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: ,·· ..•' •;: ~{: ... ;·:.·.~ . ~~.·, :F '·.,;':':''' ';.' .. ': : ,. ' ROLLING STONE, OCTOBER 24, 19'74 73 j' .- ·-· .: ,· ·.. •' •;: ~{: ... ; ·: .·.~.. ~~.·, _ :f '·.,;':':''' ';.' .. ': : ,. ' . ' "'· ,ll ,. ' J_-' >:.• U· ".· • boardist Bill Payqe and slide guitarist I singer ' Lowell George. By the group's second album; Sllilin' Shoes, George's voice and guitar had pro­ gressed to the point where Lit­ tle Feat was no longer just· a writers' bandr Material, per- : formance and production were held in equipoise through . that all~um and its successor, :Dixie Chicken. On Feats Don't , fail Me '!vow that. perf~ct ten-· Starting Over · sion has slackened. Now the Raspberries .: band's stre~gth 'fl~ driven out Capitol ST 11329 the quirky but affecting vision. · . that made Little Feat unique By Ken Barnes · · and worth ~herishing. The . outfit is a superb, well-oiled The Raspberries have at la~t machine but with some of the realized.-thi:ir potential.' impersonality which such a They've cleai:Iy become( the characterizatio'n implies. premier synthesizer$-of ,Sixties Little Feat has had a ter~ . pop influences extant. Ev_en ' : ribly checkl!red history; 'f'ith · more importantly, the end.re.- ­ near 'breakups .. o,ccurring not sults of their adn.>it collages· of quite as frequemiy as·damag._ musical knowledge often equal ing rumors ·said · they were. or surpass their models' orig- George hopes he ltas· finally . ina! cre11tions~ achieved a measure of -stabil- AS. illt~strations there are . jty! .He is ~ot qulte as domi­ two perfectly. astonishing.; nimt as he once waS,:,....he has tracks ·on Starting Over. "I 'conscimisly 'down, played hii,. ·Don't Know What I Want" is own ·ai.•thority....:.:.~;>ut this may the ultirtuite Who tribute, a su­ not be the root'of the problem. perbly inte&rated pastic!'le of' it is' almost as- if once he· de .. Who styles, 196$-7 L Fr11g-· · cided to ced~ responsibility to . ments ~Townshend melodies the others, hcf also decided to _ surface here and there, and make his writi.ng Jess reflective Eric Carmen's vocal is an ~In­ of his own slant than of the canny . Roger Daltrey imita­ new, corporate Little Feat, a tion. Yet the song stands on its ' ····( group that he no longer com- own merits as a modern teen- but its highest points are · as Rain. bow~ - : i~ ·: very' American, throughout the albu'!l. mand.s. Nearly the same can age frustration. classic. lofty as any · heights rock an odd mix · of country rock On 1side tw9 R;mdy New- . be .surmised of ·payne,. whose . "Overnight Sensation (Hit '74 has scaled. and Randy Newmait. .. man's influence, or the influ- -'"' earlier efforts were as original Record)" boasts_a stunning ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. i ·, ·: The. Americanizatic>n of ence of Alan Price's interpre- as George's. production, combining an ul­ Michaet d'Abb has been to '';. lations of Randy Newman, is , , The group's.prismatic, L.A.­ tra-complex Beach Boys ap­ ,. the detriment of. his imagtna- : .: 'tqo conspicuous for comfort. dominated view of culture first proach with Phil Spector tech- , · · tion . Brok.en Rainbows's sim-.- · . D'Aho's singing as well as his · gave way to Dixie' Chicken's niques. Lyrically it's a refresh­ pl.e'; .moving rendition of. .. tunes and. piano playing be- earthier, less· frenetic, but still ingly frank confession of tJ1e , :o-"Handbags And Gladrags," ·9ome im_itative, and the com- · witty approach. Peats, in a band's number one goal. Un- ·: . · ~ritten seven years ago, h'as',., J.?inat,ion of arch·_sentimerta_l- further reduction, turns out to ·tike those sensitive, questing . ; ,a. forceful integrity and ·~.: Jty, dr~mken humor.~nd com1c be a-lmost pure funk, situated souls who prof ~ss to disdain . :•:· tfniquen~S~ , missing in' the.:__, '• irony iS all too f;Hntl.ar. squarely below the Mason­ their gold records, the Rasp- . ' ~' more' recent. material~in the : . Its> perivatiyeness d?_es not Dixon line (the first three berries want that hit on the .··. • banal melody and sentiments '.. make :,)Jroken ~?lin bows un- songs m11ke referehce to 'the radio. And they know what it . · of the title track (until the . listenabld~ Eiliot· Mazer's un- State of Georgia) .. But the songs on Feats:-though with takes to get it- "If the pro­ Ill d: · ~losing seconds, Michael obtrusive production, the va- gram director don't pull it/ i Bloomfield's guitar Ys equally · . riety of arrangements and mu­ in the group's chosen specialty ·Then ·it's time to get back a Broken Rainbows cliched), in the trite country · ·. ~ sicians and d'Abo's skills add • -do, not eyoke the frel;\_ZY of bi.Jilet" is a far cry from the Michael d' Abo . tune of ''The .Last · Match" up to an agreeable album. t)n-· ~heir counterparts on Di~ie naive "Please Mr. DJ play my A&M SP~3634 . .• ·: and. in the commonplaces of ' fort~mitely, it lacks that spark' Chicken, like "Two Trains" record" plaints of a dec­ -~-.:__-.,.,---~~~. ~. :._:.._....; "T G~Where My Spirit Leads of originalitY.or.character that _ · and "Fat Man in the Bathtub." ade ago. By Ken Emerson Me.'' On Rachel's Place ' · makes a · recqrd more than The ·syncopations of "Rock Though the Beach Boys and d'Abo's slant was quirkier and . ~ merely nice. apd Roll Doctor" are riveting the Who are historicallY- my · "The Might~' Quinn,;,_ the more 'interesting;. h~re he's a but the tune's over11ll format . favorite artists, I'd have to ad­ original Manfred Mann's·last · very capable journeyman. ,, is too choppy tci be uplifting. mit that ."Overnight Sensa­ · substantial hit in the States, After a promising begin- · Yet along with 'the title song, tioll" and "I Don't K now introduced Mi~hael d'Abo to ·ning,the jaunty ''Fuel To "Down The Road," and guit · What I Want" eclipse anything · American e·ars. -He was the Burn'' (which boasts the Jor- ' tarist Paul Barrere's "Skin It · either. bamt has done recently. · lead singer; . having replaced : · danaires' harmo'nies, Ben · Back,' ~ it qualifies as fine They also overshadow the rest Pa1,1l Jone~ (who )lad d~parted Keith's pedal steel, a banjo · . dance music. The ' latter two · of the album, which is almost to take up acting). But shortly· • and Graham Nash's merry : :also boast some rabulous · gui­ uniformly excellent and con· • thereafter the group broke up, · . harmonica), fJroken R·ain, · ta·r· interplay-between the tains three' other tracks which ·. and · since then d_!Abo -has ' bows's countryish first side· tricky and the breathtakingly likewise outshine most of the . dabbl~d · .. in theater, penned ' quickly runs· ~ut of steam: Jtr· simple. George's whining available product. "I Can .• several numbers 'popularized- perks up again only on the last · slide, which hasn't d.iminished Hardly Believe You're Mine" ' by others ("Build . Me Up, · cut, "I Go · Where My Spirit , . a bit, is on a lev·et with Ry · is a gorgeous rockaballad, Buttercup" and .most notably, .· Leads Me," · ·where a sweet · . Cooder's or Duane Allman's "Play On" has captivating har­ Rod Stt;wart's "Handbags And' melody and d'Abo's lovely pi-_. Feats Don't Fail Me Now but is instantly distinguishable monies over high-voltage·· Gladrags''.} and ' intermittent~ -ano overcome the unremark- · little Feat • from either. rocking and "Cruisin ~us ic" ly pur~ued a'·_rnodest career as able lyrics. This is also one o( ~ Warn'er Bros.· BS.,2784 Little Feat'$ deviations tiere· · is a consummately produced a singer/ songwriter. His la~t . ' d'Abo's finest vocals, although from their standard ure "Span· Beach Boys.style tribute to th~ A&M album, .Down · at Rach­ his easy tenor, which can rise By . Ben. Ger~on . ish Moon" and "Wait Till the . ·car radio. el's Pl'ace, was · quite Bi'itlsh. to im effective falsetto or shift, ' ,. , ,. Shit Hits the Fan." "Spanish . Starting Over is s.till not the and very pop. It sold, poorly, · to a gruffer _lower . register, is Little .. ~eat , beg~n 4!S a writer(, . .. Moon" is . ~ ~ayqM trance •.with ultimate. Raspberries triumph, which may ,_ b~ why Broken app~aling and ~oqyi.nciqg ·. ,:~ 9_!l.P..d ! ,.. tlJ,~ : !i t~is -i~ei~g - ~~.L ' i:.(&t wlinB i~ ,gro_wliogcl .. v-.
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    BULK ,RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit N•. 24l9 K.C.,M •• and hoI loodl ,hoI fun! hoI mU9;cl PAGE 3 ,set. Warren tells us he's "letting it blow over, absorbing a lot" and trying to ma­ triculate. Warren also told PITCH sources that he is overwhelmed by the life of William Allan White, a journalist who never graduated from KU' and hobnobbed with Presidents. THE PENNY PITCH ENCOURAGES READERS TO CON­ Dear Charles, TR IBUTE--LETTERSJ ARTICLES J POETRY AND ART, . I must congratulate you on your intelli­ 4128 BROADWAY YOUR ENTR I ES MAY BE PR I NTED. OR I G I NALS gence and foresight in adding OUB' s Old­ KANSAS CITY, MISSDURI64111 WI LL NOT BE RETURNED. SEND TO: Fashioned Jazz. Corner to PENNY PITCH. (816) 561·1580 CHARLES CHANCL SR. Since I'm neither dead or in the ad busi­ ness (not 'too sure about the looney' bin) EDITOR .•...•. Charles Chance, Sr. PENNY PITCH BROADWAY and he is my real Ole Unkel Bob I would ASSISTING •.• Rev. Dwight Frizzell 4128 appreciate being placed on your mailing K.C. J MO 64111 ••. Jay Mandeville I ist in order to keep tabs on the old reprobate. CONTRIBUTORS: Dear Mr. Chance, Thank you, --his real niece all the way Chris Kim A, LeRoi, Joanie Harrell, Donna from New Jersey, Trussell, Ole Uncle Bob Mossman, Rosie Well, TIME sure flies, LIFE is strange, and NEWSWEEK just keeps on getting strang­ Beryl Sortino Scrivo, Youseff Yancey, Rev. Dwight Pluc1cemin, NJ Frizzell, Claude Santiago, Gerard and er. And speaking of getting stranger, l've Armell Bonnett, Michael Grier, Scott been closely following the rapid develop­ ~ Dear Beryl: .
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