Chairman Sliney Advised Sugar Rationing Starts in Two Or Three
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-•-• »-*..** ^i^.^^^X^^ ^. ^^^, ^_j^ ^ ,w^*»'fif1rtJp^a-'»5^.!l^*^^K^ J, lXJ^;^^Xift^J'27^tXtr.«i^,b:x~C',vi^^^^^ Your Air Raid Warden "We sliflll not M — if we stand Arm wo shall not fail. Wise ooun- tv'l Is Your Friend sols may acoolerate or mistakes delay it, b'ut, sooner or later, the victory is svire to come."—Abra Welcome Him t!Cte Pranforti EebieUj ham Lincoln, AND EAST HAVEN NEWS VOL XIV — NO. 46 Branford, Connecticut, Tliursday, March 5, 1942 PRIOE FIVE CENTS More Blackouts Inspiring Talk Warns Against II I Chairman Sliney Advised Town Adopts Regulations Sugar Rationing Starts Expected Soon ByRayPinkham Forest Fires Prescribed For Air Raid The following telegram has been Peps Spotters Flic Marshal Ernest W. Wood has received by the local defense coun Issued the following lo the citizens and property owners of Branford: cil: Spurred by liie enthusiasm of In Two Or Three Weeks "Take steps at once to effect im their leaders nearly 200 Aircraft The undersigned as lire marshal Precaution Tn the Event' mediate blackout of all lighting not Warning Service Observers left the of the town of Branford is under capable of extinguishment at a mo Community House last evening re- duty imposed on him by law to Meeting Friday Night With Selectman Rationing Board ment's notice. This is to Include resolved to. Justltyi the faith put in warn you of certain laws of the Board of Selectmen and Police Commissioners Adopt •S Chooses John B. Sliney For Chairman—Policy Not advertising signs, store window dis them by their chief, Robert Gate. state in regard to brush ihes. The Model Regulations Regarding Signals, Travel, Shel Clearly Determined by G-overnment. ^ plays and other uncontrolled Ight- Deputy Raymond Plnkham words danger and damage from such ter and Blackouts Effective As of March Second. ing which cannot be eliminated in stressing the Iniportance of each fires reaches its highest point at event of an alert. Such blackout At a meeting of the Board of observer being alprt every instant this season of the year, Model Regulations adopted by the action will be in force until further and his faith in ibmjjat service of Section 782E of the. ^037 Cumu Board of Selectmen and Police Selectmen held Friday night, John Offenders May notice." Rev. Geo. Owen B. Sliney, was appointed chairman interception was largely responsible lative supplement prohibits any Commissioners are: Pursuant to of the local rationing board. Oth The council has been notified to for several spotted calling In this person from kindling a fire In the the authority granted by ordinance er members of the board are Wil Be Imprisoned expect a surprise blackout test of morning to offer tb take more shifts open outside the limits of a fire Accepts Call To of tlie Town of Branford dated liam Spargo of Stony Creek and the entire state, the date of which at the observation posts. • district or borough from March 1 March 2, 19'12, the following regula Clarence Johnson of Short Beach, ForViolations will be known in advance only by Announcements 'were made of the to December 1 of each year, unless Local Church tions are hereby proscribed for air the Army and a few offlcials of the Importance of keeping to schedule, he f\rst obtains from the Are war raid precautions; with Carl Nygard and Mrs. Charles State Defense Council. Goldsmith as alternates. A Model Ordinance and Model scanning bulletin |)oard notices and den wi'ltten permission. Violation The Rev. George D. Owens of 1. The "public warning" signal of Regulations which have been ap According to Austin Purvis, sec flash reporting, j ,; of this section carries a maximum Tarrytown, N, Y., will supply the air raids shall be a series of short Mr. Sliney received a letter yes retary of the State Blackout Com proved by the legal committee of In the Interests; of more efficient fine of $200 or imprlsoniriont of not pulpit of the First Congregational blasts on the sirens and on the terday advising that rationing mittee the surprise alert will answer more than six months or both. would commence In two or three the Staet Defense Council have spotting and reporting the observa Church recently left vacant by the whistles; the "all clear" signal shall been submitted for the guidance the question as to how the people weeks. will react In an air raid alarm tion post at Pawiion Park is being Section 10040 of the 1035 Cumu resignation of the Rey. B. KennOih be one long continuous blast on . It Is understood that the state and assistance of the several towns replaced by an oitagon. glass en lative Supplement prohibits the Anthony, until a permanent min said sirens and whistles. in the state, requesting all towns to which is given without warning and rationing board has already re with no advance publicity.. closed tower, 200 yards northwest of dropping of lighted matches, ci ister has been called. He was for 2. Such public signals shall be adopt the Model Ordinance in case the present army| shelter. gars or cigarettes near or in any merly pastor of the Congregation sounded by all petsons having cus ceived the town's estimate as com they have not already adopted slm In addition, the surprise blackout plied by Raymond Plnkham, super will also prove a major test,of the A oat walk wilt be provided on combustible material. It such re al Church of Sharon. tody of said sirens and whistles up liar ordinances with substantially the roof and one Observer will take sults in setting "a fire in woodland, on instructions from the Chief Air intendent of schools. the same terms. efficiency of the Civilian Defense Mr. and Mrs. Owens came to Pursuant to instructions from position there at all times, weather the penalty is a maximum fine of Branford Tuesdoy and will occupy Raid Warden or his deputy (upon The following Model Ordinance Organization of the State. permitting. Chester Bowles, state rationing ad $500 or six months imprisonment, the Manse in Rogers Street. instructions from the chief of po has been adopted by the Board of or both. lice or his deputy.) ministrator, the local board which Selectmen and Police Commission He is recently of First Church of will serve without compensation, Section 6128 and 0120 of the Christ, Sharon Connecticut, now of The Chief Air Raid Warden or ers : Fire Escape Law General Statutes reads, no fire may his deputy (the Chief ,ot Pollco or must include a member of the Section 1. In order t,o further Na Tarrytown, New .York, Board of Education, recognized Mid-Year Honor be kindled on any public land with his deputy) shall issue the Instruc tional Defense and safeguard and out permission of 'the owner, and His experience has been varied tions for the sounding of the pub representative of labor, local bus protect life and property within the Given Attention Educational training; A. .B,,S.T. B,. iness man, representative of a re no fire may be kindled in any lic air raid signals only upon ord town of Branfordii In case of enemy Students Roll Is woodland unless a space for 20 and D, D, degrees. Institutions In tail establishment, and a citizen air raids or attacks or threatened By Fire Marshal clude Lebanon Valley College, Yale ers from the Army or Navy received with knowledge of health and nu air raids or attacks or for the pur feet surrounding the place of the Divinity School, and Bbston Univer either directly from Army or Navy trition. pose of trial blackouts orother trials Made Public fire is cleared of all combustible sity Attended summer conferences heudquartors or received through Fire Marshal Ernest W. Wood has material. If the citizens and pro the District Warning Center of the This board will not be expected or tests .to prepare to meet such Issued the following notice of In in various places. to ration tires and like articles air raids or attacks, all persons "lliree hundred and nine pupils of perty owners of the town will ob oincial Air Raid Warning System. spection of buildings to the citizens the Branford Public Schools had serve these rales, loss of lite and Literary work: Doctorate thesis, upon which restrictions have been within the town are required to and property owners of Branford: "The Voice Within", published by 3. After the' sounding of tlie placed but will confine itself to comply with the rules, regulations mid-year scholastic ranks that en damage to property from forest "public warning" signal and until The duty as Imposed upon the titled them to/membership on the fires may be largely or entirely The Stratford Company, Boston;, , foodstuffs rationing as directed by and orders pertaining thereto pro first selectman or his designated 'When the Sun Rises", by Fleming rp ^."""^flpB 01 the "all clear" Mr. Bowles. •: • i.•' • mulgated by the Army, Navy or Schoolastlc Honor Roll. eliminated. Ernest W. Wood H.Revell, New York.-Heims written "'^na*: ••l;^.,^ : , , agent to inspect each year between Their names were as follows: • Since the government policy in State Defense Council, or by any I April 1 and October 1 all buildings for several magazines and news- a. l^o person may travel upon, regard to sugar rationing has not person or organization acting by Ith, Grade; Joan Armstrong, Ger- papers of wide ciroulatlijn, He vas "»".'. ""•^^r upon Or, remain upon, ia^»fuliittth6rity*otJittienviSr*a^ iiyBwgIprdjiSp,w.aS/s;5tofade^^^^ irnd&iDaloy^oi8^:«BriaSbiii!S.Jdyce '-yetibe^jylearly^Tdete^^ wheffier SeoBon"M'SWtlie Gener (Sarden'Meeting i ' bOrn lif Peimsyivanii.; a aiSMnaanli" nny'/publlo-hlghway-or street; cx^ - - calcommitte'.win'take iib action them, provided, however, that warn Eve Jurczyk, Elaine 'Levy, Katherine of the William Ponn Colony.