9 February 2013 CURRICULUM VITA



Born: April 4, 1958 Dept. of Political Science 420 DKH, MC-713 1407 W. Gregory Dr. University of E-Mail: [email protected] Urbana, IL 61801, USA Website: http://www.pol.illinois.edu/people/pdiehl 217-333-9356 (office) Fax: 217-244-5712 217-398-6341 (home)


1983 Ph.D., University of Michigan (Political Science) 1982 M.A., University of Michigan (Political Science) 1980 B.A., Canisius College (History and International Relations)


2005-present Henning Larsen Professor of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1994-Present Professor of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1989-1994 Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1984-1989 Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Georgia 1984 Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science, SUNY-Albany

Additional Affiliations

2010-present Professor of Law, University of Illinois School of Law 2007-present Faculty Affiliate, Cline Center for Democracy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2006-present Faculty Affiliate, Department of Geography, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2006-present Faculty Affiliate, International Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1989-present Faculty Affiliate, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


2012-present Director, Office of Undergraduate Research, University of Illinois • Managed undergraduate research opportunities for 125+ academic units on campus • Disseminated best practices and models for undergraduate research to campus stakeholders, • Completed analysis of all curricular and departmental aspects related to undergraduate research, • In process of piloting the first five undergraduate research journals on campus • Working on securing corporate and foundation support for programs, with some initial success • Increased participation in Undergraduate Research Symposium in spring 2013 by 63% over previous best year. • Initiated and assisted in development of campus-wide faculty retreat on undergraduate research with 250 participants. 2008-present Editor, International Interactions • Managed 130-150 manuscripts per year for an official journal of the International Studies Association


• Created new journal sections – research notes, commentaries, data features • Successfully negotiated new special issue and increased pages from publisher • Reduced turnaround time for manuscript decisions from 135 days to 45 days • Managed major submission and other problems from previous editorial team • Transitioned journal to new electronic submission system 2006-2007 Interim Head, Department of Political Science, University of Illinois • Directed department with 30+ faculty members and 70+ graduate students • Managed department with multimillion dollar budget and endowment • Negotiated first department contracts for online courses in the College of LAS • Successfully managed multiple promotion and tenure cases • Successfully managed multiple faculty searches and hired staff members • Successfully managed yearly reviews of junior faculty members • Successfully retained all faculty members who received outside offers. • Implemented Washington-based study program 2005-2012 Director, Correlates of War (COW) Project • Managed largest data collection effort on international conflict in the world • Secured faculty data hosts for all constituent data sets • Coordinated thirteen faculty data hosts at multiple universities nationwide • Assisted in securing funding for data collection from National Science Foundation • Represented the project at professional meetings and with external audiences 1999-2009 Director, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teaching Academy • Inaugurated faculty development program for largest college on campus – almost 60 academic units • Created and managed multiple programs and activities, including seminar on teaching, workshops, retreats, videos, and other programs. • Coordinated instructional activities with all other colleges and relevant campus units 1998-1999 Acting Head, Department of Political Science, University of Illinois • Directed department with 30+ faculty members and 70+ graduate students • Managed department with multimillion dollar budget and endowment • Created new teaching awards for graduate students • Successfully managed promotion and tenure case • Successfully managed faculty search • Successfully managed yearly reviews of junior faculty members 1995 Co-Director, Academic Council of the United Nations System/American Society of International Law Summer Workshop • Co-organized and taught a 3 week workshop in the Hague, Netherlands for junior faculty and United Nations professionals 1994-1998; Placement Director - Political Science, University of Illinois 1999-2002 • Assisted individual graduate students in preparing placement materials and preparing for interviews • Created and directed a series of workshops on teaching, job searches, and professionalization 1992-1994 Director of Graduate Studies - Political Science, University of Illinois • Managed admissions process for doctoral programs • Recruited record numbers of minority students • Maintained oversight of teaching assistants • Allocated financial aid packages valued at over a million dollars annually 1987-1989 Director, Teaching Improvement Program (TIPs), University of Georgia • Created and managed mentoring program for new faculty members and graduate students 1986-1988 Chair, Inter-University Group on Political Science (University Center in Georgia) Organized and implemented faculty speaker series and events for all political science departments in the system.


2009-2011 National Science Foundation Grant (co-PI through Penn State) 2007-2009 National Science Foundation Grant (co-PI through Penn State) 2007-08 Critical Research Initiative Grant 2004 William and Flora Hewlett Grant 2002-2003 Provost’s Initiative on Teaching Advancement Grant 2001-2003 National Science Foundation Grant 2001-2002 Provost’s Initiative on Teaching Advancement Grant 2001 International Studies Association Workshop Grant 2000-2002 National Science Foundation Grant 2001 University of Illinois Research Board Grant 2000-2001 Provost’s Initiative on Teaching Advancement Grant 2000 Undergraduate Course Development Award 1994-1995 University of Illinois Research Board Grant 1993-1996 National Science Foundation Grant 1993-1994 University of Illinois Research Board Grant 1991 University of Illinois Research Board Grant 1990 Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Studies Course Development Award 1989-1991 OPTIONS Grant 1989-1990 United States Institute of Peace Grant 1986-1987 University of Georgia Instructional Improvement Grant 1985-1986 University of Georgia Research Foundation Grant


2012 Outstanding Book Award – International Association of Conflict Management (for Evaluating Peace Operations ) 2012 International Studies Association Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award (given by International Studies Association – Midwest) 2010 Clarence Berdahl Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 2008 Quincy Wright Distinguished Scholar Award (given by International Studies Association – Midwest) 2001 Clarence Berdahl Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 2000-2001 Arnold O. Beckman Award, University of Illinois Research Board 1999 University Distinguished Teacher/Scholar Award 1999 Campus Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 1998-1999 LAS Dean’s Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 1998 Karl W. Deutsch Award in International Relations and Peace Research (outstanding young scholar in international relations and peace research, given by International Studies Association) 1997 Ford Foundation Exchange Professor -- Jawaharlal Nehru University 1996 Clarence Berdahl Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 1996-1997 Associate, Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois 1993 Alan M. Hallene University Scholar 1991 Clarence Berdahl Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching 1985-1986 Lilly Endowment Fellowship 1980-1981 University of Michigan Fellowship 1980 summa cum laude graduate of Canisius College 1976-1980 New York State Regents Scholarship 1976-1980 Loyola Scholarship




The Peace Puzzle: Explaining the Rise of Peace in the International System (with Gary Goertz and Alexandru Balas) (contract with Oxford University Press).

Peace Operation Success: A Comparative Analysis (edited with Daniel Druckman) (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, in press.)

Guide to the Scientific Study of International Processes (edited with Sara Mitchell and James Morrow) (West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).

International Mediation (with J. Michael Greig) (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2012).

Evaluating Peace Operations (with Daniel Druckman) (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010).

The Dynamics of International Law (with Charlotte Ku) (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).

The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2010 with Brian Frederking; 2005; 2001; 1996)

International Law (edited with Charlotte Ku) (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2009, 2003, 1998)

Peace Operations (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2008).

Conflict Management (Volumes 1-5) (with Daniel Druckman) (London: Sage Publications, 2006).

War (Volumes 1-6) (London: Sage Publications, 2005)

The Scourge of War: New Extensions on an Old Problem (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004)

Regional Conflict Management (edited with Joseph Lepgold). (Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2003).

Environmental Conflict (edited with Nils Petter Gleditsch) (New York: Westview Press, 2001).

War and Peace in International Rivalry (with Gary Goertz) (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000)

A Road Map to War: Territorial Dimensions of International Conflict (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1999)

The Dynamics of Enduring Rivalries (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998).

Enhancing Organizational Performance (with the Committee on Techniques for the Enhancement of Human Performance) (Washington: National Academy of Sciences Press, 1997).

Reconstructing Realpolitik (edited with Frank Wayman) (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994).

International Peacekeeping (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994; 1993).

Territorial Changes and International Conflict (with Gary Goertz) (London: Routledge, 1992).

Measuring the Correlates of War (edited with J. David Singer) (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1990).

The Politics of International Organizations: Patterns and Insights (Chicago: Dorsey Press, 1989). Through the Straits of Armageddon: Arms Control Issues and Prospects (edited with Loch Johnson) (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1987).

Editorship of Special Journal Issues, Forums, and Collections

“Peace Operation Success: A Comparative Analysis” special issue of Journal of International Peacekeeping (edited with Daniel Druckman), 16, 3-4 (2012).

“Forum on the Spread of War, 1914-1917: A Dialogue Between Political Scientists and Historians” (edited with John A. Vasquez, Colin Flint, Jürgen Scheffran) Foreign Policy Analysis , 7, 2 (2011).

Scientific Study of International Processes section essays (20) of the International Studies Association Compendium Series (edited with James Morrow) in The International Studies Encyclopedia ed. edited by Robert Denemark (London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010).

Territorial Conflict Management – special issue of Conflict Management and Peace Science (edited with Shannon O’Lear, Todd Allee, and Derrick Frazier), 23, 4 (2006).

Dimensions of Territorial Conflict and Resolution: Tangible and Intangible Values of Territory – theme issue of GeoJournal (edited with Shannon O’Lear, Todd Allee, and Derrick Frazier), 64, 4 (2005).

Conceptualizing and Measuring Conflict Management Success – special issue of International Negotiation (edited with Gary Goertz and Frank Harvey) 7, 3 (2002).

Post-Peacekeeping Effects and Concerns in the Balkans – special issue of Journal of International Relations and Development , 5, 3 (2002).

Environmental Conflict – special issue of Journal of Peace Research , 35, 3 (1998).

Territorial Dimensions of International Conflict -- special issue of Conflict Management and Peace Science , 15, 1 (1996).

Journal Articles

“J. David Singer and Conflict Issues: Does it Matter Over What States Fight?” International Studies Review (forthcoming).

“Bridging the International Law-International Relations Divide: Taking Stock of Progress." (with Adam Irish and Charlotte Ku) The Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law (forthcoming).

“The Effects of Rivalry on Rivalry: Accommodation and the Strategic Management of Threat.” (with Seden Akcinaroglu and Elizabeth Radziszewski) Foreign Policy Analysis (forthcoming).

“Terminated or Just Interrupted?: How the End of a Rivalry Plants the Seeds for Future Conflict” (with Gennady Rudkevich and Kostantinos Travlos) Social Science Quarterly , 94, 1 (2013): 158-174..

“Peace Operation Success: The Evaluation Framework” (with Daniel Druckman) Journal of International Peacekeeping 16, 3-4 (2012): 209-225.

“Revisiting the Framework: Extensions and Refinements” (with Daniel Druckman) Journal of International Peacekeeping 16, 3-4 (2012): 343-353.

“Caution in What You Wish For: The Consequences of a Right to Democracy” (with Sara Mitchell) Stanford Journal of International Law , 48, 2 (2012): 33-62. 5

“Peacekeeping: A Barrier to Durable Peace?” (with J. Michael Greig) Yale Journal of International Affairs 7, 1 (2012): 46-53.

“Demanding Peace: The Impact of Prevailing Conflict on the Shift from Peacekeeping to Peacebuilding” (with Alexandru Balas and Andrew Owsiak) Peace and Change , 37, 2 (2012): 195-226.

"Worth a Pound of Cure?: An Empirical Assessment of the Bush Doctrine and Preventive Military Action" (with Shyam Kulkarni) University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review , 19, 1 (2011): 57-97.

“The Bush Doctrine and the Use of Force: Reflections on Rule Construction and Application” (with Shyam Kulkarni and Adam Irish) Loyola University International Law Review , 9, 1 (2011): 71-101.

“A Model of Scale in Environmental Conflict” (with Shannon O’Lear). Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations , 12, 1 (2011): 27-37.

“The ConflictSpace of Cataclysm: The International System and the Spread of War 1914-1917” (with John Vasquez, Colin Flint, Jürgen Scheffran, Sang-hyun Chi, and Toby Rider) Foreign Policy Analysis 7, 2 (2011): 143- 168.

“Just Part of the Game?: Arms Races, Rivalry, and War” (with Toby Rider and Michael Findley) Journal of Peace Research , 48, 1 (2011): 85-100.

“Conceptualizing ConflictSpace: Towards a Geography of Relational Power and Embeddedness in the Analysis of Interstate Conflict” (with Colin Flint, John Vasquez, Jurgen Scheffran, and Sang-Hyun Chi) Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 99, 5 (2009): 827-835.

“Dimensions of the Conflict Environment: Implications for Peace Operation Success” (with Daniel Druckman). Journal of International Peacekeeping 13, 1-2 (2009): 6-44.

“Colouring Within the Lines: How the International Legal Operating System Influences Rule Creation” (with Charlotte Ku). Global Society , 22, 3 (2008): 319-336.

“The Peace Scale: Conceptualizing and Operationalizing Non-Rivalry and Peace” (with James Klein and Gary Goertz). Conflict Management and Peace Science , 25, 1 (2008): 67-80.

“Not Drawn to Scale: Research on Resource and Environmental Conflict” (with Shannon O’Lear). Geopolitics , 12, 1 (2007): 166-182.

“Softening Up: Making Conflicts More Amenable to Diplomacy” (with Michael Greig) International Interactions 32, 4 (2006): 355-384. Reprinted in International Conflict Mediation: New Approaches and Findings , ed. by Jacob Bercovitch and Scott Gartner (London: Routledge, 2009): 159-186..

“Irrational War and Constitutional Design” (with Tom Ginsburg). Michigan Journal of International Law , 27, 4 (2006): 1239-1259.

“Just a Phase?: Integrating Conflict Dynamics Over Time” Conflict Management and Peace Science , 23, 3 (2006): 199-210.

“Filling In The Gaps: Extra-Systemic Mechanisms for Addressing Imbalances Between the International Legal Operating and Normative Systems.” (with Charlotte Ku). Global Governance , 12, 1 (2006): 161-183. Reprinted in Global Governance ed. by Lisa Martin. (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing, forthcoming).

“The New Rivalry Data Set: Procedures and Patterns” (with James Klein and Gary Goertz) Journal of Peace Research , 43, 3 (2006): 331-348.

“Passing the Buck?: Regional Organizations and Conflict Management in the Post-Cold War Era” (with Young-Im Cho). Brown Journal of World Affairs , 12, 2 (2006) 191-202.

“The ‘New(?)’ Geographies of War and Peace” (review essay). GeoJournal , 64, 4 (2005): 329-332.

“The Peacekeeping-Peacemaking Dilemma” (with Michael Greig) International Studies Quarterly , 49, 4 (2005): 621-645.

“Maintenance Processes in International Rivalries.” (with Gary Goertz and Bradford Jones). Journal of Conflict Resolution , 49, 5 (2005): 742-769.

“Reconceptualizing Treaty Consent” Gonzaga Journal of International Law , 6 (2003): http://www.gonzagajil.org/content/view/94/26/

“The Dynamics of International Law: The Interaction of Normative and Operating Systems” (with Charlotte Ku and Daniel Zamora) International Organization , 57, 1 (2003): 43-75. Abridged version reprinted in International Law and International Relations ed. by Beth Simmons and Richard Steinberg. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007): 426-453.

"The Correlates of War (COW) Project Direct Contiguity Data, Version 3.0," (with Douglas Stinnett, Jaroslav Tir, Philip Schafer, and Charles Gochman) Conflict Management and Peace Science , 19, 2 (2002): 59-67.

“Treaties and Conflict Management in Enduring Rivalries” (with Gary Goertz) International Negotiation , 7, 3 (2002): 379-398.

“Conceptualizing and Measuring Conflict Management Success; An Overview” (with Gary Goertz and Frank Harvey) International Negotiation , 7, 3 (2002): 291-298.

“Chasing Headlines: Setting the Agenda on War” Conflict Management and Peace Science , 19, 1 (2002): 5- 26.

“The Political Implications of Using New Technologies in Peace Operations” International Peacekeeping , 9, 3 (2002): 1-24.

“After the Blues: Post-Peacekeeping Effects and Concerns in the Balkans” Journal of International Relations and Development , 5, 3 (2002): 234-239.

“Geographic Dimensions of Enduring Rivalries” (with Jaroslav Tir) Political Geography , 21 (2002): 263- 286.

“Turning Down the Heat: Influences on Conflict Management in Enduring Rivalries” (with Pelle Andersen, Justin Bumgardner, and Michael Greig) International Interactions , 27, 3 (2001): 239-274.

“The Path(s) to Rivalry: Behavioral and Structural Explanations of Rivalry Development” (with Douglas Stinnett) Journal of Politics , 63, 3 (2001): 717-740.

“International Law: Stepchild in Social Science Research” International Studies Review , 3, 1 (2001): 4-9.

“The Democratic Peace and Rivalries” (with Paul Hensel and Gary Goertz) Journal of Politics , 62, 4 (2000): 1173-1188.

“Forks in the Road: Theoretical and Policy Concerns for 21 st Century Peacekeeping” Global Society , 14, 3 (2000): 337-360. Reprinted in The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World ed. by Paul F. Diehl (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001)


“Financing U.N. Peacekeeping: A Review and Assessment of Proposals” (with Elijah PharoahKhan) Policy Studies Review , 17, 1 (2000): 71-104.

“The Price of Peace: A Predictive Model of UN Peacekeeping Fiscal Costs” (with David Green and Chad Kahl) Policy Studies Journal , 26, 4 (1998): 620-635.

“Predicting the Size of UN Peacekeeping Operations” (with David Green and Chad Kahl) Armed Forces and Society , 24, 4 (1998): 485-500.

“Environmental Conflict: An Introduction” Journal of Peace Research , 35, 3 (1998): 275-277.

“Demographic Pressure and Interstate Conflict: Linking Population Growth and Density to Militarized Disputes and Wars, 1930-1989” (with Jaroslav Tir) Journal of Peace Research , 35, 3 (1998): 319-339. Reprinted in Environmental Conflict ed. by Paul F. Diehl and Nils Petter Gleditsch (New York: Westview Press, 2001).

“Reconfiguring the Arms Race-War Debate” (with Mark Crescenzi) Journal of Peace Research , 35, 1 (1998): 111-118.

“International Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution: A Taxonomic Analysis with Implications” (with Daniel Druckman and James Wall) Journal of Conflict Resolution , 42, 1 (1998): 33-55. Reprinted in The Economics of Conflict ed. by Todd Sandler and Keith Hartley. (Camberely, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, in press).

“Territorial Changes, 1816-1996: Procedures and Data” (with Jaroslav Tir, Philip Schafer, and Gary Goertz) Conflict Management and Peace Science , 16, 1 (1998): 89-97.

“The Management and Termination of Protracted Interstate Conflicts: Conceptual and Empirical Considerations” (with Jacob Bercovitch and Gary Goertz) Millenium , 26, 3 (1997): 751-770.

“Conflict Management of Enduring Rivalries: Frequency, Timing, and Short-Term Impact of Mediation” (with Jacob Bercovitch) International Interactions , 22, 4 (1997): 299-320.

“Territorial Dimensions of International Conflict: An Introduction” Conflict Management and Peace Science , 15, 1 (1996): 1-5.

“United Nations Intervention and Recurring Conflict” (with Jennifer Reifschneider and Paul Hensel) International Organization , 50, 4 (1996): 683-700.

“With the Best of Intentions: Lessons from UNOSOM I and II” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 19, 2 (1996): 153-177.

“Taking Enduring Out of Enduring Rivalry: The Rivalry Approach to War and Peace” (with Gary Goertz) International Interactions , 21, 3 (1995): 291-308.

“The Initiation and Termination of Enduring Rivalries: The Impact of Political Shocks” (with Gary Goertz) American Journal of Political Science , 39, 1 (1995): 30-52.

"It Takes Two to Tango: Non-Militarized Response in Interstate Disputes" (with Paul Hensel) Journal of Conflict Resolution , 38, 3 (1994): 479-506.

"The Theory of Collective Action and NATO Defense Burdens: New Empirical Tests" (with John Oneal) Political Research Quarterly , 47, 2 (1994): 373-396.

"United Nations Peacekeeping and Arms Control Verification" (with Sonia Jurado) Contemporary Security Policy , 15, 1 (1994): 38-54. "Substitutes or Complements?: The Effects of Alliances on Military Spending in Major Power Rivalries" International Interactions , 19, 3 (1994): 159-176..

"Testing Empirical Propositions About Shatterbelts, 1945-1976" (with Paul Hensel) Political Geography , 13, 1 (1994): 33-51.

"Enduring Rivalries: Theoretical Constructs and Empirical Patterns" (with Gary Goertz) International Studies Quarterly , 37, 2 (1993): 147-171.

"Institutional Alternatives to Traditional U.N. Peacekeeping: An Assessment of Regional and Multinational Options" Armed Forces and Society , 19, 2 (1993): 209-230.

"United Nations Election Supervision in South Africa?: Lessons from the Namibian Peacekeeping Experience" (with Sonia Jurado) Studies in Conflict and Terrorism , 16, 1 (1993): 61-74.

"Toward a Theory of International Norms: Some Conceptual and Measurement Issues" (with Gary Goertz) Journal of Conflict Resolution , 36, 4 (1992): 634-664.

"The Empirical Importance of Enduring Rivalries" (with Gary Goertz) International Interactions , 18, 2 (1992): 151-163.

"What Are They Fighting For?: The Importance of Issues in International Conflict Research " Journal of Peace Research , 29, 3 (1992): 333-344.

"The Correlates of War Project: A Bibliographic Essay" International Studies Notes , 17, 2 (1992): 21-33.

"Mutual Benefits From International Intervention: New Roles for United Nations Peacekeeping Forces" (with Chetan Kumar) Bulletin of Peace Proposals , 22, 4 (1991): 369-375.

"Interstate Conflict Over Exchanges of Homeland Territory, 1816-1980" (with Gary Goertz) Political Geography Quarterly , 10, 4 (1991): 342-355.

"Cambiamenti Territoriali e Conflitti del Futuro (Territorial Changes and Future International Conflict)" (with Gary Goertz) Relazioni Internazionali , 55 (1991): 22-33.

"Entering International Society: Military Conflict and National Independence, 1816-1980" (with Gary Goertz) Comparative Political Studies , 23, 4 (1991): 497-518.

"Geography and War: A Review and Assessment of the Empirical Literature" International Interactions , 17, 1/2 (1991): 11-27. Reprinted in The New Geopolitics ed. by Michael Ward. (Philadelphia: Gordon and Breach, 1992): 121-137.

"Ghosts of Arms Control Past" Political Science Quarterly , 105, 5 (1990-91): 597-615.

"Military Substitution Effects From Foreign Economic Aid: Buying Guns with Foreign Butter?" (with Nikolaos Zahariadis and Rick Travis) Social Science Quarterly , 71, 4 (1990): 774-785.

"Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policy: Lessons from the U.S. Foreign Policy Arena" (with Robert Durant) Journal of Public Policy , 9, 2 (1989): 179-205.

"After the Shooting Stops: Insights on Post-War Economic Growth" (with Dirk Van Raemdonck) Journal of Peace Research , 26, 3 (1989): 249-264.


"A Permanent U.N. Peacekeeping Force: An Evaluation" Bulletin of Peace Proposals , 20, 1 (1989): 27-36. Reprinted in Crosscurrents: International Relations in the Post-Cold War Era ed. by Mark Charlton and Elizabeth Riddell-Dixon (Scarborough, Ontario: Nelson-Hall, 1993): 503-515.

"A Territorial History of the International System" (with Gary Goertz) International Interactions , 15, 1 (1989): 81-93.

"Avoiding Another Beirut Disaster: Strategies for the Deployment of U.S. Troops in Peacekeeping Roles" Conflict , 8, 4 (1988): 261-270.

"The Defense Issue in West Germany: The Economic and Political Constraints on Increased Military Allocations" (with Christopher Allen) Armed Forces and Society , 15, 1 (1988): 93-112.

"Peacekeeping Operations and the Quest for Peace" Political Science Quarterly , 103, 3 (1988): 485-507. Reprinted in The Politics of International Organizations: Patterns and Insights ed. by Paul Diehl. (Chicago: Dorsey Press, 1989): 173-188 and The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World ed. by Paul Diehl (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1996): 159-173.

"Territorial Changes and Militarized Conflict" (with Gary Goertz) Journal of Conflict Resolution , 32, 1 (1988): 103-122.

"Comrades and Cossacks: A Historical Perspective on Soviet Military Behavior" (with Steven Elliott ) Peace Research , 19, 3 (1987): 41-53.

"NATO's Conventional Inferiority" Global Affairs , 2, 4 (1987): 42-56.

"Messenger or Message?: Military Buildups and the Initiation of Conflict" (with Jean Kingston) Journal of Politics, 49, 3 (1987): 801-813.

"The Perils of Para Bellum" Peace and Change , 12, 1/2 (1987): 65-70.

"A Nuclear Weapon Free Zone in Nordic Europe: Prospects and Problems" (with Stephen McKelvey ) Global Affairs 2, 1 (1987): 144-156.

"When Peacekeeping Does Not Lead to Peace: Some Notes on Conflict Resolution" Bulletin of Peace Proposals , 18, 1 (1987): 47-53.

"Measuring Military Allocations: A Comparison of Different Approaches" (with Gary Goertz), Journal of Conflict Resolution 30, 3 (1986): 553-581. Reprinted in Measuring the Correlates of War ed. by J. David Singer and Paul Diehl. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1990): 73-95.

"Contiguity and Military Escalation in Major Power Rivalries, 1816-1980" Journal of Politics , 47, 4 (1985): 1203-1211.

"Armaments Without War: An Analysis of Some Underlying Effects" Journal of Peace Research , 22, 3 (1985): 249-259.

"Arms Races to War: Testing Some Empirical Linkages" Sociological Quarterly , 26, 3 (1985): 331-349.

"Trends in Military Allocation Since 1816: What Goes Up Does Not Always Come Down" (with Gary Goertz), Armed Forces and Society , 12, 1 (1985): 134-144.

"Arms Races and Escalation: A Closer Look" Journal of Peace Research , 20,3 (1983): 205-212. Reprinted in A Peace Reader: Essential Readings on War, Justice, Non-Violence, and World Order ed. by Joseph Fahey and Richard Armstrong. (New York: Paulist Press, 1987): 30-40 and The Scientific Study of Peace and War ed. by John Vasquez and Marie Henehan. (New York: Lexington Books, 1992): 93-103.

Book Chapters

“First United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF I)” in Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations ed. by Joachim Koops, Norrie McQueen, Thierry Tardy, and Johannes Varwick, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, in process).

“Second United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF II)” in Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations ed. by Joachim Koops, Norrie McQueen, Thierry Tardy, and Johannes Varwick, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, in process).

“Evaluating the Effectiveness of Peace Operations: Addressing the Challenges” (with Daniel Druckman) in Oxford Handbook on United Nations Peacekeeping Operations ed. by Joachim Koops, Norrie McQueen, Thierry Tardy, and Johannes Varwick, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, in process).

“The Rivalry Process: How Rivalries are Sustained and Terminated” (with Gary Goertz) in What Do We Know About War 2nd edition, ed. by John Vasquez, (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2012), pp. 83-109.

"International Organizations" (with Andrew Owsiak) in The Encyclopedia of Globalization , ed. by George Ritzer. (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).

Peacekeeping Institutions” in The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace . ed. by Nigel Young. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).

Peacekeeping Theory and History” in The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace . ed. by Nigel Young. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).

“Peacekeeping and Beyond” in Handbook of Conflict Resolution ed. by I. William Zartman, Victor Kremenyuk, and Jacob Bercovitch. (London: Sage Publications, 2009): 525-542.

‘Territorial Disputes” in Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict , 2nd Edition ed by Lester Kurtz. (Oxford: Elsevier, 2008): 2078-2087.

“New Roles for Regional Organizations” in Leashing the Dogs of War: Conflict Management in a Divided World ed. by Pamela Aall, Chester Crocker, and Fen Osler Hampson. (Washington: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2007): 535-552.

“Paths to Peacebuilding: The Transformation of Peace Operations” in Conflict Prevention and Peace- building in Post-War Societies: Sustaining the Peace ed. by James Meernik and David Mason (London: Routledge, 2006), pp. 107-129.

“Can East Asia Be Like Europe?: Exploring Selected Conditions for Regional Integration.” In The Emerging East Asian Community: Security and Economic Issues ed. by Poh Ping Lee, Tham Siew Yean, and George Yu. (Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Press, 2006), pp. 33-57.

“Theoretical Specifications of Enduring Rivalries: Applications to the India-Pakistan Case” (with Gary Goertz and Daniel Saeedi) in T he India-Pakistan Conflict: An Enduring Rivalry ed. by T.V. Paul (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005): 27-53.

“Editor’s Introduction” in War (London: Sage Publications, 2005), pp. xxi-xxxviii.


“The International Community and Disrupted States” in From Civil Strife to Civil Society: Civil and Military Responsibilities in Disrupted States ed. by William Maley, Charles Sampford, and Ramesh Thakur (Tokyo and New York: United Nations University Press, 2003): 31-56.

“Regional Conflict Management: Strategies, Necessary Conditions, and Comparative Effectiveness” in Regional Conflict Management ed. by Paul F. Diehl and Joseph Lepgold. (Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2003): 41-77.

“Patterns and Discontinuities in Regional Conflict Management” in Regional Conflict Management ed. by Paul F. Diehl and Joseph Lepgold. (Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2003): 269-282.

“Introduction” in Regional Conflict Management ed. by Paul F. Diehl and Joseph Lepgold. (Boulder: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2003): 1-5.

“Mediation by International Peacekeepers” (with James Wall and Daniel Druckman) in Studies in International Mediation ed. by Jacob Bercovitch. (London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2002): 141-163

“UN Peacekeeping Forces and Dispute Resolution” (with Chetan Kumar) in Resolving International Disputes Through Super-Optimum Solutions . ed. by Stuart Nagel. (Huntington, NY; Nova Science Publishers, 2001); Chapter 15.

“(Enduring) Rivalries” (with Gary Goertz) in Handbook of War Studies , 2nd edition ed. by Manus Midlarsky. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000): 222-267.

“Rivalries: The Conflict Process” (with Gary Goertz) in What Do We Know About War? ed. by John Vasquez. (New York: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000): 197-217.

“Territorial Disputes” in Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict ed. by Lester Kurtz. (San Diego: Academic Press, 1999): 487-496.

“Conflict Resolution Roles in International Peacekeeping Missions” (with Daniel Druckman and James Wall) in The New Agenda for Peace Research ed. by Ho-Won Jeong. (Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 1999): 105-134.

“Territory and International Conflict: An Overview” in A Road Map to War: Territorial Dimensions of International Conflict ed. by Paul F. Diehl. (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1999): viii-xx.

“Forgiveness, Reconciliation, and the Contribution of International Peacekeeping” (with Eileen Borris) in The Psychology of Peacekeeping ed. by Harvey Langholtz. (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1998): 207-222.

“International Law as Operating and Normative Systems”(with Charlotte Ku) in International Law ed. by Charlotte Ku and Paul F. Diehl. (Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998): 3-15.

‘The Dynamics of Enduring Rivalries: An Overview and Some Theoretical Guidelines” in The Dynamics of Enduring Rivalries ed. by Paul Diehl (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998): 1-25.

“The Volcano Model and Other Patterns in the Evolution of Enduring Rivalries” (with Gary Goertz) in The Dynamics of Enduring Rivalries ed. by Paul Diehl (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998): 98-125.

‘The Dynamics of Enduring Rivalries: A Summary and Some Future Directions” in The Dynamics of Enduring Rivalries ed. by Paul Diehl (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998): 225-242.

“Peacekeeping in the New World Order: An Analysis of Three Recent Cases” in Resolving Regional Conflicts ed. by Roger Kanet. (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1998): 153-173. “Commentary: Non-Traditional Uses of Military Power” in Security Studies for the 21st Century ed. by Richard Shultz, Roy Godson, and George Quester. (New York: Brassey’s, 1997): 162-168.

“Connecting Risky Dyads: An Evaluation of the Relations Between Enduring Rivalries” (with Gary Goertz) in Enforcing Cooperation: Risky States and the Intergovernmental Management of Conflict . ed. by Gerald Schneider and Patricia Weitsman. (London: Macmillan, 1997): 132-160.

"Avoiding Detours and Dead Ends on the Road to War" in The Process of War: Advancing the Scientific Study of War ed. by Stuart Bremer and Thomas Cusack. (Philadelphia: Gordon and Breach, 1996): 203-210.

"United Nations and Peacekeeping" in Coping with Conflict After the Cold War ed. by Edward Kolodziej and Roger Kanet. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996): 147-167.

“Peacekeeping in Civil Wars” in A Crisis of Expectations: UN Peacekeeping in the 1990s ed. by Ramesh Thakur and Carlye Thayer. (Boulder: Westview Press, 1995): 223-236.

"The Realpolitik Framework and Its Basic Propositions" (with Frank Wayman) in Reconstructing Realpolitik ed. by Frank Wayman and Paul Diehl. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994): 3-26.

"Realpolitik: Dead End, Detour, or Road Map?" (with Frank Wayman) in Reconstructing Realpolitik ed. by Frank Wayman and Paul Diehl. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994):247-265.

"International Norms and Power Politics" (with Gary Goertz) in Reconstructing Realpolitik ed. by Frank Wayman and Paul Diehl. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994):101-122.

"Regional Associations: Cultural" Encyclopedia of Government and Politics ed. by Mary Hawkesworth and Maurice Kogan. (London: Routledge, 1992): 971-981.

"A New United Nations?: Initiatives in Collective Security, Peacekeeping, and Conflict Resolution" in Science and International Security: New Perspectives for a Changing World Order ed. by Eric Arnett (Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1991): 135-148. Reprinted in Fundamentals of Force Planning - Volume III: Strategy and Resources (Newport, RI: Naval War College, 1992): 448-458.

"Territorial Changes and Recurring Conflict" (with Gary Goertz) in Prisoners of War?: Nation-States in the Modern Era ed. by Charles Gochman and Alan Sabrosky. (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1990): 57-72.

"Arms Races, the Conflict Spiral, and the Onset of War" (with Randolph Siverson) in The Handbook of War Studies ed. by Manus Midlarsky (Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989): 195-218.

"Achieving Arms Control: Some Preconditions" in Through the Straits of Armageddon: Arms Control Issues and Prospects ed. by Paul Diehl and Loch Johnson. (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1987): 3-17.

"Sharing the Defense Burden in NATO: The Problem of the 'Free Rider'" in Fighting Allies ed. by Walter Goldstein. (London: Pergamon-Brassey's, 1986): 25-38.

Other Publications

“Problems With NATO Peace Operations in Afghanistan.” Swords and Ploughshares , 16, 2 (2008): 10-13.

“A Gun in Every Hand Won’t Deter Killers” Daily Chronicle (Dekalb, IL) (July 13, 2008) and “More Guns on Campuses Mean More Danger” News Gazette (Champaign-Urbana, IL) (July 13, 2008), p. B3, “Discussing Danger -- Allowing Firearms on Campus is a Dubious Idea.” Peoria Journal Star (September 14, 2008).


“UN Peacekeeping Force Could Be a Welcome Option” Peoria Journal Star (September 9, 2007).

“Framework for Performance Indicators in Australian Federal Police (AFP) Operations – Final Report. (with Alex Bellamy, Daniel Druckman, Paul Boreham, and Regan Neal). (Queensland, Australia: University of Queensland Social Research Centre, 2006).

“Dividing Iraq Might Multiply Problems” (with Jaroslav Tir). Chicago Sun Times (November 24, 2006).

“Debate Continues on the Local Front” (Voices Without Reasoning: The Iraqi Troop Pullout) News Gazette (Champaign-Urbana, IL) (May 14, 2006), p. B1/B5.

“Once Again: Nations Agree Genocide Must Be Stopped. Can They Find the Mechanism to Do It?” Washington Post (May 15, 2005), p. B01. Reprinted in numerous newspapers and websites.

“Evaluating Peacekeeping Missions” (editing and discussion by Daniel Druckman and Paul Stern; responses by Paul Diehl, Robert Johansen, A.B. Fetherston, William Durch, and Steven Ratner) Mershon International Studies Review , 41, 1 (1997): 151-165.

“The United Nations and Conflict Management in a Complex World” (with Gottfried Mayer-Kress and Holly Arrow) Proceedings of “The 1996 International Workshop on Control Mechanisms for Complex Systems: Issues of Measurement and Semiotic Analysis ed. by Mike Coombs and Mark Sulcoski. (Los Cruces, NM: Santa Fe Institute, 1996): 111-128.

Teaching-Related Publications and Materials

Addressing Challenging Student Behaviors . (co-producer with Sharon Scott) – 12 segment DVD with introduction. University of Illinois and WILL-TV Productions, 2005.

“Making the Most of Teaching Large Classes” (editor) http://www.las.uiuc.edu/teachingacademy/pdfs/largeclasses.pdf . Urbana, IL: University of Illinois College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 2003.

“A Brief Analysis of Undergraduate International Law Textbooks” ASIL Bulletin: Educational Resources on International Law , 10 (1997): 11-17.

"Investing in Junior Faculty: The Teaching Improvement Program (TIPs)" (with Ronald Simpson) Innovative Higher Education , 13, 2 (1989): 147-157.

Understanding Student Evaluations of Teaching Effectiveness: A Handbook for Administrators and Faculty (Athens: Office of Instructional Development, 1989; 1986).

"An Assessment of Simulations on an International Organization" (with Michael Montgomery) News for Teachers of Political Science , 47, 3 (1985): 4-5.

"Teaching Political Science through Simulation" (with Michael Montgomery) Michigan Journal of Political Science , 2, 1 (1982): 85-89.

Short Book Reviews and Notes

Review of Humanitarian Intervention . 2 nd edition. By Thomas Weiss. Choice 50 (2012). Review of Humanitarian Intervention and the United Nations . By Norrie MacQueen. Choice 49 (2012)

Review of When Enduring Rivarlries Do – or Don’t – End . by Eric Cox. Perspectives on Politics , 9 (2011): 215-216.

Review of Global Governance and the UN: An Unfinished Journey.by Thomas Weiss and Ramesh Thakur. Choice 48 (2011).

Review of Insecure Spaces by Paul Higate and Marsha Henry. Choice, 47 (2010).

“Back Stage and Behind the Curtain” Review of Blue Helmets and Black Markets by Peter Andreas. International Studies Review 11, 3 (2009) 618-619.

Review of Promoting Peace with Information . By Dan Lindley. Perspectives on Politics , 6, 3 (2008): 644- 646.

Review of Power Shifts, Strategy, and War: Declining States and International Conflict by Dong Sun Lee. Choice 46 (2008).

Review of State Death: The Politics and Geography of Conquest, Occupation and Annexation . By Tanisha Fazal. Choice 45 (2008).

Review of Islands of Agreement: Managing Enduring Rivalries by Gabriella Blum. International History Review , 30, 2 (2008): 464-465.

Review of United Nations Intervention 1991-2004 edited by Mats Berdal and Spyros Economides. Choice 45 (2007).

Review of Unintended Consequences of Peacekeeping Operations edited by Chiyuki Aoi Cedric de Coning, and Ramesh Thakur. Choice 45 (2007).

Review of Rules for the World by Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore. Journal of Cold War Studies 9. 4 (2007): 129-130.

Review of Making Enemies: Humiliation and International Conflict by Evelin Lindner. International History Review , 29, 3 (2007): 707-708.

Review of No War, No Peace: The Rejuvenation of Stalled Peace Processes and Peace Accords by Roger MacGinty. Choice , .44 (2007)

Review of Democratic Wars: Looking at the Dark Side of the Democratic Peace edited by Anna Geis, Lothar Brock, and Harald Muller. Choice 44 (2006).

Review of Who Intervenes?: Ethnic Conflict and Interstate Crisis by David Carment, Patrick James, and Zeynep Taydas. Choice , 44 (2006).

Review of Human Security and the UN by S. Neil McFarlane and Yuen Foong Khong. Choice , 44 (2006).

Review of Power in Global Governace edited by Michael Barnett and Raymond Duvall. World Trade Review (2006) http://www.globallawbooks.org/home.asp .

Review of Electing to Fight by Edward Mansfield and Jack Snyder. Choice 43 (2006).

Review of War and Border Crosssings ed. by Peter French and Jason Short. Choice, 43 (2005).


Review of Neverending Wars by Ann Hironaka. Choice, 43 (2005).

Review of War and Human Nature by Stephen Rosen. Choice , 43 (2005).

Review of Peacekeeping in the Abyss: British and American Peacekeeping Doctrine and Practice After the Cold War . Choice , 42 (2005).

Booknote on All International Politics is Local by Kristian Gleditsch. Journal of Peace Research , 41, 3 (2004): 392-393.

Review of The United Nations, Intra-State Peacekeeping, and Normative Change by Esref Aksu. Choice , 42, 11 (2004).

Review of Understanding Peacekeeping by Alex Bellamy, Paul Williams, and Stuart Griffin. Choice , 42, 11 (2004).

Review of Compound Dilemmas: Democracy, Collective Action, and Superpower Rivalry by Michael McGinnis and John Williams. Journal of Politics , 65, 2 (2003): 633-634.

Review of The Environment, International Relations, and U.S. Foreign Policy . Ed. by Paul Harris. International History Review , 25, 4 (2003): 989-990.

Review of Just War Against Terror by Jean Bethke Elshtain. Choice 41, 11 (2003).

Review of United Nations Peacekeeping in Africa Since 1960 . by Norrie McQueen. Choice , 40, 10 (2003).

Review of The Territorial Factor : Political Geography in a Globalising World . Edited by Gertjan Dijkink and Hans Knippenberg. Annals of the Association of American Geographers , 92, 4 (2002): 821.

Review of The Shield of Achilles: War, Peace, and the Course of History by Philip Bobbitt. Choice , 40, 4 (2002).

Review of Peace Enforcement: The United Nations Experience in Congo, Somalia, and Bosnia by Jane Boulden. Choice , 39, 4 (2001).

Review of A Study of Crisis by Michael Brecher and Jonathan Wilkenfeld. Journal of Contingencies and Conflict Management , 9, 4 (2001): 243-244.

Review of Aspects of Peacekeeping by D.S. Gordon and F.H. Toase. Choice , 39, 2 (2001).

Review of Triangulating Peace by Bruce Russett and John Oneal. Choice , 38, 10 (2001).

Review of Mixed Messages: American Politics and International Organization, 1919-1999 . By Edward Luck. Journal of Cold War Studies , 3, 3 (2001): 96-97

Review of Great Power Rivalries by William Thompson. International History Review , 23,1 (2001); 246- 247

Booknote on The Understanding and Management of Global Violence: New Approaches to Theory and Research on Protracted Conflict . by Harvey Starr. International Politics , 37, 4 (2000): 554-555..

Review of Peace Operatons and Intrastate Conflict: The Sword or the Olive Branch? by Thomas Mockaitis. International History Review , 22, 3(2000): 737-738. Review of The UN Secretary-General from the Cold War to the New Era: A Global Peace and Security Mandate? by Edward Newman. International History Review , 21, 3 (1999): 817-818.

Review of Nations at War by Daniel Geller and J. David Singer. American Political Science Review , 93, 1(1999): 238-239.

Review of Casualties of the New World Order: The Causes of Failure of UN Missions to Civil Wars by Michael Wesley. Political Science Quarterly , 113, 2 (1998): 337-338.

Booknote on Standing Your Ground by Paul Huth. Journal of Peace Research , 35 3 (1998): 405-406.

Review of The Once and Future Security Council ed. by Bruce Russett. American Political Science Review , 92, 1 (1998): 267-268.

Review of UN Malaise: Power, Problems, and Realpolitik by Geoff Simons and Peacekeeping: Outspoken Observations by a Field Officer by James Allan. International History Review , 19, 2 (1997): 153-156.

Review of The New UN Peacekeeping . by Stephen Ratner. Political Science Quarterly , 110, 4 (1995-96): 645.

“Going with the Flow?: War and Arms Transfers” Review of Arms and Warfare: Escalation, Deescalation, and Negotiation . by Michael Brzoska and Frederic Pearson. Mershon International Studies Review, 39, 2 (1995): 272-274..

Review of Toward a Theory of United Nations Peacekeeping . by A.B. Fetherston. American Political Science Review , 89, 3 (1995): 801.

Review of Organizing Societies for War: The Process and Consequences of Societal Militarization . by Patrick Regan. International History Review , 17, 2 (1995): 428-430.

Review of Retreat From Doomsday: The Obsolescence of Major War . by John Mueller . Journal of Political and Military Sociology , 17, 2 (1989): 357-358.

Review of "The Kidney Problem" (with Richard Matland) Simulation and Games , 16, 1 (1985): 105-107.

Review of "Model United Nations" (with Michael Montgomery) Simulation and Games , 14,3 (1983): 363- 366.


Vice-President (2012-2013) International Studies Association President (2004-2005) Peace Science Society (International) Council Member (1995-1999) Peace Science Society (International) Secretary-Treasurer, (1995-1997) Scientific Study of International Processes section, International Studies Association President (1991-1992), International Studies Association-Midwest Vice-President (1990-1991), International Studies Association-Midwest Executive Committee Member (1990-1995) International Studies Association-Midwest


Introduction to International Relations International War and Peace International Relations Theory International Organizations


International Law Ethnic Conflict International Conflict Management Political Methodology


Editorial Board: Innovative Higher Education (1990-present). International Studies Quarterly (1995-present) International History Review (2000-2003) Journal of International Relations and Development (2001-present) American Journal of Political Science (2002-2009) Journal of International Peacekeeping (2008-present) Foreign Policy Analysis (2009-present) International Studies Review (2009-present)

Journal Reviews: American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, International Studies Quarterly, World Politics, Journal of Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, International Organization, International Interactions, Innovative Higher Education, Comparative Political Studies, Social Science Quarterly, Armed Forces and Society, Social Science Journal, International Studies Notes, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Policy Studies Journal, Southeastern Political Review, Political Geography, Journal of Peace Research, Political Research Quarterly, European Journal of International Relations, Journal of Conflict Studies, Contemporary Security Policy, Global Governance, Sociological Quarterly, International History Review, Journal of Theoretical Politics, Geopolitics, Global Society. International Politics, International Studies Review, International Security, Political Science Quarterly, Political Analysis, Asian Perspective, Global Environmental Politics, Conflict and Cooperation, Journal of International Relations and Development, Political Psychology, British Journal of Political Science, International Studies Perspectives , Foreign Policy Analysis , International Negotiation , Security Studies, European Union Politics, International Sociology, Terrorism and Political Violence, Environmental Politics, Perspectives on Politics, Millenium, Law and Society Review, Journal of Modern African Studies, Global Networks, Review of International Organizations, Journal of International Peacekeeping, International Theory, Geoforum, Global Change, Peace and Security, Political Studies, American Journal of Evaluation, Review of International Studies . Book Reviews: Houghton-Mifflin, Scott Foresman, Lynne Rienner, HarperCollins, Brooks-Cole, Lexington Books, F.E. Peacock, University of Michigan Press, University of Georgia Press, D. Riedel Publishing, Brown and Benchmark, Dorsey Press, McGraw-Hill, Johns Hopkins University Press, Longman Publishing, Allyn and Bacon, University of South Carolina Press, Vanderbilt University Press, Stanford University Press, Princeton University Press, Westview Press, St. Martin’s Press, Carnegie Corporation, Sage Publications, W.W. Norton. State University of New York Press, United Nations University Press, Academic Press, Palgrave, United States Institute of Peace Press, Routledge, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Polity Press, Environmental Law Institute, CQ Press, Brill (Martinus Nijhoff).

Proposal Reviews: National Science Foundation. Political Science Advisory Board, National Science Foundation (1999-2001) National Security Workshop Panels, National Science Foundation (2008) Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research Israel Science Foundation Social Science and Humanities Research Council – Canada Austrian Science Fund

Test Construction: Educational Testing Service


(Includes only activities since promotion to full professor: 1993/1994)

Department Committee Service Acting Department Head Interim Department Head Director of Graduate Studies Placement Director Department Advisory Committee Awards Committee (Chair) Ad Hoc Committee on Teaching Evaluation (Chair) Graduate Admissions and Financial Aid Committee Ad Hoc Committee on Salary Policy Various Promotion and Tenure Committees (Chair for some) International Relations Search Committee (Chair for some) American Politics Search Committee (Chair) Racial and Ethnic Politics Committee (Chair) Comparative Politics Search Committee (Chair) Democracy Center Endowed Chairs Search Committee Visiting Positions Search Committees (Chair for some) Model UN Club (Advisor) Graduate Program Review Committee (Chair) Assistant to the Head Search Committee (Chair) Ad Hoc Committee on Zero Time Appointments Capricious Grading Committee (elected member) Department Head Five Year Review Committee (elected member) Department By-Laws Review Committee (Chair) Instructional Programs Committee (Chair) Faculty Grievance Committee (elected member)

College Committee Service Teaching Academy (Director) Courses and Curriculum Committee (Chair) Committee on Committees Junior Faculty Mentor College Awards Committee (Chair) Associate Director of the LAS Teaching Academy Search Committee General Education Revision Committee (Chair) Policy and Development Committee Teaching Circle on Undergraduate Research (Chair)

University Committee Service Center for Writing Studies Campus Advisory Committee (Co-Chair) Chancellor’s Strategic Planning Committee, Subcommittee on Internationalizing the University International Programs Director Evaluation Committee (Chair) Graduate College Social and Behavioral Sciences Committee Research Board International Affairs Steering Committee 19

International Council General Education Board (Chair) College of Law Search Committee Academic Associate (campus representative), Atlantic Council Partnership Illinois Board International Community Life Committee International Outreach Committee Associate Director Search Committee, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Executive Committee, Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security Teaching Advancement Board Ad Hoc Committee on University Response to September 11 Terrorist Attacks University Scholar Awards Selection Committee Tenure Appeals Committee Graduate College Career Advisory Committee Fulbright Awards Interview Committee Graduate College Grievance Committee (Chair) Center for Global Studies Advisory Committee University Laboratory High School Director Review Committee Faculty Senate (elected member) Faculty Senate – Education Policy Committee Graduate College Executive Committee (elected member) Graduate College Program Committee (Chair) Graduate College Tuition Waiver Committee Faculty Senate Working Group on the Integration of Multi-campus Universities (Chair) Ad Hoc Committee on Area and International Studies (Chair) Ad Hoc Senate Committee on Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) IT Governance Committee on Teaching and Learning Office of Undergraduate Research (Director)

Disciplinary Service National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Techniques for the Enhancement of Human Performance Academic Council of the United Nations System/American Society of International Law Summer Workshop (Co-Director) Midwest Political Science Association, International Relations Section Head Peace Science Society Isard Dissertation Award Committee (Chair) Peace Science Society Nominations Committee (Chair) Peace Science Society (International) Council Member American Political Science Association, Conflict Processes Section Book Award Committee (Chair) Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order Committee International Studies Association, Scientific Study of International Processes Section, Secretary- Treasurer International Studies Association-Midwest, Executive Committee National Science Foundation Political Science Advisory Committee Correlates of War Project (Director) Correlates of War Project (Advisory Board) American Political Science Association, Conflict Processes Section Lifetime Achievement Award Committee International Studies Association, Karl Deutsch Award Committee Midwest Political Science Association, Committee on Short Courses International Studies Association Workshop Grants Committee International Studies Association Governing Council International Studies Association Publications Committee ( ex officio ) International Studies Association Executive Committee International Studies Association-Midwest Book Award Committee (chair)

Invited Lectures (only those accepted listed) Mershon Center, Ohio State University University of Iowa Eureka College (Mary Newsome Lecture) SUNY-Geneseo (Pi Sigma Alpha Lecture) Institute for Defense Analysis (India) Foreign Services Institute (India) Institute for Chinese Studies (India) Jawaharlal Nehru University (India) (Ford Foundation Professor) University of California-Berkeley University of California-Riverside Bradley University University of Arizona University of Georgia Vanderbilt University UCLA Georgetown University University of Pennsylvania Loyola University of Chicago Australian Defense Forces Academy and University of New South Wales Fudan University (China) Beijing University (China) Eastern Illinois University Parkland College Illinois State University Sabanci University (Turkey) University of Florida University at Buffalo, SUNY (Pi Sigma Alpha Lecture) US Air War College Southern Methodist University Canisius College College of Lake County Rice University Leiden University (Netherlands) Cambridge University Northwestern University School of Law University of North Texas Eastern Michigan University Wayne State University University of Haifa (Israel) IDC-Herzliya (Israel) Michigan State University

Invited Conferences (only those accepted listed) International Water Resources Organization (Water Resources in the Middle East) Indiana University (Enduring Rivalries) 21

National Security Information Center (Security Studies) Government of the Netherlands (UN Rapid Deployment Brigade) Ohio University (Risky States) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)/ Peace Research Institute of Oslo (Environmental Security) University of Illinois (Technology for Peace) Vanderbilt University (Scientific Knowledge and the Study of War) University of Arizona Center for Middle East Studies (Peacekeeping) Australian Defense Forces Academy (Keynote address --Failed States) University of Colorado (Spatial Analysis and Political Geography) Penn State University (The Study of Future War and the Future Study of War) World Bank/European Union/Uppsala University (Identifying Wars) Dalhousie University (Conflict Management Success) University of Illinois (Regional Conflict Management) University of Michigan (Armed Conflict: Past and Present) Southern Illinois University Public Policy Institute (Peacekeeping) McGill University (India-Pakistan Rivalry) University of North Texas (Post-War Reconstruction) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Emerging East Asian Community) Indiana State University (Democracy and World Politics) University of Iowa (International Treaties) University of Alabama (Territory and Rivalries) University of Essex (Local Impacts of Peacekeeping) University of Illinois (War) Loyola University School of Law (Laws of War) University of Illinois (Iran) University of South Carolina (Conflict in the Middle East) United States Air Force (National Security Studies Forum)

Public Service Interviews/Briefings World Affairs Council of Western Michigan World Affairs Council of Central Illinois Quad Cities World Affairs Council Illinois Agricultural Leadership Foundation Department of Defense (briefing sponsored by National Academy of Sciences) DuPage Valley Social Science Teachers Conference Kiwanis Whiteside Forum World Affairs Council of Peoria World Affairs Council of West Central Illinois World Affairs Council of Danville YMCA United Nations Association of the USA Champaign County Democrats WBEZ, Chicago, IL Americans for Informed Democracy WGVU, Grand Rapids, MI Channel 20 (cable) - Grand Rapids, MI WLRW, Champaign, IL Christian Science Monitor Radio Public Radio Satellite System B’nai B’rith Grand Prairie Lodge KFRU - Columbia, MO WDWS - Champaign, IL WJON - St. Cloud, MN WBVP - Pittsburgh, PA WILL - Urbana, IL WMAY - Springfield, IL KSPC – Los Angeles, CA WCIA-TV - Champaign, IL WEIU-TV – Charleston, IL Newsweek “On Air” Channel 2, Springfield, IL Illinois Public Radio Network WICD-TV, Champaign, IL CKNW Vancouver, Canada CNN.com Chinesemedianet.com UI-7 TV Illinois International Northwestern Herald Chicago Tribune New York Times Toronto Globe and Mail Champaign Urbana News Gazette Fars News Agency (Iran) Washington Post State Journal Register (Springfield) Peoria Star Journal

Tenure,Promotion, Institutional, and Other External Reviews (only those accepted listed) University of North Texas Miami University of Ohio University of Florida Creighton University Columbia University Lafayette College Indiana University University of Colorado University of California-Riverside Bucknell University Florida State University Georgia Institute of Technology Emory University Iowa State University (Chair – Department Review Committee) Wayne State University Marquette University University of Southern California Georgetown University Binghamton University, SUNY Texas A&M University University of Michigan Georgia State University University of Missouri 23

University of Iowa University of Kentucky (department review committee and tenure letter) University at Buffalo, SUNY Tulane University University of Maryland Brigham Young University University of California-Berkeley University of South Carolina University of Canterbury University of Pennsylvania University of Alabama University of California-San Diego Michigan State University University at Albany, SUNY Purdue University University of Illinois-Chicago University of New Hampshire Clark University University of Rochester University of California-Santa Barbara Oklahoma State University University of Alabama-Birmingham City College of New York University of Georgia University of Pittsburgh Texas Christian University Canisius College Michigan State University Georgetown University Hunter College Duke University Louisiana State University Vanderbilt University Rice University University of Notre Dame Carleton University (Canada)

External Dissertation Committee Service University of Texas (co-chair) Rutgers University Northern Illinois University University of Canterbury (external reader) Australian National University (external reader) Tel Aviv University (external reader) University of South Carolina