Weddings Are Already Planned 1·800·544·7915 Like a Bowl Game," He Said
Vol. XLIII No. 1 The weekly newspaper serving the Towns of Bethlehem and New Scotland January 7, 1998 Bethlehem chief vows to attract business By Usa K. Kelly The town of Bethlehem started the new year with a ceremony to swear in town officials on Friday, Jan. 2, attown hall. Sheila Fuller took the oath of office .,;·'In•:reas<~d ·,,m,pr·nnnP11f participation, advocacy and as town supervisor for the third time. c~~~~:~~·:ll the focus of a new committee formed by In an address following her "• Susan Burns. swearing in, she emphasized that · "Ithink involving more p~ople in town issues and opening attracting new business to town is her , the avenues for more discussion and debate is important," top priority. said. "Increased access for all town residents will Fuller noted that the town had become ohe of my priorities.~ accomplished many things in the past ",The goal of the committee is to enhance communications four years, including lowering or keeping a strong hold on town taxes. between residents and the. government and surrounding . She warned that in order to 0 BURNS/page24 continue, the town must maintain or increase its tax base by attracting new and thatthey did not need an independent salaries were part of the 1998 budget that business. consultant. was approved in November. "We must show businesses that we . In other business, the board set a public are a business friendly town," Fuller Kehoe said the town saved $103,000 in Fuller 1997 and $100,000 in 1998 on insurance hearing for Wednesday, Jan.
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