SSC09-IV-3 Small Satellite Rendezvous and Characterization of Asteroid 99942 Apophis James Chartres Carnegie Mellon Innovations Laboratory, Carnegie Mellon University Silicon Valley Small Spacecraft Office, NASA Ames Research Center Building 202, Moffett Field, CA 94035; (650) 604-6347
[email protected] David Dunham, Bobby Williams Space Navigation and Flight Dynamics, KinetX, Inc. 2050 E. ASU Circle, Suite 107, Tempe, AZ 85284; (480) 829-6600
[email protected],
[email protected] Anthony Genova, Anthony Colaprete, Ronald Johnson, Belgacem Jaroux Small Spacecraft Office, NASA Ames Research Center Building 202, Moffett Field, CA 94035; (650) 604-6347, (650) 604-2918, (650) 604-6699, (650) 604-6312
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected] ABSTRACT The Measurement and Analysis of Apophis Trajectory (MAAT) concept study investigated a low-cost characterization mission to the asteroid 99942 Apophis that leverage small spacecraft architectures and technologies. The mission goals were to perform physical characterization and improve the orbital model. The MAAT mission uses a small spacecraft free flyer and a bi-propellant transfer stage that can be incorporated as a secondary payload on Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles (EELVs), Atlas V or Delta IV launches. Using the innovative secondary architecture allows the system to be launched on numerous GTO or LTO opportunities such as NASA science missions or commercial communication satellites. The trajectory takes advantage of the reduced Delta-V requirement during the 2012- 2015 time frame, with a large flexible launch opportunity, from January to November 2012 and heliocentric injection occurs in April 2013.