Report by Depute Chief Executive / Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services


1.1 Further to the Governance and Scrutiny Committee of 19 March 2010, the purpose of this report is to present to Committee a report that identifies and provides relevant information on those derelict buildings within which are known to the Council and which present cause for concern.

1.2 Details have been included of cases that officers have been involved with over the last 5 years as well as those that remain of concern. Details are also included within appendix 2 of those properties within the Buildings at Risk Register, (BARR).


2.1 Those properties detailed within appendix 1 to this report include specifically buildings that are in a derelict condition, and not buildings which are merely untidy in their appearance or land which is similarly untidy. For the purposes of this exercise, “derelict” has been taken to comprise properties where there is a significant deterioration in the physical fabric of the building; for example by way of damage to doors, windows, elevations or roof such as to allow ingress by the weather or to encourage vandalism.

2.2 The properties referred to in this report do not necessarily represent the entirety of derelict buildings within the district. They are those properties in respect of which the Planning and Economic Development Service has received complaints or which are subject of enforcement investigation. The buildings lie within the following settlements: , , , , Galston, , , , , , , , Patna, and Waterside (Patna).


3.1 The Buildings at Risk Register has been in operation in since 1990 in response to a concern at the growing number of listed buildings and buildings in Conservation Areas that were vacant and had fallen into a state of disrepair. The Register is maintained by the Scottish Civic Trust on behalf of Historic Scotland, and provides information on properties of architectural or historic merit throughout the country that are considered to be at risk.

3.2 The Scottish Civic Trust (SCT) undertook two surveys in 2008 and 2009-2010 to update the Buildings at Risk Register for East Ayrshire. This resulted in a more complete database of information identifying a total of 68 buildings considered to be at risk. These buildings are in a variety of conditions and publicly or privately owned.

3.3 The purpose of the Buildings at Risk Register is to highlight buildings that the Scottish Civic Trust recommends are treated as priorities for restoration.


4.1 Appendix 1 contains some 32 buildings together with details of the date the investigation of the site was raised, the origin of the complaint and the actions undertaken at each site.

4.2 Appendix 2 provides details of the properties identified within the recent survey report for Buildings At Risk within East Ayrshire produced by the Scottish Civic Trust.


5.1 Beyond those cases listed in Appendix 1 to this report, there are a number of properties where intervention by the planning authority or separate actions by the owners have resulted in the cases being resolved as follows.

1. Former Horn Factory, Dalmellington: Demolished and site cleared.

2. 1 New Street, Dalmellington: External repairs undertaken, building secured and building repainted.

3. Lock-up to rear of 11A Kilmarnock Road, Mauchline: Frontage boarded-up, repairs to walls and roof, external paintworks undertaken.

4. Afton Dyers, New Cumnock: Demolished and site cleared.

5. Lapwing Fishing Tackle Shop, 32 Aftonbridgend, New Cumnock: Incorporated into Bridgend Bar.

6. Creature Comforts, 28 Aftonbridgend, New Cumnock: Dilapidated dormer windows painted and broken windows on ground floor sealed and external paint works undertaken.

7. Barley Bree, Patna: Demolished and site cleared.

8. Torhill Cottage, Muirkirk: Purchased by adjoining land owner and incorporated into curtilage of their house

9. 50 Main Street, Patna: Dilapidated building painted and ground associated with it tidied up.


6.1 In relation to the development or restoration of derelict buildings within Council ownership, resources would required to be secured. Potential sources of grant funding exist for specific areas for example Kilmarnock Townscape Heritage Initiative, Kilmarnock Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme, Cumnock Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme and Newmilns Townscheme.

6.2 Under the Building Scotland Act 2003 when a building, or part of a building deteriorates and either becomes defective or becomes structurally unsafe and is considered as a dangerous building, statutory procedures in Sections 28, 29 and 30 of the 2003 Act can be implemented on the owner(s) to undertake the required works to rectify the defect or remove the danger and the risk to public safety. In terms of Sections 29 and 30 of the 2003 Act, this process can ultimately require a building to be demolished in the most severe cases. While the building owner(s) are responsible for preventing their buildings becoming defective or falling into a dangerous condition, these powers given under the Act do not diminish this responsibility but merely provide a ‘safety net’ that must be used to protect the public when it appears to the Council that, for whatever reason, a building owner has failed in the duty to fulfill this responsibility.

6.3 When the Council requires to undertake the public safety works specified under Sections 28, 29 or 30 on behalf of the owner(s), all reasonable costs incurred in process are recoverable from the owner(s) through the Council’s debt recovery process.

6.4 Under Section 179 of the Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, the Council may serve a notice on property that is adversely affecting the amenity of their area, (a “wasteland notice”), which if not complied with could result in the Council initiating direct action under Section 135 of the Act and then seeking to recover costs reasonably incurred.


7.1 While the building owners are responsible for preventing their buildings becoming defective or falling into a dangerous condition, the Council has statutory responsibilities and powers to address issues relating to defective, dangerous and derelict buildings; including Wasteland Notice, Listed Building Repair Notice, Defective Building Notice or Dangerous Building Notice.

7.2 As indicated, Wasteland Notices may be served if it appears to a planning authority that the amenity of any part of their district is adversely affected by the condition of any land in their district. “Land” may refer to a building and the steps that can be required of the owner are to be such as would abate the adverse affect arising from the property’s condition. Any such notice may be appealed to the Scottish Ministers.

7.3 With regard to Listed Buildings a Repair Notice may be served under sections 42- 45 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997. This may be a precursor to compulsory purchase of the property should the terms of the Notice not be complied with. It is open to any person with an interest in the building to challenge any compulsory purchase in the courts.

7.4 The Council may serve a Defective Building Notice under section 28 on a building considered defective or a Dangerous Buildings Notice under Sections 29 - 30 of the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 on a building which is considered dangerous. Where the terms of these Notices are not complied with the Council can undertake the works and recover from the owner any reasonable expenses in doing so. Where urgent action is needed to remove the danger the Council can implement emergency works under Section 29 of the Act. The Council can recoup all reasonable expenditure incurred although the prospects of actual recovery of such costs incurred would require to be assessed in each individual case.


8.1 The Delivering Community Regeneration' Action Plan within the Community Plan identifies the importance of tackling run down and derelict buildings as a key action. The attached Appendix 1 illustrates the extent to which effect has been given to this key action.


9.1 The Council has tackled an extensive number of derelict buildings with a view to improving their appearance and in some cases bringing these buildings back into use. In doing so, the Council has used a variety of powers under the Planning Acts and the Building Scotland Act. Proactive use of opportunities provided by the Townscape Heritage Initiative, Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme and Town Centre Regeneration Fund has led to some of our most important buildings being restored and the Council’s commitment to Regeneration of Kilmarnock and Cumnock Town Centres has enabled an extensive programme to be achieved or in the process of being achieved. Significant challenges will continue in the future as the full impact of the economic recession falls on the private sector and increasingly the public sector. This was recognised in the report to Cabinet on the Enquiry by Design report on 23 June 2010. In this context the timely review of the Community Plan is an opportunity to tackle these issues on a priority basis.


10.1 It is recommended that the Committee note the contents of the report.

DVM/ 10 September 2010


1. Governance and Scrutiny Committee 19 March 2010 Minute 2. Buildings at Risk Register 02 March 2010

Any person wishing to inspect the background papers listed above should contact Dave Morris on 01563 576753.

Implementation Officer: Alan Neish Derelict Buildings Presenting Cause For Concern APPENDIX 1

Settlement Address DP Reference & Origin Of Complaint Action Taken Date Raised

Catrine Old Mill Inn, DP/030/08/0058 Enforcement Officer & . Discussions took place to request Mill Street 18.02.2008 Housing Department improvements to state of building. . Land on which building is located planned for redevelopment for housing. . No further action taken at present as detriment will be removed through the redevelopment scheme agreed by committee for approval. Currently due for notification to Scottish Ministers. 64 Newton Street DP/030/10/0136 Enforcement Officer & . Initial survey of building undertaken 26.03.2010 Housing Department . Ownership to be established.

Cumnock Former Strand DP/030/09/0309 Enforcement Officer, . Initial survey of building undertaken Autocare, 06.10.2009 Cumnock Community Council . Works undertaken by Building Standards to 1 The Strand secure the remains of the building and to prevent unauthorised entry. . No further action authorised at this time.

Former St Ninians DP/030/09/0373 Local Member & Member of . Initial survey of external condition of the Church Manse, 02.12.2009 Public building and its associated land. 20 Craigens Road (Closed) . Ownership established. & . Requests made of owner to secure property and DP/030/10/0160 remove debris and litter. 06.04.2010 . Works undertaken by owner however building continues to suffer vandalism. . Planning Application submitted for redevelopment. . Planning consent approved. . Property being marketed for redevelopment. . Dialog with owners continues and any requests made to them have been carried out so far. Dalmellington Ye Olde House, DP/030/09/0130 Local Councillor, Members of . Initial survey of external condition of the building 5-9 High Street 07.04.2009 the Community undertaken. Building Standards establish that building is not dangerous. . Ownership position established which proved very difficult. . Owner contacted by letter to request various works to improve the external appearance of the building and emphasizing that the Council may initiate further action if ignored. Darvel Kirkland Park House DP/030/09/0232 Member of Public . Building accessible and garden extremely Robertson Gardens 13.07.2009 overgrown Darvel . Garden area cut back and new shuttering secured to building to prevent access . New Herras fencing erected around building . Area cleared over once more by owner and building re-secured. Galston Former Snowking Site, DP/030/06/0156 Member of Public . Building vacant and in state of disrepair Henrietta Street 05.07.2006 . Building demolished and site cleared Galston . Site secured by Herras fencing . Continue to monitor

Hurlford 32-34 Mauchline Road DP/030/09/0315 Member of Public . Building in state of disrepair and garden area Hurlford 20.10.2009 extremely overgrown . Front of building intact and no further input required from planning at this stage . Continue to monitor . Garden areas tidied up and Building Standards confirmed that buildings are not dangerous. Kilmarnock Former ABC Cinema, DP/030/07/0151 Council Officer . Section 179 Notice served Titchfield Street, 08.06.2007 . Listed Building Repairs Notice served Kilmarnock . Building secured and openings boarded and painted out in black as per notices . Reminder letter sent following complaints over more graffiti on building . Building repainted to cover graffiti. . Further complaint regarding vegetation growing from face of building. Owner letter requesting its removal. 96-106 Portland Street, DP/030/07/0224 Member of Public . Owner lettered advising that council is Kilmarnock 17.09.2007 concerned over condition of building and seeking assurances that works to be carried out to remedy . Site meeting carried out . CARS team involvement and grant aid being explored. No enforcement action at present

45 Ardbeg Avenue DP/030/09/0018 Member of Public . Owners identified through legal search Kilmarnock 30.01.2009 . PCN served . Section 179 Notice served on all owners . Notice complied at time by Majority owner . Building and grounds falling into disrepair once more . Policy team involved with majority owner attempting to secure long term plan for site

Former Scout Hall DP/030/09/0206 Member of Public . Area being used as drinking den and building Samson Avenue 15.06.2009 constantly being breached, asbestos panels Kilmarnock present on site . Section 179 Notice served on owners . Partially complied with and Building warrant application submitted for demolition of building . Currently awaiting Scottish Power to disconnect services at site so demolition can proceed . Building now demolished and awaiting sign off from Building Standards (that asbestos clearance successful)

Former Stoddart Site DP/030/09/0225 Member of Public . Area in state of disrepair generally and buildings Barbadoes Road 01.07.2009 becoming dangerous Kilmarnock . Buildings now demolished and area cleared

47 Grange Street DP/030/07/0158 Member of Public . Building in poor state of repair and potentially Kilmarnock 18.06.2007 open to public access . 179 Notice served . Notice partially complied with, ground floor tidied and building painted, one window at first floor still open . Continue to monitor Former Lucas Site DP/030/08/0206 Member of Public . Building and land in poor condition. Edmund Walker 27/8/2008 . Owners agent contacted and land tidied, Building shutters replaced and secured to building roof West Shaw Street made wind and watertight, front of building Kilmarnock painted doors secured gutterings and rhone pipes replaced/cleared.

Kilmaurs Wheatsheaf Inn DP/030/09/0301 Local Member . Doors to premises in poor state of repair. Main Street 01.10.2009 . Managing Agents contacted and attended and Kilmaurs tidied up building and surrounding land . Building now re-occupied and operating as pub.

Bardones Central Café DP/030/07/0119 Local Member . Building in poor state off repair, broken Main Street 13.08.2007 windows, not wind and watertight. Kilmaurs . Section 179 Notice served . Owner complied with notice, windows boarded up and painted black, made wind and watertight. . Further deterioration to front of building. . Owner contacted after Building Standards visit where pieces of render were found to be spalling and in danger of coming off and causing public danger. . Front made good by BS. . Owner now redoing front of building including new replacement door and windows and wet dash finish.

Mauchline Lock-up Garages to DP/030/09/0183 Member of Public . Initial survey of external condition of the rear of Kilmarnock 06.05.2009 buildings undertaken. Road . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter to request various works to improve the external appearance of the lock-ups and emphasizing that the Council may initiate further action if ignored. . Discussed requirements with owners and agreed that those works would be undertaken. . Some owners have undertaken works others outstanding. Further action required.

Muirkirk Former Kind Factory, DP/030/07/0309 Local Councillor, Members of . Initial survey of external condition of the 64 Main Street 08.09.2007 the Community buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to improve the external appearance of the factory. . Building Standards request that building secured. . No further contact received from owner. No further action undertaken. 104 Smallburn Road DP/030/07/0309 Local Councillor, Members of . Initial survey of external condition of the 08.09.2007 the Community buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to improve the external appearance of the former dwelling. . Contact received from owner. Due to current economic climate no progress had been made on their development proposals. No further action undertaken. 147 Main Street DP/030/09/0258 Local Member, . Initial survey of external condition of the 10.08.2009 Member of Public buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to improve the appearance of the ground around the property and to consider its demolition and possible redevelopment of the site. . Contact details passed to planner to discuss redevelopment proposals. . No action taken by owner so far. . Further action required. New Cumnock Tam O’Shanter DP/030/08/0217 Local Member, . Initial survey of external condition of the Roadhouse 12.09.2008 Local Community Groups buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to improve the appearance of the ground around the property and to consider its demolition and possible redevelopment of the site. . No action taken . Notice served under Section 179 of Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act. . No action taken to comply with notice. . Direct action costs established. . Dates for direct action provided to owners. . Minor works undertaken to improve appearance of building and to secure surrounding land. . Property sold for redevelopment. . Redevelopment proposals under consideration. 24A Aftonbridgend DP/030/08/0218 Local Member, . Initial survey of external condition of the 12.09.2008 Local Community Groups buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous however what remained of the building require to be secured. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to improve the appearance the property, to secure it and to consider its demolition and possible redevelopment. . Ownership position disputed. . No action taken to improve the property by owners. . Notice served under Section 179 of Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act. . No action taken to comply with notice. . Direct action costs established. . Dates for direct action provided to owners. . Due to disputed ownership position and budgetary constraints, no direct action taken. Former Manse off DP/030/07/0254 Local Member, . Initial survey of external condition of the Castlehill 27.09.2007 Local Community Groups buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous however what remained of the building require to be secured. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to improve the appearance the property, to secure it. . Building damaged by fire. . Some remedial works undertaken to remove damaged parts of the property and secured by heras fencing. . No redevelopment has occurred due to the economic conditions. . Condition of building has not deteriorated any further. Former Arthur Memorial DP/030/07/0254 Local Member, . Initial survey of external condition of the Church Castlehill 27.09.2007 Local Community Groups buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to improve the appearance the property, to secure it. . Planning Application submitted and approved for housing development on the site of the church. . No redevelopment has occurred due to the economic conditions. . Condition of building has not deteriorated any further. Houses DP/030/07/0254 Local Member & Local . Initial survey of external condition of the Under Construction 27.09.2007 Community Groups buildings and site undertaken. Adjacent to 105 . Building Standards established that buildings Aftonbridgend not dangerous but some works were required to secure them. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to secure the buildings and to try to establish his intentions for the completion of the houses and expected timescale. . Various contacts made with prospective purchasers however no progress made. . Recent discussions have taken place with agents acting for the heritable creditors who are currently gathering information and reviewing their options. . Monitoring of condition undertaken regularly and any issues reported to Building Standards when required.

All known properties within New Cumnock will be revisited and owners contacted again following undertaking given by Executive Director of Neighbourhood Services to New Cumnock Community Council to progress improvements within the village.

Newmilns 116-118 Main Street, DP/030/07/0191 Local Member . Section 179 Notice served Newmilns 17.07.2007 . Building cleaned up to comply with terms of notice . Further complaint regarding further decline in condition of building . Owner recently lettered regarding decline in condition in building once more and asked for proposals

Patna 58-62 Main Street DP/030/08/0055 Local Member, . Initial survey of external condition of the 14.02.2008 Building Standards buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to secure it and to improve the appearance of the property. . No works undertaken so far other that to secure the property. . Further action required. Doon Hotel, 66 Main DP/030/08/0055 Local Member, . Initial survey of external condition of the Street Building Standards buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to secure it and to improve the appearance of the property. . No works undertaken so far other that to secure the property. . Further action required.

50 Main Street, DP/030/10/0301 & Local Member . Initial survey of external condition of the Patna 03/0508/OL buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to secure it and to improve the appearance of the property. . Works undertaken to improve the external appearance of the property and the land associated with it. . Dialogue re-established with planning officer to progress the determination of a planning application for a housing development which includes this site. . No further action required at this time.

Rankinston Former New Bung, DP/030/08/0266 Local Member, . Initial survey of external condition of the Littlemill Road 17.10.2008 Member of Public buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that building not dangerous. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter and telephone to request various works to improve the appearance the property, to secure it. . Minor works undertaken to secure and tidy up surrounding ground. Owner reluctant to spend any more money due to economic pressures. . Planning Application submitted and approved for demolition of public house and erection of housing development on the land. . No redevelopment has occurred as yet however it is expected that site will be marketed. . Condition of building has not deteriorated any further. Links Bar and Bowling DP/030/09/0246 Local Member and other . Initial survey of external condition of the Green Littlemill Place 20.07.2009 Members, buildings undertaken. Member of Public . Building Standards established that works required to secure the building and to remove broken windows and roof tiles which were dangerous. . Ownership established. . Owner contacted by letter requested various works to improve the appearance the property, to secure it. . Minor works undertaken to secure and tidy up surrounding ground. Owner reluctant to spend any more money due to economic pressures however was considering future redevelopment. . Condition of building has not deteriorated any further. Waterside (Patna) Dunaskin Heritage Site DP/030/10/0138 Cathy Jamieson MSP . Initial survey of external condition of the 26.03.2010 Member of Public buildings undertaken. . Building Standards established that some works required however overall building not dangerous. . Ownership established. . Visit undertaken with Historic Scotland . Following that visit, Historic Scotland determined that they would give further thought to situation and review any powers that they had to gain some improvement in the monuments current state. . Further discussion programmed with Historic Scotland as site is a Scheduled Ancient Monument which is afforded special protection. . Discussed responsibilities for the protection and maintenance of the site with Scottish Resources Group who are one of the main land owners. They are currently undertaking and commissioning various reports to establish what their responsibilities may be. They have agreed to look into the possibility of removing tyres from the former Kart Track and are currently undertaking a course of treatment to eradicate Japanese Knotweed in the adjoining Ardoon Woods.

At Risk Buildings Survey Results

Initial Updated Building CA Name Risk Comments Image Status Status Date Listing Listing Survey Survey Category BARR ref BARR 1918 Sornhill Farm, Near A N/A Moderate At Risk Restoration Sornhill Farm has been on the BARR Galston In Progress since 1992. In Jan 2008 planning permission and building warrant were granted for restoration works. External inspection in 2008 revealed that it was difficult to ascertain whether works had started so it was

deemed to still be at risk. External 10/02/2010 inspection in Feb 2010 shows that substantial works have been completed.

1786 Dalwhatswood Farm, B N/A High At Risk At Risk The building has been on the BARR

Near Newmilns since 1995. External inspection reveals the buildings are in similar condition to the last SCT visit. They are mostly roofless and unsecured. 12/02/2010

4 4476 3567 4

75 BARR ref

Policies, Policies, Stables, Stables, , Auchinleck Auchinleck House, Estate Policies, Nr Nr Policies, Estate Auchinleck Coach Coach Auchinleck Auchileck Estate Estate Auchileck House House Dumfries

The Temple, Temple, The Nr Auchileck Building Policies


Auchinleck, Auchinleck,

Listing B B B

Category CA NameCA N/A N/A N/A

Moderate Moderate Risk High

Status At RiskAt Initial N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

As above. As house. hoped to be found for the coach a long and estate entire the for completed management plan is being Mark Gibson advises thata the structure. dangerous building sings attached to vacant b and External inspection finds thebuilding February and appear unstable. them in cracks multiple walls have ruinous condition. The surviving reveals the a structure that in is August since last SCT visit. SCT last since finds the building has little changed -

term, sustainable future use is is use future sustainable term,



Comments oarded upwith

External inspection inspection External

External inspection inspection External

19/02/2010 19/02/2010 19/02/2010 Survey Date Image

3826 4477 BARR ref

The Volunteer Arms, The High Bridge, Bridge, The High Auchileck Est Auchileck Mill Square/ 3 Square/ Mill Bridge Street, Street, Bridge Policies, Near Near Policies, Auchileck Building


ate ate - 5 Unlisted

C(S) Listing


CA NameCA Catrine N/A

Risk High High

Status At RiskAt Initial N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt

hoped to be found for the bridge. a long completed management plan is being Mark Gibson advises thata ends of the bridge. a ‘Danger, Do NotCross‘ sign at both is There bridge. the of stonework the to damage extensive finds Inspection January October Register. the on inclusion for building public contacts SCT to nominate the appear works no have commenced. approved in March 2004 but it would was dwellings flatted into building planning application to convert the from the gabled central bay. A mas of section large has been shored upand there is a elevation Square Mill the that reveals - term, sustainable future use is is use future sustainable term,

2009: 2009: for the entire estate and and estate entire the for Comments

A member of the the of member A External inspection

onry missing

12/10/2009 19/02/2010 Survey Date Image

0350 4 4427 4

45 BARR ref

Footbridge over River River over Footbridge The Old Mill Inn, 20- Inn, Mill The Old Stables, Stables, Glaisnock House Road, 24 , Catrine Ayr, Building Mill Street, Mill Catrine

Cumnock Benston

C(S) C(s) Listing B

Category CA NameCA Catrine Catrine N/A

Moderate Critical Risk High

Status At RiskAt Initial N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

but has yet to commence. to yet has but granted approximately 2 years ago of its ironwork. Demolition was not in use due to deteriorating state Inspect February gable has been lost. western the of apex the at masonry dwellings. 4private into building the of conversion for 2008 June in lodged liste and building is a burnt External inspection reveals that the February co the of footprint original replacement new build on the demolition of the buildingswith a for is submitted application April years. of number a for The property has been on the BARR building is a roofless shell. roofless is a building the of majority the that reveals ion reveals that the bridge is d building consent was

2010: 2010:


Planning permission permission Planning External inspection inspection External - out shell. The

urtyard. urtyard. 2008:

An An

02/02/2010 01/02/2010 01/02/2010 Survey Date Image

2996 4308 4472 BARR ref

Riverside, 20 Lugar 20Lugar Riverside, Road, Nr Cumnock Street, Cumnock Street, , (Former) Garallan School 7 Lugar Street,7 Lugar Cumnock Building Skares

Unlisted Unlisted

C(S) Listing


CA NameCA Cumnock N/A N/A

Risk High Low Low

Status At RiskAt At RiskAt Initial N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

October 1992. visit in site BARR following the to Added into the building. is water leaking that suggests which missing flashing of sections with vacant. The roof isin poor condition b the that reveals boarded upfrom within. windows are broken and have been October renovated. being whilst fire set on maliciously reports that the building is recently re recently reveals that the building has been August otherwise in reasonable condition. vacant and boarded up but in External


2009: 2009: spection finds thebuilding -

roofed. Several of the the of Several roofed.


Cumnock C

External inspection External inspection

uilding remains remains uilding

hronicle hronicle

08/10/2009 09/10/2009 17/02/2010 Survey Date Image

4 4446 4231 450 BARR ref

Road, Building to rear of of rear to Building (Former), 16 (Former), Schoolhouse for The , Building to rear to Building Pr 28 18

Dalmellington Dalmellington Dalmellington Dalmellington imary School School imary Building High Street, Street, High High Street, Street, High


Ayr Ayr

Unlisted Unlisted

C(S) Listing


Dalmellington Dalmellington CA NameCA N/A

Moderate Risk High Low

Status At RiskAt Initial N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

October 2003. visit in site BARR after the to Added reasonablestate of repair. vacant and boarded up but in a demolished. The schoolhouse stands reveals that the school has been a derelict shell. derelict a Inspection reveals that the building is frames. damp masonry and decaying window state with faulty rainwatergoods, neglected a in but is intact, range ro eastern range of the building is External inspection reveals the ofless.The adjoining western

2009: Comments

External inspection

01/02/2010 01/02/2010 09/10/2009 Survey Date Image

1475 4 4448 447 BARR ref

(Former), 5 (Former), House Ye Olde

1 Dalmellington Dalmellington Dalmellington

New Street, Street, New Building 4 Str - 8

Path, Path, eet, eet,

High High

Unlisted Unlisted Unlisted Listing Category

Dalmellington Dalmellington Dalmellington CA NameCA

Moderate Moderate Risk Low

Status At RiskAt Initial N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt RiskAt

taken place during this time this during place taken have repairs minor 1995 although SCT by visit last since the building change in the condition of the t suggests inspection External 1995. BARR since On appears to be in good condition. building over.the boarded Overall windows with is vacant building External inspection reveals that the away. bec to render the appears to be faulty and is causing been boarded up. The guttering have windows The years. several for building appears to have been vacant External inspection finds that the

Comments ome fall damp and hat there is little is little there hat


in in

01/02/2010 01/02/2010 01/02/2010 Survey Date Image

4467 1912 4466 BARR ref

o Kirkland Park House, Darvel Industrial Co Darvel Industrial Main Street, Street, Main Main Street, Street, Main Hall, 7 Hall, Kirkland Road/East Road/East Kirkland perative Society Ltd Ltd Society perative , (Former) Building

Darvel Mair‘s Road, 2 - 6 Darvel Darvel

East East -


C(S) Listing B


Morton Park CA NameCA Darvel N/A

Moderate Moderate Critical Risk

Demolished Status At RiskAt Initial N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt A At RiskAt t Riskt

covering the upper floor windows. floor upper the covering are blocked and boarded with mesh risk. at Openings but intact still are 2- Nos that finds Inspection 2009. in demolished to set was which incorporating Nos. 8- Nos. incorporating record earlier of part Originally remains unsecured remains have now all been lost and the site SCTvisit. Roof, windows doors and last since significantly deteriorated inspection finds the building has External 1990. BARR since On in need of general maintenance. general of need in a security is notice building and the elevation has a boarded window and front The blocked. are rear the to The openings is vacant. building External inspection suggests the that Comments .

12 and Nos. 2




12/02/2010 12/02/2010 12/02/2010 Survey Date Image

3565 4469 4 470 BARR ref

Steading, Steading, 2a Road, West MainStreet, The Turf Hotel, 52 52 Hotel, Turf The School (Former), (Former), School

West Donnington Street, Street, The Hill Farm Farm The Hill Stewa Building Darvel



Darvel rton

Nr Nr

Unlisted Listing A B


CA NameCA Darvel N/A N/A

Moderate Minimal Risk Low

Status At RiskAt Initial N/A N/A

Restoration In Progress In Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt

Recent e Recent during the A BARR the to added was farmhouse The steading, along with the maintenance. openings and is in need of general whilst the other is has boarded is roofless building One condition. in buildings External inspection finds the PROGRESS. IN RESTORATION to renovated. Set steading occupied and being generally in good order. good in generally building vacant and boarded up but External inspection finds the xternal inspection finds the

use but in poor - Comments listed survey in 2008. in survey listed

10/02/2010 12/02/2010 12/02/2010 Survey Date Image

4463 4233 3564 BARR ref

13- The Hill Farmhouse The Hill Stewarton Road, School (Former) School Galston Primary 17

Dunlop, Stewarton Building Galston Bridge Street, Street, Bridge

Nr Nr


Unliste Listing A B

Category d

CA NameCA Galston N/A N/A

Moderate Minimal Risk High

Status At RiskAt At RiskAt Initial N/A

Restoration in Progress in Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt

steading The PROGRESS. IN RESTORATION to renovated. Set steading occupied and being e Recent during t the stonework in places. the ground and there is damage to to fallen have roof the from slates vacant and boarded up. Several External inspection finds thebuilding application has been submitted. residential development. No property and replace with retail and existing of demolition for place taken have discussions recent However, use tofo ahot takeaway.od of change 2007for Aug in granted planners report that consent was poor condition. January masonry on the rear elevation is in The shell. roofless is a building External inspection reveals that the , along with the the with along , farmhouse he A he

xternal inspection finds the was added to the BARR

- Comments listed survey in 2008. in survey listed


Local Local

10/02/2010 09/10/2009 10/02/2010 Survey Date Image

3574 4242 1497 BARR ref

34 Wallace Street, Street, 34 Wallace Doocot, Ayr Road, Treesbank House Glaisnock House,

Benston Road, Holmhead, Holmhead,

Kilmarnock Cumnock Building Galston

Nr Nr

Listing A B B

Category CA NameCA Galston N/A N/A

Critical Risk Low Low

Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt Initial

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

changed has little finds inspection external Recent repair. of state reasonable was described asbeing in a time it that At 2008. in survey listed Added to the BARR during the A occupied. that the house is now partially e Recent 2004. March in house the of refurbishment application was approvedthe for 2006: Lo September 2001. BARR since On and at riskand of further damage. T elevations. cracks in the rear and side poor condition. There are large inspection finds the building very in External 2001. BARR since On

cal authority report thatan xternal inspection suggests suggests inspection xternal since this visit. this since

he buildinghe is unsecured Comments


22/01/2010 02/02/2010 10/02/2010 Survey Date Image

4363 0965 1732 BARR ref

Danny Paton‘s Barber St Columba‘s Roman Street, Stables Shop, 1 Treesbank House Street/ Strand 12 School (Former), (Former), School Catholic Primary Primary Catholic Elmbank Drive, Elmbank

Kilmarnock Kilmarnock Building

, Ayr Road, Kilmarnock - 3


C(S) C(S) C(S) Listing

Category Street & Bank Bank & Street John Finnie CA NameCA Street N/A N/A

Risk High High Low

Status At RiskAt At RiskAt Initial N /A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

the house now in private ownership along with are stables The roof. their lost have very inspection finds the building in now e Recent 1995. BARR since On elevation. wallheads on the Elmbank Drive The masonry appears damp at the building is vacant and boarded up. External inspection reveals that the metal and the site is secure. is site the and metal openings are now boarded with SCT previous from change little finds inspection External 2009. April in consent given are scheme use mixed larger, a refurbishment of the property within for Plans 1997. BARR since On poor condition. The stables



visit, although all all although visit,


13/01/2010 21/01/2010 22/01/2010 Survey Date Image

4416 4486 1911 4 462 BARR ref

56 12 House (Former), 6 (Former), House 28 Kilmarnock Opera Opera Kilmarnock Offices (Former), (Former), Offices John Finnie Street, John F Portland EstatePortland Old Men‘s Hut, Howa Portland Road,

Kilmarnock Kilmarnock Kilmarnock Kilmarnock Building innie Street, Street, innie rd Park, Park, rd


Listing B B B B

Category Street & Bank Bank & Street Bank & Street John Finnie John Finnie Dundonald Dundonald CA NameCA Street Street Road Road

Moderate Risk High Low Low

Status At RiskAt Initial N/A N/A N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

and masonry is badly stained. maintenance. Windows are boarded vacant and in need of general External inspection finds thebuilding repair building appears vacant but in good External inspection finds that the remains a remains T gable. damaged fire office accommodation removal & of of erection and retention facade Planning permission granted for a June 1990. BARR since On boarded. f External inspection finds theupper loorsvacant with some windows

roofless shell. shell. roofless Comments he building building he

2009: 2009:

21/01/2010 21/01/2010 21/01/2010 04/02/2010 Survey Date Image

4487 4407 4417 BARR ref

5 Street, Street, Star Bar (Former), (Former), Bar Star 30 96

St Marnock Place, Portland Road,

- Kilmarnock Kilmarnock

Building 108

Kilmarnock Portland Portland


C(S) Listing B


Street & Bank Bank & Street Bank & Street John Finnie John Finnie Dundonald CA NameCA Street Street Road

Moderate Moderate Risk Low

Status Initial N/A N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

maintenance. vacan External inspection finds thebuilding condition. wallsboundary are also in poor The surrounding outbuildings and walls appear to be in poor condition. unboarded or barred. The masonry have been lost and many are in poor condition. Most windows External inspection finds the terr with no sign of ongoing maintenance ongoing of sign no with building is vacant and boarded up External inspection finds that the t and in need of general


ace ace

21/01/2010 21/01/2010 21/01/2010 Survey Date Image

0860 4483 2289 BARR ref

(Former), 1 (Former), 24 Southhook Pottery,Southhook Western Road, Road, Western George Street, Street, George Titchfield Street, Street, Titchfield Ice Nightclub Ice Nightclub ABC Cinema Cinema ABC

Kilmarnock Kilmarnock Kilmarnock (Former), (Former), Building - 11


Unlisted Listing B B


Street & Bank Bank & Street John Finnie CA NameCA Street N/A N/A

Moderate Moderate Risk Low

Status At Ris At At RiskAt Initial N/A k

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

blocked wi blocked The ground floor openings have been roof. the of rear the to visible hole small a There is infestation. pigeon windows are unboarded, allowing vacant and boarded up. Some still building the finds inspection External 2001. BARR since On be put in windows. glass to replacement and guttering of repair canopy, advertising of removal including building, the to out requiring maintenance to be carried 2007, June in served was notice planners report that an enforcement remains unoccupied. reasonable condition. The buildi in is building the of exterior External inspection suggests the that gutters. with boarded openings and blocked repair of state poor is in building vacant External inspection finds thebuilding

and for sale. The rear of the the of rear The sale. for and th masonry. Comments

Local Local 2010 Jan

ng ng

22/01/2010 21/01/2010 12/10/2009 Survey Date Image

4473 2129 4396 4453 BARR ref

(Former), 53 Glasgow 53Glasgow (Former), Muirkirk Old Church 1 Old Tollhouse, 104 104 Tollhouse, Old (Former), 15 Main Main 15 (Former),

Smallburn Road, Kilmarnock Road/ Road/ Kilmarnock Street, Kilmaurs Street, Road, Muirkirk Road, Central Cafe Cafe Central

The Cross, Cross, The Mauchline Building Muirkirk

Unlisted Unlisted Unlisted Unlisted Listing Category

Mauchline CA NameCA Kilmaurs N/A N/A

Moderate Risk Low Low Low

Status At RiskAt Initial N/A N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

vacant and boarded up. External inspection finds thebuilding condition. and boarded up but in rea inspection finds the building vacant External 1995. BARR since On maintenance. ongoing of signs obvious no are There is vacant. building External inspection suggests the that reasonable. is cottage the of condition Windo time. building has been vacant for some External inspection suggests the that

ws are boarded but the Comments


17/02/2010 17/02/2010 27/01/2010 04/02/2010 Survey Date Image

4302 4464 BARR ref

116- Bridgend Bar, 22- Bar, Bridgend 24 118

Newmilns Newmilns Street, Main Building Main Street,

Unlisted Unlisted Listing Category

CA NameCA Newmilns Newmilns

Risk Low Low

Status Initial N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt

started yet. Work does appear not to have dwellings. two to conversion for 2009 June in granted was permission of recentmaintenance. Planning sign no is there and places in failing vacant andboarded up. The render is External inspection finds thebuilding takeaway. sought to convert it tofood ahot maintenance. Planning permission is building is vacant and in need of External inspection suggests the that


12/02/2010 12/02/2010 Survey Date Image

2755 0831 4428 BARR ref

Laigh Milton Mill, Nr Nr Mill, Milton Laigh Mill, Mill Mill Mill, Ochiltree Lade, Lade, Dalmore House House Dalmore Lodge, Nr Stair, Stair, Nr Lodge, Gatehead, Gatehead, Mauchline Building


Nr Nr

Unlisted Unlisted Unlisted Listing Category


Risk High High Low

Status At RiskAt At RiskAt Initial N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

believed to still be at risk. risk. at be still to believed is It visits. site recent visit during started yet. bui mill the of demolition includes application this whether is unclear It 2009. July in works associated with 12dwellings of creation proposed Planning consent approved for been attached to the fencing. reasons. A demolition noticehas fen been has The building shell. derelict a mill is External inspection reveals that the January renovation of need in found to be empty, boarde was it when 1996 BARR since On appears to be damp. section is now missing. Themasonry poor condition and the western very in now is roof the that reveals found to be was it when 1990 BARR since On lding. works No appear to have


near Comments ced off for safety safety for off ced

External inspection - ruinous


. Unable to d - up and

N/A 27/01/2010 02/02/2010 Survey Date Image

4456 4457 2786 BARR ref

Lugar Bridge,Lugar Over (Former), 66 (Former), Country Firs Hotel 89 Street, Street, Lugar Water, Lugar

Main Street, Street, Main Building Ochiltree



Main Main

Unlisted Unlisted Listing B Category

CA NameCA N/A N N/A /A

Moderate Risk High High

Status At RiskAt Initial N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

vandalism. building unsecured and vulnerable to exposedwindow opening hasleft the additio rear the of roof the in hole a is There building is vacant and boarded up. External inspection reveals that the roofless shell. roofless is a building the of section eastern have been boarded over. The time. Windows and door openings building has been vacant for some External inspection suggests the that masonr the from growing are saplings large and trees Several state. neglected Inspection finds the bridge in a 1991. in demolition with Threatened n allowing water ingress. An An ingress. water allowing n y.


01/02/2010 01/02/2010 09/10/2009 Survey Date Image

4402 4411 4325 BARR ref

United Free Church Caprington Castle, Castle, Caprington (Former), 17 (Former), (Former), Schaw Schaw (Former), Bridge, Bridge,

Schaw Church Street, Street, Riccarton, Riccarton, West Lodge, Lodge, West Kilmarnock Building

Nr Stair Nr


Main Main

Nr Nr


C(S) Listing B



Moderate Moderate Risk High

Status At RiskAt Initial N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

condition. timbered porch is intact but in poor The shell. derelict is a church External inspection reveals that the and blocked windows. Both have masonry in poor condition collapse loss and of part of itsroof. in poor condition. One has suffered External inspection finds lodges both a rotten condition. louvres to the belfry appear to be in guttering is blocked and the timber the elevation, street the on windows the to damage is There years. church has been vacant for several External inspection suggests the that


27/01/2010 22/01/2010 18/11/2009 Survey Date Image

0925 4451 0204 BARR ref

Avenue, Avenue, Stables, David Dale Dale David Stables, (Former), (Former), Street, Street, The PalaceBar, 9 Road, 13 Lainshaw House

Nr Kilmarnock Nr Outer Limits Dalmellington Dalmellington Building

Patna Waterside, Waterside,

Stewarton Stewarton, Stewarton, 8

Vennel Vennel


C(S) Listing B B

Category CA NameCA Waterside N/A N/A

Moderate Risk High Low

Status At RiskAt At RiskAt Initial N/A

Restoration in Progress in Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt

de is it when 1993 BARR since On Recent e Recent in a state of neglect. of state a in that the building remains vacant and be ongoing. ongoing. be to be completed work but appears to One portion of the stables remains private dwellings and are o building has been converted into inspection finds themajority of the External 1996. BARR since On and nightclub. 2009 for conversion to arestaurant building consent lodged in August Planning permission and listed repair. of need in are walls and sagging is The roof lost and the interior appears unsafe. unsecured. Allwindows havebeen in very poor condition and E xternal inspection finds thebuilding scribed as vacant as but secure scribed xternal inspection reveals reveals inspection xternal Comments

ccupied. ccupied. .

01/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 Survey Date Image

4492 4491 4490 BARR ref

Warehouse (Former), (Former), Warehouse Stewarton Library, 1 Stewarton Library, Portland ArmsPortland Hotel, 3 Avenue Street, Street, Avenue 3 2 - 4 Cross Street, Street, Cross 4 New Street, Street, New Stewarton Stewarton Building Galston

- Unlisted Unlisted Listing B Category

Stewarton Stewarton CA NameCA Galston

Risk Low Low Low

Status Initial N/A N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

two townhouses. to conversion for 2009 November planning consent was gained in vacant is currently building Local planners report that the building is in need of maintenance. One window is broken and the front elevation, many to the rear. with one boarded window to the External inspection finds thebuilding be in fair condition. fair in be ground floor. The building appears to vacant with windowsat blocked External of. requirements and is to be disposed council to is surplus building Local planners report that the was approved in November 2009. November in approved was regener Galston building has been included in the Local planners report that the vacant and boarded up. External inspection finds thebuilding

inspection finds thebuilding Comments ation strategy which which strategy ation

and that

10/02/2010 04/02/2010 04/02/2010 Survey Date Image

4496 4495 4494 4493 BARR ref

Buildings, Castle Castle Sorn Buildings, 59- Policies, Nr Sorn Nr Policies, 63 Main Street, Street, 63 Main Street, 18 Main Walled Garden Garden Walled 61 Main Street, Street, Main 61 Newmilns Newmilns Newmilns Building

Unlisted Unlisted Unlisted Unlisted Listing Category

Sorn AreaSorn 2 CA NameCA Newmilns Newmilns Newmilns

Risk High Low Low Low

Status Initial N/A N/A N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt RiskAt RiskAt At RiskAt

decay. be in an advanced condition of collapsed have buildings in a very poor state.Both External inspection finds the maintenance. floor vacant in need and of general External inspection finds the ground years. has been vacant for a number of building the confirm planners Local maintenance. general of need In vegetation. with blocked are gutters the and elevation front the from vacant. There are downpipesmis External inspection finds thebuilding number of years. of number the building has been vacant for a maintenance. floor vacant in need and of general External inspection finds the ground number of years. of number the building has been vacant for a


Local planners confirm confirm planners Local Local planners confirm confirm planners Local

roofs appear and to

sing sing

17/02/2010 12/02/2010 12/02/2010 12/02/2010 Survey Date Image

4499 4498 4497 BARR ref

Main Street, Kilmaurs Street, Main Houses (Former), Old Houses Old (Former), Barskimming Estate, Estate, Barskimming Policies, Castle Policies, Sorn Wheatsheaf Inn, 29 Sawmill (Former), (Former), Sawmill Estate Workers Nr Mauchline Building Nr Sorn Nr

Unlisted Unlisted Listing A Category

Sorn AreaSorn 2 CA NameCA Kilmaurs N/A

Moderate Risk High Low

Status Initial N/A N/A N/A

Updated Updated Status At RiskAt At RiskAt At RiskAt

is a roofless shell. roofless a is External inspection finds thebuildi advertised for lease. for advertised being is property The level. vacant boarded and External inspection finds thebuilding danger signs attached to doors. vacant with broken win External inspection finds thebuilding Comments


up at g dows and


ng ng

04/02/2010 17/02/2010 17/02/2010 Survey Date Image