n e t p r e s s r u n Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureau, Hartford. A\TERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION •y----—Comp* IN I I K for the Month of October, 1929 Conn. State Librar Mostly cloudy tonight and Wed­ 5,522 nesday. Possibly light rain tonight. Blembcrn of the Aodit Dnrean of anthfstfr lu rn in g Circulations

SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMHER 26, 1929. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE I’HKEE CENTS (Classifietl Advertising on I age 14) VOL. XLIV., NO. 49. I ^ 1 INFANT WEDDINGS'! PIVII WAR IN HONEYMOON PARACHUTE JUMP STATE BANKERS i - i STATE CO-OPERATES NATION BACKS iRUSHED IN iNDIAi^*^*^ TO BE QUIZZED ! Natives Forestalling Law Pro-| TO END, HOOVER’S PLAN I hibiting This Arrange 2,000 WITH PRESIDENT IN Such Marriages in Surat, SAY GENERALS ON N. Y. CRASHj TO THE H I T _ _ _ _ _ i London, Nov. 26.— (AP) — I i ------I The DaUy Ebcpress in a dispatch BUILDING PROGRAM I from Bombay today said infant Officers of at Least Fivej brides were being rushed to the Armies to Combine to Fight From All Sections of Conn-1 altar by the hundreds in some HE HAD GOOD REASON Connecticut Banks Were | FOP. NOT CHASING THIEF parts of India to forestall the Common Enemy in Man- Governor Trumbull Tells try Come Assurances of law prohibiting child marriage ! I which becomes effective in Affiliated in SomeXapa-l W hite Plains, N. Y„ Nov. 26. ; President State Will Spend April. ! churia Where Chinese i ! * I — (AP)—Keirmai Wallace, hotel | Support; Stabilizing Pro­ Several child marriages have j proprietor, was having his morn- | been solemnized in Bombay the i city With Gunder Group. ing tub today when he heard a IS Millions During the last few days while in Surat it AreBeing Beaten. i strange noise in his bedroom. | was estim ated 2,000 such m ar­ gram Certain of Success. i Well soaped and dripping wet, 1 riages have occurred recently. j H artford, Nov. 26.— (A P )—Sev-', I he stepped in just in time to see Coming Year for High­ Brides and bridegrooms of be­ Advices from Hankow reporting | [ eral Connecticut banks, whose offi-^ a strange man extracting his Washington, Nov. 26.—(AP)— : tween five and twelve years a lull in the Chinese newest civil j wallet containing $200 from his ; have been a common sight. cers are connected with one or more ways and Other Public President Hoover today reviewed. war fronts in Honan and Hupeh, j I trousers pocket. The intruder | Even marriages between babies [of the thirteen affiliated corpora-j looked up, saw Wallace, and he accomplishments of his campaign provinces added weight today to have been arranged. • tions headed by Howard H. Gunder, j laughed. for stable business conditions and Nanking despatches indicating that Works. 1 w’ere drawn into the Federal inves- i “Come on, chase me,” he call­ expanded industrial activities and factional leaders were negotiating ed, and ran out of the door. tigatioii of this group today I vy j found much that was encouraging. ' to end international strife in order By the time Wallace dried Hartford. Nov. 26— (AP) — A , Emanuei G. Kleid, assistant United | himself and threw on some From aU sections of the country j FELTOVIC TO HANG, i to combine their forces to resist program which calls for the expen­ I States attorney of New Y'ork. | clothes the robber had disap­ and from virtually all phases of | Russian troops invading Manchuria. diture of $15,000,000 by the state of commercial enterprise, have come j peared. * A Hankow despatch said that | 1 An examination of the records of I 0 lion for surveying. sentatne groups to a clo j ; granted by Governor John H. Trum-1 railway controversy be reopened. iTun'^t'BlnkeJfc^riTcompi^^ of li'l^or at Port (Jhester by oTthI leading farm Organizations,! bull until the December date pend- j Despatches on the Manchurian Connecticut. Clark W. Burnham,) th© CG-128 of Stapleton, S. 1. Hartford, Nov. 26—(AP)—Mayor and simultaneously announcement ■ ing the appeal to the higher court j situation indicated that invading Batterson today issued the follow­ I Russian forces were in control of WHOLE TRAIN IN YYEST I treasurer of the East Hampton i It was learned here today that che was made of replies from the gov- | The Next Move, ing statement in response to the ap­ territory east of the Kinghan Bank and Trust Company, is a d:-; Storm Petrel’s seizure was tse ch- peal of President Hoover to the ernors of nearly half of the states | public Defender Robert J G. f De-1 Mountains. Soviet tanks and artil- I rector of the Eastern Bankers Cor- max to a series of mishaps on a trip state, county and city executives in the union in response to M r., pQ^gst of this city, who defended : capture _of Khmlar poration. Nehemia Candee, director, down from Nova Scotia which stan.- for construction on public works to Hoover’s request that they give his | pejtovic with attorney Leo Davis of j Sunday' in an engagement ‘ Wrecks It by Pulling Spikes NEW JURY CHOSEN ! of the People’s Trust Company of ed when she was caught in a bad help along employment and foster program their full support. At the j jjorwalk and Samuel A. Friedman , losses estimated at 12,000. | South Norwalk is a director of the storm and had all her sails blown business stability. ------ior,o fr.-r awnrHinir ocean goujgi not be reached at; -pjjg Chinese were reported to be i same time, plans for awarding ocean Eastern Bankers and a . trustee of■ away. As ready to assist a vessel in “For a period of months the mail contracts totaling approxi­ noon today for questioning as to . j.gtreating without resistance, even ^ from Rails But No One is distress as to take a rum-runner in question of public welfare in Hart­ mately ten million were announced. the Bankers Financial Trust, G. whether a final plea of commuta-1 ^^uing to halt at Bacb?.tu, 150 miles | FOR M’MANUS TRIAL , Mortimer Rundle, president of the tow the Coast Guard picked up the ford has been studied. The mayor’s tion to life sentence infill be made ; Khailar. : Storm Petrel’s distress signal and unemployment committee and the to Governor Trumbull. j ------Hurt — Takes Anything ------; Savings Bank of Danbury, and vice ! president and director of the Daa> the cutter Tampa went to her res- mayor have followed toe general On the night of March 23 Feltovic ; APPEALS TO LEAGUE I cue. recommendations of President Hoo­ TWO MEN KILLED shot and killed Lester Jacobs, 39, Nanking. China, Nov. 26.—(AP) , Offered Him and Flees. Twelfth Man Picked— “-ZTEniThe cutter towed the vessel and ver. whose recommendations large­ of 3133 Main street, in an unsuccess- -gj^e Council of the Chinese govern . i roughs, president of the NaUonal | her cargo 200 miles to pston where ly follow the suggestions emphasiz­ ful holdup attempt of an Atlantic ^jeht today addressed an appeal ; ed through the Hoover survey of dence Is Read tor mm*,! Tradesman’s Bank and Trust Com-1 new sails were p ta p d . unemployment. That Hartford is and Pacific grocery at Noble and j to the League of Nations and | Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 26.— (AP) IN FLEEING FIRE Berkshire avenues. ! to individual signatories of the Kel- I pany of New Haven, is a director of | Laughed p a pioneer in accepting as sound the Chief Justice George W. Wheeler, logg peace pact to take steps to ^ -Approximately forty passenprs , ! toe American Fiduciary Corpora-; It is prepmed by toe Coas Hoover idea, is manifested. In fact who returned the opinion of non halt and punish the Russian Soviet. of the Union Pacific Portland Witnesses Tomorrow. i tion of Bridgeport. Mr. Burrougns, Guard that the Storm Petrels e rp we are now engaged in public "con­ i has already been questioned by Fed-i were having a big laugh over the struction works exceeding $2,000,- error, which- was concurred in by , “invasion” of Chinese territory. The : limited, were robbed three miles o- J- u I Guard helping her along with invasion was termed a deliberate eral authorities. 000 in cost. Are Trampled to Death the other members of the court, I east of here last night by a youthful her illicit cargo. But the Coast violation of the anti-war pact. Nev.- Building Plans «TTi nAA IDT • n * I classes the killing of Jacobs as a Criminal Courts Building Guard w-asn’t as foolish as the The'^^rtous appeals were in iden- ! bandit who w'recked the train by York. Nov. 26.—(AP)—The new” ' “We are thinking in terms of When 200 Men in Fam e' mthiess murder. tical language and were sent under I pulling spikes from the rap and Petrel’s crew thought. The suppos­ public welfare assistance in regard I Justice Wheeler in his opinion made a jury to try George McManus for ih.’ ed lumber schooner was placed un- to unemployment and are trying to Monday’s date. They declared that [ then, single-handed --'i- murder of Arnold Rothstein was Try to Get Out. : hows that the charge given by while the Chinese governmentTl0nL hasndo ; I thoroughLilOiOl-lgll going trip^ through ® the 1 4- J TT-ifVi ' NAMES OF DOCTORS der surveilance and when she sailed formulate an intelligent program I Judge Wolfe to the jury in trial of ; ’ out of Boston and continued her way for the construction of public works I the case was too favorable to Fel- always : down the coast she was watched to absorb part at least of the labor tovic. , : Union has without a declaration of i :|TO b e k e p t SECRET ; closely. surplus. With the building, of both New Y'ork, Nov. 26.— (AP) — Judge Wolfe in his concluding invaded China. occupied against an embankment but no one , The twelfth juror is Edmup A. She got into trouble at Vineyard dikes, the grading of Brainard The bodies of two men were re-' instructions to the jury chpged , cities, and “massacred in- w-as injured seriously. I Shotwell, a heavy set, ruddy taced l ------Sound and again boldly called upon Field the construction of a new 42 cold Railroad officials said the robber! salesman, who once had busine.ssi i the Coast Guard to help her out. inch water main and the increasing covered today from the ruins of a [ that if the jury found th p Feltovic ! Chinese citizens in of the annual paving program, plus , , T , killed Jacobs in the indictment blood.' took amounts ranging from 35 dealings with Rothstein. ^ 'Will BC CtlllCu tO tHpitOl Then she proceeded down Long subway construction shack at Long I nialice aforethought and com- ] cents to $150 from passengers. An. The evidence already given com-i construction of the Federal build­ Island Sound and almost threw the ing, construction of the new state Island City where 200 men stam- j the crime willfully and de- j estimate of the total amount he re- [ prising that of five of the gambler; _ , O i k Coast Guard off their guard with : ceived was impossible. Many pas- ; associates of Rothstein and Me- j UeCCmDCr J tO A fiS W er office building and the contemplat­ peded last night when fire swept the i liberately, then the verdict should r A I T D V r A D A f DAV-celved was impossible. Many pa.s-| associates of j the boldness of this maneuver. Bui ed carrying through of the mayorA structure. Twenty-two men were | be guilty of murder in the first de- rllUll 1 LAli l?Lli DU ! sengers continued theirpurneys_p Manus, chiefly concern a stud p p ^ j r I • PI chances were being taken and sewage pollution commission s I westbound trains after being game at w-hich Rothstein lost $219, R rparh ni EthlfS LnarCfB. she was followed by the CG-234 op recommendations, Hartford can be injured. , . ^ In reference to this the chief brought here on a special train. The 000 and ------McManus testified the^ DredtII Ul tU llta ^ “*^‘»^’ !erating out of the local base. Near The men, engaged in digging said to be 100 percent in accord j 1 limited was bound from to game was held two months prior to _____ , Stratford Shoal the task of follow- with President Hoover program. tunnel under Newtown creek to con-1 ^ f a viu ■ KILLS HIS MOTHER : Portland, Oregon. the shooting, November 4, of last ! ing the schooner was turned over to nect the new Eighth avenue sub-; If the jury p u p that the k , Held Big Revolver. year, of Rothstein in a mid-tov/n uo- j way line with Brookljm, were Chang-1 ing of Jacobs by the a c p sp wa Hartford, Nov. 26.— ( AP) — i the CG-128 which made the seizure a id s H 0 0 \'E R ’S PL.YN Unlike the notorious Bill Carlisle, ! lei. Their testimony and that of I Torrington, Nov. 26.— (AP.) — ing their clothing in the locker_room | unlawful and committed in at- last of the west's wudely known Names of physicians, called to ap- [when toe Petrel failed in an attempt ; Miss Marguei’ite Hubbcll of, Mon-1 pear before the Connecticut Medical ' to lose sight of toe patrol boat. Construction of a new $(0,000 preparing to go to work on the’mid- [ tempting to perpetrate a robbery : train bandits, who once terrorized treal. who heard an explosion in night “^hift when the fire was dis- our law did not require them to go Finds F a t h e r’s Shotgun, trunk line sewer will be started as passengers of a Union Pacific tram , Central hotel the night the [ examining board on Dec. 3 to ans quickly as possible. Mayor Ernest covered. ’ further and find that the murder with a toy glass pistol, the roDoe. ■ .reach of ... ethics Panic Starts. * ; was willful and deliberate.” re-! state alleges Rothstein was wouna- ^.gj. charges of E. Novey stated today following Aims It and Pulls Trigger; I last night flourished a heavy by j ed there, and Dr. Charles Norns.i made known prior to de- ' The flames spread rapidly through ; The court then passes to tp al- 1 volver and speeded his work President Hoover's appeal that the lower floor of the building and i leged abandonment by Feltovic of ia^tog R viltously into the ribs rff , ch^ t^ ^ ^ to e S S ^ week" cision -sion in their case, if then. The, public construction programs be the men made a rush for the two i his intent to rob after he met with slow moving victims. ___ _ transcriot wdi: charges have made, it is imderstood , pushed in an effort to offset any Father First Suspected, IN WALL ST. BLAST possible interruption of national stairways leading down from the resistance from Jacobs. Passengers said lie was about -2 through the office of Prohibition | be completed today and new vv.1 prosperity as a result of toe Wall second floor where the locker room Meant to Rob years old and had a “very thin Administrator Robert Sengel for i . nesses called tomorrow morning. street slump. Provision for this was located. In reference to this Justice 1 face, light brown eyes a-nd a deep j this district and the allegations! Man Arrested in Copenhagen Batavia, N. Y".. Nov. 26—(AP) — He wore Before declaring a m istrial tlu.s; work was made in the budget re­ The stairw-ays were so low, how­ W heeler w-rites: ' Before she died of a gunshot wound I and very rough voice." have to do with the cancellation of , Tells Police He Carried Ex­ overalls. morning. Judge Nott cleared Juror liquor permits. The ci'^^Limstances ^ plosives to F in a n c ia l District cently approved. Several other road ever, that the men had to stoop to “It is to be noted at no tim e; yesterday at her home in East Elba, No. 9, Norris Smith, from anvy and sewlr construction projects al- run down then and the first men fell prior to the homicide did the ac- I Mrs. Elmer Shultz told a neighbor Spite Work. attendant upon loss of permits are | _____ It was held likely that the rob- wrong-doing in connection with his ready are under way here. and rolled to the bottom. Others cused indicate by spoken word he that her four-year-old son, Elmer, not made public. a tto r - ' Copenhagen, Denmark, Nov. 26.— ______had abandoned his felonious at- Jr., fired the fatal bullet. bery was committed for spite, a.s alleged discussion of the case with stumbled over them and soon the ___ certain reporters in a Greenwich ney ^ner^l? office represents the (AP)-Police are i^^^tigaUng to^ FARMERS CONTINUE PARLEY stairways were choked. Finding that j tempt, nor indicate this by his con Her husband, held since yester­ the' bandit w^as quoted by several passengers as saying “I've got a Village speak-easy. me^ifal examining board. The doc- ! story of a man arrested here ''ho Washington, Nov. •26.— (AP) — exit blocked, others leaped from the ' duct.” day pending an investigation by Srs are s™ to be under summons ■ is feged to have made a ^on^^^ yesterday con- windows and many suffered broken “It is true,” continues the judge, District Attorney Bradford J. Bur­ wife and tw'o kids a t home and the Judge Nott said that both state railroad won't give me work.” and defense counsel had accepted to Ippear at a hearing. They come ! of ' ferred with President Hoover as bones and sprains in toe fifteen- “that he was backing away from roughs was released today. Their street explosion of 1920. daughter, Eleanor, 7, corroborated Passengers agreed that the man Juror Smith's explanation of toe in­ from several counties but as with | part of his progrant for industrial foot drop. Eventually toe tangled Jacobs and going towards toe front The man, whose name was given stabilization, today continued the mass of men on the stairways was her mother's story. appeared anxious to get away as he cident and decided that he had not their names, their residence has not door but from toe moment of his hurried his work, took w hatever w'as as Axel Jensen is stated to have discussion of farm problemt: with unraveled and the remaining men entrance into the store he held his Little Girl’s Story impaired his qualifications as a ^ been made known. told police- he was engaged by an­ The little girl, who was helping offered him and made no threats in juror. The judge also warned report-! government officials in a conference made their way to safety. revolver in his hand and from the other man to carry boxes into Wall with members of toe Federal Farm The dead: • hei' mother make mince meat^ in order to — obtain------more. - Several pas- o..f ders a Ulcaciiu present 1111111 from attempting lo moment that he advanced- up to preparation for Thanksgiving in j gengers reported he took only a part , ^ either in thej street where they exploded taking a Board. F rank O'Gansky. 63 years old, a heavy toll of life. He told the po­ Jacobs demanding the money until toe kitchen of their home, said her : their money. . : room or toe corridors of the; HOLD STATE FUNERAL The policy of the board in mak­ compressed air worker. the fatal shot he kept his revolver lice his rem uneration was $400. “Charlie,” last name unknown. brother came into the I’oom and , sheriff O. .S. Rumsy of Laramie courts building. Any eva-; ing advances on commodities whose pointed at Jacobs.” their father s shot-gun | eounty and a squad of deputies toft ^ order, he said, woukl, Jensen did not make it clear prtces were depressed by toe break He is believed to have lived in Justice Wheeler further holds picked up whether he knew toe boxes con­ Newark. N. J.. and yesterday was from the corner. , I for the scene of the robbery anu harrinp- of the offendin’-' FOR SENATOR WARREN in stock prices was given hearty that an abandonment of toe intent she quoted the j •wreck immediately upon receiving S tained explosives, but said he later approval by toe larm leaders. his first day’s work on the job. "Bang! Mama, newspaper reporters from the court­ fled to Texas with one of the con- to rob must necessarily be follow- child ks saying and as she looked | tj^e alarm and began an intensive The- general opinion was express­ The injured were re.sidents of room. I .. /-I 1 ' spirators. whom he afterwards shot Brooklyn and . ed by an abandonment of the use him horrified, he pointed the gun ^ ggarch of the surrounding country ed that agriculture has the bright­ ! of the revolver. at his mother and pulled the trig- I Body Taken to Capitol W here ' there. He then joined a circus. est outlook for this year of any Investigations w'ere imder way Colleagues Pay Their Final quitting it to come to Denmark in today to learn the cause of the fire. j In reference to the alleged claim since the World War. There has 1 that Feltovic fired the fatal shot ^\lrs. Schultz, who was standing • Tliiuuies. l'ih iitp s _____ ! I 192o. jocal police assert that Jensen been, it was said, a general upswing ; under stress of the excitement, the near the stove was struck m the ! in commodity prices with but very I is not mentally unsound but think I court holds that “the accused can- side. She fell to the floor, and ; few exceptions, and with lower in­ Four Jump To Safety Washington, Nov. 26.—(AP.)—I he may be romancing and they are ElELSON STILL LOST 1 not escape the penalty of his at- Eleanor ran out to the. garage to terest rates resulting from easier The body of Senator Francis E. investigating his story. . tempt to commit a crime by re- summon her father, and then called j money the future outlook was view­ I pentance after that crime has been , a neighbor; Mrs. Bert - - Barber. Mrs. Warren of Wyoming, -w'as taken to , ed with satisfaction. Nome, Alasxa, Nov. 26.—^^(AP)— committed.” Barber said «he rushed to the From Army Balloon the Capitol today for a state funer­ FAMILY FLEES FL.AMES Frank Dorbandt, Alaska pilot, to­ I^uthless Murder ; Shultz home “ Irimis she told al in the Senate chamber. NOTED COMPOSER DIES. day awaited the arrival of planes Draped in an American flag, sym- Unionville, Conn., Nov. 26.— (AP) Concluding the opinion states; | as she called the Smoke early today awakened two from Fairbanks to accompany him Post: bolic of the late Senator’s service Florence, Italy, Nov. 26.— (AP) — “Only one conclusion could have ; her tnat orouic Nov. 26.—(AP.)—?> They had taken off from small children of Robert K. Vibert on an aerial search for Carl -Ben little boy, had shot her. Tuttle, Okla. and i in the Civil War, the casket was Michele Esposito, noted pianist and been reasonably reached by the jury and they aroused the remainder of Eielson, noted Arctic flyer who had : Mr. Shultz brought his wufe to Four Army balloonists today claim- | Field /or^^a ^trami^^^^ which i carried up the long steps on the composer, died today at toe age of and that was that the killing of *a hospital here but, as ^ ed a record for number of men were caught by a ^ m rsi-ea5rfronrorm e“8a;uoTand Into'the tam'ily eo that all hlhe mem- been missing for several days. sixty-four.- Jacobs was a ruthless murder and I transfusion was making an emergency parachute carried them rapid y o timei the chamber. It was escorted by a : bers escaped, scantily clad, from Dorbandt received word yester- under our law, murder in the first Although born in Italy, Eposito clav th a t two planes toft Fairbanks I an effort to save her life, she died. jump as the result of a flight in across country, at the sajne delegation “of Senators and Repre- i the Are that destroyed their home, degree. Although the only point I ------' which a gale carried their free bal- whiskmg them above ^^e i One of the six children. Robert, spent much of his life in Dublin for Nome, but they were held storm where he was professor at toe Royal bound at Ruby, the half way point presented upon toe appeal was that | loon so high that it burst in the foot level. As the air sur pj.ggjdent Hoover arrived a few [about nine years old, was forced of abandonment the gravity of the i t r e a s u r y BALANCE Irish Academy of Music. In 1899 he last night. thin air, compelling the entire crew the hag became thiimer __p' : minutes before time for -the funeral ' to jump from a porch roof. Only established a resident orchestra in charge against the accused has tod | r * p i __ to jump at 6 200 feet. feet of hydrogen inside j 3 toTned of his Cabinet the chi^ey remains of the large Eielson was last seen flying in the Dublin. His published works in­ vicinity of the ice bound ship us to search the record through to i Washington, Nov. 26 ^AP) — The men were Lieuts. John (Jar-^ outward until it ! : ^he President’s room off the ■ oldhouse which was furnished with near North Cape, Siberia, see if harmful error was raised up- j Treasury receipts for November ro, E. M. Vogelsonger and J. W. j Evacuation of the ba senate chamber before going into many antiques. The loss is partly clude ^ “Irish” symphony and an $6,228,639.58; expenditures overtoil to “Othello.” ^ ^ ^ h ie rh e 'a n d D'orbandt were' on the appeal or in the record. We [ were ° 'i ;“ " u e u T e C l'T a r r r ‘‘ “ ' for' the eetflcea. coverc. by insurance. S v to g ^ssengers and fur cargo find none. The verdict of the jury $5,912,884.99; oi balance $129,289,- by airplane. inescapable.” 813.35. I PAGE I ’WO IMANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 19B9. JEWELRY IS TINTtD t r PERFORMS OPERATION SCIENTISTS FIGHT CURTIS THRAU, OLD Los Angeles Exchange Is Vast BY ELECTRIC PROCESS i, State Briefs DIRECTED BY RADIO OBITUARY MENACE OF INSECTS RESIDENT, INJURED! New York. (AP) • Tungsten, j vA f ir ravo iiitt TONIGHT familiar in electric light filaments, BANQDET TONIGHT. Doctor on Another Ship Tells 1 Widely Known North End \\ Man Suffers Fracture of Hip now furnishes’beads of rare colors Captain What to Do to Help DEATHS in a development of the Jewelry in-1 Wim the Injured Sailor. Japanese Beetles Threaten In a Fall. The process resembles dipping the I ^ Chester, Pa., Nov. 26.— (AP)— XJugene J. Lemaire, Curtis Thrall, one of Manchester's drab metal in a rainbow and w'itli- i About 135 ^11 attend toe dinber Md Eugene J. Lemaire, age 28 years, All Growing Green drawing it coated with permanent ^ outstanding members of the A Norwegian sailor was brought to oldest and best kno\vn residents, is a hospital here today and was re­ former resident of Manchester, but at the Manchester Memorial hospi­ ^ Blue squad will receive their “Y" late of St. Albans, "Vt., died Novem­ This is illustrated in a glass tank ^or having play^ against Princeton ported to be recovering after an tal in a serious condition as a result emergency operation at sea by his ber 17, at his home in that city Things— In Many States. of a fall this morning in which his set up at toe Museum of toe Peace- or Harvard. played mght after a four days illness of pneu­ ful Arts here. Immersed in liquid games to Georgia and Har- captain under radioed instructions left hip was broken. from a physician aboard another monia. He is survived by his wife Mr. Thrall, who is 82 and has in the tank, a piece of the metal vard and tjdng with Maryland. Mai Sarah H. Lemaire, two daughters, lived in Manchester practically all becomes encircled with a ring of Stevens, head coach, captain ship many miles awaj-. Washington, Nov. 26.— (AP)—The The sailor, Kal Kahuna, a mem­ Cecile 6, and Jeanette 5, one son Department of Agriculture in its of his life, has been retired for sev­ glowing, color when an electric cur- ; “Firpo Greene, W. L. Paul, i^an- Eugene 2 1-2, his father T. Lemsiire, rent is turned on. The colors pass ager and J. Holbrook, assistant ber of toe crew of toe Norwegian war on America's greatest peace­ eral years from his trade as a two brothers, Arthur and Joseph, painter and has been making his successively through every shade. ; manager will be among the honor freighter Tela, w’as injured in­ and two sisters, Mary and Alice time enemies, food destroying in- home at a boarding house on North They are due to a film forming guests. ^ ternally last week during a storm Lemaire. secd.s, has scored a signal victory in Main street. Il has-been his cus­ rapidly over the tungsten surface, ; Nine games wall be played next 500 miles off the Delaware Capes. The funeral was held Tuesday, its own backyard, the City of Wash­ tom for several months past, after an oxide, made of oxygen combined . season, He w'as hurled about the deck when November 19, with services at Holy heavy waves swept the ship and ington. breakfast, to visit the tailor shop of wdth toe metal. It is like rust on | . . . ! . . Angels Church, and burial was in Over S,00U Japanese beetles, sin­ Frank Sadlack at 241 North Main iron, except that it is intensely | NEiV WTIC MANAGER Captain Thoraldsen sent a radio Mount Calvary cemetery. Mr. Le­ gularly rapacious bugs with a street, there to read the paper and ju^rd. ' Hartford, Nov. 26.— (AP.)—An- message for aid as there was no maire will be remembered by his highly developed la.-rlc lor anything doctor aboard the Tela. look after the store while Mr. • i I I » The film is semi-transparent, so * nouncement was made today by the many friends and acquaintances as that is green and growing, found Sadlack went out for breakfast that light reflects both from its sur- Travelers Insurance Co., of the ap- The physician of another vessel manager of The Great Atlantic and their way into the department s about 8 o’clock. l i i . - " *■ I face and from the metal underneath, pointment of Paul M. Morency, advised an immediate operation and Pacific Tea Go’s, store at 125 Spruce little green traps in Washington, This morning Mr. Thrall went and the reflected light waVes over- : manager of field service of the Na- instructed Captain Thoraldsen what street. many of them within the green . there as usual. He looked badly lap and break up into colors. | tional Association of broadcasters to do. Kabuna was taken off when hedge which surrounds the White i and seemed somewhat feeble but he The color depends on thickness of a.s general manager of radio station his ship reached toe quarantine sta­ House itself. i sat in his usual chair and the tailor the oxide coat. The electricity can WTIC, Hartford, to become effec- tion at Marcus Hook today and, in While the department doesn't ! went out. Mr. Sadlack was gone for be snapped off at any desired color, tive December 1. the opinion of hospital physicians FUNERALS feel that it caught all the beetles about ten minutes, when he re­ here, will recover. m Washington during the past sea­ which remains permanent, unless^ Morency is widely known in the turned, he found Mr. Thrall lying washed wdth a caustic solution. ' radio field. In his official work with Donald E. Johnson son, the number of potential de­ on the floor. He was able to talk Tantalum, and columbium, a still the National Association it has i scendants of the 8,000 would mount and said that he had started to The funeral of Donald E. John­ into astronomical figures. The se­ rarer metal, are said to take ex- been his duty in toe last two years 1 ARREST EMBEZZLER son was held at his late hoiiae in cross the room when he fell to the quisite collor effects. Tantalum is j to visit all the major radio trans- vere check to the advance guard ot floor. Dr. LeVerne Holmes was ■Wapping yesterday afternoon. Rev. the insect lead.s the department used for making necklaces, brace-1 mitters of the coimtry and study ! Harry E. Miner, of the Wapping called and took Thrall to the Man­ lets and other jewelry. ! their------methodsi and policies. officials to believe that eventual vic­ chester Memorial hospital where it Uniontown, Pa., Nov. 26.—(AP) — Federated church, officiated and tory in the beetle battle is not a was found that the hip was frac­ J. "V. Thompson, former wealthy coal burial was in toe Wapping ceme­ faint hope. HOLD AUTO THIEF tery. The bearers were Walter N. tured. Becajise of his advanced I Darien, Nov. 26—• (AP)— Lieut operator and banker, was released Birds Disappearing. age ^ his condition is considered on $20,000 bond on a charge of em­ Foster, William E. Felt, Donald J. The specialists of the government BIG CHURCH-HOTEL I John Kelly of the Providence police Grant and Charles Johnson. critical. 1 left here today with John A. Cun- bezzlement today. Wanted also on have faced no more worthy foe a contempt of court charge, he wa.e I than the .lapancse beetle since birds I The board room of the new Los -Vngelcs stock e.xchange (ahoTc) is j ningham. 27, of Tusca, Wyoming, I second in size to (hat of the New York exchange. The exterior has New York, Nov. 26.— (AP.) — released to the custody of his attor-1 were killed off in the United States | The cornerstone of a 25-story com­ confessed auto theif, after the lat- to such an e.Ktent that insects be-, GOVERNOR APPOINTS i a five-story front and a 13-story backset. I ter had changed his first statement ney. ABOUT TOWN bination church and hotel, to, be Thompson was arersted on a train came a present instead of a po- | erected on the site of the Manhat­ 1 that he had stolen an automobile tential menace to all growing j belonging to the Guernsey "West­ at Altoona last night after authori­ Tall Cedars of Lebanon at their DISTRICT COMMISSION tan Congregational church, which brook Company, of Providence. He things. Its appetite isn't finicky. Los Angeles.— (API—The ntw ties had sought him for nearly two meeting last night furthered plans I stood for more than 30 years o n, took the car in Hartford Sunday years. He w’as alleged to have em­ It will eat most anything from oak ' ------! Los Angeles Stock exchange build­ lAMERlCAN FINANCIERS Broadway between 76th and 77th | for their New Year’s Eve Frolic to ! night he admitted. bezzled more than $200,000 from the be held in the Masonic Temple, Dec. tree foliage to strawberry plants 26. - (A P ,~ ing, which now is rising in Spri.ig streets, was ^laid iDday. Cunningham said that he- w'as in­ street, vill contain a board room estate of John Niccolls, of Union- 31. Plans were also completed for ^"^Alon- with Its cousin uuce re- I Formal announcement of the ap- ! AID IN BRAZIL LOAN All but five stories of the build­ toxicated at toe time and in ex­ towm, father of the former Lyda a cerenaonlal here on December 23. mo^4d “ The Asiatic beetle, the pointments to the new y-created second in size to that of the ing Trill be used for toe hotel, to plaining toe badly battered condi­ Niccolls, Princess of Thurn and Japanese beetle is hard to find un- Hartford ^Metropolitan distr^c .c^^^^^^ New York Stock exchange. be knowm as Manhattan Towers, it tion of toe new machine he said Taxis. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. LyooB of HI hP has caused damage, and mission was made by (jovernor The board room, which will be New York, Nov. 26.— (AP) will be open, the Rev. Dr. Edward that he had collided with a Boston- Thompson, who is 75 years old, Barker street, Hartford announce L’en harder to kill. One depart-1 Trumbull this afternoon. Appoint­ separated from the building’s main Negotiations have been completed, Henry Emett, pastor, said today, New York bus somewhere on toe the marriage of their daughter, entrance only by a lobby, will b? it was announced today, for grant- route but failed to stop after the I went into banruptcy nearly 15 years ment official humorously remarked; ments are as follows: “to those persons who express a j ago. His liabilities were said to Marie Elizabeth, to John P. Hutch­ that the only wav to get rid of one ■ For two years, from tow ns. Oliver 70 feet wide, 94 feet long and .'"lO! ing a short term credit of 2,000,000 belief in the principles of the accident. inson, son of Mr. and Mrs.- P. J. high. This provides 6,500 square j rounds (about $10,000,000) to the I have been approximately $65,000,- M them was to “sneak up on him, E. Filley, Republican, Bloomfield; Christian church.’’ 000 Hutchinson of Linden street. The Charles A. Goodwin, Republican, #eet of floor space. -----state- of— ---- Sao------Paulo,------Brazil,. by a- Dr. Emett said the combined ho­ LITTLE WORK PLANNED. . couple was married in New York hit him with a stick and stun him. Stamford, Nov. 26.— (AP)-^Be­ then choke him to death. Hartford; George W. Hanbury, Re- Rectangular in shape, it will have London banking syndicate, in which tel and church building was in. line April 27, 1929. publican, Newington; Alfred W. | the corners cut at angles to pro-! several American banking houses with the policy of the church as a cause of the approach of winter, Has Sense of Smell. preveating road construction work. NEW BRIT.YIN’S PLANS. While the bug has no sense of Hanmer, Republican, Wethersfield: | yj,tg ^ readable board, which w ill; will participate. servant of the commimity. DENIED REINSTATEMENT. propriety, as evidenced by his ef- j C. A. Dickinson, Republican, Wind encircle the room. Six trading post.s 1 The Rev. Henry A, Stimson, pas­ Mayor W. W. Graves of Stamford said today that litUe can be done in New Britain, Nov. 26.—(AP) — fort to get to the shrubs and trees , sor. ■ and a central desk will occupy cen- J bills of the state of Sao Paulo aud, tor-emeritus and uncle of the sec­ This city plans expenditure of ap­ Waterbury, Noy. 26.—(AP)—At­ In the White House grounds, he For two years, at large; _ Kenneth , positions, while walnut i it- "’as announced, the bankers have retary of state, officiated. response to President Hoo\ er s ap­ torney Joseph C. (Guilfoile, bretoer peal for states and municipalities proximately $125,000 in the develop­ of Mayor Francis P. Guilfoile. was does have a sense of smell, and this ■ F. Cramer. Republican, V\ethers booths will be set at intervals along' satisfied themselves that the gov- ment of public works projects in olfactory sense, entomologists b e-! field; Norman C. Stevens, Repu^li- the sides of toe room. I eminent has already taken steps to to plan w’ork to avoid unemploy- denied reinstatement to toe prac­ can, Hartford; John B. Stewart, Re­ ! ment. Bids are out for the im- keeping with the policy of President tice of law in a decision made today lieve. will lead to his downfall. De­ The board will be designed i'or|Pe^™it an increase in the dai y en- CITIES NEED POWER Hoover. partment officials have found that publican, Windsor: Thomas -A. automatic equipment. which w ill! ‘°to the Port ot Santos of I provement of Summer street here, by Judge John Richarda Booth of Shannon, Democrat, Hartford: John , „ ______I coffee available for export totaling! ------I and will be opened next week. As The municipal subject includes; toe Superior Court. He was Sus­ certain odorous mixtures will at­ Confining the waters of Willow tract him, even into the traps lead- Markham. Democrat. Hartford. nmik up quotations raechanicall\., 30,000 and 40,000 bags, and I Wa.shington, Nov. 26.—iAP.)— i' muenmuch 01 of inai.that workwul«. as - can------be- done pended last May by Judge Edwin C. For years, at large: Marshall J. i.sp acing e pic uiesquc that the government is now work- I Mayor Edwards of Seattle. wired\ during the winter will be rushed m Brook; construction of an approacn Dickenson after a hearing In a ins:g toTO hisnis destruction.uesLii J, IT' mai'kersmaikers who ooperated wi c laj.v: • ^g^^j with the pres- Secretarv Adams aud Senator,' response to the president’s appeal. to the municipal World War memor­ TheIIIC JapaneseU 0.^0. U beetle is------as widely^ .i ------Bradley,, Republican1. Bloomfield. E. hgadohones 1 ing out a plan to deal with the pres- Secretary Adams aud Senator [ response to the president s appeal. charge preferred by the New Haven traveled asL theti,» MediterraneanMAriitPrranean fruit | Welles Eddy,Eddv. Repubhean.Renubhcan, Newnng- „ ana„ neaapnones. - , ■ ent situation "with a view to facili- Jones, Republican, Washington, to- ‘ ial shaft, .and replacing an obsolele county Bar Association grievance The street frontage section of ri-e: ^^.g gradual liquidation of day assurances that unnecessary; AGED PRlSONSaS- FREED bridge at ’Black Rocli. committee. flv which the department is fight-1 ton; Walter F. Hastings, Republi- iiil/'lirro* 1-mf o r\-r*xr rl/i_ . . ^ . . . ^ .. _ Nov. 26.—(AP) — ing in -----Florida. Originatina _ in' can. - Windsor:---- Fred S. r-oGarrison. building wall be but a five-story do-1 , j^rge _ accumulation of coffee | delivery of electrical power in Seat-' New Haven, Japan he entered this country in Democrat, Hartford: Herman P. ■ sign of architecture, while the nianjnian ,; gtQAi.-g ti,„ interior.interior.’’ tintie wnnkiwould bnbe “n.nt“cut tnto thnthe hnnn"bone’’ . if Ij The pleading of public drfen^r New Jersey several years ago arrtl Koppleman, Democrat, Hartford. I backset will rise 13 stories, the Los ■ ■piig London syndicate is compos- the Navy Department authorized: Peter Frenchl, his - since that time has been seeking For six years at large; James H. | Angeles height limit. [ ^d of J. Henry Schroder & Co., the airplane carrier Lexington to erous others has won a re out new scenery in widely separated Brester, Jr., Republican, Hartford: ...... - - ‘Baring Brothers & Co., Ldt., and generate power for Seattle and iniprisonment ^ parts of the country, having re­ Edward Milligan, Republican, Hart­ rv 1 rx.m.nn 1 Flothschild & Sons. The i Tacoma. ' rich, middle-aged stock broker of cently been discovered' almost sim­ ford: John T- Welles, Republican,^il D AlITniiRAPHS niMFS banking group assisting I Edwards said Mayor Newbegin, j this city, juSt m time for ^ J. U. / i u i u u u m n j I/IITILO | toe notation of toe loan consists! ultaneously in Norfolk. Virginia, Wethersfield; Philip B. Gale. Demo- 1 of Tacoma, would give similar a s-! to his family . j cipnt 29 WEDNESDAY ONLY to-, and Providence. P.hode Island. The crat, Bloomfield; L. LeRoy Reddick, ' I of Speyer & Co., J. Henry Schroder i siirances I Goodrich was sentenced Sept. 2», plant control and quarantine admin­ Democrat, Newington. J! Bc.nking~ Corp., Brncamerica-Blair 1 two cities are confronted i 1^27. to serve five years or cm ez^ istration is now considering the ad­ Camden. N. J., Nov. 26—(AP) — 1 Corp.. Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co.. | ^-jth a shortage of electricity du^-' ^ visability of extending a quarantine FORD QUITS SCHOOL BO.VKl V I John D. Rockefeller is autographing ! E. H. Rollins & Sons, the Equitable fA w . y-ater at hvcl-o electric' Company and admitted against the pest to both Rhode Is­ his shiny, gift dimes now. Trust Company of New York, In-' lawfully taking $12,900 of toe cor- land and to the ricinity around Dearborn, Nov. 26.— (AP) — Henry j This— ■became known- today,• ■ when ■ '■ Is^'state T Trust'— Co., —1and *!__ the Inter- ,1 I poration’s funds. Norfolk. Parts of Virginia adjacent Ford. Dearborn’s wealthiest citizen Wilbur Campbell, bellboy at the [ national Acceptance Bank. Amster- ' ^ ” 1 G-nndrtcil WcLS 5S WllCD. S6Ht6IlC6u. to Washington and to Maryland resigned last night from the lot Walt Whitman hotel, exhibited a dam and Stockholm bankers also ROBBEDi w u u w CRASHv i m m i VICTIM TII,1I1H look that “ fact “ ."““f into already are under regulation as new dime given him yesterday by will participate in the loan. local board of education because ___ I consideration in releasing him from well a.s Delaware. Pennsylvania, some citizens of this small commun­ the oil magnate. Mr. Rockcfollcv New York, Connecticut and parts ity resented his non-attendance at and his son were at the hotel for a Roche.ster, N. Y., Nov. 23--(API i custody in charge of probation of Massachusetts. short time, remaining for luncheon. An anxious mother’s request to ; officer Louis Leyerzapf. Long Battle Lines. board meetings. Mr. Ford had been CREW RESCUED a trustee of the school district lor Mr. Rockefellers hand touched . police for assistance in finding her | ------, rk-«r-v-fr The lines of the depai Lment’s bat­ Campbell’s when the later opened : missing son started an investiga- ; DEATH DUE TO .ACCIDENT tle against bugs can be found in IS years and was regarded by many the door. The. bellboy found a ■tion which today rcsiJted in ; .tVnsonia, Nov. 26.—(AP.)—An- school electors as an honorary mem­ e,vcrv part of the country. In addi­ shiny dime in iii.s palm but \\’aa |, Lonuon,0 ...... Nov. . 26.---lA...... P .)—After ...... --i°^ .youthVix an CJ..- iX twoCWU companions ; drew Marchuk, aiULUllUn, 35 OCI years old, died----- tion‘to the fight against the beetles ber of the board. He had not al- amazed when he saw that a bit of I a night of horror an amid raging seas criminal' chargeschargies wliich included jt earlyAaritt todayinHpv in Griffin hospital from and the there is constant leiidcd meetings for several years blue ribbon wa.s a^'.tocbed to it, T-^ Ii anaand lorreniiaitorrential rams,rains, the greauergreater ■i •^bc ------robbery______of a womai accident j the effects____ of - „gas poisoning.. He warfare against the corn borer in but sent his personal representative bearing the autograph of John D. i y < X L \ , KJL the L l i C crew’ C I C V Y of U i. the t U C steamship O WC day. 1 judges and clerks to attend tin: ca.scs thev; have , to be .satisfied with iI Sion . at Vvinsted was illegal under a I fimeral services for Judge Donald mere control instead ot cxLcrmina- 1 ..... , ? t 1 tion.. aso in the A-c-Acase Af ot tho toe v,oii0011 wee- ! recent . statute, . J counsel . a . ic for Joseph T. W’arner, retired judge of the I Costa, serving a 10 to 15 year sen- Superior Court, who died at his JOLTING HUMAN STARTLING! ■ i tence at State’s Prison, have noted The Return of the Prodigals! home in Salisbury on Sunday. MELODRAMA GRIPPING! an appeal. He was guilty of pro­ The funeral services are being (JI EEN o r BELGUdM ILL. curing men to dynamite the home of held in Salisbury this afternoon. Prosecuting Attorney Thomas Wall Bni.ssels, Nov. 2 6 .-( AP ( — (.iue'in of Torrington. ASSESSORS TO MEET. Elizabeth of Belgium was confined Counsel claims the recently en­ Hartford, Nov. 26.— (AP) fax WOMAN TRAP to her room today suffering from a acted statute says sessions of the Commissioner William H. Blodge.i. -----v.itli------chill. She was unable to attend tl,e Superior Court in Litchfield county today extended invitations to the as­ memorial service for the late Count can only be held in the town of was in t‘ic sessors of forty-nine towns of east­ HAL SKELLEY EVELYN BRENT ■-ind of Flandcr.s, at wliicn | Litchfield Costa’s ti'ial ern Connecticut, iu Tolland Ne\’( CHESTER MORRIS King Albert and uthei- inenilDcrs Superior Court of Litchiicid county London and Windham counties, ii>r the royal family wcie pre.sent. in the town of W'insted. an informal conference to be field SHE FOR(GED ONE BROTHER TO ARREST HIS OWN at the W’indham town hall m Wid.- BROTHER. THAT IS “WOMAN TRAP.” mantic. Monday afternoon at 1 WHAT A PICTURE! 3906518835091904514 o’clock. The conference will be similar to I" toe one held of Hartford county as­ sessors at the state capitol Novem­ I RAINBOW INN and | ber 18. GIVEN STATE JEWS TO MEET V ' . -VT*. Hartford. Nov. 26.—(AP.)—The AWAY r o' organization of Jewish communi­ I NIGHT CLUB | ties throughout the state in older I. to promote Jewish education and LB6/T/mA}^ to develop synagogue life will be Susi^ss started at a conference of rabbis at WEDNESDAY EVENING nMFa/W/ Emanuel Synagogue here tomor­ I Thanksgiving Dinner Menu | row under the auspices of the EXTRA ADDED ATTRACTION United Synagogue of America. It A LARGE NUMBER OF PLUMP, TENDER, I CHICKEN SOCl’ llOKS d’OEUVRES | will be the first conference of its CAREFLTLLY SELECTED TURKEYS WILL kind ever held in C-onnecticut and BE GI’VEN AWAY FROM THE STAGE. I ROAST NATIVE TURKEY | will inaugurate a movement that will spread eventually to practical­ ALSO I CRAXRERRY SAUCE | ly every state in the country, Rabbi Morris Silverman of Emanuel Syn­ BASKETS FILLED WITH ALL THE GOOD THINGS FOR I -MASHED J’OTATO .MASHED TURNIP | agogue said today. THE THANKSGIVING DINNER—EACH BASKET CON­ TAINING A DUCK OR A CHICKEN! I ROLLS' I PLAN NOW TO BE THERE! ! p MINCE OR SQUASH PIE | DANCE P TEA COFFEE MILK | THANKSGIVING EVE .VT THE THANKSGIVING DAY ONLY Princess Ballroom A FEAST OF GOOD ENTERTAINMENT! I $1.75 Per Piate | ROCKVILLE DOROTHY MACKAILL = 12:30 NOON TO MIDNIGHT MUSIC = To the Music of AND A SUPPORTING CAST OF STARS IN THE PLANTATION i DANCE AT RAINBOW DANCE PALACE e l a c a e :_:-s Fresented by CONTINUOUS SHOW THANKSGIVING DA'S I WEDNESDAY NIGHT THE LI’CKY SIX C. Dancing 9 to 1 o’clock. Admission 30c fiiiiimimimiiimmiiimmiiimiiuiimmmmimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTJ i rrf-i ■V\-^


'4 SAYS BONESEHERS'" EMERGENCY DOCTORS VERSATILE SOLOIST Doctors Limdberg and Weldon will be on call tomorrow after­ QiJ'litt'a you can ajforxi to l>uy f^ooJ GOT $300 FROM HIM noon. GUEST OF G C L ^S North Ender Regrets Three ABOUT TOWN Harold Branch, Radio Sing­ "N *All roads er, on Program Next Visits to Danhury Pair The first candy Instruction class i at the East Side Rec will be held ! from 2:15 to 4:00 Friday afternoon Tuesday Night. lead to Keiths* Now in Much Trouble. I with Miss Gertrude E. Fenerty in charge. Maqy have already enroll­ ed. Harold Branch, National Broad- Tony Kuczynski, of 89 Union , , T 'Z u- • VI. casting Company artist, who will street is one of the victims of mciuuimMemorial i^ugc,Lodge, xvxii8u..aKnights ""(appearo f , on the P y second annual con the Smigalas, "bonesetters of Dan­ Pythias wiU hold lU regular meet- »PP q bury." both of whnm are now in ]dll tng in the B^ch Md Brown hall to- Tuesday evening, December Tomorrow awaiting trial berore the next term morrow evening. A social with light 3 at High School Auditorium, shar­ of the Superior Court, of Fairfield refreshments will follow the busi- ing it with Emil Heimberger’s six- County, for llegal practice of medi-; ness. ___ piece ensemble and the chorus, comes to Manchester with a repu­ Evening cine and are also being Yesterday’s basketball games tation as one of the most versatile loss of an arm > f ^ Hollister street school singers in radio, having made a suc­ tient.s. * 1 gym resulted in wins for 8B Hollls- cess on both classical and popular John and Kolman bmigalas, - j ^11 6th grade All-North programs. er and son. gained fame as bone by the score: 21-7, and for at 730 setters, although John had been a Green School over Hollister hatter and Kolman a waiter, until score: 9-8. comparatively recently. The belief that the pair had an uncanny gift ol -ppe Wednesday evening card healing attracted many patients to • party at St. James's hall will be | Danbury, where they paid big prices | held tonight instead of tomorrow ' for the Smigalas’ services. j night on account of the approach of | Kuczynski has a son who ac Thanksgiving. Whist, bridge and ; Our Annuel infected ankle. He took the boy to setback will be played with poultry Danbury, making three trips, eacii for the men’s prizes. Playing will time the boy seemed worse, inas­ start promptly at 8 o’clock. A much as he paid $100 for each visit drawing will be held on the tur­ key for which the ladies have been PRIZE TURKEY DRAWING he decided after the third one, that canvassing. Mrs. Nelson L’Heureux he had enough in the way of ex­ is charman, and her assistants are Each year there’s one night that we are open when selling furni­ pense if nothing in the way of Ini- Mrs. William Fitzgerald. Mrs. p.-ovement.______. rr. Tony______is considering,..clXAr-lna. he: McVeigh, Mrs. Patrick ture plays second fiddle—and that’s the night of our Prize Turkey ' said, of placing his case in the hand.s p^gperson. Miss Mary Egan, J. W. | Drawing. Everything indicates that this year’s will be the best of a lawyer and see if can’t get some ; pQjgy and M. F. Dillon. r ever. Three big turkeys and a whole supply of Thanksgiving gro­ of his money back. ^ ♦ ----- j ' Miss Gertrude Berggren will sing ceries are ready to know their fate. There’ll be loads of fun—and I this evening from Station WEAF at j profit, too, if you hold a lucky number. Here are the rules: All HIGH SCHOOL ASSEMBLY j 8 o’clock with a women’s octet in | I a program of songs of the season. | ticket stubs must be deposited in the box provided for them tomorrow night. No prize will be awarded unless the holder of the lucky num­ IS IN FORM OF REVUE The Manchester Trust conipany I announces that the bank , will be ber is present. ’I’o relieve congestion children unaccompanied by open tomorrow evening from 5 to adults will not be admitted. Regular as to Mu-1 Harold Branch SIC and Amplitude ot (jirls, | cash their payroll It is said of Branch that he can This Entertainment. checks. sing with the National Grand Opera Company one night and win the un­ — The a.ssembly program at the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuhr who seen audience immediately after in Everyone Invited Don’t Miss It High School this afternoon initiated a few months ago moved to their ensemble or solo work of lighter a bit of a diversion in the nature of new home on Fern street, were veins. ‘‘I like every kind of music a musical revue. Gertrude Gerard tendered a surprise housewarming and want to do the popular as well and Virginia Lowell and a chorus party Saturday evening by a large as more serious scores since there of fifteen girls, jauntily attired in party of friends from New York, is a public which enjoys both,” ex­ sailor costume, appeared in the Norwich, Hartford, Wapping and plains Mr. Branch. opening number to the strains of this town. The time passed merriiy Perhaps the secret of his ver­ ‘‘What A Day." with dancing, games and music. A satility goes back to his boyhood Next came Winston Bendall in a buffet lunch was served. Their when he sang as boy soprano in a trumpet solo, with ‘‘Big City Blues” guests brought for Mr. and Mrs. church in Canon City, Colorado dnd as his number: Gertrude Gerard re­ Kuhr’s new home a handsome “filled in” every sort of Musical Opposite School ceived a deserved round of plaudits bridge lamp. role. His whole musical education for a solo clog dance. Maurice was given him by his father, who South MancJiesfei’ MacKeever appeared with an inter­ Leslie Buckland, son of Mr. andj^ag an instructor of voice. Pre- pretation of Eddie Cantor’s ‘‘Horns Mrs Forest Buckland who live in viously the family had lived in Ash- on Automobiles." the southwest section of the town, is tabula, Ohio, where Harold Branch At this juncture a chorus attired expected home tomorrow from was born, and after two years In in true costumes faultlessly execut­ Westminster school, Simsbury, for the West, his parents moved to ed a difficult routine with ‘‘Ain’t Thanksgiving vacation. He gradu­ Cleveland. Misbehavin’ ’’ as the orchestral se­ ated in Jime from the Manchester For ten years the promising lection. A special orchestra young singer studied and appeared entertained with ‘‘Tip-Toc Through High school. both as solist and with vocal en­ sembles in Cleveland. He was made the Tulips” and ‘‘Evangeline.’’ The old horse sheds in the rear of In order appeared Carle Cubber- a member of a municipal club quar­ the Second Congregational church, tet, appearing regularly at the --- ley in a songalogpie entitled ‘‘My about the last-pf the kind left in 4 pfd * '25 Pal”: Su.san Allen and Virginia Cleveland Auditorium. In 1924 he Standard Screw ...... 110 — Manchester will be fully rernoved made his radio debut in Cleveland Lowell, harmonizing ‘‘Sleepy Val­ before the end of the year. All bdt Stanley Wks x Stk Div 41 47 ley” and ‘‘Am I Blue”: and Winston and since then has broadcast regu­ I Local Stocks Taylor & Fenn ...... 115 — one section of the horse sheds has larly. He^came to the NBC in 1928. Ship Arrivals Bendall and Maurice MacKeever been knocked down and at present (Furnished by Putnam & Co.) Torrington ...... 65 68 pnder the caption of the ‘‘Rah, Rah, a new fence is being bulk along the Underwood ...... 100 102 Boys from Bolton” with a mixture Central Row, Hartford, Conn. Union Mfg Co ...... 18 22 of song and chatter. north line. HIGH COURT RULING Arrived: 1 P. M. Stocks, U S Envelope, com .. 200 — Nov. In the Final appeared the entire “Stores that don‘t get into print,” Berengaria, Southampton, Bank Stocks. do, pfd ...... 110 — company, to the music of Paint­ a revelation of the sordid, the hu­ 26 from New York. Veeder Root ...... 37 39'% UPHOLDS JUDGE ELLS Bid Asked — ing the Clouds With Sunshine,” ap­ morous, and the tragic oftimes de­ Augusta, New York, Nov. 26, Whitlock Coil Pipe . . . 17 propriately costumed. The per- nied the general public, proved of Naples. Bankers Trust Co .. 325 — XX—Ex rights. ' sonell of ‘the chorus w-as; Hazel Alaunia, New York, Nov. 26, City Bank and Trust 525 Rogers, Susan Allen, Virginia interest to the Men’s Friendship Club of the South Methodist church Bridgeport, Nov. 26 — (AP) — Southampton. Cap Nat B&T ...... 450 Lowell, Peggy Quinn, Eleanor Rob­ Thomas Delmonto, 23, of Water- Sailed: Conn, ^tlydr . .. ,i... 425 ertson, Harriet Cheney, Barbara last night. City Editor Ronald H. Ferguson, explained the Intricacies bury, now serving a four year and St. Louis, Hamburg, Nov. 26 for First Bonid and Mtg Badmington, Dorothy Hultman, nine months to five years sentence Htfd Conn. Trust .. N.Y. Stocks Beatrice Perrett, Marlon Rippen, of the average daily newspaper in New York. all its departments and gave the escapes an additional penalty of 30 ■Volendam, Rotterdam, Nov. 26, First Nat Htfd ___ 230 Lucy Waddell, Virginia Straughn, years as a habitual criminal Land Mtg and Title 40 Margery Behrend, Betty Mc.Gill, club members a close-up of what New York. through a decision of the Supreme Conte Biancamano, Naples, Nov. Mutual B&T ...... 240 Alleg Corp ...... 23•j. Bessie Quinn, and Lucile Murphy. they don't usually read on the print­ Am Bosch M a g ...... 32*..(i ed page. Following the address, re­ Court of Errors returned in Hart­ 26, New York. New Brit Trust .... 200 Gertrude Gerard effectively ford. Monday. Riverside Trust .... 600 Am Can ...... 115 V4 coached the choruses. Arland Jen­ freshments of ice-cream and cookies Delmonto and four others were Am and For P o w ...... 73% were served and volley ball was en­ West Htfd T ru st.... 400 kins of the faculty was the director. arrested in Bridgeport on October Bonds. Am Internat...... 39 joyed by both the young and still- 1, 1928, when search of their car M’CLUSKEY SHOWS BRAIN Am Pow and Lt ...... 83 young members. Team A showed Htfd & Conn West ... 95 revealed three loaded guns. All East Conn Pow 5s . .. 100 103 Am Rad Stand San ...... 33',* t h a n k^ vIng^ r a m the oldsters a few tricks from their were convicted in the Criminal Su­ Am Roll Mill ...... 7914 side of the net, but only after a AS WELL AS LEG POWER Conn L P 7 s ...... 116 118 perior Court in December 1928. Conn L P 5'/2S...... 105 108 Am Smelt ...... 71% genuine but futile struggle. The State attempted to have Del­ Conn L P 4',is ...... 98 100 Am Sugar ...... 61 IN EIGHTH’S SCHOOLS monto held as an habitual criminal Am T apd T ...... 220% i Barber shops throughout the Htfd Hyd 5s ...... 102 105 upon a claim that he had been twice Helps Debating Team Win on Insurance Stocks. Am 'Water Wks ...... 80% Thanksgiving exercises held, . , bothur,fVi ' town w'ill be closed all day Thurs- before convicted. Judge Arthur F. Same Day 'That He Broke a Aetna Casualty ...... 145 Anaconda ...... 76% morning and afternoon in schools day. Ells ruled against the State, hold­ Aetna Insurance ...... 545 Atl Ref ...... 41 la ing that one of the convictions was Running Record. B and O ...... 117% of the Eighth District began this The Knights of Columbus held a ''Aetna Life ...... 98 to a Federal penitentiary and there­ Automobile , ...... 42 Bendix Aviat ...... 32 morning in the Hollister street card party in their rooms last fore not embraced under the sta­ Proving that he is not only a school by pupils of the second and lixCcnn. General ...... 1100 Beth Steel ...... 89% night. James D. Burke was the win­ tute of this state relating to habi­ good athlete but a brilliant student Burr Add M ch ...... 43 third grades with a play in three ner of the prize turkey of the eve­ tual criminals. as w'ell, Joseph P. McCluskey of 40 do, rts ...... 53 We don’t claim to know it all but acts, entitled. “A Story of Thanks­ xxdo, n, $10 par W.I. 115 Canadian Pac ...... »199 (ve do know that we can diagnose T o w m a ning. State’s Attorney William H. Corn- Foster street captured high honors Cerro De P a sco ...... 61% BATTERfl giving.” ley appealed, claiming errors in Hartford Fire ...... 750 most of the ailments of a motor car 2 4 H R . in an Intercollegiate debate be­ do, rts ...... 11 Chrysler ...... , ...... 32'4 The first act is laid in England Judge Ells’ decision on that ques­ tween Fordham and New York Uni­ SERVICE and fix them. We can assure you do, new, W. 1..... 75 Col Gks and El ...... 70% that you wlon’t be taking any SERVICt as the Pilgrims are about to leave MRS. CLARK ADD^SSES tion. Supreme Court Justice John versity only a few hours after he Col Graph ...... 26 their native land for Holland in an W. Banks returned the opinion of Htfd Steam Boiler . .. 575 chances in leaving your car with us outsprinted a field of eighty con­ National Fire ...... 72 Coml Inv T r u st...... 40',* effort to worship God in their own no error on Monday. testants to win the thirteenth an­ Comwlth and South ...... 13'/* to be fixed. way without molestation. The sec­ SOCIEH ON JAPAN Lincoln National ...... — [r e p a i r nual inter-collegiate three-mile Phoenix Fire ...... 73 Consol Gas .. . . ; ...... 97 ',* ond act is laid in Hplland followed freshman race at Van Cortlandt Con tin Can ...... 52% I NO- by their historic arrival on the ENOUGH CO.\L FOR YEARS Travelers ...... 1325 w ^ark in New York yesterday in ad­ Public Utility Stocks. Corn P ro d ...... % GARAGE bieak shores of Cape Cod, and Mary’s Girls Friendly society Washington. Nov. 26—(AP)—Re­ dition to setting a new course rec­ Conn. Elec Sve ...... 90 100 Curtiss Wright ...... 8% ER N EST A. ROY. PROP. their meeting with the Indians. fgUowed a brief business meeting in serves of anthracite coal under­ ord. Conn. Power ...... 102 105 Du Pont De Nem ...... 110% Nine Indians made up the enter- parish house last evening with RHONE NO. 3151 OR 8159 ground were said today by the Immediately after the race, Mv- do, pfd ...... 110 — Elec Pow and Lt ...... 40'* tainment for that first Thanksgiv- fiiustrated lecture on Japan, Bureau of Mines to be ample for Cluskey, former Herald newsboy, do, rts ...... 18',^ 19'* Erie ...... 55% 1 COR NO. MAIN 6^ INU. SCHOOL S IS. ing dinner in their tribal dancing, given by the wife of the curate. many years in the future. hustled off to his room and brush­ Hartford El Lt ...... 98 101 Gen Elec ...... 214 M’ANCHESTER , CONN. During the first and second acts ]^j.g Alfred Clark. A large number At the end of 1922 unmined re­ ed up a bit on the facts he had pre­ do, vtc ...... 90 101 Gen Foods ...... 50% ------^ ------members of the cast outlined the i friends of the members and serves were estimated at 16,000,- pared for the debate. McCluskey Greenwich W&G pfd. 94 Gen Gas and El A ...... 79 desires of the little religious body I parishioners attended. Mrs. Clark is 000,000 tons, of which 9,000,000.000 spoke as “lead-off” on the Ford- Hartford Gas ...... • 70 80 Gen Motors ...... '...... 39'i of Pilgrims and between the sec-1 very familiar with the customs and tons could be recovered by methods ham negative team and his argu­ do, pfd ...... — 60 Gold Dust ...... 39% ond and third, acts a dance by j traditions of Japan and her talk now in use, and since in 1928 pro­ ments were, instrumental in influ­ S N E T Co ...... 163 173 Grigsby Grunow ...... 18',^ eight girls with a bacivground of | was listened to with the closest at- duction totr.led only 67,000,00 tons encing the. judges to vote for Ford- Manufacturing Stocks. Hershey Choc ...... 70 Holland, a little Dutch boy and I tention. The slides showing the dif- the bureau sees no change of seri­ ham. The subject of the debate in­ Acme Wire ...... 40 50 Int Combust ...... 11% girl. telling of the dangers of the [ ferent modes and places of worship ous depletion of stocks for a long volved the control of the water Am Hardware ...... 63 65 Int Harv ...... 80’^ t long western trip to America is and pictures of some of the bishops Int Nick Can ...... 29'/^ stand Brands ...... 28 time. power in New York state. Amer Hosiery ...... 30 — St Gas and El ...... 112 NOON STOCKS picturesque. were interesting. Mrs. Clark’s The bureau’s statement was is­ McCluskey was a prominent American Silver ...... 23 — Int T and T ...... '70'/i brother, Bishop Lea, is now located sued today after limited circulation Johns Mansville ...... ,...117% S O Cal ...... 61'4 member of the debating team Arrow H&H, com . . . 39 42 S O N J ...... 64% in Kyushu in the southern part of had been gjven this week to an old while at Manchester High. do, pfd ...... 100 105 Kan City S o u ...... : • • • 81 New York, Nov. 26.— (AP)— Japan and is doing wonderful work circular issued when the 1922 strike Kennecott ...... • • • 57 SONY ...... 35% Automatic Refrlger .. 4 — Stew War ...... 41 '* Professional profit-taking in prepa­ AT “GREEN” SCHOOL for the church. Home made candy had created an acute shortage of Bigelow Htfd, com . .. 83 86 Kreuger and Toll ...... 24% ration for the three day holiday this was sold during the evening and a the domestic sizes of anthractle. Lehigh Valley ...... 69 Studebaker ...... 44% APPROVES BUILDING PL.ANS do, pfd ...... — 105 Texas Corp ...... 56 week depressed stock prices in Ae An assembly was held in the silver collection *was received. The old announcement was ™ade Billings and Spencer . — 9 Mo Kan and T e x ...... ; • ■ • 38 '/* late forenoon trading today. Rail­ public in 1922 at the request of the Mont Ward ...... 57% Tex Gulf Sulph ...... 56% Manchester Green school this Hartford, Nov. 26—(AP)— The Bristol Brass ...... 27 32 Timken Det Axle ...... 15 road equipment and chain stqre morning. Thanksgiving songs being Federal fuel distributor in answer State tuberculosis comihlssion has do. pfd ...... 95 105 Nat Cash Reg A ...... 77% shares displayed moderate gains-’in to inquiries from householders using approved the final plans submitted Nat D a iry ...... 50'% Transcon Oil ...... 9 .sung by various groups, and the en­ AT ROOSEVELT SCHOOL large-sized anthracite who were un­ Collins Co ...... ;.. 105 — Union Garb ...... 78 the first hour, but increased offer­ tire school body. Grade 1, .sang a by Architects Kinne and' Palmer of Case, Lockwood & B . 525 — Nat Pow and L t ...... 31% ings of the coppers and utllifies able to obtain sufficient quantities Derby for a new infirmary building Nev Cop ...... Unit Aircraft ...... 43% group of four songs. “Armistice Colt’s Firearms ...... 26 28 Unit Corp ...... 30 turned the list heavy toward nooij. Day.” “The Owl”, “The Street Car” “Tommie’s Thanksgiving Party” due to the strike conditions. at Laurel Heights, Shelton. 'The Eagle Lock ...... 46 50 N Y Cent ...... 176% X. G. Shattuck, Safeway Stores, and “Thank.sgiving Day,” followed was given by pupils of the Roose­ plans will be submitted to the state N Y N H and H a r t...... 112 Unit Gas and Imp ...... 30 velt school this afternoon to a large Fafnir Bearing ...... 75 90 U S Freight ...... 96 American Locomotive, Westing- by the singing of “The Battle Cry B.ANDITS GET $10,000 board of finande and control' at its Fuller Brush Class A. — 18 Nor A m er...... 89% house Air Brake and New York gathering of parents and friends. meeting tomorrow. Packard Motors ...... 15% U S Realty and Im p ...... 67 of Freedom” by the school. Grade do,' aaas AA ...... — '^2 U S Rubber ...... 270 Air Brake moved up 2 to 3 points 3 entertained with a group of songs, The principals of the cast were: X, -KT . oc _The The new building when completed Hart & Cdbley ...... 160 — Pan Ami Pet B ...... 62’,^ in company with a few specialties, “Tag,” “Marching,” “Thanksgiving Ida Holman, Evelyn Foley, Bea­ Cincinnati, Provl- house 102 patients, and will Par Fam Lasky ...... “19% U S Steel ...... 166% Hartmann-^Tob, com . 14 — Util Pow and Lt A ...... 32 Including J. I. Case. Warren Bros., Day” and “Thanksgiving Pie.” An trice Weinsch, Stanley Katkauski, East Hill braimh Trust Com- Provide an auditorium, four wards do, 1st pfd ...... — 90 Penn R R ...... 84% Worthington Pump and Checker appropriate play, “Our Pilgrim Henry Brown, James Lloyd and dent------Savings- Bank and^ emonn hv^ two___ ’ and a ^ medical medical section. section. The The legis­ legls- Phil and Rdg C and Ir ...... 14 Warner Piet ...... 44% pany was robbod of y Intnrp hna nrmmvpH on ormrnnHa- Inter Silver ...... — 105 Westing Air ...... 47',* Cab, up 3 to 5 points. General Hliec- Fathers” was presented by grades George Grazladlo. lature has approved an appropria Landers, Frary & Cllc 65 67 Pub Serv N J*...... 7914 tric recovered a four point loss Geneva Maynard and Alice Kat­ men today. tion of $120,000 for this building, Westing El and Mfg ...... 134 3 and 4 closing with the singing of The robbers were in such a hurry Mann & Bow, Class A. 14 17 Radio Corp ...... 34% Then slipped back to its early lev§. the “Thanksgiving Song” by the kauski spoke on the subject: “Point bf which $100,0000 has been set Rad Keith ...... 17 Woolworth ...... 75 to get away that one of them drop­ aside for construction. do. Class B ...... 9 H Yellow Truck ...... 11% The downward move brought out school. of View”. The school play was un­ New Brit Mch, com .. — 37 Reading ...... ^20 losses of 2 to 3 points in Anacoi^a der the direction of Miss Esther ped a package which contained one Remington Rand ...... 29% thousand $1 bills,'*’ Niles Bern Pond ...... 30 33 Copper Andes Copper, U. 'S. StKl. No South American people ever Anderson and Miss Catherine Mc­ North & Judd ...... 21 24 Rep Ir and Stl ...... 71 American Tele^ione, Calumet invented an alphabet, and al­ Guire, teachers. Oliver Brockman, bank manager, Reports from the U. S. Forest Sears Roe ...... 95% and Joseph Germann, watchman, Service indicate that more than Peck, Stow and Wll .. 10 15 The shortest railway system in Arizona. May L'.^irtment Sto^s though the Peruvians had a well- Russell Mfg Co...... 80 — Simmons ...... 80 At Oimekon, a district in north- said two unmasked men forced 650,000 acres of National Forest the world is said to be at Cass- and Southern -Jiilway. Westipn developed language and were able Land has been destroyed of fire Scovlll ...... 02 57 I Sinclair Oil ...... 27% Union lost 7. The volume of trad­ to use it in composing plays and era Siberia, a temperature of 90 them to open a safe and that the I Sou Pac ...... 119 % ville, Arkansas, and is only 4 9 robbers ran from! the bank and es­ in the territory west of the Mis­ Smythe Mfg Co ...... — 100 miles long. ing was small. , songs and poems, they had no degrees below zero Fahrenheit has Seth Thom Co. com .. 30 — i South Rwy ...... 139 ° *5 n means of writing them down, _ 'been found. caped in an automobile. sissippi river, 'im , • •• \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.,TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1929. PAGE FOUB^ ^ ------lu this area we unnotlceable ex­ charges be could not badk up. FLOOD STUDY SPURS cept on eelBmographe. They occur Smith W. Brookhart of Iowa de­ about once a month. SHERIDAN INSTALLED HOWELL PLANS scribed "Wall street booze parties” ;F0IS0N IN BOOZE to senators and to a grsmd jury. Father Macelwane will use two High moguls of finance were asked SEARCH FOR QUAKES seismographs set up at widely sep­ IP JusI’ Ttti*n"‘TA«cci- LEGION COMMANDER SECOND AHACK to tell of their part In such revels. arated points in the districts, to at- CAUSE OF DEATHS Howell has more to say on the teiApt to determine the center of V P rcsl’o! County Commander Elmer subject, and, it is understood he is St. Louis—(AP)—St. Louis uni­ the xlisturbance. IN DRY TOURNEY preparing to launch a. new attack. versity this fall began search for If certain lines through the dis-' Dickenson of Glastonbury "Bone dry,” he has repeatedly de­ the cause of frequent earth tremors trict are found most frequently Hoi* W kl’cr Installing Officer. clared that prohibition Is at the I in the area that once was visited subject to tremors, it is possible That is Police Theory in Case Washington—(AP)—Most of the* lieart of prosperity in this country. by the worst earthquake eveiL re­ that lines of concrete posts may be In the presence of a good sized recent spectacular tilts on the Only once has he missed voting corded on the North American con­ erected to mark them and to use turnout of members, Walter liquor question in the national capi­ for the dry cause since he has been tinent. as geodetic checks on horizontal of Detective Chief and Sheridan was installed as comnian- tal have come on the heels of an a senator, add that was because he This search, strangely enough. Is and vertical land movements. der of the Dilworth-Cornell, Post inadvertent remark by one of the arrived in the chamber too late. not so much concerned with earth­ The survey Includes portions of Woman Found in Cottage No. 102, American Legion last night mildest men In the Senate. The tardiness was not his fault. He quakes as with fiood control. Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Ten­ at the State Armory. The installing Robert B. Howell, Annapolis- bad been exercising In the gymna­ trained Nebraskan, digressed from sium at the Senate office building If the location and the causes nessee and Arkansas. i officer was State Vice-Commander of the tremors can be ascertained Elmer M. Dickenson of Glaston­ a speech on the tariff long enough when the bell calling for the vote to sandwich in a few jibes at pro- rang. Hastily donning his clothes accurately, the Rev. Father James ; W orcester, Mass.. Nov. 26.— bury. Sheridan succeeds Fred C. B. Macelwane, S. J.. head of the • (AP)—Bottles which had contained Lorch as commander of the local he dressed as he ran from his office to the chamber, but missed out by university geophysics department, ; liquor were clues today in attempts post. says the findings are likely to in­ OYSTp SUPPER AutomMic Gas W^ater seconds. • to solve the mysterious deaths of The other officers installed were fluence the placing of earthworks Frank Bray, first vice commander, Friday, Nov. 29, 6:30 to 7:30 • James J. Casey, superintendent of for Mississippi flood control. Charles Hollister, second vice-com­ The studies are made in the "New ; police detectives here and Mrs. | mander, Marcel Donze, chaplain, Madrid” district, comprising a ter­ North Coventry Chapel Hall Heater i Dora Bingham, department store I 'V’ictor Bronkie, adjutant and The BUCKINGHAM ritory 150 miles long and 50 wide I • saleslady, whose bodies were found , Manchester Trust Company, treas- from southern Illinois well dowm MENU: Oyster Stew, Scalloped HEN minutes count as they do today, you don’t at Casey's camp at North Brook-1I urer. Refreshments were served. Oysters, Cabbage Salad, Creamed i i i s i The total length of the new into Tennessee in the river valley. want to wait for the hot water to heat. You field yesterday. ' , , , Guests present Included William F. In 1811 and 1812 there were Carrots and Peas, Celery, Pickles, W Supt. Casey's unclothed body and O'Neil, county membership com­ stretch of road built by Wilsm disastrous quakes wjiich opened Rolls, Coffee and Home Made Pies. w’ant it instantly—the moment you tura the fau­ the partly clad form of Mrs. Bing- mittee chairman from Hartford and Richardson of South Manchester huge fissures near New Madrid, cet—without delay—without w'ork or inconvenience i ham were found on the floor of a former member Glen Lewis of Tor- will be 8,333 feet and the slate in­ Mo., and to which the formation Thank Offering Program by Chil­ —and you w’ant it hot! bedroom of the camp by two of rington. spector on the job says the distanc.e of the Reelfoot lakes in Tennessee dren by Second Congregational Casey's lieutenants who had been E. Henry Weir drew the atten­ from Station 35 in Glastonbury to are attributed. Church, Coventry. ordered to investigate Casey's fail­ dance prize but't pre.sent so it Hubbard Hills is four and one-eighth About 2.000 le.sser quakes fol­ ure to return hdme on Sunday. will go into the “kitty” toward next miles, so the total length of improv­ lowed. The tremors now occurring SUPPER 50 CENTS Wife’s Comment. week. Membership, house and other ed road on Hebron avenue will be about five and three-fourths miles. Casey who was 56 years old, his committees for the ensuing year Hot Water For Every One hundred and twenty-seven fence wife, and Mrs. Bingham. 40. were were named. reported to have been friendly for posts are in place on Hubbard several years. Mrs. Casey first and a total of 256 to Buckingham 43 .\SYUUM STREET learned of the tragedy by a radio WOMEN OF GERMANY Four Corners. Sixty-seven posc.<=- HARTFORD Use in the Home report. She said later “if it is true have been set from tlie foot of GARDELLA Hoover Bldg. One Flight Up that there was another woman in Church Hill to the church and a (3 supplied as quick as lightning from an Automatic Gas Water ■ his life then he is better dead.” SEEK A THIRD PARTY large gang of men was busy Mond.iy DIAMONDS Heater. You merely turn the faucet—the water runs piping After an autopsy last night, city building a highway fence near the hot. Here is superb hot water convenience—the kind modern C ffe.£ housekeeping methods and today's living conditions demand. A ! hospital physicians said they could Berlin.—(AP.)—Women's hands Buckingham parsonage. DIAMOND ‘ not determine positively what had ROBERT B. HOWELL Employees of the Central Connec­ ot of hot water—or ^mply a little—as you wish, at a cost that will build up a third German em­ IS trivial—50 gallons for a nickel or so. ^ caused death. A chemical analysis pire unless perchance the plans of ticut Power and Light Company arc • of vital organs was ordered. Germany’s national women's com- hibition enforcement in Washing­ putting up an extension from W. A. PLATINUM What a wonderfully practical and welcome Christmas Gift a Gas I Real Poison. ; mittce for fighting the 'Versailles ton. Strickland’s granite quarry to ihe Water Heater would be for your home and family. Police believed' that the liquor treaty should “gang agley.” The stir he created bewildered home of A. D. Bllsh, who will soon MOUNTINGS ■ consumed would not have caused The committee's recent call to a him. h4ve electric lights. Mr. Blish has From the White House came a , death, even if it had been ofi the ■ meeting on “the tribute plan of had his house and garage wired for • ordinary “poisoned variety occa- statement that the President felt Think it over—then come in or ; Paris and the responsibility of Ger- sure the Senator would not make over a year waiting for the service. sionally sold by bootlegers.' They j man womanhood" so packed the advanced the theory that poison , former Prussian House of Lords Telephone 5075 i might have been deliberately placed ; witli nationalist women that an j in the liquor. • Mrs. Bingham was said to na\e overflow meeting had to be hastily i 'been living apart from her husband. I arranged in a neighboring hall. • She had a daughter, Frances, -0, Frau Beda Prilipp, presiding offi­ I with whom she liyed. cer of the “ring of nationalist wom- ' cn," fold the meeting that “now in The Manchester Gas Co. ' tliis time of official terrorism, we 5 CANNEDlUSliir I German women must hold togeth- 1 " I “In spite of all terror and all op- May we remind you?- BIG PROBLEM FOR ! position, nationalist Germans will build up a third empire of the Ger­ mans,” prophesied Frau Katherine SPANISH PLAYERS Hertwig, member of the Prussian diet, adding that “the voice of the that this is the Madrid— (AP) —Madrid s musi- German r-, *people ‘ vmust be i heard” on THE WORK Gians and orchestras are faced w*ith , the Dawes and Young plans, the crisis of losing their jobs in! President von Hindenburg's re- movie houses and, . legitimate thea cent public condemnation of the ters because of the invasion of German nationalist’.s efforts to hear done the dny before foreign competition, said Hum­ the people’s voice through an antl- berto Gabrielli, secretary of the Youiig plan referendum was sum­ Association of Orchestra Profes­ marily dismissed by other speakers Last Month sors of this city. as "surely a misunderstanding.” FOR TH IS THA1%IKSCIVI1\G Foreign “talkies,” foreign jazz and foreign actors have caused the of the crisis, he explained. MOTORISTS WARNED "VERYONE enjoys the turkey “We do not want to see the same thing happen in Spain as has oc­ E —but who enjoys prepar­ curred in the United State.s after .AGAINST MONOXIDE ing the dinner? For the fortu­ the introduction of sound pictures, nate As’oman who has a General but Americans are alreadv .sending their mechanical music devices to Washington, —(AP) .—With the Electric Refrigerator much Madrid with thetne announcementani.uuuL.r.uruu ■ ff>'iiing of cold weather, when doors Duo-Dollar Trading Plan drudgery is eliminated. that they arc prepared to produce ' :ind windows are likely to be closed, and m arket Spanish .sound American Automobile a.ssocia, Entrees, salads^ desserts can be voice films, “Senor Gabrielli said. , warns moton.sts against car- im e is getting short! Only two more weeks in which to save your Duo-Dollars! And the prepared the day before—and “This is a serious problem. ; bon monoxide gas. merchandise offered for this last great Duo-Dollar Auction is the best yet! Every bit of it Mechanical= .rmi.ric music can be adapted I lhe_ m ost .simpsimple way to avoid chilled to new goodness and to the use of legitimate theaters its.. ettects_____ IS not to remain in a would make wonderful Christmas gifts! You don’t need luck to win—all y.ou need is DUO- closed g.nragc with the car running. T flavor in a General Electric. and the invasion of American jazz DOLLARS!- Do your Christmas shopping now! Save your Duo-Dollars! And bid on the valu­ bands, particularly negroes, aggra­ A window or the door should be opened. Enough of the poisonous Quietly, automatically, this sim­ vates the crisis.” i able Christmas gift merchandise listed below! Remember—it’s your last chance! to- Along with many others who j gas is cxpcllcil from the exhaust ple trouble-free refrigerator of an automobile ,to cause death enjoying the economy, conve­ have studied the situation, he fa-1 guards food... makes plenty of within a few minutes in a small nience and healtli-guarding 8cr- vors nationalization 01 of the sound | dosed garage, the association says, ice cubes .. . freezes delicacies. film industry m Sp rpstric- Deaths from the gas, it was said, vice of General Electric Refrig­ quate protection by ■ have nearly doubled since 1923, Only the General Electric has an erators . . . and not one owner lions for ' 1 1 when census bureau figures show all-steel cabinet and hermeti­ has spent a dollar for repairs or Three of M adrids -g ■ , 2,378 persons died from it. Here is the Christmas Gift Merchandise— ing picture houses hav onH ; Treatment of persons overcome cally sealed mechanism mounted service—an unrivalled record! devices for sound pic ur „_;bv the gas is recommended as fol- ^BW -DOIXAl]) have discharged their orchestras j 1— Infant’s Set consisting of Jacket, Bloomers) ...... $5. on top. It also has a freezing reg­ J i T a a e - Bonnet and Bootees. and several others are preparing; victim should be removed 55— Colonial Pottery Boudoir Lamp $5. ulator. See the various models. Every General ElectricEefrigerator 2— Hot Water Bottle ...... $3.00 56— 2 Xmas Novelty Sets ...... $2. to follow suit. A number of years i fj-esh air as soon as possible, is hermetically scaled ago the opera house was closed in pj-eathing has stopped or is 3— Bathrobe (Ladies) ...... $7.95 57— Mahogany Windsor Side Chair $6. More than 350,000 homes are Madrid which automatically re- . .... _ 4— Ladies’ Ruby Ring ...... $20.00 58— Velocipede ...... $11- weak and intermittent, artificial Duo-Dollar Stores 5— Silk Scarf ...... $1.98 leased an orchestra of 80 musicians ^ rc.spiration should be given persist- 59— Mahogany End Table ...... $6. employing various fot'ms or ; until breathing has been re- May bo identified by this 6— Ladies' Hat ...... $5.00 60— Large Doll Carriage ...... $16.' mechanical devices to provide, the heart stopped, seal displayed in their win­ 7— B’ootball ...... $1-2.00 G1—Dressed Doll ...... $4. dows. GENERAL ELECTRIC music for their patrons. •'Pure oxygen, or a mixture of 5 S—Negligee ...... 80.’J5 62—Cricket Foot Stool ...... $5. Many French and German shows , . carbon dioxide in oxygen, - The Ladies’ Shop 9—Man’s Sweater ...... $5.00 03—Coaching P ic tu r e ...... $3. 10— Boy's Leather Blouse ...... $12.00 invade Spain each season, perform-, ,;hould be administered.” • George H. Williams 64— Xmsks Novelty S et ...... $1- ing at low prices, and this is hurt- 1 ______11— Men’s Felt H at ...... $5.00 65— Silk Night Gerwn ...... $3. 10% DOWN—Start Payments Next Spring. ing the Spanish stage also, Senor' lin C D IT A I (VinTITC Fradin’s 12— Milfer Lamp ...... $20.00 66— Italian Pottery Table Lamp ..$15. Gabrielli said. HUjI 11 AL INUIl J 13— Toastmaster Electric Toaster . .$12.50 67— Child’s Willow Rocker ...... $4. Limited Time Only. Act Now. Rubinow’s 14— W oman's Kozy Kom fort ...... $3.00 08—Book Trough End Table...... $6. Of all the earth quakes on rec-1 ------May Jewelry Co. 15— Pathe Moving Picture Camera 69— Football ...... 52. nrd, the most disastrous occurred i The Manchester Memorial hospi­ complete with Projector ...... $75.00 M. H. STRICKLAND Wm. II. (^ardner 70— Pair Crystal Boudoir Lamps .. $2. in 1556. in China, when 830,000' tal today reported the admission of IG—Coaster Wagon (Good Scout) ..$6.00 71— Aero Toddler ...... 54. 832 Main St. Tel. 3768, South. Manchester people were killed. • i Mts. Robert Salter of 92 Hemlock The Textile Store 17— Statuary Lamp ...... $5.49 72— Whale Oil Desk L a m p ...... 55. Next Door to Montgomery Ward & Co. street and Nils Anderson of 141 Edward Hess 18— 16-lnch Leatherette Overnight 73— Gray Willow Firewood Basket .. $5. According to a U. S. govern­ Washington street, Hartford. The Case ...... $8.75 74— Blue Linen L’unch Set ...... 54. ment report, more than one hil- latter had chest and hip bruises N. Marlow & Ck>. 19— Cedar Chest, Walnut ...... $‘24.00 75— Bate’s Rose Bed Spread ...... 52. ion lead pencils arc used every from an automobile accident last Manchester Plumbing dc 20— Milady Hand M irror ...... $8.50 78—Fine All Linen Lunch C loth -----$2. v'ear in this country. 1 night. 21—Boys’ Suede W indbreaker ...... $13.50 77— 3 Pr. Ecru Net Curtains...... 53. Supply Co. 22— While Enameled Hamper ..... $5.50 78— Electric Bicycle Ligfht ...... 52. Miner’s Pharmacy 23— Cowhide 26 inch Traveling Bag $13.50 79— 2 Sets Electric Christmas Tree 24— Mahogany Sewing Cabinet .. . $12.60 Outfits ...... 54.50 A FRESH SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED Arthur L. Hultman 26— Doll ...... $4.98 80— Storm King Electric Windshield Watkins Brothers, Inc. 20—Waffle Iron (Royal Rochester) $14.00 Wiper, clear across ...... $12. 27— Brocade Rayon Bed set ..... $19.75 81— Pair of Shoe Skates, tubular .. $8. THANKSGIVING J. W. Hale Co. 28— Men's Dress Gloves ...... $4.00 82— Pair of Boys’ Baseball Shoes ..$6. Thanksgiving ^ (Except Food Dept.) 21)—Man’s Mallory Hat ...... $7.50 83— 2 Sets Electric Xmas Tree C. E. House «St Son, Inc. 30— Coaster Wagofi ...... $6.00 Outfits ...... $4- \ 31— Beacon Bathrobe (Ladles) ..$8.95 « —Bottle Lamp ...... $4- G. E. Keith Furniture Co. 32— Evening Gown ...... $25.00 85— Bill Fold ...... 55. of of Suggestions Campbell’s Filling Sta. 33— 2 Tapestry Handbags ...... $3.96 86— Shaving S e t ...... $15- 34— Football ...... $12.00 87_Double Deck Playing Cards-----$2. Apollo Whitman’s Center Auto Supply Co. 36— Men's Belt and Beltgram ...... $3.50 S8—Polo Shirts ...... $3. The Blish Hardware Co. 30—Three Piece Toilet S e t ...... $4.95 89— Silk Scarf ...... $3- Apollo and Schrafft’s 37— H ealing Pad (Royal Rochester) $7.50 Glenney’s 90— Neck Tie ...... ^2. 38— Men’s Beach Jacket ...... $6.00 91— Neck Tie ...... 'i- Manchester Electric Co. 39— Folding Card Table ...... $2.50 92—Ne»k Tie ...... ^1. Chocolates (Merchandise Sales 40— Mahogany Candlestand ...... $19.00 93— Spats ...... CHOCOLATES 41— Silk Umbrella ...... $3-98 Only) 94— Mesh Watch Strap ...... $3- In 1, 2 and 5 lb. pkgs. * 1, 2, .’) and 10 lb. Packages 42— Scarf ...... $2.95 95— Bill Fold ...... 52. Milikowski, the Florist 43— Red Cross or Coon Pumps ....$10.00 96— 100 Gallons Gasoline ...... $20. Cliquot and Diamond Ginger Ale. 44— 1 lb. Chocolates ...... $1.50 Princess Candy Shop 97— 1 Garage Oil Pump ...... $15. Country Club Ginger Ale. ASSORTED SALTED NUTS 45— Marble Top Smoking Stand . . . $7.50 98— 15 Gallons Oil ...... $15- F. E. Bray 46— 3 prs. Onyx Hose ...... $6.85 9 9 — 4 Goodyear Pathfinder Balloon 3 28-oz. Bottle, family size 90c. Walnuts, Chestnuts, Filberts, Hyman’s Men’s Shop 47— Whitney Doll C arriage ...... 59 00 Tires ...... 550.00 Grape Juice and Mineral Waters. 48— Air Rifle ...... 55.00 100— 2 lb. box of Chocolates In black Non-Alcoholic Cordials Brazil Nuts Dates, Figs Nelleg’s 49— Steel Coaster Wagon ...... $4.25 lacquered chest with lock and The Smart Shop 50— Child’s Fiber Rocker ...... 54.50 key ...... 00 E. F. Kemp’s Assorted Nuts in bulk or package. 51— Whale Oil Bridge Lamp ...... 56.25 101— Pottery Cqnsole Set complete Glace Fruits $1 to $2 Complete Line of Fresh Fruits Kemp’s, Inc. 52— Boys’ Shaker Knit Sw eater...... $4.95 with candles and straw flowers $8 Cigars Cigarettes 53— 3 pc. Ivory Toilet Set ...... $4.98 102— Mirror ...... 5 1 2 Dewey-Richman 54— 1 Glove Silk Suit—(Vest and Fancy Baskets of Fruit QUINN’S PHARMACY Sweet Cider 40c gal. Store Closes Thursday at Noon. ,THE LAST DUO-DOLLAR AUCTION IS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11th FARR BROTHERS ' 981 Main St. I- V n4 *'


’ PHONE CO. PLANS McCORMACK TO OPEN “ SHUFFUN” SAM GREEN lUOTATIONi IN ROCKVILLE TOMORROW RADIO TONE WEEK U -----T BIG IMPROVEMENT At the Princess Hall Ballroom, Rome, Nov. 26.^(AP)—The mar­ Victor Radio to Be Promoted Rockville, tomorrow night, the “People generally quarrel because riage of General Pere Ruggero Pic- Lucky Six will promote their second In Unusual Broadcast Start­ they cannot argpie.” cion, former head of the Italian Air dance of the winter social season —Gilbert K. Chesterton. Service, to Loranda Batchelder of FOR T o Spend Over Seven Mil­ ing Thursday Night. when they present “Shufflin’’ Sam New Orleans, which occurred in Green and his Plantation Black­ “Man is the only animal which New York in 1920, was annuled by With the broadcasting of a pro­ Today’s Choice birds. This band is rated as one of spits.” —Donald A. Laird. the Rome Court of Appeals today. lions During Next Five the best colored jazz bands offer­ gram of songs by John McCormack, ■ by The court held that the inarriage THANKSGIVING w'orld-famous tenor, and a splendid ing their entertainment to the dance “It is better to read one good agreement was not spontaneous and ; group of orchestral numbers played public. With the possible excep­ book several times than to read that an element of constraint' en­ Years— The Program. JESSE H. WM-\: tion of ’s Cotton I by the New Victor Salon Orchestra METCALF ’ ' ' ’‘Lfc J? several good books once.” tered into it at the time. General under the direction of Nathaniel Pickers now headlining at. one of David Lloyd George. Piccion is air attache at the Italian Shilkret, the Victor Talking Ma­ U. S. Senator the leading theaters in New York, Ern^assy at Paris at Present,*. this band is rated with -h' best to CAKES, PIES Hartford, Nov. 26.—A tentative chine Division, Radio-Victor Cor­ from Rhode “Geniuses are a nuisance, anyway. program for the expenditures of poration of .America, on Thanks­ Island be obtained. Some one should write a paean to A product of Harlem, Shufflin’ General, Piccio married Miss about $7,600)000 for aerial and un­ giving night, November 28, will mediocrity.”— Samuel Hoffenstein. Batchelder when she was but 18 inaugurate a nation-wide Victor Sam Green and His Plantation I derground toll cables during the years old, a student at the Spence Radio Tone Week. Victor dealers Blackbirds, are coming to this com­ it- next five years to keep pace with Senator MetcXlf have always found American school. New York, and he was 35. in every city and town in the coun­ munity to present the blues as the public demand for toll telephone “.The Ten Commandments, to my audiences most kind. Their chief Their matrimonial life was most & - facilities: the fact that the gradual try will join during this period in mind, give the greatest help and you’ve never heard before. The fault is ‘ that they see the point 'fjv demonstrating the Victor slogan, members of this band are talented unharmonlous. betterments in this class of tele­ inspiration. If we should all live before you get there, which is dis­ According to published accounts phone service to the public over a “There can be no compromise with up to them, what a wonderful world musicians and exceptionally fine concerting.”—Jerome K. Jerome. purity of tone,” singers and their harmony numbers once when she left Italy with their period of years has reduced the this would be.” child he sent five hydfoairplanes average speed of service on long One of the unusual features of will prove a novelty to those who (Compiled by the Bible Guild) “Whenever I see a picture’ of that and a motorboat belonging to the haul calls from six minutes to one the week will be the introduction of will avail themselves of this rare mechanical man I feel a chill of Italian Air Service after them to minute and that the Southern New “The Victor,” a new march com­ opportunity. To add to this trans­ Wednesday: Clyde M. Reed, horror lest we become like him.” bring them back to Italy and the England will this year handle about position by Nathaniel Shilkret, posed bit of New' York life, the —Frances Perkins. governor of Kansas. jurisdiction Of Italian courts. Ru­ 24,000,000 toll calls at an average which in the future will introduce Lucky Six will present a mulatto mors of their impendi; g divorce afuL speed of one minute per call, were all Victor Hours on the air. This singer of radio and recording fame. Women laughed man from the some of the interesting statements number will first be heard during The rendition of the Blues by this jungle into a home. She laughed were frequent. • He was cfedited with bringing made by Robert S. Judd, Traffic the McCormack program on singer will prove a sensation and him into clothes, and she has led Engineer of that company in a talk Thanksgiving night, the later w ll make a lasting impression. him through the ages . . . She down 32 enemy airplanes during the P A S T R I E S ^ before the Hartford District Con­ be played on a specially recorded As an added attraction a turkey might better have hated and skinned war. *■ ference Boards of the Telephone disc in the shop of every Victor will be awarded to the individual him alive.”—William Allen White. Employees’ Association at a meet­ dealer throughout Victor Tone holding the lucky number which will BAKED TO ORDER ing here today. be gpven out at the door. The Lucky In commenting on Tone HITCHCOCK’ S FUNERAL Representatives of all the em­ Six have also made arrangements Made only of the purest in­ and its purpose, Henry Smith of FIRST STREET RAILWAY ployees of the Plant, Commercial wnth the managrement to extend Watkins Brothers, who are now dancing to 1 o’clock so that the gredients and baked to a rich and Traffic groups of the telephone showing the new Victor Radio in­ A HIOUGBT Los Angeles, Nov. 26.— (AP) — golden brown— more tempting, Ninety-seven years ago today, on dance lovers will enjoy the full bene­ organization attended the session Funeral services for Raymond struments, said; “Everything you Nov. 26, 1832, the first street rail- fits of this unusual presentation. today with business meetings dur­ Hitchcock, veteran comedian, will more appetizing than even hear over your radio—music, voice, York City. ing the morning. Mr. Judd’s talk If then I do that which I would be held tomorrow at the Hollywood those baked, in your own oven. everything—has tone. Unless your way in America opened in New LADY HEATH LOSES SUIT. followed luncheon. radio can reproduce every sound, The road was known as the N ew ! not, I consent unto the law that cemetery, it was announced today Rapid Progress every tone the ear can detect. It is It Is good.— 7:16. by the Masquers Club, of which the York and Harlem Railroad, o n ! London, Nov. 26.— (A P )—A judg­ In his talk. Mr. Judd called atten­ not giving you what you are en­ which a horse car, much like an actor was a member. Services will ' ' Place Your Order tion to the fact that in 1914 the titled to receive. It is tonally defic­ ment was entered today against No human power can force the be under the direction of Sam old English stage coach in construc­ Lady Heath in the Chancery Di­ first conversation took place from ient and is falling short of the pres­ tion, ran from Prince street on the jntrenchments of the human mind: Hardy, president of the actors’ Now vision Court for £239 and costs compulsion never persuades; it only New York to . He ent-day standards of reproduction. Bowery to Yorkville and Harlem. organization. then stated that at the present time Reproduction doesn’t mean appro: - ($1,195) in a case in which Christa- makes hypocrites.—Fenelon. Hitchcock, star of “Hitchy Koo,’’ The first railway followed for bel Russel sued Sir James and Lady the public of the United States, imation or suggestion. It means some distance the route now oc­ “ King Do Do,” “The Old Soak,” and Canada and Mexico may telephone actually to create again, in every Heath for that sum alleged to be PRESERVING THE MUSK-OX other plays, died Sunday night after cupied by the Fourth Avenue Rail­ due on wearing apparel bought by Phone 8856 to 22 foreign countries, a demon­ detail, what was produced original­ way, which still operates under an automobile drive with his wife. stration connection having lately ly. Radio is no longer a toy. it Lady Heath. Ottawa, Nov. 26— (AP) — The The services will be read at 11 the original charter granted in After hearing formal evidence of been set up between New York has gone beyond the point of being Thelon game sanctuary east of o’clock at the Hollywood cemetery ' 1831. service of writ on Lady Heath, the City and Sydney, Australia. a machine. Today it is, in every Great Slave lake in the northwest chapel by Dr. M. M. Mangariam, It was operated as a horse car aviatrix, in America, the judge Mr. Judd referred to the day not sense, a musical instrument. V'etor territories, which contains the last father of Hitchcock’s widow, after line until 1837, when it was tem­ gave the decision in favor of the known herd of musk-ox on the THE BLUE RIBBON so long ago when all inter-city calls knows that any radio set that fans porarily changed to a steam car which the body will be cremated. were handled by the Toll Operator. clothing shop. Canadian mainland, has been clos­ short of tonal perfection is not en­ line. In 1845 the operation of Mrs. Hitchcock, who is suffering a titled to your serious consideration. Sir James Heath recently adver­ ed. No person, either Indian or Then he told of the minor change horse cars was resumed and it re­ severe shock over her husband’s BAKERY which permitted the telephone user That’s why it has adopted for its tised in London papers he would not white man, will be permitted to en­ mained the only horse car line in be responsible for further debts con­ sudden death, w’ill take the ashes 0. !•'. \'IERTKL, Prop. Cottage St. to place with his local operator slogan. “There can be no compro­ ter this 15,000-mlle preserve unless to New York for burial as soon as New York until 1852. tracted by his vrife. by special arrangement. such calls as w’ere made to five and mise with purity of tone’; that s In 1856, street railways were she has recovered sufficiently. ten cent toU points. The gradual why it is putUng on Tone Week. “■ “ ' The musk-ox is exceedingly rare first built in Boston, Mass., and extension of this practice to other It wants every radio listener in the Most animals and birds are so and action has been taken by order- Philadelphia, Pa., had Us first line In-councll to conserve the herd of Inhabitants in Soviet Kus.'iia and more distant points improved country to realize how completely covered with fur or feathers that spent upward of $750,000 tor the speed of service, but what is it has achieved, in its new instru­ in 1857. no direct sunshine reaches the approximately 250 known to have Today, virtually all street rail­ ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS more important, he said, from the ments, the standard of perfection it their habitat in this area. spring liquors in 1928. ways are operated by electricity. skin. company’s standpoint is that this has set for itself.” and the other changes in toll practices which have followed from time to time during the past few TO HONOR CLEMENdAU years, have made it eaisier and more COVENTRY convenient for the public to place Paris, Nov. 26.— (AP)—Measures and receive long distance calls. The to keep the name of Georges Cle- company recently adopted the prac­ The Choral Society will meet menceau fresh in the minds of tice of having all station-to-station '^'uesday evening. Everyone is urg­ Frenchmen are the order of official calls handled by the local operators, ed to be present. bodies now. no matter how tax distant the On Friday evening the Annual The Paris City Council, at its called city is. If a particular per­ Thank Offering will be held in the next meeting wall be asked to au­ Cai son is desired or the calling party Chapel. The adult class will serve thorize giving his name to an im­ does not know the number, the call an oyster supper from 5:30 to 7:30 portant capital thoroughfare, an is routed as before by the toll op­ p. ra. During the supper and the example widely to be followed in erator. rest of the evening, there will be a hundreds of cities andlH6^s|)Siips of The Line. Service food sale at one booth, with candy, •France. — -: t.. . . ( Observations of toll line service hot dogs, coffee, ice cream and pie A memorial tablet will be fixed to which are continuously made by the at some of the other booths. Each the front of the house on the Rue telephone company, Mr. Judd stated, Sunday school class will attend to smoking Franklin and there is a scheme show that 97 per cent of all toll their respective booths. The Ever afoot to convert the apartment Into telephone conversations are conduc­ Ready class has charge of the pro­ a Clemenceau museum, although it ted satisfactorily to the user. grams, after which will come the was expected out Of respect for the The ease with which inter-city general auction. deceased statesman, this will not be calls are now made has resulted in On Saturday the 4-H Coventry done for several days at least. a heavy increase in this class of Sunshine Scissor club will meet at telephone traffic, the speaker said, 1-30 at the home of their leader SENTENCES FRIEND. a national and contributing factors have been Mrs. John E. Kingsbury. Miss Tucson, Ariz., Nov. 26.— (AP) — the personal warmth which opera­ Elizabeth Grover assisant club Dr. William V. Whitmore, former tors put into their work, improve­ leader will be present to arrange chancellor of the University of ment in telephone Instruments and the next year’s program. Arizona, awaited transportation to transmission over long distance. Next Sunday, Dec. 1, the every member canvass will be conducted. McNeil Island prison today, sen­ The speaker referred to the big tenced to a 15-moDth term there by contract that is being carried out Lester Hill is in charge. a friend of a quarter of a century. |M eJ by the Long Lines Department of Miss Eva Koehler attending Wil- limantic Normal school. Miss Laura Federal Judge William W. Saw- pleasure! the American Telephone and Tele­ telle wept yesterday as he pro­ graph Company along the Post K Kingsbury a senior at Connecti­ cut Agricultural cbllege and Law­ nounced the words that sent his road in this state, as an indication long time friend to the prison and of the expected growth in the use rence Hill employed m Rockville, all spent the week-end with their decreed that he should pay a fine of toll telephone service. of $500. Dr. Whitmore was convicted The Board members attending the last week of conspiracy to violate meeting here today represent em­ ^ Miss Eunice Koehler has return­ ed to Hartford after spending a the Federal narcotic laws. ployees in Hartford, N ew Britain, Judge Sawtelle denied a plea for Bristol, Manchester, Torringt o n, ■week’s vacation at her home. suspended sentence. Winsted and other exchanges in Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burham have this district. returned from Bridgeport wtiere they spent a few days. At Coventry Grange, No. 75, r. of H., a most enjoyable STOCK MARKET CRASH spent Thursday evening. -A- aerate, tIUOUS?• 1 “Resolved, that the elaborate Sun­ 3 M « Take NATUKS’8 KBMEPV ' day dinner be abolished, was the ■ —MJ—tonight. You’ll be “ fit DID NOT HURT TRADE main feature of the evening, JF and fine" by morning— ^ W ith years of steady ^owth be­ affirmatives won. It being i"ast I tongue clear, headache gone, Master’s Night, the ^ appetite back, bowels acting hind them, Camels continue to Chicago, Nov. 26—(AP) — Ed­ pleasantly, bilious attack forgotten. filled the chairs.. All but three past grow. They are smoked today by ward N. Hurley, wartime chairman maesters were present. For constipation, too. Better than ^TURKISH of the shipping board and promin­ resignation of Bro. Eari ’ any mere laxative. BLEi _ more millions than ever before. ent Chicago manufacturer, today At druggists—onl> 25c. Make the test toniahi former Assistant Steward, brothe Cl G AR ET'TES ' said the 1930 business outlook is Arnold McKinney was elected to FEEL UKE A iOLUON, TAKE distinctly encouraging. office upon installation. Mr. Hurley, in an address before ■Word has been received in toxra the Illinois Manufacturers’ Cost TO-NICHT of the marriage of TOMORROW ALRIGHT Association, pointed out that the to Miss Ellen Knight of Williman recent deflation in stock market values actually represents a posi­ ^'*Mr and Mrs. Edwin Maskiell and The increasing popularity of smoking in the United States exactly parallels tive gain because it “insures to in­ family were Sunday guests at dustry more and cheaper capital, Autumn View Farm. relieving it of the pressure to earn About thirty dollars extravagant profits.” on the boiled dinner served Wednes­ FREEZING “There is nothing wrong with the growth of Camel Cigarettes. Camel has given smokers a cigarette of day evening. Both the supP®" American business,” Mr. Hurley achievement program were extra added. “ We have everything today WEATHER that we had on September first of well attended. this year in the way of wealth, F.ASHIONABLE CLUB RAIDED. genuine quality . . . a marvelous blend of choicest tobaccos . . . mild, fra­ brains and earned income. Nothing Need Not has disappeared except some de­ New York, Nov. 26.— (AP)—'The lusions as to the amount of profits New York Herald-Tribune today Worry You which American industries might says it has just been ! grant, satisfying. This is the quality that smokers depend upon, and they earh in years to come. the Block Hall Club, an exclusive If You Have luncheon club in the financial dis­ trict, was raided on Nov. 6, by city THIRD ROOD IN WALES police who seized five quarts of 11- a Stall in can rest assured it will never be sacrificed. Taste in smoking, as the real

Cardiff, Wales, Nov. 26.— (AP) — The raid was made by two patrol- Manchester’^ For the third time within a fort­ j men on plain clothes duty, but ac- night the Rhondda valley and other cording to the doorman their attire Largest Heated pleasure of smoking is experienced, leads directly to Camel quality. law lying valleys in South Wales ' was so resplendent he admitted were flooded Monday owing to many i them without question as guests. hours of rain accompanied by a ‘ Two men, described as the manager GARAGE terrific gale and swollen streams. ' and an assistant, were arrested. Sodden cottages of the poor which The club, housed in a seventy- Low Rental. had been cleared partly of mud left story building, was opened in 1928 by former Inundations again were and was said to have cost $500,1)00. Plenty of Room. Many prominent men of banking when they learn the difference swamped but in many abandoned dwellings the slimy floodwaters houses in the section are among its Completely Equipped. merely flowed over earlier deposits 300 members. imder which clothes and chattels of the stricken villagers lie buried. I SLUMP IN DIAMONDS. People in the worst affected Conkey's they flock to areas have been plunged Into the I Brussels, Nov. 20.— (A P )—After depths of wretchedness. Hundreds nearly an all night sitting the gen­ are dependent on charity for food eral meeting of various syndicates Garage and shelter. representative the Belgian diamond industry today decided to reduce At the Center. Seals have special radiator working hours by half. It was ex­ pected this would modify production Tel. 5648 membrances that warm the ice- O 1929, R. J, lUysaldt TabtM. cold air before it reaches their to a point compattble i^th changed Comptay. Wiaitoa.Silui. N. C. lungs. financial conditions. / PAGE S1X>~ MANCHESTER EVENING HERA1.L>, su u m MANCHESTER, CONN.,TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1929.

! Brainard ...... 99 86 92 BANKER KUXS SELF of death. He failed in his first at­ H. Wright ...... 99 91 - tempt to get imder the wheels of a CONRAN HAS BEST Shea ...... 94 109 90 CHARTER OAKS SET truck. Om^lha, Neb., Nov. 26— (AP) — DAILY RADIO PROGRAM McLagan ...... 92 107 97 Reed C. Peters, 39, executive -vice- Nearly 7,000 persons are em­ 422.3— WCR, N EW AR :4—710. Copeland ...... — — 10’3 Tuesday, November 26: Leading DX Stations. president of the Peters Trust Com­ ployed in Holland in 7;00— I'iecadilly orchesiia. /| ' NEW LEAGUE MARK making Flora Collins, soprano, will be '7:30—Wandering gyp.sics; chimes. 405.2— WSB, A T L A N T A -740. ' BOWLING AVERAGE pany, which was declared insolvent, wooden shoes. heard as guest soloist with David 8:00— Main Street rural sketch. g:00— WJZ band conceri. 471 489 470 8:30—tVE.CF programs i3 hrs.) died today of injuries sustained in Mendoza's orchestra, when it broad­ 9:00— Male quartet, string trio. I casts Its regular Tuesday night pro­ 9:30— Dance orclie.sira, singers. 11:45—Studio concert hour. (Continued From Page 11) three suicide attempts yesterday. gram over WAJ3C and associated sta­ 10:00—The Master trio. 293.9— KYW . CHLCAGO—1020. DEPOT SQUARE Poison, of which he had “gpilped tions at 10 o’clock. The "Hum or- 10:."0— Two dance orchestras. 8:00—NBC programs (2',6 hrs.) . 1 La Chapelle ...... 98 a handfiil” before he threw himself fcSQue" ot Dvorak will be played in II :30—Moonbeams music hour. 1 1 :1 5 -Dance music to 2;:)0. Tops Joe Canade in Herald! through with another four point 389.4— VJBBM, CHICAGO— 770. : J. O'Bright ...... 80 S4 beneath the wheels of a truck, was special arrangement by the orchestra, 302.8—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. victory, this time beating the crip­ which will also play series of vari­ 3:6(1— W’.-MIC programs (2Vz hrs.) said to have been the direct cause 6:30—Dinner dance music. 11 ;30—.Symphonic orchestra, tenor. pled Construction team and now ations ou the populer “I Can't Give 7:00—Studio musical concerts. League; 25 Bowlers Over jc . O’Brlght^ ...... 118 88 You Anything But Love” and Mas- 8:00—Bing family party. 12:00— vihoopee feature piogram. they are tied for second place: The sanet’s "Fete Boheme." One of the 1:U0—Dance music: t’o.'fee Dan’s. H. Stark’weather . . . 96 107 Centers meet the Majors at Farr’s 8:30— WJZ program.s (2 nrs.) 254.1—WJJD. CHICAGO— 1180. This City most Important partnerships in tiie 10:30—Two dance orclieslrus. 9 :60—Theater pi e.spmat irms next week. T. Anderson and Rogers history of art was that of Gilbert and 11:30—Feature variety hour. 105 Average; The List. | 5tl Sullivan, the famous duo which wrota 9:30—Mooscheart children’s hour, were high men in this match. The is subject, like any other, to fire 348.6—WABC. NEW YORK—860. 12:00— A r t is t s e n ic rin in u n i.. ______I GAMMONS-HOLMAN. the greatest series of comic operas 6:00— Drama, "The Sister Team.” West Sides too kthree points from the world has ever known. Although 416.4— W'GN. CHICAGO- 720. within any section. 6:35—Orchestra: dimur symphony. 10:.30— .lim l!if\. T.’s i>i I :c. B. Coseo ...... 83 94 the Pirates but were given stub­ temperamentally unlike and some­ 7:00— Niagara Falls band concert. Tommy Conran, former town 92 times at variance, each seemed to be 11:26—Louie’s Hungry Five. J Relmer ...... 82 born opposition all the way. Every . Protect your home and con­ 8:00— OI(i time vocal favorites. —Oi igii'ri .-oi. .— i bowling champion, is leading The 86 the perfect complement of the other 8:30—True lomantic dnuiia. Sherman ...... 107 man on the losing team hit over tents by being careful of fire, in the production of operas that lor 12:00—The dream sliip concert. 9:110—I’aul Whiicman’s orcliestra. 12:15—.lean Colu kcl ;e .' m i i .'i i a. .Herald Bowling League Indi-vidual Dickson ...... •... 107 87 300 while two on the West Sides generations have delighted millions. 10:00— David Mendoza’s orchestra witli but be provided with fire in­ The highiights of the coliaboration of 1:63—Two dance L,rcl[esl rus. average column for all matches up Dummy ...... 80 84 dropped below. The British Ameri- Flora Collins, soprano. 344.6—W LS. CHICAGu-870. to last night’s. Joe Canade is a close surance. We write insurance Gilbert and iSiiillvan will be the basis 10:30— Marjorie Oelrich's story. eftos won four points from the Shell j f f i . of a drama to be radiated by t\TiAF 8:10—The Angelus tiniit 11:00— Tlirco dance orchestras. 8:30—W E A F orchestra music. second but slipped badly last night. 459 443 499 Gas, it is understood, but the scores for the Hartford Fire Insur­ and allied broadcasters at 9. A musi­ 12:30—Mldniglit organ melodies. cal program based on the famous 9:00—Feature music noui. Here are the figures for the first 25 were not reported. ance Company, one of the group scenes of the operas wili be piayeii 454.3— W EAF. NEW YORK—660. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ. CHICAGO—670. games, all scores but last night’s MAJORS (0)...... by Kathaniel Shilkret’s orchestra. 7:00— Utica Jubilee Singers. 9:30—Conbcri; Slumber music. sponsoring the advertisement 11:60—Orchestra; Dan and Sylvia. being included: Angelo ...... 84 103 Next Monday’s Matches 8:30—Male trio, niano dufi.s. G. PF. Ave. in the adjoining column. Wave lengths in meters on left of 9:00— Drama, "Gilbert and Sullivan.” 11:30—D\ vaudeville .club. Dwyer ...... 104- 112 At Bronke’s— station title, kilocycles on the right. 10:00— Eskimos dance musii. 11:45—Three dance orchestras. Conran ...... 18 2093 116.5 Stock msurance ? Tel. 3665 202.6— W H T, CHICAGO— 1480. Moske ...... 101 89 Night Hawks vs. Construction. Times are all Bastern Standard. Black 10:30— Feature vaudeville hour. Canade ...... 18 2087 115.17 Brit. Amer. vs. West Sides. face type indicates oest features. 1T:30— Phil Spitalnoy's nuisicale. 9:30— Artists: ramblers. Lippincott ...... 100 83 You can buy complete insur­ Sasilo ...... 15 1724 114.14 !■ fiiock fire iiifiiiraace there are do air 12:00—Hal Kemp's orchesiia. 10:00—Concert er.ticmbic. Chartier ...... 124 106 At Farr’s— ance protection here. 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 10:3U— Vour hour leagnc. R. Sad. ■...... 18 2059 114.7 seeemcBlA, bo future taxation or thlfW Leading East Stations. 361.2— KOA, DENVER—830. r - Centers vs. Majors. 6:00—Old Man Sunshine, songs. I. Cole ...... 18 2020 112.4 Herald vs. Shell Gas. jpg o f the infiurmnee compaBiet* birrdm 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY —1100. 6:30—Ocean Linn's orcjicstra. 9:6(1— W'E.A E program.- (2W hrs.) o f llabUiticB to your »hoiUder». 11:35—Orcliestra, male quartet. Chartier ...... 15 1679 111.14 At Conran’s— FAYETTE B. S:tlU—Alarclietti's concert oieliestra. 7 ;i)(i— .\mos 'll’ Andy, conicdi.nns. 513 503 493 S:30— Mezzo-soprano, reader. 7:15—VOcal trio; organ recital. 12:35 —l.ucile Fouler, cuntiallo. Kebart ...... 18 2002 111.4 Charter Oaks vs. Pirates. Stock fire infioraoee companiea are CLARKE 9:UU—Trio; soprano, pianist. 7:4.5— Adventuics ot I'olly I'reslon. 299.8— WHO,' DES MOINES—1000. Orenstcin ...... 14 1557 111.3 CHENEY BROS. (4). fiaancUlIy ftrong. Tliey have one fair, 1U:2U—iSrightlngale; music ensemble. 8:00— Goldman’s band concert. 8:30— W’E.\K programs (3 hrs.) fiual price for dependable, liberal terr- Depot Square, 11:30—Recorded brevities. O’Bright ...... 8 887 110.7 Warner ...... 104 136 S5; 11:00—Silver Slipper orchestra. 8:30— Musical world tour. LAST NIGHT’S SCORES iec, and they aclect experienced agenU Manchester 11:45— Thanksgiving organ recital. y:0u—Musical mclodraina, orchestra. 12:00—Aerial playhouse. C. Sad ...... 100 92 to help yoo provide for yoor exact re- 374.9— W BAP, FORT WORTH—800. A. Anderson ... 18 1973 109.11 283—WBAL, BALTIMORE—1060. 9:30—Old-time minstrel bits. E. Wilkie ...... 18 1971 109.9 Johnson ...... 97 101 qniremeata. Representing the Fred Walrlncr. tenor, orchestra. 11:00— .Musical program. Charter Oaks (4) 7;U0— Ma.squeraders music hour. 12:6(1—Theater feature.-. 109.9 ! E. Rudlnsky ...... 119 106 8:00—WJZ programs (3 hrs.; 10:30—Stars of Melody, vocalists. Saidella ...... 17 1862 Wilkie ...... 100 137 135— 372 Tb^beat U tficeya ebeapeftt in tbc ea ^ 11:00- Sluinber music. 374.8— KTHS. HOT SPRINGS—800. 108.12 R. Sad ...... 98 117 11:00— lula’s Symphonic ensemble. 9:00— Barn dance pla.iers. Petke ...... 15 1632 Robinson ...... 135 184 108— 377 HARTFORD 508.2— WEEI, BOSTON—590. 305.9-KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. 11:00— Dunce orclvestra; organlsL O. N e lso n ...... 6 652 108.4 1 F. Anderson ...114 7:00—Big Brother club. 111 104— 329 7:00— WJZ Amos 'n' Andy. 12:60— Studio entertainment. Georgetti ...... 6 652 108.4 i 518 552 501 Georgetti ...... 120 90 138— 348 64.7 MAIN ?IRS INSURANCE CO. 7:30—W K AF programs (4’A hrs.) 7:30—Sacred song recital. 491.5— WDAF. KANSAS CITY—610. STREET 243.8— W NAC, BOSTON—1230. 8:00— W’JZ progiams (3 Ins.) 10:30—Cook’s feature artists. Genevese ...... 10 1079 107.9 : .4. Anderson . . . 129 118 146—393 and other strong and dependable 6:15—Artists; dinner music. . 11:00— Beslor’s dance music. 12:15— Variety music hdtir. Gado ...... 15 1613 107.8 12:00—Hector’s dance orchestra. 11:30—W’JZ SUtmlicr music. BRITISH AMERICAN CLUB companies. 12:45 — Night hawk Irolic. Werlosky ...... 18 1933 107.7 598 590 631 1819 546.1— WGR, BUFFALO—550. 245.8—WC.AE, PITTSBU RGH —1220. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. dASlNCEKANDEnSON 6;3u— Van Surdam's orchestra. S. Nelson ...... 18 1931 107.5 League Standing Herald (0) 6:00—Dinner dance music. 11:00—.Sc^lionberger trio, songs. TELEPHONE 7:00—Feature music liour. T;00—Orcliestra; saleiy series. 12:00— Parker family recital. Wiganowski ... C 647 107.5 W. L. Pts Suhie ...... 95 115 120— 330 7:30—W B A F programs hrs.) 7:30— Uncle Gimbcc: song-story. 1:00— Radio artists’ review. England ...... 5 4 5 8 3 4 3 333.1—W M AK, BUFFALO—900. F. Anderson ... 18 1918 106.10 Ellington ...... 115 115 114—344 b:U0—W E A F programs (4 liis.) 370.2—WCCO, MINN.. ST. PAUL—810. Wales ...... 5 4 5 7:30—Feature music tiour. 12:00—Tracy-Brown’S orchestra. 8:60—WABC programs (3 hrs.) Borowski ...... 18 1908 106.0 LaForge ...... 95 85 121— 301 8:00—WK.4F programs (4 hrs.) 11:00— Poliliclan.s music hour. Robinson ...... 18 1907 105.17 Ireland ...... 4 5 4 428.3—WLW , CINCINNATI—700. 535.4— WFI, PHILADELPHIA—560. Cervlni ...... 115 110 114— 339 6:30— W’K.VF progiams (5',c nrs.) 11:1.5—Studio musical program. Rogers ...... 17 1795 105.10 Scotland ...... 4 5 4 8:30— WJZ programs (J',6 hrs.) 12:00—'I’lie okl scltler.s. Fortin ...... 100 88 90— 278 10:00— Aj'zan’s orchestra; ebneert. 260.7—W HAM . ROCH EST ER—1150. 379.5— KGO, OAKLAND— 790. Pontillo ...... 18 1896 105.6 10:45—Trio: chime reveries. 6:30— Dinner dance music; talk. 12:30—I.os Angelos cmerlainment. High Scores lor Night 520 513 559 1592 12:00— Studio dance orchestra. 7:00—WJZ Highlat’dcr's program. 1:00—Artists; Sauntering Sailors. Morrison, 345. 12:30—Feature variety hour. 7:30—Concert orchestra, baritone. 2:00— Musical musketeeis. 1:00—Henrv Thies’ orchestra. 8:u0— W’JZ programs (:t hrs.) W. Brennan, 327. Majors (1) 280.2—WTAM, CLEVELAND—1070. 270.1—W RVA, RICHMOND— 1110. 11:00—Owl Club dance music. 8:00—tVJZ band concert. BOWLING D. Robinson, 310. Werlosky ...... 98 104 112—314 6:00—Studio concerL 379.5— WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 7:30—WEAF programs (3V4 hrs.) 8:30—.Studio music hour. McDowell, 308. O’Bright ...... 92 113 96— 301 11:55—Time; weather; markets. 9:30— Richmond Guild drama. 11:00—Studio dance music. Magnuson ...... I l l — 283—WTIC, HARTFORD—1060. 6:30—Dinner dance music. 10:00—W E A F programs (2 nrs.) CONRAN’S LEAGUE. 100—211 5:30—Ensemble supper musicale. 7:00—.studio concert orchestra. 309.1 —KJR. SEATTLE—970. England Conran ...... 116 105 121—342 6:30—Helmberger’s instrumental trio; 7:,3U—tVE.VF pmgrams (4 hrs.) 12:00— Dance orchestra, enterlalnerg. How They Stand. S. Hewitt ...... 78 86 73— 237 Kebart ...... 118 106 91—315 Is Your Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. W. F. Wamock ...... 91 84 84— 269 Chartier 94 94 645.1—WKRC, CINCINNATI—550. 10:00— Imperial music hour. 344.6— WENR, CHICAGO—870. Eagles ...... 19 Boyce ...... 81 79 73— 233 10:00— Studio entertainmenL 11:00— Studio dance orchestra. 8:15—Farmer Rusk's talk. 535 522 520 1577 11:00—Dance orchestnu 325.9— W W J. DETROIT—920. 10:00— Home circle concert. Cheney Bros...... 18 Wm. Kerr ...... 98 89 98—285 374.8—WSAI, CINCINNATI—800.' 6:30—Barium dance orchestra. 11:60—The musical parade. Depot Square ...... '..17 D. Morrison ...... 136 112 97—345 Night H a»’ks 7:10—Feature music hours. 7:00—Gvpsv ’.laron’.s concrrl. 12:00—Smiles; comedy skits. Gammons Holman ...... 15 Murphy ...... 97 107 92—296 9:00—Minstrel men's frolic. 272.6— W LW L. NEW YORK —1100. 1:00—DX air vaudeville. Saidella ...... 112 107 118—337 9:30—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 6:00—Tenor, orchestra, soprano. 238— KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260 Midway Filling ...... 12 484 4^0 435 1369 One Gado ___ 215.7— W H K , CLEVELAND— 1390. li:45-^Cfltliolic address: tiariloue. 11:30—Shep barn dance. Depot Square Garage . .11 Wales ...... 99 99 132—330 7:2(1—Mnr.nlilv talk: nrchestra. 1:00—Studio musicale; tenor. Orensteln 7:00—Dixie steppers: addres.s. Lithuanians ...... 11 Wm. Fleming ... 87 94 93—274 ...... 107 112 103—322 7:30—Male quartet: cab frolics. 526— yVNYC, NEW YORK—570. 288.3— W FAA. pA L L A S— 1040. Sasila ...... 107 119 8:30—W ABC programs (2% hrs.) 7:25—.Mr cnllcgo lectures. 12:15--School days, gang. Shamrocks ...... 11 Sam Wilson ___ 86 87 93—266 122—348 ll':(in— Two dance orchestras. 8:1.5—Violinist: business talk. 11:00— Bridge lesson, music." Majors ...... 5 P. Daoust ...... 98 86 99— 283 399.8— W eX -W J R , DETROIT—750. 8:15—Baritone; first nighters. 461.3— WSM, NASHVILLE—650. 522 544 567 1633 7:30—Business talk; trio. 357—CKCL. TORONTO—840. 9:00—W'EAF prngrani.s (2>/(. hrs.) Cardinals Jr...... 1 Wm. Shields ___ 77 96 87— 260 9:00—Manuel girls: orchestra. 7:00— Popular music: trio. 11:30— Evening Star quartet. Wm. Brennan ... 92 99 136— 327 1 0 :0 0 -Red Apple Club program. 8:30—Radio Hawaiians. 440.9— KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—680, Centers (4) the 650? Big Ten Averages. 475.9— CNRA, MONCTON—630. 9:00—Simifson opera hour. 12:00— Great compn.scr’s hour,' S. Nelson ...... 99 115 109—323 11:00—Goldkctte’s orchestra. 1:00— Bears; trocaderans. 440 462 508 1410 30—Feature music hour. G. P.F. A. T. Anderson ...117 117 Scotland • 109—343 Warner ...... 18 1950 108.6 A. Wilkie ...... 88 106 101—295 H. Wilson ...... 82 84 85— 251 Werlosky ...... 21 2261 107.14 Thompson -----101 91 89— 281 Arms of Love, Piantadosi; The F. Baker ...... 97 82 90— 269 The Chamber of Commerce of the United Crook ...... 15 1601 106.11 O. Nelson ...... 96 100 124—310 Bells of St. Mary’s, Adams; Can- COLGATE COMPANY Balon ...... 21 2226 106 D. Robinson ...... 99 95 116—305 WTIC hanibalmo Rag, Pryor; Like a States sponsors a piost effective and well R. Sadd ...... 15 1589 105.14 T. Kane ...... 93 90 99—282 501 Breath of Springtime; Piantadosi. 529 532 1552 PROGRAMS Farrand ...... 10 1051 105.1 Construction (0) organized activity in the prevention and 7:00 p. m. Amos ’n’ Andy. INCREASES DIVIDEND CharUer ...... 13 1360 104.8 371 351 370 1107 Rogers ...... 106 7:15 p. m. Dickinson-Streeter Or­ 132 102—340 Travelers, Hartford Dickson ...... 21 2180 103.17 Ireland H. Chase ...... 85 control of fire. This is known as the Na»' gan. 82 103—270 McLagan ...... 18 1864 103.10 Jones ...... 92 94 83— 272 E. Knofla ...... 116 110 86—312 500 m. 600 K. C. 7:30 p. m. New England Gas Hour. An increase of twenty-five per Donovan ...... 98 tional Fire Waste Council. cent in the regular dividend rate of V. O’Bright ...... 20 2068 103.8 88 90— 278 Stevenson ...... 97 91 89—277 8:00 p. m. Waldorf's “ Bing Family.’! Haugh ...... 79 90 ------169 Program for Tuesday. the Colgate-Palmolive-Peet company Rudirisky ...... 18 1862 103.8 Dummy ...... 88 96 106—290 8:30 p. m. “Around the World with Torrence ...... 85 88 92— 265 Six himdred and fifty cities are engaged Eastern Standard Time Libby.” was announced today by Charles S. Pearce, president of the company. CARDINALS (0). McDowell ...... 91 113 104—308 492 511 486 1489 in a nation-wide contest in the reduction of •4:30 p. m.—Auction Bridge Game— 9:00 p. m. John & Johnson Program. T. Stevenson — — 97— 97 . Directed by Milton C. Work as­ 9:30 p. m. Dutch Masters Minstrels A quarterly dividend of 62Vz cents J. Mclllduff ...... 97 91 V est Sides (3) fire waste. Through the National Fire Waste sisted by Sidney Lenz, William —Roses Bring Dreams of You; a share, or an annual dividend rate J. Mikoleit ...... 105 100 Barnacle Bill, the Sailor; Poison of $2.50 a share on the common B! Mikoleit ...... 96 85 445 476 476 1297 Schubert ...... 102 106 124—332 McKenney, Mrs. Guy Purdy and R. Sad. . Council the combined experience, advice Mrs. Oscar Busby—N.B.C. Fea- Ivy Rag; Ma Tiger Lily; The Big stock, will be paid on January 7 to Klotzer ...... 91 90 ...... 87 115 112—314 PonUllo . Bass Viol; To be selected; Just stockholders of record December 18. R. Starkweather .... 90 101 LIBERALS WIN EV HONDURAS ...... 105 120 112—337 and assistance of architects, credit men, w ture. Petke . . . 5:00 p. m. "Musique Intime”— Kiss Yourself Good-bye; What the according to the cowpany announce­ ...... 101 103 88—292 Christian Kriens, violinist; Laura Brass Band Played. ment. The former rate was $2 an­ 479 467 491 Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Nov. 26 Canade ...... 104 96 99—299 boy scouts, educators, engineers, insurance C. Gaudet, accompanist. 10:00 p. m. Williams’ Oilomatics— nually. SH.AMROCKS (4). — (AP)—The Liberal Party of Hon­ men and many other groups are made avail­ 6:30 p. m. “ Sunset Hour”—Studio I Know That You Know; My Own The directors, in voting the McCarthy ...... 78 110 duras won a victory throughout the 499 540 535 1574 : Ensemble Supper Musicale, direc- from “Merry Merry;” Say So twenty-five per cent increase, took Reid ...... 108 85 country in the municipal elections Pirates (1) able to any community. Phillips . F' ted by Christiaan Kriens. from “Rosalie” ; Through; Gypsy; the position that the satisfactory Moriarty ...... 122 96 today. They gained control of ...... 94 88 120—302 Harrison fl:20 p. m. United States Daily News Let’s Sit and Talk About You; progress of the cbmpahy since the McLaughlin ...... 108 104 every large town except the capi­ ...... 112 99 100—311 Reamer . " Bulletins from Washington, D. C.; My Castle in Spain; Every Little merger of the Palmolive-Peet com­ Farrand ...... 96 tal, San Pedro, Sula and Laceiba...... 98 98 120— 316 Sherman ...... 100 121 Comprehensive Programs Hartford Courant News Bulletins. note. pany and Colgate and company on Dummy ...... 90 The Nationalists won the three last 90— 311 6:30 p. m. Benrus Correct Time. 10:30 p. m. Longines time. July 1, 1928, justified the higher and a few smaller towns. Dickson . ___ _ .103 103 96—302 rate. This work involves modem and scientific 6:31 p. m. Light Opera Gems— 10:31 p. m. Stars of Melody. • 506 491 514 Of a total of 273 municipalities, Hotel Bond Trio, directed by Emil 11:00 p. m. Champion Weatherman. Sales records of the company will the Liberals won 175. 507 509 526 1542 fire-fighting apparatus and methods, sal­ 'I'' Heimberger— 11:01 p. m. Temperature. show an increase of ail leading 11:03 p. m. Bert Lowe’s Statler brands in 1929 over 1928, a state­ EAGLES (4). Overature to “ Sunny” ...... Kem Balon ...... 89 vage work, regular inspections, arson in­ Woodland ...... Luders Orchestra. ment issued by .the company de­ N. Tyler ...... 118 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii:iiiriiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii High Jinks ...... Friml 11:30 p. m. Telechron time. clared. vestigations, modernized building codes and LaForge ...... 103 *** Babette ...... Herbert Commenting on the increase in ordinances, and actuarial facts. 6:59 p. m. Industrial Alcobol In­ dividend rate, Mr. Pearce stated: V. O’Bright ...... — stitute Annoimcement. SEEK TO FREE PRIEST “During the past six weeks we Werlosky ...... 113 7:00 p. m. Silent. have often been asked for an opin­ Dummy ...... 87 I FIRE INSURANCE j The unusual facihties and informatioa ion on business conditions, hut have which the Stock Fire Insurance companies “ MUSIQUE INTIME(55 5:00 P. M. Washington, Nov. 26—(AP) — withheld our comment, until our 510 581 557 5 • Policies That Offer Adequate Protection— PLUS = “My own little contribution” is Foreign Minister Wang of China, ideas could take a more tangible = The Friendly Co-operation of Our Office. 5 provide, have been extensively used in this the manner in which Xlhristiaan has advised the American Legation form than mere words. DEPOT SQUARE GARAGE (0). Kriens, famous Dutch-American -vio­ at Peiping, that every effort is be­ “ The increase in our dividend rate E. Coughlin ...... 87 96 88 work and are constantly available, without ing made to effect the release of linist and conductor, now music di­ is the best evidence of our faith in charge, to any organization, individual or rector of Station WTIC, describes Reverend Mathias Kreutzin, an the business of the coming year.” his weekly ■violin recitals entitled American Franciscan father, cap­ Mr. Pearce pointed out that the I HOLDEN & NELSON he. | community. “ Musique Intime.” These short of­ tured by bandits at Weiyuenwok, earnings of the company for the ferings, one of which is slated for below Hankow, Nov. 8. third quarter of 1929 are more than 5 583 Main Street Phone 8657 S 5 o’clock thih afternoon, reveal the John Van A. MacMurray, Ameri­ twice those of the corresponding Fire Losses Affect the magnitude of Mr. Kriens’ genius. can minister, cabled the State De­ three months of 1928, the first SAFE niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiih According to information derived partment today that the foreign quarter of the consolidation. The Community from several musical encyclopedias, minister had received word from net revenues for the 1929 period to­ '<^milestones Christiaan Kriens’ artistry was evi­ the authorities of Hupeh pro-vince talled $3,258,277 as compared with that troops have been dispatched in Chambers of Commerce and similar bodies dent very early in his life. As a $1,564,112 in the same months a an effort to bring about the Ameri­ boy he studied -violin, pianoforte, year ago. reahze that the prevention of destruction can’s release. Kreutzin was bom in Lessening of distribution as well > > 4:35 p. m. Statler Organ—Doris form of music is the light classical Tirrell. composition. 7-SECOND ACTION Barstow Radio Chocolates in Small Pieces by Durand 5:00 p. m. Final closing stock mar­ HUMLESS RECEPTION is something new. Very popular for parties. All the kets. Service 5:25 p. m. Government bulletins. FULL VOLUME whan you usa Authorized Dealer popular kinds made in small pieces that can be eaten one 5:29 p. m. Sessions chimes. HUNTERS Majestic, Philco at a time. 5:30 p. m. Lost and found; posi­ 20 Bissell St. tions wanted. Next door to Kittle’s Market 5:45 p. m. “The Tired Child” by Dr. TAKE NOTICE! ARCTURUS BLUE A-C LONG LIFE Also “The Package of the Month” Harold C. Stuart. by Apollo. 5;59 p. m. Temperature. Hunters are forbidden to RADIO TUBES The Next Time You Have T H E NATIONAL BOARD OP 6:00 p. m. Telechron time. trespass ^on our property at Radio Trouble Try A new combination of a pound of candy and one of FIRE underwriters fcOl p. m. Champion Weatherman. Highland Park for the purpose the newest best selling books. 6:02 p. m. Agriculture Market re­ 85 John Street, New York ports. of shooting game. FOR SALE . ^ilfi p. m. The World Bookman. WM. E. KRAH A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OP 6i20 p. m. Dinner music. Any persons violating the order STOCK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES 6:30 p. m. Savsinnah Liners’ Or- will be prosecuted to the full extent SWEET CIDER FOR EXPER T . chestra—Hands Across the Sea, of tho law., PACKARD’S PHARMACY ESTABLISHED IN 1M4 Sousa; Song of the Soul, Chappel; RADIO SERVICE LAWRENCE W. C.\SE, AT THE CENTER 'Share Your Lips with Me, Cherie; Schaller Cider Mill 669 Tolland Tpk., Phone 4949 Case Brothers. Count Of Luxemburg, Lehar; A Atwater Kent, Stromberg-Carlson, Country Wedding; Deep in the ^Tonica Springs Co. 352 Woodland St. Tel. 6432 Majestic, Bosch, Philoo. . c /} ■ t-f-


I CSiurches of the city unite will be uiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifliL ‘ held IMs year In Union Cdpgrega- UOYD’S PICTURE ENDS FIVE LOCAL CASES OUR SOLDIERS LIKE tional church bn Thursday morning TOLLAND I -----FOR----- I at 10:30. AH members of the various churches and ail people of TONIGHT; “ EATS” FREE Burt Halleck had the misfortune IN SUPERIOR COURT MOVING PICTURES Rockville who feel that they have to .run. off the culvert, a short dis* cause for thankfulness are cordial­ t^ce hoi^ of the village Friday ly invited.. Five churches have a evening, causing serioqs damage to Babe Murder Case and Crimi­ The Thanksgiving | “Family Night” Date Set “Welcome Danger” Closes; part in the service. Order of service his automobile. At a meeting of the executive. is as follows: Prelude, “In the Special Program— Free Tur­ nal Negligence Most Im­ Aijny Presented Over 17,- ' comnuttee of the Mothers’ Club of A birthday party in honor of little Cathedral”, Pieme; Proclamation keys and Good Things To­ Cafrol Needham’s third birthday portant of Group. ; Union Congregational Church, held read by Ernest Backofen, Methodist in south parlor of the church ofl morrow. w as’given Saturday last' at the 000 Complete Programs Church; Doxology; invocation and home of her grandparents, Mr. and Five cases, first heard In Man­ I Feast I ; Monday afternoon, plans were dis­ Lord’s Prayer; Anthem, “O Sing chester police court, then appealed cussed for “Family ^^ight’’ which Mrs. Frank Luhrsen. Immediate Unto the Lord with Thanksgiving” “Welcome Danger” with Harold or bound over, will be included in will take the place of the annual relatives and neighbors were present At Posts During Year. Steane; Scripture, Repaid Kent, Lloyd in his first talking picture has the 123 cases to be tried at the I Fresh Assorted Salted Nuts | banquet. The date has been set Baptist Church; Prayer, Rev. Wil­ been entertaining large crowds at and refreshnjents completed the for Saturday, December 14 and the festivities. opening of the December Superior liam Darby, Tolland Federated the State for the last two days and Court term in Hartford next Tues­ I Special 99c lb. | Washington, Nov. 26.—(AP) - time of the supper is 6 o’clock. Church; Offertory, Soprano Solo will be seen for the last times to­ • There is to be a Thanksgiving .so­ Motionpictures are proving a popu­ Mrs. Ethel Leonard is general cial under the auspices of the Fed­ day, December 3. by Miss Ransom, “Come Ye day. Most serious of the cases is that Milk Chocolate Nut Chocolates | lar source of diversion in the Army chairman of the committee which erated Simday school Friday eve­ I Thankful People,” Scott; Hymn; Departing a little from the usual of Mrs. Ida M. Weir, alleged by and the War Department is expand­ consists of the president, Mrs. ning in the Federal church. Ea»:h Sermon by Rev. H. B. Olmstead, policy, “Woman Trap” with Evelyn local police to have attempted the I 69c lb. I ing its facilities for giving the sol­ George Herzog, Mrs. George Wain- Episcopal Church; Hymn and Bene­ Brent, Hal Skelly and .Chester class is to take part in the progran.'s wright, Mrs. Otto Preusse, Mrs. murder of her new-born babe on diers this sort of entertainment. diction. Morris, will be shown Wednesday for entertainment and refreshments September 3. She. was arrested Hoyt Hayden, Mrs. George S. Notes I Haystacks 39c lb. | his annual report to the only. If you like real, true to life will be served at the social hour. September 31 and Judge Raymond department. Adjutant General C. 11. Brookes, Mrs. Herbert Cockayne^ Mrs. Eliza Robertson of Groton melodrama such as might be taking Yim-Kwan Cheigh a young college and Mrs. Thomas Neill. The com^* A. Johnson found probable cause Bridges said today that during the is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. place right around you at the pres­ student who is taking a course for mittee has been enlarged and sub­ and Mrs. Weir was bound over to I Assorted Chocolates 43c lb. | Ernest Boothroyd of Gaynor Place. ent time, you will more than enjoy another degree in his work at the last fiscal year 14,942 complete pro. committees named as follows; din­ the superior court under bond of E. W. Robinson of Pawtucket, R. “Woman Trap.” It' is an adaption grams were shown at the Army post ing room, Mrs. Herbert Cockayne, Hartford Seminary Foundation, oc­ $500. I., was a Rockville visitor on Sat­ of the famous stage play “Brothers” I Chocolate and Vanilla Nut Fudge | theaters with 3,830,548 supectators. Mrs. Walter Draycott, Mrs. Luther cupied the pulpit in the Federated Also of a serious nature is the urday, renewing old acquaintances. but with the widened scope of the church at the Sunday morning In addition 35,000 passengers on Trouton’, Mrs. Otto Preusse, Mrs. Nathan Edwards of Thompson case of Lowell K. Thompson, age I 39c lb. I Army passports were similary en­ Bernard Woodley, Mrs. Walter Kell­ motion pictures it takes on more service. At the thank offering serv­ 17,- who was the driver of the street has returned to the Travel­ life and vividness. You will like it tertained. ner and Mrs. Harry Roy; supper, er’s Rest House, West Suffield, ice in the evening he gave a most, in­ Chevrolet sedan that struck and Two new theaters were construct­ Mrs. Ethel Leonard, Mrs. John Zim­ because it is human. In the Civil teresting talk on his country Korea killed Frederick Scranton on the I . Stuifed Dates 39c lb. | where he will remain for a few' [War, brother fought against ed during the year, one at Fort merman, "Mrs. Emily Liebe, Mrs. weeks, following a recent opera and the wbrk he is to follow on his night of October 25. He was bound Myer, Virginia, and the other at Emmeline Ludwig, Mrs. James brother. In life today you find return, also the condition of the peo­ over on a charge of criminal negli­ tion. brother fighting against brother, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, Metcalf, Mrs. Eula Gunther, Mrs. Miss Dorisuoris Helm«eim hasnas returned to ranks of the • guardians ple in regard to the three distinct gence. each containing full > stage equip­ Thomas Neill and Mrs. Richard her duties at the Stamford hosp , lo,,, onH tvio ntupr in classes and the work of the mission­ Alexander Kwiatkauskas of Ed­ I Large Selection of Fancy | Blankenburg; entertainment, Mrs. ner duties at the i of the law and the other in some ment, comfortable opera chairs, loo­ after several c^ys yjsit ^ “racket.” It is a sensational dar- aries among the people. ward street, who appealed, after bies and lounges. The Fort Myer George Herzog and Mrs. E. H. Mrs. Virginia Fullinwider of Ala­ being arrested on a charge of keep­ Cobb. bama and , Mrs. Zoe ing liquor with intent to sell on theater has a seating capacity of Wnrmstead moves audiences in perfect rhythm 428 and that -a t F ort' Benjamin j Wheel Boys Tell The World Beckley and Miss Marion 'Tiesler of November 9 will be up for a hear­ of V iilS e “ root r e S to Its action. The theme touches I Boxed Chocolates I Harrison can accommodate 610. | The football squad of the Rock­ New York City are guests of Mr?. ing on violation of the fiquor law. ed S L t l f l o w l S CTcstsat a chicken your heart. The action moves so Major General Bridges’ report, ville Wheel Club won the deciding Eliza Harney and George Bartlett. The two remaining cases are both game from the Clerks’ at the Rock­ S iS r: Mr and S s . Edward Quinn, swiftly you gasp for your breath, for the violation of the Motor also described some of the difficul­ Jr., Raymond Preuss, “Teddy” fearful of breathing lest .you lose a Mr. and Mrs. Roberf Olmstead ville Fair grounds on Sunday af­ have returned to New York Citv Vehicle law, involving J. Rhey ties that his office has in keeping Bvraes Herbert Miller and Leslie single movement. ter noon, and last evening they de­ ^ymes, ne oe , three principals deliver per- after a short visif with Mrs. Olm- Braithwaite and William J. Eagle- abreast of its work. cided to tell the world. Automo­ son. Braithwaite was found guilty Much Mail. stead’s mother Mrs. Asaph Bird. I South Manchester Candy .Kitchen I biles were decorated and so were m S s Marjorie Mann of the office | formances that take with rank with in the town court of reckless driv­ The year saw 3,107,300 pieces of the boys and they w'ent on a tour of th^ local Telephone Exchange anything any of them have hitherto Fred Johnson is spending a week § Next to Glenney’s = or me iui.d. f delivered. An all-talking comedy, ing on September 24, the charge mail received, distributed, answered about the city streets, tooting the spent the past week-end with Miss at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry and two selected vitaphone acts Royce in Wales, Mass. being the outcome of an accident in when a reply was required, or other­ news of their victory. There hasn t Minnie Irmisher of East Hampton. which a child was slightly injured. iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii complete the Wednesday program. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thomforde, wise properly disposed of. The been any excitment in the city for Eagleson was arrested for speed­ As an extra added attraction for Dolly Thomforde, and Mrs. John greatest quantity of mail received several weeks and the celebration ing on November 2, was found Wednesday night, the management Riley and three children of New on a single day was 23,375. The by this lively football squad made guilty, but took an appeal. work of the office is so organized the people sit up and' take notice GILEAD will give away a large number of York City are guests at the home of that telegrams and important com­ for an hour or more, wondering fancy turkeys, and also baskets Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luhrsen. munications are handled on a 24- what it was all about. A student from Wesleyan College, filled with all the good things for Mrs. Walter Pearson and Mrs. Ed­ hour basis and no letter requiring, a The Wheel Football eleven will Middletown, conducted the morning the Thanksgiving feast, each of ward Mason of Hartford were re­ renlv eoes imanswered longer than be the guests of the Palace theater service at the church Sunday. which will contain a duck or a cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar management on Thursday after­ Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fuller of An­ chicken. Plan to be there and you A. Leonard of Tolland avenue. three days. may take home a complete Thanks­ A t the close of the fiscal year, noon, w'hen an excellent vaudeville dover are gnests at Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ethel Usher of Hartford is show will be presented. Hart E. Buells. giving dinner free. . spending the . Thanksgiving recess OVERCOATS 139,142 individuals were actively en- There will be a special program g8iged in the military service, the Planning Banquet Miss Marcia Zabriskie, teacher at i i with her mother Mrs. Lucy Usher. thrHebron Center school, spent the for 'rhanksgivmg day only. Dorothy aggregate strength of the officers At the last regular meeting of uie neuiuu V.CU ^ ^nd Mackaill, and a supporting cast of Men’s Blue, Brown and reserve corps was 112,757 and dur­ the Every Mothers’ Club plans were week-end at the home of Mr. and) made to hold a banquet at the Mrs. Asa W. Ellis. ing the year 34,514 took the course the I pictures “Had To Get.” AT RAINBOW INN Gray Coats of the citizens military training Rockville House some time in Jan­ There was no service at uary and the following committee camps. church Sunday evening as local | was named to make arrangements; folks attended the Tri-County Union ) PRAYING FOR RAIN. George Bokis of the Rainbow Inn Plain Colors and Fancy Mrs. Herbert Sharpe and Mrs. Lena meeting in Malborough. ------and Night Club at Bolton is offering Effects Griffin. It w'as voted to change the Mrs. Grace Hays of Cambridge, I san Francisco, Nov. 26.— (AP) — an especially attractive Thanksgiv­ ?IASH HEAD R E P ^ S meetings to one evening a month in­ Mass., is visiting at the home of Mr., prayers for rain are being offered by ing program as an introduction to stead of tw'o, which are held during the dining public. A splendid menu the afternoon at the present time. and Mrs. Hart E. Buell. j 300,000 Catholics in some 200 that will be served from 12:30 to BUSINESS AS GOOD Mr. Pearson of South Manchester j chuches in central California, Arch- .00 A decision for a definite night will midnight. Reservations for private and up ^ be made at the next regular meet­ who conducts a singing school hereJtjishop Edward J. Hanna disclosed parties may be phoned or arranged ing, which will be held on Wednes­ Saturday evenings was accompanied j today in a communication to priests for in person. Not in years has This is the store for color Kenosha, Wis., Nov. 26. “The Saturday evening by members of his j of the San Francisco diocese, country is fundamentally sound and day night, December 11 at 7:30. there been featured such an excel­ —for paints, varnish, lac­ M rs.' Eugene Edwards and Mrs. choir who sang several selections lor | Tiie archbishop's communication business in sdl lines will continue, lent program at the Rainbow. Music Stephen VonEuw will be in charge the benefit of the local members ol directs all priests in the diocese to quer and enamel to re­ for not everyone is governed nor will be an added feature. Despite of the program and Mrs. Elsie the school. After the school a social say the prayer “ ad petendjin numerous dances throughout Tol­ finish furniture, floors, affected by the Chapman and Mrs. Elsie Beinhauer hour was spent at the hall. Games pluyiam,” whenever the rubies of land County last Saturday approxi­ woodwork — anythingl Boys’ comfortable assur^ce of f ) will act as hostesses, and songs were indulged in and re­ the mass permit. This prayer will mately 500 persdns attended at the as usual” was issued by C. H. buss, , . ^ xt • .rr.. .. sales manager of the Nash Motors Program At Umon Church freshments were served. be offered until rain falls. Inn. On Thanksgiving Eve Moe Easy with fast-drying Landerman and his orchestra of N Company today following receipt of On next Simday evening at Union The old Bailey house on John Tom | ------church Mr. L. W. Ripley of Glaston­ mountain was burned to the ground' Hartford will provide a feature pro­ Overcoats final reports on Nash shipmente to gram. November 1 and the strong national bury, will speak on “The Latest early Monday morning. The file The Winter Term of the Connec- Messages From the Sky,” which was plainly seen for miles around, ticut Business College opens Mqn- Genuine Germania demand which at the cIost of A French criminal feigned ^ a t e r S p a r October left 3,300 unfilled orders on will be interesting and instructive. The family was awakened by the day, December 2. Complete .com The address will be illustrated with coughing of a child and they Cscap- j mercial courses in Day and ^ Eve- dumbness and insanity for 15 ' V a r n i s h * hand for the popular cars of the years to avoid a prison sentence. Lacquer ma. Enamel] Chinchillas new 1930 Nash “400” series. It lantern slides. ' ed, but all else was burned. ning school. Adv. An additional attraction will be amply backs up with facts ^d the singing of Mr. Albert Pearson, in blues, browns and grays figures the statements of banking The lacquer that “dries in no r / who captivated the large audience time”. The varnish that even officials, statesmen and interna­ tw'o w'eeks ago by the rendition of tional business leaders who have two solos on the occasion of the hot water will not harm—the $15.95 pitted common sense and econoimc visit of the Manchester Glee (Jlub. SOMETHING tough enamel for every use! facts against the hysteria resulting i Cornelia Circle Met Call at the store for color cards. The from the deflation of stock market The Cornelia Circle met this af­ TO AMUSE THE store for quality and helpful servicel Other Overcoats...... $9i95 up values. ternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank /u Complete sales reports show that Hutchinson of Talcott avenue. A ■‘M ' CHILDREN ON Nash completed total shipments of review o fthe book, “The Rise of Genuine Horsehide Jackets 20.116 new Twin-Ignition Eights, American Civilization,” by Charles Twin-Ignition Sixes and Single and Mary Beard, was given by Mrs. For Men in bofh ^ 1 ^ Sixes of the “400’' Series for 1930 ■Wright B. Bean of Stafford Springs, black and brown ...... on October 31, and that despite which proved very interesting. THANKSGIVING every effort on the part of the pro­ Christian Service Thursday ■ duction department to build suf­ The Rockville Christian Science Boys’ Jackets...... $9.95 and up ficient cars to fill the demand, the Society of this city will hold a AFTERNOON shipments lacked thirty-three hun­ Thanksgiving service on Thursday W. E. HIBBARD dred cars of the orders on hand. morning a± 10;30 in Masonic Hall, 282 North Main Street Further reports from key cities, Union street, which will be open to where new car registrations form a Manchester the public. THE criterion for national automobile Royalty Bill HULTMAITS business, show that Nash deliveries The public Works Committee of in several of the cities studied ex­ the city has received a bill of $300 ceed the deliveries at the same from the Pacific Floor Tank Com­ points during the corresponding pany, which comes as a surprise period last year by margins of from j company claims the amount is 3 to 71 percent. Also, for the week j ,jyg on equipment used at the re­ ending November 9 the reports i construction of the City’s Alteration Excel Electric show that Nash deliveries in three | plant. The committee states that out of the ten cities exceeded those ' the engineers never informed them of the corresponding week last | that royalties were due on any year. equipment used. The bill is being “With the country on a funda­ investigated. mentally sound business basis,” Mr. To Give Memorial Address Bliss continued, “it may be neces­ County Commissioiner Harry C sary to devote more intelligent Smith, a Past Exalted Ruler' of supervision to business and it may Rockville Lodge of Elks, will give be necessary to turn more hours the Memorial address at services to into productive hours. The strong be held by the Wallingford Lodge of organizations will be in position to Elks in Wallingford on Sunday, h December 1. Several of the local CORN do this quickly. The weaker ones will realize the necessity of greater members are planning to accom­ strength as their salvation. There is pany Mr. Smith. no better time than the present for Union Thanksgiving Service each organization to get its house The Annual Thanksgiving Day in order. Nash policies, predicated Services in which the Protestant upon honesty and fairness and recognized as such by all those in the industry, place the Nash organi­ zation in an enviable position to ob­ tain business on a profitable basis. This record of shipments and regis­ For Thanksgiving trations is evidence of the public’s PISO’S gives quick, approving attitude toward the new effective relie£ Nash line of automobiles.” Pleasant, sooth­ Whether hostess or guest she will ing and healing. Excellent for M f i p o n children — contains no I h opiates. Successfully find your presentation of Novem­ TALCOTTVILLE used for 65 years. 35c and 60c sizes. Dr. Rockwell Harmon Potter of ber’s brilliant flowers admirably Hartford, president of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign 1.98 suited to convey the Thanskgiving Missions spoke in church on Sunday morning about mission work in 48c DOWN India. A thank offering taken at MANCHESTER spirit. that tiiqe netted over one hundred 50c MONTHLY and forty-five dollars. # Wilbur H. Smith, Jr., has secured PEOPLE Open Tiic ::iuy and Wednesday a position in the trust department have been trading with us Any child can safely use the Excel EJwtric Cb^n P^pei*. Simply connect to any of the Hartford Aetna National Evenings, Phone 5463 Bank. Mr. Smith started his new for years and years and we light socket, pour the kernels into the popper and stiT gently by tiiming thi^ knob. work on Monday morning. sure do appreciate it. When In five minutes you have a half gallon popped. All done, without fuss or bother. Let The name of Clinton Asa (Jhurcb in Hartford dine with us and us send an Excel Popper to you now. , ' has been placed upon the Cradle be sure to bring home some Roll of the local church. oysters and crackers for the Miss Dorothy Wood, who is at­ ELECTRICITY IS YOUR LOWEST PRICE SERVANT. tending Willimantic Normal School other members of the fam­ has been chosen as one of ten girls ily. from the Junior class to act as ushers at the Senior Girls Dance. HONISS’S The (Christian Endeavor Society )WER OHOP -net on Sunday evening. The subject OYSTER HOUSE ^ The Manchester Electric Cd. ^ 913 Main St., South Manchester .of the meeting was “Thanksgiving , 22 State Street 773 MAIN STREET - PHONE 5181 by Thanksliving.” The senior leader Hartford, Conn. was Wilbur H. Smith, Jr., and the i^5yyyyyygXX3(5yg3yy6XXXX36)(X3(XX3CX3£36XX3636X363636X3


What bond of fellowship existed original source of the trouble, by |R(uuI|(0t(i between the Massachusetts Roimd- the Russians., There are rumors .of ONCE TAFTS PASTOR heads and the Cayaliers of Vir­ a contemplated separate peace pn HEALIH^-DIET ADVICE Cimtbtg 3HfraU> ginia? How many residents of Han­ the part of Manchuria. NOW IN U W S TOILS An extraordinary ofler- POBLISHBD BT THE cock, N. H., would find themselves But there is utterly lacking any HERALD PRINTINO CXJMPANT, INC. at ease of manner, thought and dependable Information by which to IS Blssell Street Los Angeles, Nov. -26!—t)r. Brad- language with the American citi­ weigh the significance of these re­ atfuosm saomssMO tuvatopm M ite^ir South Mancheeter, Conn. fort Lea-vitt, widely know^ Unitar­ THOMAS FERGUSON zens who live on Toulouse or Conti ports. Are Russian Reds con­ t S a w mA$tm jmwkt u$jm etus- ______' General Manager ian clergyman who once was chap­ 4.— ------— ------street in New Grleans'and whose ducting a really substantial cam­ UNDULANT FEVER <^with the use of enemas at least twice and sometimes three times lain to the United States Senate, Founded October I. 1881 ancestors have liVed there for a paign? Are their communications Until recently, undulant fever daily. Cold shower baths should was in a psycbdpathic ward of a Published Every Evening .Except century and a half? capable of extension? Are they in also be used during the height of Sundays and Holldaya Entered at the has been a rather rare disease in city hospital today for observation Post Office at South Manchester. We wonder, for that fiaatter, shape to consolidate their gains ? the United States, but much more the fever. After each shower bath a brisk rubdown is advisable. after pleading guilty to a statutory Conn., as Second Class Mall Matter. whether the French strain in Gen­ Have they reserves? Can they sup­ frequently found in Spain, Portugal, SUBSCRIPTION RATES: '' The pain of the joints can be re­ charge. ply an army reaching into enemy and France. This disease is known One Tear, by mall ...... 86.00 eral Pershing himself has always by a variety of names, such as lieved through the use of hot During the administration of Per Month, by mall ...... 8 -60 coimtry in midwinter with .two fomentations. Delivered, one y e a r ...... 89.00 experienced complete one-ness with Mediterranean fever, Bruce’s sep­ President Taft, Dr. Leavitt was pas­ Single copies...... 8 .03 the Teutonic tinge in the atmo­ thousands miles of steppes behind ticemia, Neapolitan fever, Cyprus If these instructions are followed, tor of a Unitarian church in Wash­ the course of the disease can usual­ el i I'; it? Or, on the other hand: Have fever, and septic aemia melitensis ington which was attended by the MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED sphere of Milwaukee. Whether apd goat fever. ly be greatly shortened. PRSSS the Chinese any real military or­ President. ' The Associated Press Is exclusively Broadway and the Blue Smoky This disease is characterized by Six months ago, Mr. Leavitt con­ entitled to the use for republlcatlon Mountains, and the denizens there­ ganization beyond a handful of attacks of fever which may be Articles on similar subjects which fided to members of his congrega­ o f all news dispatches credited to It I have prepared for free distribu­ of, are just one big family—or crack brigades? Is there any unity weeks or months in duration, often tion that he needed a rest and in-' or not otherwise credited In this ' remittent. The belief has been held tion. Please send 2c stamp for each paper and also the local nows pub­ whether they are a little less alike among them? Are they indeed still tended to go to Europe in an at­ that it is usually spread by goat’s article you desire. 'This js to tempt to regain his health. lished herein. mere private armies imder individ­ All rights of republlcatlon of than Turk and Russian. milk which in infected by the mic­ partially pay for preparation and Pending' further observation, Bpeclal dispatches herein are also re­ ualistic war lords? Are they sup­ rococcus melitensis. However, re­ postage. served. The United States is made up of physicians ascribed his trouble to a plied with modem equipment and cent investigations made by Gov­ Two on Malaria—; A study of nervous breakdown. SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ almost as many elements—not ernment chemists at Wasumgton Fevers—; Use More Water in SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLlsser, merely individual but sectional— munitions on any large scale? Can have disclosed the fact that these Fevers— ; Controlling Fevers—; Inc., 285 Madison Ave., New York. N. they fight a real war ? bacteria are to be found in cow’s Fevers of Children—; Measles—; Y., and 612 North Michigan Ave., and these elements almost as dif- MAKEUP SAVES ACTOR. • milk and that perhaps this is the Whooping Cough— ; 'Tuberculosis Chicago, Ills. Nobody has answered any of ferent from each other, as is Eu­ greatest source of infection. It — ; Rheumatic Fever—; Acute Ap­ Discontinued these questions satisfactorily. No­ New York, Nov. 26.—(AP)— The Herald is on sale (Jally at all rope. There is a very general dis­ is claimed there are over 50,000 pendicitis— ; Two on Influeaza—; Putty, used by Lawrence 'Hbbett, Schultz and Hoatling news stands In position on the part of many of us body knows the truth about this cases of undulant fever in the Uni­ Tonsilitis and Dyphtherla— ; Pneu­ Metropolitan opera baritone, to New York City. ted Stated at the present time, and monia— . to assume too much in this matter war—and hardly anybody wants to build ,up his nose for the part of Full service client of N E A Service. tell what truth they do know. that most of these case.! orginiated Sheriff Ranee in “The Girl of the Inc. of a “common history, common in the use of unpastuerized cow’s Bengal Orientals QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Golden West,” saved him from seri­ Member. Audit Bureau of Circula­ milk from cows affected with con­ tions. civilization and common language.” (Sense of Smell Lost) ous injury last night when a ladder ’The common language is about all SHIFT IN ATTITUDES tagious abortion. This micrococcus Question:—A. J. writes: "Six fell during the opera, and struck The Herald Printing Company, Inc., When a bricklayer got the fioor enters the body through the intes­ months ago I lost my sense of him on the nose. assumes no financial responsibility there is to it—and that isn’t near­ tines and invades the blood. The for typographical errors appearing In at the- Socialist party’s post-elec­ smell, and almost immediately my Undaunted by the mishap, which advertisments In the Manchester ly as common to the whole country spleen becomes enlarged” and soft­ sense of taste. Of all I have e^ten came in the, second act,. Tibbett tion convention in New York on ened, the lymphoid cells increase, ; $137-50 ' Evening Herald. as we like to believe. There were since then I have never tasted a continued to sing his role. After the Sunday and told the gathering that and there is congestion in the liver, TUESDAY. NOV, 26, 1929 many American soldiars, descend­ single mouthful. Every meal is a close of the act he was treated' by “ the trouble with you is too much kidneys and other abdominal or­ dreadful ordeal. Can you help me? a house physician and returned for ants of manyx^' generations of gans. Regular ?169.50 WILL JUST MOG ALONG of this so-called intelligentsia,” I am 70 years old.” the third act. The injury -was de­ Americans, who had to leaim After the infection from the milk Answer:—I am sure your sense scribed as a superficial one, mainly Governor Trumbull is reported to enough English, when they went Norman Thomas, mildly suggested the first symptoms usually occur of smell and taste can be partially because much of the force was Bengal Orientals are one of the oldest of Ameri­ . be “studying conditions in the to the big war, to understand their that a little intelligence here and after an incubation period of four­ restored if your loss did not take broken by the putty. can-made Oriental reproduction^. In order to state” and preparing to formulate there did no hurt. That there is in­ teen days, when the temperature place following an operation or officers’ commands—French speak­ rises slowly, accompanied by pain treatment in your nose. If your make way for a new, heavier rug (the Nahsak I a program of co-operation with the_ ing Acadians from Louisiana, Span­ telligence in the Socialist party In in the back and limbs and some loss of the use of your olfactory is selling at $285.00) its manufacturers are discon­ I federal government in promoting ish speaking natives of New Mexi­ New York is evidenced by the fact headache. There is soreness and caused from catarrh, you could tinuing a few of the Bengal grade this week. Most I public work. It is also said to be that it is just about ready to yield tenderness in the region of the surely get good results from follow­ OTHER LIVES of these rugs are brand new this fall and have co, German dialect speaking Amer­ stomach. The temperature may rise the feeling of state officials that up its hitherto sacred name if such ing a fasting and dieting regime de­ I icans from back counties in Penn­ to 103 or 105 degrees, and continue orders. If you see this answer, "On each life some other lives must only been in stock for a short time. All have the Connecticut is in an especially for- sylvania. a course proves necessary in order at this for several weeks, ' after signed to correct catarrhal lean.’’ Does that sentence make new Bengal lustre-finish. 9x12 sizes in Kirman, timate situation in this connection, to attract progressive and liberal which the recovery apparently please write, giving your full name you pause for a moment? It did Tree of Life and Sarouk patterns, copied from rare The United States of America me. ’ How true it is. How com­ since it has already made large ap­ voters. That there is less of it takes place, but return attacks fre­ and address so I can send you some was formed, indeed, out of racially quently occur. The lungs are usual­ special articles on this subject. plete is our dependence upon other antiques in museums throughout the world, are propriations for important con­ among the labor unions is indicated and culturally differentiated com­ ly congested and muscus may be (Hydrogen in Foods) people. Maybe it’s a family phy­ included. structions—but of course, since the munities almost if not quite as far by the bricklayer in question- who expelled from the bronchial tubes. Question:—D. T. asks: “Will you sician, possibly a financial adviser. Legislature is not in session, it can said: “ You can go on alone. V7e 'The patient is usually unable to please tell me the foods that have Perhaps it’s a husband, a father, or apart of most of the European slaep, and is very irritable and weak a respected employer. Certain peo­ make no further commitments at will not go with you. You are ready hydrogen in them? My mother was states are today. There was, in the for this reason. The gums bleed told not to eat foods containing ple are leaning on you, too. And this time. to marry the first progressive beginning, much foreboding over readily, and the sweat glands of hydrogen.” our service can make you a verit­ WATKINS BROTHERS All of which is another way of the difficulties in the way of merg­ movement that comes along.” the skin are usually interferred Answer:—I do not know of any able bulwark. saying that, so far as Connecticut Here, out of the mouth of vmion with after the third week ofy the foods that do not contain hydrogen, Why don’t you write or phone for 55 YEARS AT SOUTH MANCHESTER ing these various unaccordant fac­ disease. The hips, shoulders, ankles further particulars ? ’^is concerned, we shall do with a labor, come the very words with as this is one of the elements al­ tors into a nation. Yet it was done. and knee joints may be painfully ways present in foods. I am sure ^ large showing of enthusiasm just The merging of unaccordant fac­ which the Socialists used to attack swollen, resembling arthritis, but your mother must have been mis­ FRANKLIN G. WELLES, JR. they seldom show reddening of the ■*what we were going to do anyhow, tors into a United States of Eu­ the unions. Intelligent socialism in taken about the ad-vice, given her. 807 W’oodbridge St., Manchester (DIX^DOLIAB) New York evidently is envisioning skin over them. Telephone 409S i j r ind nothing else. rope might prove a task more dif­ Whenever there Is a prolonged (Taming Blue) Question:—H. G. writes: “Please Phoenix Mutual Life Jnsurance Co. Fortunately that is all that there ficult only in slight degree. good governments integrity in of­ fever in which the joints are in­ seems any present need of doing. fice, great public works honestly volved, undulant fever should be tell me why my flesh turns blue upon the slightest bruise. The This state is precisely hke the na­ performed and paid for with tax considered. The safest diagnosis GROWTH must rely upon a bacterialogical blue spots appear even when I am tion. It faces no special emergency. money—the while union labor not conscious of having been touch­ Hartford seems to have suffered examination. We are not called on to take extra- seems to be away back in the The outlook for recovery is very ed by anything.” something of a shock in the re­ Answer: — You should have a ordinary measures because no ex- Marxian days from which it has good in most cases, especially if the ceipt of information that the popu­ proper care is taken of the patient. careful examination made, as the V1 traordinary situation exists. And taken the Socialists a generation to tendency to turn blue is often a lation of the city, as based on The best of nursing is required in we do wish that newspapers and emerge, dreaming the child’s dream very serious condition denoting a school enumeration figures, is be­ undulent fever cases much the same public people would quit treating of a co-operative commonwealth. as in typhoid. The best diet seems weakness of the walls of the blwd tween 5,000 and 6,000 less than vessels. You surely need a diet rich ■■ the Hoover construction program to be only to u s e ^ m e one of the was indicated by estimates based acid fruits during the height of the in vitamins and organic salts, such Thanksgiving Is Here Again! ' as though it were something gotten a a are fofind in the non-starchy on the city directory canvass. The tTfe'ver. Orange^; -^grapefruit, grape, up on the spur of the moment to etc., may be used.i’The bowels must veEjetables, especiaUy those used With its reunion of families and the big feasts that delight the hearts of the population as shown by the school stave off something or other. AN NEW YORK also be kept thoroughly cleansed uncooked. census is figured out to be 170,775 We haven’t the slightest doubt children. persons. that President Hoover, like plenty New York. Nov. 26.— One of the W e suggest some items that you.may need for your table and your kitchen. •of other people, has foreseen for For our part we cannot see why best chorine yams to drift our way several years a gradual let-down in any city of the-size and importance in quite a spell comes from Gene WASHINGTON of Hartford should be distressed or Buck, who produces musical shows All Kinds of Paring certain over-stimulated lines of now and then. delighted, as the case may be, by a LETTER business. He has probably realized When the girl first appeared for u Carving Sets and Butcher Knives that the automobile industry, for showing of a few thousand less or rehearsal, she was the typical out- essential to the defense require­ more in its population according to of-town p r et t y maid, cheaply By RODNEY DUTCHER one, could not go on forever pro­ ments of Australia and J^ew Zea­ one estimatf than in the popula­ dressed ,an,d^. going . to sandwich , NEA Service Writer ducing cars at the rate o f, recent Washington—'The British govern­ land. 'Japanese have often attacked Meat Choppers' tion according to some other esti­ Counters for'lunch. Within a short its establishment as a threat to years and selling them for any- time after the opening of the show, ment’s decision to delay work on its their country or as a tacit admis- ” ^thing but stage money. The Presi­ mate. We don’t see, for that mat­ it became apparent that she had great naval base at Singapore is dent has realized that for some ter, what great difference it makes struck the fancy of some rich agent, .regarded here as further evidence ' sion that Britain regarded Japan Family Scales ^of Premier MacDonald’^ good will as a potential enemy. Labor and We have a fine assortmeilt of ^ styles whether a city’s g;rowth is a small since she appeared in expensive rai­ time there has been in some direc- in advance of the London confer- Liberal leaders m England support- and at a variety of prices that will please. percentage less or more than its ment and baubles began to drip § g.^tions an artificial quality in our from her wrists. ence and it is also supposed to have ed the view, { over-accentuated prosperity. And people have guessed it to be, or been made In recognition of the j Six British Ba^s Egg Beaters “Where are you getting all the fact that the more naval reduction : There are six Bntish naval Stainless Steel Knives g s :u'uiiiini being but mildly impressed by the an original and unique personality or two of them. Th, British base - bean zone be demilitarized or neu- doesn’t always mean so much—not, at Singapore was designed to, in- tralized arid although reaction gen- nowadays often suggested “United that is, so much that is good. We to become a potentate among beg­ gars, just as it does to be a per­ clude a $20,000,000 drydock suitable erally was favorable, there was no States of Europe” so far as any­ happen to be able to remember son of consequence in any other for battleships. Some of the British official comment. -These bases thing beyond trade agreements is when Detroit, with about one-fifth strata of life. bases in the Pacific have drydocks, ; however, do not compare wto involved. To him are attributed It so happens that this particu­ but major repair work on her larg- the large, modern well-defended of its present population, was one est men-of-war have had to be done bases. A small enuser squadron is these words: “There is no analogy of the most delightful cities in lar Bowery figure, who does about with three or four ragged coats at Malta in toe Mediterranean. 'j maintained at Bermuda, but fortl- between the United States of America—a splendid community of superimposed one upon the other Called -Off Before ! ficatio'fas there are negligible. King- America and the suggested United splendid people, its streets immac­ and wearing a girdle of old pots A British Labor government ston has a fuel station and is most called off toe Singapore work once strategically located, but has no States of Europe. One is formed of and pans, is a Heidelberg student. ulate, its lighting system the envy before, when MacDonald was pr<- drytiock and no defenses worth -1 states with common tradition, iden- of the country, its homes spacious When he approaches to bum a dime, he is likely as not to begin spout­ mier in 1924. But the Conserva- talking about. Port Castries is only ' tical language and similar econo­ and beautiful, next to no poverty, ing Nietzsche or Schopenhauer. Fed Uves who had originally begim an anchorage. Our gwernment mic interests • ♦; Europe, on the next to no crime, its social life it, resumed it wheli they returned never appears to have worried about upon bitter philosophies, he feigns any of these bases. other hand, composed of states an arrogant superiority for the to power in 1925. One of toe wholesome, active, intellectual—an gnments for the latest suspensi(!^n Malta Is Largest each possessing an intense national ideal town possessing everything world and its people. Malta is the largest, strongest A brilliant fellow, intent upon is that in case the London confer- spirit, each proud of its history that a city needed for the enrich­ ence decides to abolish capital land best equipped ‘ British naval living off the world, he walks about base, lying in toe central Mediter­ and seeking its own pathway into ment of a materially prosperous in his fantastic raiment — his head ships there will be no need of completing the Singapore job. ranean half way between the im­ the future.” existence. in the clouds and his feet in the portant base at Gibraltar and mud. His ragged inarticulate cro­ England has 26 naval bases, the Prudent Is He We have always had the greatest those of Suez and Port Said; And now look at the darned nies tap their heads smd think him United States seven and Japan six, ' ’ respect for General Pershing’s thing! according to a list compiled by the In the last decade or two our queer because he speaks a language own Na-vy Department has devel­ opinions. He is as much naturai not their own. As for himself, the Foreign Policy Association. Brit­ ain’s are scattered through her oped its bases at the Panama Ca­ who avails himself of the protection of our Safe statesman as natural soldier and BEHIND A CURTAIN defense of the penny-moocher is nal Zone, Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, that a philosopher would starve as empire over the world. Ours are by experience is profoundly educat­ Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and the As was anticipated at the time of quickly in the world outside, so he confined to the Pacific and the ed in the matter of European the outbreak of Sino-Russian hos­ Caribbean. Japan’s are in Japa­ Virgin Islands. Our other three Deposit Vault for his valuables. The cost is low might as well accept a world of outlying naval bases are at Guam, points of view. But it strikes us tilities, the war that is being mendicants and bums. nese and Chinese waters. The British preponderance” of Samoa and Cavite in the Philip­ that he has either Ijeen incorrectly fought along the Manchurian-Si- pines, the last of which has de­ From Alfred Kreymborg’s “ Our bases is designed primarily ^o pro­ —as you can rent a Private Lock Box here for quoted or else he has momenterily berian border is going on, so to tect British trade ” routes. The fenses, drydock and fuel tanks. Singing Strength," which happens Under the Washington treaty, these overlooked some circumstances in to be the first history of American Singapore base commands toe main speak, behind a curtain which Pacific bases may be repaired but . the history of his own coimtry. poets, I learn that William Cullen trade routes to the Far East and only $3.00, $5.00, $10.00 or $25.00 per year. hides all view of it from the eyes Australia and has been regarded as not expanded. We wonder, for example, wheth­ Bryant made $14.92 out of ‘"Thana- of the world.” It is literally impossi­ topsis” in five years. And certain er the traditions of Louisiana and ble to make even an intelligent gents now get from 10 cents to 50 so shocked at the first reading of REBEL GENERAL CAPTURED. Vermont are much more alike than guess at the situation. cents‘a word for gndnding out cheap Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass” that those of Rumania and Belgium; Next to nothing of value is esti­ sex and second rate biography. Oh, he tossed it into toe fire. Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, Nov. 26. well! £ whether there is, after all, such a GIl-B^RT SWAN. — (A P )—Reports received here mating the probable outcome is­ Robert Frost, an excellent con­ marked unity of economic interests from Navajoa, Sonora, say Genera! sues from the theatre of war. Late­ temporary ' poet averaged $10 a Roberto Cruz, picturesque Mexican between the state of Pennsylvania ly we have heard much of obvious year from bis work. And Edward The expression “Tell it to the military figure and a commander of Arlington Robinson, one of the few and the state of Idaho—^Mr, Grun- Chinese reverses, of heavy casual­ marines,” arose from toe fact that rebel cavalry during the recent rev­ The Ma n c h e s t e rTr u s t Gompam? best selling poets, was starving dy. and Mr. Borah at least see a ties, of apparent success of the So­ pleasantly when the late Theodore when the marines first went afloat olution, has been captured by feder- ■wide difference. How closely, after viet forces in operations that Roosevelt, who had read his early they were naturally rather ‘green’ eil troops. SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN. all, does the culture of New Eng­ would seem to forerun the seizure verses, became so enthusiastic that concerning nautical affairs and he gave Arlington a Job in the -The earth travels 1,440 -feet a land approach that of Arizona? would believe almost anything of the Chinese Eastern Railroad, custom’s service. And Whittier was that -was told them. second. ESTABLISHED 1905 1 , .


Next Thursday, Thanksgiving STUDENTS EXPELLED 1 Day, there will be a short service, LOCAL MEN APPOINTED held at the Federated church here Uncle Sanfe at half-past nine to the morning. TO COIMY COMMinEES FOR FOOTBALL RIOTS; Wall Street Rev. and Mrs. Harry S. Martin, moved from Three Rivers, Mass., to House’s Thanksgiving Week Sale Planting the Congregational parsonage at Detroit, Nov. 26.—(AP)—It was Briefs South Windsor, last Tuesday. Mr. F. C. Lorch and W. S. George Martin who was a former pastor, of Voted Committeemen • at Pointeri learned today that “several” stu­ the Congregational church here, Windsor Locks Sunday. dents of the Univfersity of Detroit New York, Nov. 26.—Steel ingot will commence his duties in that / I —r have been expelled as the result of produced in the Chicago district parish as pastor on December first. MEN’S and YOUNG MEN’S The steady growth of the Ameri­ disorders in East Lansing a week averages between 70 and 75 per Mrs. Martha W^st, mother of Mrs. Edgar J. Stoughton has just can Legion numerically- and enthusi­ EDITOR’S NOTE: Following is | ago last Saturday, after the annual cent of rated capacity, reports from astically has so manifested itself in football game between Michigan that area today state. One addi­ received word of the death of her the first of a series written by \ brother Franklin, aged eighty-five the State of (Connecticut that the scientists* of the U. S. Department j State college and the University of tional blast furnace has been taken Hartford ’County Association has Detroit. — i off at South Chicago, leaving 23 of who has been living with his sqn, of Agriculture on gardening. One Wilbur Charter in Wethersfield. found it necessary to re-align tde of these articles will appear each ' The Rev. John' P. McNichols, the 36 furnaces active. usual committees which serve for week, and .will be authoritative j president, declined to give the exact Mrs. West is now the last one of SUITS number expelled or their names, The Maine Seaboard Paper Co., the sixteen brothers and sisters. • ♦ one year and has made a consider­ advice on gardening problems | saying “the boys are disgraced has been formed as a subsidiary of His funeral will be held at White’s able number of changes. written by men who have spent; enough now by being dismissed and the New England Public Service funeral home in Rockville on Wed­ Men who could afford cl6thes extravagance are the one» who At Windsor Locks on Sunday, years in solving such problems. 1 I think that is punishment enough.” Co., and ground has been broken at nesday at one o’clock p. m. November 24 with two hundred and Meanwhile reports from East Bucksport, Me., for the first large The funeral of Donald E. John- j most appreciate ^he saving Quality of our suits. Their uphUI thirty members present representing STARTING SHRUBS FROM CUTTINGS Lansing quoted Joseph F, Cox, newsprint piill to be erected in New son aged' 70, was held from his late j climb to prosperity has given them real ideas of value. Young twenty-one out of twenty-two posts dean of the agriculture department England in several years. home on Monday afternoon, at two of the county, a-report with recom­ of State college and chairman of the o’clock. Rev. Harry B. Miner, men who are on the way up, will find that both their appearance mendations presented by Past De­ By GUY E. YERKES Michigan State Athletic Council, as The Utilities Power and Light officiating, the bearers were Walter partmental Commander Kenneth L, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. saying the liquor question remained Corporation, a holding org^ization N. Foster, William E. Felt, Donald and their bank account profit through wearing them. Cramer was accepted. It was voted ^Department of Agriculture the chief problem for the athletic for a number of public utility com­ J. Grant, and Charlie Johnson. The that the following committees and Many favorite deciduous shrubs boards of the two schools to con­ panies operating in New England,' burial was in the Wapping ceme­ Excellent in fabric and style, they give so much for a moderate sub-committees be ^pointed for the can be propagated by taking cut­ sider in discussing whethet athletic New Jersey, in the middle west, and tery. price. year 1930: tings of twigs that grew this sea­ relations will be continued. abroad plans an expenditure of $60,- Publicity, F. C. Lorch, 49 Pleasant son and preparing them for plant­ “We do not want this college as 000,000 next year in plant and Tine S At these low prices no one can afford to be without a new suit for street. South Manchester, Conn. ing in the garden next spring. a state institution to serve as the improvements. Membership, William F. O’Neill, Among the familiar shrubs that background for such a serious vio­ Sunnyside' Thanksgiving. 90 Wadsworth street, Hartford, are often propagated are the lation of the prohibition laws as was The Mullins Manufacturing Co., Conn. many varieties of deutzia, honey­ in evidence during and after the De­ of. Salem, Ohio, makers of automo- Ways and Means, Marjorie Cor- suckle, mockorange, privet, spi- troit game,” Dean Cox said. tale body parts, has advanced its Private School mack, Hartford. rea, tamarix and some varieties Coach (Jharles E. Dorajs of the production schedules to capacity, Radio, Kenneth Roberts, Wethers­ of barberry, dogwood and rose. University of Detroit had attributed following a period of operation at 217 North Elm St. $2.50 SUITS FURNISHINGS field, Conn. Also some kinds of trees grow the disorders to drinking on the part 50 per cent. Orders now on hand Phone 3300 National and State Convention, readily from cuttings, the poplars of followers of the Detroit team. were said to be the largest in the GLOVES Harry C. Jackson, P. & F. Corbin, and willovVs for example. company’s history. New Britain, Conn. In late fall or early winter, se­ ETHEL M. FISH $25.00 SHITS Boys’ Gloves an(J Mittens The Grigsby-Grunow Co., of Chi­ Legislation, K. F. Cramer, lect well-matured wood of the Director 59c to $2,50 current season's growth. Cut it cago, radio receiving set makers, Wethersfield, Conn. KELLOGG RECEIVES have received $9,000,000 from the Men’s Gloves an(i Mittens Rehabilitation, Ernest Wagner, into lengths of 6 or 8 inches, pre­ As this is a (Jay school for in­ ferably with the lower cut through banking syndicate, which recently $ l.i SUITS $1.00’ to $6.00 Windsor, Conn. a leaf bud and the upper cut about HONORARY DEGREE underwrote the company’s stock dividual instruction in elemen­ Sub-chairmen. an inch above a bud. Tie the cut­ offering. tary grades, pupils may enter Service Work, L. D. Fiske, West tings into small bundles, taking at any time (Juring the school SWEATERS Hartford, Conn. care to lay them all one way to Guardianship, G. H. C. Campbell, Oxford, Eng., Nov. 26.— (AP)—j year. , $35.i SUITS All Styles facilitate planting them right end Frank B. Kellogg former secretary ^ Windsor, Conn. up. WAPPING Men’s $4.00 to $7.50 Institutional Welfare, James C, of state who is now in England, was ' Boys’ $2.00 to $5.00 Pack the cuttings, in a box of honored by the convocation of the Simpson Newington, Conn. slightly moistened sand and store The children of the Primary and TUTORING' Welfare, James C. Simpson, New- University of Oxford today. An Beginners department of the Fed­ $ t0 0 SUITS them where they . will not freeze, honorary degree of Doctor of Civil ADULTS AND CHILDREN Ingtonr Conn. but will remain cool all winter. In erated Sunday school, took a WINTER UNpERWEAR Child Welfare, Jean Cayill, Farrfl- Law, which originally it had been basket of Thanksgiving goodies to most localities they can be kept in intended to confer upon him last the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dibble of Class for pre-kinderg-irten Boys’ Union Suits $1.25 to $2.75 Ington. Conn. good condition by burying them June was conferred this afternoon. age for training in social rela­ National Defense, Harry L. Per­ Pleasant "Valley both of whom are . $15,00 SUITS Men’s Union Suits $1.25 to $5.00 in a well-drained place in the open Dr. A. B. Poynton presented Mr. over eighty years old,, and “shut tions. kins, West Hartford, Conn. ground and protecting them from Kellogg as one who had formerly Men’s 2 Piece Suits 75c to $2.75 Sub-chairmen. an excess of water. ins” through the winter, last Sun­ The first change in the condition been American ambassador to day. Miss Fish is available as Military Affairs, William S. Great Britain and spoke of the There were about fifty young peo­ George, 22 Henry street, Manches­ of the cuttings is the formation of parents advisor in child prob­ $50.00 s u n s FANCY HOSIERY a mass of tissue on the lower ends, warm congratulations which had ple who motored out from the Cen­ ter, Ckmn. been prepared for him at the con­ ter church o' Hartford, and gave a lems, Appointments on Tues­ Men’s 50c to $1.50 Navad Affairs, T. Phelps Hollister, known as callus. This is a com­ day, Wednesday, Friday and mon preliminary to rooting but templated June ceremonies. service of song at the Federated English Wool Hose 75c to $1.50 Windsor, Conn. Dr. Poynton said the last six church here last Sunday evening Saturday afternoons and on' C. M. T. C., Dr. H. F. Tiesing, some kinds of shrubs will root any months had deepened the sense of ' All Blue Suits Excepted Boys’ Golf Stockings 50c to $1.50 apparent callus tissue. which was greatly appreciated by each evening of the week. . West Hartford, Conn. the significance of the pact for out­ all who attended. Aeronautics, H. H. Bunce, Berlin, Plant the cuttings in early spring before growth starts from the buds. lawing war. Mr. Kellogg was the Conn. Use any fertile garden soil to grow first to broadcast the message that Americanization, Roger W. Whit­ cuttings, but sandy loam is prefer­ war must be outlawed and bis mes­ man, American Hosiery, New able. Cirood drainage of the location sage did not lack wings. Britain, (Jonn. The speaker said the difficulty of FOOTWEAR is necessary, but the soil must be Boy Scouts, Cedric R. Boget, At­ kept moist in the spring imtil the obtaining sisterly affection among lantic Refinery, Hartford. roots are well started. the nations was great, but that en­ Before and After 4-.H Club, Raymond Barnard, Place the cuttings in a vertical lightened and liberal-minded men, Bloomfield. or slightly inclined position with if only they did the right thing first, Adult Education, Edward A. Still- only the top bud above ground, must have success. The causes of mann, 322 Edgewood street, Hart­ spacing them 4 to 6 inches apart. war as well as of armaments must You can’t leave your feet under the table ford. Firm the soil well around them, be cut away. Among those who all day—-what about your shoes before and Forestry, Paul Strange, Berlin, particularly at the lower ends. A would apply daylight to this prob­ after ? Do they look as good as they should Conn. ridge of loose soil drawn over the lem was' the illustrious American Safety, CHair M. Pfemming, Bris­ row to bury the top ends an inch who besides his forensic skill and for this suspicious occasion? experience of men and affairs, had tol, Conn. or two may be an advantage to When ycu meet your friends you want tp Junior Boys Baseball, Gilbert prevent drying of wood. ftie happy gift of catching the ear Martino', 26 Congress street, Hart­ In the summer, cultivate the of the nations.- look as though you had something to ba ford. cuttings frequently and keep all thankful for. Junior Community Work, Frank weeds down to encourage, robust, Antierson, Wethersfield, Conn. growth. Some kinds may, if con­ These committeemen wdll meet at ditions are favorable, get large the Legion Home, West Hartforrl, enough the first season to fit them STOMACH UPSET, Co-Operative Styles Selz Styles Conn., Tuesday evening December 3, for permanent planting, but the' slower growing sorts may do bet­ $7.50 to $10.00 $6.50 and $8.00 at 7;30 to perfect the plans for the ter if grown a second season be­ SOUR? THIS season. fore transplanting. BUSTER BROWNS The Windsor Locks meeting teem­ House’s Specials AND KALISTENIKS ed with enthusiasm as the Legion meeting followed the exercises dedi­ WILL COMFORT $5.00 to $8.00 For Boys and Girls cating the memorial tree by the citi­ zens of Windsor Locks. The dedica­ OPENING STOCKS Now is the time to get your Rubber Footwear. tion exercises consisted of opening ? Don’t let sour stomach, gas, in­ prayer by Rev. Father Cassidy, digestion make you suffer. And talks by Hon. James E. Breslin of New York, Nov. 26.—(AP)—Re­ don’t use crude methods to get re­ Hartford, Departmental Commander newal of selling pressure imparted a ' lief. There’s no use when millions Alexander of Meriden, taps by the reactionary tone to prices at the Icnow the quick way; the pleasant, bugler and benediction by Rev. opening of today’s Stock Market. harmless -way. Father Casey. During the services American ' Telephone, American C. E. HOUSE & SON, INC Just take a spoonful of Phillips a minute of silence was sustained .as Smelting, Lambert, Bethlehem Milk of Magnesia in a glass of wa­ a tribute to Georges Clemenceau. Steel, Union Carfiide, Columbia Gas ter. It is alkali in the best form. During the Legion meeting re­ and Westinghouse Electric showed It neutralizes many times its vol­ ports were made by the commanders initial declines of 1 to 2% points. ume of excess acid—and does it of various posts which were aug­ U. S. Steel Common and National instantly. It will probably end your mented by fiery and inspiring pleas Cash Register opened fractionally higher. distress in .five minutes. Then you’ll by Departmental Commander Ale.x- know what to do the next time. ander and Chairman William F. Early trading continued at a qpiet Crude, harmful methods will never O’Neill of the newly appointed mem­ pace. With few large blocks chang­ AMAZING ing hands, prices of some of the appeal to you again. bership committee. Commander Phillips Milk of Magnesia is the Alexander also presented citation recent favorites such as General Electric, Air Reduction and J. I. perfect way to end digestive dis­ certificates to the posts of New orders due to excess acid for men, VALUE Britain, Windsor and Hartford Wo­ Case, slipped off rather rapidly, but there was no unusual pressure women, children—and even babies. Any comparison wiU prove . men's Post. of offerings. It’s the method doctors endorse; After the meeting had adjourned, One of the features of the early which hospitals use. For fifty years that RCA Radiola 33 offers Rev. Father Cassidy, who is the trading was the sale of a block of it has been supreme. you a remarkable oppor­ for newly elected Commander of Farm­ 215,000 Kreuger & Toll stock pur­ To know the many important ington Post, informed Commander chase “rights” at 75 cents each. uses of Phillips Milk of Magnesia tunity. One of the finest Thanksgiving Dickenson of the Association that he These “rights” expire next Monday. is to keep a bottle in the house, al­ sets ever created by RCA. will donate a prize to the Post who Wall street was pleased at the ways. Full information with each Wonderful tone. Beautiful Week has the greatest ratio of paid-up sharp reduction in loans sho'wn in bottle. Your drug store has the 25c members present at the next Countj' .the weekly condition stateifient of and 50c sizes. Insist on the gen­ cabinets. r4 at the Princess meeting which will be held at the the Federal Reserve system. This uine. A less perfect product may Legion Home, West Hartford, Conn., was accepted as further proof that not act the same. • • Your Thanksgiving dinner will not be complete un­ on Saturday evening, December the market was thoroughly deflat­ “Milk of Magnesia” has been the less you serve our delicious candy and tasty'salted nuts. 28th, 1929, at 7:30. ed, and that stocks had passed from RCA weak to strong hands in the recent U. S. Registered Trade Mark of break. the Chas. H. Phillips Chemical Co., 1 V U 1 2 FLOODS DEVASTATE SPAIN Professional operators continued and its predecessor Chas. H. Phil­ ■ _ .1 -V - RADIOLA to take profits in anticipation of the lips, since 1875.—Adv. Assorted Milk protracted Stock Market holiday this week, and new investment buy­ Salted Nuts Chocolate Covered Lisbon, Portugal, Nov. 26.— (AP) ing was rather cautious in char­ 33 (No Peanuts) Nuts ■Widespread devastation has been acter. Recent strength of the Bond Table caused in northeastern Portugal by Market seemed to indicate that floods and has spread misery and senior obligations were attracting a imemployment to an alarming ex­ major proportion of investment Now $1.0 0 ”’ 69c tent. One farmer lost his life when funds. F l o w e r s for Thanksgiving! In no other Large selected nut meals he jumped into a flooded river to Air Reduction quickly fell nearly $ 5 4 . 0 * Pecans, Almonds, liberally covered with Feten* Save a child. His body was sw«pt 7 points, J. I. Case 4 1-2, General way can you grace the festive board Filberts, Brazils, velvety chocolate. You can ho/' away. Electric 4 and May Department ■ F A M IL Y Cashews, Walnuts, them assorted or separately.. The rapid evacuation of the Stores, Inter-National Match pre­ (I m i Radlotroni) Pistachio’s Almonds, Brazils, Fllberte, Wal­ ferred and National Biscuit yielded nuts. flooded districts saved thousands of 2 points or more. Lossei of a point quite so becomingly as with Autumn’s Hear and compare. Trade lives at Ponte de Baroa. Bridges, or more were quite common, the list in yonr old set.' Liberal al­ roads, mills and factories were de­ including Kennecott, Simmons, Gen­ stroyed or damaged and traffic was Joans brilliant flowers. They sparkle with the lowance. Easy terms. Don’t Assorted Pecan eral Asphalt, United Aircraft, Can­ held up. The Valdevez fiver exceed­ adian Pacific and Atlantic, Gulf & I . delay. Insure prompt de­ Fruit Filled Candy • Stuffed Dates ed its record level. West Indies. 39c lb. 39c lb. The plight of hundreds of fami­ Foreign exchanges opened steady, [very spirit of the seasoa Order now! livery. lies who fled to night clothes is se­ ■with sterling cables quoted a shade rious, since thousands of tons of lower at 4.87 7-8. UP to $300 ^Flowers Delivered Out of Town Through Our supplies were carried away in the F. T. D. Service floods. Many who were trapped in If invited out to dinner take $dong a box of Am Oo for all or Perry’s Chocolates to express “thanks” for th e in 'ri^ their homes were rescued with THREE BURNED TO DEATH BARSTOrS • A J great difficulty by means of planks household emergeneles tation. Large selection. and ropes. Phillipsburg, N. J., Nov. 26.— The only charge is three and one- (AP)—Three of the children of Mr. half per cent per month on unpaid RADIO SHOP BIG CONTRACT AWARDED and Mrs. Tony Verenna were suf­ focated or burned to death today in amount of loan. 20 BISSELL ST. Washington, Nov. 26.—(AP)— the same manner in which their sis­ Phone 3234 PRINCESS CANDY SH (ff The Keystone Aircraft (Jorporatioh P e r s o n a l F i n a n c e C o . ter met death six months ago. Open 2-6 Daily. Main and Pearl Sts. of Bristol, Pa., was today awarded The dead were (Jlara, 13 years Rooms 2 and 3 contracts amounting to $1,067,829 old, Charles, 8, and Maiy, 6. Hotel Sheridan Building Phone 6029 **Where Your Neighbor for the construction of IG patrol State. Theatre Bldg., Second Floor Bought His Radio.” flying boats for the Navy. 75 3 Main Street In the last ten years the cost to So. M a n c h e s t e r , C o n n . Coal mining in England ekacts produce an acre of com has been Telepbone Dial 3-4-3-0 Say It With Flowers a toll of more than five lives every reduced . from 20 man hours to Open S:30 to 5—Saturday S:30 to 1 ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS day, it is estimated. . 41/^ man hours. ----^LICENSED BY THE STATE---- PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING. HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 19^9.

Airis Daily Health FICTION e s ^ y ■;■ ' -J. ■ ■• >■■• - ‘ ^ Service THIS AND THAT IN © 1929 by ^'KEA. S y A n n © A u s t i n , authOK o £ , ‘P a r / 5 -h (§ w y o r k by World Famed Authority Sei-tvice. Inc* M h e Black Pigeon," Blval>Vivcs: etc. Hints On Hoiii To Keep Well

THIS HAS HAPPENED | Dundee entered the closet and a pair of soiled brown leather roft ro«sac5SCi*k5CSKBi KEEPING SCHOOLS OPEN FEMININE LORE MRS. EMMA HOGARTH, said to I wide board to gloves, but Dundee’s c^mmonsense if IN “FLU” EPIDEMIC keep- a money hoard in her room ^j^^h______Cora Barker______had called Lieu was not so submerged in suspicion HELPS CHECK DISEASES floor of aiRS, j tenant Strasvn’s attention. It yield- that be could fail to realize that an Th I BY DR, MORRIS FISHBEIN Dial 7544 for expert laimdering ? a number of our larger >cities, for boarding House, is i easily, with only a faint whining overcoatovercoat nocket pocket was was the the most most nat- nat­ i Editor Journal* of the American stranfled to death between 11:45 ^ yes, it made ural place in the world for a pair of box or family washings, men’s tbe sale of this artistic handicraft, q w H 19*1^ nicrfif' .Inn© 1 - , * ^ ! Medical Association an of and 12:15 Saturday night, June a wide enough hole to permit of winter gloves. 29. RONNIE DUNDEE, “cub” de­ I Hygela, the Health Magazine fine shirts, or if you wish to leave ' ,i , ^ a slim man’s entry into Mrs. Ho- ‘ After satisfying himself that the At the time of the last great tective assists LIEUTENANT I garth’s closet. closet afforded no hiding place for children m good care for afternoon. i Two eggs, 2 cups All-Bran, 2 cups STRAWN. Suspicion falls on EMIL epidemic of influenza there was Emil Sevier had contrived that a large 'sum of money, Dun.dee -----'— I sweet milk, 1 cup sugar, i table- SEVIER, former boarder, whom „ , ^ * i,, tt .i.- turned to the desk. Its numerous much dispute among sanitary au­ “Our Thanksgiving day is kept, in- ' butter, 1 cup seeded raisins. Mrs. Hogarth accused of trying to I lUegal entry into Mrs. Hogarth s drawers and pigeonholes were prac­ thorities as to whether or not the deed, ’ j Soak the All-Bran in the milk. rob her and who has disappeared. had kindly left it tically empty, but the young detec­ schools should be closed as a means In whatso we share with another Heat eggs sind sugar, then add but- CORA BARKER, thought to next tenant of his of preventing the spread of dis­ tive conscientiously accounted for ease. need; | ter, bran and raisins. Bake in a ' have had an affair with S e W . isifoo™ ' Was it not entirely possible every inch of space before he aban­ Not what we give but what we m°d®rate oven* about twenty min-' arrested as a material witness I Henry Dowd, whether or not doned his search for the stolen Nowadays it is realized that it share— I utes until firm. Serve with cream against him when she confesses ^e was Dan Griffin, had discovered is advisable to keep the school that ready-made passage and had money. Scattered upon the desk j open because in this way it is pos­ For the gift without the giver is with hard sauce. she was in the murder room short­ top were pages of the manuscript, | bare; | ------ly after 12. Other boarders under made use * of it on the night sible to keep a check on the move­ of June 29? “More To Be Pitied,”* the scenario | ments of the children to find out He who gives himself with his If I referred to Oscar of the Wal­ suspicion are: HENRY DOWD, for which the gi^llible amateur him- j thanks, helps three— dorf as a “chef” the other day, I NORIVLV PAIGE, latest heiress to Henry Dowd had no alibi for the which ones are sick and which are time of the murder, beyond his own self was more to be pitied than cen­ well, to institute daily examina­ Himself, his hungering neighbor and stand corrected. He is not, and the Hogarth hoard, who incurred sured; a stack of cheap yellow copy Me.” I wants to make it very clear that he the old woman’s wrath by becoming statement that he was in bed in ..... n ,, . ^ tion in all classes where cases oc­ his' own room. And, with that loose pa-per, and three letters. T|ie ^tum cur, to exclude all those suspect­ ------never had been a chef. His conn^c- engaged to W.VLTER STYLES, addresses told Dundee that Bert’s Not in years have turkeys been tion with the old hostelry famed financially insecure business man, board between the two closets, he ed of having the disease or to be could have committed the murder correspondents were his father, his closely associated with cases of so reasonably priced. Local figures the world over never gave him any vyho had quarreled with Mrs. Ho- I and robbery without having once sister and his Philadelphia land- vary from 42 to 65 a pound accord- other title than “Oscar of the Wal­ garth; BERT MAGNUS, amateur | the disease, and in many other stepped out of his own door or win­ lady, Mrs. Christine Starrett. A ro- I ways to exercise positive action ing to yesterday’s Herald, depending dorf.” Later in the week we will scenario wTiter, who is heard typ- j mance there, possibly? upon whether the birds are from pririt one of his Sunday menus. To- ing in his room until 12:15, and j dow. rather than negative. “But of actual evidence against Memoranda and notes on the see- 1 It has ■ also been shown that it nearby Connecticut farms or neigh- morrow, if there is room on the DAISY SHEPHERD, the only j him I have none,” Dundee remind-I’^^.rio also afforded several specimens boring states. ’The price of 42 home page, we will have anillus- boarder who moves from the tiouse. | is unnecessary to fumigate the ed himself ruefully, “unless Dan! of Bert’s rather cramped h^dw nt- rooms or to destroy all of the cents is as low as roasting chickens trated article by Theophile, chef of Bonnie learns from papers dis- | Griffin’s description happens to fit. I the awkward script of a man are quoted in the same iSsue. ( the Sherry-Netherland hotel in New covered in the lining of the vie- | books and papers used by the If it does, then we can add motive - who had been forced to change from children, since this does not seem ------York who will describe just how to tim’s trimk that the S.YLLY i to oppbrtunity—” He broke off to right hand to left. Out of cunosity New Gift suggestions for the *^^® Thanksgiving turkey, GR.WES who writes her once a I to have any important effect in listen, then hastily scrambled out of ; Dundee compared the left-handed checking epidemic infectious dis­ housewife are metal files for re- - MARY TAYLOR, month is her daughter and that | thethrcloset.^a^ng^eplace^ closet, having replaced the loose ' s writing it in g with the only available sam- eases. cipes, sets of flowers pot covers I _ , ; the “D.” mentioned in her diary is I| board, and ran from__\ uthe______room,nle clos- of Bert’s Pt® riaht-handed Bert s right-handed scrint— script made of wood, sponge rubber mats ! Lonuon is now regarded as the D.AN GRIFFIN, son-in-law The actual records are interest­ ‘ ing the self-locking door sofUy be- the signature on the flyleaf of the ing, In 22 schools in Pennsyl­ for the bathroom or washable fab- j ^®Hd. be2zler, of whose “turning up” she ® <-vT^ o/'»AT^QT^/-»_^TTT*ifino' ^xfVnr*n hind him i textbook on scenario-writing which | vania which depended only on ric rugs, cleansing tissue in roller lived in dread. Dundee recalls the “Coming. Tilda!” he shouted up , h® had briefly examined on his visit j mysterious circumstances of Sally fumigation to stamp out conta­ form and any number of new the stairs, and took them two at a to Magnus’ room the day before. i gious diseases, there was a total kitchen sets and utensils in colors. Graves’ murder in New York a time. “Thanks awfully,” he said The two samples matched as well as i month previous and conclues Grif­ of 171 within a month be­ a minute later, as he closed his door . could be expected. .... * 1 fore and 300 within a month fol­ fin killed both women. He ex­ upon the girl. | The young detective was about to Molla Bjurstedt Mallory and one amines the house register to find _____ j leave the room, glad to be finished j lowing closure and fumigation. or two other Well known American­ In 14 schools there were attempts ized Norwegian women are develop­ registrants since Sally’s murder. “Sergeant Turner again, Dundee.” i with that part of his ugly duty, j Magnus and Dowd nre the new- | ^ when hjs eyes caught sight of a : to check scarlet fever outbreaks ing centers for Norse art in this by formaldehyde fumigation of comers._ Dowd s name is printed i^eadquarters. “An answer has come small army trunk pushed far back country, and early in the year Mrs. in suspicious childish characters. A Riverside chief beneath the desk, against the w^ill. school rooms. Within a month Berthes Bergh will start the v\ire refuting Dowd’s information ; police Ready ^ ‘ H e r - He stooped, dragged it forward, and before its use they had 91 cases first school in this coimtry for Nor­ of scarlet fever and during the wegian pictorial weaving. Mrs. about himself directs suspicion to bert S. Magnus, Rnnson of'of BenjaminReniami opefied it, for it was not locked. 11153 him. month following fumigation 123 Bergh went to Norway last summer H. Magnus, prominent fruit-grower, -A-t what he saw he uttered a sharp cases. The same type of figimes had an audience with King Haakon lived in Riverside until February, exclamation of surprise and then NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY are available for cases of German and as a result it is expected that 1924. Profession, bookkeeper. Age , b® grinned broadly. measles and of ordinary measles. Norse centers will be established in CHAPTER XXVin 34. Weight about 170, height 5 j (To Be Continued.) ATTRACrrVI XMAS GIFTS THAT WILL BE T1 ULY APPRECIATED Therefore the advice should be The securing of the passkey from feet 9 inches. Dark-brown hair, j repeated again: in times of epi­ Mrs. Rhodes was an act of cour­ gray eyes, red mustache. W ears: demic do not close the schools and tesy rather than of necessity, for glasses. Family in regular corres­ 11155—A popular ship design |^°se^ ccmtrol^ of__ t he^^ children j Bonnie Dundee had borrowed pondence with him. Father, ques­ that makes attractive pillows. much ’* better keep the schools Strawm’s very complete collection tioned, has read newspaper account YOUR open, examine the children daily of skeleton keys before the detec­ of Hogarth murder and is worried Edge is finished with cross stitch, design at each comer. It will make and carefully record the develop­ The Smart Shop tive chief had departed for Belton, lest son involved. If so, wants to ment of cases so as to prevent Mo., on the trail of Dan Griffiij. go to him.’ . . . Get all that, Dun­ CHILDREN an adorable Xmas gift that will be Always Something New. ..I ~ n I«!'—x- I 'n.iif appreciated (blue). contact and continued spread of CLEARANCE In^ asking for the keys Dundee dee? infection. State Theater Building. had said to Strawn: “I want to “Every word,” Dundee assured Oli ve/^berts Bartcai 11154—Any little boy would adore his room if his curtains, bedspread rnaliie another search for that the man who was now technically NEA ServiceJnc JAPAN’S INSTRUCTIONS. money—and for other things, as in charge of the case. “Please wire and dresser scarf were made up of SALE well.” the Riverside chief of police our Fall usually means more or less this attractive design with the little Tokio, Nov. 26.—(AP)—Japan’s “I though you’d made up your thanks aftd tell him Magnus is nol contagious disease ^among children soldier, cannon and bullets. He cer­ policy in the forthcoming London to make room for mind t^at the old lady had no hid­ in the least involved, and that there ^et us hope that this seaso^n may tainly would appreciate a gift like disarmament conference, in the den I hoard,” Strawn had reminded is no necessity of his father’s mak- f®® few^ cases than last, just as 'There’s nothing fimny, about di­ this from mother (blue).' form of definite instructions for the Christmas stock iiirh. ing the trip, that our inquiry was last au^tnn’s record was under vorces or domestic difficulties, if 11153—Design for favorite round guidance of delegates, received “Arid so I had—before I knew merely routine. Anything new on 1-l^at of the year before, diphtheria they happen to involve one person- pillow for boudoir or living-room. | Emperor Hirohito s sanction this Starts Wednesday about' Dan Griffin’s theft from the Sevier, Sergeant?” and scarlet fever especially. I be- ally, but often one can view those It .will make an attractive Xmas I afternoon. bank,’’ Dundee had replied. “The , ‘Half a dozen' false leads,” Ser- li®ve^ the time ,is not ...far distant . i detached amusement, gift worked on silk velvet, flat silk | ledt that the mother was murdered | g-eant Turner replied. “You know when ------there--- m------il be practicmiyThere’s none no telling what will crepe, taffeta, rayon fabrics or satin giving you the opportunity after the daughter proves that if i how it is when you set the news- of either, just as typhoid fever has bring two people together, or what (blue). to take advantage of the re­ We suggest that when you send Milday Finds Finest sith(^r. of the wom«ft had the.jstoleltipapers and ^the.«.public.,x>n a ®an’s ^®®®™®i will draw them apart—or what duced prices for holiday money, it was tfle' old Ikdy; Isn't'! trail. Any number of helpfta:''cit4? ^ Occasio^lly, of coiitse, we still will please a woman, or what will for this pattern you enclose 10 it fairly probable that Griffin had j zens think they have seen him, all have scarlet fever or di^theria make her angry. cents additional for a copy of our ■ Perfumes At Packard's wear. entrusted his stolen money to his I the way from here to Chicago, and epidemics but we now call twenty- In the late Victorian Literature, large New Fashion Magazine. wife, that she and her mother be-; from here to Cleveland.” five cases in an average city an and in Ibsen plays, women were New Winter Hats came' panicky and fled with the \ “Has the motorist who turned epidemic, where not so many shieking to be understood, as Manchester Herald Every American girl delights in formerly $1.95 to $5.95 money just before the theft became : his lights on the running man in years ago it took several hundred alas, they were only too well lat^r, her favorite brands of perfume, known at the bank? Griffin, accord-j the alley come forward yet?” cases to earn the name, and this generation has said much Pattern Service toilet powder, rouge, soaps and the Now ing to the Belton chief of police, ' “Not a peep out of him. Looks But there will be sporadic cases, about debunking sex, and learn­ As our paiterns are maiU'd ^ke. She chooses them with great risked arrest to return to his house ; to me like them lights musta been and I think it is just as well to ing about life from studying the from .Vew York ‘Jity please al­ care and deliberation in order that 88c to $3.88 with the police on the trail. H e'a, signal,” the sergeant growled, explain to a mother who has had birds and flowers and animals. low five days. they be best suited to her individual Bear in mind that most of would scarcely have done that for j then added, “though I guess my no experience, a few of the things Now comes a product of this gener­ Price 15 Cents needs. any other reason than to get his 1 opinion ain’t asked for.” to look out for, if the doctor ation bearing a new grievance. Today she has the pick of some of these hats were pnrehased In stolen money. i It required five precious minutes should come in some day in answer Mrs. Paul Bartsch, wife of ttte Name ...... the finest toilet waters, perfumes New York last week. “But he found that his wife, and | for Dundee to soothe and cajole the to a hurried summons, look a small eminent biologist, resents being and soaps made at very moderate mother-in-law had flown, in the nick disgruntled sergeant into some- patient ovef, and announce that he treated as a biological specimen, Size ...... prices'. of tirrie. If he found that his money | thing approaching good humor, but has neither one of these diseases, and wants a divorce from her sci­ There are three brands that enjoy And Don’t Forget was gone, too, can’t you see him he counted the time well spent. Restrain Your Fears entific mate. Address ...... a national popularity and they are, Thanksgiving: searching for them for five. years, ! New to the detective force himself. In the ' first, don’t get He, she says, is obsessed with Houbigant, Cheramy and Coty. a new pair of Hose with hatred and revenge in his | he ^oul^ not afford to antagonize panic stricken. No mother y^ho the subject of biology, so much Houbigant and Coty produce an un­ SPECIAL heart? Yes, it most decidedly the humblest man on the homicide hears that news need have a shock so that he has turned his home Send your ordei to tlie "Pat­ excelled line of perfumes, face pow­ $1.39 seemd to me that what Dan Griffin j squad, and much less so a man of now. Twenty years ago, yes! Thirty into a laboratory, with birds and tern Dept., Mancliester Fveiiiiig ders and compacts and recently Wednesday Only was aftef was that $10,000. If Mrs. Sergeant Turner’s rank and real years ago, absolutely! Now-^no! animals running over the place, Herald. So. M anchester. Conn.” Houbigant has produced three types . Regular $1.69 Hogarth did have the money it value. To digress a bit—I wonder if and that she herself is nothing of compacts, the single, double and One Lot must have been a sore burden to Back on the second floor and present-day mothers with small more to him than a biological triple. Chiffon or Service Weight guar­ her. She could not return it to the ready to resume his unpleasant children can conceive what these specimen. So sick is she of this . J ^ ^ , Cheramy brings you a choice line Regular $9.93 anteed full fashioned pure silk to go in debt to your health. And ! ggap and the very popular “April bank without laying herself and duty of snooping in his fellow- things meant .to the women of l?y- state of affairs, that freedom is first quality. her daughter open to arrest, and boarders’ rooms, Dundee was about gone generations! They were called It’s easier to pay back money than I showers” Talcum and Perfume Ex- her only solution. energy. DRESSES she could not use a penny of it, to pass by Bert Magnus’ door when “fatal” diseases then and not with- Then there is also the amusing tract. These come in ■ individual with a clear conscience—and I a sudden thought made him pause, out reason. I ’m here to state in em- | case of the Hackensack man, Hor- containers and in sets. firmly believe in Mrs. Hogarth’s | He had become so enamored of his phatic terms that every such moth- ace - Bush, who ordered his bride The site of village dating Packard’s Pharmacy at the Cen­ own honesty. But she may have hunch that the Hogarth murder er should thank heaven every day of two months out of the house back to the end of the New Stone ter has devoted a large amount of felt justified in vllling it to a had been a direct outcome of the she lives. that she does live now when he caught her .smoking. In Age has been discovered and ex­ space to these lines of toilet goods favorite fellow-boarder. Her daugh­ Sally Graves, murder, and that Dan when research work in stamping court, he said he was willing to cavated at Moedling, a picturesque and it is safe to say that any girl NELLEGS ter probably felt the same way Griffin must eventually answer for out these diseases has well nigh support two homes, one for his town a half" hour’s train ride from will find just what she wants there. Manchester’s Millinery about the money as did old Mrs. both, that he had almost overlooked reached perfection. “Fatal” cases wife to smoke in and the other for Vienna. They also have a very fine assort­ Headquarters. 'Hogarth—regarded it with fear and a possibility which the ,thorough- are rare. himself, but he would not live in ment of perfume atomizers iq the each State Theater Building loathing. That would certainly ac­ going Strawn would imdoubtedly. Diphtheria and scarlet fever are the same house with a woman who newest designs ‘ and beautifully count for the fact that Mrs. Ho­ have pointed out to him.- blood-stream poisons. They affect smoked. shaded glass.—Adv. garth never made a will in her It was certain now that Bert every organ in the body more or Asked the judge: “What is the daughter's favor. ! Magnus was not Dan Griffin, for in less. We have an idea that diph- matter with women smoking?” I February, 1924, Dan Griffin had theria is local infection of the Said Bush: “Your honor, I have STOP BAD BREATH And now Bonnie Dundee was ! been a teller in the First National throat. It is more than that. We an aversion to tobacco in any Thousands of people afflicted with going to make a serious effort! Bank of Belton, Mo. And on June think of scarlet fever as a mouth, form.” bad breath find quick relief through to find that much-discussed “hidden j 2, 1922, Dan Griffin had certainly throat, and skin infection, at- The judge, instead of reproving Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets. The hoard.” He realized, fully as well j been a resident of Belton, since he tended by a very high tempera- his wife, or suggesting that she pleasant, sugar-coated tablets are as the skeptical Strawn, that the | had married Sally Harkness on that ture. It, too, is more than -that, change her habits, ordered Bush taken for bad breath by all who know. Every guest and every member of chance were about 50 to one | date. But — what if the two mur- Aiding the Convalescent to make good his offer and main­ Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets act against its being concealed in th is' ders had not been committed by ’ Now, the most important part tain the two homes. gently but firmly on the bowels and the family will be pleased when ydu house, but in the profession he had | the same man, after all? What if the mother has to play in a child’s One can imagine Bush’s sur­ liver, stimulating them to natural chosen not even such a long chance 1 pjan Griffin had found what he was recovery, apart from the actual prise. action, clearing the blood and gently as that could be overlooked. And | looking for in his wife’s apartment,: nursing — if she does it herself— purifying the entire system. They do conclude the Thanksgiving feast as Dundee had told him.self a short 1 and had had no reason to journey and carrying out orders, comes in Educations on Credit that which dangerous calomel does time before, Henry Dowd had cer-1 to Hamilton to kill and rob his | when a child begins to get better. Passing from the problems of the without any of the bad after effects. with t.ainly invited bis earnest ^consid-' mother-in-law? Certainly this pos-1 Where diphtheria used to be a married, to those of the unmarried, Olive Tablets brings no griping eration. sibility existed, and was strong matter of several weeks, now the it is interesting to see that ambi­ pain or anydisagreeable effects. The room was singularly bare of enough so that every Inmate of the laboratory tests may come back tious women are not afraid to step Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the eridences of Dowd’s occupancy,; Rhodes House on the night of S at-; “negative” in' one. Scarlet fever out and borrow money for their formula after 20 years of practice W'ith the exception of a cheap black urday, June 29, was still open to , ig longer, but even so, a light at- educations. among patients afflicted with bowel comb and a pair of cheap new mili-1 suspecion, since greed is the com- ^ tack of it may last such a few According to Miss Margaret and liver complaint, with the atten­ Manchester Dairy Ice Cream tary brushes on the chiffonier, and i monest of all murder motives. days, particularly with present- Gilman, chairman of the scholar­ dant bad breath. two magazines devoted to adventure | ------I


VlKiOD OOST, JOUNhH In Week'.s HOUJ MOCH ^ Crockett, Greenway and Bis- ^------" Topped Field Of 80 Men /MV/ M>v^iA6Ei2- its 17th victory in the series wi#A eOT For / the Nittany Lions. ; • sell Feature for Winners; Rockne’s Team Heavy Fa­ The Syracuse-Columbia battle tsr^ A^lbOlODED the ninth in a series that In - EOPoFEAKi vorite; Several Important 1901. Columbia has only one vie* To Win Race Yesterday Score Tied at Half. tory and a tie to show agaanst / Syracuse’s six triumphs. Turkey Day Games Set Colgate seems to enoiigh Also Set New Course Rec­ <(pOf^MEK\ Hhe DeMolay backetball team j punch to avenge a number of de­ —And LiV Joe ppoM lifTkO^ walked over to the State Armory j for Thursday. feats' Brown has pinned on the OFF THE last night and took the Company G i Maroons record since 1917, Of the nine' previous games Brown hai« . ord and Beat Nearest Ri­ ur(3^L)NiD'" team into camp in a close and inter- j Did Lead Em OJlLUe CLt> BY HERBERT W. BARKER ! won five Colgate one and three were esting battle. The score was 29 to ; tied. val by Twenty Yards; 0. Crockett and Greenway led the New York, Nov. 26. (AP)—A ’ annual turkey-day battle be- Name and College FVIyCT PATb o f E06RV SOUT /M scoring but Bissell’s defensive work W. & J. and 'West' Va. s •loseph J. McClusUy, I'ordham was of high standard. Billy DeHahn number of fine old eastern football *tween (Irnrgo ) r. II:n'Ui. r. N. V. L. .. rivalries will be renewed this week, mountaineers finds the Presidents Keeps in Splendid Physi­ WilsMii ,1. Slrocter. Syramiso . nS OPPO P O ^ E and Jack Crockett were the bright Saiiui.-l II. ('.nKlman. N. I • I-- • ^ ....^^eeiOED ...... TbUCkiWfeTuE lights for the 'soldier boys. The most of them on Thanksgiving Day ^ Buiitun, Syracuscj • • • ‘ „ r teams were tied at halftime eleven Notre Dame will be after its lltS , . . 1 .j; I ■ I R^WTUJWST w but OD.G of ttiG most import&iit cal Condition; Is Also | .larlc.s it: U. King. I't-nll Stale all. The summary: victory over the Affliy when these- .Mai-koe U. Kellogg. Cornell . . 1 ,v. _ 1 s sioe o ^ e Army|-and Notre Dame, on Satur rivals of sixteen years standing get .lolin J. Ilyan. .Vlanhattan ...... 'J.-l DeMolay (39) B. day. -HO u * together in the outstanding game of S H. Nash, Syracuse ...... BuT I Before the Cadets and the Kamo- week On Saturday. Kntfte Brilliant Scholar. I \V. Li. Space, Penn Stale ...... DAN HE met - Greenway, If .. 1 Harry K. Buotli, I'Uunc ...... K;-' Icrs from South Bend, Indiana, put j^Q^kne’s Ramblers have won ten of HWftCE DERlAZ^ H. Crockett, ft _ctrifcnylp at the .. __ ___ tho c.corge Chaplin. N. ^ ...... /-.'H.. SUJI5S sTROtoG on their spectacular struggle at the the fifteen previous meetings, the BY TOM STOWR. Krnest Capelle, Luiion -p;;-’ McCaw, c ...... ______^lo o rg c Gildcrslccve, (^^^.liimljia . . 1 .■ .-j ^ A MAKi..... Bissell, rg ...... Yankee Stadium, such ancient feuds Army four ■with one tie. The other ' DER-IA^ Hadden, Ig .... as Cornell-Penna; Pitt-Penn State: four outstanding games are more M anchester m ay well feci c woodhlnd.* Vale BOOSTED Washington and Jefferson-West or less tossups. Carnegie Tech and of little Joe McCluskey its brilliant p^obcris, Cornell ...... v- js I FooT?M.t Him opf rrt€' Aitken, If ------pujofiTohCg'. D. McConkey, Ig Virginia, andanu Brown-Colgate will..... N. Y. U. u, eacneach navehave been ueen beatenuco-uc*- ions distance runner. j Peter c. .!!!!!! K it' j have been fought again. Added to ^ by strong opponents but the Not in years has the Silk Town | a .^i Vi.^BiaB. N. v. u ...... 15:50 ^A%SIST Steinberg, rf .. . ■ B. McConkey, rg the*.1^^ i-.T.i-.rrvQprogram TYT will\xn ll hbe p ssuch u c h combatsc o m b a t s Pittsburghers l/-wklrlook oa ttrifle r i f l p sfTnTlfiT*strong­ produced an athlete who has a bet- j Yale ...... ij;;^! as Carnegie Tech-N. Y. U. on er. Dartmouth even without A1 fpr ch3.BC€ to n3.tion9-l rGCOg"- , J^obert G- Maclvay. M. 1. T. ... 0 . ~ ACT...- 12 29 Thanksgiving Day and the Dart- Marsters figures to pack more nition in the athletic w odd.__ ^ ■ uui.^ . .15:54 mouth-Navy, Villa Nova-Temple punch than the Navy which has ex­ McCluskcy’s feat of leading . .15,;55 Company G (20) in I I’aul Salzberg, N. V. C. . . • - • B. and Boston College-Holy Cross two perienced a disappointing season. field of SO runners------to the tape . I Kennetli B. MacLagan, Col. . .15:59 tbP thirteenth annual inter-collegi- , Arthur T. Sutherland, Yale . . .1G;00 Vince, rf ...... ^ days later. Any edge that may exist between tne UI.ILUCUV. ______1 T?pinh S. Bush. Dartmouth .. . .16:01 Of traditional meetings this week Boston College and Holy Cross on . .16:02 Siamonds, If ...... 1 ‘ Hubert T. Neelon. Manhattan DeHahn, c ...... ^ the Cornell-Penn duel is the oldest. the one hand and Temple and Villa i Philip P. Finch, Jr., Cornell . . .16:03 Nova on the other hand, lies in the Homer Hilton, Cornell ...... Ib.O* J. Crockett, I g ...... 3 With the exception of the war Arthur F. Marlin, Cornell ...... 10.05 McCavanaugh, rg . . . 0 .r0ar of 1918 the Red and Blue and eye of the beholder. C. J. Grinninger. Penn State ...16:06 Frye, ...... ^ the Red have battled annually since William K. Bennett, Yale 1893. Penn holds a decided edge Malcolm H. Masters, M. I. T. ...1G.0& 20 Frank H. Baird, Penn Slate •••IC-OJ 8 with 26 victories in 35 games. Cor­ A college lad lost his pants, but Oliver Pickenson, Y'ale ...... 16 .16 Referee: Kerr. nell has won 7 and two tied. won a flag rush. TT;ie customary Alfred J. Campbell, N. V. C. ...16.11 Pitts unbeaten and untied Pan­ thing is to win nothlhg, but lose Joseph M. Poklinsky, Syracuse.. 16:1. thers meeting Penn State fOT the DuBoise S. Morris, Princeton ••16:13 There are about 9,000 cells in a Gustavus Babson, Dartmouth ••1»;14 ' 25th consecutive year should gain ' your shirt. Marshall T. Newman, Dart. •••ISGo ___ RECOVJBRBD A. square foot of honeycomb. Harold D. Walters. Cornell ....16.16 Howard L. Hill, Yale ...... 16.1< UAEJJARD f u m b l e ..... m ST E ’AMM-ATe, John S. Reeder, Union ...... 16.IS 4 u W " KeFFeLFllvi^FR- HIM Charles Boner, Union ...... 16._1J /■ Russell D. Shaver, Dartmouth .-ICl-U THE MAPS OF TAE MECK AtiD Dt5A<=^FD Leland C. Sanborn, Dartmouth.. 16 HIM THE (SOAU Li NJE FDR A R. K. Hilderbrandt, Columbia. .16:23 Roy A. Slesky, Penn State ...... I^OCHOOVIOK)------v a l e - harvard- 1691 Monroe H. Kessler, M. i. T...... 16.25 G. F. Loehifelm, Manhattan ....16:26 T. J. Campbell, Manhattan ....16:2i Edward H. Hamilton, Cornell ..16:29 Alexander R. Piper, Jr., U nion..16.33 Ralph J. Grier, X^enn State ---- 16:34 ANNOUNCE LINEUP W alter L. Mayo, Jr„ Princeton.. 16: oo Alexander Hendry, Columbia ..16:o6 John 1''. Slattery, Manhattan ...16:38 Charter Oaks Establish D. E. Statler, M. I. T...... Charles F. l^ayne, M. I. T...... FOR REC QUINTET C. C. Springmeyer, Columbia ...16:43 Fayett D. Severance, Syracuse. .16:44 F. M. Mountain, Fordham ...... 16:45 Joe McCluskey. Leonard M. Thomas, Yale ...... 16:46 New Team Bowling Mark The Rec Five basketball team Clinton Van Cise, Penn State ...16:49 went through an impressive work­ ate three mile Freshman cross­ Henry C. Irvin, Dartmouth ....16;62 Ed. O. Hopkins, Princeton . 16:53 THE STAIVDINGS out last night in preparation for its country run yesterday at Van (Port­ Ferris J. Terry, Syracuse ...... 1®^^^ opening game witji the Connecticut land park in New York Oty under culver Damon, M. I. T...... 16:55 Roll 1819 Total and Tie the colors of Fordham University James Miller, Princeton ...... 16:56 w. F. I Mutual, Thanksgiving evening at A t w a t e r I 4 .e a t was the biggest achievement of the John J. Burke, Fordham ...... 16:57 Night Hawks ...... 17 22 I the East Side Rec. Manager Ben William T. Okie. Dartmouth ...16:59 21 1 Clune said this morning that ten Manchester youth’s colorful career. Robert R. Dietz, Unlorr ...... 17:91 Team Single of 031; Axel 1 Majors ...... 15 1’. Herrmann, Jr., Princeton ....17:93 1 Centers ...... 16 21 j players would be used the opening Not only did “Little Joe’’ win the Win. McGeogh, JIanhaltan ...... 17:91| 16 I night and the squad later cut to race, but he also established a new [ Brit. Amer...... 12 Richard T. Wallace, l-’rinceton . . 17 ; 97 Anderson High; Night Charter Oaks ...... 10 14 eight. ScHEEN-CilllP course record by 24 seconds and Eric Linden. Columbia ...... 17:08 11 j The starting lineup will find Hol- beat out his nearest rival _at least J. M.'Sheehan, Manhattan ...... 17:21 1 Pirates ...... 8 Robert S. Burdick, M. 1. T...... 17:40 ( Construction ...... 7 8 . land and Faulkner at Forwards, fifteen yards. McCluskey s official 7 Norris at center with Farr and time for the three miles was 14 Hawks Regain Lead. Herald ...... 6 ) Shell Gas ...... ^ 4 Madden at guard. Shirer, Quish, minutes and 47 seconds. i j Gustafson, Dowd and Conroy will There was great happiness at the TAFFY FIVE BEATS The Night Hawks swung back League Records Ibe in reserve. The Rec Girls will McCluskey home on Foster street into in the Herald Bowl­ ; practice from 7 to 9 tonight And the a w i yesterday when The Herald in­ High Single: Werlosky, 169. H ® ing League last night by winning Three String: Werlosky, 425...... new uniforms...... will • be passed out at formed the family of "kittle Joe s | RAMBLERS 38 TO 24 three out of a possible four points Team Single: Majors, Charter , that time when the squad is picked latest acomplishment. Pa, Ala and _____ from the Majors at Bronke’s alleys. Brother Johnny were thrilled by the ^ Oaks tied at 631. j by^ Coach Clune. The Famous Atwater-Kent Screen-Grid All thre games were close and ex­ Team 3 String, Charter Oaks, ------iiews. Tlie Taffy All-Stars beat the citing. The Majors entered the bat­ One of the secrets, in Joes sue j 1,819. tle leading the league by one point Chicago violinist got a divorce be­ cess on the cinder tracks has been ; Ramblers at basketball 38 to 24 in cause he found his wife had had Radio Is Now Offered. At A New due to his clean living. I have never | Saturday afternoon. The but the Night Hawks came out with the same margin. Work on the Panama Canal first I three other husbands. He's used to toone^tefSreofumSSIrom a i waa dose at' The highlight of the evening began in 1881. playing first fiiddle. Physical Staodpoint. The two chief, in favor of the winners. proved to be the sensational bowl­ Low Price factors are proper diet and sleep. ' The Taffy five showed a reversal ing of the Charter Oaks on their Frankie Frisch used to be known ^ Qf form in the second half and waxs own alleys at Joe Farr’s. Averaging as the “Fordham Flash” but if never in' danger of being headed better than 605 a game, the Char­ It's as necessary to fit your “Little Joe” keeps up his great Sturegeon and Campbell were in the ter Oaks established a new team feet with comfortable stylish work, he will steal the baseball three string record of 1,819 which shoes as to fit your eyes xvith the. limelight for the Taffy’s scoring one is 24 pins better than the 1,795 the playerplayer’s s moumei.moniker. McCluskey ----- first point less thantnan thetne rtitmuieiRambler team.teaui. right glasses. At 789 Main St. began flashing over the mile course gj-Qg^j guf for the losers mak- Majors hit some weeks ago. The a man who KNOWS HOW TO for Manchester High school where ^ goals. The Taffy's are Charter Oaks also tied the Majors’ MEASURE FEET AND FIT he built the foundation to w im t; Junior Rec team single record of 631 in their THEM PROPERLY gives you promises to be a briUmnt career He ^ final effort. Axel Anderson led the Charter his expert attention. ALL-STARS. at the local High TAFFY Oaks with 393 and 'Wilkie and track coach B. Robinson hit above S70. The Herald school. Sturgeon, rf ...... 6 five was the unfortunate victim to *J V./C *3 •• — ...... 2 A the captaincy in his senior Opizzi, If .... the timber anihilation but they hit Gavello, c ...... 1 scores that would have ordinarily Campbell, rg ...... 5 taken two or three points. Ellington schoolboy circles setting a mark Accamazzo, Ig ...... 4 was high for the losers. Conran led Model 55 which will probably stand for a long the Majors with 342 to retain his time Last June Joe received his 18 individual average leadership. Sa- diplomas and in September enrolled ■ RAMBLERS. sila’s 348 was high for the Night HE MUST BE CRAZY at Fordham where he is under the B. T. j Hawks. care of Coach Jake Webber. Falkoski, rf ...... 0 ol The fast-stepping Centers came WALKING- IN H»S Sets in stock Buy through! Young McCluskey doesn't confine Gribbon, If ...... 1 • i all of his attentions to the athletic J oily, c ... '...... 6 (Continued on Page Six.) STOCKING FEET Hale’s deferred field. He is as brilliant a scholar as Atkin, rg ...... 1 ready for a runner and maybe more so. After Carlson, rg ...... 1 payment winning the race yesterday, Joe Vennart, Ig ...... 0 Last Night’s Fights immediate COMPETE hustled off to his room to study for Carlson, Ig ...... 2 a debate in which he was to partici­ (Including tubes) plan pate against N. Y. U. last night. Philadelphia — Johnny Jadick, delivery 11 2 24 Phlla., ^.topped King 'Tut, Minne­ Joe had come out first in the trials Referee: Boyle. at Fordham and spoke first on the apolis, 8.. negative team. I Buffalo—Jimmy Slattery, Buffalo, Tomorrow night Joe will arrive monopolized as never before by lo- j outpointed Maxie Rosenbloom, New home for the Thanksgiving holiday cal - talent. ----- Fordham,------with - the dark-_ 'York 10. week-end and a hearty welcome and est 'dark horse roaming the Van Chicago—Eddie Shea, Chicago, NOT a n o t h e r . PAIR. The new Atwater warm reception awaits him at the ' Cortland hills, produced its first knocked out Babe Pcleco, Newark, OP SHOES GrO ON Kent Screen-Grid Foster street home. Thanksgiving | cross-country champion in another 2. Day morning McCluskey will par-, runaway, where Joseph J. McClus- Cincinnati — Howard Mitchell, MV FEET UNTIL- ' Radio is now reduc­ ticipate in the third annual five-mile key, bursting into the lead in the Cincinnati, knocked out Chet Small­ I jG 'F T T O cros^s-country run under the aus-' hill was never headed the rest of wood, Terre Haute, Ind., 5. pices of the Recreation Centers j the way. He was clocked in the FRIENDLY ed 27.00. Take ad­ Omaha — Bear Cat Wright, here Although admittedly better , great time of 14 minutes 47 seconds Omaha, knocked out Tom Sayers, at shorter distanced Joe is ex- to \^n by fifteen yards from George OLENNEY'S vantage of this ex­ of H. Barker, of N. Y. U. Barker it Detroit 2. pected to give a good account Louisvillff, Ky.—Jackie Cohen, THEM I KNOW I'LL ceptionally low price himself. was who led the ■winning N. Y\ U. FIVE SHOES New York newspaper were strong i team, victorious here for the first New York, defeated Frankie Gra­ BE COMFORTABLE in their praise of McCluskey’s feat | time, as t)^e Von Filing yearlings, ham, Utica, foul, 5. and have a new radio in xvinning the race yesterday after- withAVLLIl llVtJfive inli-l theLiiC xiioufirst tvventy-four,L w xAxv.Aici.4-n*^Indianapolis—Lou Terry, St. noon. Here is what the Herald- scored 52 points to beat Cornell j Louis, Mo., knocked out Jack Ma- installed for Thanks­ RED LION Tribune had to say about his vie- with 104 and Syracuse . with , , 110. lone, Augusta, Ga., 3. F I Themi— freshman race, frtr. too, V,Qu had ifo its Baltlmorc—A1 Freedman, Boston, giving. The two “The individual winner was a i largest field with eight of eighty- outpointed Bud Gorman, St. Paul, STAR cabinets illustrated “dark horse,” Joseph J/McCluskey | two starters finishing the three-mile 10. of Fordham’, a hard-running youth 1 run. Toledo—Joey Goodman, Cleve­ These three makes are 142 land, outpointed Jimmy Reed, Tam­ are just two of the whom Coach Jake Webber has had McCluskey Also Lower.s_^Timc known for comfort and in hiding all season. The 18-year- “This wa.3 an ideal day for cross­ pa, Fla., 10. A many new models we COMPLETE old Fordhamite has never w'on an country, \\ith fast footing beneath, Green Bay, Wis.—Babe Ruth, style, also long wearing 142 importantirapori-auL race before ...... and,...... inci- blue skies overhead and cold and Lousville, Ky., and A1 Donnel.y, Handsome is as handsome COMPLETE have on display. dentally, never ran until a year ago.' crisp enough to make every one in Green Bay, drew, 10. dresses, says Glenney. qualities in every pair. (Including tubes) “McCluskey v;as easily the class j both races move ahead full speed. Hutchinson,______Kan.—Wild Cat Glenney’s shoes are for meh (Including tubes) of the freshman field, and, advanc- j “McCluskey, never beard of before ] Drumright, Okla., outpointed who know quality and style. Of ing down the homestretch with i in any kind of competition and j Ward, Chicago, 10.- finest leather and style correct­ easy, effortless style, led home by [ ning his first race y^terday with a , ^ Tampa, Fla.—Louis Fla.—Louis Gonzales,G ness. Elyes Approve their smart Dependable Service— Guaranteed Satisfaction tw'entv-five yards George Barker of | polished, finished performance, was ' Tampa, P outpointed ' Angel Tejeiro, correctness and good sense Okays Y.'U.’ t j timed in 14:47, 24 seconds b^ter GLENNEY’S Spain, 10. their wearing qualities. ' Your Hale’s Radio Department—Basement The conservative New York j than the record of last year vmen Miami, Fla.—Bartley Madden, feet wUl find STYLE sad EASE Times remarked: j Dan Dean, Bill McKniff and Roland ' “The freshman race of -three ] Ritchie, of Penn, finished m a dead Miami, knocked out George. Avery, at 789 Main StroftL jniles—once aroimd the course—was 1 beat..’’ Amaricna. UJa., 4, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1929. F A n il iW'S'LyP'

f%c Best Places to Shop MARKET PAGE The Best Stores Advertise

■■ f MTTli m m n m ^ ...... wdll be simg at 8:30 and 10:30 Sun­ FIND LOST DOCUMENTS NEW POLISH PRIEST day mornings as usual. Tomorrow FRANCE STUDYING POLICE COURT night the Polish Women’s society Havana, Nov. 26.—(AP)—Lost Overnight ASSUMES PASTORATE is giving a dance in Turn Hall. documents written by Jose , Marti, An accident that occurred on YOUTHS BOUND OVER Cuban apostle -of freedom, which REPLY TO ITALY Prospect street shortly after five A , P. News Danbury, Nov. 26.— (AP.) — for many years have been untiring­ o’clock yesterday afternoon brought ly sought by the Cuban govern­ Joseph Ambrose of Columbus street Rev. Anton L. Przyjemski of Frank Poodiack, 21, and - Arthur before the local court on the charge O’Neil, 20, were arrested early to­ ment, were found yesterday in the, Paris, Nov. 26.— (AP.)—Premier Washington—Farm leaders pledge Richmond, Texas, Succeeds' day charged with burglary. In the Tkrdieu met with his ministerial support to Hoover stabilization pro­ of evading responsibility. The car Rev. Simon Guzik. archives of Havana prison, where- Ambrose was driving struck one City Court their cases were con­ colleagues today including Foreign gram, but ask lower interest rates tinued until Saturday, bonds cf Marti was held by the Spaniards. ! driven by Thomas J. Woods. Ac- DIAL 4151 Minister Briand and N&val Minis­ through government agencies. $10,000 being fixed in each case. Secrecy s'lxrrounds the discovery, ter Leygues in an attempt to find Cheyenne, Wyo.—Lone man de­ j cording to Woods, Ambrose failed to Rev. Anton L. Przyjemski today stop when ordered to, after he had The young men are charged by the of the Marti papers, in which- some solution for the question of rails Union Pacific limited and robs assumed the pastorate of the Polish police with a series of burglaries Marti’s memoirs of his prison life Italy’s demand for absolute parity passengers. righted his car. Woods followed him National Catholic church here. Rev. OUR WONDERFUL and overtook him at Hartford Road and petty thefts in .this city over a are said to be recorded. But they with France at the forthcoming Washington—Government to let period of several weeks. and Pine street and Ambrose refus­ Przyjemski comres to Manchester will probably be published soon. London naval conference. ocean mail contracts expected to from Richmond, Texas, and suc­ THANKSGIVING TURKEYS It is declared in political circles promote $250,000,000 of shipbuild­ ed to show him his license. Ambrose ceeds Rev. Simon Guzik, who has that Tardieu and Briand earnestly ing. contended that Woods was the cause been transferred to South Law­ This ’ear our stock of West­ Fancy Plump Native Birds 5 seek to contribute to the success of Livingston, Mont.—Walter Hill, of the accident and he did not think rence, Mass. The new pastor will (the much talked of Connecti­ ern Turkeys Is amazingly fine. the London conference but believe son of late James J. Hiii, sued fo» it was necessary for him to stop in live temporarily, at least, at 36 cut Fancy Stock) from Mr# They are superfine... Weather that French public opinion will divorce. order to show his license to him. Union Court. He is a young man Schmidt, down near Stores Col­ make it difficult for them to sub­ Judge Raymond A. Johnson found and comes here highly recommend­ ? lege. Sizes will run from 8 conditions have favored grow­ Los Angeles—Bobbie Trout and ing, fattening and shipping. If scribe in a formal treaty to see Ambrose g^uilty. He imposed a min­ ed by the townspeople of his former lbs. up to 15 lbs. The price, Elinor Smith trying for new world’s imum fine of $50 and costs and re­ parish. you want a quality bird, you’ll parity with Italy. endurance refueling flight record. will be 70c lb. dressed weight One of the possibilities that has mitted $25 of the fine. On Thanksgiving Day a special CLX>RENCE*S find our prices gratifyingly low. Omaha—Reed C. Peters, vice and the quality is guaranteed been suggested 13. a non-aggression,; attempts suicide after service will be held in Turn Hall at by both PINE HURST and Mr. Quality bird-s, yes, and who nine o’clock in the morning. Masses wants anything else 49c lb. failure of Peters Trust Company; Schmidt. This is as low as the Mediterranean a» a solution of critical. The United, States takes 65 per “The store that holds faith with the people” you will buy first grade natives. Order early, please the problem. cent of the coffee and bananas of Washington—Congressmen expect Guatemala, South America, and Corner Main and Maple Streets Telephone 8258 We will have a shipment of fresh pork products from .Sin- The premier and his chief as- sistants in discussing the nroblem appropriate fiiillions for Navy, supplies it with 60 per cent of its HOLLYWOOD F. Kelley, Prop. ciair—Pork to Roast, Fresh Spare Ribs, Fresh Shoulders and sisiants in aiscussing tne prooiem, provision for suspending pro- textiles, machinery and oil. Fresh Hams; also Sinclair Sausages. decided that parity between France i London naval conference is Fresh Fowl for Fricassee and Italy would be tantamount to success. MARKET CHICKENS French naval inferiority, because Ducks Worcester, Mass.—Detective chief Germany contains 21 cities with 6 to 8 lbs., (also France must protect coasts on and woman found dead; believed a population of more than a quar­ 381 East Center St., Thanksgiving Specialties smaller sizes) Legs of Lamb three seas in addition to her Afri­ killed by poisoned liquor. ter of a million. Corner Parker St. Chickens from Tender Rib Roasts can and still more distant colonial Dearborn, Mich.—Ford resigns as Dail 4233 Large assortment of Home Cooked foods including Milier of Coventry possessions. ‘Oh what fine TURKEYS” school director after introduction of home made pies. Place your order early to avoid disap­ and Dart of Vernon. Nevertheless France hopes to a resolution to declare his post FOR YOUR reach an Agreement with Italy by * vacant because of failure to attend Native Turkeys pointment. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables taking Italy’s actual needs into | jj,eetings. THANKSGIVING consideration and by recognizing 1 Washington—Senator Walsh as- 7 to 12 lbs. Antepasto Stuffed Oranges Juiev Florida Oranges 33c doz. Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c j that in point of fact Italy is bottled | sails Republican critics for paying Fresh Fruit Salad i. Grape Fruit, 3 for 33c. Large Grape Fruit, 2 for 2oc up in the Mediterranean. 1 “Up service” to policies he says they DINNER Anchovies Larger Florida Oranges 49c and 59c dozen. France is expected to reply to defeated under President W’ilson. NATIVE We will have Home Dressed, Gaffelbiter Potato Chips in bulk. White .\lmeria Grapes R®** Emperor Grapes Italy in this manner within a week. Altoona, Pa.—J. V. Thompson, Caviar Pretzels FANCY MeINTOSH TABLE APPLES, 2 qts...... 45c banker, w'ho failed for $100,000,000 ROASTING extra fancy Turkeys, Chickensj Frokostsild fifteen years ago arrested on em­ Yellow Peas Laree selected Baldwins S1.89 16 qt. basket. $2.98 bushel. and Fowls from Tolland, Conn. Pickled Herring Brown Beans .All kinds of Nuts. Canada Dry, CUquot and Country Club bezzlement charges. CHICKENS Sherry, Port, Brandy and Ale. Dates, Figs, Ripe Bananas, Fancy Fruit Baskets $1.75 and MAKE FINAL PLANS Glasgow—Oil tankefr blows up; Home Dressed Fowls 81.19 each Saygrn Rum. two burned seriously. 6 to 8 lbs. Roasting Chickens...... 49c lb. Almond and W^alniAr St. Johns, N. F.—Steamer Jelly Vellow Globe Turnips, Risley’s Rutabaga Turnips, Fancy FOR INDOOR CIRCUS Leg Spring Lam b ...... 35c lb. JVIeats Green Beans, WHITE BOILING ONIONS, CELERY, Cranber­ Jamaica Settler breaks rudder post Maiaschina Cherries FRESH FRUIT Native Rib Pork ries, Beets, Spinach, Green Peppers, Hot House Tomatoes, Mush­ and radios for help. Boned Chicken in glass- Fresh Lingon rooms, Iceberg Lettuce. Londoh—Steamer Molesey break­ R o a s ts ...... 29c lb. North Methodist folks who are VEGETABLES Sherry and Brandy Fla­ Cranberry Saute PLUM PUDDING ing up on rock off Wales in storm; Fresh Beef L iv e r ...... 19c lb. MINCE MEATS members of the general and sub­ efforts to remove crew fail. voring Imported and Domestic Friend’s large cans 29c. R & R 15c, 39c and 69c. committees arranging for the In­ Brussels—Premier Jaspar and Imported Small Link Sausages .. 35c Ib. Health Breads. •Armour’s glass jars 29c.' Heinz Pium Pudding door Circu.s next week Thursday Hallonsaft Cabinet resign. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS Bran died Peaches Cinnamon and Sugar Sprague Warner’s Ferndel in Heinz Fig Pudding •and Friday evenings, held an en­ Moscow—Two Right Wing op­ Canned Goods glass 75c and $1.25 large jar. CANDIED CHERRIES thusiastic meeting in the church position leaders recant and promise Sugar 5c lb., two pounds to a Peaches in Grenadine Rusks Tea Garden glass jar 74c, vestry last night and plan for a still to support Communist Party. Citron, Lemon and Orange Peel CANDIED PINEAPPLE further meeting at the same place Order Today customer. London—Express says British Confectionery Sugar .. 8c pkg. Imported and Domestic Cheese including Bond-ost on Tuesday of next wee- to make port officials are watching for two final arrangements. The committee Cranberries...... 15c Ib. and Kummin-ost. 1 LB. ROLLS B U T T E R ...... 49c Americans involved in Gastonia in charge of ticket distribution an­ i Extra B^ancy Apples, 3 lbs. 25c Pickles, Olives, Onions and Relishes. nounced that hundreds had been strike riots. New Britain — First Congrega- MEADOWBROOK LARGE disposed of already. It was also Pumpkin P ies ...... 29c each given out that Rev. J. E. Duxbury. ■ damaged in $25,U00 Nicola’s Market Mince Pies ...... 29c Manhattan and Martini Cocktails, Vermouth, Grena- FRESH WHITE EGGS, dozen ...... 5 5 c - I , . , , . •'..I tire. a former pastor, and a number of 39 Oak St. Local Fresh Eggs .. 69c dozen idne, Apricot Syrup, Creme De Cacao, Kummel, Swedish his present parishioners from Put­ Hartford—Victor F. Calverton, Punch, Military Punch, Thompson’s Sweet Cider, Mission ^ HOLIDAY MIXED COOKIES ...... 35c lb. nam are planning to attend the author editor and lecturer, tells the circus, weather being favor­ women audience that marriage has Dry, White Rock Water, Ginger Ale, Grape Juice. ^ HOLLYWOOD MIXED COOKIES...... 25c Ib. able. Others of the church people been unable to stand strain of wo­ iiiiiuiii!3iiiiiiiiimmniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ ------—------■! are minting friends and relatives men’s economic advajicement Store Closed AH Day Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. UNTIL NINE TONIGHT from other places for the event. Darien-r-John A. Cunningham, 27, V* The store will be open until nine tonight, and we will Mrs. F. A. Sweet has consented, Wyoming, arrested for ^ nli p^''cnes working. Tomorrow will be one of the “ biggest” to take charge of the gift booth and allegecj theft of automobile in Hart­ V V V W \ \ X \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V \ v v v v x solicits contributions of fancy and ford. 1 BIRCH STREET MARKET I ^ days ol the year, and it will help us if you will phone at least ^ part of your order tonight. ^ useful articles from friends and Storrs—Donald T. Robison of 86-88 Birch = former attendants of the church Meriden, president of sophomore = Phone 8903 B ‘‘Oh, What Fine Poultry” Dial 4151 J here and out of town. class of Connecticut Aggies struck j H The ladies have decided to serve by hit and run driver and seriously ~ ^ ^ an old fashioned New England boil­ injured. i ~ ed dinner on the first night of the New Britain — Mayor Paonessa | = SMITH’S GROCERY circus, featuring corned beef and all calls conference of factory super- I ™ the vegetables that go with such a intendents to relieve unemployment S Thanksgiving Specials Tel. 5114 North Schoed St. Tel. 5114 LEAPS TO DEATH meal, with relishes, home made situation. , ; ~ HANS BENSCHE WINS squash and mince pies. Miss Bea- j Norwalk—No trace found of body | S trice Lydall heads the committee in of W'ilUam Brueck, 2-1, believed to \ = I charge of the menu each evening i have drowned himself. 1z, Chicago, Nov. 2.— (AP)—Alfred Chickens or Fowls FOOTBALL CONTEST Carrier 60, leaped to death from i decorations of the mess ; Hartford-Judiciary adopts reso- ! i What A Whale Of A the 15th fioor of Mandel’s depart- j ^"^^he parade of animals will take | L" ; ° o f ' " s S S fo ^ ^ r iu d l"o 'f ' = Average 5 to 8 lbs. raent store today, his body hurtling j jace on the first evening only, but < gunerior Court ^and sTate ^aUornev ' = into Madison stjeet a hundred feet | each night the clowns will Per-| vears ^ attorney , - Live Weight 40c Difference Florence Street Entrant from its intersectioii with State | form, and in addition to the various Hartford — Governor Tn.mhnll I = street, Chicego-s busiest side shows there mil ^ OommSLr^ard ! i Hundreds of shoppers saw the We have quite a few of these chickens and fowls, a few cents a pound makes in the quality Gets §5.00 Award Given death leap. S o u r 't o have thei? fortunes told dohference to speed up = everyone guaranteed to satisfy. These birds are Rhode Crowds of pedestrians were by Madame Squires who is excep­ building program in state. Island Reds, large, heavy and tender. We will dress Bridgeport—Three additional ar­ of a Turkey! Yes, our price is a few, thrown into confusion and traffic tionally clever in this respect. them for you if you will notify us in time. Do not de­ by The Herald. was blocked for some time before rests made in search for robbers s police could remove the body who rifled thre safes here. pend on the western stock, but buy these native birds cents higher than some quoted, but we Carrier was a silverware engrav­ Cheshire—Eight persons hurt, E and avoid being disappointed. We also have a few na- er at Mandels, one of the principal GIRLS’ A. A. CARD one seriously, in crash of two auto- Hans Bensche of 93 Florence . mobiles and a truck on West Ches­ = tive trukeys at hand, live or dressed. know they are worth the difference. Our street, was the winner of the foot­ downtown department stores. He had been in ill health. hire road. John Devinp, 23, Water­ S Live weight, lb...... 5 5 c _I ball advertisement contest in con­ PA R H A SUCCESS bury, drivel of one car in which nection with the town title football five other Waterbury persons were S Veal Cutlets ...... 48c lb. § price is game betVveen the Cubs and Majors WATERBURY PLANT SOLD riding, held in $1,000 bonds. = Genuine Legs of Lamb, average 4 to 6 lbs...... 34c lb. z last Sunday. Tw'o others, James The first card party attempted i EXTRA LEAN ROAST OF P O R K ...... 23c lb. i ^he’don of 33 Hollister street and Waterbury. Nov. 26.— (AP.)— by the girls of Cheney Brothers’ A. = Italian C hestnuts...... 15c lb. E Paul Aceto of 156 1-2 Oak street 4S C lb. The Lane lAnufacturing Co., 50- A. last night at Cheney Hall was i Mixed N u t s ...... 28c lb. S w/ere tied with Bensche each having year-old manufacturing establish­ a big success. They will be con­ 19 correct answers but the winner WARNING! = Italian Cream Cheese (R ic o tta )...... 30c Ib^ = ment of small metal goods has been tinued each Monday evening. In eta had the score totals the nearest sold for approximately $50,000. The setback first prize went to Edna | right and also named Farr as the J. L. White Welding Company has Anderson and Isabelle McCann, I Folks, Don’t Be man wko would make the most purchased about half of the land second to Elsie Jamieson and I FRUITS and VEGETABLES | yardage. More than 50 sets of ans­ for expansion of its business and Katherine Gustafson, consolation to Deceived! Other Thanksgiving Specials wers- were received by The Herald.. the General Manufacturing Com­ Ruth Helwig and Alice Paradis. You can only get Karl [ MALAGA GRAPES, 3 lbs______29c | The prize is $5.00. pany, rivet and screw manufactur­ Dolly Sullivan w-as first, in whist, ers, has bought the factory and Mrs. Bertha Gess second and Rose­ Marks’ Turkeys at 539 Main = Artichokes, Escarole, Lettuce, Parsley, Oranges, Pears, E At one time kings and nobles northern half of the land, Harry B. mary Pallier took the consolation. St., 136 Summer S t, or the = Tangerines, Bananas, etc. E were the only ones allow-ed to wear Lane is the principal officer of the Mrs. Eva Werner took first prize, farm in Vernon MEATS beards. Lane Co. Mrs. Edythe Rowsell second and I PAUL CORRENTI | Clara Lindberg, consolation, in Roast P o r k ...... 25c Fresh Shoulders 20c bridge. i A Few Steps from Main St. = Legs Lamb _____39c Roasting ENDURANCE ATTEMPT FAtt,S Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Roast V e a l ___ 38c Chickens .42c-45c Metropolitan Airport, St. Louis. Fowl, large ___ 42c Nov. 26.— (AP)—Bobbie Trout, Los Rib Roast Beef CAMPBELL’S Angeles and Eleanor Smith, New ...... 30c-40c Pot R o a s ts ___ 35c York girl flyers, seeking to es­ Ladies! Here Is Your tablish a new refuelling endurance S a u sa g e ...... 33c Sausage Meat .. 33c QUALITY GROCERY flight record landed their biplane Opportunity to Get a LARGEST STOCK OF Phones 4169 and 4160 30 Depot Square here at 2:55 a. m. today when their gas supply gave out. Fine The flyers visibly were disap­ NATIVE MILK TURKEYS pointed because they were unable to GROCERIES—FRUITS stay in the air throughout the TURKEY There is a difference in the wholesale price of Turkeys night, but were optimistic that • FED POULTRY of 10c per poimd. their next effort would be more Grown right here in Manches­ VEGETABLES The old adage “You can’t get something for nothing,” successful. ter at a very convenient loca­ is true. “Everything was going smooth­ FOR THANKSGIVING ly,’’ Miss Smith said, “and we had tion for we will open the store Sugar, 10 lbs. .. 57c Turnips .... 18c pk. experienced no trouble or incon­ at BEST QUALITY TURKEYS ...... 48c lb. venience. The motor performed per­ Turkeys Geese Ducks Fowls Diamond Sweet Cider 47c gal. fectly, and only our inability to re­ 539 Main St., Next Door NATIVE CHICKENS...... 45c lb. Roasting Chickens Mince Meat, fuel forced us to land.’’ to the Gas Co., from W a ln u ts...... 35c NATIVE FOWLS ...... 40c lb. The plane was refuelled at 5:20 2 pkgs. : ...... 25c p. m. yesterday and it was believed Now Until Thanksgiv­ Best Quality Lowest Prices M ixM N u t s ----- 29c Fancy Roafitihg Pork, 10-12 s i z e ...... 26c lb. that the 240 gallons of gasoline Powell’s Lettuce 10c transferred to that time would last ing. Celery...... 18c Rib Roast Beef, Pot Roast, Legs of Lamb, Fresh through the night. The supply ran Grapes, 2 lbs. .. 25c , Shoulders, Smoked Shoulders. low early this morning, however, All these turkeys have been Baldwin Apples and a call for more fuel 'H'as made grown under the most sanitary M anchester Grape Fruit, 2 for 25c GROCERIES shortly after 2 a. m. conditions, are milk fed and 4 q t s ...... 38c Sugar Pumpkins POINCARE’S BETTER approved by the State Commis­ Cranberries ... .19c each ...... 10c Citrem, Lemon, Orange Peel, Mixed Nuts, Canned sioner and tagged with the offi­ Live Poultry M arket Squash and Pumpkin, Raisins, Plum Pudding, Fig Pud­ Mince Meat Hubbard Squash Paris Nov. 26.— (AP)—A bulle­ cial yellow tag. 50 Oak Street Phone 7170 ding. tin Issued by former Premier Poin- | care’s physicians today said that he LOOK FOR SIGN 1 lb. j a r ...... 25c ...... 5c lb. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES had completely recovered from the i AT VERY ATTRACTIVE effects of two recent operations. PRICES. i S f /»- PAGE DHRTI MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMHER 26, 1929. m -

•m s ThaiifesaMn^ 'Jii


The best place in town to buy food every day is the best place to buy food for the fT' ■■ Thanksgiving feast. Haleys Self "Serve and Health Market are the best places to shop 4 because food is always fresh. Every provision has been made to see that they are that way. But besides this aU-important point, there is also the fact that Hale’s Self-Serve is the easiest place to shop. You wait on yourself. Everything is displayed with prices plainly marked on open shelves. You walk through I turnstile take a basket, pick out the groceries from the shelves, go to the cashier who figures the amount you ‘have package wrapped. It is all so quick. .. .it is all so easy... .it is the easiest place to buy food in town. SOi/T/f MANC/^£ST£R * COAfAf.

H.ALE’S H.YLE’S SELECT Sweet Cream Butter Mixed Nuts 2 lbs. 45c 2 lb. roll 9 5 c 1 lb. roll 4&C 1 lb. 2Sc Hale’s Guaranteed Our own iidxture—contains only the best, new 1929 crop— walnuts, almonds. Brazils, fil­ Storage Eggs dozen 49c berts and pecans.

Packed In Sanitary Cartons. 2 lbs. 2 7 e NewCropNuts Pure Lard California Diamond Budded Way- nuts, lb...... S8c Dromedary New Packed 1‘asteiirizcd (large) ('aUfornia Diamond Budded Wal­ pkg. 18e nuts, lb...... 29o Dates (m e^ura) (With or without pits). Large W’ashed Brazil Nuts, lb. 25c Selected Long Naple Filberts, lb...... 2Sc Nonparlel Paper Shell Almonds, lb...... 4Sc CRANBERRIES Cauned Fruits and Jumbo Georgia Paper SheU Pecans, lb...... 49c Vegetables Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 2 qts. 23c CAPE c (>;> BURT OLNEV’S SWEET PEAS, .S No. 2 cans ...... 50r Selected Jordan Almond Meats, ^ O e q t BURT OLNEY’S GOLDEN BANTAM ( OKN, 2 No. 2 cans 4Sc 1-2 lb...... 49c BURT OLNEY’S (White) SWEET CORN. 2 No. 2 cans .... SDc- W alnut Meats, 1-2 lb...... S9c D.WTD HARUM’S E.M'KA SIFTED PEAS, 2 No. 2 ca.-.i .lot Pecan Meats, 1-2 lb...... 58o (Sweet wrinkled peas.) DAVID HARUM’S EXTK.\ SIIT'ED PEAS, 2 No. 1 cans .. :ite DAVID HAIIUM’S SW EET W KINKLED PEAS, 2 No. 2 cans 13e D.AVID HAKUM’S SW EET VA RINKLED PEAS, 2 No. 1 cans 29c Fresh Fruits DAVID HARUM’S TENDER SW EET PEAS, ,S No. 2 cans ..'iOc G w em su eist BURT OLNEY’S FANCY VEGET.ABLES, 3 cans 20c and Choice of golden wax beans. Refugee beans, cleaned spinaoh, SUGAR 5° diced carrots, diced beets, sweet u rinkled peas. Vegetables 10 LBS. TO A CUSTOMER. SCOTTISH CH IEF HAWAII.AN PIN EA PPLE, can ...... 21c REPUBLIC CALIFORNIA PEACHES, 3 No. 2 1-2 can GOc (Sliced and halves) Gi?ad@S U. S. Prime SUNBEAM’S FRUITS FOR SAL.VD, 2 can s ...... 7oc Malaga and Emperor FRESH NATIVE HAMS, HALE’S FAMOUS GRAPES 8 to 10 lbs...... 24c lb. Morning Luxurs^ Co&fee 3 lbs. 29c SMALL LEAN ROAST OF PORK, 59c pound Fancy Cape Cod Tills well known coffee has a particular blend and flavor Cranberries, 8 to 10 lbs. average...... 22c lb. you will thoroughly enjoy. Every pound is guaranteed to Fancy Turkeys FRESH, NOT FROZEN give perfect satisfaction. qt...... 17c (Land O’Lakes Quality) Well Bleached Fresh from the press—Woodworth’s (including jug) Celery, BROOKFIELD CLOVERBLOOM Sweet Apple Cider gal. 53c 2 bunches___25c 44c lb. BUTTER 4 Jc lb. c pound Y’ellow Globe □cean Spray Prepared (strained or whole) Cranberry Sauce can 21c Turnips, GEESE DUCKS peck ...... 18c Iceberg FRESH Friend’s New England Style 3 4 c " KILLED 3 4 c Tender government graded, U. S. prime turkeys. Tender meat that will fairly Lettuce Prepared Mince Meat melt in your mouth. Choose your turkey early tomorrow while the selections are at head ______10c GENUINE SPRING LAMB large can their best. One price, one grade— the best. Sweet Potatoes Legs of Lamb, 4 to 5 lbs...... 33c lb. Native Long Island Spring Fresh 5 lbs...... 18c SAUSAGE MEAT ...... ^...... 20c lb. Thanksgiving Necessities Geese Broilers Golden Ripe GRANDMOTHER’S CONDENSED MINCE ME.AT, 3 pkgs.. 29c Ducklings Banapas, HONEY BRAND PURITAN GRANDMOTHER’S PREPARED MINCE MEAT, 2 1-2 lb. jar 56c lACK HORNER’S PREPARED MINCE ME.AT, 2 lb. jar . . 42c 34c lb. 44c lb. 3 lbs...... 23c SUNBEAM’S AND THOMPSON’S R.AISINS, 3 pkgs...... 29c 33c lb. 24c lb. HAMS 24c lb. (Seedless) SPE.AR BRAND PRESERVED PULLED FIGS. Tangerines, (Slightly preserved) I lb. 45c, 1-2 lb. 25c Large Roasting 4 lbs. Roastinf d o zen ...... 23c Cudahj^’s Pure Lard in lb. pkgs. .. 2 for 25c RICH’S CRYST.ALIZED G IN G E R ...... 1-2 lb. 80c, 1-4 lb. 22c Native Large SUNBEAM’S WASHED AND CLEANED CURRANTS, pkg. 25o Sealdsweet Florida JELL-O (aU flavors) 4 pkgs...... 29c Squabs Chicken Chicken CHsp White C elery...... 15c bunch VIRGINI.A DARE GRENADINE, Ig. bottle $1.26, sm. bottle r)0c Oranges, H.ALE’S HOME M.ADE JELLY", jar ...... 23c SILVER LANE PICKLES ...... quart 88c, pint 25c $1.00 each 42c lb. 30c lb. d o zen ...... 39c Delicious Baldwin Apples, 3 qts...... 25c (Large and Juicy) Extra Largo Friend's Fruit Cake MUk Fed Fricassee Small Frying Winesap Apples, can 45c Fowl Fowl Chicken dozen ...... 60c This Is really the most delicious fruit cake you have ever THE tasted. ' It can also be served as a plum pudding with hard 4 ic lb. 35c lb. 31c lb. sauce. DRINKS Canada & y Qlnger Ale, doz. 91.99 PURITAN Thanksgiving Candies FRESH PORK ROAST, lb...... 23c SHORT CUT CHUCK ROAST, lb...... 30c Gra-Rook Ginger Ale and AFTER-DINNER MINTS, 1-2 lb...... 18c SMALL FRESH SHOULDERS, lb...... lUc BOSTON BONELESS ROAST, lb. .. 3Sc White Blroh, case ...... 98.25 (all flavors) (Rebate of 91.00 for case and CHOICE FRESH HAM, lb...... 27c BONELESS POT ROAST, lb...... 25c hottlee.) SPICE DROPS, lb...... 21o SMALL LEGS OF SPRING BLUE POINT OYSTERS, d ozen ...... 2.5c CUqoot Club Ging^ Ale, doc. 91.58 MARKET STU FFED FRUITS, pkg...... 25c LAMB, lb...... «35c (Golden and pale dry) BILTMORE ASSORTED CHOCOLATES, Ib. b o x ...... 39c BONELESS LAMB ROAST, lb...... 32c MARYLAND OYSTERS, p t...... 32c Weloh’s Onq;>e Jnloe, pt, 99c, qt 65o Corner Main and Eldridge St. BILTMORE ASSORTED CHOCOLATES, 8 lb. box ...... 95c


A b: .’v j FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TOESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1929. T H E FI ED S^ECTION B U Y /M ID SELL B E D E flKX5VXXX?OCXS3««XSCX5SSSXXSW3SXSKXXX3SS£5««X3J5«X5^^ Want Ad Inforniatlon LOST AND FOUND 1 REPAIRING 23 APARTMENTS—FI.ATS— LOTS FOR SALE 73 TENEMENTS 63 CHARGE ONE WAS DRUNK PAY CHECK LOST—Notice is SEWING MACHINE repairing of HOME BUILDERS.—A few choice Manchester hereby given that Pay Check No. all makes, oils, needles, and sup­ FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, building lots on Prospect street, Evening Herald V4A 34, payable to Poli- plies. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward on Lyness street, all modem im­ close to bus service, convenient to IN CRASH AT WAPPING to, for week ending Nov. 2, 1929 street. Tel. 4301. provements, heat furnished if mills, high elevation. Price low. CLASSIFIED has been lost. Anyone attempting wanted. See James J. Rohan, tele­ Call 6185. ADVERTISEMENTS to cash this check will be prose­ phone 7433. Two Drivers Held as Reckless, Couni six average iords to a line. cuted to the full extent of the law. (’OUKSES AND CLASSES 27 One as Intoxicated— Hart­ Initials, numbers and abbreviations Finder please return to the Cor­ When You Need FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat, on Divi­ each count as a word and compouna ford Man in Hospital. porate Accounting Dept., Main EARisER TRADE taught in day sion street, all improvements. In­ words as two words. Minimum cost is and evening classes. Low tuition C. OF C. CONGRATULATES price of three lines. office. Cheney Brothers.. quire 46 Walnut street. Telephone Two men are under arrest, rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 6472. ____ .irT6flt 0116 charged with reckless drlwng and Line rates per day for transient Market street, Hartford. To Have McCLUSKEY ON RACE ads. ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 the other charged with reckless fSnccttre March 17, 1027 driving and operating under the In­ Cash Charge HOUSES FOB RENT 65 LIGHT AND DARK fruit cake, MONEY TO LOAN 33 fluence of liquor, as a result of a 6 Consecutive Days ..I T <■ 9 cts Something Done 3 Consecutive Days ..I 9 < 11 cts the best, made right here in our FOR RENT— 4 ROOM single house, Telegram Officially Expresses head-on collision in Wapplng, Just 1 Day ...... I 11 ^ 13 cts own bakery. Mince and squash newly done over, at 122 Birch Town’s Feeling Over Fresh­ west of the Four Comers about 5 All orders for Irregular Insertions pies. Quality Bakery, 881 Main St. NO TIME IS WASTED street. Telephone 5092. o’clock last evening. will be charged at the one Ime rate. man Victory. The men are Neils H. Anderson, Special rates for long term every day advertising given upon request. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR Christmas— Our service is quick, courtesy and PHONE 5121 FOB RENT—7 ROOM single house, recently of Derby, but for the past private on all few days living at 141 Washington Ads ordered for three or s •- days Make appointments now for early hath, steam heat and garage. 31 Among the first to congratulate and stopped before the third or fltlh sittings. Avoid last minute rush Martha street, Manchester. E. A. avenu^ Hartford, who was driving Joseph McCluskey, son of Mr. and day will be d ig g e d only for the ac­ and disappointment. The New LOANS UP TO $300 Standlsh, Andover, Conn. Tele­ a Ford car, and Eliott Brovm of tual number of times the ad aP0 «^r- Mrs. John McCluskey of Foster ed. charging at the rale earned, but Studio. Dial 8383, 9 Johnson Ter­ phone 1353-5, Willimantic. Rockville. Both are to appear be­ no allowances or refund.s can be made race. Come in—Phone or Write! Ask for a Want-Ad street, who won the freshman race, fore the South Windsor town court on six time ads stopped after the under the colors of Fordham Uni­ in East V/indsor Hill this eve­ ANNOUNCEMENT.—Large stock versity, in the intercollegiate cross ning. Brown faces the dnmk driv­ ^^No'^-Ull forbids"; display lines not “The only charge three and one- Taker and Tell Her FARMS AND LAND FOR of antique furniture, also first class half per cent per month on unpaid SALE 71 country race at Van Courtland ing charge. *°The Herald will not be responsible repairing and refinishlng. V. amount of loan." Park, New York, yesterday, was the •According to Deputy Sheriff C. for more than one Incorrect Insertion Hedeen, Dial 4498. The Old Wood What You Want. Manchester Chamber of Commerce. V. Benjamin of South Windsor, who of any ad verttsement ordered for Shop, 15 Pitkin street. FOR SALE BUILDING SITES in The following telegram of con­ investigated, both cars were badly more than one time. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. She’ll take care of every section of the town. Low gratulation was forwarded to Mc­ damaged. They were going in op­ The Inadvertent omission of ‘dO°r- prices and easy terms. Now de­ rect publication of advertla ng wUl be Room 2, Second Floor, Cluskey this morning by Secretary posite directions on a straight away veloping “Clearview.” Arthur A. reclined only by cancellation of the AUT()MOBU,ES FOR SALE 4 State Theater Building, you and it’s ten to E. J. McCabe of the Chamber, “ We with unobstructed view. charge made for the service rendered. 753 Main St. South Manchester Knofla, 875 Main street. Tel. 5440. In the car with Brown, were GOOD USED CARS congratulate you on freshman hon­ All advertisements must, conform one that you’ll get ors. Manchester rejoices with you Charles Backofen, Jr., and Edward Cash or Terms Licensed by the State Phone 3430 Dunn, both of Rockville. Dunn had in style, copy and typography with and we are proud of your record." regulatio’ > enfc«ced by the Madden Bros.' HOUSES FOR SALE 72 left for home before the deputy ers and they reserve the right to 681 Main St. Tel. 5500 the result you want. In winning the event McCluskey sheriff arrived, but is said to have edit, revise or reject any py con­ HELP WANTED— PROSPECT Street at top of hill. lowered the record for the course sidered objectionable. been badly cut about the face. An­ CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to 10 GOOD USED CARS FEMALE 35 Beautiful new English type home. 6 by 24 seconds. He will appear in derson was alone. Crawford Auto Supply Company well arranged rooms, sun room, be published same day must be re- Manchester in the annual five mile Dr. LeVerne Holmes of Manches­ celved by 12 o’clock noon; Saturdays Center & Trotter Streets WANTED — SINGLE girl with breakfast nook, hot water heat, cross country run on Thanksgiving ter was called by telephone. Telephone 6495 and 8063 stenographic experience. Apply to CLASSIFIED DOES ALL TASKS fireplace, tile bath with shower, Day morning. Dunn had been picked up by a car TELEPHONE YOUR Cheney Bros. Employment office. brass plumbing throughout, at­ that drove toward Manchester. Dr. WANT ADS. 1925 HUDSON BROUGHAM tached heated garage. Price attrac­ Holmes gave first aid to Anderson Ads are accepted over the telephone 1927 CHE'O’ROLEl' LAUDAU tive. Terms can be arranged. Call and then had him removed to Man­ at the CHARGE! RATE given above Terms—Trades Considered HELP WANTED—MALE 36 4522. NEW HAVEN DECLARES as a convenience to advertisers, but chester Memorial hospital where ho BETTS GARAGE proved to be not seriously injured. the CASH HATES will be accepted as Hudson-Essex Dealer 129 Spruce SALESMEN TO SELL ’ our high FOR SALE—$800 DOWN buys new FULL PAYMENT If paid at the busi­ grade garden and field seed direct QUARTERLY DIVIDEND Walter Billings, Wapping store ness office on or before the seventh colonial home. Six rooms, tile bath, keeper, gave use of his house for day followingfniinwinir the first Insertion of to planters. A good position with oak floors, fireplace. Mortgages ar­ CHARGE GARAGES—SERVICE- big income. Experience unneces­ the care of the men until the doc­ each r,d otherwise the ranged. Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Main New York, Nov. 20.— (AP)_Di­ tor and the deputy sheriff arrived. RATE will be collected. No responsi­ sary. Cobb Co., Franklin, Mass. bility for errors In telephoned ads STORAGE 10 GARDEN—LAWN- APARI'MEN rS— FLATi street. Tel. 5440. rectors of the New York, New Ha­ ______i______■will be assumed and their accuracy ven and Hartford railroad today Leaves are unnecessary to the WANTED—USED cars, old cars DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 cannot bo guaranteed. TENEMENTS 63 FOR SALE—NEW BEAUTIFUL declared a quarterly dividend of Aeginetia blossom,' a purple para­ INDEX OF moved from yards etc. General SITUATIONS WANTED— English type home. 6 rooms, fire­ FOR SALE—FINE HUBBARD $1.50, placing the common stock on site which thrives on other plants. CLASSIFICATIONS Auto Repairing. Abel’s, 26 Cooper MALE 39 TO RENT—6 r o o m ’ tenement, place, steam heat. Small amount a $6 annual basis. The stock was street. Dial 5520. squash 3c per lb., at 39 Deming modern, garage, rent reasonable. down. Terms. Price only $7500. Births ...... f, AUTO MECHANIC good general street. G. W. Hibbert, Phone 8290. placed on a $5 annual basis with the Engagements ...... Apply Arthur A. Knoffa, 875 Main Arthur A. Knofla, 875 Main street. disbursement of a quarterly pay­ Marriages ...... ^ repair man, eighteen years experi­ street. Telephone 5440. Tel. 5440. ANOTHER Deaths ...... l- BUSINESS SERVICES ence. References, 109 Foster FOR SALE — HUBBARD squash, ment of $1.25, Oct. 41, last, as ad­ Card of Thanks ...... ^ OFFERED 13 street. Town. sugar pumpkins, extracted honey, FOR RENT—3 & 4 room flat, all im­ vanced from the $4 rate in effect ELIZABETH PARK In Memorlam ...... j good cider vinegar. W. L. Fish, 284 provements, including hot water from the second quarter of 1928. Announcements ...... j WELDING, bracing, carbon burn­ Lake street. Phone Rosedale 32-2. heat. 170 Oak street. Inquire 164 when dividends were resumed after HOME SOLD Personals ...... •••...... ing and blacksmithlng. Chas. O. W. LIVE STOCK— VEHICLES 42 Oak street or call 8241. LETTER TO MERCHANTS omission since 1913. AHtomoblles Nelson, 277 East Middle Turnpike. FOR SALE — GREEN Mountain We have two or three more nice Automobiles for Sale ...... potatoes, $2.00 bushel, delivered, ,P.g.K KENT--4, 5, AND 6 ROOM singles complete or nearly complete Automobiles for Exchange...... ° FOR SALE—GEESE at 621 Hart­ TELLS OF XMAS PLAN Auto Accessortee—Tire* ” ford-Road! Call 8962. Thomas Burgess, Wapplog, Conn. rents. Apply Edward J. Holl, 865 in this beautiful section oi Manches­ Auto Repairing—Painting ...... ^ BUILDING- Tel. Rosedale 60-2. Main street. Telephone 4642. ter. Take a walk up Henry street Auto Schools ...... The HoU and Tanner street. You will be Autos— Ship by Truck ...... » CONTRACTING 14 POULTRY AND SUPPLIES 43 FOR RENT—4 ROOM TENEMENT Chamber Asks Co-operation in agreeably surprised at the growth Autos— For Hire ...... with garage and improvements. 52 Garages—Service—Storage ...... ju CARPENTER WORK, porch and HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Lig hting Program j Will of this wonderful home section. Motorcycles— Bicycle ...... storm enclosures, alterations, re­ FOR SALE—For Thanksgiving— Spruce street. Inquire 125 Center Investment Co. Prices and terms are really invit­ Wanted Autos—Motorcycles 12 Seek Contributions. Services pairs, roofing, and garages. T. Niel­ Grain fed rabbits alive or dressed street. Telephone 8623. ing. Take a drive or walk through liueliicM and Pr«feii«li»nul and delivered. Phone 6122. FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD furni­ Business Services Offered ...... IJ son, telephone 4823. ture. Must be sold at once. Call at Organized to operate in First the property at your earliest con­ Household Services Offered ...... 13-A FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, venience. Building—Contracting ...... i? FOR THANKSGIVING — Geese, 67 Wadsworth street. with all improvements and garage A letter was sent out today to and Second Mortgages also Florists— Nurseries ...... roasting chicken, comb honey. $5,000—$500 cash will get you a FLORISTS— NURSERIES 15 FOR SALE—HOUSEHOLD furni­ at 5 Ridgewood street. Rent $23 each person on the prospect list Funeral Directors ••••••■...... }, Fred Krah, 669 Tolland Turnpike. month. Inquire 178 Parker street. Guilder’s Finance solicits your warrantee deed to a brand new six Heating—Plumbing—Roofing .. l< ture, including player piano, par­ made up by the special holiday room single, all utilities are coimect- FOR SALE—CUT FLOWERS, car­ Phone 4949. Dial 5623. confidence in the placing of Insurance ...... lor suite,-’tiining room set; exten­ lighting committee of the Mer­ od, steam heat. If you see It you Millinery—Dressmaking ...... iJ nations, chrysanthemums, pom­ FOR THANKSGIVING — Large sion table, china closet, kitchen chants Division of the Chamber of First and Second Mortgages. will certainly try to stop paying Moving—Trucking—Storage .... poms all colors, also potted plants. FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, Painting— Papering ...... ‘ i roasting chickens, alive or dressed. cabinet etc. Can be seen at 215 Commerce. This letter is signed by rent and own a home of your own. 621 Hartford Road. Tel. 8962. lower floor, all modern improve- Professional Services ...... Luck Bros. R. D. No. 2, Glaston­ Pine street, balance of this week. Arthur Hiiltman, chairman; Russell , , , , Very desirable property on Sum- ments, available December 1st. C. Hathaway, L. N. Heebner, L. J. Twenty-six (26) Repairing ...... - „ V ‘ \ ...... vi bury, Conn. Tel. Man. Div. 3334. E. Lewis, 44 Cambridge street. J eai S local J^it street on the Mil near East Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... f * FOR SALE—$55.00 silk floss mat­ Richman, Ear} Seaman, William Toilet Goods and Service ...... -o MOVING—TRUCKING- Telephone 7269. experience in this field. Center street. The price is reason­ Wanted—Business Service ...... 3b FOR SALE—Turkeys for Thanks­ tress, slightly used. Price $30.00 if Rubinow, and George H. Williams, STORAGE 20 able and details, furnished upon re­ Edncntloiinl giving, 55c lb. live. Mrs. Peter Mil­ sold this week. Mrs. Loomis, 153 FOR RENT—VERY DESIRABLE 4 and is a plea for generous contribu­ quest. Courses and Classes ...... ler, Jr., 743 Tolland Turnpike. Tel. Pearl street. and 5 rooms, near Cheney mills, tions to finance the special Christ­ We are always in the position i Private Instruction ...... ‘ S MERCHANDISE ordered by you to­ mas lighting. I Yes, we have a nice sLx room sin- 4269. white enamel plumbing, very rea­ Dancing ...... day in New York, or to be sent to FOR SALE — DINING TABLE The letter follows: to place sums fromfror $500 (Fivelgle with a tile bath and shower. Musical— Dramatic ...... 3j New York, picked up by us to­ sonable. Inquire Tailor Shop, 5 Wal­ Wanted—Ins'ructlon ...... 3U three piece genuine leather suite. nut street. Telephone 5030. “If you knew a generous contri­ Hundred)undred) upwardsupward: with safety floors, fl^place. Finnnrlnl night and delivered the next ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 See furniture at 55 Bissell street. bution would make Manchester a ' - You will certainly enjoy looking It Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ..... 31 morning vi% Ji^a^chester and New Owner Mrs. Loomis 153 Pearl St. FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, better town to live in on account and good returns. over. The price is lower it Business Opportunities ...... 33 Money to Loan ...... 33 York Motor *Despatch. Dally ser­ FOR SALE—FRESH made sweet modern conveniences, with or of having a real Christmas S p irit- Help ond SItnntlona vice and reasonable rates. Call cider, also apples. Call Manchester USED MAHOGANY dining room without garage, 45 Pearl street. even a greater Holiday atmosphere Help Wanted—Female ...... 85 3063, 8860 or 8864. Rosedale 32-5. Bolton Cider Mill. set $50. 8 piece oak dining room Inquire John Hand 43 Pearl street. than we have ever experienced be­ Help Wanted— Male ...... 3G set $40. Oak buffet $12. fore, you would want your friends ROBERT J. SMITH Help Wanted—Male or Female .. 37 EDWARD J. HOLL, President PERRETT & GLENNEY—Express Watkins Furniture Exchange FOR RENT—VERY desirable five to tell you how to best make that 1009 Main St. Phones 3450, 5740 Agents Wanted ...... and freight service; local and BUILDING MATERIALS 47 Situations Wanted—Female .... 38 room tenement on Locust street, gift to accomplish the desired re­ 865 Main Street, We Build, VVe Sell, We Buy, Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 long distance. Expert furniture FOR SALE—ALL FURNITURE sults. Employment Agencies ...... <0 FOR SALE—CONCRETE blocks, heat furnished. Available Dec. 1st. South Manchester, Conn. W’e Insure. moving. Service any time by call­ overstuffed, wearever and Club Telephone 3010. "That is what your friends on I.lvo Stock— Pela— Ponlfry— V ehicica ing 3063. bargain. Build your garage with it, Dogs— Birds— Pets ...... 41 aluminum, drophead Singer sew­ this holiday Lighting Committee Live Stock— Vehicles ...... 42 and I will give you a price. Alfred ing machine, crib, large rubber FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, would like to do for you. Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 Rollet, 33 Windemere street. Tele­ plant etc. Studebaker Coach. Must 192 Spruce street, garage if de­ The Manchester business sec­ Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 PAINTING— REPAIRING 21 phone 8780. be sold at once, 596 Woodbridge For Sale— Mlacellaneoaa sired. Reasonable. Inquire second tions are going to be lighted with Articles for Sale ...... 45 PAINTING and PAPERHANGING street. floor. approximately 5500 feet of colored Boats and A ccessories...... neatly done; pHces reasonable. lights in spans across the streets at Building Materials ...... 47 FUEL AND FEED 49-A FOR RENT—NEW 5 ROOM apart­ James F. Roach, Jr., 36 Walnut each pair of poles, and the poles Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 ment at 67 Wadsworth street, all Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 street. Dial 5921. FOR SALE—HARD WOOD and WANTED— TO BUY 58 are going to be wound wdth rope Euel and F e e d ...... 49-A hard slabs, stove length $6 and $9 modern improvements. See Mrs. evergreen intermingled with a Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 50 per load. A. Firpo, 116 Wells street. WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices Johnson, first floor. string of colored Christmas Tree Household Goods ...... 51 PROFESSIONAL fur rags, paper, magazines and lights. It will start December 7 Machinery and Tools ...... 52 Dial 6148. metals. Also buy all xlnds of FOR RENT—4 ROOM upstairs flat and last until after New Year’s. pon't forget to 1 Musical Instruments ...... 53 SERVICES 22 on Ridge street, steam heat. In­ Office and Store Equipment . . . . 54 FOR SALE—THE FOLLOWING chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial “This is the greatest display TYPf THAT Specials at the Stores ...... Bfi PIANO TUNING kinds of wood, sawed to order; 6389 or 3886. quire 79 Ridge street, upstairs. Manchester has ever had and it Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 hickory, hard, white birch, slab and will create a wonderful holiday a ffa p a v it for Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 JUNK FOR RENT—6 ROOM flat on Rooms— Don rd—Hotels— Resorts John Cockerham chestnut. L. T. Wood Co. 55 Bls- spirit which you and your friends Highest prices for anything saleable, Spruce street, near East Center. NE, MISS PARKS’. Restaurants 6 Orchard St. Tel. 4219 sell street. Dial 4496. Inquire at 25 Spruce street. and everyone will enjoy. Isn’t this Rooms Without Board ...... 59 particularly copper, brass, rags, what we should do, realizing that Boarders Wanted ...... 5D-A FOR SALE — SEASONED hard magazines. Call 5879. Wm. Ostrin- Hartford, Rockville, Willimantic, Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 TO RENT—5 ROOM tenement, on Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 REPAIRING wood, sawed to order, chunks $6.50 sky, 91 Clinton. Prompt attention. Wells street $20 month. William Meriden, and other cities are light­ ALL RIGHT, Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... ' 62 load, split $7.25. Fred Giesecke. Kanehl, 519 Center street. ing up? We must not allow our MR. JONES. Real Estate For Rent VACUUM CLEANER, phonographs, Phone Rosedale 36-12. town to drag on behind. Apartments. Flats. Tenements .. 63 clock, gun repairing, key fitting. AFAKIMENTS—FLATS— FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement on “To do this we need the backing Business Locations for Rent .... 64 Braithwaite, 52 Pearl street. FUEL AND FEED 49-A Houses for Ren* ...... 65 TENEMENTS 63 Newman street, all modern im­ of those with the interest for their community and your friends on the Suburban for Rent ...... 66 MATTRESSES, box springs^, pil­ HARD WOOD $6 per load. Hard provements; also five room flat on Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 slab wood $5.00 load. Wm. J. Mc­ FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, committee feel that you would like lows and cushions made over, Newman. Inquire 147 East Center Wanted to Rent ...... 68 Kinney. Phone Rosedale 28-L. modern conveniences. W. G. GlCn- to join in the support of this pro­ Real Estate For Sale equal to new. I day service. Phone street. Tel. 7864. Apartment Building for Sale .. . 69 ney Company, Allen Place. gram. 6448 Manchester Upholstering Co., TWO ROOM SUITE in Johnson “ You will be given an opportunity © Business Property for S ale ...... 70 TOOTH FIVE IlJCHES LONG Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 331 Center street. Established FOR RENT—2 ROOM furnished BIock, fa c in g Main street, suitable to share in this within the next few Houses for Sale ...... 72 since 1922. Walters, Okla.—(AP)—A tooth, apartment, steam heat, also single for light housekeeping. Phone days and we thought you would be I.ots For Sale ...... 73 believed to be from a prehistoric room. Inquire 109 Foster street. Aaron Johnson 3726 or 9635. glad to learn something of our pro­ Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repair­ mastodon, has been found below a I Suburban for Sale ...... 75 ed, key fitting, safes opened, saw gram, which we have attempted to Real Estate for Eichai.go ...... 76 creek bed near here. It measures i FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, all tell you in this letter. Wanted—Real Estate ...... 77 filing and grinding. Work called five, in.ches in length and four in with all modern improvements, in­ Improvements, and garage, 23 Trot- | “We hope it has been of interest Auction—Legal Notices for. Harold Clemscn, 108 North width.^ It is to be studied by Uni­ cluding garage. Inquire 150 Sum­ ter street. Apply 116 Center. Tele- j and trust we may have your kindly Legal Notices ...... 79 Elm street. Tel. 3848. Legal Notices ...... 78 versity of Oklahoma archeologists. mit street or phone 8617. phone 4508. i support in this undertaking.”


W E L L , SON, OH, THERE’S PHEW ! A QUARTER d o n ’t BOTHER , | IT W A S NICE NO HURRY , OAO . TO TWELVE - - THE DAD ------w e ’l l ^ W H Y , M R OP YOU KIDS TO 1 WANT YOU AND ROAD WILL BE PITCH BE MEETING THE WILEY--WHAT COME OUT AND NELLIE TO GET DARK. NELLIE WILL CONSTRUCTION MEN FTHR SEE ME,BUT MtXJ I S W R O N G WELL ACQUAINTED. BE SCARED TO DEATH. ALONG THE ROAD. SETTINd can find them. Then look at the scrambled word below—and unscram­ WALKED ble it, by switching the letters around. Grade yourself 20 for ea ch of INTO the mistakes you find, and 20 for the word If you unscramble it THE POWDER , CORRECTIONS HOUSE. 8 ' (1) The lower hinge Is mfsslhg on the door. V ) Affidavit is spelled Incorrectly. (3) The latch on the d Is below uie handle. Instead of 11-Z b above. (4) The telephone receiver -^id mouth-piece .should be facing T’at. Off.) A In the same direction. (5) The scrambled word is BRIEF. i PACE KIKlfciEN ’ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1929. By Perry L. ( 'rnshv tLAPPER FANNY SAYS: SKIPPY SENSE and NONSENSE REQ.u.«.rAT,orr. ______-T* lOITH MV NICKEL THAT'CL MAK€ »T RGADS t h a t Th 6 t h i r t y C6MTS t Ouj€ W A THANKSGIVEVG LESSON. DID YA READ RULE A DIMS A FIB? (JH ATOO VA NUMBER TtUO OP 6ACH TIME YA CAN VA LOAM ^ A KO TH €R FOR T6 U IM ' H6R hi£ t e l l a fib VA Timothy Hubble was sure OUR XeU-THE -TRUTH CERTAIN ly, US A QUARTER ? QUART€B 0IFF6RGMT ABOUT UlHGMi trouble ( HAVe To FORPEIT Had no equal any where; j '■'x\ I CLUB ROLES YET. .------U3HAT IS \r ? I OMLV GOT A p FOR? . ijjHV a m ’ LJH£R€ r (jUAS Oh, there was never one who hadj I 5K\PPY. DID YA ? J A DIMS )> THIS AFT6RMOOW. ever 1 r P hilCKSL Such a heavy load to bear. A Forever groaning, and sadly moan-1 jng I m That his purse was mighty slim; | Forever grumbling, and even mum-' bling k That the Lord mistreated him:

A neighbor chided him and then dc- V'-' rided him. j Saying: “You’re not thankful, | friend, | For each good blessing you’re noW; possessing— Would He other blessings send’.-”’

_ ,-nn \ rpi-cy I- C r o s ^ Britain ri| I Your hard thoughs smother, and O 1" —' I King Keaturcs Syndicate, Inc. try, my brother. V'u' j Giving lhanks as you should do; One* ______’ OUR ROAKDINC HUUSR When Mother a fur piece, He’ll bless you double, and all your The Toonerville Trolley That Meets .411 the Trains By Fontaine Fo« By (Jenc Ahem trouble I father______gels it in _ the______neck. ______May vanish like morning dew. into Mexico. One evening a car, tu l 1 hope Tim Tubble with all hi.siof young people, was slopped and vour*>J^ pldKPQC^KE-T HAP KNOWN THAT 'THE trouble j usual procedure ol c.\amining' lUPEEP/ - LiELL, Vou CAU Took these words into his hearl; | the bottom of tbe car was in pro-': 3 K ip p E K t h e doAU FOR THE dA R ^ T o V g ; g iv e -VmaT TORKEV T o If he’s been giving sincere Thanks- gress, when one young lady asked. MILL LIKE Tt4 l5 P L A C E iM o-ivin*'-, "What arc you looking for’.” ovElRdOAT' PQC^KeT > h e NEVER WoUUP HAVE S0/L\E VloPTMV TAMILV/ M V L I F E A VlG Mo LIPAV Sure the Lord has done His part. “Arms," the .sergeant politely re-; ^ MAPR-f^UMF r — 1 WILL ____ plied. I BEE n I PlgC^oVEREl^ L\kE--TMAMK 5 GlViAsi6 Iki A ^ ,1 “Why,’’ remarked the flapp'.-r. ; pRoViPE For t Me t a b l e The only record anybody should [(own there.’’ i COUPLE PAVS, AU'’ I AlUV O F TM lS M0USE 7 5iR ? try to make on public highways, is v. _____ | ViEAPP AUVPOPV Me r e e v e m record for safe and sane driving. \T Will u e v e r b e The engine that knocks is losing MUMBLE TM’ W oP P -TURKEV ! i power. . . . The man who knocks 5AIP TM aT M A ToR a . Gladys; ’’Grace sure is a ni-’(> ha;; little to V- "So I BAV.S -To m ’SELF - - •MooPlE l e t AMoTMER girl.’’ Helen: “Vch, so nice that when ''OAKE 7 IF Vou PoUV GO AU An Ignorant youth is one who' m a u stock Mis l a r p e r I she dreams of auto rides she walks neither knows how to harness a VilU X^ELF A "TlJ R K E V A T V e U o in her sleep." KiEV'ER-R-R' EGAP( horse or shift gears. | VOUlL TllUP ^EM ALL GRUUT iUG

There would be fewer auto acci­ O V E R A Ma m A liiek town is a place wlicre the j dents, if all the rubber about the car p.arkcd in front of tlie lire hy-; sM AfU K Me r e ears was confined to the tires. drant belongs lo the banker’s wile. FUR An increasing number of aul.o j -TMA^iKSGlVl^iG .at the ether fel.! It V _ borne by six of '-leiiry’s oldest and From Our W ar Oorrespondeut: | most faithful employees. As the Along the Me.xican border. United ; casket came by, fo'’ .States soldiers were searchiag: looked around and offeied the to.- vchieles which pass close to crossing ,,„ers under j ^ ~~ i this casket, you could lay off five 3 ^ ^ LOOi< OMGR I A Manchester woman driver ran I into an embankment and bent a| L-AOCaH t-UALL. ! fender. It worried her. She went s T R e e T T i to a garage and asked the mechanic: I "Can you fix this fender so my husband'won’t know it was bent'?" ! The mechanic looked at the bent i fender and then at her, and said: I "No, lady, I can’t. But I'll tell V < 3 I you what I can do. 1 can fix it up c?> , 'f I I so that in a few days you can a.s’a P j R A d O , u:i j your husband how he bent it.’’ X T a k e ! I. s. PAT. Of r.' - II I TI ■_! I Abie: "Vot is the idea of raising V. j the price of gasoline all the time'?” j'oK, i9:o I Garage Man: "What do you care’? i You haven’t a ear. Getting Somewhere at Last By Crane j Abie: "No. but I got a cigar ligbt- WASHINGTON TUBBS U , er." S’lAELP KE SUSIE, I NEVER SEEM OE ZAT SO? I More than two-thirds of the peo- BUT I BOTi NOU kiLLEP HIM*. VOU KILLED H'M WITH e,'.Ke-»> MONEV. I WAS \M ^ B6 >< CAR OAT AMO I S’POSE KEO. u. s p*T. orr. j ])le of India are Hindus. NEVER TBE GOM "^00 STOLE FRONl TuBBS. KILLED TOO COULD vOENTiFY TRWA? fAKi EVEN SEEM VHV\ IM COLD BLOOD FOR HlS MOMEY. MIGUT. 1 WEARO SHOTS AND LOOKED OUT. I SEEM A MAM RUNNiM’ PAST. t p £ m an WHOTAREW/ Vt POOK. WHERE PIO too HIDE THAT MONEt^ WC T ’ROWS DAT OUM Wi NW CAR, AMO IT AWAY, BEV^ BE K l l l t P ' -rs 1 KEEPS IT. DAT'S ALL I KMOW.^ OF pUKe-/ RECORD; WAS m TOWN ON DAT OF HURDER. 17I5 TOU fOUMO OM miA iDEMTlFltP AS BELONGING To TUBBS,

sta. u. JVT I r. f \{ Y QltZa. tv WIA SCWVtCg, INC. L By Blosser Z FKK( KLES AND HIS FRIENDS Tag Looks Like It! V4USV4-! vmas scared "T ^!lt VoO 6crr I /wuMps? 1 (S£E! IP TUAT A SHOCK. STIFF FOR A MlMOTE.... T here n L t J OMU/ EATIM6 Pop GOES tu e TO LEAR TWAT OSCAR IS Twe m o m p s POOR OSCAR'.! Poor CORN TPAT MO^A TELEPWONiE q OACAMTIMED v>l\TVi TUE T O O *^ OSCAR .'I JUST POPPED MUiViPSL' JUST VHUEN UE CGOaJc/4 \WAS VHORKlV So WARD , FOR ME-'-' CM TWAT ESSAY CO^iTEST ^ ^ r?T|)^\^Too — TOOSP LUCK!! /


K'.V / '47 7'- ''.V

nco. u. s. PAT. orr. y fcl QIW, 9YHCA SCRVICS. REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. Cl929, BY NCA SERVICE. INC. Jl... Sam Takes It to Heart By Small (RE.VD THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE riCTLRE) S.yLESM.4N SAM

The Tinymites sat on their sled i “Let’s go! We’re ready for our -Tfl. f2 ^V A .K vt-tV ,t M avea R e A U Z t P , UMTtU \VOHT M oT C U T pRtCCS TlVik-t; TWATi WMAT and one wee coal lump promptly i ride. We’ll hang on tight us you v ie L L PeP\ FlR<>TOf AL_ .' 'ton a said, “This coal car track goes fur j suggest and simply trust to luck. T VieTooK TH S tMVeHTOlLY, VdWAT A UoT { PUTpM SOV\E OUNtSeeLLS! P-vl’ VJMO I Lt_ GO DOWN PIN f^tUL€.TtC CrOODS oM HAMO- ' - = 0 below. It’s long and very steep. But, if some trick you pull on us, e-'-sc? ______WWiTs 0 0 - I'LL. But don’t get scared. You’ll b e! we'll come right back and start a W«eN tKv/eMTb«.Y 'S oNeR- fuss.” One coal lump answered, all right and no good ever comes j 'tkTttfc from fright. A big surprise is at j "Ha, ha, ha! Your big sled won’t STR6RL-T twPLo'tees the end. It’s big and dark and i get stuck.” And then the coal lumps.pushed ouet SWftRP deep. CUT IN “Now all of you harig on real the sled and on their way the Tinies sped. They scooted down a long, RAZOR. tight. I’m going to push with all AVID my might and start your sled to long hill. The sled stayed on the SHout-oett going. Then you're on your merry track. “Ob, my,” cried Clowny. way. We’re glad that you all "See us go! I think I’d rather travel slow. Say, if I had my choice, stopped in here and brought the PttoUE coal lumps heaps of cheer. We I’d turn around and go right back.” &OoTk much enjoyed your visit. Please "Oh, look ahead!" another cried. 1 :W come back again some day.’’ "Into a ship we’re going to slide. “Y'ou bet we will,” one Tiny I’m .sure it is a coal boat and we’ll travel out at sea.” Then Scouty said. "And, gee, the next time we K j won’t dread to slide into your shouted, "Gee, that’s great. I’m wondrous cave. We know it’s safe thrilled and I can hardly wait. and sound. Before we met you When we are on the ocean, oh how ’-9 all thought that in some trap happy I will be." we would be caught. It seemed TkTm*. HtA 5m\ict. me r

DANCE THANKSGIVING EVE By the Four Rally Boys The Dry Goods Departments The Self Serve Grocery TONIGHT DANCE AND SOCIAL At Orange Hall Will Close at 6 O’CIock and Health Market Will Be Music by McKay’s Serenaders HOSE & LADDER CO. NO. 1 Adm.: Ladles S5c, Gents 50c. Present D EP A R TM EN T STORE SO. MANCHESTER^,CONN. Wednesday Night Wa==a=a=aaa======asaaag ■ ...... ■ i.V Open Wednesday Until 9 p. m. THE COMMANDERS DANCE 12-Piece Orchestra—Cheney Hall Tomorrow Night Wednesday Evening, Nov. 27 TURN HALL ADMISSION 50c Humming Bird North Street Inciudes a Chance on a Turkey, Women’s Polish Society Goose or Pig.

Thomas J. Cole of West Turnpike and his daughter. Miss Violet Cole Dress Coats Chiffon Hose ABOUT TOWN left this morning for San Diego, California, where they will visit In the Smart A family reunion took place over another daughter of Mr. Cole. They the week end at the home of Mr. are making the trip to the Pacific In the successful and Mrs. M. H. Robinson, 64 Benton coast and return by automobile. Parisian Shades street. There were four generations present, from Pittsfield, Spring- new modes field and Hartford. The oldest pres­ The standard sales and service ent was Mrs. M. B. Robinson, 84 contract which the Manchester years of age and the youngest, a Radio Dealers Association have great grandson, 2 years of age. agreed to use was sent out to mem­ bers today by the Chamber of Com­ Temple Chapter, Order of the merce. This contract inaugurates Eastern Star will hold its regular uniform sales by the radio dealers. meeting in the Masonic Temple Where beautiful hosiery is conspicuous. Humming tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock. The 59.50 Birds—in the modish new colors decreed by Paris business will include the initiation Ladies of the Zion Evangelical stylists for this winter—win special admiration. Fash­ of a clas.s of candidates. Lutheran church have set the date of December 4 for their annual ioned from sheer pure silk, reinforced at toe and heel. Contractor Waller Hobby has Christmas sale, which will be held Smooth fitting, trim French heels. Stockings that will been awarded the contract to build both afternoon and evening. This is give the utmost in wear. another house for Miss A. E. and the dEte of similEr affEirs a t St. Wherever these coats are worn this winter they Mi.«s M. M. Carroll of E a st H a rt­ Mark’s church, the South Metho­ will be admired for their style and quality. Stunning ford who arc developing a residen­ dist and the Buckland Parent- 1 Hale’s Hosiery— tial section on Westover Road. Teacher association. broadcloth dress coats in the newest styles lu.xuriously trimmed with choice furs. Beautifully tailored mod­ ]\Iain Floor, Bight "I'eh Sunshine Sewing dub will Mr. and Mrs. Carl N. Belyeu of els; silk crepe lined. meet this evening at 7:30 at the Woodbridge street have been enter­ home of Mrs. Samuel Pratt of taining Mrs. Harry G. Whiteman Center street. and her little daughter, Carolyn, of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mrs. White- William Kubinow of Rubinow’s man was formerly Miss Nellie women’s apparel shop is in New York on a buying trip. Wartenburg of Buckland. Hale’s Coats—

Eighteen tables were filled with Main Floor, players at the whist of the Ways Rear and ^leans committee givep last SLIPPERY ROAD CAUSE n ig h t a t the Buckland school!. The first prizes, $2.50 gold pieces, were OF TRUCK ACCIDENT Silk Dresses awarded to Miss Irene Buckland and Oscar Strong who ran up the highest scores. Second prizes fell to Miss Edith Pearson and T. J. Skids on St. James Street and Shaw and consolation awards to Hits Tree; Wheel Pulled Off. Youthful feminine frocks Miss Mary Krieski and 1 S. Edger- ton. 'I’he committee served dough­ T-he slippery condition of St. attractively priced for nuts, cheese and coffee. Dancing James street, just off Main street, followed to music by Case’s orches­ caused by the freezing of recent tra. Oscar Strong announced the rains, resulted in the Ford truck of holiday wear. old-fashioned dances. Another whist will be given by the Parent- the Manchester Fruit and Produce Teacher association two weeks from Company, driven by Ignazio Attone, New Hand’ Bag last night. of 78 School street, to skid into a tree on the right hand side of the P Wadsworth McKinney son of Air. road at 9:30 o’clock this morning. Smai’t models in and Mrs. William McKinney, who The truck was going east and the recently underwent an appendicitis front bumper was stripped off, Washable tapestry and leather operation is reported as in a fa­ taking with it the right front wheel. vorable comiition at the Memorial The a.xle was sprung lightly. The 12.50 ho.spital. driver was not injured though the machine was thrown sideway. block­ Cape Gloves The G Clef Glee Club will rehearse ing the street. John Andisio of 43 (Formerly priced 16.75) to in the Swedish Lutheran church at Oak street, is the owner of the 7 o’clock tonight. The choir will >-e- truck. hcar.'^e a t t',:30 o'clock. * Patrolman John McGlinn investi­ ,'Slip-on and fancy A new hand bag will add the finish­ g ated and called the tow-n highw ay ing touch to your holiday costume. Chic department to sand the slippery sc:- An opportune time to purchase one or two new frocks Tioop 1, Boy Scouts, aAl Troop 6 cuff models for the coming holidays at a 4.25 saving. Youthful mod­ tapestry bags in new patterns; smart will hold a contest tonight at the tions of the road which was done leather bags feature zipper fastenings former’s headquarters at the Second before tre truck was removed for els of heavy silk crepe that feature flared skirts, tucks, Congregational church. repair. uneven hemlines and soft lingerie touches at the neck. and stone clasps. Black, brown and Black, brown and other rich winter tones. other costume shades. Hale’s Hand Bags—Main Floor, front. ’ Hale’s Frocks— Fine quality cape gloves that may be Main Floor, Rear had in both slip-on and fancy cuff mod­ els. Well tailored gloves- in black, brown, green, gray and wine. A com­ ^niorlford^i x^iwppin^ | plete range of sizes. Felt Hats Hale’s Gloves— Misses’ ]\Iain Floor, Riglit OUR ANNUAL Corselettes Brimless hats with side and back SALE OF With the Smart r treatments r* Thanksgiving fitted waist WOOLCHALLIE Sweets Thanksgiving Novelties each 5c to 25c 4-. Salted Mixed N u t s ...... pound 1.50 (6.50 and 8.50 Grades) Salted Peanuts ...... pound 39c 4 . Smart young girls Sharaf Assorted Chocolates, are buying these new PRINTS 21.2 lbs...... 1.00 corselettes to wear lY’e have reduced all our high priced hats. .. .includ­ ■4 Assorted Hard C andies...... pound 49c under their silhouette ing many direct imports. .. .to 4.95. Tlie group in- Choice of chicken bones, filled raspberries, frocks. Well tailored chocolate straws, butter Scotch puffs, etc. all the smartest styles—up-turned brims, .side garments of flesh l)vo- ti’eatments. . . .long backs. Black, brown, and other ■e regular price $1.19 yd. i cade with ilie new fit­ smart shades. Large and small head sizes. 4 . ted waist; silk webbed Shari Assorted Chocolates sides. 49c pound box Hale’s Millinery—.Second Floor, Rear. A A. Hale’s Candy—]\Iain Floor, Front A. Hale’s Corsets—Main Floor, Rear I A. sponged-shnink-washable Let Us Invest Shoes Rebuilt E. A. Lettney for the whole family with WATKINS BROTHERS, l^c. fast color Your Money 38 Main St., Manchester In Mortgages Water Proof Soles Funeral Directors PLUMBING and ESTABLISHED 55 YEARS Small and large patterns on light and dark gi’ounds, On good reliable local proper­ Keep your feet dry and warm, a long weai‘ guaranteed. HEATING new modernistic and geometric patterns, small figures, ties. We handle all the de­ CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. tails. SPECIALIZING IN rosebuds, etc. The most comfortable all year around Robert K. Anderson Phones: Office 5171 y',' fabric for dresses, blouses, children’s wear, robes and ARTHUR A. KNOFLA Stanley Krajewski Sheet Metal pajamas. “Service That Satisfies” 875 Main St. Phone 544G 15 School St., So. Manchester Work day after binding and gagging the Let McCall Patterns Help You With the STEAL AIRPLANE night watchman. DAVID CHAMBERS Now ia the time to have heat­ The stolen ship is a four-place SHOE REPAIRING ers cleaned and repaired. Give KEM P'S, Ine. Style Particularly Becoming to You. ^ Kansas City, Nov. 26.—(AP.)— monocoach, with a Wright J-6 CONTRACTOR Ijidlos’ Flexible Soles and us a call. Prompt service. Two men, one of them masked, whirlwind engine. It has a maroon Rubber Heels a Specialty. stole an airplane from the hangar fuselage, cream-colored wings and Phone 3036. yVooJ Dress poods—Street Floor ^ of the Bredoual-Hilliard Aeromo- the identifying marks NC-125-K. AND BUILDER SAM YULYES 701 Main St., So. Manchester s ' ■ S!tivc Corporation at the Kansas Fuel capacity of the ship will allow .Geniuses seldom are the chil­ Read The Herald Advs. 3bgXXX3tXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3tXXXX3CXiei^^ City airport and flew a\,'ay early to- flight for only i 1-2 hours. 68 Hollister Street dren of young parents.

• ‘ , 7. • ^ 4 .'