. R. Hird, F. C. I. Fellows. 2. The control of glycogenolysis in skeletal muscle by control ofthe level of adenylic acid - F. J. R. Hird. 3. Regulation of nucleotide metabolism and differential sensitivity to cytotoxic agents in mammalian tumourcell lines- L. R. Finch, A. Mitchell. 4. Use of porphyrins to delineate malignant tissue by selective fluorescence - R. W. Henderson. 5. Carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism in lactic acid bacteria-G. R. Jago, A. J. Hillier. 6. Review of the literature on somatostatin - M. T. McQuillan.

B. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION STUDIES ON PROTEINS 7. Identification of antigenic determinants in proteins using peptide synthesis and radio­ immunoassay on a macroreticular solid support - S. J. Leach (with J. P. Richm, Visiting Professor). 8. The ratios of non-allelic yA and f0 gene products in the HbF of neonates of thalassaemic patients - S. J. Leach (with Haematology Dept., Queen Victoria Hospital). 9. The amino acid sequence and ligand-binding properties of several mutant haemoglobins - S. J. Leach (with Haematology Dept., Queen Victoria Hospital). 10. Synthesis, circular dichroism, infrared and NMR conformational analysis of synthetic cyclic and acyclic peptides as models for /3-structures and chain reversals in keratins and giobular proteins -S. J. Leach (with Chemistry Dept., Monash University). 1 1. The nature ofthe topographic antigenic determinants in proteins and the structural basis of non-self recognition - S. J. Leach, P. E. E. Todd.

12. The NH2-terminal sequences of serum glycoproteins and their intracellular precursor forms-S. J. Leach, J. Urban, M. Nagashima. 13. Thc production of monoclonal antibodies to single determinants of beef myoglobin by cell fusion to produce hybridomas - S. J. Leach, P. E. E. Todd (with Walter and Eliza Hall Institute). 14. Purification and characterization ofa "pro-hormonase" from pituitary glands - P. E. E. Todd. 15. Structure-function studies on chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydratase and chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydrogenase-B. E. Davidson. 16. Isolation and properties of proteins involved in regulation of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis - B. E. Davidson, L. Corcoran. 17. Redox potentials of leghaemoglobin in the presence of various ligands - R. W. Henderson. 18. The biochemistry of senile nuclear cataracts-R. C. Augusteyn. 19. Sedimentation equilibrium studies on biological macromolecules-G. J. Howlett.

C. PROTEIN BIOSYNTHESIS 20. Synthesis and secretion of protein by the liver-G. H. Schreiber, J. Urban, A. S. Millcrship, M. Nagashima. 21. Regulation of gene expression in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in E. coli - B.E. Davidson. 22. DNA sequences and evolution ofthe genes for enzymes involved in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in E. coli-B. E. Davidson.

D. MEMBRANE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION 23. The orientation of local anaesthetics in biomembranes-W. H. Sawyer. 24. The molecular basis of hereditary spherocytosis - W. H. Sawyer (with Dept. of Haematology, Austin Hospital). BIOCHEMISTRY 129

E. ASPECTS OF PLANT AND MARINE BIOCHEMISTRY 24. Protein synthesis in developing soybean seeds-K. R. Gayler. 26. Aminoacid biosynthesis in marine algal chloroplasts-K. R.Gayler, G. H. McKenzie. 27. Biochemistry of algal chloroplasts- B. R. Grant. 28. Biochemistry and cytology of wound healing in coenocytic algae - B. R. Grant. 29. Physiology and biochemistry of the interaction of the fungus Phytophthora cinnamomi with its host species-B. R.Grant.

F. HISTORY OF BIOCHEMISTRY 30. The historical significance of the suffix "-ese" for enzymes catalyzing synthetic processes - M. A. Marginson.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. AUGUSTEYN, R.C, ROGERS. K. M. and COLLIN, H. B. - The Eye, Vol. I. 1979. Annual Research Reviews, Scries ed. D. F. Horrobin, Eden Press, Montreal (1979). Chapter of Book 2. MITCHELL, A. and RODWELL, A. W. - Nutrition, Growth and Reproduction, in The Mycoplasmas, eds. M. F. Barile and S. Razin, Academic Press, New York, 7: 103-139 (1979). Articles 3. AUGUSTEYN, R. C. - On the Possible Role of Glutathione in Maintaining Human Lens Protein Sulphydryls. Exp. Eve Res.. 25:665-671 (1979). 4. BALDWIN, G. S. and DAVIDSON, B. E. - Amino Acid Sequences of Soluble Tryptic Peptides of Chorismate Mutase/Prephenate Dehydratase from Escherichia coli K12. Biochim. Biophvs. Acta. 579:483-486 (1979). 5. BROOME, M. C, HILLIER, A. J. and JAGO, G. R. - The Walsh and Cogan Method for Estimating Diacetyl as applied in Metabolic Studies with Starter Bacteria. Aust. J. Dairv Technol.. 34:70-71 (1979). 6. BROOME, M. C, THOMAS, M. P., HILLIER, A. J., HORWOOD, J. F. and JAGO, G. R. - The Effect of Linoleic Acid on the Growth and Metabolism of Streptococcus lactis. Aust. J. Dairy Technol. 34:163-168 (1979). 7. BYRT, P. and GRANT, B. R. - Some Conditions Governing Zoospore Production in Axenic Cultures of Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. Aust. J. Bol.. 27:103-115 (1979). 8. CROSSLEY, L. C, JAGO, G. R. and DAVIDSON, B. E. - Partial Sequence Data for the L-(+)-Lactate Dehydrogenase from Streptococcus cremoris US3 including the Amino Acid Sequences around thc Single Cysteine Residue and at the N-Terminus. Biochim. Biophvs. Ada. 557:342-355(1979). 9. DREHER, T. W.. HAWTHORNE, D. B. and GRANT, B. R. - Comparison of Open- Column and High-Pcrformance Gel Permeation Chromatography in the Separation and Molecular-Weight Estimation of Polysaccharides. J. Chromatography, 174: 443-446 (1979). 10. EDWARDS, K., NAGASHIMA, M., DRYBURGH, H., WYKES, A. and SCHREIBER, G. - Secretion of Proteins from Liver Cells is Suppressed by the Proteinase Inhibitor N-a- tosyl-L-lysyl Chloromethanc, but not by Tunicamycin, an Inhibitor of Glycosylation. FEBSLetters. 700:269-272 (1979). 11. EDWARDS, K., URBAN, J. and SCHREIBER, G. - Relationship between Protein Synthesis and Secretion in Liver Cells and the State of the Adenine Nucleotide System. Aust. J. Biol. Sci., 32:299-307 (1979). 12. FELLOWS, F. C. I. and HIRD, F.J. R. - Nitrogen Metabolism and Excretion in the Freshwater Crayfish Cherax destructor. Comp. Biochem. Physiol, 6473:235-238 (1979). 13. FINCH, L. R.. CHRISTOPHERSON, R. I. and JONES, M. E. - A Simple Centrifuge Column for Desalting Protein Solutions. Anal. Biochem.. 100:184-187 (1979). 14. HAIGH, E. A., THULBORN, K. R. and SAWYER, W. H. - Comparison of Fluorescence Energy Transfer and Quenching Methods to Establish the Position and Orientation of Components within the Transverse Plane of the Lipid Bilayer. Application to the Gramicidin A-Bilayer Interaction. Biochemislrv, 75:3525-3532 (1979). 130 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

15. HAWTHORNE, D. B., SAWYER, W. H. and GRANT, B. R. - The Structure ofthe Low Molecular-Weight Glucans Isolated from the Siphonous Green Alga Caulerpa simpliciuscula. Carbohydrate Res.. 77:157-167 (1979). 16. HILLIER, A. J., JERICHO. R. E., GREEN S. M. and JAGO, G. R. - Properties and Function of Fumarate Reductase (NADH) in Streptococcus lactis. Aust. .1. Rial. Sri., 32: 625-635(1979). 17. HURRELL, J. G. R., LEACH, S. J., MART1NELLI, R. A., INGLIS, A. S., RUB1RA, M. R., HAGEMAN, T. C. and SCHERAGA, H. A. - Amino Acid Sequences of Portions ofthe czand/JChains of Bovine Fibrinogen. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 792:27-32 (1979). 18. LEACH, S. J., MAXFIELD, F. R., STIMSON, E. R., POWERS, S. P. and SCHERAGA, H. A. - Infrared Spectra of the /V-Acetyl-/v"-Methylamides of Glycine, L-Alanine, and L-Leucinc in Dilute Solutions of Chloroform and Carbon Tetrachloride. Biopolymers, 18: 2507-2521(1979). 19. LEACH, S. J., MINASIAN. E., DESLAURIERS, R., MAXFIELD, F. R., McQUIE, J. R., MEINWALD, Y. C, NEMETHY, G., POTTLE, M. S., RAE. I. D., SCHERAGA, H. A., STIMSON, E. R. and VAN NISPEN, J. W. -Cyclized Dipeptide Model for a/J-Bend. Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. USA. 76:2512-2514(1979). 20. McKENZIE, G. H., CH'NG, A. L. and GAYLER, K. R. - Glutamine Synthetase/ Glutamine:er-Ketoglutarate Aminotransferase in Chloroplasts from the Marine Alga Caulerpa simpliciuscula. Plant Physiol.. 63:578-582(1979). 21. MITCHELL, A. and FINCH, L. R. - Enzymes of Pyrimidine Metabolism in Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides. J. Bacteriol. 137:1073-1080(1979). 22. REYNOLDS, E. C, FINCH, L. R. and HARRIS, A. W. - Deoxyribonucleoside Triphos­ phate Pools and Differential Thymidine Sensitivities of Cultured Mouse Lymphoma and Myeloma Cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 561:110-123 (1979). 23. REYNOLDS, E. C, FINCH, L. R. and HARRIS, A. W. - Effect of Thymidine on the Sensitivity of Cultured Mouse Tumor Cells to 1-/9-D-Arabinofuranosylcytosine. Cancer Res.. 39:538-541 (1979). 24. SAWYER. W. H., CALVERT, P. D. and NICHOL, L. W. - Binding Equations for Interacting Systems Comprising Multivalent Acceptor and Bivalent Ligand: Application to Antigen-Antibody Systems. / theor. Biol. 50:233-247(1979). 25. SCHREIBER, G., DRYBURGH, H., MILLERSHIP, A., MATSUDA, Y., PHILLIPS. J., EDWARDS, K., MAGGS, J. and INGLIS, A. - The Synthesis and Secretion of Rat Transferrin. / Biol. Chem.. 254:12013-12019 (1979). 26. SMITH, M. M. and GAYLER, K. R. - Free Amino Acids in the Marine Green Alga Caulerpa simpliciuscula. Bot. Marina, 22:361 -365 (1979). 27. THOMAS, M. P., BROOME, M. C, HILLIER, A. J. and JAGO, G. R. - A Comparative Study ofthe Formation of Acetate from Pyruvate in Group N Streptococci. Aust. J. Dairv Technol. 34:91-\Q\ (1979). 28. THULBORN, K. R., MINASIAN, E. and LEACH, S. J. -Leghaemoglobin from Trifolium subterraneum. Purification and Characterization. Biochim. Biophvs. Acta, 578: 476-48 3 (1979). 29. THULBORN, K. R., SAWYER, W. H., JOHNS, S. R. and WILLING, R. 1. - "C NMR Studies on Fluorescent Probes: l3C Chemical Shifts and Longitudinal Relaxation Times of n-Hydroxy-Fatty («=2,6,9,12) Acids and /i-(9-Anthroyloxy)-Stcaric (n=6,12) Acids. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 24:11 -16 (1979). 30. THULBORN, K. R., TILLEY, L. M., SAWYER, W. H. and TRELOAR, F. E. - The Use of «-(9-Anthroyloxy) Fatty Acids to Determine Fluidity and Polarity Gradients in Phospholipid Bilayers. Biochim. Biophvs. Acta, 558:166-178 (1979). 31. TILLEY, L., THULBORN, K. R. and'SAWYER, W. H. - An Assessment ofthe Fluidity Gradient of the Lipid Bilayer as Determined by a Set of n-(9-Anthroy!oxy) Fatty Acids («=2,6,9,12,16)./ Biol. Chem. 254:2592-2594 (1979). 32. URBAN, J., CHAN, D. and SCHREIBER, G. - A Rat Serum Glycoprotein whose Synthesis Rate Increases Greatly during Inflammation. J. Biol. Chem., 254: 10565-10568 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Science 1. MARTIN, T. J. - Collected Papers in Biochemical Endocrinology.

Doctor of Philosophy 2. PATERSON, Y. J. - The Effect of Side Chain Complexity on the Dimensions of Poly­ peptide Chains. BIOCHEMISTRY 131

3. THULBORN, K. R. - n-(9-Anthroyloxy) Fatly Acids as Fluorescent Probes for Biomembranes. 4. WRIGHT, S. W. - Properties of Chloroplasts Isolatedfrom Siphonous Green Algae.

Master of Science 5. CHANDRASENA, S. I.- The Functional Significance of Aspartate Aminotransferase. 6. DAVY, R. M. - The Effect of Altered Haem Liganding and other Modifications on the Properties of Cytochrome c. 7. MITCHELL, J. - Equilibration ofnP into the Nucleotides ofMouse-L Cells. 8. STONE, F. H. - Hydroxyurea Sensitivity of Three Types of Murine Tumour Cells. 9. VERONI, M. C. - The Synthesis and Evaluation of Relaxin Related Peptides.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BYRT, P. N. - Biochemical Investigations in Phytophthora cinnamomi. CHELLADURAI, M. - Intermediate Forms of Secretory Proteins. CH'NG, A. L. - Assimilation of Nitrogenous Compounds by Marine Benthic Algae. DAVIES, W. D. - Biochemical Studies on some Escherichia coli Genes Responsible for the Biosynthesis of Aromatic Amino Acids. DAVULURI'SIVAPRASAD - Amino Acid Metabolism in Relation to End-Products of Nitrogen Metabolism. DREHER, T. W. - Studies on the Wound Response of the Coenocylic Green Alga Caulerpa simpliciuscula. EAST. I. J. - Immunogenicily and A ntigenicity of Globin Proteins. EVANS, D. J. - Studies on the Synthesis and Tertiary Structure of Peptides and their Relationship to Protein Folding. HAIGH, E. A. - Fluorescence Studies ofProtein-Lipi d Interactions in Biomembranes. HAWTHORNE, D. B. - Studies on ihe Structure and Function of Polysaccharides from the Green Alga Caulerpa simpliciuscula. HICK.EY, M. W. - Aspects of the Carbohydrate and Amino Acid Metabolism of Lactobacilli. HUDSON, G. S. - Comparative Studies of Chorismate Mutase-Prephenate Dehydratase and Chorismate Mutase-Prephenate Dehydrogenase ofE. coli K12. NAGASHIMA, M. - Studies on the Svnthesis and Secretion of Glycoproteins. RADFORD, 1. R. - Effect of Cytotoxic Drugs on DNA Synthesis. ' SMALL, D. H. - Synthesis of Myelin Basic Protein in relation to Multiple Sclerosis Serum Factors. SYKES, G. E. - Regulation of Development of Seed Proteins.

MSc Theses in Progress COVENTRY, M.J - Aspects of Carbohydrate Metabolism in Lactic Acid Streptococci. HILL, J. S. - 77i£> Molecular Basis of Hereditary Spherocytosis.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Structure and Function of Enzymes involved in the Synthesis of Phenylalanine and Tyrosine in E. coli. ARGC: Amino Acid Biosynthesis during Photosynthesis of Marine Algae. ARGC: Thc Role of 1, 3 /iGlucans in Wound Healing. ARGC: The Redox Properties of Leghaemoglobin-Ligand Complexes: a Probe of Hacm-Pockct Structure. ARGC: Evolutionary Aspects of Biochemistry. ARGC: The Structure and Evolution of Primitive Haemoglobins. ARGC: Protein-Lipid Interactions in Natural and Model Membranes. Australian Wool Corporation: Peptide Models for Beta Structures in Keratins. 132 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

NH&MRC: Synthesis and Secretion of Protein by the Liver. NH&MRC: Oxidation during Senile Nuclear Cataract Formation. NH&MRC: Diagnostic, Biosynthetic and Molecular Studies on Haemoglobinopathies (with Dept. of Haematology. Queen Victoria Hospital). Naiionai institutes of Heailh: The Mechanism of Senile Cataract Formation. Utah Foundation: Studies on Eucalypt Die-back Disease. In addition, 12 smaller grants were received from the following donors: Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria; Australian Research Grants Committee; Medical Research Committee, University of Melbourne; Research and Graduate Studies Committee, University of Melbourne; Rowden White Estate. COMMUNITY HEALTH

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Melbourne Stroke Register- D. G. Christie. 2. A trial ofa support service to stroke survivors -D. G. Christie. 3. Occupational aspects of the health of workers in the Australian Petroleum Industry - A feasibility study-D. G. Christie, J. Harper. 4. Epidemiological study of occupationally related skin disease in the rubber and cement industries-D. Dunt. 5. Care ofthe dying patient: an evaluation of hospice care - D. Dunt. 6. Common beliefs about health and medical care among selected ethnic groups- D. Dunt.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapter of Book 1. CHRISTIE, D. G. - Chapter 7 'Physical Health', in The Health and Social Survey ofthe North-West Region of Melbourne, ed. J. Krupinski, The Institute of Mental Health Research, Mental Health Division, Victoria, Special publication No. 7 (1979). Articles 2. CHRISTIE, D. G. and GARDNER, A. - Radiologic heart volume and subsequent mortality. Acta Radiologica. 20:65-69 (1979). 3. LAWRENCE, L. and CHRISTIE, D. G. - Quality of life after stroke: a 3 year follow-up. Age and Ageing. 8:167-172 (1979). 4. CHRISTIE, D. G. - Screening for hypertension: some practical problems. J. Rov. Coll. Gen. Pract.. 29:597-601 (1979). 5. CHRISTIE, D. G.- Improved survival from stroke: an effect of anti-hypertensive therapy. Med. J. Aust., 2:391 -393 (1979). 6. CHRISTIE, D. G. - Before and After Studies: a cautionary tale. Brit. Med. J.. 2: 1629 (1979). 7. CHRISTIE, D. G. - Prevention of cardiovascular disease: could we be wrong? Med. J. Aust.. 2:408 (editorial)(1979). 8. WEBSTER, R. W. - Undergraduate teaching in primary medical care. Aust. Pam. Phvs., SO): 808-813 (1979). 9. GREEN, S., KAUFERT, J. M.. DUNT, D. and others - The collection of information on the use of services among the elderly - a comparison between respondent recall and record audit. Soc. Sci. & Med. I3A:231 (1979). 10. KAUFERT, J. M, GREEN, S., DUNT, D. and others-Assessing functional status among elderly patients: a comparison of questionnaire and service provider ratings. Medical Care. XVII(8):%01(\919). 11. OPIT, L. J. and DUNT, D. - The need for CT. head scanning in a defined population. Community Health Studies. HI: 181 (1979). 12. TURNLEY, B., DUNT, D., PARKER, M. L. and others - Child care in temporary maternal absence - A cross cultural survey, in L. Roudopulos, ed., Aspects of Social Services Delivery to Immigrants. Clearing House in Migrants Issues. Melbourne (1979).

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NH&MRC: Melbourne Stroke Register. Australian Institute of Petroleum: Occupational Aspects of Health of Workers in the Australian Petroleum Industry.




RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Accidents lo Patients and Staff in Mount Royal Hospital - D. M. Prinsley. 2. Unwanted Effects of Medication - D. M. Prinsley and L. Mashford (Dept. of Pharma­ cology, St. Vincent's Hospital). 3. Disturbed Behaviour among the Elderly - D. M. Prinsley and H. Bower (Consultant Psychiatrist, Mount Royal Hospital). 4. Patterns of Entry into Institutional Care among the Aged: (a) A Study of "Waiting Lists" for Nursing Homes: (b) Analysis of backgrounds of patients newly admitted to nursing homes, investigating prior living arrangements, assessment and alternative modes of care - A. Howe. 5. Paget's Disease of Bone in the Elderly-D. M. Prinsley. 6. A Comparative Trial of Dihydroergotamine and Indomethacin in the Treatment of Postural Hypotension-J. J. Hammond. 7. A Prospective Evaluation of the Level of Blood Pressure in the Immediate Post-Stroke Period-J. J. Hammond. 8. A Study ofthe Effectiveness ofa New Anti-arthritic drug for use among the Elderly - D. M. Prinsley. 9. Studies of Nutrition and Vitamin Status of Elderly Institutionalised Patients - D. M. Prinsley and D. Flint (Section of Human Nutrition, Deakin University).

PUBLISHED WORK Chapter in Book 1. PRINSLEY, D. M. - Geriatrics in Community Health, in cd. R. Walpole, Community Health in Australia. Penguin Books. Australia: 107-116(1979).

Articles 2. BRACKENRIDGE, C. J. - Statistical Study of Sarcoma Complicating Paget's Disease of Bone in Three Countries, Brit. J. of Cancer. 40: 107-200(1979). 3. BRACKENRIDGE, C. J. - Relation of Occupational Stress to the Age of Onset of Huntington's Disease, Acta Neurologica Scandinavia. 60:272-276 (1979). 4. HOWE, A. L. - Family support for the Aged: Some evidence and interpretation, Aust. J. of Social Issues. 14:259-273 (1979). 5. PRINSLEY, D. M. and CAMERON, K. P. - Old People Living Alone - Is Organised Observation Necessary? A ust.J. of Social Issues. 14:297-300 (1979). 6. PRINSLEY, D. M. and CAMERON, K. P. - Management of Urinary Incontinence. A New Absorbent Bed Sheet, Med. J. of Australia. 1:578-579 (1979). 7. PRINSLEY, D. M. - Prevention of Accidents in the Elderly Aged Group, Safelv Institute of Australia Inc.. 2(1): 5-7 (1979). 8. PRINSLEY, D. M. - Research Needs and Research Activities in Geriatrics in Australia, in eds. J. A. Donald, A. V. Everitt and P. J. Wheeler, Ageing in Australia. Australian Association of Gerontology: 65-67(1979).

Report 9. PRINSLEY, D. M., KIDD, B., HOWE, A. L. and CAMERON, K. P. - The Experience of Retirement Migration to Phillip Island and Its Impact on the Community, Occasional Paper in Gerontology. (National Research Institute of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine) /(October, 1979)63'pp. GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRIC MEDICINE 135

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: * Nicholas Research Laboratories: Trial ofa new incontinence pad. * University of Melbourne Medical Research Committee and Mental Health Research Fund: Study of disturbed behaviour amongst the elderly. ARGC: Study of retirement migration to Phillip Island. Ramaciotti Foundation: Evaluation of an experimental street visitor scheme. U.S. Vitamins (Australia) Pty Ltd: Study of Paget's Disease of bone in the elderly. Merck, Sharp and Dohme Pty Ltd: Evaluation of the effectiveness of a new anti-arthritic drug. * These grants were made in 1978 but work carried on through 1979. 136 FACULTY OF MEDICINE




A. CELLULAR IMMUNOLOGY UNIT 1. Tolerance induction in immature B lymphocyte populations -G. J. V. Nossal, B. L. Pike. 2. Further testing ofthe clonal selection theory of B lymphocyte stimulation - B. L. Pike. 3. The role of B lymphocyte surface IgD in the immune response and tolerance-J. E. Layton. 4. Size fractionation of B lymphocytes susceptible to clonal abortion - B. L. Pike. 5. DevelopmentofBandTlymphocytesfromstemcells-J. W. Schrader. 6. Study of Ig-like molecules on T lymphocytes - A. Szenberg. 7. Organ culture of foetal mouse thymus and spleen - T. Mandel. 8. Maintenance and regulation of the immune response by antigen retained on dendritic cells -T. Mandel.

B, CANCER RESEARCH UNIT 1. Purification and structural analysis of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor - A. W. Burgess, N. A. Nicola. 2. Clonal analysis of normal and leukaemic cells from mice and humans - D. Metcalf. 3. Purification of factors controlling eosinophil and megakaryocyte proliferation - A. W. Burgess. 4. Isolation and characterization of cells in the granulocytic differentiation pathway - A. W. Burgess, N. A. Nicola, D. Metcalf. 5. Biochemical analysis ofthe action of colony stimulating factor on normal and leukaemic target cells-A. W. Burgess.

C. CLINICAL RESEARCH UNIT 1. Immunopathogenesis and genetic aspects of chronic active hepatitis - I. Mackay, S. Whittingham. 2. Regulation of antibody production by human lymphocytes in vitro and characterization of human suppressor cells-S. Whittingham. 3. Identification and mode of action of the multiple sclerosis-associated antigen -1. Mackay. 4. Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the mouse-1. Mackay. 5. Regulation and characterization of eosinophilic leucocytes in humans and mice - M. Vadas. 6. Interaction of human eosinophils with Fasciola hepatica larvae - M. Vadas. 7. Immunological and cellular aspects of ageing-1. Mackay. 8. The characterization of human peripheral T cell subsets - G. Burns. 9. The application of immunological marker studies to frozen sections of tissues affected by lymphoma-G. Burns. 10. Cloning of human cancer cells in agar-S. Asano. 11. Studies on immune function in women after adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer -1. Mackay. 12. Production of immunoglobulin by lymphocytes in inflammatory sites especially liver -1. Kronborg.

D. EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY UNIT 1. Macrophage-T lymphocyte interactions-J. F. A. P. Miller, P. Mottram. 2. Macrophage subpopulations defined by alloantigens - P. Mottram, J. F. A. P. Miller, I. McKenzie. MEDICAL BIOLOGY 137

3. Mechanism of H-linked Irgeneeffect-J. F. A. P. Miller. P. Mottram. 4. T cell dependent suppression of antibody responses -1. Walker, W. Thomas. 5. T cell dependent suppression of delayed type hypersensitivity- W. Thomas, I. Walker. 6. Characterization of factors from specific suppressor T cells-1. Walker, J. F. A. P. Miller. 7. Hybridization of suppressor T cells and T cell lymphomas-J. F. A. P. Miller, D. McPhee. 8. Identification of B cell and T cell hybridomas bearing defined idiotypes - I. Walker, D. McPhee. 9. Immunochemical analysis of idiotype-bearing molecules derived from hybridomas - I. Walker, W. Thomas, D. McPhee.

E. IMMUNOPARASITOLOGY LABORATORY 1. Development of model anti-parasite vaccines-G. F. Mitchell, R. F.Anders. 2. Development of model immunodiagnostic reagents for parasitic infection based on hybridoma antibodies-G. F. Mitchell, R. F. Anders. 3. Analysis of mouse strain variation in susceptibility to infection with various metazoan and protozoan parasites-G. F. Mitchell, R. F. Anders. 4. Immunological aspects of intestinal parasitism - R. F. Anders, G. F. Mitchell. 5. Immunological aspects of malaria and babesiosis-G. V. Brown, R. F.Anders. 6. Development of methods for the identification and isolation of filarial antigens - R. F Anders. 7. Immunological aspects of cutaneous leishmaniasis infection -E. Handman,G. F. Mitchell.

F. BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS UNIT 1. Differentiation of T and B lymphocytes - K. Shortman, R. Scollay. 2. Physical techniques for cell separation - K. Shortman. 3. Organization and rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes - S. Cory, D. Kemp, O. Bernard, J. Adams. 4. Structure of immunoglobulin genes-O. Bernard, J. Adams. 5. Expression of immunoglobulin genes-D. Kemp, S. Cory, J. Adams.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters in Books 1. CARNEGIE, P. R. and LINTHICUM, D. S. - Autoimmunity to neural and endocrine receptors as a cause of disease, in Menarini Series on Immunopathology. Vol. 2. eds. P. Miescher, L. Boiis, S. Gorini, T. A. Lambo, G. j. V. Nossal and G. Torrigiani, Schwabc, Basel, Section II: 61-72 (1979). 2. CHEERS, C, MANDEL, T. E. and McKENZIE, I. F. C. - Genetics and mechanisms of resistance or susceptibility to murine listeriosis, in Function and structure ofthe immune svstem, eds. W. Muller-Ruchholtz and H. K. Muller-Hermelink, Plenum, New York: 703-707 (Adv. Exp. Med. Biol., Vol. U4)(\919). 3. HARRIS, A. W. and BAXTER, J. D. - Variations in cellular sensitivity to glucocorticoids: observations and mechanisms, in Glucocorticoid hormone action, eds. J. D. Baxter and G. G. Rousseau, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, chap. 23: 424-448 (Monographs on Endocrinology. Vol. I2)(\919). 4. HASTHORPE, S. and HARRIS, A. W. - Growth control of hemopoietic colony-forming cells by thymidine and deoxycytidine, in Experimental Hematology Today 1979, eds. S. J. Baum and G. D. Ledney, Springer-Verlag, New York: 11-18(1979).' 5. JOHNSON, G. R. and METCALF, D. - The commitment of multipotential hemopoietic stem cells: studies in vivo and in vitro, in Cell lineage, stem cells and cell determination, ed. N. Le Douarin, Elsevier/North Holland, Amsterdam: 199-213 (1NSERM Symposium Series No. W)(\919). 6. MACKAY, 1. R. - Carcinoembryonic antigen: use in screening, in Immunodiagnosis of Cancer, eds. R. B. Herberman and K. R. Mclntyre, Marcel Dekker, New York, chap. 7. MACKAY, I. R. - Genetic studies in chronic active hepatitis, in Immune reaciions in liver disease, eds. A. L. W. F. Eddleston, J. C. P. Weber and R. Williams, Pitman Medical, London: 89-95 (1979). 138 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

8. MACKAY, I. R. - Immunological abnormalities associated with diseases of non- immunological origin, in Handbook of clinical immunology, eds. A. Baumgarten and F. Richards, CRC Press, Cleveland: 3-24 (CRC Handbook Series in Clinical Laboratory Science, ed. D. Seligson)(1979). 9. MACKAY, I. R. and SYMINGTON, G. R. - Immunological aspects of multiple sclerosis, in Menarini Series on immunopalhoiogv. Vol. 2. eds. P. Meischer, L. Bolis, S. Gorini, T. A. Lambo, G. J. V. Nossal and G. Torrigiani, Schwabc, Basel, Section IV: 193-210 (1979). 10. METCALF, D. - Detection and analysis of human granulocyte-monocyte precursors using semi-solid cultures, in Clinics in haematology. Vol. 8. No. 2, ed. L. J. Lajtha, Saunders, London: 263-285 (1979). 11. NOSSAL, G. J. V. - B lymphocyte differentiation and the tolerance problem, in Cells of immunoglobulin synthesis, eds. B. Pemis and H. J. Vogel, Academic Press, New York: 4-12(1979). 12. NOSSAL, G. J. V. - Differentiation of B cells and the clonal abortion theory', in Function and structure of the immune svstem, eds. W. Muller-Ruchholtz and H. K. Muller- Hermelink, Plenum, New York: 253-258 (Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. Vol. 1I4)(1919). 13. NOSSAL, G. J. V. - Introduction to Session D, Immunoprophylaxis and Therapy of Infectious Diseases, of the Vlth International Conference on Lymphatic Tissue and Germinal Centers in Immune Reactions, Damp (Kiel), June, 1978, in Function and structure ofthe immune system, eds. W. Muller-Ruchholtz and H. K. Muller-Hermelink, Plenum, New York: 801 -802 (Adv. Exp. Med. Biol.. Vol I14)(\ 979). 14. NOSSAL, G.J. V. - General summary of Session D, Immunoprophylaxis and Therapy of Infectious Diseases, of the Vlth International Conference on Lymphatic Tissue and Germinal Centers in the Immune Reactions, Damp (Kiel), June, 1979, in Function and structure ofthe immune system, eds. VV. Muller-Ruchholtz and H. K. Muller-Hermelink, Plenum, New York: 841 -843 (Adv. Exp. Med. Biol, Vol. 114)(\ 979). 15. SHORTMAN, K. and HOWARD, M. C. - Non-specific and specific responses of different B-cell subsets to antigenic stimulation, in B lymphocytes in the immune response, eds. M. Cooper, D. E. Mosier, 1. Scher and E. S. Vitetta, Elsevier/North Holland, New York: 97-106 (1979). 16. SZENBERG, A. - Isolation and partial identification of immunoglobulin from T cells, in Function and structure of the immune svstem, eds. W. Muller-Ruchholtz and H. K. Muller-Hermelink, Plenum, New York: 157-164 (Adv. Exp. Med. Biol, Vol. 114) (1979). 17. TEW, J. G., MANDEL, T. E., BURGESS, A. W. and HICKS, J. D. - Thc antigen binding dendritic cell ofthe lymphoid follicle: evidence indicating its role in the maintenance and regulation of scrum antibody levels, in F'unction and structure of the immune svstem. eds. W. Muller-Ruchholtz and H. K. Muller-Hermelink, Plenum, New York: 407-410 (Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. Vol. 114)(\919).

Articles 18. ANDERS, E. M., MILLER, J. F. A. P. and GAMBLE, J. - A radioisotopic technique for measuring the mononuclear inflammatory response in Sindbis virus-induced encephalitis in mice. J. Immunol. Methods, 29:167-171 (1979). 19. ARNOLD, B., BATTYE, F. L. and MILLER, J. F. A. P. - An improved method for selecting T cell hybridomas by the flourescence activated cell sorter. J. Immunol. Methods, 29:353-360(1979). 20. ARNOLD, B., MILLER, J. F. A. P. and WELTZIEN, H. U. - Lysolecithin analogs as adjuvants in delayed-type hypersensitivity in mice. 1. Characterization of the adjuvant effect. Eur.J. Immunol. 9:363-366(1979). 21. ARNOLD, B., STABER, F. G. and MILLER, J. F. A. P. - Lysolecithin analogs as adjuvants in delayed-type hypersensitivity in mice. IL Studies on the mode of action. Eur. J. Immunol. 9. 367-370(1979). 22. BUCKLEY, J. and JAMES, I. - Linear regression with censored data. Biometrika, 66: 429-436(1979). 23. CEREDIG, Rh. - Frequency of alloreactive cytotoxic T cell precursors in the mouse thymus and spleen during ontogeny. Transplantation, 25:377-381 (1979). 24. CHAPMAN, C. B., KNOPF, P. M., ANDERS, R. F. and MITCHELL, G. F. - IgG, hyper­ gammaglobulinemia in chronic parasitic infections in mice: evidence that the response reflects chronicity of antigen exposure. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci.. 57:389-400 (1979). 25. CHAPMAN, C. B., KNOPF, P. M., HICKS, J. D. and MITCHELL, G. F. - IgG, hyper­ gammaglobulinemia in chronic parasitic infections in mice. I. Magnitude ofthe response in mice infected with various parasites. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci.. 57:369-387 (1979). 26. DAVIS, S. and SCHUMACHER, M. J. - Myasthenia gravis and lymphoma: a clinical and immunological association. J. Am. Med. Assoc.. 242:2096-2097 (1979). MEDICAL BIOLOGY 139

DAY, K. P., HOWARD, R. J., PROWSE, S. J., CHAPMAN, C. B. and MITCHELL, G. F. - Studies on chronic versus transient intestinal nematode infections in mice. I. A comparison of responses to excretory/secretory (ES) products of Nippostrongylus brasiliensis and Nematospiroides dubius worms. Parasite Immunol., 7:217-239(1979). GOUGH. N. M., CORY, S. and ADAMS, J. M. - Identical 3' non-coding sequences in five mouse immunoglobulin kappa chain mRNAs favour a unique Ct gene. Nature. 281: 394-396(1979). GREEN, M. D., MACKAY, I. R., BUCKLEY, J. D. and COATES, A. S. - Survival of patients with malignant melanoma receiving BCG with and without chemotherapy. Aust. N.Z.J. Surgery, 49:335-339 (1979). HANDMAN, E. and BURGESS, A. W. - Stimulation by granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor of Leishmania tropica killing by macrophages. J. Immunol., 122: 1134-1137(1979). HANDMAN, E., CEREDIG, Rh. and MITCHELL, G. F. - Murine cutaneous leishmaniasis: disease patterns in intact and nude mice of various genotypes and examination of some differences between normal and infected macrophages. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci.. 57:9-29(1979). HARRIS, A. W., REYNOLDS, E. C. and FINCH, L. R. - Effect of thymidine on the sensitivity of cultured mouse tumor cells to cytosine arabinosidc. Cancer Res.. 39:538-541 (1979). HAUSTEIN, D. and MANDEL, T. E. - Surface immunoglobulin on cultured fetal mouse thymocytes. Immunology. 37:653-660 (1979). 34. HAWKINS, B. R., O'CONNOR, K. J., DAWKINS, R. L., DAWKINS, B. and RODGER, B. - Autoantibodies in an Australian population. 1. Prevalence and persistence. J. Clin. Lab. Immunol, 2:211 -215 (1979). 35. HAYES, K.. SYMINGTON, G. R. and MACKAY, 1. R. - Maternal immunosuppression and cytomegalovirus infection in the fetus. Aust. N.Z.J. Med., 9:430-433 (1979). 36. HOWARD, M„ BURGESS, A., McPHEE, D. and METCALF, D. - T cell hybridoma secreting hemopoietic regulatory' molecules: granulocyte-macrophage and colony- stimulating factors. Cell. 18:993-1000 (1979). 37. HOWARD, M. C, BURGESS, A. W. and METCALF, D. - T cell hybridomas secreting colony-stimulating factors. / Supramol. Struct., 9: Suppl. 3: 303 (1979). 38. HOWARD, M. C, FIDLER, J. M., BAKER. J. and SHORTMAN, K. D. - Antigen initiated B-lymphocyte differentiation. XIII. Different B-cell subsets give different AFC- production kinetics and respond in different functional assays. / Immunol, 122: 309-319 (1979). 39. HOWARD, R.J. and BATTYE, F. L. - Plasmodium berghei infected red cells sorted according to DNA-content. Parasitology. 78:263-2 70 (19 79). 40. HOWARD, R. J., BATTYE, F. L. and MITCHELL. G. F. - Plasmodium-infected blood cells analysed and sorted by flow fluorimetry using the deoxyribonucleic acid binding dye 33258 Hoechst. J. Hislochem. Cytochem.. 27:803-813(1979). 41. HOWARD, R. J. and MITCHELL, G. F. - Accelerated clearance of uninfected red cells from Plasmodium berghei-infecled mouse blood in normal mice. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci.. 57:455-457(1979). 42. HOWARD, R. J., SMITH, P. M. and MITCHELL, G. F. - Identification of differences between the surface proteins and glycoproteins of normal mouse (BALB/c) and human erythrocytes. J. Membrane Biol.. 49:171-198(1979). 43. HOWARD. R. J., SMITH. P.' M. and MITCHELL, G. F. - Optimal conditions for lacto­ peroxidase catalysed radioiodination of external proteins on mouse erythrocytes. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci.. 57:355-368 (1979). 44. HOWARD, R. J. and RODWELL, B. J. - Babesia rodhaini. Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemia: analysis and sorting of red cells from infected mouse or calf blood by flow fluorimetry using Hoechst 33258. Exp. Parasitol, 48:421-431(1979). 45. JOHNSON, G. R., NICHOLAS, W. L., METCALF, D., McKENZIE, I. F. C. and MITCHELL. G. F. - Peritoneal cell population of mice infected with Mesocestoides corti as a source of eosinophils. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. 59:315-322 (1979). 46. KEMP. D. J.. CORY. S. and ADAMS, J. M. - Cloned pairs of variable region genes for immunoglobulin heavy chains isolated from a clone library' of thc entire mouse genome. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA.. 76.4627-4631 (1979). 47. KNOPF, P. M., CHAPMAN, C. B„ HICKS, J. D., MANDEL, T. E. and MITCHELL, G. F. - Localization of lgG|-producing cells within a hyperstimulated lymph node of mice infected with an intestinal nematode parasite. Immunol. Letters. 1:137-140(1979). 48. LALA, P. K„ JOHNSON. G. R., BATTYE. F. L. and NOSSAL, G. J. V. - Maturation of B lymphocytes. 1. Concurrent appearance of increasing Ig, la and mitogen responsiveness. J. Immunol, /22:334-341 (1979). 140 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

49. LALA, P. K., LAYTON, J. E. and NOSSAL, G. J. V. - Maturation of B lymphocytes. II. Sequential appearance of increasing IgM and IgD in the adult bone marrow. Eur. J. Immunol. 9:39-44(1979). 50. LAYTON, J. E., PIKE, B. L., BATTYE, F. L. and NOSSAL, G. J. V. - Cloning of B cells positive or negative for surface lgD. I. Trieecrine and tolerance in T-inrlependen! systems. J. Immunol.. 123:702-708 (1979). 51. LAYTON, J. E., TEALE, J. M. and NOSSAL, G. J. V. - Cloning of B cells positive or negative for surface IgD. II. Triggering and tolerance in the T-dependent splenic focus assay. J. Immunol. 123:709-713 (1979). 52. LINTHICUM, D. S., HORVATH, L. and CARNEGIE, P. R. - Radiometric assessment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice. Brain Res.. 774:273-282 (1979). 53. LINTHICUM, D. S., MACKAY, I. R. and CARNEGIE, P. R. - Measurement of cell mediated inflammation in experimental murine autoimmune encephalomyelitis by radio­ isotopic labelling. J. Immunol. 123:1799-1805 (1979). 54. MACKAY, I. R. - Thc physical effects of alcohol: Part I. General physical effects. Supplement lo the A.M.A. (Victorian Branch) Monthly Paper No. 188. July (1978). 55. McCARTHY, J. H. - Haemopoietic progenitor cell responses in mice with the trans­ planted lymphoid leukaemia ABE 8. Brit.J. Cancer. 40:144-151 (1979). 56. MCCARTHY, J. H., SULLIVAN, J. R., UNGAR, B. and METCALF, D. - Two cases of carcinoma of thc lung characterized by a bone marrow agar culture pattern resembling acute myeloid leukaemia. Blood. 54:530-533(1979). 57. McFARLAN, R. I., CEREDIG, Rh. and WHITE, D. O. - Comparison of natural killer cells induced by Kunjin virus and Corvnebacterium parvum with those occurring naturally in nude mice. Infect. Immun.. 26:832-840(1979). 58. McPHEE, D., PYE, J. and SHORTMAN, K. - The differentiation of T-lymphocytes. V. Evidence for the intrathymic death of most thymocytes. Thymus.. 1:151-162(1979). 59. MANDEL, T. E. and HIGGINBOTHAM, L. - Organ culture and transplantation of fetal mouse pancreatic islets. Transplantation Proc. 11:1505-1506(1979). 60. MARCHALONIS, J. J., WARR, G. W., SMITH, P. M., BEGG, G. S. and MORGAN, F. J. - Structural and antigenic studies of an idiotype-bearing murine antibody to the arsonatc hapten. Biochemistry. 18:560-565 (1979). 61. METCALF, D. - Clonal analysis of the action of GM-CSF on the proliferation and differentiation of myelomonocytic leukemic cells. Int. J. Cancer., 24:616-623 (1979). 62. METCALF, D. and JOHNSON, G. R. - Interactions between purified GM-CSF, purified erythropoietin and spleen conditioned medium on hemopoietic colony formation in vitro. J. Cell. Phvsiol, 99:159-174(1979). 63. METCALF, D., JOHNSON, G. R. and MANDEL, T. E. - Colony formation in agar by multi-potential hemopoietic cells. J. Cell. Physiol.. 95:401-420(1979). 64. MILLER, J. F. A. P. - Influence of major histocompatibility complex on T lymphocyte activation. Adv. Cancer Res., 29: 1-44 (1979). 65. MILLER,J. F. A. P. - Experimental thymology has come of age. Thymus.. 7:3-25(1979). 66. MILLER, J. F. A. P. - Cellular interactions in immune responses. Seminars in Hematology., 76:283-292 (1979). 67. MILLER, J. F. A. P., GAMBLE, J., MOTTRAM, P. and SMITH, F. I. - Influence of thymus genotype on acquisition of responsiveness in delayed-type hypersensitivity. Scand. J. Immunol, 9:29-38 (1979). 68. MITCHELL, G. F. - Effector cells, molecules and mechanisms in host-protective immunity to parasites. Immunology.. 38:209-223 (1979). 69. MITCHELL, G. F. and CLARKE, A. E.-The allergenicity of concanavalin A in mice. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. 58:391 -401 (1979). 70. MITCHELL, G. F., CRUISE, K. M., CHAPMAN, C. B., ANDERS, R. F. and HOWARD, M. C. - Hybridoma antibody immunoassays for the detection of parasitic infection. I. Development ofa model system using a larval cestode infection in mice. Ausi. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci.. 57:287-302 (1979). 71. MITCHELL, G. F. and PROWSE, S. J. - Three consequences of infection with Nemato­ spiroides dubius in three inbred strains of mice. / Parasitol.. 65:820-822(1979). 72. NESBIT, R. A., WOODS, R. L., TATTERSALL, M. H. N., FORBES, J. F., MACKAY, I. R. and GOODYEAR, M. - Tamoxifen in malignant melanoma. New Eng. J. Med., 301: 1241 (1979). 73. NICOLA, N. A., BURGESS, A. W. and METCALF, D. - Similar molecular properties of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factors produced by different mouse organs. / Biol. Chem.. 254:5290-5299(1979). 74. NICOLA, N. A., METCALF, D., JOHNSON, G. R. and BURGESS, A. W. - Separation of functionally distinct human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factors. Blood.. 54:614-627(1979). MEDICAL BIOLOGY 141

75. NOSSAL, G. J. V. - The role of foundations in a changing world. Newsletter of the Association of Australian Philanthropic Trusts, No. 5(1979). 76. NOSSAL, G. J. V. - Science in the health care system. Current Affairs Bulletin (a publication ofthe Dept. of Adult Education in the University of Sydney), 55 (8): 14-19 (1979). 77. NOSSAL, G. J. V. and PIKE, B. L. - Current status of the clonal abortion theory of B lymphocyte tolerance. Nouv. Rev. Pr. Hematol., 21:1-8(1979). 78. NOSSAL, G. J. V., PIKE, B. L. and BATTYE, F. L. - Mechanisms of clonal abortion II. Clonal behaviour of immature B cells following exposure to anti-it chain antibody. Immunology, 37:203-215 (1979). 79. PIKE, B. L. and NOSSAL, G. J. V. - Mechanisms of clonal abortion tolerogenesis. III. Antigen abrogates functional maturation of S-Ig negative adult bone marrow lymphocytes. Eur. J. Immunol. 9:708-714 (1979). 80. POTTER, T. A., WATT, S. M., BURGESS, A. W. and McKENZIE, I. F. C. -Characteri­ zation of surface alloantigens of murine neutrophils. Immunogenetics. 5:461-474(1979). 81. RAJASEKARIAH, G. R., MITCHELL, G. F., CHAPMAN, C. B. and MONTAGUE, P. E. - Fasciola hepatica: attempts to induce protection against infection in rats and mice by injection of excretory/secretory products of immature worms. Parasitologv. 79:393-400 (1979). 82. RAJASEKARIAH, G. R., RICKARD, M. D., MONTAGUE, P. E. and MITCHELL, G. F. - Attempts to immunize rats and mice against infection with Fasciola hepatica using antigens prepared from Taenia hydatigena. Z. Parasilenkd., 58:175-180(1979). 83. REYNOLDS, E. C, HARRIS, A. W. and FINCH, L. R. - Deoxyribonucleoside triphos­ phate pools and differential thymidine sensitivities of cultured mouse lymphoma and myeloma cells. Biochim. Biophvs. Acta, 561:110-123(1979). 84. ROBERTS-THOMSON, I. C. and MITCHELL, G. F. - Protection of mice against Giardia muris infection. Infect. Immunity. 24:911-973(1979). 85. SAHA, K., WHITTINGHAM, S., RAY, D., MITTAL, M. M. and BEOHAR, P. C. - Impairment of Jones-Mote hypersensitivity and specific antibody response against depolymerized flagellin in lepromatous leprosy. Scand. J. Immunol. 10:31 -38 (1979). 86. SCHRADER, J. W., GOLDSCHNEIDER, I., BOLLUM, F. J. and SCHRADER, S. - In vitro studies on lymphocyte differentiation. II. Generation of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase positive cells in long-term cultures of mouse bone marrow. J. Immunol. 122: 2337-2339(1979). 87. SCHRADER, J. W. - Nature ofthe T-cell receptor. Scand. J. Immunol. 10: 387-393 (1979). 88. SCHUMACHER, M. J. and JEFFERY, S. E. - Effect of quantity and quality of IgG antibodies on blocking of allergenic histamine release in vitro. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol. 55:38-43(1979). 89. SCHUMACHER, M. J. and PAIN, M. C. F. - Nasal challenge testing in grass pollen hay fever. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol, 64:202-208 (1979). 90. SHORTMAN, K. and GOLSTEIN, P. - Target cell recognition by cytolytic T cells: different requirements for the formation of strong conjugates or for proceeding to lysis. /. Immunol. 725:833-839(1979). 91. SHORTMAN, K., HOWARD, M. C, PIKE, B. L., MARBROOK, J. and BAKER, J. - Some limits to post-antigen generation of diversity: failure to detect variants in clones of hapten-specific AFC developing in culture from direct AFC-progenitor B cells. Eur. J. Immunol. 9. 625-632 (1979). 92. SHORTMAN, K., HOWARD, M. C, TEALE, J. M. and BAKER, J. - Antigen initiated B lymphocyte differentiation. XVI. Primary and secondary adoptive responses involve two sequential stages, antigen non-specific then antigen specific, in the generation of specific AFC./. Immunol.. 722:2465-2472(1979). 93. SMITH, F. I. and MILLER, J. F. A. P. - Delayed hypersensitivity to allogeneic cells in mice. I. Requirements for optimal sensitization and definition of thc response. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol.. 55:285-294 (1979). 94. SMITH. F. I. and MILLER, J. F. A. P. - Delayed hypersensitivity to allogeneic cells in mice. II. Cell transfer studies. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immunol, 55:295-301 (1979). 95. SMITH, F. I. and MILLER, J. F. A. P. - Delayed-type hypersensitivity to allogeneic cells in mice. III. Sensitivity to cell surface antigens coded by the major histocompatibility complex and by othergenes. J. Exp. Med.. 750:965-976 (1979). 96. SMITH, F. I. and MILLER, J. F. A. P. - Suppression of T cells specific for the non-thymic parental H-2 haplotype in thymus grafted chimeras. J. Exp. Med., 757:246-251 (1979). 97. SMITH, F. I., MOTTRAM, P. L. and MILLER, J. F. A. P. - I region coded products expressed on both macrophages and thymus epithelium influence T cell activities. Scand. J. Immunol., 70:343-348(1979). 142 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

98. STABER, F. G. - Comparative effects in mice of purified bacterial cell-wall components on granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells and their regulators. J. Immunol., 122: 1726-1730(1979). 99. STABER, F. G., LAYTON, J. E. and TARCSAY, L. - Different responses of B-lymDhocvte colony-forming cells in bone-marrow and spleen of mice injected with bacterial cell-wall components. J. Immunol. 123:2588-2592 (1979). 100. TEALE, J. M., LAYTON, J. E. and NOSSAL, G. J. V. - In vitro model for natural tolerance to self antigens: inhibition of the development of surface immunoglobulin negative lymphocytes into T-dependent responsive B cells by antigen. J. Exp. Med.. 150: 205-217(1979). 101. TEALE. J. M. and MACKAY, 1. R. - Autoimmune diseases and the theory of clonal abortion. Is it still relevant? Lancet. II: 284-287 (1979). 102. TEW, J. G. and MANDEL. T. E. - Prolonged antigen half-life in thc lymphoid follicles of specifically immunized mice, Immunologv, 37:69-76 (1979). 103. TEW. J. G., MANDEL, T. E. and BURGESS, A. W. - Retention of intact HSA for prolonged periods in the popliteal lymph nodes of specifically immunized mice. Cell. Immunol.. 45. 207-212(1979). 104. TEW, J. G.. MANDEL. T. E. and MILLER, G. A. - Immune retention: immunological requirements for maintaining an easily degradable antigen in vivo. Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med. Sci. 57. 401-414(1979). 105. WATT, S. M., BURGESS, A. W. and METCALF, D. - Isolation and surface labelling of murine polymorphonuclear neutrophils. J. Cell. Physiol, 100:1-21 (1979). THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. BURTON, R.C. - In vitro induction of T cell mediated immunity to murine tumour antigens. 2. HOWARD, M.C.-B lymphocyte differentiation in the mouse. 3. IMANISHI, K. - Electron microscopic studies of the surface membranes of normal and neoplastic murine lymphoid cells and of membrane models. 4. WATT, S. - Molecular aspects of haemopoietic differentiation. Master ofScience 5. PIKE, B. - Humoral immune responses by mouse B lymphocytes. THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BOYD, A. - Cell surface phenomena and immunological unresponsiveness. BUCKLEY, J. D. - Cancer epidemiology and diagnosis. CEREDIG, Rh. - In vitro studies of cell mediated immunity to human and murine tumour associated antigen. CHAPMAN, C. - Immunological aspects o/Fasciola hepatica infections of sheep and cattle. CLARK-LEWIS, I. - Biochemical studies of lymphocyte differentiation. COLLIER, S. - Organ and tissue culture studies of pancreatic islet cells. COPPEL, R. - Studies on human ftlariasis and malaria. COOPER. P'. - Molecular regulation of haemopoiesis. COWMAN, A. - Molecular cloning and analysis ojimmunoglobulin genes from T cells. GERONDAKIS, S. - Gene organization in the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus. GOUGH, N. M. - Control oj immunoglobulin gene expression. JENNINGS, G. - Differentiation and clonal proliferation ofB cell subsets. KAHL, L. - Biochemical and immunological aspects ofred cell invasion by babesia parasites. LAYTON, J. E. - The function ofIvmphocvte surface IgM and IgD during B cell maturation. LOWENT H A L, J. - Radiobiolo'gy of lymphoid cells. McCARTHY, J. H. - Regulation of granulocyte and macrophage populations in leukaemia. MORAHAN, G. - Production and characterization offunctional Tand B cell hybridomas. MORSTYN, G. - Analysis ofthe nature and control ofnormal and leukaemic cells. PIKE, B. - Differentiation ojB lymphocytes and their interaction wilh antigen. SMITH, F. I. - Activation ofT lymphocytes in cellular immunity. TYLER, B. - Expression oj immunoglobulin genes. MSc Theses in Progress FORSYTH, K. - Antigens o/Onchocercagibsoni. GAMBLE, J. - Tcellhybri aomas. their production and characterization. MOTTRAM , P. - The role of the macrophage in delayed type hypersensitivity. MEDICAL HISTORY

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. History and bibliography of anatomy-K. F. Russell. 2. Mondinodei Luzzi and his Anolhomia- K. F. Russell. 3. John Browne (1642-1702) and the King's Evil-K. F.Russell. 4. Musical doctors-J. F. Russell.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. RUSSELL, K.. F. - Catalogue of the Historical Books in the Library of the Royal Austral­ asian College of Surgeons. Queensberry Hill Press, Melbourne (1979). Article 2. RUSSELL, J. F. -Tarantism. Med. Hist.. 23:404-425 (1979).





MEDICINE - AUSTIN HOSPITAL 1. Role ofthe tissue renin-angiotensin system in hypertension - F. A. O. Mendelsohn, J. S. Hutchinson, J. Csicsmann. 2. Converting enzyme in sarcoidosis-F. A. O. Mendelsohn, R. A. Allen, A. E. Doyle. 3. Control of aldosterone biosynthesis in vitro - F. A. O. Mendelsohn, D.J.Campbell, C. Sharrad. 4. Transport and excretory function of foetal liver - R. A. SmaUwood, K. J. Hardy, A. Marshall. 5. The hepatic transport of endogenous and xenobiotic organic compounds - R. A. Small- wood, F. J. Vajda, A. Marshall, G. Mihaly. 6. Clinical and pharmacological studies of ranitidine - a new H2-receptor antagonist - R. A. SmaUwood, G. Mihaly, A. Marshall, W. J. Louis, O. H. O. Drummer, J. McNeill, A. Anderson. 7. Cell surface Ia and Ly antigens in the mouse - M. Sandrin, M. Michaelides, H. Vaughan, G. Morgan, I. F. C. McKenzie. 8. Cell surface antigens of normal and tumour cells in man - M. Sandrin, M. Michaelides, H. Vaughan, G. Morgan, I. F. C. McKenzie. 9. Detection of circulating immune complexes -A. Riglar. 10. Monoclonal antibody production against murine and human normal and tumour specific cell surface antigens- M. Hogarth, C. Thompson, G. Edwards, I. F. C. McKenzie. 11. Transplantation immunity in man and mouse - B. Loveland, M. Henning, I. F. C. McKenzie. 12. Calcium transport in red cell and lymphocyte diseases-J. S. Wiley. S. Bowden. 13. Cytosine arabinoside transport in acute leukaemia of man - J. S. Wiley, S. Jones. 14. Cation transport in hypertension-J. S. Wiley,S. Bowden,J. S. Hutchinson, A. E. Doyle. 15. Studies of the mucoid cells in gastric mucosa - N. D. Yeomans. 16. Phylogeny ofthe gastric mucosa inChordatcs-N. D. Yeomans, A. S. Giraud. 17. Mechanism ofthe peptic ulcerogenic effects ofcigarctte smoking-N. D. Yeomans. 18. Study ofthe protein core material in exocrine secretion granules of alimentary tract - N. D. Yeomans, R. Wettenhall, A. S. Giraud. 19. Gastric absorption of valproate - N. D. Yeomans, F. J. Vajda. 20. Renal bone disease - definition, natural history and treatment - J. K. Dawborn, D. J. Brown, D. Wilson. 21. Glomerulonephritis - immunopathological correlations and trial of treatment regimes - J. K. Dawborn, D. Wilson. 22. Peritoneal dialysis in the treatment of chronic renal failure-J. K. Dawborn. 23. Hormone binding and responsiveness in uremia and other conditions - J. K. Dawborn, D. J. Brown. 24. Control of vitamin D metabolism -J. K. Dawborn, D.J. Brown. 25. Pharmacodynamics of Pipericillin-J. K. Dawborn. 26. CFS Enzymes in the localization of cerebrovascular disease - D. Donnan, P. Zapf, A. E. Doyle, P. Bladin. 27. CT Scan-clinical correlation of lacunar infarction-G. Donnan, B. Tress, P. Bladin. 28. Lacunar infarction in a Stroke Unit population-G. Donnan, P. Bladin. 29. Plasma, CFS and brain epilim concentration in relation todose-G. Donnan,F. Vajda. 30. Prognostic significance of renal protein clearance in diabetes - G. Jerums, R. M. L. Murray. 31. Effect of gliclazide on platelet function and the progression of renal and retinal disease in diabetes-G. Jerums, T. J. Martin, R. G. Larkins. 32. Effects of thyroid status on lymphocyte plasma membrane function-G. Jerums, R. White. 33. Role of aminoglutethimide in management of metastatic carcinoma of breast - R. M. L. Murray, P. Pitt. 34. Study of hormonal profiles in hirsutism -A. Thomas, G. Jerums, R. Slobodnuik. MEDICINE (AUSTIN AND REPAT. GEN. HOSPITALS) 145

MEDICINE - REPATRIATION GENERAL HOSPITAL 1. Calcitonin receptors and calcitonin responsive adenylate cyclase in cancer cells - T.J. Martin,J. M. Moseley. 2. Cyclic nucleotide metabolism in osteoblastic cells of malignant and benign origin - T. J. Martin. 3. Assay of vitamin D metabolites in disease states in man-J. A. Eisman, R. G. Larkins. 4. Regulation of vitamin D metabolism - R.J. Larkins, J. A. Eisman. 5. Properties ofthe 1,25-dihydro.xyvitamin D receptor-J. A. Eisman, J. M. Moseley. 6. Mechanisms of malignant hypercalcaemia and establishment of bony metastases - T. J. Martin, J. A. Eisman, R. G. Larkins. 7. Prostaglandins and bone cell function-T. J. Martin. 8. Regulation of prostacyclin production by vascular endothelial cells-T. J. Martin. 9. Platelet function in diabetic vascular disease - R. G. Larkins, T.J. Martin. 10. Regulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic islets- R. G. Larkins.

CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS 1. Pharmacokinetic analysis of adrenoceptor drugs in hypertensive patients - S. N. Anavekar, M. Dynon, B. Jarrott, VV. J. Louis. 2. Identification and characterization of adrenoceptors by radioligand binding - R. J. Summers, B. Jarrott, W. J. Louis. 3. Amino acid transmitters in central nervous system diseases-P. M. Beart. 4. Uptake, distribution and metabolism of centrally acting anti-hypertensive drugs - E. L. Conway, B. Jarrott. 5. Thc significance of brain adrenaline and its role in blood pressure regulation and hypertension - P. M. Beart, W. J. Louis. 6. Pharmacokinetics of anti-cancer drugs - N. Christophidis, I.Lucas, F.J. Vajda, W.J.Louis. 7. Adrenergic transmitters and receptors and blood pressure regulation and treatment - W. J. Louis, P. Miach. 8. Distribution and regulation of adrenoceptors in blood vessels-A. J. Culvenor, B. Jarrott. B. Jarrott. 9. Development of the HPLC electrochemical detector assay for catecholamines - R. J. Summers. 10. The effects of stress on induction of epileptic seizures - F. J. Vajda, B.Chambers, P. F. Bladin. 11. Viral encephalitis in the aetiology of fits-F. J. Vajda, B. Chambers, P. F. Bladin. 12. Brain, plasma and cerebrospinal fluid levels of epilim in man - F. Vajda, G. Donnan, P. F. Bladin. 13. Clinical responses to carbamazepine monotherapy: a bimodal response - G. Mihaly, F. Vajda. 14. 25-Dihydrocholccalciperol in epileptics-D. Brown, F. J. Vajda. 15. Cyclical methotrexate excretion in high dose therapy patients - N. Christophidis, F. J. Vajda, I. Lucas, W. Moon, W. J. Louis. 16. Bioavailability of 5FU capsules - N. Christophidis, F. J. Vajda, I.Lucas, W. Moon. W. J. Louis. 17. Studies in Cis-platin -1. Lucas, F. J. Vajda. W. J. Louis, W. Moon. 18. Adriamycin pharmacokinetics and cardiac toxicity - N. Christophidis, F. J. Vajda, W. J. Louis, W. Moon. 19. Biliary excretion of sodium valproate - A.Marshall, G. Mihaly, R. A. SmaUwood, F. J. Vajda. 20. Studies of propranolol on the modification of metrazole induced seizures - F. J. Vajda, J. Papanicolau. 21. Status epilcpticus: evaluation of rectal anticonvulsants, hemineurin and high dose sodium amylal therapy - F. J. Vajda, P. F. Bladin.

PSYCHIATRY 1. Studies of mother-infant interaction - K. Baker, J. Bourke, R. A. Meares. 2. Studies of cortical evoked potentials in mental illness - R. A. Meares. 3. Hysteria-Janet'shypothesis-R. A. Meares. 4. The cerebral effects of tobacco smoking- R. A. Meares. 5. Psychological aspects of hypertension - R. A. Meares. 146 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

6. Seasonal variation in suicidal behaviour-R. A. Meares. 7. Phenomenological aspects of psychotherapy - R. A. Meares. 8. EEG studies of sleep-P. Dcbcnham. 9. A study of "psychogenic pain"- R. A. Meares. PUBLISHED WORK Chapters in Books 1. MEARES, R. A. - A unifying view of psychosomatic illness, in R. Caind. ed., Current Themes in Psychiatry, Vol. 3, Macmillan, London (1979). 2. MEARES, R. A. - The Secret, in P. Whitten, ed., Psvchotherapv: Current Perspectives, Franklin Watts, N.Y. (1979). Articles 3. ADAM, W. R. and MENDELSOHN, F. A. O. - Measurement ofthe end organ response to aldosterone in man: diversity of response and its possible biological significance. Aust. N.Z. J. Med, 9:278-283 (1979). 4. ANAVEKAR, S. N., LUDBROOK, A., LOUIS, W. J. and DOYLE, A. E. - Indapamidc in essential hypertension. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Phvsiol, 6:226-227 (1979). 5. ANAVEKAR, S. N., SAUNDERS, R. H., WARDELL, W. M., SHOULSON, I., EMMINGS, F. G., COOK, C. E. and GRINGER1, A. J. - Parotid and whole saliva in the prediction of scrum total and free phenytoin concentrations. Clin. Pharm. Ther., 24(6): 629 (1979). 6. ANAVEKAR, S. N., LUDBROOK, A., LOUIS, W. J. and DOYLE, A. E. - Evaluation of indapamide in the treatment of hypertension. J. of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 1: 289-294(1979). 7. ATKINS, D., GREAVES, M., IBBOTSON, K. J. and MARTIN, T. J. - Role of prostaglandins in bone metabolism: a review. J. Rov. Soc. Med., 72:27-34(1979). 8. BEART, P. M., CONWAY, L., JARROTT, B.. LOUIS, W. J. and PROSSER, D. - Adrenaline, phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase and a-methyldopa in rat brain. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Phvsiol, 6:226-227 (1979). 9. BEART, P. M. and KUPPERS, D. - Dopamine and GABA in rat nucleus accumbens. Proc.Aust. Soc. Clin. Exp. Pharmacologists, 5:26 (1979). 10. BEART, P. M. and GUNDLACH, A. J. - Somatodendritic mechanisms, GABAergic neurones and the rat mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway. Proc. Int. Soc. Neurochemistry: 215(1979). 11. BEART, P. M., PROSSER, D, and LOUIS, W. J. - Adrenaline and phenylethanolamine- N-methyltransferase in rat medullary and anterior hypothalamic-preoptic nuclei. Short communication. / of Neurochem., ii: 947-9 50 (1979). 12. BEART, P. M., KUPPERS, D. and LOUIS, W. J. - Dopamine receptors on GABA- releasing nerve terminals in rat nucleus accumbens. Proc. Br. Pharmacol. Soc, September (1979). 13. BEART, P. M. and BILAL, K. - Allyglylcine: intranigral effects and re-appraisal of actions on theGABA systems. Biochem. Pharmacol., 25:449 (1979). 14. BEART, P. M., MeDONALD, D. and GUNDLACH, A. L. - Mesolimbic dopaminergic neurones and somatodendritic mechanisms. Neurosci. Letts., 15:165-170(1979). 15. BEST, L. C, McGUIRE, M. B., MARTIN, T. J., PRESTON, F. E. and RUSSELL, R. G. G. - Effects of epoxymethano analogues of prostaglandin endoperodides on aggregation or release of 5-hydroxytryptamine and on thc metabolism of 3'5'-cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in human platelets. Biochem. Biophvs. Acta, 583:344-351 (1979). 16. BEST, L.C., McGUIRE, M. B., JONES, P. B. B., HOLLAND, T. K., MARTIN, T.J., PRESTON, F. E., SEGAL, D. S. and RUSSELL, R. G. G. - Mode of action of dipyrid­ amole on human platelets. Thromb. Res., 16:367-380(1979). 17. BROWN, C. M., McGRATH, J. C. and SUMMERS, R. J. - The effects of a adrenoceptor agonists and antagonists on responses of transmurally stimulated prostatic and epididymal portions of the isolated vas deferens of the rat. Brit. J. Pharmacol, 66:553-564 (1979). 18. BROWN, D. J., SPANOS, E. and MacINTYRE, I. - Hormonal control of plasma 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin Di in man. Proc. of the Societv of Endocrinology 157th Meeting. J. Endocrinology, 83 (1): 54 (1979). 19. BROWN, D. J., SPANOS, E., RAPTIS, P. and MacINTYRE, I - Effect of pregnancy, acromegaly, primary hyperparathyroidism and prolactinoma on 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in man. In Vitamin D: Basic Research and its Clinical Application, eds. A. W. Norman, K. Schaefer, D. V. Herrath, H-G. Grigoieit, J. W. Coburn, H. F. DeLuca, E. B. Mawer, andT. Suda, DeGruyter, Berlin: 625-628 (1979). 20. CHRISTOPHIDIS, N., MIHALY, G., VAJDA, F. and LOUIS, W. J. - A sensitive HPLC assay for 5-fluorouracil (5FU): a comparison with GLC. C.E.P.P., 6:679-680 (1979). MEDICINE (AUSTIN AND REPAT. GEN. HOSPITALS) 147

21. CHRISTOPHIDIS, N. - Ocular side effects with 5-fluorouracil. JAMA Aug. 3. Vol. 242 (No. 5)(1979). 22. CHRISTOPHIDIS, N., VAJDA, F., LUCAS, I., MOON, W. J. and LOUIS, W. J. - Renal clearance o methotrexate (MTX) in man during high dose oral and intravenous therapy. Proc. Aust. Physiol. Pharm. Soc, 10(2): 326P(I979). 23. CHRISTOPHIDIS, N., VAJDA, F., LUCAS, I., MOON, W. J. and LOUIS, W. J. - Comparison of I.V. and oral high dose methotrexate in the treatment of solid tumours. Brit. Med.J.. 7:298-300(1979). 24. CHRISTOPHIDIS, N., VAJDA, F., LUCAS, I., DRUMMER, 0„ MOON, W. J. and LOUIS, W. J. - Excessive lacrimation on fluorouracil therapy associated with detectable concentrations of 5FU in tears and plasma. CE. P.P., 6:193-194 (1979). 25. CHRISTOPHIDIS, N., VAJDA, F., LUCAS. I. and LOUIS, W. J. - Ocular side effects with 5-fluorouracil. Aust. N.Z. J. Med, 9:143-144(1979). 26. CHRISTOPHIDIS, N„ MIHALY, C. VAJDA, F. and LOUIS, W. J. - Comparison on Liquid- and Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Assays of 5-fluorouracil in plasma. Clinical Chemistrv, 25 (1): 83-87 (1979). 27. COLSTON, K. W., EVANS, I. M. A., GREENBERG, P. B., LARKINS. R. G. and MacINTYRE, 1. - Calcium and magnesium; in: Chemical Diagnosis of Disease, eds. S. S. Brown, F. L. Mitchell and D. S. Young, ASP Biological and Medical Press(1979). 28. CONWAY, E. L., LOUIS, W. J. and JARROTT, B. - The effect of acute a-methyldopa administration on catecholamine levels in anterior hypothalamic-preoptic and medullary nuclei in rat brain. Neuropharmacology, /S: 279-286 (1979). 29. CONWAY. E. L, LOUIS, W. J. and JARROTT, B. - Endogenous and a-methylated catecholamine levels in anterior hypothalamic-preoptic and medullary nuclei in rat brain after chronic a-methyldopa administration. Neuropharmacology, 75:287-290(1979). 30. CONWAY, E. L., JARROTT, B. and LOUIS, W. J. - Formation of a-methylnorepinephrinc in rat brain stem and nucleus tractus solitarius after acute injection of a-methvklopa. In: Catecholamines: Basic and Clinical Frontiers, ed. by E. Usdin, 1. J. Kopin and J. Barchas. Vol. 2:1502-1505. Permagon Press, N.Y. (1979). 31. CONWAY, E. J. and JARROTT, B. - Clonidine distribution in rat tissues after intravenous administration. C. P.P.P., 6:671 -672 (1979). 32. CRAWFORD. A., MacNEIL. S. and MARTIN, T. J. - An adenylate cyclase activating factor in cytosal of rat osteogenic sarcoma. J. Endocr.,81:151 P-l 52P (1979). 33. CULVENOR, A. J. and JARROTT. B. - Reduction of aromatic L-amino acid decarb­ oxylase protein in rats after chronic administration of alpha-methyldopa. Mol. Pharmacol, 75:86-89(1979). 34. CULVENOR, A. J. and JARROTT, B. - Reduction in the concentration of dopamine beta-hydroxylase after chronic administration of L-DOPA or alpha-methyl DOPA. Ncuroscience, 4:1281-1289 (1979). 35. DAUSSE, J. P., MIACH, P. J., ELGHOZI, J. L., LEVY-MARCHALL, C. and MEYER, P. - Biochemical studies of alpha adrenergic receptors in rat brain. In Nervous system and hypertension, ed. by P. Meyer and H. Schmitt, Wilcy-Flammarion: 49-60 (1979). 36. DAUSSE, J. P.. GARAY, R. P., GUICHEMEY, P., LEVY-MARCHALL. C, MIACH, P. J. and MEYER, P. - Biochemical individualization and characterization of pre- and postsynaptic alpha adrenoceptors. In Radioimmunoassay of drugs and hormones in cardiovascular Medicine, eds. A. Albertini, M. De Prada and B. A. Pes kar, Elsevier/ North Holland: 17-27(1979). 37. DONNAN, G. A. - Stuttering as a manifestation of cerebral stroke. Med. J. Aust., 7:44-45 (1979). 38. EISMAN, J. A., MARTIN, T. J., MacINTYRE, 1. and MOSELEY, J.M. - 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin DJ receptor in breast cancer cells. Lancet, ii: 1335-1336(1979). 39. EISMAN, J. A.. WARK, J. D., PRINCE. R. L. and MOSELEY, J. M. - Modulation of plasma, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in man by stimulation and suppression tests. Lancet, ii: 931-933(1979). 40. EWALD, S. J. and McKENZIE, I. F. C. - Immunochemical characterization of the Ly-5 alloantigens on thymocytes. Immunogenetics, 8:583 (1979). 41. FRIEDMAN, J. and MEARES, R. A. - Cortical evoked potentials and extraversion. Psychosom. Med. 41 (4): 279-286 (1979). 42. FRIEDMAN, J. and MEARES, R. A. - The effect of placebo and tricyclic antidepressants on cortical evoked potentials in depressed patients. Biol. Psychol, 8:291 -302 (1979). •43. FRIEDMAN, J. and MEARES, R. A. - Cortical evoked potentials and severity of depres­ sion. Amer. J. Psychiat., 136:1218-1220(1979). 44. FRIEDMAN, J. and MEARES, R. A. - The menstrual cycle and habituation. Psychosom. Med.. 41 (5): 369-381 (1979). 45. GALLAGHER, J. C, RIGGS, B. L., EISMAN, J. A., HAMSTRA, A., ARNAUD, S. B. and DeLUCA. H. F. - Intestinal calcium absorption and serum vitamin D metabolites in 148 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

normal subjects and osteoporotic patients: Effect of age and dietary calcium. J. Clin. Invest., 64:729-736(1979). 46. GIRAUD, A. S., YEOMANS, M. D. and ST. JOHN, D. J. B. - Ultrastructure and cyto­ chemistry ofthe gastric mucosa ofa reptile. Tiliqua scincoides. Cell. Tiss. Res.: 281-294 (1979). 47. GUNDLACH, A. L. and BEART, P. M. - Effect of uAbAergic drugs on dopamine catabolism in dopaminergic pathways of the rat. Proc. Aits. Phvsiol. Pharm. Soc, 10:269P (1979). 48. GUNDLACH, A. L. and BEART, P. M. - Dopamine metabolism as reflected by 3,4-dihydroxvphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) levels in the mesolimbic pathway of thc rat. C.E.P.P., 6:699-700 (1979). 49. H1LLYARD, C. J., BROD1E. M. J., WILMANA, P. F., DAVIES, D. S., DOLL- ERY.C.T., BROWN, D.J. and MacINTYRE, I. - Alteration of 25-hydroxy vitamin D metabolism by antipyrine. Abstracts ofthe Fourteenth European Symposium on Calcified Tissue. Calcified Tissue International. Supp. Vol. 27:17A (1979). 50. HOPE. W., MARTIN, T.J.. CHESTERMAN, C. N. and MORGAN, F. J. - Human bcta-thromboglobulin inhibits PGI2 production and binds to a specific site in bovine aortic endothelial cells. Nature. 282:210-212 (1979). 51. HOROWITZ, J., McNEIL, J., SWEET, B. and LOUIS, W. J. - Hypertension and postural hypotension induced by phenylpropanolamine. Med. J. Aust., 1:175-176 (1979). 52. HOROWITZ, J. D., ANAVEKAR, S. N.. MORRIS, P., GOBLE, A. J., DOYLE, A. E. and LOUIS, W. J. - Plasma levels of mcxiletine in patients treated for acute and chronic ventricular tachyarrhythmias. C.Ti.P.P., 6. 651-652 (1979). 53. HORVATH, T. and MEARES, R. A. - Thc sensory filter in schizophrenia: A Study of habituation, arousal and the dopamine hypothesis. Brit. J. Psychiat., 134:39-45 (1979). 54. HOSKING.D. J., DENTON, L. B., CADGE, B. and MARTIN, T.J. - Functional significance of antibody formation after long term calcitonin therapy. Clin. Endocr., 10: 243-253(1979). 55. HUNT, N. H. and MARTIN, T. J. - Cyclic nucleotide metabolism in tumours. Ausi. N.Z. J. Med., 9:584-599 (1979). 56. HUTCHINSON, J. S. ..and MENDELSOHN, F. A. O. - Hypotensive responses of conscious spontaneously hypertensive rats to central and peripheral inhibition of con­ verting enzyme. Aust. Phvsiol. & Pharmacol. Soc. Sydney, August (1979). 57. INGLETON, P. M.. COULTON, L. A.. PRESTON, C. J. and MARTIN, T. J. - Alkaline phosphatase in scrum and tumour of rats bearing a hormone-responsive transplantable osteogenic sarcoma. Europ. J. Cancer, /5.685-691 (1979). 58. JARROTT, B., LOUIS, W. J. and SUMMERS. R. J. - Interaction of clonidine metabolites with an alpha adrenoceptor in rat brain membranes. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol., 6:673 (1979). 59. JARROTT, B., HJELLE, J. T. and SPECTOR, S. - Association of histamine with cerebral microvessels in regions ofbovine brain. Brain Res., 168:323-330 (1979). 60. JARROTT, B., LOUIS, W. J. and SUMMERS, R. J. - The characteristics of JH-clonidine binding to an alpha adrenoceptor in membranes from guinea pig kidney. Brit. J. Pharmacol, 65:663-670 (1979). 61. JARROTT, B., LOUIS, W. J. and SUMMERS, R. J. - The effect of a series of clonidine analogues on 3H clonidine binding in the rat cerebral cortex. Biochemical Pharmacology, 27:141-144(1979). 62. JARROTT, B. and SPECTOR, S. - Disposition of clonidine in the rat as determined by radioimmunoassay. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol, 6:199 (1979). 63. JANOSSY, G. and WOODRUFF, R. K. - Relation of lymphoid phenotype and response to chemotherapy incorporating vincristine-prednisolone in the acute phase of Ph1 positive leukaemia. Cancer. 43:426 (1979). 64. JERUMS, G. - Haemoglobin Ai -a new index of blood glucose control. Medicographia, 1: 12-14(1979). 65. JERUMS, G. - Renal protein clearance in diabetes. Proc. Royal Society of Medicine. Diamicron Symposium Issue, April {1979). 66. JOHNSON, G. R., NICHOLAS, W. L., METCALF, D., McKENZIE, I. F. C. and MITCHELL, G. R. - The peritoneal cell population of mice infected with Mesocestoides Corti as a source of eosinophils. International Arch. Allergy and Applied Immunol, 59: 315-322(1979). 67. JONES, G. M., MacNEIL, S. and MARTIN, T.J. - Soluble cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases from chick kidney. Effects of dilution and non-protein inhibitors. Biochem. Biophvs. Acta, 582:504-514 (1979). 68. KACHEL, C. D. and MENDELSOHN, F. A. O. - An automated multicolumn system for chromatography of aldosterone on Sephadex LH20 in water. J. Steroid Biochemistry, 10: 563-567(1979). MEDICINE (AUSTIN AND REPAT. GEN. HOSPITALS) 149

69. LARKINS, R. G. - What to do about abnormal laboratory results? Serum calcium. A ustralia n Prescriber, 3:3 (19 79). 70. LOUIS, W. J., JARROTT, B., CULVENOR, A., CONWAY, E. L. and DYNON, M. - The beta hydroxylation of dopamine and methyldopa in rat brain stem. Workshop on Nervous System and Hypertension in: Perspectives in Nephrology and Hvpertension, ed. by H. Schmittand P. Meyer, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. and Flamma'rion, Paris: 31-37 (1979). 71. LOUIS, W.J., McNEIL, J.J., DRUMMER, O. H. O. and JARROTT, B. - Clinical pharmacology of alpha-adrenergic and beta-adrenergic blocking drugs. In: Modulation of sympathetic tone in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, ed. F. Gross, Hans Huber Publishers: 25-37 (1979). 72. LOUIS, W. J., RAND, M. J., McNEIL, J. J., DRUMMER, O. H. O. and JARROTT, B. - Clinical pharmacology of adrenergic blocking drugs. Cardiology, Vol. 64, Suppl. 1:96-104 (1979). 73. LUCAS, I., CHRISTOPHIDIS, N., VAJDA, F., MOON, W. J. and LOUIS, W. J. - Bioavailability of fluorouracil capsules. Proc. Aust. Phvsiol. Pharm. Soc, 10 (2): 325P (1979). 74. MARSHALL, A. W., MIHALY, G. W., MORGAN, D. J., STEPHENS, D. A., SMALLWOOD, R. A. and HARDY, K. J. - Propranolol disposition and biliary excretion in the pregnant sheep and fetus. Gastroenterology, 77(5): A25(1979). 75. MARTIN, T. J. - Treatment of Paget's disease with the calcitonins. Aust. N.Z. J. Med., 9: 36-43(1979). 76. MARTIN, T. J. - Medullary carcinoma ofthe thyroid. Med. J. Aust., /. 157-158(1979). 77. MARTIN, T. J., INGLETON, P. M., COULTON, L. A. and MELICK, R. A. - Metabolic properties of hormonally responsive osteogenic sarcoma cells. Clin. Orthop. Rel. Res., 140: 247-254(1979). 78. MARTIN, T. J., PARTRIDGE, N. C, GREAVES, M., ATKINS, D. and IBBOT- SON, K. T. - Prostaglandin effects on bone and role in cancer hypercalcaemia. In Molecular Endocrinology, eds. I. Maclntyre and M. Szelkc, Elsevier/North Holland: 251-265(1979). 79. MARTIN, T. J. and ATKINS, D. - Biochemical regulators of bone resorption and their significance in cancer. Essays in Medical Biochemistry, 4:49-82 (1979). 80. MENDELSOHN, F. A. O. - Evidence for the local occurrence of angiotensin II in rat kidney and its modulation by dietary sodium intake and converting enzyme blockade. Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine, 57:173-179 (1979). 81. MENDELSOHN, F. A. O., HUTCHINSON, J. S. and DOYLE, A. E. - Effect of captopril in spontaneously hypertensive rats: persistence of its hypotensive action after nephrectomy as evidence for hyperactivity of thc tissue renin-angiotensin system. Australian Medical Journal Special Supplement, 2:5-7 (1979). 82. MENDELSOHN, F. A. O. - Pathophysiological changes in intrarenal angiotensin II. Proc. 1st Asian Pacific Congress Nephrol October, 1979, Tokyo, eds. K. Oshima, Y. Yoshitoshi and M. Hitano. Secretariat of 1st Asian Pacific Congress Nephrol.: 206-210(1979). 83. MENDELSOHN, F. A. O., HUTCHINSON, J. S. and DOYLE, A. E. - Effect of captopril in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Aust. Soc. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol, Duncdin, Feb. (1979). 84. MELICK, R. A., LARKINS, R. G., WARK, J.D. and GREENBERG, P. B. - Osteo­ malacia due to unusual causes presenting in adults. Aust. N.Z. J. Med., 9:253-257 (1979). 85. MIACH, P. J., DAUSSE, J. P. and MEYER, P. - Biochemical evidence for "pre-" and "post-synaptic" alpha adrenoceptors in rat brain. Catecholamines: Basic and Clinical Frontiers, eds. E. Usdin, I. J. KopinandJ. Barehas, Pergamon Press: 571-573 (1979). 86. MIACH, P. J., DAUSSE. J. P. and MEYER, P. - Biochemical evidence for two types of alpha adrenoceptors in rat brain. Advances in the Biosciences, Vol. 18, eds. S. Z. Langer, K. Starke and M. L. Dubocovich, Pergamon Press: 213-218 (1979). 87. MIHALY, G., PHILLIPS, J. and VAJDA, F. J. E. - The measurement of carbamazepine and its epoxide metabolite by high pressure liquid chromatography in epileptic patients. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol, 6 (2) (1979). 88. MIHALY, G. W., MILES, J., LOUIS, W. J. and VAJDA, F. J. E. - Pharmacokinetic studies of sodium valproate following acute and chronic administration in epileptic patients. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol, 6:660(1979). 89. MIHALY, G.. VAJDA, F. J. E., MILES, J. and LOUIS, W. J. - Single and chronic dose pharmacokinetic studies of sodium valproate in epileptic patients. European J. Clin. Pharm., 16:23-29 (1979). 90. MacINTYRE, I., ARNETT, T, R., BROWN, D. J., GALAN GALAN, F.. G1RGIS, S., ROGERS, R. M., SPANOS, E., STEVENSON, J. and BONE, Q. - The interrelation ofthe calcium regulating hormones: some recent findings. Endocrinology, ed. I. Maclntyre, Elsevier/North Holland, Biomedical Press, Amsterdam (1979). 150 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

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112. TURNER, D. R., WILSON, D. M., LAKE, A., HEATON, J. M., LEIBOWITZ, S. and CAMERON, J. S. An evaluation of the immunoperoxidase technique in renal biopsy diagnosis. Clin. Nephrol.. 11:13-17 (1979). 1 13. UNDERWOOD, J. C. E., MELICK, R. A., DANGERFIELD, V. M., CRAWFORD, A., COULTON, L., INGLETON, P. M., LOOMES, R. S. and MARTIN, T. J. - Structural and functional correlations in parathyroid hormone responsive transplantable osteogenic sarcomas. Europ. J. Cancer, 15:1151 -1158 (1979). 114. WARDELL, W. M., HASSAR, M., ANAVEKAR, S. N. and LASAGNA, L. - The rate of development of new drugs in the United States 1963 through 1975. Clin. Pharm. and Ther., 24(2): 133(1979). 115. WARDELL, W. M., TSIANCO, M. C, ANAVEKAR, S. N. and DAVIS, H. T. - Post­ marketing surveillance of new drugs. I. Review of objectives and methodology. J. Clin. Pharm.. 79(2): 85 (1979). 116. WARDELL, W. M., TSIANCO, M. C, ANAVEKAR, S. N. and DAVIS, H. T. - Post­ marketing surveillance of new drugs. II. Case studies. J. Clin. Pharm.. 19(4): 169 (1979). 117. WARK, J. D., LARKINS, R. G., PERRY-KEENE, D., PETER, C. T., ROSS, D. L. and SLOMAN, J. G. - Chronic diphenylhydantoin therapy does not reduce plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Clinical endocrinology, II: 267-274(1979). 118. WARK, J. D., LARKINS, R. G., EISMAN, j. A. and MARTIN, T. J. - Prostaglandins and 25-hydroxyvitamin D-la-hydroxylase. In Vitamin D: Basic Research and its clinical application, eds. A. W. Norman, K. Schaefer, D. V. Herrath, H-G. Grigoleit, J. W. Cobum, H. F. DeLuca, E. B. Mawer and T. Suda, DeGruvter, Berlin: 563-566 (1979). 119. WILEY, J. S., COOPER, R. A., ADACHI, K. and ASAKURA, T. - Hereditary stomato- chytosis: association of low 2,3-diphosphoglycerate with increased cation pumping by the red cell. Brit. J. Haem.. 41:133 (1979). 120. WILEY, J. S., CHESTERMAN, C. N., MORGAN. F. J. and CASTALDI, P. A. - The effect of sulphinpyrazone on the aggregation and release reactions of human platelets. Thrombosis Res., 14:23(1919). 121. WILEY, J. S., KRAFT, N. and COOPER, I. A. - The binding of ouabain to normal and chronic lymphocytic leukemic lymphocytes. Blood. 54:994 (1979). 122. WOODRUFF, R. K., WADSWORTH, J., MALPAS, J. S. and TOBIAS. J. S. - Clinical staging in multiple myeloma. Brit. J. Haematologv. 42:119 (1979). 123. WOODRUFF, R. K., MALPAS, J. S. and WHITTLE, J. M. - Solitary plasmacytoma I: Extramedullary soft tissue plasmacytoma. Cancer, 43:2340 (1979). 124. WOODRUFF, R. K., MALPAS, J. S. and WHITE, F. E. - Solitary plasmacytoma II: Solitary plasmacytoma of bone. Cancer. 43:2344 (1979). 125. XIPELL, J. M. and BROWN, D. J. - Histology of normal bone - a computerized study of the iliac crest. Pathology, 7 7:235-240 (1979). 126. YEOMANS, N. D. - Workshop on ursodeosycholic acid. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Phvsiol, 6:716(1979). 127. YEOMANS. N. D. and MILLER, S. J. - Mechanism of mucus secretion in rat and mouse gastric mucosa. Proc. Aust. Soc. Med. Res.. 12:36 (1979).


Doctor ofScience 1. MARTIN, T. J. - Collected papers in biochemical endocrinology. Doctor of Philosophy 2. MIHALY, G. W. - The clinical pharmacology of anli-convulsants: studies of sodium valproate and carbamazepine.


MD Theses in Progress DONNAN, G. A. - Lacumar syndromes in a stroke population. MARSHALL, A. W. - Hepatic transport of endogenous and xenobiotic organic compounds. 152 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

PhD Theses in Progress CAMPBELL, D. ].-Control of aldosterone secretion. DUFFY, S. - Exchangeable sodium and experimental hypertension. GIRAUD, A. S. - The phvlogenvofthe gastric mucosa: structure and aspects of function. HOG ARTH, M. - Hybridoma production as a source ofailoantibodies. LOVELAND, B. - Cellular interactions during graft rejection in the mouse. MICHAELIDES, M. - Functional studies with Ly antigens in the mouse. POTTER, T. - Studies on murine lymphocytes antigens in the mouse. SANDRIN, M.-la antigens in man and mouse. THOMPSON, C. - Monoclonal antibodies recognizing human tumour specific antigens. MSc Theses in Progress HILL, J. S. - Studies on genetic defects ofthe red cell membrane. MORGAN, G. - H-2 mutations: The serological analysis of several H-2 mutant strains. RIGLAR, A. - Detection of circulating immune complexes. BSc(Hons) Thesis in Progress DELLOS, H. - Analysis of H-2 mutants.

REPATRIATION GENERAL HOSPITAL PhD Theses in Progress FINDLAY, D. M. -Calcitonin receptors in cancer cells. HEANEY, T. P. - Regulation of insulin secretion in pancreatic islets. NOLAN, R. D. - The regulation of prostaglandin biosynthesis in various tissues. WA RK, J. D. - The hormones of calcium and bone homeostasis. MSc Thesis in Progress SHER, E - Properties of the receptorfor 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D.

CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS MD Thesis in Progress ANDERSON, A - The pharmacokinetics of antihypertensive drugs. PhD Theses in Progress CHRISTOPHIDIS, N. - The pharmacokinetics of cytotoxic drugs. DRUMMER, O.H.O. - Structure-activity relationships on adrenoceptors. DYNON, M. - Studies on the metabolism and mode of action of Beta-blocking drugs. GUNDLACH, A. - Neurotransmitter interactions in brain. HOWES, L. - Mechanism of drug action on receptor and membranes. MacPHERSON, G. - Characterization of adrenoceptors by ligand binding techniques. McNEIL, J. - Pharmacokinetics of ami-hypertensive drugs. McQU EEN, A. - Central nervous system effects of amines on behaviour. MIACH, P. - Catecholamine receptors in brain. MSc Theses in Progress LUCAS, I. - Pharmacokinetics of cytotoxic drugs. PAPANICOLAOU, J. - Pharmacological basis of epilepsy.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NH & MRC: The significance of brain adrenaline and its role in blood pressure regulation and hypertension. NH & MRC: Identification and characterization of adrenoceptors by radioligand binding. NH & MRC: Uptake, distribution and metabolism of centrally acting anti-hypertensive drugs. NH & MRC: Pharmacokinetic analysis of adrenoceptor drugs in hypertensive patients. NH & M RC: The pharmacology of dopamine-GABA interactions and their clinical actions. MEDICINE (AUSTIN AND REPAT. GEN. HOSPITALS) 153

NH & MRC: The role of tissue angiotensin forming systems in experimental and genetic hypertension. NH & MRC: Transport and excretory functions of foetal liver. NH & MRC: The hepatic transport and endogenous and xenobiotic organic compounds. NH & MRC: Calcium transport in red cell and lymphocyte diseases. NH & MRC: Control of vitamin D metabolism. NH & MRC: Hormone and cyclic nucleotide control of growth and differentiation in tumour cells. NH & MRC: Investigation ofthe mechanism of insulin biosynthesis and secretion. NH & MRC: Application of vitamin D metabolite assays: stress testing: effects of sex steroids. NH & MRC: Isolation and identification of core material in exocrine secretion granules of alimentary tract. NH & MRC: the mucus-secreting cells ofthe stomach: their role in health and disease. NH & MRC: Studies in transplantation immunology. NH & MRC: Studies of lymphocyte cell surface antigens. NH & MRC: The production of mouse alloantibodies using cell fusion hybridomas. NH & MRC: Exhangeable sodium and renin in experimental hypertension. NH & MRC: Modulation of lymphocyte cyclic AMP and Na-K ATPase by thyroid hormones. Australian Tobacco Research Foundation: Effects of smoking on prostaglandin production by vascular endothelium and blood platelets. Australian Tobacco Research Foundation: A study of the effect of tobacco smoking on an individual's inter-relationship with his sensory and social environment. Australian Tobacco Research Foundation: Mechanisms of peptic ulcerogenic effects of smoking. Australian Tobacco Research Foundation: The production of Ia antigenic specificities in mouse and man and their relationship to smoking and lung cancer in man. Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria: Prostaglandins and thc pathogenesis of malignant hyper­ calcaemia and metastatic bone cancer. Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria: Cytosin arabinoside transport in acute leukaemia of man. Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria: Phenotypic characterization of human leukaemias and hyphomas. Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria: The detection of Ia antigens and their relevance to cancer in man. Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria: Pharmacokinetics of anti-cancer drugs. National Heart Foundation of Australia: Normal control of prostacyclin formation and disturbances in thrombotic disease. National Heart Foundation of Australia: Adrenergic transmitters and receptors and blood pressure regulation and treatment. National Heart Foundation of Australia: Specific labelling and isolation of cardiac beta adreno receptors using radioactive photo-affinity agents. Australian Kidney Foundation: Abnormalities of vitamin D metabolism in renal disease. Relationship lo severity and progression. Australian Kidney Foundation: Hormone responsiveness in renal failure. Australian Kidney Foundation: Monitoring of graft rejection. Life Insurance Medical Research Fund of Australia & New Zealand: Pathogenesis of diabetic vascular disease. Life Insurance Medical Research Fund of Australia & New Zealand: Structure activity relation­ ship of beta adrenoceptor drugs and the relationship of alterations of beta adrenoceptors to disease states. Department of Veterans' Affairs: Pathogenesis and management of Paget's disease and renal osteodystrophy. Department of Veterans' Affairs: Beta cell responsiveness in insulin treated diabetic subjects. Medical Research Committee: Sensory' input regulation and "psychogenic pain". Medical Research Committee: Prostacyclin and regulation of vascular tone. 154 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

National Institutes of Health: Ia antigenic specificities in mouse and man. National Institutes of Health: Cell surface antigens of lymphocytes and tumour cells. Mental Health Research Foundation: Sensory' input regulation and "psychogenic pain". Clive & Vera Ramaciotti Foundation: The production of mouse alloantibodies using cell fusion hybridomas. John Claude Kellion Foundation: Transferrin clearance in diabetes. Thc Utah Foundation: Research on the measurement of vitamin D metabolites. Austin Hospital Medical Research Foundation: An investigation into thc effects of drugs and hormones on vitamin D metabolism and their relevance to the treatment of uremic bone disease. MEDICINE



A. RENAL AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE 1. National Blood Pressure Study - R.R.H. Lovell. 2. Atypical bacterial forms and L-forms in urinary tract infection - P. Kincaid-Smith. 3. Lithium nephrotoxicity-P. Kincaid-Smith. 4. Clinical trials in the treatment of hypertension - P. Kincaid-Smith. 5. Immunology ofglomerulonephritis-P. Kincaid-Smith. 6. Transplant immunology- P. Kincaid-Smith. 7. Ultrastructure of glomerulonephritis- P. Kincaid-Smith. 8. Immunological aspects of renal disease-P. Kincaid-Smith. 9. Active and inactive renin in hemodialysis patients- P. Kincaid-Smith. 10. Platelet aggregation and coagulation in glomerulonephritis- P. Kincaid-Smith. 11. Steroids in hypertension - P. Kincaid-Smith. 12. Hypertension and drugs: clinical and experimental studies - A. S. P. Hua. 13. Clinical and experimental studies in glomerulonephritis -1. M. Macdonald. 14. Experimental pyelonephritis in relation to focal hyalinosis- L. Dziukas. 15. Alcohol and hypertension-J. D.Mathews. 16. Twin studies of cardiovascular risk factors-J. D.Mathews. 17. Immunological mechanisms in cardiovascular disease-J. D. Mathews. 18. Immunogenctic bases forautoimmune and cardiovascular disease-J. D. Mathews.

B. BONE AND JOINT DISEASE 1. Cultural and functional studies of human synovial cells - B. J. Clarris, J. R. E. Fraser and E. Baxter. 2. Hyaluronic acid metabolism-J. R. E. Fraser, E. Baxterand B. J. Clarris. 3. Rheology ofhyaluronic acid and synovial fluid — J. R. E. Fraserand D. Boger (Monash). 4. Immunology and pathogenesis of epidemic polyarthritis - J. R. E. Fraser, A. L. Cunningham and B. J. Clarris. 5. Genetic factors ir. epidemic polyarthritis - J. R. E. Fraser, A. L. Cunningham and B. Tait (R.M.H.). 6. Experimental virus infection of human synovial cells-J. R. E. Fraser. A. L. Cunningham and B. J. Clarris. 7. Studies in virus arthritis-A. L.Cunningham. 8. Composition of human bone and kidney stone matrix - R. A. Melick, K. Quelch and M. Rhodes. 9. Synthetic properties and hormonal responsiveness of rat osteosarcoma cell - R. A. Melick, M. Rhodes and K. Quelch. 10. Studies of human bone matrix - K. Quelch. I 1. Enzyme inhibitors in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis - K. D. Muirden and E. Flory. 12. Cell mediated immunity studies in rheumatoid arthritis - K. D. Muirden. 13. A follow-up study of trypsin installation in the rheumatoid knee joints - K. D. Muirden. J. R. E. Fraserand K. Boyden. 14. The use of bone scanning in thc diagnosis of sero-ncgative spondylarthropathy- R. Travers and D. Barraclough. 15. Study of anti-inflammatory drugs and drug interactions in rheumatoid arthritis - R. Travers, D. Barraclough and K. D. Muirden. 16. Study of the ultra-structure of the synovial membrane, articular cartilage junction in rheumatoid arthritis-K. D. Muirden.


C. ENDOCRINE DISEASE 1. Characteristics ofthe insulin receptor-S.Clark and M. Dc Luise. 2. Follow-up of primary hyperparathyroidism - R. A. Melick, D. Leslie, P. Greenberg and F. I. R. Martin. 3. Characteristics of polypeptide hormone receptors - M. De Luise. 4. The regulation of triiodothyronine formation - P. Heyma. 5. Effects of enzymes on the insulin receptor-S. Clark.

D. GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASE 1. Early detection ofcolorcctal cancer-F. A. Macrae. 2. Studies ofthe pathogenesis and treatment of peptic ulcer- D. J. B. St. John.

E. CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY 1. Investigation of heterogeneity of human vascular alpha-receptors - R. F. W. Moulds. 2. The mechanism of action of hydralazine on human vascular smooth muscle - R. F. W. Moulds. 3. Studies of presynaptic receptors in human blood vessels- R. F. W. Moulds. 4. Identification of vasoactive substances in human C. S. F. - R. F. W. Moulds. 5. A pharmacological comparison of human digital arteries and metacarpal veins - M. J. Stevens. 6. Studies on presynaptic receptors in human blood vessels - R. Rittinghausen. 7. The development and use of isolated human vascular preparations - R. Jauernig. 8. Pharmacokinetics of theophylline - P. W. Trembath and J. J. Marty. 9. Pharmacokinetics of cytotoxic agents - J. J. Marty, P. W. Trembath, J. Sullivan and J. Shaw. 10. Effect of aminophylline on ventilatory drive - J. Burdon, P. W. Trembath and M. C. F. Pain.

F. OTHER 1. Side-effects of vasectomy- J. D. Mathews. 2. Genetic and psychological studies in relation to alcohol use-J. D. Mathews. 3. Statistical tests for genetic-environmental interactions-J. D. Mathews. 4. Sperm antibody measurement-S. K. Tay. 5. Epidemiological studies of testicular tumours-J. Stone.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. HODSON, J. and KINCAID-SMITH, P., eds. - Reflux Nephropathy, Masson Publishing USA Inc., New York (1979). 2. KINCAID-SMITH, P., d'APlCE, A. J. F. and ATKINS, R. C, eds. - Progress in Glomerulonephritis, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1979). Chapters of Books 3. d'APlCE, A.J. F. and KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Plasma Exchange in the Treatment of Glomerulonephritis, ln: Progress in Glomerulonephritis, (Chap. 19), 371-384, eds. P. Kincaid-Smith, A. J. F. d'Apice and R. C. Atkins, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1979). 4. KINCAID-SMITH, P. and BECKER, G. J. - Reflux Nephropathy in the Adult. In: Reflux Nephropathy (Chap. 3), 21-28, eds. J. Hodson and P. Kincaid-Smith, Masson Publishing USA Inc. New York (1979). 5. KINCAID-SMITH, P. and HODSON, J. - Lesions in the Pig Kidney with Chronic Reflux Nephropathy. In: Reflux Nephropathy (Chap. 20), 197-212, eds. J. Hodson and P. Kincaid- Smith, Masson Publishing USA Inc., New York (1979). 6. KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Glomerular lesions in Atrophic Pyelonephritis (RN). In: Reflux Nephropathy (Chap. 26), 268-272, eds. J. Hodson and P. Kincaid-Smith, Masson Publish­ ing USA Inc., New York (1979). MEDICINE (ROYAL MELB. HOSP.) 157

7. KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Pyelonephritis, Chronic Interstitial Nephritis and Obstructive Uropathy. In: Nephrology (Chap. 34), 553-582, ed. J. Hamburger, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1979). 8. KINCAID-SMITH, P. and NANRA, R. S. - Renal Medullary Necrosis. In: Nephrology (Chap. 35), 583-594, ed. J. Hamburger. John Wiley & Sons, New York (1979). 9. KINCAID-SMITH, P. and YEUNG, C. K. - Focal and Segmental Proliferative Glomerulonephritis, Focal and Segmental Hyalinosis and Sclerosis and Focal Sclerosis in the Adult. In: Progress in Glomerulonephritis (Chap. 12), 231 -243, eds. P. Kincaid-Smith, A. J. F. d'Apice and R. C. Atkins, John Wiley & Sons, New York (1979). 10. MATHEWS, J. D., GLASSE, R. and LINDENBAUM, S. - Kuru and Cannibalism. In: Culture, Curers and Contagion - Readings for Medical Social Science, 72-79, ed. N. Klein, Chandler & Sharp, California (1979).

Articles 11. ANDREWS, J. T. and FRASER, J. R. E. -"Gallium uptake in psittacosis infection. Aust. N.Z. J. Med., 9:437-439 (1979). 12. ARNOTT, R. D. and MELICK, R. A. - Hypercalcaemia in an adult hospital population: comparison of inpatients of 1966 with those of 1976. Med. J. Aust., 1:206-207 (1979). 13. BUTKUS, A., COGHLAN, J. P., DENTON, D. A., GRAHAM, W. F., HUMPHREY, T. J., SCOGGINS, B. A. and WHITWORTH, J. A. - Adrenocortical steroid hormones in production of hvpertension in sheep. J. Steroid Biochem., It: 1021-1026 (1979). 14. CLARRIS, B. I, FRASER, J. RE., BAXTER, E. and MALCOLM, L. P. - Effects of carrageenin on human synovial cells in vitro: morphology, hyaluronic acid production, growth, and the lysosomal system. Ann. rheum. Dis., 38:295-298 (1979). 15. COGHLAN, J. P., BUTKUS, A., DENTON, D. A., McDOUGALL, J. G., SCOGGINS, B. A. and WHITWORTH, J. A. - Blood pressure and metabolic effects of 9 alpha- fluorocortisone in sheep. Clin. Exp. Hvpertens., 1 (5): 629-648 (1979). 16. CUNNINGHAM, A. L., FRASER, J.' R. E., CLARRIS, B. J. and HOBBS, J. B. - A study of synovial fluid and cvtology in arthritis associated with herpes zoster. Aust. N.Z. J. Med., 9.-440-443 (1979). 17. FRASER, J. R. E., CLARRIS, B. J. and BAXTER, E.-Patterns of induced variation in the morphology, hyaluronic acid secretion, and lysosomal enzyme activity of cultured human svnovial cells. Ann. rheum. Dis., JS:287-297 (1979). 18. GIRAUD, A. S., YEOMANS, N. D. and ST. JOHN, D. J. B. - Ultrastructure and cyto­ chemistry of the gastric mucosa of a reptile Tiliqua scincoides. Cell Tissue Res., 197: 281-294(1979). 19. HOWARD, H., WHITWORTH, J. A., HENDRIX, L., THOMAS. K. and FIRKIN, B. - Abnormal factor VIII in chronic renal failure. Med.J. Aust.. 1:148-151 (1979). 20. KALOWSKI, S.. KINCAID-SMITH, P. and PAV1LLARD, R. - Oxolonic Acid in the treatment of urinary tract infections. Med. J. Aust.. 1:345-347 (1979). 21. KALOWSKI, S., HUA, A. S. P., WHITWORTH, J. A. and KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Hydralazine with beta-blockers and diuretics in the treatment of hypertension, a double- blind crossover study. Med. J. Aust., 2:439-440 (1979). 22. KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Analgesic nephropathy in Australia. In: Contributions lo Nephrology: Interstitial Nephropathies. Vol. 16: 57-64, eds. K. Kuhn and J. Brad, Karger, Basel (1979). 23. KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Morphological aspects of kidney disease in pregnancy. In: Hyper­ tensive disorders in pregnancy: International symposium muster, eds. F. K. Bellcr. and I. MacFillivray, G. Thieme, Stuttgart (1979). 24. KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Thc effects of anti-thrombotic therapy in renal disease. Scand. J. Haem. suppl. 34:83-89(1979). 25. KINCAID-SMITH, P. - The treatment of glomerulonephritis. In: Proceedings ofthe First Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology: 1 -9, eds. K. Oshima. Y. Yoshitoshi and M. Hatano, Gakujutsutosho, Tokyo, Japan (1979). 26. MARTY. J. J. and SHAW, J. - Methotrexate pharmacokinetics: long and short infusions. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Phvsiol. suppl 5:29-34 (1979). 27. MARTIN, T. J., INGLETON, P. M.. COULTON, L. A. and MELICK, R. A. - Metabolic properties of hormonally responsive osteogenic sarcoma cells. Clin. Orthop., 140:247-254 (1979). 28. MATHEWS, J. D. and TAY, S. K. - Thyroglobulin and anti-thyroglobulin immune complexes in human sera. Protides of the biological fluids, 26: 397-400, ed. H. Peeters, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1978). 29. MATHEWS, J. D. - Alcohol and hypertension. Aust. N.Z.J. Med, 9:124-128 (1979). 30. MATHEWS, J. D. - Thc role of the periodic health examination in preventative medicine. Med. J. Aust., 2:527-528 (1979). 158 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

31. MELICK, R. A., LARKINS, R. G., GREENBERG, P. B. and WARK, J.D. - Osteo­ malacia of unusual causes presenting in adults. Aust. N.Z. J. Med., 9. 253-257 (1979). 32. MELICK. R. A. - Nephrolithiasis. Aust. N.Z. J. Med., 9:118-721 (1979). 33. MOULDS, R. F. W. - Propranolol in acute myocardial infarction. Med. J. Aust., I: 220-221(1979). 34. RICHMOND, J. ivi., WALKbK, K.G. and KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Sisomicin in the treatment of urinary' tract infection. Med. J. A ust., 2:375-376 (1979). 35. ROSE, G. A. and MOULDS, R. F. W. - Pharmacological comparison of isolated human cerebral and digital arteries. Stroke. 10:736 (1979). 36. STOCKMAN, A., RICHTER, D., BARRACLOUGH, D., MUIRDEN, K. D., MACDONALD, I. and KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Difficulties in the use of D-Penicillamine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Aust. N.Z. J. Med., 9:495-503 (1979). 37. THOMAS, D., BYRNE, P. D. and TRAVERS, R. L. - Systemic lupus erythematosus presenting as post-partum chorea. Aust. N.Z. J. Med.. 9:568-570(1979). 38. TRAVERS, R. L.-Connective tissue disorders: Polyarteritis nodosa and related disorders. Brit. J. olHospital Medicine, July (1979). 39. TREMBATH, P. W„ GREENACRE, J. K., ANDERSON, M., DIMMOCK. S., MANSFIELD, L., WORDSWORTH, J. and GREEN, M. - Comparison of four weeks' treatment with fenoterol and terbutalinc aerosol in outpatient asthmatics: a double-blind cross-over study. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol, 63:395-400 (1979). 40. TREMBATH, P. W. and BOOBIS, S. W. - Plasma theophylline levels following sustained- release aminophylline tablets. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 2(5:654-660(1979). 41. UNDERWOOD, J. C. E., MELICK R. A., DANGERFIELD, V. M., CRAWFORD, A., COULTON, L., INGLETON. P. M. and MARTIN, T. J. - Structural and functional correlations in parathyroid hormone responsive transplantable osteogenic sarcomas. Europ. J. Cancer, 15:1151-1158(1979). 42. WHITWORTH, J. A., COGHLAN, J. P., DENTON. D. A., GRAHAM, W. F., HUMPHREY, T. J. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Comparison ofthe effects of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid infusions on blood pressure in sheep. Clin. Exp. Hvpertens.. I (5): 649-663(1979). 43. WHITWORTH. J. A., COGHLAN, J. P., DENTON, D. A., HARDY, K. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Blood pressure regulation in sheep with reduced renal mass. Cardiovasc. Res., 13:9-15 (1979). 44. WHITWORTH, J. A., WALTER, N. M. A. and KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Clinical trial of an orally administered converting enzyme inhibitor (Captopril). Med. J. Aust. (Special supplement) 2: xxvii-xxx (1979). 45. YEUNG, C. K., THOMAS, G. W., WHITWORTH, J. A. and KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Comparison of labetalol, clonidine and diazoxide. Intravenously administered in severe hypertension. Med. J. Aust., 2:499-500 (1979). 46. YOUNG, G. P., ST. JOHN, D. J. B. and COVENTRY, D. A. - Treatment of duodenal ulcer wilh carbenoxolone sodium: a double-masked endoscopic trial. Med. J. Aust., 1:2-5 (1979).

Reports and Notes 47. d'APlCE, A. J. F. - The action and efficacy of immunosuppressive agents. Op. Med. Tech. Lund , 20:131 (1979). 48. d'APlCE, A. J. F. - Thc paradoxical effect of blood transfusion in renal transplantation. Op. Med. Tech. Lund., 20:59 (1979). 49. d'APlCE, A. J. F. and TAIT, B. D. - Thc positive B-cell crossmatch, a marker of active enhancement? Transplant Proc, 11:954 (1979). 50. d'APlCE, A. J. F. and TAIT, B. D. - Improved survival and function of renal transplants with positive B-cell crossmatches. Transplantation. 27:324 (1979). 51. d'APlCE, A. J. F. - Thc correlation of cadaver renal donor response in the mixed lympho­ cyte reaction with recipient renal allograft survival. Transplant Proc, 9:248 (1979). 52. HOWARD, M. A., HENDRIX, L., THOMAS, K. B., FIRKIN, B. G. and WHITWORTH, J. A. - The Kidney not the sole site of factor VIII synthesis - abnormal factor VIII in anephric patients. Thrombosis Res., 15:587-588 (1979)(Letter). 53. KINCAID-SMITH, P. and WHITWORTH, J. A. - Dangerous antihypertensive treat­ ment. Brit. Med. J., 2:737 (1979) (Letter). 54. KINCAID-SMITH, P., BURROWS, G. D., DAVIES, B. M., HOLWILL, B., WALTER, M. and WALKER, R. G. - Renal biopsy findings in lithium and prelithium patients. Lancet. II: 700-701 (1979) (Letter). 55. KINCAID-SMITH, P. - Quantitative counts in urine microscopy. Med. .1. Aust., I: 605 (1979)(Report). 56. RICHMOND, J. M., WHITWORTH, J. A., FAIRLEY, K. F. and KINCAID-SMITH, P. -Co-trimoxazolenephrotoxicity. Lancet, 7:493 (1979)(Letter). MEDICINE (ROYAL MELB. HOSP.) 159

57. WHITWORTH, J. A., d'APlCE, A.J.F. and KJNCAID-SMITH, P. - Streptococcus faecalis urinary tract infection and renal allograft rejection. Lancet, 1: 778-779 (1979) (Report). 58. WOO, K. T., JUNOR, B. J. R., d'APlCE, A. J. F., WHITWORTH, J. A. and KINCAID- SMITH, P. - Beta-thromboglobulin in transplant rejection. Aust. N.Z. J. Med.: 473-474 (1979) (Letter). 59. WOO, K. T., JUNOR, B. J. R., V1KRAMAN, P., d'APlCE, A.J.F. and KINCAID- SMITH, P. - Serum alkaline-phosphatase as a predictor of avascular necrosis in renal transplantation. Lancet. 1:620 (1979) (Letter).

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress DE LUISE, M. - Characteristics of polypeptide hormone receptors. (Submitted) HEYM A, P. - The regulation of triiodothyronine formation. (Submitted) HUA, A. S. P. - Hypertension and drugs: Clinical and experimental studies. MACDONALD, I. M. - Clinical and experimental studies in glomerulonephritis. MD Theses in Progress CUNNINGHAM, A. L. - Studies in virus arthritis. DZIUKAS, L. - Experimental pyelonephritis in relation to focal hyalinosis. JAUERNIG, R.- The development and use of isolated human vascular preparations. RITTINGHAUSEN, R. - Studies on presynaptic receptors in human blood vessels. MSc Theses in Progress QUELCH, K. - Studies of human bone matrix. STONE, J. - Epidemiological studies of testicular tumours. TA Y, S. K. - Sperm antibody measurement. MAppSc Thesis in Progress CLARK, S. - Effects of enzymes on the insulin receptor. (Submitted) MPharm Thesis in Progress STEVENS, M. J. - A pharmacological comparison of human digital arteries and metacarpal veins. BMedSc Thesis in Progress FINLAY, R. I - Immunogenetic studies in sudden infant death syndrome (S1DS).

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED. The following grants have been received: Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria: 1. Clinical pharmacology ofcytotoxic agents. 2. Twin registry. Asthma Foundation: 1. Factors influencing theophylline pharmacokinetics. 2. Relationship between in vivo and in vitro properties of airway smooth muscle. Australian Kidney Foundation: 1. Lithium nephrotoxicity. 2. The significance of HLA-DR associated antigen systems in renal transplantation. 3. Detection ofcirculating platelet aggregates in nephritis. 4. Antibody coated bacteria in urinary infection. Australian Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation: Role of alpha-2-macroglobulin in inflammation. Mental Health Research Grant: Lithium nephrotoxicity. NH&MRC: 1. The significance of HLA-DR associated antigen systems in renal transplantation. 2. Aetiology of idiopathic immune complex glomerulonephritis. 3. Virus studies in arthritis. 4. Metabolism of hyaluronic acid. 160 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

5. Programme grant- B. J. Clarris, National Health and Medical Research Council Fellow. 6. Enzyme inhibitors and the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. 7. Immunogenetic and family studies in coronary heart disease. 8. A comparison of arterial sympathetic neuromuscular mechanisms in normotensive and hypotensive patients. Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria: Role of alpha-2-macroglobulin in inflamma­ tion. University ofMelbourne Floral Group: Arthritis research. University of Melbourne Medical Research Committee: Rheumatic disorders; asthma and cancer research. Victor Hurley Medical Research Fund: 1. Studies ofthe pathogenesis of peptic ulcer. 2. Investigation of mechanisms of insulin resistance. 3. Grant-in-Aid. 4. Aetiology in idiopathic forms of immune complex induced glomerulonephritis. 5. The relationship between active and inactive renin in patients on chronic haemodialysis. 6. Further studies on human ccrcbal arteries with special reference to spasm following subarachnoid haemorrhage. MEDICINE



EXPERIMENTAL HAEMATOLOGY D. G. Penington, C. N. Chesterman, F. J. Morgan, J. F. Martin, O. M. Garson, W. Beswick, D. Panelli 1. Chemistry of platelet factor 4 and /J-thromboglobulin (with St. Vincent's School of Medical Research). 2. Investigation of synthesis of platelet factor 4 and /3-thromboglobulin in platelets in megakaryocytes (with St. Vincent's School of Medical Research). 3. Purification and chemistry of platelet specific mitogenic factor (with St. Vincent's School of Medical Research). 4. Platelet kinetics in coronary' artery disease (with St. Vincent's School of Medical Research and Royal Melbourne Hospital). 5. Effect of diet on platelet protein levels and lipid changes in normal population (with St Vincent's School of Medical Research and Australian National University). 6. The effect of /J-thromboglobulin on endothelial cell prostacyclin production (with T. J. Martin, Repatriation General Hospital, Heidelberg and St. Vincent's School of Medical Research). 7. An analysis of international study of disseminated intravascular coagulation. 8. Investigation ofa new antileukaemic drug: meta-AMSA. 9. Combination chemotherapy in lymphoma (with Australian Lymphoma Group). 10. Culture of human haemopoietic stem cells in vitro. 11. Studies on disordered regulation of differentiation in leukaemia. 12. Studies on erythropoietin levels in disease and modifying factors on its action by bioassay. 13. Studies on the cellular basis of aplastic anaemia and neutropenia. 14. Investigation of autoimmune bone marrow damage. 15. Studies in neutrophil kinetics - mechanisms of neutropenia. 16. Comparison of methods of density separation of platelet populations. 17. Megakaryocyte ultrastructure in stimulated platelet production. 18. Role of nutrition in the regeneration of bone marrow during therapy for acute leukaemia. 19. Chromosome studies in human leukaemia. 20. Chromosome studies of patients with therapy-induced remission of lymphoma (with the Haematology Research Unit, Cancer Institute). 21. Sister chromatid exchange rates in psychiatric patients on long-term lithium therapy (with Department of Psychiatry). 22. Chromosome studies in patients with small cell carcinoma of the lung (with Oncology Department, St. Vincent's Hospital). 23. Cytogenetic identification of human tumour cell lines (with the Biological Research Unit, Cancer Institute). 24. Cytogenetics of eosinophil cells grown in iwo(with the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute).

CARDIOLOGY I. G. McDonald, V. M. Jelinck, W. F. Ryan, D. Doyle 1. Review ofthe role of technology in cardiac investigation. 2. The electrocardiogram as an indicator of severe left ventricular damage in inferior myocardial infarction. 3. Diastolic filling time and extent of myocardial contraction in atrial fibrillation: problems in estimation of fractional shortening. 4. Thc relationship of angina pectoris to site ofcoronary stenosis or occlusion. 5. The role of exercise testing for the prediction of sudden death and recurrence late after myocardial infarction.


GASTROENTEROLOGY AND NUTRITION K. J. Breen, G. Whelan, M. L. Mashford, M. B. Wood 1. Nutritional studies in alcoholism. 2. Diagnosis and treatment of oesophageal reflux. 3. Drug metabolism in liver disease. 4. The effects of alcohol on thiamine status.

CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY AND BIOSTATISTICS G. Whelan 1. Evaluation of methods of teaching clinical medicine. 2. Observer variation studies of clinical phenomena.

ENDOCRINOLOGY F. P. Alford 1. Glucagon and glucagon-related peptides in normal glucose homeostasis and in thc pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus. 2. Islet cell transplants in normal and diabetic dogs (with Department of Surgery, St. Vincent's Hospital). 3. Biological actions of insulin and glucagon and hepatic glucose output studies in normal, cirrhotic and diabetic subjects. 4. Pancreatic islet (A and B cell) function of cultured foetal mouse pancreas (in collaboration with T. Mandel, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute).

CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY M. L. Mashford, R. W. Bury, M. B. Robertson 1. Pharmacokinetic studies of antimicrobial agents. 2. The impact of liver disease on drug handling. 3. Drug use in the community.

COMMUNITY MEDICINE J. N. Santamaria 1. Alcohol related brain damage (with Departments of Radiology at St. Vincent's Hospital and Psychological Medicine at the Austin Hospital). 2. The absorption and elimination of alcohol. 3. Evaluation of a drink-driving rehabilitation programme for convicted drinking drivers. 4. Alcoholism amongst migrant groups.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books 1. GARSON, O.M. - Chromosome Banding Techniques and Their Implication in Haematology, in Progress in Haemalologv, ed. E. B. Brown, Grune & Stratton, New York, 7/. 83-114(1979). 2. MASHFORD, M. L. - Monitoring in Australia, in Monitoring for Drug Safety, ed. W. H. W. Inman,MTP Press Ltd., Lancaster (1979). MEDICINE (ST. VINCENT'S HOSP.) 163

Articles 3. MASHFORD, M. L. - Safe Use of Drugs: How can it be Achieved? Lead. Art. Med. J. Aust.. 2:638-639 (1979). 4. ALFORD, F. P. and CHISHOLM, D. G. - Glucagon-New Concepts about an "old" Hormone. A Review. Ausi. N.Z. J. Med., 9:733-743 (1979). 5. BESWICK, W„ CHMIEL. R., BOOTH, R., VELLAR, 1., GILFORD, E. and CHESTERMAN, C. N. - Detection of Deep Venous Thrombosis by Scanning of "M Tcchnetium-labelled- red cell venous pool. Br. Med. J., 1:82-84 (1979). 6. BURY, R. W. and MASHFORD, M. L. - Analysis of Trimethoprim and Sulpha- methoxazole in Human Plasma by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. J. Chromatogr.. 163: I 14-117(1979). 7. BURY, R. W.. MASHFORD, M. L. and MILES, H. M. - Assay of Flucytosine (5-Fluorocytosine) in Human Plasma by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 16:529-533 (1979). 8. CHESTERMAN, C. N„ DIGGLE, T., DOYLE, D. J., CULLIVER. H., MORGAN. F. J. and PENINGTON, D. G. - A Preliminary Characterisation of Platelet-derived Growth Factor (abst.) Aust. N.Z.J. Med, 9:604-605'(l979). 9. CULLIVER, H. A. and PENINGTON, D. G. - Mechanism of Vasomotor Reactions in the Use of SPPS. Vox Sang, 36:201 -207 (1979). 10. DOYLE, D.J.. CHESTERMAN, C. N.. CADE, J. F. and MORGAN, F.J. - Plasma Concentrations of Platelet Specific Proteins Correlated with Platelet Survival (abst.) Thromb. Haemosl., 42:329(1979). 11. DUDLEY, F. J., ALFORD, F. P., CHISHOLM, D. J. and FINDLAY, D. M. - Glucagon Metabolism in Normal Subjects and in Cirrhotic Patients Before and After Portasystem Venous Shunt Surgery'- Clin. Endocrinol., 17:413-424 (1979). 12. DUDLEY, F. J., ALFORD, F. P., CHISHOLM, D. J. and FINDLAY, D. M. - Effect of Portasystemic Venous Shunt Surgerv on Hvperglucagonaemia. Paired Studies of Pre- and Post-shunted Subjects. GUT, 20:817-824 (1979). 13. FINDLAY. D M.. OMOND. S., ALFORD, F. P. and CHISHOLM, D.J. - Hyper­ glycaemia and Glucagon Suppression: Possible Importance of the Vagus and Enteric Humeral Factors. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 4S: 13-16(1979). 14. FIRKIN, F. C. and CLARK-WALKER, G. D. - Abnormal Mitochondrial DNA in Acute Leukaemia and Lymphoma. Br. J. Haematol, 43:201 -206 (1979). 15. FIRKIN, F. C, LEE, N., RAMSAY, R. and ROBERTSON, I. - Visual Loss Caused by Corneal Crystals in Myeloma. Rapid Improvement with Plasma Exchange and Chemotherapy. Med. J. Aust.. 2:677-678 (1979). 16. GRAY. B. N., CARUSO, G., ALFORD, F. P., and CHISHOLM, D.J. - Insulin and Glucagon Responses of Transplanted Intra-splenic Pancreatic Islets. Arch. Surg.. 14:96-99 (1979). 17. HOPE, W., MARTIN, T. J., CHESTERMAN, C. N. and MORGAN, F.J. - Human /3-thromboglobulin inhibits PGI Production and Binds to a Specific Site in Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells. Nature, 282:210-212(1979). 18. HOROWITZ, J. D. and MASHFORD, M. L. - Perhexiline Maleate in the Treatment of Severe Angina Pectoris. Med. J. A ust., 1:485-488 (1979). 19. MASHFORD. M. L. - When to Avoid Abrupt Withdrawal of Drugs. Current Therapeutics, May: 31-41 (1979). 20. MASHFORD, M. L. and ROBERTSON, M. B. - Surveying Antibiotic Use in a General Teaching Hospital. Med. J. Aust., 2:515-518 (1979). 21. PENINGTON, D. G. - The Cellular Biology of Megakaryocytes. Blood Cells, 5: 5-10 (1979). 22. PENINGTON, D. G. - Megakaryocyte Colony Culture Using a Liver Cell Conditioned Medium. Blood Cells. 5:13-23 (1979). 23. RUSSELL, S. and FIRKIN, F. C. - A Simplified in vitro Bioassay for Erythropoietin. Aust. N. Z. J. Med., 9:604 (1979). 24. SANTAMARIA. J. N. - Strategies to Achieve Prevention of Alcohol Related Brain Damage. Prevention of Alcohol Related Brain Damage. Commonwealth Dept. of Health. April (1979). 25. WHELAN. G. and BREEN. K. J. - Prevalence of Hepatitis B in a General Hospital: Screening of Patients and Staff. Med. J. Aust., /: 374-377 (1979). 26. WILEY, J. S., CHESTERMAN, C. N.. MORGAN, F. J. and CASTALDI, P. A. - The Effect of Sulphinpvrazone on thc Aggregation and Release Reactions of Human Platelets. Thromb. Res.. 14:23-33 (1979). 164 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Master ofScience 1. RAJASEKARIAH, P. - Chromosome banding studies in dyserythropoietic disease and chronic granulocytic leukaemia. 2. WHELAN, G. - Therapy for persistent clinically significant gastro-oesophageal Reflux: the design for a randomized clinical trial of surgical versus medical management. (McMaster University)

THESES IN PROGRESS MD Theses in Progress DOYLE, D. J. - Platelet secretory proteins and platelet survival in coronary artery disease. PANELLI, D. J. - The role of nutritional support during intensive chemotherapy in: (a) acute Leukaemia: (b) small cell carcinoma of the lung. PhD Theses in Progress PROIETTO, J. - The mechanism ofthe carbohydrate intolerance of cirrhosis. WOOD, M. B. - Thiamine status ofthe Australian community, and its relation to alcohol and alcoholism. MSc Theses in Progress CARUSO, CM. - A and B pancreatic cell function and the physiological role of insulin and glucagon in normal and abnormal carbohydrate metabolism. MICHAEL, J. H. - Chromosome banding in renal transplant recipients on immuno-suppressive drugs.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NH & MRC: A cell growth factor from platelets - its nature and role in biological and pathological processes. NH & MRC: Studies on the pathophysiology of disordered human erythropoiesis and myelopoiesis in vitro. NH & MRC: The structure of platelet proteins and their role in thc generation of atherosclerosis. Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria: Chromosome studies in human leukaemia. Cancer Institute: Chromosome studies of patients with therapy-induced remission of lymphoma. University ofMelbourne Medical Research Funds: Cytogenetic studies in psychiatric patients on lithium therapy. Rowden White: (1) Thrombosis, (2) Alcohol related brain damage. Commonwealth Department of Transport: Ethanol ingestion studies. Australian Associated Brewers: Nutritional studies in alcoholism. Herman Trust: Platelet specific proteins and fibrinopeptide A in blood coagulation. National Heart Foundation of Australia (with St. Vincent's School of Medical Research): The site of biosynthesis of thc platelet specific secretory proteins and their role in thc genesis of vascular disease. John Claude Kellion Foundation: The role of glucagon in the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and related diseases. MICROBIOLOGY


A. BACTERIAL GENETICS AND PHYSIOLOGY 1. Regulation of aromatic biosynthesis in Escherichia coli K-12 - A. J. Pittard, H. Camakaris, S. Morrison. 2. Transmissible antibiotic resistance in enteric organisms-A. J. Pittard, R. B. Davey. 3. Metabolic control mechanisms in Bacillus brevis: (a) function of polypeptide antibiotics; (b) biosynthesis of diaminopimelic acid, dipicolinic acid, and lysine - B. Hodgson. 4. Antibiotic resistance and metabolic end-products of anaerobic bacteria - R. G. Wilkinson.

B. INDUSTRIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY 5. Microbiology of wetlands - H.J. Bavor, N. F. Millis. 6. Terpene catabolism - N. F. Millis, N. Tudroszen. 7. Evaluation of chemical disinfectants - J. F. Gardner. 8. Laminar flow ventilation and hospital infection control - D. J. Schiavone.

C. MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY 9. (a) Trachoma in Aboriginals ofthe Northern Territory: (b) Immunology of trachoma in mice-D. M. Graham, I. Nisbet, D. P. Dennett. 10. Public health and epidemiological studies-J. R. L. Forsyth, M. Peel, J. Taplin, A. Tan. 11. The role of Chlamydia in genital infection-J. R. L. Forsyth. 12. Isolation of salmonellas from egg products-J. R. L. Forsyth, J. York.

D. IMMUNOLOGY 13. Antigenic and cellular factors initiating graft rejection - W. Boyle. 14. Factors affecting construction of hybridomas-W. Boyle. 15. Immunity to intracellular bacteria: (a) Genetic control and mechanisms of resistance or susceptibility to infection; (b) Mechanisms of persistance of chronic infections-C. Cheers.

E. VIROLOGY 16. Viral enteritis -1. H. Holmes, J. Breschkin, I. Lazdins, T. Ramakrishnan, S. Rodger. 17. Antigenic determinants on influenza virus haemagglutinin - D. O. White, D. C. Jackson, E. M. Anders, A. M. Breschkin. 18. NK cells and macrophage ADCC in togavirus infection - D. O. White.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. FENNER, F.J. and WHITE, D. O. - Medical Virology, Chinese translation. Academic Press, New York and London (1979). Chapters of Books 2. CHEERS, C, MANDEL. T. E. and McKENZIE, I. F. C. - Genetics and Mechanisms of Resistance or Susceptibility to Murine Listeriosis, in Function and Structure ofthe Immune Svstem, ed. W. Muller-Ruchholtz and H. K. Muller-Hermelink, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York: 703-707(1979). 3. HOLMES.I. H. - Viral Gastroenteritis. Prog. Med. Virol, 25:1 -36 (1979).


Articles 4. ANDERS, E. M., MILLER, J. F. A. P. and GAMBLE, J.-A Radio-isotopic Technique for Measuring the Mononuclear Inflammatory Response in Sindbis Virus-induced Encepha­ litis of Mice. J. Imm. Meth.. 29:167-171(1979). 5. ANDERS, E. M., PEPPARD, P.M., BURNS, VV. li. and WHITE D.O. - in vitro Antibody Response to Influenza Virus. I. T Cell Dependence of Secondary Response to Hemagglutinin. / Immunol.. 123:1356-1361 (1979). 6. BOYLE, W., KELSO, M. A. and LEBEN, M. L. - The Antigen-Specific Signal in T-Lymphocyte Activation bv Alloantigen. Nouv. Rev. Fr. Hematol, 2:149-160(1979). 7. BRITZ, M. and WILKINSON, R. G. - Isolation and Properties of Metronidazole- Resistant Mutants of Bacteroides fragilis. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 16: 19-27 (1979). 8. CHEERS, C. and PAGRAM, F. - Macrophage Activation during Experimental Brucellosis: A Basis of Chronic Infection. Inf. Imm.,23: 197-205 (1979). 9. DAVIS, J. M., PEEL, M. M. and GILL1ANS, J. A. - Colonization of an Amputation Site by Flavobacterium odoratum after Gentamicin Therapy. Med. J. Aust., 2: 703-704 (1979). 10. ELY, B., and PITTARD, A.J. - Aromatic Amino Acid Biosynthesis: Regulation of Shikimate Kinase in E. co// K-12. / Bad., /i5. 933-943 (1979). 11. JACKSON, D. C, BROWN, L. E., WHITE, D. O., DOPHEIDE, T. T. A. and WARD, C. W. - Antigenic Determinants of Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin. IV. Immunogenicity of Cyanogen Bromide Fragments. / Immunol, 123:2610-2617 (1979). 12. JACKSON, D.C, DOPHEIDE, T. A., RUSSELL, R. J., WHITE, D.O. and WARD, C. W. - Antigenic Determinants of Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin. II. Antigenic Reactivity of the Isolated N-Terminal Cyanogen Bromide Peptide of A/Memphis/72 Hemagglutinin Heavy Chain. Virology, 91458-465(1979). 13. LAZDINS, I. and HOLMES, l.H. - Protein Synthesis in Bunyamwera Virus-infected Cells. J. Gen. Virol. 44:123-133(1979). 14. MACFARLAN, R. I.. CEREDIG. R. and WHITE. D. O. - Comparison of Natural Killer Cells Induced by Kunjin Virus and Corvnebaclerium parvum with those Occurring Naturally in Nude Mice. Infect. Immunity, 26:832-836 (1979). 15. NISBET, I. T., GRAHAM, D. M., NG, K. M. and LUNT, R. A. - Preparation of Antigens for Microimmunofluoresccncc Testing for Antichlamydial Antibodies. Lancet, 11: 859 (1979). 16. NISBET, I. T., GRAHAM, D. M., SPICER, P. E. and TIBBS, J. T. Chlorhexidine as an Effective Agent against Chlamydia trachomatis in vivo and in vitro. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.. 76:855-857 (1979). 17. PARISH,C. R.,FREEMAN,R. R., McKENZIE, I. F. C, CHEERS, C. and COLE. G. A.- la Antigens in Serum during Different Murine Infections. Inf. Imm., 26:422-426 (1979). 18. PEEL, M. M., DAVIS, J. M., ARMSTRONG, W. L. H., WILSON, J. R. and HOLMES, B. - Pseudomonas paucimobilis from a Leg Ulcer on a Japanese Seaman. /. Clin. Microbiol. 9:561-564(1979). 19. RODGER. S. M. and HOLMES, I. H. - Comparison of Genomes of Simian, Bovine and Human Rotaviruses by Gel Electrophoresis and Detection of Genomic Variation among Bovine Isolates. /. Virol, 30:839-846 (1979). 20. RUSSELL, R. J., BURNS, W. H., WHITE, D. O., ANDERS, E. M., WARD, C. W. and JACKSON, D. C. - Antigenic Determinants of Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin. III. Competitive Binding of Antibodies Directed against "Common" and "Strain-Specific" Antigenic Determinants of A/Memphis/72 Hemagglutinin. /. Immunol, 123: 825-832 (1979). 21. SCHNAGL. H. Y. and BOYLE. W. - Specific Depletion of Allorcactivc Cytotoxic Lymphocyte Precursors. Nature, 279: 331 -332 (1979). 22. SCHNAGL, R. D., MOREY, F. and HOLMES, I. H. - Rotavirus, Coronavirus-like Particles, Bacteria and Parasites in Central Australia. Med. .1. Aust., 2:115-1 18(1979). 23. SCHNAGL, R. D., MOREY, F. and HOLMES. I. H. - Rotavirus and Coronavirus-like Particles in Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal Neonates in Kalgoorlie and Alice Springs. Med. ././4i«f.,2:l78-179(1979). 24. TRIBE, D. E. and PITTARD, A. J. - Hyperproduction of Tryptophan by Escherichia coli: Genetic Manipulation of the Pathways Leading to Tryptophan Formation. Appl. Environ. Micro., 38:181-190(1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor ofScience 1. BISHOP, R. - Studies on the Aetiology of Acute Diarrhoea in Infants and Children. MICROBIOLOGY 167

Doctor of Philosophy 2. GRANT, A. ].- Incompatibility and Other Interactions of Locally Isolated R Plasmids. 3. RUSSELL, R. J. - Antigenic Determinants on Influenza Virus Hemagglutinins. 4. STEPHENS, J. H. G. - Some Physical Chemical and Bacteriological Characteristics ofa Temperate Mangrove Sediment. 5. SYMONS, D. C." - Studies on Mutants of B. brevis A TCC 1006S which are Altered in the Sporulation Associated Functions: Tyrocidinc Synthesis and Extracellular Protease Production.

Master ofScience 6. McTAGGART, S. P. - Studies on Fc Receptors Induced by Herpes Simplex Virus. 7. MILNER, A. R. - Cell-Mediated Immuno-Diagnosis of Bovine John s Disease


PhD Theses in Progress BASTHARDO, J. W. - Characterization of Rotavirus Antigens. BROWN, L. E. - Antigenic Determinants of Influenza Hemagglutinin. COBBETT, E. - Regulation of Aromatic Amino Acid Biosynthesis in the Bacterium E. coli K-12. CORNISH. E.-Characterization oj7/ieTyrR geneand gene product. DEFEYTER, R. - The role of Shikimate Kinase in E. coli K-12. GOWRISH AN KAR, J. - Regulation of Phenylalanine Biosynthesis in Escherichia coli. JENNINGS, S. R. - Studies on the Growth and Immunogenicity of Trachoma in Mice. KELSO, M. A. - The Role of Antigen in Alio-Reactive T- Lymphocyte reaciions. KENNY, P. J. - Hybridized Cells with Immunological Potential. MACFARLAN, R. I. - Specific and Non-Specific Immunity in Togavirus Infection. McLEAN, B. - Rotavirus Infection in Neonates. RAO, A. S. - Control ofthe F'low of Carbon into Dipicolinate and Diaminopimelate During Sporulation in Bacillus brevis. SCHNAGL. H. Y. - Methods of Specific Depletion ofAllo-Immune T cells. SMITH, M. L. - Coding Assignments ofthe Rotavirus Genome. SONZA, S. - Immunity to Rotavirus. TU DROSZEN, N. - or-Pinene Metabolism by Pseudomonas Putida.

MSc Theses in Progress CHAN, Y. Y. - Lymphocyte Traffic and Immuno-Depression during Murine Listeriosis. PAVLOV, H. - Cellular Interactions in Immunity to Murine Brucellosis.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Regulation of aromatic biosynthesis in Escherichia coli K-12. ARGC: A study of the mechanisms involved in the establishment of a flow of carbon into dipicolinate and diaminopimelate during sporulation in Bacillus brevis. Victorian Ministry for Conservation: Nutrient cycling in wetlands: heavy metal metabolism by bacteria in Corio Bay. NH & MRC: Genetics and mechanisms of resistance and susceptibility to bacterial infections. NH & MRC: A clinical, microbiological and immunological study of trachoma among Aboriginals in Northern Territory. NH &MRC: Antigen supression ofallograft response. NH & MRC: Continuous cell lines producing specific antibody. NH & MRC: Genetic and cellular determinants regulating immunity to intracellular bacteria. NH&MRC: Viral enteritis. NH & MRC: Rotavirus vaccine feasibility studies (with I. Gust, Fairfield Hospital). NH & MRC/Departmenl of Aboriginal Affairs: Viral gastroenteritis in Aboriginal communities (with R. D. Schnagl, La Trobe University). NH & MRC: Thc pathogenesis of viral infections: In vitro studies of antiviral immunity. 168 FACULTY OF MEDICINE


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Investigation and treatment of patients with unexplained infertility — J. C. McBain. 2. Role ofocstrogen in induction of endometrial cancer- M. A. Quinn. 3. Development of "do it yourself" kits fordeteclion ofovulation-J. B. Brown. 4. Premature labour-its etiology and management-R. J. Pepperell. 5. Multidiscipline longitudinal study of infants of very low birth weight -W. H. Kitchen. 6. Multitudinal study of infants born to mothers with low oestriol excretion - R. W. Wade. 7. Mortality and morbidity associated with breech presentation - R. J. Pepperell. 8. Hysterectomy and its aftermath-J. R. H. Fliegner. 9. Stress and urge incontinence in the human female-J. R. H. Fliegner. 10. Investigation and treatment of patients with disorders of ovulation - R. J. Pepperell. J. H. Evans. 11. The use of clomiphene citrate in disorders of ovulation and ultrasonic assessment of ovulation in patients with ovulatory disorders and requiring in vitro fertilization - C. O'Herlihy. 12. The place of antenatal and intrapartum cardiotocographv in obstetric practice - R. J. P. Kuhn. 13. Pelvic infection - L. Reti.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapter of Book 1. PEPPERELL, R.J. and TOWNSEND, L. - Premature rupture ofthe membranes in premature labour, in New Techniques and Concepts in Maternal and Fetal Medicine, ed. H. A. Kaminctzky and L. Iffey. van Nostrand Reinhold Co, New York, 13:177-199(1979). Articles 2. ADAM. A. H., ROBINSON, H. P. and DUNLOP, C. - A Comparison of Crown-Rump Length Measurements using a Real-Time Scanner in an Antenatal Clinic and a Conventional /3-Scanner. Brit. J. Obstet. and Gvnaec, 86:521 -524 (1979). 3. ADAM, A. H., ROBINSON, H. P., HOOD. V. D., PONT, M. and GIBSON, A. A. M. - Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Lymphatic System Abnormalities by Ultrasound. J. Clin. Ultrasound, 7:361-364(1979). 4. DE CRESPIGNY, L. J. C. and PEPPERELL, R. J. - Perinatal Mortality and Morbidity in Breech Presentation. Obstet. & Gynec, 53(2): 141-145 (1979). 5. EVANS, J. H. and HAILES, J. - Low Dosage Clomiphene (Dixarit) in Menopausal Flushing. Med. J. Aust., 2:45-46 (1979). 6. FLIEGNER, J. R. H. - Third Stage Management: How Important is it? - Ob. Gyn. Survev, 34:582-584 (1979). 7. FLIEGNER, J. R. and EGGERS, T. R. - Water Intoxication and Syntocinon Infusion. Aust. N.Z. J. Obstet. Gvnaec, 19:59-60 (1979). 8. FLIEGNER, J. R. and GLENNING. P. P. - Seven Years' Experience in the Evaluation and Management of Patients with Urge Incontinence of Urine. Aust. N.Z. J. Obstet. Gvnaec, /p.-42-44(1979). 9. HACKELOER, B. J., FLEMING, R., ROBINSON, H. P., ADAM, A. H. and COUTTS, J. R. T. -Correlation of Ultrasonic and Endocrinological Assessment of Human Follicular Development. Amer.J. Obstet. & Gvnec, 135:122-128(1979). 10. HAY, D. L., BARRIE, J. U., DAVISON, G. B., BUTTERY, B. W., HORACEK, I., PEPPERELL, R. J. and FLIEGNER, J. R. H. - The Relationship between Maternal Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein Levels and Fetomaternal Haemorrhage. Brit. J. Obstet. Gvnaec, 56:516-520(1979). 1 I. HUTCHISON, A. A., ROSS, K. R. and RUSSELL, G. - The Effect of Posture and Lung Mechanics in Preterm and Light-for Dates Infants. Pediatrics, 64:429-432 (1979). 12. HUTCHISON, A. A. and RUSSELL, R. - Respiratory Studies in an Infant with Neonatal Myasthenia Gravis. Aust. Paed. J., 15:44-46 (1979). 13. KITCHEN, W. H., RICKARDS, A., RYAN, M. M„ McDOUGALL, A. B., BILLSON, F. A., KEIR, E. H. and NAYLOR, F. D. - A Longitudinal Study of Very Low Birthweight Infants. II: Results of Controlled Trial of Intensive Care and Incidence of Handicaps. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 21:582-589 (1979). OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY 169

14. O'HERLIHY, C. and MACDONALD. H. N. - Influence of Preinduction Prostaglandin E2 Vaginal Gel on Cervical Ripening and Labor. Obstet. & Gvnee., 54:708-710 (1979). 15. PIKE, M. C, GERKINS, V. R., CASAGRANDE. J. T.; GRAY, G. E.. BROWN. J. and HENDERSON, B. E. - The Hormonal Basis of Breast Cancer. National Cancer Institute Monograph, 53:187-193 (1979). 16. ROBINSON, H. P., SWEET, E. M. and ADAM, A. H. - The Accuracy of Radiological Estimates of Gestational Age using Early Fetal Crown-rump Length Measurements by Ultrasound as a Basis for Comparison. Brit.J. Obstet. & Gvnaec. S6:525-528(1979). 1 7. WITTMAN, B. K., ROBINSON, H. P., AITCHISON, R. and FLEMING, J. E. E. - The Value of Diagnostic Ultrasound as a Screening Test for Intrauterine Growth Retardation: Comparison of9 Parameters. Amer. J. Obstet. & Gynec, 134:30-35 (1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress CLARKE, G. N. - Studies in the biology and cyropreservalion of human spermatozoa. MSc Theses in Progress BASCOMB, J. - Development of radioimmunoassay for oestrogen glucuronides and their application for monitoring humanfemalc reproductive functions. BRIGHT, M.I. - Development of pregnanediol glucuronide assay. Its application lo the detection of ovulation and as a placentalfunction test in pregnancy. MD Theses in Progress McBAIN, J. C. - Idiopathic infertility. QUINN, M. A. - Endocrine profiles of patients wilh gynaecological cancer. WADE, R. W. - Long-term follow-up of infants born to mothers with low oestriol excretion in pregnancy.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: A.E. Rowden White Foundation. National Health and Medical Research Council. Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria. Sandoz (Australia) Pty. Ltd. 170 FACULTY OF MEDICINE



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Treatment of fetal growth retardation before delivery- N. A. Beischer. 2. Study of abnormal glucose tolerance (hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia) in pregnancy - D.A.Abel!. 3. Angiotensin converting enzyme in pregnancies complicated by renal disease, hypertension and diabetes mellitus-J. N. Oats. 4. Blood volume changes in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth retardation - J. N.Oats. 5. Changes in plasma urate in pregnancy-induced hypertension-J. N. Oats, H. M.Walker. 6. Changes in skin vessels in pregnancy hypertension-J. N.Oats, J. B. Hobbs. 7. Assessment of placental function in patients with pre-eclampsia - P. A. Long. 8. Studies of fetal heart rate patterns in late pregnancy-F. T. K. Chew, J. N. Oats. 9. Prevention of prematurity by treatment of undiagnosed incompetent cervix-G. J. Ratten. 10. Genetic counselling in pregnancy-J. E. Breheny. 1 1. Follow-up of babies born from pregnancies associated with low maternal excretion of oestriol-J. H. Drew. 12. Treatment of the persistent fetal circulation syndrome in newborn infants with tolazoline hydrochloride-J. H. Drew. 13. Study of the effects on survival of immediate intubation at birth of infants with a birth weight of 501 to 1500 g-J. H. Drew. 14. Study of late-onset convulsions in newborn infants-J. H. Drew. 15. Obstetric factors in sudden infant death syndrome-J. N. Oats, E. Farrell. 16. Evaluation of uterine lavage in the early diagnosis of malignancy of the uterine body and cervix-C. A. Barbaro. 17. Use of provera as primary treatment for carcinoma of the endometrium - P. E. Weir, R. Planner. 18. Assessment ofthe timing of ovulation - L.I. Hatherley.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books 1. ABELL, D. A. and BEISCHER, N. A. - Carbohydrate Metabolism in Pregnancy, in Human Reproductive Physiology, 2nd ed., ed. R. P. Shearman, Blackwell Scientific Publications,Ch. 10: 310-335(1979). 2. ACTON, C. M. and DREW, J. H. - Vesicourcteric Reflux in the Neonatal Period, in Reflux Nephropathy, eds. J. Hodson and P. Kincaid-Smith, Masson Publishing Inc., USA: 62-69(1979). 3. BEISCHER, N. A. and ABELL, D. A. - Tratamiento del Retardo del Crecimiento Fetal Antes del Parto (Treatment of Fetal Growth Retardation Before Delivery) in Aspectos Perinatales del Parto Prematuro, eds. O. Althabe and R. Schwarcz, Librera "El Aleneo" Editorial, Buenos Aires,Ch. 25: 341-355 (1978). Articles 4. ABELL, D. A. - The Significance of Abnormal Glucose Tolerance (Hyperglycaemia and Hypoglycacmia) in Pregnancy. Brit. J. Obstet. Gynaec, 86:214-221 (1979). 5. ACTON. C. M. and LONG, P. A. - The Ultrasonic appearance ofa Ruptured Uterus. Aust. Radiol., 22:254-256 (1978). 6. BEISCHER, N. A., HACKETT, B. J., JONES, W. R., MACKAY. E. V., SHEARMAN, R. P. and TOWNSEND, L. - Report on Maternal Deaths in Australia 1973-1975. National Health and Medical Research Council. Australian Government Publishing Service (1979). 7. BROUGHTON PIPKIN, F., OATS. J. J. N. and SYMONDS, E. M. -Sequential Changes in thc Human Renin-Angiotensin System Following Delivery. Brit. J. Obstet. Gvnaec, 85: 821-827(1978). 8. BROUGHTON PIPKIN, F., OATS, J. J. N., HUNTER, J. C, CRAVEN, D.J. and SYMONDS, E. M. - Sequential Changes in the Human Renin-Angiotensin System following Therapeutic Termination of Pregnancy. Brit. J. Obstet. Gvnaec, 86: 285-289 (1979). OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY (MERCY AND AUSTIN HOSPS.) 171

9. CALANDRA. C, ABELL, D. A. and BEISCHER, N. A. - An 11-year Review of Carcinoma of the Cervix, Endometrium and Ovary- Med. J. Aust., I:546-548 (1979). 10. DREW, J. H., JOHNSTON, R., FINOCCHIARO, C, TAYLOR, P. S., and GOLDBERG, H.J. - Effect of High-Energy Feedings on Low Birthweight Infants. Med. J. Aust., I: 467-468(1979). 11. DREW, J. H., JOHNSTON, R., FINOCCHIARO, C, TAYLOR, P. and GOLDBERG, H. J. - A Comparison of Nasojejunal with Nasogastric Feedings in Low-Birth-Weight Infants. Aust. Paed. J., 15:98-100 (1979). 12. DREW, J. H. and WELLS, R. - The Effect of Drugs on Albumin Binding of Bilirubin and on Free Bilirubin Concentration as Determined by Fluorescence Quenching. Drug Intel!. Clin. Pharm., 13:498-503 (1979). 13. HATHERLEY, L. I., BREHENY, J. E., ROBINSON, F. S. and BEISCHER, N. A. - The Incidence and Significance of Major Psychiatric Disorders in Obstetric Practice. Med. J. Aust., 2:399-401 (1979). 14. LONG, P. A., ABELL, D. A. and BEISCHER. N. A. - Fetal Growth and Placental Function Assessed by Urinary Estriol Excretion Before the Onset of Pre-eclampsia. Am. J. Obstet. Gvnec., 135:344-347 (1979). 15. LONG, P. A., ABELL, D. A. and BEISCHER, N. A. - Parity and Pre-eclampsia. Aust. N.Z. J. Obstet. Gynaec, 79:203-206 (1979). 16. OATS, J. J. N. and BEISCHER. N. A. - The Recurrence Rate and Significance of Low Oestriol Excretion in Successive Pregnancies. Brit. J. Obstet. Gynaec, 86:15-18(1979). 17. OATS, J. N., VASEY. D. P. and WALDRON, F. A. - Effects of Kelamine on the Pregnant Uterus. Brit. J. Anaeslh.. 51:1163-1166 (1979). 18. RATTEN, G. J. and BEISCHER. N. A. - The Effect of Termination of Pregnancy on Maturity of Subsequent Pregnancies. Med. J. Ausi., 7:479-480(1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress DREW, J. H. - Follow-up of infants born from pregnancies complicated by low urinary oestriol excretion and of those suffering from foetal growth retardation. MD Theses in Progress ABELL, D. A. - The significance of abnormal glucose tolerance (hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia) in pregnancy. LQNG, P. A. - Pre-eclampsia with reference to parity, onset in labor, and relationship to fetoplacental function and abnormal glucose tolerance. OATS, J. N. - A study of angiotensin-converting-enzyme in normotensive primigravid pregnancies. 172 FACULTY OF MEDICINE


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Effect of different corneal trephines on corneal endothelium - SEM. - G. W. Crock, N. Carroll. 2. Effects of different storage conditions on corneal endothelial viability - SEM. - G. W. Crock, N.Carroll. 3. Constitution of and age differences in zonule - SEM. -G. W. Crock, N. Carroll. 4. Microvascularanastomosis: (i) Capillary-capillary; (ii) Venus - lymph - SEM. - G. Nightingale. (Jointly with Department of Experimental Microsurgery, St. Vincent's Hospital). 5. Basement membrane changes in diabetic conjunctival vessels. - TEM. - N. Carroll. 6. Medical amblyopia therapy - H. Maclean. 7. Computer aided evaluation of cataract - H. Maclean. 8. Clinical trials-H. Maclean: (i) Catalin for cataract. (ii) Acycloguanosine for herpes simplex keratitus. (iii) Intraocular carbachol for postoperative miosis. (iv) Ticarcillin - intraocular penetration. 9. Instrumentation - L. Pcricic, R. Newman: (i) Contrast sensitivity test pattern generator. (ii) Oscillating vitrectomy machine. (iii) Contact lens corneal cutter. (iv) Intraocular diathermy. 10. Survey of diabetic eye changes in pregnancy.-G. W. Crock, M. Horvat.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. CROCK, G. W. - The Fifth Generation of Surgery. The Barraquer Lecture. Anales del Institute Barraquer, 14:1-2: 35-91 (1978). 2. MACLEAN, H. and CARTER, M. - Medical Therapy for Amblyopia after Occlusion Failure. Aust. Ortltop. /, /<5:6-8 (1978). 3. MACLEAN, H. and CARROLL, N. - 10-0 Sutures - Their Stereoscan Characteristics. Aust. J. Ophthal, 6(2): 80-82 (1978). 4. MACLEAN, H. - A Controlled Trial of Catalin in Senile Cortical Cataract. XX111 International Congress of Ophthalmology, Kyoto, Japan. International Congress Series No. 450, Excerpta Medica: 1365-1368(1978). 5. CROCK, G. W. - Instrumentation and Techniques in Microsurgical Cutting. XXIII International Congress of Ophthalmology, Kyoto, Japan. International Congress Series No. 450, Excerpta Medica: 1365-1368 (1979). 6. TAYLOR, H. R., CARROLL, N., JACK, I., CROCK, G. W. - A Scanning Electron Microscopic Examination of Retinoblastoma in Tissue Culture. Brit. J. Ophthal, 63: 551-559(1979). 7. CROCK, G. W. PERICIC, L., GOLDBERG, L., SCRIMGEOUR, J. and CARROLL, N. - Instrumentation and Techniques for Corneal Microsurgery'- Amer. J. Ophthal, 88(1): 376-380 Part I. (1979). 8. WIN, W. N. - Surgery for Trachoma in Burma. Brit. J. Ophthal, 63(2): 113-116(1979). 9. WIN, W. N. - Reconstructive Surgery in Chronic Dacryocystitis. Aust. J. Ophthal, 7: 211-213(1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Doctor of Medicine 1. TAYLOR, H. R. - Vision of Australian Aborigines. OPHTHALMOLOGY 173

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Alcon Laboratories (Australia) Pty. Ltd. William Angliss Charitable Trust. Mrs. D. Berkowitz. The Collier Charitable Fund. Miss D. Edols. Ophthalmic Association of Victoria. OPSM Pty. Ltd. Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia. Ian Potter Foundation Rcckitts Pharmaceutical Division. Sir A. E. Rowden White Bequest. Myra Stoiccsco Charitable Trust. Sunshine Foundation. Mrs. M. N. Taylor 174 FACULTY OF MEDICINE


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Psychophysics of Electrical Stimulation ofthe Human Auditory' Nerve-Y. C. Tong, G. M. Clark, P. A. Busby, L. F. A. Martin. 2. Speech Processing Strategies for Electrical Stimulation ofthe Auditory Nerve in Patients with Profound or Total Hearing Loss-Y. C. Tong, G. M. Clark, J. B. Millar. 3. The Histopathological Evaluation of Cochlear Implants in Experimental Animals-G. M. Clark, B. C. Pyman, R. L. Webb, J. S. Ng. 4. Electrochemical and Electrophysiological Studies Relating to Cochlear Implantation - R. C. Black,G. M.Clark. 5. Electronic Development of Wearable Speech Processor for Patients with Profound or Total Hearing Loss-J. F. Patrick, P. M. Seligman. 6. Electronic Development of Table Mounted Speech Processor for Patients with Profound or Total Hearing Loss-D. J. Dewhurst, J. F. Patrick, C. M. A. Sum, T. Y. Tan. (In collabora­ tion with Dept. Electrical Engineering.) 7. Thc Development of Surgical Techniques tor Multiple-Channel Cochlear Implantation - G. M. Clark, B. C. Pyman, 0- F. Bailey, R. L. Webb. 8. The Audiological Evaluation of Cochlear Implant Patients - L. F. A. Martin, G. M. Clark, P. Busby. 9. The Development of Rehabilitation Techniques for Cochlear Implant Patients - L. F. A. Martin, P. A. Busby. 10. Psychophysics of Electrical Stimulation of Cat Auditory Nerves - P. Johnson, R. C. Black, G. M.Clark. 11. Speech Processing Strategies for Electro-tactile Stimulation ofthe Skin in Deaf Patients- G. A. McLeod, G. M. Clark,C. J. Pengilley. 12. Auditory Evoked Potentials in Response to Frequency and Amplitude Modulated Sounds - F. W. Rickards, G. M. Clark. 13. Studies into thc Acceptable Working Day Dose of Noise - M. Peril, D. S. McMahon, F. W. Rickards.


Articles 1. CLARK, G. M.: Experimental Research into Cochlear Implants. Proc. llth World Congress ofOto-rhino-larvngology: 107-109 (1978). 2. CLARK, G. M., TONG, Y. C. and WILLIAMS, A.: Prosthetic Devices for the Manage­ ment of Patients with Severe Sensorineural Deafness. J. Otolaryngol. Soc. Aust., 4:105-107 (1978) . 3. CLARK, G. M.: A Neurophysical Assessment of the Surgical Treatment of Perceptive Deafness. Int. Attdiol., 9:1, 103-109(1979). 4. CLARK, G. M., PATRICK, J. F. and BAILEY, Q. R.: A Cochlear Implant Round Window Array../. Laryngol. & Otol., 93:107-109(1979). 5. CLARK, G. M., PYMAN, B. C. and BAILEY, Q. R.: The Surgery for Multiple-Electrode Cochlear Implantations. /. Laryngol. & Otol, 93:213-223(1979). 6. TONG, Y. C, BLACK, R.C, CLARK, G. M., FORSTER, I.C, MILLAR, J. B., O'LOUGHLIN, B. J. and PATRICK, J. F.: A Preliminary Report on a Multiple-Channel Cochlear Implant Operation. / Laryngol & Otol, 93:168-174(1979). 7. NIENHUYS, T. G. W., and CLARK, G. M.: Critical Bands Following the Selective Destruction of Cochlear Inner and Outer Hairs Cells. Acta Otolaryngol, 88: 350-358 (1979) . 8. CLARK, G. M., TONG, Y.C, BAILEY, Q. R. BLACK, R.C, MARTIN, L. F., MILLAR, J. B., O'LOUGHLIN, B. J., PATRICK, J. F. and PYMAN, B. C: A Multiple- Electrode Cochlear Implant. / Otolaryngol Soc. Aust., r:208-212 (1979). 9. CLARK, G. M., PATRICK, J. F. and BAILEY, Q. R.: Cochlear Implant Round Window Electrode Array. O. P. L. Digest. Nov./Dec.:2& (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. BLACK, R. C. - The cochlear prosthesis: electrochemical and electrophysiological studies. 2. KRANZ, H.-An integration model of the auditory system. OTOLARYNGOLOGY 175

Master ofScience 3. O'LOUGHLIN, B. T. - thc effect ofthe relative formant levels in steady-state vowels.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress RICKARDS, F, W.-A study in auditory evoked potentials MSc Thesis in Progress JOH NSON, P. - 77«' development ofa histopathological and physiological model.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia. Department of Productivity of Australian Government. Lions International. Channel "O" Deafness Appeal. The George Hicks Foundation. William Angliss Charitable Trust. 176 FACULTY OF MEDICINE



A. GENETICS 1. Use of mouse spleen cell hybridoma antibody production for study of phenylalanine hydroxylase - R. G. H. Cotton, K. H. Choo. 2. Definition of basic defect in phenylketonuria-R. G. H. Cotton. K. H.Choo, D. M. Danks. 3. Isolation of messenger RNA for phenylalanine hydroxylase-J. Mercer, K. H. Choo. 4. Development of antibody techniques for enzyme purification - R. G. H. Cotton, K. H. Choo. 5. Definition of enzyme defect in dihvdropteridine reductase deficiency - F. Firgaira, R. G. H. Cotton, K. H. Choo. 6. Diagnosis of malignant hyperphcnylalaninacmia (telrahydrobiopterin deficiency) - F. Firgaira, R. G. H. Cotton, D. M. Danks. 7. A new defect in human valine metabolism (methacrylyl CoA hvdratase deficiency) - R. Truscott, R. G. H. Cotton, D. M. Danks. 8. A new defect in catabolism ofdeoxyribose (dcoxyribosc-5-phosphate aldolase deficiency) - A. Chappel, R. G. H. Cotton. D. M. Danks. 9. Precision two dimensional electrophoresis of cellular proteins - K. H. Choo, R. G. H. Cotton. 10. Copper metabolism in mottled mice and in Menkes'syndrome - J. Camakaris (Genetics), D. M. Danks. 11. Copper metabolism in human and mouse cells in culture-J. Camakaris, D. M. Danks. 12. Lysyl oxidase in mottled mice and Menkes'syndrome-P. Royce. D. M. Danks. 13. Superoxide dismutaseand cytochrome oxidase in mottled mice and Menkes' Syndrome-J. Camakaris, D. M. Danks. 14. A verbal-visual computer-based system of syndrome identification - D. B. Pitt, J. G. Rogers, D. M. Danks. 15. Evaluation of prenatal diagnosis- D. M. Danks, J. G. Rogers. 16. Cytogenetic studies in X-linked mental retardation-G. Webb, D. M. Danks. 17. Phenylketonuria - follow up of children who have had positive Guthrie tests on neonatal screening since 1968 and who are not known to have classical phenylketonuria - D. B. Pitt.

B. STUDIES IN GROWTH AND NUTRITION 1. Studies on skeletal muscle cell growth (protein synthesis and hormonal influences) - J. Graystone, J. Field, D. B. Cheek. 2. Studies on zinc, copper and iron metabolism in Aboriginals with and without glucose intolerance-D. B. Cheek, N. Francis, A. B. Holt. 3. Studies on renal compensatory growth in the presence and absence of certain hormones-J. Hutson, D. B. Cheek. 4. Studies on the cellular phase of normal, dysmature and premature infants bom normally and by Caesarean section - D. B. Cheek. 5. Studies on the fetal brain development ofthe macropod-A. B. Holt, D. B. Cheek. 6. Studies on body composition and steroid excretion in obese, normal and asthmatic subjects - D. B. Cheek, R. F. Seamark, L. I. Landau, T. McVeagh, B. LeGrand, B. Moore. 7. Studies on the growth of rodents following small bowel resection - R. Fitzgerald, J. Graystone. 8. Studies on factors or peptides which increase sulphate uptake into cartilage - N. McKern. 9. The development of new methods to measure minute amounts ofCrand other trace metals by the use of Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) - D. B. Cheek, H. Hay, G. Clark.

C. STUDIES IN ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY 1. Biochemical studies of collagen in Osteogenesis Imperfecta-W. G. Cole. PAEDIATRICS 177

D. STUDIES IN RENAL PHYSIOLOGY AND DISEASE. 1. Relationship between renin and parathormone secretion - D. A. McCredie, H. R. Powell, E. Rotenberg, R. Moore. 2. Renin responsiveness in renal failure - H. R. Powell, D. A. McCredie, E. Rotenberg. 3. Pathophysiological factors and hacmolytic-uraemic syndrome - H. R. Powell, D. A. McCredie. E. Rotenberg. 4. Factors controlling blood ionized calcium - H. R. Powell, D. A. McCredie, E. Rotenberg. 5. New method for intestinal absorption of calcium - D. A. McCredie, E. Rotenberg, S. Denholm, 6. 25 hydroxy cholecalcifcral levels in blood of infants- E. Rotenberg. D. A. McCredie, H. R. Powell.

E. NEUROLOGICAL AND NEUROMUSCULAR STUDIES 1. Histochemical and ultrastructural studies on skeletal muscle - X. Dennett. 2. Histochemical and ultrastructural studies in the mottled mouse - X. Dennett. 3. Studies in autonomic dysautonomia in childhood-1. Hopkins.

F. COMMUNITY PAEDIATRIC NEEDS 1. Epidemiological study of families with young children in a poor socio-economic, multi-ethnic municipality- H. E. Williams. A. Carmichael. 2. Survey ofcommunity paediatric needs- H. E. Williams, A. Carmichael. 3. Community facilities for handicapped children - M.J. Robinson.

G. NEONATAL PAEDIATRICS 1. Very low birthweight infant study - W. H. Kitchen, M. M. Ryan, A. Rickards, J. Astbury. J. V. Lissendcn. W. Russo. G. Keith. 2. Follow-up of babies born from pregnancies associated with low maternal excretion of oestriol-J. H. Drew. 3. Treatment ofthe persistent fetal circulation syndrome in newborn infants wilh tolazoline hydrochloride-J. H. Drew. 4. Studv ofthe effects on survival of immediate intubation at birth of infants with a birth weight of 501 to 1,500 g. - J. H. Drew. 5. Study of late-onset convulsions in newborn infants-H. J.Goldberg.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. Relationship between renin and parathormone secretion - D. A. McCredie, H. R. Powell, E. Rotenberg, R. Moore. Chapters of Books 2. ACTON, C. M. and DREW, J. H. - Vesicourcteric Reflux in the Neonatal Period, in Reflux Nephropathy, eds. J. Hodson and P. Kincaid-Smith, Masson Publishing Inc., U.S.A.: 62-99 (l979). 3. CHEEK. D. B. and HOLT, A. B. - Nutrition and Fetal Brain Growth in the Primate, in Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, eds. J. Stallworthy and G. Bourne, Churchill Livingstone, London, No. 13:3-20(1979). 4. DANKS, D. M. - Acute Neonatal Illness in Inborn Errors of Metabolism, in Black, J. A. ed. Paediatric Emergencies, Butterworths, London: 697-706 (1979). Articles 5. CAMAKARIS, J., MANN. J. R. and DANKS. D. M. - Copper metabolism in motlled mouse mutants I. Copper levels in tissues during development. Biochemical J., 180: 597-604(1979). 178 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

6. CHOO, K. H., COTTON, R. G. H., DANKS, D. M. and JENNINGS, I. G. - Genetics of the mammalian phenylalanine hydroxylase system: III. Studies of human liver phenylalanine hydroxylase subunit structure and of mutations in phenylketonuria. BiochemicalJ., 181:285 (1979). 7. COLE, W. G. and BEAN, D. A. - Analysis of collagen cyanogen bromide peptides using electrophoresis in continuous concave gradient polyacrylamide gels. Anal. Biochem., 92: 183-188(1979). 8. DANKS, D. M., CAMAKARIS J. and STEVENS, B. J. - The cellular defect in Menkes' syndrome and in mottled mice. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Trace Element Metabolism in Man and A nimals: 401 -404 (1978). 9. DANKS. D. M. - Copper in Paediatrics. Proc. of Symposium in Bad Kissingen. 1977. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart: 167-171 (1979). 10. DANKS, D. M. and MATTHIEIJ, J.-M. - Hypotheses regarding myelination derived from comparisons of myelin subfractions. Life Sciences. 24:1425-1440(1979). 11. DANKS, D. M., SCHLESINGER, P., FIRGAIRA, F., COTTON, R. G. H., WATSON, B. M., REMBOLD, H. and HENNINGS, G. - Malignant hyperphenylalaninacmia - clinical features, biochemical findings and experience with administration of biopterins. Pediatric Research, 13:1 150-1 155 (1979). 12. DANKS, D. M., COTTON, R. G. H. and SCHLESINGER, P. - Diagnosis of malignant hyperphenylalaninacmia. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 54:329 (1979). 13. DANKS, D. M. and COTTON, R.'G. H. - Variant forms of phenylketonuria. Lancet, i: 982(1979). 14. DANKS. D. M. - Editorial comment - Current status of PKU diagnosis and treatment. Aust. Paediatric J., 15:221-228 (1979). 15. DREW, J. H., JOHNSTON, R., FINOCCHIARO, C, TAYLOR, P. S. and GOLDBERG, H.J. - Effect of high-energy feedings on low birthweight infants. Med. J. of Aust.. I: 467-468(1979). 16. DREW, J. H., JOHNSTON. R., FINOCCHIARO, C. TAYLOR, P. and GOLDBERG, H. J. - A comparison of nasojejunal with nasogastric feedings in low birth weight infants. Aust. Paediatric J., 75:98-100(1979). I 7. DREW, J. H. and WELLS, R. - The effect of drugs on albumin binding of bilirubin and on free bilirubin concentration as determined by fluorescence quenching. Drug. Intel! Clin. Pharm.. 13:498-503 (1979). 18. FIRGAIRA, F. A., COTTON, R. G. H. and DANKS, D. M. - Human dihydropteridine reductase. A method for thc measurement of activity in cultured cells, and its application to malignant hyperphenylalaninacmia. Clinica Chimica Acta, 95:47-60 (1979). 19. FIRGAIRA, F. A., COTTON, R. G. H. and DANKS, D. M. - Dihydropteridine reductase deficiency can be diagnosed by assavs on peripheral blood cells. Lancet, ii: 1260 (1979). 20. HAAN, E. A., DANKS. D. M., HOOGENRAAD, N. J. and ROGERS, J. G. - Hereditary hyperammonaemic syndromes. A six year experience. Aust. Paediatric J., 15: 142-146 (1979). 21. HOPKINS, I. J., HUMPHREY, I., KEITH, C. G., SUSSMAN, M. and TURNER, E. K. The Aicardi syndrome in a 47 XX Y male. Ausi. Paediatric.!. 15:225 (1979). 22. KITCHEN, W. H., RICKARDS, A., RYAN, M. M., McDOUGALL, A. B., BILLSON, F. A., KE1R, E. H. and NAYLOR, F. D. - A longitudinal study of very low birthweight infants. II: Results of controlled trial of intensive care and incidence of handicaps. Devel. Med. Child. Neurol, 21:582-589 (1979). 23. MANN, J. R., CAMAKARIS, J., DANKS. D. M. and WALLICZEK, E. G. - Copper metabolism in mottled mouse mutants: 2. Copper therapy of brindled (Mobl) mice. BiochemicalJ.. 180:605-612(1979). 24. MANN, J. R., CAMAKARIS, J. and DANKS, D. M. - Copper metabolism in mottled mouse mutants: 3. Distribution of 64Cu in brindled (Mobl) mice. Biochemical J., 180: 613-619(1979). 25. McCREDIE. D. A. - Growth in Renal Disease. Patient Management, 3:17-27 (1979). 26. McCREDIE, D. A. - For neonatal acidosis: Bicarbonate infusions have limited value. Patient Management. 3:11 (1979). 27. OBERKLAID, F., DANKS, D. M.. JENSEN, F., ST ACE, L. ROSSHANDLER, S. - Achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia. Comments on frequency, mutation rate, and radiological features in skull and spine. J. of Med. Genetics, 16:140-146(1979). 28. PITT, D. B. - Genetic screening ofthe newborn in Australia, results for 1978. Med. J. of Ausi., 2:272-273 (1979). 29. PITT. D. B. - Parents, genes and the vear ofthe child. Australian Children Limited: 36-41 (August, 1979). 30. ROGERS. J. G. and DANKS, D. M. - Thc genetic consequences of incest. Med. J. of Aust., 2:362-363(1978). PAEDIATRICS 179

31. SCHLESINGER, P., WATSON. B. M„ COTTON. R. G. H. and DANKS, D.M. - Urinary dihvdroxanthopterin in the diagnosis of malignant hvpcrphcnylalaninacmia and phenylketonuria. Clinica Chimica /tela, 92:187-195 (1979). 32. SCHLESINGER, P. - An improved gas liquid chromatographic method for analysis of trimelhylamine in urine. Analytical Biochemistry, 94:358 (1979). 33. SCHLESINGER. P., GRIMES, A. and HAMMOND, J. - Fast Blue Salt B can detect phenylketonuria and tyrosinaemia in addition to methvlmalonic acidaemia. Clinica Chimica Ada, 95:409 (1979). 34. WATSON, B. M., AMAREGO, W. L. F„ SCHLESINGER, P., COTTON, R. G. H. and DANKS, D. M. - Dihvdroxanthopterin in urine from normals and from phenylketonuria and its variants. Proc Pteridine Symposium: 159-164 (1978). 35. SMITH. A. L. and DANKS, D. M. - Secondary' copper accumulation with neurologic damage in a child with chronic liver disease. Brit. Med../., 2:1400(1978). 36. TRUSCOTT, R. J., HALPERN, B., HAMMOND, H., HUNT. S., COTTON, R. G. H., HAAN. E. A. and DANKS, D. M. - A defect in deoxyribose metabolism. New England J. ofMed..300:\U5(\919). 37. TRUSCOTT, R. J., PULLIN, C.J., HALPERN, B., HAMMOND, J.. HAAN, E. and DANKS, D. M. - The identification of 3-keto-2-mcthylvaleric acid and 3-hydro.\y-2- mcthvlvalcric acid in a patient with propionic acidaemia. Biomedical Muss Spectrometry. 6:294-300(1979). 38. WATSON, B. M. and COTTON, R. G. H. - The separation and detection of tetra- hvdropterins. J. of Chromatography, 166:344-346 (1978). 39. WESTERMAN. R. A., DENNETT, X.. CHAN, H. S„ JEDWAB. J. D., SRIRATANA, D. and Z1CCONE, S. P. - Muscle hypertrophy after partial denervation: a feline model. In: Muscle Nerve and Brain Degeneration. Proc. Symposium - Foundation for Life Sciences, eds. A. D. Kidman and J. K. Tomkins, Exccpta Medica, Amsterdam ICS., No. 475: 139-152(1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. CHOO, H. K. - Cell Culture and Biochemical Studies on Phenylketonuria. 2. GRAYSTONE, J. E. - Hormonal Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Growth - Insulin as a Growth Factor.

Doctor of Medicine 3. BURKE, V .-Clinical and Laboratory Studies of Childhood Diarrhoeas.

Master ofScience. 4. DUNLOP. M. - Studies on Developing Adipose Tissue and its Relationship to early Childhood Obesity. 5. FIELD, J. - Nutritional and Pathological Influences on Insulin Receptor Characteristics.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress COLE, W. G. (Part-time) -Study of Collagen in Inherited Connective Tissue Diseases. DUNLOP, M. - Study ofthe Effects of Phosphodiesterase Inhibition by Caffeine on Foetal and Neonalal Maturation. FINGER, J. - Utility of2-dimensional Electrophoretic Analysis of tissue in the Study of Inherited Diseases. FIRGAIRA, F. - Studies on Human Dihydropteridine Reductase. McKERN, N. - Studies on Somatomedin and Incorporation of Sulfate into Cartilage. SHELTON, M.J. - 77ie Effect of Serum Factors on the Microbicidal capacity of Human Granulocytes.

MD Theses in Progress BROWN. T. C. K. - Tricyclic Antidepressant Overdosage in Children: Epidemiology, Prevention, and the Management of Cardiovascular Complications. CARMICHAEL, A. - Epidemiology of Health and Illness in Young Families in Brunswick. 180 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

MSc Theses in Progress ALEXANDER, S. - Study of Altitudes lo Food and Eating Habits of Mothers of Obese and Normally Nourished Infants. BIRNER, R. - Chromosomal Location of Genes Coding for Human Immunoglobulin Production. BLAKEY, J. L. - Microbial Etiology of Neonatal Necrotising Enterocolitis. FIRER, M. A. - The Development of Class Specific Antibody Tests for the Management of Allergic Disease in Childhood. HERD, S. - Investigation of the Basic Defect in Human Menkes' Syndrome and Molded Mouse Mutants - Studies on Copper Binding Molecules. MANN, J. - Copper Metabolism of Copper Deficient Mouse Mutants in Relationship to Menkes' Syndrome.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NH&MRC. Royal Children's Hospital Research Foundation. Royal Children's Hospital Research Grant Committee. Department of Aboriginal Affairs. Buckland Foundation. Australian Kidney Foundation. Apex Foundation for Research into Mental Retardation. Department of Health - Research and Development Grant. Mental Health Research Fund. PATHOLOGY

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Studies in acute inflammation - J. V. Hurley. 2. Neuropathology-R. McD. Anderson. 3. Selective cell toxicity-G. S. Christie. 4. Carcinogenesis-A. G. Jabara,G. S. Christie. 5. Studies on liver pathology-P. S. Bhathal, R. N. Le Page. 6. Studies in renal pathology-J. D. Tange, K. N. Ham,T. J. Baxter. 7. Studies on connective tissues - K.N. Ham.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. CHRISTIE, G. S., LEE, C. P. and HEGARTY, M. P. - Antithyroid Properties of 3-Hydroxy-4(l H)-Pyridone: Antiperoxidase Activity and Effect on Thyroid Function. Endocrinology, 105:342-347 (1979). 2. ELLENDER, G., HAM, K. N. and HARCOURT, J. K. - Toxic Effects of Dental Amalgam Implants. Optical Histological and Histochemical Observations. Aust. dent. J., 23:395-399 (1978) . 3. ELLENDER, G., SEWELL, D. K. B., HAM, K. N. and STOREY, E. - Lead-Loaded Ion-Exchange Resin BeadasaCalcergen. Calcif. Tiss. Res., 26:253-258 (1978). 4. ELLENDER, G„ HAM, K. N. and HARCOURT, J. K. - The Ultrastructural Localization ofthe Corrosion Products of Dental Amalgam. Aust. dent. J., 24:174-177(1979). 5. HEGARTY, M. P., LEE, C. P., CHRISTIE, G. S., COURT, R. D. and HAYDOCK, K. P. - The Goitrogen 3-Hydroxy-4(lH)-pyridone, a Ruminal Metabolite from Leucaena leucocephala: Effects in Mice and Rats. Aust. J. biol. Sci., 32:27-40 (1979). 6. HURLEY, J. V. - Chemotaxis. Pathology, 7/ 571-573(1979). 7. JABARA, A. G., MARKS, G. N., SUMMERS, J. E. and ANDERSON, P. S. - Effects of Progesterone on Mammary' Carcinogenesis by DMBA applied directly to Rat Mammae. Brit. J. Cancer. 40:268-273 (1979). 8. LABUC, G. E. and BLUNCK, J.M. - Metabolic Activation of the Hepatocarcinogen 3'-Methyl-4-Dimethylaminoazobenzenc by a Rat Liver Cell-Free System: Evidence suggesting the Formation of at least Two Electrophilic Metabolites. Biochem. Pharmacol., 25. 2367-2373 (1979). 9. LABUC, G. E. and BLUNCK, J.M. - Inhibition of 3'-Methyl-4-Dimethylaminoazo- benzene (3'MeDAB)-induced Hepatocarcinogenesis in the Rat: Chloramphenicol inhibits N,N-Dimethylaniline N-Oxidase and In Vitro Binding of(JH)3'MeDAB to Protein but not to RNA. Biochem. Pharmacol, 28:3032-3034 (1979). 10. LEE, C. P., HEGARTY, M. P. and CHRISTIE, G. S. - Antithyroid and Antiperoxidase Activity of Tropolone and 3-Hydroxy-4-Pyronc. Chem.-Biol. Interactions, 27: 17-26 (1979) . 11. SURTEES, V. M., HAM, K. N. and TANGE, J. D. - Visceral Oedema and Increased Vascular Permeabilitv in Early Experimental Hypertension. Pathologv, II: 663-670 (1979). 12. SURTEES, V. M., HAM, K. N. and TANGE, J. D. - The Effects of Temporary Fluid Restriction in Clip-Nephrectomized Rats. Pathologv, /7:671-675 (1979). 13. WOOD,S. L. and HURLEY, J. V. - The Role of Blood Capillaries in the Formation of Inflammatory Exudate. / Path., 727:73-87(1979). 14. CROWE. C. A., YONG, A. C, CALDER, 1. C, HAM, K. N. and TANGE, J. D.- The Nephrotoxicity of p-Aminophenol. I. The Effect on Microsomal Cytochromes, Glutathione and Covalent Binding in Kidney and Liver. Chem.-Biol. Interactions. 27: 235-243(1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. LEE, C. P. - Studies on the Toxicity of the Non-Protein Amino Acid Mimosine and Related Compounds. 2. SURTEES, V. M - The Effects of Intraluminal Pressure on the Structure of Blood Vessels. 3. YONG, A. C. - Study of the Nephrotoxicity of Analgesic Related Compounds.


Master of Science 4. HOLMES, D. R. P. - (Na* + K*)-A TPase. Biochemical and Histochemical Studies of its Involvement in Cholestasis. 5. MARKS, G.N. - Effects of Progesterone and Medroxyprogesterone Acetate on 7.l2-Dimethylhenz(a)an!hracene-i.".duced Mammary Carcinogenesis in ihe Sprague- Dawley Rat.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress CLARKE, B. E. - Crescent Formation in Glomerulonephritis. GALL, J. A. M. -Aspects ofthe Ontogeny and Pathology of the Biliary Tree. GROSSMAN, H. J. - Structure and Behaviour ofBlood Vessels in Normal and Cirrhotic Liver. JONES, G. M. - Aspects of Vascular Permeability in Acute Inflammation. LABUC, J. E. - Mechanism of Inhibition of Azo Dye Carcinogenesis by Chloramphenicol. PERE1RA, H. A. - Opsonic Factors in Serum. SMAIL, M. C. - Toxicity and Metabolism of Paracetamol SMITH, M. B. - Studies in Haemoglobin Production with Particular Reference to the Thalassaemias. UOSELIS, V. L. - A Study of Normal and Pathologically altered Liver Plasma Membranes. MSc Theses in Progress EMSLIE, K. R.- Paracetamol Metabolism in the Isolated. Perfused Kidney. SZTYNDA, T. - Studies on Vascular Endothelium in Normal and Abnormal Stales.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria: Hormonal Inhibition of Experimental Breast Carcinogenesis: Mechanisms of Action. NH & MRC: Liver-cell Plasma Membrane Subfractions in Experimentally-induced Cholestasis. NH & MRC: Structure and Function of Normal and Injured Vascular Endothelium. Rcckitt & Colman Pharmaceutical Division: Renal Research. Rowden White Trust: Studies on Toxicity of Abnormal Amino Acids. PATHOLOGY


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Studies in anatomical pathology - H. D. Attwood. 2. Comparative anatomy of arachnoid villi in the brain and spinal cord of Dasyurid marsupials-H. D. Attwood. 3. Mechanisms of suppression of malignancy using human/mouse hybrids-C. J. Louis. 4. E. M. studiesof undifferentiated tumours-S. T. Chou. 5. History ofthe Austin Hospital - E. W. Gault.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. CONNELLAN, J., SMITH, 1., BARLOW, B. and CASTALDI, P.-Studiesofthe function of platelet surface antigens. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 42: 422 (1979). 2. TOSOLINI, F. A. - Antibiotics in immunosuppressed patients. Australian Familv Phvsician, 8:1087-1097(1979). 3. WILEY, J. S., CHESTERMAN, C. N.. MORAN, F. J. and CASTALDI, P. A. - The effect of sulphinpyrazone on the aggregation and release reactions of human platelets. Thrombosis Research, 14:23-33 (1979). 4. WILEY, J. S.. COOPER, R. A., ADACHI, K. and ASAKURA, T. - Hereditary stomato- cytosis: Association of low 2,3-Diphosphoglycerate with increased cation pumping by the red cell. B. J. of Haematol., 41:33-141 (1979). 5. WILEY, J. S., KRAFT, N. and COOPER, I. A. - Thc binding of ouabain to normal and chronic lymphocytic leukemic lymphocytes. Blood, 54:994-1000 (1979). 6. XIPELL, J. M. and BROWN, D. J. - Histology of normal bone - a computerised studv in thc iliac crest. Pathology, / 7/235-240 (1979).

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED The following grant has been received: NH & MRC: Study of the mechanism of suppression of malignancy.



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Receptor mechanisms associated with neurone terminals regulating neurotransmitter release - M. J. Rand, M. W. McCulloch, D. F. Story, R. Kushinsky, H. Majewski, I. C. Mcdgett, H. Wong-Dusting. 2. Role of adrenaline in the development and maintenance of hypertension - M. J. Rand, M. W. McCulloch. D. F. Story, H. Majewski. 3. Mechanism ofthe antihypertensive action of hydralazine-M. J. Rand.H. Majewski. 4. Interaction of prazosin, clonidine and bcta-adrenoreceptor antagonists with noradrenergic ncuroeffector transmission - M. J. Rand, M. W. McCulloch, D. F. Story, H. Majewski, I.C. Medgett. 5. Interaction of nicotine and related drugs with transmitter release from noradrenergic nerves -M. J. Rand, M. W. McCulloch, C. Sarantos-Laska. 6. Neurochemical mechanisms of opiates and cannabinoids- M. R. Fennessy. 7. The role of polyamines in experimental hypertension - M. R. Fennessy, D. A. Taylor. 8. Behavioural aspects of drug dependency - M. R. Fennessy.

9. Thc role of beta2-adrenoceptor antagonists in anaphylaxis-M. R. Fennessy. 10. Mechanisms of blood pressure control: renin-angiotensin system and hypercapnia - J. Staszcwska-Barczak. 11. Cardiac chemoreflcxcs and central adrenergic mechanisms-J. Staszewska-Barczak. 12. Prostaglandins and hyperalgesia-J. Staszewska-Barczak. 13. Pharmacokinetic studies of antimicrobial agents-M. L. Mashford, R. W. Bury. 14. The impact of liver disease on drug handling-M. L. Mashford, R. W. Bury, K. Breen. 15. Drug use in thc community - M. L. Mashford, M. B. Robertson. 16. Pharmacology of vasodilatormcchanisms-W. J. Lang,0. Woodman.G. Eddie. 17. Behavioural aspects of drug dependency-W. J. Lang, A. Latiff,J. Ng. 18. Effects of sympathomimetic amines on skeletal muscle contractions and cyclic nucleotide levels-M. W. Nott, Z. Merican. 19. Involvement of cyclic nucleotides in neuronal and vascular responses to antihypertensive agents-M. W. Nott.Z. Merican. 20. Pharmacodynamics of clinically used adrenoceptor antagonists and isoquinoline deriva- tives-M. W. Nott, M. Sunbhanich.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapter of Book 1. MASHFORD, M. L. - Monitoring in Australia, in Monitoring for Drug Safetv, ed. W. H. W. Inman.M. T. P. Press, Lancaster: 49-53 (1979). Leading Article 2. Safe Use of Drugs: How Can it be Achieved? Med. J. Aust., 2:638-639 (1979). Articles 3. LOUIS, W.J., RAND, M.J., McNEIL, J.J.. DRUMMER, O. and JARROTT, B. - Clinical Pharmacology of Adrenergic-blocking drugs. Cardiology, 64 (Suppl.): 96-104 (1979). 4. MEDGETT, I.C. and McCULLOCH, M. W. - Pre- and post-junctional effects of clonidine in isolated guinea-pig atria. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Phvsiol., J: 253-254 (1979). 5. HOPE, W., McCULLOCH. M. W„ RAND, M. J. and STORY, D. F. - The effect of calcium on thc interaction between acetylcholine and noradrenergic transmission in the rabbit car artery. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Phvsiol, 5:290 (1979). 6. MEDGETT, 1. C, McCULLOCH, M. W.' and RAND, M. J. - Partial agonist action of clonidine on prejunctional and postjunctional a-receptors. Naunvn-Schmediekerg's Arch. Pharmac, 304:215-221 (1979). 7. RAND, M. J., MAJEWSKI, H„ McCULLOCH, M. W. and STORY, D. F. - An adrena­ line-mediated positive feedback loop in sympathetic transmission and its possible role in hypertension, in Presynaptic Receptors, eds. S. Z. Langer and M. L. Dubocovich, Pergamon, Oxford: 263-269 (1979). PHARMACOLOGY 185

8. MAJEWSKI, H., McCULLOCH, M. W., RAND, M. J. and STORY, D. F. - Adrenaline- mediated positive feedback loop in sympathetic transmission, in Catecholamines: Basic and Clinical Frontiers, eds. E. Usdin, I. J. Kopin and J. Barchas, Pergamon, New York: 271-273(1979). 9. MEDGETT, I. C. and McCULLOCH, M. W. - Effects of clonidine, guanfacine and three imidazolidinc derivatives related to clonidine on blood pressure, heart rate and gastric acid secretion in the anaesthetized rat. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn., 240:158-168 (1979). 10. HOPE, W., MAJEWSKI, H., McCULLOCH, M. W., RAND, M. J. and STORY, D. F. - Modulation of sympathetic transmission by neuronally-released dopamine. Br. J. Pharmac, 67:185-192(1979). 11. McCULLOCH, M. W., MEDGETT, I. C, RAND, M. J. and STORY, D. F. - Structure- activity relationships of imidazolidine derivatives related to clonidine at histamine Hj-receptors in guinea-pig isolated atria. Br. J. Pharmac, 67:535-540 (1979). 12. FENNESSY, M. R. - Induction of physical dependence on ethanol using animal models. Trends in Pharmacol. Sci., 1:52-55 (1979). 13. FENNESSY, M. R. and LASKA, F. J. - Acute effects of opiate agonists, partial agonists and antagonists on brain monoamines in the rat. Arch. Int. Pharmacodvn., 238: 60-70 (1979). 14. FENNESSY, M. R. and LASKA, F. J. - Comparison of opiate agonists and their N-allyl derivatives in the production of physical dependence in the rat. Psvchopharmacologv, 64: 277-283(1979). 15. PENNEFATHER, J. N., HANBERG, G. M., SHIPLEY, S. D. and TAYLOR, D. A. - Actions of catecholamines and cocaine at inhibitory adrenoreceptors in rat vas deferens, in Catecholamines: Basic and Clinical Frontiers, eds. E. Usdin, I. J. Kopin and J. Barchas, Pergamon, New York: 420-422 (1979). 16. QUINN, M. J., LASKA, F. J. and FENNESSY, M. R. - Structure-activity relationships of met5- and leu5-enkephalin analogues. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol, 6:535-540 (1979). 17. TAYLOR, D. A. and FENNESSY, M. R. - The effect of A'-tetrahydrocannabinol (A'-THC) on the turnover rate of brain serotonin of the rat. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Phvsiol, 6:327-334(1979). 18. TAYLOR, D. A. and FENNESSY, M. R. - The effect of (-)-trans-A'-tetrahydro- cannabinol on regional brain levels and subcellular distribution of monoamines in the rat. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol., 6:541 -548 (1979). 19. STASZEWSKA-BARCZAK, J., PADANYI, R. G. and LANG, W. J. - Cardiovascular effects evoked from nociceptive cardiac receptors and by hypothalamic stimulation in the dog. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol, 6:207 (1979). 20. BURY, R. W. and MASHFORD, M. L. - Analysis of trimethoprim and sulpha- methoxazolc in human plasma by high pressure liquid chromatography. J. Chromatog., 163:114-117(1979). 21. MASHFORD, M. L. - When to avoid abrupt withdrawal of drugs. Carr. 'Therap.: 37-41 (1979). 22. HOROWITZ, J. D. and MASHFORD, M. L. - Perhexilene maleate in the treatment of severe angina pectoris. Med. J. Aust., 7:485-488 (1979). 23. MASHFORD, M. L. and ROBERTSON, M. B. - Surveying antibiotic use in a general teaching hospital. Med. J. A ust.. 2:515-518(1979). 24. BURY, R. W., MASHFORD, M. L. and MILES, H. M. - Assay of flucytosine (5-fluorocytosine) in human plasma in high pressure liquid chromatography. Anti­ microbial agents and Chemother, 16:529-533 (1979). 25. LANG, W.J. and WOODMAN, O. L. - Cardiovascular responses produced by the injection of dopamine into the cerebral ventricles of the unanaesthetized dog. Br. J. Pharmac, 66:235-240 (1979). 26. BELL, C. and LANG. W. J. - Evidence for dopaminergic vasodilator innervation of thc canine paw pad. Br. J. Pharmac, 67:337-343 (1979). 27. BELL, C. and LANG, W. J. - Histochemical and biochemical estimations of dopamine in postganglionic autonomic nerves, in Peripheral Dopaminergic Receptors, eds. J-L. Imbs and J. Schwartz, Pergamon, Oxford and New York: 45-49(1979). 28. SUNBHANICH, M. and NOTT, M. W. - Effects of Australian snake venoms on guinea- pig atria in vitro, in Neurotoxins: fundamental and clinical advances, eds. I. W. Chubb and L. B. Geffen, Adelaide University Union Press: 17(1979). 186 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. GOLDIE, R. - Interaction between steroids and catecholamines. 2. HOROWITZ, J. D. - Reactivity of an isolated brain preparation and its use to characterize the vasoaclivity of plasma proteins. 3. MAJEWSK.I, H. - Studies on local mechanisms controlling transmitter noradrenaline release. 4. MEDGETT, I. C. - Structure-activity relationships of a series of phenylimino- imidazolidines. 5. MILLER, R. C. - Comparative studies on myocardial and coronary responses to drugs. 6. PADANYI, R. G. - Studies on circulatory changes due to vasoactive agents and brain stimulation.

Master ofScience 7. EDDIE, G. A. - Studies on the involvement of histamine in centrally-elicited vasodilatation.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress COLE, H. - Mode of action ofantihypertensive drugs. EDDIE, G. A. - Actions ojhistamine in circulatory control. FINNIN, B. - Pharmacology of melatonin. LATIFF, A. A. - Conditional factors in administration of nicotine and related alkaloids. LEWIS, S. - Drugs of dependence and histaminergic mechanisms. MERICAN, Z. - Effects of levodopa and its metabolites on skeletal muscle and the cardio­ vascular system. QUINN, M. - Pharmacological characterization of endogenous opiate-like peptides. SARANTOS-LASKA, C. - Effects of nicotine on adrenergic neurotransmitter mechanisms. SIN, Y-O. - The role of prostaglandins in cutaneous nociception. SONGK.ITTIGUNA, P. -Cardiovascular pharmacology ofhydralazine. SUNBHANICH, M. - Pharmacodynamics ofbeta-adrenoceptor antagonists. TUNG, L-H. - Transmitter dynamics in relation to antihypertensive activity. VERBERNE, A. - Induction of. and biochemical correlates of, tolerance and physical dependence on ^-tetrahydrocannabinol in rats. WONG-DUSTING, H.- Studies in non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic autonomic nerves. WOODMAN, O. - Studies of the cardiovascular actions of dopamine.

MSc Theses in Progress CARMODY, D. - Adrenergic innervation ofthe lung. MASON, R. T. - Physiological mechanisms involved in experimental steroid-induced hyper­ tension. ONLEY, J. - Toxicology offoodadditives.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NHF: Modulation of cardiac and vasomotor sympathetic transmission. ARGC: Investigation ofthe neural pathways concerned in non-cholinergic vasodilatation. ATRF: Conditional factors concerned with nicotine as a reinforcer of behaviour. NH & MRC: Effects of levodopa on skeletal muscle contractions. NH & MRC: Mechanisms ofblood pressure control. NH & MRC: Physiological mechanisms involved in the regulation of peripheral autonomic transmitter release. NH & MRC: The role of cerebral and peripheral polyamines in normotensive, genetically hypertensive and experimentally hypertensive rats. NH & MRC: Induction of, and biochemical correlates of, tolerance and physical dependence on A'-tetrahydrocannabinol in rats. PHYSIOLOGY

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Coding of infonnation about changes in skin temperature in thc primate cutaneous nerve - 1. Darian-Smith, K. Johnson, P. Kenins. 2. Tactile spatial resolution and pattern recognition: psychophysical and peripheral neural studies-1. Darian-Smith, K. Johnson, A. Goodwin, J. Phillips, J. Morley,G. Lamb. 3. Single neuron activity in somatosensory cortex in the alert, attending monkey: responses to textured surfaces explored with thc fingers - 1. Darian-Smith, A. Goodwin, D. Kirk, F. Edwards. 4. Cutaneous mechanoreceptor transduction properties - K. Johnson, A. Freeman. 5. Isolation of inactive renin-S. L. Skinner, A. J. M. Stubbs,J. K. McKenzie. 6. Renin release from isolated glomeruli-J. K. McKenzie, S. L. Skinner. 7. Role of gastrointestinal tract peptides in renal and splanchnic blood flow - S. L. Skinner, J. M. Davis. 8. Micropuncture investigation of the effect of glucagon on renal function - J. M. Davis, L. L. Walker. 9. Involvement of tubuloglomerular feedback in salt and water homeostasis and in acute renal failure-J. M. Davis, L. L. Walker. 10. Lipoprotein metabolism by hepatocytes - T. G. Redgrave, L. Tilley. 11. Chylomicron catabolism in rats-T. G. Redgrave. 12. Size distributions of chylomicron suspensions-S. Bhattacharya, T. G. Redgrave. 13. Regulation of hepatic cholesterol synthesis-T. G. Redgrave. 14. Development of foetal pituitary and adrenal function - M. Wintour, D. Hennessy. 15. Foetal fluid and electrolyte balance- M. Wintour, J. Long. 16. Studiesof permeability of amnion in vitro-M. Wintour,J. Long. 17. The discharge behaviour of y-motoneurones-R. E. Kemm. 18. Physiological correlates of physical fitness-M. Chennells, I. Gillam, R. Telford. 19. Role of prostaglandins in atherogenesis-A. J. Day, S. P. Singh, F. A. Shamgar. 20. Effect of drugs on lipid turnover in arterial smooth muscle cells in culture - A. J. Day, K. Hudson. 21. Neurophysiological mechanisms in the basal ganglia-J. S. McKenzie, A. P. Bendrups,W. Kunzc. 22. Single neurone activity of the substantia nigra in experimental models of extrapyramidal motordisorders-J. S. McKenzie.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters uf Books 1. BELL, C. - Regulation of renal function by endogenous dopamine, in Peripheral Dopaminergic Receptors, ed. J.-L. Imbs and J. Schwartz, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 3: 381-385(1979). 2. BELL, C. and LANG, W. J. - Histochemical and biochemical estimations of dopamine in postganglionic autonomic ncn'es, in Peripheral Dopaminergic Receptors, ed. J.-L. Imbs and J. Schwartz, Pergamon Press. Oxford: 45-49 (1979). 3. COGHLAN, J. P., SCOGGINS, B. A. and WINTOUR, E. M.-Aldosterone, in Hormones in Blood. Volume 3, 3rd ed., ed. C. H. Gray and V. H. T. James, Academic Press, London: 494-583(1979). 4. SMALL, D. M., ATKINSON, D., REDGRAVE, T., SHIPLEY, G. G. and TALL, A. R. - A biophysical approach to cholesterol transport from tissues to bile, in Gall Stones, ed. M. M. Fisher, C. A. Goresky, E. A. Shaffer and S. M. Strasberg, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York: 113-129 (1979). Articles 5. BARKER-HEBERLEIN, M., KENINS, P., KJKILLUS, H., MEINCK, H. M., SCHOM- BERG, E. D. - Investigations on thc site of the central nervous action of the short acting hypnotic agent R-(+)-Ethyl-l-(a-Methyl-Benzyl) Imidazole-5-carbozylate (Etomidate) in cats. Anaesthesist, 28:78-84 (1979). 6. BELL, C. and McLACHLAN, E. M. - Dependence of DOCA-salt hypertension on the activity of adrenergic cardiac nerves. Clin. Sci., 57:203-210(1979). 7. BELL, C. and LANG, W. J. - Evidence for dopaminergic vasodilator innervation of the canine paw pad. Br.J. Pharmac, 67:337-343(1979).


8. BELL, C. and GILLESPIE, J. S. - Dopamine and noradrenaline levels in some peripheral tissues of several mammalian species./. Physiol. Lond., 296:99P(1979). 9. BRIGGS, C. A. and TELFORD, R. D. - Comparison of submaximal and maximal cardio­ respiratory responses utilizing air-braked ergometers and a treadmill. Aust. J. Sports Medicine, 11:5-8 (1979). 10. DARIAN-SMITH, I., JOHNSON, K. O., GOODWIN, A. W. - Posterior parietal cortex: Relations to unit activity to sensorimotor function. Ann. Rev. Phvsiol, 41:141-157 (1979). 11. DARIAN-SMITH, I., JOHNSON, K. O., LaMOTTE, C, SHIGENAGA, Y.. KENINS, P. and CHAMPNESS, P. - Warm fibers innervating palmar and digital skin ofthe monkey: Responses to Thermal stimuli./. Neurophysiol, 42:1297-1315 (1979). 12. DARIAN-SMITH, I., JOHNSON, K. O., LaMOTTE, C, KENINS, P., SHIGENAGA, Y., and VUN CHEE MING.-Coding of incremental changes in skin temperature by single warm fibers in the monkey. /. Neurophysiol, 42: 1316-1331 (1979). 13. HABERLE, D. A., DAVIS,J.M. and MAYER, G. - Production of micropcrfusion pipettes suitable for use with colourless solutions. Pfiiigers Arch., 376:191-192(1978). 14. HABERLE, D. A., SCH1FFL, H., MAYNER, G., DAVIS, J.M., HENNINGS, G. and REMBOLD, H. - Micropuncture studies on the renal handling of 2,4-diamino-6,7- dimethylpteridine. Naunvn-Schmiedeberg's Arch. Pharmacol, 306:281-293 (1979). 15. JOHNSON, K. O., DARIAN-SMITH, I., LaMOTTE, C, JOHNSON, B. and OLD- FIELD, S. - Coding of incremental changes in skin temperature by a population of warm fibers in the monkey: correlation with intensity discrimination in man. /. Neurophysiol, 42.1332-1353(1979). 16. KU NZE, W., McKENZIE, J. S. and BENDRUPS, A. P. - An electrophysiological study of thalamo-caudate neurones in the cat. Exp. Brain Res., 16:233-244 (1979). 17. KUNZE, W. A. A., McKENZIE, J. S. and BENDRUPS, A. P. - A new aspect of the collision test principle: cell body distance from recording site. Brain Res. Bull, 4: 867-870(1979). 18. REDGTIAVE, T. G. and CARLSON, L. A. - Changes in plasma very low density and low density lipoprotein content, composition and size after a fatty meal in normo- and hyper- triglyceridemic man. / Lipid Res., 20:217-229 (1979). 19. REDGRAVE, T. G. and SMALL, D. M. - Quantitation ofthe transfer of surface phospho­ lipid of chylomicrons to the high density lipoprotein fraction during the catabolism of chylomicrons in the rat./. Clin. Invest.,64:162-171 (1979). 20. TELFORD, R. D., BRIGGS, C. A. and CHENNELLS, M. H. D. - Cardiovascular fitness of untrained and trained Australian males and females. Aust. J. Sports Medicine, 10:59-66 (1978). 21. TELFORD, R. D., HOOPER, L. A. and CHENNELLS, M. H. D. - Calibration and comparison of air-braked and mechanically-braked bicycle ergometers. Aust. J. Sports Medicine, 11:\ 1-16(1979). 22. WINTOUR, E. M., BARNES, A., CAH1LL. F., HARDY, K.J., HORACEK, I. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Potassium: Aldosterone relationships in pregnant ewes and chronically cannulated ovine fetuses. Pediat. Res., 13:265-267 (1979). 23. ROBINSON, P. M., ROWE, E. J. and WINTOUR, E. M. - The Histogenesis ofthe Adrenal Cortex in the Foetal Sheep. Acta Endocrin. (Kbh), 91:134-149 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. CARSON, R. S. - The endocrine control of follicular maturation. Master ofScience 2. DAVIDSON, I. - The coding of texture in the discharge patterns ofa peripheral nerve. 3. LAMB, G. - The responses ofthe mechanoreceptors innervating the finger-lip to Braille­ like patterns moving laterally over the skin. 4. LINGWOOD, B. - Regulation of amniotic fluid volume and composition in the sheep.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BENDRUPS, A. P. - Caudate nucleus output mechanisms: influences ofthe medial thalamus. FREEMAN, A. W.- Transduction mechanisms of tactile mechanoreceptors. HENNESSY, D. - Foetalfluid and electrolyte balance. HUDSON, K. - The effect of hormones on atherosclerosis in the rabbit. LAMB, G. D. - Tactile discrimination of textured surfaces: peripheral neural coding. PHYSIOLOGY 189

PHILLIPS, J. - Tactile spatial resolution: A psychophysical and neurophysiological study. TELFORD, R. D. - Cardiorespiratory properties of trained and untrained subjects and the specificity of performance evaluation. MSc Theses in Progress BHATTACH ARYA, S. - The size distribution ofchylomicron suspensions. BROWN, A. - Thc influence ofthe embryo on the release of prostaglandin Pby the ovine uterus. GILLAM, I. H. - Variability ofthe bronchoconstrictor response lo repeated and prolonged exercise testing in asthmatics. KUNZE, W. A. - The study of the thalamic-hasalganglia neural interactions. MORLEY, J. - Functional organization of the postcentral gyrus of the monkey (macaca ncmistrina). STUBBS, A. J. M.- The glycoprotein nature of human renin.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NH & MRC: Role of prostaglandins in athcrogenesis. NH & MRC: Discharge behaviour of or-motoneuroncs. NH & MRC: Involvement of tuhuloglomcrular feedback in salt and water homeostasis. NH & MRC: Interactions between chylomicron remnants and the liver. NH & MRC: Neural determinants of somatic sensation in thc primate. NH & MRC: Primate Breeding Unit. National Heart Foundation: Regulation of cholesterol of metabolism by the nascent high density lipoproteins (H DL) formed from chylomicrons during their catabolism. National Heart Foundation: The physiology of the renin angiotensin system. 190 FACULTY OF MEDICINE


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Control of aldosterone secretion - J. R. Blair-West, A. Butkus, J. P. Coghlan, D. A. Denton, J. G. McDougall, B. A. Scoggins. 2. Steroid synthesis by isolated adrenal cells-A. Butkus, J. P. Coghlan. J. G. McDougall, B. A. Scoggins. 3. Foetal Physiology - K. J. Hardy, B. A. Scoggins, E. M. Wintour. 4. The metabolism of angiotensin-J. P. Coghlan, D. T. W. Fei. B. A. Scoggins, G. W. Tregear. 5. Regulation of antidiuretic hormone and the renal excretion of sodium and water during changes in body fluid balance - D. A. Denton, L. G. Lckscll, M. J. McKinley, R. S. Wcisinger. 6. Hypothalamic control of salt and water balance - D. A. Denton, L. G. Lekscll, M. J. McKinley, R. S. Weisinger. 7. Factors influencing salt appetite in sodium deficiency - D. A. Denton, L. G. Lcksell, M. J. McKinley, J. F. Nelson, E. Tarjan. R. S. Wcisinger. 8. Hormonal control of salt appetite during pregnancy and lactation - D. A. Denton, J. F. Nelson, E. Tarjan. 9. Phosphate appetite in phosphorous deficiency-D. A. Denton, J. F. Nelson. 10. Deficiencies in nutrient factors including trace elements in cattle - J. R. Blair-West, D. A. Denton. 11. Thc control of electrolyte secretion in parotid saliva - J. R. Blair-West, J. F. Nelson, R. D. Wright. 12. Renal and adrenal morphology in salt deficiency - A. Butkus, J. P. Coghlan, P. Hill, J. G. McDougall, G. B. Ryan, B. A. Scoggins. 13. Characteristics of male infertility- H. W. G. Baker, B. Hudson. 14. Purification of inhibin - H. W. G. Baker, L. W. Eddie, R. E. Higginson, B. Hudson, H. D. Niall. 15. Steroid sex hormones in health and disease - B. Hudson, A. Mirovics. 16. The mechanism of ACTH and adrenal hypertension - J. P. Coghlan, D. A. Denton, B. A. Scoggins, J. A. Whitworth. 17. Renal hypertension - J. P. Coghlan, D. A. Denton, J. G. McDougall, B. A. Scoggins, R. D. Wright. 18. Synthesis of human chorionic gonadotrophin peptides for the study of immunological regulation ofhuman fertility-H. D. Niall.G. W. Tregear. 19. Isolation and sequence determination of relaxin - M. John, H. D. Niall, J. R. Walsh. 20. Synthesis of porcine relaxin and its structural analogues-B. E. Kemp, D. B. Scanlon, G. W. Tregear. 21. Studies on gene coding for relaxin-J. D. Haley, P. J. Hudson, H. D. Niall. 22. Synthetic peptide substrates for muscle protein kinases-E. M. Algar, B. E. Kemp. 23. Development of improved methodologies for solid phase synthesis of peptides - D. B. Scanlon, G. W. Tregear. 24. The measurement and pharmacokinetics of psychotropic drugs - G. D. Burrows, B. A. Scoggins. 25. Regulation of renin and ADH on renal sodium handling during dehydration and re-hydration-J. R. Blair-West, A. Gibson.


Chapters of Books 1. HUDSON, B. and BURGER, H. G. - Phvsioloev and Function ofthe Testes, in Human Reproductive Physiologv,2nd ed., ed. R.P. Shearman, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford: 73-96(1979). " 2. NIALL, H. D„ BRADSHAW, R. A., BRYANT-GREENWOOD., G. D. - Relaxin: An Insulin-Related Growth Factor, in Transmembrane Signalling: Progress in Clinical and Biological Research, Vol. 31, eds. M. Bitcnsky, R. J. Collier, D. F. Steincr and C. F. Fox, A. R. Lis, Inc. New York: 651 -658 (1979). 3. COGHLAN, J. P., SCOGGINS, B. A., WINTOUR, E. M. - Aldosterone, in Hormones in Blood, Vol. 3, eds. C. H. Gray and V.H.T. James, Academic Press, New York: 493-609 (1979). HOWARD FLOREY INSTITUTE 191

Articles 4. WINTOUR, E. M., BARNES, A., BROWN, E. H., HARDY, K. J., HORACEK., I. and McDOUGALL, J. G. - Regulation of Amniotic Fluid Volume and Composition in the Ovine Fetus. Obstets. & Gvnecol, 56(6): 689-693 (1978). 5. WHITWORTH, J. A.,' COGHLAN, J. P., DENTON, D. A., FAN, J. S. K., McDOUGALL, J. G. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Exaggerated Natriuresis in ACTH Hyper­ tension in Sheep. Nephron. 22:473-478 (1978). 6. FAN, J. S. K., COGHLAN, J. P., DENTON, D. A., SCOGGINS, B. A. and WHIT­ WORTH, J. A. - Blood Pressure and Metabolic Effect of ACTH in Anephric Sheep. Clin. Exp. Pharm. & Phvsiol.. 5(6): 673-677 (1978). 7. DENTON, D. A.,' NELSON, J. F. - The Control of Salt Appetite in Wild Rabbits during Lactation. Endocrinol.. 103:1880-1887(1978). 8. BURROWS, G. D., DAVIES, B., NORMAN, T., MAGUIRE, K. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Should Plasma Level Monitoring of Tricyclic Antidepressants be introduced in Clinical Practice? Communications in Psvchopharmacologv, 2:393-408 (1978). 9. KEUTMANN, H. T„ HENDY', G. N., BOEHNERT, M„ NIALL, H. D., O'RIORDAN, J. L. and POTTS, Jr., J. T. - Chemistry' of Human Parathyroid Hormone: The Carboxyl Terminus. Calcified Tissue Research. 22(Suppi): 472-476 (1977). 10. NORMAN, T. R., BURROWS, G. D., SCOGGINS, B. A. and DAVIES, B. - Pharmaco­ kinetics and Plasma Levels on Anti-Depressants in the Elderly. Med. J. Austr., 1:273-274 (1978) . 11. FEI, D. T.. COGHLAN, J. P., FERNLEY, R. T. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Blood Clearance Rates of Angiotensin II and its Metabolites in Sheep: Presence of Immuno-Reactive Fragments in Arterial Blood. Clin. Exp. Pharm. & Phvsiol, 6:129-137 (1979). 12. RYAN, G. B., COGHLAN, J. P.\ and SCOGGINS, B.A. - The Granulated Peripolar Epithelial Cell: A Potential Secretory Component ofthe Renal Juxtaglomerular Complex. Nature, 277:655-656 (1979). 13. HENDY, G. N., MANNING, R. M.. ROSENBLATT, M., TREGEAR, G. W., KEUT­ MANN, H. T. and O'RIORDAN, J. L. H. - Immunological Properties of Svnthetic Human Parathyroid Hormone 53-84 Fragment. / Endocr., 80:153-155(1979). 14. DEMOULIN, A., HUDSON, B., LEGROS., J.J. and FRANCHIMONT, P. - Influence D'un Extrait dc Glandes Pineales Ovines sur la Liberation de Prolactine in vitro. CR. Acad. Sci. (Paris), 77/. 1134-1140(1977). 15. BURROWS, G. D., DAVIES, B. and SCOGGINS, B.A. - Plasma Amitriptyline and Clinical Effect. Lancet.I (8062): 497(1978). 16. BURROWS, G. D., DAVIES, B., MAGUIRE. K. P., NORMAN, T. R., SCOGGINS, B. A., HULLIN, R. P. and BURCH, J. - Interlaboratory Comparison of Nortriptyline Levels. Biomedical Medicine, 20:125-127 (1978). 17. WHITWORTH, J. A., COGHLAN, J. P., DENTON, D. A., GRAHAM, W. F., HUMPHERY, T. J. and SCOGGINS, B. A. -Comparison ofthe Effects of'Glucocorticoid' and 'Mincralocorticoid' Infusions on Blood Pressure in Sheep. Clin. and Exper. Hvper- lension.,/. 649-663 (1979). 18. WHITWORTH, J. A., COGHLAN. J. P., DENTON, D. A., FAN, J. S. K. and SCOG­ GINS, B. A. - Effect of Sodium Loading and ACTH on Blood Pressure with Reduced Renal Mass. Cardiovascular Res.,/J. 9-15 (1979). 19. BLAIR-WEST, J. R., COGHLAN. J. P., DENTON, D. A., HARDY, K. J.. SCOGGINS, B. A. and WRIGHT, R. D. - Effect of Adrenal Arterial Infusion of PII3 (SAR'ALA8Angio- tensin II) on Aldosterone Secretion in Sodium-Deficient Sheep. American J. Phvs., 236(4): F333-F341 (1979). 20. COGHLAN, J. P., BLAIR-WEST, J. R., DENTON, D. A., FEI, D. T., FERNLEY, R. T., HARDY, K. J., McDOUGALL, J. G., PUY, R., ROBINSON, P. M., SCOGGINS, B. A. and WRIGHT, R. D. - Control of Aldosterone Secretion. /. Endocrinol., 81: 55P-68P (1979) . 21. McKINLEY, M.J., DENTON, D. A., HATZIKOSTAS, S. and WEISINGER, R. S. - Effect of Angiotensin II on Parotid Saliva Secretion in Conscious Sheep. Amer. J. Phvsiologv., 237( 1): E56-E60 (1979). 22. WEISINGER, R. S., CONSIDINE, P., DENTON, D. A., McKINLEY, M. J. and MOUW, D. - Rapid Effect of Change of Cerebrospinal Fluid Sodium Concentration on Salt Appetite. Nature.280:490-491 (1979). 23. EDDIE, L. W., BAKER. H. W. G., H1GGINSON, R. E. and HUDSON, B. - A Bioassay for Inhibin using Pituitarv Cell Cultures. /. Endocrinol, S/. 49-60 (1979). 24. BLAIR-WEST, J. R., BROOK, A. H., GIBSON, A., MORRIS, M. and PULLAN, P. T. - Renin, Antidiuretic Hormone and the Kidney in Water Restriction and Rehydration. /. Phvsiol.. 294:181-193 (1979). 25. ROBINSON, P. M., ROWE, E. J. and WINTOUR, E. M. - The Histogenesis ofthe Adrenal Cortex in the Foetal Sheep. Acta Endocrinol. 91:134-149 (1979). 192 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

26. COGHLAN, J. P., BUTKUS, A., DENTON, D. A., McDOUGALL, J. G., SCOGGINS, B. A. and WHITWORTH, J. A. - Blood Pressure and Metabolic Effects of 9-a-Fluoro- hydrocortisone in Sheep. Clin. & Exp. Hypertension, 1(59): 629-648 (1979). 27. WINTOUR, E. M., BARNES, A., CAHILL, F., HARDY, K. J., HORACEK, I. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Potassium: Aldosterone Relationships in Pregnant Ewes and Chronically Cannulated uvine Fetuses. Peel. Pes., 13:265-267 (1979). 28. HUDSON, B., BAKER, H. W. G., EDDIE, L. W., H1GGINSON, R. E., BURGER, H. G., dc KRETSER, D. M., DOBOS, M. and LEE, V. W. K. - Bioassays for Inhibin : a Critical Review. J. Reprod Perl. Suppl.. 26:17-29 (1979). 29. BAKER, H. W. G., STRAFFRON, W. G. E., MURPHY, G., DAVIDSON, A., BURGER, H. G. and de KRETSER, D. M. - Prostatitis and Male Infertility : a Pilot Study. Possible Increase in Sperm Motility with Antibacterial Chemotherapy. Int. J. Androi. 2: 193-201 (1979). 30. NIALL, H. D. and TREGEAR, G. W. - Peptide Hormone Analogues : Improving on Nature. New Eng. J. Med., 301:940-941 (1979). 31. FERNLEY, R. T., WRIGHT, R. D. and COGHLAN, J. P. - A Novel Carbonic Anhydrase from thc Ovine Parotid Gland. FEBSletters. 105(2): 299-302(1979). 32. WHITWORTH, J. A., COGHLAN, J. P., DENTON, D. A., FAN, J. S. K., HUMPHERY, T. J.. McDOUGALL. J. G. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Effect of ACTH and Adrenal Cortico­ steroids on Renal Function in Sheep. Renal Phvsiol.. 7.-275-282 (1979). 33. McNEIL, J.J., ANDERSON, A., CHRISTOPHIDIS, N., MENDELSOHN, F. A. O., COGHLAN, J. and LOUIS, W. J. - Comparison of Captopril and Hydrochlorothiazide in the Treatment of Moderate Hypertension. Med../. Aust. (Spec! Supp.) (2): 22-24 (1979). 34. BELL, J.B.G., HYATT, P.J., McDOUGALL, J. G., -TAIT, J. F., TAIT, S. A. S. and WILLIAMS, B. C. - Properties of Dispersed Cells from Rat Adrenals. / Steroid Biochem.. II: 169-174 (1979). 35. WILLIAMS, B. C, McDOUGALL, J. G., HYATT, P. J., BELL, J. B. G., TAIT, S. A. S. and TAIT, J. F. - Purification of Dispersed Rat Adrenal Cells by Column Filtration. / Endocr.. 81:109P-110P(1979). 36. McDOUGALL, J. G., WILLIAMS, B. C, HYATT, P. J., BELL, J. B. G., TAIT, S. A. S. and TAIT, J. F. - Purification of Dispersed Rat Adrenal Cells by Column Filtration. Proc. of the Roval Societv of London. Series B. 206:15-32 (1979). 37. BUTKUS, A., COGHLAN, J. P., DENTON, D. A., GRAHAM, W. F., HUMPHERY, T. J., SCOGGINS, B. A. and WHITWORTH, J. A. - Adrenocortical Steroid Hormones in Production on Hypertension in Sheep. / Steroid Biochem. 11:1021-1026 (1979). 38. WEISS, M., ODDIE, C. J. and McCANCE, 1. - The Effects of ACTH on Adrenal Steroido­ genesis and Blood Corticosteroid Levels in the Echidna Tachyglossus Aculeatus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 64 (1B): 65-70 (1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Doctor of Philosophy 1. EDDIE, L. W. - Studies in the regulation of gonadotrophin secretion.


PhD Thesis in Progress HUMPHERY, T. J. - Experimental hypertension in sheep. MSc Theses in Progress GRAHAM, W. F. - Mechanisms of steroid induced hypertension. LINGWOOD, B. - Regulation of amniotic fluid volume and composition. MASON, R. T. - Mechanisms of action of steroid hormones on the circulation.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NH&MRC: Institute Grant. State Government of Victoria: Institute Grant. National Heart Foundation: Angiotensin Metabolism and ACTH Hypertension. HOWARD FLOREY INSTITUTE 193

World Health Organisation: Peptide Chemistry Research and Reproductive Research. Ford Foundation: Reproductive Endocrinology. National Institute ofChild Health and Human Development. N.I.H. (USA): Chemical Studies of Relaxin and its Receptors. Muscular Dystrophy Association: Synthetic Peptide Substrates for Muscle Protein Kinases. Clendon Investment Pty. Ltd.: Grant in Aid. Thc Ian Potter Foundation Ltd.: Grant in Aid. Department ofScience (Queen Elizabeth Fellowship Committee): Fellowship Grant. Howard Florey Biomedical Foundation (USA): Grant in Aid. J. & R. Mc Gauran Trust Fund: Hypertension. H. & L. Hecht Trust: Grant in Aid. National Bank of A'asia Ltd.: Grant in Aid. Commonwealth Trading Bank: Grant in Aid. Estate of thc late Mr. J. F. Hughes: Grant in Aid. Percy Baxter Trust: Grant in Aid. 194 FACULTY OF MEDICINE



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Studies of mother-infant interraction. 2. Studies of cortical evoked potentials in mental illness. 3. Hysteria-Janet's hypothesis. 4. The cerebral effects of tobacco smoking. 5. Psychological aspects of hypertension. 6. Seasonal variation in suicidal behaviour. 7. Phenomenological aspects of psychotherapy. 8. EEG studies of sleep. 9. A study of "psychogenic pain".

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books 1. MEARES, R. - A unifying view of psychosomatic illness, in R. Gaind, ed., Current Themes in Psychiatry, Vol. 3, MacMillan, London (1979). 2. MEARES, R. - "The Secret", in P. Whitten, cd., Psvchotherapv: Current Perspectives, Franklin Watts, N.Y. (1979). Articles 3. FRIEDMAN, J. and MEARES, R. - Cortical evoked potentials and extroversion. Psychosom. Med,41 (4): 279-286 (1979). 4. FRIEDMAN, J. and MEARES, R. - The effect of placebo and tricyclic antidepressants on cortical evoked potentials in depressed patients. Biol. Psychol, 8:291 -302 (1979). 5. FRIEDMAN. J. and MEARES, R. - Cortical evoked potentials and severity of depression. Amer. J. Psychiat., 136:1218-1220 (1979). 6. FRIEDMAN, J. and MEARES, R. - The menstrual cycle and habituation. Psvchosom. Med,41 (5):369-38\ (1979). 7. HORVATH, T. and MEARES, R. - The sensory filter in schizophrenia: A study of habituation, arousal and the dopamine hypothesis. Brit. J. Psychiat., 134:39-45 (1979).

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Australian Tobacco Research Foundation: A study of the effect of tobacco smoking on an individual's interrelationship with his sensory and social environment. Mental Health Research Foundation: Sensory Input Regulation and "Psychogenic Pain". Medical Research Committee for Funds Specified for Restricted Purposes: Sensory Input and "Psychogenic Pain".


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. The effect of lithium on platelet monoamine oxidase-B. M. Davies. 2. Premenstrual tension -L. Dennerstein,G. D. Burrows, B. M. Davies. 3. Sexual side effects of antidepressants -L. Dennerstein,G. D. Burrows, R. Stanley. 4. Hirsutism - Psychological and endocrinological aspects - L. Dcnnerstein, A. Callan, G. D. Burrows. 5. Sexual knowledge and attitudes of medical students - L. Dennerstein, R. Stanley, G. D. Burrows. 6. Lithium effects on psychomotor and perceptual functions-D. J. deL. Home. 7. Obsessive compulsive disorders-D. J. deL. Home. PSYCHIATRY 195

8. Imagery in anxiety and depression - D. J. deL. Home. 9. Cognitive changes in Huntington's disease - D. J. deL. Home. 10. Psychological responses of women with breast cancer- D. J. deL. Home. 11. Pharmacokinetics of psychotropic drugs - G. D. Burrows, B. M. Davies. 12. Cardiological effects of antidepressants-G. D. Burrows, B. M. Davies. 13. Measurement of psychotropic drugs by gas liquid chromatography, mass fragmentography and radioimmunoassay-G. D. Burrows, B. M. Davies. 14. The use of the blood platelet as a model for serotonergic neurones - T. R. Norman, G. D. Burrows. 15. Establishment of a register of Huntington's Disease throughout Australia - E. Chiu. B. Teltscher. 16. Huntington's Disease: Measurement of the degree of knowledge of patients who arc 50% at risk of the disease and their attitude towards the predictive tests - B. Teltscher. 17. Biofcedbackandanxietystates-G. D. Burrows. 18. Psychological control of pain-G. D. Burrows. 19. Hypnosis in dentistry-G. D. Burrows. 20. Hypnotizability and phobic disorders-G. D. Burrows.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. BURROWS, G. D., COLLISON, D. R. and DENNERSTEIN. L., eds. - Hypnosis 1979. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine, Melbourne, Australia, 19-24 August, 1979, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam (1979). 2. DENNERSTEIN, L., BURROWS, G. D. and MACOURT, D., eds. - Obstetrics. Gynae­ cology and Psychiatry, 1979. Proceedings ofthe 6th Annual Congress ofthe Australian Society for Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, York Press, Melbourne (1979). Chapters of Books 3. BURROWS, G. D. - Training in Clinical Psychopharmacology, in Training in Psycho­ pharmacology and Use of Psychotropic Drugs, Psychotropic Drug Committee of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, Erik Jorgensen Pty. Ltd., Sydney: 23-28(1979). 4. BURROWS, G. D. - Personality of a Doctor: And Psychiatric Illness, in Dennerstcin, L., Burrows, G. D. and Macourt, D., eds.. Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Psychiatry 1979, York Press: 79-89 (1979). 5. DENNERSTEIN, L., BURROWS, G. D. and WOOD, C. - Psychoendocrinology of the Menopause, in Denncrstein, L., Burrows. G. D. and Macourt, D., eds., Obstetrics, Gynae­ cology and Psychiatry 1979. York Press: 59-64 (1979). 6. ELTON, D., BURROWS, G. D. and STANLEY, G. V. - Hypnosis in thc management of chronic pain, in Burrows, G. D., Collison, D. R. and Dennerstein, L., eds.. Hypnosis 1979, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam: 113-120(1979). 7. FOENANDER, G. and BURROWS, G. D. - Bilateral EEG Alpha Activity in Hypnosis, in Burrows, G. D., Collison, D. R. and Dennerstein, L., eds., Hypnosis 1979, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam: 319-333 (1979). 8. GERSCHMAN, J., BURROWS, G. D., READE, P. and FOENANDER, G. - Hypnotiz­ ability and the treatment of dental phobic illness, in Burrows, G. D., Collison, D. R. and Dennerstein, L., eds., Hypnosis 1979, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam: 33-39 (1979). 9. HORNE, D. J. deL. and BAILLIE, J. - Imagery differences between anxious and depressed patients, in Burrows, G. D., Collison, D. R. and Dennerstein, L., eds.. Hypnosis 1979, Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam: 55-62 (1979). Articles 10. BRACKENRIDGE, C. J. - Relationship between the ABO blood group system and some obstetrics factors. J. Biosoc.Sci., 77. 3-9 (1979). 11. BURROWS, G. D., DAVIES, B., HAMER, A. and VOHRA, J. - Effect of mianserin on cardiac conduction. Med. J. Aust., 2:97-98 (1979). 12. BURROWS, G. D. - Which antidepressant? Current Therapeutics, 20:83-89 (1979). 13. BURROWS, G. D. and DENNERSTEIN, L. - Teaching hypnosis. Aust. J. Clin. Pxp. Hypnosis (1979). 14. BURROWS, G. D., NORMAN, T.R., MAGUIRE, K. P., SCOGGINS, B. A. and DAVIES, B. M. - Plasma level measurement of antidepressant drugs. Aust. J. Pharmacol. Sci., 7:32(1979). 196 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

15. CHIU, E. - Notes on the management of Huntington's Disease. Ausi. Fam. Phvsician, 8: 197-199(1979). 16. DAVIES, B. - Treatment of anxiety symptoms in General Practice. Current Therapeutics, August: 47-59(1979). 17. DENNERSTEIN, L. and BURROWS. G. D. - Affect and the menstrual cvcle. .1. Atfcetive Dis.. /. 77-92(1979). 18. DENNERSTEIN, L., BURROWS, G. D., HYMAN, G. and SHARPE, K. - Hormone therapy and affect. Maturitas, 1:247-259 (1979). 19. DENNERSTEIN, L. and BURROWS, G. D. - Changes in sexual desire during menstrual cycle. Medical Aspects of Human Sexualitv, August: 13(1979). 20. DENNERSTEIN, L. and BURROWS, G. D. - Psychosexual dysfunction: Therapy approaches. Aust. J. Clin. Exp. Hvpnosis: 235-245 (1979). 21. DENNERSTEIN, L. and BURROWS, G. D. - The role of hypnosis in thc management of psychosexual dysfunction. Aust. J. Clin. Exp. Hvpnosis: 247-252 (1979). 22. DENNERSTEIN, L, BURROWS. G. D., HYMAN. G. and SHARPE. K. - Some clinical effects of oestrogen-progesterone therapy in surgically castrated women. Maturitas, 2: 19-28(1979). 23. ELTON, D., BURROWS, G. D. and STANLEY, G. V. - Clinical measurement of pain. Med.J.Aust. 1:109-111 (1979). 24. ELTON, D., BURROWS, G. D. and STANLEY, G. V. - A multidimensional approach to the assessment of pain. Aust. J. Phvsiolher., 25:33-37 (1979). 25. ELTON, D.,BURROWS, G. D. and STANLEY, G. V.-Management of mother's clinical pain by behavioural modification of her child's disruptive behaviour. Behaviour Ther. & Exp. Psvchiat., 10:3 (1979). 26. FULTON, A. and BURROWS, G. D. - The use of radioligand/reccptor binding in Fluphenazine Assay. Aust. J. Pharmacol. Sci., 1. 31 (1979). 27. HAMER, A., VOHRA, J., SLOMAN, J. G.. BURROWS, G. D. and DAVIES. B. M. - Mianserin and intracardiac conduction. 1RCSMedical Science, 7:220 (1979). 28. HORNE, D. J. deL. - Large 'small' groups their place in higher education. Med. Educ, 13: 242-246(1979). 29. KINCAID-SMITH, P., BURROWS, G. D., DAVIES, B. M., HOLWILL, B., WALTER, M. and WALKER, R. G. - Renal-Biopsy findings in Lithium and Pre-Lithium patients. Lancet, II: 700-701 (1979). 30. NORMAN, T. R., BURROWS, G. D., MAGUIRE, K. P., McINTYRE, I. M. and WURM, J. M. E. - Routine measurement of antidepressant drugs in plasma. R.M.H. Board of Medical Research and Post-Graduale Education Symposium, December (\979). 31. NORMAN, T.R., BURROWS, G. D., DAVIES, B. M. and WURM, J. M.E. - Deter­ mination of viloxazine in plasma by glc. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 8:169-171(1979). 32. NORMAN, T.R., BURROWS. G. D., MAGUIRE, K. P. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Amitriptyline plasma levels and clinical response. Br. Med. J., I. 894(1979). 33. NORMAN, T. R.. BURROWS, G. D., SCOGGINS, B. A. and DAVIES, B. M. - Pharma­ cokinetics and plasma levels of antidepressants in thc elderly. Med. J. Aust.. 1: 273-274 (1979). 34. PROPERT, D. N. - Pseudocholinesterase activity and phenotypes in mentally ill patients. Brit. J. Psychiat., 7i4:477-481 (1979). 35. PROPERT, D. N. - Distribution of /^-glycoprotein 1 phenotypes and levels in Down's syndrome and mental retardation. Aust. J. Mental Retardation, 5:231-239 (1979). 36. SMITH, J. A., BRANTON, L. J., GLASS, R. and BURROWS, G. D. - The red blood cell lithium/plasma lithium ratio. Med. J. Aust., 1:611 -632 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. DENNERSTEIN, L. - Hormones, Affect and Sexuality. Master ofScience 2. SHAW, J. M.- The Uses of Rating Scales in Studies of Depression. 3. WARYSZAK, R. Z. - Community adjustment ofpost-hospitalized psychiatric patients.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress BRANTON, L. J. - The Physiology of Hypothalamic Releasing Hormones in Affective Disorders. PSYCHIATRY 197

MA Thesis in Progress FAIR, F. - The effects of a cognitive and a somatic treatment on the cognitive and somatic component of anxiety: a clinical study. MSc Theses in Progress CHAMBERLAIN, K. G. - Studies on Lithium and Monoamine Oxidase. CUMMI NS, P. D. - Aspects of psychiatric evidence in legal trials. HYMAN, G. J. - Factors in the management of tobacco smoking behaviour. JACOBS, P. A. - Lithium and electrolytes in manic depressive disorder. McCORMACK. H. M. - Psychological aspects of Huntington's Disease. McINTYRE, I. M, - A pharmacokinetic investigation of Nomifensine. POWLETT, V. - Relaxation Therapy. Hypnosis and Biofeedback in the Treatment of Hypertension. STANLEY, R. O. - Relationship of physiological to subjective changes associated with the use of imagery in the behavioural treatment of anxiety. WURM, J. M. E. - The measurement of Antidepressants by Gas Liquid Chromatography.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED A grant has been received as follows: NH & MRC: The measurement of drugs and biogenic amines by physicochemical techniques and biological studies in affective illness.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Retrospective survey of head injured patients attending a general hospital, 1962-1975 - R. Ball. 2. Prospective study of head injured patients attending a general hospital in 1980 from admission through the first two years of follow up - R. Ball. 3. Retrospective study of patients with stomata to assess psychosocial consequences of such therapy-R. Ball. 4. Prospective study using matched control patients, patients who may require stomal therapy in the early stages of disease, through the period of commitment to surgery', or otherwise, and the subsequent adjustment- R. Ball. 5. A biological approach to selfinjury-I. H. Jones. 6. Non verbal aspects of psychiatric states-I. H. Jones. 7. Date of birth in schizophrenia-1. H.Jones. 8. Genital exhibitionism-1. H.Jones. 9. Huntington's Disease (a) Cytogenetic Studies with Sister Chromatid Exchange technique - E. Chiu, O. M. Garson. (b) Development of a state based national register- B. Teltscher, E. Chiu. (c) Dermatoglyphics-E. Chiu. (d) Attitude towards predictive tests-B. Teltscher. (c) Epidemiology-E. Chiu, B. Teltscher. (f) Establishment ofa Huntington's Disease Care Centre-E. Chiu, B. Teltscher. 10. Propanolol in thc treatment of chronic schizophrenia-E. Chiu. 11. Control trial of Nomifensine in depression - E. Chiu. 12. Sister chromatid exchange in lithium therapy-E. Chiu, O. M. Garson. 13. Psychosocial sequelae ofclosed head injury-R. Ball, E. Chiu.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. THOMPSON, M. G., BALL, J. R. B., and others - A Resident's Guide to Psychiatric Education, Plenum Medical Book Co., New York (1979). 198 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

Articles 2. ARMSTRONG, H. E. and TAN, E. S. - Behavioural self-analysis in the medical curriculum: A comparison of Malaysian and American experiences. Med. Educ., 13: 99-102(1979). 3. BALL. J. R. B. — Aggression: Some Psvchiatric Asrw.R Aust I nf Forensic Sri 17 (}): 30-39(1979). 4. JONES, I. H. - A Biological approach to two forms of human self injury. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis.,167(2): 74-78 (1979). 5. JONES, I. H. - Some nonverbal aspects of depression and schizophrenia occurring during interview. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., 167(1): 402-409 (1979). 6. JONES, I. H. - Seasonal births in schizophrenia. Acta Psvchiat. Scand, 59:164-172 (1979). 7. JONES, 1. H. - Exhibitionism - A biological hypothesis. Br. J. Med. Psvchol., 52: 63-70 (1979).

THESIS IN PROGRESS MD Thesis in Progress CHIU. E. -Aspects of Huntington's Disease.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NH & MRC: Towards the establishment of an Australia-wide Huntington's Disease Register. Funds specified for restricted purposes: Cytogenetic study of Lithium Therapy. RADIOLOGY

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Diagnostic yields from CT-B. M. Tress. 2. Morphology of the foetal pyelogram-W. S. C. Hare. 3. Fluid intake of patients presenting for 1VP-W. S. C. Hare. 4. Factors affecting the radionuclide uptake of bone tumours and their detection by imaging investigations-R. S. Budd. 5. Audio-visual systems in teaching Radiology-W. S. C. Hare. 6. Evaluation of soluble oral cholecystographic media for demonstrating the common bile duct-P. A. J. Ross. 7. Patients' reaction to Amipaque myelography-B. M. Tress. 8. Therapeutic embolisation of blood vessels-B. M. Tress. 9. Dissolving ureteric stones- VV. S. C. Hare. 10. Balloon dilatation of arteries- D. B. Robertson.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapter of Book 1. ACTON, C. and DREW, J. H. - Vesico ureteric reflux in thc neo natal period, in Reflux Nephropathy (Chap. 7), ed. J. Hodson and P. Kincaid-Smith, Mason Publishing, USA (1979). Articles 2. PTASZNIK, J. and TRESS, B. M. - Arteriovenous malformation involving the galenic system. Diagnostic Imaging, 45:269-274(1979). 3. HARE, W. S. C. and TRESS, B. M. - CT in dementia, epilepsy and non-specific neuro­ logical symptoms without signs: is there a place for radionuclide scanning? Med. J. Aust., I: 453-454(1979). 4. TRESS, B. M. and DAVIS, S. - Computed tomography of intracerebral toruloma. Neuro­ radiology, 17:223-226 (1979). 5. DAVIS. S., TRESS. B., and KING, J. - Primary empty sella syndrome and benign intra­ cranial hypertension. Clin. and Exper. Neurology, 75:248-257 (1978). 6. MARTIN, J. and SEPHTON, R. - Gallium - 67 scanning in thc malignant lymphomas. Aust. Radiol, 22(4): 340-345 (December 1978). 7. GILFORD, E., KWIATKOWSKI, A. and LAVOIRPIERRE, A. - Radiological features of two cases of renal oncocytoma. Aust. Radio!, 23(2): 124-126 (July 1979).

THESIS IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress BUDD. R. S. - Factors affecting the radionuclide uptake of bone tumours and their detection by imaging investigations.





AUSTIN HOSPITAL 1. Ontogeny of ovine foetal gut-brain peptides-A. Shulkes, K. J. Hardy. 2. Distribution and function of peptide hormones in gut and brain-A. Shulkes, K. J. Hardy. 3. Ontogeny of sheep foetal bile acids- K. J. Hardy, R. SmaUwood. 4. Gastric plication for obesity-A. R. McLeish, R. Allen. 5. Frequency of gastric stump carcinoma - D. Stephens. 6. Intra-extracranial anastromosis for stroke-J. M. Woodward, J. Royle. 7. Surgery for imminent stroke-J. Royle. 8. Assessment of coronary artery bypass surgery' -B. Buxton. 9. Bladder injury after spinal cord transection - D. Burke. 10. Natural history of paraosteoarthropathy-J. Robin. 11. Microvascular tissue transfer in spinal injuries-G. Sormann,J. Buntine. 12. Regulation and control of amniotic fluid-M. Wintour, K. J. Hardy, J. Coghlan. 13. Control of foetal sheep steroid secretion - M. Wintour, K. J. Hardy, J. Coghlan.

REPATRIATION GENERAL HOSPITAL 1. Assessment of risk factors before surgery - G. Kune. 2. Assessment of immune status before surgery -G. Kune. 3. Genetic aspects of gastrointestinal cancers - G. Kune, S. Kune, M. Eastman, A. Sali. 4. Epidemiological study of pancreas cancer in Australia -G. Kune, S. Kune, M. Eastman, A. Sali. 5. Epidemiological study of colorectal cancer in Melbourne-G. Kune, S. Kune, M. Eastman, A. Sali. 6. Dietary history methodology in colorectal cancers - G. Kune, S. Kune, M. Eastman, A. Sali. 7. Epidemiology and bacteriology of surgical wound infection -G. Kune, L. Street, T. Chan, C. Leinkram, T. Jones. 8. Delayed hypersensitivity skin tests and postoperative infections - G. Kune, L. Street, T. Chan, C. Leinkram, T. Jones. 9. Antibiotic use in elective biliary surgery - G. Kune, L. Street, T. Chan, C. Leinkram, T. Jones. 10. Gallstone dissolution with chenodeoxycholic acid -A. Sali, J. Iser, W. Donohue. 11. Metabolic studies on citrate excretion in bile-A. Sali, J. iser, W. Donohue. 12. In vitro dissolution of calcified gallstones-A. Sali, J. Iser, W. Donohue. 13. Methods of treatment of residual bile duct stones-A. Sali, J. Iser,W. Donohue. 14. A dietary survey of gallstone patients-A. Sali, M. A. Holt. 15. Dietary fibre estimation of Australian foods- A. Sali, M. A. Holt. 16. Bran in the treatment of haemorrhoids-A. Sali,M. A. Holt. 17. The dietary habits ofMelbourne school children - A. Sali, M. A. Holt. 18. Football injuries in thc Victorian Football League - A. Sali, G. Kune, G. Dicker, D. McColl. 19. A health study of veteran footballers-A. Sali,G. Kune,G. Dicker, D. McColl. 20. Intestinal alkaline phosphatase studies-A. Sali,G. Kune, M. Chandler. 21. An enzymatic urinary oxalate assay-A. Sali, G. Kune, M. Chandler. 22. Comparison of abdominal untrasound and computed tomographic scanning of the abdomen - A. Sali, G. Kune, M. Chandler. SURGERY (AUSTIN AND REPAT. GEN. HOSPS.) 201

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. BURKE, D. C. and MURRAY, D. - Die Behandlung Ruckenmark-verlemer, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York (1979).

Chapter of Book 2. BLAIR-WEST, J. R., COGHLAN, J. P.. DENTON, D. A., HARDY, K. J., NIALL, H., SCOGGINS, B. A., TREGEAR, G. W. and WRIGHT, R. D. - The effects of PI 13, other angiotensin analogues and converting enzyme inhibitor on aldosterone secretion in sodium deficient sheep, in The Palhomechanism. Clinical and Therapeutic Aspects of Hyper­ aldostcronism, ed. E. Glaz, Bochringcr Mannheim Ltd. Publications, Budapest, /: 7-19 (1979).

Articles 3. BLAIR-WEST, J. R., COGHLAN, J. P.. DENTON, D. A., HARDY, K. J., SCOGGINS, B. A. and WRIGHT, R. D. - Effect of PI 13 infusion on aldosterone secretion. Am. J. Phvsiol. 236: F333-341 (1979). 4. BURKE, D. C-The neurological examination (spinal). Aust. P. Phys.. 8:119-128(1979). 5. BURKE, D. C. - Insurance cover for those who become paraplegic or quadriplegic. J. Rehab. Aust., 16:24-30 (1979). 6. BURKE, D.C. and HALL, J. - Brain abscess following the insertion of head tongs. Paraples>., 17:218-219 (\919). 7. COGHLAN, J. P., BLAIR-WEST, J. R., DENTON, D. A., FEI, D. T., FERNLEY, R. T., HARDY, K. J., McDOUGALL, J. G., PUY, R., ROBINSON, P. M., SCOGGINS, B. A. and WRIGHT, R. D. - Control of Aldosterone secretion. J. Endocrinol, 81:55-610 979). 8. EASTMAN, M. C. and GEAR, M. W. L. - Vagotomy and pyloroplasty for gastric ulcers. Brit. J. Surg.. 66:238-241 (1979). 9. HUNT, P. S.. FRANCIS, J. K., PECK, G., FARRELL, K. and SALI, A. - Tinidazole in the prevention of wound infection after elective colorectal surgery. Med. J. Aust.. I: 107-109(1979). 10. HUNT, P. S., FRANCIS, J. K., PECK, G., FARRELL, K. and SALI. A. - A controlled trial of thc use of Tinidazole in thc prevention of wound infection after colonic surgery. A ust. A'. Z.J. Surg., 49:153(1979). 11. HUNT, P. S. and SALI, A.-The prevention of colorectal cancer. Med. J. Aust., 7.613-616 (1979). 12. KREJS, G. J., O'DORISIO, T. M., SHULKES, A. A.. WALSH, J.H., SAID, S. I. and FORDTRAN, J. S. - Correlation of plasma VIP concentration and jejunal absorption rates of water and electrolytes during constant I.V. infusion of porcine VIP in man. Gastro- enterologv. 76:1 177(19 79). 13. KUNE. G. A.. JUDSON, R. and HILL, P. - Solitary liver abscess. Med. J. Aust.. 1: 151-153(1979). 14. KUNE, G. A. - Life threatening surgical infection can be predicted. Mod. Med., 22: 59-60 (1979). 15. KUNE, G. A. - Indications for surgical intervention in acute pancreatitis. Proc. First Aust. Pancreas Congress, 1:51 (1979). 16. KUNE. G. A. - The surgeon's role in chronic pancreatitis. Proc. First Aust. Pancreas Congress, 1:69 (1979). 17. KUNE. G. A. - Bile duct injury during cholecystectomy: causes, prevention and surgical repair in 1979. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 49:35-40(1979). 18. LINGWOOD, B., HARDY. K. J., HORACEK, I., McPHEE, M. L., SCOGGINS, B. A. and WINTOUR, E. M. - The effect of antidiuretic hormone on urine flow and composition in thechronically-cannulated ovine foetus. Quart. J. Exp. Phvsiol.,63:315-330 (1978). 19. MARSHALL, A. W., MIHALY. G. W., MORGAN, D. J., STEPHENS, D. A., SMALL- WOOD, R. A. and HARDY, K. J. - Propanolol disposition and biliary excretion in thc pregnantsheep foetus. Gastroenterology, 77:25 (1979). 20. MAXWELL, V., SHULKES, A. A., SOLOMON. T. E. and GROSSMAN, M. I. - Lack of effect of gastric inhibitory polypeptide on Pentagastrin stimulated acid and pepsin secretion in man. Gastroenterology, 76:1 196(19 79). 21. MILLAR. K. J.-Cytology in surgical practice-Med. J.Ausl., 7:7-8 (1979). 22. MILLAR, K. J. - The impact ofa new operating theatre suite on surgical wound infections. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg.. 49:437-440 (1979). 23. SALI. A.-Cancer of the pancreas epidemiology. Proc. First Aust. Pancreas Congress, 1:2% (1979). 202 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

24. SALI, A. - Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. Proc. First Aust. Pancreas Congress, I: 44 (1979). 25. SALI, A. and ISER, J. - The non-operative management of gallstones. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 484-487 (1978). 26. SALI, A.. HARGREAVE, T., BAKKALOGLU, T. and MACKAY, C. - Binding of dietary oxalate in recurrent renal stone formers. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 48:587 (1978). 27. SHULKES, A. A., CAUSS1GNAC, Y., LAMERS, C, SOLOMON, T. E., YAMADA, T. and WALSH, J. H. - Starvation in the rat: effect on hormones of the gut and brain. Gastro­ enterology, 76:1246 (1979). 28. SHULKES, A. and HARDY, K. J. - Peptides of the gut and brain - an introduction. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 49:701 -704 (1979). 29. SMALLWOOD, R. A., HARDY, K. J., SEWELL, R. B. and HOFFMAN, N. - The hepatic transport of sodium taurocholate in foetal sheep. Clin. and Exptal. Pharmacol, and Phvsiol , 6:117-120(1979). 30. VARNER, A. A., ISENBERG,J. K„ ELASHOFF, J. D., LAMERS, C. B. and SHULKES, A. A. - Intravenous fat inhibits amino acid stimulated gastric acid secretion in man. Gastroenterology, 76:12 64 (1979). 31. WINTOUR, E. M., BARNES, A., BROWN, E. H., HARDY, K. J., HORACEK, I., MACDOUGALL, J. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Regulation of amniotic fluid volume and composition in the ovine foetus. Obstet. and Gvnaec, 56:689-693 (1978). 32. WINTOUR, E. M., BARNES, A., CAHILL, F., HARDY, K. J., HORACEK, 1. and SCOGGINS, B. A. - Potassium: aldosterone relationship in pregnant and chronically cannulated ovine foetuses. Pediat. Res., 13:265-267 (1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress 1. KUNE, S. - The influence of environmental factors in the development of colorectal cancer. 2. THOMPSON, P. - 77ie production of monoclonal antibody to human and mouse cell antigens by somatic cell hybridization. BMedSc Theses in Progress 3. DICKER, G. - Football injuries: a study of aetiologicalfactors. 4. McCOLL, D. - The incidence of injury in Australian rules football and its long term implications. 5. CHANDLER, M. - Intestinal alkaline phosphatase in experimental intestinal and hepatic injuries. 6. DONOHUE, W. - Biliary citrate and in vitro gallstone dissolution.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Austin Hospital Medical Research Foundation: Ontogeny of ovine gastric secretion. Australian Apple and Pear Corporation: Nutrition and Disease. Australian Canned Fruits Board: Determination of the Fibre Content of Various Foodstuffs. Australian Dried Fruits Association: Nutrition and Disease. Commonwealth of Australia, Sports Development Programme Grants: Australian Rules Football. Department of Veterans' Affairs: Gallstone Dissolution Studies. Department of Veterans' Affairs: Haemorrhoids and Bran Usage. Elizabeth and Nicholas Slezak Cancer Research Fund: Gastrointestinal Cancer Research. Medical Research Committee: A Study of Environmental Factors in the Development of Colorectal Cancer and Pancreas Cancer. Medical Research Committee: The ontogeny of foetal sheep gut-brain peptides. Melbourne Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market Trust: Determination of Fibre Content of Food. National Health and Medical Research Council: Gallstone Dissolution Studies. National Health and Medical Research Council: Transport and Excretory Function in Ovine Foetal Liver. Rowden White Foundation: Gut Peptide Hormone Development. SURGERY



A. ANAESTHESIA 1. Pharmaco-kinetics of thiopentone in neurosurgical patients - D. Crankshaw. 2. Computer analysis of electroencephalogram - D. Crankshaw. 3. Development of an inexpensive carbon dioxide analyser- D. Crankshaw. 4. Clinical trial of midazolam an anaesthetic induction agent-D. Crankshaw.

B. CANCER 1. Serum factors in malignancy-G. J. A. Clunie. 2. Phase III trial of endocrine, cytotoxic and combined therapy in advanced breast cancer - J. F. Forbes. 3. Phase III trial of adjuvant therapy in early breast cancer-J. F. Forbes. 4. Epidemiology and genetics ofbreast cancer-J. F. Forbes,G. J. A. Clunie. 5. Studies of experimental melanoma biology-J. F. Forbes, R. H. Whitehead. 6. Steroid receptor analysis in experimental and human malignancies - J. F. Forbes. R. Melick. 7. Culture of human solid tumours-J. F. Forbes, G. J. A. Clunie. 8. Effect of nutrition on abdominal wound healing-R. J. S. Thomas. 9. Effect of cytotoxic chemotherapy on wound healing- R. J. S. Thomas.

C. IMMUNOLOGY 1. Immunosuppressive activity of serum factors in pregnancy-G. J. A. Clunie. 2. Lymphocyte dependent cyctotoxicity in renal transplantation - L. J. Dumble, G. J. A. Clunie. 3. Investigation of mechanisms of allograft prolongation-L. J. Dumble, G. J. A. Clunie. 4. Investigation of factors involved in the pathogenesis of IgA nephropathy - L. J. Dumble, I. M. Macdonald.

D. MEDICAL HISTORY 1. The press and the profession-a survey of newspaper attitudes-A. R. Moore. 2. The medical mind of Montaigne-A. R. Moore. 3. Sir Thomas Browne and Seventeenth century thought-A. R. Moore.

E. SURGICAL METABOLISM 1. Glucose kinetics in w'vo-portal versus systemic insulin-J. R. Allsop. 2. Glucose kinetics followingaorticaneurysm repair-J. R. Allsop. 3. Glucosekineticsfollowingthermalinjury-J. R. Allsop.

F. TISSUE PRESERVATION 1. Renal preservation with hypothermia and oxygen perfusion - H. Ross, M. Escott. 2. Comparison of isotonic and hypertonic fluid solutions in renal preservation - H. Ross, M. Escott.


G. OTHER PROJECTS 1. Thc effect of colostomy on anastomosis of the colon in the rat - H. Ross. 2. A survey of wound infection in surgical patients- H. Ross, M. Gwyther.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books 1. HARDIE, I. R., BALDERSON, G. A., HARTLEY, L. C. J. and CLUNIE, G. J. A. - Ice storage of human cadaveric kidneys: function of 276 kidneys stored after flushing with Collins' solution, in Organ Preservation, II, ed. D. E. Page and I. A. Jacobsen, Churchill Livingstone. Edinburgh: 112-123(1979). 2. HUGHES, L. E., TEASEDALE, C, FORBES, J. F., HILLYARD, J. W. and WHITE- HEADER. H. - Immune competence and clinical outcome of breast, colon and stomach cancer, in Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy of Malignant Tumours, cd. H. D. Flod, C. HerfathandM. Betzler,Springer-Verlag, N.Y.:'95-102 (1979). 3. THOMAS, R. J. S. - Management of Burn Patients, in Patient Management, ADIS Press, N.Z.: 77-89(1979). Articles 4. ALLSOP, J. R., WOLFE, R. R., DISTEPHANO, J. J. and BURKE, J. F. The reliability of rates of glucose appearance in vivo calculated from single tracer injections. Canad. J. Physiol. Pharmacol., 57:1267-1274 (1979). 5. CLUNIE, G. J. A. - The complications of renal transplantation. /!i«f. N.Z. J. Surg., 49: 605-606(1979). 6. CRANKSHAW, D. P. - Teaching neonatal resuscitation: A programmed approach. Anaeslh. Intens. Care, 7:264-266 (1979). 7. CRANKSHAW, D. P., ROSLER, A. and WARE, M. - The short term distribution of thiopentone in the dog. Anaeslh. Intens. Care, 7:148-151 (1979). 8. FORBES, J. F. - Progress in cancer therapy from clinical trials. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg.. 49: 287-289(1979). 9. FORBES, J. F.- The College Foundation. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg, 49:682-683 (1979). 10. FORBES, J. F. - Cancer therapy and clinical trials. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg, 49:586 (1979). 11. GOUGH, I. R., CLUNIE, G. J. A., BOLTON, P. M., DURY, M. and BURNETT, W. - A trial of 5-fluorouracil and Corynebacterium Parvum in advanced colorectal carcinoma. Dis. Colon & Rectum, 22:223-227(1979). 12. GREEN, M. K. and CLUNIE, G. J. A. - Leucocyte migration inhibition test in cadaveric renal transplantation. Transplantation, 28:368-371 (1979). 13. HARDIE, I. R. and CLUNIE, G. J. A. - Exchange of cadaveric kidneys for transplantation in Australia and NewZealand. Aust. N.Z. J. Med, 9:639-644 (1979). 14. JAMIESON, A. C, THOMAS, R. J. S. and CADE, J. - Lysis of superior mesenteric artery embolus following local infusion of Streptokinase. Aust. N.Z.J. Swrg.,49.355-356(1979). 15. KITCHEN, P. B., ANDREWS, J. T., BUCKLEY, J. D., RUSSELL, I. S., LICHTEN- STE1N, M.. McLEAN, K. and FORBES, J. F. - An analysis of bone scintigraphy in early breast cancer. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 49:313-316 (1979). 16. MEECH, P. R., HARDIE, I.R., HARTLEY, L. C. J., STRONG, R. W. and CLUNIE, G. J. A. - Gastrointestinal complications following renal transplantation. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 49:621-625(1979). 17. MEECH, P. R., HARDIE, I. R., HARTLEY, L. C. J., STRONG, R. W., WOODRUFF, P. W. H., HIRST, G. H. L. and CLUNIE, G. J. A. - Further experience with an external ureterovesical anastomosis in renal transplantation. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 49: 629-633 (1979). 18. MOORE, A. R. - Thc press and the medical profession: An historical review. Ausi. N.Z. J. Surg., 48:666-672(1978). 19. MOORE, A. R. - Doctor, why are you so detached? Med. J. Aust., 1:88-89 (1979). 20. MOORE, A. R. - Doctors and the media. Med. J. Aust., 1:393-394(1979). 21. MOORE, A. R. - More blessed to receive? / Med. Ethics, 5:33-34 (1979). 22. MOORE, A. R.-Cancer that can't be cured. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 49:290-291 (1979). 23. MORTON, H., CLUNIE, G. J. A. and SHAW, F. D. - A test for early pregnancy in the sheep. Res. Vet. Sci., 26:261 -262 (1979). 24. MORTON, H., NANCARROW, C. D., SCARAMUZZI, R. J., EVISON, B. M. and CLUNIE, G. J. A. - Detection of early pregnancy in sheep by the rosette inhibition test. J. Reprod. Fert., 56:75-80 (1979). 25. NESBIT, R. S., WOODS, R. L., TATTERSAL, M. H. V., FORBES, J. F., GOOD­ YEAR, M. and MACKAY, I. - Tamoxifen in malignant melanoma. New Engl. J. Med., 301:1241 (1979). SURGERY (ROYAL MELB. HOSP.) 205

26. NOONAN, F. P., HALLIDAY, W. J., MORTON, H. and CLUNIE, G. J. A. - Early pregnancy factor is immunosuppressive. Nature. 275:649-651 (1979). 27. PREISTMAN, T. J., BAUM, M., JONES, V. and FORBES, J. F. - Cytotoxic chemo­ therapy versus endocrine therapy in advanced breast cancer. Clin. Oncol, 5:196 (1979). 28. ROSS, H. and ESCOTT, M. L. Gaseous oxygen perfusion ofthe renal vessels as an adjunct in kidney preservation. Transplantation, 25:362-364(1979). 29. THOMAS, R. J. S. and BURKE. J. F. - Insulin resistance in peripheral tissues after a burn injury. Surgerv. 86:742-747 (1979). 30. WOLFE, R. R\, DURKOT, M. J., ALLSOP, J. R. and BURKE, J. F. - Glucose meta­ bolism in severely burned patients. Metabolism, 28:1031 -1039 (1979). 31. WOLFE, R.R., ALLSOP, J. R. and BURKE, J. F. - Glucose metabolism in man: responses to intravenous glucose infusion. Metabolism, 25:210-220(1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS MD Thesis in Progress ALLSOP, J. R. - Glucose kinetics in vivo and the response to thermal injury. PhD Theses in Progress DUMBLE, L. J. -Immune responsiveness in transplantation and tumour immunology. HALL, B. R. - Investigation of acoustic impedance measurements in the assessment of human respiratory disease. MSc Thesis in Progress KENT, P. W .-Glucose kinetics in vivo following injury: The role of catecholamines.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NH & MRC: Serum factors in pregnancy. NH & MRC: The role of endocrine, cytotoxic and combined therapy in advanced breast cancer. NH & MRC: Glucose kinetics following injury. Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria: Serum factors in malignancy. R. J. Fletcher Research Grant: Acoustic impedance measurements in respiratory disease. Victor Hurley Medical Research Fund (RMH): Oestrogen receptors on cultured and human solid tumours. Victor Hurley Medical Research Fund (RMH): Glucose kinetics following aortic aneurysm resection. 206 FACULTY OF MEDICINE




A. CANCER INVESTIGATION 1. Investigation of methods to alter tumour cell surface immunogenicity - B. N. Gray. 2. Assessment of tumour antigen preparations to stimulate the immune system in animals and man-B. N. Gray. 3. Monitoring non-specific serum fractions in cancer patients as a guide to prognosis and recurrence-C. T. Walker. 4. Assessment of surgical adjuvant immunotherapy in colorectal cancer using BCG and neuraminidase treated tumour cells - B. N. Gray. 5. Oestrogen receptor assay in carcinoma of the breast - its relationship to the natural history ofthe tumour and its responsiveness to hormonal manipulation - R. C. Bennett.

B. GASTRO-ENTEROLOGY 1. The effect of cimetidine on endogenous histamine after small bowel resection - D. T. Caridis. 2. The assessment of the E.E.A. stapler in low anastomosis following anterior resection - J. G. Buls. 3. Thc surgical control of oesophageal reflux-J. L. Connell. 4. Studies in thc healing of colonic anastomoses - P. J. Ryan.

C. VASCULAR SURGERY 1. Thc role of the Doppler flow meter in the assessment and management of patients with peripheral vasculardiseasc-J. F. Gurry. 2. An investigation into the effectiveness of various drug combinations in the prevention of post-operative deep vein thrombosis-J. G. Buls. 3. The use ofthe isolated popliteal arterial segment for bypass grafting in peripheral vascular disease-J. L. Connell. 4. The role of theC.A.T. scan in the investigation of patients with T.I.A.'s-J. L. Connell. 5. Haemodilution and auto transfusion in vascular surgery - M. J. Davies. 6. Steroid pre-treatment in patients undergoing carotid endarterectomy-K. D. Cronin. 7. The role of spinal anaesthesia in lowerlimb vascularopcrations-M. J. Davies. 8. The use of latex rubbers in controlling tissue bleeding-B. N.Gray.

D. MICROSURGERY 1. The histopathology of vessels following various micro-surgical techniques- T. J. Baxter.

E. TRANSPLANTATION 1. The assessment ofthe drug niridazole, alone or in combination with azathioprine and prednisolone as an immunosuppressive agent in canine renal allografts - D. T. Caridis. 2. Recovery of renal function after total ureteric obstruction - R. L. Fink. 3. Assessment of ability of transplanted pancreatic islets to reverse diabetes mellitus and prevent vascular complications - B. N. Gray. 4. The mononuclear phagocyte systems in immune complex disease-J. E. Moran. SURGERY (ST. VINCENT'S HOSP.) 207

F. BONE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 1. A study ofthe natural history of avascular necrosis in renal transplant patients- J. H. Rush. 2. Study of thc blood supply ofthe articular surfaces of bone in chronic arthritis, particularly in rheumatoid arthritis-J. H. Rush. 3. Detailed studies on the fine circulation related to the vertebral body intervertebral disc interface in the dog- H. V. Crock. 4. Studies of venous drainage ofthe hip joint in man - H. V. Crock.

G. CARDIAC SURGERY 1. Thc evaluation of various cardioplegic solutions in the production of cardioplegia - J. K. Clarebrough. 2. The evaluation of intravenous trinitroglycerin and pulmonary' artery' catheterisation in cardiac surgery- K. D. Cronin.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books 1. CROCK.. H. V. - Surgical Management of Lumbar Disc Prolapses, in ed. Robb and Smith, Operative Surgery, Butterworths (1979). Articles 2. BENNETT, R. C. -ed. A. A'.Z. J. Surg. 49:1 -750 (1979). 3. BENNETT, R. C. - Editorial - R.A.C.S. Foundation. A. N.Z. J. Surg., 49:502 (1979). 4. BURKE, P. F. and O'BRIEN, B. McC. - A Comparison of Three Techniques of Micro Nerve Repairs in Dogs. The Hand./. Brit. Soc. for Surg, ofthe Hand, 2:135(1979). 5. COLLOPY, B. T. - A Surgical Outcome Audit. Med. J. A., 2:689 (1979). 6. COLLOPY, B. T. and RYAN. P. J. - Comparison of Lateral Subcutaneous Sphincter­ otomy with Anal Dilatation in the Treatment of Fissure in Ano. Med. J. A.. 2:461 (1979). 7. CONNELL, J. L. - Popliteal Vein Entrapment. Year Book oj'Orthopedics (1979). 8. GRAY, B. N., WALKER. C. T. - Augmentation of Lymphocyte Surface Immunogenicity following Treatment with Dimethyl Sulphoxide. Int. Arch. Allergy and Applied Immunol, (50:390(1979). 9. GRAY. B.N., CARUSO, G., ALFORD, F., CHISHOLM, D. - Insulin and Glucagon Responses of Transplanted Intra-splenic Pancreatic Islets. Arch. Surg., 7 7^: 96 (1979). 10. HUGHES, E. S. R., BENNETT, R. C. -Carcinomaofthe Large Intestine. .-1. N.Z. J. Surg.. 49:291(1979). 11. LOCKHART, J. L., SINGER, A. M., GLEN. J. F. - Congenital Megaureter. /. of Urol, 122:310 (J979). 12. NEWINo, R. K., PRIBAZ, j. j., BENNE I T, R. C, BULS, j. G.-Omental l ransposition and Skin Graft in the Management of Chest Wall Recurrence of Carcinoma of the Breast. A. N.Z. J.Surg., 49:546 (1979). 13. O'BRIEN. B. McC, MORRISON, W. A., DOOLEY, B. J. - Microvascular Osteo­ cutaneous Transfer using the Groin Flap and Iliac Crest and the Dorsalis Pedis Flap and Second Metatarsal. Brit.J. oj'Plastic Surg, 32:188(1979). 14. RYAN, P. J., RAGAZZON, R. - Abdominal Injuries in Survivors of Road Trauma Before and Since Seat Belt Legislation in Victoria. A. N.Z. J. Surg.. 49:200 (1979). 15. SHAFINOFF, B. B., NIGHTINGALE, C, BAXTER, T.J., O'BRIEN, B. McC. - Lymphatico-lymphatic Anastomosis. Annals Plastic Surg.. 3:199 (1979). 16. TRINCA, G. W.. DOOLEY, B. J. - Pattern of Motor Cycle Injuries Sustained by Motor Cyclists in Victoria in 1974and 1975. A. N.Z. J. Surg, 49:203 (1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress GRAY, B. N. - Immunology of Cancer - An Investigation into Methods of Enhancing Host Response to Cancer. MSc Thesis in Progress WALKER, C. T'. - Monitoring oj Serum Factors in Cancer Patients. 208 FACULTY OF MEDICINE

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Rowden White Foundation: Assessment of ability of transplanted pancreatic islets to reverse diabetes mel litus and prevent vascular complication. NH & MRC: Investigation of methods to alter cell surface immunogenicity. NH & MRC: Monitoring non-specific serum fractions as a guide to prognosis and recurrence. NH & MRC: The mononuclear phagocyte systems in immune complex disease. University ofMelbourne Medical Research Grant: Methods to alter cell surface immunogenicity and thc monitoring of non-specific serum fractions as a guide to prognosis and recurrence. William Angliss (Victoria) Charitable Fund: Investigation of thc fine circulation of the vertebral body intervertebral disc interface of the spine. FACULTY OF MUSIC

Dean's Report There has been a marked increase in recent years in the number of persons applying to the Faculty for admission to post-graduate courses and there have been considerable additions to the variety of topics available for study and research. Thc Faculty of Music anticipated these developments and has been taking steps to satisfy the demands. In 1976 the Department estab­ lished a Committee for Research and Post-Graduate Studies. This committee is concerned with, among other things, admission, course structures and students, and advises the Departmental Committee and Faculty on all matters in the post-graduate area. A new stimulus to development of music research has come from a different direction. With assistance from the Australia Council and other outside sources, and with encouragement from within the University, work on cataloguing the Grainger collection has been undertaken and materials are becoming available to students. At the end of 1979 the Grainger Museum became a part ofthe Faculty, and it is certain that closer links between thc two will now encourage the use for study and research ofthe wealth of source material in the Museum. It is to be expected that the Museum will continue to house a growing rather than a static collection and this will have influence on the future post-graduate activities in the Faculty. In order to indicate thc diversity or the research projects and post-graduate courses being undertaken in the Faculty, these have been listed under various headings, after each of which there is a brief description ofthe kinds of work being done. Music History and Analysis Two members of staff are undertaking research and six students are studying various aspects of English, Italian and French music, and there are studies of contemporary Australian Piano Music and Percussion in 20th Century' Music. Composition The Faculty offers post-graduate courses in which candidates present a folio of compositions as the basis for the degree. The Faculty is also involved in studies and research of computer generated sound, direct synthesis of music and other experimental techniques using electronic devices for thc generation and analysis of sound. There are two members of staff and three students working in these two separate fields. Music Education and Interdisciplinary' Studies The Faculty, in association with the Faculty of Education, is unique in its ability to offer post­ graduate courses in Music Education, and interdisciplinary' studies involving Psychology and Neuropsychology have recently been added. Two members of staff and one student are studying the effects of music training on children and two students are making comparisons of approaches to music education in several countries. Music Performance and Performance Practice Four students are following a course of post-graduate study in which public performances together with analytical studies and some course work form the basis ofthe work. One student is investigating aspects of baroque oboe performance. Percy Grainger One student is studying Percy Grainger's concert repertoire, and Part II of the Grainger Museum Catalogue is in preparation. Music Therapy There is one student studying for a Master's Degree in the field of Music Therapy. This is likely to be a growing and particularly lively field after the graduation of the first undergraduate students at the end of 1981.



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Direct Synthesis of Music-B. E. Conyngham,R. P. Harris (ofComputer Science Dept.). 2. Compositional Assistance Programmes forComputer- B. E. Conyngham. 3. Spacial disposition and location of computer generated sound - B. E. Conyngham, R. P. Harris. 4. Interactive music data input by means of graphic and alpha numeric means - B. E. Conyngham. 5. Microcomputer'real time'sound generation-B. E. Conyngham, R. P. Harris. 6. Neuropsychology of Music Research Project - M. Cooke, A. Gates, B. Morley. 7. EdwardElgarasa late-romantic European composer - P. J. Dennison. 8. Organ Music in Restoration England-G. A. Cox. 9. A New Source of 17th-century Italian Keyboard Music-G. A. Cox. 10. Editionsof 16thand 17th-century English Organ Music-G. A. Cox. 11. Grainger Museum Catalogue Two, Percy Grainger Music Collection Part II: Music by other Composers-P. R. Clifford.

PUBLISHED WORK Compositions 1. CONYNGHAM, B. E. - Concerto for Percussion (Universal Edition, 1978). 2. CONYNGHAM, B. E. - Mirages for Orchestra (Universal Edition, 1979). 3. CONYNGHAM, B. E. - The Apologv of Bonv Anderson - Chamber Opera (Universal Edition, 1978). 4. CONYNGHAM, B. E. - Tfont'- Chamber Theatre Work (Universal Edition, 1979). 5. CONYNGHAM, B. E.-ppp-forsolo piano (Universal Edition, 1979). Discography Recordings released 6. CONYNGHAM, B. E. - Through Clouds-Australian Digital Music (Move MS 3027). 7. CONYNGHAM, B. E. - To he Alone-Victorian Time Machine(Movc MS 3028). 8. TAHOURDIN, P. R. - Symphony No. 3 - Celebration for Flute, Oboe, Bassoon & Percussion. Articles 9. COOKE, M. - Some Aspects of Music Teaching in Japan. Australian Journal of Music Education: 37-43 (October, 1979). 10. COX, G. A. - An Introduction to English Organ Music of the 16th and 17th Centuries. Organists'Review, J xiii, No. 252: 15-19 (Autumn, 1978). 11. DENNISON, P. J.-The Sacred Music of Matthew Locke. Music & Letters, 60:1 (1979). 12. WRIGHT, E. - Percy Grainger's Concert Repertoire, The Grainger Journal, 2 (1): 20-23 (1979). 13. WRIGHT, E. - Additions to Teresa Balough's cataloguing of Percy Aldridge Grainger's compositions for piano solo, Studies in Music, 13 (1979). Catalogue 14. GRIFFITHS, H. M. - Percy Grainger and the Arts of the Pacific, Catalogue of the Exhibition presented for World Music Week, 1979, Victorian Ministry for the Arts (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Master of Music 1. HOGG, N. L. - Primary Teachers' Competence in Music Teaching. ~> ANDERSON, P. J. - The Innovative Music of Percy Grainger. 3. FITZGERALD, T. A. D. - A Study ofthe Sequences I to VII hy Luciano Berio (Folio of compositions). 4. LEASK, J. D. - Opera in Australian Schools. Master of Arts 5. MURPHY, K. M.-An Analysis ofthe Role and Function ofMusic Criticism. MUSIC 211

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress MURPHY, K. - The Music Criticism of Hector Berlioz.

MMus Theses in Progress BRESCIANI, N. D. - Transfer effects from comprehensive music training lo other areas of learning in children of pre-school/primary school age. CALLAGHAN, M. A. - A comparison ofthe music of certain selected Public Schools in the UK with lhat of selected Independent Schools ofa similar l vpe in A ustralia. CHAPLIN,P.J.- Folio ofCompositions. DIVALL, R. - 'Pre-Rcform' Opera Seria of Gluck (1741-65) and an edition ofthe Dramatic Ballet 'Allessandro'. ERDONMEZ, D. - Factors determining preference for music in hospitalized psychiatric patients. HALLO, R. M. - Performance (Harp). JAYASUNDERA, M.-Michael Tippett. McNEILL, R. - The Music ofE. J. Mocran and its Relationship to early 20th century Trends in the British Isles.. RUFF, M. H. - Compositional Techniques in Contemporary Australian Piano Music. SABLINSK.IS, P. V. - Percussion in 20lh Century Western Music Emphasizing the years 1950 lo the Present. SCHULZ, D. G. - Performance (Piano). STAVRID1S, K. - Performance (Piano). STEVENS, C. J. - Computer Music Communication Design as a Reflection of the Creative Process. STEVENSON. A. G. - Folio ofCompositions. STOCKIGT, J. B. - Baroque Performance Difficulties wilh particular reference to the Baroque Oboe. TAYLOR, C. J. - Performance (Piano) and The Influence ofthe Scientific Approach on Methods of Piano Technique 1840-1950. THOMAS. A. A. - An examination ofthe approaches lo and the teaching of contemporary music in Tcrtiarv Music Institutions in California and U.K. WHIFFlN, L. S.'-Folio ofCompositions. MA Theses in Progress CANTWELL, A.M. - The Orpheus Tradition in Seventeenth-Century Italian Opera. MeDONALD, J. L. - Seventeenth Century English Music.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANT RECEIVED Thc followinggrant has been received: UTAH Foundation: Grainger Museum Catalogue Two, Percy Grainger Music Collection Pan II: Music by other composers. FACULTY OF SCIENCE Dean's Report The publications and research topics of departments of thc Faculty ofScience are listed in the following sections. Further information may be sought directly from the authors listed.

— - - -. p, • -*> - ...... iv\..1 The continuing research on dieback disease (Phytophthora Cinnamomi) in the Australian forests is yielding discoveries which may assist in its control. Infected plants die as if smitten by drought: it has been found by measurements of the electrical conductivity of bathing solutions that dieback causes massive changes in the permeability of cell membranes. The regeneration of Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) has also been a major topic of research, as well as the variation and genecology of eucalyptus and wattles. Many ofthe fungi which live on and in the leaves of indigenous plants have no names as yet. Their , particularly in eucalypts, continues as an essential and fundamental work. There are obvious practical potentials in the study of the mechanisms by which some plants (Halophytes) can tolerate up to ten times greater salinity in their root environment than most other plants, including all crop plants. Thc most recent work in the continuing studies ofthe mechanisms of transfer of information at contact between cells, such as in pollen-stigma and plant-pathogen interactions, suggests the involvement of carbohydrate mocties on one surface and carbohydrate glycoproteins on the other. Research concerned with animal cells ranges from the description of some which are presumed to be serving as sensory receptors in pulmonary reflex response to the investigation of mechanisms by which the nervous system co-ordinates its various elements in patterned behaviour. There is some parallel in the range of research between the study of isolated organs and whole animal physiology. A development in bio-telemetry is aimed to study cardio-vascular variables in conscious and undisturbed reptiles and fish. There is research, too, into factors which explain differences in thc performance of athletes in team sports, physiological fatigue, the demands of complex training skills and the mediating effects of training. Many fundamental problems of genetics can be pursued efficiently in studies of the transmitted characteristics and mutations of successive generations of ferment flies (Drosophila), midges (Chironomus) and soil bacteria (Pseudomenas aeruginosa). A recent important step in this work has been the establishment of a colony of midges, breeding in laboratory conditions. Resource utilization of species of Drosophila in their native habitat, and plasmids responsible for repair pathways following radiation or chemical mutagen exposure in Pseudomenas aeruginosa, have been described. Extensive use has been made of thc merino flocks and the excellent research facilities at the University Research Farm, Strathfieldsaye, near Sale for evolutionary studies on insecticide resistance in Australian Sheep Blowfly and the genetic basis for susceptibility to blowfly strike. The observations help to explain the rapid development of resistance in this pest species throughout Australia. Other work in genetics of direct practical importance has been a contribu­ tion to a scientific treatise on the breeding of honey bees and the development ofa pre-natal test for Menkes' Syndrome, thc latter in collaboration with the Department of Pediatrics. Menkes' Syndrome is a genetic disease which results in a drastic copper deficiency, usually fatal before the age of two. The development of the independent National Vision Research Institute, in close proximity to the Department of Optometry, has led to a valuable and productive collaboration in research, a useful sharing of facilities and many contributions to thc literature. Marine Studies For some years now Faculty has encouraged, systematically, research in marine topics: the results are evident by the increasing publications. During 1979, with the logistic support ofthe Royal Australian Navy, samples of rocks and sediments from the walls and floor of some of the canyons of Bass Strait have been obtained. At least one of thesc canyons has a relief of some 1,500 metres, a few of its burrowing organisms have been brought to the laboratory for the first time. Underwater photographs ofthe sand at the head of thc Bass Canyon indicate strong currents. The chemistry of geolipids from contemporary lipids is being studied in shallower waters: 1979 saw a first attempt to use chemical markers to differentiate and measure contributions to thc fatty acid content of sediments from marine bacteria acting on diatoms and other intertidal algae. Such studies relate to the origins of our petroleum resources. It has been found that in intertidal sediments, thc degradation of chlorophyll involves the opening ofa chlorin ring rather than hydrolysis, as was previously assumed. Publications in marine biology range from descriptions ofthe algal flora of some ofthe near Pacific islands, the Great Barrier Reef and sub-Antarctic islands to the ecology of benthic organisms and the lactors controlling the survival of juvenile abalone in Califomian kelp beds.


Other reports concern algae living in soils and on rocks in Antarctica - laboratory experiments are in preparation to measure the effects on their growth of temperature, humidity and salinity. An interdepartmental project involving archaeologists, geologists and botanists shows the existence of an Aboriginal population of Flinders Island between 8,000 to 6,500 years ago and aims to develop an accurate picture of thc environment in which these people lived. Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and the Earth Sciences Some of the publications in the mathematical sciences on the theory of atmospheric and ocean waves might be mentioned as marine studies. Other recent publications announce the discovery of an invariant which may be used to determine whether a knot is invertible, a new class of three dimensional manifolds and an analysis of the stability of models of the economics of market competition. Mathematicians, chemists and physicists share a common interest in statistical mechanics and their publications are evident in chemical, physical and mathematical journals according to the nature of thc contribution and not the department of the contributor. Thc recent replacement of obsolete instrumentation by new, including a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, mass spectrometer, electron microscopes, X-ray fluorescent diffracto­ meter and an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) has had a direct impact on experimental research, which is now appearing in the publications. The application of neutron activation analysis has enabled the accurate measurement of many of the platinum metals, gold and other elements to less than one part per thousand million. This sensitivity has led to the use of the platinum metals in exploration for nickel sulphide deposits, an application now being used by several Australian mining companies. Some of the fundamental research in Chemistry has an enhanced interest because of its unusual environment, there are reports of X-ray diffraction studies of crystals from solutions in anhydrous liquid hydrogen fluoride, studies of rates of reactions which produce metal complexes in pressures up to 1.000 atmospheres, and the study of correlations in chemical reactions in units of time of one pico-second. which is the time taken for light to travel 0.3 mm. Many chemical researches also extend to biological fields. A significant potential exists for reducing and sometimes for eliminating natural carcinogens: one study concerns a known carcinogen in hardwood dust. The new instruments have given direct impetus to studies on the nature of chemical bonds, particularly in large molecules and in electron rich molecules. Magnetic exchange parameters, rotation barriers and ionisation potentials are being calculated. A new study to evaluate possible errors in accepted measurements of atomic positions in crystals has been facilitated in physics because of the new X-ray diffractometer. Further theoretical work on the nature of the interactions of protons and neutrons which are due to the, so-called, weak force has shown a compatibility with experimental observations of assymetries in interactions of nuclei. Experimental work in nuclear physics in a collaboration with the University of Tohoku has concerned the relationship between the rates of interaction with gamma-rays and the number of neutrons in the atomic nucleus. Another collaboration with Japanese scientists, from the University of Nagoya and in this case with members of the R.A.A.F. Academy, has been in the mapping ofthe infra-red brightness of the surface of our galaxy by means of a balloon-borne telescope. The information obtained concerns the nature of its spiral and of the optically impenetrable core. By means of the Anglo- Australian telescope at Siding Springs it has been possible to produce infra-red maps of the object Eta Carinae which, apart from the sun. is the brightest 10 micron source in our galaxy. At a resolution of I. I seconds of arc it has been shown for the first time that there are two intensity- peaks in Eta Carinae. In collaboration with Case Western University, in another balloon-borne experiment, it is possible to measure the energy spectrum of neutrons produced by accelerated nucleons in large solar flares, leading to an estimate of the proton energy spectrum in the flares. Some of the research in the Pellotron laboratory is directly related to the nucleo-synthesis of stars. Some physics research is also of direct medical significance - for thc first time the absolute flux of neutrons produced in high energy irradiation of tissue has been measured accurately. It has been reported that the additional irradiation from this flux is not insignificant. Tangible products of mathematics include the development ofa prototype stair-climbing wheel chair and a mechanically actuated wave mattress for an iron lung. The proton microprobe ofthe Pellotron Accelerator, which provides a tool for the detection of individual elements within specimens of diameter of 10 microns, is being used in many collaborations in biological and medical studies. The productivity ofthe research potential is limited directly by the resources which are available to it. For this reason, Faculty is extremely grateful for the help it receives from its sources of support, large and small. 214 FACULTY OF SCIENCE



A. AEROBIOLOGY 1. Pollen and spores in the Melbourneatmosphere- R. B. Knox, I. J. Smart. 2. Grass pollen and allergic diseases- R. B. Knox, 1. J. Smart.

B. ANTARCTIC BOTANY 1. Systematics and ecology of Antarctic terrestrial algae - P. A. Broady. 2. Studies on the structure and floristics of terrestrial communities on the Antarctic continent -D. H. Ashton, J. F.Jenkin. 3. Mycological studies of Antarctic soils-G. M. Weste, E. Kerry. 4. Litter senescence on Macquarie Island-G. M. Weste, E. Kerry. 5. Taxonomy and ecology of benthic marine algae of Macquarie Island -G. T. Kraft. R. W. Rickcr. 6. Ecophysiological studies of sea-ice algae - R. Wetherbee. G. McFaddcn.

C. AQUATIC BOTANY 1. Thc biology of Australian seagrasses: development ofthe male and female inflorescences of Amphibolis antarctica. - S. C. Ducker, C. McConchie, R. B. Knox. 2. The biology of Australian seagrasses: pollen development and the mechanism of pollina­ tion in Amphibolis antarctica and other Australian seagrasses - S. C. Ducker. .1. M. Pettitt, R. B. Knox.

D. CELL BIOLOGY 1. Pollen development and pollination in Acacia. Helianthus and Lolium - R. B. Knox, J. B. Kenrickand H. I. M. V. Vithanage. 2. Localization of allergens in grass pollens - R. B. Knox, B. Howlett, H. I. M. V. Vithanage. 3. Pollen-stigma interaction in Gladiolus and sweet chcrrv, Prunus avium - R. B. Knox, J. RaH". 4. Development of the grape (Vitis vinifera) inflorescence flower and fruit - R. B. Knox, J. A. Considine. 5. Plant cell recognition - form and function of plant cell surface glycoproteins and proteoglycans-A. E.Clarke, P. A.GIeeson. 6. Plant cell recognition - pollen-stigma interactions and other systems. Antigenic determi­ nants of plant organs-R. B. Knox, A. E. Clarke, J. Raff, P. A.Gleeson,S. Harrison. 7. Plant cell recognition - adhesion of microorganisms to root surface. A. E. Clarke, G. M. Weste, J. M. Hinch.

E. ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION 1. Ecologvand regeneration of mature Eucalyptus regnans forest at Wallaby Creek, Victoria- D. H. Ashton. 2. Allelopathic effects on E. regnans forests - D. H. Ashton, E. J. Willis. 3. Immediate post-fire responses in E. regnans forests, Powelltown - D. H. Ashton. 4. Thc pattern, dynamics and genetic implications of £ regnans-E. obliqua boundaries at Wallaby Creek, Victoria-D. H. Ashton. 5. Thc ecology of E. camaldulensis-E. viminalis transitions in Victoria- D. H. Ashton, M. M. Barson. 6. The ecology of Pitiosporum undulatum in relation to its westward spread in central Victoria-D. H. Ashton, K. S. Rowan. R. Gleadow. BOTANY 215

7. Thc comparative ecology of two riverine environments (Tarago River and Cardinia Creek) in Westernport catchment - D. H. Ashton, S. Gloury. 8. The occurrence of the rough tree fern (Cvathea australis) on bluffs of Westernport Bav - D.H. Ashton. 9. The ecology of the eastern scarp of Lerdcrderg Ranges in relation to Ordovician sandstones and slates - D. H. Ashton, B. Myers. 10. Thc patterns for mature sand-heath at Tidal River, Wilson's Promontory with reference to allelopathic influences of /:,'. baxteri-D. H. Ashton, D. Frood. I 1. Ecology and conservation of coastal communities-D. M. Calder. 12. The autecology of the interactions between Callitris columellaris and the eucalypts E. microcarpa and E. melliodora at Savernake, N.S.W. - K. A. Clayton-Greene. 13. Variation in Eucalyptus obliqua occurring on acidic and alkaline soils - P. Y. Ladiges. C. A. Anderson. 14. Variation in Eucalyptus baxteri and E. alpina -P. Y. Ladiges, J. Marginson. 15. Thc taxonomic status of Eucalyptus brookerana and relationship to E. ovata - P. Y. Ladiges, A. Gray (Tasmania), I. Brooker (Canberra), F. G. Lennox. 16. A study of the dieback of Phragmites australis and subsequent shoreline erosion in the Gippsland Lakes - P. Y. Ladiges. R. Clucas. 17. Morphological variation and salinity tolerance of Victorian populations of Triglochin proccra-P. Y. Ladiges, L. Robb. 18. Classification of wetlands in Victoria - P. Y. Ladiges, M. M. Barson. 19. The vegetation ofMcLeod's Morass, Gippsland-P. Y. Ladiges.

F. ECOLOGICAL PHYSIOLOGY 1. Nutrient cycling and productivity in mangrove and seagrass communities in Westernport Bay- P. M. Attiwill, A. J. Mason. 2. Nitrogen cycling in forests- P. M. Attiwill, T. G. Baker. 3. Nitrogen fixation in forests- P. M. Attiwill. 4. Gas exchange in semi-arid communities-P. M. Attiwill, K. A.Clayton-Greene. 5. Gas exchange in Pinus radiata trees- P. M. Attiwill, R. O. Squire. 6. Rubidium as an index of the conservation of potassium in forests - P. M. Attiwill, J. A. Pederick.

G. EVOLUTION, SYSTEMATICS AND TAXONOMY 1. Variation and evolution of Craspedia glauca-D. M. Calder, J. Martin. 2. Floral biology of mistletoes in Victoria-D. M. Calder. P. Bernhardt. 3. Studies on spore morphology ofthe Blechnum: light and scanning electron micro­ scopy - T. C. Chambers. 4. A world monograph on the genus Blechnum - T. C. Chambers. 5. The Lower Devonian vascular flora of Victoria-T. C. Chambers, J. D. Tims. 6. A fossil flora at the Siluro-Devonian boundary - T. C. Chambers, J. D. Tims. 7. Studies on the history and botanical thoughi in Australia and thc Western Pacific - S. C. Ducker. 8. Pollen analyscsof Victorian Quaternary deposits-S. L. Duigan. 9. Taxonomy of Victorian angiosperms-S. L. Duigan. 10. Quaternary vegetation history' and palaeoclimates in south-eastern Australia, with particular reference to palaeoenvironments on Flinders Island in Bass Strait - P. G. Ladd. 11. Anatomy and morphology of Acaulon eremicola-a new species from arid central Australia -1. G. Stone. 12. Anatomy, rhorphology and affinities of Phascopsis rubiginosa - a new genus and species from calcareous soils near salt lakes in the southern states of mainland Australia - I. G. Stone. 13. The taxonomic importance ofthe peristome of Ischyrodon lepturus. A comparison with Eabronia and. luratzkaea-\. G. Stone, D. G. Catcheside. 14. A study of the genera and species of mosses new to Australia, collected on a field trip in north Queensland -1. G. Stone. 15. A systematic rcv\c\>/.of Helichrysum and its allies -C. J. Humphries. 16. Cladistic study of Coniferales-T. C. Chambers, C. J. Humphries, M. Regan. 17. A discussion of systematic approaches in taxonomic botany-C. J. Humphries. 216 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

H. MORPHOGENESIS 1. Development of the endodermis on thc root and shoot of Hibbertia - T. C. Chambers. M. G. Reeder. 2. Cytology and histochemistry of basal sterility during inflorescence development in wheat - R. B. Knox.O. H. Frankel. J. A. Considine.

I. MYCOLOGY 1. A study of leaf-inhabiting fungi -H. J. Swart. 2. A study of infection in the leaves of Eucalyptus by necrotrophic and biotrophic fungi - H.J. Swart, M. A. Williamson. 3. Chlamydospores of Phytophthora cinnamomi: their behaviour in forest soils and road gravels-G. M. Weste. 4. Permeability changes in root tissue of susceptible and resistant species when inoculated with zoospores of Phytophthora cinnamomi-G. M. Weste. 5. Vegetation changes in native forest associated with invasion by Phvtophthora cinnamomi - G. M. Weste. 6. A study of changes in root physiology with penetration by Phvtophthora cinnamomi - G. M. Weste. 7. A comparison of root-associated fungal flora of susceptible and resistant plants in diseased and disease-free forest soils-G. M. Weste, H. Y. Yip. 8. A comparison of plant water relations between forest species susceptible and resistant to Phytophthora cinnamomi-G. M. Weste. 9. Comparative mineral analysis of diseased and unaffected plant tissue-G. M. Weste. 10. Rare Viclorian Discomycetes-G. M. Weste, G. Beaton.

J. PHYCOLOGY 1. The history of phycology in Australia - S. C. Ducker. 2. A study of articulated coralline algae from thc southern Australian coast-S. C. Ducker. 3. A study of siphonous green algae ofthe eastern Australian coast -S. C. Ducker, G. T. Kraft. 4. Studieson selected species, genera and families of marine red algae-G. T. Kraft. 5. Distribution and ecology of marine algae in northern Port Phillip Bay-G. T. Kraft. 6. Deep water algae ofthe Great Barrier Reef-G. T. Kraft. 7. Thc marine algae of Lord Howe Island-G. T. Kraft. 8. TaxonomyanddistributionofVictoriancncrustingcorallineredalgac-G. T. Kraft. 9. The marine algae of Macquarie Island-G. T. Kraft, R. W. Ricker. 10. Nitrogen cycling in marine macrophytes at Werribee - K. S. Rowan, V. B. Brown. 11. Processes ofsubcellularevolution in the red algae-R. Wetherbee. 12. Postfertilization development in select genera ofthe Nemalionales - R. Wetherbee, S. M. Ramm. 13. Ultrastructural investigations of deep-water red algae from thc Great Barrier Reef - R. Wetherbee, F. J. Scott. 14. Red algal parasites: recognition and treatment - R. Wetherbee, H. Quirk. 15. Biology of Antarctic sea-ice microalgae- R. Wetherbee, G. McFadden, M. McConville. 16. Guide to thc common phytoplankton genera of Port Phillip Bav and the Bass Strait - K. Blaze, R. Wetherbee, G. T. Kraft, D. M. Calder.

K. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 1. Ozone pollution effects on plants-D. M. Calder, D. C. Horsman. 2. The response of the patterns of CO2 assimilation in Pineapple to irradiancc and tempera­ ture-T. F. Neales, P. J. M. Sale (CSIRO Division of Irrigation Research). 3. The effects of salinity on the gas exchange and metabolism ofthe halophyte Disphyma australe-T. F. Neales, P. J. Sharkey, M. Fraser. 4. The physiology of gas exchange of phyllodes and leaves of Acacia species- T. F. Neales. R. Harvey. 5. The responses to water stress and nutrition of Pinus radiata seedlings - R. O. Squire, T. F. Neales, P. M. Attiwill. 6. The physio-ecology of Pittosporum undulatum - K. S. Rowan, D. H. Ashton, R. Gleadow. 7. Thc kineticsof phosphofructokinase in relation lo ripening in tomato fruits- K. S. Rowan. BOTANY 217

8. Podolactone-like inhibitors in Podocarpaceac and other conifers-J. M. Sasse. 9. Growth-inhibitingsubstancesinGarrrae///p(/ca-J. M. Sasse. 10. Structure-activity relationships of naturally-occurring plant growth inhibitors - J. M. Sasse.

L. PHYTOCHEMISTRY 1. Characterization of fluorescent compounds in some specimens of Eucalyptus ovata - F. G. Lennox. 2. Studies on selected components of vegetable tanningagents-F. G. Lennox.


Book 1. KNOX, R. B. - Pollen and Allergy. Studies in Biology No. 107. 64pp. Edward Arnold. London. Articles 2. ASHCROFT, W.J. and MURRAY. D. R. - The dual functions ofthe cotvledons of Acacia itcaphylla F. Muell. (Mimosoideac). Aust.J. Bol. 27. 343-352 (1979). 3. ASHTON, D. H. - Seed harvesting by ants in forests of Eucalvplus regnans F. Muell. in central Victoria. Aust. J. Ecol. 4. 265-277 (1979). 4. ASHTON. D.H. and TURNER, J. S. - Studies on the light compensation point of Eucalvplus regnans F. Muell. Aust. J. Bot. 27:589-607 (1979). 5. ATTIWILL, P. M. - Nutrient cycling in a Eucalvplus obliqua L'Herit. forest. III. Growth, biomassand net primary production. Aust. J. Bot. 27:439-458 (1979). 6. BEATON, G. and WESTE. G. M. - Five small fungi collected from rotting logs and bark. Vict. Nat. 96:11-19(1979). 7. BEATON, G. and WESTE, G. M. - A check list of Discomycetes (Fungi) collected from Victoria. Vict. Nat. 96:245-249(1979). 8. BERNHARDT. P. - The pollination ecologv of Echeandia macrocarpa (Liliaceae). Brittonia 31(\): 64-7 \ (1979). 9. BROADY. P. A. - Qualitative and quantitative observations on green and yellow-green algae in some English soils. Br.phvcol.J. 14:151-160(1979). 10. CALDER. D. M„ EAGER. R. W. and BERNHARDT. P. - Introduction to the ecology and floral biology of Amyema (Loranthaceae) in south-eastern Australia. Second Symp. Parasitic Weeds. North Carolina, pp. 1-12(1979). 11. CLARKE. A. E. (ed.) -Arabinogalactan Protein News No. 2. Publ. School of Botany. Universitv of Melbourne (1979). 12. CLARKE. A. E.. ANDERSON, R.L. and STONE, B. A. - Form and function of arabino- galactans and arabinogalactan-proteins. Phvlochcm. IS: 52\ -540 (1979). 13. CLARKE, A., GLEESON. P.. HARRISON, S. and KNOX, R. B. - Pollen-stigma inter­ actions: Identification and characterization of surface components with recognition potential. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76:3358-3362 (1979). 14. CLARKE, A. E. and KNOX, R. B. - Plants and Immunity. Developmental and Com­ parative Immunology 3:571 -589 (1979). 15. CLUCAS, R. D. and LADIGES, P. Y. - Variations in populations of Eucalyptus ovata Labill. and the effects of waterlogging on seedling growth. Aust. J. Bol. 27:301-315 (1979). 16. CONSIDINE, J. A. and KNOX, R. B. - Development and histochemistry ofthe pistil of the grape. Vitis vinifera. Ann. Bot. 43: 11-22(1979). 17. CONSIDINE. J. A. and KNOX. R. B. - Development and histochemistry of the cells, cell walls, and cuticle of the dermal svstem of fruit of the grape. Vitis vinifera L. Protoplasma 99:347-365(1979). 18. CRUMP, J. A. and MURRAY, D. R. - Proteolysis in cotyledon cells of Phaseolus vulgaris L.: Changes in multiple hydrolase activities following germination. Aust. J. Plant Phvsiol. 6:467-474(1979). 19. DUCKER, S. C. - The genus Metagoniolithon Weber-van Bosse (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta). Aust.J. Bol. 27.67-101 (1979). 20. DUCKER, S. C. - History' of Australian phycology; thc significance of early French exploration. Brunonia2:19-42(1979). 21. GLEESON. P A. and CLARKE, A.E. - Structural studies on the major component of Gladiolus style mucilage, an arabinogalactan-protein. Biochem. J. /S/: 607-621 (1979). 218 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

22. GLEESON, P. A. and CLARKE. A. E. - Arabinogalactan proteins of the female sexual tissues of flowering plants. A.G.P. News 2:9-15 (1979). 23. HILL. D. J., SMART. I.J. and KNOX, R.B. - Childhood asthma and grass pollen aerobiology in Melbourne. Med. J. Aust. 1 (10): 426-429 (1979). 24. H1NCFI. J. and WESTE, G. M. - Phytophthora cinnamomi zoospore behaviouron roots of Australian species, internal. Phytophthora Newsletter 7:15-16 (1979). 25. HORSMAN, D. C, ROBERTS, T. M., LAMBERT, M. and BRADSHAW. A. D. - Studies on the effect of sulphur dioxide on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). I. Characteristics of fumigation system and preliminary experiments. J. expt. Pot. 30: 485-493(1979). 26. HORSMAN, D. C. ROBERTS, T. M. and BRADSHAW, A. D. - Studies on the effect of sulphurdioxide on perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). II. Evolution of sulphur dioxide tolerance../. cxol. Pol. 30. 495-501 (1979). 27. HOWLETT, B. J., VITHANAGE, H. 1. M. V. and KNOX, R. B. - Pollen antigens, allergens and enzymes. Commentaries in Plant Science No 35, Current Advances in Plant Science 35:1-17(1979). 28. JENKIN, J. F. and ASHTON, D. H. - Pattern in Pleurophvllum herbfields on Macquarie Island (Subantarctic). Aust. J. Ecol. 4. 47-66 (1979). 29. KENRICK, J. and KNOX, R. B. - Pollen development and cytochemistry in some Australian species of Acacia. Aust. J. Bot. 27:413-427 (1979). 30. KERRY, E. J. - Microbiological studies ofthe soils from Sabrina Island, Antarctica. In Voyage lo ihe Ice - the Antarctic Expedition of SOLO. D. Lewis. Australian Broadcasting Commission and Wm. Collins Sons & Co. Ltd., Sydney (1979). 31. KNOX, R. B. - Flower. In McGraw Hill Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology. Year- hook for 1979. pp. 198-200. McGraw Hill. New York (1979). 32. KNOX, R. B. and CLARKE, A. E. - Discrimination between self and non-self in plants. In Current Topics in Immunobiology. Plenum Press (1979). 33. KRAFT, G. T. - Transfer ofthe Hawaiian red alga Cladhymenia pacifica to the genus Acanlhophora (Rhodomelaccae, Ccramialcs). Jap. J. Phycol. (Sorui) 27:123-131 (1979). 34. KRAFT, G. T. and WYNNE, M. J. - An earlier name for the Atlantic North American red alga Neogardhiella bailcyi (Solieriaceae. Gigartinales). Phycologia 18:325-329 (1979). 35. LADD, P. G. - A holocenc vegetation record from the eastern side of Wilson's Promontory, Victoria. New Phytol 52. 265-276 (1979). 36. LADD. P. G. - A short pollen diagram from rainforest in highland eastern Victoria. Aust. J. Ecol. 4:229-237 (1979). 37. LADD. P. G. - Past and present vegetation on thc Delegate River in the highlands of eastern Victoria. 1. Present vegetation. Aust. J. Bot. 27:167-184(1979). 38. LADD, P. G. - Past and present vegetation on the Delegate River in the highlands of eastern Victoria. II. Vegetation and climatic history from 12,000 B.P. to present. Aust../. Bot. 27:185-202(1979). 39. LADD, P. G. ct al. - Lancefield swamp and the extinction of the Australian mcgafauna. Science200:1044-1048 (1978). 40. MITCHELL. G. F. and CLARKE, A. E. - Allergenicity of concanavalin A. to mice. Int. Archs. Allergy appl. lmmun. 55. 391 -401 (1979). 41. MOORE, G. M. - Electrical assessment of injury and mortality of Eucalyptus obliqua L'Herit. seedlings after heat stress and decapitation. Aust. J. Plant Phvsiol 6: 317-322 (1979). 42. MURRAY. D. R. - The seed proteins of Kowhai, Sophora microphvlla AIT. Z. Pjianzenphysiol. 93:423-428 (1979). 43. MURRAY, D. R. - A storage role for albumins in pea cotvledons. Plant, Cell and Environment 2:221-226(1979). 44. MURRAY, D. R. - Nutritive role of the seedcoats during embryo development in Pisum sativum L. Plant Physiol. 64:763-769 (1979). 45. MURRAY, D. R. - Comparative studies of Acacia sophorae and A. longifolia. Australian Plants 10 (1979). 46. MURRAY, D. R. and CRUMP, J. A. - Euphaseolin, the predominant reserve globulin of Phaseolus vulgaris cotyledons. Z. Pjianzenphysiol. 94:339-350(1979). 47. PEDERSEN, M., SAENGER, P., ROWAN, K. S. and v.HOFSTEIN, A. - Bromine, bromophenols and floridorubin in the red alga Lenormandia prolifera. Phvsiol. Plant. 46: 121-126(1979). 48. RAFF, J. W., HUTCHINSON, J. F., KNOX, R.B. and CLARKE, A. E. - Cell recognition: antigenic determinants of plant organs and their cultured callus cells. Differentiation 12:1 79-186(1979). 49. RlCKER, R. W. and KRAFT, G. T. - Morphology of the subantarctic red alga Cenacrum subsulum gen. el sp. nov. (Rhodymcniales) from Macquarie Island. J. Phvcol. 15:434-444 (1979). BOTANY 219

50. SMART, 1. J. and KNOX, R. B. - Aerobiology of grass pollen in the city atmosphere of Melbourne: quantitative analvsis of seasonal and diumal changes. Ausi. J. Bol. 27:317-331 (1979). 51. SMART. I. J.. TUDDENHAM. W. G. and KNOX, R. B. - Aerobiology of grass pollen in city atmosphere of Melbourne: effects of weather parameters and pollen sources. Aust. J. Bot. 27. 333-342 (1979). 52. SWART, H. J. - Australian leaf-inhabiting fungi. IX. Species of Seimalosporium on non- myrtaceous hosts. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 72:403-409 (1979). 53. SWART, H. J. - Australian leaf-inhabiting fungi. X. Seimatosporinm species on Callistemon. Melaleuca and Leplospermum. Trans. Br. mvcol. Soc. 73:213-221 (1979). 54. TOWNSEND, R. A. - Svnarthrophvton, a new genus of Corallinaceae (Cryptonemiales, Rhodophyta) from the southern hemisphere. / Phvcol. 75:251 -259 (1979). 55. VEBLEN, T. T., ASHTON. D. H. and SCHLEGEL, F. - Successional pattern above the timberline in south central Chile. Vegelalio 40:39-47 (1979). 56. VITHANAGE. H. I. M. V. and KNOX, R. B. - Pollen development and quantitative cytochemistrv of exine and intine enzvmes in sunflower, Helianthus annuus L. Ann. Bot. 44:95-106(1979). 57. WESTE, G. - Host list for Phvtophthora cinnamomi. Aust. J. Bol. accessory publication (1978). 58. WESTE, G. M. and VITHANAGE, K. - Survival of chlamydospores of Phytophthora cinnamomi in several non-stcrile host-free forest soils and gravels at different soil water potentials. Aust. J. Bot. 27:1-9(1979). 59. WESTE, G. and VITHANAGE, K. - Production of sporangia by Phytophthora cinnamomi in forest soils. Aust. J. Bot. 27:693-700(1979). 60. WESTE, G. and VITHANAGE, K. - Phytophthora cinnamomichlamydospore survival in six non-sterile host-free forest soils and gravels at different soil water potentials. (Internal.) Phytophthora Newsletter 7:16-18 (1979). 61. WESTE. G. M. and VITHANAGE. K. - Phytophthora cinnamomi chlamydospore numbers in forest soils. (Internal.) Phytophthora Newsletter 7:18-20 (1979). 62. WETHERBEE, R. - "Transfer connections", specialized pathwavs for nutrient trans­ location ina red alga? Sc/'ence 204:858-859 (1979). 63. WITHERS, J. R. - Studies on thc status of unburnt Eucalyptus woodland at Ocean Grove, Victoria. II. The differential seedling establishment of E. ovcila Labill. and Casuarina littoralis Sahsb. Aust. J. Bot. 26:465-483 (1978). 64. WITHERS, J R. - Studies on the status of unburnt Eucalyptus woodland at Ocean Grove, Victoria. III. Comparative water relations of the major tree species. Aust. J. Bol. 26: 819-835(1978). 65. WITHERS, J. R. - Studies on the status of unbumt Eucalyptus woodland at Ocean Grove. Victoria. IV. Thc effect of shading on seedling establishment. Aust. J. Bol. 27:47-66 (1979). 66. WOODROW, 1. E. and ROWAN, K. S. - Change of flux of orthophosphate between cellular compartments in ripening tomato fruits in relation lo the climacteric rise in respiration. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 6:39-46 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Science 1. NEALES, T. F.-Collected Papers 1960-1979.

Doctor of Philosophy 2. CONSIDINE, J. A. - Biophysics and Histochemistry of Fruit Growth and Development. 3. SEPPELT. R. D. - A Revision of Ditrichum, Distichium and Pseudodistichium in A uslralasia and ihc Moss Flora of Macquarie Island. 4. SMART, 1. J. - Aerobiology and Allergens of Grass Pollen in Relation to Childhood Asthma.

Master ofScience 5. BARSON, M. M. - The Distribution of Eucalyptus viminalis and Eucalyptus camaldulensis in Australia. 6. BLAZE, K. L. - The Estimation of lndole-3-Aceiic Acid. 1. HARTNEY, V. J. - Comparative Studies ofthe Physiology of Some CAM Plants. 8. QUIRK, H. M. - 'Taxonomy and Evolution in the Fern GV/w.s'Cheilanthes in Australia. 9. WILLIAMS, R. - Phytoplankton Populations in an Antarctic Saline Lake. 220 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ANDERSON, C. A. - The variation in Eucalyptus obliqua growing on calcareous and acidic soils in the Otway Ranges. BA K.ER, T. G. - Studies in the distribution and cycling of nitrogen in forests. BARSON, M. M. - Plant ecology of wetlands on ihe basalt plains of Victoria. BERNHARDT, P. - The pollination biology of some Australian plants. CLAYTON-GREENE, K. A. - The ecological relationships of Callitris columellaris and Eucalyptus species in Victoria. GLEESON, P. A.- Study of Arabinogalactan proteins in the reproductive tissue of Gladiolus. HINCH, J. M. - Physiology of root rot in Phytophthora cinnamomi. HOW LETT, B. - Characterisation of pollen allergens. KERR Y, E. - Phylloplane ecology ofthree sub-Antarctic plants from Macquarie Island. LEWIS, S. - Investigation into some aspects ofthe physiology and phosphate metabolism of Zostera muclleri. MARTIN, J. - Population studies on Craspedia glauca. MASON, A. J. - Studies ofproductivity in the seagrass Zostera muelleri. MEYER, C. P. - The control of mode of carbon assimilation in Bryophyllum daigremontiana. MOORE, G. - The effects of heat on the physiology of Eucalyptus obliqua seedlings. RAFF, J. - Cell interactions in plants. RAMM, S. M. - 'The fine structure of poslfertilization development in some ofthe primitive Florideophycean algae (Rhodophyta). SQUI RE, R. - Studies of growth and water relations in Pin us radiata D. Don. TIMS, J. D. - Studies ofthe Lower Devonian flora of Victoria. WILLIS, E. J. - Allelopathy in Eucalyptus regnans. MSc Theses in Progress ADAMS, M. A. - Studies ofnitrate reductase in forest trees. BROWN, V. B. - Nitrogen cycling in marine macrophytes at Werribee. CHIDGEY, S. S. - Comparison of subtidul jetty and seagrass algal/invertebrate communities al Flinders. Westernport Bay. CLUCAS, R. - Study ofthe dieback of Phragmites australis in the Gippsland Lakes. FA RAG HER, J. -A study of the physiology ofanthocyanin synthesis in apple skin. GLEADOW, R. - The physio-ecology of Pitiosporum undulatum. HARRISON, T. F. - Mechanism of calcification in coralline algae. HUNT. L. J. - The ecology of the cliff vegetation from Eastern View to St. Georges River in the Otways. with a view to understanding the processes of erosion and colonization. KEN RICK, J. B. W. - Pollen development and the breeding system in Acacia. MARGINSON, J. C. - Variation and autecology of Eucalyptus baxteri and closely related members of series Capilellatae (Pryor & Johnson). O'BRIEN, C. E. - Ecology of the benthic marine algae in the Hobson's Bay area. REEDER, M. - The development ofthe shoot and root of Hibbertia with particular reference to the vascular-cortical boundary of H. aslrotricha. RICKER, R. W. - Marine algae of Macquarie Island. SMETHURST, P. J. - Role of nitrogen fixers in industrial forestry. TRUBENBACHER, S. A. J. - Studies of Sp\mfe\ hirsutus in sand dune reclamation. WILLIAMSON. M. A. - Study of infection in leaves of a host plant by necrotrophic and biotrophic fungi. YIP, HIN YUEN - A comparison ofthe root surface fungal flora of different plant species in areas of the Brisbane Ranges and Wilson's Promontory which are infected and not infected by Phytophthora cinnamomi.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Victorian Ministry for Conservation: The comparative ecology of two riverineenvironment s in the Westernport Bay catchment. Victorian Ministry for Conservation: A study of the dieback of Phragmites australis and subsequent shoreline erosion in the Gippsland Lakes. Victorian Ministry for Conservation: Nutrient cycling and productivity in mangrove and sea­ grass communities in Westernport Bay. Victorian Ministry for Conservation: Nitrogen cycling in marine macrophytes at Werribee. Victorian Ministry for Conservation: Identification of Gippsland Lakes phytoplankton. BOTANY 221

ARGC: Nitrogen fixation and nitrogen uptake in forests. ARGC: Botany of Australian Acacias, with special reference to pollen and pollination mechanisms. ARGC: Cell recognition in plants, with special reference to pollen-wall protein/stigma inter­ actions and the human allergic response. ARGC: Biology of marine flowering plants (seagrasses), with special reference to pollination mechanisms. ARGC: The taxonomy and ecology of Lord Howe Island benthic marine algae. ARGC: Carbon dioxide assimilation patterns in plants and thc variation induced by environ­ mental factors. ARGC: Changing patterns of metabolism and transport of nitrogen and carbon compounds in halophytes as affected by salinity. ARGC: A taxonomic investigation and critical revision of mosses in the orders Dicranales and Pottiales. ARGC: Investigation into colonization and survival in forest soils by Phytophthora cinnamomi. ARGC: The evolution of subcellular processes, with special reference to development in primitive and highly specialized members ofthe Rhodophyta. Department of Primary Industry. Forestry' & Timber Bureau: Distribution and cycling of nitrogen in forests. Rowden White Estate. Felton Bequests' Committee, Asthma Foundation of Victoria, Allen and Hanbury: Pollen research under the direction of Professor R. B. Knox. Antarctic Division, Department of Science: Litter senescence on Macquarie Island. Antarctic Division. Department ofScience: Mycological studies on Antarctic soils. Antarctic Division, Department ofScience: Study of the doristics and ecology ofthe vegetation of Australian Antarctic Territory. Antarctic Division, Department ofScience: The marine algae of Macquarie Island. Antarctic Division, Department of Science: Systematics and ecology of Antarctic terrestrial algae. Antarctic Division, Department ofScience: Ecophysiological studies of sea-ice algae. Victorian Institute of Marine Science: Phytoplankton survey of Port Phillip Bay and Bass Strait. 222 FACULTY OF SCIENCE



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Studies in electrochemistry-A. M. Bond. 2. Electrochemistry of organometallic complexes of the early transition elements - A. T. Casey. 3. Thermodynamics of complex formation of Schiff base complexes by potentiometry and calorimetry- A. T. Casey. 4. Magnetic study of vanadyl complexes-A. T.Casey. 5. Electrochemical investigations of carbonyl complexes-R. Colton. 6. Multinuclear n.m.r. studies of inorganic compounds- R. Colton, D. R. Dakternieks. 7. Studies in negative ion mass spectrometry - D. R. Dakternieks. 8. Studies in structural inorganic chemistry - B. F. Hoskins. 9. Complexes with potentially strong 7rdonor ligands-M. R. Houchin. 10. Electronic, Raman, e.s.r. and n.m.r. spectroscopic studies of transition metal cations in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride-T. A. O'Donnell. 1 1. Voltammetric oxidation of transition metal, lanthanide and actinide ions in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride- T. A. O'Donnell. 12. Crystallographic investigation of the structures of species crystallized from anhydrous hydrogen fluoride-T. A. O'Donnell. 13. Lewis acid-Lewis base interactions in anhydrous hydrogen fluoride-T. A.O'Donnell. 14. Complexes of tailor-made ligands - R. Robson. 15. Reactionsofoceans to trace metal inputs-J. D.Smith. 16. Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in marine sediments-J. D. Smith. 17. Behaviour of phosphate in estuarine and coastal waters-J. D. Smith. 18. Determination of distribution and behaviour of aluminium and silicon species in estuaries -J. D. Smith. 19. Behaviour of iodine and bromine species in the marine environment-J. D. Smith. 20. Trace metal and sulphur diagenesis in sediments-J. D.Smith. 21. Inorganic reaction kinetics at high pressure - P. A. Tregloan. 22. High pressure temperature jump kinetic studies- P. A. Tregloan. 23. Substitution kinetics of labile metal ions- P. A. Tregloan. 24. Metal thiolatc complexes - G. Winter. 25. Adsorption of heavy metals by proteins -G. Winter.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. BOND, A. M., SMITH, D. E. and GRABARIC, B. S. - Alternating Current Polarography Using an Applied D.C. Pulse Program of the Normal Pulse Polarographic Type: Avail­ ability of Theoretical Rate Laws. J. Electroanal. Chem. 95:237 (1979). 2. BOND, A. M. and O'HALLORAN, R. J. - Comments on the Paper by D. R. Canterford on the Validity of Polarographic Theory at Short Controlled Drop Times. / Electroanal. Chem. 97:107 (1979). 3. BOND, A. M. and GRABARIC, B. S. - Fast Sweep Differential Pulse Voltammetry at a Dropping Mercury Electrode with Computerized Instrumentation. Anal. Chem. 51: 126 (1979). 4. BOND, A. M. and GRABARIC, B. S. - Correction for Background Current in Differential Pulse, AlternatingCurrent, and Related Polarographic Techniques in thc Determination of Low Concentrations with Computerized Instrumentation. Anal. Chem. 57/337(1979). 5. BOND, A. M., DAWSON, P. A., PEAKE, B. M., RIEGER, P. H„ ROBINSON, B. H. and SIMPSON. J.-Tricobalt-Carbon Lewis Base Derivatives. Inorg. Chem. 18:1413 (1979). 6. BOND, A. M., COLTON, R. and JACKOWSKI. J. J. - Electrochemical and Chemical Oxidation of 7r-Bonded[Bis(diphenylarsino)methane]chromium and -molybdenum Dicarbonyl Complexes. Inorg. Chem. 18:1977-1985 (1979). CHEMISTRY 223

7. BOND, A. M., BRADBURY, J. R. and WEDD, A. G. - Redox Properties of Mononuclear and Triply-Bridged Binuclear Thiolato Anions of Oxomolybdenum(V). J. Chem. Soc. Chem.Comm.: 1022(1979). 8. BOND, A. M., GRABARIC, B. S., JONES, R. D. and RUMBLE, N. W. - Theory' of A.C. Differential Pulse Polarography - A Waveform for Simultaneously Obtaining D.C, A.C. and Pulse Polarograms. J. Electroanal. Chem. 100:625 (1979). 9. BURNS. R. C. and O'DONNELL, T. A. - Preparation and Characterization of Osmium Pentachloride, a New Binary Chloride of Osmium. Inorg. Chem. 18:3081 -3086 (1979). 10. DAKTERNIEKS, D. R., FRASER, I. W., GARNETT, J. L. and GREGOR, I. K. - Studies in Negative Ion Mass Spectrometry, Part (X). Electron Capture by a Series of Tris(hexafluoroacetylacetonato) Metal Chelates. Org. Mass. Spectrom. 74:330(1979). 11. DAKTERNIEKS, D. R., FRASER, I. W., GARNETT, J. L. and GREGOR, I. K. - Studies in Negative Ion Mass Spectrometry, Part (XII). Electron Capture by a Series of Bis(hexafluoroacetylacetonato) Metal Chelates. Aust. J. Chem. 52:2405 (1979). 12. DAKTERNIEKS, D. R., ROSCHENTHALER, G.-V., SAUERBREY, K. and SCHMUTZLER, R. - Uber 2-tert-Butvl-l ,3,2,A5-dioxaphospholanc und 2-tert-Butyl- l,2,A5-oxaphosphetanc. Chem. Ber. 7/2:2380(1979). 13. DAKTERNIEKS, D. R., FRASER, I. W., GARNETT, J. L. and GREGOR, I. K. - Studies in Negative Ion Mass Spectrometry, Part (XIII). Electron Attachment to a Series of Nickel (II) B-Dikctonate Complexes. Org. Mass Spectrom.. 74:676(1979). 14. HUGHES, J. G. and ROBSON, R. - Complexes of Binucleating Ligands, Part (XI). Inorg. Chim. Acta 56:237 (1979). 15. KELSON, R. and ROBSON, R. -Complexes of Binuclcating Ligands, Part (XII). J. Coord. Chem. 9. 235(1979). 16. LAWRANCE, G. A., STRANKS, D. R. and SUVACHITTANONT, S. - Volumes of Activation for Substitution Reactions of Tris(l,10-phenanthroline)- and Tris(2,2'- bipyridyl)iron(II) Complexes with Hydroxide and Cyanide Ions from High Pressure Solution Kinetics. Inorg. Chem. 18:9,2 (1979). 17. LAWRANCE, G. A. and SUVACHITTANONT, S. - The Effect of Pressure on the Rate of Isomerization of Acetatoaquobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) Perchlorate. J. Coord. Chem. 9:13(1979). 18. LAWRANCE, G. A. and SUVACHITTANONT, S. - Correlation of Volumes and Entropies of Activation for Racemization and Isomerization Reactions of Octahedral Metal Complexes: Evidence for a Twist Mechanism. Inorg. Chim. Ada 32: L13 (1979). 19. LAWRANCE, G. A., SUVACHITTANONT, S., STRANKS, D. R.. TREGLOAN, P. A., GAHAN, L. R. and O'CONNOR, M. J. - Pressure Dependence of the Racemization of Tris(pyrrolidyldithiocarbamato)cobalt(llI) in Non-Aqueous Solvents. J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun.:!'57'-8 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. GOODMAN, B. G. - Substitution Reactions ofGroup(III) Cations. 2. JACKOWSKI, J. J. - Electrochemical Investigations of Group (VI) Carbonyl Complexes. 3. RICHARDS, M. J. - Kinetics Involving Inorganic Reaction Intermediates.

Master of Applied Science 4. LONGMORE, A. - Behaviour of Phosphate Species in Estuaries.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ARBLASTER, C. I. - Studies of the Mechanism of Action of Selected Stimulant and Depressant Drugs on the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems. BUTLER, E.C. V. - Iodine and Bromine in Natural Systems. CARR, J. T.-Solvent Effects in Metal Ion Substitution Processes. COCKMAN, R. W. - Studies on Transition Metal Cations in AHF. FARNWORTH, P. G. - Biological Actions of 1,10-Phenanthroline Transition Metal Chelates and Related Substances. 224 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

GABLE, R.- Aspects of Metal Xanthate Chemistry. HASHEM, Md. A.-Aspects of Vanadium (IV) Chemistry. MeDONALD, I.A.S. - Crystal Chemistry of Metal Complexes Involving Binucleating Ligands. MYERS, R. J. - Structural Studies of Certain Transition Metal Compounds. SUVACHITTANONT, S. - High Pressure Solution Kinetics of Octahedral Complexes. TRAVERSO,!- P. - Thermodynamics ofComplsxa'.ion Reactions MSc Theses in Progress BAKER, A. T. - Some Studies of Heavy Metal 1,1-Dithiolate Complexes. CLEMENTSON, L. A. - Investigating Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Marine Sediments and Fauna. DAVEY, F. W. - An investigation of Chemical Dissolution Techniques in Relation to the Determination of Trace Metals in Marine Sediments. KELSON, R.- Complexes of Binucleating Ligands Containing a Bridging Sulphur Atom.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: High Pressure Temperature Jump Kinetics Studies. ARGC: Complexes of Binucleating Ligands Containing a Bridging Sulphur Atom. ARGC: Voltammetric, Spectroscopic and Crystallographic Investigations of Species Dissolved in or Derived from Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Pigments and Related Metabolites. 2. Quinones and Nucleophiles: Polycyclic Aromatic Systems. 3. Organic Electrochemistry. 4. Studies in Aldehyde Synthesis. 5. Rearrangements in the Diene Synthesis. 6. Mass Spectrometric Studies. 7. Fluoride Ion in Organic Syntheses. 8. The Chemical Basis for the Toxicity of Analgesics. 9. Synthesis and Reactions of Hydroxamic Acids. 10. The Mechanism of Drug Metabolism. 11. "C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Reactive Intermediates. 12. Chemical Studies of Coal Structures. 13. Biological Diagenesis of Chlorophyll and Phytol. 14. Diagenetic Pathways for Lipids in Intertidal and Nearshore Sediments. 15. The Effects of Copper Ions on Lipid Biosynthesis in Asterionella japonica. 16. Food Chain Studies of some Intertidal Gastropods.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapter of Book 1. CALDER, I. C. - The Applications of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Drug Metabolism, in Progress in Drug Metabolism, ed. J. W. Bridges and L. F. Chasseaud, John Wiley, 4: 303-340(1979). Articles 2. BALDAS, J., IAKOVIDIS, D. and PORTER, Q. N. - Mass Spectrometric Studies. XIII. SpirocyclicGlycidic Esters. Aust. J. Chem., 32:1983-1992(1979). 3. BALDAS, J. and PORTER, Q. N. - Mass Spectrometric Studies. XIV. Nitrochalcones. Aust. J. Chem., 52:2249-2256 (1979). 4. BALDWIN, J. E., CROSSLEY, M. J. and LEHTONEN, E-M. M. - Stereospecificity of Oxidative Cycloaddition Reactions of 1,5-Dienes. J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun.: 918-920(1979). CHEMISTRY 225

5. BOWDEN, B. F., CAMERON, D. W, CROSSLEY, M. J., FEUTRILL, G. 1., GRIFFITHS, P. G. and KELLY, D. P. - Carbon 13 N.M.R. Studies of 1,4-Naphthoquinonesand 9,10-Anthraquinones. Aust. J. Chem., 32:769-777 (1979). 6. CALDER, I. C. and CACIOLL1, S. - Synthesis and Reactions of some paraSubstituted N-Hydroxyacetanilides./!!«(../. Chem.,32:1031-1036(1979). 7. CAMERON, D. W., FEUTRILL, G. I. and PATTI, A. F. - Lanthanide Shifts in the 'H N.M.R. Spectra of 1 ^-Naphthoquinones.^.?/./ Chem., 52:575-584 (1979). 8. CAMERON, D. W. and SAMUEL, E. L. - Formation of Aryl Benzanthrones from Anthraquinone-catalysed Degradation of Lignin. Tetrahedron Lett.: 3035-3036 (1979). 9. CHERRY, W. H„ CRAIG, J. T. and PORTER, Q.N. - Vinylindenes and Some Heteroanalogues in the Diels-Alder reaction. VI. Vinylbenzo[b]thiophens and Ethene- tetracarbonitrille./li«f. J. Chem., 32:133-143(1979). 10. CHERRY, W. H. and PORTER, Q. N. - Vinylindenes and some Heteroanalogues in the Diels-Alder Reaction. VII. VinyIbenzo[b]thiophens and 1,4-Naphthoquinone. Aust. J. Chem., 32:145-151 (1979). 11. HEALEY, K. and CALDER, I.C. - The Synthesis and Reactions of N- Hydroxyparacetamol (N,4'-Dihydroxyacetanilide). Aust. J. Chem, 32:1307-1316 (1979). 12. HUGEL, H. M., KELLY, D. P., SPEAR, R. J., BROMILOW, R. T. C. and CRAIK, D. J. - Carbon-13 N.M.R. Studies of Carbocations. III. An Investigation of the Variation of tpso-Substituent Chemical shifts with Electron Demand in 1,4-Disubstituted Benzenes. A ust. J. Chem., 52:1511-1519 (1979). 13. HUISGEN, R. and MINGIN, M. - The Intermolecular Self Condensation of 2,4-Pentanedione under the Influence of Potassium Fluoride in Dimethylformamide Tetrahedron. Lett.: 719-720 (1979). 14. JOHNS, R. B., NICHOLS, P. D. and PERRY, G. J. - Fatty Acid Composition of Ten Marine Algae from Australian Waters. Phytochemistry., 18:799-802 (1979). 15. OLSTEIN, R. and STEPHENSON, E. F. M. - The synthesis of Methoxy- and Hydroxy- substituted Cinnamaldehydes and their Corresponding Epoxides. I. The Cinnamaldehydes. Aust. J. Chem., 52:681-686 (1979). 16. OLSTEIN, R. and STEPHENSON, E. F. M. - The Synthesis of Methoxy- and Hydroxy- substituted Cinnamaldehydes and their Corresponding Epoxides. II. The Epoxides. Aust. J. Chem., 32:1595-1600(1979). 17. PERRY, G. J., VOLKMAN, J. K., JOHNS, R. B. and BAVOR Jr, H. J. - Fatty Acids of Bacterial Origin in Contemporary Marine Sediments. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 43: 1715-1725(1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy DAGLEY, I. J. - Naphthoxanthenone and Arylphenalenone Pigments from the Haemodoraceae. PA.TTI, A. F. - Studies on Anthraquinones and Naphthoquinones- Natural and Synthetic. YONG, A.C - Study of Nephrotoxicity of A nalgesic Related Compounds.

Master of Science PANNAN, L. J. H. - Synthesis ofa Natural Dinaphlhofuranquinone.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ANDERSON, J. E. - Pyrroles as Synthetic Intermediates. CHAFFEE, A. L. - Chemical Structures of Coal. DEUTSCHER, K. R. - Synthetic Organic Chemistry. FERNANDO, C. R. - Synthesis and Reactions of N-Acetyl p-Benzoquinone [mines. GILLAN, F. T. - Lipids in Aquatic Ecosystems. GRIFFITHS, P. G. - Synthesis of Anthraquinone Pigments. HART, S. J. - Identification of Metabolites ofA nalgesics and their Role in Nephrotoxicity. HEA LEY, K. - Chemistry and Pathology of A nalgesic Metabolism. McKAY, P. Q.- Synthetic Studies of Natural Quinones. MERRETT, B. K. - Synthesis of Tetracyclic Pigments. 226 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

PEARSON, J. R. - Synthesis and Diels-Alder Reactions of3- Vinylbenzofurans. PERLMUTTER, P. - Synthetic Approaches to Insect Quinones. PIETERSZ, G. A. - Synthesis of some Naturally Occurring Quinonoid Pigments. SMAIL, M. C. - Toxicity of Paracetamol. THIEL, J. - Nucleophilic Additions Involving Ketene Aminals and Related Compounds. VERHEYEN, T. V. - Chemical Aspects of some Australian Coals.

MSc Theses in Progress COLM ANET, S. - Studies in Iodination and the Chemistry of Organic lodo Compounds. GIANSIRACUSA, J. J. - A Study of Carbocations. LAMBERT, J. D. - Vinylindoles in the Diels-Alder Reaction. MILNE, P.J. - Aspects of Suspended Matter - Dissolved Species Interaction in Estuarine Systems.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Organic Electrochemistry. ARGC: Insect Constituents. ARGC: Biological Diagenesis of Some Plant Alcohols. ARGC: New Heterocyclic Synthesis. ARGC: Toxicity of Analgesics. APM Ltd: Chemical Mechanism of Wood Pulping. NERDDC: An Approach to Oil Formation from Coal.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Colloid and surface chemistry: coal-oil-water systems, adsorption of aqueous ions at solid- liquid interfaces, colloid stability, surface-active agents-T. W. Healy, D. N. Furlong. 2. Picosecond spectroscopy- R. Cooper, P. J. Thistlethwaite. 3. Photophysics and photochemistry of polymers and biomembranes - K. P. Ghiggino. 4. Laser-excited time-resolved emission spectroscopy of aromatic molecules - K. P. Ghiggino. 5. Pulse radiolysis of gases - R. Cooper. 6. Absolute emission yields in irradiated gases - R. Cooper. 7. Pulsed magnetic resonance - R. A. Craig. 8. Valence theory - R. D. Harcourt. 9. Thermodynamic and transport properties of mixtures-C. L.Young. 10. Measurement of contact potential differences between electrodes and solutions - P. T. McTigue. 11. Conductimetric measurements of basicity constants of weak bases - P. T. McTigue, H. M. Grant. 12. Kinetic studies of encounter complex mechanisms - P. T. McTigue. 13. EfTect of pressure on equilibria and rates of reaction in solution - R. D. Alexander. 14. Fluorescence studies of polyelectrolytes and of micelle structure - F. E. Treloar. 15. Polymer chain dynamics - F. E. Treloar. 16. Thermoluminescence dating of South-East Asian pottery-F. E. Treloar. 17. Treatment of "bronze disease" in Chinese bronzes in the collection of the National Gallery of Victoria-F. E. Treloar. 18. Spectroscopic studies of metal ions in liquid hydrogen fluoride-C. G. Barraclough. 19. The application of Raman spectroscopy to the study of molecules adsorbed onto solids - C. G. Barraclough. 20. Electrochemical studies in glassy carbon electrodes-A. A. Humffray. 21. Oxidation of organic sulphides -A. A. Humffray. 22. Chemistry in New Zealand in the 19th century - J. T. Radford. CHEMISTRY 227

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. CONDER, J. R. and YOUNG, C. L. - Physicochemical Measurement of Gas Chromatography, Wiley, New York (1979). 2. McTIGUE, P. T.,ed- Chemistry: Key to the Earth, Melbourne University Press (1979).

Chapters of Books 3. GHIGGINO, K. P., ROBERTS, A. J. and PHILLIPS, D. - Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy using Pulsed Laser Excitation, in Laser Induced Processes in Molecules, eds K. L. Kompa and S. D. Smith, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 98-100 (1979). 4. HEALY, T. W. - Principles of Dispersion and Aggregation of Mineral Fines, in Beneficiation of Mineral Fines, ed P. Somasundaran, U.S. National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C, 6:(1979). 5. HEALY, T. W., FURLONG, D. N. and RALSTON, J. - Surface Chemistry: Surfactants at Interfaces, An Option for HSC Chemistry Students, Victoria (1979). 6. PHILLIPS, D., GHIGGINO, K. P. and LEE, A. G. - Time-Resolved Fluorescence Studies on Drug Binding Sites, in Synchrotron Radiation applied to Biophysical and Biochemical Research, eds A. Castellani and I.F. Quercia, NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series, Plenum Press, New York, 171 -182 (1979). 7. YOUNG, C. L. - Solubilities at Pressures above 2 Bar, in Helium and Neon Gas Solubilities, ed H. L. Clever, Solubility Data Series, Pergamon Press, Oxford, /: 253-385 (1979).

Articles 8. FURLONG, D. N., PARFITT, G. D. and SING, K. S. W. - Precipitation of Silica on Titanium Dioxide Surfaces. I Preparation of Coated Surfaces and Characterization by Electrophoresis./ Colloid Interface Sci. 69:409 (1979). 9. FURLONG, D. N. and HARTLAND, S. - Wall Effect in the Determination of Surface Tension using a Wilhelmy Plate. / Colloid Interface Sci. 71:301 (1979). 10. GHIGGINO, K. P., PHILLIPS, D. and SLOMAN, A. W. - Nanosecond Pulse-Stretcher. / Phvs. E.Sci. Instrum. 12:686-687 (1979). 11. GHIGGINO, K. P., MANT, G. R., PHILLIPS, D. and ROBERTS, A. J. - Photo­ degradation and Fluorescence of Aqueous Tryptophan./. Pholochem. II: 297-299 (1979). 12. HARCOURT, R. D. - Configuration Interaction and a New Assignment for the Second Ionization Potential of Dinitrogen Tetroxide. Chem. Phvs. Letts. 61:25-29 (1979).

13. HARCOURT, R. D. - An Elementary Molecular Orbital Description of N02

Dimerization to N20„. Aust. J. Chem. 32:933-948 (1979).

14. HARCOURT, R. D. - Circular Orbits and the Bonding for [Co(NH,)6]'+ and some Rhenium Complexes. Speculations in Sci. and Tech. 5:527-531 (1979). 15. HARCOURT, R. D. and ROSO, W. - Valence-Bond Studies of Four-Electron Three- Center Bonding Units. II FNO. HNO, LiNO, LiONand HF,~. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 16: 1033-1049(1979). 16. HEALY, T. W., HOMOLA, A. and JAMES, R. O. - Coagulation of Amphoteric Latex Colloids- Reversibility and Specific Ion Effects. Disc. Faradav Soc. 65:156(1978). 17. HEALY, T. W., CHAN, D. and WHITE. L. R. - Colloidal' Behaviour of Materials with lonizable Group Surfaces. Proc. 3rd Int. Conference on Colloid and Surface Chemistrv (Stockholm, 1978), Pergamon Press, Oxford (1979). 18. HUMFFRAY, A. A. and BRUCE, R. L. - Modified Extended Selectivity Treatment for Biphenyl, Naphthalene and Bcnzothiophene./. Org. Chem. 44:724-6(1979). 19. JONAH, C. D., SAUER, M. C. Jr, COOPER, R. and TRIFUNAC. A. D. - Kinetics of Solute Excited State Formation in the Pulse Radiolysis of 9.10 Diphenyl Anthracene and p-Terphenyl in Cyclohexane Solutions. Chem. Phvs. Letts. 63:535 (1979). 20. THISTLETHWAITE. P. J. and WOOLFE, G. J. - Kinetic Evidence for Excited State Proton Transfer in Salicylamide. Chem. Phvs. Letts. 63:401-5 (1979). 21. THULBORN, K. R., TILLEY, L. M., SAWYER, W. H. and TRELOAR, F. E. - The Use of n-(9-Anthroyloxy) Fatty Acids to Determine Fluiditv and Polarity Gradients in Phospholipid Bilayers. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 558:166-178'( 1979). 22. TRELOAR. F. E. - A Priest's Bell and a Temple Lamp: Reinterpretations of thc Function of Some Kedah Artifacts. /. Malaysian Br. Royal Asiatic Society 52 (1979). 228 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ASSAFIRI, T. - Voltammetric Studies on Glassy Carbon Electrodes. BLATT, E. - Fluorescence Studies of Aromatic Molecules in Micelles. HEATON, J. A. - Electron Excitation in Electron Irradiated Gases. IMBERGER, H. E. - Oxidation of Organic Sulphides. KOLARIK, L. O. - Surface Chemistry of the Iron Oxide- Water Interface. ROBBINS, R. J. - Studies in Picosecond Fluorescence Spectroscopy. SCHAEFER, B. - Mechanisms of lonisation in Flames. SKREZENEK, F. - Molecular Orbital and Valence-Bond Studies of Electron-rich Molecules. WOOLFE, G. J. - Picosecond Spectroscopic Studies of Excited State Proton Transfer Processes.

MSc Theses in Progress HARDING, I. - Adsorption of Heavy Metals at the Aqueous Solution-Latex Interface. HURST, R. - Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Studies of Colloidal Systems. LYONS, J. S. - Studies ofMonodispersed Colloids. SNARE, M. - Fluorescence Studies ofDye-Polyelectrolyle Conjugates. TAN, K. L. - Fluorescence Studies ojthe Conformation ofPoly(melhacrylicacid). YOUNG, J. G. - Absolute Emission Yields from Irradiated Gases.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED ARGC: Hydrophobic Surfaces. ARGC: Coagulation Fundamentals. ARGC: Excitation Processes in Electron Irradiated Gases. ARGC: Oxidation of Freons. ARGC: Temperature Studies of Polymer Fluorescence. ARGC: Phase Behaviour of Mixtures. ARGC: Gas-Gas Immiscibility. NERDDC: Coal-Oil-Water Systems. NERDDC: Oil Agglomeration - Fundamental Studies. MUPAS: Chemistry of Antarctic Waters. COMPUTER SCIENCE

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Correctness proofs of real-life programs - P. Mateti, J. Jaffar. 2. Decision procedures for correctness statements-P. Mateti.A. P. Kyne, J. Jaffar. 3. Program editors-P. Mateti. J. Jaffar. 4. Computer synthesis of music - R. P. Harris, B. E. Conyngham (Faculty of Music). 6. Numerical analysis-R. P. Harris. 7. Software engineering techniques-P. C. Poole. 8. Operating system design - P. C. Poole, P. A. Dunn, K. McDonell, P. Mateti. 9. Applications of writeable control stores - P. C. Poole, D. Wilde. 10. Speech analysis and synthesis-J-L Lassez. I 1. Theory of computation-J-L Lassez. 12. Database implementation - K. McDonell.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles I. VAN DER KNIJFF, D. J. J. and LASSEZ, J-L. - A Clarification on the Comparison Between Some Measures of Software Science. Information Processing Letters, North Holland (June 1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress DIX, T. I. - Language P'acilities for Modular Programming. KYNE. A. P. - Use of Formal Methods of Limited Domain Programming. MSc Theses in Progress HATZI, T. - Processing Capability in Address Translation Hardware. FLOWER, M. C. - Speech Synthesis from a Physiological Model. KANCHANASUT, K. - Graph Representation in the Computer. MORRIS, E. J. S. - Simulation Aided Design of Computer Systems. ROSS, M. - Evaluation ofthe Parametric Representation of Vocalizations. VAN DER KNIJFF, D. J. J. - An Evaluation of Some Basic Measures of Software Science. WILDE, W. D.- Using a Writeable Control Store in a Multi-User Environment.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been recci ved as follows: ARGC: Direct synthesis of music by computer. ARGC: A portable operating system fora multi-computer environment.



RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Oogenesis and synthesis of compound chromosomes in ihe Australian Sheep oluwfly — J. Cheney and M. J. Whitten. 2. Genetic basis ofautogeny in the Australian Sheep Blowfly -M. J. Whitten and J. Cheney. 3. Genetic variation in the Honey Bee in Australia-D. F. Gartside and M. J. Whitten. 4. Plasmid modification of radiation and chemical mutagen sensitivity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa-P. R. Lehrbach and B. T. O. Lee. 5. Genes controlling radiation response in Pseudomonas aeruginosa - C. D. Dirckze and B. T.O. Lee. 6. Cytological, metrical and biochemical studies of Chironomus oppositus - J. Martin, B. T. O. Lee and C. Kuvangkadilok. 7. Chironomidae (Diptera) of the Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory-J. Martin and B. T. O. Lee. 8. Population cytogenetics and cytotaxonomy of the midges-J. Martin. 9. Sex determination in Chironomus-}. Martin and D. Peart. 10. Studies on the alcohol dehydrogenase polymorphism in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster-]. A. McKenzie. 11. Evolution of insecticide resistance in the Australian Sheep Blowfly - M.J. Whitten, J. M. Dearn and J. A. McKenzie. 12. Adaptation and genetic architecture in Lucilia cuprina-}. A. McKenzie. 13. Investigation of the molecular defect affecting copper metabolism in mottled mouse mutants-S. Herd, J. Camakaris, and D. M. Danks. 14. Studies on the copper-dependent enzymes, cytochrome oxidase and superoxide dismutase, in human Menkes' syndrome and in mottled mouse mutants - M. Phillips, J. Camakaris, D. M. Danks. 15. Studies of copper metabolism in cultured cells from patients with Wilson's disease - J. Camakaris and D. M. Danks. 16. Biochemical and genetic aspects of antithrombin III - S. D'Souza, J. Camakaris and H. Ekert. 17. Radiation damage by 12!I-labelled DNA binding agents and relationship between somatic mutations and cell survival - R. Gibbs, J. Camakaris, R. Martin and R. Bradley. 18. Ecological genetics ofthe colour pattern and alary polymorphisms in the grasshopper Phaulacridium vittalum-]. M. Dearn. 19. RNA-DNA in situ hybridization - D. L. Porter. 20. Inversion polymorphism in Polypedilum nubifer (Diptera: Chironomidae)-D. L. Porter. 21. Genetic mapping of radiation and chemical-mutagen sensitive mutants in Pseudomonas aeruginosa- A. H. C. Kung. 22. The expression of P-2 plasmid encoded DNA-repair function in Escherichia coli-A. H. C. Kung. 23. Study of tellurite resistance conferred by plasmid RP-1 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli-A. H. C. Kung. 24. Simulation studies ofthe dynamics of hybrid zones -C. Moran. 25. Behavioural and population study of. the wild house mouse. Mus musculus-G. R. Singleton. 26. Evolution of heterochromatin and ribosomalgene s in Chironomus - G. Lentzios and A. J. Stocker. 27. Studies of comparative cytogenetics, hybridization, speciation and evolution in New World Iguanid lizards and Australian scincid and agamid lizards-W. P. Hall.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books 1. WHITTEN, M. J. - Genetics of the Honey Bee Apis meliifera in Australia, in Genetics in Relation lo Insect Management, Rockefeller Foundation Press (1979). 2. WHITTEN, M. J. - The Use of Genetically-Selected Strains for Pest Replacement or Suppression, in Genetics in Relation to Insect Management, Rockefeller Foundation Press (1979). Articles 3. ANANTHAKRISHNAN, R., LEE, B. T. O. and LEHRBACH, P. R. - DNA repair, carcinogenesis and ageing. Atomic Energy in Australia 21:14-23 (1978). GENETICS 231

4. BEATT1E, G. A. C. and CHENEY, J. - Oogenesis in Lucilia cuprina (Wied.) (Diptera:Calliphoridae). I. Development of nurse cell nuclei, the oocyte nucleus and the follicle cells. Aust. J. Zool. 27:331 -347 (1979). 5. CAMAKARIS, J., MANN, J. R. and DANKS, D. M. - Copper metabolism in mottled mouse mutants - copper concentrations in tissues during development. Biochem. J. ISO: 597-604(1979). 6. DIRCKZE, C. D., LEHRBACH, P. R. and LEE, B. T. O. - Effect of Bacteriophage C5 on ultraviolet light survival in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J. Gen. Microbiol 112: 297-300 (1979). 7. D'SOUZA, S. and ANANTHAKRISHNAN, R. - Affinity chromatography in the separation of human a, antitrypsin (a,-AT) and antithrombin III (AT-111). Aust. J. Exp. Biol. and Med. Sci. 57:245-250(1979). 8. LEHRBACH, P. R., LEE, B. T. O. and DIRCKZE, C. D. - Etfect of repair deficiency and R plasmids on spontaneous and radiation-induced mutability in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J. Bacteriol. 759:953-960(1979). 9. LENTZIOS, G. and STOCKER, A. J. - Nucleolar relationships in some Australian Chironomus species as shown by Ag-As banding and other cytological techniques. Chromosoma (Berl) 75:235-258 (1979). 10. McKENZIE, J. A. and McKECHNIE, S. W. - A comparative study of resource utilization in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans. Oecologia 40: 299- 309(1979). 11. MANN, J. R., CAMAKARIS, J., DANKS, D. M. and WALL1CZAK, E. G. - Copper metabolism in mottled mouse mutants-copper therapy of brindled (Mo br) mice. Biochem. J. 750:605-612(1979). 12. MANN, J. R., CAMAKARIS, J. and DANKS, D. M. - Copper metabolism in mottled mouse mutants - distribution of64Cu in brindled (Mobl) mice. Biochem. J. 750: 613-619 (1979). 13. MARTIN, J. - Chromosomes as tools in taxonomy and phylogeny of Chironomidae (Diptera). Em. scand. Suppl 70. 67-74 (1979). 14. MORAN, C. - The structure ofthe hybrid zone in Caledia captiva. Heredilv 42: 13-32 (1979). 15. WHITTEN, M. J. - Fact and value judgement in Science. Aust. N.Z. J. Surg., 49:293-299 (1979).

THESES IN. PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BOON, D. - Characterization and genetics of storage proteins in Lucilia cuprina. COLGAN, D. - Genetic Fitness. D'SOUZA, S. - Investigations on the biochemical and genetics aspects of Antithrombin 111. DIRCKZE, C. D.- Pathways of DNA Repair in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. KUVANGKADILOK, C. - Studies on the genetic variability in populations ofCh. oppositus. LEHRBACH, P. R. - Repair and mutagenesis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. MSc Theses in Progress GIBBS, R. - Radiation damage by '"I-labelled DNA binding agents and relationship between somatic mutations and cell survival HERD, S. - Investigation of the basic defect in human Menkes' syndrome and in mottled mouse mutants. LENTZIOS, G. - Banding studies on chironomid chromosomes. McPHEE, H. - The role of human antiproteases in thc physiopalhology of lung disease. PHILLIPS, M. - Copper-dependent enzymes in human Menkes' syndrome and in mottled mouse mutants. REEVES, P.-Determination of genetic load in the Australian Sheep Blowfly, Lucilia cuprina. VVOOD, D. - Investigations into polymerases o/Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Phylogeny and taxonomy of the Chironomidae. 232 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

ARGC: Speciation in Chironomus oppositus: the role of cytogenetic biometric and biochemical parameters in the differentiation of populations and races of Ch. oppositus and its Australian relatives. ARGC: Population genetics of insecticide resistance in the Australian Sheep Blowfly. ARGC: A demonstration of a new class of RNA using hybridization techniques. ARGC: The maintenance ofthe alcohol dehydrogenase polymorphism in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. ARGC: DNA repair and mutagenesis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its modification by R plasmids. Australian Wool Corporation: Genetics studies on the Australian Sheep Blowfly in relation to its control by genetic means. AINSE: Genes controlling radiation response in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Rural Credits Development Fund: Analysis of genetic variation in thc honeybee Apis mcllifera in Australia, using isozymic variants, with particular reference to thc effects of management and breeding practice. Office of the Supervising Scientist, Department of Environment: Chironomidae ofthe Alligator Rivers Region, Northern Territory'- GEOLOGY


A. COSMOCHEMISTRY AND LUNAR STUDIES I. Condensation processes in the earliest solar system - D. A. Wark.

B. ECONOMIC GEOCHEMISTRY 1. Origin and migration of oil in Barrow Island (Australia), Candeias (Brazil) and Gippsland Basin oil fields — R. T. Mathews, J. K. Emmett. 2. Determination ofthe controls of gold mineralization, especially favourable "source rocks" for gold-R. R. Keays. 3. Precious metal studies of nickel sulphide deposits and their host rocks - R. R. Keays. 4. Origin of the Sudbury structure, the world's largest reserve of copper-nickel sulphides - R. R. Keays, A. J. Naldrett.

C. GEOMORPHOLOGY, ARCHAEOLOGY 1. Quaternary volcanism in southeastern Australia - E. B. Joyce. 2. Environmental geology and geological conservation-E. B.Joyce. 3. Flinders Island studies- multidisciplinary.

D. GEOLOGICAL DATING AND ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY 1. Fission track dating of early-man sites in East Africa - A. J. Gleadow. 2. Apatite fission track age patterns and the geodynamics of continental rifting in the Indian ocean area - A. J. Gleadow, P. Kelly, K. Ferguson, J. F. Lovering. 3. Thermal histories of sedimentary basins using fission track annealing in apatites - A. J. Gleadow, I. Duddy. 4. Fission track geochronology of volcaniclastic sandstones and Lower Cretaceous volcanism in southeastern Australia-A. J. Gleadow, I. Duddy.

E. GEOPHYSICS 1. Geological Prospecting using electromagnetic methods - L. Thomas, T. Kardaras. 2. Geophysical study of Tower Hill, Victoria-S. Harris, P. Nicholls, L. Thomas. 3. Subbottom profiling in Corio Bay-L. Thomas, M. A. H. Marsden. 4. Subbottom profiling in Bass Strait - L. Thomas. 5. Magnetic profiling in Bass Strait - L. Thomas. 6. Trawl Grounds Survey, Portland-G. Benwell, L. Thomas. 7. Interpretation of Resistivity Data - P. J. Elliott. 8. Thermal Response of Sedimentary Basins-M. F. Middleton.

F. GLOBAL TECTONICS AND ANTARCTIC GEOLOGY 1. Geochronology of the Archaean Shield areas of the supcrcontinent of Gondwanaland - J. F. Lovering. 2. Geological evolution and earth resource evaluation of Antarctica-J. F. Lovering. 3. The uplift history of the Transantarctic mountains, Victoria Land, Antarctica - A. J. Gleadow. 4. Fission track geochronology of the Australian Antarctic Territory - A. J. Gleadow, P. Kelly, J. F. Lovering.


G. MINERALOGY, PETROLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY 1. Petrological and experimental studies on Leucite bearing rocks-A. Cundari, A. Gupta. 2. Relationships between chemistry and crystallography in pyroxenes - A. Cundari, A. Dal Negro, E. M. Piccirillo (Padova). 3. Petrology, Mineralogy and Petrogenesis of a Granite-Syenite suite from N. E. Victoria - A. cundari, M. Morley. 4. Petrologyoftheearth'suppermantle-J. F. Lovering. 5. Statistical interpretation of petrochemical data; use of petrological data files - R. W. Le Maitre. 6. Metamorphism of volcanic-associated nickel deposits at Widgiemooltha, W. A. - K. G. McQueen. 7. Geochemistry of komatiitcs associated with nickel mineralisation, W.A. - K. G. McQueen. 8. Development of the ion microprobe mass analyzer as a tool for geochemical and geochronological studies-J. F. Lovering. 9. Redetermination ofthe spontaneous fission decay constant of "8U - D. A. Wark. 10. Neutron dosimetry by solid-state track recorders with thin fissile coatings - D. A. Wark. 1 1. Analysis of geological materials by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). Development of analytical techniques and evaluation of spectral interference corrections-T. C. Hughes, P. Hannaker. 12. Application of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to geological analysis. Development of technique particularly with regard to sample handling, fusion and matrix correction methods - T. C. Hughes, M. T. Haukka. 13. Analysis of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in rocks and minerals by neutron activation analysis (NAA). Development of chemical separation techniques, particularly for low level determinations of REE at sub ppm levels -T. C. Hughes. 14. Dissolution ofsmooth platinum electrodes in Biological fluids- P. Hannaker, R. C. Black. 15. On-line program for X-ray micro analysis using a scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray detector-D. K. B. Sewell. 16. Hydrometallurgical extraction processes and the relationship to ore-forming processes - R. J. McLaughlin. 17. Precious metals in layered intrusions and origins of platiniferous horizons - R. R. Keays, I. H.Campbell.

H. PALAEONTOLOGY 1. Brachiopod zones in the Permian of Western Australia-G. A. Thomas, N. W. Archbold. 2. Taxonomy and shell structure of Permian Spiriferids from Western Australia - G. A. Thomas.

I. SEDIMENTOLOGY 1. Bass Strait submarine canyons and associated deep-sea fans-J. B. Keene. 2. Submarine sand dunes in Bass Strait-J. B. Keene. 3. Silica diagenesis in Tertiary marine sediments, southern Australia-J. B. Keene. 4. Diagenetic studies on carbonate rocks-O. P. Singleton.

J. STRUCTURE 1. Microstructure (T.E.M. and optical) associated with deformed quartz, mica and feldspar- C.J. L.Wilson. 2. Folding in multilayered ice sampIes-C. J. L.Wilson. 3. Mechanical properties of ice-C. J. L. Wilson, D. Russell-Head. 4. Structural geology ofthe Mallacoota region, Victoria-C. J. L. Wilson. 5. Diffusion of U, Li and B in deformed rocks-C. J. L. Wilson.


Book 1. LOVERING, J. F. and PRESCOTT, J. R. V. - Last of lands... Antarctica. Melbourne University Press(1979). GEOLOGY 235

Articles 2. CUNDARI, A. - Petrogenesis of leucite-bearing lavas in the Roman volcanic region, Italy: TheSabatini lavas. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 70:9-21 (1979). 3. EDWARDS, A. C, LOVERING, J. F. and FERGUSON, J. - High pressure inclusions from the Kayrunnera kimberlitic diatreme in New South Wales, Australia. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 69:185-192 (1979). 4. ELLENDER, G., SEWELL, D. K. B., HAMM, K. N. and STOREY, E. - Lead-loaded Ion-Exchange Resin Bead as a Calcergen. Calcified Tissue Research 26:253-258 (1978). 5. FERGUSON, A. K. and SEWELL, D. K. B. - An Overlay Program for the on-line operation of a JEOL JXA-5A Electron Microprobe using a modified Mason et al ZAF correction program. Universitv of Melbourne. Department of Geology Publication No. 5 (1978) . 6. GLEADOW, A. J. W. and BROOKS, C. K. - Fission track dating, thermal history and tectonics of igneous intrusions in East Greenland. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 71: 45-60 (1979) . 7. GROVES, D. I., BARRETT, F. M. and McQUEEN, K. G. - The relative roles of magmatic segregation, volcanic exhalation and regional metamorphism in the generation of volcanic associated nickel ores of Western Australia. Canadian Mineralogist 17:319-336 (1979). 8. GROVES, D. I. and KEAYS, R. R. - Mobilization of ore-forming elements during alterations of dunites, Mount Keith - Bethena, Western Australia. Canadian Mineralogist 77:373-389(1979). 9. HAMLYN, P. R. and KEAYS, R. R. - Origin of chromite compositional variation in the Panton Sill, Western Australia. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 69:75-82 (1979). 10. HINTHORNE, J. R., ANDERSEN, C. A., CONRAD, R. L. and LOVERING, J. F. - Single grain 20,Pb/206Pb and U/Pb age determinations with a \0pm spatial resolution using the ion microprobe mass analyzer. Chemical Geology 25:211 -303 (1979). 11. LE MAITRE, R. W. - The use ofthe Clair data system and the transferal of data files. Sci. Terre. Inf. Geol. II:43-44(1978). 12. LE MAITRE, R. W. - A new generalised petrological mixing model. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 71: 133-137(1979). 13. LOVERING, J. F., WARK, D. A. and SEWELL, D. K. B. - Refractory Oxide, Titanate, Niobate and Silicate Accessory Mineralogy of some Type B Ca-Al-rich Inclusions in the Allende Meteorite. Lunar Planet. Sci. A". 745-747 (1979). 14. McGOLDRICK, P. J., KEAYS, R. R. and SCOTT, R. B. - Thallium: a sensitive indicator of rock/scawater interaction and of sulfur saturation of silicate melts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 43:1303-131 1 (1979). 15. McQUEEN, K. G. - Experimental heating and diffusion effects in Fe-Ni sulfide ore from Redross, Western Australia. Econ. Geol. 74:140-148 (1979). 16. NAESER, C. W., GLEADOW, A. J. W. and WAGNER, G. A. - Standardization of fission track date reports. Nuclear Tracks 3: (1979). I 7. ROSS, J. R. and KEAYS, R. R. - Precious metals in volcanic-type nickel sulphide deposits in Western Australia. I. Relationship with the composition ofthe ores and their host rocks. Canadian Mineral. 77:417-435(1979). 18. STEPHENS, M. B., GLASSON, M. J. and KEAYS, R. R. - Structural and chemical aspects of metamorphic layering development in metasediments from Ciuncs, Australia. Amer. Jour. Sci. 279:129-160 (1979). 19. STRECKEISEN, A. and LE MAITRE, R. W. - A chemical approximation to the modal • QAPF classification ofthe igneous rocks. NeuesJb. Miner. Abh. 136:169-206(1979). 20. THOMAS, I. L. and HAUKKA, M. T. - Instrumental dead-time and its relationship with matrix corrections in X-ray fluorescence analysis. Anal. Chim. Acta 105:177-184(1979). 21. WARK, D. A. - Birth of thc Presolar Nebula: The Sequence of Condensation revealed in the Allende Meteorite. Astrophvs. Space Sci. 65:275-295 (1979). 22. WARK, D. A. and SEWELL, D. K. B. - Total U-Th-Pb Mineral ages of three Ca-Al-rich Inclusions in the Allende Meteorite. Lunar Planet. Sci. X: 1289-1291 (1979). 23. WARK, D. A., WASSERBURG, G. J. and LOVERING, J. F. -Structural features of some Allende coarse-grained Ca-Al-rich Inclusions: Chondrules within Chondrules? Lunar Planet. Sci. X: 1292-1294 (1979). 24. WILSON, C. J. L. - Development of Schistosity in phengite schists from Zermatt, Switzerland. Tectonophysics 56:305-316 (1979). 25. WILSON, C. J. L. -' Boundary' structures and grain shape in deformed multilayered polycrystalline ice. Tectonophysics 57:19-25(1979). 26. WILSON. C. J. L. and BELL, I. A. - Deformation of biotite and muscovite; optical microstructure. Tectonophvsics 58:179-200(1979). 27. WILSON, C. J. L. and RUSSELL-HEAD, D. S. - Experimental folding in ice and thc resultant c-axis fabrics. Nature 279:49-51 (1979). 236 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. FERGUSON, A. K. - Mineralogy of leucite-bearing rocks. 2. HI JGHES, T. C. - The geochemistry nfS. Sc, 7V, Hg. Tl and Di - their Uvietmhiulion by thermal neutron analysis and their geochemical significance. 3. REECK.MAN, S. A. - Detailed stratigraphical analysis of the Tertiary sequence at Torquay: facies. environment and diagenesis.

Master ofScience 4. DONALDSON,A. K.-A study of recent sediments in Westernport Bay.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress AHMAD, R. - Structural and metamorphic studies in the retrograde schist zones at Droken Hill. N.S. W. ARCHBOLD, N. W. - West Australian Permian Brachiopoda. A study of their taxonomy, biostratigraphy and provincialism. CRAWFORD, A. J. - Geochemistry and petrology of Victorian Cambrian greenstones. DUDDY, 1. R. - Geology, Sedimentology and Geochemistry ofthe Lower Cretaceous Otway Group. EMMETT, J. K. - Source rock investigations on the Candeias oilfield, Brazil. GRIFFIN, A. - Structural evolution ofthe Koolyanobbing Range. W.A. and its bearing on iron ore genesis. LEACH, J. - Sedimentary deposits and processes in the polar regions ofthe planet Mars. MACUMBER, P. - The influence of groundwater systems on surface processes. MARKO VICS, G. - Seawater reaction with pillow basalts. McGOLDRICK, P. - Volatile metal study of the copper and lead-zinc orebodics of Mt Isa. Queensland. MORLEY, M. E. - Tectonics and magmatic evolution in relation to continental rifling in south­ eastern A ustralia. O'BRIEN, P. - Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Viclorian Glacial Sediments. STORER, R. M. - Petrologv and geochemistry ofthe Kambalda, Ml Hunt, Kalgoorlie greenstone belt, IV.A. WARK, D. A. - Evolution ofthe early solar system: chemical, mineralogical and particle track studies of chondritic meteorites.

MSc Theses in Progress ERREY, K. - Fission track dating studies of granitic rocks from the southern coast of W.A. and S.A. KARDARAS, T. - Exploration Geophysics. REDMAN, B. A. - Precious metal study of Western Australian Archaean greenstones to investigate stratigraphic and/or geographic control and relation to Au or Niores. WALDRON, H. -Studies of element mobility during regional metamorphism. WILK, R. R. - Delineation of the Plio-Pleislocene boundary by the use of calcareous nannoplankton.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Quaternary man and environment in Bass Strait. ARGC: Deformation of lee-Rock Models. ARGC: Origin and Development of Cainozoic acid and intermediate lavas in E. Australia. Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences: Reconnaissance Subbottom Profiling and Bottom Scanning in Bass Strait. Victorian Institute of Marine Sciences: Bass Strait Submarine Canyons. Australian Heritage Commission: Survey of geological features of the National Estate in Victoria. HUMAN MOVEMENT STUDIES

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Biomechanical determinants of acceleration - E. R. Sandstrom. 2. Monitoring the effects of training in middle distance running - E. R. Sandstrom, C. A. Briggs. 3. The role of the teacher of physical education in relation to thc development of innovative programmes of school and community physical recreation - B. Nettleton. 4. The nature of decision making in complex team games- B. Nettleton, C. A. Briggs. 5. Aerobic capacity, activitv seeking, and patterns of life stvle in a sample of adolescent school children-B. Nettleton. 6. Attention demands of complex track ing ski I Is - B. Nettleton. 7. Anxiety, attentional styles, and performance- B. Nettleton. 8. Thc effects of an activity/recreation programme in an industrial work setting on individual health and fitness patterns -C. A. Briggs, B. Nettleton. 9. Continued development of functional fitness measures for team sports - C. A. Briggs, B. Nettleton. 10. The administration and analysis of tests to selected groups-C. A. Briggs, E. R. Sandstrom. 1 1. Determination of the effects of protracted periods of weight lifting on adolescent and adult weight litters — C. A. Briggs. 12. Investigation of parameters of human body segments-S. A. Lephart. 13. Historical survey of physical education in Victoria - E. E. P. Gill. 14. Total health promotion in business and industry-A. VV. Willee.


Articles 1. BRIGGS. C. A. and TELFORD. R. D. - Comparison of Submaximal and Maximal Cardiorespiratory Responses Utilizing Air-Braked Ergometers and a Treadmill. Aust. .1. Sports Med. //(l'l: 5-8(1979). 2. BRIGGS, C. A.. SANDSTROM. E. R. and NETTLETON, B. - An Approach to Predic­ tion of Performance Using Behavioural and Physiological Variables. Perceptual and Motor Skills 49:843-848 (1979). 3. BRIGGS, C. A. and NETTLETON, B. - An Integrated Approach to the Improvement of Performance in Complex Team Games. Motor Skills: Theory Into Practice 4 (1) ( 1979). 4. NETTLETON. B. - Some Aspects of Skill Acquisition and their Relevance for the Cricket Coach. Sports Coach 3 (1): 9-15 (1979). 5. NETTLETON. B. - Attention Demands of Ball Tracking Skills. Perceptual and Motor Skills 49:53 1-534 (1979). 6. WILLEE, A. W. - Directive and Non-Directive Teaching Methods. P.I.P.P. Bulletin 48 (4) (1978). 7. WILLEE. A. W. - After the Ball. Vital Retirement 9 (2) May-June, Australian Retired Persons Advisory Services (1979).

THESIS IN PROGRESS PhD 'Thesis in Progress SMITH, R. G. - Influence of Task Requirements upon the Performance oj Tracking Skills.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ERDC: The Role of the Teacher of Physical Education in relation to the Development of Innovative Programmes of School and Community Physical Recreation. Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development: The Nature of Decision Making in Complex Team Games.




A. ALGEBRA AND LOGIC - Bieri, Groves, Hannah. Hartley, Miller, Richardson, Zeleznikow. 1. Finiteness conditions for group rings. 2. Centre-by-metabelian varieties of groups. 3. Finitely presented abelian-by-nilpotent groups. 4. Burnside problem in exponent five. 5. Model companions for varieties of groups. 6. Computable properties of rings and modules. 7. Homology of finitely presented groups. 8. Balanced presentations of fundamental groups. 9. Semigroups and rings. 10. Regular self-injecti ve rings. 11. Semi-prime rings of bounded index.

B. ANALYSIS - Hardt, Hutchinson, Koliha, Love, Russell, Salivin, Simon, Upton, Williams. 1. Spectral theory of affine operators. 2. Abstract ergodic theorems. 3. Variational inequalities. 4. Surfaces of prescribed mean curvature. 5. Maximal surface equation in indefinite metrics. 6. Jacobi fields and parallel transport. 7. Almost periodic functions. 8. Functions of generalized bounded variation. 9. Real inversion theorems for Stieltjes transforms. 10. Lebesgue points and approximate continuity. 11. Integral mean values. 12. Boundary regularity for parametric minimal surfaces. 13. Geometric measure theory. 14. Fractals.

C. APPLICABLE MATHEMATICS - Rosenblat, Waechter. 1. Bifurcation problems for nonautonomous and periodically perturbed systems. 2. Inverse eigenvalue problems.

D. CONTINUUM MECHANICS - Grimshaw, Rosenblat, Waechter, Wood. Nonlinear stability problems in fluid mechanics. Oscillation and wave motions in non-Newtonian fluids. Coastal trapped waves. Solitary waves in inhomogeneous media. Long wave resonance. Mass transport by water waves. Reflexion of water waves. Critical level wave absorption. Moving boundary problems in heat flow and diffusion. Thermal explosion theory, inertial oscillations. Dislocations in crystals. MATHEMATICS 239

E. GRAPH THEORY AND COMBINATORICS - Billington, Godsil, Holton, McKay, Plummcr. 1. Automorphism groups of transitive graphs. 2. The matching polynomial ofa graph. 3. Spectra of graphs. 4. Cycles in cubic graphs. 5. Random graphs. 6. Characterizations of planarity. 7. Reconstruction ofgraphs. 8. Algorithmic aspects of combinatorics. 9. Combinatorial matrix theory. 10. Degree sequences of graphs and hypergraphs.

F. HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS - Cross, Morley. 1. History of Green's and associated theorems. 2. Life ofG. G.Stokes. 3. O. Heaviside and the operational calculus.

G. MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS - Holton, Love, Rickard, Russell. 1. Cutting and packing problems. 2. Inequalities for rates of interest. 3. Nomograms for financial decisions. 4. Minimal information models of competition between firms. 5. Optimization algorithms with application to monopolistic firms. 6. Complete information duopoly and oligopoly models.

H. MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY - Rosenblat, Thompson. 1. Ergodic properties of difference equations in biology. 2. Stability of translation and transcription. 3. Models forevolution. 4. Periodic and wave-like solutions of model equations in population biology.

1. OPTIMIZATION, CONTROL, GAME THEORY - Craven, Trudzik. Wilson. 1. Power spectrum analysis of machine generated ciphers. 2. Optimal control with inaccurate models. 3. Duality and sensitivity theorems for nonlinear fractional programming. 4. Linear programming with matrix variables. 5. Vector minimization. 6. Local duality for nonlinear programming. 7. Optimal control algorithms. 8. Modified Lagrangians in convex programming. 9. Optimization in abstract spaces.

J. STATISTICAL MECHANICS - Cummings, Smith, Thompson, Wright. 1. Discrete dynamical systems. 2. Phase transitions in exactly soluble models. 3. Integral equation and perturbation theory descriptions of bulk fluids. 4. Monte Carlo simulations of ionic and dipolar systems. 5. Analytic theories of adsorption of fluids onto solid surfaces. 6. Grand canonical simulation of adsorption. 7. Lattice sums for energies of ionic crystals. 8. Energies of defects and of point defect interactions. 240 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

K. TOPOLOGY AND GEOMETRY - Hartley, Rubinstein. 1. Homeotopy 4-spheres and exotic 4-manifolds. 2. Homeotopy groups of 3-manifolds. 3. 3-manifolds which are not sufficiently large. 4. Knots fixed by periodic transformations.

PUBLISHED WORK Book THOMPSON, C. J. - Mathematical Statistical Mechanics. Princeton University Press, 1979.

Articles 2. ALLEN, J. S. and GRIMSHAW, R. H. J. - Linearly Coupled, Slowly Varying Oscillators. Studies in Appl. Math. 61:55-11 (1979). 3. COHEN, D. S. and ROSENBLAT, S. - Multi-Species Interactions with Hereditary Effects and Spatial Diffusion. J. Math. Biology 7:231 -241 (1979). 4. CRAVEN, B. D. and MOND, B. - A Note on Duality in Homogeneous Fractional Programming. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 26:153-155 (1979). 5. CRAVEN, B. D. and MOND, B. - On Duality for Fractional Programming. Zeitschrift fur angewandteMathematik undMechanik 59:278-279 (1979). 6. CUMMINGS, P. T. - Exact Solution of the Mean Spherical Approximation for a Model Liquid Metal Potential: I Method of Solution. J. Phys. F. (Metal Phvsics) 9:1477(1979). 7. CUMMINGS, P. T. and SMITH, E. R. - Liquid-Gas Transition for Hard Spheres with Attractive Yukawa Tail Interactions. Chem. Phvs. 42:24] (1979). 8. CUMMINGS, P. T. and SMITH, E. R. - On the Yukawa Closure of the Ornstein-Zernike Equation. Mol. Phys. 38:997 (1979). 9. CUMMINGS, P. T., SMITH, E. R. and WRIGHT, C. C. - Use ofthe Yukawa Fluid in Perturbation Theory. Chem. Phys. Letts. 66:219 (1979). 10. CUMMINGS, P. T., WRIGHT, C. C, PERRAM, J. W. and SMITH, E. R. - Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike Equation for a Soft Core Yukawa Fluid. J. Stat. Phvs. 27:659 (1979). 11. EGGLETON, R. B. and HOLTON, D. A. - The Graph of Type (O, ~, ~) Realizations of a Graphic Sequence. Combinatorial Maths VI, Springer- Verlag Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 748:41-54, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1979). 12. EGGLETON, R. B. and HOLTON, D. A.-Graphic Sequences. Combinatorial Maths VI, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 748: 1-10, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1979). 13. GODSIL, C. - Graphs, Groups and Polytopes. Combinatorial Mathematics, Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 686:157-164, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1978). 14. GODSIL, C. and GUTMAN, I. - Topological Resonance Energy is Real. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung. 34a: 116-111 (1979). 15. GODSIL, C, IM RICH, W. and RAZEN, R. - On the Number of Subgroups of Given Index in the Modular Group. Monatshefte fur Mathematik. 87:273-280 (1979). 16. GODSIL, C. and McKAY, B. D. - A New Graph Product and Its Spectrum. Bull. Austral. Math.Soc. 18. 7:21-28(1978). 17. GRIMSHAW, R. H. J. - Mean Flows Induced by Internal Gravity Wave Packets Propagating in a Shear Flow. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 392A: 391-417(1979). 18. GRIMSHAW, R. H. J. - Resonant Over-reflexion of Internal Gravity Waves from a Helmholtz Velocity Profile. J. Fluid Mech. 90:161-178(1979). 19. GRIMSHAW, R. H. J. - Slowly Varying Solitary Waves I. Korteweg-de Vries Equation. Proc. Roy. Soc. 368.4:359-315 (1979). 20. GRIMSHAW, R. H. J. - Slowly Varying Solitary Waves II. Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation. Proc. Roy. Soc. 368A:311-3iS(\919). 21. GRIMSHAW, R. H. J. - Stratified Flow over Finite Obstacles with Weak Stratification. Geophys. Astr. Fluid Dynam. 13:3\ 7-334 (1979). 22. HARTLEY, R. - Metabclian Representations of Knot Groups. Pacific J. of Math. 82: 93-104(1979). 23. HARTLEY, R. - On Two-bridged Knot Polynomials. J. Aust. Math. Soc. (Series A) 28: 241-249(1979). 24. HATHAWAY, N. J., HOWROYD, T. D. and RICKARD, J. A. - Dynamic Stackelberg Stability. Economic Letts. 2:209-213 (1979). 25. HATHAWAY, N. J. and RICKARD, J. A. - Equilibria of Price-Setting and Quantity- Setting Duopolies. Economic Letts. 3:133-137 (1979). MATHEMATICS 241

26. HAVAS, G., RICHARDSON, J. S. and STERLING, L. S. - The Last ofthe Fibonacci Groups. Proc. Rov. Soc. Edinburgh 83A: 199-203 (1979). 27. HOLTON, D. A. and PURCELL, S. - The Four Colour Theorem - A Short History. Austral. Maih. Soc. Gaz. 6:11 -14 (1979). 28. HOLTON, D. A. and PURCELL, S. - The Four Colour Theorem - Some Ideas Used in the Proof. Austral. Math. Soc. Gaz. 6: 35-45 (1979). 29. HOLTON, D. A. and RICKARD, J. A. - Brick Packing. Combinatorial Mathematics V. Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 686. Ed. by D. A. Holton and J. Seberry, 174-183, New York: Springer-Verlag (1978). 30. HOLTON, D. A. and SHEEHAN, J. - On Sylow Graphs. J. Austral. Math. Soc. 25/1:27-38 (1979). 31. KAWAUCHI, A. and HARTLEY, R. - Polynomials of Amphicheiral Knots. Math. Ann. 243:63-70 (1979). 32. LANE, J. E„ SPURLING, T. H„ FREASIER, B., PERRAM, J. W. and SMITH, E. R. - Inconsistency of the Density Functional Theory of Adsorption with Simulations. Phvs. flev..-120:2147 (1979). 33. McKAY, B. D. - Backtrack Programming and Isomorph Rejection on Ordered Subsets. Ars Combinatoria 5:65-99 (1978). 34. McKAY, B. D. - Computing Automorphisms and Canonical Labellings of Graphs. Combinatorial Mathematics. Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 686: 223-232, Springer- Verlag, Berlin (1978). 35. McKAY, B. D. - Hadamard Equivalence via Graph Isomorphism. Discrete Math. 27: 213-216(1979). 36. McKAY, B. D. - Transitive Graphs with Fewer than Twenty Vertices. Math. Comp., 33. 147:1 101-1 122(1979). 37. McKAY, B. D. and STANTON, R. G. - Isomorphism of Two Large Designs. Ars Combinatoria 6:87-90 (1978). 38. McKAY, B. D. and STANTON, R. G. - Thc Current State ofthe Generalised Moore Graph Problem. Combinatorial Mathematics VII. Lecture Notes in Mathematics No. 748: 21-31, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1979). 39. MOND, B. and CRAVEN, B. D. - A Duality Theorem for a Nondifferentiable Nonlinear Fractional Programming Problem. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 20:397-406 (1979). 40. MORR1SS, G. P., PERRAM, J. W. and SMITH, E. R. - Thc Solution ofthe RISM Equation for Diatomic Symmetric Molecules. Mol. Phys. 38:465 (1979). 41. MORRISS, G. P. and SMITH, E. R. - Monolayer Adsorption of Hard Sphere Fluids: Monolayer Profile and Adsorption Isotherm. Mol. Phys. 36:1825 (1978). 42. RICKARD, J. A. - The Dynamics of Duopoly Output Games involving Cournot and Related Best-response Strategics. Econ. Record55:68-75 (1979). 43. ROSENBLAT, S. - Asymptotic Methods for Bifurcation and Stability Problems. Studies in Appl. Math. 60:241 -259 (1979). 44. ROSENBLAT, S. and DAVIS, S. H. - Bifurcation from Infinity. SI AM J. Appl. Math. 37: 1-19(1979). 45. RUBINSTEIN, J. H. - Free Actions of Some Finite Groups on S3, I. Math. Ann. 240: 165-175(1979). 46. RUBINSTEIN, J. H. - On 3-Manifolds that have Finite Fundamental Group and contain Klein Bottles. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 251:129-137 (1979). 47. RUBINSTEIN, J. H. and GARDINER, C. - A Note on a 3-Dimensional Homogeneous Space. Comp. Math. 39:297-299 (1979). 48. RUSSELL, A. M. - Further Comments on the Variation Function. Amer. Math. Monthly 86. No. 6. June-July: 480-482 (1979). 49. SECOMB, T. W. and ROSENBLAT, S. - Torsional Oscillations ofa Non-Newtonian Fluid with a Free Surface. J. Fluid Mech. 95:767-780(1979). 50. SMITH, E. R. - Mean Spherical Approximation for Simple Hard Sphere Fluids I. Methods of Solution. Mol. Phys. 55:823 (1979). 51. WILLIAMS, G. H. - Surfaces of Prescribed Mean Curvature with Inequalities on the Boundary. Math. Zeil. !64:l\-5\ (1979). 52. WILLIAMS, G. H. - The Equivalence of Some Variational Problems for Surfaces of Prescribed Mean Curvature. Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 20:87-104 (1979). 53. WILSON, D.J.-Liltlewood's Cipher. Cryplologia 3:120-121 and 172-176(1979). 54. WRIGHT, C. C. and PERRAM, J. W. - A New Perturbation Theory for Potentials with a Soft Core. Chem. Phys. Letts. 66:274 (1979). 242 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

Reports 55. ARMOUR, L. J. and RICKARD, J. A. - Maximization of Discounted Sums of Profits for a Monopolist Selling at Periodic Auctions. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 42(1979). 56. BAUMSLAG, G., CANNON1TO, F. B. and MILLER, C. F. Ill - Infinitely Generated Subarouns of Prp«ented Groups - II. Ur.iv. of California-Irvine Res. Rep. (1979). 57. BAUMSLAG, G., CANNONITO, F. B. and MILLER, C. F. Ill - Computable Algebra and Group Embeddings. Univ. of California-Irvine Res. Rep. (1979). 58. BILLINGTON, D. - Degree Sequences Uniquely Realisable within Sets of Hypergraphs. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 36 (1979). 59. BILLINGTON, D. - Degree Sequences Uniquely Realisable by Hypergraphs. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 59(1979). 60. CAFFARELLI, L. A. - Compactness Methods in Free Boundary Problems. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 27(1979). 61. COLLINGS, I. L. and GRIMSHAW, R. - Stability of Boundary Currents: Some Results for Piece-wise Linear Current Profiles. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 75(1979). 62. COLLINGS, I. L. and GRIMSHAW, R. - Thc Effect of Current Shear on Topographic Rossby Waves. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 22(1979). 63. CUMMINGS, P. T. and SMITH, E. R. - Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike Equation for an Asymmetric Yukawa Mixture. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 50(1979). 64. CUMMINGS, P. T. and WRIGHT, C. C. - Solution ofthe Ornstein-Zernike Equation for a Soft-Core Yukawa Fluid III. A Restricted Model for Electrolytes and Fused Salts. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 49(1979). 65. DE LEEUW, S., PERRAM, J. W. and SMITH, E. R. - Simulation of Electrostatic Systems in Periodic Boundary Conditions I. Lattice Sums and Dielectric Constants. Odense Univ. Mat. Inst. Res. top. 5(1979). 66. DE LEEUW, S., PERRAM, J. W. and SMITH, E. R. - Simulation of Electrostatic Systems in Periodic Boundary Conditions II. Equivalence of Boundary Conditions. Odense Univ. Mat. Inst. Res. Rep.9(\919). 67. FITZ-GERALD, G. F. and GRIMSHAW, R. H. J. - A Note on the Uniqueness of Small Amplitude Water Waves Travelling in a Region of Varying Depth. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep.8(\9l9). 68. GODDARD, S. T., MICHENER, S. A. and RICKARD, J. A. - An Illustrative Method for Valuing Annuities. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 47(1979). 69. GODSIL, C. D. - Matchings and Walks in Graphs. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 40 (1979). 70. GODSIL, C. D. - Equiaboreal Graphs. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 46 (1979). 71. GODSIL, C. D. and McKAY, B. D. - Graphs with Regular Neighbourhoods. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 57(1979). 72. GRIMSHAW, R. H. J. - A General Theory of Critical Level Absorption and Valve Effects for Linear Wave Propagation. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 4(1979). 73. GRIMSHAW, R. H. J. - The Modulation ofa Weakly Nonlinear Wave Packet in an Inhomogeneous Medium. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 29(1979). 74. HANNAH, J. - Ideals in Regular Self-Injective Rings and Quotient Rings of Group Algebras. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 2(1979). 75. HANNAH, J. - Dense Right Ideals in Locally Finite Group Algebras. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 75(1979). 76. HANNAH, J., RICHARDSON, J. S. and ZELEZNIKOW, J. - Completely Semi-simple Ring Semigroups. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 55(1979). 77. HARDT, R. M. - Semi-Algebraic Local-Triviality in Semi-Algebraic Mappings. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 25(1979). 78. HARTLEY, R. I. - Knots and Involutions. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep.6{\919). 79. HARTLEY. R. 1.-Knots with Free Period. Univ. ofMelb . Maths. Res. Rep. 17 (1979). 80. HARTLEY, R. I. - Invertible Amphicheiral Knois. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 48 (1979). 81. HATHAWAY, N. J. and RICKARD, J. A. - The Value of Information - A Simple Duopoly Model. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 74(1979). 82. HATHAWAY, N. J. and RICKARD, J. A. - The Stability of Bishop's Generalized Warfare Strategy. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 47 (1979). 83. HOLTON, D. A., McKAY, B. D. and PLUMMER, M. D. - Cycles through Specified Vertices in 3-Connectcd Cubic Graphs. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 55(1979). 84. HOWROYD, T. D. and RICKARD, J. A. - The Stability of the Coumot Oligopoly Solution. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 27 (1979). 85. HUTCHINSON, J. E. - Fractals and Self Similarity. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 31 (1979). 86. MARTINI, C. A. and THOMPSON, C. J. - Statistical Approach to Discrete Dynamical Systems. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 72(1979). MATHEMATICS 243

87. McCARTHY, D. and McKAY. B. D. - Transposablc and Symmetrizable Matrices. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 45(1979). 88. McGUIRE, J. B. and THOMPSON, C. J. - Distribution of Iterates of First Order Difference Equations. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 45(1919). 89. McKAY, B. D. - The Expected Eigenvalue Distribution of a Random Labelled Regular Graph. Univ. ofMelb . Maths. Res. Rep. 9 (1979). 90. MORRISS, G. P. and SMITH, E. R. - Correlation Functions for Diatomic Symmetric Molecules from the R1SM Equation. Odense Univ. Mat. Inst. Res. top. (1979). 91. RICKARD, J. A. - A Nomogram Relating Flat, Nominal and Effective Rates of Interest. Univ. ofMelb . Maths. Res. Rep. 25(1979). 92. RICKARD, J. A. and HOWROYD, T. D. - Stability ofthe Cournot Oligopolv Solution. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 19(\919). 93. RICKARD, J. A. and RUSSELL, A. M. - Some Inequalities Relating Flat. Nominal and Effective Rates of Interest. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 20(1979). 94. RICKARD. J. A. and RUSSELL, A. M. - The "Hidden" Costs and Benefits of Rested Interest. Univ. ofMelb . Maths. Res. Rep. 52(1979). 95. RUBINSTEIN, J. H.-Dehn's Lemma and Handle Decompositions of Some 4-Manifolds. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. I (1979). 96. SIMON, L. - Regularity of Capillary Surfaces over Domains with Corners. Univ. of Melb: Maths. Res. Rep. 10(1919). 97. SIMON, L. - First and Second Variation in Geometry and Topology. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 25(1979). 98. SMITH, E. R. - The Electrostatic Energy ofa Finite Cube of Cubic Ionic Crystal. Res. Rep., Clarkson College. N.}'., U.S.A. (1979). 99. SMITH, E. R. - The Dielectric Constant of a Lattice of Polarizable Spheres. Res. Rep.. Clarkson College, A'. Y., U.S.A. (1979). 100. THOMPSON, C. J. - Phase Transitions in Exactly Soluble Models. £7m'v. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 26(1919). 101. WOOD, W. W. - Inertial Modes with Large Azimuthal Wave Numbers in an Axisymmetric Container. Univ. ofMelb . Maths. Res. Rep. 5(1979). 102. WRIGHT, C. C. and CUMMINGS. P. T. - Solution ofthe Ornstein-Zernike Equation for a Soft-Core Yukawa Fluid II. Numerical Results. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 44 (1979). 103. WRIGHT, C. C. and PERRAM, J. W. - A New Perturbation Theory for Potentials with a SoftCore. Univ. ofMelb . Maths. Res. Rep. II (1979). 104. ZLOBEC, S. and CRAVEN, B. D.-A Method for Stabilization ofConvex Programs with Selected Applications. Univ. of Melb. Maths. Res. Rep. 54(1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. GODSIL, C. D.-Groups and Graphs. Master ofScience 2. HUNTER, M. N. - On Tauberium Theorems Associated with Infinite Divergent Series. 3. MARTINI, C. A. - A Stochastic Description of Chaos. 4. TAFFE. J. R. - Wool Pricing Models. 5. ROFF. G. L. - Time Delays in Pursuit Games.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ARMOUR, L. J. - An Investigation of Some Possible Profit Maximizing Algorithms for a Monopolist under a Free Auction Svstem. ARMSTRONG, CM. - The Statistical Mechanics of Adsorption. BI LLINGTON, D. - Degree Sequences in Hvpergraphs. COLLINGS, I. L. - Continental Shelf Dynamics. CUM MINGS, P. T. - Applications of Baxter's Factorisation in the Statistical Theorv of Liquids. HATHAWAY, N. J. - Some Problems in Duopoly. HU NTER, R. J. - Weakly Compactly Generated Topological Linear Spaces. McAVANEY, K. L. - Studies in Graph Theory. McKAY, B. D. - Computational Algorithms in Graph Theory. MORRISS, G. P. - The Statistical Mechanics of Adsorption Processes. SMITH. E. R.- Elliptic Variational Problems. 244 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

MSc Theses in Progress AITCH1SON, I. R.- Involutions and Handle-Decompositions of 4-Manifolds. BARTNIK, R. A.-MaximalHvpersurfaces in Lorentz Space. BERESFORD, J. k.- Finitely Presented Soluble Groups. CARR, R. A. - Qualitative Properties of the Non-Linear Wave Equation. COLAlDlS, A. i.-History oj Differential Equations. GODDARD, S. T. - Hamiltonian Circuits and Networks. KAY, G. L. - Peal and Complex Banach *-Algebras. M1CHENF.R, S. - Mathematical Analysis of Certain Casino Games. RULE, T. M. - Differential Equations'. SALIV1N, B. V .-Generalized Calculus on Banach Spaces. TOBIN, P. C. - Mathematical Models in the Origin and Evolution of Biological Macromolecules. TOOHEY, K. P. - Model Theory and Groups. TRUDZIK, L. I. - Optimization in Abstract Spaces. WISE, I. J. - Non-linear Waves and Applications to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Balanced presentations of fundamental groups. ARGC: Statistical mechanicsofliquidsand liquid-solid interfaces. ARGC: Amorphous states of matter. METEOROLOGY


A. SYNOPTIC METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATOLOGY 1. Synoptic climatology of precipitation in south-eastern Australia - T.T.Gibson, W. J. Wright, P. H. Whctton. 2. Use of analogue retrieval techniques in objective forecasting - T. T. Gibson, H. Stern, R. Dahni. 3. The climatology of tropospheric jet streams of the southern hemispherc-T. T. Gibson. 4. Southern hemisphere climate monitoring-W. F. Budd, T. H. Jacka. S. Kcp. 5. Southern hemisphere cyclogcnesis and cyclone tracks - W. F. Budd, S. Kep.

B. URBAN AND MESOSCALE METEOROLOGY 1. Vertical profiles of temperature and wind within an urban environment from tethered balloon observations- R. C. Lile, R. Tapp. 2. Climatology of temperature inversions within the Melbourne region from radiosonde observations-R. C. Lile, J. Wilding. 3. Nearsurface air How in the Melbourne region - B. van Mcurs, R. C. Lile, R. Tapp. 4. Air pollution weather conditions at Melbourne - B. van Mcurs, R. C. Lile. 5. Mesoscalc climate studies at Albury-Wodonga-R. C. Lile, R. Tapp. 6. Weather conditions for high ozone concentrations in Melbourne - T. T. Gibson, 1. Galbally (C.S.I.R.O.), A. Kirkwood. 7. Analogue retrieval and regression techniques for forecasting high pollution occasions - T. T. Gibson, R. C. Lile, R. Dahni. 8. Sea-bay breeze occurrences and mechanisms in the Melbourne region - T. T. Gibson, R. C. Lile, B. van Mcurs, D. Abbs. 9. Structure of thermal convection plumes - B. van Meurs, T.T.Gibson, R.C. Lile, R. Doming.

C. COMPUTER MODELLING FOR WEATHER AND CLIMATE 1. Simulation of southern hemisphere climate with general circulation models - W. F. Budd, 1. H. Simmonds. 2. Effect ofthe Antarctic sea ice on the southern hemisphere climate from general circulation modelling-1. H. Simmonds. 3. Effect of zonally varying cloud cover on the general circulation and surface heat balance - I. H. Simmonds, P. Parker. 4. Generation and application of a barotropic model for diagnostic and training purposes - D. Jenssen. 5. Development of an efficient objective analysis scheme for gridding and contouring randomly spaced data - D. Jenssen. 6. Application of computer graphics to southern hemisphere meteorological fields - W. F. Budd. B. J. Mclnnes, I. H. Simmonds. 7. Development of a dynamic numerical model of the southern ocean circulation - N. R. Smith.

D. GLACIOLOGY 1. Antarctic heat budget studies-1. F. Allison, S. F. Ackley. 2. Antarctic oversnow traverse data analysis-N. W. Young. 3. Aerial icethicknesssoundinganalysis-I. F. Allison. 4. Laboratory studies of Antarctic ice cores-V. I. Morgan. 5. Laboratory studies of ice deformation properties-V. I. Morgan, T. H. Jacka.


6. Simulation of the growth and decay of ice sheets in reaction to the Earth's orbital radiation variations-W. F. Budd, I. N. Smith. 7. Mass balance studies ofthe Enderby Land region of Antarctica-V. I. Morgan, T. H. Jacka. 8. Derivation of the melt rates of icebergs from their size and space distributions in the southern oceans-W. F. Budd,V. I. Morgan, T. H. Jacka.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. ACKLEY. S. F. - Mass-balance aspects of Weddell Sea pack ice. J. of Glaciologv, 24 (90): 391-404(1979). 2. ALLISON, I. - The mass budget of the Lambert Glacier drainage basin, Antarctica. J. of Glaciology, 22 (87): 223-235 (1979). 3. ALLISON, I., FREW, R. and KNIGHT, I. - Surface elevation, ice thickness and bedrock elevation of the region between Mawson and Amundsen Bav. J. of the Geol. Soc. of Australia, 26 (5 and 6): 274 (1979). 4. BUDD, W. F., KEAGE, P. L. and BLUNDY, N. A. - Empirical studies of ice sliding. J. of Glaciology, 23(89): 157-169(1979). 5. BUDD, W. F. and MclNNES, B. J. - Periodic surging ofthe Antarctic ice sheet-an assess­ ment by modelling. HvdrologiculSciences Bulletin, 24 (1): 95-104 (1979). 6. BUDD, W. F. and YOUNG, N. W. - Results from the 1AGP flowline study inland of Casey, Wilkes Land, Antarctica../. of Glaciology, 24(90): 89-102 (1979). 7. GIBSON, T. T. - Large scale circulation indices derived from mean jet-stream positions. Climate Monitor, 7(2): 49-52 (1979). 8. MORGAN, V. I. - A system for accurate temperature control of small fluid baths. J. of Glaciologv, 22(87): 389-391 (1979). 9. RAYNAUD, D., LORIUS, C, BUDD, W. F. and YOUNG, N. W. - Ice flow along an 1AGP flowline and interpretation of data from an ice core in Terre Adelie, Antarctica../. of Glaciology, 24(90): 103-116 (1979). 10. RUSSEL-HEAD, D. S. and BUDD, W. F. - Icc-shcct flow properties derived from bore­ hole shear measurements combined with ice-core studies. J. of Glaciologv, 24 (90): 117-130 (1979). I 1. TAPP, R. G. - A mcsometeorological study using a tethered sounding system in a region of proposed urban development: Albury-Wodonga. Aust. Meteorological Mag., 26 (4): 107-124(1978). 12. TAPP, R. G. and LILE, R. C. - A new tethersonde system for the remote measurement of temperature and wind. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 15:465-479 (1978). 13. YOUNG, N. W. - Measured velocities of interior East Antarctica and the state of mass balance within the lAGParea./ ofGlaciology, 24 (90): 77-88(1979). 14. YOUNG, N. W. - Geophysical/glaciological studies in Antarctica. J. of ihe Geol. Soc. of A ustralia, 26 (5 and 6): 274 (1979). Reports 15. LILE, R. C, ed. - The meteorology of the Melbourne and Albury-Wodonga urban areas. Final Report to the EPA V. Part 4: Climatological aspects of light low level winds in the Melbourne area. Meteorological Department, 276 (1979). 16. LILE, R. C, ed. - The meteorology ofthe Melbourne and Albury-Wodonga urban areas. Final Report to the EPAV, Part 5: The meteorology ofthe Alburv-Wodonga area, 30 (1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Doctor of Philosophy 1. LILE, R. C. - The Rheology of Polycrystalline Ice.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ACKLEY, S. - The role of Antarctic Sea Ice in Climate Change. SMITH, I. - Numerical Modelling of Glaciers and Ice Sheets. WRIGHT, W. - Synoptic Climatology of Winter Precipitation in Victoria. YOUNG, N. - Interdependence of Velocity and Temperature in Ice Masses. METEOROLOGY 247

MSc Theses in Progress BLUNDY, N. - Ice Sliding and Friction Studies. JACKA, T. - Laboratory Studies of Ice Flow and Measured Flow ofthe Antarctic Ice Sheet. KELLY, G. - Use of Satellite Vertical Temperature Profiles and Cloud Mosaic Data in the Southern Hemisphere. KELLY, P. - Laboratory Modelling of Energy Dispersion and Atmospheric Circulation. KIM, K. - Paramelerisalion of Evaporation for Numerical Models of the Atmosphere. LEIGHTON, R. - Application of Synoptic Climatology to the Prognosis of Climate Diagnostics in the A ustralian Region. MEIGHEN.P.- Radar Studies of Tropical Cyclones. MORGAN, S .-Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Antarctic Snow and Ice. NICHOLLS, N. - The Monsoon of Northern Australia and its Relationship to the General Circulation. PARKER, P. - Effects of Zonal Variations in Cloud on the General Circulation and the Surface Energy Budget. POWERS, P. - Techniques for the Derivation of Temperature and Water Vapour Profiles Retrieved from Satellite Soundings ofthe A tmosphere. REID, D. - ClimatologicalAspects ofSand Dune Formation. RUSSELL-HEAD, D. - Ice Sheet Flow from Borehole and Laboratory Studies. SHEEHY, D. - The Dynamics of Ice Movement in Eastern Antarctica Inlandfrom Casey. STERN, H.-The Development oj a System of Automated Forecasting Guidance using Analogue Retrieval Techniques. WILSON, J. - Oxygen Isotopes in Ice Cores as Climate Indicators. WOODCOCK, F. - Analogue Retrieval and Regression Techniques for Local Area Forecasts.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Antarctic Division, Department ofScience: Antarctic Glaciology Studies. United States Geological Survey: Numerical Modelling of Past and Future Changes of the Columbia Glacier, Alaska. 248 FACULTY OF SCIENCE


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Eariy vascularisation ofthe rat cornea - H. B. Collin, B. P. Hoban. 2. Ultra-structural studies of human corneal and conjunctival biopsy material - H. B. Collin. 3. The effects of non-therapeutic ophthalmic preparations on the cornea - H. B. Collin, B. E. Grabsch. 4. Architecture ofthe human cornea-L.G. Carney, G.Smith, P. M. Kiely. 5. Physiological response ofthe comea and tears to environmental stress - L. G. Carney, N. Efron.R.J. Fullard. 6. Ocular responses to contact lens wear- L. G. Carney. 7. Optical properties and ergonomics of low vision aids - A. W. Johnston, G. Smith. 8. Aberrations and other factors affecting image quality in real and schematic eyes-G. Smith, D. A. Atchison, P. M. Kiely. 9. Design and assessment ofthe performance of spectacle lenses-G. Smith, D. A. Atchison. 10. The ergonomics of visual optical instruments-G. Smith. 11. Clinical assessment of the anterior angle - D. M. Cockburn. 12. Assessment of patients with visual loss - A. W. Johnston, P. J. Cunningham. 13. Techniques to simulate low vision - A. W. Johnston, J. Liubinas. 14. Effect of visual impairment on mobility and personal navigation skill - A. VV. Johnston, D.J. Guest. 15. Conspicuity ofobjects- B. L. Cole, S. E. Jenkins. 16. Judgment of distance at night - B. L. Cole, K. J. Bowman. 17. Judgment of aircraft orientation by colour coded navigation lights - B. L. Cole, A. J. Vingrys, K. J. Bowman.

PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. AUGUSTEYN, R. C, COLLIN, H. B. and ROGERS, K. M.- The Eye, Volume 1, Annual Research Reviews Series cd. D. F. Horrobin, Eden Press. Articles 2. ATCHISON, D. A., SMITH, G. and EFRON. N. - The effect of pupil size on visual acuity in uncorrected and corrected myopia. Am. J. Optom. Phvsiol. Optics 56.-315-323 (1979). 3. ATCHISON, D. A. and JOHNSTON, A. W. - The alteration in static perimetric thresholds caused by the prismatic effect of ophthalmic lenses. Aust. J. Optom. 62.276-278 (1979). 4. ATCHISON, D. A. - History of visual field measurement. Aust. J. Optom. 62: 345-354 (1979). 5. BOWMAN, K. J., SMITH, G. and CARNEY, L. G. - Corneal topography and monocular diplopia following near work. A m. J. Optom. Phvsiol. Optics 55:818-823(1978). 6. BOWMAN, K. J., CARNEY, L. G. and COLLIN, H. B. - Bilateral keratoconus posticus circumscriptus: A case report. Am. J. Optom. Physiol. Optics 56:435-440 (1979). 7. CARNEY, L. G. and FULLARD, R. J. Ocular irritation and environmental pH. Aust. J. Optom. 62:335-336 (1979). 8. COCKBURN, D. M. - Anterior chamber damage as a result of mild ocular trauma. Am. J. Optom. Physiol. Optics 55:728-731(1978). 9. COCKBURN. D. M. - Photo clinic - Retino-choroiditis of presumed toxoplasmosis origin. Aust. J. Optom. 62:298 (1979). 10. COCKBURN. D. M. - A decision making schema for the detection of glaucoma. Am. J. Optom. Physiol. Optics 56:82-93(1979). 11. COCKBURN, D. M. - Haemorrhages in the posterior segment of the eye: a guide to diagnosis and optomctric management. Aust. J. Optom. 62:419-427 (1979). 12. COLE, B. L. and JACOBS, R. J. - A resolution limited model for the prediction of information retrieval from extended alphanumeric messages. Proc. 9th Conf. ARRB 9: 383-389(1979). 13. COLLIN, H. B. - Research in chiropractic. Jnl. Aust. Chiropractors' Assn. II: 19-21 (1978). 14. COLLIN, H. B. - Follicular and papillary conditions ofthe conjunctiva. Trans. N. Z. Optom. Assoc. 48th Conf.48:14-18 (1978). 15. COLLIN, H. B. - Keratoconus. Trans. N. Z. Optom. Assoc. 48th Conf.48:1 -6 (1978). OPTOMETRY 249

16. COLLIN, H. B. - Viral conditions of the cornea and conjunctiva. Trans. N. Z. Optom. Assoc. 48th Conf. 45:7-13 (1978). 17. COLLIN, H. B. - Corneal oedema. Trans. N. Z. Optom. Assoc. 48th Conf.48:19-29 (1978). 18. COLLIN, H. B. - Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis. The clinical picture and light and electron microscopic findings. Aust. J. Optom. 62:185-190(1979). 19. COLLIN, H. B. - Prevalence of the Hudson Stahli line of the comea. Am. J. Optom. Phvsiol. Optics 56:94-97 (1979). 20. EFRON, N. and CARNEY, L. G. - Oxygen levels beneath the closed eyelid. Invest. Ophthal. and Vis. Sci. 75:93-95 (1979). 21. EFRON, N. and COLLIN, H. B. - Epicapsular stars with visual loss. Am. J. Optom. Physiol. Optics 56:441 -445 (1979). 22. GUTTERIDGE, I. F. -Case report: Disciform degeneration ofthe macula. Aust. J. Optom. 62:414-418(1979). 23. HESS, R. F. and CARNEY, L. G. - Vision through an abnormal cornea: A pilot study of the relationship between visual loss from corneal distortion, corneal edema, keratoconus and some allied corneal pathology. Invest. Ophthal. and Vis. Sci. 75:476-483 (1979). 24. HESS, R. F., JACOBS, R. J. and VINGRYS, A. - Central versus peripheral vision: Evaluation of the residual function resulting from a uniocular macula scotoma. Am. J. Optom. Physiol. Optics 55:610-614(1978). 25. HOWELL, E. R. and HESS, R. F. - The functional area for summation to threshold for sinusoidal gratings. Vision Res. 18:369-374 (1978). 26. JACOBS, R. J. and COLE, B. L. - Acquisition of information from alphanumeric road signs. Proc. 9th Conf. ARRB 9:390-395 (1979). 27. JACOBS, R. J. and COLE, B. L. - Searching vertical stack directions. Proc. 9th Conf ARRB 9:396^100 (1979). 28. JOHNSTON, A. W. - Origami stereoscope. A ust. J. Optom. 62:26-27(1979). 29. JOHNSTON, A. W. - A new reading stand for low vision patients. Aust. J. Optom. 62: 161-162(1979). 30. SMITH, G., JACOBS, R. J. and JOHNSTON, A. W. - Procedures for the optical assess­ ment of low vision aids. Aust.J. Optom. 62:195-200(1979). 31. SMITH, G. and PERAZZO, P. - Optical factors affecting the quality of microfiche readers. Micrographics South Aust. 4:8-17(1979). 32. JACOBS, R. J. - Visual resolution and contour interaction in the fovea and periphery. Vision Res. 19:1187-1195 (1979). Reports 33. BOWMAN, K. J. and COLE, B. L. - Recognition of the aircraft navigation light colour code. Report to Flying Operations and Airworthiness Division, Dept. of Transport, Commonwealth of Australia (1979). 34. COLE, B. L. and JENKINS, S. E. - The effect of size and luminance on visual conspicuity in the road traffic environment. Aust. Road Res. Board Internal Report. AIR 275-5(1979). 35. JENKINS, S. E. and COLE, B. L. - Conspicuity of traffic control devices. A comparison of stop and give way signs and alphabetic and symbolic warning signs. Aust. Road Res. Board Internal Report. AIR 2/5-2(1979). 36. JENKINS, S. E. and COLE, B. L. - A note on the role of colour in conspicuity. Aust. Road Res. Board Internal Report, AIR 218-4 (1979). 37. JENKINS, S. E. and COLE, B. L. - Size and luminance discrimination in the periphery. Aust. Road Res. Board Internal Report. AIR 2/5-5(1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Master ofScience in Optometry 1. COCKBURN, D. M. - The reliability and validity of the van Herick lest in the assessment of anterior chamber angle width.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ATCHISON, D. A. - Designs of ophthalmic lenses and their effect on visual performance. BOWMAN, K. J.-Judgment ofdistance at night. EFRON, N. - Corneal oxygen uptake measurements during contact lens wear. FULLARD, R. J. - Investigations of the physiological significance of human tear enzymes. JENKINS, S. E. - Visual conspicuity. KIELY, P. M. - Corneal geometry: stability, variation and optical significance. 250 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

MScOptom Theses in Progress GUEST, D. J. - The relationship between visual loss and performance at orientation and mobility tasks. L1UBINAS.J.-.-1 functional analysis of methods of simulating low vision.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: NHMRC: Tear chemistry. NHMRC: The assessment of visual performance for non-alphanumeric tasks in patients with low vision. NHMRC: The effects of non-therapeutic ophthalmic preparations on the cornea. Australian Road Research Board: Judgment ofdistance at night. Bausch & Lomb Soflens: Cornea and contact lens research. Barnes Hind Ply. Ltd.: Cornea and contact lens research. Burton Parsons & Co. Ltd.: Cornea and contact lens research. Cooper Laboratories Pty. Ltd.: Cornea and contact lens research. Hydron Australia Pty. Ltd.: Cornea and contact lens research. G. Nissel & Co. (Aust.) Pty. Ltd.: Cornea and contact lens research. Association for the Blind (Hcchl Trust): Orientation and mobility services for the low vision patient. PHYSICS


A. DIFFRACTION PHYSICS (a) X-ray Diffraction 1. High-tcmpcrature neutron studies of anharmonic thermal vibrations and their temperature dependence (with the Brookhaven National Laboratory) and in Lucas Heights (under A.I.N.S.E. auspices)-Z. Barnea. 2. Development of techniques for accurate x-ray intensity measurement - Z. Barnea. 3. Studies of anharmonic thermal vibrations using x-ray diffraction - Z. Barnea. (b) Electron Diffraction 1. Development of convergent beam electron diffraction techniques in a commercial electron microscope-A. E. C. Spargo. 2. Calculation of the effects of large amplitude phonon modes on high resolution electron microscope images of crystals- A. E. C. Spargo. 3. High resolution electron microscopy studies of rutile and hollandite based structures - L. A. Bursill. 4. Theoretical analysis and prediction of superstructures in solids, especially crystallographic shear and superionic tunnel structures and in commensurate-commensurate transform­ ations-L. A. Bursill.

THESES IN PROGRESS IN DIFFRACTION PHYSICS PhD Theses in Progress BARRY, J. C. - High-resolution electron microscope studies of defects in crystals, especially diamonds.

CUTHBERTSON, R. A. - Investigation ofTi02from the dielectric function obtained by electron energy-loss spectrum methods. MOSS (nee WHITELEY), B. K. - Neutron and x-ray studies of anharmonicity in zinc-blende and wurtzite. NETHERWAY, D. J. - Theory of Crystallographic shear plane arrays. SELF, P. G. - Scattering factors and electron diffraction. WILSON, A. R. - Electron microscopy in crystals. WITHERS, R. L. - Structural implications of the charge-density-wave/periodic structural distortion model for phase transitions in transition metal dichalcogenides. WOOD, G. J. - Defect structure analysis in reduced rutile.

MSc Theses in Progress GLA1SHER, R. W. - Electron diffraction. GRZ1NIC, G. - Electron microscopy. MILANK.O, M. - X-ray studies of anharmonicity in cadmium selenide and cadmium sulphide.

B. LOW ENERGY NUCLEAR PHYSICS (a) Betatron 1. Isospin effects in photonuclear cross sections from 4!Ca to i4Fe; Measurement of photoproton cross sections and angular distributions for 24Mg, "Al - M. N. Thompson. 2. K Shell ionization cross sections for Cu, Ni, Ag, Au - B. M. Spicer. 3. Deformation effects in the photo cross sections of mEu and l!3Eu- E. G. Muirhead. 4. (y,n)land (y.p) cross sections of silicon isotopes-M. N. Thompson, E. G. Muirhead. 5. Design and construction of an energy-loss matched dispersion magnetic spectrometer- D. V. Webb, R. Helstroom.


THESES IN PROGRESS ON THE BETATRON PhD Theses in Progress ALLEN, P. D. - Photoneutrons from Neon and Argon. BOAL, T. J. - The E2 giant resonance in J08Pb. HELSTROOM, ". - Atomic excitations by relutivislic electron bombardment. MILLAR, R. M. - Measurement of electron energy spectra in air and tissue, and a study ofthe perturbative effect ofthe presence of an ionisation chamber on the measurement of absorbed dose. PYWELL, R. E. - Isospin studies around *'Ca. RYAN. P. J. V.-De-excitation gamma ray studies around A = 40. WEISE, J. - Isospin effects in the If shell. ZALCMAN, L. B. - A study of "A" and "P by means of de-excitation gamma rays. MSc Theses in Progress GROSS, E. - A'-, L-, and M-shell ionisation cross sections in heavy atoms. KEAN, P. - Photoreaction cross sections of "Si. ODGERS, G. - Photoreaction cross sections of>0Si. SUTTON, R. - Photoreactions on <°A. (b) Pelletron 1. Measurement of gyromagnetic rations of short-lived excited nuclear states - II. H. Bolotin. 2. Measurement oflifctimcs of nuclear excited states-H. H. Bolotin. 3. Measurements of nuclear reaction cross sections of astrophysical interest - D. G. Sargood. The Pelletron produces a Progress Report, and one is available for 1978-79.

THESES IN PROGRESS ON THE PELLETRON PhD Theses in Progress KENNETT, S. R. - Measurement of some nuclear reaction cross sections oj astrophysical significance. STUCH BERY, A. E. - Measurement of gyromagnetic ratios of short-lived excited nuclear stales. MSc Theses in Progress ANDERSON, M. R.-A study of the reaction "Mgfp.yJ^Al at energies below 600 keV. RYAN, C. G. - Measurement of lifetimes ofexcited stales ofthe nucleus '''Cu.

C. HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS (a) Elementary Particle Physics _ 1. The search for narrow resonant NN states in pd interactions near threshold in the reaction p"d - pX -G. C. Mason, G. 1. Opat, S. N. Tovey, J. W. G. Wignall. 2. Analysis of strange particle production in pd interactions - G. C. Mason, G. I. Opat, S. N. Tovey, J. W. G. Wignall. 3. Analysis of 4n final states ofthe reaction pd -» 4n below I GeV/c - G. C. Mason, J. W. G. Wignall. 4. Development of computer programs for thc analysis of bubble chamber photographs in large track-sensitive-targct bubble chambers-J. W. G. Wignall. 5. Studies of antiproton-proton interactions at 4.1 GeV/c in the Argonne 12 foot TST bubble chamber- D. Carmony, G. C. Mason, G. 1. Opat, S. N. Tovey, J. W. G. Wignall. 6. A study of RN annihilations at rest - D. Carmony, G. 1. Opat. _ 7. Study of the properties and modes of decay ofa large sample of Q hyperons at CERN - S. N. Tovey. 8. Development ofthe magneto strictivc read-out system for a flash chamber- A. Cimmino. G. I. Opat. (b) Nuclear Physics I. Nuclear excitation by electron transitions in Tantalum - development of a rapidly pulsed x-ray source-A. G. Klein, B. M. Spicer. (c) Neutron Physics 1. Development and successful testing of Fresnel zone plate lenses for neutrons at The Institut Lauc Langevin reactor in Grenoble (ILL)-A. G. Klein, G. I. Opat. 2. Thc Fizeau ether drag experiment carried out with neutrons (instead of light) using a Bonse and Hart interferometer at ILL (Grenoble)-A. Cimmino, A. G. Klein, G. I. Opat. 3. A test of the linearity of thc Schroedinger equation by thc straight edge diffraction of neutrons-A. G. Klein. PHYSICS 253

(d) Gravitation and Inertia Physics 1. Investigation ofthe possibility of an electromagnetic detector of gravitational radiation - G. I. Opat. 2. Electric properties of matter induced by inertia and stress during acceleration - A. Cimmino, G. I. Opat.

THESES IN PROGRESS IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS PhD Theses in Progress CHAPMAN, G. J. - Studies of antiproton annihilation in a TST bubble chamber. KASPER, P. H. - Nucteon-antinucleon annihilations into pions. MARTIN, L. J. - Antiproton annihilations lo strange particles in deuterium. MSc Theses in Progress CIM MINO, A. - Electric properties of accelerated matter. PAR KIN, S. - High Energy Physics.

D. THEORETICAL PHYSICS (a) Particle Physics 1. High energy proton-proton scattering. Neutrino induced processes. Yang-Mills Gauge Theories. Quark confinement potentials-S. Y. Lo. 2. Factorisation principles in hadron scattering. Quarkonium. Heavy meson spectroscopy. Multiquark hadrons. Instanton effects for heavy quark potentials. Gluonium - G. C. Joshi! 3. Lattice models of field theories-C. J. Hamer. 4. Models of weak interactions- B. H. J. McKellar. 5. Pion nuclear interactions-B. H. J. McKellar. (b) Nuclear Physics 1. (p.p') (p.2p) and (p,n) reactions on nuclei. Shell model, Hartree-Fock and group theoretic approaches to nuclear structure and their applications. R matrix theory of nuclear reactions, n nuclear reactions-K. A. Amos. 2. Nuclear paritv violation. Thc nucleon-nucleon potential. Many bodv forces in nuclei - B.H.J. McKellar. 3. The elastic scattering of heavy ions-C. B. O. Mohr. (c) Statistical Physics 1. Random magnetic systems. Tachyon systems. Models of nuclei of active galaxies - N. E. FYankel. (d) Plasma Physics I. Relativistic particle-antiparticle plasmas in astrophysics and cosmology. Dielectric response of non ideal and intermediate quantum plasmas with applications in astrophysics and solid state physics. Relativistic plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear reactors. Finite size effects in plasma physics- K. C. Hines, N. E. Frankel. (e) Atomic and Molecular Physics 1. Atomic and molecular structure studies using configuration interaction and Hartree-Fock methods. Thc structure of heavy atoms- K. A. Amos. 2. Eikonal methods in the three body problem. Three bodv forces between Helium atoms - B. H. J. McKellar. (f) Optics I. Atmospheric turbidity-B. H.J. McKellar.

THESES IN PROGRESS IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS PhD Theses in Progress ANDERSON, R. - Dual resonance models in strong interactions. CASS, A. - The nucleon-nucleon interaction. ELLIS, R. G. - A/ = V2 rule in nonlepionic decays. HINES, D. F. - Studies in statistical phvsics. KOVACS. E. - Yang-Mills gauge field theory. KOWA LEN KO, V. - //igher order correlations in electron gases. MA LONE, M. - Geometrical models in panicle physics. 254 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

MITROY, J. - Fine structure effects in atoms. R1KUS. L. J. - The R-matrix method of reaction analvsis and nuclear structure. WARNER, R. C. - Quark confinement. MSc 'Thesis in Progress n * i r , i i i ^ , ,_/.../_,.•_.. ..r.\ :.. .. r.I.7 A c * jr.. w ,„ „f\2r V rtLLl, VJ , — .'I LUtLUlllttUn OJ 1/iC fJUtl Clltt.untti tlfClltftC yjj (Ml. ' .V^ t n K. ' JIUII-VJ ^ .

E. APPLIED NUCLEAR AND RADIATION PHYSICS (a) Proton Microprobe 1. Ion optics of magnetic quadrupole and octupolc lenses; microprobe development: elemental pathways and distributions in plants, copper metabolism in mammalian tissues at the cellular level; elemental characteristics of haemopoietic cells -G. J. F. Legge. 2. Elemental analysis in minerals and ion implanted materials-C. D. McKenzie. The Pelletron Group produces a Progress Report, and one is available for 1978-79. (b) Applied Nuclear 1. Elemental analysisofteelhandapatite-J. L. Rouse. 2. Elemental studies in biological organs- M. A. Chaudhri. (c) Radiation Physics 1. Neutron production from tissue irradiated with electrons and gamma rays - M.A. Chaudhri. 2. Production oftherapy neutron beams- M. A. Chaudhri. 3. Attenuation of therapy neutrons in tissue-M. A. Chaudhri.

THESES IN PROGRESS IN APPLIED NUCLEAR AND RADIATION PHYSICS PhD 'Thesis in Progress MAZZOLINI. A. P. - Elemental analysis of biological material by means ofa proton microprobe. MSc 'Theses in Progress CHITTLEBOROUGH. C. W. - Non-destructive depth profiling by charged particle induced reactions. CRAWFORD, A. - Elemental analysis of dental tissue using nuclear techniques. ROCZNIOK, A. F. - Applications of a Proton Microscope lo the Elemental Analysis of Biological Specimens.

F. INTERMEDIATE ENERGY NUCLEAR PHYSICS 1. The (p,2p) reaction as a means of studying highlv excited residual states, using the <0Ca(p,2p), 2»Si(p,2p) and 24Mg(p,2p) reactions. The 40Ca(d,JHe)J,,K reaction at 76 MeV - single step and two-step reaction processes. Inelastic proton scattering from 6Li. 12C, "O and l5C- V. C. Officer, G. G. Shute, B. M. Spicer. 2. Development of position-sensitive focal plane detectors - V. C. Olficer. 3. Study ofanomalous slates strongly populated in the 28Si(p,d) reaction - B. M. Spicer.

THESES IN PROGRESS IN INTERMEDIATE ENERGY NUCLEAR PHYSICS PhD Thesis in Progress HENDERSON, R. S. - Proton reactions with ,2C and 160 at intermediate energies - (p.p') and (p,2p) reactions. MSc Thesis in Progress COLLINS, S. F. - Inelastic proton scattcringfrom "C.

G. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Non-linear processing of images in medicine and its influence on the total performance of the detecting device-B. M. Spicer. 2. Studies of variable stars and novae-R. H.Wilkinson. PHYSICS 255

THESIS IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress GUIGNARD, P. - Non-linear processing of images in medicine, and iis influence on ihe total performance ofthe detecting device.


Chapters of Books 1. CASS, A. and McKELLAR, B. H. J. - Thc TTNN Vertex Function and Off Shell TTN Scattering, in Meson Nuclear Phvsics - 1979, ed. by E. V. Hungcrford Ul, American Institute of Phvsics. pp. 78-79 (1979). 2. McKELLAR. B. H. J. and RAJARAMAN. R. - Many Body Forces in Nuclear Physics, in Mesons and Nuclei, ed. bv Manque Rho and Denvs Wilkinson, North Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam, pp. 357-404 (l 979). 3. McKELLAR, B. H. J. - The Nucleus as a Laboratory for Fundamental Interactions, in Nuclear Interactions, ed. by B. A. Robson, Australian Academy ofScience, Canberra and Springer Verlag, New York. pp. 95-105 (1979). 4. McKELLAR, B. H. J. - Nuclear Parity Mixing and the Weak Interactions, in Proc. of ihc 1978 International Meeting on Frontiers of Physics. Singapore, ed. by K. K. Phua. C. K. Chew and Y. K. Lim. Singapore National Academy of Science, pp. 1271-1299 (1979). 5. MORRISON, 1. and AMOS. K. - Correlation Effects in the Elastic Scattering of n1- from l80. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf on Meson-Nuclear Phvsics. Houston. Texas, p. 265 (1979).

Articles 6. ALLEN. P. D. and CHAUDHRI. M. A. - Estimation of secondary neutron spectra produced by high energy bremsstrahlung in C.N.O. and tissue. Digest ofthe Combined Meeting: XII Int. Conf. on Medical & Biological Engineering, V Int. Conf on Medical Physics, Jerusalem, p. 57.5 (1979). 7. AMOS, K. and MORRISON. I. - Analyses of Inelastic Proton and Electron Scattering to the2+(4.43 MeV) State in l2C. Phvs. Rev. C19:2108-21 13 (1979). 8. ANDERSON, M. R„ KENNETT. S. R.. SWITKOWSKI, Z. E. and SARGOOD, D. G. - The "Fc(«,y)6°Ni reaction cross section. Nucl. Phvs. A318:471 -479 (1979). 9. BLATT, D. \V. E. and McKELLAR. B. H. J. - The Computation of Second Order Energies Using a Reference Spectrum Eulcr Function../. Comp. Phvs. 32. 89-100 (1979). 10. BOURQU1N, M., BROWN, R. M.. CHATELUS. Y.. CHOLLET, J. C, DEGRE, A., FROIDEVAUX, D., FYFE. A. R„ GEE, C. N. P.. GAILLARD. J.-M., GIBSON. W. M.. IGO-KEMENES. P., JEFFREYS, P. W.. MERKEL, B.. MORAND, R.. PLOTHOW. H., REPELLIN. J.-P.. SAUNDERS, B. J.. SAUVAGE. G., SCH1BY. B., SIEBERT, H. W., SMITH, V.J.. STREIT, K.-P.. STRUB, R., TRESIIER. J.J. and TOVEY, S.N. - A Measurement ofthe ^"Lifetime. Phvs. Letts. 8713:297-302 (1979). !!. BOURQUIN.M., BROWN, R. M„ CHATELUS, Y., CHOLLET, J.C.. DEGRE, A.. FROIDEVAUX, D., FYFE, A. R., GAILLARD. J.-M.. GEE, C. N. P., GIBSON. W. M.. IGO-KEMENES. P., JEFFREYS, P. W„ MERKEL, B.. MORAND, R.. PLOTHOW, H.. REPELLIN. J.-P.. SAUNDERS, B. J.. SAUVAGE, G., SCHIBY, B., SIEBERT, H. W.. SMITH, V. J., STREIT. K.-P.. STRUB, R., THRESHER, J. J. and TOVEY. S. N. - First Measurement ofthe Q~Decay Branching Ratios. Phys. Lens. 88B: 192-198(1979). 12. BOX. M. A. and McKELLAR, B. H. J. - Relationship between two analytic inversion formulae for multispectral extinction data. Applied Optics 18:3599-3601 (1979). 13. BURSILL. L. A. - Intersecting Defect Structures in Gallia- and Magnesia-Doped Rutiles. Acta Cryst. A35:449-458 (1979). 14. BURSILL. L. A. - Structural Relationships Between /(-Gallia, Rutile, Hollandite, Psilomclane, Ramsdcllite and Gallium Titanate Type Structures. Acta Crvst. B35:530-538 (1979). 15. BURSILL, L. A. and GREY, I. E. - Transverse Composition Waves in Rutiles Quenched From Near the Melting Point. Modulated Structures 1979; Cowley. J. M. (Ed.), A.I.P. Conference Proc. No. 53, New York 364-366 (1979). 16. BURSILL. L. A., SPARGO, A. E. C, WENTWORTH, D. and WOOD, G. J. - A Goniometer for Electron Microscopy at 1.6 A' Point-to-Point Resolution../. Appl. Crvst. 12:279-286 (1979). 17. BURSILL. L. A. and WITHERS, R. L. - On the Multiple Orientation Relationships Between Hematite and Magnetite../. Appl. Crvst. 12. 287-294 (1979). 18. BURSILL, L. A. and WITHERS, R. L. - Twinning Dislocations in Hematite Iron Ore. Phil. Mug. .440:213-232(1979). 256 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

19. CHAUDHRI, M. A. - Yields of Cyclotron Produced Medical Isotopes: A Comparison of Theoretical Potential and Experimental Results. IEEE Trans, on Nucl. Sci. NS-26: 2281-2286(1979). 20. CHAUDHRI, M. A., AINSWORTH. T., ROUSE, J. L., FANNING, E. A. and de BRUIN, H. J. - Uses of PIXE for Dental Health and Mental Retardation Studies. Digest of the Combined Meeting: Xii ini. Conf. on Medical & Biological Engineering, V int. Conf. on Medical Phvsics. Jerusalem, p. 21.3 (1979). 21. CHAUDHRI. M. A., LEE, M. M., ROUSE, J. L. and SPICER, B. M.-Cyclotron Analysis of Australian Atmospheric Contamination Before and After the 1974 French Nuclear Tests in the Pacific. IEEE Trans, on Nucl. Sci. NS-26:2244-2247 (1979). 22. CHAUDHRI, M. A., TEMPLER, J. L. and ROUSE, J. L.-The 1Li(p.n)''Be Reaction as a Source of Fast Neutrons for Smaller Compact Cvclotrons. IEEE Trans, on Nucl. Sci. NS-26:2287-2289 (1979). 23. CHAUDHRI. M. A., TEMPLER, J. L. and ROUSE, J. L. - The 'Li(p,n)7Be Reaction as a Therapy Neutron Source, Especially for Smaller Cvclotrons. Int. J. Appl. Radial. Isotopes 50:504-505(1979). 24. COON, S. A., SCADRON, M. D., McNAMEE, P. C, BARRETT, B. R., BLATT, D. VV. E. and McKELLAR, B. H. J. - The Two Pion Exchange Three Nucleon Potential and Nuclear Matter. Nucl. Phvs. .-15/7:242-278 (1979). 25. DELSANTE, A. E. and FRANKEL, N. E. - Ground State Pressure of an Ideal Fermi Gas. Am. J. Phvs. 47:362-364 (1979). 26. DELSANTE, A. E. and FRANKEL. N. E. - Relativistic Paramagnetism: Quantum Statistics. Phvs. Rev. D20:1795-1806 (1979). 27. DEV1NS, D. W., FR1ESEL, D. L., JONES. W. P., ATTARD, A.C, SVALBE, I. D., OFFICER, V. C, HENDERSON, R. S., SPICER. B. M. and SHUTE, G. G. - The '^C(p,2p)"B Reaction at 100 MeV. Aust. J. Phvs. 52:323-334 (1979). 28. FOX, M., MORRISON, I., AMOS, K. and WEISS, D. - A Test ofa Model t-Matrix for Direct Reaction Inelastic Scattering. Phvs. Letts. 86B: 121-124(1979). 29. FRANKEL. N. E., HINES. K. C. and DEWAR, R. L. - Energy Loss Due to Binary Collisions in a Relativistic Plasma. Ph vs. Rev. A20:2120-2130(1979). 30. FRANKEL, N. E., HINES, K. C. and SPEIRS, R. D. B. - Dielectric Response and Energy- Loss for an Intermediate Quantum Plasma. Journal de Physique C7:513-514 (1979). 31. HENDERSON, R. S., SPICER. B. M., SVALBE, I. D., OFFICER, V. C, SHUTE, G. G., DEVINS, D. W.. FRIESEL, D. L., JONES, W. P. and ATTARD. A. C. -4~ Particle-Hole States in ^O. Aust.J. Phys. 32: A11-414 (1979). 32. HINES, D. F. and FRANKEL, N. E. - Charged Bose Gas in Two Dimensions. Zero Magnetic Field. Phys. Rev. #20:972-983 (1979). 33. JOSHI, G. C. and ANDERSON. R. - Barvonium and nonexotic hadron trajectories from a color-dependent potential. Phvs. Rev. D20:1666-1669(1979). 34. JOSHI, G. C. and ANDERSON, R. - Factorization of Regge Slopes from Multi-quark hadrons.7. Phvs. G. 5:199-202 (1979). 35. JOSHI, G. C. and ANDERSON, R. - SU(4) Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients for thc Formation of Barvonium and Exotic Baryons../. Math. Phvs. 20:1015-1029 (1979). 36. JOSHI, G. C. and ANDERSON, R. - Patterns of Mars Degeneracy in thc Baryonium Spectrum. Phvs. Rev. D20:736-742 (1979). 37. JOSHI, G. C. and ANDERSON, R. - Mass Formulae in SU(5). Ausi. .1. Phys. 32: 533-539 (1979). 38. JOSHI, G. C. and WARNER, R. - Scaling and Prescaling in Quarkonium. Hadronic Journal 2:198-237(1979). 39. KASPER, P., CHAPMAN, G., deROACH. J., GOLD, E., KLEIN, A. G., MARTIN, L. J.. MASON. G.C, OPAT. G. I., PARKER, K., TOVEY, S. N., WIGNALL, J. W. G. - + Resonance Production in thc Reaction •pd-*pin rrTi-n" at 0.4 - 0.9 GcV/c Antiproton Momenta. Nucl. Phvs. B156:201-224 (1979). 40. KENNETT, S. R., SWITKOWSKI, Z. E., PAINE, B. M. and SARGOOD, D. G. - Yield Measurements in the Reactions "»Ca(p,y)«Sc and 48Ca(p,n)48Sc. J. Phvs. G. 5: 399-407 (1979). 41. KLEIN, A. G. and OPAT, G. I. - Applications of the Fresnel Diffraction of Neutrons. Proc. International Workshop on Neutron Diffraction, Grenoble Aug. 1978. O.U.P.: 97-107 (1979). 42. KOVACS, E. and LO, S. Y. - Index Symmetry of Classical Yang Mills Fields. Phvs. Rev. D19:2966-2973 (1979). 43. KOVACS, E. and LO, S. Y. - Self-Dual Propagating Wave Solutions in Yang Mills Gauge Theorv. Phvs. Rev. Di 9:3649-3652 (1979). 44. LEGGE, G. J. F. and HAMMOND, I. - Total Quantitative Recording of Elemental Maps and Spectra with a Scanning Microprobe. J. Microsc. 117:201 -210 (1979). PHYSICS 257

45. LEGGE, G. J. F., McKENZIE, C. D. and MAZZOLINI, A. P. - The Melbourne Proton Microprobe. / Microsc. 117:185-200(1979). 46. McINTYRE, G. J. and BARNEA, Z. - Some Consequences of the Presence of Anti­ symmetric Features in Noncentrosymmetric Structures. Acta Crvst. A35:260-265 (1979). 47. McKELLAR, B. H. J. - The p-exchange isovertor Parity-violating Potential. /. Phys. G. 5: 1313-1315(1979). 48. MITROY. J., AMOS. K. and MORRISON. I. - An m-Representation Approach to Atomic Structure and Application to C 1. N II, O III, F IV and Ne V. /. Phvs. B 12: 1081-1090(1979). 49. MOHR, C. B. O.- Heavy Ion Collisions and the Nuclear Surface DitTuseness. Ausi. J. Phvs. 52:541-549 (1979). 50. NESCI. P.. AMOS. K. and MORRISON, I. - Microscopic Models ofthe 2,+ and 3,+ States in 2JMg and !8Si and their Test by Inelastic Scattering Analyses. / Phvs. G. 5: 387-398 (1979). 51. NETHERWAY, D. L.. BURSILL, L. A. and WOOD, G. J. - Long-Range Strain and Localized Relaxation Energies of Crystallographic Shear Surfaces. Modulated Structures 1979, ed. J. M.Cowlev. A. 1.P. Conference Proc. No. 53, New York. 162-164(1979). 52. PAINE. B. M. and SARGOOD, D. G. - (p,y) Resonance Strengths in the s-d Shell. Nucl. Phvs. .-I. ii/;389-400 (1979). 53. PYWELL, R. E„ THOMPSON. M. N„ HICKS, R. - A Measurement ofthe 5°Ti(y,n) and S0Ti(}',n„) Cross Sections. Nucl. Phvs. A. 325:116-124 (1979). 54. PYWELL. R. E. and THOMPSON, M. N. - Isospin Splitting in the Dipole Resonance in "Ti. Nucl. Phvs. A. 318:461 -470 (1979). 55. RANGASWAMY, T. N.. GURTU, A.. MALHOTRA. P. K., RAGHAVAN, R., SUBRAMANIAN. A., SADHAKAR. K., CHAPMAN. G. J., KLEIN, A G., MASON, G. C, OPAT, G. I.. TOVEY, S.N. and WIGNALL, J. W. G. - A Search for Direct Electron Production in pD Interactions at 2.0 GcV/c. Nucl. Phvs. B151:71 -80(1979). 56. RYAN, P.. THOMPSON, M. N., SHODA, K„ SUGAWARA, M., SAITO. T., URANO, T. - Photoprotons from "Al and "Mg. Proc. of Inter. Conf. on Nucl Phys. with F.lectromag. Interactions, Mainz. 4.29 (1979). 57. SARGOOD, D. G. - The Clock Paradox of Special Rclativitv and the Accelerated Observer. The Aust. Physicist 16:82-84 (1979). 58. SMITH, R. and AMOS. K. - A Comparison of Effective Two Nucleon Interactions Appropriate for Use in Analyses of Inelastic Nucleon Scattering. Aust. / Phvs. 32: 155-172 (1979). 59. SWITKOWSKI, Z. E., HEGGIE, J. C. P., KENNEDY, D. L, SARGOOD, D. G.. BARKER, F. C. and SPEAR, R. H. - Cross Section ofthe Reaction

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor ofScience 1. BOLOTIN, H. H. - Experimental studies in nuclear physics. Doctor oj Philosophy 2. CARR, A. R. - Lagrangian Analysis of nonlinear wave - wave interactions in bounded plasmas.

3. CUTHBERTSON, R. A. - Electron energy loss studies ofTiOx. 4. DELSANTE, A. - Relativistic gases in strong magnetic fields. 5. KENNEDY, D. L. - Life-lime measurements in selected medium-mass nuclei. 258 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

6. LINARD, B. J. - Level structure and lifetimes of**1'\. 7. McKAY,C. M.- The theory of scattering from complex potentials, and applications. 8. PAINE, B. Wi.-(p.y) Resonance Strengths in thes-dshell. 9. SELF, P. G. - Application of dynamical electron diffraction. 10. SVALBE, I. D.-(p,2p) Nuclear reactions at high energy resolution. 11. WILD. L. W. }. - Praon induced reactions of oxvgen-IS and the studv of tlie reaciions 6Li(a.p')9Beand9Be + p. Master ofScience 12. CLAR KE, D. J. - Elastic proton-proton scattering in ihe geometrical picture. 13. FARMER, R. J. - The giant dipole resonance in "Ca. 14. MELIA, F. - Solutions of classical Yang-Mills equations. 15. PAPPER, C. S. - Some applications of nuclear analytical techniques.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Improved Yield Curve Analysis and the measurement ofthe structure in the (y,n) cross section of deformed nuclei. ARGC: Inelastic scattering and nuclear structure. ARGC: Many body forces. ARGC: Weak interactions. ARGC: Experimental tests of the statistical model of nuclear reactions. ARGC: Study of thc photo cross sections for (ld-2s) shell nuclei using (y,n), (y.p) and (y,/) reactions. ARGC: High energy reactions in a track-sensitive target. ARGC: High-resolution electron microscope study of the interactions between extended defects in crystals. ARGC: Diffraction studies of bonding and anharmonicity. ARGC: Studies of knock-out reactions and inelastic scattering. ARGC: Atomic physics experiments with relativistic electrons. ARGC: High energy proton microprobe analysis of trace metal uptake and localization in plants. Colgate-Palmolive Company: Inorganic biochemistry of dental enamel and its significance to preventive dentistry. Utah Foundation: The Melbourne proton microprobe. R.A.A.F. ACADEMY: UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. The temperature of dilute hydrogen-air micro diffusion flames - B. A. Schaefer. 2. Sea surface hydrocarbons, sampling and analysis-D. M. Douglas. 3. The hydrogeochemistry of an igneous sedimentary structure, the origin of cations in mineral spring waters - B. A. Schaefer. 4. Heavy metals in natural waters by polarography-D. M.Douglas. 5. Problcmsinteachingthermodynamics-B. A.Schaefer.

THESIS IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress Schaefer, B. A. - Flame Tcmperalure and the Mechanism of Ion Production in Flames.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Combinatorial geometry - M. J. C. Baker. 2. Convexity-M. J. C. Baker. 3. Multimeasures in ergodic theory-V. T. Le. 4. Mathematical education - M. J. C. Baker. 5. Rehabilitation engineering-M. N. Brearley.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. BAKER, M. J. C. - Covering a Polygon with Triangles: a Caratheodory-type Theorem. J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) 28:229-234 (1979). 2. SONENBERG. E. A. - Non-Standard Models of Ordinal Arithmetics. Zeitschr.f math. Logik undGrundlagcn d. Math. Bd. 25:5-27 (1979). Report 3. BREARLEY, M. N. - A Stairclimbing Wheel Chair, Department of Productivity, Symposium on the Commercial Development of Australian Biochemical Technology, Melbourne (July 1979). MEd Thesis in Progress BAKER, M. J. C. - The Mathematical Curriculum.


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS (a) Infrared Astronomy- Leaders: J. A. Thomas, G. Robinson. 1. Investigations of radiative transfer in dust shells surrounding stars - G. Robinson, R. Mitchell. 2. Infrared Scanning of Dark Cloud Regions where star formation is occurring-J. Thomas, G. Robinson, R. Smith, T. Jones. 3. Airborne surface brightness measurements of our own galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud using a liquid nitrogen-cooled telescope in the near infrared - J. A. Thomas, T. Matsumoto, S. Hayakawa, H. Murakami, T. Yamagami, K. Uyama.


4. Infrared observations of ionized hydrogen regions and the structure of associated dust clouds-J. A. Thomas. A. R. Hyland, E. E. Becklin, I. Gatley.G. Robinson. 5. Southern Sky Infrared Survey- R. Smith, V. Antonielli. 6. Open clusters on the Carinae region - infrared photometry and spectra - R. Smith, T. Jones. 7. Construction of a dual Infrared Photometer system supporting an InSb detector operating at 60K. and a Ge bolometer at 1.2K-J. A. Thomas, G. Anderson, R.Smith. 8. Design ofa chopping secondary mirror system for use on 3.9m telescope-J. A. Thomas, O. Mace. 9. Infrared surface brightness distribution of NGC253 - a galaxy similar to our own - J. A. Thomas, K. Uyama. (b) Atmospheric Physics-I. Bourne, J. Laby. 1. Acoustic sounding of the lower atmosphere producing on line information about factors controlling pollution dispersal - I. Bourne, H. N. Brann, G. Robinson, D. Hopper, D. Jones. 2. Doppler Acoustic Radar - a system producing data on horizontal and vertical winds at height intervals of 33m to altitudes of about 1 km -1. Bourne, O. Mace, H. N. Brann. 3. Stratospheric aerosol determination of particle sizes and their vertical distribution up to 30 km altitude.-J. Laby. 4. Remote IR probing of the lower atmosphere by investigating the spectral variation of absorption and emission of the atmosphere as a function of the zenith angle - J. Thomas, A. Young, I. Bourne. 5. Electric field measurements in the atmosphere and their correlation with meteorological observations-V. D. Hopper. (c) Cosmic Ray Research - R. K. Sood, V. D. Hopper. 1. The development of a balloon-borne system for the detection of heavy nuclcii as they enter the atmosphere-R. K. Sood. 2. Extended Observation of Solar Cosmic Rays - the detection of neutrons and gamma radiation from the sun using an earth-orbiting balloon-borne system - B. V. Denchy, O. Mace. G. Frye, R. Koga. 3. EOSCOR. A Lightweight. Microprocessor-controlled Solar Neutron Detector - R. Koga, P. Albats.G. M. Frye, S. M. Schindler. B. V. Denehy. V. D. Hopper, O. B. Mace. 4. X-particle search in super high energy interactions observed by balloon-borne emulsion chambers-V. D. Hopper, K. Niu, S. Tasaka, Y. Maeda, T. Sato, K. Hoshiro. 5. Analysis of nucleon and heavy nucleus collisions at energies greater than 10 TeV - V. D. Hopper, K. Niu, S. Tasaka, Y. Maeda, T. Sato, K. Hoshiro. (d) Other Fields 1. An Investigation of the effects of tree structure on photosynthetic yields in orchards - J. V. Denholm. 2. Marine current and salinity measurements-J. Darby.

PUBLISHED WORK 1. GRAS, J. L. and LABY, J. E. - Southern Hemisphere Stratospheric Aerosol Measure­ ments, 2. Time Variations and the 1974-1975 Aerosol Events, J. Geophvs Res. 84: 303 (1979). 2. HAYAKAWA, S., MATSUMOTO, T.. MURAKAMI, H., UYAMA, K., YAMAGAMI, T. and THOMAS, J. A. - Near IR Surface Brightness of the Southern Galactic Plane. Nature, 279:510(1979). 3. HYLAND, A. R., ROBINSON, G., MITCHELL, R„ THOMAS, J. A., and BECKLIN, E. E. - The Spectral and Spatial Distribution of Radiation from Eta Carinae II, High Resolution Infrared Maps ofthe Homunculus. Astrophysical J. 233:145 (1979). 4. KOGA, R., ALBATS, P., FRYE, G. M., SCHINDLER, S. M., DENEHY, B. V., HOPPER, V. D. and MACE. O. B. - EOSCOR. A Lightweight, Microprocessor- Controlled Solar Neutron Detector. 7Vta7. Inst, and Methods. 165:47-54 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. DENHOLMJ. V.-Some Calculations ofPotential Photosynthetic Yield. 2. KEENAN, T. D.-A High Power Acoustic Sounder. 3. MITCHELL, R. - Circumstellar Dust Model Investigations. 4. WHITING, B. M. - Anomalous Propagation over Bass Strait. R.A.A.F. ACADEMY 261

Master ofScience 5. ANDERSON, G. - Infrared Astronomy.

THESES IN PROCRESS PhD Theses in Progress BOOTH, D. - Remote Sensing by Lidar. HOPPER, D. L. -Acoustic Sounding of the Atmosphere. ROBl NSON, G. - Remote Sensing oj Atmospheric Turbulence. SM ITH. R. G. - Infrared Astronomy of the Southern Hemisphere. YOUNG, A. - Infrared Spectroscopy of the Atmosphere. MSc 'Theses in Progress ANTONIELLI, V. - Infrared Astronomy. CALLUS, F. - Stratospheric Circulation. JONES. E». - Unisondc Data Analysis.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Gamma Ray Astronomy. ARGC: Infrared Astronomy. ARGC: Doppler Acoustic Wind-f\nding Radar. Radio Research Board: Electric Field Measurements. Department of Defence (Air): Physics and Chemistry Research Topics. 262 FACULTY OF SCIENCE


RESEARCH TOPICS IN PR^^occc 1. Branching process theory - H. Cohn. 2. Potential theory and Markov chains - H. Cohn. 3. Asymptotic theory for Markov chains- H. Cohn. 4. Bounding of Galton-Watson processes- H.-J. Schuh. 5. Continuous-time Markov processes - H.-J. Schuh. 6. Branching processes in varyingenvironments- H.-J. Schuh. 7. Behaviour of continuous stochastic processes - K.. Sharpe. 8. Traffic theory- N. M. H. Smith. 9. Inference about stochastic population processes-R. K. Watson. 10. Epidemic theory - R. K. Watson. 1 1. Applications of martingale theory-R. K.Watson. 12. Minimum-variance estimation-E. J. Williams. 13. Regression theory-E. J. Williams.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. COHN, H. - On thc Invariant Events of a Markov Chain. Z. Wahrscheinlichkeilstheorie venv. Gebiete 45:81-96(1979). 2. COHN, H. - On the Asymptotic Events of Markov Chains. Internal. J. Math. Sci. 2: 537-588(1979). 3. COHN, H. - Harmonic Functions for a Class of Markov Chains. /. Austral. Math. Soc. A 25:413-422(1979). 4. DENNERSTEIN, L., BURROWS, CD., HYMAN, G.J. and SHARPE, K. - Some Clinical Effects of Oestrogen-Progesterone Therapy in Surgically Castrated Women. Maturitas 2:19-28(1979). 5. HALL, P. G. - On the Skorokhod Representation Approach to Martingale Invariance Principles. Ann. Prob. 7:371-376(1979). 6. HALL, P. G. - On the Rate of Convergence of Normal Extremes - J. Appl. Prob. 16: 433-439(1979). 7. SCHUH, H.-J. and BARBOUR, A. D. - Functional Normalizations for the Branching Process with Infinite Mean. J. Appl. Prob. 16:513-525 (1979). 8. SCHUH, H.-J. and TWEEDIE, R. L. - Parameter Estimation using Transform Estimation in Time-Evolving Models. Math. Biosciences 45:37-67 (1979). 9. SHARPE. K. - Level Crossings ofa Constructed Process. J. Appl. Prob. 16:206-212 (1979). 10. SHARPE, K., DENNERSTEIN, L., BURROWS, G. D. and HYMAN, G. J. - Hormone Therapy and Affect. Maturitas 7:247-259 (1979). 1 1. WILLIAMS, E. J. - A Simple Derivation ofthe Distribution of the Multiple Correlation Coefficient. Commun. Stat. - Theor. Meth. A7:1413-1420 (1978).

Reports 12. ANDERSON, D. A. and WATSON, R. K. - A More General Epidemic Model. Univ. of Melb. Statist. Res. Rep. 5(1979). 13. ANDERSON, D. A. and WATSON, R. K. - An Investigation ofthe Effect ofthe Infectious Period Distribution of an Epidemic. Univ. of Melb. Statist. Res. Rep. 6(1979). 14. COHN, H. - On a Property Related to Convergence in Probability and some Applications to branching Processes. Univ. of Melb. Statist. Res. Rep. J (1979). 15. COHN, H. - On the Convergence of Sequences of Random Variables. Univ. of Melb. Statist. Res. Rep. 9(1979). 16. COHN, H. and SCHUH, H.-J. - On thc Continuity and Positivity of the finite part ofthe limit distribution of an irregular branching process with infinite mean. Univ. of Melb. Statist. Res. Rep. 4(1979). 17. SHARPE, K.-On the Limiting Distribution ofthe Length of an Excursion for a Stationary Gaussian Process. Univ. of Melb. Statist. Res. Rep. 1 (1979). 18. WATSON, R. K. - A Useful Random Time Scale Transformation for the Standard Epidemic Model. Univ. ofMelb . Statist. Res. Rep. 2 (1979). STATISTICS 263

19. WATSON, R. K -An Application ofa Martingale Central Limit Theorem to the Standard Epidemic Model. Univ. of Melb. Statist. Res. Rep. 7(1979). . 20. WATSON. R. K. - On the Size Distribution for some Epidemic Models. Univ. of Melb. Statist. Res. Rep. 5(1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS MA Theses in Progress BRACKENRIDGE, C. J. - Theory and Practice of Clinical Trials. MORLEY, C. L. - Multiple Comparisons. MSc Theses in Progress GIELEWSKI, H. J.- Time Series Analysis. " HILTON, R. J. - Inference in Epidemic Processes. KLEBANER. F. - Branching Processes. McDONNELL, R. A.-Demand for Motor Vehicles. PhD Thesis in Progress BRUTON, G. D. C. - Development of multivariate and clustering techniques and their application to the hydrochemistry dala of Westernport Bay. 264 FACULTY OF SCIENCE



A. MARINE AND ESTUARINE ECOLOGY AND TAXONOMY 1. Distribution and diversity of zooplankton-M. J. Littlejohn, G. F. Watson. 2. Taxonomic and ecological studies of annelids and crustaceans - R. C. L. Hudson, R. Hamond, F. H. Drummond. 3. Structure and dynamics of benthic communities on hard and soft substrate - M. J. Littlejohn, A. A. Martin, G. F. Watson. 4. Community relationships and biology of cstuarine fishes-G. F. Watson.

B. NON-MARINE ECOLOGY, BEHAVIOUR, SPECIATION AND BIOGEOGRAPHY 1. Various ecological studies of representatives of all vertebrate classes - M.J. Littlejohn, A. A. Martin, G. F. Watson. 2. Origin, structure and maintenance of narrow hybrid zones in amphibians - M. J. Littlejohn. 3. Establishment and maintenance of spatial co-existence in closely-related species of amphibians-M. J. Littlejohn,G. F. Watson. 4. Taxonomy, zoogeography and life-histories of Australian amphibians - M. J. Littlejohn, G. F. Watson. 5. Acoustic communication in anuran amphibians- M. J. Littlejohn. 6. Reproductive biology and behaviourofcichlid fishes- A. A. Martin. 7. Ecology and behaviour of Victorian nemobiine crickets-A. A. Martin.

C. THE AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM 1. Autonomic fibres without central connection in amphibians-G. D. Campbell. 2. Electronmicroscopic identification of autonomic nerve fibre types-G. D. Campbell. 3. 'Purinergic'nerves in the amphibian lung-G. D.Campbell. 4. The non-adrenergic inhibitory innervation of mammalian airway muscle - D. Ci. Satchell. 5. Investigation ofthe purinergic nerve hypothesis- D. G. Satchell. 6. Regional variation in the innervation of the vas deferens- B. K. Evans. 7. Autonomic innervation of thcamphibian kidney-J. L.Morris. 8. Neuronanatomy of vertebrate urinogenital organs-A. G. Willis. 9. Innervation of heart and major vessels in teleosts - D. G. Smith, G. D. Campbell.

D. VERTEBRATE PHYSIOLOGY 1. Cardiovascular regulation in lower vertebrates - P. J. Berger, B. K. Evans, D. G. Smith. 2. Control ofblood flow in the amphibian carotid labyrinth - D. C. Rogers, D. G. Smith. 3. Anatomy and physiology ofthe bat heart-B. K. Evans,. 4. Central pathways involved in mammalian cardiovascular regulation - B. K. Evans (in collaboration with Baker Institute). 5. Comparative anatomy and development of neuroepithelial bodies in the respiratorv system - D. C. Rogers. 6. Vertebrate gas exchange systems-D. G. Smith. 7. Respiratory control in birds-P. J. Berger. 8. Physiology, biochemistry and vascularisation of fish muscle - R. C. L. Hudson, with F. J. R. Hird. ZOOLOGY 265

E. NEUROETHOLOGY 1. Locomotion in and crustaceans - D. L. Macmillan. 2. Structure and development of insect auditory organs- D. Young. 3. Acoustic communication in cicadas-D. Young.

F. DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 1. Developmental aspects of silver staining processes - A. G. Willis. 2. Origin and differentiation of gut plexuses- A. G. Willis.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters of Books 1. BERGER. P.J. and BURNSTOCK. G. Autonomic nervous system, in Biologv of the Rcplilia Vol. X, ed. Gans, C. Northcutt, R. G., Bellairs, A. d'A. and Parsons. T. S. Academic Press, New York. pp. 1-57(1979). 2. CAMPBELL, G. and G1BBINS, I. L. Non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic transmitter substances in the autonomic nervous svstem, in Trends in Autonomic Pharmacology, ed. Kalsner.S. Urban &Schwarzenberg, Baltimore,pp. 103-144(1979). 3. MAGUIRE. M, H. and SATCHELL, D. G. Specificity of adenine nucleotide receptor sites: Inhibition of the guinea-pig taenia coli by adenine nucleotide analogs, in Physiological and Regulatory Functions of Adenosine and Adenine Nucleotides, ed. Baer, H. P. and Drummond, G. I. pp. 33-45, Raven Press, New York (1979). 4. RUSS, G. R. The relationship of fish grazing to bryozoan and ascidian communities at Portsea Pier. Victoria, Australia, in Advances in Bryozoology, ed. Abbott, M. B. and Larwood, G. P., Academic Press, London, p. 295 (1979). Articles 5. BROOK, A. J. - Atlas of Frogs of Victoria. Dept. Zool. Univ. Melh. Publ. No. 2, 25 pp. (1979). 6. BROOK, A. J. - Atlas of Frogs of Tasmania. Dept. Zool. Univ. Melb. Pub! No. 3, 9 op. (1979). 7. COCKBURN, A., FLEMING, M. and WAINER, J. W.-The comparative effectiveness of drift fence pitfall-trapping and conventional cage trapping of vertebrates in the Big Desert, north-western Victoria. Vict. Nat. 9r5. 92-95 (1979). 8. COULSON, G. M. - Some methods for surveying kangaroo populations. Vict. Nat. 96: 184-189(1979). 9. DANN, P. M. - Review of "Guide to the identification and ageing of Holarctic waders". Emu 79:155-156(1979). 10. DANN, P. M. - Food-robbing of Bar-tailed godwits bv silver gulls in Westernport Bay. Corella 184-85(1979). I 1. DANN, P. M. - Fourteenth annual report ofthe R.A.O.U. Nest Record Scheme. Emu 79: 231-233(1979). 12. DANN, P. M. and PIERCE, R. - Australian sight recovery' ofa colour-banded banded dotterel. Notornis 26:368 (1979). 13. DAVIES, M., TYLER, M.J. and MARTIN. A. A. - Frogs preved on by ants? Vict. Nat. 96: 97(1979). 14. DOIDGE, J. M. and SATCHELL, D. G. - The effects of adrenaline and adrenergic nerve stimulation on airwav smooth muscle in guinea-pigs and rabbits. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol. 6:639 (\919). 15. EVANS, B. K. - Influence of neuronal activity levels on the cytotoxic effects of guanethidine. / Pharmac. Exp. Ther. 209:205-214(1979). 16. EVANS, B. K. and BURNSTOCK, G. - Chronic guanethidine treatment of female rats including effects on the foetus. J. Reprod. Fertil. 56:715-724(1979). 17. EVANS, B. K., HEATH, J. W. and BURNSTOCK, G. - Effects of chronic guanethidine on the sympathetic nervous system of mouse and toad. Comp. Biochem. Phvsiol. 63C: 81-92(1979). 18. EVANS, B. K,, HEATH, J. W. and BURNSTOCK, G. - Reinnervation following guanethidine-induced sympathectomy of adult rats. /. Neurocvto! 8:381 -400 (1979). 19. EVANS, B. K.. HONEY, M. and BURNSTOCK. G. - In vivo interaction between chronically administered guanethidine and imipramine. Gen. Pharmacol. 10:79-83 (1979). 20. FRIEND, G. R. - A comparison of predator scat analysis with conventional techniques in a mammal survey of contrasting habitats in Gippsland, Victoria. Aust. Wildl. Res. 5: 75-83 (1979). 266 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

21. FRIEND. G. R. - The response of small mammals to clearing and burning of eucalypt forest in south-eastern Australia. Ausi. Wildl. Res. 6:151-163 (1979). 22. GAMBS, R. D. and LITTLEJOHN, M. J.-Acoustic behaviour of males ofthe Rio Grande leopard frog (Rana berlandieri): an experimental analysis through field playback trials. Copeia 7979. 643-650(1979). 23. GARTSIDE, D. F., LITTLEJOHN, M. J. and WATSON, G. F. - Structure and dynamics of a narrow hybrid zone between Geocrinia laevis and G. victoriana (Anura: Lepto­ dactylidae) in south-eastern Australia. Heredity 43:165-177 (1979). 24. G1BB1NS, I. L. and HALLER, C.J. - Ultrastructural identification of non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic nerves in the rat anococcygeus muscle. Cell Tiss. Res. 200:257-271 (1979). 25. GROVE, D. J. and CAMPBELL, G. - Thc role of extrinsic and intrinsic nerves in the coordination of gut motility in thc stomachless flatfish Rhombosolea tapirina and Ammotretis rosirataCuenther. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 63C: 143-159 (1979). 26. GROVE, D. J. and CAMPBELL, G. - Effects of extrinsic nerve stimulation on the stomach ofthe flathead Platvcephalus bassensis Cuvicr and Valenciennes. Comp. Biochem. Phvsiol. 63C. 373-380(1979). 27. JOSEPHSON, R. K. and YOUNG, D. - Body temperature and singing in thc badder cicada, Cvstosoma saundersii. J. exp. Biol. SO: 69-81 (1979). 28. KALENfiERG, S. and SATCHELL, D. G. - The inhibitory innervation ofthe guinea-pig trachea: A study of its adrenergic and non-adrenergic components. Clin. exp. Pharmacol. 6: 549-559(1979). 29. MacNALLY, R. C. - Social organisation and interspecific interactions in two sympatric species of Ranidella (Anura). Oecologia 42. 293-306 (1979). 30. MAGUIRE, M. H. and SATCHELL, D. G. - The contribution of adenosine to thc inhibitory actions of adenine nucleotides on the guinea-pig taenia coli: Studies with phosphate-modified adenine nucleotide analogs and dipyridamole. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Therap. 277:626-631 (1979). 31. MARTIN, A. A. and HOUBEN, C. - Parental behaviour offish. Colour videotape, 33 mins, with Teachers' Guide, 12 pp. Centre for the Studv of Higher Education, Universitv of Melbourne (1979). 32. MARTIN, A. A., WATSON, G. F., GARTSIDE, D. F., LITTLEJOHN, M.J. and LOFTUS-HILLS, J. J. - A new species of the Litoria peroni complex (Anura: Hylidae) from eastern Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 103:21-15 (1979). 33. MORTON, S. R. - Diversity of desert-dwelling mammals: a comparison of Australia and North America. J. Mamm. 60:253-264 (1979). 34. MORTON, S. R. and MARTIN, A. A. - Feeding ecology ofthe barn owl, Tvto alba, in arid southern Australia. Aust. Wildl. Res. 6:191 -204 (1979). 35. MOSSE, P. R. L. - Capillary' distribution and metabolic histochemistry of the lateral propulsive musculature of pelagic teleost fish. Cell Tiss. Res. 203:141-160(1979). 36. NEWGREEN, D. F., RITTERMAN, M. and PETERS,E. A.-Morphology and behaviour of neural crest cells of chick embryo in vitro. Cell Tiss. Res. 203:115-140 (1979). 37. ROBERTSON, A. I. - The relationship between annual production: biomass ratios and lifespans for marine macrobenthos. Oecologia 38:193-202 (1979). 38. SATCHELL, D. G. - Identification and estimation of dopamine released from the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mvtilus californianus in response to nerve stimulation. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part C. 64 (2): 211 -240 (1979). 39. SMITH, D. G. - Factors affecting oxygen exchange in isolated, saline-perfused lungs of Bufo marinus. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 62A: 655-659 (1979). 40. SMITH, D. G. and MacINTYRE, D. H. - Autonomic innervation of the visceral and vascular smooth muscle ofa snake lung. (Ophidia: Colubridae). Comp. Biochem. Phvsiol 62C: 187-191 (1979). 41. TYLER, M. J., MARTIN, A. A. and DAVIES, M. - Biology and systematics ofa new limnodynastine genus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from north-western Australia. Aust. J. Zool. 27:135-150(1979). 42. WAINER, J. W. and DANN, P. M. - The birds of Great Glennie Island, Bass Strait. Aust. Birdwatcher 8:47-50 (1979). 43. WATSON, G. F.-On premating isolation between two closely related species of Hawaiian Drosophila. Evolution 33:771 -774 (1979).

Reports and Notes 44. GIBB1NS, I. L. - Close contacts between neuron somata and smooth muscle cells in Auerbach's plexus of the toad (Bufo marinus) small intestine. Proc. Aust. Physio! Pharmacol. Soc. 70:31P(1979). 45. MORRIS, J. L. - Seasonal variation in the response to adrenaline ofthe renal arterial system of Bufo marinus. Proc. Aust. Physio! Pharmacol. Soc. 10:63 P (1979). ZOOLOGY 267

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. PARRY, G. D. - Life history strategies of five species of intertidal limpet. 2. ROBERTSON, A. I. - Energy flow through an eelgrass ecosystem.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ALLAN, I. J. - Experimental studies on the development ofthe avian autonomic nervous system. COOKE, I. R. C-Neural basis of plasticity. DANN, P. M.- Foraging strategies of wading birds in Westernport Bay. DOOLAN, J. - The auditory system and acoustic behaviour in cicadas. DORSEY, J. H. - Ecology of the Nereidae (Polychaeta) al Werribee. Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. GIBBINS, I. L. - Development ofthe autonomic nervous system in amphibians. HOWARD, R. K. - The ecology of caridean shrimps associated wilh seagrass flats in Westernport Bay. MacNALLY, R. C. - Dynamics of sympatry in congeneric anuran amphibians. MORRIS, J. L. - Control ofrena lfunctio n in the toad (Bu(o marinus/ MOSSE, P. R. L. - Anatomical and metabolic inter-relationships between muscle fibre types in the lateral musculature offish. PARSONS, D. W. - Tension reception in crustaceans. QU INN, G. P. - The dynamics of molluscan predator-prey systems in the marine intertidal zone. ROBERTSON, P. - Comparative life history strategics and ecology of Victorian scincid lizards. RUSS, G. R. - The ecology of communities on hard substrates in ihc marine subiidai region. SHERWIN, W. B. - Narrow zones of overlap and hybridisation in the genus Litoria (Anura: Hylidae). SYNNOT, R. N. - Aspects ofcommunity structure and predatory behaviour of Lepsiel la vinosa. MSc Theses in Progress BARCLAY, J. H. - Population ecology of galaxiid fish. BEER, D, - The role of veins in circulatory homeostasis in fish. BENNETT, A. - Small mammal communities in remnant forest patches of south-western Victoria. BIGGIN, R.- The development of the locust ear. EVANS, A. R.- Ecology and behaviour of Victorian nemobiine crickets. HALLER, C. J. - Comparative anatomy and embryological origin of vertebrate neuroepithelial bodies. HARRIS, J. A. - Factors affecting the vertical distribution of mussels in Port Phillip Bay. HARRISON, P. A. - Acoustic territorial interactions within the Litoria ewingi complex (Anura: Hylidae) in south-eastern Australia. LOWE, K. W. - Ecology of herons, egrets, ibis and spoonbills in the Westernport region. OAKLEY, J. K. - Sensory and motor integration in crustaceans. RAMM, D. - Ecology offish eggs and larvae in the Gippsland Lakes. RIGBY, B. - The trophic ecology offish in the Gippsland Lakes. SANGER, A, - The blackfish (Gadopsis marmoratus) in Victoria. SOUTHWELL, B. - Studies on the enteric nervous system. WAINER, J. W. - Ecological interactions between Antechinus minimus (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) and Rattus fuscipes (Rodentia: Muridae) on a small island.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Microvascular anatomy of gas exchange organs. ARGC: Hormonal and nervous control of the heart and vasculature in elasmobranch fish. ARGC: Swimming performance offish under controlled experimental conditions related to their neuromuscular physiology, muscle vascular circulation and energy stores. ARGC: Population differentiation and sympatry in anuran amphibians. ARGC: Structural organisation of the cicada tymbal motor neuron. ARGC: Investigations of the purinergic nerve hypothesis. ARGC: Baroreceptors and blood pressure regulation in amphibians. 268 FACULTY OF SCIENCE

ARGC: Regional variation in the neurophysiology ofthe vas deferens. ARGC: Proprioception in . NH & MRC: The transmitter substance released by 'purinergic' nerves. NH & MRC: Investigation ofthe non-adrenergic inhibitory nervous system in human airways. Deutsche Forschungsgeirieiriscliafi: The lole of proprioception in motor coordination. MA Ingram Trust: The ecological status of and the potential interaction between thc Pacific Gull (Larus pacificus) and the Dominican Gull (Larus dominicanus) in Australia. MA Ingram Trust & Utah Foundation: The ecology ofthe small mammals Antechinus minimus and Rutinsfuscipeson Glennie Island, Victoria. Ministry for Conservation: Ecology of waders and black swans in Westernport Bay. Ministry for Conservation: Habitat requirement of herons, egrets, ibis and spoonbills in the Westernport region. Ministry for Conservation & MA Ingram Trust: Breeding biology of the sacred ibis, straw-necked ibis and royal spoonbill in southern Victoria. Ministry for Conservation: Ecology of fish eggs and larvae in thc Gippsland Lakes. Ministry for Conservation: Trophic ecology of fishi n the Gippsland Lakes. Potter Foundation: Ecology of Victorian and Tasmanian scincid lizards. Potter Foundation & MA Ingram Trust: Small mammal communities in remnant forest patches of south-western Victoria. VIMS: Ecology and distribution ofthe zooplankton of Bass Strait. FACULTY OF VETERINARY SCIENCE Dean's Report The listing of research topics in progress and of published works reflects the range of interests and the diversity of responsibilities necessarily encompassed in a Faculty of Veterinary Science. A balance is sought between applied aspects of research emanating from a working relationship with livestock industries and clinical responsibilities for a range of animal species and more fundamental biological research. In the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences there have been two major thrusts. The Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine section of the Department under the supervision of Professor D. C. Blood and Dr. F. W. H. Morley has been particularly active in research concerning flock and herd health. The aim of this group is to use a holistic approach to management and diseases of livestock combined with modern systems of computer recording to maximize returns to the farmer. Herd recording methods are being used successfully with dairy cattle and flock health programmes for sheep and herd health programmes for beef cattle are being initiated. Emphasis is not placed on original research and experimentation, but rather on a study of methods for applying the results of past research work to the field situation. Thc Wool Research Trust have provided the major financial support for this project. The reproduction group under the guidance of Dr. D. B. Galloway and Mr. P. J. Wright have also made significant progress. Their studies on clinical syndromes associated with infertility in cattle has attracted wide interest from the farming community. Experiments on the hormonal regulation of repro­ duction in dogs and sheep is part of thc broad thrust in this area made possible by the development of sensitive assay methods for hormones. There are a number of other projects under the guidance of other staff members of this Department, and these are listed in the research report. The Department of Paraclinical Sciences has three major research programmes. One ofthe most successful programmes is a study of immunity to, and immunodiagnosis of, larval tapeworm infections in domesticated animals and man. This project under thc direction of Dr. M. D. Rickard has established a world-wide research reputation in this field with the publication of over 70 papers. This group also provides a useful service to thc medical profession in the diagnosis of hydatid disease in man in Australia. The experiments on immunisation of sheep and cattle against infection with larval cestodes have led to the development of a unique "non-living" anti-parasite vaccine which is now being tested in field trials. The work has been generously supported financially by the Australian Meat Research Committee, the National Health and Medical Research Council and the Ministry of Water Resources of Victoria. The wildlife diseases project was established by Mr. J. H. Arundel in 1972 with a grant from the University of Melbourne General Development Fund. Thc work of this group can be measured by the 54 published papers and others are still in preparation. The virology group under the direction of Dr. M. J. Studdert continued work on viruses of cats, horses and dogs, and also on immuno­ deficiency states in horses. While the emphasis remains with the herpes viruses recent attention has been focused in the new disease complex caused by parvoviruses in dogs. Financial assistance has been provided mainly by the Australian Equine Research Foundation and the Arabian Horse Society. Dr. K. G. Whithear has received financial support from the Chicken Egg and Meat Research Committee to support his work on avian Mycoplasma infections and Dr. K. L. Hughes has embarked on a study of Contagious Equine Metritis with support from the bstate of Sir Alfred Edward Rowden White. Other research projects in this Department are listed in the research report. The Preclinical Sciences Department has maintained its principal research activities in reproductive biology, exercise physiology and gastroenterology. Staffing changes have caused two areas of activity to be wound down but research in reproductive biology is continued under the direction of Dr. J. D. O'Shea directed to ovarian cellular relationships with emphasis on the biology of Ihe corpus luteum. The Veterinary Faculty recognizes that a major "raison d'etre" of active research programmes in the University is for the training of postgraduate students. There are currently 19 Ph.D. students and 8 Masters degree (research) students within the three departments. It is to be hoped that external funding of research will continue to bc sought, and will be forthcoming, to support or increase the current level of research activity.




A. MEDICINE 1. Blood pressure in the horse-C. C. Gay, B. Parry. 2. Prevalence and cause of colic in horses-V. C. Speirs. 3. Thc assessment ofshock in horses with colic-C. C. Gay, B. Parry. 4. The effect of gastro-intestinal nematodes and nematode larvae on dairv cattle production - N. B. Williamson. 5. The further development ofa dairy health and management data system for seasonal herds -N. B. Williamson. 6. Investigations into factors affecting fertility in dairy herds-N. B. Williamson. 7. An investigation of the effect of overfeeding on bone development in Great Danes - R. B. Lavellc. 8. Flock health program in sheep- F. H. W. Morley. 9. Development ofa computer model of foot and mouth disease-F. H. W. Morley. 10. Epidemiology of nematode parasites-F. H. W. Morley, L. Callinan. 11. Significance of specificity of diagnostic tests in eradication of brucellosis and similar diseases-F. H. W. Morley. 12. Sheep productivity on lucerne and phalaris pastures-F. H. W. Morley.

B. SURGERY 13. Hip dysplasia in dogs: surgical techniques for treatment-T. A. Mason. 14. Aspects of cervical spondylolisthesis in dogs: heritability and surgical stabilisation - T. A. Mason. 15. Surgical treatment of deformities of the forelegs in young dogs caused by premature closure ofthe growth plates ofthe radius and ulna-T. A. Mason. 16. Osteochondrosis in dogs - its manifestations in the shoulder, elbow, stifle and hock joints - T. A. Mason. 17. An investigation of the biomechanics and structure of the suspensory apparatus of horses- V. C. Speirs. 18. A study of the effects of gamma irradiation on thc bone growth rate ofperiosteal new bone in horses-V. C. Speirs. 19. Clinical application of stored cortical bone allografts for fracture repair in horses - V. C. Speirs. 20. The radiographic appearance of tooth growth in horses - V. C. Speirs. 21. The radiographic appearance of cervical discography, percutaneous cholecystography and cerebral angiography in dogs-R. H. Wrigley. 22. Transcathetcr renal embolization techniques-R. H. Wrigley.

C. ANIMAL REPRODUCTION 23. Definition of clinical syndromes associated with infertility in domestic animals and endocrinology of reproductive efficiency-D. B. Galloway. 24. Pituitary function in pregnant and post partum ewes - P. J. Wright. 25. Hormone induction of oestrus and ovulation in bitches-P. J. Wright.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. DONALD, A. D., AXELSEN, A., MORLEY, F. H. W., WALLER, P. J. and DON­ NELLY, J. R. - Growth of cattle on phalaris and lucerne pasture. II. Helminth parasite populations and effects of anthelmintic treatment. Vet. Parasit.. 5:205-222 (1979). 2. HILL, F. W. G., CHRISTIE, B. A., REYNOLDS, W. T. and LAVELLE, R. B. - An oesophageal diverticulum in a dog. Aust. vet. J.,55:184(1979). VETERINARY CLINICAL SCIENCES 271

3. MASON. T. A. and LAVELLE, R. 13. - Lameness in the hock joint in dogs caused by osteochondritis dissecans ofthe tibial tarsal bone. J. small Anim. Pract., 20:423 (1979). 4. SPEIRS, V. C, HILBERT, B.J. and BLOOD, D. C. - Dorsal displacement ofthe left ventral and dorsal colon in two horses. Aust. vei. J., 55:542-544 (1979). 5. SPEIRS, V. C. and WRIGLEY, R. H. - A case of bilateral hip dysplasia in a foal. Eq. vet. J., 7/:202-204(1979). 6. SPEIRS, V. C. SMYTH, G. B. and MOFFAT, R. - Pharyngeal growths as a cause of abnormal respiratory sounds and dysphagia in horses. J. Equine Med. Surg., 3: 473-478 (1979). 7. GAY, C. C, SPEIRS, V. C. CHRISTIE, B. A., SMYTH, G. B. and PARRY, B. - Foreign body obstruction ofthe small colon in six horses. Eq. vet. J., II: I -4 (1979). 8. WRIGHT, P. J., STELMASIAK, T., BLACK, D. and SYKES, D. - Medroxyprogesterone acetate and reproductive processes in male dogs. Aust. vet. /., 55:437-438 (1979). 9. WRIGHT, P. J. - Serum spermagglutinins and semen quality in the bull. Aust. vet. J., 56: 10-13(1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Doctor of Agricultural Science I. MORLEY, F. H. W.-Pasture Plants and Animal Production.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress CALLINAN. A. P. L. - Computer Models ofthe Ecology ofSheep and Cattle Parasites. DONNELLY. JR. - The Efficiency of Sheep Meat Production in Grazing Systems. ELDER, J. - Management Constraints in Relation to Control ofthe Cattle Tick (Boophilus microplus) in Queensland. PARRY, B. - Studies on Blood Pressure in Horses. SMYTH, G. B. - Studies on the Ileocaecal-colic Region ofthe Horse. WRIGHT, P. J. - Endocrine Aspects of Post-partum Ovarian Acyclicily in Ewes. M VSc Thesis in Progress PRAWA DISASTRA, S. - Studies on blood pressure in horses. MAgrSc Thesis in Progress McCOLM. S. - Endocrine Studies in the Mare.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Wool Research Trust Fund: Methods of minimising the economic disruption caused by discovery of an exotic sheep disease agent in Australia. Wool Research Trust Fund: Development of flock health programs for sheep. CESG National Projects Portion: Development ofa computer model of foot and mouth disease. 272 FACULTY OF VETERINARY SCIENCE



A. MICROBIOLOGY 1. Mycoplasma-cell interactions including mechanisms of adherence of avian mycoplasmas to host cells - K.G. Whithear. 2. Antibiotic sensitivity testing of mycoplasmas- K. G. Whithear. 3. Virus diseases and immunology of horses-M. J. Studdert. 4. Primary' severe combined immunodeficiency disease (PSCID) of Arabian foals - M. J. Studdert, T. M. Campbell. 5. Chlamydia psittaci infection in cats- M. J. Studdert. 6. Feline, porcine and canine parvoviruses - M.J. Studdert, C. Lenghaus. 7. An inherited canine granulocytopathy-M. J. Studdert. 8. Contagious equine metritis - K. L. Hughes, J. A. Baker. 9. The bacteriology of'Corynebacterium equianA its relation to mycobacteria - K. L. Hughes, M. D. Barton.

B. PARASITOLOGY 1. Life cycle and pathogenicity of Eimeria acervulina - K. E. Harrigan. 2. Serological diagnosis of larval cestode infections-M. D. Rickard, P. S. Craig. 3. Studies on mechanisms of immunity lo Taeniid cestodes in the intermediate host and purification of antigens stimulating protective immunity - M. D. Rickard, G. R. Rajasekariah. 4. Vaccination of calves and lambs against T. saginata and T. ovis infection - M. D. Rickard. 5. Epidemiology of strongyle infection of the horse - J. H. Arundel, M. D. Rickard, N. A. Howard. 6. Studies on benzimidazole resistant Ostertagia circumcincta in sheep - M. D. Rickard, F. A. M. Echevarria.

C. PATHOLOGY 1. Hormonal inhibition of experimental breast carcinogenesis: Mechanisms of action - A. G. Jabara. 2. Diseases of poultry, pet and wild birds and diseases of domestic, zoo and wild mammals in Victoria-K. E. Harrigan. 3. Experimental studies of lead toxicity in dogs -N. D. Sullivan, A. N. J. Hamir. 4. An experimental study of the pathology, diagnosis and prophylaxis of snake bite - N. D. Sullivan. M. D. Rickard, P. F. Lewis.

D. WILDLIFE 1. The aetiology and pathogenesis of lumpvjaw in kangaroos-W. P. C. Richards (deceased), K. L. Hughes. J. D. Burton. 2. Comparative and functional anatomy of the foregut of marsupials - J. H. Arundel, D. L. Obcndorf.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. AJUFO, J C. and WHITHEAR, K. G. - Evidence for a ruthenium red-staining extra­ cellular layer as the haemagglutinin of the WW 1853 strain of Mycoplasma synoviae. A ust. vet../., 54:502-503 (1978). 2. ARUNDEL, J. H. - Hydatid disease of animals in Australia. Aust. vet. J., 55: 126-130 (1979). VETERINARY PARACLINICAL SCIENCES 273

3. ARUNDEL, J. H., BEVERIDGE, I. and PRESIDENTE, P. J. A. - Parasites and patho­ logical findings in enclosed and free ranging populations of Macropus rufus (Desmarest) at Menindee, New South Wales. Aust. Wildl. Res., 6:361 -379 (1979). 4. BARKER, 1. K.. MUNDAY, B. L. and PRESIDENTE. P. J. A. - Coccidia of wombats: Correction of host-parasite relationships Eimeria womhali (Gilruth and Bull. 1912) comb, nov. and Eimeria ursini Supperer, 1957 from the hairy-nosed wombat and Eimeria arundeli sp. N. from the common wombat. J. Parasitol, 65:451 -456 (1979). 5. BEVERIDGE. I. - A review of the Globocephaloidina Inglis (Ncmatoda: Amidosto- matidae)from macropod marsupial. Aust. J. Zool. 27: 151-175 (1979). 6. BEVERIDGE. I. - Anoplocephalid cestode parasites of the spectacled harc-wallaby, LagorchestesconspicillatusGould. J. Helminth., 53:153-160(1979). 7. BEVERIDGE, I. - Hypodontus macropi Monnig, 1929, a hookworm-like parasite of macropodid marsupials. J. Helminth., 53:229-244 (1979). 8. BEVERIDGE, I. and ARUNDEL, J. H. - Helminth parasites of grey kangaroos, Macropus giganteus (Shaw) and M. fuliginosus (Desmarest). in South-eastern Australia. Aust. Wildl. Res., 6:69-77(1979). 9. BEVERIDGE, I. and MAWSON, P. M. - A taxonomic revision of the genera Macro- postrongyloides Yamaguti and Paramacropostrongylus Johnston and Mawson (Ncmatoda: Trichonematidae) from Australian marsupials. Aust../. Zool. 26:763-787 (1978). 10. BEVERIDGE, I. and PRESIDENTE, P. J. A. - Rugopharynx rosmariae sp. nov. (Ncmatoda: Pharyngostrongylidae) from grey kangaroos (.Macropus giganteus and M. fuliginosus) with life evele stages and pathologv. Int. J. Parasit.. S: 379-387 (1978). 11. DAVIES, C, RICKARD, M. D„ SMYTH, J.D. and HUGHES, D. L. - Attempts to immunize rats against infection with Fasciola hepatica using in vitro culture antigens from newlv exevsted mctaccrcaria. Res. vet. Sci.. 26:259-260 (1978). 12. DURFEE, P. T. and PRESIDENTE, P. J. A. - A serological survey cf Australian wildlife for antibodies to leptospires of the Hebdomadis serogroup. Aust. J. exp. Biol. med. Sci. 57: 177-189(1979). 13. DURFEE, P. T. and PRESIDENTE. P. J. A. - A seroepidemiological study of Leptospira interrogans serovar halcanica in four brush-tailed possum populations in Victoria, Australia. Aust. J. exp. Biol. med. Sci., 57:191 -201 (1979). 14. DURFEE, P. T. and PRESIDENTE, P. J. A. - Experimental infections of brush-tailed possums, common wombats and water rats with Leptospira interrogans serovar halcanica and hardjo. Aust. J. exp. Biol. med. Sci, 57:231-240 (1979). 15. DURFEE, P. T. and PRESIDENTE, P. J. A. - Experimental infection of calves and sheep with Leptospira interrogans serovar halcanica. Aust. J. exp. Biol. med. Sci., 57: 447-453 (1979). 16. FEILEN, C. P., WALKER, S. T. and STUDDERT, M. J. - Equine herpesvirus type 3 (equine coital exanthema) in New South Wales. Aust. vet.J., 55:443-444(1979). 17. JABARA, A. G.. MARKS, G. N., SUMMERS, J. E. and ANDERSON, P. S. - Effects of progesterone on mammary carcinogenesis by DMBA applied directly to rat mammae. Br. J. Cancer., 40:268-273 (1979). 18. LEW. A. M., SMITH, H. V. and STUDDERT. M. J. - An inactivated equine adenovirus vaccine. Amer. J. vet. Res.. 40:43-48 (1979). 19. MUNDAY, B. L., HARTLEY, W. J., HARRIGAN, K. E., PRESIDENTE, P. J. A. and OBENDORF, D. L. - Sarcocystis and related organisms in Australian wildlife: II. Survey findings in birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. J. Wildl. Dis., 15:57-73 (1979). 20. OBENDORF, D. L. - The helminth parasites of Rattus fuscipes (Waterhouse) from Victoria, including descriptions of two new nematode species. Aust. J. Zool., 27: 867-869 (1979). 21. PRESIDENTE, P. J. A. - Liver lesions in the common wombat associated with migrating Taenia hvdatigena l?.rvae. Int. .1. Parasit., 9:351 -355 (1979). 22. RAJASEKARIAH, G. R., RICKARD. M. D., MONTAGUE, P. E. and MITCHELL, G. F. - Attempts to immunize rats and mice against infection with Fasciola hepatica using antigens prepared from Taenia hydatigena. Z. Parasilenk., 58:175-180(1979). 23. RICKARD, M. D. - The immunological diagnosis of hvdatid disease. Aust. vet. J., 55: 99-104(1979). 24. RICKARD. M. D. - Vaccination against the beef-measles parasite Taenia saginata. Progressin Water 'Technology., 11:45!-458 (1979). 25. STUDDERT, M. J. - Equine infectious anaemia and the immunodiffusion (Coggins) test. Aust. vet. Pract., 9:105-108 (1979). 26. STUDDERT, M. J. and BLACKNEY. M. H. - Equine Herpesviruses: On the differentia­ tion of respiratory from foetal strains cf type I. Aust. vet. J., 55:488-492 (1979). 274 FACULTY OF VETERINARY SCIENCE

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Veterinary Science 1. RICKARD, M. D - The Biology and Immunology of Cestodes. Master of Veterinary Sciettce 2. AJUFO, J. C. - Studies o/Mycoplasma synoviae. 3. LEW, A. M. - Immunological and Virological Aspects of Severe Combined Immuno­ deficiency Disease in Arabian Foals.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress BARTON, M. D. - The Bacteriology of Gorynebacterium equi and its Relation lo Mycobacteria. BURTON, J. D. - Studies into Aspects of Lumpy Jaw in Macropods. CRAIG, P. S. - Diagnosis of Taeniid Infections in Sheep and Cattle. HAMIR, A. N. J. - Lead Toxicity in Dogs. HARRIGAN, K. E. - The Life Cycle and Pathogenicity oj Eimeria acervulina in the Chicken. LENGHAUS, C. - ln vitro and in vivo Studies of Feline and Porcine Parvoviruses. LEWIS, P. F. - The Pathology. Diagnosis and Prophylaxis of Snakebite. OBENDORF, D. L. - Comparative and Functional Anatomy ofthe Oesophagus and Stomach of Macropods. REUTER, R. E.-Response ofthe Animal Placenta to Injury. M VSc Theses in Progress BAKER, J. A. - Studies on Contagious Equine Metritis. CAMPBELL, T. M. - The Interaction of Equine Herpes-. Adeno- and Rhino-Viruses with Lymphocytes. ECHEVARRIA, F. A. M. - 77je Fitness of Free-Living and Parasitic Stages o/Ostertagia spp Susceptible or Resistant to Benzimidazole Anlhelminilics. HOWARD, N. A.- Epidemiology ofEquine Strongyles in Victoria.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Arabian Horse Society: Primary Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (PSCID) of Arabian Foals. Australian Equine Research Fund: Virus Diseases and Immunology of Horses. Australian Meat Research Committee: The Immunology of Cysticercosis/Taeniasis in Domesti­ cated Animals. Chicken Egg and Meat Research Committee: Mechanisms Associated with the Adherence of Avian Mycoplasma to Host Cel ls. Estate of Sir Alfred Edward Rowden White: Contagious Equine Metritis. NH & MRC: Immunology of Hydatidosisand Cysticercosis. NH & MRC: The Use of In vitro Culture Antigens for thc Serological Diagnosis of Cysticercosis/Hydatidosis/Taeniasis in Domesticated Animals. State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Victoria: Vaccination against T. saginata Infection in Cattle. VETERINARY PRECLINICAL SCIENCES

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism in the cat-J. G. McLean, E. A. Monger. 2. Ovarian ultrastructure and changes during luteal regression-J. D. O'Shea. 3. Studies on ovine luteal cells in vitro- R. J. Rodgers, J. D. O'Shea. 4. Distribution and functions of relaxin in the pig -J. Patterson, J. D. O'Shea. C. S. Lee. 5. Ultrastructure and cytology ofthe mammary gland-C. S. Lee. 6. Electrocardiography and the heart score theory' - G. A. Stewart. 7. Relationships between ECG abnormalities, training and plasma electrolyte levels in race­ horses-V. M. Epstein, G. A.Stewart. 8. Electromyographic and manometric studies of oesophageal motility - P. C. Scott, D. A. Titchen. 9. Nervous and hormonal control of gastric secretion in ruminants - G. VV. Reynolds, D. A. Titchen. 10. Development of salivary and gastric function in the sheep and the pig - J. Patterson, G. W. Reynolds, D. A. Titchen. 11. Gastric parasitisms and gastric function in ruminants-G. VV. Reynolds, D. A. Titchen.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. CARR, D. H., SCOTT, P. C. and TITCHEN, D. A. - Sheep oesophageal reactions during eructation./1/m. Rech. Vet., 10:168-170(1979). 2. GAY. C. C, SULLIVAN, N., WILKINSON, J. S., McLEAN, J. G. and BLOOD, D. C. - Hyperlipaemia in ponies. Aust. vet. /, 54:459-462 (1978). 3. HOSSA1N, M. I., LEE, C. S., CLARKE, I. J. and O'SHEA, J. D. -Ovarian and luteal blood flow, and peripheral plasma progesterone levels in cyclic guinea-pigs. / Reprod. Fert., 57: 167-174(1979). 4. LEE, C. S., MORGAN, G. and WOODING, F. B. P. - Mitochondria and mitochondria- tonofilament-desmosomal associations in thc mammarv gland secretory epithelium of lactating cows./ CellSci.,38:125-135(1979). 5. O'SHEA, J. D.. CRAN, D. G. and HA Y, M. F. - The small luteal cell ofthe sheep. /. Anat., /2S/239-251 (1979). 6. O'SHEA, J. D., HAY, M. F. and CRAN, D. G. - Ultrastructural changes in the theca interna during follicular atresia in sheep. /. Reprod. Fert., 54:183-187 (1978). 7. PATTERSON, J. and TITCHEN, D. A. - Sympathetic and /i-adrenergic stimulation of parotid salivary secretion in sheep. Quart. J. Exp. Phvsiol, 64:175-184(1979). 8. REYNOLDS, G. W., ANDERSON, N., STIFFE, G'., HANSKY, J. and TITCHEN, D. A. -Ovine tissue and scrum gastrin in ostcrtagiasis. Ann. Rech. Vet.. 70/341-343 (1979). 9. SINCLAIR, A. J., McLEAN, J. G. and MONGER, E. A. - Metabolism of linoleic acid in the cat. Lipids, 74/932-936(1979). 10. SNOSWELL, A. M., COSTA, N. D., McLEAN, J. G., BAIRD, G. D., LOMAX, M. A. and SYMONDS, H. W. - Interrelationships between acetylation and the disposal of acetyl groups in the livers of dairy cows. / Dairy Res., 45:331 -338 (1978). 11. TITCHEN, D. A. - Diaphragmatic and oesophageal activity in regurgitation in sheep: An electromyographic study. /. Physiol, 292:381 -390 (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DECREES Doctor of Philosophy 1. HOSSA1N, M. I. - The Corpus Luteum ofthe Guinea-Pig. 2. WOOD, A. K.W.-A Radiological Study of Oesophageal and Gastric Motility in the Piglet.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress MONGER, E. A. - Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Metabolism in Domestic Animals. PATTERSON, J. - Studies on the Distribution and Function of Relaxin.


REYNOLDS, G. W. - Studies on Gastrin and Gastric Secretion in the Sheep. RODGERS, R. J. - Structural and Functional Studies ofCells ofthe Corpus Luteum. M VSc Thesis in Progress EPSTEIN, V. M. - ECG Abnormalities and Plasma Electrolytes in Racehorses in Training. MSc Thesis in Progress FREEMAN, P. L. - Studies on Cardiac Output. Heart Score and Exercise Performance.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Australian Equine Research Fund: ECG Abnormalities and Plasma Electrolytes. ARGC: Comparative Studies on the Nervous and Hormonal Control ofthe Gut with Special Reference to Ruminants. ARGC: Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Metabolism in the Cat. Australian Meat Research Committee: Physiological Studies on Intensive Rearing Practices in Calves and Parasitic Gastritis. Australian Pig Industry Research Council: Gastric Development, Early Weaning and Digestive Disease in the New Born Pig. Dairy Research Committee: Local Cellular Immunity in the Mammary Gland. Melbourne University Veterinary Research Fund: Studies on Relaxin. CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES


A. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS 1. Part 2 of social and economic impact study of the Port ofMelbourne Authority's Forward Development Plan for the Port of Melbourne as part of the Port of Melbourne Environ­ mental Study-A. S. Atkins, W. T. O'Brien. 2. Phase 2 of an environmental assessment ofthe effects of proposed works at Webb Dock on the marine environment as part of the Port of Melbourne Environmental Study - J. B. Hinwood, G. C. Dandy, D. A. Mills, D. M. Burrage.

B. WATER RESOURCES PLANNING 1. Development and application of systems analysis models for salinity control in the Murray River basin -W. T. O'Brien. 2. Study of flushing and exchange regimes in the Gippsland Lakes - D. A. Mills. 3. Environmental design study ofthe Lysterfield Reservoir and its immediate catchment area - W. T. O'Brien. G. C. Dandy, J. P. Pike.

C. ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 1. Landscape principles study of areas managed by the Upper Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges Authority-T. J. Brown. 2. Parametric landscape assessment and evaluation techniques in the multi-objective manage­ ment of landscape and natural resources-1. D. Bishop. 3. Pilot study in parametric landscape planning in the Geelong region -1. D. Bishop. 4. Townscape study of Sorrento-J. G. Fabos, T. J. Brown, A. M. McGregor. 5. Landscape and townscape study of Bright-J. G. Fabos, T. J. Brown. 6. Development of procedures and methodologies for landscape assessment and evaluation - J. G. Fabos, A. M. McGregor. 7. Landscape assessment of the easement for 500 kV transmission lines between Sydenham and Moorabool -G. Seddon. 8. Assessment of alternative routes for 500 kV transmission lines from Moorabool to Portland -R. B. Martin. 9. Photographic analysis of environmental arrival experiences - R. B. Martin. 10. Assessment of alternative housing site organisations in terms of altered human behaviour patterns within the Melbourne area-R. B. Martin. 11. Re-use of derelict urban lands- R. B. Martin. 12. Survey of historic site developments in Victoria-R. B. Martin. 13. Evaluation of urban open space opportunities in Melbourne-R. B. Martin. 14. Visual analysis of the proposed SECV transmission line across the lower Yarra from Newport to Fishermans Bend - G. Seddon.

D. SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASSESSMENTS OF URBAN RELATIONSHIPS AND STRUCTURE 1. Directory service aimed at researchers, policy-makers and groups with an interest in housing in Australia-R. J. King. 2. Review, evaluation and publication of housing research relevant to Australian conditions in the general fields of policy, management and design - R.J. King. 3. Development of guidelines for assessing the short-term and long-term social impact of changes in accessibility and/or of severance effects from transport or related changes - R. J. King. 4. Study of the effect ofthe price and availability of housing finance and of house prices on options facing low income households, on consequent car dependency and on vulnerability to energy price rise - R.J. King.


5. Editing of titles in the Housing Research Series of the Building Technology Branch of the Department of the Environment, Housing and Community Development - R.J. King. 6. Study of constraints on the residential choices of households in Melbourne, of behavioural responses to such constraints and of households' expressed preferences - R. J. King. 7. Review of housing policies in Victoria and preparation of the Victorian State Govern­ ment's Green Paper on Housing-R. J. King. 8. Study ofthe social costs of road accidents in Australia - A. S. Atkins.

E. ENERGY PLANNING 1. Energy analysis as a tool for public decision making-D. G. Evans. 2. Conversion of coal to liquid fuels - D. G. Evans (with S. R. Siemon and R. S. Yost ofthe Department of Chemical Engineering). 3. Environmental effects of mining and upgrading Victorian coal - D. G. Evans.

F. MISCELLANEOUS 1. Feasibility study of the role of electronic data processing in increasing the effectiveness of the Town and Country Planning Board's operations in the areas of strategy planning, statutory planning and general administration - W. T. O'Brien, A. M. McGregor, J. G. Fabos, D. M. Burrage.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. BISHOP, I. D. - Modelling, programming and policy making - a study of land use in Cumbria, U. K., Centre for Environmental Studies, University ofMelbourne (i 979). 2. KING, R. J., PIKE, J. P. and SEDDON, G. - A middle ring suburb: a study ofthe urban fabric of Hawthorn, Centre for Environmental Studies, University of Melbourne (1979). 3. PIKE, J. P. H. - Urban landscape guidelines, Centre for Environmental Studies, University ofMelbourne (1979). Chapters of Books 4. ATKINS, A. S. and O'BRIEN, W. T. - The multiple objective approach to evaluation and environmental impact studies, in Environmental economics: papers presented at the National Conference, Canberra, May 1978, ed. G. Gorrie, Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra (1979). 5. EVANS, D. G. and ATKINS, A. S. - Money, energy and the future, in Energy and people, ed. M. Diesendorf, Society for Social Responsibility in Science (A.C.T.), Canberra (1979). 6. HILLS, P. and KING, R. J. - Behavioural modelling and the evaluation of social and environmental impacts of transport investment, in Behavioural travel modelling, ed. D. A. Hensherand P. R. Stopher, Croom Helm, London (1979). 7. KING, R. J. - Energy prices, urban structure and social effects, in Energy and people, ed. M. Diesendorf, Society for Social Responsibility in Science (A.C.T.), Canberra (1979). 8. KING, R. J. - Planners or executors of plans, in The Victorian university in the late 20th century. University ofMelbourne University Assembly Report 11, Melbourne (1979). 9. KING, R. J. - The community and environmental education - questions for educators, in Education and the human environment, ed. R. D. Linke, The Curriculum Development Centre, Canberra (1977). 10. O'BRIEN, W. T. - Multiobjective planning and its relevance to Australian water manage­ ment, in Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium Perth 1979 symposium papers. The Institution of Engineers, Australia, Perth (1979). 11. SEDDON, G. - Urban function and structure, in Land and water resources of Australia, ed. E. Hallsworth and J. Woodcock. Australian Academy of Technological Sciences, Canberra (1979). 12. SEDDON, G. - Western Australia: some changing perceptions, in European impact on the West Australian environment 1829-1979, University of Western Australia, Perth (1979). 13. SEDDON, G. - Population and the environment, in Refugees, resources, reunion: Australia's immigration dilemmas, VCTA Publishing, Melbourne (1979). CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 279

Articles 14. BATTAERD, H. A. J. and EVANS, D. G. - An alternative representation of coal composition data. Fuel, 58:105-108 (1979). 15. EVANS, D. G. - Water and wastewater for conversion ofbrown coal to liquid fuels in the Latrobe Valley. Water, 6:16-19,23(1979). 16. HOOPER, R. J., BATTAERD, H. A. J. and EVANS, D. G. - Thermal dissociation of Tetralin between 300*C and450"C. Fuel, 58:132-138 (1979). 17. PIKE, J. P. - The development of the landscape architecture profession in Australia. Landscape Australia, 2:41 -43 (1979). 18. PIKE, J. P. and COURSE, L. J. - Citizen participation in park development. Australian Parks and Recreation Journal, (February 1979):21-29. 19. SEDDON, G. and PIKE, J. P. - Landscape studies in Australia. Landscape Planning, 6: 255-269(1979). 20. SEDDON, G. - Lessons ofthe Gogol: a cautionary tale. Memo, 2(35): 20-24 (1979). 21. SEDDON, G. - Beer, TB and tourists. Unesco Review, 1:30-34 (1979). 22. SEDDON, G. - The genius loci and Australian landscape. Landscape Australia, 2:66-73 (1979). 23. SWANN, P. D. and EVANS, D. G. - Low temperature oxidation ofbrown coal 3: reaction with molecular oxygen at temperatures close to ambient. Fuel, 58:276-280 (1979).

Reports 24. BROWN, T. J., ITAMI, R. M. and KING, R. J. - Landscape principles study for Upper Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges. Volume 2: Procedures for landscape assessment and management. Report to the Upper Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges Authority (1979). 25. FABOS, J. G. and McGREGOR, A. M. - Assessment of visual/aesthetic landscape qualities. Report to the Australian Heritage Commission (1979). 7.6. FABOS, J. G., BROWN, T. J. and McGREGOR, A. M. - Sorrento townscape study. Report to the Shire of Flinders (1979). 27. FABOS, J. G., BROWN, T. J. and LONGACRE, R. E. - Landscape and townscape study method. A case studv: Bright, ed. D. G. Evans. Report to the Shire of Bright (1979). 28. HINWOOD, J. B., WATSON, J. E., MILLS, D. A., DANDY, G. C. and BURRAGE, D. M. - Port ofMelbourne Environmental Studv: Marine Study-6 Webb Dock (Phase 2). Report to thc Port ofMelbourne Authority (1979). 29. KING, R. J. - Accessibility and behaviour in twenty areas in Melbourne. AIR 268-3, Australian Road Research Board, Melbourne (1979). 30. MARTIN, R. B., McGREGOR, A. M. and ITAMI, R. M. - Landscape assessment of proposed transmission line routes. Evaluation of three SECV alternatives for 500 kV trans­ mission lines. Moorabool to Portland, Victoria. Report to the State Electricity Commission ofVictoria(!979). 31. O'BRIEN, W. T., McGREGOR, A. M., FABOS, J. G. and BURRAGE, D. M. - The potential role of electronic data processing in the operations of the Town and Country Planning Board. Report to the Town and Country Planning Board (1979). 32. SEDDON, G. - 500 kV transmission lines Sydenham to Moorabool. Report to the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (1979). 33. SEDDON, G. - Visual analysis, proposed SECV transmission line Lower Yarra Crossing, Newport to Fishermans Bend. Report to the State Electricity Commission of Victoria (1979).

THESES PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREES Doctor of Philosophy BISHOP, I. D. - Modelling, programming and policy-making: a study of land-use in Cumbria, U.K.

Master of Landscape Architecture 2. LONGACRE, R. E. - Princes Hill urban neighbourhood open space study. 280 CENTRE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Theses in Progress ATKINS, A. S. - Economic analysis and modelling ofthe economic consequences of resource allocation. BLAKE, A. M. - Planningfor urban conservation in N.S. W. and Victoria. GABRIC, A. J. - Mathematical modelling of thermal discharges in aquatic environments. MEnvS Theses in Progress BENNETT, S. E. - An environmental study of settlement patterns and development forces in the Cairns region. BLAKE, T. - Ecological analysis and conservation assessment of vegetation resources with a case study of the Warby Range-Killawarra Forest Area, Victoria. BRADFORD, S. L. - Environmental effects of possible developments ofbrown coal utilization in the Latrobe Valley. DENIS, L. R. - Environmental study of mangrove swamps in Westernport Bay. FITZPATRICK, C. R. - Water balance study ofthe Lysterfteld Reservoir and catchment. KING, R. L. - The feasibility of lake development following sand mining in the Heatherton- Dingley special extractive zone. LESTER, C. J. - Management of Crown Lands in the Gippsland Lakes Region. L1EW, P, H. - Coastal recreation and management: the case of Port Fairy. LORENZON. R. J. - Management of National Parks on the Mornington Peninsula. McGREGOR. A.M. - Planningfor urban catchment management. O'HANLON, E. M. - Land-use planning/resource analysis in the Hunter Valley region. N.S.W. PIESSE, R. D.- The use of public land for education in the environment. RADFORD, T. G. - An evaluation of analysis techniques for urban areas. RUSS, P. G. - Development ofa transport energy policy for Victoria. SMITH, J. M. - /environmental conservation in land-use planning. WILLSTEED, P. G. - Analysis of land-use and development on a residential land area in the coastal zone of Ml. Eliza. ML Arch Theses in Progress HUTCHINS, J. G. - Landscape assessment for computer based planning systems. ITAMI, R. M. - Scenic quality in Australia: a procedure lo assess and evaluate the visual effects of land- use change. KELLY, A. - Computer applications to highway corridor selection. NIRAN, R. - Recreation strategy for the south bayside suburbs.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants and fees have been received as follows: Australian Heritage Commission. Australian Housing Research Council. Australian Research Grants Committee. Australian Road Research Board. City of Hawthorn. Commonwealth Department of Transport. CSIRO. Department of Minerals and Energy, Victoria. Geelong Regional Commission. Ministry for Conservation. Ministry of Housing. Port ofMelbourne Authority. Premier's Department, Victoria. Reserve Bank of Australia. Shire of Bright. Shire of Flinders. State Electricity Commission of Victoria. Town and Country Planning Board. Upper Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges Authority. BOARD OF SOCIAL STUDIES

RESEARCH STUDIES IN PROGRESS 1. Follow-up study of employment of B. S.W. graduates-J. Rimmer. 2. Case studies in community organization and social policy change-J. Rimmer. 3. Professional and Voluntary Roles for Women in Charity - management in the 1930s in Victoria - L. O'Brien, C. Turner. 4. Australian Social Service Systems and Family Policy-L. J. Tierney, D. Ford. 5. Ethnic Welfare Services - A study of welfare services in Melbourne designed for immigrants -D. R.Cox. 6. Changes in the population of Recipients of Supporting Parents Benefit - S. Charlesworth (in conjunction with the Department of Social Security). 7. Thc Needs of Single Mothers who keep their Children in Victoria 1973-78 - S. Charlesworth. 8. Early warning schemes in juvenile justice in thc U.K., France, Belgium and Holland - S. Charlesworth.

PUBLISHED WORK Books 1. O'BRIEN, L. and TURNER, C. - Establishing Medical Social Work in Victoria: Discussion and Documents. Department of Social Studies, Universitv of Melbourne (1979). 2. TIERNEY. L. J. and McMAHON, H. - From Vague Ideas to Unfeasible Roles, A.G.P.S., Canberra (1979). Chapters of Books 3. COX, D. R. - Australia's Immigration Policy and Refugees, in Refugees Resources Reunion Australia's Immigration Dilemmas, eds. R. Birrell and others, V.C.T.A. Publish­ ing Pty Ltd: 7-20 (1979). 4. TIERNEY, L. J. - Family Care, in Caring for Deprived Children, eds. C. J. Payne and K. J. White, Croom Helm, London: 106-122(1979). Article 5. CHARLESWORTH, S. - Understanding Parent-Hood. Aust. J. of Child Welfare. March: 12-15(1979). Reports and Notes 6. CHARLESWORTH, S. - Law Reform Commission, Child Welfare Reference, Basic Dilemmas in Implementing Changes in Child Welfare Policy (June, 1979). 7. CHARLESWORTH, S. - Submission and evidence to Joint Select Committee on Family Law in Australia 19.78. 8. KING, C. and TIERNEY, L. J. - Evaluation Report of the Southern Region Child Care Co-operative Project, Department of Social Studies (1979).

THESIS PASSED FOR HIGHER DEGREE Master of Arts 1. EVANS, S. - The Practices Laboratory in Social Work Education: An Evaluation of the Use of Simulation and Video Feedback in Teaching Basic Interviewing Skills lo Social Work Students.

THESES IN PROGRESS PhD Thesis in Progress BROWN, T. - The Role of Local Government in the Development of Social Welfare Services in Victoria. 1834-1975.


MSW Theses in Progress FORD, D. - An Examination of Selected Aspects of Family Policy. JAMES, C. - Explorations in Referral Theory and Practice. McMAHON, H. - Family Theory and Foster Care. MITCHELL. G. - An Evaluation of the Volunteer Program of St. Anthony's, a family welfare agencv. NETHERWA Y, R. - Effect of Mobility on Naval Families. O'BRIEN, T. - Foster Care- Understanding the Role of Foster Parents. OXER, J. - The Role ofthe Belief Systems ofthe Counsellor in Therapy. SWAIN, P. - The Development of a Family Support Program. MA Theses in Progress HOLL1NGWORTH, P. - Welfare and thc Local Anglican Church. MITCHELL, B. - Social Networks of Aboriginal Youth Offenders. RENKJN, P. - A nalysis of a Community Worker at Lake Tyers.

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: ARGC: Study of Social Service Systems and Family Policy. Flora and Frank Leith Charitable Trust: Study of Social Service Systems and Family Policy. ARCHIVES

RESEARCH TOPICS IN PROGRESS 1. Annotated bibliographic guide to collections in the University ofMelbourne Archives - D. Brand. 2. T. C. Lothian, publisher and publishers'representative, 1905-1950-C. E. Close. 3. Trade unions and communism; industrial recovery in Australia and Great Britain, 1933-1940-A. P. Reeves.

A. SOURCE MATERIAL CONCERNING UNIVERSITY HISTORY Records were received relating to the Victorian Universities and Schools Examinations Board, the Departments of Chemistry, Geology and History', the Schools of Engineering and Physics, the Union, Sports Union, Labour Club, Fine Arts Society, Marlowe Society and Melbourne University Staff Association. Accessions of personal papers included those of Professor G.N. Blainey, Professor C. E. Moorehouse, Dr R. B. Scotton, Professor R. D. Wright, Dr Stephen Murray-Smith, and the late Dr Donald Mackay.

B. GENERAL HISTORICAL SOURCE MATERIAL Supt Francis Hare Personal Papers (chiefly concerning the hunt for the Kelly Gang); Helen Joseph cassette (human rights in South Africa); The Catholic Worker correspondence and accounts: Alva Geikie papers (Women's Movement); Sir Lewis Burne papers; A. P. Derham (further accession); Dr Graeme Davison (Moratorium material); H. W. Radford reminiscences: W. C. C. Wilcock library and papers; The Myer Emporium Ltd. and group company papers; Cr Betty Marginson (further accession); Rcpco Ltd. head office and subsidiaries records; Wonthaggi Women's Auxiliary interview tapes; Gay Liberation Movement papers; Chester Gray papers (Ranger Enquiry); further Australian Institute of Agricultural Science material; Alfred Joy (copy of early Victorian immigrant's diary); R. V. McCure material re World War One; Western Mining Corporation Ltd.; Evan Jones Personal Papers: Alma Wool Scouring Pty. Ltd.; Metropolitan Meat Market Ltd.; Congress for International Co-operation and Disarmament (including Burchett Passport Committee). Trade union and labour history accessions included: Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees Association Victorian Branch; Barrier (Broken Hill) Industrial Council; Melbourne Eight Hour Day Celebration Committee; United Tinsmiths, Ironworkers and Japanners Society; Manufacturing Grocers Employees Federation of Australia, Federal Office and Victorian Branch; Williamstown Naval Dockyard Combined Unions Shop Committee: Amalgamated Engineering Union Melbourne District Youth Committee; Musicians Union of Australia, Federal Office; Communist Party of Australia, Commonwealth Shop Stewards Committee - Victoria; Federated Engine Drivers and Firemen's Association, Victorian Branch and Melbourne, Ballarat and Bendigo sub-branches; Australian Railway Union - Victorian Branch; Newport Railway Workshops Combined Unions Shop Committee; Vehicle Builders Employees Union, Victorian Branch and Ballarat, Warrnambool and Mildura sub-branches, Federated Moulders (Metals) Union, Victorian Branch.

PUBLISHED WORK Chapters in Book I. REEVES, A. P. - The Five Month Strike, 1934, and The 1949 Defeat, in The Slate Coal Mine and Wonthaggi 1909-68, ed. J. M. Coghlan, Clancy & Co., Wonthaggi: 90-91, 103-105(1979).

SUBSTANTIAL GRANTS RECEIVED Grants have been received as follows: Anonymous donation: Towards preparation of a guide to holdings of Archives. Cuming Smith & Co. Ltd.: Towards processing and storing thc Company's records. Myer Emporium Ltd.: Towards processing and storing the Company's records.


PUBLISHED WORK Book 1. RIDDETT. R. - The craft of the hook: exhibition and catalogue. National Gallery of Victoria, Friends of I heGaiiery Library, Melbourne (1978). Chapter of Book 2. PARKER, D. - Recent developments in the library world and their relationship to school libraries, in Lib-Science ASLA Conference V; held al Australian National University. Canberra, 29 August. 1976 - 3 September, 1976, Goulburn, N.S.W., Aust. School Lib. Ass'n.. 2:15-18(1978). Articles 3. GAGAUZ, L. - Physical education serials in Australia. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 10:185-189 (1979). 4. PARKER, D. - The catalogue in thc Australian academic research library in thc 1980s. Australian Librarv Journal. 25(13): 215-221 (1979). 5. PRICE, R., GOU'GH, L., NEWTON, H. and THOMAS. P. - The place of AUSINET in technical information services. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 10:243-246 (1979).

THESES IN PROGRESS PARKER, D. - Logical data analvsis Jor academic library computer data base systems. RIDDETT, R. - The Office ofthe Dead in French illumination 14th- 15th centuries.


PUBLISHED WORK Article COLE, J. B. and ALLEN, F. C. L. - Contraceptive Responsibility Among Male University Students. J. Am. Coll. Health Assn., 28:168-172 (December 1979).

285 UNIVERSITY ASSEMBLY In 1979 the Assembly completed several major reports on subjects of general concern to the University, notably recombinant DNA research, the position of unlcnurcd staff, and discontinu­ ing students, put several of its previous reports into monograph form for wider distribution, and continued its investigations into many areas of University policy.

INVESTIGATIONS IN PROGRESS 1. Problems associated with recombinant DNA research. 2. Untenured Staff: University staffing policies. 3. Discontinuing Students. 4. Disputes resolution procedures in the University. 5. Clinical Legal Education. 6. Confidentiality-access to information. 7. Continuing Education at the University ofMelbourne. 8. The University Master Plan. 9. The place ofthe postgraduate student in the University. 10. Student Representation and Participation in the University.

PUBLISHED WORK Articles 1. BEIGHTON, F. C. L. and O'CONNELL, M. A. - Students' career plans and the medical profession. J. of Med. Education. 54(6): 509-510 (June, 1979). 2. BORTHWICK, C. J. - Intelligence, Learning, and Evolution. Melbourne Studies in Education: 174-182(1979).


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