Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 2 1. SUMMARY OF THE WOMEN'S ROOM'S WORK IN 2008 Year 2008 was very active but also turbulent for us. After many years of attempts, we have finally opened the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence on March 27, 2008. This was accomplished thanks to the Embassy of Finland in , the National Foundation for Civil Society Development and the Global Fund for Women. Important news is that the City of Zagreb recognized the value of the Women's Room's work and we obtained city premises for our work in Zagreb, on 51a Maksimirska Street. During 2008, two long-term members of the Women's Room, Voljana Kapelina and Ivana Dijanić Plašć, left the Women's Room and two new energetic activists, Maja Vukmanić and Paula Zore, joined us. Women's Room was implementing 15 programs and projects during 2008. Within the scope of educational programs we organized and delivered 95 different educations: 50 lectures, 12 trainings, 27 workshops, 3 panels, 2 round tables and one regional conference. Target groups comprised of representatives of civil society organizations, representatives of governmental institutions and bodies, high school students, university students and citizens at large. Total number of participants of these educations was 2644. The Center for Victims of Sexual Violence provided 174 counsellings for 78 clients. The most frequent problems clients identified were rape and sexual abuse (67%). 18 different materials were printed during 2008: two books, one manual, three posters, four leaflets and eight different promo materials of the Women's Room and the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence. Women's Room's members participated in 29 international and local conferences and/or meetings or promotions organized by local and/or international organizations or governmental bodies. We also participated in 27 meetings of different networks, teams, working groups, coalitions, coordinations and councils. Our work was covered 69 times in numerous newspapers, magazines, on TV and radio shows and portals. The Women's Room's work during 2008 was supported by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sport; National Foundation for Civil Society Development; Global Fund for Women; CARE North West Balkan; Embassy of Finland in Zagreb; City of Zagreb – City Office for Health, Work, Social Welfare and War Veterans; Zagreb County; Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of ; European Commission; Pliva; Hypo Bank; Karlovačka Brewery and Končar.

We would like to thank Liz Kelly whose support enabled the first regional conference against sexual violence. We express our gratitute to Diana de Veigh, long-term supporter of Women's Room whose love and support empower us and make us feel that our work is important beyond Croatia.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 3 2. ABOUS US

2.1. Basic Information about Women's Room Women’s Room (Ženska soba) – Center for Sexual Rights is nongovernmental, feminist, nonprofit organization that works on raising awareness of women, institutions and public about women's sexuality and sexual rights through education, research and public work. We provide direct and indirect assistance and support to victims of sexual violence.

It was founded in 2002 in Zagreb and works on local and regional levels.

Women's Room was established with the following goals:  diminishing all forms of sex, gender and sexual discrimination;  empowering women to demand the protection of their human rights;  promoting and protecting sexual rights in accordance with the Declaration on Sexual Rights;  introducing all-encompassing educational practices based on scientific facts to all levels of education;  promoting positive attitudes about women’s sexuality, sexual health, and freedom of choice;  diminishing all forms of discrimination based on gender expression and/or gender identity, sexual orientation, and intersex characteristics;  providing direct assistance to women who have survived sexual violence;  empowering LGBTIQ individuals in demanding protection of their human rights;  empowering youth in countering sex, gender and sexuality discrimination.

Image no.1: Fields of work in 2008


sexual rights and women's sexuality

sexual violence, including trafficking in women for sexual exploitation

rights of sexual and gender minorities (LGBTIQ rights)

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 4 During 2008, the Women's Room implemented 15 programs and projects within the scope of 3 main program themes. Description of programs and projects for 2008 can be found in Chapter 3 of this report – Work of the Women's Room in 2008. Main clusters of our activities are education, research, direct work with victims of sexual violence, publishing and public work.

Image no.2: Activities of the Women's Room in 2008


Direct Research work with - Sexual violence victims and trafficking - Sexual rights - LGBTIQ rights

Public work, networking Publishing & lobbying

2.2 Structure of the Women's Room

The Women's Room's Assembly

Management Coordination Team Committee

Working Team

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 5 Structure of Women's Room includes:

1) Assembly which represents the highest electoral and program body and includes regular Women's Room's members; 2) Management Committee is managerial body that consists of five independent experts in the field of women's human rights and the president of the Coordination Team; 3) Coordination Team is an executive body which includes coordinators of Women's Room's programs; 4) Working Team takes part in implementation of programs and projects and includes all members that participate in the Women's Room's work, including volunteers. List of Women's Room's members can be found in the Attachment 1.

The Working Team of Women's Room during 2008 was comprised of Maja Mamula (President of the Coordination Team), Voljana Kapelina (Office and Financial Coordinator – until May 31, 2008), Paula Zore (Office and Financial Coordinator – from June 1, 2008), Dunja Bonacci Skenderović (Coordinator of Trafficking in Women Program), Ivana Dijanic Plašć (Counseling Coordinator – until March 31, 2008), Maja Vukmanić (Counseling Coordinator – from April 1, 2008), and Dalibor Stanić (Project assistant and a volunteer). The Women’s Room’s Team has contributed 783 overtime, unpaid working hours in 2008. In addition to the core of Women's Room Team, 18 experts from specific fields worked on our projects and programs as well as 24 regular volunteers who provided important contribution to the work of the organization with their energy, activities and creativity. Other volunteers participated in specific activities. Total contribution of volunteers was 1130 hours (Attachment 2). During 2008, the Women’s Room members devoted their efforts to achieving not only the goals set, but also to the development of the organization, evaluation of their work and achievements, and plans for further organizational development.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 6

Women's Room's Team Purgeraj, Zagreb, December 2, 2008

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 7 3. WORK OF THE WOMEN'S ROOM IN 2008

«We don't know who we are until we see what we can do.» Martha Grimes

Women's Room worked on 15 programs and projects during 2008. Table 1 represents program/project title and donors that supported the Women's Room's work.

Table no.1: List of projects/programs and donors of Women's Room in 2008 No. Project/program title, donor agency, duration 1. Program: Implementation of the Prevention Program against Sexual Violence in Schools 2/3 Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (September 1, 2007 – August 31, 2008) Program: Implementation of the Prevention Program against Sexual Violence in Schools 3/3 Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (September 1, 2008 – August 31, 2009) 2. Project: Research on Trafficking in Persons in Croatia US Embassy and Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Croatia (May 31, 2006 – February 28, 2008) 3. Project: Women against Sexual Violence ( PP4) National Foundation for Civil Society Development (January 1 – December 31, 2008) 4. Program: Institutional support for organizational developement Global Fund for Women (June 15, 2007 – June 15, 2008) 5. Program: Institutional support for Women's Room (2/3) (PP6) National Foundation for Civil Society Development (January 1 – Decmber 31, 2008) 6. Project: Development of the regional manual It's Cool to Know CARE North West Balkan (January 1, 2007 – June 15, 2008) Program: Center for Victims of Sexual Violence Embassy of Finland (January 1 – December 31, 2008) 7. City of Zagreb – City Office for Health, Work, Social Welfare and War Veterans (January 1- December 31, 2008) Pliva Zagreb County Hypo Bank Karlovačka Brewery Končar (donation of radiator equivalent to 2.132,56 kn) 8. Project: ABCs of Sex/Gender Equality – education for youth

City of Zagreb – City Office for Health, Work, Social Welfare and War Veterans (January 1 – December 31, 2008)

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 8 9. Project: Publishing translation of the book Surviving Sexual Violence by Liz Kelly OSI and Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia (continuation from 2003 – July 1, 2009) 10. Project: Regional conference of women's organizations: SEXUAL VIOLENCE – OVERCOMING INSTITUTIONAL, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL OBSTACLES, meeting with L. Kelly Women's Room's volunteer project, accommodation and travel costs for participants were funded by L. Kelly and CARE (January 1 – July 15, 2008) 11. Project: Students against trafficking in persons through raising awareness and prevention STOP Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Croatia (September 1, 2008 – January 1, 2009) 12. Project: Zero Tolerance towards Sexual Violence PHARE (December 1, 2008 – November 30, 2009) 13. Program: European Network against Trafficking ENAT Women's Room's volunteer project (June 1, 2007 – November 30, 2008) 14. Project: Gender, Gender Roles, Sexuality, Violence! - research Women's Room's volunteer project (April 1, 2008 – December 31, 2009) 15. Participation in the work of the Working Group for Development of the Analysis and Plan of Action for Combatting all Forms of Violence against Women Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia (July 4, 2007 -3 December 31, 2008)

Similar to previous years, work of the Women's Room was organized through five main activities: education, research, direct work with victims of sexual violence, publishing and public work, lobbying and networking. Below, we are presenting the overview of the Women's Room's main activities during 2008.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 9

Openning of the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence (Ann-Marie Nyroos, the Embassador of Findland in the Republic of Croatia and Maja Mamula, Women’s Room coordinator) Zagreb, March 28, 2008

3. 1. Education

Education has been systematically arising as a dominant form of our work, in accordance with main goals set when establishing Women's Room. Numerous educations that we continuously deliver are a result of our focus on this important field, through development of educational projects/programs, but also thanks to numerous invitations we receive from civil society organizations, professional associations, and different governmental bodies and institutions which recognize the quality and importance of the content of our educations.

Main areas of education are: 1. Sexual violence including trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation; 2. Sexual rights, sexuality, sexual and gender minoritites, sex and gender; 3. Sex/gender equality; 4. Gender based violence – violence against women; 5. Other areas (organizational development, networking and other).

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 10 Methodology of education varies; it is adjusted to beneficiaries and includes lectures, workshops and trainings (one-day or few days long), round tables, public panels, conferences, supervision and consultation.

Main target groups of education are: 1. Women; 2. Representatives of civil society organizations in Croatia, region and other countries; 3. Representatives of relevant state institutions and bodies; 4. Youth - elementary, high school and university students; 5. LGBTIQ population; 6. Society at large.

During 2008 members of the Women's Room delivered 95 different educations: 50 lectures, 12 trainings, 27 workshops, one regional conference, 3 panels and 2 round tables for representatives of civil society organizations and different state institutions and bodies, for youth (high school and university students) and general public. Total number of participants of these educations was 2644. The following chapters present educations that were delivered in regards to themes and beneficieries.

Graph no. 1: Beneficiares of the Women's Room's education in 2008

representatives university of institution students 25% 35%

representatives of NGOs general public 6% 3% high school students 31%

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 11

1. Regional conference on sexual violence (Liz Kelly and CARE International) Zagreb, June 12 – 14, 2008

3.1.1. Sexual violence including trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation

Since our beginning, we have defined our overall work through development of prevention projects/programs against sexual violence, direct work with victims, education and raising awareness of target groups. We held total of 47 different educations on sexual violence: 17 lectures, 8 trainings, 19 workshops, one regional conference and 2 panels. Total number of participants amounted to 1197 persons: 20 for elementary and high school students (429 persons) 15 for representatives of governmental bodies and institutions (432 persons) 7 for students of different universities (120 persons) 2 for general public (140 persons) 3 for representatives of nongovernmental organizations (76 persons)

Out of 8 trainings that were delivered, 4 were multi-day: 2 for representatives of non-governmental organizations and 2 for students of different universities. Themes of these educations vary: from definition of sexual violence, its forms and prevelance, consequences, traumatization, rape trauma syndrom and direct protection of victims to legislative

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 12 changes in regards to sexual violence and development and implementation of the Code of Conduct in Case of Sexual Violence. Within the scope of these educations, a regular meeting of the Network of Governmental Institutions and Nongovernmental Organizations against Sexual Violence was organized. This Network exists since 1998 and includes over 30 experts in different areas of work: police, healthcare, judiciary system (State Attorney’s Office, courts), education, and mental health protection. The main focus of this meeting was implementation and monitoring of the Code of Conduct in Case of Sexual Violence. On December 2, 2008 and within the scope of the educational project for university students (Students against trafficking in persons through raising awareness and prevention STOP), we organized a concert for International Day Against Slavery in «Purgeraj» Club. Antentat, deMODE and DJ Rea performed and project coordinator, Maja Vukmanić, gave short lecture about the issue of trafficking in persons in Croatia. More than 250 young people attended the concert.

Three-day training „Women against Sexual Violence“ (National Foundation for Civil Society Development) Jezerčica, April 26 – 28, 2008

3.1.2. Sexual rights, sexuality, sexual and gender minorities, sex and gender Since 2004, the Women's Room has been working systematically on the promotion of the concept of sexual rights in Croatia. We have been organizing various activities with all target groups with the aim of education about and promotion of sexual rights.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 13 During 2008, 36 different educations were delivered within the scope of this field: 29 lectures, 1 two-day trainings, 5 workshops and 1 round table. There were 1124 participants: 25 for students of different Faculties (1097 persons) 6 for high school students (112 persons) 4 for representatives of governmental bodies and institutions (195 persons) 1 for representatives of nongovernmental organizations (18 persons)

Because of the importance of this topic, as well as the fact that the Women's Room is one of the rare organizations that deals with these issues in Croatia and the region, our aim is to continue developing and advancing this field.

Sexuality of adolescents (Cooperation between Women's Room and private Gymnasium in Zadar) Zadar, Zagreb, March 5, 2008

3.1.3. Sex/gender equality Sex/gender equality is one of the core issues that we work on. During 2008, total of 8 different educations were held: 3 lectures, 1 training, 3 workshops and 1 panel. There were 141 participants: 5 for representatives of governmental bodies and institutions (107 persons) 3 high school students (34 persons)

Main topics of these educations were gender and sexual identities, gender prejudice and steeotypes, indicators of inequality, role of Crotian and international mechanisms for protection and promotion of gender/sex equality, as well as transgender issues and intersexuality.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 14 3.1.4. Gender based violence During 2008, 2 educations were held with 60 participants: one three-day training for civil society organizations (9) and one lecture for student population (51 persons). Withing the scope of this field, we cover numerous topics: definitions of gender based violence, forms and prevalance, mechanisms of protection, establishing and coordinating SOS phone lines and couselling services.

3.1.5. Other fields of education 2 educations were held within the scope of this field. There were total of 23 participants: 1 two-days training for representatives of civil society organizations on counselling work (7), and 1 round table on youth and media (15).

3.1.6. Education of Women's Room's Team Continuous systematic education of the Women's Room's members is extremely important due to high volume of educations that we provide for our target groups as well as for development and improvement of existing educational models. During 2008, members of the Women's Room attended 8 specific, expert educations important for our everyday work such as educations for sexual therapy, psychotherapy but also educations related to organizational development and fundraising (Attachment no. 3, Chapter 5).

Team of the Women's Room at GO/NGO training (National Foundation for Civil Society Development) Jezerčica, 2008

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 15 3.2. Research

It is important to point out that we work on implementing scientific research in order to provide relevant data needed for Women's Room's areas of work. This research is instrumental for drafting reports and documents, raising awerness of the public, and for development of new and more efficient models of work with our target groups. Women's Room has so far implemented and published seven researches: Attitides of Political Parties about LGBT Rights before Elections in Croatia in 2003 (2003); Attitudes and Knowledge of University Seniors of Relevant Universities about Sexual Violence (2004); Status of Women's Sexual Rights in Croatia (2005); Experiences of LGBTIQ Population with Psycho-social Providers in Croatia (2005); Gender Prism of Sexual Rights of Youth (2008) and research on issues regarding trafficking in persons in Croatia (2008). During 2008, Women's Room began planning the «Gender, Gender Roles, Sexuality and Violence» research. It is a volontary project of the Women's Room which includes a team of psychologists and professionals of other profiles. The goal of this research is to establish relations between gender roles of young people, behavior and attitudes in the area of sexuality, as well as experiences of various kinds of violence, and attitudes about violence. The target groups for the research are 600 male and female high-school students from Zagreb.

3.3. Direct work with victims of sexual violence

In 2008, the counselling work of Women's Room was significantly widened. Thanks to the support of the Embassy of Finland in Zagreb and to the National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Women's Room opened a Center for Victims of Sexual Violence. Official opening of the Center was held on July 27, 2008 in «Dubrovnik» hotel. More than 90 interested guests attended, including representatives of numerous institutions and professionals who regularly deal with victims of sexual assault in their work. Atendees came from the police, judicial system, State Attorney's Office, centers for social welfare, health care, public and political sphere, nongovernmental organizations, students, and interested citizens. The opening was covered by representatives of numerous media. The opening and the work of the Center were supported by the speeches of: Ann-Marie Nyroos (The Finnish Ambassador in Croatia), Helena Štimac Radin (director of the Office for Gender Equality of the Government of Croatia), Luka Mađerić (director of the Office for Human Rights of the Government of Croatia) and Neva Tolle (the founder and coordinator of the Autonomus Women's House in Zagreb). Letters of support were sent by: Gordana Lukač Koritnik (Ombudsperson for Gender Equality), Professor Aleksandar Stulhofer (director of the Department for Sexology, Faculty of Phylosophy, Zagreb), Mirjana Ferić Vac (representative in the Croatin Parliament, the president of Social-Democratic Women's Forum of SDP), and Gordana Buljan Flander Ph.D. (director of the Clinic for Childern of the City of Zagreb).

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 16 Center for Victims of Sexual Violence is the first specialized service of the kind in Croatia, but also in the region, whose basic goal is to improve the quality of life of people who experienced sexual violence. Within the Center we provide help primarily to women who experienced rape, sexual assault and/or sexual harrasment, as well as to persons who need information and support in regards to sexual rights and sexual health. Forms of support and assistance we provide are: information, counseling (psychological, medical, legal), and psycho-therapeutic work. Methods of work are: by telephone, in person in our premises, by e-mail, or via mail. An educated expert team works at the Center and consists of 3 psychologists, a doctor and a lawyer. Other professionals can be contacted when needed who are willing to assit with their knowledge and expertise. During 2008, we held 174 counselings and our assistance and support were provided to 78 clients. The most frequent problems that our clients raised were: rape and sexual abuse (67%). Less than 10% of reuqests for assistance include other issues such as information, combination of issues, and family violence (Graph no. 2).

Graph no. 2: Problems regarding which persons requested Women's Room's assistance in 2008

rape/attempt 5% 4% 4% combined 6% 6% information other 9% sexual harassment 66% sexual problems other forms of violence

The analysis of persons contacting us the most indicates that in 80% of the cases it is the victim, 10% of times family or persons close to the victim while 5% of times we were contacted by persons from different institutions.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 17 Graph no. 3: Persons who contacted the Women's Room for support and assistance

persons from institutions unknown person 5% 2% other relatives, friends 3% 10%

victim 80%

According to types of counseling, the most prevalent forms of counseling were phone counseling – short (34%) and counseling over email (34%) which is a significant shift compared to 2007. Face-to-face counseling and/or psychotherapy work in the Center’s premises follows with 18.4%, then phone counseling – long (over 30 min) (12,1%), and other types of counseling such as mail (3%) (Graph no.4).

Graph no. 4: Type of counseling provided








0% phone (long) in person e-mail phone other (short)

When comparing data from 2008 and previous years in regards to counseling work of Women's Room, we have noticed a significant increase in the number of clients, while among other data such as type of problem, person making the contact and number of repeated calls there were no significant changes.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 18 3.4. Publishing Women's Room published 18 different materials during 2008: two books, one manual, three posters, four leaflets and 8 different promo materials of the Women's Room and the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence.

Books: Liz Kelly: „Surviving Sexual Violence“ We are pleased that the translation of the book by the famous feminist professor and expert in the field of sexual violence Liz Kelly has finally been published. This project has been initiated in 2003 but due to the lack of financial resources the book has not been published until now. In 2008, we decided to do everything we can in order to publish the book. As a result, the Women's Room entered cooperation with Publishing House KruZak and the book was finally published in 500 copies. Promotion of the book took place on June 13, 2008 in the Zagreb Round Table premises and the author of the book Liz Kelly made this event very special and even more significant through her presence.

Liz Kelly: „Surviving Sexual Violence“

„It's Cool To Know!“ (for Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia) This book was published as a part of the project Actions against Trafficking in Persons. The main goal was to broaden, adapt and translate manual for youth about the problem of trafficking in persons It's Cool to Know for three countries in the region: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia. Each manual consists of 91 pages that are divided into 6 chapters. Four networks of

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 19 nongovernmental organizations working on prevention on trafficking in persons from four countries participated in development of the manual. One organization from each country coordinated adaptation of the manual for their country.

It's Cool to Know. Zagreb: Women's Room (financially supported by: CARE International)

Manual: „ABCs of Sex/Gender Equality“ The manual was published within the scope of the project „ABCs of Sex/Gender Equality“. The main goal of this manual is to educate youth in high schools and their professors about basic elements of gender/sex equality, existing discrimination as well as ways of impacting attitudes of youth towards the development of the society in which equality of sexes will be a reality. Manual has 56 pages that are divided into 5 basic chapters dealing with sex equality: 1. Sex/gender equality: what is equality, gender sensitive education, equality in family relations, equal opportunity on the labor market, political participation, gender-based violence. 2. Basic terminology on gender equality. 3. Workshops for youth: five workshops for work with youth. 4. Documents on gender/sex equality. 5. Useful information on sex/gender equality.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 20 Manual was edited by Maja Mamula and writers are: Maja Mamula, Ivana Dijanić Plašć, Željka Jelavić, Paula Zore and Maja Vukmanić.

ABCs of Sex/Gender Equality. Zagreb: Women's Room (financially supported by: The City of Zagreb – City Office for Health, Labor, Social Welfare, and War Veterans)

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 21

Posters: We printed three posters during 2008:

Poster „ABCs of Sex/Gender Equality“ (The City of Zagreb - City Office for Health, Labor, Social Welfare, and War Veterans)

Poster „ Code of Conduct in Case of Sexual Violence “ (Ministry of Science, Education and Sport)

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 22

Poster „S.T.O.P. Trafficking in Persons“ (Office for Human Rights of the Government of Croatia)

Leaflets: During 2008 we printed 4 types of leaflets and distributed 15,200 copies:

Leaflet for youth „Did you know – ABCs of Sex/Gender Equality?“ (The City of Zagreb - City Office for Health, Labor, Social Welfare, and War Veterans)

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 23

Leaflet „S.T.O.P. Trafficking in Persons“ (Office for Human Rights of the Government of Croatia)

Leaflet „Center for Victims of Sexual Violence“ (Embassy of Finland in Zagreb)

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 24

Leaflet „Don't Be Afraid of the Shadow“ (Embassy of Finland in Zagreb and European Commission: PHARE 2006)

Other materials: 1. Mini informational card about the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence, for victims (Embassy of Finland in Zagreb); 2. Mousepad „ABCs of Sex/Gender Equality“ (The City of Zagreb - City Office for Health, Labor, Social Welfare, and War Veterans); 3. Mousepad „STOP sexual violence“ (Ministry of Science, Education and Sport); 4. Badges „S.T.O.P. trafficking in persons” (Office for Human Rights of the Government of Croatia); 5. Notebooks „Women's Room“ (Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and National Foundation for Civil Society Development); 6. Cell phone accessories „Women's Room“ (Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and National Foundation for Civil Society Development); 7. Binders “Women's Room” (Office for Human Rights of the Government of Croatia); 8. Working cards for workshops „Trafficking in Persons“ (Ministry of Science, Education and Sport);

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 25

Promotion of the book by Liz Kelly „Surviving Sexual Violence“ (Maja Mamula, Vesna Kesic, Dunja Bonacci Skenderovic, Liz Kelly and Lepa Mladjenovic) Zagreb, June 13, 2008

3. 5. Public work, networking and lobbying In 2008, the Women's Room continued with the active work in the area of networking, public advocacy and systematic public work, through our daily activities and presence in the media (Attachment no. 3, Chapter 6). Members of the Women's Room took part in 29 international and local conferences, meetings, thematic sessions or promotions organized by local and/or international organizations or governmental bodies. Additionally, the members of the Women's Room took part in 27 meetings of different networks, teams, work groups, coalitions, coordinations and councils. Media work of the Women's Room was, during 2008, covered 69 times by many newspapers, magazines, TV and rado shows and portals..

3.5.1. Networks, teams, work groups, coalitions, councils The Women's Room is active in several networks (Women's Network of Croatia, Petra Network), teams (Operational Team for Combating Trafficking in Persons within the Office for Human Rights of the Government of Croatia), coalitions (Civil Coalition «Stop High-Risk Sexual

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 26 Education), coordinations (LGBTIQ Coordination) and councils (Council of Youth of the City of Zagreb). We took part in the work of WOMEN'S NETWORK OF CROATIA (WNC) at 3 different actions, events and regular meetings, including the annual Assembly of the WNC (November 14-15, 2008, Zagreb). Since its founding, the Women's Room has been a member of WNC and we cooperate on mutual projects (e.g. Feminist Summer School 1-5) and actions (e.g. events for March 8). Within PETRA NETWORK, the members of the Women's Room attended four regular meetings, and meetings with relevant institutions. During 2008, PETRA Network continued working on strengthening its capacities, and its members took active part in creating strategic national documents against trafficking in persons, such as the National Plan for Combating of Trafficking in persons in the Republic of Croatia 2009 – 2011. The Women's Room participates in the work of the OPERATIONAL TEAM OF THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS through its representative Dunja Bonacci Skendrovic, who attended three meetings in 2008. New cases of trafficking were discussed at the meetings, as well as questions and problems connected to the identification of victims of trafficking who accepted assistance and protection. Activities of non- governmental organizations and institutions were also discussed at the meeting. Our member was also present at the meeting of the National Committee for Combating Trafficking in Persons where the creation of the National Plan for Combating Trafficking in Persons in Croatia from 2009 to 2011 was discussed. THE WORKING GROUP FOR DEVELOPING ANALYSIS AND PLAN OF ACTION FOR COMBATING ALL FORMS OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN held ten meetings, and our coordinator, Maja Mamula, leader of the Working Group was present at the meetings. The Working Group was created in order to develop the Analysis of the Present Situation Regarding Violence Against Women, emphasizing all forms of violence, except for the family violence, the Action Plan for Combatting of All Forms of Violence Agaist Women, and the Code of Conduct in Case of Sexual Violence. a) The development of the Analysis of the Present Situation Regarding Violence Against Women, emphasizing all forms of violence except family violence is almost completed, and it will be finished by the beginning of 2009. It includes different relevant information about various forms of violence, its prevalence, legal perspective, available researches, civil society organizations, etc.

b) The development of the Action Plan for Combatting of All Forms of Violence Agaist Women was regularly considered and modified during 2008 paralel with the development of the Analysis of the Situation and the Code of Conduct in Case of Sexual Violence. c) The development of the Code of Conduct in Case of Sexual Violence was finalized in 2008. However, due to the announcement of possible changes to the Law on Criminal Proceedings, we revised the whole text at the 7th meeting of the Network of Cooperation between Governmental

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 27 Institutions and Non-governmental Organizations (November, 2008). We added slight changes in order to include future changes of this Law. Because of these changes, and the need to ensure the time for all the members of the Working Group to get familiarized with them, the Protocol was not completed according to the plan. Its finalization in terms of the Working Group and forwarding the Code for further procedural aspects is expected at the beginning of 2009. Women's Room cooperated with the CIVIL COALITION «STOP HIGH-RISK SEXUAL EDUCATION», through attendance at 2 working meetings, as well as through involvement in various activities: The Coalition was founded in January 2007 with the goal to prevent the implementation of the experimental program of health education of the Association GROZD in elementary and high schools because of the discriminatory, unscientific and anti-constitutional parts of their program. Despite the Coalition's efforts to stop this process, the Ministry for Science, Education and Sports chose 9 elementary and 5 high-schools during 2008 for conducting this experimental program, and teachers and external experts were trained for the purpose of its implementation. The program was conducted, with parental consent, during classes with head-teachers. The Coalition filed a complaint against implementation of such program to the European Board for Social Rights. After the evaluation in schools, the Ministry for Science, Education and Sports decided to terminate the Experimental Program of Health Education in schools, as the evaluation indicated there were no differences in students' knowledge in control schools compared to schools where the program was conducted. During 2008, Dalibor Stanić participated in the regular meeting of the LGBTIQ Coordination of Croatia where future activities of Coordination, presentation in the public and possible models of joint public reactions were discussed. Representative of the Women's Room, Maja Vukmanić, actively works in the YOUTH COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ZAGREB that has recently been established by the City Assembly of Zagreb. This Council is an advisory board to the City Assembly whose aim is to actively include youth in the public life of the City of Zagreb. Council deals with issues important for functioning of the Youth Council, areas of work of the City Assembly that are relevant for youth, suggests decisions, programs and other policies to be adopted by the City Assembly that are important for improvement of the position of youth. Furthermore, Youth Council suggests to the City Assembly sessions on specific issues pertinent to improvement of the position of youth as well as models for solution to these issues, participates in development and implementation of the City Program of Action for Youth, writes reports to competent institutions. Maja Vukmanić participated in 3 sessions of the Youth Council of the City of Zagreb during 2008.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 28

Concert for the International Day Against Slavery Purgeraj, Zagreb, December 2, 2008

3.5.2. Media presence Media presence is an important area of the Women's Room's acitivities. Our main goal is to reach beneficieries of Women's Room's services who obtain information about our work. Second aim is to raise awareness of the public about issues of sexual violence and sexual rights. During 2008, our work was covered 69 times (more detailed in the Attachment 3 – Chapter 9 Media Presence). Our texts, comments and interviews were published in 18 daily newspapers, weekly and monthly magazines (e.g. «Opening of the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence», March 2; Tena «Sexual Violence», June 26).

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 29

Jutarnji list, January 22, 2008

Večernji list, March 28, 2008

We participated in 11 TV shows (e.g. HRT 1, show “Seniors: Sexuality of Seniors”, February 26; HRT1, show “Croatia Live: Sexual Violence in Schools”, March 5; TV Jadran, show “Censorship: Gender-based Violence, September 26) and 10 radio shows. Numerous portals published information about the Women's Room's activities and our comments about the current situation. Different texts about our work were published 30 times (Graph no. 5).

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 30 Graph no. 5: Media Presence of the Women's Room in 2008

Newspapers, magazines: 18 Portals: 30

TV: 11 Radio: 10

3.5.3. Networking of the Women's Room

The Women's Room is a member of the following Networks, Initiatives, Working groups and Committees: Women's Network of Croatia; PETRA - Network of NGOs for Prevention and Elimination of Trafficking in Women; National Committee against Trafficking in Human Beings; Operational Team against Trafficking in Human Beings; Working Group for Developing Analysis and Plan of Action for Combating All Forms of Violence Against Women; «Civil Coalition: Stop High-risk Sexual Violence»; LGBTIQ Coordination of Croatia; SEE Q Network; ASTRA Network – Central and Eastern European Women’s Network for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights; ILGA – International Lesbian and Gay Association, Network of Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation Anna Lindh and WAVE.

3.6. The Women's Room's Organizational Development Development of the Women's Room is defined by the Strategic plan of Women's Room 2006- 2009 as well as by the current Operational Plan of the Women's Room for 2008. In December 2008, we organized a workshop Organizational Values for members of the Coordination Team. Also in December, we organized strategic planning of the Women’s Room for 2009 where we made decision that the Women’s Room will base its work in 2009 in two main areas: 1. Sexual violence, including trafficking in women 2. Sexual rights, women's sexuality and sexual and gender minorities' rights

This recommendation was adopted at the Elective annual Assembly of the Women's Room, which was also held in December 2008. Also, decision on new Coordination Team of the organization was made. The new Team it is comprised of:

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 31  Maja Mamula, President of the Coordination Team  Dunja Bonacci Skenderović, Coordinator of the Sexual Violence Program, including trafficking in women  Paula Zore, Office and Financial Coordinator  Maja Vukmanić, Coordinator of the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence

The Women's Room's Team Jezerčica, December 2008

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 32 4 FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE WOMEN'S ROOM FOR 2008

During 2008, Women's Room implemented 15 projects. Donors of the Women's Room in 2008 were: Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Global Fund for Women, CARE North West Balkan, Embassy of Finland, The City of Zagreb – City Office for Health, Work, Social Welfare and War Veterans, Zagreb County, Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and European Commission. Our donors from the business sector in 2008 were Pliva, Hypo Bank, Karlovačka Brewery and Koncar. The Women's Room's revenues and expenditures for 2009 are presented in tables 2 and 3 and graphs 6 and 7 below:

Table no.2: The Women's Room's Revenue in 2008 no. REVENUE HRK 1 Revenue in 2007 193.854,00 2 CARE North West Balkan 10.050,00 3 Global Fund for Women 71.626,00 4 The City of Zagreb 130.355,00 5 Međimurje County 6.500,00 6 Ministry of Science, Education and Sport 70.000,00 7 National Foundation for Civil Society Development 124.620,00 8 Primorsko-goranska County 6.500,00 9 Provinciale Di Lecce via Umberto 13.140,00 10 VULJP 45.000,00 11 Royal Norwegian Embassy 130.000,00 12 Embassy of Finland 110.367,00 13 Zagrebačka County 5.000,00 14 Donations of domestic legal entities - Hypo bank 10.000,00 - Pliva 5.000,00 - Karlovačka Brewery 1.000,00 15 Income from courses, seminars and publishing 33.266,00 16 Interest 1.448,00 TOTAL REVENUE 967.726,00 Volunteer work 1.130 hours

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 33 Graph no.6: The Women's Room's Revenue in 2008

Other revenue 4% Revenue from 2007 Local legal entities 20% 2%

Local donors 39%

International donors 35%

Table no.3: The Women's Room's Expenditures in 2008 no. EXPENDITURES HRK 1. PROGRAM COSTS 1 Program staff 256.441,32 2 Program activities 361.283,00 Total 617.724,32 2. INDIRECT COSTS 1 Administrative staff 59.393,68 2 Rent and utilities 63.868,00 3 Communication 38.756,00 4 Administrative 36.516,00 5 Equipment and maintanace 69.086,00 6 Other 20.156,00 Total 287.775,68 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 905.500,00

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 34 Graph no.7: The Women's Room's Expenditures in 2008

Indirect costs 32%

Program costs 68%

Total revenue of the Women's Room in 2008 amounted to 967.726,00 kn and expenditures were 905.500,00 kn. Remaining balance of income equals to 62.226,00 kn and will be used for expenditures during 2009.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 35 5. FUTURE DIRECTIONS – PLANS FOR WOMEN'S ROOM'S DEVELOPMENT

Women's Room will continue during the next year with systematic work on making Croatian society develop as a society of citizens with equal rights regardless of their gender, sex, age, religion, nationality, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. In accordance with that, Women's Room continues with its numerous activities as well as with systematic lobbying through formal and informal contacts with institutions, politicians and public persons. We are continuing with participation in the Working Group for Developing Analysis and Plan of Action for Combating All Forms of Violence Against Women, whose aim is among other things development of the Code of Conduct in Case of Sexual Violence. We will also continue supporting the work of the Network of Governmental Institutions and Nongovernmental Organizations against Sexual Violence through organizing annual meetings. Change that was instrumental for Women's Room during 2008 was definitely obtaining city premises for use from the City of Zagreb. Obtaining city space meant for the organization a possibility of greater investment into improvement of the work of the organization and Center as well as certain level of security for future. Furthermore, being recognized by the City of Zagreb as a relevent civil society organization and receiving such trust testifies about the fact that Women's Room quality as an organization that contributes to the development of society. At the beginning of 2008, we opened the Center against Sexual Violence that provides assistance and support to victims of sexual violence and persons close to them. We provide assistance and support in the process of reporting violence to competent institutions, preparation for court process, crisis counseling, working on traumatic experience with a therapist, and legal and medical counseling. During 2008 we strenghtened our work on advancement of the Center and its recognition as a specialized service for persons who survived sexual violence. At the end of 2008, broadening the work of the Center has additionally been enabled by the project financed by the European Commission. This will inevitably be important for development of the Center, its improvement in terms of the number of counselors and additional services during 2009. In addition to psychological, legal and medical counseling, we plan to include gynecological counseling and to increase number of volunteers. Among all the things listed above, we are aware that much more effort needs to be put towards education of relevant institutions, organizations of the civil society, as well as the wider public about the existence of such a referral center and recognition of its importance. In 2009, Women's Room is planning to continue the international cooperation with the existing collaborators, partners, but also to create new contacts. We think that the cooperation with the countries which do not belong to the region (e.g. Georgia) represents an extraordinary possibility to learn, and to improve the work of our organization.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 36 In 2009, we are planning to launch a big media campaign, whose goal would be to warn the public about the fact that various kinds of sexual violence exist and how prevalent they are. The campaign will consist of printed avertisments in daily newspapers which will be published for a few weeks. An exhibition of all the solutions and ideas received from different marketing and agency companies is planned for the very end of the campaign. We will continue with educational program through which the Women's Room is recognized in public, as well as working on lobying for changing political views which directly shape the mechanisms for protection of women's rights. Women's Room will, as it has been doing so far, work in accordance with the recognized social needs, visions and organizational capacities, basing everything, firstly, on the quality and commitment in implementing all the activities.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 37 WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK

In 2008, our work was supported by:

Ministry of Science, Education, and Sport; National Foundation for Civil Society Development; Global Fund for Women; CARE North West Balkan; Embassy of Finland; The City of Zagreb - City Office for Health, Labor, Social Welfare, and War Veterans; Zagreb County; Office for Human Rights of the Government of Croatia; European Commission; Pliva; Hypo Bank; Karlovačka Brewery; and Končar.

We would like to thank Liz Kelly who enabled organization of the first regional conference against sexual violence. We express our gratitute to Diana deVegh, long-term supporter of Women's Room. She has been giving us strength through her support and love and made us feel that our work is recognized outside of Croatia.

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 38 6. ATTACHMENTS

Attachment 1: List of Women's Room's members, members of the Management Committee and Coordination Team during 2008

Members of Women's Rooom (regular): Maja Mamula, Jelena Poštić, Voljana Kapelina, Dunja Bonacci Skenderović, Ivana Dijanić Plašć, Dalibor Stanić, Maja Vukmanić, Paula Zore, Jasna Belamarić, Miroslava Đuretek, Lada Bonacci, Iva Žegura, Koraljka Vlajo, Nera Komarić, Petra Ćus, Slobodanka Poštić, Vanja Oštrić, Ida Šamanović i Ksenija Maslo.

Members of Women's Rooom (associated): Rada Borić, Đuro Vanđura, Ivana Jurišić, Siniša Vujić, Asja Zenko, Amir Hodžić, Igor Marković, Maja Kolega, Ingrid Marton, Sanja Milivojević, Boris Krstinić i Jelena Levak.

Women's Room's Management Committee members:  MA Željka Jelavic, ethnologist, president of the Center for Women's Studies  Sanja Cesar, psychologist, CESI  Neda Pavic, lawyer, Deputy County Prosecutors Office in Zagreb  Dr. Silva Mežnaric, sociologist, Institute for Migration and Nationalities in Zagreb  MA Vanja Ratkovic, physicist, main editor of GEO Croatia

Members of the Coordination Team of Women's Room 1. Maja Mamula, president of the Coordination Team (person entitled to represent the organization) 2. Voljana Kapelina (person entitled to represent the organization) 3. Dunja Bonacci Skenderovic (person entitled to represent the organization) 4. Ivana Dijanić Plašć (01.01.-31.03.2008.) 5. Maja Vukmanić (01.04.-31.12.2008.)

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 39 Attachment 2: List of Women's Room's volunteers and volunteer hours in 2008

Name Number of volunteer hours Dalibor Stanić 160 Voljana Kapelina 130 Jelena Poštić 90 Siniša Vujić 80 Đuro Vanđura 50 Vanja Oštrić 40 Jasna Belamarić 40 Ivana Dijanić Plašć 40 Petra Škvarić 40 Boris Krstinić 30 Lada Bonacci 30 Robert Skenderović 30 Krešimir Karlo 30 Damir Vukmanić 30 Sandra Kapelina 30 Milan Vidas 30 Dubravko Kumpar 30 Rory Archer 20 Petra Ćus 20 Miroslava Đuretek 20 Koraljka Vlajo 20 Damir Verner 20 Maja Vukmanić 10 Asja Zenko 10 Numerous volunteers who contributed to our events and 100 Conferences during 2008. Total: 1130

We sould also like to thank everyone who is not mentioned here and has been helping us with numerous projects and generously offered their time and energy.

Attachment 3: Women's Room activities in 2008

Women's Room activities in 2008

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 40

1. Women's Room educations for organizations of civil society: lectures, workshops, seminars, conferences Number of Where Topic When For whom participant’s Center for Students and students of Lecture: Feminism and 20.03. 18 Peace peace studies transgender Studies Donja 10 nongovernmental Three day training: Sexual 24. - 26.04. 13 Stubica, organizations from violence Thermae Croatia Jezercica Rijeka, Organization LORI Training: Peer counseling 10. – 11. 05. 7 LORI Zagreb, Representatives of 1. Regional conference on sexual 12. - 14.06. 38 Hotel women's organizations of violence: Laguna civil society in Croatia, Sexual violence: overcoming the Bosnia and Herzegovina, institutional, social and personal Serbia and Montenegro obstacles working with Liz Kelly Georgia Women’s Resource 1. Georgian feminist summer 27.06. - 25 Tbilisi Political Centre, Tbilisi school 03.07. and and representatives of 25 Workshops: sexual violence, Kobuleti women's organizations gender based violence, and political parties sexual rights (copartner: WPRC, Women's Room and Center for Women Studies Zagreb) Kotor Anima organization and Two day training: Violence 19. - 21.09. 9 students of women's against women studies TOTAL = 6 TOTAL = 110

2. Women’s Room educations for relevant institutions – lectures, workshops, seminars Number of Where For whom Topic When participant’s The Faculty of Professors and their associates of All-day training: 27.02. 31 Teacher elementary and high schools in the Implementation of Education of Medjimurje County in cooperation Prevention Program the University with Medjimurje and the against Sexual Violence of Zagreb- Commission for Gender Equality into schools branch in Cakovec High school Regional Council for the Lecture: Education for 03.03. 17 Dormitory Tin professional education for human democratic citizenship Ujevic, Zagreb rights and democratic citizenship in Alphabet equality! students' homes of the City of Zagreb and Zagreb region City library of Public, secondary teaching staff, Lecture: Sexual Violence 04.03. 50 Zadar professional staff in high schools, students

Zagreb, Students from the University of Lecture: Trafficking in 26.03. 22

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 41 Institute for Tilburg, Netherlands human beings in Croatia Migration and Ethnic Studies Zagreb, Graduate and Professional Studies Lecture: Sexual Violence 14.04. 10 Andrija School of Medicine (4 hours) Stampar School of Public Health Hotel „Palace“ Teachers and professional staff of Focus group – Alphabet 28.04. 10 high schools in Zagreb of Gender Equality

Cakovec Professors and their associates of Follow up workshop: 27.05. 15 elementary and high schools in the Implementation of Medjimurje County in cooperation Prevention Program with Medjimurje and the against Sexual Violence Commission for Gender Equality into schools Zagreb, Hotel Representatives of relevant 1. Regional conference 13.06. 10 Laguna institutions from Croatia and on sexual violence representatives of women's organizations of civil society in Open lecture for people Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in institutions, and Liz Serbia and Montenegro Kelly

Retirement Professional staff off Retirement Lecture: Sexuality 30.06. 40 home, home, retired people among Seniors Sisak Porec 16. annual conference of Croatian Lecture: Sexual violence 02.10. 70 psychologist in the media (Mamula and Sarnavka)

Porec 16. annual conference of Croatian Lecture: Sexuality 02.10. 70 psychologist among Seniors in the media (Dijanic- Plasc and Mamula) Porec 16. annual conference of Croatian Lecture: The good, 02.10. 70 psychologist bad, evil - Women's room experience in working with the media (Zore and Vukmanic) Porec 16. annual conference of Croatian Lecture: How the media 02.10. 70 psychologist see us- attitudes towards sexual and gender minorities (Zenko, Stanic, Belamarić) Zagreb, Seminar for tourism professionals Training: How to 14.10. 30 Ministry of in the Organization of the Office of identify victims of Tourism Human Rights and the Ministry of trafficking Tourism Sibenik For Family Center employees Training: How to 21.10. 30 Public library identify victims of trafficking Daruvar, Two-hour lecture for teachers, and Lecture: Implementation 19.11. 28 High school their associates of Prevention Program Daruvar against Sexual Violence

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 42 into schools Zagreb Professors, and their associates Training: Gender 22.11. 13 School of from high schools in Zagreb equality natural sciences Vladimir Prelog Military base Military police Lecture: Trafficking in 24.11. 30 “Croatia” human beings – information for military police Thermae Association of women Vukovar, Lecture: Sexual 26.11. 15 Tuhelj County Commission for Gender Violence Equality from Vukovarsko Srijemsko, Pozesko-Slavonska and Viroviticko-Podravska County Donja Stubica, 7. meeting 12. - 21 Thermae Governmental institutions and Network of co- 13.12. Jezercica organizations of civil society operation of governmental institutions and nongovernmental organizations against sexual violence TOTAL = 20 TOTAL = 652

3. Women’s Room educations for university, high school and elementary school students For whom Topic When Number of participant’s University of Osijek, 1. Cultural differences in human 11.01. 25 Faculty of Philosophy sexuality; Sexuality throughout life (Department of Psychology) 2. Sexual variation; Sexual problems 18.01. 33

Course: Psychology 3. Sexual violence 19.01. 22 of sex and gender 07.03. 60 1. Sex/gender

University of Osijek, 18.04. 57 Faculty of Philosophy 2. Sexuality, sex, gender

(Department of 16.05. 48 Psychology) 3. Providing psychosocial help according to

sex and gender

Course: Psychology 06.06. 51 of sex and gender 4. Gender based violence, sexual violence

07.06. 30 5. Behind gender - transgender

1. Introductory lecture- sexuality 26.02. 47

11.03. 43 , 2. Defining sexology

Croatian Studies 18.03. 44 (Department of 3. The most renown research on sexuality

Psychology) 25.03. 30 4. The most renown research on sexuality 2

5. Gender prism of sexual rights among 01.04. 38

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 43 youth 42 07.04. 6. Theories of human sexuality 37 15.04. 7. Cultural differences in human sexuality 1 32 22.04. 8. Cultural differences in human sexuality 2 39 29.04. 9. Sex/gender 39 06.05. 10. Sexual rights 36 13.05. 11. Sexual health and sexual problems 33 27.05. 12. Sexual variation 31 03.06. 13. Sexual violence Agricultural School, Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 09.02. 18 Zagreb Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of first and third grade Agricultural School, Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 09.02. 18 Zagreb Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of first and third grade Agricultural School, Focus group: Alphabet of Equality - Gender 19.02. 10 Zagreb Equality with students and pupils from 1st to 3rd grade of high school Family Center, Zagreb Lecture: Trafficking in human beings, 20.02. 17 development of prevention programs for high school students University of Zagreb, Lecture: Sexual violence Faculty of Medical for students and students of 5th year 26.02. 25 Sciences SIT Program Lecture: LGBTIQ rights for students 28.02. 14 Zadar Workshop: Sexual harassment vs. flirting 05.03. 30 Private Gymnasium of for pupils and students from 1st and 2 grade Zadar of high school Zadar Workshop: Sexual violence 05.03. 28 Private high school for students and pupils of 3rd grade of high Zadar school High school „Dugo Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 10.03. 22 Selo“ Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of third grade SIT Program Lecture: Transgender rights 14.03. 18 High school „Dugo Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 01.04. 28 Selo“ Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of third grade Center for healthy Training: Sexual rights of youth 11. - 12.04. 16 growth, Mali Losinj High school Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 22.04. 23 „Dugo Selo“ Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of third grade Zagreb Focus group: Alphabet of Equality - Gender 27.04. 10 High school Dormitory Equality Tin Ujevic with students and pupils Faculty of Law in Lecture: Sexuality of persons in third age 30.04. 60

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 44 Zagreb, Social Work for students and students of 4th year Study

High school „Dugo Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 06.05. 26 Selo“ Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of third grade University of Zagreb, Faculty of Medical Lecture: Sexual violence 28.05. 12 Sciences for students and students of 5th year

High school Focus group: Alphabet of Equality - Gender 27.05. 14 Dormitory “Tin Equality Ujević“ Zagreb with students and pupils Dalj, GORD Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 19.06. 15 Program against Sexual Violence into schools for high school students University of Osijek, 1. Sexology; The most renown research 17.10. 25 Faculty of Philosophy on sexuality (Department of 24 Psychology) 2. Research methods in sexuality and 31.10. ethical problems Course: Psychology 22 of sex and gender 3. Theories of human sexuality/ 14.11. Cultural differences in human sexuality; Sexuality throughout life 23

4. Sexual variation; Sexual problems 28.11. 20

5. Sexual violence 19.12. Family Center, Workshop: Gender equality and trafficking in 20.10. 10 Zagreb human beings for high school students

Daruvar, Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 19.11. 13 High school Daruvar Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of third grade Daruvar, Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 19.11. 24 High school Daruvar Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of third grade Daruvar, Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 19.11. 19 High school Daruvar Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of third grade Family Center, Workshop: Gender equality and trafficking in 19.11. 5 Zagreb human beings for high school students Daruvar, Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 20.11. 24 High school Daruvar Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of fourth grade Daruvar, Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 20.11. 22 High school Daruvar Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of fourth grade Daruvar, Workshop: Implementation of Prevention 20.11. 15 High school Daruvar Program against Sexual Violence into schools for pupils of third grade High school Prelog Workshop: Prevention of HIV / AIDS and 25. 11. 13 for students and pupils on the occasion of marking the International Day of fight against AIDS

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 45 High school Workshop: Prevention of HIV / AIDS and 25. 11. 23 Dormitory for students and pupils on the occasion of Cakovec marking the International Day of fight against AIDS Economic school Workshop: Prevention of HIV / AIDS and 26. 11. 20 Cakovec for students and pupils on the occasion of marking the International Day of fight against AIDS Technical, industrial Workshop: Prevention of HIV / AIDS and 26. 11. 20 and Crafts School for students and pupils on the occasion of Cakovec marking the International Day of fight against AIDS Gymnasium Workshop: Prevention of HIV / AIDS and 26. 11. 20 Cakovec for students and pupils on the occasion of marking the International Day of fight against AIDS Women’s Room – Three-day training: S.T.O.P. - Students 27. – 29.11. 5 Center for Sexual against trafficking in persons through Right’s, Maksimirska awareness and prevention 51 a for students and students of different faculties Women’s Room – Three-day training: Sexual violence and 27. – 29.11. 5 Center for Sexual direct protection of victims of sexual violence Right’s, Maksimirska for the volunteer of Center for Victims of 51 a Sexual Violence - Women's room Family Center, Lecture: Trafficking in human beings 11.12. 13 Zagreb for students and high school students Family Center, Workshop: Gender Equality and trafficking in 17.12. 9 Zagreb human beings for students and high school students TOTAL = 62 TOTAL = 1595

4. Public and other lectures, round tables (organized by Women’s Room or were invited as speakers) Number of Organization/ Where Topic Lectures When participan audience t’s Zagreb, Women's Room, Croatian Forum: City of Zagreb, Parliament Promotion of Women's Department of Greater number 21.01. 50 Room and the City of Health, Labor, of speakers: Zagreb, the City Social Protection Deputy major Department of Health, and War Vesna Majher, Labor, Social Protection Veterans, Gordana Lukac and War Veterans The Commission Koritnik for Gender and "Alphabet of Equality " Equality - City Maja Mamula Assembly of Zagreb for professional public Zadar Public lecture: Sexual For professional Maja Mamula 04.03. 50 violence associate, and professors and Ivana Dijanic parents Plasc

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 46 Zagreb, Opening of Center for Women’s Room Ann-Marie Hotel Victims of Sexual – for institutions, Nyroos, Dubrovnik Violence journalists and Helena Stimac- 27.03. 100 public Radin, Luka Maderic, Vesna Majher, Neva Tőlle, Maja Mamula Zagreb, Public lecture: Women’s forum Maja Mamula, 07.05. 17 Gajnice Gender Equality of SDP Zeljka Jelavic Zagreb, Debate and the promotion Open promotion Vesna Kesic, 13.06. 40 Forum of City of the first Croatian of citizenship, Maja Mamula, of Zagreb Published book by Liz representatives of Lepa Kelly “Surviving sexual civil society Mladenovic violence” development, and institutions and Liz Kelly media Porec Round table: Sexuality 16. annual Maja Mamula 02.10. 15 and the media - personal conference of and experience in working Croatian Ivana Dijanic with the media psychologists; Plasc round table for the Division of Psychology of sexuality Zagreb Round Table: Young Croatian Maja 18.12. 15 people in decision- Youth Vukmanic making processes in Network the local community TOTAL = 7 TOTAL = 287

5. Additional education of Women’s Room team Organization Topic When Participants Additional education Croatian Association for Integrative Psychotherapy 11.-13. 01. Integrative Psychotherapy Ivana Dijanic Plasc Education, II year, 2 Module

Croatian Association for Integrative Psychotherapy 18.-20.01. Integrative Psychotherapy Ivana Dijanic Plasc Education, II year, 2 Module

Croatian Association for Intervision of cases 26.01. Maja Mamula Sexual Therapy Croatian Association for Integrative Psychotherapy Integrative Psychotherapy Education, II year, 3 Module 22.-24.02. Ivana Dijanic Plasc

AD.D. team From idea to the project 12.-13.05. Maja Vukmanic Croatian Association for Intervision of cases 21.06. Maja Mamula Sexual Therapy Center for Culture Trends in fundraising 14.-15.11. Maja Vukmanic Tresnjevka Croatian Association for Intervision of cases 08.11. Maja Mamula Sexual Therapy TOTAL = 8 6. Conferences, promotions, networking, public actions Where Organization Topic When Participants

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 47 City of Zagreb, Ženska pomoć sada, Promotion of the manual: 16.01 Dunja Bonacci European House Women’s help now "Prevention of domestic Skenderovic violence" City of Zagreb, Office for Gender Promotion of gender 18.01. Voljana Kapelina European House Equality Government terminology glossary of Croatia, Center for according to European Women Studies standards Zagreb, European Movement Croatia Zagreb, Hotel B.a.B.e. Forum: Participation and 31.01. Dunja Bonacci Laguna influence of civil society Skenderovic organizations in the processes of making laws and policies in the Republic of Croatia by reference to the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia Vienna UN GIFT International Conference: 13.-15. Dunja Bonacci Trading in human beings - 02. Skenderovic the World Forum Against Trafficking in Persons Zagreb, Women’s forum of Round table: From the Law 19.02. Maja Mamula SDP, Ibler SDP on Gender Equality to square gender equality and matlehed society - challenges and limitations Georgia, Women's Political Organizing the first 01.-06. Maja Mamula and Tbilisi Resource Center, feminist Summer School 04. Zeljka Jelavic Women’s Room and for Women's NGOs and Center for Women political parties Studies Zagreb, 16 B.a.B.e. Promotion of "Guide for 07.04. Maja Vukmanic the legislative advocacy of action" Zagreb, Hotel ROSA Training: Direct work with 08. – 10. Maja Vukmanic „Astoria“ victims of trafficking in 05. human beings for representatives of civil society organizations Zagreb, Hotel E.N.A.T. European Network Against 15. – 17. Dunja Bonacci „Dubrovnik“ Trafficking 05. Skenderovic and Maja Vukmanic Zagreb, City of Zagreb Days of Nongovernmental 10.06. Maja Vukmanic King Tomislav Organizations square Zagreb, Miriam Elahy, OSI- Meeting: Women's NGOs 17.06. Dunja Bonacci Hotel „Westin“ New York in Croatia Library„Profile Center for Women Promotion of the magazines 19.06. Paula Zore “ Studies „Third“ Croatian European Commission Presentation of the results: 27.06. Dunja Bonacci Chamber of of the Republic of CARDS 2004 “Combating Skenderovic Economy Croatia and the Office in trafficking in human for Human Rights beings” Zagreb, Hotel Office for Gender Presentation of proceedings 08.07. Maja Vukmanic „Dubrovnik“ Equality of conferences on strengthening awareness of policies and legislation of

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 48 the EU in the field of gender equality Zagreb Committee of Zagreb Zagreb Pride 2008 28.06. Jelena Postic and Pride-a Voljana Kapelina Maja Vukmanic European Network against 18. – 20. Barcelona E.N.a.T. Trafficking 09.

Embassy of United Presentation of the new Dunja Bonacci Zagreb States – consular Consul 25.09. Skenderovic section Dunja Bonacci The arrival of the Finnish Zagreb Embassy of Finland 25.09. Skenderovic and newspaper editor in Croatia Maja Mamula Center for Women Conference dedicated to Studies and Department City of Zagreb, 100th anniversary of the of Philosophy at 26.09. Paula Zore European House birth of Simone de University of Beauvoir Philosophy Round table: Women and Politics –is that the gender City of Zagreb, Center for Women equality 'replacement issue' 02.10. Paula Zore European House Studies in the political territory of Croatia and the European Union International Conference: The role of the organization for City of Zagreb, diplomatic consular Dunja Bonacci migration and Ministry 17.10. Old city hall personnel in combating Skenderovic of Foreign Affairs and trafficking in human beings European Integration Square of Petar Marking the European Day Office for Human Dunja Bonacci Preradovic, of the fight against 18.10. Right’s Skenderovic Zagreb trafficking in persons Zagreb, Promotion of the book by , Center for Women Renata Jambresic Kirin: Croatian 23.10. Paula Zore Studies “Home and the world” Academy of

Sciences and Arts CARE International North West Balkans in III. Regional Conference: Beograd, cooperation with Violence against women - 05.-07. Maja Mamula Hotel M CESI, Autonomous impact on public policy 11. Women's Center And Medica Zenica Government of Croatia Conference «Croatia - state Dunja Bonacci Hotel Westin and Croatian Helsinki of human rights - 18 years 02.12. Skenderovic Committee later Women’s Room – Concert: Antenat + Purgeraj, Ribnjak Team of Women’s Center for Sexual deMODE – Stop to 02.12. 1 Room Right’s trafficking! Presentation of Dunja Bonacci Ban Jelacic Office for Human organizations at 10.12. Skenderovic and Square Right’s International Day of Maja Vukmanic Human Right's Concert, marking the Croatian National Office for Human Dunja Bonacci International Day of 10.12. Theatre Right’s Skenderovic Human Rights

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 49 University of Osijek, 2. scholarly meeting on the University of Department of violence: 27.-29. Osijek, Faculty of Psychology and Maja Mamula "Violence against children 11. Philosophy Association of and among children" Psychologists Osijek TOTAL = 29

7. Actions and meetings of Women’s Network of Croatia, operational team, working group, civil coalitions, PETRA Network, Youth Advisory Board and LGBTIQ coordination WOMEN’S NETWORK OF CROATIA Where Organizer Topic When Participants Zagreb, ROSA Women’s network of Plan’s for 8.March, 18.01. Croatia – meeting of annual report of Voljana Kapelina coordination team and Women’s network of group’s Croatia Zagreb, ROSA Women’s network of Coordinator's 11.06. Croatia – Meeting of resignation, work of Maja Mamula extended coordination Women’s network of team Croatia Zagreb, Annual assembly of Assembly of Women’s 14. - 15.11. Dunja Bonacci Green action Women’s network of network of Croatia Skenderovic and Croatia Maja Mamula Total = 3 OPERATION TEAM FOR COMBATING TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS Where Organizer Topic When Participants Office for Human Office for Human Twining 30.01. Dunja Bonacci Right’s Right’s Skenderovic Office for Human Office for Human New identified cases of 04.09. Dunja Bonacci Right’s Right’s trafficking Skenderovic Office for Human Office for Human New identified cases of 29.10. Dunja Bonacci Right’s Right’s trafficking Skenderovic Office for Human Office for Human New action plan for 19.11. Dunja Bonacci Right’s Right’s combating Trafficking Skenderovic in persons 2009 - 2001 Total = 4 CIVIC COALITION “STOP HIGH-RISK SEXUAL EDUCATION” Where Organizer Topic When Participants CESI CESI and Civic Coalition “Stop high- Agreement for strategic 15.01 Voljana Kapelina risk sexual education” planning Tuhelj Thermae Civic Coalition “Stop high- risk sexual Strategic planning 15. – 17.02. Voljana Kapelina education” Total = 2 PETRA Network ( NGO Network against trafficking in women) Where Organizer Topic When Participants Zagreb, Hotel Meeting of PETRA Dunja Bonacci CARE 10.05. Astoria Network Skenderovic Meeting of PETRA Ilok, Croatia CARE 16.– 18.06 Maja Vukmanic Network Dunja Bonacci Zagreb, Hotel Meeting of PETRA PETRA Network 16. – 17. 10. Skenderovic, Maja Dora Network Vukmanic Zagreb, Hotel Meeting of PETRA Dunja Bonacci PETRA Network 16.12. Astoria Network Skenderovic

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 50 Total = 4 WORKING GROUP FOR ACTION PLAN AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Where Organizer Topic When Participants Protocol of conduct in Office for Gender cases of sexual violence Zagreb, Equality Government and Analysis of the 01.02. Maja Mamula Office for Gender of the Republic of situation in Croatia Equality Croatia regarding violence against women Protocol of conduct in Office for Gender cases of sexual violence Zagreb, Equality Government and Analysis of the 25.02. Office for Gender Maja Mamula of the Republic of situation in Croatia Equality Croatia regarding violence against women Protocol of conduct in Office for Gender cases of sexual violence Zagreb, Equality Government and Analysis of the 21.04. Office for Gender Maja Mamula of the Republic of situation in Croatia Equality Croatia regarding violence against women Protocol of conduct in Office for Gender cases of sexual violence Zagreb, Equality Government and Analysis of the 12.05. Office for Gender Maja Mamula of the Republic of situation in Croatia Equality Croatia regarding violence against women Protocol of conduct in Office for Gender cases of sexual violence Zagreb, Equality Government and Analysis of the 27.05. Office for Gender Maja Mamula of the Republic of situation in Croatia Equality Croatia regarding violence against women Protocol of conduct in Office for Gender cases of sexual violence Zagreb, Equality Government and Analysis of the 09.06. Office for Gender Maja Mamula of the Republic of situation in Croatia Equality Croatia regarding violence against women Protocol of conduct in Office for Gender cases of sexual violence Zagreb, Equality Government and Analysis of the 14.07. Office for Gender Maja Mamula of the Republic of situation in Croatia Equality Croatia regarding violence against women Protocol of conduct in Office for Gender cases of sexual violence Zagreb, Equality Government and Analysis of the 16.09. Office for Gender Maja Mamula of the Republic of situation in Croatia Equality Croatia regarding violence against women Protocol of conduct in Office for Gender cases of sexual violence Zagreb, Equality Government and Analysis of the 20.10. Office for Gender Maja Mamula of the Republic of situation in Croatia Equality Croatia regarding violence against women

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 51 Protocol of conduct in Office for Gender cases of sexual violence Zagreb, Equality Government and Analysis of the Office for Gender 17.11. Maja Mamula of the Republic of situation in Croatia Equality Croatia regarding violence against women Total = 10

THE YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD, CITY OF ZAGREB Where Organizer Topic When Participants City of City of Constitutive Meeting Zagreb, City 03.09. Maja Vukmanic Zagreb, City Council Council Proposal of the work City of City of the Youth Advisory Zagreb, City 16.09. Maja Vukmanic Zagreb, City Council Board of Zagreb for the Council upcoming calendar year City of Meeting of the Youth City of Zagreb, City Advisory Board of 11.12. Maja Vukmanic Zagreb, City Council Council Zagreb Total = 3 LGBTIQ COORDINATION Where Organizer Topic When Participants Zagreb, Center Meeting of LGBTIQ 19.01. for Human Iskorak Dalibor Stanic coordination 2008. Right’s Total = 1 TOTAL = 27

8. Published materials What Topic Number of copies Donor Sexual violence 500 OSI New York, Translation of the book: Liz Kelly, Ministry of Culture "Surviving sexual violence", in collaboration with KruZak Trafficking in persons 990 CARE International Book: "Cool is when you know!" - Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia Guide: “Alphabet of Gender Gender equality 500 City of Zagreb, City Equality!” Office for Health, Labor, Social Protection and War Veterans Gender equality 3.300 City of Zagreb, City Poster „alphabet of gender equality” Office for Health, Labor, Social Protection and War Veterans Trafficking in persons 50 Office for Human Poster S.T.O.P. trafficking! Right’s, Government of Croatia Sexual violence – 300 Ministry of science, Poster : “Protocol of conduct in Implementation of education and sports case of sexual violence in schools” Prevention Program of the Republic of against Sexual Croatia

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 52 Violence into schools Leaflet for youth: “Did you know?” Gender equality 11.000 City of Zagreb, City Alphabet of Gender Equality Office for Health, Labor, Social Protection and War Veterans Trafficking in persons 200 Office for Human Leaflet: S.T.O.P. trafficking! Right’s, Government of Croatia Leaflet on the work of the Center Sexual violence 2.000 Embassy of Finland for Victims of Sexual Violence in Zagreb Promotional materials 2.000 Phare 2006: Leaflet: "Do not be afraid of for the Center for „Democracy and shadows" victims of sexual Human Rights Grant violence Scheme“ and Embassy of Finland in Zagreb Workshop card „Trafficking in Trafficking in persons 2.000 Ministry of science, human beings” – Implementation of education and sports Prevention Program of the Republic of against Sexual Croatia Violence into schools Mini-card info on the work of the Sexual violence 2.000 Embassy of Finland Center for Victims in Zagreb Maps for different materials with Various promotional 200 Office for Human the logo of Women's Room materials of Women's Right’s, Government Room of Croatia Pad with logo and contact Women's Various promotional 290 Office for Human Room materials of Women's Right’s, Government Room of Croatia and National Foundation for Civil Society Development Mousepads Alphabet! Of Gender Gender equality 50 City of Zagreb, City Equality Office for Health, Labor, Social Protection and War Veterans Badges S.T.O.P. Trafficking in Trafficking in persons 250 Office for Human human beings Right’s, Government of Croatia Mousepads „STOP sexual Sexual violence – 150 Ministry of science, violence” Implementation of education and sports Prevention Program of the Republic of against Sexual Croatia Violence into schools Straps for mobile phones with the Various promotional 100 Office for Human logo of Women's Room materials of Women's Right’s, Government Room of Croatia and National Foundation for Civil Society Development TOTAL = 18 9. Women’s Room media presence in 2008 Newspapers, magazines Media, journalist Topic When Author/interviewed

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 53 person Novi list Alphabet! Gender Equality - 21.01. Maja Mamula Bojana Radetic issue on the occasion of presenting the project in the Old City Hall

Jutarnji list They will learn about the 22.01. Maja Mamula Sinisa Maksimovic Gender Equality - issue on the occasion of presenting the project in the Old City Hall Zagreb news Project for Gender Equality 30.01. presentation of the project Jutarnji list No land for old people: 01.02. Ivana Dijanic Plasc Sexuality among Seniors Zadar list Sexual violence 04.03. Maja Mamula Student's newspapers Sexual violence 04.03. Maja Mamula Ivana Dijanic Plasc Slobodna Dalmacija Sexual violence 04.03. Maja Mamula Slobodna Dalmacija Sexual violence – Opening of 26.03., Maja Mamula Marijana Cvrtila Center for Victims of Sexual published 27.03. Violence Vecernji list On line Boy trapped in girls body 27.03. Jelena Postic

Jutarnji list Opening of Center for Victims 27.03. Maja Mamula Gordana Vukasovic of Sexual Violence Novi list Opening of Center for Victims 28.03. presentation of the of Sexual Violence project Vecernji list Opening of Center for Victims 28.03. Maja Mamula Velinka Knezevic of Sexual Violence: if you were raped call 61 19 444 Zagreb news Opening of Center for Victims 02.04. presentation of the of Sexual Violence project Slobodna Dalmacija Answers to questions about 22.04. Maja Mamula Sasa Jadrijevic sexuality Glas Koncila Tena Sexual violence - the first issue Interwiev Dunja Bonacci on the occasion of a regional 16.06. Skenderovic, Maja conference on sexual violence Published Vukmanic, Paula and issuing the book Liz Kelly 23.06. Zore "Surviving sexual violence"

Monthly bulletin About 1st Feministic Summer September 2008. Maja Mamula Women's Political Resource school in Georgia Zeljka Jelavic Center Tbilisi, Georgia Slobodna Dalmacija Psychology and the media (the Maja Mamula Sasa Jadrijevic role of psychologists in the Big 12.11. Brother shows)

Vecernji list Sexual Violence Interwiev 16.12. Dunja Bonacci Marina Borovac Published 17.12. Skenderovic Total = 18 TV RTL Medicalization of sexuality 14.12.2007 Maja Mamula (filmed)

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 54 04.01.2008 (broadcasted) Alphabet! of Gender Equality - 21.01. Record of the tribune Ivana Volovic issue on the occasion of (filmed) presenting the project in the Old 22.01. City Hall (broadcasted) HRT 1 Sexuality among Seniors Live show 18.02. Ivana Dijanic Plasc show “Third age” City TV Zadar Sexual Violence 04.03. Maja Mamula

HRT 1 Sexual Violence in high schools 05.03. Maja Mamula show Croatia live (filmed and Ivana Dijanic Plasc broadcasted) Investigation, Nova TV Sexual violence, a comment on 18.03. Maja Mamula Zana Coric the statement of priests (filmed) 27.03. (broadcasted) HRT 1 Opening of Center for Victims 27.03. Maja Mamula of Sexual Violence Z1 Opening of Center for Victims 28.03. Maja Mamula Masa Ilotic of Sexual Violence HRT 1 Sexuality among Seniors Filmed 30.06. Ivana Dijanic Plasc Show Magazin Broadcasted 07.08 TV Jadran Gender based violence and 26.09.2008. Maja Mamula Cenzura sexual violence (live) OTV Open television S.T.O.P. – concert in Purgeraj 02.12. Maja Vukmanic i Serbus Zagreb – Chronics of (filmed) Dunja Bonacci City of Zagreb 04.12. Skenderovic (broadcasted) Total = 11 RADIO HRT 1 Sexual Violence 15.01. Maja Mamula, Ivana Jelincic (live) Dunja Bonacci Skenderovic Family radio Alphabet! of Gender Equality - 21.01. Maja Mamula Nives Volarevic issue on the occasion of presenting the project in the Old City Hall Alphabet! of Gender Equality - 21.01. Recording of event issue on the occasion of presenting the project in the Old City Hall Vox Sexual Violence 04.03. Maja Mamula

Family radio Opening of Center for Victims 27.03. Maja Mamula Morana of Sexual Violence Blue radio Opening of Center for Victims 27.03. Maja Mamula of Sexual Violence HRT 1 Opening of Center for Victims 27.03. Maja Mamula Ivana Jelincic of Sexual Violence Radio Centar Zadar Opening of Center for Victims 28.03. Maja Mamula Danijela Loncar of Sexual Violence HRT 1 Center for Victims of Sexual 11.06. Maja Vukmanic Educational program Violence – role of volunteers

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 55 “Nothing no important” Ivana Sucic Blue radio Violence against women: why 10.09. Maja Mamula women suffer violence, how to identify perpetrator, how to recognize the victim Total = 10 WEB PORTALS ZaMirZINE Sexuality among Seniors 18.01. Ivana Dijanic Plasc Total Portal Zagreb: High school students in 22.01. From Family Radio the project "Alphabet! Of Gender Equality " How many letters is there in 22.01. Women’s Room “Alphabet! Of Gender media information Equality!” Zagreb: High school students in 22.01. Women’s Room the project "Alphabet! Of media information Gender Equality Comments on the Mraovic 07.02. Maja Mamula Marija Colak verdict In Croatia, many do not 05.03. Maja Mamula, Ante Mandic understand the difference Ivana Dijanic Plasc between flirting and sexual violence 1 reported on the coming 15-20 06.03. Maja Mamula, Irena Jurjevic unreported rapes Ivana Dijanic Plasc 27 minors raped 06.03. Maja Mamula Ivica Nevescanin Sexual violence among young 05.03. Maja Mamula, Ivana Nikola Turčinov people is a delicate problem Dijanic Plasc Homophobia 17.03. Maja Mamula Tina Zagar Lori –lesbian organization Opening of Center for Victims 22.03. Women’s Room Rijeka of Sexual Violence media information H-alter Opening of Center for Victims 25.03. Women’s Room of Sexual Violence media information ZaMirZIN Opening of Center for Victims 25.03. Women’s Room of Sexual Violence media information Opening of Center for Victims 27.03. Women’s Room of Sexual Violence media information Total Portal Opening of Center for Victims 28.03. Women’s Room of Sexual Violence media information ezadar Victim assistance: First Center 28.03. Women’s Room for Victims of Sexual Violence media information is opened On the one reported rape in 27.03. Women’s Room coming fifteen to twenty media information unreported - the occasion of the opening of the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence Transgender – life between 21.04. Jelena Postic gender and sex

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 56 web Office for Gender 1. Regional conference on 12.06. Women’s Room Equality, Government of sexual violence: media information Republic of Croatia Sexual violence: overcoming the institutional, social and personal obstacles working with Liz Kelly

H-Alter 1. Regional conference on 12.06. Women’s Room sexual violence: media information Sexual violence: overcoming the institutional, social and personal obstacles ZAmirZine 1. Regional conference on 12.06. Women’s Room sexual violence: media information Sexual violence: overcoming the institutional, social and personal obstacles The sexual violence: 10.06. Women’s Room promotion of the Croatian media information editions of a book Liz Kelly "Surviving sexual violence" The announcement of the 19.11. Women’s Room concert - the day of human media information rights with Antenat and demode The announcement of the 25.11. Women’s Room concert 02 12. Marking the day media information of human rights - Antenat and demode The announcement of the 28.11. Women’s Room concert - Antenat and demode media information in Purgeraj The announcement of the 28.11. Women’s Room concert – Antenat in Purgeraj media information Workshop "Improvement of the 28.11. Dalibor Stanic Medjimurje newspapers fight against HIV / AIDS in Croatia" Antenat + demode @ Purgeraj - 28.11. Women’s Room Announcement of concert media information Stop trafficking! 28.11. Women’s Room Announcement of concert media information Antenat + deMODE – Marking 28.11. Women’s Room the Day of human rights media information Total = 30 TOTAL = 69

10. Organizational development of Women’s Room, teambuilding Organizational development of Women’s Topic When Participants Room, Organizational development – Coordination team of organizational values 20.05. Women’s Room team Women’s Room

Annual Assembly of Election Assembly 18.06. 14 Women’s Room

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 57 Organizational development – Coordination team of organizational values 2 20.06. Women’s Room team Women’s Room

Coordination team of Women’s Room team Teambuilding 09.07. Women’s Room TOTAL 4

11. Visit and guests in Women’s Room in 2008 Who When Topic Number of guest Marlene M. Nice and Verica 14.01 Work of Women's rooms, sexual violence in 5 Haramincic, Embassy of the United Croatia, rape kit States Diana DeVeigh, New York 29.05. Work of Women's Room, Center for Victims 1 of Sexual Violence

Azza Kamel, ACT Egypt 02.06. Work of Women's Room, ACT-work, the 6 (Communication techniques for feminist movement in our countries, exchange Development) of experiences and possibilities of cooperation

Bridget Antoinette Evans, Cindy 12.08. Work of Women's Room, trafficking in 2 Croot Founder & President human beings FUEL | WE POWER CHANGE 19.08. 2 Kvinna til Kvinna and 10 17.11. Work of Women's Room, sexual rights, the 10 representative of women's feminist movement in our countries, exchange organizations from Albania of experiences and possibilities of cooperation

TOTAL = 6 TOTAL = 26

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights, 2008 58