Critical Companion to Edgar Allan Poe : a Literary Reference to His

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Critical Companion to Edgar Allan Poe : a Literary Reference to His CRITICAL COMPANION TO Edgar Allan Poe A Literary Reference to His Life and Work DAWN B. SOVA i-viii_Poe-fm.indd i 10/12/07 11:48:03 AM Critical Companion to Edgar Allan Poe Copyright © 2001, 2007 Dawn B. Sova All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval systems, without permis- sion in writing from the publisher. For information contact: Facts On File, Inc. An imprint of Infobase Publishing 132 West 31st Street New York NY 10001 ISBN-10: 0-8160-6408-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-8160-6408-3 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Sova, Dawn B. Critical companion to Edgar Allan Poe: a literary reference to his life and work / Dawn B. Sova. p. cm. Rev. ed. of: Edgar Allan Poe, A to Z. c2001. Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index. ISBN 0-8160-6408-3 (acid-free paper) 1. Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809–1849—Encyclopedias. 2. Authors, American— 19th century—Biography—Encyclopedias. I. Sova, Dawn B. Edgar Allan Poe, A to Z. II. Title. PS2630.S68 2007 818′.309—dc22 2006029466 Facts On File books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk quantities for businesses, associations, institutions, or sales promotions. Please call our Special Sales Department in New York at (212) 967-8800 or (800) 322-8755. You can find Facts On File on the World Wide Web at Text design by Erika K. Arroyo Cover design by Cathy Rincon/Anastasia Plé Printed in the United States of America VB Hermitage 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 This book is printed on acid-free paper. i-viii_Poe-fm.indd ii 10/12/07 11:48:03 AM CONTENTS Acknowledgments v Introduction vii Part I: Biography 1 Part II: Works A to Z 13 Part III: Related Entries 285 Part IV: Appendices 405 Edgar Allan Poe: A Time Line 407 Chronology of Poe’s Works 410 Poe Research Collections 428 Selected Bibliography 430 Index 443 i-viii_Poe-fm.indd iii 10/12/07 11:48:03 AM i-viii_Poe-fm.indd iv 10/12/07 11:48:03 AM ACKNOWLEDGMENTS o examine comprehensively the life and works charged with bringing it to fruition in its new incar- Tof an author such as Edgar Allan Poe requires nation, has shown admirable grace and tenacity tenacity on the part of the writer and tolerance in assisting me to produce a comprehensive and on the part of her friends, family, and colleagues. valuable work of which we can both feel proud. I In revising Edgar Allan Poe, A to Z, I have tried very much appreciate his professional insight, his to exhibit the necessary tenacity as one source willingness to work with me, and his insight-filled after another led to a dead end, while other unex- suggestions as the work progressed. Having worked pected sources emerged unannounced. I gratefully with Jeff on previous books, I expected no less than acknowledge that those personally closest to me, as the best editorial direction, which I received on well as professional contacts whose names appear this work as well. here or whose names are omitted by their choice, I. Macarthur Nickles, director of the Garfield have shown a remarkable tolerance over the years [New Jersey] Public Library, has made me view during which this guide acquired form and moved every new book project as a cause for celebration toward completion. Unlike my subject, who sur- because each brings a renewed opportunity to enjoy vived many of his 40 years with feelings of loss, the continuing innovation he has brought to my abandonment, and personal as well as professional hometown library. His professional expertise, his frustration generated by others, I have enjoyed knowledge of people and resources, his understand- willing assistance and personal support, for which ing of the multitude of possibilities in research, and I am grateful. his graciousness in sharing that knowledge have Bert Holtje of James Peter Associates, Inc., is been invaluable in this and other projects. Kath- a remarkable individual who was both my literary leen Zalenski, reference librarian, provided me with agent and the caring voice of reason upon whom I a steady stream of materials for the project, some of relied. I appreciated his confidence in my dedica- which I thought might be impossible to obtain, and tion to the initial project and his support, despite I thank her for her efforts. difficulties that threatened to derail my progress. Robert Gregor, whose professional world is one Although he is now retired, he inspired me in of Web-based researching and information tech- making the necessary changes that have made an nology, provided valuable technical and resources already great book better. I am also heartily grate- management assistance that enabled me to harness ful for his extensive knowledge of many subjects, the power of my computer and my time. For his which made his problem-solving efforts that much patience and expertise I am grateful. more meaningful. My appreciation also goes to the University of Jeff Soloway, my editor at Facts On File, Inc., Virginia libraries and special collections; the Edgar who inherited this project already formed and was Allan Poe Society of Baltimore, Maryland; the v i-viii_Poe-fm.indd v 10/12/07 11:48:03 AM vi Critical Companion to Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe Library of Richmond, Virginia; Last and most important are the debts that the library of Montclair State University, New Jer- I owe to my family, especially my parents: my sey; and the people who have dedicated them- mother, Violet Sova, and my late father, Emil J. selves to maintaining sites both large and small Sova, who instilled in me a love of learning and dedicated to Poe. the desire to know. i-viii_Poe-fm.indd vi 10/12/07 11:48:03 AM INTRODUCTION he contemporary popularity of Edgar Allan never met him but admired his work. He had the TPoe relies on only a few of his works. The boldness, critical status, and credibility to attack in larger part of his extensive writings are unknown print the works of other writers who enjoyed strong to all but a small number of readers and schol- reputations. Such critical assessments appeared in ars. Poems such as “The Raven,” “The Bells,” and leading literary and popular periodicals of the time, “Annabel Lee,” and short stories such as “The as did his stories and poems. Black Cat,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” “The Pit A large body of Poe’s work is no longer in print, and the Pendulum,” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” leaving only the well-known and frequently cre- remain extremely influential today and have even atively recycled stories and poems to perpetuate his provided source material for television dramas and fame. Most libraries long ago cleared their shelves comedies—some with a nod to the author, but more of his literary criticism and decimated sets of his often not. Everyone recognizes the plot or certain collected works, retaining the best-known tales and famous lines, but few know the full range and the poems and winnowing out the rest. The reasons innovations of Poe’s work in science fiction, liter- for such decisions are varied, but most have to do ary criticism and theory, and philosophy. Even the with the low regard in which Poe was held during most familiar works are often insufficiently under- the first half of the 20th century. As biographers stood. Critical Companion to Edgar Allan Poe seeks who have taken the time to consult the correspon- to fill that void by providing comprehensive entries dence, journals, and criticism of Poe’s day have on Poe’s life and writings. found, his loss of status was largely undeserved Readers whose knowledge of Poe is limited to and easily traced to the successful efforts of Rufus short stories and poems included in high school Wilmot Griswold at defaming Poe’s character. Gris- anthologies or college textbooks might be amazed wold, nominally a friend, claimed after Poe’s death to learn that Poe published more than 350 stories, that he had been designated the author’s literary poems, essays, and critical articles under his own executor. He manipulated Poe’s mother-in-law, name and is the likely author of many additional Maria Clemm, into supporting his handling of Poe’s anonymous works. He popularized the American writings and went on to destroy Poe’s character. On short story, and he is credited with inventing the October 9, 1849, Griswold avenged an old grudge modern detective story, featuring an investigator against Poe by publishing a defamatory obituary— who uses reasoning instead of legwork to solve to which Griswold signed the name “Ludwig”—that crimes. Poe also served as editor of several peri- cast aspersions on Poe’s moral character. Griswold odicals. His correspondence with the other lead- suggested that the excesses of Poe’s fiction were ing writers of his day was extensive, and he was renderings of Poe’s own experiences and life. While praised in print by many other literary figures who many of Poe’s contemporaries tried to correct this vii i-viii_Poe-fm.indd vii 10/12/07 11:48:03 AM viii Critical Companion to Edgar Allan Poe image by publishing defenses of Poe in the decades betical listing of Poe’s works, fictional characters, that followed, Griswold’s charges remained in the relevant people, places, and topics, this volume is public mind for many years.
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