[email protected] CATALOGUE JUNE 2020 - EAST 2 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR EMAIL
[email protected] CATALOGUE JUNE 2020 - EAST NOTES FROM CASEY I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to our new fancy catalogue! We plan to innovate and improve consistently, including all the different departments in our business – the catalogue being one example. Some improvements will be customer-facing, while others will be designed to make our company a be�er place to work. This isn’t a new thing for us, or anyone reading this le�er for that ma�er, but we’ll share our innova�on through regular communica�on right here. Over the coming months, we’ll be thrilled to share developments as they occur. Star�ng big in May, we’re finally moving to our new DC in Vaughan. We’re going to see so many benefits to this move, including the ability to offer new brands, embrace new technology, and improve life for the team members in Ops and Logis�cs. Once we’ve moved through this pandemic (as best we can as a global society), we’d be thrilled to have visitors take the tour with us. We’re grateful to be in an industry that we can make a posi�ve contribu�on in, now more than ever. Thank you for turning that opportunity into a reality. 3 | FOR ORDERS CALL (416) 503-2517 X 1 OR EMAIL
[email protected] CATALOGUE JUNE 2020 - EAST BUSINESS HOURS Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Jonluca is closed Saturday, Sunday and all Ontario Stat Holidays Orders received a�er 2pm may be delayed un�l the following delivery date INSIDE SALES CONTACTS Please send orders by 2pm Order Desk: Orders: Tel.