Iorthern France * the Ardennes the Rhineland * Central Europe
DIORTHERN FRANCE * THE ARDENNES THE RHINELAND * CENTRAL EUROPE ( IIIIIIIII If 1.0 1. 01 The Veterans of the 106th INFANTRY DIVISION GOLDEN LION Vol. 31, No. 4 JULY, AUG., SEPT., 1975 29th Annual Reunion Rodeway Inn Atlanta, Georgia July 17 - 20, 1975 FORWARD RESERVATIONS TO SHEROD COLLINS 625 CHANNING DR. ATLANTA, GA. 30318 PHONE 404 - 351-2985 THE CUB ANNOUNCEMENT 106th Infantry Division Association, Inn. The 106th is many things to many people, President . Dr. James I. Clark Following an introduction upon the oc- 10 Vice President Sherod Collins casion of a Golden Lion European Tour in 2nd Vice President Robert Walker September 1974, Shared Collins and Adjutant . Robert L Scranton Treasurer Sherod Collins Laverne McGraw (of Royal Oak, Michi- Chaplain . John T. Loveless, Jr. gan) announce that they will exchange Historian Sherod Collins marriage vows at Northside Methodist The CUB is the official publication of the Church, Atlanta, Georgia, at 7 P.M., May Association. Membership in the Association is 3, 1975. They will be home at 625 Chan- $5.00 per year which includes subscription to the ning Drive, N.W., Atlanta. CUB. (Best Wisher (torn all your 106th friends) Editor . John Gallagher All editorial matter should be addressed to: John Gallagher 4003 Frances Street CHAPLAIN'S MESSAGE Temple. Pa. 19560 Again an Anniversary of V.E.-Day has All business matters, renewal of membership, etc., should be addressed to: rolled around - the 30th. For most of us Robert L. Scranton who served in the 106th and survived, that 9441 Lee Road day in 1945 was a signal that our military Brighton, Mich.
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