Timeline / Before 1800 to 1840 / REPUBLIC OF (FYROM)

Date Country Theme

1810 - 1830 Republic of Macedonia Fine And Applied Arts (FYROM)

A masterpiece of Byzantine sculpture, the iconostasis in the Monastery of St John at Bigor near Debar is created in this period by Petre Filipovski Garkata (d. 1854) and his group of craftsmen. Carved in walnut, the iconostasis depicts scenes from the Old and New Testaments and varied floral motifs. This Macedonian master of woodcarving and his associates also executed the iconostases in Lesnovo Monastery.

1810 - 1862 Republic of Macedonia Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion (FYROM)

One of the most prominent Macedonian poets, folklorists and educators, Dimitar Miladinov(1810–62) is born in Struga. He spends most of his life teaching in the region. His greatest achievement is the collection of folk songs between 1854 and 1860.

1814 Republic of Macedonia Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion (FYROM)

The first book in Macedonian, History of the Frightening and Second Communion of Jesus, written by Joakim Krchovski (c.1750–1820) is published in Budim. Krchovski was a herald of the Macedonian cultural revival and went on to publish more books on religious matters. In the early 19th century in Macedonia only priests and other Christian dignitaries were educated enough to enlighten Macedonian people through literature in their mother tongue.

1816 Republic of Macedonia Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion (FYROM)

The book titled Mirror by Kiril Pejchinovic (1771–1845) is published in Budim. This great Macedonian educator was born in Tearce near Tetovo. The first books in Macedonian published in the early 19th century were on religious subjects, which was understandable given that they were written by people of the Church.

1824 Republic of Macedonia Fine And Applied Arts (FYROM)

Petre Filipovski Garkata and fellow artisans, including the master carver Makarie Frchkovski, create the iconostasis in the Church of Holy Salvation, Skopje. Petre Filipovski developed his own recognisable style of wood carving depicting scenes from the Old and New Testaments in which biblical figures were rendered wearing traditional costumes of Macedonia. The iconostasis also depicts the artists who created it as their “signature”.

1834 Republic of Macedonia Music, Literature, Dance And Fashion (FYROM)

The birth in Ohrid of Kuzman Shapkarev (1834–1909), eminent Macedonian folklorist, ethnographer, educator and author of textbooks. Owing to his collecting activities a great deal of Macedonian intangible heritage was spared from oblivion. He was a teacher in Ohrid, , and Kukush. Later he worked and lived in Date Country Theme . Although his collections of oral folk literature were published as Bulgarian, most of his works originated from Macedonia.