Affected Populations in the Horn of Africa Region
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES Office for the Coordination of reau de Coordination des Affaires Humanitaires Humanitarian Affairs Affected Populations in the Horn of Africa Region (As at 15 August 2005) OCHA Regional Support Office for Central and East Africa P.O. Box 30218 Telephone: +254 -20 622 166 Nairobi, Kenya Fax: +254 20 622 632 AFFECTED POPULATIONS SUMMARY1 TOTAL AFFECTED IDPs REFUGEES POPULATION CHANGES % COUNTRY Dec.2004- Dec. 2004 Aug 2005 Dec. 2004 Aug 2005 Dec. 2004 Aug 2005 August 2005 -16.9% ERITREA 61,953 50,509 4,000 4,309 65,953 54,818 (-11,135) +39.5% 150,000- 250,479- ETHIOPIA 150,086 111,854 100,479 261,940 (103,539) 265,000 365,479 +6.7% KENYA 350,000 381,924 225,198 232,037 575,198 613,961 (38,763) +6.2% 370,000- 370,368- SOMALIA 376,630 368 368 376,998 (23,370) 400,000 400,368 +10.6% SUDAN 5,927,000 6,525,778 100,680 141,588 6,027,680 6,667,366 (639,686) 7,478,211 7,956,992 +10.9% 6,865,669 - 442,100 478,781 7,307,769 - TOTAL (794,223) 7,623,211 8,101,992 Country summaries and text indicate further vulnerable populations, including temporarily displaced, food insecure, host populations and those affected by natural disaster. The table reflects figures for the five core countries of the Horn of Africa. However, information on affected populations in Djibouti is included in the annexed country review. Cover Photograph: IDPs in Kutum, North Darfur, Sudan (OCHA, 2004) OCHA RSO-CEA is funded by the following donors Ireland 1 The summary table reflects, where applicable, the highest figures recorded in country statistic tables.
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