e Directory of IFBA Certified Professionals The IFBA publishes a global directory of individuals who are Professionally Certified by the IFBA’s Certification Body. Certifications are valid for a period of 5 years from the date indicated after which the certificants must undergo a recertification process. If you are unable to locate an individual in this directory, this does not necessarily mean that the individual is not certified. New certified professionals are added to the list each month. Please contact the IFBA Secretariat at
[email protected] to verify an individual’s certification status. Professional Certification in Biorisk Management Total Issued Certifications: 790 Albania 1. Ridvana Mediu, 2019 Algeria 1. Abderrahmen Selmania, 2017 2. Aissam Hachid, 2018 3. Amamra Imene, 2018 4. Asma Hamitouche, 2018 5. Chahrazed Benbetka, 2017 6. Dahbia Leila Anes, 2018 7. Fatiha Djedjig, 2018 8. Fawzi Derrar, 2017 9. Halima Berrayah, 2018 10. Hamza Rahab, 2018 11. Hanane Alamir, 2018 12. Housna Labed, 2019 13. Karima Selmani, 2018 14. Maewa Bounneche, 2018 15. Meghezzi Asma, 2018 16. Meriem Djellouli, 2017 Page 1 17. Mohamed Hamidouche, 2018 18. Nour El Houda Bousnane, 2019 19. Saadi Fatiha, 2017 20. Smadi Adnane, 2018 Argentina 1. Adriana Miyagi, 2016 2. Ana Maria Andreetta, 2016 3. Claudio De Antoni, 2016 4. Ernesto Antonio Cascardo, 2016 5. Fernando Franco, 2016 6. Julio Garin, 2016 7. Jorge Dario Sánchez, 2016 8. José Luis Favant, 2016 9. Leonora Nusblat, 2015 10. Lia Vizzotti, 2015 11. Luciana Vázquez, 2016 12. Luisa Tomadin, 2016 13. Mayra Ameneiros, 2019 14. Silvina Goenaga, 2016 Australia 1. Bernadette Bradley, 2016 2.