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Nor' by East, Spring 1965

Casco Bay Island Development Association

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FAR REACHING NATIONAL $70,000 APPROPRIATED FOR CAR FERRY LANDING PROGRAM CAN AID ISLANDS Construction to Proceed This Summer by Bea Chapman How does the Economic Opportunity Act affect the Casco Hay Islands? · ~--- It will take considerable time to really ----- feel the impact and i1t1 porta nee of th is program in our communities. But of ' utmost importance is the fact that the ~asco Bay Islands are being written mto the Community Action Program among the areas in which work experi­ ence programs can be directed. Of the wide variety of programs u!l~ler the Economic Opportunity pro­ v1s10ns, there :,re lour which can be n( great importance to the Casco Bay ls­ lancls. First - the Neighborhood Youth c.. TING STAT!'!. Corps - which Portland has applied ~S.St.NCtQ LANu14 for and received initial approval. This will be directed largely to unemployed youths and school drop-outs who could be encouraged to continue their ed11ca­ tion if they can earn some money - or youths whose interests do not include AN ARTIST'S IMPRESSION, OF HOW NEW FERRY SLIP MAY lOOK. (Sketch by Ansel Sterling) Ed. Note: This issue of Nor by East was held to include late news from the Legislature which appropriated educational pursuits, but who can be funds on last day, June 4. Full explanation in next issue. trained in manual skills preparing them for employmen L. PROPOSAL FOR PEAKS CITY HALL ,REPORTS Portland will employ some 200 youths PUBLIC REST ROOMS by· Charles Ranlett on a rotating basis who will be assigned "The heaviest interest in island prop­ . The _Lio~s Club of Peaks 1sland began erty I can recall," is the way that a vet­ to many of the City Departments, such d1scus~10n rn January o~ a proposal to as public works, parks and recreation; eran Purchasing Department official establish a structure with public rest described the recent offering and sale or who will be offered assignments in rooms on the lot adjacent to the Fire some of our nonprofit agencies as h os­ of City-owned surplus property. This House which was formerly the site of property has been acquired through the pitals, libraries, settlement houses, etc. Island Hall. Second - the Work-Study program years because of non-payment of taxes. directed toward yo uth in schools or After a preliminary plan was drawn The sale, carried out by competitive wishing to return to school and whose by Capt. Thomas L. Curtis, this was bidding, listed 395 parcels of Portland's personal needs can be met by . part-time turned over to an architect. Casco Bay Islands (as well as parcels employment, either at the School of Leon S. Clough, President of the Club, on the mainland). Land on Peaks Is­ their choice or in the community. reports that a well designed building for land accounted for 206 parcels; Long Third - Community Action Program~ all-year use, to be put up by skilled 1s!and, I 73; Great Diamond, 14; and (one of which is being planned by the labor, is contemplated. Probably an Little Diamond, 2. City of Portland and United Community ornamental fence at sidewalk edge would Over 100 inquiries were received, keep­ Services, jointly,) designed to help un­ be included. Heat and light would be ing both Purchasing and Assessing per­ empJ.o,yed adults, or those now receiv­ piped in from the Fire Station, an

WHY SUBSCRIBE? All of these programs are financed on a basis. That is, the local com­ Our subscribers make possible distri­ 90 - IO CASCO bution of Nor' by East through State, munity provides ten per cent of the program cost and the federal govern­ City, and Chamber of Commerce pub­ BAY licity agencies. Every subscriber is a Bay ment provides 90 per cent. This agree­ Booster. The cooperation of subscribers ment is for the first two years of the l INES is much appreciated by the volunteer program after which the proportion working staff. Use this form. will be on a 50-50 basis. Custom House Wharf - 773-8105 So now is the time to· take fu ll advan­ Enclosed is $2.00 for annual subscrip­ Arrange a Salty Outing Charter tion. Please mail each issue of Nor' by tage of these opportunities at the present the "ABENAKI" for a private East to: ratio. It is conceivable that the Islands may, for lhe first time, have the op­ cruise. Reasonable group ra tes. Name ...... portunity LO engage in beautification Ca ll Mr. J. A. Johnson. programs, park developmenls, clean-up Address activities, demolition of dilapidated CASCO BAY LINES Mail to Box G6, Peaks Island, Mc. properties, and even some construction. 773-8105 SPRING 1965 NOR' BY EAST PAGE 3 A LETTER FROM GRANDFATHER A vivid look into the past - as we pause to remember the sacrifices of our many war veterans - comes to Nor' by East through a copy of a letter from Fair Oaks, Virginia, dated June 22, 1862 - written by Civil War Soldier Charles D. Barrett, grandfather of Charles B3r­ Coolbrith & Stevens rett of Long Island, to his wife Abbey. "vVe are encamped within five minutes The Spot for Refreshment walk of that never to be forgotten field where 6,000 of our troops stood and TEL. 766-2060 fought ·against 50,000 of the enemy. It 1------4 was a hard fight as the trees and the ground can testify, the gr~und was strewn with dead and dying who have Oakhurst Dairy since been gathered together and buried. Casco Bay Home Deliveries by: It is an awful sight ... a farmer at home Architect's drawing - Expanded CMP p lant, Cousins Clinton W. Roberts, Peaks Island would bury his horse more decent than Island. thousands of these poor s,o,lc.liers who 766-4476 CMP Everett E. Clarke, Long Island "perilled all for their country" are 766-2512 buried. As the poet would say 'They PLANT IS P,ROGRESSING Harold J. Todd, Chebeague Island sleep not in some beautiful garden of Central Maine Power Company's ad­ 846-4090 the dead where the hand of friendship dition to its William F. 'Wyman Steam "Pref erred because there IS could trail the flowers of beauty which Plant on Cousins Island is proceeding a d ifference in milk." bloss,om o'er their gra.ves', but they are on schedule, according to \i\Tilliam H. rudely thrown together friends and foes Dunham, president of the CMP. The into trenches and scantly covered with new turbo-generator is scheduled th be earth . .. Never in the history of this in service by July I. UNIQUE AND USEFUL war were the rebels so cut up than in Rated at 125,000 kilowatts, Unit 3 "LOBSTER POT" COFFEE TABLES the 'Battle of Fair Oaks' and the next will have a greater capa_bility than the Hand Finished by GEORGE E. JOHNSON day at the 'Seven Pines' the little white station's two present units combined. LONG ISLAND, 766-2242 flower and Oak leave I picked in the This island plant will not only have the Also lobster Traps for the Trade woods where the rebels first stood when largest steam-electric generating units they fired upon our troops ... Oh, by in Maine; it will also have the greatest the way, I must tell you we are across total capability with its 225,000 kilo­ ARMAND'S BEAUTY SHOPPE the famous Chickerhomony River and watts. Permanent Waving A Specialty · swamp where the rebels said they would The building w.hich houses the new All BRANCHES OF BEAUTY CULTURE drive us in and drown us when we unit is a 90 x 233-foot, multi-story ad­ 774-5024 should attempt it. They tried that once dition on the west sic.le of the existing 142 High Street Portland, Maine to their hearts content. I think they plant. will not tr it again." A basic reason for the choice of this island shore site for this huge plant is L. A. LAROCHELLE, INC. the same reason that attracts thousands of tourists - the cooling waters of the MEN'S WEAR SHOES E. E. CLARKE bay. More than 850 feet of 60-inch oon­ 204 Commercial Street crete pipe was laid to bring the cooling Portland, Maine GROCERIES water to the mammoth condenser, an

CUSHINGS ,cHRONICLINGS GEMS FROM THE DIAMONDS by Mrs. Sidney W. Thaxter by Stuart Laughlin Fall was marked by the extensive clearing and landscaping Qf the com­ Theodore Rand has been building a 50 x 50-foot float as an addition to the munally owned "Valley" and the shore floats already set at his Little Diamond side of the S. W. Thaxter and Ham­ marina. mond properties toward Cape Elizabe.th. An addition was put onto the Lea- D1et­ He has also been salvaging the re­ richson cottage, (children of Mrs. Sidney. mains of a 70-year-old blacksmith shop St. F. Thaxter); another addition on on the Milton Smith property on Great the Frederick Hitchcock second story Diamond - principally the concrete (formerly Dr. Thaxter's cottage); and floor. He has completed the side-walls extensive outside repairs to the Cole­ and roof of a 12 x 30 camp of two rooms, Quinn residence. with plenty of space available for a In the fall a large representation from later addition. the island drifts to the Cambridge, Other activities on Great Diamond Mass., and nearby area - the Robert have centered in two families, the Meserves, the Patrick Quinns, the John Berube's and the Dorr's, who have been Hammonds, the Fred Hitchcocks, and occupied with year around jobs. Mr. Sandy Thaxter. Many summer friends Berube is employed by the City, and had a happy reunion at Jack Ham­ Mr. Dorr watches over the former Fort mond's 50th birthday parly in Cam­ McKinley property. Summer residents bridge. have been glad that these two families In June the island will welcome back have been on lhc spot to watch out for teacher Ben Farrar and family from everyone's proRerty. England. Seven teachers, four lawyers, There arc the ever present deer which and three doctors are included in the have been romping over the island un­ island's erudite population. hindered by summer residents and their The student contingent will return dogs. Hunting on Great Diamond is from Colorado colleges and German uni­ frowned on, as many residents would versities. Young Brad Chase has joined prefer in the long run to have their an investment firm in Denver; Dick Holt gardens and shrubs Q.ibbled than to have was married in California; Dr. Steve their windows shot out by stray bullets. Bethea, in Virginia, has newly be~ome a Ernest Laughlin, who has made a hobby of collecting information on the father·1 Bill Meserve is a sen10r at Harvard Law School; Sandy Thaxter is old island steamers, has made several on the Dean's list at Newton College of Miss Jessie 8. Trefethen, professor-emeritus of art, trips to Newburyport, Mass., where the the Sacred Heart. Oberlin College, Ohio, in her Peaks Is land • home. old steamer, Sabino, is being rebuilt by This summer more of the teen-age and - Clough Photo. Philip Corbin and his son, James, of Southbury, Mass. At least one of CBL's older group hope to be on hand because ,CLOCKS CAN ,BE HOBBIES. of finding local jobs. Rentals are filled old steamers may sail again. Ernie has One of the most prized items in Miss made, over the years, several models of early. . Jessie B. Trefethen's collection of an­ Summer evenls will include a ten111s the steamers, including the Aucocisco, tiques is the eight-day grandfather clock Emita, Maquoit, and Tourist. program for the younger group, headed with wooden parts made by Th()mas and by Amy Nolan, who represents Por~land Hoadley. In her book, "Trefethen: the High at swimming meets. Sea1:ch 1_s on Family and the Landing", she devotc~l for clay to re-surface t~e ten111s c~u:ts. Philadelphia has its famous Independ­ a full page to a photograph of this ence Hall clock. The largest indoor There will be swimming pool d1v111g heirloom. through the kindness of the Meserves, clock in the world is in New York's and waler skiing. . Prompted by a. view of this, Miss Grand Central Station. The usual problems of boat serv1_ce, Louise S. Dunham, Nor' By East staff A most important development of the roa

1. Appropriations Committee listens intently to 2. Representative Richard N. Berry: "Count me in Frederick N'. Allen of Public Utilities Commission as as soli dly endorsing this bill." story is unfolded.

3. Representative W. Russell Edwards, Jr., promul­ 4. Winthrop K. Deane, chairman Peaks 5. Frederick N. Allen, chairman of the Public Utili­ gator-in-chief and "steering committee of one", who section of CB IDA, researcher on statistics, who was ties Commission, comes up with the clincher: "Jones guided speakers through the hearing. "mother hen" of the whole campaign, presents a Landing, li mited to 3 tons, is tottering." 7-foot scroll with signatures of 300 petitioners.

6. John W. Chapman of NOR' BY EAST staff, speaks for all-year residents 7. Sidney W. Th axter of Cushings Island: " You would not want State to and business interests. take over the whole opera tion". At left: A. Edward Lanqlois, Manaqer Ma ine Port Authority, and Peter Mclaughlin, Manager Casco Bay Lin es, give their moral support as "call Men". PAGE 6 NOR' BY EAST SPR ING 1965

CHEBEAGUE ISLAND COUNCIL CHEBEAGUE ISLAND CHEBEAGUE ISLAND GRANGE PLANS PROGRESSIVE PROG,RAM Boat Service ACTIVE IN COMMUNITY WELFARE Under the inspiring and prnctical At a meeting of the Council Executive Boats Hauled and Repaired Board on i\f arch 13th, plans were leadership of Master Ray Phipps and Engines Installed adopted and committee chairmen were his fellow olTiccrs, the Grange i8 explor­ ALDEN BREWER 846-4041 ing ways ancl means of increasing its appointed to assume responsibility for ;en·ice to the c.ommunity. T he incluct ion stimulating interest in and securing sup­ of five members since the beginning or port for the several projects included CONTRACTING the year is an indication of the health) in the proposed program. condition of the loca l Chapter. AND BUILDING For the second consecutive )Car, ,,·i t.h Among the projects proposed were­ CHEBEAGUE ISLAND tl1c cooperation of other Island organi,a- ( 1) Completion of the installation of 1 Lewis Ross 846-4080 ions, the Grange is sponsoring a mo n th­ running water at the Island Hall. ly Community Cale ndar, which li sts all (2) Establishment of a Lending Li­ events of interest a nd is mailed to even· brary on the lslancl. home 011 the lslancl. · This spring the Grange members for (:l) A ·wel l organized "b a n ,g-u p" HAROLD CLEAVES the thircl year will sponsor an Island July Fourth of Parade an:l General Contractor and Builder Clean-up Campaign by transferring truck Picnic. loads ol liller from Lhe roadsides to the (1) A campaign to improve the oYer­ Chebec1gue Island Island d ump, a timely project in view of all beauty of the Island. 846-4049 the Governor's Keep Maine Scenic cam­ (5) 1\ n int ensive Council member­ paigns. ship driYe. SHERMAN R. JOHNSON CLIFF CLIPPINGS CHEBEAGUE 846-5258 by .Johanna n>n Tiling PHILIP A. SEABURY Well Pumps - Sales and Service The Spring i~sue of "The Seagull'" for Burks and Deming was out in ,\pril and bulging with new~. i\farch m ild weather helped with building activities. The new .Johu Ryan prcLI Ii house is progressing well am\ BOWEN'S GA,RAGE will be occupicc l this ~unm1cr. There is Chebeague Island, Maine Gas, Oil, and Repair Work ~omc interior work to be done, ~1 1ch as Heating Oil paneling· and painting-. Chebeague Island - 846-4183 An addition to the uorth cud o( the As~ociation Hall wi th new stage ha~ been started. HAROLD J. TODD The big well used by the Library, the H,tll, and the Fire Department, is be­ BENNETT'S VARIETY STORE General Contractor and Builder ing completely rebuilt with new tiles Firehouse Road, Chebeague Island HOME APPLIANCES and permanent cover. 846-4238 Chebeague Island Benjamin O'Reilly, Jr., plans a one­ 846-4090 story achlition to his store on Island Ave. TRAVELERS GO FAR The Richard .Bucks had a trip last RIDDLE'S MARKET & SNACK BAR CHEBEAGUE ISLAND - 846-4990 fall through a large p art of South FULL 'LINE OF GROCERIES - FREE DELIVERY America. Open Dai ly: The Merle Odgers and the Richard Also Mon., Wed. and Fri. Evenings O lneys are completing round-the-world tours. The Odgers, traveling mostly by steamer, have spent time in J apan and Hong Kong, and planned to be away ISLAND MARKET five months. The Olneys, traveling most­ AND ly by air, were heard from in India, and LOBSTER POT· BAR were LO be away 80 days. CHEBEAGUE ISLAND, MAINE The Ralph Spiers sailed on the S. S. COMPLETE LINE OF France in April for a six weeks visit Groceries - Meats with relatives and friends in France and Ice Cream - Beverages Swit1erland. Take-Out Orders - Free Delivery In June the Joseph Davises, Jr., leave Open 25 Hours Daily and Sundays EVEN KEEL on the S. S. Independence for a leisurely Clam and Lobster Bakes Arranged trip to include Casa Blanca, the Mediter­ Call Us - Tel. 846-9997 ranean, southern and central Europe. MARINE SPECIAL TIES CO M ING EVENTS Yarmouth, Maine With the new stage under construc­ tion the Association H all will be more 846-57 18 in use than usual. Fairs, suppers, lobster CHEBEAGUE ISLAND dinners, shows, and illustrated travel­ Shore-Front Property Sales and Service ogues are in the works. For Sale On May 4 J ohanna von Tiling pre­ Hauling - Storage sents a Spring Recital at the \ 1Vaynfiete CLAYTON H. HAMILTON We specialize in expert crafts­ School, assisted by Dorothy Hicks, and Real Estate Broker manship - A ll types marine re­ two \·Vay nfletc musical groups. In Aug­ 86 DARTMOUTH STREET pa ir - Expert marine work. ust she will do a joint program with PORTLAND MAINE J ohn McDonough of Peaks Island and Hauling rate per in­ Tel. 773-4264 $ 1.50 foot Portland, currently of the Metropolitan cludes winter storage. Opera Company. SPRING 1965 NOR' BY EAST PAGE 7

PEAKS PICKINGS by Mrs. Frances Randall The Randall-Macvane Post AL is ex­ panding its titchen facilities at the post home. The foundation for the addition has been completed, and the work is being clone by the members of the Legion. Upon completion of the pro­ ject the kitchen will be double the present site. It will be entirely furnished ll'ilh new equipment. Lionel Plante reports that work is progressing slowly on his new Marina, wh ich he hopes will be in service this summer. He expects to service small craft and the facility ,vill be used for tying up small boats by those wishing 10 land and visit the island. Leroy Ahlquist, area principal for Peaks Island School, has announced that Lhc school will be painted inside this summer, and will receive a 16MM sound projector. Approximately $100 worth of Site of proposed new ferry landing a longside State-owned wharf. Wharf to have a fender system in· ~cientiftc and mathematical equipment, stalled on the north side to guide .the ferry and to protect the wharf.-Clough photo. iucluding microscopes, charts, etc has z been received by the school from the ...z ITALY GREECE FRANCE 0 Nat ion al Defense Education Act pro­ s "'~ gram. Additional equipment to· be used ~ MODEL FOOD IMPORTERS ~ SPAR COVE STUDIO in the social study and language pPo­ "' "Around the World" Exhibit of Original Oils and Water grams will be received in June from the :c same source. 89-95 Middl·e St., Portland, Me. 0 Colors by the Artist - <( (Corner of Franklin Street) ... Peaks has its own style of program Q )> CHEESE OF ALL NATIONS z ROY A. RANDALL 111 the general ecumenical movement, ~ 0 We Ship Anywhere! Painting instruction and demon- based on the long standing friendship between the two island churches - Note:This store walking distance to C, strations 1hroughout the summer...... Casco Bay Lines. m Catholic and Protestant. Leaders of both "'3:: Peaks Island, Me. - Tel. 766-2877 )> churches, Rev. Father J ohn F. Crozier ~ SWITZERL~ND ISRAEL ENGLAND z of St. Christopher's and Rev. Robert -< H. Eurton of Brackett Memorial Metho­ dis t, are on the friendliest terms, and cooperate fully in supporting public affairs sponsored by the churches aud 7:lttJ- tJ- eumde~tand eoulttff by island service organizations. They demonstrate that the spirit of brother­ State

PARTICIPATED IN FO.R SALE ALABAMA MA1RCH HOME WITH INCOME FISHER LODGE Year round - Good condition - Excellent Peaks Island, Cas00 Bay, Maine location - 14 rooms (3 apts.} - double garage - large lot. $12,500. Ru th Sargent, HOME OF YANKEE COOKING Peaks Island, Me. - 766-2956. David A. American p lan guest house with Berry of Peaks Is. and superb Harbor view - Meals by Compliments of Westbrook appointment _.:_ 3-room apt. with Writes sundeck, mont), or week. FROST MIMEOGRAPH CO. Story of his ALB ERT and CARO BALCOM, Proprietors Experiences 266 Middle Street Phone: 766-2688 PORTLAND MAINE

CASCO BAY INDUSTRIES Earth Moving Our Specialty A member of the junior class at Front-end loader and back hoe excavating • " 'esleyan University Conn., David A. "L00K for US " trenches - land clearing • grading. If we Berry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard I-I. can't go 'round it, we'll go thru it. Hasson, marched March 16 - 18 with Hardware - Houseware New Is land Ave., Peaks - 766-2674 Harold Fuller, Manager members of the Student Nonviolent Co­ Tinware ordinating Committee in the Selma­ Pa int Up - Fix Up Montgomery massive civil rights dem­ FRED DINSMO-RE & SON onstration. He reported for his college Garden Supplies Interior a,nd Exterior Painting paper and for the Sunday Telegram how Avoid Lugging and Tugging ALSO ROOFING it felt to be jeered at in hostile territory, Beachwear - Sportsw,ear and to be in a group of about 200 who Peaks Island - 766-2658 reached a point of confrontation near Playshoes - Sneakers the state capital with a phalanx of near­ Everything for the Entire Family ly 150 state Lroopers, lined solidly across Gifts - Cards - Souvenirs an entire block and fondling 3-foot cl ubs. In accord with their doctrine of ('JTHE COFFEE CUP nonviolence the students voted to turn RESTAURANT back at this point. ~ fl~ Peaks Island, Me. ~ 1~ 766-9713 BRACKETT MEMORIAL CHURCH Enjoy the view of beautiful Casco Bay while you dine here. METHODIST Maine Seafoods A Specialty PEAKS ISLAND, MA INE - FOUNDED 1861 Service Every Sunday at 10 A.M. Always a p leasure to serve you. Sunday School at 11 : 15 A.M. FRANK M. KILEY, Proprietor Rev. Robert H. Burton, Pastor - Tel. 766-2666 tNOW'S THE TIME Anyone interested in gardening, flower arranging, good lectures, and improving REAL ESTATE THE AVENUE HOUSE the beauty of the Island, is cordially in­ Cottages - Year Round Houses vited to join the Peaks Is land Garden Club. PEAKS ISLAND, MAINE Call or write - FOR THE BEST SERVICE MRS. CHARLES M. RITCHIE Beautiful Harbor View and A STREET or 766-4485 Rooms $15.00 to $30.00 weekly THE BEST BUYS w ith all facilities of hotel see ISLAND BEAUTY SHOP Dining Room and Kitchen for guests' Spruce Ave., Peaks Island - 766-2625 use in preparing own meals Open as long as the Fall w ill allow. Marguerite E. Murphy Many thanks - 'til Spring again! 766-9712 Island Avenue, Peaks Island, Maine Eva Everett Telephone 766-2066

PEAKS ISLAND LAUNDER-MAT NEW Dry Cleaning Saint Christopher's 4 lbs. $1 .25 - 8 lbs. $2.00 Catholic Church Monday thru Saturday 8 a.m. lo 8 p.m. SERVING CASCO BAY

WEBBER'S STORE (commencing after mid-June) Trefethen, Peaks Island SUNDAY MASSES: Summer EVERYTH ING IN FOODS Deliveries 766-2902 Peaks Island 8:00 and 10:00 A.M. Serving Peaks Since 1902 ...... 8:30 A.M. long Island ...... 11:00 A.M. LET US SERVICE YOU KE'! STONE ODOR LESS PA INTS Te l. 766-2585 A. D. Paints PA INTING SUPPLIES Reverend John F. Crozier, Pastor WEBBER'S STORE Island Avenue Peaks Island Peaks Is land SPRING 1965 NOR' BY EAST PAGE 9

RiEAL ESTATE ~RKET ACTIVE NISSEN'S BAKERY Real estate brokers report an influx JAMES BROWN of inquiries this late winter and spring, Distributor and a few promising negotiations in Peaks Island process. The more than normal activi­ ties of last summer and fa ll included the following transactions at Peaks. Be Trouble-Free Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. B. Fellows Oil BURN[:R SERVICE of Casco bought the all-year home oE Mr. and Mrs. Jesse 0. Cook on Island Furnaces • Stoves - Pot Burners Ave. (formerly the Franklin Pierce ANDREW PlERCE home). Mr. Fellows is a professional Peaks Island - 766-4448 church soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have. located in Scarborough . Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson of Wind­ ISLAND MARKET ham bought the D ana .Jaquith summer "DOWN FRONT" ON PEAKS ISLAND home on Ocean View Terrace. Mrs. Groceries and Meats - Green Stamps .Johnson is the mother of Mrs. Ernest Te l. 766-2733 F. Croy. Ha rvey E. Courser, Proprietor Mrs. Frances Bradley Smith of Bangor and Portland bought from Glenn H aines PUPILS WANT LANDING T,oo the summer cottage on Beach Rd. form­ WHITTON'S GAS SERVICE Peaks School pupils who attended hearing on new erly owned by the Misses J arrett. Ferry Landing. Left, Barbara Var, Ness; right, Bonita Suburb an Bottled Gas Propane / Mobil Oils Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Whitcomb pur­ Butler. B~rbara made a concise, convincing speech ch ased the all-year home on Pleasant at the hearing, and presented to the Appropriations SERVING CASCO BAY ISLANDS Committee a scroll pe·tition containing signatures of Ave. of Nathanael M. Guptill. The island youth. Photo by Sargent 766-2722 - Peah !sland, Maine vVhitcombs are moving here from their Beach Rd. cottage, which they are plac­ ing on sale. The Guptills are locating TV - ·RADIOS - PHONOS PEAKS ISLAND TAXI at Prince's Point, Yarmouth. ALSO Mr. and Mrs. Goldsmith of Ogunquit TV REN TA LS Prompf Service and Florida bought the Lone Star, sum­ Peaks Island, 766-2777 mer cottage on Meriam St. of Mrs. Eliz­ Glenn Haines 766-2082 abeth Grisse o.f Palermo, Me., and have made improvements on it. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Acker of Portland PEAKS ISLAND GARAGE purchased the George Feeney all-year ROLAND HOAR MOBIL HEAT house on Oak Street Place. Mr. Acker, Carpenter - Builder - Electrician and teacher of English at Portland H igh Peaks Island 766-2864 MOBIL KEROSENE School and church organist, m ade ex­ Delivered tensive improvements. Mr. and Mrs. J oseph W ilson of ,\sh­ land, Mass., bought t.he Knickerbocker PEAKS ISLAND, MAINE Charming year round home at wa ter's edge Rd. home of Mr. and Mrs. William with boat landing. Available in J une for rental. Set in pines with panoramic view of Harding. Mr. Wilson is youth r.ounselor Casco Bay thru J2. window sunporch. 2 bed· FEENEY'S MARKET in the Federated Church, Ashland . rooms. Fireplace set in early d ecor. All modern facilities. For more information write. Seashore Ave., Peaks Island Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Sanborn of GEORGE K. SPAFFORD Groceries - Meats - Fish Bridgewater, J\lfass., both school teach ers, R2, Derry, Naw Hampshir• Fruits - Vegetables bought two or the houses on Tolman Heights (one of them the stone house), LARGER STORE O FF ERS WIDER VARIETY OF owned by Fred Whitney. W. R . Nolte of ,,veston, Mass., sohl ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Halle o f' Skow­ his small Twin Maples cottage on Pleas­ OPEN YEAR-ROUND hegan bought Mrs. Dorothy St. .J erna­ an t Ave. near Sargent Rel. to .John Car­ Del iveries 766-9701 quist's summer home on ,,velch St. rol of Yarmo uth. Mr. and Mrs. Nolte Mr. and Mrs. Harry S.olomos or Mald­ acquired a larger place in the Forest en, Mass., bought Mrs. Letitia Scribncr'5 City section a f' ew years ago. summer home on Island Ave., Evergreen Col. and Mrs. McCaslin of Washing­ AVAILABLE TO section. This family has been visiting ton, D. C., bought Miss Dorothy Coffin\ C:AS1CO BAY ISLANDERS Peaks for 19 years. One reason that led summer residence on Rye field St. ah.er loving care for the family pet while them to invest was the experience o r their first visit to Peaks. you are away. Ra tes very reason­ their daughters in having a good time Miss Mary Ann Bailey o r Englewood, able. Phone 766-4440. at the Trefethen-Evergreen Club House. N . .J. bought the R.oben Spear all-year George K. Spafford of Derry, N. H . property on Maple St. and have made l------A-M_ E_R_I_C_A_N______-+ bought the all-year residence of J<}llll extensive improvernen ts. Flynn at Evergreen shore ne.1r Brook J ohn F. Mulkern or Medford, Mass., ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Lane, looking ahead to retirement years. bought the Jnhn Lennon cottage on Estab l'is hed 1947 He has redecorated an

RICHARD P. WALn ISLAND ORGANIZATION HEADS Association PLUMBING and HEATING ARiEA EOA MEETING l'rcs. Paul Macvane COMPANY HELD BY ,COUNTY Mother's Club--Pres. Mrs. Dorothea Macvane Library-Pres. Mrs. David Gardener All jobs from minor repairs to com­ More than 100 representatives from Volunteer Firerncn-Capt. James Seymour, Jr. plete kitchen and bathroom re­ 12 surrounding communities in Cumber­ lVomen's Fire Auxiliary-Muriel Anderson modeling. land County attended an informative (To train wornen on use of fire equipment Same labor rates as on Mainland. meeting called by the County Commis­ if need arises when men a1·e out lobstering) CHEBEAGUE ISLAND FREE ESTIMATES sioner on May 18. Council-Pres. Kenneth Hamilton OUR MEN ARE ON PEAKS ISLAND Packing the Superior Court room, the Methodist Church-Rev. David Caldwell NEARLY EVERY DAY! delegates heard state officials Stephen P. T he Ladies Aid- Pres. Helen Miller The Grange-Master, Ray Phipps New Service now available to Simonds and Sara Kadison of the & P.T.A.-Pres. Marlene Griffin Peaks Island residents - Dept. of Health Welfare and State Volunteer Fii:'e Dcpt.- Capt. Richard C.'lldcr Economic Opportunity Office. Interest Gun Club--Pres. Emery Doughty COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK AND was expressed in area participation LONG ISLAND Veterans of Foreign Wars CESSPOOL PUMPING AND CLEANING especially among towns and islands in Commander Clinton H. Gulliver Auxiliary-Pres. Mrs. G=rge I. Ross Casco Bay. The meeting was initiated Ivy Clas.~, Methodist Church- We will send our 2200 gal. tank by' the Steering Committee of the Casco truck with 90 feet of suction hose Prcs. Mrs. John Gomez Bay Island Development Association. Volunteer Fire Dept.-Chief, Douglas Rich and heavy-duty pump and equip­ Association ment to Peaks Island. Pres. L'lwrencc Flaherty LITTLE DIAMOND ISLAND Association CALL EARLY FOR APPOINTMENT Pres. Addison Mallery FOR TH IS SERV ICE Cogawcsco Club (Auxiliary) BURGESS Pres. Mrs. Alan Barker FOBES .BF•s­ PEAKS ISLAND Calends Study Club 536 Wuhington Ave., Portl.nd, M. Pres. Marion Sterling 772-2801 PAINT Catholic ·women's Council 106 Commercial Street - Portland Pres. Mrs. Winthrop K. Deane 772-6575 Fifth Maine Regiment Community Assn. Pres. Capt. T homas L. Curtis Garden Club--Pres. Mrs. Charles M. Ritchie CUSHMAN BAKES Fish Ciams Lobsters Lions-Pres. Leon S. Clough ·Methodist Church-Rev. Robert M. Burton THE DIFFERENCE WSCS-Prcs. Mrs. Ernest Elliott Mothers' Club--P1·cs. Mrs. George Burgess R. D. HAMILTON Couples' Club-- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Herrick & CO. Randall-MacVanc Post American Legion Pres. Abner A. Haskell Auxiliary-Pres. Mrs. James Brown 9 Custom House Wharf St. Christopher's Parish Rev. John Crozier, pastor Portland Trefethen-Evergreen Improvement Assoc. Pres. Mrs. Louis Jabine 775-0251 ALL-BAY-CASCO BAY ISLAND AND DELIVERS IT DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION­ S. Harold Latham, Proprietor Lawrence Stevens, L.I., President

STA TE DRUG STORE FOR TRADITIONAL FINE FOODS 603 Congress St., Portland UNIVERSAL- WATKINS (Mr. Averi ll) LAUNDERERS and CLEANSERS Shop ... Drugs Sent By Mail Tel. 773-8858 On Peaks Is land Home delivery service w ith careful attention by SUPER MARKETS WILBUR F. BLAKE INC. WATERMAN STERLING •Plumbing and Heating Tel. 766-4423 QUALITY SERVICE FOR 51 YEARS 6 Convenient Locations in UNIVERSAL-WATKINS NOTED FOR 9 Forest Avenue • Portland QUALITY WORK IN MAINE the Greater Portland Area 775-3185

PORTLAND SULKOWITCH It's A Pleasure To Buy HARDWARE & PAINT CO. LUMBER CORP. Glass - Electric Supplies From A RELIABLE Firm Plumbing Supp lies 363 Fore St., Portland 773-1406 WOLFE FORD SALES ~ South Portland SAVINGS AND LoAN ASSOCIATION ·· Wher~ Tlto11sn11ds Sm,~ M ii/ions" "The ,Dealer Your 849 FOREST AVE. PORTLAND, M E. ,Neighbor Recommends" ~ I Coni;r"' St~et - Portland, Maine

KERN'S FISH MARKET 228 COMMERCIAL STREET, PORTLAND 775-1261 Fresh Sea Foods Caught and Landed Daily by Our Own Fleet of In-Shore Boats. OPEN WEEKDAYS TO 5:30 (EXCEPT 3 SATURDAY)