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ROLLING STONE, OCTOBER 24, 19'74 73 j' .- ·-· .: ,· ·.. •' •;: ~{: ... ; ·: .·.~.. ~~.·, _ :f '·.,;':':''' ';.' .. ': : ,. ' . ' "'· ,ll ,. ' J_-' >:.• U· ".· • boardist Bill Payqe and slide guitarist I singer ' Lowell George. By the group's second album; Sllilin' Shoes, George's voice and guitar had pro gressed to the point where Lit tle Feat was no longer just· a writers' bandr Material, per- : formance and production were held in equipoise through . that all~um and its successor, :Dixie Chicken. On Feats Don't , fail Me '!vow that. perf~ct ten-· Starting Over · sion has slackened. Now the Raspberries .: band's stre~gth 'fl~ driven out Capitol ST 11329 the quirky but affecting vision. · . that made Little Feat unique By Ken Barnes · · and worth ~herishing. The . outfit is a superb, well-oiled The Raspberries have at la~t machine but with some of the realized.-thi:ir potential.' impersonality which such a They've cleai:Iy become( the characterizatio'n implies. premier synthesizer$-of ,Sixties Little Feat has had a ter~ . pop influences extant. Ev_en ' : ribly checkl!red history; 'f'ith · more importantly, the end.re.- near 'breakups .. o,ccurring not sults of their adn.>it collages· of quite as frequemiy as·damag._ musical knowledge often equal ing rumors ·said · they were. or surpass their models' orig- George hopes he ltas· finally . ina! cre11tions~ achieved a measure of -stabil- AS. illt~strations there are . jty! .He is ~ot qulte as domi two perfectly. astonishing.; nimt as he once waS,:,....he has tracks ·on Starting Over. "I 'conscimisly 'down, played hii,. ·Don't Know What I Want" is own ·ai.•thority....:.:.~;>ut this may the ultirtuite Who tribute, a su not be the root'of the problem.
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