Two Injured at Grade Crossing
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HERALD. Published BNry Tuesday "Justice to all; ( and Friday. malice toward none." and 8UMMIT RECORD HERALD FIFTY-SECOND YEAR NO, 52 SUMMIT, N. J., FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1941 $3.50 PER YEAR Council Ap»?es Budget of $1,292,469— Advance Requests, Remember Next Wednesday! Two High School Students Killed— Great changes are taking place in this country. Perhaps among Believe Tax Rate Will Be One Point Lower- other changes we will find springing un among ua a new attitude toward For 1941Auto the word "politics." It wasn't many years ago that "politics" was an occupation which Two Injured At Grade Crossing Mayor Issues Explanation of Budget Plates Piling lip many people looked down their noses at—proud of their detachment from it—forgetting that some people named George Washington, Thomas THK CO-OPERATION OK Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Samuel Adams and Benjamin Franklin THE PUBLIC IK N Few Attend HearingluTofficials Praised Local Agency Will shaped the early destinies of our country by "politics." Peter Hensler of Summit and Virginia Far Budget Work—Car Won in Merchandising But those, of course, were historic tfmes, and today is only today. So, Overlook Hospital vvitli a Have Plates on Sale We wonder. We wonder whether today la not one of the gr*eat bed capacity of 148, and which Campaign Sold and Welfare Fund Opened moments of our nation when nil of ua should take up the burden of our is now housing 151 by the use Tlievenet of Militant Fatally Hurt Beginning March 1 times and interest ourselves in "politics." *. of cots, is asking the citizens The 1941 tax and appropriation budget having been ap- Most of us are beginners. For that reason the place to begin is not of Summt to co-operate by Advance applications for 1941 in the large arena of international and national politics but here at home adhering to these simple in- Returning From Postponed Hockey Game proval by the office of the Commissioner of Local Government auto license plates are piling up in our own back yard of local government. structions: in Trenton was unanimously adopted Tuesday night by Cotn- at the office of the H. Douglas Wednesday Evening you will have a chance to learn many things 1. Doctor" who are con- Wahl Motor Vehicle Agency, 355 you may not now know. The Republican Club of Summit is beginning templating! bringing patients Two Others in Car Taken to Rahway nu-n Council. Tgxes for local purposes will be $633,345.95 and Springfield avenue. Plates will go an educational campaign with an "Information Please" program during to the hospital are urged to f,.r the schools $339,621. The total appropriation for taxes for on sale March 1 and must appear which a "board of experts" will try not to be stumped by questions on contact the hospital office in • Hospital Yesterday Afternoon— ail purposes, including debt service and surplus revenue cash on all vehicles by April 1. Reser- politics and government submitted by any of us. order to find out whether or vations are now being made by Everyone is invited. There is no charge. The "show" begins at not space Is available. No Gates at Lehigh Valley Crossing appropriated is $1,292,469,82. While it hasn't been officially the Wahl Agency on registration 8 p. m. at Edison Junior High School. There is also a movie on the 2. Parents are requested to determined, it is believed the tax rate will be about $4.17 com-plates on numbers up to U/Tf 99 D Mechanization of the U. S. Army. We strongly urge you to make that refrain from* bringing chil- Peter Hensler, 17, a junior at Summit High Sctjuol, son uf up until February 22. At any rate pared'to last year's rate of $4.18, final adjustment awaiting the a date. dren to the hospital as visi- Mrs. Florence K. Hensler irf 2 Surrey road, and the fate Arthur no plates will be issued until March tors, for the protection of the C. Hensler, and his companion, Miss Virginia Thevenet, 16, a passing- of the State budget. 1. To reserve plates it is necessary children themselves. The Major <&ake* Foraal to make out a regulation form and 3. Visiting privileges are Millburn High School student and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. deposit the money with it. Persons Statement on the Badfftl WORKERS E Summit Choral Club Combining With being allowed to relatives, Im- Arthur E. Thevenet of 45 Walnut avenue. Millburn. died as the unable to appear in person must mediate families, only. Ko In a prepared statement on this AT RED tKOSS have their applications notarized. friends are allowed. result of injuries suffered.last night about 5 o'clock when the year's tax and appropriation budget After Marcth 1st, ol Flashing Oratorio Society to Give Already Overlook has ordered car they were driving toward Summit was struck by a Lehigh which he approved "as a step in the If you have some time you the Motor Vehicle Age an additional supply of beds, .Valley'Railroad passenger train at the cros^ng- just uiftside of right direction though It strays would like to invest in service from 9 a. m. to 6 p. and with thi) co-operation of somewhat from the path of tax rate which would be much needed Saturday. In the inte Bach's St Matthew Passion March 30 the public, more efficient and Cranford toward Rahway. Among other things, tlvfc.deceased reduction toward debt extinction," and appreciated, hop over and hours are from 9 a. m. un prompt service will be given suffered compound fractures of the skull. make surgteal dressings, or Mayor Guido F. Foreter said: except on Saturday, when thi to the satisfaction of all. " " Riding, iii the car iitli 'Hejixler In working on the budget of the apply your adroit needle on are from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. The way is being prepared for a themselves of the opportunity pf car (ity of Summit for 1941, It soon became flannel robes and such things Motorists in twenty-nine states momentous musical event to take hearing it. and the Millburn girl %er« Charles .i;>;'.ir- rit that a choice would .have to at the Red, Cross Workrooms, place in Summit on the evening of A somewhat shorter and slightly Sweeney, 18, a senior*at Summit in.wle between two very desirable 19 Euclid avenue. Hours 10 must get new license plates for March 30th, when the combined Gives Keen Analysis Ihj.-rtivrs: ' their cars during the first three different version of the St. Matthew High School, son o( Mr. and .Mrs. 111 Lowering the tax rate of the city a. m. to 12 every morning ex- months of the year—about half of Summit Choral Club and the Flush- Passion was sung by the Summit To Consider Local C. .A. Sweeney of 1 Euclid avenue v from 6 to 10 points and funding in- cept Saturday. These dressings ing Oratorio Society under the di- Choral Club last year, setting a and his companion. Miss Gloria (!• II!HIIH'S» Incurred for excess ex- them during the month of March. Of World Affairs are for our own army, and must rection of Laurence Ruemussen will precedent In high musical perform- Dupius, 17, another Millburn High penditures on the E!dt«OB Junior High be in readiness. Only fourteen states continue to perform the great St Matthew .< limil amounting to $JS.(W0; or hold to year-end expiration. In ance which could not be lowered Set4Ip for Work School student, daughter of Mr. i2) I'nylnfj- off all temporary in- Passion by Johann Sebastian Bacfa. this year and will not in the years Fortnightly Club Hears and Mrs. Charles A. Dn»'i>>s ( and conalderiim funds used fourteen other states tags must be This will mean that about one hun- to come, if a growing Summit con- l •: public improvement* us current op- changed April 1. In seven, the tag- of 71 Greenwood drive Mill- ir.niiii; exmnne, providing some dred and sixty vested singers, will tinues to be as receptive to good In War Time Howard Pierce Davis burn. As the HKHALo goes to changing date is March 1; In six, overflow the choir loft, the pulpit, .i .-.i. -uiu. generally gpoken of as $10,000, Local War tags are changed February 1. music as it has shown itself in the press all that could he learned ns ,ui additional ntorv* toward obllga- and a specially erected platform in past. ItJajo be remembered that A keen analysis of world affairs t;«ns of {troperty owner* whose proper- ' In Florida tags expire on Jan- about Sweeney and Dupius its that the Central Presbyterian Church. the Choral Club is our one local Program Planned wan presented to the Fortnightly they were rushed to the Rahway t-. had benefited through street Im- uary 15, in Louisiana, February 5, They will be accompanied by the !•:•'-nt.s (Xorfb Summit and aec- Relief Activities and in Virginia, April 15. In the 0 organization that is keeping com- For Meeting Social Club at its regular meeting in the Hospital where their condition, t;•.!.« of East Summit) from 1927 to organ, and four of the best oratorio munity choral singing alive and UiKh School auditorium, Wednes- about S p. m. wan considered hopp- four remaining .states tag-changing soloists to be found in New York making programs like this one In the current littdg* t. the entire re- dates are: June 30, West Virginia; Agencies Council day afternoon, by Howard Pierce fiil.