Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment

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Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment CESI Project Number 36-17 April 2018 Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment Project 28-F Prepared for: Sander Engineering Corporation & North Harris County Regional Water Authority Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment Project 28-F CESI Project Number 36-17 April 2018 Prepared For Sander Engineering Corporation 2901 Wilcrest, Suite 500 Houston, Texas 77042 Project Manager Claire Garvin Report Author Ethan Pauling, Amanda Sankey Data Collection Ally Altemose, PWS, Ethan Pauling, Trevor Pattillo, Amanda Sankey Maps and Figures Trevor Pattillo, Greg Sevcik Ground Photographs Ally Altemose, PWS, Ethan Pauling, Amanda Sankey Report Reviewers Claire Garvin, Leslie Hollaway Prepared By 402 Teetshorn Street Houston, Texas 77009 713.868.1043 About The Cover: A Common Green Darner (Anax junius) rests on a branch in Harris County, Texas. Contents Appendices ............................................................................................ ii Acronyms ............................................................................................. iii Executive Summary ................................................................................. 1 Introduction ........................................................................................... 2 Methodology .......................................................................................... 3 Federally Listed Species Review ........................................................................... 3 State-Listed Species Review ................................................................................. 3 Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) Review ............................................................. 3 Subject Property Desktop Analysis ........................................................................ 4 Threatened, Endangered, and Rare Species and Habitat Assessment ................ 4 Impact Assessment Determinations ...................................................................... 5 Results ................................................................................................. 6 Federally Listed Species........................................................................................ 6 State-Listed Species .............................................................................................. 6 Migratory Bird Treaty Act .......................................................................................8 Ecoregion .............................................................................................................. 8 Habitat Types Present on the Subject Property ..................................................... 9 Natural Resources Conservation Service Soils Data .......................................... 11 Discussion ........................................................................................... 12 Conclusion and Recommendations .......................................................... 13 Conclusion ........................................................................................................... 13 Recommendations ...............................................................................................13 Federal and State Regulations ................................................................. 14 Federal Regulations............................................................................................. 14 State Regulations ................................................................................................ 15 References .......................................................................................... 16 Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment i Project 28-F Contents Sander Engineering Corporation Harris County, Texas Appendices Appendix A: Vicinity Map 2018 Aerial Photograph with Habitat Types 2018 Aerial Photograph with Subject Property 2018 Aerial Photograph with 2017 NRCS Soil Survey Data Appendix B: USFWS and TPWD Correspondence USFWS IPaC Resource List TPWD Harris County List TPWD NDD E-Bird List Appendix C: Subject Property Photographs Appendix D: 2003 Migratory Bird Permit Memorandum 50 CFR 10.13 Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment ii Project 28-F Appendices Sander Engineering Corporation Harris County, Texas Acronyms ac – acre(s)/acreage APHIS – Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service CESI – Crouch Environmental Services, Inc. EMS – Ecological Mapping System EO – Element of Occurance EOID – Element of Occurance Identification Number EPA – Environmental Protection Agency ESA – Endangered Species Act FAC - Facultative FACU – Facutative Upland FACW – Facultative Wetland FM – Farm to Market ft - feet IPaC – Information, Planning, and Conservation System MBTA – Migratory Bird Treaty Act NDD – Natural Diversity Database NHCRWA – North Harris County Regional Water Authority NHD – National Hydrography Dataset NMFS – National Marine Fisheries Service NRCS - Natural Resources Conservation Service NWI – National Wetlands Inventory OBL - Obligate PEM – Palustrine Emergent Wetland PUB – Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom ROW – right-of-way SGCN – Species of Greatest Conservation Need SSURGO – Soil Survey Geographic Database Subject Property - Area within Project boundaries Subject Property – Project 28F Waterline T&E – Threatened and Endangered Species TPWD – Texas Parks and Wildlife Department UPL - Upland USDA - United States Department of Agriculture USFWS - United States Fish and Wildlife Service USACE – United States Army Corps of Engineers Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment iii Project 28-F Acronyms Sander Engineering Corporation Harris County, Texas Executive Summary Crouch Environmental Services, Inc. (CESI) was contracted by Sander Engineering Corporation, on behalf of North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA), to perform a Threatened and Endangered (T&E) and rare species habitat assessment for the 24.13-ac Project 28F waterline (Subject Property). The Subject Property is located in northwestern Harris County, Texas, approximately 16 miles northwest of Houston (See Vicinity Map in Appendix A). The Subject Property travels through public right-of-way (ROW) adjacent to residential and commercial roadways, public ROW adjacent to Greens Bayou, and portions of private residences and industrial facilities. Five habitat types are present on the Subject Property and are illustrated in the 2018 Aerial Photograph with Habitat Types included in Appendix A. Urban/Residential habitat covers the majority of the Subject Property. The remainder of the property is dominated by Herbaceous, Mowed ROW habitat along public roadways and pipelines with a small percentage of narrow Riparian Corridor habitat adjacent to Greens Bayou, open water and one small Palustrine Emergent (PEM) Wetland. Based upon the desktop analysis and the subsequent pedestrian visual survey conducted on July 19, 2017 and April 20, 2018 of the Subject Property, no federally or state-listed species, nor potentially suitable habitat were observed on the Subject Property. The undeveloped stretches of riparian habitat have the most potential to support listed species; however, Highway 249 to the north, Farm-to-Market (FM) 1960 to the south, and Jones Road to the West essentially sever the connections to any larger tracts of riparian habitat. Culverts and the channelized nature of Greens Bayou also sever connections to larger streams which could potentially support listed species. The Subject Property has little suitable habitat that will support breeding, wintering, and/or transitory migratory birds due to the majority of the Subject Property being regularly mowed and maintained. During the pedestrian visual survey, no bird nests or nesting activity were observed. However, consideration should be taken for migratory birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). If proposed project clearing activities are expected to occur during migratory bird nesting season (defined by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department [TPWD] to occur between March 15 and September 15 [TPWD 2017]), it is recommended that migratory birds and trees with active migratory bird nests are avoided. Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessment 1 Project 28-F Executive Summary Sander Engineering Corporation Harris County, Texas Introduction CESI was contracted by Sander Engineering Corporation, on behalf of NHCRWA to perform a T&E and rare species habitat assessment for the 24.13-ac Project 28F waterline (Subject Property). The Subject Property is located in northwestern Harris County, Texas, approximately 16 miles northwest of Houston (See Figure 1 below). A Vicinity Map is also included in Appendix A. The Subject Property travels through public ROW adjacent to residential and commercial roadways, public ROW adjacent to Greens Bayou, and portions of privately owned property. CESI conducted a desktop analysis, querying federal and state agencies to identify T&E species that may occur on the Subject Property, as well as reviewing historic and current aerial photographs, land use/land cover, and soil types identified on the Subject Property. The desktop analysis was followed by pedestrian visual surveys conducted by CESI biologists on July 19, 2017 and April 20, 2018, to confirm existing site conditions, potential T&E habitat, and the presence of T&E species. Based on the habitat observed on the Subject Property, the potential for federal and state-listed species to occur
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