THE WEATHER n e t p r e s s r u n Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureau, Hartford. A\TERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION •y----—Comp* INI I K for the Month of October, 1929 Conn. State Librar Mostly cloudy tonight and Wed­ 5,522 nesday. Possibly light rain tonight. Blembcrn of the Aodit Dnrean of anthfstfr lu rn in g Circulations SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMHER 26, 1929. SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE I’HKEE CENTS (Classifietl Advertising on I age 14) VOL. XLIV., NO. 49. I ^ 1 INFANT WEDDINGS'! PIVII WAR IN HONEYMOON PARACHUTE JUMP STATE BANKERS i - i STATE CO-OPERATES NATION BACKS iRUSHED IN iNDIAi^*^*^ TO BE QUIZZED ! Natives Forestalling Law Pro-| CHINA TO END, HOOVER’S PLAN I hibiting This Arrange 2,000 WITH PRESIDENT IN Such Marriages in Surat, SAY GENERALS ON N. Y. CRASHj TO THE H I T _ _ _ _ _ i London, Nov. 26.— (AP) — I i --------- I The DaUy Ebcpress in a dispatch BUILDING PROGRAM I from Bombay today said infant Officers of at Least Fivej brides were being rushed to the Armies to Combine to Fight From All Sections of Conn-1 altar by the hundreds in some HE HAD GOOD REASON Connecticut BanKs Were | FOP. NOT CHASING THIEF parts of India to forestall the Common Enemy in Man- Governor Trumbull Tells try Come Assurances of law prohibiting child marriage ! I which becomes effective in Affiliated in SomeXapa-l W hite Plains, N. Y„ Nov. 26. ; President State Will Spend April. ! churia Where Chinese i ! * I — (AP)—Keirmai Wallace, hotel | Support; Stabilizing Pro­ Several child marriages have j proprietor, was having his morn- | been solemnized in Bombay the i city With Gunder Group. ing tub today when he heard a IS Millions During the last few days while in Surat it Are Being Beaten. i strange noise in his bedroom. | was estim ated 2,000 such m ar­ gram Certain of Success. i Well soaped and dripping wet, 1 riages have occurred recently. j H artford, Nov. 26.— (A P )—Sev-', I he stepped in just in time to see Coming Year for High­ Brides and bridegrooms of be­ Advices from HanKow reporting | [ eral Connecticut banKs, whose offi-^ a strange man extracting his Washington, Nov. 26.—(AP)— : tween five and twelve years a lull in the Chinese newest civil j wallet containing $200 from his ; have been a common sight. cers are connected with one or more ways and Other Public President Hoover today reviewed. war fronts in Honan and Hupeh, j I trousers pocKet. The intruder | Even marriages between babies [of the thirteen affiliated corpora-j looKed up, saw Wallace, and he accomplishments of his campaign provinces added weight today to have been arranged. • tions headed by Howard H. Gunder, j laughed. for stable business conditions and NanKing despatches indicating that WorKs. 1 w’ere drawn into the Federal inves- i “Come on, chase me,” he call­ expanded industrial activities and factional leaders were negotiating ed, and ran out of the door. tigatioii of this group today I vy j found much that was encouraging. ' to end international strife in order By the time Wallace dried Hartford. Nov. 26— (AP) — A , Emanuei G. Kleid, assistant United | himself and threw on some From aU sections of the country j FELTOVIC TO HANG, i to combine their forces to resist program which calls for the expen­ I States attorney of New Y'ork. | clothes the robber had disap­ and from virtually all phases of | Russian troops invading Manchuria. diture of $15,000,000 by the state of commercial enterprise, have come j peared. * A HanKow despatch said that | 1 An examination of the records of I <i)------------ :-----------------------------——: Connecticut during the coming almost unanimous assurances of - HIGH COURT RULES the defunct BanKers Capital Corpor­ hearty support and co-operation in . ! while authorities had not issued any ation of New YorK has disclosed: year, for highways and other public the chief executive’s endeavor to' i statement on the subject, it was V. that some of these Connecticut' worKs, was called to the attention prevent the recent decline in se-1 generally believed the Nationalist banKs purchased this company’s | GUARD AIDS SHIP of President Hoover by Governor curity prices from adversely affect-1 government had reached an agree- stocK which found its way bacK to: Trumbull in his reply to the Presi­ ing the general structure of the I Bridgeport Slayer to Die on I ment with the rebellious Kuomin- the corporation, Mr. Kleid said, in nation’s business. : Chun or “people's army” because dent’s appeal for public e.xpendi- order to get an explanation of such | tures to stimulate business. Assur­ Administration Plans. ; the fighting had subsided on all I transactions, Mr. Kleid said a sub-, THEN NABS CARGO Dec. 10— Killed Man Dur­ I fronts and the Kuominchun forces ance of Connecticut’s cooperation The administration itself has an­ 1 poena will be issued today or- to-1 was vdred to the White House by nounced plans for a $160,000,000 were withdriwing westward in both 1 Honan and Hupeh. ! morrow summoning the banKers be- Governor Trumbull late this after­ reduction in taxes, an increase of ing Robbery Attempt. I fore the Federal Grand Jury. noon. $175,000,000 in appropriations for I Enemies to Continue I Five State BanKs. Rum Runners Thought They Buildings Planned Federal building and a budget of ' Closely following this came a des- I Officers in at least five Connecti- Buildings planned for the variou.s ocean mail carrying contracts which ■ Bridgeport, Nov. 26.- (AP) — I patch from NanKing stating that ryf- state institutions will involve a cost is expected to fill the country’s ship , I Q y f I apparently authenic reports said cut banKs are affiliated in some ca­ Were Fooling Pilot But John (Spirits) Feltovic, of $4,461,000, the governor stated; yards with new construction in less ’ negotiations were proceeding Roosevelt Field, N. Y„ Nov. 26.—(AP)--Two thousand feet over pacity with the Gunder group, ac-' those now under construction in­ than naif a year. i Bridgeport, must hang for murder among____ „ outstandin____ „ military lead- i Roosevelt Field, in an 18-passenger, tri-motored bombing plane. Miss Mar- cording to a prospectus of these cor- ■ volve some $880,000. In December, From industrial leaders, the heads in the first degree. This was ruled ers of various factions throughout , gugrite Klinger of New Y'orK and Donald BabcocK, chief of a crew of porations. They are connected wuth, They Were Not. contracts are to be awarded for of great railroads and telephonetelephone' 1 Supreme Court of Errors of China seeKing to end the present , flyjoo. geid mechanicians, were married yesterday. As soon as the cere- banKs in Unionville, East Hampton, j construction totalling about $450,- and telegraph companies, and the | Qg^^ggycut at an executive session international struggles and looKinginnuinp- completed the bride and bridegroom made parachute jumps New Haven, South NorwalK and! 000; in February of next year, toward a combination of forces to the best man following them. The bride's wedding costume consisted Danbury. George B. Allen, chair- j New London, Nov. 26.— (A P)—Ke about $2,250,000; March and April, gJo'^'r" h\s°^eceri°ed esrimSes of ; in Hartford Monday, resist “Soviet attacKs.” of a KhaKi colored canvas flying suit, extra heavy fur-lined boots and a man of" the board of the Unionville j laughs last laughs best is the $1,350,000; June $550,000. Presi­ At the same time Japanese construction expenditures for 1930,. Feltovic is sentenced to hang on leather helmet. iBanK and Trust Company is adage which is responsible for dent Hoover was also advised that of both a private and governmental December 10 and was sentenced to | sources in Shanghai reported mat 1 rector of the Eastern BanKers Cor-, ° ____ _ during the year, and particularly, in nature, well in excess of similar dis- death 6n May 28 by Judge Isaac Foreign Minister C. T. VVang of the poration of which Everett j.Ahe particularly hearty laugh th early spring, the $9,000,000 which bursenients in the present year. | Wolfe of the Superior Court, who Nationalist government had tele­ enjoying over the state has available for highway graphed Moscow officials asKing ' Sturges, former banK commissioner j Coast Guard is now The chief executive brought his ; has since retired from the bench, ! of Connecticut is president. Mr. A!-, (-he seizure of the two masted construction, will be expended negotiations between China and along with an additional half mil­ of conferences with repre-1 The date of execution was o n ^ ! len was also a salesman connected ^^TvfHv^^^Z’nrto''rclosrrate'yes-jset for July 15, but a reprieve was Russia concerning the MancnunManchurian LONE BANDIT HOLDS UP schooner Storm Petrel and 2,0‘>0 lion for surveying. sentatne groups to a clo j ; granted by Governor John H. Trum-1 railway controversy be reopened. iTun'^t'BlnKeJfc^riTcompi^^ of li'l^or at Port (Jhester by oTthI leading farm Organizations,! bull until the December date pend- j Despatches on the Manchurian Connecticut. ClarK W. Burnham,) th© CG-128 of Stapleton, S. 1. Hartford, Nov. 26—(AP)—Mayor and simultaneously announcement ■ ing the appeal to the higher court j situation indicated that invading Batterson today issued the follow­ I Russian forces were in control of WHOLE TRAIN IN YYEST I treasurer of the East Hampton i It was learned here today that che was made of replies from the gov- | The Next Move, ing statement in response to the ap­ territory east of the Kinghan BanK and Trust Company, is a d:-; Storm Petrel’s seizure was tse ch- peal of President Hoover to the ernors of nearly half of the states | public Defender Robert JG.
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