Science Fiction Review 33
This brilliant result of dedication and drudgery named SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW 3CXEJ3STCB □ is edited and published on the 466 electric Gestetner clunkety-whunk, for F’XCTIO 3ST □ better or for worse, in sickness and in (wheeze) health by: „„ . n Richard £. Geis RE3VIBW □ "Do you believe six-weekly now?" gox □ 500 each. Santa Monica, □ Calif. 90403 -33- □ SFR's agent Over There is... And SFR's agent The Other Way is... 0CT08ER 1969 □ Ethel Lindsay John Bangsund □ Courage House P.O. Box 109 6 Langley Ave. Ferntree Gully □ Surbiton, Surrey, Victoria 5156 COVER 8V STEVE FABIAN □ UNITED KINGDOM AUSTRALIA BACOVER BY BILL ROTSLER □ ,..and United Kingdom rates ...and Australian rates are 500 each. are 4/- or 3 for 12/- DIALOG by the editor who tells □ of the Hugo winners and has a □ Lust come upon him....4 □ INTERIOR ART BY Mike Gilbert—3,18,32, 33, 37, 38 , 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50.(("That's too much art by one man, Geis!" Out of the ABOUT FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUND¬ □ contents page, alter-ego!)) John 0. Berry—5, 8, 15, 16, 17, 24; Bill Rots- RED AND FIFTY WORDS by Sanuel □ ler—6, 12, 13, 21; Doug Lovenstein—10, 31; Jim Shull—20; Bob Smith—22; R. Del any who will make you Jack Gaughan—26; Ross Chamberlain—28; Richard Flinchbaugh—29; Steve read with new eyes......6 □ Fabian—30. FANS VIC ALL KNOW...AND PERHAPS □ YJISH WE DIDN'T by Arthur Jean □ "We have a few lines to waste, Geis. Do you realize this is an¬ Cox—Part 2 of The Polemicist □ other Annish, again?" and the end of the series...15 "By Ghod—so it is! A Hugo Annish!"
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