VII. Eschatological Frameworks

A. Historical

1. Historic premillennialists would be referred to as advocates of the ______rapture view by the majority of the Church. Historic premillennialists see the events of as yet to occur, but they do not see a ______between Israel and the Church. For this reason, they believe the Church will live through the Tribulation.

2. Historic premillennialists believe the and passages all refer to ______.

3. Many historic premillennialists believe the seal judgments in Revelation 6 point to the heartaches of ______while the judgments begin with the first trumpet judgment.

4. Historic premillennialism does not hold a distinction between Israel and the Church. There is a single people of God who are Israel in the OT and the Church in the New. Gentiles were grafted into the ______and ______of Israel at Pentecost.

5. Historic premillennialism holds the distinction as the oldest or first eschatological view in the church as ______, ______, ______, and ______appear to hold a premillennialist view without dispensationalist distinctives.


1. Amillennialists believe the Church Age is the Millennial Kingdom of ______. is bound during the Church Age from deceiving the nations while Christ reigns and rules in heaven at the right hand of God with the church. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb lasts throughout the entire Church Age.

2. Amillennialists believe the Rapture and Second Coming passages all refer to ______.

3. Many amillennialists believe the judgments of Revelation will still occur before the return of Christ along with a great at the End of Days. A major tenet of Amillennialism is the belief in the continued ______of the Church until the return of Christ.

4. Amillennialists do not hold a distinction between Israel and the Church. There is one people of God who are Israel in the OT and the Church in the New. Gentiles were ______the promises and purposes of Israel at Pentecost.

5. Amillennialism began to grow in popularity thanks to the teaching of ______(354-430) and his writing of the City of God. Amillennialism became the dominate of the church throughout the and the . Reformers such as and were amillennialists.