Step by Step a Walk Through the City

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Step by Step a Walk Through the City Step by step A Walk through the City Welcome to Zagreb! This selection of Zagreb’s cultural and historical sights will help each visitor to get to know the city better. Step by step the life of Zagreb is presented through the centuries, from the city’s foundation to the present day; from its legends to its historical figures. You won’t get lost in the labyrinth of streets because you can always stop and ask for directions. You will be delighted by the hospitality 2 The Upper Town of people in Zagreb. 6 Ban Jelačić Square 8 Kaptol 14 Dolac 16 Tkalčićeva 18 Bloody Bridge 19 Radićeva 20 The Stone Gate 22 Opatička 26 St Mark’s Square 32 Catherine’s Square 34 The Strossmayer Promenade 36 The Lower Town 40 Nikola Šubić Zrinski Square 44 King Tomislav Square 48 Marulić Square 50 Marshal Tito Square 54 Masarykova 56 Petar Preradović Square 60 Ilica 64 Jurišićeva 68 Outside the Centre B Step by step 2 Step bystep The Upper Town Opatička Tkalčićeva The Stone Gate Kaptol St Mark’s Square Dolac Radićeva Step bystep Ban Jelačić Square Catherine’s Square 3 The Strossmayer Promenade The Upper Town 1. Ban Jelačić Square 2. Kaptol 3. Dolac 4. Tkalčićeva 5. Bloody Bridge 6. Radićeva 7. The Stone Gate 8. Opatička 9. St Mark’s Square 10. Catherine’s Square 11. The Strossmayer Promenade Ban Josip Jelačić Ban Jelačić The Manduševac 1. Square Fountain Ban Jelačić Square Ban Josip Jelačić The Manduševac Fountain Central focus of modern Zagreb (Hungarian for “one thirtieth”), The statue of Ban Josip Jelačić is the The Manduševac Fountain was is Ban Jelačić Square (Trg bana after the tax levied on the goods work of the Austrian sculptor Anton built above a natural spring that Jelačića). Situated just below the that were sold here. In 1848 the Fernkorn. It was placed on the provided Zagreb with drinking hillside settlements of Kaptol square was officially renamed in square in 1866, only to be removed water right up until the end of and Gradec, it has served as the honour of Ban (“Governor”) Josip by the communist authorities in the 19th century. Court records city’s commercial heart ever since Jelačić. After World War II the 1947. In 1990 a public petition about the persecution of witches 1641, when it was designated name of the square was changed secured the return of the statue, mention the spring as their main as a place where fairs could to “Republic Square”, only to return and it was unveiled on October 16th meeting point. There is also a be held. Most of the buildings to its previous title in 1990. Ban – Ban Jelačić’s birthday. Originally legend connecting the spring with around the square date from Jelačić Square stands at the centre placed facing northwards in order the name of the city. Namely, one the 19th century, and display a of Zagreb’s social life and the most to symbolize the Ban’s defence of sunny day an old Croatian war variety of architectural styles, popular meeting points are “under Croatia’s rights against Austria and leader was returning from battle from Biedermaier to Art Nouveau the clock” on the west side of the Hungary, the statue tired and thirsty, and asked a and Post-modernism.The square square, and “under the horse’s tail” now faces south to beautiful girl Manda to scoop up was Zagreb’s main marketplace –a reference to the equestrian statue provide a better some water from the spring for him. and carried the name “Harmica” of Ban Jelačić in the square’s centre. balance to the The Croatian word for “to scoop up layout of water” is “zagrabiti”. So the spring Count Josip elections for the for Croatia, the square. got the name Manduševac, after Jelačić Bužimski Croatian Sabor or although these the girl, and the town got the name (1801. - 1859.). Parliament. Jelačić aspirations were Zagreb after the scoop of water. A general in the helped Austrian to remain fulfilled. Austrian army and forces put down Celebrated as a Governor (“Ban”) the Hungarian national hero of Croatia from Revolution of in Croatia, his 1848 to 1859, 1848 in the hope portrait currently Jelačić abolished that this would graces one side serfdom and lead to greater of the 20 kuna held the first ever autonomy banknote. 2. Kaptol The Cathedral Renaissance Walls Characterized by its soaring nave was modified and heightened monumental bishop’s palace. The cathedral’s defensive walls twin towers, the Cathedral of during the 14th and 15th centuries. A huge earthquake in 1880 did with round towers were built the Assumption of the Blessed The expansion of the Ottoman enormous damage to the cathedral, when the threat from the Ottoman Virgin Mary is one of Zagreb’s Empire put Zagreb within range and it was reconstructed along Turks was at its height. The defining symbols. Although it is of enemy raids, and the cathedral Neo-Gothic lines, a style that was walls were built in record time a largely Neo-Gothic structure was fortified by adding a turreted popular across Europe at that time. between 1512 and 1521. One dating from the late 19th century, outer wall. Once the danger of Local architect Herman Bolle was tower was demolished during its origins are much older. The invasion had passed, a single in charge of the project, although the 19th-century rebuilding of Zagreb bishopric was established bell-tower was built in the 17th the blueprints were provided the cathedral to provide an in 1094, and construction of the century. At that time the Baroque by Austrian designer Friedrich unobstructed view of the cathedral. cathedral started soon afterwards. became the most prevalent style, von Schmidt. Thus the cathedral These changes aside, the walls An early Gothic sanctuary with which is today borne out by the took on its present-day shape remain among the best-preserved polygonal apse was added at the richly decorated altars. During with its slender 105-metre-high Renaissance defences in Europe. end of the 13th century, while the the 18th century the defensive towers dominating the Zagreb bastions on the south and east skyline. There is no consensus were reconstructed to form a about the height among the inhabitants of the city. Bishop Duh literally means head of the started building The stairs The first bishop "spirit"). He was diocese for long, the cathedral, that connect of Zagreb was appointed by King but he is thought having tired of Tkalčićeva and a Czech called Ladislav, founder to have been a using one of the Opatovina were Duh (which, of the diocese, in capable and pious existing churches named after him appropriately around 1094. Duh leader. It was as a temporary in his honour. for a churchman, didn’t remain probably Duh who episcopal centre. Step by step 9 St Stephen’s Chapel The Treasury Virgin Mary with Angels 13th-century bishop Stjepan II built a copy of the plenarium, taking After the cathedral had been a chapel beside the cathedral in the original to America where it reconstructed in the Neo-Gothic honour of Zagreb’s deliverance was sold. Subsequently recovered, style, a fountain designed by from the Tatar invasion. He the original is now preserved Hermann Bollé was built in front dedicated it to his namesake alongside the copy in the treasury. of the cathedral. The Austrian St Stephen, one of the earliest On the eve of the visit of Pope sculptor Fernkorn was responsible Christian martyrs. The chapel was John II to Zagreb, scenes from for the gold-plated statues temporarily used for religious the plenarium were copied of the Virgin Mary and four ceremonies while construction onto the covers of the Book angels, the latter symbolizing work continued on the cathedral of Gospels that was presented the Christian virtues of Faith, itself. In the 18th century the The Treasury of Zagreb cathedral to the Holy Father as a gift. Hope, Innocence and Humility. chapel was incorporated into bears witness to a continuous the Bishop’s Palace. The chapel’s history of Christianity in this area well-preserved 14th-century that stretches back 14 centuries. murals constitute a unique Liturgical objects made of gold, example of Croatian Gothic art. silver, wood and parchment Anton Dominick There are several are kept above the cathedral’s Ritter von of his statues sacristy. The most valuable Fernkorn in Zagreb: and oldest object is the ivory (1813. - 1878.), Ban Jelačić plenarium illustrated with ten Austrian realist on horseback, sculptor famous St George on scenes from the life of Jesus. It for his public horseback, has been in Zagreb ever since statues, many of Mercury in th 11 century. A thief posing as an which featured relief and the art-loving aristocrat once made heroic figures on Virgin Mary with horseback. four angels. 10 Step by step Virgin Mary The Franciscan The Cathedral with Angels Church St Mary’s Church Renaissance Walls Ribnjak Park Prišlin’s Tower Petrica Kerempuh Ribnjak Park The Franciscan Church Prišlin’s Tower Ribnjak was originally the A church and monastery have This small park at the end of site of the Bishop of Zagreb’s existed on this spot since the Opatovina is something of an fishponds, and it was here that 13th century, and according to oasis of peace in the bustling priests from Kaptol would catch legend St Francis of Assisi himself centre of the city. Up until World fish ready for Friday’s evening resided here for a time. The War II this was where the priests meal.
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